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trogo-auto-egocratico · 11 days ago
Ahora que los ladros perran,
Ahora que los cantos gallan,
Ahora que albando la toca
Las altas suenas campanan,
Y que los rebuznos burran,
Y que los gorjeos pájaran
Y que los silbos serenan
Y que los gruños marranan
Y que la aurorada rosa
Los extensos doros campa,
Perlando líquidas viertas
Cual yo lágrimo derramas,
Yo, friando de tirito,
Si bien el abrasa almada,
Vengo a suspirar mis lanzos
Ventano de tus debajas.
Tú en tanto duerma tranquiles
En tu rega camalada
Ingratándote así burla
De las amas del que te ansia
¡Oh, ventánate a tu asoma!
¡Oh, persiane un poco la abra,
Y suspire los recibos
Que este pobre exhalo amanta!
Ven, endecha las escuchas
En que mi exhala se alma
Y que un milicio de músicas
Me flauta con su acompaña,
En tinieblo de las medias
De esta madruga oscurada,
Ven y haz miradar tus brillas
A fin de angustiar mis calmas.
Esas tus arcas son cejos
Con que, flechando disparas,
Cupido pecha mi hiero
Y ante tus postras me planta;
Tus estrellos son dos ojas,
Tus rosos son como labias,
Tus perles son como dientas,
Tu palme como una talla;
Tu cisno como el de un cuelle,
Un garganto tu alabastra,
Tus tornos hechos a brazo,
Tu reinar como el de un anda.
Y por eso horo a estas vengas
A rejar junto a tus cantas
¡Y a suspirar mis exhalos
Ventano de tus debajas!
Así cantaba Calixto
A las ventanas de Carmen,
De Carmen, que, desdeñosa,
Ni aun se acuerda de olvidarle.
Es el galán susodicho
Mozo de tan buenas partes,
Que en barrio no hay quien tenga
Tango garbo y tal donaire;
Ninguno en amar le excede,
Ni en cantar le iguala nadie,
Ni en tañer la vihuela
Hay quien le exceda o le iguale.
Sin embargo, el ser Calixto
Mozo de tan buenas partes,
No ha sido parte a ablandar
El duro pecho de Carmen.
Lar aurora le encuentra siempre
Muerto de frío en la calle,
Al cielo dando sus quejas
Y sus suspiros al aire.
Allí improvisa a las veces
Tristes serenatas y ayes,
Que oyen tal vez los seerenos
O que tal vez no oye nadie.
Yo salí esta madrugada
Mucho antes de que aclarase,
Para poder alcanzar
A misa de cinco, al Carmen,
Y junto a las rejas de ídem
Le encontré dale que dale,
Y oí los versos de que
Me he hecho editor responsable.
Mas, como era ya temprano
Y Calixto empezó tarde,
Estaba un poco más ronco
De lo que era razonable;
Además, como estaba ebrio
(Aunque, en verdad, no se sabe
Si de puro amor ardiente,
O de aguardiente o de brandi),
Echaba a perder el canto,
Que era una lástima grande,
Y trabucaba las sílabas,
Y las palabras y frases.
Empero, es cosa segura,
O a lo menos muy probable,
Que a no ser por la embriaguez
Y la ronquera del diantre,
Y lo malo de los versos
Y el trastrueque de las frases,
La tal serenata hubiera
Estado buena en su clase.
José Manuel Marroquín.
La serenata.
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anjerk808 · 3 months ago
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No sabia que clipstudio me debaja poner mi propia watermark. Y ahora mi watermark va a ser Ekans mi serpiente mascota. Jsjsjs
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karen-caceres-escobar · 10 months ago
Absceso periapical
Las bacterias ingresar en la parte más interna del diente a través el diente. Una infección o inflamación provoca absceso una cavidad profunda, en grieta en la punta de la raiz.
Dolor de muela intenso, constante y palpitante que puede extenderse hasta la mandibula, el cuello o el oido Dolor o molestia ante temperaturas frias y calientes
Dolor o molestia al masticar o morder
• Fiebre
• Hinchazón en la cara, las mejillas o el cuello que puede provocar dificultad para respirar o tragar Inflamación y sensibilidad en los ganglios linfáticos debaja de la mandibula a cuello
Olor desagradable en la boca
La boca se inunda repentinamente de liquido salado con olor y gusto desagradables y alivio del dolor, si se rompe el absceso
Un absceso dental periapical se produce cuando las bacterias invaden la pulpa dental. La pulpa dental es la parte más profunda del diente que contiene vasos sanguineos, nervios y tejido conectivo.
Las bacterias ingresan a través de una caries a por una grieta o rajadura en el diente y se extienden hasta llegar a la raiz. La infección bacteriana puede provocar hinchazón e inflamación en la punta de la raiz.
Factores de riesgo
Estos factores pueden aumentar el riesgo de padecer un absceso dental:
• Malos hábitos y cuidados dentales. No tener los cuidados adecuados de los dientes y las encias, como no cepillarte los dientes dos veces al día y no usar hilo dental, puede aumentar el riesgo de problemas dentales.
