#dear god I need the game to hurry the fuck up and get to that point because I can't live like this for much longer.
six-improbable-things · 5 months
knowing way in advance a potential event that might happen to your dnd character is a special kind of torture. Rook might experience literally the worst thing he possibly could experience (according to him), and I just have to SIT HERE AND WAIT for MONTHS. It's all I've been able to think about for over a week now, and it's killing me.
0 notes
websterss · 3 months
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REQUEST: Can I request one for Guildford Dudley x fem reader, in which they have been friends and courting for a really long time and she faints or get sicks and Guildford is really worried about her and stuff. @arianagrandes-things
WARNING(S): angsty, some fluff
PAIRING: Guildford Dudley x Ethian!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed! Gracie Abrams "I love you, I'm sorry" song has me sat and on a writing spree LMFAO
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Guildford could not help the way his heart fluttered upon the mere sound of your joyous laughter. He felt boyishly in love with you watching you take off into a sprint through the field of flowers. Your carefree nature and optimism made him love you more and more each day.
He had let you get as far as you could before he’d begin running after you to catch you in his arms. Though you hadn’t made it very far before you stumbled to a stop.
“I don’t believe you understand our little game. Would you care for a refresher?” His smile faded as he slowly approached you. “Y/n…Are you alright-“ He barely got out before he hurried to you, preventing your head from colliding with the ground. “Y/n! Bertie!” He shouted for the servant. “Somebody help!” It was way into the evening that he realized he was practically screaming into the void. He grew startled when you morphed into your Ethian form. A golden beauty with fur, you now lay as a golden retriever in his arms. He didn’t waste a moment to bring you back to the house. He held you close, in hopes to not jostle you around too much.
He entered the manor, shouting at the top of his lungs for help. “Somebody help! Somebody! Please help!” Before he could catch the attention of any staff, he was interrupted. “What in God’s name has got you in a tizzy, Master Guildford? Oh, dear heavens?” Bertie gasps as she catches sight of your Ethian form.
A few feet from the stairs you had turned again. Your delicately soft features graced him again. “Y/n, can you hear me?” He tapped your face lightly. He was met once again with silence, and then once again you had taken your animal form. He huffed in disbelief, as he hurried to get you to your shared bedroom. "I need you to send word for Miss Lady Jane Gray. Her presence is needed here, right away!"
The journey to the bedroom seemed to have taken an eternity, though it had really been only a few minutes. You had shifted back and forth between your human form and animal form five times more before you were finally settled into the bed. Once Guildford managed to get you into the room, he closed the door behind him and gently set you on the bed. He sat on the edge of it, staring in disbelief as your snout and floppy ears lolled to the side. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, waiting for you to shift back.
“Fuck! Why aren’t you changing back?!” He barked. Without thinking, he began to pet you. His hands ran through your soft fur as he ran the pad of his thumb over your velvety black nose. “Please…” He murmured as he continued to run his hand over your body. To his slight relief, he felt you starting to shiver. The shaking in your limbs started from your paws and then up through your body. In seconds, you had changed back into your human form. You were a sweating mess and you trembled uncontrollably as you lay on top of the duvet.
Guildford’s breath hitched at the sight of you in your weakened, fragile state. “Y/n, can you hear me?” He reached out again to gently touch your shoulder. He received no reply. Your body rippled once more and you were nothing more but a dog before him. "Jane will be here soon enough. You'll be as good as new and begging me to take you on a walk in the evening again." He mustered a faint laugh before he felt his chest cave in. Soft tears trickled and spilled down his face. "I'm sure of it."
Jane's travels to their home had been about half a day's worth. Rupert had ensured her safe passage.
The sun had risen and set by the time Guildford had greeted Jane at your room. He didn't hesitate to make his way up to the second landing after the day reached its evening call. His paces determined to see if your state had improved throughout the afternoon.
When he reached the bedroom door, he paused for a moment in the doorway. His eyes fell on you lying motionless as the same, golden retriever. Before he could take a step into the room, he heard a soft voice say behind him, “Guildford?”
Guildford jumped and twisted around to face the soft, familiar voice. “Jane…I didn’t hear you come in.” He gave her a meek smile before he turned his attention to you. "T-Thank you for coming…Y/n, she's been-" He trailed off.
“How long has she been like this?” Jane looks at you, watching your figuration switch back and forth between your human self and dog-like self. She counted a ten-second interval. It was how long before your transformation began and ended within each shift.
“It's been an evening and a day. It has been an endless cycle of transforming from her Ethian form and herself. It's almost as...she can't control it. I'm more afraid of her stopping in her dog form and not being able to transform back...Can you help her?"
Guildford watched as Jane studied you. Her eyes darted along the length of your body, now turned fur, then your face, now turned snout, then down to your feet, now turned into paws, her eyes darting amongst you. She finally let out a huff and returned her gaze to Guildford. "Fever, trembling of the body, uncontrollable transformation…Does Y/n get ill often?"
"Never. Y/n has always had the constitution of a horse, no jesting intended. She's hardly ever been unwell. She has never been this poorly…" Guildford's face paled as realization hit him. He looks up at Jane, wary. "What of her systems? Do you believe her to be severely ill? The affliction?"
Jane gave a thoughtful look as she mulled the possibility over, then shook her head. "In short, no. Some Ethians are hardy and hard-to-off people." Her face gave a small, reassuring smile, "A fever of this magnitude, for one, cannot kill you, but this much I'm certain…Your beautiful healthy fiancé has nothing more than a mere cold…" Jane's smile widened as she shook her head.
Her comment had brought on a moment of levity, and Guildford chuckled in return. Guildford’s eyes widened in disbelief. Did he hear that correctly?
"A cold? You surely jest. All of this worry for such a common ailment?" Guildford exhaled a quiet huff of air that he hadn't been aware he'd been holding. He looked back at you, relief sprouting like roots within him. "A cold? A common cold can do this to her. Here I was afraid I was losing my wife to whatever disease plagues the country only for you to examine her and diagnose her state as a cold." A small, nervous laugh escaped him.
"Indeed." Jane chuckled to herself as she observed the look of relief and disbelief from Guildford. "Y/n is fine. I'm certain she'll wake up in a few days. The illness will pass," She tried to reassure him as she continued to watch your body change back into your canine form. "However, you, on the other hand, look like you've hardly slept a wink."
Those words struck a nerve. His lack of restful sleep through the day was a sore spot for him to say the least. Guildford ran a hand through his hair and huffed, "I'm exhausted, to say the least. I couldn't…I didn't want to leave her alone, but dawn neared, and I…She fainted in the meadow Jane. She fell in my arms, and wouldn't wake. The relief of knowing that I won't lose her, that she only has to bear a cold is solacing." Guildford glanced at you to ensure you hadn't changed before he continued. "I'll be sure to rest once you've given me proper instructions on what to do." Guildford turned his focus back to her, waiting for her instruction.
"Keep her warm, ensure that she's hydrated, and give her plenty of rest. Keep a cold wet cloth on her forehead to help with the fever. Ask Bertie to make her a broth, to add mint. I think I may have some herbs that will help with a cough though she doesn't appear to have one at the moment, but if she does then give her these. One contains Sage and the other Mullein, best if taken as a tea. Her transformations are within 10-second intervals, if I'm certain, they'll slow down. For now, she'll transform multiple times in a day from what I've observed, but I would keep an eye on her." Jane smiled at him softly, "Send for me if something else occurs. I'll be here as soon as I can." She places her hand on his shoulder.
Guildford could tell Jane's reassurances were well-intended, but he felt himself wanting more. He didn't know if he was being over-worried or not. "You're absolutely sure that there's nothing else? She'll be absolutely fine?" He gave her a look that begged for further assurance.
"She's strong and healthy as a horse. I'm certain she will pull through this."
Guildford chuckled at her words, hoping that his worries would be unfounded. "You're quite right about that." He turned to look at you in your canine form again. "Thank you, Jane." He mumbled quietly.
"I'd do anything for you and Y/n. You know of this as I know that she is your reason to live. She's my best friend, but she's your world. I'd hate for her to be taken from you...from me."
Guildford was touched by her words and felt himself almost break down again. He'd been in pieces for the past few hours. Jane was right; you were his world. Everything about you was the very air that he breathed. He'd fall apart if you were dead, or worse, taken.
He looked over to Jane not denying her truth, giving her a shaky nod and faint smile. She tilted her head before rushing over and letting him lean into her embrace as he sat in the chair. It wasn't long before his body shook with uncontrollable tears.
She hadn't meant to cut off his needed crying, but she was brought back to what he said early. "Wait, you said wife."
"What?" He wiped at his eyes, bewildered as she shoved at his shoulders.
"You said, wife!"
"Yes, I said wife. Because she is my wife," Guildford sputtered out. He was still very upset and slightly confused by her interrogation of his wording.
"You married without me there to bear witness, you bastards!" She gasped at him. "When did this occur?"
Guildford felt his heart begin to beat with anxiety because of Jane's tone, and her question alone. He came to a small realization.
You didn't tell her shit.
"Oh fuck, she never told you? I-It was a simple, private affair! Small ceremony. She did not want to wait."
"Could have waited for me!"
"She didn't want to! We-I...We just couldn't be apart from one another a second longer than we had to!" The panic in him was slowly dwindling into annoyance. "Y/n was impatient, she wanted out of her mother's house as soon as the chance allowed for it. You know how infuriating that woman is, gods I would want out of that house too-" He began pacing. "-And I could not bear another moment not being her husband. So we got married, we are married!" His voice began to grow louder as his face flushed. "She is my wife, I am her husband. Husband." He held up his left hand to display his ring. Then he went to grab your wrist lifting it in the air for Jane to see your beautiful golden band. In the midst, your hand transformed into a paw. "Wife- Oh!" He placed your arm down gently. "We did not think about the ramifications! We only thought of each other! So forgive me Lady Jane if you were not in attendance to bear witness to our unity as man and wife!" Guildford exhaled, taking a few moments to calm himself. He ran his hands through his hair.
"Was she beautiful?" She pouted. "Tell me everything. I want to know. Was her dress perfect?"
Guildford paused his pacing as a smile broke out over his face.
"Oh, gods. Beautiful hardly describes the way she looked. It was as though…the angels of heaven descended from their clouds and wrapped her in the finest silks and satins, and jewels. She was immaculate." Guildford looked over at you as you transformed back to yourself. The memory of you in your wedding dress flashed before his eyes and a wide smile spread across his face. The image of you walking down the aisle was still his most prized memory. He'd always said that you glowed like the sun itself, the only sun he could love. "Gods, she was breathtaking. I bedded her the moment we arr-"
"Ah, no! She doesn't tell me everything for good reason!" Jane shivered, covering her ears. "Shameless!" She shook her head at him.
Guildford chuckled at her disgust. "It was our wedding night," He held up his hands in defense. "What is a man to do after marrying the love of his life?" His cheeks flushed as he remembered the memorable evening. He looked up to find Jane feigning a gag. "Oh, don't be so prudish! She's my wife! It would have been a sin to not have bedded her!" He gave her a look of mock offense, but he was amused by her. "And besides, you didn't have to know." A wicked little smile pulled at his mouth. "Now you will never be able to un-know. You can never un-know that I bedded my wife on our wedding night." He said the words in a sing-song voice that drove Jane up a wall.
"You're insufferable, Guildford Dudley!" She huffed at him, throwing up her delicate arms.
"And yet...you adore me for it all the same," He said, flashing her a signature Dudley smirk. "You're acting as though I broke some code of womanly etiquette. You asked for the details and I gave you the answers! No, I gave you the truth! A wife should be loved and ravished by her husband…frontward and backward." He tried to make a serious face but his growing smile betrayed him. He flinched away from Jane's bewildered look, her hands shooting out to smack him silly.
"Animal!" She gasped.
"I am...I was." He smirked at her. "With her. You may leave now, thank you for your help." He sighed pushing her out of the bedroom. Winking at her a farewell before shutting the doors in her face. "Goodnight."
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akumakosuke · 5 months
†Our cursed love†
★Chapter two- Your infinity.★
{soooo I finally wrote another damn chapter! Yay! Motivation is a very hard thing to come across but I have so many fucking ideas and a bit of motivation so I'll be updating hopefully every week or two}
No warnings just fluffy fluff
~Three years later ~
The sky is dark. The seemingly endless void of inky blackness only outshined by the brilliance of the full moon and the countless twinkling stars accompanying her. The calm, serene silence of the night and low whispers of the gentle breeze, rustling of the unkept grass at the border of the Gojo property, rhythmic chirps and noises from the creatures that call the moonlight home, makes for a perfect night…
Two young, lonely souls meet atop a hill, both guided to each other by an unexplainable pull. Two young Gods under the night sky, unaware of how they’re slowly falling.
“Hurry up idiot! We don’t have all night!” A 13 year old Satoru spoke with annoyance as he runs ahead of his best friend.
“Geez, I’m coming! Why do have to run huh!?” Questions an equally annoyed M/n, having to speed up to keep up with the energetic Satoru.
The two boys soon start running at the same pace, the wind whipping against their faces, making their hair dance with the breeze. Wide, carefree grins adorn their faces as the run turns into a race.
The still night air is soon interrupted by joyous laughter, so pure, so happy.
M/n speeds up, overtaking Satoru, he turns back to look at his counterpart with a smug grin.
“Too slow Satoru~” he teases, sticking out his tongue.
Satoru scowls and speeds up, easily catching up.
“Slow? Who me? You’re the slow one M/n, try to keep up~”
Satoru ahead, leaving M/n in the dust as he heads to the tree on top of the hill. He runs and runs, the crisp air filling his lungs, his feet making no sound as he steps. He can’t hear M/n but he knows he’ll show up soon so he can’t slow down.
He finally gets to the tree, yelling victoriously. He turns around, expecting to see the defeated face of M/n but he sees nothing. No M/n. He frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. He couldn’t be that far behind right?
Satoru tries to sense his cursed energy but unfortunately M/n has been training to hide his presence completely and apparently he’s gotten really good at it. Not even his six eyes can find him, Satoru really needs to train more.
He sighs, brilliant blue eyes that shine as bright as the moon scanning the fields. He quickly spins around, hearing a faint sound in the tree. His eyes examine the treetop, a playful smirk etched on his face.
“Oh so you want to play games my dear, M/n? Alright I’ll play your little game.” He muttered playfully as he slowly approached the tree, his six eyes active, using this as an opportunity to hone his skills.
As expected he gets no reply. He chuckles softly, his heart beating faster, excitement buzzing in every bone. He hears another rustle making him snap his head in that direction. He hums softly.
