#death note genderswap
bookwormbynight · 9 days
Genderswap Light starts warming up to (sexually aggressive) Misa during the Yotsuba Arc because one day one of the task force members (probably Matsuda lets be honest) thinks he's out of Light's earshot but absolutely IS NOT and asks Misa if he's really okay with Light doing detective work. And of course, since Misa fell in love with Light literally for being Kira (I don't know how to tell you guys this but serial killing and international terrorism is a male-dominated field) Misa's like of fucking COURSE I am LOOK at her she's so brilliant and she's doing so much good it would be a crime not to encourage that and Light gets stars in her eyes (L wants to rip her own entire head of hair out).
Just to paint the picture for you a little more we've got L and Light sitting next to each other as they always do and Light looks like a puppy who just got told she's getting adopted and L is just gawking with open-mouthed nose-wrinkled disgust like Light just shit in her tea.
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rebloggerandy · 3 months
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stop looking at me with those big ol’ eyes!
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cornymember · 8 months
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christmas tree hair
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kittysauce · 1 year
request for fem lawlight?
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requinum · 1 month
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(shaking) I literally could not do anything until I drew lesbian lawlight I am now FREE from its clutches (this is a lie)
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blondiest · 5 months
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bury us both a femslash mellonear fanfiction by @neallo
rating: E | category: F/F | chapters: 5/? | words: 7.5k
Mello is demonstrably capable of killing, and has perhaps more reason to want Near dead than anyone else on the face of the earth. They were once rivals, and Near knows a fragment of that resentment lingers even now. She is also likely the only person who could successfully bring Mello to justice, so her very existence is a threat to Mello’s, in a sense. If that weren’t enough, there is the fact that Mello could make a fortune, too, were she to kill Near. There are no shortage of people who would pay a handsome sum to see L’s head on a platter. And it would be so simple for her to do it, so easy. She’s had countless opportunities— the two of them alone, Near in all kinds of vulnerable positions, any number of potentially deadly weapons within reach— but she’s never taken one. Despite having every possible motive and every possible chance, Mello has not killed her. On more than one occasion, she’s even protected Near. This is how she knows Mello loves her in her way, even if she has not said it aloud. Even if it isn’t enough to make her stay. -- Mello and Near through the years, in love and in agony.
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eleonoraw · 8 months
How do you think a female Light and L would be? Would the story change?
Personally, I don't think there would be any major potential for a difference in the story and the plot.
The only difference would be that instead of two men, we would follow the story of two women and their game of cat and mouse. L would still want to catch Kira, and Light would still pretend that she is nOt KiRa, and so on.
Okay, maybe instead of fist fighting, we would have more slap fighting and hair pulling, lol. And a lot of more screaming and yelling, because L and Light as a women would have the "potential" to be more emotionally sensitive and open in a way. And maybe the show would be less misogynist, but who knows.
Also Light would surely cry on several occasions during the investigation (she would use it as one of her tools for manipulation), and she would surely shed a few tears when she would finally manage to get rid of L.
Thanks for the ask!
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kira-savior · 27 days
Bunny Girl Near and Light
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I drew bunny girl Near and his wife (Light)
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lightsbloodytorso · 3 months
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bookwormbynight · 11 days
Do you think either L or Light being a woman would change the story in anyway?
It definitely would. 100%.
Let's see... Taking away the context of the people writing the story, (Ohba and Obata very obviously fucking HATED women and did not try to hide it 😭) and attacking this only from an in-world perspective...
Let's start with L. What I've always taken is that he doesn't have a particular attachment to the idea of gender, gender roles, gender expression, etc - he doesn't pay any particular attention to his appearance and I'm fairly certain his neutral clothing is the way it is simply because he finds that the easiest and most comfortable. However, I think he's perfectly comfortable with being perceived as a man because he is cisgender, just kind of detached from it. (I would take an argument from others about apathetic nonbinary L tho.) This would probably translate if he'd been born female. I don't think, at her core, she would act any different at all, but she would likely be more aware of her sex thanks to the fact that everyone else would pay more attention to it. The fact that L was male automatically removed barriers that female L would have to face. It would probably take longer to get Watari to listen to her than it did in canon, she would probably allow people to assume she was the wrong gender and not correct them for ease's sake when she contacted people as L through the voice filter, and when she met the Task Force face-to-face, she might spend a hot second fielding weird awkward bullshit, because the Task Force knew and trusted her before, and this doesn't really change who she is, but it would definitely shift their perception at least a little and that dissonance likely wouldn't be handled tactfully. If she acts the exact same as canon L, though, which I imagine she would, whatever 'fears' would be generally dissuaded fairly quickly and she would have their respect due to the relationship they had already built, just like what happened when they saw canon L's appearance, although the Task Force would likely end up assuming she's a lesbian even though she isn't. (This would also probably mean that she's equally as subject to accusations of perversion as canon L.)