Estos problemas pueden incluir caries dentaria, enfermedad de las encías, abscesos dentales y otras complicaciones de la boca y los dientes.
Una alimentación con alto contenido de azúcar. Comer y beber frecuentemente productos con alto contenido de azúcar, como dulces y gaseosas, puede contribuir a la formación de caries, que pueden provocar abscesos dentales.
Sequedad en la boca. Tener la boca seca puede aumentar el riesgo de caries dentarias. Por lo general, la boca seca se debe al efecto secundario de determinados medicamentos o problemas relacionados con el envejecimiento.
En un diente sano, las capas de esmalte y dentina protegen a la pulpa de infecciones. La pulpitis ocurre cuando estas capas protectoras se ven comprometidas, P LA COMPRESION DE LAS FIBRAS NERVIOSAS además de infección.
Semiología de oclusión dental.
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sadalonehuman · 1 year ago
cuando el polvo estelar caia del cielo y no te debaja pintar todos tus cuadros inconclusos , cuando las estrellas morian y nacian ,cuando caian los rayos del cielos , cuando brillabas en la oscuridad y yo en los destellos estaba tan oscura.
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dragonleesupporter · 5 years ago
Unloved Siblings Part 2
Author’s note: ALRIGHT! I worked REALLY hard on this one to make sure it was good. Hope you all enjoy!
WARNING: This is a tickle fic, it also includes Remus, and thoughts about suicide.)
Description: Remus and Debaja meet in a dark, grey landscape. 
Remus paced up and down the hallway, unsure of how to execute his plan. He needed a place to commit the deed. He knew he couldn’t go to his own room, since he shared it with Roman, and didn’t want to risk getting caught. Deceit had banished him from the snake’s room shortly after the duke had introduced his idea. Logan would catch him for sure, being hyperaware of everything around him, and Patton’s room was too soft and fluffy. The duke would get so caught up in the overwhelming sentimentality that surrounded him there that it would put a stop to his plans for sure. And Virgil’s room-DON’T even THINK about it…
             “So… how do I do it…?” He wondered out loud.
             He paced a few more minutes before an idea came into his head.
             When they were all younger, Deceit had told the green side about a grey realm where souls travel as mere shadows of who they used to be… and if the duke remembered correctly… Deceit’s sarcastic wording was “It’s totally not where soul fragments go to die…���
             Remus entered his room and summoned a portal. It had been a while since he had used one, so the duke had to try multiple times to get it to actually go through, but once it was completed, he knew he was ready. With empty greyness waiting for him on the other side, he rushed toward it like a long-lost friend, diving through the portal as it abruptly closed behind him.
             All around him was grey. It felt tight, like a cramped office space, yet the duke could see infinite darkness around him; no walls in sight.
             “Shadows indeed…” The green side commented as he stared around at all the black creatures shuffling around him.
             They walked in a way that made it look like they had somewhere to go, but Remus realized they were just moving wildly around like fish in a bowl. There was nowhere to go. Nothing to do, no one truly awake in the grey world…
              And there was no one who cared if Remus killed himself in that moment.
             The duke smiled crazily; pupils dilated.
             “Perfect. Just swell!” He pranced in a circle, startling some of the ghosts.
             The green side drew out his mace and stared into his distorted reflection with a mixture of emotions.
             Was he really going to do this?
             No. It was already decided. Remus HAD to do this… Not just for him and his brother… but for all the dark sides. He had to show those light ones… Even if it meant he couldn’t come back…
             He raised his mace out in front of him with the intent of banging his own head in with the iron spike-ball. He could already feel his being draining away with the coldness of the Greyscape. Right as he was about to swing, one of the shadows bumped into him, knocking the mace out of his hands.
             “Mother-” Remus, frustrated, cursed under his breath, trying to look for where he had dropped his prized tool in the dim light just to have another ice-cold body clash with his shoulder and wing, hard enough to knock him over.
             The duke sat up quickly and shivered, the wonderfully uncomfortable feeling of ice claws digging into his skin. Another silhouette slipped past him, making his whole body shudder with the urge to flinch away, yet, this was what Remus was made of. The things that made people uncomfortable. Another went around him, and then another brushed up against him increasing the unexplainably terrible feeling. Another, another, until it reached the point where Remus was barely keeping himself from curling up from all the pins and needles sinking into his skin, like his whole body had fallen asleep! He couldn’t decide whether he was enjoying it or not until another figure went past him, except this time, a wave of warmth washed away a little bit of the ice shards, surprising both him and the other figure.
             He turned around, to see the only other creature with any color to their skin. It was a fairly big form; four legs, long whip-like tail, patchy, dark purple fur, dragon-like claws on the ends of each leg, a dog-like snout, two foggy, bloodshot, pink eyes that painfully sunk into its skull, a pair of harshly damaged wings and extremely long, bat-like ears with sharp tufts at each end. You could see its bones through its fur. It looked half-dead… It looked… so ugly… and Remus loved it.
             The creature drew closer, appearing to sense something coming from the duke.
