#dean has no right to complain this was him an episode a go
gabriestat · 7 months
dean and sam giving shit to bobby for not caring that his wife has come from the dead like it's nothing as if the very foundation of this show wasn't that dean and sam can't let each other go. like dean what are you even complaining about this is you in 2x22 a hell breaks loose. shut up gayboy
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Episode 3x9, Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part II
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LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! NINJA MARIANO ATTACK! The Pea Soup Vomit coat makes its triumphant return (and possibly its last appearance?) In the spirit of Thanksgiving, perhaps he will return it to the Savlation Army reject dumpster from whence it came, to beclothe another down on his luck Victorian orphan.
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It's never too early for some good old fashioned public macking.
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Rory Gilmore, World Class Public Macking Self Saboteur: But but but...what about Dean?! If anyone wonders why I often go weeks without updating these things (and I'm sure this is something that keeps you all awake at night)... I've been stuck writing this piece for over two weeks because I plum ran out of new and novel ways to complain about this idiot in the red coat's continued preoccupation with Dean. Like, how many times can I say I want to smack her over the head with a rolled up newspaper like a disobedient dog? You're killing me here girl.
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Rory, you're a dumbass. And also you're frigid. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, you should put out and let Jess stuff you. One of your legs is Thanskgiving and the other leg is Christmas and you should let him spend time between the holidays. I know having to look at the pea-soup-vomit coat is probably putting a damper on your libido, but you can take it off of him, I promise he won't mind. He's quite touch starved, that boy.
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You wish, pal. Seeing as there's no high speed internet, premium cable porn, or dirty magazines to be found anywhere in Stars Hollow, a little street show might provide some tittilation to the sexually constipated residents of The Hollow. R: Yeah, you know, in the the street...with people watching... J: Go on...
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Wow, this screen shot is a real beaut. Look at this gorgeous curly man. Someone should give me a gold medal in pressing the little button on the browser extension that takes screen shots for me, an award that is both real and possible to achieve. Shout out to GoFullPage. Why is his collar popped up so damn high? Is he trying to protect his neck from vampires?
R: We shouldn't flaunt it. J: But I want to flaunt it. R: It doesn't feel right. J: He's a big boy, Rory. It's not the first time a couple has broken up. R:It is for us. J: This is insane. Edit: Thank you @ernestonlysayslovelythings for reminding me that Rory is claiming she doesn't know how to manage her first breakup when Dean The Clod had actually dumped her twice by this point. She should maybe go and eat two beach pails of Ben and Jerry's ice cream over it again if the wound is still that raw.
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WHAT doesn't feel right, Rory? Kissing your own boyfriend? Not that I'm unhappy you kinda sabotaged your relationship with Dean in order to get with Jess, but you did kinda sabotage your relationship with Dean to get with Jess. Now that you have him you're treating him like a collectible beanie baby, puttng him under glass and refusing to remove his little tag. Take him out. Play with him. Rough him up a little. Bring him to show and tell. Put him through the wash. For goodness sake.
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Narrator: And they would never experience a single moment of comfort together ever.
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By the time Millennials like me and Jess and Rory here are old enough to qualify for social security, there will be nothing left. So, yeah, never.
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Me, outloud: Girl you are demented. Oh Rory, I don't know what you're so worked up about. I mean, what's Dean gonna do if he sees his ex girlfriend kissing someone else? Stalk her new boyfriend in an alleyway late at night and call him The Glad Man? Pshaw.
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Narrator: Things did not get better over time. In fact, they got much, much worse.
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
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Ah.. opening scene to establish that Dean is being bossy and dragging Sam everywhere and not respecting his input... right?
Let's dig a little deeper.
Dean suggested maybe they could ice the Devil in 5.01 (then after admitted to Sam that he said that for Bobby's benefit, though he isn't giving up, he's skeptical). Sam (5.01) and Castiel (5.04) said The Colt is the way to do it. So Sam and Dean have spent an entire three weeks chasing dead ends on The Colt since they met back up. I think it's likely they spent most of that time holed up in motel rooms looking at their computers, conferring with Bobby and Cas over the phone, and physically chasing down leads, cramped up in the car for hours at a time. In other words, no privacy, no space, and a type of research grind that's much more Sam's speed than Dean's.
Based on how Sam talks here... doing those tasks for that long with no break was his idea. This is a thing Sam is very prone to do also. He gets a path in his head and he NEEDS to follow it and keep the momentum going. When Sam gets like this, he doesn't care if they have nothing but dead ends over and over, and he historically becomes extremely critical of Dean wanting to take a breath and do something else for a while instead of continuing to chase their own tails (1.03, 1.10, 1.11, 1.20, 2.10, 2.18, 3.14, 4.11). So while this episode opens with Dean putting his foot down, it seems like it's actually because Sam, someone Dean doesn’t feel great around at this point in time (5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04), has spent the last three weeks having his interests catered to, and everything he wants to do leaves Dean trapped with him almost perpetually in tight quarters when Dean isn't actually ready to be spending this much time with him again.
After three weeks, Dean simply finds a run-of-the-mill case and says "Let's go," and Sam apparently doesn't object until they're almost there, and in the car. Dean saying they need training wheels is telling in terms of how he feels about how the last three weeks have gone, and Sam twisting Dean's words to be about HIM needing training wheels and not their relationship tells you exactly how unproductive any discussion on this will ever be (as does the rest of the episode).
What really cinches the fact that Dean wants a break from Sam for me though is the way that Dean chooses to make his escape attempt and finally get some space. After insisting on going under the car to look at the engine number even though it's making him nervous, Dean uses the fact that he put his life at risk to do it to justify taking a break, and tells Sam to hit the books in a way that's clearly bossy:
DEAN Find out who owned it. Not just the last owner, you gotta take it all the way back to nineteen-fifty-five. SAM That's a lot of research. DEAN Well, I guess I just made your afternoon.
Where does Dean go? To a bar, to sit alone by himself, nursing a beer. After Sam complains, Dean doesn't do this again.
The next time Dean is implied to have ordered Sam to do something (check and load the weapons into the car—I already wrote about why that specific task interests me, and about Sam ordering Dean to do things through season 4) Sam walks in to find Dean bitching to Bobby about him on the phone. Once again, Dean taking an opportunity for a tiny window of space.
Is Dean nice about it? Nope. But that's what's going on imo.
Dean wants some space from Sam and some goddamn privacy and a normal case to escape from the stress (something Sam has rarely understood or treated as anything but selfishness and a waste of time when it was Dean's idea) where he feels like he can breathe without being repeatedly confronted by his and Sam’s destinies and how they whirl around each other and how it all goes to shit because (in Zachariah’s world) Dean isn't able to successfully reconnect with Sam and the world ends. So Dean HAS to reconnect with Sam, but he wasn’t actually ready to do that when they met back up, and the last three weeks have not helped. Dean is clawing for air.
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kittythelitter · 2 years
Thinking about a hypothetical episode of Community with the original 7 where Shirley brings one of her friends from church to Greendale, let's call her Mariah
This friend is a trans woman who is a devout Christian and because she's Christian Shirley listened to her about trans issues and stuff and decided if this nice Christian person wants to be addressed as a woman the Christian thing to do is to treat her like a woman and be respectful of how she wants to be addressed. Whether Shirley personally views Mariah as a woman is ambiguous.
Pierce doesn't clock her or even understand what's going on when the group discusses that she's trans, he just sees a hot new lady and is constantly sexually harassing her and she calls him a chaser which he decides is a new word for like a pick up artist and starts self identifying with it and ends up having his own mostly off screen adventure about it.
Britta immediately outs herself as a terf but gets all her terf talking points slightly wrong. Her whole arc is just her talking herself in circles until she sees Mariah experience transmisogyny and is like. Actually what defines a woman is suffering in society as a result of your gender which means trans women are women. But at the end of the episode she meets Mariah's boyfriend who is also trans and sees someone be transphobic to him and is like. But if you're suffering aren't you also a woman? And that's the very end of the episode so instead of a resolution about it we just leave Britta to whatever she's debating with herself and move on.
Jeff doesn't have an opinion of trans people going in but defends trans people just to disagree with Britta, but as he argues in defense of trans people he manages to get really into what he's saying and ends up doing some public speaking for a trans rights group on campus. (The Dean is there just because Jeffrey is there being all eloquent and manly, half learns terminology and starts referring to himself as "Dean-der Fluid" and "non-dean-ery".) A trans guy talks to Jeff about his hair and his workout routine and Jeff realizes he and the trans guys at the event have a lot in common in terms of how they perform masculinity in order to get others to see them the way they see themselves/want to be seen.
Abed similarly spends time talking with the trans group about performing gender among other things and knowing yourself even when others don't understand you or want to change you. They complain about transphobia in tv and he admits that community has had some transphobic bits and talks with them about better representation and problematic stereotypes and tries to get one of them to stay on as a series regular in order to make community a better more representative show.
Troy and Annie both try to figure out if being attracted to Mariah makes them gay. They both come to the conclusion that Mariah is a woman so Annie is probably some kind of queer and Troy is still not gay for being attracted to her. They both go to the event with Jeff and Abed.
Troy meets a really hot trans guy and is like. Okay i am attracted to men. And then we see flashbacks of him clearly flirting with and/or going on dates with guys since he got to Greendale and just not realizing it. He, rather than having a bi crisis has a "I had a chance with all those hotties and i blew it" crisis before hitting on the trans guy who he thought was flirting with him but who was actually under the impression that troy and abed were a couple and was trying to figure out if they'd be down for a 3-way.
Meanwhile Annie starts doing research with the pamphlets laid out at the events to figure out what kind of queer she is and every time it cuts back to her theres more and more queers around her flirting with her. Including some butch lesbians, some nonbinary people, and some trans guys who are all enamoured with her sweet femme charm. (We get snippets of conversations that have things like compulsory heterosexuality, different flavors of bi, asexuality etc) she turns up at the end with a lesbian pride pin on her backpack and her hair and lip gloss very mussed.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 7 months
Colder Weather
Paranormal Preteens AU: Episode Twenty-One
A JSE Fanfic
Welcome to the third season of PNPT—both in the sense of the time of year, and in the sense of an arc of a story. The kids have laid low for a while, but they're still planning to meet up and talk about stuff, just to be sure nothing's happening. But something does happen. JJ gets something strange from their school. Could the Circle or Anti be involved? Read to find out! :D
More of this AU | From the Start
Winter break was coming up. A week after the paperpillar incident, the school officially put its Christmas decorations up—though some teachers had their classrooms decorated since the beginning of November. The kids hadn’t had any trouble from the teachers belonging to the Circle. Which was a bit strange. After all, Mrs. Karter went out of her way to confront them. The Circle must have known what they talked about. Maybe the Circle was also waiting. Waiting to see what the kids would do.
Well, the truth was, not much. They’d agreed to lay off the supernatural hunting until after the holidays. And even if they hadn’t, the end of the term was fast approaching, and that meant they had to get through exams before they could finally have their winter holiday. 
“I hate exams,” Chase complained one day at lunch.
“Yes, you have said that a lot,” Schneep muttered. “And I tell you, once the exams are done, they are done. You do not have to worry about them.”
JJ shook his head. It’s the buildup that’s the worst. The anticipation. And then when it’s finally the day, there’s a time limit to complete it. It’s too much pressure.
“Yeah, well, at least you get fucking hundreds all the time,” Marvin said, idly tearing apart his empty milk carton. “Imagine what it’s like for those of us who aren’t actually that smart.”
You’re very smart, Marvin, just not in a school way, JJ said.
Marvin blinked. “Yeah. And... we’re in a school.” He gestured around at the cafeteria. “Where did you think we were? Fucking outer space?”
JJ rolled his eyes. Okay, I get it.
“Stacy, what do you think about exams?” Schneep asked.
Stacy shrugged. “I dunno. I guess I don’t really have strong feelings? Uh... I think I hate homework more, though. At least at school it’s usually quiet. So hard to do my work when Roxy is watching Barbie movies in the next room.”
“Anyway, d’you guys think we can meet up after school today?” Chase asked. “I already asked Jackie, and he said he was free all day. We can go to Zelly’s and talk about... stuff.” He gave them all a meaningful look.
The greenlight and Anti? JJ asked.
“Don’t say it out loud!”
JJ raised an eyebrow. I didn’t.
Chase blinked. Then he burst into laughter. “I-I didn’t even realize—that just slipped right by me!”
JJ also chuckled. Most people in this school don’t know BSL. They won’t realize what I’m saying.
“Pretty helpful!” Marvin said cheerfully. “I’ve asked him to help me with exams before but he’s always denied it.”
Because it would still be obvious what I’m doing, I’m not getting you in trouble for that, JJ said.
“Well, I don’t have anything today, either,” Stacy shrugged. “So yeah. I can go to Zelly’s after school.”
“Chase, should we not study?” Schneep asked. “If you are so concerned about exams, studying will help.”
Chase groaned. “We’ll have plenty of time to study today! We’re not gonna be there until bedtime!” He rolled his eyes, then looked right at Schneep. “And if you’re worried about Mom, she’s not gonna be too bothered about us not studying every day. Even with tests coming up.”
Schneep nodded slowly. “I suppose that is true... she has not been like that...” He shook his head and cleared his throat. “Well, if that is the case, we can do so, too.”
JJ frowned. We can’t go directly after school. I have to go to the dean’s office.
“Huh? Why?” Stacy asked. “Did you do something?”
I’m not sure, they just sent a note to my homeroom. I think I’m supposed to pick something up. He sighed.
“Well... be careful.” Chase frowned. “It could be a trap.”
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna go with him,” Marvin said. “They couldn’t stop me if they tried! And if it does turn out to be something with those Circle guys, I’m prepared.” He drummed his fingers on the table, sending tiny ripples of green light across its surface.
“So... we can go around dinner time, then?” Chase said. “Maybe?”
The others agreed that would work out for all of them. Shortly after, the lunch period ended, and they headed off to their respective classes.
JJ’s last class of the day was his Physics class, up on the third floor of the school. It was a long walk down to the first, ground floor where the dean’s office was. Not to mention he had to stop by his locker on the second floor to grab all the textbooks he’d need for homework that night; he never wanted to carry them all around, all day. 
He finished stuffing his bag with the books and turned around, waiting for Marvin to meet him here like they’d planned. He looked one way down the hallway—
And then something flew down the hallway from the other direction and hit the back of his head.
He turned back around, surprised and a bit nervous, and saw a paper airplane at his feet. “Sorry!” a voice shouted, and a boy his age ran up to him. “I wasn’t aiming for you! Guess the design needs some work, haha.”
JJ froze up a little. Oh shit. River Bailey was talking to him.
River was a boy he had a couple classes with, with messy blonde hair and big green eyes. He always wore a brown leather jacket with fur around the collar. Even when strict teachers tried to get him to take it off, he would just put it back on whenever they weren’t looking, like it was a game to see if he could get away with it. Some time last year, JJ realized that he was starting to feel... weird whenever River was around. Like... his face kept getting hot. And he just wanted to stare at him. And he wondered what it would be like to talk to him, really talk to him, outside of school projects, but thinking about that made his stomach jump a little. And then, at the end of last school year, JJ finally had a name for these weird feelings. But he didn’t ever want to say it out loud.
Oh no he’d been quiet for too long. JJ smiled, then reached down and picked up the paper airplane, handing it to River.
“Thanks!” River grinned and took it, examining it. “Yeah, it must be a bit unbalanced.” He looked at JJ. “You’re... Jameson Jackson, right? The quiet kid? With the twin?”
JJ nodded.
“Wicked. Is this your locker?”
JJ nodded again.
“Cool. Mine’s on the corner, there.” River pointed.
It was?! How had he never noticed?!
“See you around!” River smiled and waved, wandering off.
And JJ just stood there, waving back. Wanting to follow after him, but finding his feet rooted to the spot.
