#dead boy detectives rewatch
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suzyblue0292 · 10 months ago
Rewatch - Dead Boy Detectives S1E1 - The Case of Crystal Palace
We are introduced to Edwin guarding Charles or the boys guardian each other
The bickering
They are time cards not library cards.
Does the show often say one thing and show another? REVISIT
“Death will take us” v Death asking Wilfred if he is ready
The boxing scene is interesting given everything we learn about Edwin later - getting out of hell couldn’t have been easy he has to have more skill than Charles gives him credit for - or they want the audience to give him less credit
You are the brawn? - I feel like they want us to doubt the narrative. 
We are presented with Crystal as a good person. (Aside from being American apparently). Again we are being told one thing so we are blindsided by the other. 
The looks on the boys' faces when they observe Crystal. 
We never see them as relaxed looking as they are in the office again. 
Edwin knows how to knit.
Was there a debate over the disguises?
She has her purse and phone. Does the memory loss prevent her from reading her contacts/ID?? 
Charles does not hesitate to call Edwin on his BS - he also knows that Edwin is jealous (just not the exact nature of said jealousy) - but he said it himself during the boxing scene - he knows Edwin hates change - and the very first thing we see him doing in the next scene is defending Edwin to Crystal
This is also how we learn about the “Clerical error” - is this the extent of Charles’ knowledge or the best way he has to explain it?
We start to see the meaner side of Crystal but Charles' good nature still acts a deterrent from following that to a conclusion.
Charles’ admits that part of the reason its so good to talk to Crystal is because she’s living and his age - they probably don’t meet a huge amount of teenage ghosts - although I would guess they might have more unfinished business than most - I have a feeling its the living part that’s the biggest appeal
What is Edwin doing with the coffee??
Why are you warning Edwin about the cleaver, Charles? 
Crystal is carrying a considerable amount of cash - but no cards?
Edwin gets them a clue quickly through mirror travel. - The Cat King and his little bracelet are quite the plot devices. 
Why so rude to the cat Charles?
Also did the Crow not tip off the whole witch thing?
Crystal seems so young and vulnerable when she realizes the girls are staring.
Crystal’s mind is so desolate - all the broken picture frames - empty memories - the three eyeballs should have given it away though - “the third eye”
We know they can travel by mirror, and the normal way, but can ghosts travel through ether? How do they get in front of Crystal?
Poor Charles, no it’s not a competition but Crystal and Edwin are both terrified in their own right.
Every demonic case must be a nightmare for Edwin and now he realizes they didn’t get rid of the demon. He only knows how to express his fear in terms of case work though. 
The flashback: Simon is so clearly reaching out, but Edwin is so clearly expecting to be bullied. And the shot of him marching against the flow of other students, bless.
Its also so heartbreaking that Edwin is terrified BEFORE there is any sign the demon sacrifice will work. God only knows what he thought those boys would do. 
Five other boys died with Edwin and it seems like Sa ’al obliterates their bodies. Was there anything for the school to give the parents to bury? Just ashes? No wonder it was deemed an act of God. Six boys either vanished or reduced to ashes. 
And no wonder the memory drives Edwin to recklessness. 
Jenny laying down the hard truth. 
“I get angry. It's like knowing you have a home but being unable to get there.” Poster child speaks to poster child.
Yeah, I totally thought Niko was going to be the love interest.
Why never tell Edwin? Because he really can’t go home?
I try to be extra happy for all of us. - Oh Charles.
And now the boy who was dragged to hell learns that Crystal chose her demon. Ouch.
Edwin isn’t just yelling at Crystal. He’s reminding Charles too. “You are sharp and fun, but this isn’t a game.”
They are such vulnerable children, and then so cute as they plot.
Poor Jenny. She doesn’t doesn’t even get paid teacher’s wages for this shit.
Edwin does a good job of actually telling Crystal the stakes with the plastic girl bit. She  might be cottoning on. 
Charles is comforting Crystal, but holding Edwin.
Note that Charles doesn’t roll his eyes or dispute “and we’re punishing you.” After Edwin’s outburst and Crystal’s confession his loyalties seem to have tipped back a bit.
Why doesn’t it trip Edwin that Esther left her kettle on? It worried me from word go.