             Momentarily, Debaja saw all three of her friends surround the green side; Physical Pain, Emotional Turmoil, and Mental Instability, and knew this person needed her help immediately.
             She took a few more steps forward, and Remus did the same out of curiosity.
             “Who the hell are you?” The duke cocked his head to the side.
             “Debaja…” Her weak voice responded as she used her jaw to speak, despite it constantly trembling.
             “Debaja huh? My name’s Remus. You don’t look too fresh, Debaja…” Remus commented, quirky smile undeniable. “What kind of party did you go to??”
             “Abandoned by My Sibling Party. How about you? You look like everything’s gone to shit.” Debaja sat down and the duke did the same, facing each other as their voices echoed off the empty beings around them.
             Remus was slightly taken aback by the creature’s unfiltered, deep tone, and, despite longing to find a creature of this status for so long, the green side felt uncomfortable and even a little frightened at how calm and dismissive Debaja’s voice was in comparison to her harsh outlook. But yet again, Remus was loving all of it at the same time.
             “I just got back from that party too…” The mustached man admitted, his shoulder’s slumping over as his characteristically wide smile dropped to a tired frown. “Except mine had a song in it which refers to a walking butthole singing while judging a sinning sexdoll. My brother just can’t seem…”
             The comfort monster took a chance and slid behind the duke as he began to rant, the opportunity too great to miss.
             Remus was confused before he felt both sets of claws resting on his shoulders. Just the presence of the digits made him shiver as warmth began spread through his body.
             The Master of Chaos, the side that makes everyone uncomfortable, the literal BAD side of Creativity was leaning back into another creature he didn’t even know, more relaxed than he had ever been.
             The purple half was shocked by the waves of comfort flowing off the duke in such grand amounts. Debaja hadn’t even started the massage for Christ’s sake! When she did snap out of her surprise, and started to actually massage the green side’s shoulders, the relaxed grunt that came from him was good enough to fill the monster’s hunger for weeks.
             Oh, this was nice. Remus being massaged by a stranger. A fellow unloved sibling, if you will. His whole body turned to spaghetti as Debaja dug her claws into his shoulder blades at the bases of his wings, where stress had been building up for god knows how long.
 “You’ve been hurt…” She noted, tracing her claws gently over a couple scars Remus had on his neck.
 “Yeah. Flaming swords were so much cooler in my head.” The duke retorted, melting back into the monster of comfort as he purred happily, not even remembering the last time he had felt this way.
 “You’re touch-starved.” Debaja commented yet again, feeling out Remus’s poor, cold and barren heart inside his chest.
 “Looks like I’m not the only one.” The green side couldn’t help the lazy smirk on his face. “You literally look like you’re starving, darling.”
 “Well, I feed off laughter and the feeling of comfort emitting from others. My sister has been deemed more important… depleting my chances of surviving by taking all the attention and starving me.
 “Oh, my sweet Tommity Thomas Sanders!” Remus exclaimed, almost in a drunk-like fashion with the purple monster’s claws still working out the last of the kinks in his back. “Same here! My brother is always the favored one! That red pain in the neck never has any time for me anymore!”
 “Did you say red?” Debaja paused her massage, though Remus still rolled his head back and smiled up at her like an idiot.
 “Yes! The great prince wears a red sash much like mine and a terrible white tunic underneath. How does he keep that thing clean? Seriously, if I were to wear it, it would be PAINFULLY obvious what I do at night.” Remus looked up at the purple creature and saw a smile on her lips.
 “My sister met him.” She finally finished untying all the knots in the duke’s poor back, and, despite his longing whines, pulled away so they could face each other again.
 “Were you watching?” Remus waggled his eyebrows as Debaja rolled her eyes with a smirk.
 “No… we were… together then…” Remus’s smile immediately dropped.
 “Wait… don’t tell me you…” He trailed off, not being able to finish his thought, and reaching out towards the creature as if she would fade from his sight.
 “Yes… we’re usually one unit named Lucaja but… We spli-”
 “NO! Don’t say that word!” The green side covered his ears with a pained expression. “Please, PLEASE don’t say that word…”
 “Why…?” Debaja saw a concentration of her friend Pascal; Emotional Turmoil.
 “Me and my brother… we’ve been sp-sp-sp-… that… for a while… More than half our lives, in fact.” The mustached man put a hand to his face, trying to hide the tears building up in his eyes.
 “Do you believe your brother cares about you?” Debaja put a comforting claw on Remus’s back as he shook his head.
 “I literally told him that I could help him, and that, in the end it would help both of us but… he screamed at me…” He sulked.
 “My sister did the exact same thing…” Debaja started to give in to her own grief as they both sat, leaned against each other in a silent understanding. “Well, at least it’s good to know I’m not alone…”
 “Yeah…” The green side smiled slightly, just to have it fall again. “No one likes me in my realm. If I end it all, it’ll end my brother, too… and finally get those butt-tight light sides to understand the meaning of balance!” He grinned madly, staring at his own hands and momentarily breaking away from the cuddle.
