#deadly infection au fanfic
james-is-here · 5 months
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I've had this idea for three months and it took so long to put into words because I was trying to come up with...not lyrics so to speak but what I think it feels like in a position like this.
Zombie Au? There's an infection and it's spreading but it's not necessarily zombies. Felix is your little brother.
Blogs: @belladonna6-6-6 @heartbinn @leezanetheofficial I genuinely forgot who else wanted tagged, please let me know again if you want to know when I post
Tags: Death, angst, you might cry (I genuinely cried), I'm so sorry if you cry 🥺, blood, kn1fe, Felix being the precious soul he is even in a dire situation, lots of crying, th-the use of st-stuttering since i've once read that the stuttering is annoying so I'm just warning. LMK if I forgot anything.
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You ran and ran, hand tight around your brothers as you keep looking back to make sure he's still keeping up with you and also look out behind the both of you.
You shouldn't be outside at night but your original camp was surrounded by the creatures, slimy, gross, deformed creatures which use to be human beings. It was dusk, barely enough light to see where you're going.
The slow ones were called draggers, the fast ones were called runners, three runners were currently chasing you and your brother. You look back in front of you to find a couple draggers and skid to a stop, running to your left but you went to fast and Felix tripped, loosing the grip on your hand and falling to the ground with a grunt before shuffling back to his feet and catching up to you, taking your hand again.
His fumble unintentionally let the runners catch up to you both as you pant heavily. You still don't know where you're running, the road you're on unfamiliar as you run past buildings after buildings.
You suddenly hear a high pitched whistle and look ahead to your left, a person waving you over to an abandoned convenience store, they wear some sort of head cover that they seem to wear to blend in with the monsters but you saw their eyes and the fact that they were waving you over. You're quick to run over to them but suddenly your hand is empty again.
Turning around, you weren't expecting to see a dragger on your brothers foot. "Felix!" You dash over to him, kicking the dragger in the head before picking your brother up and running into the store.
You set Felix down, cradling his face and looking over him to make sure he's okay. "You guys okay?" The person- or the man- took his head over off and you see someone around you and Felix's age. "Yeah...Yeah, I think we're good. Thank you." "No problem. I'm Chris." "I'm Mn, this is my little brother, Felix." "It's nice to see a few new faces. Come on, there's a few more of us in the staff room."
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The other survivors you met were really nice, they were friends of Chris'. Minho, Changbin, and Seungmin. They all lost someone to the infection.
Minho lost his lover, Jisung.
Changbin lost his best friend, Hyunjin.
Seungmin lost his little brother, Jeongin.
and Chris lost his wife and daughter.
You and Felix lost your whole family, you only had each other.
You both were currently on the floor in front of a fire Chris made, everyone else either somewhere in the store. Felix was curled up in your arms between your legs, one leg extended and the other you had your knee up the Felix leaned back on, your body was like his own little bubble, his comfort as your arms were secured around him and you just stared at the dancing flames in front of you.
He shifts, burying his face further into your neck as he slept but slowly he began whimpering and shifting, squirming in your hold as he tried to bury further into your neck. "Felix, bubs, wake up." You rub his arm gently, trying to wake him up and you know he's awake when he moves to face you, you move your legs to hold him properly in your lap as he cries on your shoulder. "Felix..." "I'm so scared, Mn..." "I know...I-I am too." "N-No, I-I'm scared of being in here..." "Wha- Lix, What do you mean?"
He sniffs, moving off your lap to rest his leg on your lap and pull up his pant leg. "No-" The tears hit you fast as you sob and gently graze your finger over the wound. "Th-The Dragger g-got me...I-I'm s-sorry, Mn. I-I'm so s-scared." He's started sobbing now and you just bring him into your arms, holding him tight. "I-I'm sorry..." You shush him, gently rubbing his back. "I-It'll be o-okay, Lixie." You bury your face in his shoulder and hold him tightly. "I-It'll be okay..." If you were reassuring him or yourself, you couldn't say.
Although, someone over heard you, and they were happy that an infected was now in their safe space.
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In the stillness of the night, I hold you tight.
As time slips away, fading out of sight.
Every beat of your heart, a whispered plea.
Begging for salvation that I cannot decree.
There was one night, or day, you don't even know the date anymore, that you all gathered near the fire ring, conversing about anything and everything. Chris was telling stories of his family and Changbin told stories about him and Hyunjin, it hurt to learn that Changbin loved Hyunjin but never got the chance to tell him until Hyunjin got infected.
You and Felix were sitting on one of the break room tables, you could tell he's getting weaker, he was getting more tired and he didn't have as much energy anymore.
"I'm sorry...I have to say something before we're all dead." Minho suddenly spoke up and stood up, pulling a knife from the counter. "Woah, hey, Minho! What are you doing?!" "There's a runner or dragger here and I need to take care of it before we're all dead."
Your protective instincts gave it away as you stood and stepped in front of Felix. "Mn?" Seungmin questions your sudden shift before standing up, watching you protect the boy. "Minho, please..." "You really expect that'd change my mind?! Come on, wouldn't any of you want to kill the infected before it took your loved ones?" "Minho, this is my brother, my baby brother, he's all I have left, Please." "You'll end up loosing him." "But I still have him! I still have him now! I don't- I don't want to loose him yet, I-I just can't." You cry, turning towards Felix and cradling his face, gently shushing him as he sobbed, holding onto your wrists as he placed his forehead on yours.
He's muttering that he's scared, that he doesn't want to go, that he doesn't want to leave you and it hurts you even more, leaning back to kiss his forehead before returning to your previous spot.
Suddenly there's hands on your biceps, pulling you away from the boy and you sobbed, begging that this doesn't happen, trying to pull out of Chris' hold but he's stronger than you in the moment. "No, No P-Please! Please, just a little longer please!" Chris pulls you to the back wall of the break room, you try to pull your arms out and run to your brother but suddenly Changbin and Seungmin are holding you in place by your shoulders, keeping you from escaping Chris' hold. You struggle against them as Felix limps backwards away from Minho before falling to the floor.
"I-I'm sorry, Felix..." Minho stutters before driving the blade into his stomach. "No!!" You choke, watching Minho do it a couple more times before dropping the blade and stepping back. "Felix!"
They finally let you go and you dash over to your brother, kneeling next to him and bringing him into your hold, placing a hand on his heart and sobbing heavily. Every other beat is strong but the in between beats are slow and barely there.
"Felix, No..." He sobs, tilting his head into you and you lean further down to connect your foreheads. "I'm scared, Mn..." "I know...I know, bubs, I'm so sorry..."
Your breath grows faint, a fragile sigh,
Yet in your eyes, a fire refuses to die.
I'd trade my every breath to keep you here,
But destiny's grip, I cannot interfere.
His chest begins to rise and sink slowly, but when you lean back to look at his eyes, they almost look alive still, wide and looking up at you the usual way he looked at you, like you were the most amazing guy in the world. He always looked up to you, he loved you as his big brother.