Again, Charles is the brawn but Edwin is the one checking out the weird witch’s lair.
So many fucking shoes.
I love Esther. I know I shouldn’t but….
Can Charles actually understand the Crow?
Edwin has such poor form, but he does as well as Charles when it comes down to it.
Round 1 of Esther underestimating Crystal
Edwin goes straight to help Crystal, despite his concern for Charles possessing Esther. 
Okay was anyone else expecting that kid to get mowed down crossing the street?
Oh Charles, counting your chickens to soon is a bad idea.
It’s interesting that Charles possessing someone sets off an alarm for them both - this must not be the first time they’ve tangled with the afterlife for them to have a joint file.
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arrow-jsy · 7 months ago
My mom came down for her lunch break to see me watching dead boy detectives and just looked at me and went "that tracks"
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coloursflyaway · 11 months ago
When Edwin confesses to Charles and Charles says that he isn't in love with Edwin back and Edwin looks down for a second and Charles ducks down just so he can make sure that Edwin looks at him when he tells him that there is no one else he would go to hell for.
Because he has to make sure that Edwin believes him.
Because he has to make sure that Edwin knows that he is loved.
On the steps of hell, they both make sure that the other knows how much they are loved and I don't think there's anything that sums their relationship up better.
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saint0psy · 8 months ago
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Work is kicking my ass so heres!!! The hyperfixation!!
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sweetlullabyebye · 6 months ago
Edwin looking at Charles
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Charles version
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s--strawberry · 7 months ago
edwin: can you open it ? (with your lockpicking set and lock picking abilities we've seen several times thru the show)
charles: way ahead of you mate ! (smashes the box against the floor until it opens)
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troublegoblin · 9 months ago
charles rowland every time edwin opens his mouth:
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c-rowland · 5 months ago
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1x03 vs 1x05
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downbaddetective · 6 months ago
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"He's calling the spirits of darkness... I saw him do this once before when a girl dumped him."
Might I present a one Mr. Charles Rowland! Very pleased with how he came out. One more down, many more to go!
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thesorrowoflizards · 7 months ago
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↳ You never know when the good you do may come back around.
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pinklemonslices · 6 months ago
i hope everyone knows that the little boxing scene in episode one IS probably my favorite scene in the whole show. there is so much to love about it. this scene hooked me on the show single-handedly (and it made me think they were already in love/canon, until my brother told me they weren’t).
the banter is so much fun!!! i love all their interactions throughout the series, but this one is just So good. charles is such a silly goose!!!! i love him jumping around and messing with edwin physically. i love edwin being so comfortable, smiling with his teeth and looking exasperated but it’s completely overshadowed by his amusement and obvious care for charles.
i love how edwin says he shouldn’t have to learn to hit things because charles will always be there, i love how it sets up their dynamic. i love how edwin gives in anyway and absolutely SUCKS at it. i love how niceys charles is about it. i love how close they are the whole scene. i love these boys
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suzyblue0292 · 9 months ago
Rewatch - Dead Boy Detectives S1E2 - The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
Is this a functioning cannery?
Edwin being their diplomat is both horrifying and hilarious, but yeah, he is actually the best choice. 
I always knew if my cat could talk he’d be an asshole.
I can’t tell how much of the seduction is real and how much is a play to get the bracelet on…
The fear on Edwin’s face as he backs off. 
I’m not sure it’s consensual if you smack a caging spell on someone first…
I wonder if the cat king returned him hours later on purpose to screw with them - it makes Edwin’s story so suspect to Charles because - how could that be all that happened - you were gone for hours!
Edwin is so stressed out and striking out at everyone. Also this makes 2 times he has mentioned hell. 
Poor Jenny does not get paid enough for this shit. 
Obviously they have not traveled much if they don’t know the mail gets forwarded.
And the sad moment we all realized it was not psychic lesbian love. 
“You’re a cursed walrus. That’s cool.” Oh Charles.
Charles does smile a LOT.
Esther was totally planning revenge before she knew they were stuck. Oh, deary me. I love her so much. 
Where do doctors still make house calls? Is it because he really is such a crap doctor?
I don’t think Edwin doesn’t care - he’s trusting Charles to handle Crystal - while he observes and puts together evidence. 