 “It’s not worth it. Plus, it’ll just make you look like the bad guy.” Debaja reflected on her own thoughts of the action, shaking her head as if to clear it of all the terrible voices in her head. “I came here to end it all… but if balance must be maintained, then I guess I should go back… probably just to be yelled at again…”
 Debaja gets up to walk away but the duke desperately grasps at her fur, not wanting her to leave.
 “None of them thought to talk to me, let alone touch me…” He started to curl in on himself, no longer trying to hide his pain.
 “So, that’s why the mere presence of my claws on your back filled me with so much of your comfort.” The purple monster turned back around and curled around the duke, making him wince with the urge to latch onto the warmth.
 “So, you feed off of comfort?” Remus raised an eyebrow, his curiosity pricked as he realized the poor monster looked slightly less starved than before.
 “Yes. Relief, relaxation, contentment… but there is this one other thing me and my sister get very rarely, and that’s laughter. It feels like the equivalent to candy whenever one of us absorbs it.” Debaja leaned into the green side more, and he finally gave in, wrapping his arms around the purple creature and surrounding himself in warmth.
 “Ew, candy…” Remus wrinkled up his nose in disgust. “I much prefer the good ol’ bleach.
 “You know that’s bad for you…” Debaja raised an eyebrow at him.
 “So is candy.” Remus smirked with playfulness in his eyes.
 Reflecting that playfulness, Debaja decided to slightly knead at the duke’s ribs as he flinched violently.
 “Hahahahahahahah…” He started to chuckle, giving Debaja a little taste of her candy. She went into hunt mode to find the rest of her prized desert.
 “Ah! Ahahahahahaha! W-waihihit! Ihihih-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Remus started cackling like a mad man when Debaja reached a specific sweet spot on his sides with her claws digging harder, but he wouldn’t dare let go of her to give up the warmth currently sheltering him.
 In full honesty, Remus was loving the attention. He was just surprised by the feeling. He hadn’t been touched in such a long time, let alone tickled. Meanwhile Debaja was enjoying the equivalent of a triple-decker chocolate cake as she pinned him, trying to find the duke’s other spots.
 Remus started squeaking, snorting, hiccupping, giggling and shrieking as Debaja tickled his neck all the way down to his stomach. She tweaked his hips, making him squeal. Where else could she tease?
 “W-WAIHIHIHIHI- NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Remus started to beg as Debaja turned around took off his shoes, zeroing in on his worst spot as her tail continued to tickle both the sweet spots on his sides.
 “N-NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! PLEHEHEHEHASE!” The duke realized how ridiculous he sounded, but couldn’t help but plea as the monster used her claws and wings to scratch and flutter as his soles and toes, all the while her tail was still tormenting his sides. The mixture of all the different types of tickling all at once quickly started driving the poor green side insane, if that were even possible for someone like Remus.
 “AAAIIIIIEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!” He begged, not knowing how much longer he could last. The feeling was crazily confusing. Did he like it? Did he hate it? He couldn’t answer that even if he wasn’t being tormented there and then.
 (Un)fortunately, someone else heard Remus’s shouts.
 “GET OFF HIM!” Debaja was suddenly thrown across the clearing as a flash of red twirled past.
 Remus groaned and rode out the last of his giggles quickly, turning to see Debaja whimpering and cowering on the ground with his brother standing over her threateningly.
 “Ro, what are you doing here?” He asked, his happy, confused, light-hearted mood immediately ruined.
 “What, am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?!” Both Roman and Remus pointed fingers at each other, mirroring the Spiderman meme for a moment. “Coming out here to kill yourself?!”
 “Dammit, that snake…” Remus cursed, realizing Deceit sold him out.
 “Also, what the heck is that?!” Roman pointed at Debaja angrily as she slowly got back up on her feet, shaking from shock.
 “That’s my new friend, who ALSO just so happens to be a fellow unloved sibling!” The green side snapped.
 “Don’t you recognize me?” Debaja murmured softly, all her strength gone now, though her form itself looked much better.
 “Wha…?” Roman turned around, confused.
 “Yeah, you met her sister apparently. Spoiled sibling meets spoiled sibling.” Remus rolled his eyes and walked over to Debaja, kneeling down and checking her over to make sure she wasn’t injured, though she flinched away from his touch slightly.
 “Hey!” Roman scoffed at the offense, but paused to look at the creature… she DID look familiar… And the way Remus was worriedly checking her over…
 “Wh-what was going on when I entered?” He asked, his voice slightly weaker and uncertain.
 “Debaja was helping me feel better, at the same time, I was feeding her. Her and her sister recently… split…” Roman shuddered at the word. “And I wanted to be there for her. Sure, they may be separated, but I have a feeling she hasn’t been abandoned yet. I don’t want her to end up like me, Roman. Abandoned… It’s too late for me…” Remus pet Debaja ever so softly as she whined, listening to his words. “It’s far too late…”
 “It doesn’t have to be…” Roman took a step forward. “Do you think you could… give me another chance? I know it’s not going to be easy, but… if you’re able to forgive me… we might be able to fix this mess… and at least make you and The Others a higher priority so you don’t feel the need to do something like this…” As Roman took more steps toward them, Remus snarled at first, but when Roman held out his hand, the duke took it with such desperation it nearly yanked both of them to the ground.