Footsteps came up from behind him. “Oooooo.” Marvin appeared at his side as if by magic, grinning. “River talked to you. Congratulations!”
Jameson shoved him. He looked around, slightly panicked, but the hallway was now empty except for the two of them. Don’t say stuff like that! he signed quickly.
Marvin nodded. “Yeah, yeah. D’you know if he knows sign language?”
JJ shook his head. Probably not, to be honest. I’d have to use the notebook.
“Did you?” Marvin asked. “Use the notebook, I mean.”
He shook his head again. There was no time. It was just a passing exchange. That’s all. He looked down at his bag, pretending to zip it up. And I need to get to the dean’s office, remember?
Marvin frowned. “Boo. Fuck the dean’s office. You could’ve had like... an actual conversation. Maybe he’s... you know.”
JJ shook his head again, more fervently than before. He’s probably not. And that’s fine. Now let’s go. He quickly started walking, and Marvin hurried to catch up, falling into place by his side.
A flight of steps and a long hallway later, JJ walked into the dean’s office. The room had glass for walls on two sides, looking out into the school’s front entrance. One of the other walls had windows looking out the front of the school, observing the car park. JJ and Marvin were both very familiar with the layout of the office. The first part was where the receptionist sat, in a big metal desk with an old clunky computer on it. There were a lot of chairs to wait in here, along with a book where you could sign in if you were late to school and missed homeroom roll call. Behind the receptionist desk was another glass wall with an empty doorway in it that led into the dean’s office proper, which was a lot more personally decorated than this front area.
The receptionist—maybe that wasn’t the proper word for the role but neither of the twins knew what the proper word was—looked up as the twins entered. She smiled warmly. A nameplate on her desk identified her as Mrs. Lowe. “Hello there, boys. How can I help you?”
JJ nudged Marvin slightly, and he said, “My brother got a note to see the dean? His name’s Jameson Jackson.” As Marvin spoke, JJ took out said note and passed it to Mrs. Lowe.
“Alrighty, one second.” She took the note, and used the mouse to click something on the computer. “Okay, everything’s set! I’ll go get Mr. Worrall.” And she stood up, going through the empty doorway into the office.
Think it’s worth it to sit down? Marvin asked JJ.
No, hopefully we’re not here too long, JJ said.
Do you think it’s another award thing?
Definitely. That was the only reason he ever went down to the dean’s office. There would be an award ceremony later, but there was always a moment at first when they let him know he won something, maybe passed out a small certificate. They apparently hadn’t contacted Mam and Dad this time, but they didn’t always.
Mrs. Lowe returned with Mr. Worrall, the dean, in tow. “Ah, Mr. Jameson Jackson, always good to see you down here!” he said, clapping his hands together and smiling.
Jameson nodded and smiled back.
“Feels like just yesterday I saw you in here for Excellency in English—or was that Excellency in Maths?” Worrall chuckled in a friendly, but slightly fake-sounding, way. “Well, I’m sure you remember this one. The Royal Choice for winter term. Three years in a row! Very impressive, very impressive. In fact, it’s so impressive, that this year, before the actual assembly, we wanted to give you a little gift. Think of it as an early Christmas present.”
It was then that JJ noticed Mrs. Lowe was holding something. A green gift bag with white tissue paper. She walked over to him and held it out. “Congratulations, Mr. Jackson.”
Well... this was new. Sometimes the awards came with little trophies or medallions. Stuff like that. JJ would think that this was something like that, but the bag was a bit bigger than necessary for a trinket that small. Even so, JJ smiled and took the bag, signing Thank you with his other hand.
“No, thank you, Mr. Jackson, for being such an exemplary student!” Worrell smiled. He knew that sign—but JJ knew from experience that the dean couldn’t follow a full BSL conversation. “Please, carry on. The assembly will be on the nineteenth, at nine o’clock. Please let your parents know.”
The last day before winter holiday. That made sense. JJ nodded again, still smiling, then turned and waved goodbye, heading for the office door with Marvin right behind him. The adults didn’t stop them; apparently they had nothing more to add.
The two of them were quiet until after they left the building. At which point, Marvin started talking. “That was a bit weird. I mean, I’ve never heard of them giving out presents with the award stuff—but then again, I’m not really involved in all that, so I wouldn’t know. But don’t you think it’s a little suspicious?” He leaned closer to JJ. “We know some of the teachers are in with the Circle. And he said the teachers have given you this present. What if it’s—it’s some sort of trap in there?”
JJ considered that. But there’s a chance it could be real, he said. And Mam and Dad would be so upset if they heard that I got some special gift for my academics and we... like, got rid of it or something.
Marvin grumbled. “They don’t have to find out. We could, you know, fucking lie to them?”
Okay, but what if they talk to teachers at the assembly and they ask about how I liked the gift? JJ pointed out. I think we should play it safe. If it turns out to be some Circle thing, we can get rid of it later, and say that we lost it.
“Fiiiiine.” Marvin shook his head. “I think this is a fucking stupid idea, though. What’s in the bag, anyway?”
Let’s wait until we get home, JJ said.
“You can fake your first reaction for Mam and Dad, yknow.”
Well, also it’s cold and I don’t want to waste any more time out here, JJ said, hurrying over to the school bike rack.
“Okay, that’s fair.” Marvin followed him, and the two of them unlocked their bike chains and quickly pedaled off down the street, hoping to get home quickly.
Mam was in the kitchen when the twins got home, talking with Granmam. But she immediately stopped once she saw them come in. “Hello boys!” she said, smiling. “Was the ride home from school okay? Oh, what d’you have t’ere, Jameson?”
JJ had put the gift bag into his school bag for the bike ride, but stopped outside to take it out again. He set it down on the kitchen table. I got another Royal Choice award for the term, he said. And the dean said the teachers wanted to give me a gift for getting it every term three years straight.
“Oh!” Mam’s eyes lit up. “Well, take it into the living room, we can open it up t’ere!” She hurried out of the kitchen and towards the staircase. “Rob! The school gave Jameson...” Her voice faded away as she climbed up them.
“Congrats, lad,” Granmam said, giving him a small smile. She was holding a mug in her hand, which she took a sip from. “Either of you want tea? I jus’ made a kettle.”
“Nah, I’m good,” Marvin said. “Thanks, Granmam.”
Same. JJ nodded.
“Very well.” She took another sip. “Well, let’s see what all t’is nonsense is about, t’en. To the livin’ room.”
The whole family crowded into the living room. “Here, sit on the sofa, Jameson,” Dad said, angling him perfectly. Mam was fiddling with the camera, getting it set up. Meanwhile, Granmam sat in the armchair in the corner, frowning while the parents couldn’t see her, and Marvin was sitting on the floor, using a cat toy to play with their kitten, Sinney. Her big green eyes followed the end of the string diligently, but she wasn’t quite coordinated enough to catch it yet.
JJ sat down on the sofa, watching all this, trying not to squirm. “Alright, go on, show what it is,” Mam said encouragingly. He nodded and opened up the gift bag, pulling out the tissue paper until he could see what was inside. What... was it? He’d been expecting something like a congratulatory T-shirt, or maybe some sort of water bottle. This was... weird. He reached inside and pulled out some sort of toy. A doll, made of soft fabric and cotton. It wore a smaller version of the school uniform, and had brown yarn hair and black button eyes. He held it in both hands and squeezed the torso until his fingers touched, going all the way around. There was a tag around the arm that read “Congratulations! Hollewych Secondary School is happy to have you!”
Marvin looked up, seeing it. “What the fuck is that?”
“Language, Marvin,” Dad said idly.
JJ turned the doll around and held it up for the rest of the room to see.
“Whaaaat the fuuuuck?” Marvin said, eyes going wide.
Granmam raised an eyebrow. “Bejesus. T’at’s an odd t’ing to give your student, isn’ it?”
“Oh, but I t’ink it’s cute!” Mam said, sounding delighted. “Here, Jameson, smile for the camera.”
JJ did so, smiling while she took a couple pictures. As soon as she was done, he turned it around, looking at it again. Studying it. Yeah... this was weird. This was very weird. And a bit creepy. He didn’t like the dead stare of the button eyes. He shivered, then quickly put the doll down, deciding to change the subject. The dean said they’d give me the certificate at an assembly on the nineteenth, at nine o’clock.
“Oh good! I can put in a vacation day request,” Dad said. Behind him, Marvin rolled his eyes.
“We’ll be right t’ere, cheering you on!” Mam added cheerfully.
Marvin groaned slightly. Granmam glanced at him, then cleared her throat. “Well, take yer mans up to your bedroom, t’en, Jems. Put it somewhere... safe.”
JJ nodded, standing up. Oh, before he forgot. Mam, Dad, some friends invited us out to dinner. Can we go?
“With exams coming up?” Mam frowned.
“Come on, Em, he’s clearly been working hard enough,” Dad said. “You can go, Jameson, don’t worry. But remember when bedtime is. You need to be home before that, so call us well before then. To account for driving times.”
JJ nodded again. He picked up the doll and looked over at Marvin, jerking his head back to the hallway. Marvin carefully moved Sinney off his leg and stood up, and the two of them headed upstairs to their bedroom.
Marvin closed the door as soon as they were inside. “Okay, but we can agree that thing’s fucking weird, right?” He pointed at the doll. “Who the fuck gives something like that as an award for—for whatever the fuck you did?”
JJ tossed the doll into the corner, where it disappeared behind a pile of dirty clothes. It’s creepy.
“Huh? I mean, I guess? I don’t really see it, but if you do, sure. It’s more like—like why the fuck would you do that? That’s such a weird thing to give you. It feels... personal.”
It does. JJ shuddered. Perhaps that was partly why the doll was creeping him out. So... do you think it might be from the Circle after all, then?
“Oh, for sure. I’m not sure why, but it definitely is.” Marvin glared into the corner. “Maybe it’s supposed to spy on us or something. Throw it out the window.”
We can’t do that, JJ said. You know Mam and Dad will ask about it for a while. They might even want to put it in the living room or something.
“Fuck them! Come on, JJ, say it with me.” Marvin began chanting it. “Fuck them! Fuck them! Fuck them! Fuck—”
JJ laughed. He shook his head. Stop it, they might hear you.
“They’re downstairs, they can’t hear shit.”
Okay, but seriously, we can’t get rid of it yet, JJ said. We should at least tell the others and get their advice.
“Hmm... yeah, we shouldn’t leave them out of it,” Marvin agreed. “Let’s get changed and get ready. Sounds like Dad wants to drive us there.”
The twins quickly changed out of their school uniforms and into more casual clothes. Then they hung around their room for a while before it was time to go. JJ tried to concentrate on the book he was reading... but somehow, he kept finding his attention drawn to the corner where the doll was. It felt like he waited forever before it was finally time to leave for Zelly’s.
“Ah man, everyone else is here.” Chase plopped down into one of the last seats at the table. “I thought we’d be early.”
“Dad dropped us off so we got here faster than we usually do,” Marvin said. “Which like, just makes me want a car. To get places fast. But I do like biking, but it takes so long, y’know?”
“Takes longer in other places,” Jackie said, taking a drink from his glass of water. “We’re really lucky that we can walk to a lot of places.”
Schneep sat down next to Chase and picked up the menu. “Did you all order the orders yet?”
Stacy giggled. “Order the orders.”
“What? It is correct in grammar.”
“No, it is, it’s just funny to hear. Anyway, we didn’t, we told the waiter we were waiting for you.” She giggled again. “Told the waiter we’re waiting.”
Schneep frowned. “English can be strange. But I suppose German can also be strange.”
“So.” Chase folded his arms on the table. “Have any of you guys seen anything weird? Uh, especially, like... Has Anti shown up to any of you guys?”
The group all shook their heads in unison. Not since he knocked out Mrs. Karter and said that stuff about challenging us, JJ said.
“Which was so strange,” Stacy muttered. “This is all like... a game to him.”
“And it’s not to us?” Jackie said. “To you guys?”
“I got pushed down the stairs,” Marvin emphasized. “That’s not a game! That’s—that’s child endangerment!”
Jackie burst into laughter. “God, you’re right, actually.” He coughed, and stopped laughing, becoming serious again. “I’ve been looking more into Jack McLoughlin. I still don’t know where he is or where his family moved to, but Ram’s dad told me something strange when I was over at their house for a game. Apparently the McLoughlins moved really suddenly. Ram’s dad worked with Mr. McLoughlin, and he didn’t tell anyone at his work that the family was moving. Not even his bosses. He just didn’t show up one day, and when the work called him, he quit over the phone.”
“Maybe he simply hated his job?” Schneep asked.
“Maybe. But I’m just saying, that’s not how it usually works. And I don’t think the kids at school knew Jack would be going away until right before he did. He wasn’t really talking about it, y’know?”
Chase frowned. “Weird. I remember Mom and Dad talked about the move for a long time before we moved here. I told all my friends at school, and packing up the boxes took a while, and like... there was stuff with the mail, I think?”
“Moving is a whole process, especially if you’re moving countries,” Jackie agreed. “It’s strange that they just kinda... disappeared one day.”
Maybe they had a reason they had to get out of town fast, JJ said.
“Like Anti,” Stacy added in a quieter voice.
“Like Anti,” Jackie said, nodding.
“Ah... this is not too important to the matter,” Schneep said slowly. “But... what do you mean by ‘a game’? Were you playing sports at your friend’s house?”
Jackie laughed. “I mean, I’d be down to, if my friends wanted to. But nah. We usually meet up at Ram’s house for... uh...” He paused. “Have... you guys heard of Caverns and Creatures?”
“That nerd game where you pretend to have magic?” Marvin asked. Unconsciously, Chase, Stacy, and Schneep all glanced at the cape Marvin was wearing before looking away.
“Yeah, the nerd game where you pretend to have magic. I mean, my character doesn’t have magic, but others do—anyway. We, uh... do that. There. Ram’s good at running campaigns.”
“Campaigns?” Schneep asked.
“That’s what you call a C&C game,” Jackie explained. “It’s a whole thing. If you guys ever want to learn more about it I’d be happy to show you guys.” His eyes lit up as he said that. “I love to get people into it, and I’d love to try CMing sometime—Uh, I mean. If you guys don’t think it’s weird.” Jackie coughed, suddenly looking awkward.
“Uh... I’m not... usually into magic and stuff, but... if you’re interested, maybe?” Chase said reluctantly. He hoped that nobody at school would hear about that. But—no, he shouldn’t care about that. It’d be something fun with his friends. Still... playing a game like that was a step far into the dorky crowd. He wasn’t a dork... or at least not that much of a dork.
We can talk more about it later, JJ said. For now, me and Marvin have something to tell you.
“Yeah.” Marvin nodded, backing him up.
The others all instantly sat up straight, all their attention on the twins. “Did something happen?” Jackie asked. “More stuff about the Circle?”
“Well we think so, but I guess we can’t really be sure, it could just be something weird that happened,” Marvin said. “But I mean everything weird has been connected to greenlight or the Circle in some way in this town so I think it has to be connected too. So you all know how JJ had to go to the dean’s office after school? It was cause they had to tell him he got some award or something. And the dean was like ‘because you’ve won this award so much for the last couple years we’re giving you an extra present’ which I guess makes sense, but when we got home and JJ opened up the bag it was this weird doll thing. Like, a plush doll with button eyes. It was so weird.”
It looked creepy, JJ added.
“I can imagine,” Jackie muttered. “But... yeah, that’s very not-normal. I’ve never even heard of that happening.”
“I got an award last year for my art project, I didn’t get a present with it,” Stacy said.
Schneep shook his head. “That is not a thing in Germany, either. You may get a little sticker or something, maybe a medal, but not a toy. Very strange.”
“I dunno much about all that school award stuff, but that sounds freaky,” Chase said. “So, you think the Circle made that happen somehow?”
