#dean's soul hc
the duality of trueform!Dean
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he's glowing he's everything he's beautiful he's a warrior he's a mother he's a dorky little creacher whose default face is a blep
@castrotophic trueform posting
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davilishuuu · 22 days
I want to draw.... transfem!sammy scenarios....... can u guys give me some ideas please.......
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ghstfacr · 5 months
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closed // surprise starter based on their ttpd song // @bloodsalted
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⸺  𝗦𝗛𝗘'𝗦  𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗗  𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗣  𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗞  𝗢𝗙  𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗖𝗔𝗥  in  the  middle  of  nowhere  ,  watching  as  her  husband  lines  up  some  old  rusty  cans  to  use  for  target  practice  .  he  said  he  was  fine  ,  that  the  crease  in  his  brow  is  from  exhaustion  and  the  heat  of  the  case  .  but  she  knows  him  better  by  now  .  she  won't  pry  ,  only  try  and  distract  him  with  something  she  knows  will  at  least  bring  him  a  sense  of  amusement  ,  if  not  retribution  .  ❝  hey  ,  do  that  impression  you  did  of  your  dad  again  ?  ❞  the  voice  even  more  gruff  than  his  own  ,  brow  furrowed  into  a  no  -  nonsense  ,  take  no  prisoners  expression  with  which  he's  begun  to  blow  off  steam  .  ❝  c'mon  ,  you  even  had  sammy  laughing  last  time  !  ❞
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holyfreaks · 1 month
I need you to expand more on the hc of dean being jealous of lucifer RIGHT NOW (please)
YESSSS absolutely!!!!
so basically I don't think it would be obvious to dean that what he's feeling is jealousy. he knows he hates lucifer, bc duh, but it's some sort of deep rage and hatred that dean feels that feels a bit more heated than just normal hatred
he just hates how much time sam spent with him in the cage.... he hates that he hurt sam.... he hates that he was inside of sam.... he hates that lucifer seems to know sam better than even dean..... ohhhh he would absolutely HATE that last part. that would be the worst part to him, but he would never admit that to another living soul.
lucifer got to know sam so intimately, is the thing, even though in a noncon terrible way. dean wants that soooo bad. even more, he wants sam to LET him know him like that. but sam never would bc he's been picked apart and assaulted more times than he can count.
so yeah. dean in my hc is deep, DEEP down insanely jealous of lucifer for how well he got to know sam inside and out.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 months
Choose Your Own Destiny
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader x Sam Winchester (NO Wincest)
Word Count: ~300
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request a hcs where the reader is a archangel created by the grace of Michael and Lucifer basically her daughter and Dean and Sam fell in loved with her? 
Summary: Dean is so much more different than his brother but you love both of them equally.
Square Filled: college!au (2019) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Lucifer and Michael have always wanted more power, no secret about that
They loved God so much that when they found out he didn’t love them as much as they did, they ran off and created a little plot point of their own
With both their graces and a touch of a human soul, they created you, another archangel that’s more powerful than all of them combined
You were the one thing they needed to get a bunch of angels on their side to overthrow God
If God isn’t in power anymore, then Michael and Lucifer can take over and do things their way
They never expected you to want to go your own way and live your life the way you wanted to
The first time you saw Sam and Dean, your entire life changed. You finally saw that there is more to life than creating armies and taking over Heaven
There is something about Sam and Dean that attracts you, that calls you to them. You’re not sure if it’s their auras or their personality, but you didn't want to be without them
Due to being so powerful, you were able to hide from Michael and Lucifer who tried everything they could to find you
All you’ve ever known is Heaven and fighting ars you have no business being in, and Sam and Dean showed you there is more to life than that
Despite their objections, you got yourself into college just so you can learn and become a better person
It was obvious their feelings for you, as they did almost everything for you, but it was hard to choose between them
So you didn’t
They both taught you how to date which means they were your firsts--first kiss, first time you had sex-first date, first time you held hands, etc.
Dean is more romantic than Sam since he likes to take you on long car rides, often gives you flowers, and usually stays the night with you after having sex
Sam likes his own space so after he fucks you, he’ll go back to his room, he likes taking you on jogs in the morning, and you two like to have reading dates in peaceful silence
Two very different men who love and treat you like a princess, something your dads will never do
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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stxar-pvnk · 2 months
You know what? I've just made a hc
Sam can see hellhounds, has been able to since he was a child he didn't actually know they were hellhounds he just thought they were really disfigured but adorable puppies.
