#dd 30 sep
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its-time-to-be-silly · 1 year ago
I used to fancy that life was a positive and perpetual entity, and that by consuming a multitude of live things, no matter how low in the scale of creation, one might indefinitely prolong life
I didn't get the vampire parallel until he said it straight out like that
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rebloggingrexan · 1 year ago
#been thinking about the little we know about Dracula’s actual backstory #and that little tidbit has always fascinated me
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Late night study session at the Scholomance
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rebloggingrexan · 2 years ago
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heyo! i’ve got over 2000 Dracula Daily posts, all tagged by date! so this is my spoiler-free post where all the dates are easy to get to. (and this is my extra ginormous Dracula Daily masterpost WITH SPOILERS and more; and links to fun tags like “dracula meta” and “dracula is a comedy”)
Draculadailytracker, Cattuladaily, ourgoodfriendjonathan, and draculadailyreactions are good Dracula blogs to check out too!
for Dracula Daily posts, the format here is "#dd (date) (month)," (i also use simply “#dracula daily,” but seriously beware spoilers. EVERYTHING is there) so the start of Dracula Daily and a glut of paprika memes would be "#dd 3 may," but on this post, to make things pretty, i'll just list them without the "dd" at the start. September, October, and November only use their first three letters in the tags, though, e.g. #dd 3 oct
(right now as of June 2023, there are a few scattered dates without posts, or with fewer posts than i’d prefer, but i’m working on that! some empty days will get filled when a given day rolls around and scheduled posts get reblogged :) )
you can sign up for the Dracula Daily emails HERE and you can check out past installments HERE!
(please glimpse through my “dracula important” tag to get some information on racist instances in the story as well as other places/ways that may be more convenient to read the story)
• 21 April • 25 April • 28 April • 30 April (one queued for 2024 lol)
• 3 May • 4 May • 5 May • 7 May • 8 May • 9 May • 10 May • 11 May • 12 May • 13 May • 14 May • 15 May • 16 May • 18 May • 19 May • 24 May • 25 May • 26 May • 27 May • 28 May • 30 May • 31 May 
Rest of months under cut!
• 5 June • 6 June • 13 June • 17 June • 18 June • 24 June • 25 June • 29 June • 30 June 
• 1 July • 8 July • 18 July • 19 July • 20 July • 22 July • 24 July • 26 July • 27 July • 28 July • 29 July • 30 July
• 1 August • 2 August • 3 August • 4 August • 6 August • 8 August • 9 August • 10 August • 11 August • 12 August • 13 August • 14 August • 15 August • 16 August • 17 August • 18 August • 19 August • 20 August • 21 August • 23 August • 24 August • 25 August • 30 August • 31 August
SEPTEMBER (a busy month!! hold on!!!)
if you want some audio readings to help stay caught up, scroll down the archives of Cryptic Canticles’s Dracula Daily audio readings to get to any dates you may need
(note: in the tags, all months starting here and on use shortened versions with only their first three letters: sep, oct, nov)
• 1 Sep • 2 Sep • 3 Sep • 4 Sep • 5 Sep • 6 Sep • 7 Sep • 8 Sep • 9 Sep • 10 Sep • 11 Sep • 12 Sep • 13 Sep • 17 Sep • 18 Sep • 19 Sep • 20 Sep • 21 Sep • 22 Sep • 23 Sep • 24 Sep • 25 Sep • 26 Sep • 27 Sep • 28 Sep • 29 Sep • 30 Sep
OCTOBER (another busy month!!)
NOTE: OCTOBER 3 IS THE LARGEST ENTRY, OVER 50 PAGES. MAYBE START READING AHEAD IF YOU WANT. and again, you can scroll through the Cryptic Canticles archives to listen to any dates you need
• 1 Oct �� 2 Oct • 3 Oct • 4 Oct • 5 Oct • 6 Oct • 7 Oct • 8 Oct • 11 Oct • 14 Oct • 15 Oct • 16 Oct • 17 Oct • 18 Oct • 19 Oct • 20 Oct • 21 Oct • 22 Oct • 23 Oct • 24 Oct • 25 Oct • 26 Oct • 27 Oct • 28 Oct • 29 Oct • 30 Oct • 31 Oct
• 1 Nov • 2 Nov • 3 Nov • 4 Nov • 5 Nov • 6 Nov • 7 Nov • 9 Nov :)
• prep (posts of people hyping Dracula Daily before it starts!)
• after (recaps, epilogue-ish non-November-7-specific posts, etc.!)
• ddn (posts that don’t really relate to any specific day and aren’t spoilery)
• other (Dracula-related posts that don’t directly relate to the story but may be spoilery for people who haven’t read it yet! like The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolks's posts. also basically a “miscellaneous” tag for posts i can’t otherwise figure out huehue.)