Light would be. SO FUCKING AWARE OF HER GENDER. Canon Light is 100% a very cisgender gay man with a good heap of lightly gay-flavored perfectly in-line gender expression, publicly adhering to gender roles as best he perceives them, and a disdain for the opposite gender. Female Light would have a double whammy of suspicion and dislike of the opposite gender (now men), and also internalized misogyny. How nice <3. She would likely go out of her way to be much more publicly sweet and demure, downplay her confidence much more than canon Light bothers to (so as to not be seen as a bitch), and have a good heaping of bitterness about her 'societal restraints' (that she's consenting to be stuck in because she'd be one of those 'play nice and eventually they'll respect you' motherfuckers). She'd probably honestly go for playing Kira even quicker than canon Light does, simply because her future prospects are not as bright as her male counterpart's and she would be very frustrated about that and this would be an outlet, and while canon Light was NOT afraid to murder a rapist on sight, female Light might end up even seeking them out when looking for 'the worst of the worst' (I doubt canon Light did), because she would now be a part of the population that lives under that fear, and those actions might skew her statistics. I think the face-to-face introduction of L into her life would fucking rock her world.
Moving to the topic of sexualities and romantic subtext, I think Light would be a gender-conforming femme closeted lesbian (I like to think she would have a particular weird thing about boobs and that would be the only thing that sticks out about her to her friends, because aversion to sex with men is not considered particularly notable in women in this patriarchal society - which fucking baffles me but whatever). If Misa's still a girl, I can't decide if she would decide that she's in love with this Light, or rationalize her devotion as more of a platonic thing, but since she would be part of the gender Light trusts and relates to more, even though she hates how vapid Misa appears (internalized misogyny + superiority complex!), their relationship might end developing to more closely resemble canon Light's relationship to Mikami. If Misa's a guy, their relationship would stay the exact same, just with the assumed gender roles swapped, and the imminent threat of Misa getting down on one knee and proposing to Light out of the blue at any time (and also maybe being more overtly sexually aggressive because society would have let him feel entitled to that). I personally think canon L is bisexual and as such female L's sexual bullshit would not have changed in the slightest.
The way Light is treated by the Task Force might start derailing the story when they begin to intertwine. Also I would not at all be surprised if male!Misa tries to babytrap Light by poking holes in the condoms and switching out her pills because he thinks she, a female with biological urges, will grow to appreciate what he did. (She will not.)
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rebloggerandy · 2 months
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people DIED. (aka l lawliet died)
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the undersketch…. Yay!!!!!
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mizzmellos · 1 year
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roller mobster
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clover-system · 3 months
Death Note genderswap AU purely to show how sexist the original is
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How would genderbent wammy 's boys be in your opinion.
Im so mad bc I keep like starting to write and then forgetting to save it to my drafts and then I have to write it all over again but anyways
I did talk about Mello here but I'll talk about the others here just for you honey bunny
Now note that I don't think any of their personalities would change very much at all, mostly just behavioral things because their environments would be slightly different. Break because I'm gonna write a lot
For Near, I don't think Wammy's house is going to separate boys and girls at all and whoever's running that whole detective system thingy within wammy's is pretty objective to anything and just focuses on intelligence but if Near has to get approval or work with any outside agencies or organization I imagine he's going to have to work harder. Near is like a natural talent, and of course he does work but he's also like a natural genius, so here I'd like to apply to him the Burnt Out Gifted Kid Effect™. Near wouldn't have to work as hard under Wammy's management but he would for other organizations in order to get approval and gain his title, and I believe this would lead to lethargy in his case. Me personally, when I'm made to work harder than I usually do I'm more prone to procrastinating and lazing around and I think he would too. He might also be more prone to stress and anxiety -- growing up as a teenage girl while also trying to be the greatest detective in the world is like if Life came at you with two giant hammers and just smashed you into the ground.
Both L and Near would be referred to as "he" under anonymity (remember how the task force just automatically assumed the second Kira was a he? Yeah).
For L I think more socially -- he might have similar struggles to Mello and Near in terms of detective work but unlike Mello and Near, we have seen him in a very social setting (To-oh) so I'd like to address that more with him even if he's not really all that social. Not sure if you've noticed, you probably have, but most of the girls at To-oh were wearing skirts, so L would already be more of an outlier than he is anyway. It would be difficult for him to sit the way he does with a skirt on. Additionally L is very hygienic but he obviously has body hair (not that it's not hygienic but some people do see it that way) and i dont think he would shave because Watari already does all the other shit and he thinks it's functionally unnecessary. So imagine someone sees that and how different it would be as a female vs male. That and many of his other behaviors.
L generally isn't taken seriously but I think if he were female that would intensify. Especially with Light, who would probably think something like "There's no way L is a wOmAn" and he'd probably take it as a much more major offense when L wins a round of their mental murder chess. Also if we're thinking meta, he might even be sexualized in the canon sources, and Near as well. Mello would just definitely be sexualized there's no questioning it.