So, Sam is out on a hunt with dean and Castiel, hunting down a crossroads demon when he comes across a disfigured puppy limping to him,
Sam gasps picking up the hurt puppy almost cradling the dangerous thing in his arms
"oh you poor thing.." Sam cooed..
Dean is just STARING at Sam as if hes gone crazy and Castiel is staring at the vicious rabid hellhound that was squirming and showing its stomach for pats like a domesticated pet.
"Sammy what are you doing?-" dean asks because he just sees his brother petting air like a lunatic
"Sam, I advise you.. put that down" Castiel says cautiously
Sam looking up
"isn't he adorable? I used to see these everywhere when I was a child!"
And Castiel stiffening because..
Hellhounds are bloodthirsty attackers, trained to kill and drag souls down to hell,
And Sam had been seeing them for years?
"what the hell-cas what are you seeing?" Dean demands, still outta the loop
Sams now very confused
"what? what is it?"
"Sam...put the hellhound down."
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pinkiebieberpie · 2 years
supernatural masterlist .⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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i started watching the show in december 2022 and i sold my soul after a few episodes, saying it's a hyperfixation it's an understatement, so if you see me posting about spn don't be surprised (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)mostly moodboards, social media au, maybe some fics, enjoy &lt;;33
🦋 thoughts:
jealous dean
dean being afraid of flying
just dean being sexy
dealing with girlfriend's death
reader complimenting dean
dean and only one bed prompt
dean x f!reader with a daughter
giving dean a massage
dad!dean (baby name)
cuddling with dean (hcs)
dean x vampire!reader (hcs)
dating dean winchester (hcs)
slapping his ass out of a blue
dean x childhood friend!m!reader
dean x childhood friend!m!reader part 2
dean x very closed off reader
dean x witch!reader
dean x witch!reader vol. 2
dating season one dean
dean's instagram account
🧸 moodboards:
winchester little sister
dean being boyfriend material
being besties with dean (bi!dean x bi!reader)
🌻 social media aus:
bi!dean x bi!reader (platonic)
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🦉 pov: your camera roll:
if you were dating dean
if you were dating dean (college au)
if you had a sleepover with dean
if you were little winchester sister
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🌕 fics:
🌿 thoughts:
sammy boyfriend material
study sleepover with college!sam
husband sam (hcs)
sam if dean and y/n were dating
sam's instagram account
sam x sweet!reader
🐛 moodboards:
sam x witch!reader ++ hcs
winchester little sister
sam x goddess of life!reader
paper rings by taylor swift (lyrics mb)
wildest dreams by taylor swift (lyrics mb)
📗 social media aus:
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🪴 pov: your camera roll:
if you were dating sam
if you were little winchester sister
if you were out on a hunt with boyfriend!sam
if you were dating sam (stanford!sam version)
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🌑 fics:
💜 thoughts:
castiel's instagram account
🔮 moodboards:
castiel x goddess of life!reader
🌌 social media aus:
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🫐 pov: your camera roll:
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🐾 fics:
other characters !!
husband crowley (hcs)
crowley's instagram account
tropes with spn men (sam, dean, cas, crowley, john, jack)
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All In or All Out?
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Summary: Dean needs an answer.
Warnings: None really.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 625
A/N: I got this very fun ask:
Anonymous asked: use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
So, the photo above is the one I used. Hope you enjoy what I came up with for it. ❤️
The beautiful divider below and at the bottom was created by @talesmaniac89
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"You gotta decide here and now." Dean told her in a low, firm voice. "I know it's not fair."
He looked up at her standing in front of him and tried to catch her gaze, but she purposely wasn't looking. "And you can think I'm an asshole if you want." He continued with a shrug. "That's your right, and you're probably not wrong."
Y/N shook her head, still refusing to look at him, far too aware of the sway those green eyes had over her. But Dean finally reached up to grab her chin and force her gaze back to his.
"Hey." He said quietly. "Look at me." 
She did, and she fell - like she knew she would. She would fall for this man forever. 
"I need to know, sweetheart." He said huskily. "You have to be all in or all out in this life. I know, because I've tried straddling the fence before and it just doesn't work. Live like that and hunters miss things, or they lose focus and they fumble. So, if we're gonna be together, I mean for real, for life," he was the one to drop his gaze this time, "then, Baby, you gotta decide if you can deal with me as a hunter, whether or not you can live this life with me."
She saw the muscle in his jaw flex. "Or, if it's too much for you then…okay. That's," he licked his lips, biting into the bottom one before clearing his throat, "that's okay. I get it."
