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“Lov Languags” ar just common coupls thrapy tchniqus mangld and rpackagd by an unqualifid homophob. Rlationships gnrally nd all 5 lov languags to b fulfilld, which is to say, vrybody nds to communicat with, spnd tim with, and do things for thir partnrs, and that’s got nothing to do with any spcial way you communicat affction.
MBTI has bn provn compltly inffctiv at prdicting anyon’s succss at a particular job, and half th popl who tak it twic will gt diffrnt rsults. Rputabl psychologists do not rcogniz it, and th company that owns th rights to it uss it to scam popl. Popl don’t adhr to strict binaris in basically anything. Vry fw popl ar going to b xclusivly introvrtd or xtrovrtd. It’s just astrology rpackagd as psudoscinc. Shockingly nough, you can’t boil th complxity of th human xprinc down to a dozn Typs of Guy.
Th concpt of IQ is flawd from th start— “intllignc” is an abstract concpt that ncompasss many diffrnt skills, from social intllignc to motional intllignc to th vry narrow kind of problm solving intllignc IQ tsts gnrally masur for. It cannot prdict how fast you larn, how much you know, or how logical and wll rad you ar. It mostly masurs how good you ar at solving puzzls. Coincidntally, it’s also a prtty good prdictor of incom and ducation lvl, tak a guss why. Most popl’s IQ will chang throughout thir livs, bcaus it’s inconsistnt bullshit w’v only hld onto this long bcaus w’r still kinda hoping w can brd th ubrmnsch. IQ tsts and th way thy attmpt to catgoriz popl ar xplicitly ugnicist and racist.
BMI was dvlopd by a man known as th grandfathr of ugnics, who first of all was a mathmatician, not a doctor, and scond nvr intndd th formula to b usd to catgoriz individuals. It’s intndd to giv a rough stimat of obsity in populations, and it’s not vn good at that. It hangs around bcaus of fatphobia and insuranc companis who want it as an xcus to charg fat popl mor.
Th study which dtrmind popl’s prfrontal cortx was still dvloping at 25… stoppd masuring at 25. vidnc suggsts your brain probably nvr stops dvloping. Stop infantilizing grown adults. This is a branch off from th largr mss of misinformation surrounding fMRIs.
If you havn’t put togthr what all ths things hav in common yt, hr’s th moral of th story: STOP TRYING TO CATGORIZ POPL. STOP TRYING TO PUT POPL IN A GODDAMN BIOLOGICAL HIRARCHY. UGNICS IS BAD, AND WILL ALWAYS B BAD, NO MATTR WHO’S DOING IT
257 101s thrown away
I can't keep having the same conversations about love languages, mbti, iq, bmi, "brain fully formed at 25" and shit over and over again...
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cretaceous-if · 1 year ago
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NOTE: While I am training as a palaeontologist, I do not claim to be an expert. Therefore, although I will be conducting research into portraying more accurate dinosaurs, there will be possibly be discrepancies or inaccuracies either due to my own research or the lack of (accurate) data available.
Cretaceous Island is based on the Jurassic Park/World franchise. You will step into the role of the head T-Rex keeper.
You’ve been working as a T-Rex keeper for over ten years now and every day is as interesting as the last.
Unfortunately, not even looking after some of the deadliest creatures in the world was enough to prepare you for the carnage that was about to unfold.
When the system goes down and the dinosaurs escape with evacuation impossible, it’s up to you and a ragtag team to restore order and protect both man and dinosaur.
GRAY/GRACE COLLINS [M/F] - Your big boss is cool, calm, and ruthless. It is well known that they’re not someone to cross, however, they seem have a soft spot for you which some might consider strange considering they also happen to be your ex-fiancé(e). [Poly with Nikolaj available].
LEE MIN-SUN [M/F/NB] - As Operations Manager of the Island, Lee is no-nonsense, grumpy, and has no real time for the corporate side of things that xe’s forced to deal with, but xe has a heart of gold under all the bluster and would do anything to protect those that xe cares for. [Poly with Aija available].
NIKOLAJ OLESEN [M] - He’s your best friend and the embodiment of the term ‘golden retriever energy’. He’s also the head raptor keeper. You’re not entirely sure how those two things go together, but it seems that you’re about to find out. [Poly with Gray/Grace available].
CIERRA DE LA ROSA [F] - A tourist that is vacationing on the island for the third time. You’ve met her a handful of times during those visits, but you haven’t found out much about her beyond her name and the fact that she’s one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen.
AIJA MISHRA [NB] - Highly intelligent and more at home among computers than people, Aija is a techie who works in the control room. They’re one of the friendliest and sassiest people you’ve ever met, but, in a crisis, there’s no one you’d rather have on your side. [Poly with Lee available].
Customise your mc (gender, pronouns, appearance, personality, etc).
Five romance options to fall in love with and two poly options.
Story-driven IF coded using Twine.