JJ nodded. We know that some of the teachers are involved. They could’ve pulled some strings to make it happen.
“I bet it’s some sort of fucking... spy thing,” Marvin said. “To make sure we’re staying out of their way like Mrs. Karter told us to. We gotta get rid of it, right?”
“I think that’s a good idea.” Stacy shrugged. “Is that why you brought it?”
The twins both looked at her, identical expressions on their faces. Mostly confusion... with a bit of fear. “Wh-what do you mean?” Marvin asked.
Stacy pointed at JJ’s bag. “Your shoulder bag is kinda unzipped and I can see something that looks all soft and plushy in there. Is that it?”
JJ looked down at his bag. His face drained of color, and he slowly reached down into the bag—oh so slowly, like he was waiting for someone to stop him. But nobody did. He grabbed something, pulling it out through the gap where the zipper is undone. It was a doll, with brown yarn hair and blue button eyes, wearing a tiny blue jacket and black pants. He gasped in surprise upon seeing it, dropping it on the table.
Marvin frowned. “When did you grab the doll? I didn’t see you do that.”
I didn’t. JJ’s signs were shaky. I know I left it at home.
The other kids stared at the doll on the table. “...Jameson,” Schneep said quietly. “Is it... supposed to look like you?”
“Oh. Oh my god, yeah, i-it’s wearing the same outfit you are!” Jackie gasped. “And the brown hair and blue eyes—”
“Wait a second, I don’t think it had blue eyes before!” Marvin protested.
It didn’t. JJ shook his head. And it was wearing different clothes.
“What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?” Marvin said under his breath. “Okay, I’m with you now. This is creepy. And it’s definitely some greenlight shit. We have to get rid of it.”
“How do we do that?” Chase asked.
“It’s fucking fabric and cotton, just tear it apart!”
“Noooo nonono, I-I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jackie said hurriedly. “You guys know about voodoo dolls, right?”
“Hmm?” Schneep blinked. “No, what is that?”
“You know about so much, but you’ve never heard of a voodoo doll?” Chase asked.
“I do not know everything, Chase.”
“It’s fine,” Jackie said. “Uh, basically, a voodoo doll is like—well I think it’s based on a real thing in real life, there’s like a religion in America called hoodoo, I think? I don’t know much about that, though. But in pop culture and shit, a voodoo doll is a doll that’s meant to look like someone, and whatever you do to the doll happens to the person. Like, if you stick a pin in its stomach, the person will feel a sharp pain in their stomach. Or if you hold it underwater the person will have trouble breathing. This doll might be sorta like that.”
JJ was now as white as a ghost. Do you think that’ll happen to me?!
“I don’t know! I-I never thought they’d exist in real life—I mean, like I said, the idea of them in pop culture is probably based on something real but I bet it’s really exaggerated—but other than that, I didn’t think they would—they would—you get what I’m saying, right?” Jackie looked around at the others.
“There’s definitely something weird about how it looks more like JJ,” Marvin muttered.
“But if the doll is like how Jackie described, we should not destroy it, should we?” Schneep fretted. “I do not want JJ to get hurt.”
“He’s not going to get hurt,” Jackie said, looking like he regretted bringing up the possibility. “Here, JJ, just give it to me. I’ll hang onto it. Paul can use it to climb on.” That was what he named the paperpillar after it had shrunk down.
JJ quickly handed the doll over. How is the paper caterpillar, by the way?
“Good, it’s good.” Jackie put the doll in his backpack. “He acts more like a toy than a real animal, I think. One of those robot ones. Doesn’t need to eat anything other than paper, and likes wandering around or ‘sleeping’ sometimes. I’m trying to figure out how to buy a terrarium or something without Dad asking me about it.” He looked around at the others. “Anyone else have anything they wanna report?”
The group all muttered various ‘no’s.
“Great, so we can get food and chill, then,” Stacy said, picking up the menu. “I didn’t know they did actual food, either.”
“I think it’s a new thing,” Chase said. “But last time Schneep and I were here, we got the chicken fingers, they were really good.”
“I want to get that again,” Schneep said. “And I want to hear more about this Cavernous Creatures game Jackie mentioned.”
Jackie laughed a little. “Caverns and Creatures. I think it’s really fun! I mean, I wasn’t too keen on getting into at first, but Sly dragged me into the group he had with Ram, Mincy, and Celine, just for a oneshot, and I really liked it. It can be a bit complicated, though.”
“Isn’t there, like... maths?” Chase asked, making a face.
“It’s just addition and subtraction. But all the numbers could really put people off, I get it.” Jackie grinned. “But it’s mostly very creative. Like writing a story together. Each person makes a character, and they fill out details about the character on a sheet, and that’s where they can also write down the spells and treasure the characters get over the course of an adventure. Then the Cavern Master runs the game, giving you scenarios that you can work through! It’s like—like if any of you have ever played those old text games on computers—”
“Oh, I know those games!” Stacy gasped. “I love those games! And the ones where you click on stuff and do puzzles, too!”
“So... it’s like a video game... but it’s all in your brain?” Chase asked, tilting his head to the side as he considered this.
“Well there’s a board,” Jackie said. “And little pieces you can move around—but the pieces are usually pretty expensive so Ram just uses anything they have around the house.” He laughs.”But yeah! Kinda like a video game in your brain.”
“Oooo.” That did sound more fun than Chase thought. There would still be math, but he could put up with math if the rest was fun. “Okay, I’m kinda wondering about it too, now.”
“What about you two?” Schneep looked at the twins. “Are you interested?”
Marvin scoffed. “How dare you assume that I... would not be interested in a game where you can cast magic spells. Do you even know me?”
JJ chuckled a little. Marvin’s always been curious, but we’ve never known enough people to try it out in a group.
“Yeah, and you have too, don’t lie,” Marvin said, bumping his shoulder against JJ’s.
A little bit, JJ said slowly. Marvin rolled his eyes.
“Well, if all of you guys are curious I could... maybe... ask Ram to borrow some of their CM stuff,” Jackie said slowly, trying not to look too excited. “And we could hang out and try it out.”
As talk moved on, JJ slowly started to relax. The doll changing had really freaked him out. But it was fine now. Jackie could keep it, and they could figure out if they could get rid of it later. Everything was fine.
When JJ and Marvin got home from dinner with their friends, their dad sent them straight upstairs to get ready for bed. Even if bedtime wasn’t actually for a couple more hours, he wanted them to be ready. Marvin groaned and complained but did it anyway. JJ did it without the groaning and complaining.
The two of them spent the last couple hours before bedtime hanging out with Granmam, all of them watching Sinney play in the living room. The time passed surprisingly quickly, and soon, it was 9:00 and time for bed. “You two are old enough t’get at least another hour,” Granmam complained. “But no arguin’ wit’ your parents, I s’pose. G’night, lads.”
They headed up the stairs—Jameson was sometimes nervous around them, ever since their birthday, he couldn’t know how Marvin could handle it—and into the room. “I’m gonna be tossing and turning,” Marvin muttered, heading straight for the bunk bed ladder. “Too fucking early.”
JJ shrugged. Good night, anyway. He turned off the overhead light and walked over to the bunk bed... and noticed something. A shape on his pillow. He couldn’t really make it out in the darkness, but he knew it wasn’t there earlier. Confused, he walked back over to the light switch, flipped it on, and hesitantly looked again—
It was the doll.
JJ let out a little shriek and backed up.
“Jameson?!” Marvin leaned over the side of the bunk, knowing that something really serious must’ve happened if JJ screamed. “What is it?! Are you okay?!”
He didn’t answer. His eyes were locked onto the doll... which was now wearing smaller copies of his pajamas. Slowly, he walked forward and grabbed the doll, holding it by its arm and as far from his body as possible. He held it up for Marvin to see.
“What the—” Marvin started to yell, then quickly corrected himself to a whisper-shout. “...what the fuck?!”
JJ shook his head, speechless. It was definitely the same doll. Either that, or someone had broken into their house to put an identical doll in a different outfit on his bed. He wasn’t sure which option was creepier.
“Throw it out the window!” Marvin hissed.
JJ didn’t argue. He ran over to the window, threw it open, and dropped the doll into the bushes below. Then he spun back to face Marvin. We have to tell the others!
“Gimme the phone, I’ll call them.”
The phone was on their dresser. JJ grabbed it and handed it to Marvin. Then he paced back and forth while Marvin tried to call their friends one by one.
“Ugh, no use,” Marvin finally said. “None of them are answering.”
Text them, then, JJ said. They’ll see it in the morning.
“You’re a faster texter, you do it.”
JJ took the offered phone and quickly typed out a message, sending it to all of their friends. The doll is back. It showed up on my bed despite Jackie taking it. I threw it out the window but it might do something like that again. Me and Marvin are gonna try to sleep now but call as soon as you see this no matter the time. He didn’t want to put the phone back on the dresser so he instead set it on the floor next to his bed. So he could lean over and grab it if he heard anything happen.
“Do we just fucking go to sleep now?!” Marvin asked, staring at the window.
I guess we try to?? JJ said.
“I... I guess? I don’t... know what else we can do...” Marvin trailed off. “Do you, um, think Mam and Dad would get upset if we left the lights on?”
JJ nodded sadly. You know how they are about the bills.
“Yeah... But is it worth it to keep them on anyway?”
JJ shook his head. I don’t think so.
Marvin was quiet for a while. “Well... if you don’t think so, we won’t do it. But... fucking hell.”
Yeah. That was the best way he could put it.
They turned off the lights and each climbed under their blankets. But JJ knew Marvin would still have his eyes open, looking towards the window. He knew it because he was doing the same thing.
The night was silent. But even so, it took them both a long time to fall asleep.
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Sam and Dean. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since they are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 4,088
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Chapter 10: It’s A Terrible Life
POV: Y/n
My alarm goes off at 6:00 and I get up happily. I go to my kitchen and start to make my breakfast of eggs, bacon, and grapes. I turn on my favorite song. 
Ohhhh, yeeeh
I used to think maybe you loved me now baby I'm sure
And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door
Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around
I'm dancing around the kitchen and having so much that I don’t notice the time. “Crap I'm going to be late.”
I'm walking on sunshine, wooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
And don't it feel good!
I walk in the coffee shop to get my boss's order with a smile on my face. “Hey brain, how's it going?” ” It’s going good Y/n, the regular” “You know it!” I said back to him I got the coffee, and I went on my way to my job.
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I enter the building quickly, being five minutes away from being late. I walk calmly over to Mr. Alder’s office and knock on his door. “Come in” I hear from the other side and enter the room. “Good morning Mr. Alder, here is your black coffee with two sugars and two creamers.” I said placing the coffee down. “Aww thanks sweetheart you're the best secretary in the world.” For some reason a small chill went up my spine when he called me sweetheart. “No problem, it is my job, do you need anything else?” “Nah all you need to do is sit there and be pretty I'll call you if I do though.” With that comment I walked back to my desk. 
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It was lunchtime and I went to the break room to make a sandwich. My work bestie Lyndsey comes up to me. “Ugg, I swear if Mr. Carson makes me do his basic paperwork one more time, I might commit murder.” “Ha ha right.” “Oh, you have nothing to complain about, you have the top secretary spot in the company, and you've only been here for a month.” “I don’t know, all I have to do is just sit there. I get pretty bored to be honest.” “Oh, to be bored, I envy thee. Did you see Mr. Smith this morning so hot right?” She said, biting her lip. “Uh I don’t know.”
“Girl, are you blind whatever, did you have any more dreams about Mr. Businessman.” “You're just going to make fun of me.” “No, totally not.” I sighed looking into my coffee. “This time I was in a carpark, and I was hurt, and I hugged him, and he hugged back.” “Ohh did it go beyond hugging.” She said, raising her eyebrows up and down. “No no it’s nothing like that, it feels like a friendship.” “Ugg boring.” “You said you wouldn't make fun.” “I'm not, it's just my opinion.” Sometimes Lindsey could be a bitch that’s why she’s my work bestie.
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I ran towards the elevator and yelled out for whoever was in there to hold it. “Thanks.” “No problem.” Mr. Smith and I think the other guy’s name was Sam. The three of us were just standing listening to the elevator music before Sam asked us a question. “Do I know you two?” Sam asked us. “Um I don’t think so, Sorry.” I responded. “I don't think so.” “I'm sorry, guys, you just look really familiar.” “Save it for the health club, pal.” With that Mr. Smith walked out of the elevator quickly. “Have a good night, Sam.” I told him. “You too?” “Y/n” “Right Y/n goodnight.” 
I got home and got ready for bed and thought about Sam’s question. He did kind of look familiar even though I hadn’t really met him before. Oh well with that I went off to sleep. 
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  The next morning I woke up feeling groggy and my head was filled with my dreams from the night before and I think I saw Mr.Smith and I think Sam in them. Which is really weird because I barley known them and what we were doing was hunting monsters so like what the hell?! 
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I walked down to Lynsey’s office because she was not in the break room for our daily coffee talk. When I go into her space, she is working hard which she never does. “Lyndsey? Lyn? Why don’t you take a break huh?” I go to touch her shoulder, but she does not take that well. “Don’t touch me Y/n! I don’t have time to sit around all day like you!” I was surprised because yeah, we weren't besties 24/7 but we wouldn't seriously insult each other. “Look Lyn I don’t know what’s wrong but whatever it is I can help you.” “No, you can’t! Just leave me alone. I have to work work…” She said drifting off not looking back at me.
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I go to heat up my lunch, but the microwave is busted. “Oh, come on.” I went to the tech floor knowing that was the closest microwave to me. The elevator dings and I walk into a huge crowd of people around the break room, the reason being that a body was being rolled out. I look around and see Sam and Dean again. 
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Now what the hell is happening. As I sit down, I get a call. “Hello, this Mr. Alders-” “This is Mr. Smith I need you in my office now.” He hangs up and I put the phone down. I walk to his office, and I walk in, and Sam is in here too. “Am I in trouble?” I said because so far this is weird. “No no you're not. Just sit down.” Mr. Smith gestured to the chair, and I did. “Ok so this is going sound weird, but do you believe in ghosts?” Mr. Smith asked, and I was expecting a smile after that, but one didn't come. “He he, I'm sorry ghosts, is there a camera somewhere?” “No, unfortunately not Y/n he’s being serious.” Sam said, looking at me.
“Ghosts? What the Hell are you talking about?” “Okay, listen. What if these suicides aren't suicides? I mean, what if they're something not natural?” “So, what, ghosts are real? And they're responsible for all the dead bodies around here? Is that what you're telling me?” “That’s what Sam and I have concluded, yeah.” “Based on what? Delusion.” I said not believing what I was hearing. “No, Instinct.” “Instinct I think I have the same one.” Now remembering the dreams. “Really?” They both said at the same time.
“Yeah, I've been having these dreams with you guys in it, and we were killing monsters also I saw a businessman.” “Businessman didn’t see him but yes to the ghosts and the monsters.” Sam said. “So, you're telling me that your guy's dreams are special visions and you're some kind of psychics’?” “No. I mean, that would be nuts. I'm just saying something weird is definitely going on around here, right? So, I've been digging around a little.”
“Yeah, I agree with him.” I backed Sam up. Sam pulled at some papers. “I think I found a connection between the two guys.” He explained. “You broke into their email accounts?” “Nice Sam” I compilated him. “Thanks Y/n, I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity.” “So, it turns out Ian and Paul both got this same email telling them to report to HR, room fourteen forty-four.” “HR's on seven.” “Exactly.” “Should we go check this out?” “Like right now?” “No. No, it's getting late. You're right.” “I am dying to check this out right now.” “Right?” “Me too” I added, and we went on our way to room fourteen four-four.
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We walk closer to the room, and we hear a man screaming. Sam kicked the door in, and we rushed in, and the man was under a shelf. We go to try to lift it off as we do. I look behind an old man standing there, and he flings Dean back. He walked to Sam with a sparky hand, and I had the thought to grab a wrench and hit him and he disappeared with that. Dean walks over and we lift the shelf off the man. “How'd you know how to do that?” They asked me. “I have no idea.”
