#dean wincester au
amaranthmori · 7 months
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the summoning of Dean Winchester
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sunbleachedf4wn · 22 hours
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save me endverse dean and early seasons sam save me
imagine the YEARNING between these two.
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vampzmeel · 18 days
some thinksa
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sam and dean have a 15 year age gap, dean is taking care of baby sam after being in the hunting business for his whole life, his only breaks are when he gets to just watch over his little brother. john dies when sam is 15 and dean is pissed at john for leaving him for making him into sams mother but he loves sam and never takes it out on him also sam has a habit of calling dean mom.
other things:
sam was weened off of pacifiers late bc dean was basically a singal parent and it was just easier
dean dropped out of school after sam was born and their mom died
dean likes putting baby sam's hair in pigtails
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yaosirius · 5 months
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same AU.
spent a lot of time on this work, not good as I expected but I’m still very proud that I finished it…cuz i spent about 22hr🥹🥹
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hitchell-mope · 21 days
Dean: last night was awesome.
Anna: you called me “Sammy” 20 times, cried when you finished and then you kicked me out of the garage so you could pillow talk with the steering wheel.
Dean: like I said. Last night was awesome.
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sevensinswithin · 3 months
Thinking about a world where Adam is pulled out of the cage early without Michael and is unwillingly pulled into Sam and Dean's emotionally incestuous codependent relationship. He hates it, but his brothers have made too many enemies for it to be safe for him to live by himself and he doesn't have a certain angelic companion to help keep him safe. So he's kind of just stuck there, reluctantly playing a part in his brothers codependency because he doesn't really have a lot of options and occasionally lashing out at them whenever they cross a line he's uncomfortable with
Edited 04/15/2024: I made a little ficlet set in this universe.
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tongjingnian · 3 months
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Tom: You are a perfect masterpiece, and I'm taking you home with me.
Wade: *unrecognizable voice*
my bloody valentine × house of wax
it's a gift to a friend who inspired this work :)
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amaranthmori · 7 months
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This just in! Groupie touring with band, rumored to be lead singers brother!
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midnightsilver · 3 months
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My artwork for the story written by the awesome @samanddean76 for the Spn angels and demons reverse bang 🎉
You can find the story summary details here ✨
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unholytemple · 2 months
wincest royal au
sam and dean are both princes, and dean, being the older one, is next in line for king. their entire lives sam has been jealous of dean. dean got all the trainings for what it takes to be king, dean got everything he wanted, and sam was always second best.
when the time came for dean to take the throne, sam was livid. he knew it would happen eventually, but actually watching his older brother get the crown put on his head lit a fire in him. if sam couldn't rule the kingdom, then he'd have the king under his thumb.
for weeks, sam was an insufferable bitch. constantly talking back to dean, calling him your highness every change he got in that condescending tone he does so well. he didn't follow orders, undermined him in front of the court; sam did everything possible to get under dean's skin. it took longer than sam anticipated for dean to snap, but when he finally did, it was delicious.
they used to fuck, back when they were younger and sam wasn't so bitter. they hid it from the handmaidens, sneaking into each other's chambers late at night. now that dean is king, they don't have to hide. no one would dare question him. one night, sam goes to dean's bedroom and barges in, uncaring about the king's privacy.
the boys argue. insults are traded, spitting venom at each other until they gave up words in favor of fists. dean is strong, but sam's knight training always was more intense than the king-to-be's. sam gets dean pinned against the bed, helpless to do anything but surrender to his younger brother.
"am i still worthy enough to fuck you, your highness?" sam spits. realization dawns on dean.
"is that why you've been such a bitch? you want to fuck the king?"
fuck dean and his ego. fuck dean in that crown that never sits straight on his head. fuck sam's big brother for always being a little bit better than him.
that night, dean wasn't treated with the respect a king deserves. he was fucked like a common whore who couldn't be satisfied.
"that didn't take long. are your servants not treating you well, your highness?"
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hitchell-mope · 4 months
Ruby: Dean and Sam are BWB’s.
Anna (trying to figure the acronym out): the Best. Winchester. Brothers...?
Ruby: close. But it’s “Brothers With Benefits”.
Anna: ahhhh. That checks out.