"I-I wish I c-could take your place...give you all that I have. I w-wish you didn't have to go th-through this, Lixie...I-I'm such a terrible brother, I-I'm so sorry." You place a slightly bloody hand on his cheek and wipe his tears away. "Y-You're wrong-" "Ssh, save your breath." He chuckles weakly. "Ironic." His eyes glance down to his stomach where his shaking, bloody hands rest.
Through every gasp, I whisper tales of our past,
Each memory a lifeline, meant to last.
Though time may steal your earthly form away,
Our love's immortal flame will forever stay.
"You'll be with Mama...a-and L-Livy...a-and Rach..." "B-But th-they w-were turned..." "No, that's- That's not them...they're somewhere b-better..."
You move a few strands of hair out of his face and reach down to hold his hand. You don't care about the blood anymore.
"I-I don't w-want you to g-go, Bubs...Y-You belong h-here." "I-It w-would've h-happened...s-sooner or l-later." He inhales shakily, squeezing your hand. "I'm n-not r-really l-leaving." "What do you mean?" He raised a hand slowly and pointed at your chest. "I-I'll b-be here...y-you'll always l-love me, Nn. I-I'll a-always be here..."
I'm here by your side, my love, don't fear,
In the darkness, I'll be your light, my dear.
Though I cannot save you from fate's cruel art,
I'll stay with you, till the last, never apart.
"I-I don't want to leave you now...D-Dying is s-scary, I-I'm s-so s-scared." "It's gonna be okay...I'm gonna be here with you, it's okay. It's okay..."
You stayed the whole time, rubbing your thumb back and forth on the back of his hand and occasionally kissing his forehead. "I-I wish I could've s-saved you. I-I wish th-this didn't have to happen, I-I'm so sorry, Felix..."
You were gonna stay until his last breath.
As your eyes meet mine, in the final gaze,
I'll be the guardian of our love's eternal blaze.
Though you depart from this world's embrace,
You'll find me waiting in love's timeless space.
You had your eyes closed the whole time, you couldn't handle seeing him the way he was but you finally open them, Felix should see you before he goes.
"I-It'll b-be okay, Nn." He raised a hand to the side of your face and you held it tight. "Stop fighting it, Lix. I-I know you are, it's okay. I'm here, y-you're safe. S-Say h-hi to th-the girls and Mum if you see th-them...a-and l-let me know y-your with me every- every once in a while, mkay?" "I-I will a-and t-take m-my locket..." "Lixie..." You choke out as your eyes remain locked and you watch the light fade, his eyes filled with tears and his hand goes limp. "Lix..." You sob with a whine as the others finally kneel by you.
"I'm really sorry, Mn..." You were silent, sobbing over your brother. "Mn, we should move him." You sniff, moving a shaky hand to his neck and Minho gently helped you unclasp the locket, you clutch it in your fist before you leave a final kiss to his forehead and close his eyes. "Okay." You say softly, barely above a whisper.
You pick him up and turn to the other guys. "I-I can't...I-I don't have the strength to just l-leave him somewhere." "I'll take him for you..." Minho offers with his lips pressed together in a soft, apologetic smile. "I-I happen to know a nice area nearby so he won't just be out in the open." "Thank you..." His eyes widen at your words, he just killed your brother, why are you thanking him?
"Wh-When it got worse, I-I don't think I-I'd h-have the strength to actually l-let him go..." He hums in reply and steps up to you, letting you place Felix in his arms before he walks away. "Wait!" Minho turns around and you walk over to him, taking Felix's bracelets, putting them on, and any other items he had on him. You also snatch the pocket knife you saw from a nearby table and cut a part of his hoodie off, the only light blue part of his sleeve that wasn't covered in blood, and put it in your pocket, saving it to make something later. "Thanks." Minho nods before walking away again.
It's lucky the convenience store still has running water as you move to wash off the blood. "Hey, found the clothing section for you." Chris announces, placing a hoodie and jeans on the counter next to you. "In a convenience store?" "Well, from the thrift store next door." "Light Blue?" "Had a feeling...if that's okay?" Tears gather on your lash line before you nod and extend an arm. With Chris' small nod and a gentle smile, he lets you hug him tightly.
"I'm surprised you're not mad at us." Seungmin commented and Changbin slapped his arm. "I-I'm actually grateful...Yeah, you let my brother...b-but it was a necessary thing to do...I-I wouldn't have had the strength to do it my-myself when i-it got worse."
"I'm back." You leave Chris' embrace and turn to Minho. "Thank you...again." "It's no problem...Sorry I got a bit angry before." "It was understandable. Now if you don't mind, the state of my clothes is making me want to cry again so I'm gonna change."
"We'll be out here." Chris said as you walked to the bathroom with the clothes he got you.
When the door closed, Chris turned to the others. "Him thanking us for killing his brother is weird right?" "A little but it makes sense. Were you watching back there? He held his to his final breath. I could tell he wouldn't have been able to let him go if the infection got worse."
"How'd you know?" "Saw them a couple nights ago, Felix showed him the bite on his ankle from the dragger that attacked him before they came in here. I could see him changing and didn't want Mn to keep him to the point of turning into one of those and attacking us." "Did it hurt?" Changbin asked.
"So much. He looked as precious and kind, I really didn't but I was protecting us." You then walk out of the bathroom, throwing your old clothes into a nearby empty box. "Can I hug you, Minho?" "Uh, yeah, sure." He asks hesitantly and you walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his back and shoulders as he did the same to you.
"Thank you-" "Stop thanking me for killing your brother, it's kinda weird." You laugh, pulling away and joining the others on the floor. "Was gonna say thank you for protecting us...although I was against it...what you did makes sense...as much as I want to hate you for killing him you did it to protect us so...guess that skims off some of the hate." "Some?" He looks at you bewildered and the rest of you laugh.
"You killed my brother, you expect there to not be at least a little hate?" "Yeah, but you said some which means there's more hate then gratitude." While you and Minho went back and forth, the other three watch small smiles.
Even in a world of chaos, there's still time to find joy.
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😭 I'm sorry if this made you cry and also I wrote this in like three hours it was like 1:20am when I started and now it's 3:41am so I'ma go to bed.
The angst is angsting 😩
His locket had a picture of your family on one side, and him and you together on the other.
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gecko290 · 3 months
(this will be my first project so be nice hehe~) remember BTD belongs to gatobob
-First off, what is this project? Well i’ll be clear this project is for the boyfriend to death fandom.
It is essentially a pick your adventure fanfic but post apocalyptic haha.
-This will take me a while since ive never done this before, not to mention this is very ambitious for me. 
-when will it be complete? Idk yet but until my weird fanfic thing is out i will give updates. While art is not planned if someone wants to make fanart i will be super grateful (i'm a trash artist)
-Ren Hana (fox during apocalypse) still trying to figure out both his and Strades routes
-Lawrence Oleander (he’s my fave teehee)
-Derek Goffard 
-Celia Lede
-Mason Heiral
-Jak Harasi (might include him but please understand if he’s not included this is my first time doing this)
-i will try to do each character justice when it comes to this so understand why it might take lots of time.
