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venuslcver · 11 months ago
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pairing: pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
synopsis: you run into your ex, rafe cameron.
tw: feminine described character, ex-lovers, hands described as slim, pining, profanity, alcohol consumption, toxic love (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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the olive color palm of mia, your close friend, waved vigorously afront of your, now, crimson stained cheeks. eyes lowered while your slim fingers fiddle with your skimpy-sized skirt.
"hello!" "are you even listening?"
now realizing that you had completely zoned out, only in your attempt to avoid a particle douchebag of an ex-boyfriend, rafe cameron. you knew that you shouldn't have come to the country club for brunch, but with mia being convincing enough, you caved. raising your head a sufficient amount you finally replied, "uhh yeah. what made you think i wasn't?"
Mia began to mimicking you, "uhh i don't know... maybe the fact that you weren't even looking at me or responding back"
"yeah shit, that's my bad. i'm sorry", moving around restlessly in the, usually, comfortable seats at the country club. the sharp eyes of rafe cameron exerted daggers into you shamelessly. the corner of your slightly raised gaze caught him boldly looking up and down your slumped-over figure before licking his lips. making no attempt to be subtle, though that's how he had always been. from the first day he locked his eye on you, he knew he wanted you, and there was only so much pushing him away before you caved.
"hey, you ok?"
too anxiety ridden to resist looking down at your skirt, while your knee began to bounce viciously, you responded, "y-yeah, i think i just need to use the restroom. will you excuse me?"
"absolutely. want me to come with you?", mia offered.
"no... no i'll be fine"
you heard mumbling come from mia that wasn't audible, walking away from the small outdoor table that you were sitting at, strutting towards the bathroom. you clocked that you would have to walk right past rafe if you wanted to escape to the bathroom, for even a small, malleable amount of peace. though, rafe saw you walking past him as a challenge. taking the chance, he angled himself to be right in your view, stretched to reveal his rather shredded abs.
you tried to not gawk at him, but fuck he was even more fit than when you two were together.
not wanting to visibly see his ego inflate, you began to walk with even more haste than before, only staying in his vicinity long enough to hear a chuckle leave his mouth.
after taking a few moments to yourself, and gathering yourself, you began walking back towards the table when a voice spoke up, "i saw you checking me out"
rafe cameron
letting a vexing scoff leave your plush lips, you turned around to face rafe's large figure, "and i saw you checking me out"
catching on to your rather agitated tone, rafe responded, "you know if we tried this again, i wouldn't mind you looking at me anytime."
seeing him bring a finger to point in between you two made you angrier, "nice try but i would rather die"
bending down, now splaying his large hand on your right shoulder, rubbing his thumb against your collar bone, he spoke, face coming closer to you, "oh come on baby... you can't keep this act up for much longer."
"shoot me" you thought to yourself
rafe had always been your weakness, and him touching you, well made you a puddle. you knew exactly what he was saying but you found that acting dumb might help you out.
"and what act do you happen to be speaking of?"
a laugh escaped his mouth while the wheels in his head spun, his hot breath now fanning your face, eyeing your lips before speaking, "the one that possesses you to act like you don't want me fuck you senseless"
mouth wide open from his language in front of a few retired old people who came to the outer banks for relaxation. not wanting to add fuel to the fire you completely ignored what he said.
"i gotta go, mia is probably wondering where i am" "it's good seeing you rafe"
bold-faced lie
feeling his fingers effortlessly wrap around your forearm, you lightly pull away, "come on, don't make a scene"
seeing his mouth start to open, you interrupted, "please"
hearing you beg, caused a moment of weakness for rafe, letting go of your arm, he watched you walk away.
"i'll get her" he thought
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venuslcver · 11 months ago
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pairing: pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
synopsis: you find that the day after your encounter with rafe, your ex-boyfriend, both of you seemed to have different expectations for how your relationship stands.
tw: feminine described character, ex-lovers, pining, profanity, toxic love (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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hearing the ring of the doorbell, you threw on your pink satin victoria secret robe, flying down the newly done, wooden stairs in your house. you must have finally got the package that you had been waiting at least five days for, it contained multiple new outfits that you would consider dying for. i mean it was the bare minimum considering how beautiful they were.
forcing the door open abrasively, you let a sign when you didn't find a large package on your porch, but flowers...
picking up the rather generously large bouquet, you searched for any type of identification for the giver of the breathtaking, hand-picked flowers.
it can't be from rafe
there is no possible way in hell it's from rafe. seeing the hand-written note, "a gift for making you sore last night- rafe"
letting out an obnoxiously loud scoff, it seemed to concern your mother enough to walk onto the main foyer, "oh wow! who are those from?"
quickly plucking the inappropriate note from the eye line of her, you began to walk up the stairs, "I have no idea"
"huhh, that's weird. anyways you need to meet your father at the golf course at arou-", taking a moment to look at her vintage watch, "around 12:30"
continuing your pace up the stairs through the entirety of the conversation, "sounds good, you meeting us after for dinner, right?"