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kickingitwithkirk · 5 months
Snow Globes and Forgiveness
Summary: Even though Chucks no longer creating the narrative, it’s not a Winchester Christmas till something goes wrong.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Sam Winchester
Word Count: 3194
Warnings: wincest, cursing, m/m kissing, frottage, my attempt at flangst
For: @thepromiscuousduck @spnfanficpond Secret Santa exchange 2023
A/N: set after 15.19 & in this AU 15.20 doesn’t happen
A/N II: Apologies to all other participants for taking so long. Between a last minute switch, couldn’t rewrite until after new year & had a rebound of a bad respiratory virus that’s keep me mostly offline last few weeks.
A/N III: once again, brevity doesn’t exist in my vocabulary
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @firefly-graphics
*gif credit to creator
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Sam Winchester has never been big on the holidays.
Let’s start with a specific Halloween party and his disastrous bobbing for apples incident involving a girl he liked. Then there was that one Thanksgiving he’d been invited to by another girl who turned out to have hands like an octopus and spent the whole dinner, as his brother so eloquently put it, playing footsie with brace-face, not three feet from her dad.
Not to mention, others celebrated, or not, Winchester style; his dad either missed it entirely or showed up with a bucket of extra crispy from the colonel and passed out on a couch. The best was that one Christmas before Dean went to hell a few months later.
But this year was going to be different.
They’d been adjusting to normality reasonably well. Okay, so Dean is the one adjusting better in some respects and said since it’s the brothers' first non-Chuck Christmas, they had to make it extra special. Sam knows this was Dean’s way of trying to make up for all the shitty holidays during their childhood. And knowing his brother, he’s envisioning emulating Mrs. Butters, the wood nymph they accidentally released in the bunker, Jam Packed holiday extravaganza she’d done those few weeks before leaving.
While Dean was getting the tree (Sam would’ve bet more likely grabbing the first one he saw before hitting the liquor store), he sent Sam to pick out ornaments. Sam was trying to make an effort and found himself standing in the middle of a smaller retail chain store's Christmas section, overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices and feeling like a freak for not knowing what to get outside lights and colorful balls.
“First Christmas together?”
Sam’s head swiveled around, “Umm, I’m sorry?” The person who spoke said, “You’ve got that whole I’ve got no freaking idea what I’m doing look, so I took a guess it’s your first Christmas with your girlfriend…wife?”
“Uh, no, no girlfriend or wife.”
“Ahh, boyfriend.” Sam was about to correct their assumption when they continued, “That can be trickery,” and gave him the once over. “I’m guessing he’s not into frills and bows. You should head to the Christmas Market two blocks south of here. There are always booths selling unique or vintage items for the Holiday. Probably find something more appealing than this mass-produced crap.”
After one more glance, Sam thanked them and texted Dean where to meet up with him later, then headed out of the storefront and strolled down the street. He soon hears jolly holiday music and smells enticing scents wafting before entering the colorfully illuminated European style Market and is hit with the sense he’d been here before.
Sam shook his head, feeling ridiculous. Of course, he’d never been here before, but something about this place kept nagging at his memories of familiarity when the irresistible scent of hot, minty chocolate beckoned. After indulging in a creamy, decadent drink decorated with a soft peppermint stick, he walked around, taking in the wares for sale.
At one booth, he found strands of original bubble lights and instantly knew they’d appeal to Dean and his oft-denied inner child; another yielded hand-strung garlands and got popcorn and cranberry ones with instructions on storing them for future use. Sometime later, Sam is laden with so many packages and bags that even his long arms are having trouble juggling them when he sees an elderly woman seated by a table with a simple stand of lights.
The hunter in him was always looking for anything unusual which fit the bill. Smiling politely at the woman when approaching, Sam studied the few antique-looking items and decided they seemed innocuous and relaxed. He spotted an old snow globe, picked it up, and sardonically smiled at how it looked diminutive in his large hand and began examining it.
Sam took time to appreciate its craftsmanship. Its base was silver with hand-worked engravings and an inscription in a language he didn’t recognize. Giving it a shake, Sam watched the artificial snow gently drift over a scene of a log cabin snugly ensconced among evergreens and bare-limbed trees. He got that feeling again. Impulsively, he asked how much he was surprised not to have to haggle over the price.
Carefully taking the globe in her gnarled hands, the woman told Sam that it was crafted in the country of her birth but didn’t specify where. She carefully inserted it into an equally old wooden box, telling him it was explicitly constructed to house the globe to keep it safe during its travels. Sam hears rumbling and glances around, spotting an old pickup parking not far off, and turns back to find the woman has disappeared.