 Roman pulled up his brother and embraced him, something he should have done a long time ago…
 He wasn’t surprised when he felt the duke’s chest heave and gentle sobs come from over his shoulder. In fact, Roman was crying, too.
 Debaja watched the scene unfold, never wanting to be with her sister more… But if things went downhill, she would be back here again. And next time, there won’t be a Remus or Roman to convince her to go back…
 “Don’t worry, purple one…” Roman called to her amongst his grief, as if reading her mind. “I’ll stay up tonight so you can visit. That way, we’ll know if you’re okay.”
 She smiled and nodded, turning around and heading back to The Land of the Infinite.
 “We should be going back home as well…” Roman murmured and Remus nodded as both brothers walked out of the Greyscape, fingers intertwined.
 “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, where is she…?” Roman paced and muttered. It was 1:30 am now, and there was still no sign of Sleep Deprivation Monster.
 “Just give it some more time, we don’t know if they had the shits or not…” Remus commented, smiling at Roman’s grimace.
 “Lovely image, Remus.”
 “Why, thank you.”
 Both sides of Creativity snapped their heads around and saw the magnificent Lucaja, in one piece yet again.
 “Did you miss me?”
 @cefsticklestoo @bexxbeauty
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myricardogalan · 5 years ago
#AmanecemosCon E172 - Sordera Selectiva
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playerdangeroustime · 6 years ago
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Desarmaduría de Buses y Maestranza Lircay en Talca, una pena de estos buses ya no estan de sus maquinas ha pasado de su circulación #QEDP #DescanzaEnPaz #ElFinalDelRecorrido #UltimoDestino #UltimoServicio #DadosDeBaja #DadoDeBaja #DeBaja #Lircay #Talca #InstaTalca #InstaBus #Instagram (en Talca, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZx-69g4Kr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=91jmpicwfisz
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galaxia-de-escritos · 5 years ago
¿Cómo expresarte con palabras lo que siento en el alma? — Se cuestionó el chico para sus adentros.
El escrutinio de su mirada lo debaja desarmado; cual presa acorralada frente al depredador hambriento. Simplemente no podía combatir, no había nada que hacer contra su mirada.
Ojos de océano, tan azules y profundos, luces de universos secretos vislumbra su mirada.
Sonrisa cálida que salva al alma más atribulada.
Deseo incontenible de sentirla entre sus brazos, anhelo indescriptible de que se detengan lo años.
—Solo ella importa, justo en esta hora—
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murcielarkcs · 6 years ago
Nunca voy a olvidarme de ti, de tu sonrisa, mucho menos de la voz peculiar que tenias. Tampoco de como debajas de hablar para que yo sacara conversación, y aunque nunca podia, tenias la paciencia. Mejore en eso... ya no estas para mostrartelo, pero me hiciste mejorar y no solo en ese aspecto. Me enseñaste tanto. Demonios.
Muchas veces me hiciste dar “un paso mas” y se que gracias a eso estoy aqui ahorita, gracias a ti puedo hoy ser quien soy, y no me alcanzan las palabras para agradecertelo porque se que ni siquiera lo vas a leer.
Nunca voy a olvidarte, siempre te recordare como la chica fuerte y con ganas de superarse que eras, que amaba el ejercicio, cantar, y alegrar a todo el mundo.
fue tu decisión y no voy a juzgarte, aveces resulta peor estar vivo, tus razones tuviste para decidir marcharte, estes donde estes espero sea mejor que aqui, gracias por coincidir en mi vida y perdon por tan poco. Cumplire tus metas en tu nombre, lo juro.
Siempre sere tu alarma humana .... 💔y cada que vea mis lunares estaras en mi mente. Te tkm decias tu.
Asta muy pronto, y recuerda, mi “siempre” iba en serio.
Te quiero, to infinity and beyond.