"yes, dear"
laying the flower vase onto your dresser, sliding your robe off, you continue getting dressed for a round of golf with your dad and a couple of his friends. surprisingly they were actually were quiet entertaining, especially when they got a little drunk on the course. which naturally guaranteed that you would whoop their asses in golf.
pulling up in your own separate golf cart, you were greeted by the old men; your dad, aaron, mark, and ward. you met officially rafe through ward, he would occasionally join a game with his dad instead of just his buddies. and soon enough he was fucking you in a secluded part of the golf course.
"god i'm rusty" you thought.
you started to get into the rhythm by the second hole, just as you began to laugh at a joke that aaron, mia's dad, said, you see a distant golf cart edge closer and closer to the game that you guys were currently playing.
there is no fucking way in hell it's really him
sure enough, coming speeding up on one wheel, was rafe with a large smile on his face, and alcoholic beverage in hand. coming to a halting stop, rafe stalked closer, not before resting an arm around your shoulder, subconsciously fiddling with the straps of your shirt. there you stood, not able to move away from his touch. your dad looked utterly confused at the current situation unfolding in front of him.
"sorry guys, accidentally let time get away from me"
a synchronized "no problem" quickly left the older guy's mouths. hearing a deeper voice, you snapped out of your current thought process, "I didn't even get a thank you for the flowers"
purposefully speaking with a low tone while seemingly smiling, "i thought the fact that i left in a hurry, let you know that i regret what happened"
a little harsh
you saw rafe's face dropped quick to turn pale in color, though, only for a split second before putting up his usual cold exterior.
"baby, you want'a drink?", rafe asked loud enough for everyone to hear without question. simply because he knew that it would piss you just as much as you did to him. though his comment would never hurt you— unlike yours.
the five older men all glanced at each other for a brief moment before attempting to focus back on the game.
he has truly reached another level of douchebag
and that is exactly what you told him, propping your bodyweight on top of your toes, whispering into his ear, "your truly such'a dick, you know that"
before he could come up with a counterargument, he began to get heckled, "it's your turn rafe" "come on, it's your turn, man"
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by the time that the game had concluded, rafe had somehow wormed his way into also having dinner with your family at the country club. and considering that rafe would be joining for dinner, your dad decided that he would drive home and get your mom, while you began getting settled at the reserved table.
which lead to the current moment— you and rafe sitting at the dinner table alone. looking into your eye line, the beach sunset through the wall of windows, which made you wish that you could slam your head into the window hard enough to get out of the awkward situation. clearing his throat, "soo, you got any idea of what your gonna order?"
looking over at rafe, you could tell that he had something else on his mind, something that caused him to soften his eyes when you made eye contact with him for the first time in hours, "no one is around, what's a 'matter?"
scanning the surrounding area, seeing that not a single soul was close enough to hear anything that rafe would say— when he potentially expelling his feelings. real human feeling. those of which he lacked for most of his life.
"w-why'd you b-break up... with me?" he leaned forward, eyes barely able to hold eye contact.
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venuslcver · 10 months ago
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kook!reader, bestfriend!reader, rival!reader, carefreekook!reader, cheerleader!reader, zebra!reader
pushyex!rafe, virgin!rafe
bestfriend!sarah, girlfriend!sarah
pogue!jj, academicweapon!jj
boyfriend!pope, kook!pope
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venuslcver · 11 months ago
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pairing: pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
synopsis: just as you plan on letting loose at a party, you have, yet, another encounter with your ex, rafe cameron.
tw: feminine described character, ex-lovers, hands described as slim, pining, toxic love (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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the hangers that held your most prized clothing pieces moved with speed, as you searched for a particular top that mia was practically begging on her knees to borrow. she would be at your beachside house in a mere 5 minutes, to get fully ready for a party, that a close kook friend would be throwing this afternoon. and after your exchange with your ex-boyfriend, rafe cameron, earlier this week, you needed a chance to get completely wasted.
hearing the slamming of your bedroom door, you could easily infer that mia had arrived, based on the door-slamming person's lack of manners.