Frowning, he placed the box in a bag, gathered up the rest of his purchases, walked to the waiting vehicle, deposited the items in the crowded truck bed, and then climbed in noticed Dean peering through the cab's back window, “Couldn’t find any more stuff, Sam?” “Couldn’t find a bigger tree, Dean?” His brother says nothing while backing the truck up, “Good thing I got all that to decorate it with then.”
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Dean grunted as he set his end into the tree stand and, catching his breath, huffed out, “This would’ve been the time to use some of those witchy tricks, Sam.”
“Or maybe a good time to start working out more and cut back on the burgers and pie?” Sam shot back. “Wadda you talking about?” Dean snapped defensively, “I’m in great shape!” Sam gives him bitchface and says, “Keep telling yourself that Dean.“
Squatting down to affix the supports to the tree, Sam continues. ”You got winded just carrying this down the stairs. We have to face it: neither of us is getting any younger. We had this conversation not long after dealing with Chuck. Yes, we’ll enjoy the everyday things we couldn’t before. But if we’re doing something or on a hunt and get seriously injured, Cas isn’t here to help. And you know Jack is hands-off, so we’ve ….”
“Whatever, Sam.” Dean interrupted, unsuccessfully tamping down his that hurt but not gonna acknowledge it look. “I’m going to take my out-of-shape self and get the rest of the stuff from the car. Unless you’re worried I might, I don’t know, fall and break a hip.”
“Dean, that’s not what I,” but his brother just left, and Sam sighed, knowing he’d put his foot in it again, trying not to express his true feelings. Since they got their freedom from the manipulations of heaven, hell, and all the other things that went bump in the night, the feelings he’d buried and thought were over had come back.
Before he said yes to Lucifer, Dean acknowledged Sam was an adult, and he needed to stop being overprotective. But there is a part, deep down, in both Winchesters that is psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent. That part in Sam is one hundred percent positive that if Dean found out, he’d be so disgusted by what a perverted freak he indeed was forcing Dean would cut him out of his life forever.
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The bunker's door banged shut, and at the bottom of the stairs, Sam paused on the last tread, watching the scene playing out before him in the war room.
“Oh, come on,” Dean grumbles at an ornament, refusing to stay on a branch of the mostly decorated tree. He lets it go, and it begins coming off again. “That’s it, I’m getting my gun.”
Sam couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice. “Maybe I should’ve gotten some floaters and air fresheners instead?” He can see Dean mulling over that memory, “They were great.” Peering over at his brother, he asks, “Where did you disappear to? Thought you were going to help.”
Sam held up a grocery bag, “A peace offering? I know you aren’t going to change your habits, but I'm hoping we can compromise, at least when we’re not hunting. It’s 90% lean beef, and the pie,” Dean's whole face lit up, “Is made with almond flour and natural sourced sugar.”
Trading the wayward ornament for the bag, Dean states, “You deal with this,” Sam shakes his head when he hears, “Meatman coming to town” and sets about finishing the tree.
After cleaning up, the brothers sit in the library, drinking beer and watching an old Christmas movie playing on a laptop, when Dean casually inquires, “So what’s with the box?” Sam frowned before realizing he meant and remembered leaving the item sitting by the displayed swords. “It’s ahh, well,” Sam stammers as he retrieves the box, sets it on the table, and lifts the wooden lid. Dean raised an eyebrow at the contents, “Something you need to tell me, Samantha?” he snarks, removing the snow globe.
“I’m not sure why, but I'm drawn to it.” Dean frowned at his brothers' words and took a closer look. “What’s the saying?” He asked, pointing to an inscription on the base. “Not sure. I think it's a form of an older Germanic dialect. I was going to translate it later.”
Since nothing is screaming cursed object, Dean shakes it, making the snow swirl before setting it on the table, picking up his beer, and resuming watching the movie. He could feel Sam suspiciously eyeballing him asks, “What, Sam?” But Sam simply sighed, knowing his brother wouldn’t let it go. And sure enough…
“Did Santa ask if you were a good boy this year?”
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Sam glances around trying to figure out where he’s at since a moment ago he was in the laundry and now starting at his decades younger self reclining against a headboard reading he hears his, their, name and watches himself huff in displeasure and getting up proceeds to trip over his own feet.
Following himself down a wood-paneled hallway, they enter a shabbily furnished living room, and spots his brother watching his younger self standing by a wood-burning kitchen stove. “Dean?” Turning, green eyes boggle, seeing Sam standing next to his own younger visage.