-please ask questions if you want I LIVE FOR QUESTIONS AND INSPO
-lawrences route might be done first but it depends
-IF YOU HAVE ROUTE IDEAS MESSAGE ME ABOUT THEM ... .I might just use them ;)
What is this AU?
-i don’t exactly have a name for the virus yet so for now it will be referred to as the blues this is due to infected peoples skin having moldy and decayed blue spots all over and the sounds they make resemble crying/sobbing. The outbreak started in India before quickly spreading to the entire globe; this happened due to extremists bombing government facilities and major cities through bioterrorism. And society fell currently everything is in a sort of dark age medieval setting with small settlements popping up. Weapons are a precious commodity so guns are only used when necessary as bullets are finite this means main weapons are melee. Clothing looks like that of from the road by cormac mccarthy if you wanna know.
-in the first stage of infection (either from being bit/scratched/or eating an infected) the victim will experience nausea, sickness, hallucinations and occasional blue spots in vision.
-in the second stage small  moldy spots will appear on the skin (like chicken pox kinda) and victims start to uncontrollably cry from their eyes and salivate.
-third stage victims become violent and attack fellow humans with the intent to bite.
-fourth stage victims start to decay before going into a fertile area and fully decaying there.
-final stage. They become fertilizer for the surrounding area. This is dangerous because if not diluted enough people that consume bits of decayed infected will not be fully fully sick but will have a very violent and deadly sickness that 99% do not survive. This means while not infected they are bedridden unless they get better. 
Current number of planned endings, good or bad, some routes have the same ending (bad and ‘’good’’ can be subjective) and number can change depending on story choices and how expansive I get. so this is the estimated number for now.
-strade: bad endings- 4  good endings- 3  7 endings in total 
-Ren/Fox: bad endings-5  good endings-4  9 endings in total
-Lawrence: bad endings-6  good endings- 4  10 endings in total 
-Derek: bad endings-5  good endings-3   8 endings in total
-Celia: bad endings-4  good endings-5  9 endings in total 
-Mason: bad endings-5  good endings 3  8 endings in total
-(if i do) Jak:  bad endings-4  good endings 3  7 endings in total
Tribe members (aka who belongs to what) i don’t have names yet because i suck at that stuff 😢 highlighted means leader
Green tribe-strade, ren, and lawrence
Red tribe-Derek, Celia, Mason (they all hate each other this tribe is together for survival 😂) and derek's buddies. 
Purple tribe- jak and his sister
Blue tribe- M/C, Jacqueline, Tom, Chamomile, and Richard. (found family?? Just maybe lol)
You: this character will be you or M/C basically i don't know yet if i will just do pick your pronouns and go from there or just stick to they/them this depends on route making. I might just stick with they/them but let me know! 🙂
M/C backstory: college student before the fall. Skills include melee combat (im gonna say M/C carries a sword around. Think of a knight's sword), M/C is a capable marksman carrying a rifle only for emergencies as bullets are finite. Clothing consists of warm layers (think of the road by cormac mccarthy for clothing reference) jackets, warm pants, you know the drill. 
Anyway i’m so excited to start this project with you all and I hope you can send me questions and ideas! I will update you all on the way. Please do also give me time as I have a life outside of this. If anyone wants to help by writing a route or being a beta player/reader send me a message and I’ll get back to you 
*this will all be on tumblr btw
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joahaemark · 4 years
if the world was ending — m.lee [teaser]
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pairing ⤀ college student!mark lee x fem!reader
genre ⤀ angst, apocalypse! au, soulmate! au, best friend! mark 
word count ⤀ 80 (as of right now) 
warning(s) ⤀ mentions of blood, mentions of weapons, violence, unprotective sex (pls stay safe!), cursing, vanilla sex, & johnny being the amazing older brother ever.
summary ⤀ when the world suddenly ends with a deadly virus, infecting everyone in the world, you never actually expected the world to literally end. now you’re all alone with your crush, fighting against the world. 
a/n ⤀ this was highly inspired by if the world was ending. this song is really good, do give it a listen whenever you get a chance to. please remember that is a fanfic, this is just purely my imagination. feedback is most appreciated ~ also this is a teaser for what’s to come later in the future!
playlist ⤀ if the world was ending by jp saxe & evaluna montaner 
You were on your way home from school when you felt a vibration go off in your jacket pocket. 
It was a missed call from your brother. You text him back, ‘hey bro. wassup?’ he replied almost instantly, ‘Where are you? Mom needs help!’
When you read that last line, it sent you into a panic. You started pacing back and forth, calling your brother and your mom. When both didn’t pick up, your subconscious kicked in, leading you home. 
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silenthillmutual · 3 years
3, 12, 19
favorite line/scene you wrote this year
this is really hard to choose, because i wrote so much this year... probably the first interaction with aglaya in folie a double forme.
(content warning for unreality, blood, bugs, implied character suicide)
Daniil’s eyes dart nervously around the benches as he makes his way to the front, remembering in vivid detail the noise of human life in the Cathedral. There had been a crowd, this had been an isolation ward , had been a gathering of the sick begging for food, begging for salvation. He had seen what was left after the slaughter, the scent of the Sand Filth and the sick, the moans and whimpers of a frightened herd. He hadn’t been there to witness the carrier breach the stronghold, but he can picture it so loudly his ears ring: people falling to their knees, eyes sewn shut, hands reaching out, cries echoing off the cold stone of the walls.
And blood. So much blood, tapping against the toe of his boot, curving around the outline of his shoe, and strands of straw-blond hair sticking to the floor, a pale neck -
“Bachelor Daniil Dankovsky, celebrity thanatologist of the renowned laboratory Thanatica. A man who has vowed to defeat death itself. An admirable goal, if childishly naive.” He should be turning his head up to the Inquisitor, but the image of a broken body at his feet won’t leave his mind no matter how hard he blinks. Why hasn’t anyone moved the body?
The Inquisitor doesn’t seem to notice the carnage around them. Daniil manages to look up for a half second, her hands clasped behind her back, shoulders back, looking down the slope of her nose at him. “Sent here by the Powers That Be, rather conveniently, on the eve of an outbreak of deadly infection.” There is a lump under the skin, moving down her neck to her shoulders. A bug. How did it get inside? In all the other hell to break loose here, is this damned building also infested? And crawling inside an open mouth, past broken teeth. “Bachelor Dankovsky? Is the floor really so much more interesting than this meeting?”