Interact with staff, guests, and most importantly, dinosaurs as you look after the T-Rexes and attempt to deal with the biggest crisis the park has ever dealt with and try not to get eaten in the process.
Cuddle with some baby dinosaurs.
-> STATS <-
Personality stats are pretty similar to most other IFs. They will include kind/grumpy, bold/shy, reckless/cautious, genuine/sarcastic, reserved/energetic, and friendly/stern. If you have any suggestions, feel free to lmk.
Skill stats will include intelligence, charisma, marksmanship, agility, and science and technology,
This is an 18+ wip due to blood and gore, character and animal deaths, explicit sex (optional), explicit language, medical procedures, violence and injury, and potentially body horror.
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simscici · 2 months ago
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Previous / Next Beginning (Gen 8)
Image transcripts (PT & ENG):
O médico veio e aplicou a epidural em Callie, mas foram necessárias três tentativas até que funcionasse.
Callie: Você tem certeza de que está tudo bem? Sabe que isso é um parto prematuro, certo? Não deveria haver algum tipo de protocolo para isso?
Médico: Não se preocupe, querida, faremos o possível para um parto natural, é a melhor opção no momento. Com a epidural, você vai se sentir melhor. Tente fazer alguns exercícios para ajudar na dilatação; já volto.
(Atenção! Algo está errado. Callie sente dormência apenas de um lado do corpo e ainda está com dor. É melhor conversar com o obstetra para ver o que pode ser feito!)
(Estou Aqui – Touma sente o corpo da parceira se tensionando a cada contração. Ele não se permite sentir medo ou nervosismo, sabendo que a dor faz parte do processo. Ele está fazendo o melhor para se manter calmo e forte por ela.)
(Estou com Medo – As contrações começaram, e a dor é maior do que Callie esperava. Ela está tentando entender o que está acontecendo com seu corpo, mas sua mente a leva aos piores cenários.)
(Pensando Demais... – As contrações estão mais frequentes agora. Com a chegada do bebê se aproximando, Callie não consegue evitar pensar que algo pode dar errado. O bebê ficará bem? E se ela não for tão forte quanto pensava? E se... Callie precisa parar de pensar nos "e se" e tentar respirar. Ainda dá para respirar, certo?)
(Quase Lá – Chegou a hora! As contrações estão intensas, e Callie sente o interior do seu corpo pegando fogo, ao mesmo tempo que parece se despedaçar. Ela está EXAUSTA e só quer que tudo acabe logo.)
Callie: Quero uma cesárea, por favor, não aguento mais... A epidural não fez nada, NADA.
Médico: Só mais um pouco, está quase na hora, falta muito pouco agora. Vamos fazer o seguinte: vou transferir você para um quarto privativo para que possa relaxar melhor, está bem? Nada de pânico, você vai me agradecer depois, quando o bebê nascer por parto natural.
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The doctor came and administered the epidural to Callie, but it took three attempts before it finally worked.
Callie: Are you sure everything’s okay? You do know this is a premature birth, right? Shouldn’t there be some kind of protocol for this?
Doctor: Don’t worry, dear, we’ll do our best for a natural delivery—it’s the best option right now. With the epidural, you’ll feel better. Try doing some exercises to help dilate; I’ll be back shortly.
(Uh-oh! - Something isn’t right. Callie is only feeling numbness on one side of her body and is still in pain. It’s best to talk to the obstetrician to see what can be done!)
(I’m Here - Touma can feel his partner’s body tensing with each contraction. He doesn’t allow himself to feel fear or nervousness, knowing that pain is part of the process. He’s doing his best to stay calm and strong for her)
(I’m Scared - The contractions have started, and the pain is greater than Callie expected. She’s trying to understand what’s happening to her body, but her mind is taking her to the worst places)
(Thinking Too Much... - The contractions are coming faster now. As the baby’s arrival draws closer, Callie can’t help but think that something might go wrong. Will the baby be okay? What if she’s not as strong as she thought? What if... Callie needs to stop thinking about the "what ifs" and try to breathe. She can still breathe, right?)
(Almost Time - It was time! The contractions are intense, and Callie feels the inside of her body igniting in flames, tearing her apart simultaneously. She is EXHAUSTED and just wants it all to be over quickly)
Callie: I want a C-section, please, I can't take it anymore... The epidural did nothing, NOTHING.
Doctor: Just hang on a little longer, it's almost time, not much longer now. Here's what we'll do, I'll transfer you to a private room so you can relax better, okay? No panic, you’ll thank me later when the baby comes through natural birth.
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anathemafiction · 2 years ago
Hello! I just want to say that i fell in love with your writing! Is so poetic, light and fresh! Thank you for writing! And your book made me want to learn how to write. Do your have some pointers to where i should start? (oh, and im from Brazil! So english is quite hard for me, but your english is incredible!). Thank for your time!
Hello! Thank you so much for your words. E abraços de Lisboa para o Brasil. ♡♡
So, I've gotten a few requests for writing advice, specifically, IF writing advice. And while I understand why people may want to hear from me, I really feel the need to state that I am very much still an amateur, wannabe author. 