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objecteiespai · 4 months ago
Lliris d'aigua de Monet
5 d'octubre de 2024 [diss.] - 11 de febrer de 2025 [dimarts/festius]
the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
Claude Monet (1840-1926) és un dels principals pintors impressionistes. El 1890, als 50 anys, Monet va comprar un terreny i una casa al poble normand de Giverny, convertint-lo en la seva darrera llar. Uns anys més tard, crearan un ``jardí aquàtic'' amb un estany de nenúfars. Aquest estany de nenúfars és ni més ni menys que la font més gran de creativitat que ha ocupat el cor dels pintors des d'aleshores. Aquesta exposició presenta l'art dels darrers anys de Monet, centrant-se en la sèrie Water Lilies.
Els darrers anys de Monet van ser un moment en què es va enfrontar a moltes dificultats, inclosa la mort de la seva família, la seva pròpia malaltia ocular i la Primera Guerra Mundial. En aquestes circumstàncies, finalment se li va ocórrer la idea d'una ``gran pintura decorativa'' que cobriria les parets de la seva habitació amb un llenç enorme que representava la superfície d'un estany de nenúfars. La peça central d'aquesta exposició són els nombrosos nenúfars a gran escala que es van crear durant el procés de producció d'aquestes "grans pintures decoratives". Monet, que no va voler alliberar les seves idees inacabades, va deixar la majoria de les seves obres al seu estudi fins als darrers moments, però l'única persona a la qual va permetre separar-se del panell decoratiu de ``Lliris d'aigua'' abans de la seva mort va ser Monet. , va ser Kojiro Matsukata (1866-1950), un empresari i col·leccionista japonès. Matsukata va visitar la casa de Monet a Giverny i va interactuar amb l'artista, i finalment va col·leccionar més de 30 obres de Monet. Actualment, formen la peça central de la col·lecció del Museu Nacional d'Art Occidental.
Aquesta exposició comptarà amb un total de 64 pintures de Monet, incloent aproximadament 50 obres de la col·lecció Marmottan Monet de París, així com obres de col·leccions de tot el Japó, inclòs el Museu Nacional d'Art Occidental. Aquesta serà l'exposició més gran que s'hagi fet mai al Japó i serà una oportunitat perquè els nenúfars de Monet es reuneixin en un sol lloc.
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avicdsgn1 · 1 year ago
-Hogy Sumákék keverik a sz@rt. Kérdés, hogy miért nem Nagy Britannia belső problémáival foglalkoznak? Mint például a háromszoros áremelkedéssel, a szinten maradt fizetések mellett…
-Elképesztő milyen baroms��gokat hordtok össze. Kb 10% az élelmiszer infláció UK-ben. Az infláció 6,8% volt júliusban mostanra valszeg jóval kevesebb. Nálatok nagyokos ugyanez….. 16.8% infláció vagyis közel a háromszorosa és vagy 30-40% élelmiszer. Összehasonlítva. Reggel vettem Sainsbury-ben jófajta kenyeret £1,25-ért vagyis kb 530 Forint. Nálatok az az ótvar szar minőségű kenyér a Spar-ban 800 Forint. És az tényleg ótvar félig száraz szar belebaszva valami nejlonba. Nem inkább nektek kéne azzal foglalkoznotok szerencsétlen??
-Sainsburysben jófajta kenyér..?! Fene a gusztusod 😂😂😂 Talán a TTD range £2/400g TALÁN megüti az “ehető” kategóriát, többit a disznónak nem szívesen dobnám oda. Melyik az a “jófajta” £1.25-ért áruld már el, szeretnék nevetni.
Bónusz kérdés: aki felvett évi 1%-os kamatra kétszázezer fontos jelzáloghitelt, huszonöt évre most mennyit fizet havonta a 6.8%-os infláció mellett? Bónusz kérdés 2: villanyszámlája mennyi?
-Reggelire pirítóba megfelel. Sima teljes kiőrlésű kenyér. Hát nézd ahhoz a SPAR-os félig száraz 800 forintos szarhoz képest hidd el minőségnek számít. Ami kb 1,5x áron van. Persze lehet neked nem tűnik fel a különbség. De én mindkettőbe belekóstoltam. Persze láttam kenyeret 1000-1500 forintért is, de még 2000-ért is. Csak hát az balekság. A 250-300k átlagfizuhoz fasza arány :D De ha szeretnéd. Az 1,25-ös nem volt neten, de itt van helyette 1,35-ért 10p-vel drágább(kb 42 forint), majdnem ugyanaz https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/hovis-best-of-both-medium-50-white-50-wholemeal-flour-800g Sőt találtam neked alsó kategóriás kenyeret is. Ez kb hasonló minőség lehet, mint ami a magyar boltokban van bedohosodva a nejlonban https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/sainsburys-wholemeal-bread--medium-sliced-800g 75p…az az 75 penny. Ami kb. 320 forint. Tehát ugyanolyan szar kenyér 320 forint ami nálatok 800 forint. Akkor mi a faszról beszélsz ? Csak a szokásos mogyorós pökhendi nevetségesen eltájolt mocskolódás.