Honestly, Edwin a simple “We can’t talk to the living, you can.” Would have sufficed. Yes, Charles, stop being so nice. Western doctors refuse to treat women with any seriousness even when it’s not a magical malady so let’s not give Dr. Dehydration any props here. 
Married bickering. 
Crystal, while I don’t begrudge you poking through someone else’s library, those letters are not your business. 
Edwin’s repetitive use of “hysteria” cracks me up.
More married bickering. Right until it looks like Edwin could hurt himself, then Charles is so soothing.
Also, which one of them is more obsessed with the Cat King?
Poor Charles. Also, when you consider that Edwin’s calmness is because he’s seen so much worse, poor Edwin.
Crystal, all you do is talk about it.
Boarding school is a theme in this show. 
Everyone was staring because of the sprites, so she had to drop out of school. 
Where do all of Crystal’s clothes come from?
Niko looks so delighted at the prospect of Crystal being insane. She really is delightful.
So much of Edwin’s rudeness comes from a place of concern.
Are those women twins?
A dead child causes more trouble than a live one. Tell me how you really feel about children, Nurse Lady.
Such a cute map Niko.
I think Edwin liked, or at least respected his father. He is quoting him a hundred years after his death. I wonder if he didn’t have a better homelife than Charles and that is why he looks so stricken when Charles says “lets not talk about dads.” He doesn’t really understand that Charles was abused - in part because Charles hasn’t shared that and in part because our idea of abuse has changed over time. However - it should be noted that when Edwin himself was a small child there were reform movements, and anti-child abuse laws passed in England, so it isn’t fair to assume he was abused or would have no understanding of the notion. 
I love the relationship we’re seeing between these two. Charles’ gentle comments about Edwin’s “old-timey insults” immediately elicits a promise to be nicer from Edwin. 
Then his comments about liking Crystal because she’s like Edwin get this soft smile from Edwin and he breaks down and admits he isn’t upset with Crystal but himself. Charles is so quick to put the blame on the Cat King - even though he could scold Edwin for trapping the cat.
How does a ghost break a bone on the mortal plane? 
“I went with grab it.” Charles I love you.
“ANOTHER discussion about your impetuous behavior.” “Sure, mate.” Charles does shit like this all the time, clearly. 
The teacher in me feels such kinship with Jenny.  I wish I could say “cut the weird shit.” God knows I think it a lot. 
Me too Edwin. Me too.
I think we all sleep on how brilliant Charles really is. While Edwin and Crystal are bickering he’s reading the book and coming up with a solution.
Why does the jar float in thin air but not the book?
Edwin does care about Crystal. 
Okay Crystal’s speech to the sprite’s is so sad, but does anyone else expect a lion and hyenas to start a musical number when she says “you’ll never go hungry again”?
So rude that the sprites could just always “exit the body” this way but instead explode people. 
Love the sprites.
“But also dangerous and unprofessional. Do not do it again.” Is Edwin for “I care about you and you frightened me. Which Charles damn well knows. I suppose it would embarrass Edwin (and probably Crystal) for him to point that out though.
Charles please stop. We’re all in pain here.
Love Niko’s confidence.
Charles is so happy to collect new friends. 
Oh my god. So many ghosts.
Esther, my queen. 
The spellwork sequence is so cool. 
I know Monty comes off all sweet later but his grin is evil. 
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shaylogic · 6 months ago
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Cat King: I know my kingdom better than you. I'm proud of my duties towards my citizens. I hold responsibilities that are very impressive.
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Edwin: You've forgotten yourself in your own lack of self-awareness and self-worth -- exactly proving my point.
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failedmitosis · 2 months ago
handful of doodles from the few weeks in early 2024 when dead boy detectives took over my life....
(all older art so sorry for the wonky/inconsistent style)
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i was never really able to figure out how to draw their faces well, so i have a looooot of doodles of them like this:
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fan-a-tink · 9 months ago
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Hands down the coolest shot in the entire show!
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fandom-related-me · 26 days ago
Also Edwin touching his chest LIKE THAT after the hug in the dragons case gives the impression that he felt it IN his CHEST and not his head/mind like Charles says touching is supposed to be felt like I’m dead
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