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yuyisb · 6 years ago
Aún mejor de lo que ya creía
@ferisae, probablemente recibes muchas felicitaciones y elogios por tus trabajos. Diría que es lo más normal. Haces cosas increíbles. Me había limitado a ver simplemente tus dibujos y contemplarlos pensando en algún día poder lograr por lo menos minimamente lo que tu haces, puesto que son hermosos. En verdad, yo ya te admiraba por eso, y me habías caído super bien viendo como dirigías Miraculous México y cuando aparecías en algunos directos. A veces me siento mal en pensar que te pudiera estresar los muchos fakes que tienes que desenmascarar, pero ya se va aprendiendo poco a poco. Esperemos en un tiempo ya no sea necesario que lo hagas, si no que uno se dé cuenta por si solo, así no podrás caer en los Akumas de Hawk Moth xD
A lo que quería llegar con esto es que de verdad te admiro! Eres genial! Me encantan tus dibujos, son tan hermosos! Viendo algunos hasta me dan ganas de llorar TwT (Disculpa, no me contuve :’v). Y es que antes como mencionaba solo me había fijado en tus dibujos creyendo que solo los cómics hacía, sin embargo buscando más vi tu fic: “You Don’t Know Me”, y que decir? Que me encanto! Tienes talento de sobra para hacer cualquier cosa. Ya sabía yo que escribias muy bien por algunas presentaciones que hacían los MiracuFriends, pero no a ese detalle. Lamentablemente no sé ingles y lo leí con la ayuda de “traducir la página”, lo malo es que a veces cuando iba a llegar al punto de llorar de no creerme lo que pasaba o gritar de la emoción e impresión que me causaban algunas partes, entre otras cosas que sabes que provocan tus trabajos, la traducción hacía que me saliera completamente de la historia :’v Un ejemplo de ello es el de que a veces, por alguna razón me traducia al Dr Longuevie como doctora xD Imaginarme eso era para reírme y debaja en pausa el momento :( 
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Igual hacía que algunas partes no las captara, expresiones que no traducía y que por lo tanto intentaba sacarle su traducción, sin embargo note que no se me da para nada. Así que entender algunas partes se me complicaba hasta después de leerlo varías veces e intentar conectarlo todo. (Igual y puede que si y fuera doctora con bigote, que se yo :v). Me gusto los dibujos que ponías al final de los capítulos, da mas dinámica :’3. Algunos me hicieron casi llorar, pero si que mi corazón se acelerara, todos son muy buenos artistas cuando se lo proponen.
Lo seguire diciendo, eres bastante genial en lo que haces, y teniendo muchas cosas que hacer realmente me sorprendes. Saludos, en verdad, para mi es un gusto escribir esto, aunque no se si lo puedas llegar a leer debido a que seguramente estaras bastante ocupada en otros asuntos mucho mas importantes. Animo en lo que hagas, yj espero te vwaya bien en lo que hag.as, tambien te quería mandar este dibuj o inspirado en tu fic, no es de lo mejo r, y de lo mas seguro es que hayan mejores, pero espero te g uste. (No es alguna escena que haya aparecido en tu comic, pero me gusto la idea de hacer algo asi n.nU) Saludos, eres increíble, aún mejor de lo que ya creía.
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Una cosita más, cuando leía tu fic ponía algunas canciones de fondo, para ser especifica las “ World's Most Emotional, World's Most Heroic Emotional Music” y de esas, además de las recomendaciones que ponías en las notas n.n quedaban muy bien, hubo una canción que quedo bien en los primeros capítulos a mi parecer por los sentimientos de Adrien, esta: “Haimin - Mistakes”. Y algo curioso que me paso al estar leyendo el ultimo capitulo hasta la fecha fue que cuando termine de leerlo, la recopilación de canciones que escuchaba también lo hizo. Dios! El timing xD. Bueno, solo quería compartirlo, disculpa que yo me enredo en lo que digo y confundo a todos n.nU Ahora si, te deseo lo mejor, y sigue así :3 Para mi eres una gran inspiración para dibujar!
(Tambien, podría preguntarte con que dibujas? yo lo hice con mouse y me frustro mucho ya que tenia que borrar una y otra vez la misma linea, era muy complicado pero bueno :P).
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fresasagrias · 2 years ago
"el obispo está debaja de la campana"
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dragonleesupporter · 5 years ago
What Kind of Monster Are You?
Summary: Logan overworks himself one night and summons Lucaja, a sleep-deprivation-triggered tickle monster.
Author’s note: This is my first fic with Lucaja! Who should I do next? Also, WARNING: THIS IS A TICKLE FIC. AND SECOND WARNING: VERY INTENSE TICKLES. 
Logan sighed, frustrated. A day not planned well enough for Thomas led to a full 24 hours of nonproductive actions, setting the whole team back. Not only did Logan blame himself for the setback, but he was the one who would have to fix it. He was only halfway through the planning for tomorrow, and he was almost out of fuel. The warmth of his blue-sheeted bed invited him to rest, but he resisted. The fear of failing a second time kept him awake and the dark blue side finally forced himself through the rest of the agenda.
He laid back into his bed, exhausted. The springs that would normally cause complaint were now his only comfort as he pulled his midnight blanket over him, not even bothering to change into proper pajamas.
 But, for some reason, the logical trait couldn’t sleep. Since he had rushed the project, it was fair to assume that he had missed something. As the teacher tossed and turned, a circle of questions revolved around his head.
 “What did I forget?”
“Is this all in vain?”
“Am I failing again?”
“Will the others forgive me?”
“No, of course they will, or at least pretend to... But will I forgive myself?”
 The questions started to loop, over and over, the poor side not being able to answer any of them.
 “Relax.” He told himself, but it didn’t mean anything as the questions echoes louder and louder, demanding solutions he didn’t have. He finally sat bolt upright and shook his head back and forth, dismissing the thoughts, but the panicked feeling still remained. Logan tried to level his breathing as he felt his heart rate rise. As he attempted to calm himself down, the teacher looked around his room to clear his mind. However, something seemed out of place.
 Two- no… four eyes?? Two purple, and two pink, tilted at different angles… staring at him.
