#de la motte castle
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wgm-beautiful-world · 8 months ago
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Château de la Motte, FRANCE
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livesunique · 2 years ago
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Château de la Motte, Château-Renard, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
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postcard-from-the-past · 6 months ago
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Fort de la Motte castle in Lyon, France
French vintage postcard
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dedibelyegei · 1 year ago
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Ahogy az előző posztban már említettem ez a sorozat egy igazi több éven át tartó long run volt, a következő évben, 1987-ben a Kastélyok II. sorozat két részletben jelent meg, ez az egyik fele. Dizájn, tervező maradt mint látható, csak jöttek új színek, meg persze magasabb névértékek. Eléggé meglepődtem, hogy a 100-asok egész értékesek, még lepecsételve is mennek ilyen 700 forintért, egy postatiszta példány akár 2.000 forint is lehet nemzetközi eladásban! Darabszámokat nem találtam, de gondolom akkoriban jóval kevesebbet nyomtak ilyen nagyértékű bélyegekből, ritkán volt rájuk szükség. A 20-asból amúgy nekem rengeteg van, szerintem legalább tizenöt, szal ha valaki szeretne csak írjon :D No és akkor, úgy láttam szerencsére szerettétek, nézzük a friss kastélyokat!
Keszthely - Festetics kastély (10 Ft)
A birtokot Festetics Kristóf vásárolta meg Pethő Jánostól 1739-ben, aki Keszthely akkori legnagyobb földbirtokosa volt. Néhány évre rá, 1745-ben meg is kezdődött a kastély építése, azonban mérete és a folyamatos változtatások, koncepcióváltások miatt, végleges formáját csak az 1880-as években nyerte el (pl. az ikonikus torony is csak a legvégén épült fel), szóval elmondhatjuk, hogy ezzel a cirka 140 évvel, a leghosszabb építési idejű létező épület alighanem Magyarországon! Látszik is amúgy a sok variálás, a főhomlokzat meg úgy az egész épület a megszokottól eltérően egyáltalán nem szimmetrikus, cserébe hatalmas, az egyemeletes épületben összesen 101 szoba található! Szerencsére a II. világháború Keszthelyt kevéssé érintette, így a kastély, a könyvtár, és a bútorzat nagy része sértetlen maradt. A háború után azonban az értékes egyedi berendezési és dísztárgyak mégis elkezdtek szerteszét kallódni az országban, kisebb dolgok örökre felszívódtak, illetve bizonyos sérült bútorok a budapesti Iparművészeti Múzeumba kerültek restaurálásra, aztán hogyhogynem ottmaradtak. Emiatt, lényegében a 2010-es évek eleje, közepéig a XVIII.századi rokokó berendezés nagy része az Iparművészeti múzeumban, annak raktárában, esetleg az előző posztban már taglalt Nagytétényi Kastélymúzeumban leledzett. Ezek aztán '14-16 között fokozatosan visszavándoroltak, és a kastély, amúgy húsz teremre kiterjedő állandó kiállítását tették sokkal hitelesebbé, és részletesebbé. A Helikon Kastélymúzeum, folyamatosan keresi amúgy a további elveszett Festetics-eredetű műtárgyakat, alkotásokat és próbálja visszavásárolni. Itt található a Helikon Könyvtár is, melyet maga Festetics György alapított a XVII-XVIII.század fordulóján, és 80 ezres gyűjteményével, jelenleg is Európa legnagyobb épen maradt főúri könyvtára. 2015-től amúgy nagyon jelentős állami beruházással történtek fejlesztések, megújult a teljes kastélypark, az úgynevezett Amazon ház egy új kiállítással, korabeli főúri utazások témájában. További nagyszabású fejlesztések is tervben vannak, ezek forrása, különösen manapság persze kérdéses.