“You’re bad at hiding, you should just give up now.” He jests, hoping to rile M/n up and make him make a mistake. He stands directly beneath the tree, looking directly up into the foliage, thin streams of soft moonlight poking through the leaves but no M/n.
Satoru freezes, his heart leaping out of his chest when he hears that soft voice behind him. When he feels his warm breath fanning his ear, when he finally senses that familiar presence.
M/n’s voice is as soft as the breeze and Satoru becomes hyper aware of their proximity causing a blush to creep up on his face.
He spins around and striking blue orbs clash with bright crimson ones and like every time the world seems to come to a stand still, everything fades into background noise and he finds himself drowning, like the air was stolen from his lungs.
M/n smirks, relishing in that dumbfounded expression he’s come to like so much. He loves catching Satoru off guard, slipping past the infamous six eyes. He notices the blush, confused at first but then it dawns on him how close they are. His heart speeds up, his breathing coming to a stop and he finds himself drowning, like the air was stolen from his lungs.
~M/n POV~
‘What’s happening to me? I feel frozen, like time stopped entirely. Why is my heart beating so fast?’ My thoughts race as we have a staring contest, neither of us saying a word.
Normally I would be able to read Satoru like an open book but I can’t read him now. That’s not his normal annoyed or shocked look. What is he thinking? Why isn’t he saying anything?
~Satoru POV~
‘My heart feels like it’s going to explode. His gaze, why does his gaze make me feel like this… this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. When I’m near him it’s like my senses are dulled, like everything else becomes a blur… what is this?’
I feel goosebumps forming on my skin and I don’t think it’s because of the breeze. My heart pounds in my chest like a drum and I finally snap out of my daze and quickly turn away with a very awkward laugh causing M/n to do the same.
This has been happening more often, both of us just getting lost in each other’s gaze but we never address it. We just laugh and move on. I sometimes wish he didn’t move on, I sometimes wish we would address it but it’s probably nothing really.
~3rd POV~
M/n shoves Satoru’s shoulder, the awkwardness quickly dissipating into the blissful calm of the night.
“Come on, we don’t have all night.” M/n says as he walks to their spot on the hill and sits down in the grass.
Satoru glares at him playfully, making a mental note to get back at him for the push, but also mentally scolding himself for getting distracted. He approaches M/n and settles down beside him,
They both lay down, nestled in the soft embrace of nature. The grass is cool, their backs supported by the earth beneath them. They both gaze up at the celestial canopy that seems to stretch infinitely, adorned with a myriad of twinkling stars that paint the night sky with their radiant glow.
They settle into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence. A calm retreat, a break from the busyness of their lives. In this moment they forget their destiny’s and simply exist. Their curious eyes trace the constellations that have adorned the sky for eons, they seem so small and insignificant compared to them but they known how significant they are, as significant as the stars themselves.
Like the stars they will both be shining beacons of hope, hope for humanity, hope for sorcerers.
“My father increased my training today, it was exhausting.” M/n’s whispers, his soft voice carrying a tiredness no 13 year old should have.
“Really? Again? Didn’t he increase it last week?” Satoru asks, his sympathetic voice providing a sense of comfort for M/n because Satoru understands.
“Yeah, he says I need to be stronger to face the evils of the world. He’s always going on about how special I am, how strong I can be. My potential. It’s annoying.” M/n’s tired voice has a bitter edge, the deep resentment he has for his father shining through.
M/n has never had the best relationship with his father and Satoru knows everything in great detail. He knows what a harsh man (f/n) Goto can be. He trains M/n to the point of collapse every day, claiming to be doing this for his own good.
“I’m sorry.” Satoru whispers, turning his head to gaze at M/n. He doesn’t need to say anything else, those two words spoken with such understanding and sincerity nothing else needs to be said. M/n knows he means it wholeheartedly.
M/n turns to gaze at Satoru, a grateful smile on his face. All the tension leaving his body when he gazes at those eyes. “It’s fine, I’ll get through it. How’s your training, I’ve noticed you using your infinity more often.”
Satoru smiles. “I’ve been learning how to keep his active for more than a few hours, I can manage it for around 3 hours without breaks. You should have seen my mother the first time I did it, she told everyone in the clan.”
M/n scoffs. “Of course she told everyone. You’re her little miracle after all.”
“Hey, I am a miracle and three hours is a long time, it still makes me exhausted.”
“Well mister miracle, I never said that it wasn’t impressive, it actually is.”
“Mister miracle? Really?” Satoru asks with a deadpan expression that soon breaks as he starts laughing at the ridiculous nickname.
Satoru’s laughter is contagious, making M/n burst into laughter as well. Both their laughs blending together in the purest of sounds, a symphony of joy.
Their fit of laughter slowly dies down, the echoes carried off by the breeze.
“You are terrible at nicknames M/n.”
“What? Would you prefer if I called you something else? Like Gogo, or jojo, maybe Jogo! Nah, Jogo sounds stupid.”
“Firstly no, secondly why are they all my last name?”
“Alright fine~ and they’re all your second name because I like your first name just the way it is, it’s perfect!”
Satoru looks at M/n like a deer caught in headlights, not expecting that. It’s stupid, those words don’t really mean anything yet they make his heart skip a beat. Perfect, his name is perfect…
M/n gets confused by the blank stare and silence, raising an eyebrow. He tries to tap Satoru on the shoulder but is stopped by a force. He frowns, looking down at his hand that’s mere inches away from Satoru but will never reach. Infinity.
“Oi, why is your infinity on? We aren’t supposed to use our techniques tonight. You’re gonna exhaust yourself and leave me to carry you all the way home… again.” M/n said in an annoyed tone, sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest.
Satoru also sits up, quickly pulled out of his fantasy. He smiles sheepishly, looking down to avoid M/n’s gaze. “Ah… well i just wanted to see if I can do it subconsciously… it is actually taking a lot out of me… even my six eyes is draining…” he mumbles nervously, knowing how M/n gets when he pushes himself too much.
M/n’s frown deepens, he scans Satoru from head to toe, noting how his infinity is still up, seeing the slight bags under his eyes, he was also running slower than usual. He didn’t even bring his glasses, he always forgets his glasses.
M/n doesn’t like Satoru’s infinity, when it’s on he feels like the gap between them suddenly grows and Satoru is out of reach, untouchable. M/n feels a spark deep within his soul, that same pull he felt when they first met. That voice in the back of his head, the one that told him to turn around, it’s telling him to reach out.
A part of him is telling him the gap between them isn’t as big as he thinks. All he has to do is reach out. M/n knows he can bypass Satoru’s infinity, it’s part of his inherited cursed technique. The Gojo and Goto clans are intertwined, and have been since the Golden age. They are extremely similar, both techniques bending reality in some way.
M/n knows of the technique to bypass Satoru’s infinity but he’s never been able to use it, he’s tried but alway failed because it’s too much of a strain on his eyes, his eyes like Satoru is an integral part of his clan. His eyes help control his inherited technique, without the Atomeye he could never hope to control his cursed technique. The cursed technique he’s been struggling with, Distortion.
M/n can distort the laws of physics, permitting the user to violate any physical law displaced in the universe. Everything that composes physics including space and time. Satoru’s infinity doesn’t actually stop things, it slows them infinitely, M/n can distort the space and time around himself, creating a barrier of complete nonexistent, nothing can pass this barrier because nothing can exist within it, not even Satoru’s infinity.
M/n takes a deep breath, concentrating his cursed energy into his hand, by focusing on one part of his body he could maybe sustain the technique for a while. He focuses on the feeling of non-existence, clearing his mind of all thoughts. He slowly reaches out, his movements slow and unsure.
Will he be stopped again? Is the gap between them only growing larger? Just a year ago they were on the same level. Now it feels like he can’t catch up. He can’t fall behind. He can’t be left behind. Not even infinity can stop him.
Satoru freezes when he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. The touch feels like fire in his veins, it burns with an indescribable warmth, making his skin prickle with goosebumps. He is absolutely sure he had his infinity up, he was using it. Nothing can get past his infinity, only-
Satoru slowly turns his head towards M/n. That soft, gentle purr of his name compelling him, drawing him in. Like a damn sirens call and he’s helpless, unable to resist.
M/n forced himself to steady his voice, trying not to react when his technique finally works.
Their eyes meet and Satoru can feel his infinity slipping, exhaustion slowly creeping up on him and the way M/n looks at him isn’t helping. That soft look in his eyes that tells him he’s safe, that he can relax. It always manages to disarm him.
“Turn it off.”
Satoru finds himself nodding, offering no resistance as he turns his infinity off. His eyes slowly start to droop, a yawn escaping his lips without his consent. He doesn’t want M/n to know how exhausted he is and he doesn’t want to fall asleep when this is the only time they have together.
M/n sighs softly, turning his own technique off. He can tell how tired Satoru is so he won’t pester him with a lecture. Instead he slowly pushes Satoru back down on the grass, lying back down beside him. Satoru once again offers no resistance and quickly succumbs to his exhaustion.
He didn’t realise how tired he was until now. Satoru’s eyes flutter closed and he unconsciously scoots closer to M/n, craving his warmth. He lays his head on M/n’s shoulder, draping one arm over his chest, curling up to his side.
M/n’s breath hitches in his throat and he looks down at Satoru with wide eyes. His heart thumps wildly in his chest it feels like it’s going to explode. He tenses up slightly, his arms hovering awkwardly in the air because he doesn’t know what to do, this is the first time this happened.
The longer M/n stares at Satoru’s peaceful expression the more relaxed he becomes. His arms slowly lower, one wrapping around Satoru’s waist and the other under his head. His heart calms down and he sighs, feeling the gap between them disappear.
M/n knows they can’t stay out here for long, both of them having to be home before anyone figures out they’re gone in the first place but he can’t bring himself to disturb Satoru and he’s also a bit tired himself. His eyes slowly flutter closed and he allows sleep to overtake him.
Two God’s lay atop a hill, wrapped in each other’s comforting embrace. The infinity between them now non-existent. They slumber under the moons watchful gaze, separated from the complexities of their existence, shielded from reality even if just for a moment.
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cheeeeseburger · 3 months
Screw the Lady Byng
Sidney Crosby x Reader
A/N: A little something for Canada Day, about Canada's golden boy who scores golden goals! English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes! Also, the Lady Byng is very dear to me <333
You were at home watching you boyfriend, Sidney Crosby, manhandling a player from another team. It rarely happened, but from time to time, your boyfriend would get into fights and when he did, it was something to watch. Oh man. You were against violence, but against your wish, seeing him throwing punches sent heat right to your core. When the camera filmed him on his way to the penalty box, his helmet off and his hair all over the place, it did something to you.
You must have been ovulating or something because tonight, him fighting was the hottest thing you had ever seen. Sid just looked so fucking good after, a small victorious smirk on his lips. You were at home, but you felt the thrill of the fight as if you were sitting in the WAG box. The Penguins eventually won the game, and you could not wait for your boyfriend to come home.
“Hey, babe.” As usual, Sid called you as he left the locker room. His deep voice did not help easing the tingling sensation you felt all over. You needed him, and you needed him bad.
“Hi, Rocky. You did good tonight.” He laughed at the unusual nickname. From the few words you had spoken he could hear the arousal in your voice, and he got serious.
“Oh yeah? You were watching?” He played with you a little.
“Of course, and oh man, you gave me quite a show, baby. That little fight you had? Goddamn.” He could not see you, but he imagined you fanning yourself. Sid knew fights always got you riled up, and he would be lying if he said that he hadn’t given it a thought before getting into one.
“Nothing small about it, sweetheart. Did you like it?” You could hear him walk to his car as well as the pride in his voice. His girl thought he looked hot, and he fucking loved it.
“Baby, I loved it. You looked so good, so smug. That look you gave to the camera when you won? Honestly, it did something to me. When you come home baby, I need you to throw me on the bed like you did on the ice to that other dude.” Just thinking about the fight turned you on.
His voice was possessive and full of need for you. “Sweetheart, when I come home, I’m going to give you anything you want. I’m going to treat you so fucking good. I’m still fired up from that fight, and I need to burn this extra energy.” Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head at his words. You had considered the fight as foreplay, and this was about to send you over the edge.
“Then hurry up and come back to me, baby. I need you so bad. I’ll be waiting for you on the bed. Drive safe but drive fast, please?” You said in a needy voice. He grunted, and you heard him turn his car on.
“Alright, sweetheart. I’m on my way.” You hung up, and you prayed that the 30-minute drive would only take 20 minutes.
“Oh god, Sid…” Crosby heard your cry out his name all the way from the entryway of the house.
“Babe? Sweetheart?” He called out for you as he walked up into the living room. He heard you moan, and it seemed like the noise was coming from upstairs.
When he entered the bedroom, he had quite the show in front of him. He found you on the bed, wearing nothing but his jersey on and riding his pillow. You had earphones on, and you were watching the highlights from the game that he had just played in, but you kept hitting fast forward until you got to his fight, and you started the video from the beginning when the clip was done.  You were moaning out his name each time you went up and down on the pillow.
You hadn’t heard him enter the room at all, and it took him calling out your names a few times for you to get out of your trance.
“Oh god!” You gasped as you saw him leaning against the doorframe, clearly enjoying the show. Your number 87 looked fine as fuck, his hair wet from the shower he had just took, his strong arms crossed over his chest. He went up to you, and you knew you were in trouble.
Sidney sat next to you on the bed and slowly took off the earphones and your phone to put them on the bedside table. He had an intense look in his eyes.
“What were you doing, sweetheart?” He softly brushed your hair with his fingers. Was he really going to force you to admit what you were doing?
“Nothing, baby. I was just waiting for you,” you answered sheepishly. Sid let his fingers trail over your throat.
“Really? I think you were doing something, and I interrupted you.” You avoided his gaze.
“I… uh… I was getting off to the video of your fight.” You finally admitted, embarrassed. His hand squeezed your shoulder, and he got up to sit on the comfy chair facing the bed.
“Then by all mean, sweetheart, don’t stop on my account.” You flushed from head to toe.
“Are you… are you sure?” Sidney motioned for you to continue.
“You seemed so eager a few minutes ago. I wouldn’t want to be the one to stop you.”
You felt very intimidated, but you still got back to rubbing yourself on his pillow. He watched you, sitting still in his chair, his eyes never leaving your body. He liked to see you all vulnerable, wearing nothing but his jersey. From your position, you could clearly see the bulge in his pants, but he didn’t do anything about it.
His hands gripped the armrests of the chair, knuckles turning white as your rocked yourself to pleasure.
“I swear, Sid, you looked so hot, throwing him on the ice like it was nothing. I want you to do the same thing to me, but I want you to throw me on the bed and pound me.” With your head titled back and your swift movements on the pillow making you moan; you looked exactly like his fantasy.