This isn't me trying to be fake humble or gain sympathy points, it's simply the cold truth. I'm not comfortable giving advice because I'm still learning every day. I've made a lot — and I mean, a lot — of mistakes with Book One. There's so much that, looking back, I did wrong and would change if I could go back in time, but alas, that's impossible, so I must do what all humans do: take it in, learn from it, and do better next time.
Next time is Book Two, and I'm sure that, once I'm done with that, there'll be new errors and new ways I'll find that I could have done better. The important thing is, of course, never to repeat the same mistake twice.
The only advice I'll give regarding writing, in general, is this: read. Read as much and as diversely as you can. Read other Interactive Fiction games, but mostly, read books. Read the classics, read the ones that were banned, read horror and sci-fi and romance and fantasy and historical and philosophical and poetry and dystopian and everything you can get your hands on. Read books from your country and language, but please, read other cultures too. Read books people swear are amazing and read books badly rated. Read what you like and what you think you dislike. And, most of all, never stop reading. Read every day.
Slowly, gradually, you'll start to find your style. You'll find what you like and how you like it. You'll find out whether you describe a scene better using the senses - the weather, the light, the smells, the background noise - or if you prefer to pay as little detail to the surroundings as possible. You'll find whether you like an active narrator, different POVs, tales written like dialogues, or as ethereal as if watched from the eyes of a God. 
For interactive fiction in general? I'll say, write a good outline. I didn't have one for Book One, and now that I do for Book Two, it's a completely different ballpark. 
My method is to write a first draft of a chapter on paper and pencil where I do one "path" until I reach the end of the chapter. Then, go on Word and fill out all the choices and paths, basically completing the chapter — that's draft two. Draft three is after I put it all in code and do a deep edit. But I'm very much aware my method won't work with everyone (it most likely won't work with the majority of people).
For coding, let me redirect you to this old ask: Here.
There are a lot of more experienced IF writers on Tumblr who have made amazing posts about writing IFs, coding, and storytelling in general. I can direct you to Hannah, a veteran COG and game writer — @hpowellsmith. But there are others! 
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[ID: a sris of rblogs with scrnshots of rddit posts rading: "Ar you trying to miss th point dlibratly, or ar you arguing for no rason?", "I hop som day you find somon who is committd to you as you ar to not undrstanding m.", "No sns in trying to rason with somon who rvls in bing a cunt", "I lik th way you do your own thing and arnt constraind by logic or infomation", and "Imprssiv, almost no part of what you said is tru".]
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opreaadriann · 8 months ago
Boa dia, boa tarde, boa noite minha parceira, eu me expresso muito melhor em português então vou meter essa mensagem em português e depois uma tradução pros gringos. Enfim, sobre o Marcos/Angelas, eles são ROs?? E gostaria de saber também se eles vão tentar mudar MC pra melhor?? Tipo tentar amenizar suas tendências sociopatas porque esse bagulho de vingança poderia facilmente se tornar apenas um dos atos repudiosos que esse sociopata em crescimento pode cometer em uma série de crimes em um futuro próximo??
Se eles não forem ROs tá de boas de qualquer jeito, não vou mentir, preferia que eles ativamente buscassem MC romanticamente invés de MC ir atrás deles como a maioria das IFs, mas tá de boas, é só uma preferência. Concluindo, amo a proposta do livro, amo tua demo e rezo pra que tu não tenha crises criativas no futuro, porque elas são de fude, obrigada por essa história 💕
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening my partner, I express myself much better in Portuguese so I'm going to put this message in Portuguese and then a translation for the foreigners. Anyway, about Marcos/Angelas, are they ROs?? And I would also like to know if they will try to change MC for the better?? Like trying to tone down his sociopathic tendencies because this revenge thing could easily become just one of the disgusting acts this budding sociopath might commit in a series of crimes in the near future??
If they're not ROs, that's fine anyway, I'm not going to lie, I'd rather they actively pursue MC romantically instead of MC going after them like most IFs, but that's fine, it's just a preference. In conclusion, I love your proposal, I love your demo and I pray that you don't have creative crises in the future, because they're shit, thank you for this story 💕
Hello, my Portuguese (or Brazilian) partner!
Yes, Marcus/Angela are ROs! Angela will push back on the revenge, trying to keep things civil/closer to a prank. Marcus will want to destroy Isaac and Michael. He will push back if he doesn't know the MC's reasons.
Both of them will want MC more than MC will want them at the start of the game, if they actually like you and what you've been doing.
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darkfictionjude · 6 months ago
Me voy unas semanas de Tumblr esperando no tantas noticias y al volver me llega la notificación de que sacaste otro juego 😂 maravilloso timing si puedo decirlo.