“What the hell you’d do, Sam?” Dean’s gravelly voice snapped and got Sam’s back up. “What makes you think I had anything to do with this?!” Dean looks at their younger doppelgängers arguing about something when young Sam stomps to a rickety kitchen table, plopping down on an equally rickety chair, crossing his arms, and glaring at its sacred top.
“Man, I forgot how bad your emoing could get,” Dean offhandedly commented, returning his attention to his brother, eyes hooded. “You were working in the library, so it's not hard to deduce you deciphered some curse cause now,” chucking his thumb toward the window, “We’re in the damn snow globe!”
Sam shot off bitchface #37, “It’s not a curse! I determined the words are an idiom. Слова не воробьи, как только они улетели, их уже не поймать.”
“Can you put that in English for those who don’t speak geek?”
“Words are not sparrows; once they have flown they cannot be recaptured.”
Dean got his running it over in my brain expression, “Yeah, I got nothing.” Sam concurred, “It didn’t make sense to me at first. But then I found a maker's mark hidden in the engravings. The records said they were a tradesman and spiritual alchemist.”
“What do idiot words have to do with Nicolas Flamel?” Sam's lips pursed, “Idiom Dean. And you know who Nicholas Flamel was?”
“Yeah, college boy, he created the philosopher's stone, turning metal into gold and some immortality elixir.” Sam waited. “He was in that Harry Potter movie, alright? What does that have to do with why we were here?”
“Okay, hear me out. Spiritual alchemy believers follow various paths to achieve the same goal, believing that, like metal, one’s soul can be transformed through stages of purification.” Sam began explaining the stages, and by the third, Dean heard enough.
“You're saying all the crap we’ve dealt with from heaven to hell has done some kinda colonic on our souls.” Sam began to speak, “Shut up, I’m on a role here. And if we take that idiom literally, one or both of us said something wrong and the idiom-alchy-snow globe Ghost of Christmas Past us to complete this whatever stage with an apology?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Great! Let’s figure out where here is, get to apologizing and the hell outta this glass ball.” Spying a discarded newspaper Dean tries picking up found he isn’t corporal. “Seriously?” Tipping his head sideways, he says, “Okay, December 22, 1999. We’re in Michigan..or Wisconsin?”
“Dean, what if it's something so bad there’s no way we can ask for forgiveness?”
That response made Dean's eyes narrow. “Sam, you need to tell me something?” His brother shook his head, but every warning signal in Dean was blaring like the bunker klaxon. He’d bet his entire collection of Busty Asian Beauties that Sam knew why that damn snow globe sent them here, but he was keeping it to himself for reasons.
Dean decided to hold his cards and play ignorant for a while longer. “Dude, what haven’t we done and forgiven each other for?”
Turning his attention to their younger selves made Dean feel a sense of nostalgia, missing how less complicated their lives seemed, even with the daily dose of Sam Winchester teen angst, which he always made up for.
Like now, offering to buy hot chocolate and giant pretzels triggered a memory, and the next moment, Dean was among a crowd wandering through the lighted tunnel entrance, following the loop by the salute to the armed forces towards the live reindeer exhibit.
“I remember this!” Dean exclaimed, “Dad left us in Somerset, Wisconsin, and were you all pissy ‘cause I kept giving you crap about this place’s name- Sam’s Christmas Village.”
“What else do you remember, Dean?”
They make a pit stop at the concessions, and while Sam is paying, Dean pulls out his flask, adding a double dollop to Sam’s. The kid needed to loosen up, then exchanged the cup for a pretzel with a smirk.
“This was the first time we got drunk together. Man, you were hilarious! Kept bugging me to go sledding,” Deans said, “And you fell off halfway down and laid there trying to catch snowflakes on your tongue.” Surrounded by softly falling snow tinted in hues of blues, greens, and reds, the brothers experience a memory trace of what happened that night.
Laughter fills the air as Dean staggers over, flopping on his back next to Sam, smiling at him when Sam’s expression changes and Sam leans over, his eyes' kaleidoscope colors disappearing into thin rings around dilated dark pupils as his fingertips caress the smooth, cinnamon-freckled skin and plush lips he was aching for when Dean pulled him tightly against him, noticing an unmistakable hard bulge pressing into his upper thigh as Sam instinctively started rocking his hips, seeking friction for his growing hard-on.