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Dean’s apartment was thankfully close. “Holy crap, Guys.” Dean said, referring to what just happened to us. “Yeah. I could use a beer.” Sam said. “Yeah, put me down for one too.” “Oh, sorry, Guys. I'm on the Cleanse. I got rid of all the carbs in the house.” “Hey. How the hell did you know that ghosts are scared of wrenches?” They ask me. “Crazy, right? And nice job kicking that door too. That was very Jet Li. What are you, like a black belt or something?” “No. I have no clue how I did that. It's like...we've done this before.” “What do you mean, before? Like Shirley MacLaine before?” “No. I—I just can't shake this feeling like I—like I don't belong here. You know? Like I should do something more than sit in a cubicle.” “I think most people who work in a cubicle feel that same way.” 
“No. Well, look, it's more than that. Like, I don't like my job. I don't like this town. I don't like my clothes. I don't like my own last name. I don't know how else to explain it, except that...it feels like I should be doing something else. There's just something in my blood. Like I was destined for something different. What about you? You ever feel that way?” “I don't believe in destiny. I do believe in dealing with what's right in front of us, though.” “What about you Y/n.”Dean asked me. “I feel the same as I make my own future.” “All right, so, what do we do now?” Sam asked, which was a good question cause what the hell do you do in this situation? “We do what I do best, Sammy, N/n. Research.” “Okay. Did you just call me Sammy?” “And me N/n?” “Did I?” “I think you did. Yeah. Don't.” “Yeah, please don’t” “Sorry.” He goes to sit at his laptop.
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“Oh, jackpot.” “What you got?” Sam and I walked over to Dean. “I just found the best site ever. Real, actual ghost hunters.” “Oh wow, cool!” I said sitting next to Dean. “These guys are genius. Check it out.” “Instructional videos.” Sam pointed out. Dean hits play “We know why you're watching.” These two guys were in lab coats in front of a table. “You've got a problem.” “A ghost problem.” “A ghost-related problem. A ghost—it's like a ghost-adjacent pr—it's like a problem that's—and the ghost is—” “Whatever. You've come to the right place. The only decent place, really, because the Ghostfacers know how to solve it.” “Period.” “Watch and learn.” “See, the first step in any supernatural fight:” “Figure out what you're up against.” Both of them said together. 
I went onto the computer and looked up the company’s history. There was a picture of an old man next to the article. “That's him. That's the ghost.” Dean pointed out over my shoulder. “P. T. Sandover. Died 1916. Devoted his life to his work. No wife, no kids.
The article text visible next to the picture reads "Office 1444 was considered to be the center of the company's operations, with Sandover himself overseeing all details of any construction project the company undertook. / Considered to be a difficult person to work for, P.T. Sandover had an exceptionally high standard of quality, often marching onto construction sites and halting all work until he personally inspected each aspect of the structure. Aiming for perfection is perhaps why the Sandover legacy is so impressive, dominating the industry with the scale and scope of its projects.” “Used to say he was the company, and his very blood pumped through the building.” Sam read. “Wow, okay. So slight workaholic. Maybe he's still here, you know, watching over the company, even killing for it.” Dean theorized.
“Plus, turns out this isn't the first time people started killing themselves in the building. 1929.” “Yeah, but lots of guys jumped off lots of high rises that year.” “How many companies had seventeen suicides?” I added in. “Phew. Okay, so P. T. Sandover, protector of the company. His ghost wakes up and becomes active during times of grave economic distress.” “Well, I mean, the worst time we've seen since the Great Depression—” “Is now. Yeah, now sucks. My portfolio's in the sewer. I don't even wanna talk about it.” “So Sandover's helping the bottom line—” “By zapping some model employees.” 
“Yeah. I mean, Ian and Paul. It was like he turned them into different people.” “Perfect worker bees, exactly. So devoted to the company that they would commit hara-kiri if they failed it.” “Oh my gosh Lyndsey was acting like that. Now we abustley have to do this.” “One more interesting fact. The building wasn't always that high. Used to be fourteen floors. And the room where the ghost attacked, fourteen forty-four? Once upon a time, that was the old man's office.” Of course it was.
We went back to the Ghostbusters videos. “Once you've got that thing in your sights—” “You kill it.” Good to know. “Using special ghost-hunting weapons.” “First, salt. It's like acid to ghosts.” “Burny acid.” “Not LSD.” “No. It's a bad trip for ghosts. Next up, iron.” “That's why the wrench worked.” I concluded. “Pure power in your hand.” “Dissipates ghosts instantly.” “Next little trick. We learned this from those useless douchebags—” “That we hate.” I wonder who pissed them off so much. “The Winchesters. Well, except for the sister who was nice to us, she was also hot.” “Yeah hot.” He looked off like he was thinking about this woman. “Uhh right back to the ghosts. Gun.” “Shotgun shell. Pack it up with fresh rock salt.” “Very effective.” “Very effective.” “Winchesters still suck ass, though. But the sister.” “Affirmative. Suckage major. But the sister.” 
We pack two duffels of iron pokers and salt. “Where do we even get a gun?” Dean questioned. “Gun store?” “Isn't there like some kind of waiting period or something?” “I think so.” “Well, how in the hell—” “I don't know. Seems pretty impossible, honestly.” “Right.” I mean who can just get guns on a whim.
Back to the video. “The aforementioned super-annoying Winchester douchenozzles but the sister also taught us this one other thing. You have to burn the remains.” “Okay, this next part gets a little gross. Sometimes you might have to dig up the body. Sorry.” Eww “It's illegal in some states.” “All states.” “Possibly all states.” I look up where our body is buried. “Sandover was cremated.” “What? So what do we do now?” “Now, if the deceased has been cremated—” “Don't panic.” “Don't panic.” “Just gotta look for some other remains.” “A hair in a locket, maybe. Fingernails. Baby teeth.” “Milk teeth.” “Genetic material. You know what we're talking about.” “Go find it.” “Godspeed.”
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I am terrified to go back but Lynsey is under this ghost’s spell I guess, and she needs help so here I am back in this cursed building. We entered the elevator. “Set your cell phone to walkie-talkie in case we get separated.” Dean commented. We go to search in the old man’s office Sam, and I are searching the desk when we get found out by the security officer. “What the hell are you doing here?” He asks us.”Uhh, a new cleaning service.” I responded back trying to not get us arrested. “Yeah right. Come with me.” He grabs the both of us. “Man, listen. Look. It's okay. We- we work here.” Sam tried to explain. “Whatever. Tell it to the cops.” He drags us to the elevator.
We awkwardly stand there when there is a cold spot when the elevator absurdly stops. Sam and I look at each other knowing what was going on. The guard goes to use his emergency key to open the door. “Well, come on.” Something makes an ominous sound. Sam and I are thinking the same thing Hell to the no. “Last time this happened, it took them two hours to get here.”
“Let’s just wait here I think I might have some uno cards on me.” They both look at me like your crazy girl. The guard Shimes through the door and he turns around to us. “Seriously, we’ll wait.” “Look, I don't have the rest of my life.” As he was saying the doors slam shut oh his body. And we get sprayed in blood. “Hey. You guys, okay?” Dean asked through the phone. “We’ll call you back.” 
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We regroup at the main lobby. “Whoa. That's a lot of blood.” “Yeah, we know” “Right. So, uh, in there.” Dean gestured to the display of P.T. gloves. “P. T. Sandover's gloves.” “Yeah, how much you wanna bet there's a little smidge of DNA in there? You know, like a fingernail clipping or a hair or two? Something.” “Sweat.” I added in. “So, you ready?” Sam asks us. “I have no idea.” “Me neither.” “Me too.” The boys hit the glass, but Mr. Old man shows up. All three of us hit him with the iron pickers. “Oh. Nice.” He reappears and he flings the boys back. “Dean! Sam!” P.T. is about spark them. I scramble to get the lighter. “Sorry I'm forcing you into retirement.” I said as I lit up the gloves. And he lights up like a Christmas tree and vanishes. "That was amazing.” “Right? Right?”
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Dean hands me the first kit and I'm patching up Sam. “Wow you're really good at Y/n.” “Yeah, I don’t know, I've always been good at it, thanks.” “Man, I gotta tell you, I've never had so much fun in my life.” Dean said sitting next to us. “I feel the same and I thought the bachelor was the craziest thing in my life.” “Was a hell of a workout too, wasn't it?” “Yeah, you can say that again.” “We should keep doing this.” Sam says very seriously. “I know.” Dean replied in a joking way when I was thinking about his words. “I mean it. There gotta be other ghosts out there. We could help a lot of people.” Sam went on with this. “Right, we'd be like the Ghostfacers.”
“No, really. I mean, for real.” “What? Like, quit our jobs and hit the road?” “Exactly.” “How would we live?” “You gotta be kidding me. How would we get by? With stolen credit cards? Huh? Eating diner food drenched in saturated fats? Sharing a crap motel room every night?” “That's all just details. What about you Y/n?” Sam asked me. “Uhh I don’t know Sam, this is a good job for me.” “Do you even like your Job I mean all you do is get Mr. Alder coffee! All right. Um. Confession. Remember those dreams I told you about with the ghosts? I was fighting them. With you guys. We were these, like, hunters, and we were friends. More like brothers and sister, really. I mean, what if that's who we really are? I mean, you saw us back there, working together. The ghost was scrambling people's brains. What if it scrambled ours?”
“Sam, that's a little insane.” “Is it? Think about it for just one second. What if we think this is our life, but it's not?” “Hey, man, the ghost is dead and we're still standing. I mean, I'm sorry, but—” Dean started to say. “Look, all I know is this isn't who we're supposed to be.” Sam stood his ground. “No. I'm Dean Smith, okay? Director of Sales and Marketing. I went to Stanford. My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo.” And when he said that it felt so wrong. “When was the last time you talked to them? To any of them? And you Y/n?” “I don’t really have any family to talk to.” “See that’s what I'm talking about, cause I only moved here cause I just broke up with my fiancée, Madison. But I called her number, and I got a damn animal hospital.” I try to hold my laugh back at that line.
“Okay. What are you saying? Are you trying to say that my family isn't real? Huh? That we've been injected with fake memories? Come on.” Dean was getting irritated at this point. “All I know is, I got this feeling in my gut. And I know—I know that deep down, you gotta be feeling it too. We're supposed to be something else. You're not just some corporate douchebag and you Y/n are not just some pretty secretary that gets coffee. This isn't you Guys. I know you.” Dean answered. “Know me? You don't know me, pal. You should go.” I leave with Sam and stop him. “Look Sam, the girl you're describing sounds incredible but that’s just not me.”
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The next morning, I was walking to Mr. Alder’s office with his coffee, and I was thinking about what Sam said last night. “Knock knock Come in.” I heard and I entered. “Here’s… your coffee.” I set it down and went to leave but he stopped me. “Mrs. F/l/n I would like to talk about something, sit down please.” So, I do. “Look I think you're an amazing employee and simply put I want you higher on the food chain.” I was a little bit shocked.
“You want me in a company position? Wow I'm flattered but are you sure?” “Yes, I am so sure that this would be your pay raise.” He writes down a number and slides it to me. My eyes widen like saucers. “That’s a whole lot more than now to keep me here.” “Well, you are worth it now you would have to work for it properly more than others because you are starting from a low level but in like fifteen years maybe ten it you could be it.” I look down at the number and think about it. “Now Mr. Alder I really appreciate it and I am totally thankful, but I will be giving in my notice.” Now he looks shocked.
“Please tell me this is a joke Y/n.” “No Mr. Alder I just realized that sitting in a desk for the rest of my life and getting coffee from other people is not for me. It's hard to explain. Um. It's just that this—this is—it's just—it's not who I'm supposed to be.” Mr. Alder smiles at that. “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n you and your brother are a lot alike.” “My brother? What are you talking about?” He walks over to me and touches my forehead and it was like the air had shifted and everything came flooding back.
“What the fuck? Am I wearing heels god my feet hurt.” Mr. Alder laughs at that. “You- did I—did I just get touched by—you're an angel, aren't you?” He nods. “I'm Zachariah.” “Fantastic. You want me to throw you a parade.” “I'm hardly a simple angel, Y/N. I'm Castiel's superior. Believe me, I had no interest in popping down here into one of these smelly things” “But after the unfortunate situation with Uriel, I felt it necessary to pay a visit. Get my ducks in a row.” “” Unfortunate situation” he almost killed me.”
“Well, you're not so you should be grateful.” “What the hell does not that even mean?” “It means that you're alive and hunting” “Is that what this little passion project of yours is for?” “Exactly you are a Winchester, hunting is in your blood, and you will help your brother stop the apocalypse.” “I am not just a helper.” “Of course, not but you will always be by your brother’s side, right?” “Yes but-” “perfect then you be on your merry way to your codependent brothers.” I start to walk out but I stop. “Zachariah angel or not I will stab you in the face if you ever call me sweetheart again.” And with that I slam the door behind me.
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Hey oh, my gosh we have gotten to chapter ten like wow I just wanted to say thank you for reading and liking when I started, I just did for me and I'm so happy that others have liked this as much as I have! Also did anyone peak the song that Y/n was playing in the beginning. It was a little easter egg for a future character that I am so excited to get to. That Animal hospital joke of Madison gets me every time the angels went off with that one. If you like the originals, I started a Klaus x reader so yeah hope I see you over there see you next time!
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lutawolf · 2 years
Between Us Episode 8 Commentary and Review
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Happy holidays guys!!! I hope each of you are having an amazing day. I was up super late, so forgive me if I'm spazzy during this commentary. For those not familiar with me. You can check out my master list here. Also, don't forget to head offer to Coconuts Mafia and check out the other BL content providers. There are several of us who like to keep you guys entertained.
Without further ado. Let's do this.
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This is fucking relatable. I envy those who studied and never had this thought. It's no fucking wonder you can't sleep on your bed if you're eating chips on it! Crumbs on the bed. Just ew. No.
Opens door. Tone says you suck, then the bag of snacks come out. Why I do love you... Not gonna lie. My daughter and I are the same way. "You're not you when you're hungry." That smile on Win's face, so cute. Ahhh, listen to that Dom voice. Hand stopping Team from going any further. Voice commanding, not asking or even telling, but commanding. Whiny brat comes out, but we are merely amused. I'm so dead. "You're so dumb." 🤣🤣🤣
When has a pillow ever saved you, Team? Name one time. Go ahead. I'll wait. Then calling Win out. "How you want to get paid?" We got questions and we need answers. Forehead kisses! That pillow did nothing, Team. Nothing at all. Next time, wack him. I mean, you'll be punished for it, but I'm okay with that. Team, did you really ask that? I know you're insecure and last episode didn't help with that, but you're dumb. Well that was about as clear as mud Win, thank you for that.
These two dorks. Bee and Prince. PrinceB. So fucking special.
Win tells him that they are taking the bike. No argument from Team. Even though it's a product placement. It's a cute moment. Love the peace sign. Not Win demanding a check kiss! So cute! Look at that smile! I really enjoy that we only see this side of Win with Team. It shows just how special Team is to Win. I'm sentimentally attached to the colors red and blue. Which is saying something because I hate the color blue.
Team once again being relatable. Ladies and gents, the award goes to Drama king Team and Drama Queen Manow. OMG!!! He posted pictures! I'm so dead. I fucking love the sub trio. They are hilarious.
Blue and red! Ahhhhh. Now you give him encouragement instead of calling him dumb. After the exam! smh. Look at him, waiting to hear where Team is sleeping tonight. Then getting all happy about it. So cute! Yeah, so Team does not have a praise kink. He actually gets embarrassed with it, which is why you see him pushing Team on. There are brats like that. Especially those more comfortable being degraded. Which Team clearly is.