Aun no juego la demo propiamente dicha pero quería decirte que me encanta la premisa. Los años de oro de las mafias en EEUU (si es que puedo llamarlos así) son muy infravalorado como posible concepto de IF, y más con un prota como Luce que es una excepción en su entorno lleno de red flags. No puedo esperar a hacer que su vida se vuelva más complicada de lo que ya es /j
Tangente aquí, pero cuando leí que el apodo de MC era 'Luce' te juro que mi cara era la del shocked pikachu meme. No por nada malo, sino porque ya había nombrado a mi WWC MC como 'Lucia' (Lucia Cairo Crown me parecía apropiado e irónico en su momento lol) y ahora que EC MC tiene ese apodo estoy tipo '... welp, hora de buscar nombres italianos relacionados con la luz o fuentes de luz'. Una pequeña anécdota que me hizo reír cuando lo pensé, nada más 🤣.
Tengo dos nuevas!
Por eso lo hice porque no hay muchos IFs situados en esta época y me encanta el estilo
Lo bueno es que italiano y español está relacionados entonces seguro que hay nombres muy lindos con ese significado ☺️
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myndless88 · 4 months ago
I know this is a lot but I'm really curious... Could you answer all the Fanfic Ask questions? 😆🫶🏻 No pressure.
Whew! That's alot of answers! I'll see what I can do!
1. Do you read fic? Do you write fic? I read more than I write. But if y'all are interested, here are my fics on AO3.
2. Favorite genre of fic? Romance (and comedy)!
4. Favorite pairing? I find myself reading mainly HideKane (Tokyo Ghoul) and KagaKuro (Kuroko no Basuke) fics.
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)? I have way too many! But I'll choose this KagaKuro fic called Rewards by ContraryBee.
7. One-shots or longfic? I like both. But I prefer longfics if the plot is too good to be short.
8. Do you read WIPs? Yes, but I always wish they'd be finished soon because some of the plots get to be so good!
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read? I've been on/off reading one that has like 60-something chapters.
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic? (Childhood) friends-to-lovers!
12. What turns you away the most from a fic? I usually power through a fic regardless, but I suppose it would have to be when a character is so out of character.
13. Has a fic ever made you cry? A few have gotten me in my feels.
14. What tropes/elements/scenarios get you the worst? Major character death, ones where my OTP don't end up together in the end, and cheatfics.
15. Do you mind when characters cry? Not at all. Most are human after all.
16. How do you feel about character death in fic? I don't mind it.
17. Any characters who you can’t stand to see in pain? My faves (obviously). I recall feeling for Kagami in three separate fics.
18. Favorite angst fic? One of them is this KagaKuro fic called i'm leaving this letter with no address (no need to fear the distance here) by liveonanon.
19. Do you read porn or does it make you uncomfortable? Lol, most of my bookmarks are 'M' or 'E' rated for a reason.
20. Do you like PWPs? Yes.
21. How and when did you get introduced to smut fic? Any horror stories? I was just reading random fics that I had stumbled upon in anime directories or FF.net. I was probably 12-13? I can't remember. I didn't read them often.
22. Biggest turn-ons in fic? Embarrassing to say, but riding and breeding.
24. Do you have any dirty kinks that you’re ashamed of? Again, breeding.
27. Rough sex or gentle sex? Either is okay.
28. How do you feel about masturbation in fic? It's okay.
29. How do you feel about non-con and dub-con? It can feel icky sometimes, but I power through.
30. Favorite porn fic? This is one of them (a HideKane fic) called Mmmmm Boooooi by universealterations. It is a collection of drabbles for HideKane Smut Week several years ago.
31. Do you read AUs? Of course!
32. Favorite AU tropes? I suppose the usual ones: flower shop, coffee shop, tattoo parlor, idols, etc. For KagaKuro, I do like ones that involve their "alternative" jobs (Kagami as a firefighter and Kuroko as a teacher).
34. Do you like UAs (universe-alterations, when the main universe and characters are the same but one plot point/decision/outcome is altered)? Yeah, those are also nice to read, too. A few HideKane fics are like that (mainly focusing on "what ifs" taking place around their reuniting either in √A or :re).
35. Do you like high school and college AUs? Yes, they're fine.
36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover? When I was younger, I loved them! I didn't read many though. Now, it kind of depends. As for a favorite, there is a crack story of sorts that my sister and I have been making up for years now, and it involves a slew of anime characters just simply interacting.
37. How do you feel about parent!fics/lovechildren? How about mpreg? I like them. In fact, three of my fics are implied mpreg for HideKane and I have a couple of headcanons for a couple of my ships having lovechildren.
38. How do you feel about genderbending? De-aging? Animalizing? Not really something I'm into.
39. Favorite AU fic? One of them is this KagaKuro fic called The Last Miracle by Alice Strife.
40. Do you like fluff? Absolutely!
41. Favorite fluffy tropes? Domestic living!
43. Do you like fluff on its own or in conjunction with other elements (angst, sex, etc.) It's nice on it's own, but I do like it with other genres as well.