Your boyfriend answered in a deep voice filled with desire: “Yeah? Continue thinking about it then. Come for me, sweetheart. You’re doing so good.”
As you rocked back and forth on the pillow, the friction on your cunt and the lust in eyes made you so close to come. “Oh, it's coming!” you screamed. Sidney went up and put his strong hands over your shoulders to stop you from moving. Confused and frustrated, you looked up at him.
“You have to learn to be patient, sweetheart.” He delicately removed the pillow from between your legs. “Little girls who can’t wait don’t get to come.” He grabbed your chin and brushed your lower lip with his thumb.
“What? Please, Sid!” you said, desperate. The throbbing sensation was still there, but he wouldn’t let you ease it. You pouted at him until he took off his tie. You leaned forward to unbutton his dress shirt, and it fell on the floor. You let your hands roam free over his body, your fingers playing the piano on his abs.
You made a move to get undressed by taking off the only piece of clothing on your body, his jersey, but he stopped you.
“Keep. It. On.” He instructed. He grabbed his tie that he had previously took off and wrapped it around your head, effectively blocking your vision. “I think you’ve had plenty of time to watch me, huh, sweetheart?” It’s my turn to look at you now.” You wanted to protest, your ruined orgasm still bothering you, but you knew it would lead to nowhere. Plus, having sex while blindfolded is kinda hot. You liked it when he took control like that, when all you had to do was sit still, look pretty, and do exactly what he says.
Gently, Sidney pushed you on the bed. You wished he would just throw you on the bed like he did with the other player, but Sid acted like you were a porcelain doll.  His jersey had ridden up all the way to your tits, barely covering them. You felt shy and exposed, especially with one of your five senses missing. You wanted so badly to peek at him, at his strong body moving you like you were a full articulated Barbie, but you couldn’t. Instead, you replayed the fight in your head, his strong punches, the fury in his eyes.
Sidney spread your legs and positioned himslef between them, his lips resting on your shoulder as he moved up to that sweet spot behind your ear that make you want to have his children. You moved your hands blindly until you found his clavicles and held on to them for dear life as he puts his lips on yours, the seam of his pants getting you some of that delicious friction you missed from his pillow.
“Sidney, baby, please. I’m sorry, I should have waited for you. But you turned me on so much, I just couldn’t wait. Now will you please get inside of me?” You wrapped your legs around him to force more contact between your core and his bulge.
“Stop making excuses, sweetheart.” Sidney ignored your request and palmed one of your tits while he left little love marks on the other. This was good, but it was not nearly enough.
“Please, Sidney, please.” You felt so vulnerable, begging while you could not see. At least your other senses were heightened to the max, but they just made your more desperate to have him fill you up. After a while, the guilt was too overwhelming for Sidney. He liked teasing you, but how could he make his best girl wait?
It was his turn to make excuses. “Alright, sweetheart. Since we won the game and I’m feeling extra generous, I’ll do as you please.” He sighed. “Look at me, spoiling you rotten…”  All he got in response was a misplaced kiss. You were aiming for his neck, but you got his jaw instead. Your eyes fluttered underneath his tie. It was cute how he could not keep his though guy act for more than 20 minutes with you.
Blindly, you unzipped his pants and let him free of his boxers. He helped you guide him towards your entrance, and you didn’t need to see to know when he got the tip in. Your back immediately arched, and Sidney slowly started to fully sink into you. You wished you could see his face, the love in his eyes that he only has for his girl, his expression as he focused on taking you to a higher level of pleasure with each thrust.
He picked up his pace until you two were in synch, a perfect rhythm of love and lust between you. Your moans were interrupted by his grunts as he possessed you completely, to which you replied by screaming his name.
To not see him was torture. You tried to remove the blindfold, but Sidney immediately put it back on. “Sweetheart, I’m generous, but not that much. You have to learn that your actions have consequences.” You didn’t like to be scolded at, so you alternated between gripping the sheets and his jersey instead.
Just like earlier, you felt a wave of pleasure hit you, and you were suddenly very close to your climax. You kept holding it off, afraid he would notice and make you stop like he did when you were touching yourself. But Sid wasn’t a fool.
He let out a low chuckle near your ear. “Sweetheart, it’s fine now. You can come.” It was like you were waiting for his permission. All you could let out was a very polite “Thank you” as you finally hit your orgasm. He made sure to let it last by doing a few lazy and sloppy thrusts before finishing himself. He delicately took off your blindfold and you blinked, unprepared for the brightness and his eyes on yours. You smiled at each other, and Sidney softly kissed you. He rolled off from on top of you to the side of the bed and pulled you in his arms as you were dripping out of him. You both let out satisfied sighs.
“Sid?” A question suddenly popped up in your mind.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” he replied, gently playing with your hair.
“What was the fight about?” Sid cleared his throat, clearly not wanting to answer, but you insisted.
“The asshole said there was no chance that I was getting you off, that a pretty girl like you would be better off with him. It made my blood boil.” You could tell he was pissed off by the anger in his voice and his arm that snaked possessively around your waist. Good thing you knew how to calm him.
“Oh, Sid! Next time that you play against him, tell me and we’ll fuck right in front of him.” He laughed, but you were serious. Kind off.
“That’s a good idea, baby. Anyway, it won’t happen again. I lost control.” He let out a frustrated sigh. You kissed him.
“I mean, I’m against violence and everything, but don’t stop fighting on my account, umm? It happens to do something to me.” Here we go again. You felt just as turned on as before.
“Yeah? Maybe I’ll start a fight every game then. Screw the Lady Byng.” Sid lovingly kissed the top of your head.
“Screw the Lady Byng,” you agreed, laughing.
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venuslcver · 5 months
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pairing: pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
synopsis: you find that the day after your encounter with rafe, your ex-boyfriend, both of you seemed to have different expectations for how your relationship stands.
tw: feminine described character, ex-lovers, pining, profanity, toxic love (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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hearing the ring of the doorbell, you threw on your pink satin victoria secret robe, flying down the newly done, wooden stairs in your house. you must have finally got the package that you had been waiting at least five days for, it contained multiple new outfits that you would consider dying for. i mean it was the bare minimum considering how beautiful they were.
forcing the door open abrasively, you let a sign when you didn't find a large package on your porch, but flowers...
picking up the rather generously large bouquet, you searched for any type of identification for the giver of the breathtaking, hand-picked flowers.
it can't be from rafe
there is no possible way in hell it's from rafe. seeing the hand-written note, "a gift for making you sore last night- rafe"
letting out an obnoxiously loud scoff, it seemed to concern your mother enough to walk onto the main foyer, "oh wow! who are those from?"
quickly plucking the inappropriate note from the eye line of her, you began to walk up the stairs, "I have no idea"
"huhh, that's weird. anyways you need to meet your father at the golf course at arou-", taking a moment to look at her vintage watch, "around 12:30"
continuing your pace up the stairs through the entirety of the conversation, "sounds good, you meeting us after for dinner, right?"
"yes, dear"
laying the flower vase onto your dresser, sliding your robe off, you continue getting dressed for a round of golf with your dad and a couple of his friends. surprisingly they were actually were quiet entertaining, especially when they got a little drunk on the course. which naturally guaranteed that you would whoop their asses in golf.
pulling up in your own separate golf cart, you were greeted by the old men; your dad, aaron, mark, and ward. you met officially rafe through ward, he would occasionally join a game with his dad instead of just his buddies. and soon enough he was fucking you in a secluded part of the golf course.
"god i'm rusty" you thought.
you started to get into the rhythm by the second hole, just as you began to laugh at a joke that aaron, mia's dad, said, you see a distant golf cart edge closer and closer to the game that you guys were currently playing.
there is no fucking way in hell it's really him
sure enough, coming speeding up on one wheel, was rafe with a large smile on his face, and alcoholic beverage in hand. coming to a halting stop, rafe stalked closer, not before resting an arm around your shoulder, subconsciously fiddling with the straps of your shirt. there you stood, not able to move away from his touch. your dad looked utterly confused at the current situation unfolding in front of him.
"sorry guys, accidentally let time get away from me"
a synchronized "no problem" quickly left the older guy's mouths. hearing a deeper voice, you snapped out of your current thought process, "I didn't even get a thank you for the flowers"
purposefully speaking with a low tone while seemingly smiling, "i thought the fact that i left in a hurry, let you know that i regret what happened"
a little harsh
you saw rafe's face dropped quick to turn pale in color, though, only for a split second before putting up his usual cold exterior.
"baby, you want'a drink?", rafe asked loud enough for everyone to hear without question. simply because he knew that it would piss you just as much as you did to him. though his comment would never hurt you— unlike yours.
the five older men all glanced at each other for a brief moment before attempting to focus back on the game.
he has truly reached another level of douchebag
and that is exactly what you told him, propping your bodyweight on top of your toes, whispering into his ear, "your truly such'a dick, you know that"
before he could come up with a counterargument, he began to get heckled, "it's your turn rafe" "come on, it's your turn, man"
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by the time that the game had concluded, rafe had somehow wormed his way into also having dinner with your family at the country club. and considering that rafe would be joining for dinner, your dad decided that he would drive home and get your mom, while you began getting settled at the reserved table.
which lead to the current moment— you and rafe sitting at the dinner table alone. looking into your eye line, the beach sunset through the wall of windows, which made you wish that you could slam your head into the window hard enough to get out of the awkward situation. clearing his throat, "soo, you got any idea of what your gonna order?"
looking over at rafe, you could tell that he had something else on his mind, something that caused him to soften his eyes when you made eye contact with him for the first time in hours, "no one is around, what's a 'matter?"
scanning the surrounding area, seeing that not a single soul was close enough to hear anything that rafe would say— when he potentially expelling his feelings. real human feeling. those of which he lacked for most of his life.
"w-why'd you b-break up... with me?" he leaned forward, eyes barely able to hold eye contact.
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Itsa me, Arrax! More Lucifer/Vox bestie AU
"NOOO!" Cried Angel as he landed on boardwalk, before he looked at Husk eyes wide. "Husky, can I borrow 500? Please?"
Vox chuckled, drinking deeply from his solo cup filled with Heaven's best wine. (Lucifer had switched both of theirs out to something stronger then the punch Charlie was serving, thank satan.) "I can take payment in your Voxtech holiday bonus that going out next week, instead Angel." He murmured, grinning happily.
"No! I lost last year's bonus to the company's charades game, I'm not losing it again. Please Husky..."
"Angel, we're in the same position, as we're partners. We have no money. Just go for bankruptcy, it's just a game." Husk replied, drinking from his bottle of vodka once he made sure Charlie wasn't looking.
"Husk's right, Angel. It is just a game, and Vox won't take you bonus, right dad?" Charlie asked, shooting her father a look.
"Oh? Yeah, he won't. I mean as long as Angel didn't put it up or anything. A deal's a deal, Char-bear. You can't break those, no matter what." Lucifer said, grinning drunkenly as he took another sip from his solo cup. "It'd destroy the foundations of Hell."
Angel gave a whimper, and nodded. "Okay. I declare bankruptcy. I'm done. I guess it's just Smiles, Niffty, Vox, Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie, left. Good luck."
Vox: "Luc and I don't need Luc, we have skill." He murmured, grinning happily at Alastor, eyes warm.
"Skill, my dear Picture box? I think it's just luck that's gotten you this far. But we'll see."
"Charlie, it's nearly six am, Alastor and Vox are still playing and I think Vox is drunk....and your dad is passed out." Vaggie muttered, as she gently placed Niffty on a couch, laying a blanket on her. "I think you should end game night. It's tomorrow."
"Yeah....Vox looks close to crashing." Charlie murmurs, hurrying over and clapping her hands. "Okay guys! It's bedtime. I'll get my dad to his room, but umm..Alastor can you get Vox too a guest room or somewhere comfortable? Dad said that he has a tail he keeps curled up soo.."
Alastor grinned, ears twitching as he stood up, lifting a semi-conscious Vox up bridal style. "Of course my dear! I'll take care of the dear picture box." *he murmured, disappearing into Shadows with Vox.*
oh this is soooo precious.... oh my god theyre playing board games together!!!! the babies... do you think they would play stuff like twister too lmao and niffty would do the spinning so in the end it ends up with a mess of tangled limbs and alastor trapping vox to the floor in a very... compromising position that has people (coughs. Angel and Cherri) screaming at them to fuck already
wheres he taking vox btw. is he kidnapping the tv..... tvnapping. he's tvnapping him
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stillfertile · 6 months
larsdunn "warm"
After winning a game against the ducks, players got together and went to a bar.
“Is it warm in here or just me?” Matty asks, fanning himself with his hand. “Borgs, can you ask Yanni to hurry up with the drinks? I need a cold beer.”
Vince agrees, this bar is really too hot. Everyone at the table has already stripped to their base layer shirts, but it isn’t enough. Fuck California.
Speak of the Devil. Yanni comes back to the table with a tray of drinks. “Their AC is broken, but I already bought drinks so we’re staying.”
There’s some groans from the table. People reach for their drinks to cool themselves off. Vince grabs his beer takes a few gulps himself.
He turns to Adam just in time to watch him undo the first four buttons of his collared shirt. Vince holds onto his beer for dear life.
He can see the freckles that decorate his chest and the sweat that sparkles on his collarbone. Adam wears deep-Vs and walks around the locker room shirtless all the time. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before. But, maybe it’s the fact that Vince tries his best not to look in the locker room, and now he’s definitely looking.
Vince has to pry his eyes away, just so that he won’t get caught.
Adam catches his eye. “Too warm in here for you?” He asks; licks the sweat off his cupid’s bow. “We can go stand outside, I bet the breeze is nice.”
Vince tries not to blink too much as he processes Adam’s words, and oh, he realizes what he must look like, half his blood flushing his face.
“Um, no it’s fine, I can just—“ Vince presses his beer against his forehead. Any other day he would walk outside with Adam, but at this particular moment the other half of his body’s blood is rushing to his dick. Like a god damn teenager.
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tremarctoss · 9 months
those great whites they have big teeth
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warnings: future NSFW; not canon or epilogue compliant; mind the tag
notes: 7k+ words, no beta
ao3 // gif source
In his last attempts to stop quickly growing unrest, President Snow decides to listen to Plutarch Heavensbee and promote his very own star-crossed lowers.
I try to hurry up the steps of the Capitol Theatre but my handler - an elderly woman named Antonia wearing a wig in the colour of fresh lime - is stopping me all the time and asking to pose for photographs. Perhaps her ulterior motive was to blind me because my eyes need several seconds to come back to normal after flashes assault them.