She can’t see it . And if that’s the case, then: it must not be real.
it's the second-most edited thing i wrote this year - the first being honey & venom, but i'd have a hard time choosing what out of that i liked best since it is 148k words.
favorite character to write about this year
i think the obvious answer would be daniil, considering my... everything, but i actually like it a lot when people request or commission things for artemy. i have a lot of fun writing him!
any new fics to start next year
the sequel to my ocd fic o tempora, o mores (which i think i will just title 'oh the times, oh the morals') is my primary focus, but i also have a request from a friend to write about daniil growing up being told his expectations are too high, and then a couple of things i want to write for the pregame burda au i'm doing with dj, including the apple basket gang meeting artemy & the first time artemy and daniil meet in the capital. that's something that's been on my mind for a while!
end of the year fanfic asks!
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garnetwrites · 4 years
The Contract - Assassin AU drabble
                You can find ON FANFICTION.NET AND A03 here just click                                                                            ****
The moon's light kisses her porcelain skin; its rays peeking through the single window in the dark kitchen. Her shocked sapphire orbs stare at me with her rose colored lips part in awe. Perhaps she didn't scream because the cold steel of my blade was already resting at her throat the moment I l ambushed her out of the shadows.
My fingers curl around her soft golden locks as I carefully pin down her wrist to the floor. The black scarf concealing the lower parts of my face would only allow her to witness my rather unforgiving stare. I could have her drowning in her blood, gasping for air at the quick swipe of my sword. But instead, as I tower over her, I choose to stare - searching her features for that damn mask to fall.
I spend days scoping out my prey after I'm given the contract and although I was never one to care enough to personally come to know my victims, a part of me always wanted some kind of justification; as I'd like to think I'm not completely barbaric
However, watching this girl only further separated me from my means of approval.
Historia Reiss - for some reason someone wanted her dead. But, while trying to put up a pattern in her daily activities to ensure a clean, stress free kill – I noticed she was not like my usual targets. She did not toy with someone else's money, dance in the arms of married men to infect them with a deadly disease, nor did she seem to live her life anywhere near dishonest.
She took care of a bunch of snot nosed brats here in the Orphanage; her sweet voice was almost angelic and the children seemed attached to the hip. The people in town would call her name when she walked by, offering her goodies to give to the children.
                        She was like the sun – warm and loved by all.
But if that was who she was at the core- why would someone like the King want her dead?
I was clearly missing something here and now I was about to get my answer – then I can sleep better at night after leaving her to die.
Just like everyone who was at the end of my blade; when death is staring them in the face they show their true colors; the ugly, selfish and hateful painting of their souls.
I bend down closer to her face to get a better look.
So, who exactly are you then blondie?
"P-please." She whispers to me sweetly.
My eyes tense on her; my chest bubbling with anticipation for what she was about to do in this moment of complete vulnerability.
"…You can do whatever you wish with me but please, don't harm the children."
Now it was my eyes that stare in complete awe. My body tenses as I go to pull back slightly, my knees still resting beside her body, one that was not trembling in the slightest.
I didn't notice that before but she was not afraid of me – of death.
"Please, I beg you." Tears gather at her waterline while she desperately tries to choke back her cries.
Her pleading words struck something inside of me; tickling my concrete heart I forgot all about over the years.
"...Don't worry, the kids will be unharmed." My voice cracks with something human. I watch a smile stretch across her face as she gently closes her eyes, relief washing over her frantic features.
"…Thank you." She quivers. Guilt weighs down my eyes as I stare at this tiny woman ready to embrace death with no regret.
The blade in my hand begins to shake; my conviction was slipping away from me.
No one ever gives a shit about the kids. There are so many dying out in the streets every day and the world just walks past them.
Yet she lays very still, awaiting me to act; there is no struggle or offering of money to save her soul – nothing.
I become uncomfortable and for the first time in my line of work I feel like an executioner.
Regardless, I still try to find myself again – my hand tightly gripping the hilt of my blade. But, as I put more pressure on it, I realize I am slightly cutting into her skin. At the sight of her blood, I softly gasp before pushing myself away from her, shaken that I seem to have no control over myself.
I stumble backwards, standing up with my back against the wall. She kicks her feet and flees up against the fridge and pauses, breathing heavily before placing her crystal eyes on me once again.
She looks confused.
Softly, I am panting, sweat trickling down my temples as the stress of the situation was starting to overwhelm me.
I took the King's money – I have to kill her.
Again, I grip my weapon but my heart is still refusing.
I can't do it.
She is smart enough to keep silent as I wrestle with the reality of my warring emotions.
"…Tell me something right now." I sternly whisper before looking at her.
"Why would the King want you dead?"
So this is just a drabble like stated above. I left the setting pretty open to your imaginations – either it could be set in the Attack on Titan world or a MODERN TIME AU or a medieval setting etc. If I were to ever continue this into an actual fanfic, I don't know if I can choose the setting. What did most of you imagine while reading this?
Thanks for reading!
- Garnie / Aki
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tomionefinds · 5 years
Hi! I'm not sure if this has been asked before. But can u recommend fanfics that have dratomione in it? A love triangle between tom x hermione x draco. I dont find them often. Only one i know is wayward girls. Thanks!
Hey @all-star-frappe! I know we definitely answered an ask like this before, which you can find here, and if you haven’t yet check our our Love Triangle and Triad tags where you can find more.
I’ll go ahead and list a few others I found that weren’t on there yet. -JD
The Choices We Make by the-universe-in-words
K | WIP | 15k
To submit or to sacrifice? Hermione finds herself snatched away from all that she holds dear. Now she must navigate a deadly maze of lies and deception. Can she trust the evasive Malfoy heir? And why on Earth would her new husband decide to marry the very thing he hates? Can she even muster the will and strength to kill the only obstacle in the way of peace? Tomione/Dramione
It’s a Thing Called Magic by 8Clarify8
M | WIP | 10k
AU. Voldemort never rose to power, instead Tom Riddle sat waiting idly by, gathering more and more into his ranks, infecting every part of the Ministry and the Wizengamont with his forces. Now, he waits. Like a snake in a den, stalking its prey till it’s at its weakest.
The Ups and Downs by airgloweffect
E/Ma | One-shot | 3k
Draco reflects on his relationships with Hermione Granger and Tom Riddle.  Can be read as a sequel to Prickle of Attraction. AU. Yes there is sex.
Nobility by olivieblake
M | Complete | 153k
When a tyrannical king takes the throne by the blood-stained tip of his sword, two women find themselves tangled in his search for power. Who is the pawn and who is the queen, and what will they sacrifice for love? Hansy/Tomione, eventual Dramione. Royalty AU. COMPLETE.
Braving the Past by LouMiserables
WIP | 37 chapters?
Hogwarts has fallen to Voldemort. All Hermione knows is that her friends are dead and if she doesn’t find a safe place soon, she’ll join them on the unforgiving ground.   After being scratched by Fenrir Greyback, Hermione is forced to flee from Death Eaters and hide in the safest place she knows - the Room of Requirement. What she doesn’t know is that hidden inside is something that can truly help her. A time-turner that takes her to the last time she wanted to be in. 1945.