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You only believe half of it Team!? No! He likes the idea of it. Win coming in with the logic. 🤣🤣🤣 He can't help it. It's how his brain works. Sweet baby Jezebel, it's a pain in the ass. OMG!!! I'm loving Team's reaction. He just giggles while Win side eyes him. Love It!!!
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That's right, baby boy! Question why he has hemp rope, and let all pray it's for the reasons that we hope. Though, hemp rope that frayed would be awful! Like painful, uncomfortable, and break. Just say no to craft hemp rope. There is softer rope that will still give you the feel you're looking for and will hold up better. With a hell of a lot less aftercare, too. Actually, here, let me just give you the link. Ropes are a really fun, even if you don't want to tie someone up. I have friends who've really enjoyed learning knots.
Okay, so back to the show. We left off with Team thinking he had it to tie him up. Sadly, we find out that was not true. Fucking teases. The red thread is for little boys like Dean and Pharm. So dead! HAHAHA!!!
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Hey dumbasses, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the pinky and not the whole body. Wait! Why am I complaining? This is what I wanted! NVM, please continue.
Awe, they're at Win's house. Here comes the parents. OH, NO Win! Calling him a junior. There goes the fucker with something stuck up his ass. And not in a fun way either! Though... One could argue that anything STUCK up the ass wouldn't be fun. In any way.
Super stressful situation, but let's all take a minute to enjoy how Win commanded Team to take Wiew out. And how, Team just did it. Yay, daddy, don't piss off the kid that can actually run circles around you running your business. I love, love, that Wiew feels comfortable talking to Team about his issues. I really respect that Team isn't trying to give advice right away here. He isn't interrupting, he's just listening. Letting Wiew talk about his issues and concerns. Sometimes, that's more needed than an actual solution to the problem.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Damn. First calling him a junior and then asking if Win is dating someone. This family knows how to score a direct hit. I'm actually enjoying the frank father son talk.
Omg, why is it so salt. "My hand." dead. I'm so dead. Because they are not dead like me. How could they miss it. Look at the ABC gang coming in with the good advice.
See. Team is not into the praise kink. Win tells him good job, and he's like eh. That's actually very typical in someone with low self-esteem. This can be due to abuse, trauma, or even ADHD. Praise kinks aren't as common as one might think. More like, Doms give praise until a sub gets used to it and then begins to enjoy it. I praise like nobodies business both here, in real life, and with my kids. Don't believe me, ask my daughter. No, I also have a degrading kink, but that's with my husband. And even that is done with a balance of praise. Which is actually what we see with Win. A very good balance of degrading and praising. Which would be why you might miss his degrading kink if not paying attention.
Are you seeing it now that I've pointed it out? How many of you are now going to rewatch it to catch it? Raise of hands in the comment section. Notice that Team isn't fighting the degrading like he does being praised. Win just realized that Team can memorize anything he deems important. Win, I mean this with the utmost affection. You're a slut and I love you for it. But seriously, did they throw in a lion sound effect? WTF.
Hia, I can't talk so here, let me show you. So fucking cute. He got a B!!! Shut up, Manow!! 🤣🤣🤣 By the way, I think I'm fucking up the spelling of these names. You should see me, when I write my stories I have a notebook of everyone's names next to me. But do I do it when writing these? Hell to the nah.
The eye blinking sound effects. SMH. Haha, she went to see the lights. He got a B! Do you guys see it? Hmmm? He wants a prize! I fucking love it! A ROOM KEY!!! See sneak in of the praise kink. He did it while he was so happy that he didn't fight him. He's starting to get used to it now.
Their smiles talking about the Christmas lights and Team cheering!! So fucking cute!!!
Well that's all folks! Hope you've had an amazing day and got all your wishes granted. 💜💜💜
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s5e13 the song remains the same (w. sera gamble, nancy weiner)
sometimes forget they banged in the impala, but then i'm like why is dean being so soft and familiar with her? oh right. anyway, kind of sweet this little interaction in dean's pg-13 stripper dream.
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when he wakes up, there's a little chime that sounds just like a doorbell that's been muffled (in my house specifically to try to keep it from waking up a sleeping infant). anyway, the sound design on the original score is rarely very creative, kudos to them. startles the shit out of me every time, but good job on something interesting
ANNA Sam Winchester has to die.
this surely is going to end well for all parties involved.
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there was a boy in my high school who had a fucking gorgeous late 70s black pontiac firebird trans am, god the rumble on its engine was delicious. i think i somehow got a ride somewhere with him at one point. he was a cute and smart boy but honestly the car was it.
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DEAN So, what, you're like a Delorean without enough plutonium?
CASTIEL I don't understand that reference.
tell him, cas! i just complained about the number of references they use in this show a few episodes ago
cas sure folded like an ugly tan trench coat. "i should go alone" dean: "🥺" ok zap
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SAM He's breathing. Sort of.
the line about buying microsoft stock reminds me when i was in middle school i think? there was a project where you had to "buy" a stock and then track its price in the newspaper over some number of days/weeks. imagine that. using the newspaper to check stock prices. ~it was the 90s~
all right so wasn't cas's point back when dean met mary to begin with that you can't change destiny? so isn't this all moot? when does #TeamFreeWill become a thing
JOHN Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!
DEAN Wow. Awkward family road trip.
SAM No kidding.
just like home, right, guys?
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he reminds me of a combination teen wolf derek (tyler hoechlin) superman (henry cavill variant). one tv superman+one movie superman=young john winchester
SAM Pretty much forever. My dad raised me in it.
JOHN You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid?
SAM Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did.
JOHN I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near—you know, you could've been killed!
SAM I, uh...came kind of close.
JOHN The number it must've done on your head...your father was supposed to protect you.
laughing out loud. i'm sorry sera and nancy, i will always appreciate any and all john winchester shade, and especially unknowingly delivered by john winchester -- but i believe 0.00% late 70s generic straight white man has the emotional intelligence for this thought process / willingness to speak on it / willingness to talk shit about someone's father (a stranger no less) to their face
and i do not appreciate that it caused sam to come rushing to john's defense. gross child neglect, bro. y'all wrote this story and you gotta live with the consequences of how horrifyingly awful of a parent you made him be. just say no to the rehabilitation of john winchester
DEAN You have no other choice. There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it, I promise you that.
have they talked about this? they're both totally chill with never existing??
DEAN Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome.
oh, well. there you go
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MARY Ohh...quite a kick there. Troublemaker already. It's okay, baby. It's all okay. Angels are watching over you.
so did michael scrub her brain but also leave some pro-angel bias in there? she said there's no such thing previously about angels. just how much did he scrub? i wonder how much is retcon and how much was actually planned. i imagine i could find the answer if i looked but i kind of like consuming this show in my little bubble the way i do. also, effort
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crashdevlin · 1 year
Losses and Gains 6- Reunited
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Author’s Note: This is the sixth chapter of Losses and Gains, the second part of To Have it All. This is Something More...from Jensen's side!
Summary: Jensen gets Y/n back in his trailer, and back in his arms, but does that mean everything's going to be okay?
Pairing:  Jensen x Reader, background Reader x Tom Hiddleston
Word count: 4378
Story Warnings: open marriage, mentions of depression and heartbreak, bad things, alcohol as a crutch, anger, fighting, divorce, anxiety, panic attack
“She’s okay.” That’s all Jared had to say after he got back from lunch with Y/n on Sunday. I raised my eyebrows at him and silently demanded more information. “What?”
“That’s all? She’s okay? That’s all you have to say?”
“That’s all I feel comfortable sharing.”
I scoffed and shook my head at him. “What the fuck, dude? She’s not okay! We talked about this yesterday!”
“She’s okay enough…and even if I was willing to share, you don’t want to know what she told me.”
“Of course, I-”
Jared shook his head and patted my shoulder. “No. Listen, I talked things out with her. If things are the way she says they are, then it’s a simple fix. If it’s worse than that, then she knows what she needs to do. It’s going to be okay, either way.”
“You’re really not gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“It’s not mine to tell. If you want to know, then make friends with her again, and maybe she’ll be okay to tell you eventually.”
I rolled my eyes and let it go. He wouldn’t tell me, so I moved on. “I don’t think I could be friends with her again. I love her, man. I don’t think I’d be able to ignore that.”
“Yeah. I understand that. You gonna be able to work with her?”
It was a valid question and I wasn’t sure of the answer, even as I responded, “Yeah, of course.”
When I got back to Vancouver, I knew I had to put on a brave face. I had to act like I had everything together…which was really fucking hard when the writers sent me the script for the episode Y/n did Second Unit shooting for a couple weeks before.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I was in awe. I couldn’t even be mad about it because I was shocked…and a little bit excited that I was gonna get to kiss Y/n again, even if it was gonna be in front of a dozen people on set.
"Not just kissing, Ackles. This is a real sex scene. You haven’t done one of these since the Born Again episode." Jared flipped through the pages and sighed. "This is bad. This is gonna set you back weeks and-"
"Are you kidding me? I'm a professional, Jared. I think I can draw the line between-"
"Who do you think you're talking to right now?" He tossed the pages on the coffee table and pointed at the fresh beer in my hand. "That's your second beer and it's not even 10am and you're at work. You're a consummate professional." I set the beer next to the script and started to tell him to shut up but he kept going. "I know that you're excited about this and you're happy to pantomime getting her back in your arms but you have to end that shit right now. You have to approach this like a sex scene with any other actor, completely detached and looking out for their emotional welfare. She's gonna be in agony over this."
That took me aback for a minute. "Agony?"
"First off, this is gonna be her first sex scene…and it's with an ex. Not just any ex, but the one she can't tell people is an ex. So she has no one but me and Tom to complain to. Beyond that, she's still in love with you and she remembers exactly how you really are in the sack and she's probably missing that about now and she can't have it because she's with the gentleman bastard. And you think you should come in and act like everything is good?"
"Since when have I been acting like everything is good?" I snapped. "Like you said, it's not even 10 and I'm on my second beer. I'm not expecting everything to be magically better since Tara and Dean are gonna fuck, but maybe, just maybe Y/n will talk to me since we have to work together. Maybe we can start making things better. And in the very least, I get to kiss her again. I get to hold her again. I get to feel just a bit like things are going to be okay…and that’s all I want."
“Dude, detach. Things are not going to be better. Not now, not in a few months. You need to act like everything is over because it is. Move on. Don’t make this harder for her than it already is.”
Why was it about her and not me? Why did I have to tippy-toe around her emotions when I was feeling shit, too? Why did I have to fucking detach?!
I seethed a bit as Jared left, knowing that he was ultimately right, but still hating to hear it. I needed to be calm and cold and not show how I was feeling. It was better that way. It was better for both of us.
So when she knocked on my trailer door and came in, looking shaky and nervous, I locked my emotions away as best I could and welcomed her back.
“Did you get Wednesday’s pages?” she asked, looking around the trailer.
I nodded. “Yeah.”
She leaned against my counter, careful to keep her eyes anywhere but my face. “So, how, uh…how do we-”
“We follow the script,” I interrupted. “Just like every other scene we’ve ever done. You’ll be Tara and I’m gonna be Dean and they’re gonna share a messy first kiss and then Dean is gonna fuck Tara on one of the tables in the Men of Letter Library and then I’ll come back here and you’ll probably go back to your hotel and call up your boyfriend.”
Well, cold and detached didn’t last long.
Her eyes glistened as she looked up at me and she started to say my name but I cut her off again. “Y/n, look, I know this probably isn’t any easier for you than it is for me, but I…I really fuckin’ miss you and the fact that you are standing right there in front of me and I can’t-” I convinced myself to shut up, reminding myself that my emotions were not important in this moment. “At least he treats you well. That grand declaration of love on Facebook…something I could never do.”
“I didn’t want him to,” she asserted weakly. “I told him not to do that.”
I rolled my eyes. “Well, that’s fuckin’ nice. The man ignores simple requests.”
“Come on, Jay, don’t be-”
I put my hand up, a finger raised to get her quiet. “Don’t call me that. We’re just coworkers now. I’m fighting calling you ‘Baby Girl’ so you’re gonna respect my efforts and call me ‘Jensen’.”
Fuck, I didn’t mean to make her cry. I didn’t mean to snap like that. “Jensen, please. You can’t tell me that you don’t understand,” she begged.
“I understand. I understand just fine.” And I did. I completely understood exactly how I managed to get to that moment in time. “But it doesn’t make any of it hurt less. It doesn’t matter that you saw the end of my marriage rapidly approaching because I couldn’t get you out of my head and you distanced yourself for my family’s good. It doesn’t matter that Tom capitalized on that distance the moment you created it.”
I don’t know what came over me, just trying to get the honesty out, maybe. Maybe I was just trying to rail against Jared’s decree about detachment. “What matters is that I haven’t talked to you in months, but I still pick up my phone to call you after we wrap every night. What matters is that you left that bottle of your perfume in the bathroom and I can’t bring myself to throw it away because the pillows on your side of the bed don’t smell right if they don’t smell like CK Eternity. What matters is that I’m so in love with you that it hurts and you saw that, saw how I feel, and you left so that I wouldn’t fuck up my life over you…”
I could see the pain in her eyes as I reached out to cup her cheek. “All of that just makes me love you more.”
She closed her eyes but she didn’t move away. She leaned just a little closer. “You can’t,” she whispered.
I pulled her closer to me, hand on the back of her neck. “Shit, that doesn’t change a thing. Baby Girl, your protests don’t change a goddamn thing.”
She gave a full-body shiver but then she pulled away. It was like she didn’t really want to pull away but she felt like she had to, so I put my hand on her hip and pulled her back again. Gently, not aggressively, not in a bad way, just in a ‘please don’t leave me’ kinda way. Her eyes snapped open and she looked me dead in mine as she pushed me away just enough to get her point across. “Jensen…I can’t. I’m not that woman.”
I knew exactly what she meant. She couldn’t cheat on Tom…and she didn’t want to hurt me, either. So I let her go and stepped away from her. “I know. It’s part of why I love you. You’re too damn good for me. But you’re also too good for fuckin’ Loki.”
She wiped her tears away and shrugged, sniffling. “I don’t know about that. There’s a lot of people on Twitter who seem to think I’m not good enough for him…if the death threats are any indication. I mean, Tom’s got some rabid fans…but I’m sure they’re not as bad as our fans would be if they found out-”
“That Danneel is divorcing me?” I finished…even though I know that’s not what she was planning to say. I couldn’t help but laugh at the shock and confusion on her face. I picked up my warm beer from earlier in the day and took a drink. “Yeah. It’s not official, but Gino said she’s talking to lawyers.”
“No!” she shouted and slammed her fist down on the counter. My eyebrows went up as she grabbed her wrist. “No, you have to fix it! I did not walk away so that you could still fuck it up!” Seriously?! She’s blaming it all on me? “You love her! You love her and you love your kids and you just have to get over this stupid other feeling-”
“My feelings are stupid, now?” I demanded, offended to my bones but somehow…excited to be having an honest conversation with her about everything.
“That feeling is! You feeling like you think you’re in love with me is stupid! You…” She looked lost and frustrated as she threw her hands in the air. “Go to counseling! Go see a fucking shrink! Go fucking fix it! Fix! It!” she demanded.
“We fucking were! We’ve spent months talking to a shrink. Ever since you left, we’ve been trying. It hasn’t worked!”
“Try harder!” She scoffed at me and I could see it. She wasn’t mad at me. She was regretting it. She was regretting leaving because it didn’t stop the end that she was trying to stop. “Three months isn’t enough! Between the show and the cons and everything, it’s not enough time. Try to-”
“I don’t want to!” I admitted, tossing my beer at the floor. I didn’t want to drink anymore. The desire was fucking gone in that moment. I just wanted Y/n. “I’m tired of trying to not love you. I tried! I really did. Everyone told me to stop and I tried but I’m fucking exhausted and I can’t fuckin’ do it. It fucked my family, but I can’t stop how I feel.”