- Rosamund! - a paparazzi calls my name and points a little higher to the steps on my right that a woman from Capitol was posing before.
- He wants you there. - Antonia says while pushing me up. - Perhaps look at them over your arm?
Perhaps not but I know I need to do as she says. I let her style the long dress train and my hair and try to give my widest smile to the people with the cameras. I hoped at first that the light pink dress chosen for me would be too boring here but people seem to love the bow on my back. Thankfully, just as I consider rolling back down the stairs the crowd goes wild. 
- Oh, it's Gloss and Enobaria. - Antonia sounds dreamy. - They look so beautiful together.
I take my chance and hike up my skirts and dart up the stairs before she can react. I tiptoe behind Caesar interviewing Cecelia about the Games. What does she think about the couple that won the Games? What about their fighting style? There is no way I want to answer those questions so I rush inside the theatre.
Dear god, this whole experience makes me dislike Plutarch even more. Why did I agree to work with him again?
- Excuse me, please excuse me. - I am not sure why I even bother. Most of the people don't move and I have to squeeze myself in to pass them making sure no one steps on my dress. 
I try to find someone I know, any familiar face just to not feel like a pig being led to the slaughter. 
- Excuse me, - I say and a man wearing glasses looks at me like I am an alien from another universe. - Beetee, right?
- Yes. Rosamund, am I correct? - He gives me his hand and I shake it. - I don't think I have seen you here since your games.
He sounds curious but not unkind. I feel hopeful for a moment before reminding myself that everyone can be an enemy here.
- Yeah, - I giggle nervously. - Listen, I know it's dumb and I don't want to bother you but I don't know anyone here so would you be so kind as to tell me what we are supposed to do here? I lost both my escort and people from my District somewhere. 
I don't tell him how hopeful I am that Antonia broke her neck. And there's no point in bothering either Roman or Lucius. They are probably doing coke somewhere.
- It's the first premiere ever so I truly don't know either. - his voice is kind again but I cannot stop myself from getting closer to him when I feel another hand on my body. I desperately want people to stop touching me.
- Yeah, do you mind if I stay with you? I tried following Blight up the stairs but I was too slow. Sorry if that's too much you don't need to…
- Hey, - he stops my spiral and grabs me by my arm. - Everything's fine, you are not bothering me. Just breathe, all right? I actually like having someone around too.
- Do you guys mind pretending to talk with me and going somewhere looking busy so I can get fucking drunk? - Haymitch, the most important person here probably, and one of the worst to hang around if you want to stay on Snow’s good side, puts his hand on Beetee’s hand that's on my arm.
I should want to stay on Snow’s good side but I don't care at the moment. I don’t think I ever cared after my father died. Plutarch wouldn’t be too happy with me I guess.
- Yes, please. - I say, fanning my face with my free hand. - Just give me a moment.
I force myself to stop breathing until my lungs hurt. The burning spreads to my face and my cheeks feel hot. Both men look at each other before taking me by the arms and leading me somewhere. There are dark spots in my vision and I must actually look terrible because the important-looking person who is supposed to be responsible for stopping us shows us a space to “take a break instead”.
It's a small space outside where people working at the theatre must be going to smoke a cigarette. There is an old red cup full of cigarette butts. There are also several bar-stools standing in a circle that we end up sitting on like teenagers plotting how to make our principal's life hell. Some kind of air conditioning machine loudly hums over our heads. I know because I have one at my Capitol-sponsored house back in my District. 
I cannot stop either the giggles that are leaving my mouth or the single tears that escape from each of my eyes. Carefully as not to destroy my make-up I wipe with a single finger under each eye.
- I always find it fascinating how you women do that. - Haymitch takes out a hip flask and points to my eyes before taking a huge sip, burps and I laugh nervously again. - Are you here just for the movie premiere?
- God, I wish. - I put my fingers under my eyes again. - Sorry, I think that whole not-breathing act did something to me. 
Why I cannot stop the tears?! It did not happen any other time I used this trick.
- I am here as damage control. I am supposed to meet my Capitol-approved partner. Apparently, they are also a Victor. - I look at Haymitch and some kind of disgust overtakes me. - I hope it’s not you!
The tears that follow are somehow bigger than the first ones. I use the end of my hair to wipe them off quickly.
- This is all stupid, I don't like this dress and don’t even get to have pockets! - I burst out crying now.
A chair fails and Haymitch stumbles out telling us to wait out. He comes back with someone and I recognize Cecelia immediately even through the tears. There are some kind of words exchanged and worried looks being sent my way. I pray for the air conditioning to fall on me and take me out.
- Head and hands up, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth - Either Cecelia’s voice is like a balm for my soul or maybe it’s the fact that I did what she asked me to. She puts tissues under both of my eyes - Good, your makeup is waterproof. 
She dabs the tissues delicately to make sure there are no tears left and throws it away in the corner next to the mug. She sits on the stool in front of me.
- So you have no hints who’s the lucky guy? - she's not smiling.
- I don't have any idea. I forgot to ask. - I admit and am met with two groans and laughter. I think the last one is coming from Haymitch.
- We are forced to marry in my District by a certain age and I... - I admit and start cackling madly. - I took it as a chance to push that moment away a little I guess.
- None of your male Victors are married. - Beetee says.
- The laws only apply to women. - I don’t even hide how bitter I am about this.
- It will be someone from either one or two, - Cecelia sounds like she's trying to warn me.
- I doubt it. - Haymitch says. - the closest people in age to her are either not so popular or in relationships. Would look fishy or could turn into a PR disaster.
- But that leaves only Annie, Augustus, Finnick or Johanna. - Beetee says.
- Augustus is from Two. - Cecelia reminds him.
- Haymitch presses his lips together and looks at me like he is choosing his words very, very carefully.
- Can you run fast?
- What? - I ask and blink not understanding what he's hinting at. Maybe he's much more drunk or I am extra dumb right now. Anyway, the question makes me laugh. Everything makes me laugh today it seems.
- Finnick’s escort was getting attacked at least once per week by his rabid fans after they were photographed too close together. Effie told me someone even keyed her car. Twice.
- It may be Johanna or Augustus. - I say ignoring Cecelia’s previous comment.
- You don't want it to be them. - Haymitch tells me. - And Annie's, it’s the best for her not to be brought back here.
He looks genuinely sad for a moment, takes another sip and moves closer to me. Starts gesticulating with his hands. 
- It's gonna be Finnick for sure. You two are gonna be that picture-perfect couple everyone wants to be. A famous heartthrob coming back home to his crush he was hiding away from everyone. A romance growing away from prying eyes. A stunning and beautiful woman no one knows much about until you both are in a serious stage of your relationship. All the men will want a woman like that and all the women will try to look as appealing as you in hopes of getting someone like Finnick for themselves. And you know what? I am not sorry, in fact, I am very happy it's you.
Haymitch stands up and stumbles towards me. One of his hands ends up on my bare arm. 
- You may take attention from my victors and may help their families stay alive. I’m just sad for you that it’s Finnick that's your partner. But that won't keep me awake at night. 
A door opens and the man from before asks me if I am better. I get up from my chair very slowly making it look like I may still not be.
- You could at least pretend to be some kind of support. - I say bitterly to Haymitch and reach for Beetee when I stumble for real. 
Haymitch has the decency to look ashamed for maybe four seconds.
- I will do my best, I guess.
- What’s wrong with Finnick? - I ask when we step outside.
- Nothing. - says Beetee.
- He’s a peacock. - says Haymitch at the same time.
There's a huge group of people waiting outside the cinema hall. Cecelia helps me keep the end of my gown up when we join it so no one steps on it and I won't stumble or fall. Only now I am calm enough to watch the people here. Women are wearing mostly dresses with big sleeves and huge flower bands in their hair. It takes me a moment to realise that they are trying to copy Effie’s look from the reaping. Cecelia is wearing a simple yet elegant yellow gown that ends at her ankles. She has some bees sewn on her arms. My own gown looks somehow strange here, taking too much space. Plus it’s a little small in the breast area and I remind myself not to slouch and walk like Quasimodo.
Someone spots Haymitch with us and we are moved immediately inside. A person guiding us raves to us how amazing this new cinema hall is. The love seats are made from some kind of leather that got painted dark blue. There’s a tiny armrest in the middle of every loveseat that can be brought down. Between every love seat is a table with many buttons that allow you to call for various beverages - from water to wine and even vodka. Food is listed also: popcorn, pizza and chips.
There's no assigned seating so I point Blight to Cecelia when I see him and grab Beetee with my free hand. Haymitch ends next to Chaff behind us in the highest row. Mags is sitting next to Chaff on the other side. I wonder if we could move there instead but someone sits down there and she looks happy to see that man. I think he’s from 9 but I don’t remember.
- Not saving a seat for your boyfriend? - is the first thing out of Blight's mouth when I sit down next to him in a loveseat. 
- Hello to you too. - I say putting a smaller armchair down and ordering water for myself. - Why would I when I can put him in your lap?
The way he mocked me hurts me a little more than I would like to admit. And how does he know anyway? I turn away from him to Cecelia and Beetee who are talking about something called emdr therapy and gentle parenting.
- You have children? - I ask Beetee. I know Cecelia has three.
- No. - he looks a little sad. - But some of those approaches help when I work with Wiress.
I like it when people talk about things that they are passionate about and both Beetee and Cecelia try to cram as much information as they can in the short time to explain to me the psychological approach behind those ideas. Also how it can help adults with complex trauma. Blight starts hitting my knee with his own so I move my legs away, put my chin on my hand and lean closer to Cecelia. I ask them if there is a way I can get my hands on some of the information they learned about. They did not teach us anything like that at the secret school that is run by the rebels in our District.
Someone kicks my chair from behind. I ignore it and the kick happens again. I put the glass down and I send the worst look I can at Haymitch.
- Did you run out of people to annoy or are you trying to warn me that you are about to throw up on me? - I whisper in an angry tone.
He looks at me with one eyebrow raised and puts his hand on the armrest in between him and Blight. Why is Blight sitting there, anyway? A sudden realization hits me and my body turns cold. I straighten up and turn to my right to see who is there only to come face to face with smirking Finnick and snickering Johanna behind him.
God, his jaw alone looks stronger than my will to live.
- I can’t do this. - I whisper aloud and turn to Cecelia who is staring daggers at people sitting behind her but takes my hand.
My mind is blank for a whole minute trying to process the situation but the lights go out and the staff usher a few last people. Caesar walks on the stage and starts talking about the great event that is the first cinema premiere of the summary of Hunger Games. He has a glass of champagne in his hand and many people ask for drinks immediately. A choir from 12 is getting ready to sing before the movie. Their voices and the voices of people trying to sing along drunkenly become a white noise to me as I try as much as possible to ignore looks from the Victors around me and Finnick burning a hole in my face with his eyes. It seems only Cecelia is on my side and I clutch her hand as a lifeline.
I am going to murder Plutarch in his sleep. What was he even thinking? Did he slip that idea to Snow? Which one of them chose Finnick? No, forget it, why did I even agree to this anyway? Was my life really this bad back in 10? I was terribly lonely but I had food and a roof over my head. Why did I decide to change that? Was I that scared of being forced into marriage? How is this any different?
Haymitch is hitting my chair again and I close my eyes, take a deep breath and let go of Cecelia’s hand. I turn around to him. I act before I even think about what I am doing. I grab his foot with my hand and yank. Unfortunately, Cecelia yanks me too and I end back in my seat only with Haymitch’s shoe. No one seems to mind us as people are standing up to clap until the choir leaves. I throw the shoe in between me and Cecelia and kick it under the chair of the man from District 8 sitting in front of me. A foot in an old sock ends in between me and Cecelia when we are sitting down and I move my body away from it so fast I expect my back to hit an armchair strong enough to hurt. Instead, I collide with Finnick. His hand steadies me and I have no choice but to turn my face to him awkwardly.
- Sorry. - I say. He does not move his eyes from my face.
 I wish I could run through the deep forest green of his eyes.
- Are you? - he asks. He moves his legs a little and spreads his thighs. I cringe inside when my first reaction is to move mine away when we touch. Something arrogant fills the air. - I never saw someone turn me down so fast, I think my ego may be actually bruised for the first time. Perhaps you could give me a chance to change your mind?
And then he winks at me. I am genuinely humiliated with how the situation is turning out. 
Another kick from Haymitch and my head turns around so fast it may actually snap. He is making big eyes at me, drinks a whole glass of clear liquid that surely is not water and makes big eyes at me again. He looks like one of those huge white owls back home. Of course, if owls could get drunk. Blight is looking like he regrets changing his seat.
- Just ignore him, Snow’s not here so he will get drunk in no time.  - Finnick tells me.
He is watching me closely and his eyes move from my own to my mouth and back to my eyes again. He licks his lips and leans over my body to take my glass of water. Our bodies don’t touch but I can feel the heat of his body. He winks at me when he sits back.
- You should focus on me instead. - Finnick says and drinks from my glass watching me the whole time. I am sure his lips are touching it in a place where my lipstick is smeared. 
Someone groans behind us and I turn to see Blight with his face in his hand. Haymitch looks impressed and gives me a thumbs up. Cecelia nods at me gently. A strand of hair gets stuck on my face after I turn back around. Finnick moves it away before I even begin to lift my own hand. His left-hand ends casually on my thighs after.
The whole movie thing is a bizarre experience. People shout at the screen, scream obscenities and some jump up when the person they dislike ends up being shown during the interviews part of the movie. Some popcorn is getting thrown at the screen. The whole time Finnick’s hand is on my body, his fingers pressing into my skin from time to time.
I touch it when the bloodbath happens on the screen. It’s warm, his skin is soft and rough at the same time. He has some calluses on his fingers and I trace them with my nails back and forth for some time. I move onto his nails next and trace them too. Short and blunt. I touch every one of them slowly then move to the first one and trace every nail again. Then I trace every one of them two times and three and so on. 
It's dumb but it's everything I can do to not to think about what is happening around us. I hope it’s not annoying Finnick too much. Only when Peeta is covered in mud and mouths “Katniss” and some people laugh, I stop what I’m doing to Finnick’s hand. Instead I slide some bit further in my chair and move my knees into Finnick’s space. He brings his knee under both of mine and I suddenly feel very hot. There's a part inside my body that clenches when he moves his hand to my knees and squeezes the left. 
When Rue gets killed I start watching his hand instead of the screen and try to recognize all the things his smell brings to my mind. Salt like sea I guess, I’ve never seen it. Some vanilla I think. Like cakes and ice cream in summer. Freshly cut wood, not as strong as Blight or Beetee use but more airy kind. And there’s something flowery there too. I move my head a little to pretend to watch the movie more comfortably and inhale deeply. Jasmine, it’s a gift from god, they say. It may truly be when it comes to Finnick.