Cobras and Canaries by ViperStripes
M | WIP | 12k
The name of a mysterious man haunts Hermione Granger endlessly, but time is of the essence as she travels back to change the ever darkening future. Faced with fear and adversity, love and loss, will she find the will to continue dutifully and succeed? Or will she fall victim to the venom in her life: Tom Riddle?
The Isle of Morsmordre by SaintDionysus
T | WIP | 2k
The quiet, mousy girl with no friends and nothing but books to keep her company, dreamt of quests and magic. Now, Hermione Granger is the prisoner of a mad immortal and his band of lost boys. Inspired by Peter Pan. Dramione. Non-HEA.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Hollow Knight & My Hero Academia crossover idea
Note: I’m mostly gonna wind up plain rambling & get off-topic, plus all I’ve read of BNHA is from fanfics & the fandom wiki, I’ve never watched/read official sources, so disclaimer on that. 
Hear me out, the Radiance’s fluff is a similar color to Himiko’s hair & I mistoke Toga’s eye color for orange when they’re actually yellow according to the wiki, but the hair part still holds true. If we do some cannon divergence, maybe change up Himiko’s quirk into being able to turn into a moth, a moth goddess, or maybe the Radiance just winds up infecting Himiko, unless you wanna use the Infected Radience theory, in that case, whoever’s using the Radiance as a puppet infects her & she gets it willingly or something like that.
Wait, Hollow Knight, but w/ quirks, that makes things so much more interesting. Getting back on topic, however, may be the Radiance is actually a sibling of Toga & they had the Moth Goddess quirk, wind-ups, perhaps even loses their memory, in what is now Hallownest, the other higher beings: Pale King, White Lady, Nightmare King Grimm &/or Nightmare Heart, Unn, God of Thunder & God of Rain (what if we threw Godseeker in there?), Wyrms, Lord of Shades & The Abyss Creature were all just humans w/ shapeshifting/mutant quirks that maybe even forgot they were humans & forgot how to turn back. Imagine the mental whiplash when even one Higher Being finds out how to become human again & word gets out. A Higher Being has a form that is some pale pink to dark brown squishy being. Imagine if they remembered their memories w/ the human world & some of them were friends! PK & Radiance were the closest besties & now their enemies.
Now, are we doing the Big Bugs, Bug Tank, or the Human Sized AU? I’ll provide an idea or more for all 3!
Bug Tank AU: That GIANT squishy thing a Higher Being turned into! The Abyss creature is the first one to regain their memories & the forgetting mist doesn’t affect humans for some reason, it’s too low. They’re benevolent & worried for Hallownest & it’s neighbors they do the most logical thing. Put them in a giant tank & care for them. They’ll protect them with their life, & the insanity of the other Higher Beings having to adjust to this.
In a nutshell (if we make the Godseeker’s previous gods alive), like at least 9 people are living in this house maybe they have to have a schedule of ‘who gets to be human when,’ as they decided to live in a single house, & only some people can be in public. The villain & hero chaos doesn’t help, it’s hard enough hiding Hallownest in the usual day.
The shock of everyone else, their lives were a lie! What if the entirety, of Hallownest’s ancestry, was humans that could turn into bugs & they could become humans, or half-human, half-whatever species they are people, maybe their size is a balance between their the small bug & large human height? Quirked Hollow Knight AU!
Human Sized AU: Mosscreeps & other adorable bugs get domesticated, heck though, what would they think of their smaller unintelligent counterparts? Anyways, let’s focus on the “Radiance was sealed & it worked for some time” era. The cultural whiplash (that should have already been brought up), & the technology gap here. There’s also a possibility there’s a gap between how long the humans & bugs have been sapient for. Not to mention the shock of all the laws & the whole quirk stuff, & there are so many meetings between official leaders & ambassadors. I’m not sure if the maggots were slaves, but if slavery was a thing & the fact especially the upper class will have to think “I’ll have to pay everyone I want to work for me”. The possible tension between the two! They hear the story of the first quirk & they may be torn between “Did the Pale King/the Radiance/some other light Higher being create quirks?” The language gap, how could I forget that? Assuming the more people that believe in you the more power you get as a higher being, humans w/ permission explore this alien world & find out about almost every Higher Being we know about, & the population is like in the billions, everyone’s power level, skyrockets, whomst has awakened the ancient one skyrocketing. Hallownest’s reaction to nukes . . .
(I just made a whole branch AU) I wanna focus on the Mantis Lords tho, assuming the brother was yet to betray his tribe, what if they pushed the disabled to be as equally strong as the abled? What if they looked down on most of humanity for regressing practically just because they by chance got powers that could be greater than what could be done w/ soul by chance? What if word got out of their opinions and the quirkless flock to becoming mantis tribe citizens because they have a chance at being equal not because of their birth state, but because they worked for such a state? The Mantis Tribe population becomes large as heck since 20% of the human population is almost 1,600,000,000 likely, maybe not the whole percent but a large majority. The economy on a positive note maybe becomes Mt. Everest on the charts for both groups & it doesn’t crash hard.
The introduction of Void & Soul to humans may be a bad thing tho, what the difference between human souls & bugs? Does the murder rate especially towards bugs goes up, does a war break out? Multiple? Does the relationship between bugs & humans stick on the edge of breaking? Does Hallownest split into several groups & countries with different opinions thinking humans should be wiped out, they should be lower than them, they should join them? Do even the maggots join the “I don’t feel like praising the Pale King anymore” squad since humans without much direct contact with gods have gone so far they think “We don’t need gods, we need masks.” The Mask Maker now has a business & several apprentices making masks. This branch AU has the most opportunities for drama, that’s for a fact. The whole opinions split large populations happen w/ the humans too. Criminals may see Hallownest as an easy target for a mass steal meaning security & law enforcement will have to be increased and improved, they’re given aid but this also to an extent makes them dependent on humans.
What if the Kingsoul’s discovered & it’s mass-produced, killing’s not necessary guys! You can stop now! What if the same happens to the Dreamnail? 
The Howling Cliffs is certainly an obstacle here tho too, whether you go the easy or complicated route, that’s up for debate, does being outside of Hallownest effect Higher Beings, do Higher Beings also naturally have sapience & language as well?
Human Ancestry AU part tho, bugs went from having their exoskeleton outside, to having them inside, every bug needs clothes now (Editing this for a second time I thought that on the spot, why would they all have to wear them now?), not to mention, the different foods they’ll sometimes be able to consume & sometimes not- CORDYCEPS! It messes up non-sapient bugs but has medical properties & is edible to humans if it can affect the big bugs, perhaps a quirk made, scientific &/or magical vaccine will have to be made, maybe a quirk w/ time reversing effects are used to cure a victim. Some bugs try to even make their human form permanent if we’re in the “Pure Human form” side of the AU. If not, more debate between the two groups~! Heck, a cure’s technically impossible meaning bugs would have to wait for a vaccine to be made & it may likely take a really long time since vaccines for bugs are likely rarely be focussed on, & pray they go their life never contracting it. We can also just go the “the sapient bugs are unaffected enough/immune“ route to make things easier or ignore Cordyceps altogether. Would bugs have a coffee equivalent or could take just some coffee before it’s too much, pure human sub-branch tho, heck yeah. Does the whole food & drink stuff means bugs have to wait till they fully digest food then they’re safe to shift to the other form? Is soul needed to shift? Does the body know when it’s safe to shift after eating/drinking food deadly to the other form? 