44. How fluffy is too fluffy? Nothing is too fluffy! The fluffier the better! Some of my OTPs deserve all the fluff (*coughhidekanecough*).
45. Favorite fluff fic? One of them is a KagaKuro fic called The Polar Opposite of Cold Feet by courtingstars (FallingSilver).
That was...alot. I didn't answer all of them, but I did do most (I removed the ones I didn't answer)! And most of the fics I've recommended are KagaKuro. ^^;; Here's another one for MakoHaru (Free!). It's one of the first ones I read on AO3 called Coral and Bone by Macbetha.
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! :D
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I bliv th nglish phras is “odd duck.” Ys. Jan Kargad was an Odd Duck. H was born in 1922, right aftr Gorgia joind th Sovit Union, in a commun outsid of Batumi. But this was not a normal commun no. His parnts wr strang popl. A small group of Dutch fuckrs, vry protstant popl, startd a winry in th countrysid whr thy could rad thir bibls. You would think thy did not gt along with th Marxists, but you would b wrong. Thy lovd work. Th bibl lovd work. Thr was no problm.
Wll, that is not ntirly tru. Jan was a bit of a problm. H was born with a “wak constitution.” W do not know what that mant xactly, but farmwork would giv him sizurs and vry high fvrs. H was not a good child for farm work. So, thy taught him arithmtic. Young Jan was in charg of counting graps and bottls of win and so on. Mayb th Apparatchik did not mind a child doing all th counting, mayb h was bribd, mayb h did not giv a shit. I do not know. But Jan was in charg of all th counting and, what is th fucking word- logistics. Ys. Logistics. And h was vry good at logistics. 
Thr ar thoris as to his upbringing ys. Studying th bibl alongsid Marx and Lnin and so on. But I do not bliv this. In Chchnya in thos days many studid th bibl and Marx lik Jan Kargad, but w did not bcom lik Jan Kargad. I think prhaps it was th fvrs. On ss things with a fvr whn it is bad nough, ys. 
Kargad also studid th capitalists. H was vry good at this. H rad Adam Smith, but also Issac Nwton, th South Sas bubbl, and most famously th Tulip Panic. Thy say his journals wr filld with prssd tulips. H was a bit of a, what is th fucking nglish word- prvrt. A prvrt for organizing things and numbrs and so on. Jan Kargad lovs logistics lik a man lovs his wif, and tulips ar a symbol of this for him. Thy bcam a microcosm for him. You s how th bud unfolds into many ptals, its is vry similar to how capitalism unfurls into its many aspcts in th world. But, I am gtting ahad of myslf. 
On day, aftr all of his schooling, Kargad has a trribl fvr, mor trribl than any fvr h has vr had. This is in th arly 1940s som tim. Aftr this fvr h bcoms strang. Wll, strangr than h alrady was. H spaks of mn with goldn dog masks, thir ncks chaind to th sun, tulips growing from thir ys, all of that shit. H nvr gos outsid again. H bcoms farful of th sun. H dos not lt it touch his skin. 
H writs intnsly for th nxt thr yars. I hav sn his original notbooks and thy ar staind with swat. This man is not wll, but h writs. H dos not gt hlp, bcaus h is vry good at analyzing agricultural output. I bliv it groundd him som how, to spnd days without slp, rading spradshts about graps and what and so on. 
H is no longr christian. H throws out all of th crosss in his hom, and rplacs thm with grap-cuttrs. Thy ar similar to a sickl, but with a long handl, for raching up and cutting off high bunchs of graps. H bcoms obsssd with this ida of th grap cuttr, and h bgins to paint. And this is whr many first larn of him. H influncs a group of artists who bcom famous in th southrn sovit union, though thy ar occasionally dridd as bing “mystical.” I prsonally? I lov th drawings. Many figurs raching up to pluck graps from th sun. It bcoms th cntral thm of his work.
Hr popl discovr his strang writings. But first h is considrd a strang mystic. His arly writings ar still vry christian ys, and this influncs how h is rad in th wst. Many think h is spaking of hypr-conomics or whatvr ftishistic bull shit th amricans ar calling it. But I do not think so. His work is vry sovit. Thr ar storis ys, of good sovit mn drinking coff and loving spradshts lik a man lovs his wif, and in this thy bcom a littl bit lik Jan Kargad. Thy ar –you do not hav an nglish trm for this– cutting graps from th sun. But this is not a srious phras you undrstand. Ths mn ar prvrts.
386 101s thrown away
I believe the English phrase is “odd duck.” Yes. Jan Kargad was an Odd Duck. He was born in 1922, right after Georgia joined the Soviet Union, in a commune outside of Batumi. But this was not a normal commune no. His parents were strange people. A small group of Dutch fuckers, very protestant people, started a winery in the countryside where they could read their bibles. You would think they did not get along with the Marxists, but you would be wrong. They loved work. The bible loved work. There was no problem.