Everything stopped. We were both breathing heavy. My heart was pounding, I’m sure hers was too. But neither of us moved for a few moments. We just stared at each other, shoes and legs covered in beer…and something in the air said this was one of those pivotal moments. This was a moment where literally everything could change if we let it.
Finally, she broke the moment. “Fuck, Jay,” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hand and looking away from me.
“I know…” I started, but I bit my bottom lip to give myself a minute to think. I had one chance. I had one opportunity to make this work. “I know that you’re with Tom. I know he loves you. I’ve spent…months wanting you to not love him, but I saw you on Colbert and you looked so happy, but when you talk to Jared…”
She stepped closer to me, regret etched across her face, and she wrapped me in a hug. “I’m so sorry, Jay.”
I wrapped my arms around her, excited that she initiated the embrace. “You got nothing to be sorry for, Baby Girl.”
“No. I do. If I’d never come here, you wouldn’t be in this situation. Everything would-”
“No, no, hey. Never say that. If you hadn’t come here, you’d be in a worse-”
“I’d be depressed, but you wouldn’t be. It’d just be me sad and you’d still be happily-”
I kissed her before she could finish that thought. She was regretting everything, which meant she was regretting Tom. She was back in my arms. It seemed like the right way to move forward. It seemed like the best way to get both of us happy. Her hands went to my hair. Mine went to the back of her thighs. I hauled her up so her legs wrapped around my waist and I held her close as we kissed. My hands roamed her body as I walked her to the bedroom. It was almost like I was on autopilot. She was making these breathy little noises and she was grabbing at me and it was like things were the way they used to be.
We found the bed and dropped to it, still kissing. I wasn’t going to waste any opportunity, and I was gonna go as far as she’d let me…and as fast as possible before she realized we might be making a mistake. I didn’t want either of us to focus on the mistake. I wanted to focus on the way her skin tasted, the way she whimpered when I started inching my hand up under her shirt, and the feel of her lace bra under my fingertips. God, and I wanted to feel the matching lace underwear I knew she was hiding in her jeans, but she stopped me as soon as I went to unzip them. I can’t even lie and say I wasn’t disappointed at her cockblocking, but I understood.
“I’m sorry. I swear I’m not trying to be a tease, Jay, but I can’t.”
“I get it. You don’t wanna do to Tom what Nate did to you.” I rolled off of her, staring at the ceiling and willing the discomfort in my pants to go away. More than that, I was willing for this to be the start of a new chapter of us. I had her back. She was literally lying in my arms. She was nestling in close to me. As long as she didn’t go back to Tom, everything was going to be okay.
“I’m sorry that everything is so messy,” she whispered, half into my chest.
I kissed the top of her head. “It’s okay. I can handle it. I can handle any mess, as long as I’ve got you.”
She hugged me a little bit tighter and sighed, the adrenaline falling and exhaustion taking over.
As long as I had her…
My trailer door opened about fifteen minutes later and I slowly extracted myself from Y/n’s embrace. She looked so peaceful and I was happy that I could get up without waking her. The bedroom door opened up and Jared’s eyes zipped from me to Y/n. I didn’t want him waking her up, either, so I put a finger to my lips and pointed toward the living room. He took the hint and I followed him, closing the door as softly as possible and turning to him.
“What did you do?” he whispered, pointing at the door.
“Nothing! I didn’t do anything!”
“Bullshit! What the fuck, Ackles?”
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t give me that. She came here of her own accord, she talked to me of her own accord. I tried the detached and cold thing but it didn’t fucking work.”
“And how’d she end up in your fucking bed?”
“We didn’t do anything. She’s not a cheater.”
“That doesn’t answer the damn question. How did she-”
“It just happened. We were talking and we both admitted to some regrets. I told her that Dee was divorcing me. She said she never wanted to cause anybody any harm and…we kissed and we ended up in the bedroom but nothing happened and she fell asleep, okay?”
“It’s asking for fucking trouble.”
“Jesus, Padalecki, Danneel’s already leaving me. What more trouble could she give me?”
“She could take everything. She could take the house, the kids, the brewery; she could take your good fuckin’ clubs, Jensen, just for spite.”
“She can have ‘em!” I snapped in a whisper before processing all of what he said. “Well, not the kids, but anything else she wants to use against me? She can have it. I lost Y/n once already. I’m not letting it happen again.”
He sighed. “What about Tom?” I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to respond with a well-thought-out “Fuck Tom” but Jared continued. “Hey, we may not like the guy, but she has a boyfriend.”
“And that’s the only reason why she’s still got clothes on right now; because she wanted it just as much as me, dude, and as soon as she breaks up with him and it’s not cheating anymore, I’m gonna make her scream and I do not give a damn who hears it.”
“You idiot. Danneel hasn’t even filed yet. You can’t start fucking another woman when she hasn’t filed, because then she can list infidelity as the reason for filing.”
“You say that like I give a fuck about the money. I don’t.”
“You should,” Y/n said as she stepped out of the bedroom.
I smiled at her, hoping she’d smile back, but she didn’t. “Hey, Baby Girl. How was your nap?”
“You should care about the money, Jay. Because even if she doesn’t hit you for everything, the judge is probably going to-”
I shook my head. Already back to worrying about me. “You don’t need to worry about any-”
“Jensen, of the three of us in this room, only one of us has been through a divorce. I have specific, sad expertise about this, so let me help you see things correctly.” Jared smirked as she walked over to the fridge a grabbed a bottle of water. “She’s gonna get a shitload of child support out of you, whether she asks for it or not. The judge is just going to give it to her, for the kids’ benefit. I mean, you’ve got three young children, two of whom are still in diapers. You’ve gotta pay for daycare, private school, the nanny, it’s going to be a lot. If she wants, Danneel can definitely come at you for alimony, since she hasn’t done much acting since One Tree Hill, except the Harold and Kumar movies, but I can’t really imagine that those made bank for anyone except John Cho, Kal Penn, and NPH-” She stopped her lesson to take a drink of water from the bottle she pulled out of the fridge and cleared her throat. “If she files with infidelity as the reason, the judge is going to hand her your life on a silver platter.”
“I feel like she’s gonna do that anyway. I mean, she’s leaving because I couldn’t stop loving you.”
“That was different. The old agreement wasn’t infidelity. You had her express permission to have a relationship with me. Hell, she apparently suggested me, and if you’ve still got the phone you had in January of last year, then you’ve got proof of that. I did a screen recording of the Skype call between me and Danneel.”
I pulled my phone out and looked at it, a bit shocked. “No shit?”
She nodded and opened up my videos folder. “Yeah. I figured that if the media found out, it’d be a good idea to have proof that I wasn’t a homewrecker.”
I bit my bottom lip as I watched the beginning of the conversation that led into it all. “You thought of doing this in the few seconds after I handed my phone over to you?” I asked, looking over at her.
“My dad taught me to cover my ass. As soon as I knew we weren’t doing anything wrong, I wanted to have some sort of proof that it wasn’t a bad thing. Back then, it wasn’t infidelity, but anything we do now…it would be, because that relationship is over. I left, she withdrew her permissions…and then there’s Tom.”
“Tom’s a dick,” Jared said, obviously pulling on the knowledge he didn’t feel he needed to share with me.
“No, he’s not,” she disputed, running her hand from her forehead backward. “He’s a good man and he was so fucking worried that he was going to lose me and that’s why he was so controlling and-”
“Controlling?” My eyes went wide. I knew it. I knew that there was something wrong there. I schooled my expression into something serious. “Tom’s controlling?”
She looked down at her feet and bit her lip. “It doesn’t matter.”
Yes, it fuckin’ did. It definitely mattered. “It does fucking matter, Y/n. What did he do?”
“Tom thinks she belongs to him,” Jared said, and Y/n flinched. He didn’t think to tell me that before all this?! He didn’t think I should know? She wasn’t fucking happy and he made it seem like I was making it up because I didn’t want her happy and that was fucking horrible.
“No, I talked to him about it. It wasn’t that big of deal anymore. He stopped.” She looked down at her phone and sighed. “I will tell you about it later, okay? Right now, we need to get to work.” She started to walk out.
The way she turned suddenly so cold and was still defending him, it worried me. “You are gonna dump him, right?”
She threw her hands up in the air and shook her head. Her voice took on a high-pitched sound as she shouted, “I don’t fucking know! I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know what the right thing is here!”
I smiled and reached for her, attempting to calm her down and soothe her. “Y/n/n, you just need to-”
“No, shut up!” she cut me off and I could see the panic welling up in her eyes. “Don’t tell me to calm down. Don’t tell me that everything is going to be fine, because nothing feels fine right now!” She started tugging lightly at her hair and looked at the ceiling. “You’re getting divorced, Jensen. Your beautiful and amazing family is going to be broken in half a-and that’s not fine, and Tom told the world about me and him and if I break up with him for my not-even-divorced-yet coworker, what kind of whore am I? What kind of bitch am I?”
I hadn’t even processed my shock over the way she was talking about herself before Jared had rushed over to her. “You’re having a panic attack, aren’t you?” He put his hand on her shoulder. “Do you have any PRN anxiety meds?”
“No. I haven’t needed them. I…I can’t breathe,” she rushed to say as she sat on the steps of the trailer and Jared followed. “I can’t breathe.”
“Hey, Jensen, go tell Rich that Y/n and I are gonna be late,” Jared demanded.
My jaw dropped a little as I debated staying and trying to help. But as Jared rubbed his hand up and down her spine, I knew that I was part of the problem. She needed someone who could help her calm down, and it wasn’t me in that moment, so I left.
I took a moment to calm down myself before heading to the set and cleared my throat as I approached Rich at the director’s chair. “Hey, uh, we’re gonna be runnin’ a little behind. Maybe we should switch some scenes around or something, ‘cause Y/n is having a bit of a panic attack and she’s not going to be able to-”
Rich’s eyes went wide. “Shit, is she okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, Jared's in my trailer with her and he’s talking her down, but it’s gonna put us off schedule. I know that we’ll make it work and we won’t make a big deal about it.”
"Of course not, but she's going to be okay, though, right?"
"Yeah. Definitely. She just needs a little time to breathe."
Rich nodded and sighed. "We'll wait for her. It's a Tara-heavy episode so we can't do much without her. But, hey, at least you two aren't fighting anymore."
My eyebrows came together and I cocked my head to the side a bit. "What do you mean? We weren't fighting."
He scoffed and grinned up at me. "Come on, man. I may not be a genius but I have eyes. Your little breakup was killing the con scene." I opened my mouth to argue, my brain telling me to keep to the rules despite the fact that the rules weren't going to matter much longer, but he reached out and patted my shoulder as he walked toward the set. "When you lost your con cooch to Hiddleston, everything went sour. I'm glad you guys are getting over that. Tomorrow would be very awkward otherwise."
I chuckled and watched him sit in his director's chair. Con cooch. At least he hadn't put it all together. He didn't know we were in love…and I’m sure he didn’t know we were going to end up together for real.
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
Chapter Twelve (Part 5)
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By now, Marnie has wrangled her way into a conversation with Jude at one of the tables near the bar, and I want to go over and eavesdrop on them, so when I order pints for the table I try my best to hear them over the pumping music.
“So we were queueing for hours to get into this really cool club,” Marnie is saying to him. “ It’s like, you have to wear black and you’re not allowed to smile otherwise they won’t let you in. Like no matter what time of day it is people are always queuing, it’s just, like, that Berlin party lifestyle, it never stops. Anyway, the club was called Berghain…”
“I know.” He says in a very bored voice. “I know that because I live in Berlin, and Berghain is a very well known club.”
“Right, right.” She says, wavering. “Well we didn’t end up getting in after all, they turned us away at the door, we were so mad, we couldn’t believe it.”
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I glance quickly at them and she’s leaning in to him so she can talk in his ear, her arm draped over the chair behind him and her knee pressed against his thigh, while he’s staring blankly into the middle distance and chewing the end of his straw. 
“Yeah, so I think they turn people away when they know they’re going to ruin the vibe for everyone else in there.” he tells her.
“I don’t think we were going to ruin the vibe, we were the vibe, I guess there was like, too many people in there already or something.”
The barman hands me three pints and I take them back to the table, disappointed that I can’t eavesdrop any more. I sit in a seat facing them this time so that I can keep an eye on them, not sure why I’m so enthralled by the scene, whether it’s because I’m afraid that Marnie will score with him, or because there’s a part of me that wants to watch her fail. I wonder if either of those things makes me a bad or a selfish person. 
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Thankfully the conversation at the table has moved on from Dean and the myriad of things that might be wrong with him, and now instead they’re talking about the latest episode of Breaking Bad, which, obviously, I have seen, so I gleefully chime in with my opinion of Skylar White and why she’s objectively in the right. 
“She just annoys me though.” Complains Shane. “She just never lets Walt do his thing.”
Jen argues back good naturedly. “His drug dealing thing? His putting his wife and son in danger thing? Come on Shane, look at it from her point of view, any wife and mother would feel the same.”
This causes Shane to launch into another argument which Claire backs him on, and before long all four of us are talking over each other trying to get the next point in, Jen and I desperately trying to defend this fictional woman, but it’s all so fun, and I wish I could have more times like this with my friends rather than there always being something fraught or difficult happening. 
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I happen to be looking over at Marnie and Jude the moment that she purrs something into his ear and slides her hand to his inner thigh seductively. He simply picks her hand off him, stands up and goes to the bathroom, letting her hand flop back onto the seat. Her eyes start darting around the room to see if anybody saw her get rejected, so I avert my eyes quickly. She looks small and vulnerable now, alone at the table, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad for her. 
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A few moments later, Dean comes out of the bathroom and slumps next to her, his head is lolling forwards and she pats his arm and tries to make him drink some water, which he refuses. She gives up and sits there silently sipping on her drink while he’s all but passed out by her side. 
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When Jude returns from the bathroom, he walks right by Marnie’s table and heads towards us instead. “Who are those two ghouls?” He asks me when he sits down next to me, following my eyeline towards the miserable duo at the table. 
“They’re my… friends from college.” I admit. 
“That girl is…” he shakes his head as though he doesn’t have the vocabulary to describe her. “She was telling me all about, like, her weird boyfriend who’s okay with her having sex with other guys and how she’s getting into Japanese bondage or something. Offered to tie me up in his house if I came home with them.” 
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A shocked laugh comes tumbling out of me. “Really? And what did you say?”
“Well obviously, Evie, I gave her an enthusiastic yes.”
I stare at him dumbly for a moment before I realise he’s joking. “The only acceptable response.” I say to him.  
He nods. “It was such a good offer, I truly couldn’t pass it.” He laughs to himself, bewildered. “No I mean, really, I asked her why she’d said that to me, and how she thought I was going to respond to it and she didn’t have anything to say.”
“Well, I’m sorry, I’m kind of embarrassed that she said those things.”
“No. What? It’s fine. As for that other guy though…” He nods towards semi-conscious Dean and my stomach drops with dread. Oh God. What’s he going to think about him?
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“Did he say something to you?” I ask, trying to hide my desperation from my voice, and the corner of Jude’s mouth twitches up into a half smile. “Not much, he just tried to sell me coke in the toilets.”
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I feel myself going very still. “Oh.”
“He’s so out of it, when I walked in he was trying to do a bump off the wall mirror.” He laughs like he thinks this is a really funny anecdote, but I don’t. To me it’s a little bit horrifying and I have to shield my face with my hands. “Oh God.” I say. “I feel so stupid.”
“What? Why?”
“I thought he was just drunk.”
“Oh, no, Evie, that guy is fully out of it, he’s gurning his jaw and everything.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! He pulled out the baggie in front of me and all, I’m sure.”
“That’s awful.”