"you don't even know how fucking long it took me to get over here"
considering your whole upper body was completely engulfed in the expensive materials of your costly garments, you could barely even hear a word of what mia's current yammering on was about.
feeling the presence of mia's body pressing against your large closet door, you drew yourself out of the, now, piled up clothing, that was previously pristinely hung, onto your knees, then stood up fully, "first, i didn't hear a damn word of what you said. and second, i can't find that top anywhere"
"you mean this top?", mia asked theoretically while she pulled the top off of the most in-sight place in your hefty-sized, clothing-stacked closet.
"oh screw you!" you yelled as you walked back into your bedroom and sat on your linen-covered bed, slipping on the dress that you had just recently bought, dying to wear out.
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mia and you had been out of your house in a record time, only taking an hour to get the rest of the way ready.
slamming the drive door of your shined mercedes-benz, you stood hand in hand with mia ready to concur the worst species to ever be invoked, frat boys. on the bright side though, when they aren't spewing nonsense and put their mouths to good use, they are actually enjoyable. which explains rafe being your ex..
walking into the chalet that belonged to topper, or rather his parents, you began to experience a full-body tense at the earsplittingly loud music. the, already, drunken bodies of people you knew, pushed up against you as you guided mia through the crowds of people.
swiping a couple cups of the booze packed punch, you finally found a small area, out on the patio, by the pool, which wasn't crawling with people.
it had been almost an hour since you first arrived, you didn't even have to move to chat with people, they just naturally gravitated towards you. leaning against the heavy-duty banister, you began talking to an acquaintance or two, "ohhh i know, i can't stand them at alll"
"all they do is just come to an event or two, and judge us"
you began to not be able to escape the rather sudden feeling that all the alcohol, you drank in the past hour, caused. hitting you worse than a ton of brinks. hell, you'd much rather feel the pain of that ton of brinks than this feeling.
seeing the discomfort on your face, your friend spoke, "hey... if you need to use the bathroom, don't let me stop you"
"yeah, yeah i think that would help"
walking past the friend that you just having a meaningful conversation with, you patted her on the shoulder, "thank you"
"n-no problem"
now feeling pressure against your bladder, you made with haste towards the inside, searching the entire second floor of topper's house for an unoccupied bathroom, you began to feel restless as you rushed down the narrow stairs, walking towards the large living room.
"finally", you thought.
seeing a free lavatory open up, you made strides towards it, just as you were about to walk into it, a tall slender guy slid right past you— slamming the door in your face with a smirk.
not realizing that you were being watched, a voice spoke up, "the only person i have heard you call a douchebag was me"
shit shit shit
taking a moment to breathe, you turned around to see rafe selling his usual concoction of drugs on the coffee table, while splayed out obnoxiously on the couch.
after a pregnant pause, rafe knew damn well that you weren't going to acknowledge him any more than you already had; pointing to a white powdered line on the maple-colored coffee table, "want'a line?"
finally giving him some sort of acknowledgment, you stood arms crossed, frowning at him, choosing to walk over to the couch and sit on the armrest.
"no rafe, no i wouldn't"
"ohh come on, it's on the house", rafe said still endorsing his "business".
very little acknowledgment was given to rafe, just eyeing him up and down, in complete and utter disgust, "it will be just like old times"
looking back towards the bathroom, and seeing that it was empty, you got up, not before speaking sarcastically thought, " thank you soo much for the offer but i have to use the bathroom"
you lolled your eye as you heard him speak again, "j-just let me know if you need my help in there"
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venuslcver · 11 months ago
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pairing: pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
synopsis: the encounter continues with your ex, rafe cameron, except on your own accord. leading to something you immediately regret happening.
tw: feminine described character, smut, ex-lovers, pining, unprotected p in v, alcohol consumption, consumption of cocaine, profanity, semi-public sex, dubcon, toxic love (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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as the alcohol began to take its effect, or rather cause liquid courage, you walked out of the smaller bathroom while pulling down your dress, actively deciding to plop yourself right beside kelce, before wrapping your arm around his broad shoulder.
rafe had been watching your movements since you had first left the bathroom, he stopped his movements when he saw you sitting across from him, by his friend.
"howw are ya doing kelce?"
he was far beyond surprised that you were even near him, considering when you and rafe broke up, you told his friends that they are "complete and utter bitches" and you would rather "fuck someone's toe" than ever have to hear another one of their "getting bitches" talks. which rafe still chuckles about to this day.
"y-yeah i-im doing good, focusing on the work grind, you know?"
letting out a laugh, you spoke with a condescending smirk, "no, no i don't"
continuing to observe your motions, rafe saw the obvious embarrassment written on kelce's face, along with the mischief that was rather pronounced on you.
"you sure you don't want a line on the... um, house?"
thinking for a moment, not only was liquid courage racing through your lightweight veins, but you seemed to be looser than usual when it came to making decisions.