He captured her gaze again and smiled softly. But his eyes were sad and they made Y/N’s heart ache. "But look…whatever you decide, sweetheart, I’ll always love you. That won't ever change."
Y/N closed her eyes and thought about the future she'd have with him; living in constant fear of losing him, watching him beat himself up when he lost people, knowing there was no way for her to stop him from doing that, putting up with him when he lashed out at her because the weight of the world was bearing down on his shoulders, and even knowing there might be some things he'd prioritize above their love - saving the world tended to be a sacrificial gig. 
She thought about all the bad, and tried to weigh it against the good, as she'd been doing for days since Dean first said that he needed her to give him an answer. She'd tumbled everything around and around in her mind and finally she was coming to the conclusion that there were dozens of reasons, big and small, for her to say no, to bow out.
And only one reason to stay, one reason to sign on to a hunter's life and that was the hunter sitting in front of her now. The reasons all boiled down to one very real, inescapable truth.
If she walked away from Dean Winchester, her soul would stay behind. 
She would never not need him, never not crave him. She was never, ever going to be able to say goodbye to that smile, and those eyes that held enough pain for fifty lifetimes, but that could still sparkle, bright and beautiful.
So, the choice he was giving her, wasn't really much of a choice. She was lost at their first hello.
She leaned forward and cupped his cheeks in her hands, her heart squeezing when he nuzzled into the touch.
"There is no other answer for me, Dean. You are my answer. My only answer." She shrugged and smiled lovingly before she pressed her mouth to his, feeling the heat of his lips sweep across her skin. She pulled back and, pressing her forehead to his, she made her vow.
"I'm all in."
Tags below the cut:
1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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@slut4tangerine - the sweetest girl ever! and her Drew Starkey content is top tier!!!!
@scenesofobx - my sweet bestie! the kindest person you will ever ever meet in your life. her blog is my comfort blog + her stories are wonderful. please go check her out immediately 
@outerbankspov - the best update account on this app ran by the sweetest person!!!
@yagirlwrites- my wife + bestie gal!!! she is the kindest, funniest, person I know + if you’re into sub!rafe her blog is your place to be. 
 @mvybanks - the sweetest gal!!! her frat!rafe owns my soul + he will occupy yours as well ♡
@tea-and-wine - one of my fav creators on here. her marvel stuff is top tier + her friendship is as well. check her out immediately!
@lovedetlost - the best aesthetics + fic recs around ♡ my Europe gf ♡ lottie was one of the first people to show me kindness + love on this app + I love this angel + you’re going to too.
@rafesmuse - the freaking kindest soul + heart + I’m obsessed with her blog for a multitude of reasons, you’ll understand why if you just go give it a look.
 @hydrngea- my love! we met + bonded over an interesting situation lmao but she is the kindest soul + her rafe stories are top tier! go give her a follow ♡
@fangirlwithlou - lou is the sweetest, kindest soul + she amazes me daily with the amount of effort she puts into analyzing + reading our works. lou, baby, I love you endlessly. if you aren’t following her already, please do so immediately.
@rafesmoon - the sweetest angel on planet earth!!!!!
@inkluvs - ivy baby!!!! their brain is as gorgeous as their face! also - the kindest cutie head there ever was!!!
@forevermoreharrington - the sweetest + I love her blog!! ♡ the best hc's if you're a steve harrington/ rafe cameron girly!
@promiscuousbarnes - my bestie girl for life + amazing dean winchester fics!!!!
@ghostlyfleur- her blog is like reading your favorite fairytale + she is the sweetest human ever ♡
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boywifesammy · 9 months
little game inspired by a year wrap up post by @preseriesdean :) saw posts from @lovetransaction & @imnot-evenhere so here’s mine <3
Rules: list your top 5 creations you made for this year. Creations can include any type of fic, any type of art, webweaves/comparatives, meta/headcanon posts, gifsets/edits, fanvids, playlists - anything that contributed to the fandom. These don't have to be your most popular - just the ones you love best.
kitchen fork samifer fanvid - my first amv type edit! i haven’t edited in a longgg long time but this idea just took me by the throat and screamed to be realized. hell trauma arc is my fav sam plotline hands down and i loveee love love the implications & fan material about it so i wanted to contribute :)
we don’t talk about it (deanjohn) - MY FAV FIC that ive written!! :) i love love love this fic & im super satisfied with how it came out. i experimented with a 2nd POV bc i saw some other deanjohn fics use it and i think it fits perfectly. its also angsty smut which is just soo. ugh. i love angsty smutty deanjohn & i think i created something equally haunting & enticing with this one.