People holler when Cato runs through the bushes and Katniss with Peeta climb onto Cornutopia. I see Cecelia bringing her hands to her face from the corner of my eye. The noise coming from the speakers somehow numbs me and I am taken back in time to when I was in my games hearing the other last two people standing and killing each other. Finnick squeezes my knee and starts pressing his fingers into my skin from his smallest to his thumb. I look at him but he’s busy talking to Johanna.
I wonder how does it feel to be 14 and kill so many people. I wonder how does it feel to appear to not to be affected at all. I don’t think it’s part of his personality. Does he wake up every day and puts on a mask? Or how is it to be loved by so many people in the Capitol and worshipped by many others in the Districts. Even in my own one people look up to him.
I wonder if he looks down on me and sees me as a coward. If he despises me for being stuck with me.
I sit up straighter when the stint with blueberries happens and remove my legs from Finnick’s, moving them a little up and down in my shoes that feel too small after all. 
People whistle and clap when Katniss’ crying face shows in the hovercraft and we again stand up when the lights get turned on. The whole venue looks like something erupted there. The smell of alcohol is strong in the air and the floor is covered in food. So much waste.
Haymitch pushes me and almost topples over the chair while trying to get his shoe. It forces me to step into Finnick’s space and I hit his chest with my elbow.
- Sorry, - I say.
He does not look at me busy talking with Johanna who looks like she wants to rip someone's throat out. His arm wraps around me with his hand resting on my stomach and I freeze and tense my muscles there. It's not my favourite part to be touched. I wrap my hand around his to keep it place when he starts moving it down and move my ear around so I can over listen Finnick and Johanna arguing whenever she should leave or not. Are they dating? Am I a problem here?
- Hey, - Blight announces loudly - thirty minutes here and then we meet at the cars.
I try to follow Cecelia when she asks me but Finnick keeps me firmly in his wrap.
- Sorry, - I say but he is still talking with Johanna. I pinch his hand. - Unless your hand is going with me to the bathroom I suggest you let me go.
Johanna looks me up and down like she’s about to hit me with one of her hammers. Finnick squeezes my stomach again which makes me angry for some reason. He then slides his hand around my back and that makes me feel something very interesting inside.
Oh no, I am so fucked. I pick up my dress and without a word run after Cecelia.
- Where the fuck have you been? - Is literally the first thing out of Johanna’s mouth when we climb inside the limo. The door did not even close behind me. - Were the wardrobe changes that important?
- I got stuck in the loo. - Cecelia says taking out a mirror from her bag. She looks herself over there before answering. - It’s not my fault they did not get me out that fast. 
- I am glad she’s covering for me. Yes, she got stuck but on a purpose. She spent more than fifteen minutes there helping me to calm down and giving me tips on how to fake bing in love and all that. She did not laugh when I told her I never dated anyone. I don’t think I will be ever able to express properly to her how thankful I am. I wonder how does she know all of that but am afraid to ask.
She’s wearing another yellow dress. It slightly passes her knees and has those Effie-like sleeves. Surprisingly, the bright yellow looks good on her. I don’t see any other female Victors being able to rock such colour.
- Why are you allowed a bag? - I ask. - I don’t even have pockets again.
Someone else dressed me this time. My district’s stylist only chose pinks for me whenever we worked together. However, now I am dressed in a simple silver slip dress that ends in the middle of my calf with some blue tulle ruffles decorating around my breasts and at the bottoms of my dress. My shoes are the right size. Surprisingly, or maybe not really, I feel much freer in a dress that is not hugging my body tight and in shoes that don't pinch.
- And you could not text us? - Johanna’s voice is getting on my nerves. In fact, everything is. The number of people in the car, the fact that I don’t know where Finnick is and how I am supposed to make it work with him while keeping my feelings in check.
- I don’t have a phone. - I answer instead of Cecelia. - Kinda bold of you to assume I would like to have your number anyway when you act like that towards me.
- What the fuck! - She stands up.
She moves up and in my direction but the car turns and she ends on her seat again. She's sitting in the middle and Blight is holding her back so I think I have a chance to get to our next destination without actually having to defend myself.
- Can you girls leave it for some other time? - he says. - Let’s just let go for a night. 
- Legs together. - Cecelia reminds me when the car stops. 
It must have started raining outside shortly after we left. The flashes are covered by the umbrellas mostly. I use the weather as the reason to run inside. Surprisingly, the stilettos are good for that too. I wait for Cecelia around the door. Neither Haymitch or Beetee were in the car with us and I desperately want to avoid Johanna. 
I don't see Finnick for which I am glad this time. The truth is his presence is making me dizzy and ready to faint. Also - all my insecurities jump out when I am around him. It's like I think people see me as a charity case for him. I know I see myself as a charity case for sure.
I stick to Cecelia's side for the whole time and talk with some women. They talk about that new trend of a single huge flower on a hairband in their hair that Effie started. What flowers should I choose and what the meaning behind every one of them is. I just nod and add polite comments on the clothes they are wearing when I feel that I might have drunk a bit too much alcohol. A waiter comes with the drinks again and I take another flute of champagne but don't drink it. The laughter comes a little easier for me now and I notice our group becomes louder. It's surprisingly easy to fit in once you ignore that the world is swaying a little. The concern comes when I suddenly get afraid of what may come out of my mouth and want Cecelia or anyone to take my hand. The walls are closing on me and my stomach does this weird thing when it wants to get everything up.
- Thank you, - Finnick takes the flute from me and brings his arm around my middle. His hand rests on my side this time and he moves it up and down there.
He works our group like a shepherd dog herding animals. They listen to his every word for several minutes and wish us a great time when he says that our car is here. I am surprised at how quickly we leave. I catch some women raising their eyebrows when Finnick moves his hand down my back and starts leading me out.
He exchanges some pleasantries with a few people on our way and introduces them to me. A general, a doctor, a model and so on. I wonder what the driver is thinking about having to wait for us for so long.
As we near the door he takes his hand away from me and takes off his suit jacket and unbuttons two more buttons of his shirt. He wraps his jacket around me and presses me close to him.
- If the cameras are gonna blind you just focus on me.
My heart speeds up when they go off. It stopped raining but I can feel the cold air on my bare legs. Finnick’s broad frame is shielding me from most of the lights, his steps are sure and not even once he steps on my toes. He helps me get in the car. I can totally understand the grip he has on people. He gets in on the other side. 
- Do you want something to eat or just a drink?
- Some light dinner would be nice. - I still feel dizzy from the alcohol and I know I need to clear my head if we’re supposed to talk. I mean, we’re supposed to talk, right?
Finnick gives some weirdly -sounding name to the driver and the car turns around. I watch him in the car window. He is wearing a two-piece suit tonight. In dark blue. I have his jacket obviously and it feels very nice around my arms. Silk, I think. And a silk crispy white shirt I think too. I want to touch it and check for sure but I keep my hands close to me. 
One of the locks of his hair fell on his forehead. There's no way I could describe how he looks in one word alone. I once read an article saying he's like a Sun but I don't like the implication that I could end up being Mercury or Venus if I get too close to him. 
He’s typing furiously on his phone. I don’t see who. Is this Johanna? Is she jealous? I think they really may be together.
- Will I also get a phone? - I ask him. 
He stops writing and looks up at me surprised. He catches my eyes watching him in the window and I turn around embarrassed. It's even worse when I look at him now. His eyes have the colour of the summer forest at the golden hour. His skin radiates the warmth of that sun too.
- You don’t have one?
- I don’t even have a bag. - I answer. - Or pockets in my dress, I don’t understand why. I don’t know where I am staying. Do you think you could contact my escort for me? 
- No one told you? - he asks me, staring all the time at my face. His expression is carefully guarded and I cannot read anything on his face.
- No one told me about what?
- That you are living with me.
Finnick is in his sheepdog mode again. The one, where he has to catch the lost animal before it accidentally rolls down the hill to its death. He is in front of the car door before I even get my first foot out, his hand steadying me and his arm around my body guiding me to the restaurant and then inside. His eyes are on me all the time, the dark green following my every move when I sit down, when I open the menu, when I write my order down.
I cannot blame him. It was me who almost opened the car door after all when we were speeding through the city because I wanted to get out.
I try my best to collect myself and I look around the restaurant. First is the ceiling, covered with fresh flowers hanging upside down. The only ones I know are peonies, dahlias and hydrangeas. All of them bloom around city hall back home. They are mostly pink, red and white here, I think. It’s hard to tell in this light. Ivy wraps itself around walls and pillars. I look behind me and some of its vines are hanging in the windows. There are also forget-me-nots growing where a window sill is supposed to be. When I inspect them closer I can see they are, surprisingly, pink and violet. We have only blue back home.
Home, how I long for it now. The city I saw only three times in my life feels even more foreign now and the emptiness I have inside me threatens to swallow me whole. I realize I am hunching my shoulders and clutching at a lapel of Finnick’s suit jacket that’s still around my shoulders. I straighten up and put my hands in my lap. I look at the people to my right and left, making sure not to stop my eyes at the man sitting in front of me. 
There are only tables for two people everywhere but I see some same sex couples. It’s very frowned upon at 10. I am not sure if other Districts allow those kinds of relationships. I know people were sentenced to lynching in 13 for that. I learned about it at the secret school my dad enrolled me in when I was a teenager.
The thoughts of my home taste bitter when I look at the splendour and resources wasted here. 
I think tables like the one we’re sitting at are kind of special for the people here. We’re sitting far away from the entrance but even from here I can see colorful people at the door pointing at the same tables as ours and starting arguments with the staff. I sit in some sort of huge armchair that seems to come straight out of the wall under the window while the ones on Finnick’s side are club chairs I think. There’s a television program that focuses on home furnishing. I always found them irritating. It’s one of Capitol’s ways of letting us know about the things we will never be able to afford.
I watch the couples sitting around us. Many of them are bored or fighting which takes me by surprise. I thought people here could choose their partners, why bother being with someone you don’t like? Then I remind myself what Finnick and I must look like to other people. I’ve been avoiding his eyes for the past few minutes while he - well, I don’t know what he has been doing. I take a look at him and he is watching me over a glass of wine with a curious look on his face. Where did he get wine anyway? 
- You want some? - he must have noticed what I was looking at.
- I think we both can agree it’s not the best idea when it comes to me.
I put my right forearm on the table, hand up trying to copy the couple three tables to my left. They look like they are in love and I think this is the way we should carry around each other if we want to sell the whole thing. Finnick puts his left hand over mine and presses two of his fingers over my pulse point.
-Yeah, - he says like he’s trying very hard not to laugh. - I kinda got the vibe even before you pulled the handle, honey.
The pet names have to stop. I am going to melt and be a wet stain on the floor if they won’t.
- Sorry, - I say, ashamed. - I just really don’t know anything and ummm…. - my words fail me. - I don’t know you? And I just…
Finnick looks like he’s angry for a moment. I cannot help but blame myself for it. He must hate that he is forced to spend my time with me while I act like a damsel that needs saving all the time.
- No harm will come to you from my hand. - Finnick says. There’s something dark in his look still but he moves his hand from my pulse and starts playing with my fingers instead.
- So you like pockets? - he asks casually and the atmosphere becomes much lighter.
- I adore them. I mean dresses with pockets. - I correct and laugh. - And pigs. And I like to think that Antonia’s hair looks like a long-haired sheep that ran to the stage when my name got pulled out.
Our dinner arrives and the waiter talks about the courses we will eat. All of them are District-12 inspired but the plates are very small. I doubt it’s because the restaurant wanted to show the hardship people there have to face. I just ordered dumplings with goat meat but the table is covered with dishes that I guess are all for Finnick but he surprises me by putting some things on my plate all the time. I let him talk about his life here. He spends every two weeks in the Capitol and comes back to his District for two weeks. 
I wonder if I will be able to travel there with him. I need to find a way to make sure Plutarch sends me there too, I’ve never seen the sea. I’m sure he’s going to agree if I play my part well enough. If not then I can say I have to double-check there to make sure we can trust Finnick. 
- A penny for your thoughts? - Finnick says when he notices me smiling at the mental image of myself asking Plutarch if he can stop his serious shenanigans because I really want to see the sea.
- This whole experience is much nicer than Haymitch warned me. - I decide to tell him instead.
- You should be really careful about what he tells you. - Finnick says and slides almost the whole plate with katniss towards me. - He’s a very intelligent person but the alcohol has a strong grip on him and he loses himself more often than he would like to admit. 
We finish our food and the empty plates are taken away. I watch as the couple I copied earlier stands up to leave. I try to remember their movements.
- Seeing something or someone you like? - Finnick asks and there’s this playful tone in his voice that I’ve heard so many times on the tv when he was about to make everyone swoon. - because I’m sure I can do better than whoever you believe you want now, sweetheart.
.I know my eyes turn big and round but the kind of face I’ve made at Finnick sends him laughing so loudly that some of the people start looking much more openly at us.
- Sorry, - he says, sounding anything but. - It’s just that your face is terribly expressive. 
The waiter sets some kind of fancy drink in front of me in a high glass shaped like a flower with four petals. The liquid is dark violet and it’s covered with a white foam and some pink hydrangea flowers. I bring it slowly to my lips so as not to spill it. It tastes divine, not too sweet and has nothing bitter in it. I moan when it slides down my throat.
- There’s alcohol here. - I tell Finnick when I set it down. I almost drank the whole thing at once before I realized.
- I thought it couldn’t be that bad to let you have something small.
He has this amused look on his face. Like he is ready to pounce on me and drag me back if I stray too far away. 
The waiter comes with some kind of a delicacy he puts in the middle on the table and puts two forks down. It’s round and dark blue with some sort of white cream inside. It’s sprinkled with something gold and shiny but bigger than glitter. A tiny crown sits on top of it.
- It’s our special dessert reserved only for our truly extraordinary guests. Inspired by the first couple to ever win Hunger Games. Blueberry macaroon with goat milk cream filling that represents an image of true love in unprecedented and hardest times.
I push my fork into it hoping it will shut him up. It’s extremely sweet, while the games tasted like pain and blood even to me. Broken friendships and nightmares. Vomit and urine and shit on the bed after. Hands I never wanted on my body touching me when I could not fight. People mocking me that at least thanks to Games I lost those kilos that were too heavy on me.
Finnick taps my ankle with his shoe when the waiter asks me what I think about it. He sends me a look over another glass of wine. I think it’s a warning to be nice.
- I think it mixes too much with the drink I just had but I like how light it is. It fits well with everything we ate. However, - I put the last pieces with the crown carefully on the fork and bring them towards Finnick. - I believe a true connoisseur should be the final judge.