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Martonvásár - Brunszvik kastély (20 Ft)
A terület ahol a kastély elhelyezkedik a török idők után először a Beniczky család birtokába került (a török idők alatt amúgy Martonvásár teljesen elnéptelenedett). A kastély első részét, akkor még csak egy kúriát még ők húzták fel 1783-85 között. A Brunszvik családhoz Mária Terézia adományozása által kerül, a grófi címmel együtt, id. Antalhoz. Halála után sorshúzással szétosztották birtakit, Martonvásár ifj. Antalhoz került, kinek fia Ferenc fejlesztette kastéllyá a meglévő kis barokk kúriát az 1820-as években, ráépítéssel és klasszicista átalakítással. Az 1870-es években újabb átépítés következett fia, Géza által, ekkor kapja meg az épület jelenlegi neogót stílusát, végül aztán 1893-ban eladja a birtokot, ami után több rövidebb tulajdonlás után 1897-ben Dreher Antalhoz kerül! Ő egészen a háború végéig, 1945-ig birtokolja, mialatt szintén több kisebb-nagyobb átalakítást végez rajta. '45-ben hadikórház lesz belőle, aztán gazdátlanná válik. 1953-ban a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia kapja meg, akik a '70-es években történt helyrehozatali munkák óta, a Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézetük székhelyeként használják - a kastélyhoz amúgy 70 hektáros angolpark is tartozik, saját patakkal, kis szigettel. Az épület egy másik része látogatható, Beethoven emlékmúzeum üzemel benne, mivel a világhírű zeneszerző a Brunszvik lányok - Teréz és Jozefin - zongoratanárja volt egy darabig, és háromszor is megfordult hosszabb ideig a birtokon, jó kapcsolatot ápolt a családdal, néhány levél tanulsága szerint különösen Jozefinnel...
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Noszvaj - De la Motte kastély (30 Ft)
A kastélyt 1774-78 között építette a báró Szepessy család, copf stílusban. Sajnos viszonylag hamar meg kellett tőle válniuk, és gróf Almásy Antal özvegye Vécsey Anna lett a szerencsés vásárló. Az ő második férje volt egy francia ezredes De la Motte, Mária Terézia udvarából, innen kapta a kastély a nevét. Az Almásyak pezsgő társasági és művészeti életet tartottak fent a belül francia stílusban berendezett kastélyban, majd a kiegyezés után több különböző család birtokában is volt. '44-ben a kommunista hatalom elűzi a tulajdonosokat, és a kastély 12 évig magára marad, majd némi tatarozás után '57-ben üdülőt nyitnak benne. Ekkor restaurálják a 200 éves frekókat, parketta burkolatot, korszerűsítik a villanyt, világítást. '72-ben a Heves megyei tanács átveszi az épületet teljesen befejezi a restaurációt és megnyílik a mai napig is látogatható kastélymúzeum. Szintén jelentős és látogatható angolkerttel rendelkezik, ha nem is akkorával mint a Brunszvik kastély. 2016-ban az egyik szárnyban 6 szobás kastélyszállót nyitottak, most is foglalható.
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Fertőd - Esterházy kastély (100 Ft)
A mai Fertőd elődje egy Süttör nevű falu volt, ami a török uralom után a Nádasdyakhoz került, majd tőlük kamarai kezelésbe került, mivel részei voltak a Habsurg-ellenes rendi mozgalmaknak. 1681-ben aztán Esterházy Pál vette meg az elkobzott javakat a császári adminisztrációtól. A kastélyt Esterházy (Fényes) Miklós elképzelései és tervei alapján, több építészmester közreműködésével kezdték építeni 1720-ban, előtte már állt a helyén egy kisebb U alakú vadászkastély egyébként. A teljes épületegyüttes megépülése több, mint húsz évbe telt, de a teljes elkészültsége minden elemnek, a parkot is beleértve 1766-ban történt csak meg. Az Esterházyak művészetpárti tevékenysége miatt a kastély Magyarország egyik fő kultúrális központja volt a XVIII. század utolsó harmadában, 'Magyar Versailles'-ként is emlegették, már csak a stílusa miatt. A kastély elkészültével egyébként körülötte új település is született, neve Esterháza lett, jelenleg Fertőd egyik városrésze, de így hívják a mai napig. 1946-tól az egyik szárnyban Kertészeti Középiskola és Szakkollégium működik. Jelenleg a kastélyok tekintetében Magyarország legnépszerűbb turistalátványossága, évi több százezere látogatóval, melyből 50-60 ezer külföldi. Része a Nemzeti Kastélyprogramnak melynek során jelentős EU-s támogatás segítségével nagyszabású teljeskörű felújításon esett át, kívül-belül a parkot is beleértve. A kiállítások mellett, a nyári szezonban minden héten komolyzenei koncertek, hangversenyek kerülnek megrendezésre, vendégművészekkel és nagyzenekarokkal. Érdekesség, hogy az állam a kastélyban a mai napig fenntart egy lakosztályt az Esterházy család még élő tagjainak, közvetlen leszármazottainak.