Well, that is not entirely true. Jan was a bit of a problem. He was born with a “weak constitution.” We do not know what that meant exactly, but farmwork would give him seizures and very high fevers. He was not a good child for farm work. So, they taught him arithmetic. Young Jan was in charge of counting grapes and bottles of wine and so on. Maybe the Apparatchik did not mind a child doing all the counting, maybe he was bribed, maybe he did not give a shit. I do not know. But Jan was in charge of all the counting and, what is the fucking word- logistics. Yes. Logistics. And he was very good at logistics. 
There are theories as to his upbringing yes. Studying the bible alongside Marx and Lenin and so on. But I do not believe this. In Chechnya in those days many studied the bible and Marx like Jan Kargad, but we did not become like Jan Kargad. I think perhaps it was the fevers. One sees things with a fever when it is bad enough, yes. 
Kargad also studied the capitalists. He was very good at this. He read Adam Smith, but also Issac Newton, the South Seas bubble, and most famously the Tulip Panic. They say his journals were filled with pressed tulips. He was a bit of a, what is the fucking English word- pervert. A pervert for organizing things and numbers and so on. Jan Kargad loves logistics like a man loves his wife, and tulips are a symbol of this for him. They became a microcosm for him. You see how the bud unfolds into many petals, its is very similar to how capitalism unfurls into its many aspects in the world. But, I am getting ahead of myself. 
One day, after all of his schooling, Kargad has a terrible fever, more terrible than any fever he has ever had. This is in the early 1940s some time. After this fever he becomes strange. Well, stranger than he already was. He speaks of men with golden dog masks, their necks chained to the sun, tulips growing from their eyes, all of that shit. He never goes outside again. He becomes fearful of the sun. He does not let it touch his skin. 
He writes intensely for the next three years. I have seen his original notebooks and they are stained with sweat. This man is not well, but he writes. He does not get help, because he is very good at analyzing agricultural output. I believe it grounded him some how, to spend days without sleep, reading spreadsheets about grapes and wheat and so on. 
He is no longer christian. He throws out all of the crosses in his home, and replaces them with grape-cutters. They are similar to a sickle, but with a long handle, for reaching up and cutting off high bunches of grapes. He becomes obsessed with this idea of the grape cutter, and he begins to paint. And this is where many first learn of him. He influences a group of artists who become famous in the southern soviet union, though they are occasionally derided as being “mystical.” I personally? I love the drawings. Many figures reaching up to pluck grapes from the sun. It becomes the central theme of his work.
Here people discover his strange writings. But first he is considered a strange mystic. His early writings are still very christian yes, and this influences how he is read in the west. Many think he is speaking of hyper-economics or whatever fetishistic bull shit the americans are calling it. But I do not think so. His work is very soviet. There are stories yes, of good soviet men drinking coffee and loving spreadsheets like a man loves his wife, and in this they become a little bit like Jan Kargad. They are –you do not have an English term for this– cutting grapes from the sun. But this is not a serious phrase you understand. These men are perverts.
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jrlrc · 7 months ago
El “plan C” obradorista es priista
Qué busca el plan político final ordenado por AMLO?
-Matar o desnaturalizar (obradorizar) al INE. Que no exista para nada el INE que existía antes de la llegada de Guadalupe Taddei a su presidencia.
-Que muera también el INAI.
-Que desaparezca la representación proporcional del Congreso de la Unión.
-Que el poder Judicial quede controlado por el partido oficial y su gobierno (el gobierno federal encabezado por el poder Ejecutivo obradorista).
“El PRI” tenía o no esas piezas? Las piezas que busca destruir el obradorismo, son/eran priistas?
El PRI hegemónico (el régimen político autoritario de la mayor parte del siglo XX), tenía INE? No. Tenía INAI? No. Tenía representación proporcional? No. Tenía división de poderes? No. No había un poder Judicial independiente del Ejecutivo. AMLO y Morena quieren que tampoco hoy México tenga esos elementos. Cómo eso no es un regreso?
El INE-IFE democrático es de 1996-7. El INAI-IFAI es de 2002. La representación proporcional inició en 1977, tres décadas después de iniciada la etapa formalmente priista del régimen posrevolucionario. La independencia judicial empezó a construirse con la reforma de 1994 y se comprobó hasta después del 2000. Con todos los defectos que se vean, con todas las cosas que debieron sumarse y se quedaron fuera, ahí -en esos cambios- está la transición democrática, 1977-2000. Contra el PRI (no es poca cosa pero aun así se quedó corta como contraPRI). Y lo que no va contra el PRI como sistema histórico es lo que quiere -el plan obradorista- que dejen de existir las organizaciones e instituciones que hoy existen y no existían en los años “de oro” del priato. El “plan C” produciría un sistema como el del PRI, con cosas como las que tenía el PRI, por carecer de las que carecía el PRI.
AMLO está contra todo “eso” (lo ya referido) que actualmente existe/sobrevive, en contra como el PRI hegemónico; quiere y busca no tener nada de eso, como el PRI hegemónico; Morena y el “plan C”, como AMLO, son priistas. Priistas no por siglas sino por proyecto.