Silence falls around us, I can see people sitting at the table behind Finnick actually put their forks down to watch what’s happening at our table. As for the man himself, he takes my shaky palm in his steady one and slowly wraps his mouth around the fork in my hand. I can hear people inhale when he moans.
-Delicious, - he says. - tastes almost as good as my beloved.
The waiter is blushing as I must be for sure. Finnick stands up and suddenly we’re leaving. His arm is around me again and only now do I notice how respectful he has been acting the whole night. His hand never wanders too low, he stopped touching my stomach, monitored my alcohol intake and had my hands in his in the car when I was terrified. He leads me around the room making sure I don’t trip accidentally on any steps. 
He does not bring up the fact I almost gave up on the whole act in the cinema. After the first wave of panic left me I realized he may have things at stake that do not allow him to walk away as easily.
I want to thank him somehow and play my part better now. I hope to mimic the couple I saw earlier and when we step outside and the first flash goes off I hope my finger around one of his belt loops to slow him a little. He turns around with one of his eyebrows raised and I kiss him quickly in the space under his chin and close to his ear. Someone shouts and Finnick kisses the corner of my mouth. 
- Yeah, no more alcohol for you. - he says laughing and leads me to the car.
Jasmine, I realize, is definitely a fragrance for gods.
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Solar Family Episode #2 (by @avaveevo)
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It starts at the beginning of Mark’s basketball game.
Yumyulack: Go Mark! Woo-hoo!
Mark laughs and waves at his boyfriend.
Yumyulack: *sighs lovingly* I love that boy…
Lili: It’s obvious.
At the basketball game, Yumyulack cheers for Mark.
Yumyulack: Woo-hoo! Go Mark! I love ya!
But then, Mark accidentally misses a shot.
Teenager: Hey! That’s the 10th time today! Hey! Get that Moby Dick off the field before he takes off my license plate.
Yumyulack: Hey hey hey hey! Easy man! That’s my boyfriend! Now apologize!
Teenager: Okay. I’m sorry your boyfriend is clumsy blue brain knocks drink out of Yumyulack’s hand jackass!
Yumyulack: Hey! Oh that’s it!
Yumyulack punches the teenager, which shock the crowd.
Mark Melner: Way to go babe!
Brayden: Hey you hit my sister!
Yumyulack: You you mean he’s your brother!
Brody: Hey give her some air!
Yumyulack: You mean give him some air!
Ally: Call an ambulance! She’s in a concussion!
Yumyulack: You mean she’s going into a….
Yumyulack gasp in horror.
Yumyulack: Oops.
Korvo groans in embarrassment and realizes Yumyulack needs help. Later at home, Korvo walks back n forth while being concern over Yumyulack’s behavior.
Korvo: *to himself* Yumyulack has never been like this before. I hope Terry comes home soon.
The next morning, Korvo gets the newspaper and gasps.
Korvo: Oh no! Terry! *runs back inside*
Jesse: What’s going on?
Yumyulack takes the newspaper and reads it.
Yumyulack: Oh fuck! Terry’s in deep shit!
The News Article says, “Local Employee Alien at Rake Company Reported Kidnapped Last Night”
Korvo: We gotta find him!
Korvo starts breathing in and out.
Yumyulack: Hey. It’s gonna be okay. Terry is one of the bravest people we know!
Jesse: Yeah! I’m sure we’ll find him!
Meanwhile with Terry…
Terry: Ugh… where am I?
???: Hello, Terry.
Terry: Huh?! Who say that?! Show yourself, you crazy fuck!
The figure steps into the light to reveal…Stephen from the Wall?!
Terry: What the fuck? Who are you?!
Stephen: The name’s Stephen.
Terry: Whuh? Dude, what the fuck is your deal?! Why did you kidnap me!
Stephen: Because I want revenge on your son!
Terry: What? What do you mean by…. oh.
A flashback plays of Yumyulack shrinking Stephen while Korvo and Terry hide behind a tree.
Korvo: *sighs* Oh boy… I think he may have gone too far…
Terry: I know, right.
The flashback ends.
Terry: Look, I’m sorry. I’m sure he didn’t-
Stephen: Silence!
Terry gasps.
Stephen: Your son ruined my life! He deserve it!
Terry: No wait! Look, don’t hurt him. None of this is his fault!
Stephen: Yes he did! He shrunk me! U had the perfect life, then I had the perfect popsicle barn and I had Molly. Your son’s fucking wall started a war that killed her!
Terry: Oh god. I am so sorry. I-
Stephen punch’s Terry in the face, who cries out in pain.
Terry: Fuck!
Stephen: Well, who fucking cares?! You’re mine now! *laughs like a crazy psycho*
Meanwhile, the family and Debbie are looking for Terry.
Korvo: Terry! Terry! Terry-bear! Where are you?!
Yumyulack: Terry! Where are you?! Come on, buddy!
Lili: Terry? Where are you?!
Debbie suddenly trips on something.
Debbie: Oh dear. I must’ve hit a bar or something. Let me pick that up.
Debbie picks up a crowbar with Shlorpian blood on it.
Debbie: Oh my goodness! Solars, come look!
Korvo: What? *sees the crowbar and gasps with tears in his eyes* No…
Yumyulack: Holy shit! Someone did took Terry! We gotta hurry or worse!
Lili: But where can we find him?!
Korvo thinks before gasping in realization.
Korvo: I know where he might be! Come on!
Meanwhile with Terry and Stephen… Terry has bruises all over his body.
Terry: Ugh! *tries to stand up by cries as he falls in pain*
Stephen: Get up!
Terry tries to but he can’t because of the pain as he breaks down in tears of pain. Stephen growls and picks Terry up by the neck.
Stephen: Stupid weakling! How hard can it be for you to get up!!
Terry: Fuck…you. *spits blood in Stephen’s face*
Stephen: *gets disgusted* Disgusting whore!
Terry chuckles.
Terry: That’s what you get bitch…
Stephen throws Terry to the ground.
Terry: *cries out in agony as tears fall from his face*
Stephen: Stop crying! I doubt it hurt that much.
Terry continues weeping in pain over his wounds. Then suddenly…
Korvo: *offscreen* TERRY!
Terry gasps when he sees his family.
Terry: K-Korvy? Kids? Debbie?
Stephen growls when he notices Yumyulack.
Yumyulack: *gasp upon seeing Stephen; quietly* Oh no… what have I done? I created a psycho!
Stephen: Heh. It doesn’t matter. *picks up Terry by the neck* Your father is going to die anyway!
Korvo growls in fury and leaps down there while landing on his feet.
Korvo: Get away from him. Now.
Stephen: Make me!
Korvo punches Stephen in the face and picks up an unconscious Terry.
Korvo: Now kids!
Jesse shoots Stephen in the head.
Stephen: GAH
Korvo watches as Stephen falls to the ground. Stephen then groans as he hit his head to the ground and hit his head.
Lili: Damn. That was fucking scary!
Korvo cries as he looks down at Terry.
Korvo: *tearfully* Oh Terry, what had that sick man done to you?!
The family takes Terry home and Korvo lays Terry down on the couch.
Korvo: Don’t worry Terry, we’re gonna make sure you get better.
Terry groans as he opens his eyes.
Terry: K-Korvo?
Korvo: *gasps* Terry-bear!
Korvo showers Terry in kisses in tears of joy gently as the kids smile and hug Terry. The scene then cuts to Terry in his bedroom bandage while eating his dinner in bed.
Korvo: Feeling better?
Terry: Yeah. Thank you for coming to rescue me Korvy.
Korvo kisses Terry on the forehead softly.
Korvo: Anytime my sweet Terrybear…
Korvo and Terry then kiss on the lips.
Korvo: I’m just so happy my hubby is home safe and sound. I promise, if anyone tries to hurt you again, I’ll be there to protect you. Because you’re my Terry and I love you.
Terry smiles tearfully.
Terry: Oh Korvy! *kiss him on the lips*
Korvo pins Terry to the bed.
Korvo: Shall I take your pain away by having lovely sex with you my love.
Terry: Yes please.
The two husbands then sex away while moaning lovingly while Lili covers her ears as she groans walks away.
Lili: Why?!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
"There are so many capable men... and all they can think to do is rob a convenience store? Kinda weird... you'd think a group this big might just, y'know... have bigger goals than that... You're all sick. And you need a cure."
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The flu caught the doctor
Jealous Kai
His angel is sick
Iron grip
Drunk plague doctor
Tap tap tap.... hurried footsteps
Jealous of Shigaraki
Run straight to your arms
Shy cuddles
Shy but also a badass; shy but also badass got kidnapped
Angel with laryngitis
Caught his angel dancing
Love is cruel
He just wants attention
Interested on another yakusa’s boss
Cherish it or hate it..?
Deadly cramps
The “L” word
Shy angel on the stage
A touch is all is needed
Angel is a fan of Rappa... he hates it.
Perfect for him
Serious disease
Bubble bath
What if Pops died..?
Intelligent yet clingy angel
Finding out about Eri
angel who is afraid of touch due her parents
Cooking contest! Now GO!
DON’T enter the kitchen
Protect her
Angel of darkness
Tiny little Overhaul
Join the Shie Hassaikai instead
Coffe addicted
A kiss under the mistletoe
Tiny little angel
Proposing to his angel
Stockholm syndrome
Ice skating
Arranged marriage with another yakusa’s boss
Giant foodie
Give him affection!
Where are the grandkids?
Mimic lost Overhaul’s weeding rings
Beach day!
Her smile
In the rain we stay
Butterflie knifes collection... don’t touch
Dingle bells
His angel can bake
Pop the pimple!
The yakusa’s personal restaurant
Swear word? Gasp!
Caretaker angel
Jealous angel
He wants sweets
Even demons had their lowest moments...
Baby fever
Meeting her family
Never knew I needed
First date and you’re a mess
Stripping habbit
Hey! No touching!
She dance? I dance.
Don’t be so kind...
Choosing pizza over eggs and bacon for breakfast
He misses his angel...
ex-boyfriend get the fuck out
Pops stealing his angel away from him
The angel is now his, not from this filth who needs to die on hell
Childhood bestfriend? He doesnt think so, hands off from his angel
Unpleasant call
Traumas of his past
Greek god body
ASMR for him
Angel’s photos and memories
Comforting his angel
His angel having tea with Pops... what the hell is happening?
The same look....
Unfair genocide..
He goes to your home country and thinks is hell (Br)
His and only his angel.
His personal nurse in tartarus
A perfect day made for you
His angel’s father
Protect him at all costs
saved him, the reward? A kiss.
Take you to dreamland
Your husband
Come back to your Ex
Broken arm... it was his fault
Dear future husband
Future visions
A surprise for a stressed man *NSFW*
Prison break , another chance
Tired eyes but a happy soul
So close
Sleep walks
Mischievous mood
What does the Devil fear?
Angel’s family from a italian mafia
It’s Valentines day!
Broken promises but relieved hearts
Planing the weeding
Deaging quirk and familiar boundings
Angel quirk...
Overhaul losing his V-card *NSFW*
Be quiet!
Not so great meeting with angel’s mother
His angel working on childcare
Ideal S/o
Childhood friends
S/o with a blood manipulation quirk
Stealing his jacket
S/o having a alletgy of quirks
S/o that has OCD and likes to clean
Angel who has low self preservation skills
Taking care of him after the loss of his arms
S/o who had abusive hero parents
Acting like him
Chisaki waking up on a word which quirks don’t exist and he has a family
S/o with scars
Angel has zero tolerance of alcohool
Meeting Pops
Chubby S/o
S/o with eating dissorder
His nurse
Cuddling with Overhaul
S/o who plays gacha games
Wooing S/o whose is distrustful
Getting a puppy despite his hate of the poor creature
S/o with a angel quirk, ironic right?
Yandere Kai; Yandere Kai general headcanons
Calming his angel down after a panic attack
S/o making suicidal jokes
S/o sended him nudes
S/o with a mermaid quirk
Angel that swears a lot
S/o who is a pervert
Angel who lived on the streets
His angel of music
S/o with natural fangs
S/o passing away
Austhistic and Asexual S/o
Touching by accident his angel’s butt
Angel who knows how to use a sword
His angel getting hurt on a fight
S/o addicted with anime
Mute S/o
Assasinin angel
Metal head S/o
Skater angel
S/o speaking another language (BR)
Bathing in tea
Having the same quirk as him
Angel’s soft legs
S/o who is a gamer
Pops advice
Anti hero S/o
Amazon S/o
Hurting his angel by accident
Angel’s true nature
Kleptomaniac S/o
Reaction at seing Monsterhaul
Idol S/o
Pianist S/o
The devil and the... wait. FROG?!
Family (this one is a classic of the old days, is a whole another list with silly stories which Overhaul has a family and gives up on Eri's experiments)
Angels and demons
Reterided from the yakusa
Cursed with the demon
94 notes · View notes
Anything else sweetheart?
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CHIAKI: Sonia...?
*As then Sonia got up and hit the wall*
CHAIKI: So-Sonia!
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She fucking hit me and punch me, she kept trying to demand if I knew something or anything I just couldn't take it anymore, I just couldn't!
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Then I...I ran, I ran, I ran, I just wanted to get away from her...!
Date: November 12th, 2011
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*Sonia was punch across the face and pull by her hair* Pl-Please let me go!
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You damn lie to me you white trash women, how dare you lie to me about what you saw, you spoke with someone on that day! I saw the footage, you were talking with someone, I know it so tell me right this instant!
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I-I told you, I really don't know I really have no idea what's going on, okay?! I just don't, I'm tell you the-!
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*The Teacher hit her again and grab her by the neck as choking her* Pl-Please... let me go already!
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Hmph, I won't until you damn tell me who was it you saw in the hall? I want to know who that person was so tell me right now or I'll make sure you'll be seen as a failure of a princess, so hurry up and tell me!
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Pl-Please...I...I...! (I'm so damn sick of this, I...I need to...!)
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*Sonia punches off the teacher and runs off* GAH!!!
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(Oh my god, I can't believe I hit the teacher! Oh god, why did I hit her?! I didn't mean to, no no no! She'll tell my mother, I'll never be queen - I need to leave!)
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*Sonia kept running until she stopped* Ah...ahhh...I...I can't take it anymore...I...I can't...!
???: Did you hear something...?
???: I think so, it's that way...
*as then 2 figures appear*
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Wh-What the...? What's going on, hey are... are you okay...?
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Sonia...? What happen to you, you see really hurt...
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I...I can't take it anymore, that teacher...she...she hit me, she actually hit me... she was demanding answers and I...I don't know, I'm sorry...!