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illusoryfem · 2 years ago
2023 Reads
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Will reblog and update monthly. 
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (💖)
The Beauty and the Spindler by Neil Gaiman
The Nutcracker by E. T. A Hoffman
Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han (💖)
House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (💖)
How Fiction Works by James Wood (💖)
The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (💖)
 The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy (💖)
 Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie
Quarto de Despejo / Child of the Dark by Carolina Maria de Jesus (💖)
 O Sujeito na Contemporaneidade by Joel Birman
Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez (💖)
Cunk on Everything: The Encyclopedia Philomena by Jason A. Hazeley, Joel P. Morris
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
Western Attitudes Toward Death by Philippe Ariès (💖)
Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1) by Terry Pratchett
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld #6; Witches, #2) by Terry Pratchett (💖)
The Palliative Society by Byung-Chul Han
Death with Interruptions by José Saramago (💖)
Suspiria de Profundis by Thomas de Quincey
The Horror Film essays organized by Stephen Prince (💖)
Carrie by Stephen King (💖)
A Man Lay Dead by Ngaio Marsh
The White Album by Joan Didion (💖)
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
The Psychology of C. G. Jung by Jolande Jacobi
Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones
O que é Arte by Jorge Coli
The Battle of Versailles by Robin Ghivan
Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin (💖)
The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn
Undine by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
On Dreams & Death by Marie-Louise von Franz
Bunny Lake is Missing by Evelyn Piper
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo (💖)
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jackhkeynes · 1 year ago
excerpt in translation from 1997 work Barruèc by Ambrosian author Roger Cusallas.
Y castel es gran. L'es tojorn tars dec Yam Mott parsou ig gent veln le targr, e candon Halinne lour beut bonjorn il faun cortiseç e sourey eð exeunt. The castle is big. It's always clean because Uncle Mott pays people to clean it, and when Halinne says hello to them they bow and smile and move on.
Parveg ða i se ren invisibr i vil lou sevir; i n'a alcun pretension vars spionnaç ben lorry secret jamay descondr, pu scey uncos consolant ny viscr de collocq entr hom crescuð. Sometimes when she's invisible she follows them; she doesn't mean to spy and would never tell their secrets, but there's something soothing about the murmur of adult conversation.
Ny castel luy scey un quil pille yon i poð ðalleyar dessur com un stelmarin lon meðes un ortegl porrujonnant doutr y tarm. In the castle she has a soft bed on which she can spread out like a starfish without a toe sticking over the edge.
Tras sy fenestr poð i y havan eð y stivadour ag ci quarf veir, dessou alcot aðief por i pos apen y visaç la reconnoscr. From her window she can see the harbour and the people on the docks, so far down she can hardly distinguish the faces.
Cant Halinne sta ivan i poðe gringlar tras sy fenestr e lor cair par pog pie vars arp. When Halinne was little she could tumble out the window and fall a couple of feet onto grass.
Yam Mott am moneð, lon digr, pu i nel jamay oc faïr a plaç de Halinne. Uncle Mott likes money, of course, but he'd never choose it over Halinne.
A sgart calscon i nil jamay deïr l'ig trianç commettr, dec Halinne nil ceu rien taussar. In any case he'll never have to make the choice, because Halinne will hardly cost anything.
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vivelafranceblog · 1 year ago
Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers
Monument in Les Trois-Moutiers
Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers is a castle in the commune of Les Trois-Moutiers in the Vienne department of France. 
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Bird's eye view of Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers
Built: 13th century
Architectural style: Gothic Revival architecture
Coordinates: 47°05′32″N 0°01′57″E / 47.0923°N 0.0326°E
The stronghold dates to the thirteenth century and was originally called Motte Bauçay (or Baussay). The castle is a former stronghold of the Bauçay family, lords of Loudun. The Motte Baussay was taken several times by the English during the Hundred Years' War and devastated during the French Revolution
It was bought in 1809 by François Hennecart, a wealthy businessman, and then sold to Baron Joseph Lejeune in 1857. However, a fire in 1932 destroyed most of the buildings in the castle, which then became abandoned.
In December 2017, a French startup organized a crowdfunding campaign site, and 27,190 people having to pay at least €50 each joined the cause, raising €1,600,000, to purchase the castle with the aim of preserving it.