Matt would be essentially the same. I can't say too much because nobody knows too much about him. If it were up to me, and it is, Matt would have body issues and be a raging lesbian and that's about it. He probably would also get the shit bullied out of him while online gaming and Mello threatens to find people's houses and blow them up.
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blondiest · 10 months
so sincerely, if you HC mello as straight, pretty pretty please tell me why (anonymously is fine) — if it has to do with shipping him with a female character, why do you HC him as het rather than bi? inquiring minds (me) need to know <3
literally even if it's SOLELY a vibe thing to you, just drop me a line and be like. “idk i get straight vibes.” i am certain i will not understand, but i am VERY curious and i pinky promise i will be nice !!
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Between a fem Near and Fem mello who would be more popular?
Hmm idk if you meant in fandom or in canon but-!
I think fandom-wise a fem!Mello would probably be more popular, especially with a more western audience. People tend to like hot, fiery bombshell blondes (most) of the time + i think a fem!mello would have the sensual appeal that misa does. It would definitely be appealing to see more of a tough girl- especially because the other female characters are only really there to be used as pawns in light's game (aside from lidner and naomi- who did end up being tricked by him but damn if she didnt give him a time of it), and i think people would like the "take no shit" attitude. ... but it depends tho bc fandom is largely populated by a very particular annoying type of ("dudebro") fan, the type that hates female characters that are TOO loud or aggressive, the way Mello is. I find that a lot of male fans like Mello for his agression and more (stereotypically) masculine attitude (though mello is VERY queer with his croptops and leather and long hair), as well as being somewhat of an underdog- i have a feeling the same fans are the ones who'd despise the very same traits in a female counterpart.
Near would be split into three receptions. 1) hated even more feverishly- near was NOT generally liked by the fandom back then- i didnt get into DN until about... 2015-ish? But even then you could tell from the fics and fan reception more from the time that people did NOT like Near at all, and it was rare to find someone that did. I largely suspect this is because he's just very misunderstood- like being seen as emotionless/uncaring when he's just guarded, seen as cocky when hes just confident, seen as 'getting lucky' rather than credit being given to his intelligence. This would be a LOT worse if he was a girl- just look at Misa. Whilst yes, the series does unfortunately downplay her intelligence a lot and turns her into pretty much comedic relief for most of the last third, there are times you can see just how smart and calculating she can be also- that are frequently ignored because shes. Well. A girl. Same would go for fem!near- absolutely everything would be an asspull, people would hate her for being "the worse, girl version of L", and people would respond more negatively because if they already hated near for beating light to begin with, theyd hate even more for a GIRL to do it. 2) the people who'd like fem!near for the appeal of a cute female character- some fans just like cute anime girls and... tbh valid. Some people like characters less when theyre girls, some like them more! I do think early receptions to near might have been more positive if there was that moe factor (and yes near is moe as a boy too but yknow what i mean). She'd definitely be a cute waifu to a lot of people. 3) the people who like near pretty much the same, just that near is a girl now. Id definitely have found a fem!near interesting- the underdog aspect would have been even moreso, and id have loved to not only see light get his ass handed to him by a girl, but a female character who actually got the writing they deserved? Yes please!
I think both characters would be more well recieved now, the way their male counterparts are- especially near, who's much more well liked by this generation of fans than the previous one. I think people would pay them more attention, bc holy shit strong female characters who are morally grey (mello) and very neurodivergent-leaning (near but tbh mello too).
Now IN CANON i think things would be v interesting
Near might have a slightly more difficult time with her team and presenting a case- not the SPK, i genuinely dont think they'd have a problem being lead by a female lead, but i think near would definitely have a lot more problems (from external sources) in general when it came to being in an authoritative role, and would definitely see a lot more pushback when it came to decisions. So she'd let NO ONE outside the team think she was female- as far as everyone would be aware, 'N' would be a man, and the voice filters would reflect that, maybe even purposefully pitched down a little. Of course, Near is canonically voiced by a female VA anyway, so its not like her voice would change, just that she'd be more conscious of it. She'd also be aware that she could use that to her advantage, knowing Kira wouldn't be looking for a woman. This would continue when she succeeded L. As far as everyone would be aware, L would be a man- and this would benefit her greatly on field missions (if there ever were anyway), with people (if ever suspicious) assuming she'd be L's secretary at most.
Mello would definitely definitely use his- or, rather, her looks to her advantage. I think it would be a lot harder for her to climb the rungs of the mafia though, and she'd probably have to work a lot harder and rely a bit more on charming her way up than earning respect the way a man would. Still posing a threat, dont get me wrong, but she wouldn't be stupid to think that she'd ever earn the same level of respect as a man would (i mean its the mafia lets be real here idk much about the criminal underworld but i think its fair to say it's male-dominated and probably quite misogynistic). That probably makes it easier for her to gather intel on potential traitors and targets, though. But mello was never the head so much as a right hand man (at least to my knowledge feel free to correct me if im wrong), so that's probably a more palatable position to the other mafia members than if she had her eyes on the top.
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