 “Wh-who are you?” Logan managed to spit out in his panicked state. “Is this some sort of trick, Deceit? Remus? Virgil?”
 “I am friend.” A voice suddenly came, except it didn’t come from the room… or the unknown creature… it came from… INSIDE LOGAN’S HEAD?
 It sounded feminine, which was unusual considering the voices Logan ever heard, including his own, was a variation of Thomas’s. The voice also seemed calming… and even cute in a way, like it belonged to a kitten.
 “H-how are you doing that?” He demanded taking a defensive stance.
 “Am friend. Summoned by panic and unreason. My name Lucaja. I come closer?” The voice continued to echo in his head, and Logan’s panic slowly died down, his curiosity taking over.
 “Extraordinary… you’re communicating through… telepathy?” He raised an eyebrow as the beast finally revealed itself.
 It wasn’t one creature, but two mixed together. One pink, and one purple. The pink one appeared to be the dominant side over the pair as the purple one obediently laid along the bottom.
“Lucia or Debaja?” The voice asked shyly as each of the two sides of the creature reacted, as if they had just been called.
 Logan didn’t know what to choose. The pink one looked friendly, but it was hard for the teacher to endure all the fluffy sunshine brought into his life, and knew that choosing pink would be unwise. Yet, the dark blue side also didn’t know what choosing purple would cause.
 “Uuuuhhh… Purple?” He asked, keeping in mind he can always run for the door in case this figuratively “went south” as his cards said. He then heard two voices arguing. One high-pitched, the other deeper.
 “Lucia. He said me?”
“He choose you, Debaja? Must be mistake. Make choice again!”
“No! Let!”
“… Fine.”
 The strange beast suddenly flopped on its side, the purple one stood up and left the pink one limp on the bottom of their combined body.
 “Has been while. Sorry.” The deep voice echoed as Debaja tried to steady her footing.
 “It’s quite alright…” Logan said, blue eyes wide with intrigue.
 “I come closer? This what you want?”
 “I-I am uncertain of what I want anymore…” The logical side sat there, shocked by the monster’s elegance and complexity.
 “Okay. I take now!” The creature suddenly lunged and Logan found himself pinned under the pink-eyed stare of Debaja.
 She started scanning him up and down, almost as if looking for something. Her pink eyes lit up, leading Logan to assume that she had found what she wanted to take from him, but instead of reaching into one of is pockets or stealing something unknown to him, he was surprised when he felt claws suddenly dig into his hips.
 “GYA! NAhahahahahahaha!” Logan jolted and threw his head back in laughter, without the slightest hope at being able to stop it. He wriggled desperately as the monster plucked one of her own rugged-looking dark purple feathers with her teeth and stretched her neck to reach up to his ears, poking the blade of the feather along the base of the shell.
 “OHOHOHO NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Logan kicked his legs out and cried as he felt a second pair of arms start to squeeze at his thighs.
 When he looked up in his hysteria, all he could see was Debaja’s determined glare and cocky smile, if his face wasn’t on fire before, it sure was now.
His panic spiked when he felt something pulling his socks off. His confusion was also raised. How could she be doing that all the while tickling his thighs, hips and his ears? That’s when he felt rough fur glide against his soles, and he knew it was all over.
 “NAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE PLEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” His mind started to buzz as he thrashed either which way to get away from the maddening sensations, but it was no use. He tried to escape by moving up, his ears got tickled more, he tried to move down, his feet were tormented, he thrashed both left and right, just to find him leaning into the tickling along his hips, he tried to curl inward, increasing the tickling at his thighs.
 Debaja knew what she was doing.
 “Last one.” Was all he heard before he felt a shift in his shirt.
 Debaja had moved her head down to Logan’s abdomen, while her long ears continued to tickle his. The last thing Logan heard over his own wild cackles was Debaja taking a deep breath.
 “PPPPFFFFFFFFFTTTT!” The purple half blew a huge raspberry over the center of the teacher stomach, making him practically scream.
 “NAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MAHAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT STAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHA TAHAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHIHIT!!” Logan looked like he was being electrocuted as all of the combined ticklings overwhelmed him and sent into what anyone would describe as heaven, all the stress in his shoulders finally releasing.
He quickly descended from the heavenly utopia, and opened his eyes to find two purple arms firmly wrapped around him, not tickling him anymore.
 Instinctively, the teacher leaned into the warmth as Debaja started to purr much like that of a big cat.
 “You do good for family. No overwork. Never alone.” Were that last words of comfort he heard echo in his head before finally drifting into unconsciousness.
 He woke the next morning feeling peaceful and light-hearted, but when he looked around the room to thank his new friend, Lucaja was nowhere to be seen.
For: @cefsticklestoo
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marcosad4everalone · 3 years ago
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"A veces con mirar y el pensar en alguien, es una forma de mostar afecto."
El clima frío de invierno comenzaba a sentirse, mucho mas en los distritos del norte donde el clima era mas agresivo. Él viejo gruñón se encontraba caminando con su bastón de madera, no era rápido ni lento, solo era una caminata pasiva mientras se sumergía en sus pensamientos o mas bien en los pensamientos y memorias de los demás.