The castle was the subject of a project by the French photographer Roman Veillon in his book Green urbex: Le monde sans nous
Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers - Wikipedia
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A romantic castle that comes back to life thanks to thousands of enthusiasts from all over the world
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The adventure was launched in October 2017 by Dartagnans, the leading start-up in innovative financing dedicated to the preservation and economic development of cultural heritage. The idea is simple: collectively buy a castle and save a heritage in danger by becoming a co-lord. Thanks to Dartagnans and his many co-lords, the Château de la Mothe Chandeniers has been bought by 27,910 enthusiasts from 115 different countries around the world!
Since its rescue and opening to the public, tens of thousands of visitors, young and old, have been able to experience magical moments through unforgettable events such as the Night of the Castles, the Fairytales, the Rendez-Vous aux Jardins and many other moments of discovery and sharing.
La Mothe Chandeniers (mothe-chandeniers.com)
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Chateau de la Mothe-Chandeniers, France (by Patrick)
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1939-wizard-of-oz · 1 year ago
Bayeux : ville de 1000 ans d’histoire par sa tapisserie historique qui raconte la victoire de Guillaume le conquérant sur Harold le parjure qui après avoir accepté d’être le vassal de Guillaume , a dénoncé ce choix, s’est couronné Roi d’Angleterre à son retour, refusant son suzerain Guillaume.
Bayeux and his tapestry : one millenium of story for the roll of embroidery (Unesco inventory) !!!!
The tower of London begins with William (scale model)
The cathedral of Bayeux (outside and inside)
The primary castle (la motte) model
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heliaofbuda · 4 years ago
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Forest, castle and cave dwellings in Noszvaj
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lahilden · 3 years ago
Château de la Motte Husson
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Château de la Motte Husson is located in the town of Martigne-sur-Mayenne, France. It was built upon a Viking stronghold in the Motte-and-Bailey style and rebuilt in an enclosure of a square moat in 1600. The castle was altered in the 18th and 19th centuries to the Renaissance-style. The chateau underwent many changes throughout its history. Much of the new building was completed in 1821 by the Deschamps family, who turned the castle into a five-story summer home with 45 rooms. When he passed, the castle was purchased by Pere Noel, who owned brothels in Paris and the local area. To give the courtesans a vacation, he opened the castle for their use, but it also served as a headquarters for the French Resistance. During the Resistance, the castle held a cache of arms. In 2014, the Strawbridge family purchased the castle and renovated the home, adding electricity and heating. They opened it for weddings and events. The castle’s transformation can be seen in the Escape to the Chateau series. Château de la Motte Husson sits on 12 acres of land with a moat, a walled garden, a private forest, and seven outbuildings, including an orangery. 
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vivelafranceblog · 11 months ago
Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers
Monument in Les Trois-Moutiers
Region: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
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Bird's eye view of Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers
The Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers is a castle in the commune of Les Trois-Moutiers in the Vienne department of France.
The stronghold dates to the thirteenth century and was originally called Motte Bauçay (or Baussay). The castle is a former stronghold of the Bauçay family, lords of Loudun. The Motte Baussay was taken several times by the English during the Hundred Years' War and devastated during the French Revolution.....
Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers - Wikipedia
Established on March 4, 1790, during the French Revolution, Vienne is one of the original 83 departments. It was created from parts of the former provinces of Poitou, Touraine, and Berry, the last being a part of the Duchy of Aquitaine until the 15th century.
Vienne - Wikipedia
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Chateau de la Mothe-Chandeniers / France (by Loic Lagarde).
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the-busy-ghost · 3 years ago
In the last two months I have moved house yet again and honestly, even though I love the house, it’s not nice being away from family at a difficult time, even if it’s only 45 minutes down the road (though I don’t drive so have to walk to station) and it’s also a lot of Stress trying to work out if I made the right decision to move out when I did. 