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Jude leans back in his seat and watches me with growing concern. “You know, Evie, it’s not really that awful. It’s just a bit of coke. Everyone is on coke.”
“What do you mean?”
He shifts uncomfortably, and once again I’m feeling like I’m the only one who’s not in on some big obvious piece of information. He scoots a little closer to me and his eyes are empathetic, searching. “I mean, yeah. I thought you’d have known already since you live here now. Everyone here does drugs, like, all the time.”
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“I didn’t know.” I knew that Marnie took pills sometimes, of course because I’d blatantly seen her doing it, but all of a sudden all of those frequent trips to the bathroom that everyone’s been making each time we go out to a bar or a club make perfect sense and I can almost feel something clicking into place in my brain. No wonder they were all so talkative. “So am I the only one who cared about those scary anti-drug ads on TV? Who actually listened when they warned us about them at school?”
“No, like, alright not everyone everyone is doing them I’m sure. I may have been exaggerating.”
“All I can think of right now is that picture we all had to look at of the man who blew a hole in his nose and the meth lady with scabs all over her face…”
“It’s not… yeah I mean that can happen if you go nuts I suppose.” He breathes out a laugh. “But it’s like anything else in life, if it’s fun then people are going to do it.”
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“Do you?”
“Well, I have done. Not lately…”
I look at the others at the table, still engaged in their lively debate. “Shane and Claire don’t.”
“Oh, definitely not.” He glances at me “Does that make you feel better?”
“I really feel like I  just dropped some horrible information bomb on you. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be, I feel naive more than anything. ”
“It’s fine.”
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“Oh yeah, absolutely, it’s completely fine.” I force my shoulders to relax and look up at him. “So do you think I should get with the times and do some coke now?”
He chuckles. “Yes, I can see that for you, it’s very much your style.”
“It’d be weird if I did, wouldn’t it? I can’t imagine it either.”
“Well, whatever you do, make sure it’s because you want to do it. Not because they want you to.” He nods knowingly towards Marnie and Dean. 
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“Well, I think the first thing I want to do is leave this party.” I admit. “Honestly, I can’t think of much right now except for how hungry I am.” My hands move to my stomach which is growling furiously, asking me to feed it for the first time in days.
“You’re hungry?”
“Yeah, I’m absolutely starving.”
“Do you want to get food somewhere?”
“It’s probably too late to eat, though, I bet everything is closed.”
He pulls out his phone to check the time and shakes his head. “No, I know a few places that will still be open. We’ll get everyone moving and get you some food, if you want to.”
“I feel bad asking, but yeah, honestly I do want to.”
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He interrupts the conversation between the three others. “Evie wants to get food. Any of you in?”
Shane starts to answer but Jen quickly puts her hand on his arm to stop him and says, “No, we’re fine here. You two go.”
“You sure?”
“Yes! Go ahead, we’ll meet you later.”
Jude glances at me. “Are you alright if it’s just me? If you’d rather wait until later or bring Claire…” He looks at her and she smiles sweetly back at him. 
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I consider making her come with us but… fuck it. “No it’s okay, Claire, you can stay. We won’t be long. I’ll go with Jude and we’ll meet you back here in like half an hour.”
“You sure?” She says, big eyes filled with worry.
“Yes! It’s fine.”
“Alright.” Jude grabs his coat from the back of a chair and tugs it on. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” I say, zipping my own coat up to my chin, and I turn to lock eyes with Claire who gives me a little nod and a smile. I’ll be here if you need me. She seems to say. 
“You better mind her.” Shane says to him jovially, but something distinctly threatening flashes in his eyes and I give him a sharp look, wishing he’d just relax.
I start bundling up my bags of gifts, almost leaving the bag with the condoms there ‘accidentally’ before I decide against it at the last minute and snatch them up too. 
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“You really don’t mind leaving your own party?” Jude asks me as we head out. 
“Not at all, get me out of here, quick.”
He snorts. “Okay, well, after you.”
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restlesshush · 2 years
So I’ve complained before about the Cas stuff in first born (weird and bioessentialism-y re humanity vs emotions, and just showing a complete disregard for Cas’s character up until that point), but as an episode it is also just really weak in terms of how it contributes to the season structure as a whole?
Like the thing about 9x10 is it’s actually a really strong fallout episode for the events of 9x09, which is something that spn’s frequent prioritisation of plot over all else is often not very conducive to. In 9x09, everything’s blown up in Dean’s face: he’s violated Sam’s autonomy and gaslit him for ages in order to save him, and not only does he feel like crap about that, but now Sam’s missing and Kevin’s dead. Everything’s gone wrong, and Dabb takes time to show us the effect that has on Dean emotionally, integrated pretty neatly with the plot side of the episode.
But then we go straight into first born, and the Dean stuff there seems like – perfunctory almost? The emotional throughline ball is dropped. Like it makes sense to view Dean taking the mark something recklessly self destructive, but I don’t think the episode really does anything to get us there. Which is bonkers because as many other people have pointed out, this is the decision the sets off the plot of the next two and a half seasons. Like, releasing Abaddon is the fly being swallowed, but it’s not really clear why he felt the need to swallow the spider too, y’know? Vs like, if you think about 5x18 for instance, there we’ve had a good couple of episodes lead up of Dean being at rock bottom, and then throughout the episode itself, it’s made very clear Dean considering saying yes to Michael is a self destructive move. 1) this makes for a much more compelling episode, and then also 2) if he Had said yes and there’d been disastrous consequences, we’d have understood why, and (within reason) whatever chaos had been unleashed would have felt earned. While first born really falls short of giving us something like this – he just sort of takes the mark… just because??
Anyway I don’t actually think this stuff is all Robbie Thompson’s fault at all – I think the biggest culprit is just that we need a buffer episode. Like we get Dean feeling like crap going off to hunt gadreel on his own and then immediately “no he goes off to do hijinks with Crowley instead”: there’s a step missing, y’know? The whole thing would have hit a lot better if we’d had an episode where dean is hunting gadreel on his own, feeling increasingly useless and self-hating as as stuff doesn’t pan out, Then bringing us to the rock bottom of him teaming up with Crowley. We would even conveniently have Sam’s self destructiveness re the grace extraction to parallel to his state of mind – like a really weird thing with s9 is that all three members of tfw are in pretty self destructive places and we kind of do… nothing with it.
But anyway the main point is we need a buffer episode there: taking the mark is both a pretty extreme thing in its own right and something with massive ramifications for the story, so we need to do the work to earn it, which first born, even combined with the episodes before it, doesn’t really – in a large part because things are simply too rushed. I imagine at least a factor in this happening is the show’s allergy against having Sam and Dean apart for more than one episode, meaning that we simply do not have enough time to do this properly, which is like a really good example of why this is a very silly constraint to have on a television show. But regardless, it’s just very striking that like, purely in terms of the legwork the show is doing, Dean taking the mark – especially for such a Major Thing – isn’t very earned within the episode it happens, and it really wouldn’t have been that hard to earn it?
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saltygilmores · 7 months
Alright, let's wrap this up so I can tackle the hulking beast that is the dance marathon episode. L&R are driving home from Boston. Lorelai is seething with anger because Sherry is pregnant and threatens to swerve into oncoming traffic and kill herself and Rory in a firey wreck. (It's clarified a moment later that she's quoting a movie and Rory thankfully understands the reference, but with how irrational Lorelai's been acting lately, she honestly coulda had me fooled).
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Haha look they just did that thing where someone says the name of the episode in the episode L&R spend the remainder of the drive home shit talking about the other women at the shower, talking about how sloshed they were, and how Sherry knows a lot of stuff about things like how to navigate the city she lives in.
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I Yahoo'd. There's no Garvey Avenue in Boston. The closest Garvey Avenue is in Buffalo, NY. Or there's a Marcus Garvey Avenue in New York.
Lorelai bemoans the fact that she didn't spend near enough time rifling through Sherry's personal belongings (and then complains that Rory went back and fixed the mess she made). Rory advises her to "let it go." (twice) Thank you Rory.
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How dare a pregnant woman speak about the father of her child. (I can't believe I'm defending Sherry's right to discuss Crusty... but come on Lorelai).
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I just hope your Dad somehow fell face first into a garbage truck and was pulverised into a fine Crusty pulp.
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Girlypop here just took a swipe at an innocent unborn fetus. Fetus Gigi never asked to be concieved by Crusty and Sherry, leave her alone. Anyway I think we all know what happens next.
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How'd you like it if someone vandalized something you worked so hard to afford? Oh that's right you've never had a job or a car and you also don't put out. So why was this Rory's idea? Why aren't we egging Dean's car? What did Jess do to her recently that she thinks he deserves this? Look, I'm just trying to pick apart her motivations here. I think it's one half "I'm salty he's hooking up with Shane" and one half "I'll suggest anything that would please my Mommy and make her stop quoting movie lines about murder-suicide while I'm her passenger." If this is about Shane, all she has to do is wait another week or so and Shane will be dead anyway. Lorelai's motivation is a lot more simple. She has the maturity level of an 12 year old boy and that's an insult to immature pre teen boys everywhere.
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Lorelai declare's Rory idea immature and puts up some moderate resistance but goes along with it anyway. Do you think Jess ever figured out who did it? I mean, he's a smart cookie. He can figure out that only a few people hate him enough to target him. One being a grown ass adult woman and the other being teenage boy. And Jess knows that even Dean has better things to do.
At some point in the 9 months he dated Rory he must've asked "Hey remember when I walked outside to find my car covered in smelly eggs? There are only like 50 people living in this town, ever hear anything about that?" It's fine, it's fine. Lorelai's nephew in the 2020's after publishing a string of best selling novels and achieving elite status in the authoring world:
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Throw them eggs, ladies. Karma won't come back to slap you at all.
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The Rory Gilmore who actually had a small reserve of aggressiveness and potential destructiveness died all the way back in season 1. "There's no real reason to do what we're about to do, just make up a motivation" is peak Gilly Girls.
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Someone egged his cawr. My poor munchkin.
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Luke is the best.
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*searches "Jess Mariano Soapy Carwash" on PornHub*
Flick some soap into their eyes for me will you? I hope it stings.
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marcelllyn · 4 months
Daughter of a vampire.
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This is the second part of a short fanfic about Dean and a vampire's daughter. It has not been reviewed!!!
Synopsis: With several cases of something that looks like vampires, Dean and Sam turn to an old friend, perhaps for Dean she was more than an ex-friend. But most importantly, she is the daughter of a vampire.
Warnings: Blood, sexual content, do not read if you are underage! English is not my first language, vampires, light and heavy anguish. Author's note:This is the second part, maybe it was written in a hurry, maybe…
- Sam, look over there! - The girl pointed to a man who totally matched the description of some of the victims.
They both looked at the wanted paper coming up to make sure they weren't chasing the wrong person.
- Dean, start the car! - Sam shouted.
It was getting dark, they knew it was dangerous to chase a probable vampire at that hour. The two of them got into the car, she sat in the back seat with stakes and knives.
- We found the guy, he went right. - Sam pointed to the dark street the man had entered.
Dean accelerated the car then followed the man down the street which wasn't exactly empty, there was a jovial party going on nearby, some young drunks were passing by.
The girl took the time to do up her ponytail and check the laces on her leather boots.
Then the man wearing a red overcoat and carrying a book between his right arm joined two other people, a blonde woman wearing a suit and an old man in a red sweater.
- Do you think it could be him? - Dean looked at her doubtfully.
The woman's heart was pounding. It could only be him with his familiar face. Her father was standing there talking, the man she had sworn had died years ago. Her stomach ached at the strange proximity, albeit at a considerable distance, of the man.
His irritating voice took over her head, repeating the last word she heard come out of his bloodthirsty mouth, “Good girl” over and over and over.
- Valkyrie? - Dean asked again. - Is that him?
Sam and Dean looked worriedly in the rearview mirror. She silenced their voices with a pinch on her thigh and then answered.
- Yes, that's him. - She answered hurriedly. - I'm sure it is.
She hoped the two of them hadn't noticed her little trip through her mind. After all, they had all been tired since early morning, looking for small clues, walking around looking for victims, family members or the like. And finally they found one, a man who complained that he had been attacked by another man with big teeth and had only come out alive because some men had helped him. This man filed a report with the police, and they made a sketch that looked a lot like the man she had painted that month, the same one whose body had disappeared from the morgue.
A handsome man with angelic features, a British accent, curly blond hair and tanned skin, he was handsome enough to catch the woman's eye on a dreary, overcast Sunday afternoon in the supermarket's pasta section. As soon as she spotted the man, she felt the need to turn him into art.
Dean continued to follow them down the street in silence, he knew it was a sensitive subject for you.
- I think we'd better walk this way, or we'll attract a lot of attention. - Sam said quietly. - Are you all right, Val?
- You'll be better when it's over. - She smiled sarcastically.
They all got out of the car. The end of the street was a circular driveway, lots of undergrowth and a grand abandoned mansion. Further in was a large forest, easy to get lost in. The group had entered the house, so it wouldn't be a good idea to go in there at the moment.
- I feel like I'm in an episode of Scooby-Doo. - Dean commented, picking up a stake. - Is this a vampire meeting?
- I don't think so, it's too quiet for more than three people inside. - Sam commented in a calm tone of voice.
- We'd better go around the house. - She took a deep breath and stepped forward.
Sam and Dean followed her into the woods, pulling out some brush to get through. Even though he didn't want to say it, Dean was distressed at once again having to come face to face with Valkyrie's father, the last time she had come out bruised, almost dead; even though it had been years since the two had spoken, the same feeling of protection ran through his body.
The strong flashlight that Sam held guided them to a small entrance of a small, crumbling house. There was no one in the big house, but there was certainly someone inside.
- Are you sure we shouldn't see the mansion first? - Sam asked.
The woman nodded. Dean then fiddled with the old wooden door, which promptly fell to the ground. A thundering noise. The three of them checked the area to make sure no one had heard it.
- “Look.” Sam pointed inside the house, a place with no furniture. Just two rooms and a ladder down.
- “Okay, Sam and I will go downstairs, you go back to the car. - Dean placed the car key in the woman's soft hand.
She let out an offended grunt and handed the key back.
- I'm not going to wait like a child in the car. You asked for my help and that's what I'm going to do. - She stepped forward onto the dusty wooden floor.
A strong, rough hand grabbed her arm to pull her back.
- I can't let you take that risk again.
A loud noise of voices appears, taking their attention away from the conversation. Sam goes to one side while Dean pulls her to go with him. Down they go around the small house, Sam was doing just that. And then, with a misstep, Dean and Valkyrie fall from a considerable height into a Wendigo-like tunnel.
- Are you all right? - She moaned.
- Yes, it was a small fall. - Valkyrie grumbled.
- Funny. - Dean held out his hand so she could get up.
She shook his hand and stood up. With a pained smile on her face.
- So, how are we going to get out of here? - She fixed her ponytail.
He pointed to the left where it was just a wall full of earth and roots, on the other a half wall, leaving only a not very large gap.
- Could we try from above? - Point to the hole where they fell in.
- It's not safe, they could be up there.
- What about Sammy?
- He can take care of himself, I'm sure he's fine.
Lowering her head in a sign of giving up, she approached Dean, who was lighting up the small passage.
- No scratches or anything poisonous.
- Good. - He headed for the wall.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going over to the other side.
- No, I'll go first, we don't know what's on the other side. - Dean pulled her closer.
- Rock, paper, scissors. Let's go! - She clenched her fist.
He rolled his eyes and closed his fist too.
- Rock, paper, scissors! - They both spoke quickly.
Scissors cut the paper, Dean was the paper, Valkyrie the scissors.
- Let's go together. - Dean snorted.
The two of them were squeezed together at first, the pressure of her ass on Dean's pelvis was uncomfortably comfortable. However, it passed quickly and they were both walking with difficulty following the strange light at the end of the tunnel. A sigh of relief came from Dean.