Anyways, this AU also means bugs have to learn their bug language & human language in human tongue. Some bugs like the Mantis Tribe will stick as a bug as much as possible as an exoskeleton is more appropriate with a culture like their’s but even the Mantis Lords seem to have just a single claw, the equivalent to a single finger, they definitely shift when in need of hands. People like Quirrel & Monomon have 4 fingers per hand/many limbs to get the job done, so shifting is much less likely for people like them.
If the Higher Beings has quirks humans, chances are there were missing searches for them, they remember everything & they go “oh.” Even w/ any AU if this is the case, even more, legal stuff happens. The family reunions could be every awkward.
Big Bugs AU: Mt. Lady would quickly be considered a candidate for ambassador thanks to her quirk, however, that’d be shot down. Likely she’d speak the actual ambassador’s mind if they decided to have meetings. Humans may also help with technological progression though the main issue comes with materials available on Earth, time to mine the other planets & go to other universes.
That’s enough of those three AUs & branch AUs I feel like thinking about, however, the Human Ancestory AU+Human Shapeshifting Higher Beings can both individually be their own separate AUs w/o the whole BNHA Crossover stuff. 
It’s amazing how much came from me mistaking Himiko’s eye color. This is why you twist even the tiniest detail for no reason or remember what you made a mistake about in a show/game etc. & think, “what if that was actually the case?” Edit: Frick, mistoke Mosscreep for Mosskin
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JSAB Superhero AU Fanfic: Shattered Heart
I’m sorry for delaying Grey Area and Feeling Blue again, but I hit a bit of writer’s block with those two fics, so I made this as a gift for @small--crcle instead.
I noticed that the mun of that blog was feeling down, so after days of procrastinating, I finally finished this thing and edited it to a coherent state. I hope this helps...
This is a direct followup to Duality, so I suggest reading that fanfic first.
Warnings for slight horror themes.
Even heroes can be broken. Villains as well.
New Game learns this the hard way one night, facing off against what should have been an easy opponent.
It had been an accident, a classic case of wrong place, wrong time. One minute, King was there, perfectly fine, and then… he wasn’t.
Neither of them could have seen the corruption coming for them. Some new villain had popped up, a tainted beast which spread its infection by touch. It was stained a blood red, coated in shards of its past victims. It wasn’t even much of a shape anymore, twisted beyond recognition.
New Game knew exactly what happened to the poor shape. They’d just gotten unlucky, had stumbled across a power that, much like all the other night-triggered abilities, was twisted and wrong. The powers had nothing to do with morality; some shapes were fortunate enough to keep their minds… others, not so much.
The mutated shape had been a trapezoid, a normal citizen of Treeangle city, just like all the other villains had once been. Blixer had seen the shape around a few times, during the day, of course, just milling about, going about their life like any other law-abiding person. One wrong move, one mere brush with corruption, had turned them into this beast, which was nothing more than a mess of broken horns and claws, fueled by nothing more than pain.
The creature fought blindly, swiping at whatever crossed its path without rhyme or reason. For a while, New Game held his own against the beast, realizing early on that he couldn’t touch it to fight back. So he focused on the defensive angle, hoping that he could buy enough time for the innocents to escape.
This could very well become his last fight, at least as himself. He moved in a cautious, watchful fashion, afraid that one wrong step would end with him corrupted. His smile was strained, his teeth taking on a jagged, fanglike appearance as the being was pushed to his limits. He couldn’t dodge forever, and the moment he slipped up, it would be over for him.
Unfortunately, that moment came much too soon. Perhaps if he’d stepped to the right instead, he’d have avoided crashing into a fleeing passerby. Unaware of the danger their hero was in, the running civilian didn’t stop to help New Game; they kept going, blindly dashing through the streets in hopes of escaping with their own life, careless in regards to the fate that would soon befall their hero.
New Game’s heart rate skyrocketed, his eyes dimming in glow as he stared up at the looming monster, the corruptive demon whose influence would soon bring about his end. He braced himself, unable to move correctly for the stinging pain in his leg. It was too late to flee.
In the next moment, the city would have yet another threat to deal with, its only hero having fallen to the curse...
He shut his eyes tightly, preparing himself for the inevitable, mentally apologizing to Blixer for the pain he put him through… he heard a sharp crack, and then… silence.
A series of sharp, pained gasps broke the stillness, and New Game dared to open his eyes, his entire form shuddering with fear. His heart dropped as he saw a familiar shape standing over the shattered remains of the monster, a shape whose cyan glow cast an aura of both protection and danger, depending on who looked upon it.
The terribly familiar being had a crown of wicked horns. He wore formal clothes, as if he were going to dinner and not a battle. He carried no weapon, for a single blow from his corrupted claws could reduce a shape to shards. New Game knew that confident, cool aura all too well, and he couldn’t stop the tears that welled up in his eyes as the King stood before him, defending him from the beast.
His eyes glistened with a tranquil fury, which faded as he laid his gaze upon the fallen hero. New Game could already hear the series of fearful questions that would surely follow.
“Are you alright?” he expected to hear.
However, all the King could utter was a choked warning, his tone strangely harsh.
“Get out of here,” the cyan villain hissed. His gaze darted from his hands to New Game, yet his eyes were distant, foggy...
He’d reduced the creature to fragments in a single blow, just another testament to his deadly power. Nonetheless, the beast would win, a rash of scarlet already spreading across the King’s hands.
The King of Chaos faltered, then all New Game could see was Kubix, fearful for his life and for once, clueless as to what to do. Kubix dropped to his knees, unable to support himself as the red curse spread, crawling up his arms and tainting his hue.
New Game stammered, “What are you talking about?” He found himself shakily standing, hugging himself, already feeling as Blixer, deep within his soul, began to wake up. His voice quavered with a paranoid fear as he continued, “It’s over, right?”
“Run, Blixer.” King only used that name in emergencies. New Game’s heart rate eye skipped a beat. “Don’t look back… I don’t want you to see me... like this…”
The antihero took a hesitant step back, his horns drooping. He watched, fearful, as the scarlet infection spread, blossoming over what was once a cyan shape. Before his eyes, Kubix’s horns were becoming spikier. His claws sharpened, looking more like deadly talons, sparking with angered power. It was just like what happened to the trapezoid. A single touch was enough to spread the curse. Within moments, a simple shape would be warped into a beast.
Yet… New Game refused to believe it. He voiced his denial, “What are you-”
Kubix cut him off with a strangled scream, “Go!”