Bónusz kérdés: Ennek mi a fasz köze van ahhoz amiről eredetileg beszélgettünk? Nyílván nem mindenkinek van ilyen hitele. Ráadásul egy csomó könnyítés van a hiteleseknek.
Villanyszámla az most olyan £790-800-ra jön majd ki annum. De lehet kicsit több lesz. Meglátjuk. Az egy havi fizunak kevesebb, mint fele. -Ótvar szar ember vagy te faszszopó.
-Most mire kaptad fel a vizet? Azért mert nem tudsz szembenézni a realitással miért én vagyok a hibás? Mindent alátámasztottam linkekkel is. Láthatod magad is, hogy ez a realitás. Haragudhatsz rám, mert igazat mondok. És haragudhatsz a gonosz realitásra is, mert nem az aminek te szeretnéd, hogy legyen. De ettől még nem változik meg. Egy teljesen irreális debil világban áltatjátok magatokat totál hülységekkel. Nem először. De nem én tehetek róla.
Egyébként: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/12/uk-pay-rises-record-rate-unemployment-interest-rates https://www.ft.com/content/765711d1-b00d-407a-b76b-32590b67eae7
A fizetések emelkedése idén rekord magas. Ahogy fent is olvashatod a két cikkben. Egy szóban....Szánalmas :DD As usual.
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weotrading · 1 year ago
Sep 4, 2023. ETH. Long
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Unfortunately SL, but there were reasons to enter a trade, and also reason to not enter it.
Price took sell-side liquidity and rejected from old 1h bullish OB. Price clearly closed above the 1h OB body on 30m and also closed above the NY level.
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Price also made a 15m MSB with FVG, so I decided to put a limit order at 15m FVG. I put TP at the opposite NY level + FVG.
Entry at 18:30. Risk = 0.30, RR = 1 (1 / 1)
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Limit order filled at 18:38 (8m). DD - 6m, 4m, 22m. Trade duration - 1h 23m. Price hit SL.
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So I guess the main reason I got stopped out is that the price already tried to create a new HH on 1h TF but it couldn't make it. (It was 2nd test, and the OB already showed its weakness).
The other reason is that after I entered the trade and the 1h candle closed, it was below the body of the old 1h OB:
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The price also was rejecting the NY lvl, not breaking above it. and not creating new HHs on 1m TF:
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Another reason could be that on 15m TF there was a bullish MSB, but the FVG wasn't formed at break, but below it (I could wait for the next candle to close to see if there was an FVG inside it):
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I should have close the trade before SL, due to these reasons.
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its-time-to-be-silly · 1 year ago
Noooo don't leave Mina out of the vampire hunting, she's an asset
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rebloggingrexan · 2 years ago
#i know he just thinks it was a random bat that he hates now but also lol #'sorry i saw dracula outside and i have this gun so'
loving quincey morris getting up and taking a break from the first official Let's Kill Dracula meeting and everyone politely assuming he needs a bathroom break until they hear gunshots and then he has to come back and sheepishly explain that he was taking potshots at dracula
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theji · 3 years ago
Wu Gan: An analysis
I have a lot of sentiments towards this song. Just listening to the music and watching the dance choreography makes me crazy already but really, only when you look deeper into the lyrics can you truly understand and appreciate this song. I believe it’s important to DD too.
Disclaimer: The following analysis is based on my personal interpretation and sentiments, and should not be taken as facts. I’m not WYB, I wasn’t there when he wrote the song, I’m not acquainted with his team. I’m just a fan who reads Chinese, studied literature, enjoys reading and dissecting song lyrics, and has too much time on her hands to write a 2.5K words essay on a song (no, not really but Yizhan makes me do things).
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Before we go into the analysis, let’s get some of the context behind the song. DD said in this backstage interview during Weibo Night that he had very little time to work on the song and he did it intermittently and concurrently while filming. He also received the music first before filling in the lyrics. It was very rushed. Wu Gan was released on 30 Dec 2019 and DD first performed it publicly during Hunan TV New Year’s countdown event. I’m not in the industry but I assume you’ll need at least 2 months to finalise the song, produce the song, record in the studio, work on the dance choreography, work on stage design, work with stylists on the outfit, rehearse for the NYE show, etc.