smoke-soaked leather (wincest) - my first spn fic! it’s a slowburn casefic that’s set during s1. i focused on dean’s self worth issues here. i wanted to write in his self harm in a way that’d be canon accurate while also focusing on how its actually serious self injurious behaviour. i think i did a good balancing act here, plus im proud of the case fic it came together nicely uwu
rend apart the flesh of my soul (wincest) - woundfucking smut baybeeee!!!! this is purely hedonistic (but also angsty because of course it is) but its one of my favs. sooo visceral and gut wrenching in a very sexy way. gotta love early szns for its insanity.
closeted transfem dean hc - my ramblings about dean through the series if he was mtf. angsty ending bc in this hc she never does come out or accept herself. i constantly think about this hc and im in the process of writing a fic about it that will hopefully be out next year !!
tagging @sicksam @rottingsam @hellhoundlair @transboysammy :) show me ur stuff!! (and if uve already done this, tag me in the comments so i can see :>)
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angel-fruitcake · 2 months
always had the hc that in a situation where cas would need to possess Dean to heal him and for some reason Angel so-and-so is there and cas goes “well I’d have to go into his head to ask him” and the Angel is just like “wtf are u talking abt cas just possess him alr”
and cas is Like ??? “ i have tk ask permission”
and they’re just like O.O “you can’t HEAR that?”
And cas is just like -.- “what”
cut to said Angel being like “ bro thsi soul is practically constantly begging you to possess him”
and cas is like “Nono that’s just Dean that’s just his longing”
[cue silence] [angel so-and-so blinks] “for….?”
[a beat] [cas blinking] [realization dawning] “O-“
wait this is so good omg. godddd imagine if we got to see jensen acting as cas?? i would lose it
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hc that since we know Dean DID torture souls his first time in Hell, the first time Cas saw him he was in his full/true Deanmon form.
...gold, glitter, bioluminescent freckles, black eyes with fiery green centers, huge golden horns, fins, fur, spikes, long twitchy tail and all
rly who WOULDNT fall in love with that.
(also imagining Cas arriving to Grip Dean Tight And Raise Him From Perdition but finding Dean backed up against the wall of whatever Hell dungeon they were keeping him in, on all fours with his ears back and fur fluffed up, hissing at Cas like a stray kitten that doesn't know its being rescued)
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vaicomcas · 1 year
Godstiel 2.0
This part of Moriah was not mentioned enough.
DEAN: All right. So, I guess we got to find Jack. SAM: Yeah. Then what? DEAN: ...Maybe we call Rowena, see if she can put together one of those, um, "soul bombs."
They were going to basically use the nuclear bomb to kill Jack.
In my AU: They went ahead with the plan. Cas caught wind of the plan and desperately searched for ways to protect Jack. He found only one. Just as they detonated the bomb, Cas used his S6e22 spell to absorb all the souls into him.
Except these are not monster/leviathan souls, they are decent human souls who didn't want to be obliterated by the Winchesters as a weapon against a child (we saw from 8x02 that Dean was perfectly willing to sacrifice more than a million souls from heaven to win the demon tablet in an auction). The souls were grateful to Castiel for sheltering them, and they were sympathetic to Castiel having witnessed his mind and his feelings. They willingly powered Castiel and supported him (see my hc about endosymbiosis).
A stable and immensely powerful Godstiel 2.0 now was able to see his and Jack's painful past for what it really was.
I won't write this fic because I don't know what happens next. It would be up to Godstiel 2.0. How would he help Jack recover and heal and thrive? What would he do to the Winchesters? I don't have what it takes to do justice to these tasks, but Godstiel does.
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disfordevineaux · 2 years
An amalgamation of random CS Character HCs that have been knocking around in my brain for a while, pt1:
- Sheena was released on bail by her family a few months after fall of VILE. They worked their rich people magic and finessed a sweet, sweet plea that one could only dream of. She now works at Sephora for some reason.
- Chief loves a good paid product placement. In fact 90% of ACMEs income comes from brand deals and sponsorships. All the elevators within ACME HQs across America are Pepsi Branded.
- Chase has 2 younger sisters that he is incredibly close (one still a minor) with. They are both extremely intelligent, strongly opinionated and driven women, exactly the way he raised them. Which people in his inner circle find ironic when considering previous behaviours displayed. He admits it's ironic, and admits openly that it plagues his soul frequently.