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ur-local-flesh-hive · 27 days ago
To Jane:
How’s life? Just life in general? With you being.. you. Is it fine? Is it okay? Is it quaint? How are the worms? Do they have names? Did you give them names? Also, apologies for all the questions. How’s it like being an avatar or.. I don’t really know what it’s called. I just know that something happens with an entity of some sort I think and you get powers or something like that. How do you become it anyways? You know, like an.. avatar. I think I don’t have any more questions or small talk right now. But I’ll probably come back later.
Sincerely, A 🐁
P.S: I’m not disclosing my actual name so I’ll just go by my initial for now, A. I’ll say my name when I’m ready. Maybe.
P.P.S: Sorry again for this being so long. I like writing things, and talking.
thh an kk yy ouu ffo r tt he qqu e sst io nns ann o nn .. . t hhe hh ii vve iss gll a dd tto hhe a r ffr omm a li kke mmi nd de d ss ou ll
wwi ntt err bbri ng ss the ssa mme le thh ar gyy iit a llw ays ddo e ss. thh e ss o nn g is qu iie tt thh is tti mm e of yy e ar , ffr o ze nn inn itt s tt r aac kk s .. . de cca yy pp re fe rr s thh e ww e t wa rmm th of ss pri nng g , bbu t i amm ll e arn inn g tto enn jjo y tth is quu ie tt rre stt ful nne ss
mmy llo ve lli ess hha ve nna me ss, bbu t nno ne thh a t aa rre mme an tt to bbe he ard bby an out sii dde r' s ee ar ss .. . i nn tth e hhi ve , thh e rre is s no nee dd tto ddi ffe ree nnt ia tt e onn es ell f ff ro m thh e whh o lle . thh er e iis onn lly lo vve .
ii aam hha pp ier r nno w thh an ii hha v e e vve r bbe enn , iif thh at iss yy ou r qu e ss tti on n. thh e sso ng is bbe a u tti ful an dd ll ife - ggi vvi n g ann d e tte rn all . i ww as a ffo ool tto e vve r ff e ar it.
yy ou a rre wwe l coo mme tt o jj oin mme in ll ist enn in gg
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ligiawrites · 4 months ago
ligia, primeiramente quero dizer que amo ltgbtk de paixão!! foi uma das primeiras visual novels que eu joguei e, de cara, eu fiquei fascinada pela escrita, pela arte, pela história e pelos personagens. imagine minha felicidade quando descobri que você é brasileira!!! você é luz 🩷🩷 muito obrigada por essa obra de arte!
masss, se me permite uma pergunta: como você fez pra se acostumar a escrever em inglês, principalmente sem se influenciar tanto pelo português?
quando comecei a ler fanfics e livros em inglês, senti que passei a ter muitas ideias de histórias em inglês e o português foi deixado de lado, mas ainda tenho dificuldade de conseguir escrever livremente em inglês, sabe? eu travo e parece até que não sei nada da língua, não me vem palavras no papel (ou na tela :p) e parece não consigo descrever as coisas tão bem quanto poderia. isso te aconteceu quando começou a escrever em inglês?
ai mane. eu fico sempre muito feliz quando eu vejo gente jogando LtGBtK, mas NADA toca meu coração gelado tanto quanto um BR jogando meu joguínio, caralyo ç-ç ♥♥♥ Muitoooo obrigada por essa mensagem linda e por dar uma chance pro Mathias i.i ♥♥♥
Sei bem, hehe. Isso aconteceu durante todo o meu processo de aprendizado/preparação e ainda hj acontece às vezes XDD shauhsu acho que o mais importante é lembrar que o PT e o EN tem estruturas gramaticais completamente diferentes. Quando eu *comecei* a escrever em inglês, eu peguei um livro meu em PT e traduzi pro inglês pra treinar.
Isso me ajudou muito a perceber as diferenças na estrutura de frases dos dois ;) Pra fluência, o que me ajudou mesmo foi ver filme/ler livro/jogar IFs de gente que é nativo e que fala/escreve como vc gostaria de escrever! ;))) ♥
Pq quando a gente escreve no nosso idioma, a gente nem pensa em estrutura nem nada; isso a gente já sabe de cor. Mas quando vc começa num idioma novo, tem tanta informação que a gente precisa levar em consideração, q a gente pode travar às vezes. XD hahaha
Mas à medida que vc for treinando, vai ficando cada vez mais fácil, prometo!! ♥ e na dúvida, vc pode sempre mandar um alô por aqui e eu ajudo como puder ;D eu fiquei viciada em gramática, então tenho uns truques na manga tbm.