Dean feels his cock straining inside his jeans, slides one arm around Sam’s waist, another reaching behind him to cradle the back of his skull, angles his mouth up so he can drive his tongue into Sam’s mouth, feeling him suck on it with a sharp pull that shoots straight to his cock when wolf whistles from sledders passing by startled them caused Dean to bolt upright and dump Sam onto his butt.
Abruptly getting up, Dean grabbed the ropes of both sleds and dragged them downhill, leaving his brother perplexed. Scrambling to his feet, Sam rushes after, inquiring what happened, but Dean only responds that they need to head out before the roads ice over too much. The silent intensity of the drive back is broken only by music playing through the Impala’s speakers. Sam initially thinks Dean is concentrating on the road due to his intoxication. But Dean’s chewing his bottom lip signals he’s upset, and the knot in Sam’s stomach tells him to stay quiet.
Shutting the cabin door, Sam opens his mouth to speak, but Dean beats him to it, saying he overstepped boundaries that shouldn’t have been and won’t let it happen again. In a panic, Sam blurts out how his strange feelings for years were crystal clear.
“I love you, Dean, and want us to be together…like together together.” Dean shakes his head, “It’s the whiskey making you talk nonsense.” Sam’s stubborn streak surfaces, infuriating Dean, who shoves him back against the door and shouts in his face.
“Stop acting like a freak and go sleep it off!”
Sam feels like an ice pick is entering the base of his skull, and his stomach twists, knowing he’s the reason the person he cares most about in the entire world; he cares about more than himself is reacting like this, watching Dean disappear down the hallway, slamming his bedroom door shut. He fucked up royally, and suddenly his life was a mess when it seemed all was about to align an hour ago, making Sam wants to scream, to throw up.
Moving on autopilot, Sam shuts his room door, grabs his duffel, and haphazardly throws his belongings into it. Then, opening the window, he slips out and trudges back to town, heading for the bus station. By the time he arrives, his feet are so numb he shuffles across the linoleum flooring to the counter, setting most of his hoarded money down asked for the furthest distinction it’ll take him.
A short time later, the bus pulls out onto the main highway heading west as Sam leans against his window, wondering how everything outside seems so normal when his world has imploded. Dean turns his attention from the younger visage before him to the mature man beside him.
“This is why you ran away to Flagstaff.”
“You were right about me being a freak all along.”
Dean shakes his head, “No, Sam, it was my fault. I tried so hard to keep what I felt hidden, but that night..,” Sam's burst of laughter made Dean bark, “You think that’s funny?”
Eyes that never settled their color, hardened by the decades of horrors they’d lived through, were now gazing at him with unworldliness a thirteen-year-old Dean, after confirming everything in their dad’s journal was true, helplessly watched flame out like dying embers.
“No, Dean. The snow globe brought us back for the dissolution stage, dissolving false beliefs. We’ve been at cross purposes all these years for the same reason, each of us thinking we are the problem and the only way out is to no longer deny our feelings.”
Lifting his hand, Sam hesitated to let his fingertips explore the older, but still, so much loved, freckled skin again when Dean shifted, reaching his still-strong hand to cradle the back of his brother’s skull, angling his mouth up and breathed out against his lips.
“Sammy, we’re good.”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @akshi8278 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
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tongjingnian · 4 months
tentacle dean and little sammy
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Before you ccontinue reading in the links you should know:
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ao3 buymeacoffee twitter
↑ here are the links, in case someone want to repost me AGAIN i won't put full pics on tumblr. feel free to watch them on these platform though💖
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my-prompt-dump · 12 days
Girl!Sam, Protective!Dean, and College
Wincest if you squint but it can just be them fucking with people.
AU so it's a bit OOC? But also I think they would do this just for a good prank.
Please no hate! Just sharing ideas for you all!
The premise is they have a case and dean has to go undercover as a college professor (occult subject or some college sports coach).
It should have been Sam but she argued that she was already doing the research part, so it's only fair if Dean is the one to get into the school. (There's also the fact that Sam is still a bit bitter about the whole college and Stanford thing)
Dean eventually relented, stating he would die of boredom buried in books and at least the college has some hot girls.
Dean instantly became popular among the girls in the college with some even outright asking him out. He flirts back but can't go out with any of them.
Sam: We don't want you getting fired before the week ends, Dean!
Stupid Sam and always being right.
Dean always takes the Impala to the university and some girls hang out close to it in hopes to catch him in the parking lot. To flirt, to shoot their shot, or just to admire.