But at least at lunch I can take a ten minute walk in which I get to see the Bass Rock, the Berwick Law, Inchkeith, and Arthur’s Seat & Salisbury Craigs & Edinburgh, as well as lots of seabirds and ships, and on a sunny day it’s like a mini-holiday
#It's an odd town and I know almost nobody#But got to work with what we have#I also get to see some colliery winding gear which is a considerably rarer sight than castles in 21st century Scotland#And an oil rig which is not all that fun#But interesting nonetheless#I mean I can see Lothian from the window of the house but there are other buildings blocking the hills and stuff#So I think I can probably only see somewhere like Aberlady or something#Actually might be closer to Musselburgh#Idk#I'd have to get a good map as it's difficult to work out exactly which way you're facing#Thinking about small James I on the Bass Rock though#With the earl of Orkney which is oddly appropriate#Edinburgh was shrouded in mist today#It was very cool looking downriver at the Bass and the Law and then turning and being able to look up towards the capital#And see it wreathed in mist and cloud like some fantastic city#My god it just becomes more and  more obvious every day how unprotected it must have been in the Middle Ages though#They can say what they like about Edinburgh being a natural capital and a defensible site#Doesn't change the fact that French or English warships could get at the capital a lot easier than somewhere like London#Even when warships were smaller it's difficult to imagine London or Paris seeming so vulnerable- except maybe to vikings#No wonder they all panicked when de la Motte set off his cannons- I'm surprised they didn't all have heart attacks#When Queen Mary's ship turned up in a fog and it announced itself the same way#I wonder if I can see the Isle of May- I will have to doublecheck#If so would be interesting given Mary of Guelders' connections with both the Isle of May and Ravenscraig#Forgot to mention I live in Fife now#Finally adding it to the list of counties in which I have lived#And I suppose I must commit to this#I am also demanding that if anyone sends me post they address it 'Kingdom of Fife'#Get in the spirit of the thing and be as obnoxious about my new home as the other ones#personal#Firth of Forth
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livesunique · 5 years ago
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Château de la Motte, Châteaurenard, Loiret, France
Credit: So Chateau
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scavengedluxury · 3 years ago
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Education centre in the park of De la Motte castle, Noszvaj, 1974. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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super-ion · 2 years ago
Alright, ask a silly question, get several enthusiastic responses.
Okay, so I'm just gunna preface this that I backburnered this story back in December because I was worried about falling into the trope of autistic-coding the non-human changeling character especially when the central premise of the source material is that she needs a human to fall in love with her so that she can get a soul an become human.
That said, I'm feeling better about my writing abilities now and my confidence in being able to subvert the more problematic aspects.
Background - in 1811, the German author Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué published the novella, Undine. Honestly it's not that great, it's kinda chauvinistic, and I would not recommend it. It did serve as inspiration for The Little Mermaid, so I guess it's got that going for it. Anyway, I was trawling around for fairy tales to make gay last fall, and I stumbled across it, and it seemed ripe for the taking.
So here's the detailed synopsis of my gay take on it:
Alda is the adopted daughter of the duke. She's hella gay, but her family is not accepting so she's such in the closet. There's a tournament in her honor and her childhood friend, Huldbrand asks for her favor. She panics and sets him on an impossible task, but he's a knight, so he's like yeah sure, and goes off into the enchanted/haunted forest.
Meanwhile, in a small fishing village by the sea, our other heroine, Undine is just living her life. She's the daughter of a fisherman and a weaver who found her on the shore as a baby the day after a storm took their own child away. Undine is a little odd, and she has some uncanny abilities, like predicting storms and such. One day, she has a vision of a great storm and she rushes home. There, she meets Huldbrand, who has been injured in his quest and has been granted shelter by her parents while he recovers and becomes smitten by her.
The storm arrives and while the four of them shelter, a stranger appears, he claims to be a wandering priest named Kuhleborn. Her parents offer him food and shelter from the storm and he repays their generosity with a fairy story.
He tells them about a water spirit that became fascinated by human beings. She begged her mother, the Ocean, to let her become a human to live among them, but she refuses and asks why she can't be content as she is. She begged the same thing from her uncle, the father of storms, but he refused, telling her about the cruelty of humans. Finally, she went to her other parent, the Moon, to beg once more. The moon granted her wish and crafted her a human body that would grow and age, but when she died, she would return to the sea and live out the rest of her immortal life, unable to return to land. If however, another human pledged their heart to her, she would become truly mortal.
As he finishes the story, Undine is deeply shaken. She ventures outside into the storm and commands it to cease and she realizes she is the water spirit from the story. Huldbrand witnesses this act, but he has fallen for her and promises not to tell anyone.
Back at the castle, Alda is beside herself with worry. She sent Huldbrand out and now he's caught in this storm. She decides that she should just accept his courtship, since he's more decent than most guys and she could do a lot worse (especially since rumors are starting about her and she may be forced into a less favorable political marriage). The storm breaks mysteriously and a few days later Huldbrand arrives with a wide eyed girl in tow, who he introduces as his betrothed.