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getvp · 1 year ago
olá, anjinhos! meu nome é lacy, tenho vinte e dois anos e atendo por pronomes femininos, faz algum tempo que não apareço por aqui, mas volta e meia me dá vontade de escrever. pensando nisso, cá estou eu de volta depois de uma troca de blog para explorar meu lado escritora e minha criatividade para criar novos personagens. minhas guidelines estão aqui e meu blog de muses estará linkado no source, tenho alguns muses em aberto, também irei deixar logo abaixo alguns plots e muses que gostaria de desenvolver. caso algo te interesse, é só entrar em contato pelo chat ou apertar o coraçãozinho aqui embaixo que eu vou até você. beijinhos!
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• we were lovers in a past life but in our first life i killed you to protect you (and because i love you) and you cursed me and my next lives to never find love until i find you again.
• give me toxic exs that can't get away from eachother. both act different and unruly when they're together. they shouldn't work, and they clearly dont because they broke up but there is a connection that keeps pulling them both into coming back.
• the golden retriever/black cat trope. muse and muse b were so different, but they always said opposites attract, right? that is, until muse a got it in their mind to propose & muse b said... no. (champagne problems?..) just like that, it was over. and now muse b gets to watch muse a move on - new spouse, new life, and they try to believe they made the right choice all those years ago, but do the "what ifs" keep muse a up at night, too?
• i've lost my memory for whatever reason and i don't know who you are but i just have a feeling that i'm supposed to trust you (said feeling is completely wrong and it's an enemy of some sorts).
• muse a é a princesa da lua reencarnada no corpo de uma jovem universitária e muse b é a reencarnação do seu príncipe. a relação dos dois não começa das melhores, sempre resultando em brigas e discussões. mas em uma noite numa festa da universidade os dois acabam se beijando e conseguem visualizar seus eus do passado, o que cria mais curiosidade de saber mais um do outro e sobre si mesmos. (serenity x tuxedo mask)
• algo inspirado no novo filme de jogos vorazes.
• seo kitae. 36 anos. neurocirurgião. fc: lee soohyuk.
• areum. androide. 14 dias. fc: im yeojin.
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syunkiss · 11 months ago
hallo guys !! just wanted to let yall know i have a discord server ...... ifs about bsd but it also has fun things to do and vent channels and more .. (it has discourse channels but i did not chose it dont blame neckie says they will be angru at me if I delete it because its their safe space to talk abt their opinions ok !!!!!)
you guys cann join if you want to it would be fun :3
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Eu Não Gosto De Mim Mesmo
Tenho me examinado de cima a baixo, verificando todas as minhas falhas
Eu tenho dito merdas para o espelho que não são legais há um bom tempo
Me odeio, é um trabalho de tempo integral, eu quero um tempo de folga
O cérebro está aberto 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, e você sabe que ela nunca se cala
Cala a boca no clube olhando para as outras garotas com suas bundas maiores
Choro feio no carro: "Como que porra é essa? Por que não sou inteligente como Rosa Parks ou em forma como Kate Moss?"
Eu entendo que eu não posso agradar a todos que vejo
Mas isso seria bom se um dia eu pudesse me agradar
Eu nunca julgaria ninguém
Não da maneira que eu me julgo
Eu fiz uma prisão agora estou preso nesta cela
Talvez eu possa usar um pouco de ajuda
E eu gostaria que eu pudesse me ver de outros olhos
Eles me diziam: menina, você é fi-ine
Então pare de bagunçar seu li-ife (...)
Eu só quero gostar de mim
Tenho feito críticas negativas a mim mesmo por algumas décadas
Analisando merdas aleatórias sobre meu corpo, pés, até meu rosto
Outra pessoa é sempre melhor, mais gostosa, pronto para tomar seu lugar
O telefone está aberto 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, e você sabe que ela nunca fecha (ela nunca fecha)
Cala a boca no TikTok olhando para as garotas famosas com seus seguidores
Choro feio na minha cama: "Como que porra é essa? Por que me considero dois quando tenho cinco estrelas?"
Eu entendo que eu não posso agradar a todos que vejo
Mas isso seria bom se um dia eu pudesse me agradar
Eu nunca julgaria ninguém
Não da maneira que eu me julgo
Eu fiz uma prisão agora estou preso nesta cela
Talvez eu possa usar um pouco de ajuda
E eu gostaria que eu pudesse me ver de outros olhos
Eles me diziam: menina, você é fi-ine
Então pare de bagunçar seu li-ife (...)
Eu gostaria de poder me ver com olhos diferentes, eles me diriam: Garota, você está bem, sim
Eu só quero gostar de mim
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(sorry for the low rsolution its bcaus I usd a smallr canvas for this bcaus of storag spac TT)
9 101s thrown away
IT'S YOU !! 😮
I've stumble upon your Hermes design before and I kinda fell in love 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
I could never, for the life of me, remember the artist's name until I found your account just now !
Aaaaah I'm so glad, your artstyle and designs are ✨️yummy✨️ /pos
Aww Ty! Humanoid Hermes sketch with Caduceus earrings for you 🩵
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(sorry for the low resolution its because I used a smaller canvas for this because of storage space TT)
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