- Neal was eventually caught, multiple, multiple, multiple times but naturally escaped. And eventually was just never seen again. Probably performing stand up somewhere. As is probably for the best. It's theorised that he kept getting caught just to escape because he was bored. The cafeteria staff within the prison miss him.
- Cleo developed a skin care line right out of her prison cell. Somehow. It's really successful. It is actually one of ACMEs many sponsors now.
- Zack signed up for a local musical theatre group after being inspired by the show Glee. He subsequently quit when he found out that you actually have to dance and sing, to be apart of the group. And not just sit in the corner and wait for a Glee moment to happen so you can 'get the live Glee experience', as he puts it.
- 6 months into Shadowan's 'retirement' in Greece, he found himself horrifically bored, and began fishing. Turns out he is really good at it, a natural, and ended up being featured on TV for his innovation to fishing.
- Chase decided to grow an actual beard, nothing serious, to shake things up. Zack caught on to this change emerging and wanted to copy him and grow one too. He was excited to become 'The Beard Brothers'. Chase shaved it pretty much the next day.
- Zari plays professional indoor beach volley ball. And is really dam good at it.
- Player collects Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Not to play, but just to organise. He keeps all the holographic ones in their own portfolio. He claims his entire collection is totally worth like a couple thousand, at least.
- Julia likes the taste of coconut. Loves those little chocolates that are called Bountys. It's not her favourite flavour but she really appreciates anything with some dessicated coconut in it.
- Chase is lactose intolerant, but like many people in society suffering from that affliction he refuses to live his life by it. He will not be controlled by dairy. HE controls the dairy. But he does commit to skim or oat milk in his coffee, he's not crazy.
- Dash Haber and Trey Sterling are frienemies to lovers to strangers.
- Carmen and Ivy partake in many private rendezvous that are not at all as work related as they lead people to believe they are.
- Brunt's favourite show is Supernatural. She has a huge huge crush on Dean. It's concerning. But understandable. She kicked up a stink about missing the 'new seasons' (she's a few years behind) and gets to watch an epp a week, despite being in prison.
- Ivy becomes ACMEs resident mechanic and supes up any ACME car she can get her hands on. Don't expect to have any appliances in any office she has a workshop in as the best parts come from a toasted sandwich maker and kettle.
- Player grows from like 4"1 to 6ft within seconds of turning 18.
- Carmen begins working on starting a charity which aims at completely reforming the international foster care system, so she can marry it to her 'stealing for the right reasons' motif which she is currently working at making an actual legal enterprise of some sort.
- Gray claims that he's so far met 17 celebrities throughout his life. But when you ask for a list of who he has met he only ever names a few out of those 17, but ALWAYS tells the story of how he met Chad Michael Murry at a service station in Brisbane.
- As a teen, Bellum was once lost within an IKEA for a considerable amount of time. They consider it the best 5 hours of their life and nothing will ever top it.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
Happy WW, Liz! Thank you for the amazing writing you've given us over the past month! Pertaining to the one you posted today, do you have any ideas/head cannons about how Sam and Dean act when the other is injured after a hunt? Who's more stubborn? Who coddles the other one more? Do they have any running jokes or rituals they stick to when patching themselves up? (other than massages + takeout... maybe I'd join them on a hunt or two if I can wind down with them after, lol)
hello hello, happy wincest wednesday to you and yours! getting to this um a week late, but what is wincest wednesday for if not to be encompassing of all wednesdays ever
and what a cute one, so -- injury headcanons:
When things are Emotionally Fraught they're both pretty stubborn, but Dean is more so. Who cares if he has a beaten up face, he has a beaten up soul and he deserves it or whatever, probably. (cf. 11.03) When things are slightly less emotionally fraught, though, he feels fine with being a big ol' baby about it and going Sammmmmm bring me a beeeeer bc I'm your favorite big brotherrrrr and Sam grinds his teeth and thinks Dean is deeply annoying and then eventually does get him the beer anyway, because Dean's threatening to hop around on one foot and sprain his ankle even worse. So he gives him the beer with mild prejudice, and then Dean grins all big and sparkly-charming and offers to blow him as thanks, and Sam, god help him, does find it cute. Reluctantly.