As Undine is introduced to the city, she is taunted by Kuhleborn, who is revealed to be her uncle from the story. As he taunts her, he reveals that he carried her to the shore at the behest of the Moon, and switched her with a human child. Undine realizes that the child she replaced is actually Alda, who was discovered by the duke. She reveals this fact and Alda, who is basically at her breaking point already, goes off to be alone. Undine approaches her later to apologize and Alda ends up kissing her, triggering a gay awakening. But Undine realizes Kuhleborn is watching them and panics.
Later, Alda is out on a tryst at a covert gay bar in the city, when it gets raided and she's outed to her adoptive parents. Her life is just sorta falling apart at this point and she runs away only to be beset by a flood sent by Kuhleborn, who wants to use her to drive a wedge between Undine and Huldbrand. Undine uses her powers to stop the flooding, but the more she uses her powers, the stronger she feels the call of the sea.
The three of them agree to go on a cruise up a river to get away from stuff for a bit, but as Undine and Alda's relationship grows, Huldbrand becomes more distrustful of Undine, which isn't helped by the fact that their boat is being hounded by river spirits sent by her uncle. He finally confronts Undine and accuses her of bewitching him and Alda. Just then, the boat is rocked violently, causing Huldbrand to accidentally stab Undine. She falls into the river and sheds her human form and returns to the sea.
Undine cannot bear the pain of her loss and her uncle convinces her that it is because Huldbrand pledged himself to her in betrothal and broke his vow and that the only way to be free of the pain is to kill him. She returns to the castle, as a spirit of storm and fury, intent on killing him. Alda intervenes and begs her to stop, professing her love. Huldbrand is moved and releases them from any bonds and vows they shared.
Kuhleborn arrives in a rage, and demands that Undine finish what she started, declaring that she was to become a storm that would wipe humanity off of this land. The Moon spirit intervenes and Kuhleborn sulks away. Undine begs her parent to become human once more, now that she has found a human who will pledge her heart to Undine. The Moon grants her request and she becomes fully mortal, with a human soul that will go wherever human souls go in the thereafter.
Alda runs away with Undine to the shore and they are wed and grow old together and live happily ever after.
So yes... now that I've revisited this idea, I really wanna get back into it. I've currently got about 9k words and it could use a few tweaks, but I really like what I've got. Might make this one of my next projects.
Y'all wanna hear about the lesbian changeling fairy tale I sort of partially wrote last year?
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samanthaswords · 7 years ago
Here's video 2/3 for the Kingsmen! The Kingsmen are my faction in Weekend Warrior- an experiential live action event that will be filmed, documentary style, and challenge you in a new form of medieval-style outdoor adventure. I'm joining forces with Skip Lipman and Ron Newcomb of the Forge Studios- they're well known for the series, 'The Rangers', and also Zan Campbell of Fell and Fair, and together we're creating this event. For more, check out our Weekend Warrior Kickstarter, which has a few days to go! CREDITS CAST: Alexandre Lemay Camil Benoit Émilie Vallée-Manseau Gabrielle 'Biquette' Bergeron Genovefa Clerica Jérémie Hrycak Leclaire Marc C. Peter de Bracebrigde Samantha Swords
CREW: Director of Photography/Editor: Simon Gilberg Director/Producer//Production Management: Samantha Swords Production Assistant: Ariane Lafrenière On Set Photography: Bruno Gallant On Set Photography Assistant: France Benoit Props Department: Peter de Bracebrigde and Genovefa Clerica Featured Props: Samantha Swords Featured Costume: Genovefa Clerica Storyboards: Samantha Swords Drumming: Peter de Bracebrigde Vocals: Samantha Swords
THANKS TO: Conner Morgan Ben Cummings The Forge Studios Fell & Fair L'Auberge de Dragon Rouge La Ville de Montréal Ville de Québec Hostel International Québec VIA Rail Marie Brisbois Calimacil Marie Bellerose of L'Atelier des Cache-Mis Le Dogue du Montréal La Baronnie de l'Île du Dragon Dormant Charles of Syn Studio Gaffer Tape Zoe
ADDITIONAL THANKS: Jason VandenBerghe Lisa VandenBerge Jaydee Ruiz
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