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*As then Sonia passes out* O-Oh god, Sonia!
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*Kyoji walks over as he kneels down* Seems like she ran here after getting hurt, she must be tired...
???: Sonia, there you are!
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Oh god, no no! Ge-Get this women away from me...!
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Oh dear, dear Sonia - I know you don't like studying but your prepare to be a princess, aren't you? So we get you prepared before then, let's go c'mon now...
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I do apologize, she ran off and didn't want to focus on her talent, I apologize and deal with her properly...
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No if anything she seems tired, she needs rest!
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And if I remember right, you aren't their teacher, are you? I'll deal with them myself so please take your leave.
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No no, you aren't pulling that crap ma'am! Leave Sonia alone!
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Oh... are you speaking back to me Nagi? I recommend you don't do that if I were you.
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Yeah and guess what, Sonia needs to rest so leave her be...
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And why are you saying that? After all, I am the teacher and your the student, you should know your place before telling me how to do my job.
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So maybe instead, go play video games you have dear - I'm sure whatever your going to say is going to be meaningless drib-.
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*Nagi walk over and slap her across the face* Ho-How dare you raise your hand towards me!
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4571
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: hugely important cornespondence
TG: paging doctor crocker
TG: rolal to docrock
GG: :?
TG: heh heh
TG: paging
TG: bet you would like to get PAGED huh jane
TG: *sweet innuendo
GG: I'm not sure that qualifies as innuendo at all.
TG: wonkwonkwonkwonkwonk
GG: I honestly think you misspell things intentionally more often than not, regardless of blood alcohol content.
GG: You just typed wonk five times in a row!
TG: i have only junst begun to wonk
GG: What is this urgent thing about, anyway?
GG: Is it about your boobytrap?
GG: Because you're too late. It already blew up my whole bedroom, thank you very much.
TG: no no
TG: i mean i still feel shitty about that but its not abiout that
TG: i know you already ran it i been talking to the shades
GG: Yes, me too. Right now in fact, and I'm in a bit of a hurry!
GG: What is this about? What are you even doing?
TG: im in the lab doing a thing with my cat
TG: but that doesnt matter i was doing some thingkin and was still feeling guilty about fuckin up ur computer and all of the sudden im in bff~ath mode here
TG: so i gotta tell you something u need to know before its too late
GG: Before what's too late?
TG: you and jake hookin up stupid!
GG: Oh my god.
TG: this is about turnin all your steamydreamz in to STEAMAY REALTITIES
TG: ***realities lolo
GG: This isn't happening now...
TG: whereins jc + je kiss & hug loads and start turnin out big heaps of wrigglers the old fashioned way<3<3,3,3<338O!!!!
TG: i cant decide whether this mental image porcolating here is hot as shit or cute as fuck......
GG: No! Cease your lascivious porcolating at once!
GG: Roxy, I can see you're set on just wasting more of my time.
GG: I understand if you don't wish to play this game, but please try not to interfere with those of us who do!
TG: no no im fine with playing just shut up
TG: this is serious you need to tell him how u feel VERY SOON
TG: or you might miss your chance
GG: My chance?
GG: What are you talking about?
TG: i found out today taht dirks gonna make a move
GG: A move? You mean, a romantic one?
TG: yes
GG: On you?
TG: omfffgggggg
GG: Um.
GG: On me?
TG: no
TG: no my dear sweet janey not on you
GG: Oh.
GG: Ohhh.
GG: I didn't think...
GG: That...
GG: Hrm.
GG: Are you sure?
TG: p sure ask glasses if u want
GG: Well then.
GG: This is quite a development.
GG: Poor Dirk!
TG: what do you mean
GG: Well, surely when he reveals his feelings, Jake will...
TG: ??
GG: I mean...
GG: He couldn't possibly...
TG: wut
TG: repriprocate?
GG: Yes?
TG: why not
GG: Because Jake is not a homosexual!
TG: mm hm
TG: are u suuuuuure???
GG: Are you saying he is?
TG: nope
GG: Then what are you saying?
TG: im saying that
TG: i dont fuckin know
GG: But...
GG: I thought it reasonable to presume he takes a shining to ladies.
GG: He does speak fondly of certain females from his favorite films, does he not?
TG: true that
TG: but
TG: how much does that really mean here jane
TG: can you be totes sure on account a some dorky moive crushes
GG: Well, now I just don't know. You have me completely bamboozled about this.
GG: What do you think?
TG: all im saying is
TG: my gaydar is like the exanct fuckin poposite of urs
TG: which is to say it is better than completety nonexistant
TG: mine is so sensitive it has been used to sweep the ocean floor for mythical sea monsters
TG: turns out
TG: all of those monsters are SO gay
TG: truth B)
GG: Okay. Then what does your acute seabeast scanner make of Jake, then?
TG: thats what im sayin
TG: i really have no idea
TG: kid is a goggamn egnigma
TG: hes as hard 2 read as fine print
TG: and how i do mean FIIINE ;)
GG: Oh brother.
GG: Then, your guess is as good as mine?
GG: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to conclude from this.
TG: youre supposed to concluce
TG: that you SAID you were going to believe anything i said today remember??
GG: Yes.
GG: But you just said you don't know!!!
TG: exactly
TG: therefore you must believe me when i say
TG: if dirk lets on all his feelins there is at least a CHANCE jake will go like DERP OK DUDE LETS MAKE OUT
TG: and that means poor jane is screwed without ever even throwing her filthy old fedora in the ring
TG: it is a ring i lke ot call TEH ENGLISH SPEEPSTAKES
TG: and if u dont youll regret it
TG: and i mean
TG: i cant have a horse in the race
TG: wait bad metaphor ebcause of dirk and his fucking horstes n/m
TG: like you are both my friends and im not out to mess him up or anything
TG: but i kinda owe it to you as my friend to let you know whats up
TG: and also to get you to stop being such a WORLD CHAMPIAN TIGHTASS
TG: and let jake know
GG: Oh, not this tightass baloney again.
TG: jane
GG: What?
TG: jaane..
GG: ...
TG: jc your are the tightassiest tightass who ever tightened up an ass
GG: No way!
GG: We settled this, remember?
GG: My prior resolution made it definitive; I was to be regarded as exceedingly permissive in certain respects!
TG: jane i am afraid
TG: that ur bottom
TG: is a stubborn clam
TG: guarding priceless treasure
TG: and a deadly secret
GG: So ridiculous. >:P
TG: im not saying be an idiot and start gushing at him incoherentry
TG: say how u feel
TG: or flirst a bit or ask him out on a date inside the fuckin game or such
TG: goddamn ANYTHING other that a bunch of bullshitty pining and tightassy NOTHING
TG: you have to do what i say u promised
GG: I promised to BELIEVE what you say, not DO it!
TG: those 2 things are
TG: prespicely the same shit
GG: If I agree to say something, will you stop tormenting me about it??
TG: yes
TG: but only
TG: because that will be impossible for me to do
TG: when u + him r snoggin hard in motherfuckin makeout paradise
GG: Fine.
GG: But let the record show that this resolution has almost nothing whatsoever to do with your use of the phrase "SEX LAND."
GG: Just...
GG: I need to think of what to say, and wait for the right moment. Is that ok???
TG: sure
TG: just dont wait too long
TG: and dont underestimate striders wiles
TG: nor jakes...
TG: lets say
TG: open mindedness???????
GG: Well,
GG: He does often profess his love for adventure, I suppose.
TG: yuuup................
GG: Omg.
GG: I really don't have a moment to spare, do I?
TG: ur finally gettin it
TG: now go
TG: and jane im warning u
TG: if you dont say somethin to him
TG: i am personally entering the game specivically to FUCK UR SHIT UP
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
0 notes
deadqueerboys · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Male! Basketball Player! Reader? STEVE HARRINGTON X MALE BASKETBALL PLAYER READER!!!!
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Oh my dear, did you two meet in the middle of a game, new student? Hey, how about meeting this motherfucker-faced hottie (?!).
Even before he knew he liked you, he already knew he wanted you. A new toy for our King Steve? Maybe from his perspective, this asshole just needs sex.
In the Phys Ed., some days, he would take the opportunity to stop playing look at you, sweat dripping and clothes tight on you, because seeing is better than touching, right? He wanted to make the most of it.
The first time, he noticed, THIS really caught his attention, to the point where his gaze was quite marked in his gym shorts. What did you finally realize…
"Happy to see me, Harrington?" you had to get out of the game for a bit to find him in the stands, all to give him a sly grin and that sadistic rant.
The poor thing was stunned and then ran to the locker room, taking a cold shower to try to forget what had happened.
When you went there after the incident, you noticed someone leaning against your locker;
"Dirty play, brat. Why were you looking at my dick anyway?" He asked, with a courage he hadn't shown before, just looking into your eyes and then your lips, it wasn't intimidation, he was too excited just to be around you.
"Because you got so excited in front of everyone, would you rather I told everyone that King Steve likes boys?"
He rolled his eyes, you approaching him, cupping his chin with one hand, insulting the way he submitted so easily.
Seeing how his gaze changed, you reached out with your other hand and tugged at his hair, causing him to moan and finally look into his eyes, which were constantly averted to his lips.
"What? You don't like boys?" You bit your lip "do you like… me?"
Steve just blushed and asked you to end his agony, now going down to relieve him, he had already touched himself, but the lazy man couldn't wait to have you. You stopped at his knees, looking down at him, he got 30% harder than he already was, if that was possible.
"First time with a guy, Harrington?"
"Y-yes… just hurry up, they can come back"
Let's face it, Steve always had everything he wanted, and he felt so pampered and anxious in his hands that this moment couldn't end so quickly.
Taking advantage of his little desperation, you stripped him of his shorts, leaving him only in his underwear - quite a sight, to be honest.
When you touched him, still in the fabric, he was already crying and asking for more, he needs attention, and now, he needs yours.
And, fuck! He doesn't shut up.
Tired of having just a little bit of what you were having, you took off his panties and put them in your mouth. And, gods, he's big. But at the same time, it felt like a key fitting into a lock in a satisfying, peaceful way.
As soon as you did, you let out a strangled groan and grabbed his hair, trying to push it further, you tugged at his hand, giving him a dissatisfied look.
"Ok, sorry…sorry" and then Steve was silent for a while, until he felt close, which was soon after, he started mumbling things again.
"Good…good…God, I'm almost there!" His eyes rolling back with every thrust into your mouth, within seconds he was in your mouth, with so many warnings, you just ignored him and spit your cum into your hand.
"Swear?" you asked, frowning.
"Sorry but I warned you. Besides, it can't be too bad, you seemed to be enjoying it…" He couldn't finish his sentence before you took the cum that was in your hand and wiped it on Steve's hair. like a gel, putting it back in and pulling it out before leaving it alone. "… remind me never to piss you off again"
"It's my little revenge" you blinked as you stripped off your clothes to step into the shower "are you coming Harrington?"
He ran as soon as he heard your last name, following you around like a puppy.
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glilboy · 3 years
ATEEZ Reactions to finding you reading smut about them: Maknae Line
i tried so hard to finish this afterworo and before bed lol. the first part did, so well? im genuinely shocked ill be honest. hope this one is just as good.
requests are open btw!!
tws below the cut
Warning! This work of fiction contains mentions of quirofilia, strength kink, dom/sub dynamics implications and general explicit topics
"Baby just let me play it I just want to get us to the same level," San whined at you about a game you both played. He practically coaxed you into playing but now you genuinely enjoyed it, being hesitent to let him get you farther.
"I want to experience it myself though Sannie," you pouted back at him leaning your head on his shoulder.
"I just want to do the things you've been avoiding! It'll give you enough experience to be the same level, please," his voice became higher pitched which was your call to just let him do it.
"Whatever," you said in a fake angry voice, instantly giggling, "you do that, I'm gonna go grab a snack." You hopped up and off the bed, leaving your phone for him to mess with.
Picking up your phone, happy he got his way, he went to open the app but one was already open.
Humming he read a bit and when he read his name he twitched a little. So this was what you liked. San made you extremely nervous which caused you to be a bit hesitant to share what you liked in bed. You planned to tell him one day but he hurried that process up.
Hearing you coming back he quickly opened the right app even though he now had no actual intention to progress you.
"I am back!" you smiled plopping down with some cut fruit.
"No shit," he mused causing you to roll your eyes with a smile. His brain itching to do something now, an idea popped in seeing you eat the fruit.
Taking a piece of strawberry he held it up to your lips, you unknowingly smiled and took the fruit into your mouth. His breathing accelerated. Waiting a few minutes before he took another piece, he at first popped a piece into his mouth then grabbing another to hold it up again. You took the piece but a muffled sound of surprise came out with it when san shoved his fingers inside a bit.
Looking at him wide eyed and confused you met his which looked at you intensely. You didn't even have a chance to stop yourself before you started to suck his fingers.
"Fuck," he mumbled his gaze going a bit hazy at seeing you like this.
After sucking on his fingers for a moment you let go with a pop.
"You should really let me read more of those stories Y/N," him saying that is what made it all hit.
"Wait- oh shit," you mumbled before he took your jaw in one of his hands squishing your mouth open. The other holding another piece and pressing it to your tongue.
"I would've known sooner just how pretty you think my hands are dear."
Mingi could feel his face turn red, not suspecting is seemingly soft tasted girlfriend to read stuff like this. He was just trying to help! You were busy cooking dinner and asked him to send a text back to your friend, forgetting what you were last doing.
He gulped and set down your phone once sending the message. He wanted to talk about it but he had no clue how to bring it up. Once seated eating dinner you could feel the energy was off since earlier he was in such a great mood. You chose to ask about it after the meal not wanting to have an awkward dinner.
Washing the dishes you didn't feel Mingi approach from behind until he wrapped his hands around your waist.
"Hm? What's up baby?" You hummed softly with a smile.
"Can you do the dishes later...I need to talk to you about something," He set his chin on your shoulder and you could just hear a slight pout in his voice.
Drying off your hands you turned around to look at him, "what's up Mingi?"
He leaned up and took a deep breathe making you a bit worried.
"I- um fuck- Y/N I saw whats on your phone," he hesitated before just ripping off the bandaid.
Your face instantly dropped mumbling a small "ah fuck"
You stayed silent with his hands sitting on your waist. You looked at him before speaking, "Gi, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Do you want to talk about how you feel about seeing it? I'm sure you're pissed."
He tilted his head questioningly at the end, "What no- I mean, like yeah it could be weird but you're reading about me so I don't see an issue, at least as of now."
You we're now pretty puzzled, a bit tongue tied. If you remembered right, the work you had been reading was well pretty aggressive so you were sure Mingi would be weirded out. He was a soft guy and you guys experimented occasionally but nothing that far.