Dean definitely coddles Sam more (cf. latter s8), but in more of a gruff 'hey idiot, take your meds' kind of way than an uwu my widdle baby brother way. It is always a prime time to tell your brother he looks disgusting with snot caked on his upper lip. And Sam rolls his eyes and refuses to be coddled (again, cf. s8), regardless of said snot. And also probably tries to ignore the sickness entirely while Manfully Dealing, while Dean is rolling his eyes and debating whether to tackle him so he'll take a nap. When actually ill, I feel like Dean is probably in denial for the first day and then fully becomes every stereotype of a whiny baby as long as there's nothing else he's supposed to be doing. Full-on nest-of-blankets-with-trash-TV, soup, croaking pathetically like a baby bird. Sam is still rolling his eyes, lol. He will sometimes sit with Dean and watch Food Network, but if it's nothing life-threatening I think he sets Dean up with tissues and soup and doesn't want to get snot on his shirt. Yuck.
Serious injuries are something else, as we see. You've still gotta make fun of your brother because he's your brother, but in a wincest world beyond what's shown on screen I do like to hc a little more closeness. Still not 'coddling' and not particularly cute, but when Dean's freshly back from the dead for the nth time I can imagine Sam crawling into bed behind him and putting his nose to that soft spot at the top of Dean's spine and listening to Dean breathe, his hand over Dean's heart. And Dean lets him, and makes maybe one comment like you're a freakin' limpet, but he needs the grounding, too. And they probably have a running ritual of clingy sweaty missionary sex. Emotional violin soundtrack optional.
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sammygender · 4 months
thinking about that bit in the s10 episode i just watched where dean (and sam but i think mostly dean) recounts john taking them to new york and how there was SO MUCH in it. everything made me feel so vindicated i love love looove when spn suddenly lines up with something ive been thinking about. so much there.
dean being 'really underage' so i was thinking like 15 (not that id even describe 15 as REALLY underage, but these are americans) and sneaking out to a sick rock venue... <33. coolest kid around i love him. i like the establishment that dean did do things like that - it both makes me feel happier for him and slightly vindicates me against the people who claim dean was more sam's parent than his brother. thats not true. sure, he raised him, but he also snuck out to go to bars and dumped sam at random places and acted like an idiot older brother. and im glad dean got to do that.
15 year old dean (or some other young dean) being intentionally gotten drunk and implied to be roofied or drugged or whatever by a bunch of girls who were immediately all over him... hello... thats AWFUL..... god he must've been such a looker and i like it when canon acknowledges that. i have this idea in my head of like. 'funny looking' kid dean who's about twelve when he suddenly graduates from funny-looking to like relentlessly beautiful by just growing perfectly into his features. dean is always so aware of the way hes percieved physically in any given situation and always uses it in this specific way, from flirting with every girl around to responding to male aggression by way of cops etc by also like fake flirting or pretending they're sexually interested in him..... i dont always know where i land on 'precanon dean did sex work' hcs but this is something that does intrigue me about it. plus the weird and very sweet protectiveness he always has about sex workers - also just watched that ep where hes like trying to talk the soul-wanting sex worker out of it. ANYWAY. and the extremely casual way dean recounts this like its just?? something that happens to him??? hello???
then dean telling john he'd embarrassed him and he hated him...... doesn't really stack with everything else we've ever heard of child/teenage dean, but it's kind of interesting to consider. i guess he was incredibly drunk/potentially drugged. also this is from dean's perspective, a dean who was intensely gone and probably barely remembers.
and then we get a classic early-seasons style moment where dean recounts something about john winchester and goes Ha! Classic dad! What a great guy! and sam's like Dude wtf?????? except sam isn't snarky anymore so he just does a Look. i mean come on dean. ten minutes ago you said 'john winchester isn't winning any parenting awards' and now you're saying 'he raised us right!'. Dude. You KNOW that is not true. sam also knows you know.
that being said. i like seeing a moment of john winchester just being... a human guy. taking his kids to new york bc they kept begging him to and seeing all the fun sights. scaring the hell out of a bunch of terrifying punk teenagers who got his teenage son drunk. its more interesting to me to think that john is, like, a decent guy, aside from the child abuse, and probably would've been a much better dad if it wasn't for the trauma and the hunting and mary's death (though. i have to say. The way he deals with it is still his character!!! Putting it all on your very young son and venting to him is still like. Not something that a hell of a lot of people would do, even if they got just as revenge-driven. i reckon that specific type of parentification/spousification would've still have happened to dean. mary would've probably done it too.). the young john we see seems like a cool guy and he has strong as hell opinions about his future self's parenting (admittedly while not knowing it's his future self, lol). i reckon, on one level, john and dean did actually really get on. that makes the awfulness of it all so much more interesting to me <3
this post is all over the place but like. what an interesting scene. ill replay it and actually talk about in more depth and a more structured way someday.
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