"yeah, why not?"
raising his whole expression in abundant surprise, rafe had to make sure that you were not fucking around, "you'fucking around, aren't you?"
strutting slowly toward rafe, then situating yourself between him and the end of the plump couch, "noo, no rafe m'not fucking around"
taking your word, rafe built a new mound of white powder for you, giving you a rolled-up dollar bill, he guided your head onto the table, and as you inhaled the cocaine into your nostrils in a matter of seconds, eyes began rolling back for a split second.
giving your thigh a light squeeze, rafe spoke up encouragingly, "good girl".
watching the whole interaction with disgust, kelce got up and began to walk away, but not before speaking his mind, "i-i think that is my sign to leave before you guys begin fucking on the fuck'n couch"
if you were not under the influence on, now, two things, you would have cared a lot more about kelce's comment. besides you were still too occupied with the large hand that belonged to rafe cameron lying directly on your thigh. god, how u missed that man. the slight touch of rafe cameron reminded you just how much you missed him. you began to ache for him to further his touch.
rafe couldn't care less about the amount of pda that he allowed people to see, hell he even enjoyed being able to let every guy at parties know that you are his. but he knew that for him to get you, he would have to slowly coax you out. and being realistic, a party environment would not be the best.
rafe saw a group of frat guys approaching, but instead of selling some of the abundant amount of cocaine left, he did the opposite.
"sorry guys, business is shut'n down for the night, got other things to focus on"
the frat guys immediately grasped what he was putting down. turning his attention back to you, without speaking directly to you, rafe stood, his large frame up while grabbing at your hand, guiding you upstairs to a more secluded section of the house. one that you didn't even know existed.
rafe opened a door into a room that you had yet to see, now, all alone in a random study, you made your way towards the balcony that was attached to the room. feeling the eyes of rafe, rolling the glass door open, you felt the salty cool air hit your face, wandering fully outside.
rafe stalked slowly behind you, coming to a stop for a moment, before pressing his body against you. only chuckling when he says the effect that he had on you, the same effect that you had been denying ever since the break-up. watching as your hands grip the banister, your breath began to speed up, as you took a sharp breath in, or the way that you subconsciously began pushing your figure back against him.
rafe's lips pressed against the shell of your ear, as his hot breath fanned on your neck, "and you're going to tell me that you ain't missing me?", he asked in a taunting manner.
when you didn't begin to speak up at all, he pressed more, in every way imaginable, propelling his hips forward, even more. your hip bones now began to sting due to the contact against the hardened wood banister.
"come on baby... you gotta admit you want me to fuck you"
still not saying a word, rafe snaked his hand around your body, settling it on your thigh, painfully slow to move it up your dress. letting out a small gasp at his proximity to your crouch, finally caving in, "y-yes i miss this"
not wasting a meer second, rafe began pressing your upper body against the balcony while pulling his body away from yours, pausing when hearing a small whimper escape your mouth with the lack of contact on his behalf; before he continued unbuckling his belt, then his pants.
quickly sucking in air when he pulled his underwear down just enough for his dick to spring out. hiking up your dress while looping his finger around your panties, pulling them down, and not wasting a moment, rafe began slamming into you.
just as you began to scream, rafe covered your mouth with his massive hand.
"shush baby, you gotta'b quiet"
close to coming, rafe began using circular movements against your core, screaming into his hand, you began to shutter. connecting his lips against your neck. the euphoric wave feeling began to become inescapable for both, you and rafe.
"oh fuck, that's it" he said rutting into you.
as the euphoric feeling began to subside, you both quickly began to get dressed, looking down to position his belt correctly, snapping his head back up, it seems in that split few seconds, you had escaped the room without uttering a word to rafe.
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venuslcver · 1 year ago
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imagines and headcannons
⋆ RELENTLESS — pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
⋆ RELENTLESS PT. 2 — pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
⋆ RELENTLESS PT. 3 — pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
⋆ RELENTLESS PT. 4 — pushyex!rafe x kook!reader
⋆ FIRST TIMES — virgin!rafe x bestfriend!reader
imagines and headcannons
⋆ JUST FRIENDS — bestfriend!sarah x kook!reader
⋆ JUST FRIENDS PT. 2 — bestfriend!sarah x kook!reader
imagines and headcannons
⋆ DATING — pogue!jj x kook!reader
⋆ WITHIN SCHOOL WALLS — academicweapon!jj x rival!reader
⋆ WITHIN SCHOOL WALLS PT. 2 — academicweapon!jj x rival!reader
imagines and headcannons
⋆ HIGH BY THE BEACH — boyfriend!pope x carefreekook!reader
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