Sam: Just pick me up, jerk! Dean: Bitch, I'm swamped as shit here. I told you it would have been better if your nerd ass is the one going undercover! Plus you're the one with info so you come to me. Sam: Are you fucking serious?! I'm wearing heels, remember? Cos you said to seduce the poor intern in the library. Dean: Well, it worked, didn't it? Just get Cas to take you here and wait for me on the car. Sam: I hate you. Dean: On the car, Sam! Sam: I'll wait for you on the car, alright. Dean: What did you just say?! Sam: Nothing, jerk! Dean: Bitch!
And that's how Sam's day is going now.
A crowd has formed in the said parking lots. The whole place is littered with angry looking girls and also guys who are practically drooling.
They see a gorgeous woman laying sexily on the hood of their professor Dean's Impala; denim jeans, plaid shirt with leather jacket, sunglasses, and red lipstick. She is just sitting theret unbothered by the crowd and the attention.
Sam thinks that if Dean was going to be ungentlemanlike then she's going to be as unladylike as possible. And that means lounging on top of her brother's precious Baby.
Student 1: Huh. No wonder the guys are acting like dogs in heat.
Student 2: Isn't that Professor Dean's car?
A group of self-proclaimed popular girls (like seriously? Who labels themselves that in college?) who have been trying to get with Dean finally had enough approaches the woman.
Girl 1 (Emily): Excuse me, you can't sit there.
Sam quirks an eyebrow but doesn't move.
Sam: This your car?
Emily: Well-uh no. But
Sam: Then why are you telling me to get off?
Emily splutters, clearly flustered that someone outright asks her that instead of doing what she says. She huffs and thinks of the best excuse she can use.
Emily: It's my boyfriend's!
Sam had to cough to mask her laugh but she humours the girl.
Sam: Oh really?
Emily: Yeah oh! So get off before we make you regret it.
Sam chuckled but still doesn't move and that only made the girl angrier.
Soon Dean comes out of the school after getting stuck in a meeting with a professor that he was 80% sure is trying to get in his pants. He spots the crowded parking lot and walked faster.
He becomes angry at noticing that everyone is getting a little too close to his Baby and shouts at them which made students jump.
The girl spots him and sees it as her opportunity to try and fake date Dean and to reprimand the woman on the hood. Maybe this will get her in his radar.
Emily: Dean! This rude woman won't move from your car's hood even tho we kept telling her to! She's getting it scratched!
Dean, though, ignores her and walks up to the mystery woman.
Dean: Why didn't you just call me that you were here already?
Sam: Phone died.
Dean: We were just talking.
Sam: So?
God, having a little sibling is infuriating.
Sam: Besides, I was talking to your girlfriend.
She wiggles her eyebrows obnoxiously and Dean's reacted like how she expected.
Dean: The fuck you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend. Why would I have one when i got you here to be a bitch about everything I do.
He says it so loud too so everyone heard it. Sam laughed all the while Dean checks the car's condition.
Everyone's jaw drops because Dean knew this person?? And they were talking so casually. Is she his girlfriend??
Dean remains oblivious to the crowd's shock and turns back to Sam.
Dean: Did you walk here? Where's Cas?
Sam: No. Unlike you, Cas knows how to treat a woman and took me here so politely. He was just here a minute ago but then people kept piling up and-
Dean: That will happen if you sit there like a model on vogue magazine.
Sam: Flattering but also ew.
Dean rolls his eyes but moves to help her get down from the hood.
Seeing smoke practically coming out of Emily and the other girls' ears, Sam smirked and had an idea.
Once she's down, she instantly snakes her arms around Dean's neck and leans close to his ears.
Sam: See? That wasn't so bad, was it?
Dean: Yeah yeah. You're lucky you're cute.
Emily’s face turned beet red.
Emily: Dean, who is this..?
Dean looked at Rachel, finally noticing her.
Dean: A pain in my ass.
Sam: Speak for yourself.
Seeing some guys in the crowd eyeing her a little too closely, Sam decided to up the ante. She pressed herself closer to Dean, running a hand through his hair.
Sam: Come on, Dean. Let’s get out of here.
Dean noticed the lingering stares from the guys and his protective instincts kicked in. He pulled Sam even closer, glaring at the gawking students.
Dean: Yeah. And all of you! Keep your eyes to yourselves, or I’ll make sure you regret it. This is off-limits!
They drive off and Sam can't stop laughing as she explains the whole ordeal to Dean.
Sam: Your admirers are so territorial, dude. Dean: Shut up.
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