Kubix’s hands tensed, his claws crackling with that red energy. New Game couldn’t tear his eyes from the corruption, hoping dearly that the King could fight it off. But the cyan being only drew in on himself, his form seeming to crumple under its own weight, and suddenly he was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily.
Whatever change had taken hold was about to worsen, and soon, the red corruption would take another victim… New Game staggered back, wanting to flee but not quite willing to abandon King.
“I can’t just leave you here!” he screamed. He heard something snap loudly, and he winced, tears stinging his eyes. “I can fix this! Just hold on…”
Kubix interrupted him with a wordless holler, and New Game thought he heard more of a growl than a yell.
His eyes were hidden from view, but New Game could see a threatening red glint overtake his father figure’s gaze as he breathed a last, raspy plea, forcing the snarl out of his words, “Don’t… let me hurt you…”
Eyes wide and teary, New Game broke into a run, already able to feel his control slipping away, his mind becoming inundated with Blixer’s terrified thoughts.
His leg ached in protest, and the alter ego felt a few shards break away, his ankle nearly snapping from the sheer force of his footfalls. Each step sent a wave of hot agony rushing through him, not to mention the pain that burned in his core: the pain of betrayal.
It had only been about half a minute when New Game heard the the terrifying roar behind him, tears now streaming freely from his eyes as he turned a corner, hoping dearly that he’d find somewhere to hide. He couldn’t fight Kubix, he just couldn’t.
New Game’s control finally slipped when his leg gave out, sending him crashing to the ground in a pathetic, sobbing heap. Blixer snapped into consciousness, the physical changes caused by his alter ego slowly receding, leaving the powerless shape without any defense. His once brilliant pink glow went dead, and he was hit with the horrible reminder that it was night, and that he was just a child, lost in the city with a monster tracking him down.
He sat up, trying to find somewhere to hide as he realized he’d hit a dead end. His powers were waning, and soon, he’d be completely helpless once again.
His sight faded into darkness as he lost New Game’s night vision, and he was left, helplessly clinging to his sense of hearing to detect whatever threat might come to him. Shuddering uncontrollably, Blixer felt his heart skip a beat as he heard heavy breathing, knowing that it wasn’t his own, for it was much rougher, deeper…
A faint red light caught his attention, and he snapped his gaze towards the glow, fearful of the source. He heard heavy, approaching footsteps, tensing as the red light drew closer, glinting against the windows of the buildings framing the alleyway.
The breathing suddenly cut off with a sharp growl, the monster giving a frightening snarl as it drew closer.
Anxious, Blixer tried to summon his claws, feeling his heart race, desperate for New Game’s power. He reached deep within his soul, but no matter how he searched, all he could feel of the being’s presence was an intense terror, like a distant, pitiful spirit. Blower could barely summon up the energy to move, let alone something to defend himself, like a cannon arm or some sharp claws.
He internally screamed; of all the times for New Game to falter, now was the time that would get them killed.
The beast didn’t slow its advance, creeping forward until Blixer could see a wicked claw reach forth. Each talon was like a ruby-shaded dagger, leaving gouge marks in the building walls just from the light pressure of leaning against it.
Suddenly, the corruption showed itself fully, revealing itself to be a serpentine beast with a helm of horrible, twisted horns and a sneer full of terrible fangs. Its snakelike form was lined with daggerlike, bristled spines, which each looked sharp enough to impale, to shatter.
Blixer’s breath caught in his throat, but he forced himself to speak. His voice was firm, yet nervous.
The beast replied with a snarl, drawing closer, glowing an angry red.
Repeating himself, trying to force the shudder out of his voice, Blixer called, “Kubix!” His pink hue became pallid when there was no response, and he found himself scrambling back, until his back was pressed against the wall of one of the buildings lining the alley. “Kubix, please…”
He wasn’t even sure if this thing was Kubix; for all he knew, another citizen could have been pulled into the chaos, unbeknownst to him, but if the terrifying hunch he had was anything to go by, this had to be the King.
It had no traces of blue on its body, although the young shape could see little scraps of satin fabric- Kubix’s jacket- hanging from the hooked spines along its back. Its eyes were wild and cruel, glowing with a bloody red light, yet as Blixer kept talking, he could see a spark of recognition in its gaze.
“You don’t want to do this… snap out of it…” Blixer’s voice wavered. His entire form was quivering, his horns drooping as tears ran in rivulets down his face.
Much to his horror, the beast raised a deadly talon, preparing to strike. He braced himself, losing hope. Squeezing his eye shut, Blixer murmured a final plea, his hope for survival diminishing. He covered his face, form shaking with quiet sobs, his voice escaping him in a breathy tone, “Dad…”
Abruptly, the monster halted, staggering back. A startled hiss escaped it, its ruby gaze flickering, almost in confusion. Its serpentine body coiled a bit, its spines bristling. It eyed the shape before it with an almost concerned gaze, tilting its head.
A low, yet nonthreatening croon escaped the beast, and Blixer dared to open his eye, his shaking beginning to subside. He looked up, barely able to see past the tears. The beast had faltered, still stumbling back, staring through him with a hollow, haunted gaze.
Blixer took a risk, acting on a tentative hope, then reached out. “King?” His hand was inches from the creature before it drew back, its spikes rising again.
An almost fearful whimper left it, and it, lowering its head in what seemed to be shame, began to retreat, its stare never leaving Blixer.
The young shape watched, ensnared in his own anxiety, as the monster backed away, as if he were the threat. He wanted to reach out again, to see if, by some miracle, his guardian was still in there somewhere. Yet his fear kept him motionless, his frantic breaths being the only thing that told of the fact that he was still alive, that he hadn’t perished from the terror.
It wasn’t until the monster turned, finally breaking into a dash to depart, its glowing eyes fading in the distance, that Blixer’s petrification broke. All at once, the tense aura dropped, an incredulous, almost relieved feeling washing over him. He sat there, absolutely taken aback by his sheer luck, before a few brave tears dared to well up in his eye. They blurred his vision, and when the shape blinked and took a breath, the emotional dam broke.
Shattering stars… that was Kubix. Blixer let out a bitter, broken laugh, a single syllable of, “Heh…”
His voice cracked like his leg had, and he, hugging himself, began to attempt to stand, leaning against the walls for support as he muttered to himself. His leg felt like fire, but it was nothing compared to the ache in his heart, which blossomed from his core, making his entire being hurt.
Even New Game was despaired, and Blixer felt the being’s perpetual grin falter, like what had occured was so wrong that a universal constant had been broken. In a way, it was. King had never harmed him; after revealing his true identity to the pink shape, he’d never threatened him, either. Over time, the two had even come to a truce in their respective work.
Because of the nature of his powers, King couldn’t help but hurt people. It was an uncontrollable factor of his soul; but... he never raised a claw to his son.
The corruption changed that, all from one mistake, one wrong move.