Era indiferente cuando caminaba por las calles, un niño tiró su oso de peluche a su lado. El niño pidió con la sonrisa mas grande del mundo que se lo pasara. Uri le ignoró y siguió caminando.
En aquel distrito, le llamaban "El viejo loco" algunos pensaban que era un ermitaño, otros que era una especie de brujo y otros que simplemente era un rarito en esa zona. Sabía de lo que la gente hablaba y sabía que el final estaba en un tiempo cercano.
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Al regresar a la cabaña del bosque pudo ver que había tierra húmeda sobre los estalones de madera.
Soltó un suspiro al mismo tiempo que debaja su bastón a un costado de la puerta de madera, para posteriormente llevar su diestra a su bolsillo. Cerró ambos ojos por un mentó y al abrirlos estos comenzaron a brillar.
— Ya se que estás ahí.— Dijo con aquella voz raramente profunda que tenía. — Kenny, No tenias que venir.—
Sacó sus llaves de su bolsillo y empujó la puerta. No solo había tierra mojada, sino que el olor a alcohol estaba impregnado en el aire, no solo eso, sino a tabaco.
Entró a la cabaña, tomó de la manija y de inmediato cerró la puerta a sus espaldas. Dentro de la cabaña había luz, lo que significaba que el fuego de la chimenea seguía ardiendo, no solo eso, sino que probablemente habían encendido las velas del pasillo. El anciano desplazó la vista, observando todo lo que se encontraba, la luz intermitente del fuego lo hacía difícil y fue justamente cuando su vista se acostumbró, que entre las sombras a lado de la chimenea, en aquel lugar en donde no pegaba ni un solo ratro de luz y las sombras reinaban: Se encontraba el hombre del sombrero completamente dormido sobre una silla de madera. Este sostenía una botella de vino en su mano, sus pies reposaban cobre la mesa al igual que un par de cuchillos. El rubio no podía enojarse por aquello, de todos modos aquel hombre azabache era una de las pocas personas en que confiaba.
Al parecer su subordinado había tomado posición en su hogar, como si fuera una especide de esposa gruñona o un asesino serial. Lo olvidó, Kenny era un asesino serial.
— ¿Al fin te moriste?. — Caminó a donde estaba sentado el mas alto y con cuidado tomó los pies del azabache bajándolos con cuidado, en verdad eran pesado y mas por aquellas botas de cuero negro. — No seas tonto, despierta.
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perphosone · 6 years ago
Mientras me debajas y recogidas todas tus pertenencias te olvídaste que yo también era tuya
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mousertwo · 4 years ago
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Después de un gran día del padre, decidí darme mi tiempo tranquilo, algo de música, mi café y luego tratar de acabar el último mapa de Labyrinthos de Maze Scape (el número 7), juego de @ludoismo y editado por @deviramericas. Definitivamente no soy ducho en esto de los temas espaciales, pero este juego está más que interesante para tener la mente ocupada y agudizar el tema visual y lógico. Un buen rato dando vueltas y al final... No lo terminé... Jajajajaja.... Mi hijo de 4 años no debaja de querer ayudarme (obvio, ve al papá con esmero en su mapa, y quiere imitar). Este lunes por la noche volveremos a intentar. Nosotros le ponemos 4.5 pulpitos de 5 (🐙🐙🐙🐙👍) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 1 jugador (recomendadisisisisismo si te gustan los acertijos y los puzzles) 🕰️ 5 - 90 min. Aprox. 🖖 8 a más. Síguenos en facebook: /RathsEdge Nos vemos pronto #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #boardgames #juegosdemesa #jogosdetabuleiro #giochidatavolo #brettspiel #jeuxdesociete #bgg #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #cardgames #juegosenfamilia #familygames #tabletop #boardgamefamily #jugandoenpareja #boardgamephotography #jeudeplateau #mediosludicosperu #jugandoenraths #partygamesdevir #gameplay #juegosmolones #juegosentreamigos (en Rath's Edge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQY8jYlLS58/?utm_medium=tumblr
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caderinasrompiendocadenas · 4 years ago
Te conozco y me conozco
nuestra relacón debio ser tan carnal y solo teniamos las ideas, la imaginación y las ganas quizá por eso no estamos juntos ahora, ambos crecimos tanto, mejoramos un chingo, estas vivo, estudiando y tratas de cuidar de B
Te extraño pedazo de imbecil, fuiste el amor de mi vida por muchos años, te esperé tanto a que volvieras y siempre volvias pero tenías novia, siempre y cada una de las veces
Cada vez que volvias debaja todo atras para que tu estuvieras comodo en mi vida pero solo te quedabas un mes a lo mucho y despues te volvias a ir otro medio año, ocho meses, un año y lo entiendo, tenías un lugar en el que refugiarte y si yo tuviera eso tambien lo haría, tambien me escondería y estoy tan estupidamente molesta contigo porque quiero que seas mi puto refujio ahora que la vida esta tan culera pero desapareciste de nuevo y te extraño, quiero que me protejas y cuides de mi
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