Being able to tell you got in your head he spoke again, "I liked it. I...liked it Y/N."
Looking back at him, his hands tightened on your waist and he moved closer so your lips brushed each others.
"Please- Fuck, can we try it?"
"Y/N! Can I use your phone for a second?" Wooyoung whined laying on the bed while you we're folding laundry. He wanted attention but you had chores to do.
"Why?" You looked at him weird, knowing he was up to something.
"You'll see," he smiled, just wanting to take selfies on your phone but opened it to a book of sorts.
Curiosity got the best of him as he skimmed the page, a faint blush creeping up his neck. You guys had done a lot but something in him was set off, a smile creeping up his lips.
"Pervert," He spoke deadpanned up at you making you frown before it clicked.
A moment passed before suddenly he popped up, grabbing your hair and forcing your face into the bed. A giggle sounded from behind you as he leaned down to talk into your ear, "You read stuff like that? You're that horny for just me that you read that kind of shit? Lord your fucking head over heels for me."
"Shut the fuck up-" Your voice got cut off as he lifted you up by your hair, a hand wrapping around your throat making your mind flutter.
"Say that one more time and I'll fuck your face until you pass out like that little book dear."
It was supposed to be a night filled with movies, snacks, giggles and cuddles but your bladder decided to change the trajectory of the night. Excusing yourself to the bathroom you left your phone on the table faced up, not remembering that you left your tumblr notifications on around someone. The phone pinged three times in a row, making Jongho curious to which he glanced over at it.
'c. j 10:15
strength kink'
"What," he said outloud.
Clicking on the notification he began to read the work, blushing at it and embarrassed that he..liked it. Licking his lips he looked around a bit flustered.
When he heard the bathroom door shut he quickly set your phone back down, trying to not awkwardly sit there. You came back like nothing was wrong, cuddling into his side continuing to watch the film.
This is where a few days passed, each day driving Jongho more and more up the wall. Hiding in the bathroom at the studio just to get off without the chance of being caught, at least by you. Scenarios spinning in his head constantly making him want to do anything and everything at once.
When he got home that day you weren't there, his need skyrocketing to the moon. He quickly made it to your bed room and moved to the bed taking off his shirt in the process. He searched around frantically for anything of yours, spotting a t-shirt a few feet away. He pulled down his sweats letting his member spring free, bringing the shirt up to his face to inhale your scent and began to jerk off.
You on the other hand just had your friend drop you off, you jumping up the stairs excited to bring home some pastries to your boyfriend. Coming inside you quickly slipped off your shoes and looked around for him. Seeing he wasn't in the living room you headed towards your bedroom asumming he was there. Opening the door to a sight to see, Jongho jerking himself off while smelling your shirt.
You stood there silent until he opened his eyes, him now being in such a deep mindspace he didn't even seem phased. Slipping his pants back up he waltzed over to you and stood there staring at you.
"I've been going fucking insane, Y/N," he spoke getting closer, shutting the door behind you.
"What do you mean baby?" You asked softly at him. He smiled a bit and lifted a hand to your shoulder making you inhale.
"Your little fucking stories Y/N."
You looked at him wide eyed, thinking you might know which one he saw. "Jo- Fuck I'm sorry, oh god," you began to frantically apologize.
That was when he picked you up and held you up against the wall with one arm, the other hand sitting lazily around your neck.
"No. No. You've been driving me crazy in a good way. Now let me fuck you against this wall unless you want me cumming in your t-shirt."
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marcnutz · 3 years
Little Friend Part.2
Tags: Dream x Voodoo Dick (Its George's), 1.5k words, Dream solo, Masturbation, Dubcon (sorta, just to be safe)
Masterlist and Info (includes link to p.1)
Dream finds himself affected by a strange force in his ass.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support for p.1 and on the rest of my fics! <3
"Oh come on!" Dream and Sapnap sat in their house, nachos on the table and the Gator's game on the tv. "Why's he flagging them? This is fucking ridiculous!"
"Haha, get fucked, looser," Sapnap replied, happy that Atlantic was doing well. Not that he liked them, he just wanted to win against Dream.
"Shut up. I'm getting more drinks, want anything?" Dream asked, Patches hopping off his lap and scurrying over to Sapnap as he stood up. Sapnap just shook his head as he nuzzled Patches.
Walking over to the fridge, Dream felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Oh, it's George.
George: Hey, did you send me this weird doll?
Doll? Dream doesn't know anything about a doll.
Dream: What doll?
George: The one that looks like your Minecraft character. It’s small and white and it moves.
"Dream! The game's back on!" Sapnap yelled from the living room.
"Coming!" Dream yelled back, shooting George one last text before stuffing his phone back in his pocket and hurrying back to the couch to see what the referees had to say.
Dream was content just sitting there, eating ships and soda and bantering with Sapnap every once in a while, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting about something.
George's text bothered him, he had only skimmed his last text, maybe he misread something.
He took his phone out again and re-read the last text George had sent him. It moves? Small... White...
That's when he felt it. A light touch on his asshole, when he put two and two together. He knew about the blob, the one he had. Whenever he put his dick in it he felt it inside, allowing him to literally fuck himself. But how did George get one? Did he know what it was doing to him?
Dream gasped when he felt something long and slender enter him, making his knees weak.
"You okay dude?" Sapnap asked.
"I-I have to go to the bathroom." Dream stood up and rushed to his room, locking the door behind him.
Dream: Wait send me a picture of the doll.
Luckily nothing was inside him anymore. Maybe George would just leave the blob alone if that's really what's going on. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone waiting for a read receipt to pop up.
Dream: George, send me a picture.
He had to keep his cool, what if George already knew what it was, and then he figured out the Dream knew what it was as well. How would he explain to his best friend that there are fleshlights that are somehow connected to his ass when he himself didn't understand it either.
Should he call? No. That would make him sound too concerned when he should be watching football with Sapnap.
But then something entered him again, and then another something. Were these George's fingers? Whatever was in him felt long and thin, just like what he'd seen of George's hand. Dream let out a pornographic moan as a third maybe-finger entered him.
He couldn't do this, he couldn't sit here and allow himself to be fingered by his best friend. Even if said friend was super hot, and he may or may not have a crush on him. It was wrong. But dear lord, the fingers were stretching him out so nicely.
No. Dream shook his head, picking up his phone and calling George. Dream was panting as he listened to his phone ring once, twice, three times, click, voice mail.
The fingers finally came out of Dream's ass, and he sighed. Good, George was gonna call him back and be too weirded out to continue fucking the blob. They would laugh and chalk it up to some weird fan or something and never speak of it again.
Another minute passed by, and there was no response and no fingers in his ass. His anxiety over knowing George most likely just fingered him, and the ache from his raging hardon between his legs made his head spin.
Dream tried once more to call George but was sent to voice mail once more.
That's not fingers.
Oh god, that is definitely not fingers. Something much thicker than the three fingers that were previously inside of him entered Dream's ass. It was very obviously just the tip, but it stretched him out so well.
Dream couldn't take this. It was wrong and he knew it, but his body's needs quickly overtook his mind. He kicked his pants and boxers off and rolled onto his stomach, ass in the air and face pressed against his pillow to muffle the inevitable noises he was going to let out. If he was going to be fucked by his best friend he might as well enjoy it.
The teasing continued for a few minutes, just the phantom head going in and out of Dream, making his whine and push his hips back, wanting it to go deeper. It didn't work, of course. He was completely at George's control, assuming it was George and not some weird coincidence with some random man putting his dick in his ass. It was nicer to think it was George, and it's not like he hadn't thought of it before.
Suddenly, the cock inside of him slammed deep inside, shock waves travelling up Dream's spine as it hit his prostate head-on. Dream let out more high-pitched whines as the dick pulled out ever so slightly before pushing back up against his prostate again and again.
And then it was gone. "Huh?" Dream let out, turning his head around to see nothing there, before letting out a loud yell when the cock was roughly shoved back inside of him.
The cock fucked into Dream at a brutal pace, every time it entered him it hit his prostate. Dream's own cock was leaking profusely, cum dripping down his thighs and onto his bed. His tip was bright red, begging to be touched.
Dream ran a hand down his chest and stopped when he neared his cock. Right above his pelvis, he could feel the dick inside of him forming a bulge in his stomach with every thrust. Dream left his hand there, feeling it press against his hand every time it hit his prostate.
Tears began to flow freely down Dream's cheeks as his first orgasm racked through his body. Cum painted his chest and bedsheets white. He felt himself tighten around the pseudo-cock inside of him, biting down on his pillows to stop himself from being too loud, almost yelling from the overstimulation.
It was so good and so wrong, cumming from his best friend's cock without him even knowing. But it's not like he could do anything about it. He did even have to touch his own cock to cum, so it's not like he could have avoided all of this.
The dick didn't stop pounding into him. Dream felt himself begin to harden once more as the slight pain from overstimulation turned back into blinding pleasure.
He couldn't help it anymore. Dream reached down and wrapped a hand around his aching cock, thrusting into his hand at the same pace the cock inside of him hit his prostate.
Dream was already so close again. There was no way Sapnap didn't hear him. He tried his best to muffle his sobs of pleasure into his pillow but he was still being loud. The cock inside of him started to lose its pace, it was close. Dream was too, and he wanted to cum at the same time as, to the best of his knowledge, George.
With one final thrust, he felt the cock spill into his guts, sending Dream over the edge as well, all the while the dick inside of him continued to fuck up into his prostate.
Dream felt almost pathetic, covered in his tears, sweat, and cum, but he was too fucked out to care. The dick paused inside of him, before slowly pulling out. Dream felt even more of its cum seep out of his ass and down his thighs into the puddle that was forming between his knees.
Dream did his best to roll over onto his back, chest heaving with overexertion. In the back of his mind, he felt ashamed for getting fucked by George, but he was too happy and tired to care.
He laid there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow before his phone began to ring. It was George. He debated picking it up, before taking a few more deep breathes and pressing the green button.
"G-George?" Oh no, that was much too breathy and sounded too close to a moan. There was no way George didn't know what just happened.
"Dream? What happened?" Hmm, George seemed more concerned than anything. "What's wrong? It sounds like you just ran a marathon."
"I-" Dream had to stop himself from moaning at the sound of George's voice. "George. Did you say something about a doll?"
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junhuiste · 3 years
stress relief. (excerpt 2)
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a/n: just publishing another excerpt bc i feel bad bc i’m far from finishing this! also if u haven’t yet let me know if you wanna be part of the taglist
pairing: sunghoon x fem!reader
tags/warnings: smut (first time writer um…) so minors dni, college au, angst, fluff, friends with benefits to lovers, mentions of mental health and sexuality
word count: this excerpt is 800 but kinda aiming for over 10k
current taglist: @dreamilyjake @itsthe-neo-zone @dudejuststop @jungwonseyebrowsonflick @woniebae @kiillmeee @nyfwyeonjun @enhyptxt @woonieiv
stress management is a billion dollar industry, but sunghoon wants to resort to other, affordable relieving options. you think you could help him. the thing is, overwhelming love isn’t relief.
After what seems like three missed calls you finally pick it up, irritatedly so. However, the phone flashes Park Sunghoon’s name, screaming at and urging and begging on its knees and on the verge of throwing up for you to make a move. Of course there’s no hesitation to answer on your part because you just had to be at his beck and call.
“And what lovely favor can I do for my lovely friend at this lovely hour?”
“Hi…I’ll be at your place in nine minutes. Wait, make that seven since it’s cold as fuck and I’m freezing my ass off so I’ll have to run,” it comes out in hurried breaths and it dawns on you that dear god he really is running almost 10 minutes just to see you. Not in that way of course, for his own bemusement and non-romantic super high sex drive, obviously, but still.
“You couldn’t just solve it with a little game of self tug-of-war?” As much as you try to sound annoyed you just cannot contain your excitement that Sunghoon needs a quick fuck in the middle of the night.
It’s not annoyance at him per se, but more so sheer annoyance at yourself for feeling this way because of your unspoken (yet totally consensual) contract. Was it the fact that you knew you’d be having sex with some Apollo that walked among mortals…just sex right? It doesn’t reek of desperation…it really doesn’t…it’s just uncontrollable libido.
Definitely not the fact that you’ve possessed this outpouring—what was the word? Because it’s definitely not love. At least not for now—infatuation for this person you’ve all but had a conversation and a half with. Throw in some lingering smiles here and there. None of those count, sadly.
Your core said otherwise.
Instead of clicking and clacking away at the keyboard because there are still a whopping 950 words to power through, your body lay sprawled across your bed, anticipating when your special friend would arrive. You wonder if the two of you would actually score a home run tonight or if you’d just stay stuck between the batter’s plate and first base again. If you could dodge and slide to third base that would be more than enough. Anything was fine really; he could kiss you and leave and that would suffice. Whatever got the touchdown. The slam dunk. The ace.
The buzz invades your thoughts again and this time you don’t even pick your phone up and bolt a little too quickly for your liking to your door to let him in. Yeah, you are down terrible, if that wasn’t evident enough.
You’re nearly bouncing when your hand turns the doorknob and the sight of Sunghoon makes the ecstasy surge through your veins at an unprecedented rate. He’s had his tongue down your throat and soft hands roam your body before but this happening during some ungodly hour while there were a billion other tasks for you to complete had you thrilled, heart rate fluctuating unhealthily.
Sunghoon’s leaning against the door frame nonchalantly, whether he did that intentionally or out of habit was something you had to query about, but not now. Not when his raven hair is all tousled underneath his hoodie, dark eyes reading of pure exhaustion yet signaling they wanted your lips on his.
The bastard has the audacity to bat his eyelashes at you, flaunting a lazy smile, and invites himself in, past the threshold, footsteps towards you, cupping his velvety hand around your cheek. Sunghoon presses his lips to yours so sloppily you almost moan right then and there. For a second you think about pulling away but his tongue is in your mouth and you can hear the reverberations of this lip lock so clearly it feels too good to separate your mouths. And for what seems like minutes you’re exchanging open mouthed kisses while his hand trails below the small of your back further and further.
“So…what brings you here,” you finally pull away from the kiss that has your chest heaving and turn your head to the nearest clock in your apartment, “at 1:21 AM?”
Sunghoon leans in with his lips grazing the shell of your ear, “kinda need you,” his hands bring themselves to grab your ass, “well…little Sunghoon needs you.”
Suddenly your face feels hot and the room is spinning.
It’s embarrassingly easy to get quite flustered around Park Sunghoon, but when he indicates that he wants to be inside of you, you’re struck with a noticeable feverishness that sends goosebumps all over you.
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