Blixer had no idea how long he’d been walking. He continued blindly, just trying to get away from the city. His leg was aflame with pain, but it was easier to dwell on that than to focus on Kubix. He didn’t look up until he’d reached the little bridge leading to the suburbs, watching as the few cars raced by. There was a little bike trail on one side, and since no one in their right mind would ride bicycles at night, especially in this city, Blixer figured it’d be safe to walk along the edge. He’d done it before, in way worse conditions. The only difference now was that he had nothing to go home to.
The minutes blended together, and Blixer found himself feeling drowsy, his eye fogged over. He mentally checked on New Game, only feeling a slight bitterness when he focused on the being.
The alter ego’s voice huffed, like a whisper on the wind, laced with sadness, “There’s no point. Kubix isn’t coming home.” New Game’s tone dropped, his voice breaking. “He’s dead.”
Blixer snapped back automatically, “He’s not dead!...” He trailed off, shaking his head. He looked at the streets below, trailing his hand against the railing of the bridge. “It’ll… it’ll be fine… We can sort this out in the morning, and maybe Kubix will be okay…”
A moment of tense silence passed, and Blixer sighed, quickening his pace. He began to feel like someone was watching him, so he focused on the road, watching his surroundings with a cautious eye.
Internally, he heard New Game give an apprehensive, “Watch out…. Something’s following us.”
Blixer nodded, looking down at his hands. There was a slight flicker of pinkish light as his fingertips sharpened, filling with a volatile energy. It was just powerful enough to harm, but not to shatter or otherwise get him into any trouble.
Whatever was behind him would just be in for a rude awakening if they thought they could get the drop on him. It was probably some petty thief, either that or some half-witted crook who thought a kid would be an easy target. Blixer didn’t carry much money with him, anyway, and he doubted the competence of any minor criminal who dared act at night, when New Game was on the prowl, ready to skewer any villain in a fifty mile radius.
Of course, Blixer could barley access his powers now, let alone “skewer” anything, but the villains didn’t need to know that. He was sure the monster had scared them all off, anyway.
He sensed that whatever was following him had sped up, tensing. He hoped that it wouldn’t have to come to this…
Suddenly, he swerved, thrusting out his claws to catch whoever was behind him. His hand met red, stinging spikes, and he recoiled, eye going wide as he processed the sight before him.
He’d been followed by a villain, alright; the worst villain of all. The monster that had once been Kubix towered over him, glowering down at him with a hollow stare. Its red eyes shone brightly in the night, although it was too dark for the rest of the creature to be seen, save for when the occasional car passed by, lights flaring.
Blixer had cracked off one of the beast’s spikes, although it didn’t look too inconvenienced, concerned with watching Blixer, almost guarding him.
For a moment, he cradled his injured hand, hoping that the mere brush wouldn’t do the same to him that it had done to Kubix… then he met the eyes of the red creature, and he felt his tension drop, replaced with a feeling much worse.
A bitter realization made the pink shape’s stomach do flips, and he almost backed away, before he laughed again, breaking eye-contact with the beast. He’d seen that intelligence, that thoughtful, cautious gaze, many times before. Never had he ever seen such sapience in the most corrupted of monsters, so only one thing could be possible.
“You… you’re in there, aren’t you?” His voice was soft, barely heard over the sound of distant traffic. The monster lowered itself… himself… to be at eye level with Blixer. The young shape felt tears well up in his eye, and he took a shaky step forward. “Kubix…”
The corrupted beast let out a low, sad croon, unable to speak but desperate to convey his sentience. He was still conscious. He was sorry, he failed to protect his son. Whatever the red corruption was, it had a tight hold on his soul; it had filled him with a mindless rage that was worse than anything his natural corruption could do. He was afraid that his mind would slip once again, an he wanted to warn Blixer to stay away, no matter how much it hurt. He couldn’t say anything, however, so he just reached out, pulling Blixer close in a shaky, tentative embrace.
Blixer limply allowed himself to be hugged, before he returned the embrace, quivering. He buried his face into Kubix’s shoulder, unable to stop the long-awaited sobs from spilling out. His emotions were a mess; he was a mess.
Kubix had suffered, all because he chose to flee. All because he couldn’t just fight back and let himself be corrupted for the greater good. Kubix had jumped in front of him, although it wasn’t his job to be the hero, and it ended with him becoming a monster, powerless to stop the transformation.
The guilt made Blixer’s heart shatter, and he sighed shakily, blinking the tears from his eye.
“I’ll fix this…” he whispered. He didn’t quite believe it himself, but he had to assure Kubix. “We’ll reverse this somehow. We’ll fix you.”
Kubix only whimpered sadly, the red shine in his eyes lessening.
Blixer, wanting to fill the silence, kept talking, desperate. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t save you…” He tightened his hold, afraid that the red beast would lose his mind again if he faltered. He squeezed his eye shut, trying to stop the tears. “I… I promise we can fix this…”
In that moment, Kubix seemed so fragile. Something deep inside Blixer broke at that realization. Suddenly, his whole worldview shifted. Even the seemingly indestructible could be broken. Even the King... could be usurped.
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Hiii, I luv ur blog!! Ur fanfic recs are pretty cool too;) could u please rec me some vamplock? Ta xo
Hi Lovely!
AHHH I actually don’t have very many; I’m actually REALLY stupid picky about AU’s, though vamp!lock is one of the AU’s I do occasionally enjoy. There’s a longer list of fics here by Alexx, so you can read those, but here are the ones on my Bookmarks that I truly love and I highly recommend!
An Acquired Taste by kinklock (E, 31,059 w) - At Montague Street when Sherlock was forced to sate his body’s needs, he was at least able to wander about the flat as much as he pleased. At Baker Street, it was mini-bags in a mini-fridge and bedroom confinement.
Bleed Me Out by antietamfalls (E, 87,987 w) - John isn’t exactly surprised to discover that Sherlock isn't human. His vampirism doesn't pose a problem, even when their relationship gradually grows into something more. That is, until a deadly revelation about John’s blood sends their lives spinning dangerously out of control. (NOTE: this one is REALLY good. Excellent characterizations and lots of Whump).
Also, @reapersun​ is currently posting up pages of their Patreon comic A Study in Black which is vamp!lock, and very good, so do check that one out! (WiP)
And if you don’t mind some supernatural-John:
John Watson's Moon by patternofdefiance (E, 11,314 w) -  “You are loup garou, recently infected under traumatic circumstances and subsequently discharged from military service, most likely from a post in Afghanistan or Iraq. Your wounds would have healed with the passing of the initial fever, so whatever lingering effects you are suffering are likely psychosomatic – and severe enough to bar you from the one occupation where being a ruthless hunter is seen as a qualification rather than a detriment.”
A Certain Kind of Hunger by MapleleafCameo (E, 5,881 w) - A concerned Sherlock watches as John seems to be rapidly losing weight. What he discovers is that John really isn't normal. And he is very, very hungry. The tail was the real surprise. 
Those are the ones I have READ... I’ve a lot more in my MFL list, all from Alex’s post, so I rec you check that one out to!
Anyone have a fave vamp!lock fic?
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