- So, are you seeing anyone? - Dean muttered.
- Does it matter now?
- In a way...
- No, I'm not seeing anyone.
- For how long? - His voice came out nasally.
- I went out with other people after you Dean, if that's what you're worried about. - She laughed softly.
- I feel sorry for those people. - He scoffed. - having to put up with your snoring and how you stress about your hair.
- That's a burden even you couldn't bear. - He joked. - I'm scared, Dean. - His voice was melancholy now. - It's been a long time since I've done this and if I could imagine doing it again, it wouldn't be hunting my father. Again.
- No need for fear. This time let's put an end to it together. - Dean could have hugged her if the space was too tight.
He switched off the flashlight near the end of the hole. The woman's body struggled mightily to get through the end of the hole.
A huge room with bookshelves. Bright light and a few tables, like an abandoned library, a wooden staircase in the corner of the wall. The girl walked around examining the room, the floor under the house. Dean passed through the hole with even more difficulty as he walked and was knocked over by a book thrown at his head. A blonde woman ran up to him, trying to attack him.
Valkyrie looked back.
- Dean! - She shouted.
The woman punched him in the nose and tried to attack his handsome neck. But as soon as she saw Valkyrie rushing towards them, she let go of Dean and went straight for her. Clearly they had a target.
- Valkyrie, I miss you! - The woman cursed, running her tongue over her lips.
- Do I know you? - She held a dagger tightly in her hand.
- No, but I know you. - She grabbed the girl's neck with her great, bruising nails. - Daughter of Xavier Baltazhar, Vladimir's seventh son.
With no time for nonsense, he plunged a dagger into her heart, sinking it deep into her chest.
- I thought it would be harder. - She laughed.
- It usually is. Perhaps this was the exception.
In a flash Dean was on the ground, a man with absurd strength knocked him to the ground and a heavy blow to his head caused him to faint.
I have a serious problem with narrating a fight scene, sorry!
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richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Work Study Job
Ultraviolet catastrophe is indeed a great bandname.
Girl walks in, "how could you"... im putting money on plagiarism? (its the only crime i can think of a student could figure out. Sure he could be working on a quantumphysics/nucear radiation based weapon for the military, but a student wouldnt know) Pressed continue, im right. Stage fright/anxiety. As someone who has never been diagnosed with anxiety but has some pretty anxiety-esque tendencies... this will be a hard episode for me. --- Skipping over the "client meeting" bit, cause nothing much happened there (besides the obvious) Back at the theatre Breanna has the powerpoint. Turns out, not only is he a fraud he's also a climate-change denialist (not because he doesnt believe in it, lobbyists just pay him).
Turns out Harry used to go to this school (he also used to do "little yellow pills")
Harry and Breanna are ideologically seperated? (i dont think they are, Harry isnt saying "the system works", for godssake he's on team leverage AKA team fuck the system) but we're gonna be force-fed some BS here. But Breanna is being really harsh here. Like all Harry is saying is "I have connections here, and I have built up enough credit with 'donations' that these doors are open to us".
Harry: Look guys, The slow option exists and any crime involved in getting her her research back could permanently destroy the girls legitimately and ultimately cost her the very future we're trying to get her back. If we steal it from him and she gets her stuff back, he'll just claim she stole it from him. Sad Parker: But I love crime! Harry: Ok you can do a little crime, as a treat.
Sophie is calling the shot: We'll at least give the official route a chance. (She does not seem to be under any illusions it'll work but have to get started somewhere) --- I agree with Sophie, "ultimate frisbee" is a dumb name for a sport.
Dean Alreadyforgothisname drops a tech billionaire, which feels like either someone we'll return to later in the episode or a future mark.
Elliot is stealing the camerafeed for Breanna, But gets spotted by someone who redirects him elsewhere to fix whatever needs fixing. Parker complains that college campusses, campussi? Campi? are too easy. The one way to prevent Elliot from kicking your ass: Be someone he genuinely likes and/or pities. (he's gonna be evil isnt he? Obligatory third act twist) Harry cant distract this guy too long, They find the stuff (its behind the whiteboard) but while Parker manages to hide Breanna is found --- Breanna, when a mark says "oh you're the janitor" your response is "yes let me just take the trash out", confirm their suspicions and biases. But now that you've failed the slam dunk exit time to flatter his glasses and ego, (and bait him with a new, promising student he can plagiarise next) He tries to bait her with an impossible question, but she sees through it and exposits that she actually knows what she's talking about. But breanna has made herself an opening next monday --- So he's looking to "sell" (techcically lease) the patent to this clean fusion research to an oil company.
Mr "genius" doesnt seem to understand what "installed backwards"means.
Breanna stalls and redirects the oilguy, Floyd is about to interfere with Elliot. Harry is going to request the hearing,
Floyd is suprisingly happy with Elliot. Are we shock-therapying the Oilcorpo?
Oh Floyd has friends (presumably the actual backbone staff of the institution, secretaries, accountants etc.) --- Ok so its a secret Illuminati order of janitorial staff. I've seen this joke before but also, dont mess with the janitors man. They know where the bodies are hidden as well as where to hide yours.
As far as taking Gray down, Elliot just won the fucking lottery.
Meanwhile Harry gets what amounts to an out-and-open admission of corruption from the Dean. (Rule number 1: Never admit to your crimes where Leverage is near. They have recorders in their ears. The Dean's job priviliges are hereby revoked.)
"we need all the crime". Simple line but it works. 8.6/10 --- New plan: Convince Gray that the girl stole the research from a third party and its way more valuable then he thinks.
Breanna tells Emma to help Sophie
Sophie on a greenscreen doing a Ted Talk, Elliot plants a book with Sophies thesis in the library.
Gray just entered the suplycloset/Sophies Lair. Sophie, you could've waited 1 minute, given him the time to steal stuff on camera and strengthen your futures.
--- Time to feign Tech Billionaire Status (that guy from earlier is getting dropped again) HARDISON IS PLAYING THE SPACEBILLIONAIRE! I am loving this. They really realised exactly how much leniancy a greenscreen gave them to work around this guys schedule. the legit look of glee on Sophie's face when she realises Hardison is joining this con. She (character) doesnt even need to fake it. (i dont want to presume on the feelings of the actor)
Hardison, you ducked up your coverstory in the first line. A tech billionaire admitting that their people did the work not themselves? God if only we lived in a world where that really happened. (i mean an ideal world obviously wouldnt have billionaires in the first place but one step at a time)
Gray has taken the bait. Sophie boner-baits him into a rush decision.
Problem with a violin scam, what if they have an actual buyer lined up. --- Ok so list of problems: Getting Emma in the room, Goading Gray to over-extend. Getting rid of a billionaire's security. thats 1 big problem and like, 2 quarters of a problem. (Emma is the legit issue, anxiety sucks)
Huh this tech billionaire is actually rather open minded and sensible. Ah they let him realise they're conning him to move the guards out of play.
All the janitors working together to funnel this guy into his doom. Gray tries to prevent Emma from meeting the Tech Billionaire just in time for commercial break. (he's about to gloat on a wire, while the billionaire is locked in a box with a functioning speaker hearing him admit everything) --- Oh yeah the billionaire went to school here, he's been in Gray's class and knows enough science to know that when a professor claims to have all the answers rather then admit "i dont know that, i'll look into it" from time to time its a big red flag. Obviously fuck billionaires, but on the scale of fictional billionares this guy is pretty good.
"I have Tenure" "We have a Harry".
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fuzzyflowers22 · 1 year
SPN Rewatch
Okay…I do think Dean and Gordon are flirting but like…only low key.
Also Sam like.. you hunt vampires. You decapitate vampires. You came here to kill monsters. And now…you don’t want to? Or you just want to judge? Sam has killed a LOT of monsters. And I’m talking about early in this episode when they first save Gordon. At this point Sam has no reason to dislike him other than that it seems like Gordon likes dean more.
Sam you seem super homophobic right now.
In a “he’s trying to steal my brother because I cannot comprehend the idea of gay people” kinda way.
He’s acting very “if I’m not the center of attention then clearly this person is evil”
That is actually a very sad story Dean. Being 16 and thinking about how fucked up your life is to the point where you give up on having a normal one. Also I don’t really think he was gonna say embrace the life. Either way it’s fucked up.
Seriously like…we know what’s gonna happen. But Sam has no reason to suspect Gordon. WE know what he’s gonna do. But Sam doesn’t. So why tf is Sam so against him?
mayhaps racism.
Dean using Sam as a scapegoat there because we know he’s thinking about Johns orders to kill Sam. How his life it NOT black and white no matter how much he might wish it was.
I’m sorry but it’s hard not to laugh when Sam says Gordon’s filling up deans hole. 😂😂😂
Also does Gordon really seem like a John substitute? I didn’t get those vibes at all? To me him and dean feel like dean needing someone to vent to. But that’s pretty much it.
Interesting note at the beginning about how John never told them about other hunters. It’s really weird because why wouldn’t he? Why would John leave them in the dark about hunting culture and connections and shit?
I like how this episode introduces the concept that the supernatural world can be more than just hunters and hunted. I especially like how that concept is used in the winchesters.
Ah. Okay so Gordon’s purpose is to scare dean. He is what Dean could be. What he doesn’t want to be. Someone who kills their sibling when they become a monster.
People always try to divide dean with shit like “you’re a killer” “you’re a demon freak” etc. etc. but the real divide is that dean is funny. And Sam is not.
It was very satisfying to watch dean punch Sam in the face.
Sam keeps ruining perfect opportunities to actually talk about the shit John did. Like, here is Dean bringing up a real true flaw in John and how it affects their lives and their past and Sam is just fucking going “he did the best he could” like wtf Sam?!
Sam always complains about dean bottling shit up but here he is trying to talk and Sam is a fucking John apologist who doesn’t give any fucking real advice just some “but you didn’t do it” shit!
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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The Venture Bros. #43: "Handsome Ransom" | October 26, 2009 - 12:00AM | S04E02
Listen to me, you mother fucker, I am talking. I don’t necessarily set out to recap an episode’s entire plot. It’s my downfall that for certain shows, like this one, I get sucked into recounting every single thing, because it’s a thorough way for me to make sure I’ve supplied all the context needed for some frivolous tidbit I MUST tell you. I am always in a thorough way, to my detriment. Really, this blog mostly just exists so I can keep track of my progress while I do this watch that I really could just be doing privately. There could be less bad stuff on the internet if only I had the restraint. 
Handsome Ransom is the one where the Monarch attempts to hold the Venture Bros ransom, but Hank (and not Dean) is rescued by Captain Sunshine, a Superman style guy who people talk about. You see, it’s popular opinion among the general public that Captain Sunshine is a pedophile. When a random guy on the street sees Captain Sunshine flying around with Hank, he snarkily makes an insensitive joke to the effect of “I wouldn’t let him around my kids!” causing others to laugh knowingly. 
Captain Sunshine takes Hank as his new ward, believing him to be a homeless orphan. Really, Hank was just mad at his family, and took the out when Captain Sunshine misinterpreted the situation. In one really creepy scene, we linger on Captain Sunshine whispering to his Alfred about issuing a bottle of lube to Hank, who is instructed to rub it where the sun hopefully won’t shine.
It’s genuinely troubling; I’ve watched this episode with people who seemed almost pissed off that the show was seemingly going into Happiness territory. The show even goes to commercial before letting us in on the misdirect: turns out it’s just so the Wonder Boy outfit will side on easier when Hank goes down a chute that apparently dresses him as he slides to the Sunshine mobile.
Basically the sitcom-style mix-em up of this episode is that Venture thinks Monarch still has Hank in his custody, who bluffs that he does have Hank to get a ransom from Venture. They play a game of tet-a-tet that eventually leads to all parties concerned at Captain Sunshine’s house. At this point we discover that he’s a local newscaster, and his news team are also secretly superheroes, which is such a fun idea.
The Monarch has a really twisted moment where he winds up in the Wonder Boy outfit and taunting Captain Sunshine. I forget if I said this, but Monarch killed Sunshine’s previous Wonder Boy. It’s actually mentioned in an earlier episode! The joke-to-lore pipeline is real! I get to say that again! Anyway, that's a big part of the episode: Captain Wonder's psycho attachment to the idea of Wonder Boy no longer being dead.
Okay here’s some stuff I really love in this episode: the “honkey” exchange between Hank and Monarch in the opening scene. Venture complains that Hank called him a honkey and the Monarch laughs and asks “did you really?”. This is honestly in the running for one of my favorite moments in the goddang show. I also love the joke about Sunshine throwing the Monarch into a prison yard as retribution. Monarch walks on account of Sunshine’s ignorance of due process. This episode also plants the seeds for a joke later, where Hatred finds out that Billy Quizboy is 37. You’ll certainly remember that Hatred is a (reformed?) pedophile, so he'd really like a little guy.
Speaking of that: the commentary track (and the Go Team Venture book) makes it very clear that Captain Sunshine is not intended to be an actual pedophile. He’s just perceived as one by the public, and is oblivious to this fact. I guess this is parallel to Michael Jackson except for, you know, that guy probably was one?? Right?? Is that crazy for me to say??? That guy probably fucked those little kids.
Jackson and Doc also point out that a vital thing about Hatred (other than the pedophilia): which is that unlike Brock, he’s game for anything. He gets heat stroke in a spider hole and paints himself like a hundo to try and help Venture. Brock would never!
Another great commentary tidbit is that they were watching the episode on a burned DVD-R which they made originally to send to the network for internal reviewing purposes, and they always make a barebones menu and add an annoying song looping on the menu. This episode’s song was Steal My Sunshine by Len.
They also sing the praises of Kevin Conroy, who voices Captain Sunshine as well as Batman from Batman: The Animated Series. I never really watched that show, because I sorta shunned action shows at a really early age, but I do remember getting sucked into watching an episode once or twice and thinking “this is actually pretty good”. Can you blame me? Anyway, I have to respect that guy or else people will get pissed. He died! 
That’s Jackson’s dog in the live-action bit. Hey, speaking of Jackson (I started the paragraph this way just to jam in the dog bit): The concept of the Wonder Boy memorial being a golden statue of him in a motorless side-car was a gag left over from The Tick that went unused. I learned that from the book. In fact, I didn’t even recognize that as a funny joke until I read that. Like, what a pathetic monument. 
Did I explicitly say that this is very easily among my favorite episodes of the series? It’s just so goddamn funny. Sometimes this show fails to come all-the-way-together, and that’s a shame, but this is pretty goddamn perfect. 
Adult Swim in a Box DVD (October 27, 2009)
This was a weird one. This was a box set collecting previous season/volume set releases of various Adult Swim shows. The North American release included:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume Two
Space Ghost Coast to Coast: Volume Three
Moral Orel: Volume One
Robot Chicken: Season Two
Metalocalypse: Season One
Sealab 2021: Season Two
The Australian release does what the North American release should have done: they used all first volumes for the shows. They also swapped Robot Chicken and Metalocalypse for Frisky Dingo, Squidbillies, AND The Brak Show. It came out in 2011, I think (I already closed the tab that had this information)
Both versions included a PILOTS disk, which was eventually sold on the Adult Swim webstore as a stand-alone disc (which I bought) included the following pilots: 
Totally for Teens
Cheyenne Cinnamon and the Fantabulous Unicorn of Sugar Candy Fudge
Korgoth of Barbaria
Welcome to Eltingville
Perfect Hair Forever
Very annoying for them to include Perfect Hair Forever, even though it was picked up as a TV show. Shoulda included Lowe Country with Lowe commentary. Hell, they should make every movie and TV show in the whole world have Lowe commentary. 
You’ll notice only two of those pilots haven’t been covered here yet. I’m going to cover them at another time, in early 2010, as part of my award-winning coverage of Burger King’s Big Uber Network Sampling. 
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