Considering the timeline (he started filming LOF on 16 Sep), I estimate the time he wrote the song to be around mid-Sep to Oct. Bearing in mind that GG and DD only truly gained massive popularity and shot to the top of the industry after CQL, which aired from June to August 2019, so the WYB who wrote the lyrics at that time would have been at the point where he was thrust into super stardom not too long ago. While he had already been in the industry for a few years, I would imagine things to be very different from his UNIQ days and before CQL – the amount of attention (both positive and negative), the workload, responsibilities, attitudes and treatment of those around him, etc. For sure there would be some sort of reality check for him at that point, some form of new realisation, lots of learning, growing and adapting for him.
DD said in the same Weibo Night interview that Wu Gan reflects his own feelings. Through this song, he also hopes to inspire those in the same shoes as him to overcome difficulties and maintain a positive attitude. So by extension, one can also assume Wu Gan talks about the challenges that he has faced personally and how he decided to deal with them – by adopting a mindset shift. I read Wu Gan as a letter from DD to himself; but at the same time; it’s also a message to his fans and haters out there.
Most of the lyrics are pretty self explanatory so I won’t go line by line. Will just highlight the more important bits.
Many people think of WYB as a cold and aloof person who doesn’t really ‘care’ about fans but of course DD cares. Obviously, he enjoys the attention, praises and adoration from others (he’s a Leo baby) but he has also seen the reality of things in the entertainment industry. The attitudes of fans can switch at a snap of the finger. Like when he lost fans after it was announced that he would be acting in a BL drama. I suppose he lost fans too when UNIQ’s activities were halted and they became inactive. And perhaps to a smaller degree, this part could also refer to the attitudes of the industry stakeholders who only see the $$$. Like once an artiste is deemed to not be valuable or popular anymore, they might lose favour. So rather than letting the words and actions of these fickle-minded people affect him, why not just focus on himself and his work.
被表扬被喜欢当然值得期待 Being praised and liked is certainly worth looking forward to
得到很多以后 你说不爱又离开 After gaining a lot, you said the love is gone and then you left
别做任别人操控情绪的木偶 Don't be a puppet that allows others to manipulate your emotions
对负面评价保持无感 不理不睬 Remain indifferent to negative reviews and ignore them
You think DD doesn’t know what people are saying about him on the internet? The insults, the death wishes, comments on his looks, his lack of qualifications, about his hosting abilities, his singing etc. The list goes on. He knows and it hurts, but he has chosen to adopt indifference as a defence mechanism.
破碎的刺痛的 Shattered, Piercing
被攻击被嘲笑挑衅 Being attacked, mocked and provoked
无感是将伤害最好的回击 Indifference is the best way to fight back
无感赐我勇敢的心不畏惧 yeah Indifference bestowed upon me a brave heart so I have no fear yeah
Here, I can see DD’s pure heart. It’s the words of someone who has experienced setbacks and harsh treatment by others – criticisms, mockery, aggression – at such a young age but instead of holding it against them or wallowing in self-pity, the boy still thinks the world is kind. He still sees the positive side of things even when shrouded in negativity. It’s not that he’s delusional or trying to avoid things; he knows it, he sees it all but he CHOSE to look at the bright side of things and to focus on the things that matter. Which is the love that he has around him – from family, colleagues, peers, loved ones, (rational) fans.
没有事情过不去天塌了还有爱在 There is nothing one cannot get through. Even if the sky has collapsed, love still remains
只有过不去的情绪才会把你紧紧地绑起来 The only thing that keeps you tied tightly are the emotions that you cannot get past
太阳下山了夜里也有灯打开 The sun goes down but there is still light in the dark
你看这世界不坏 You see, the world isn’t all that bad
The first 2 lines are my fav in this whole song. I think it's so real, so human, so matter-of-fact. Here, I see a small moment of vulnerability. DD is telling us that he is just a regular human being like the rest of us. He’s not perfect but he’s not a bad person. He’s just trying to do his job, doing something he loves. But the reactions of the public can be extreme. How can people form quick judgement based on just one facet of him? Loving or hating on him just by looking on the surface?
我没有你想像的好 I’m not as good as you think
也没有他想像的坏 Neither am I as bad as he thinks
只看到部分的我就很喜欢 Adoring me when you only saw a part of me
把我惯坏 又来狠狠一踩 Spoilt me rotten then stomped on me ruthlessly
DD knows very well that in fan culture, the love and attention can be fleeting. And things can be volatile in the entertainment industry. It’s not that he doesn’t care or appreciate fans or his fame but he knows the reality of it. And he is prepared for the day when he has to go off the stage.
爱是一瞬间的情感 Love is a fleeting emotion
舞台的灯不就开了又关 The lights on stage go on and off
每天都有人在上下台 There are people getting up and down the stage everyday
就保持无感 Just remain indifferent
In the Weibo interview, DD singled out this second line in the song. Maybe that’s his deepest sentiments in this whole learning process. Even after he has 'made it', he's still getting all this hate and it has even increased in volume and intensity. It's a realisation. Like no matter what you do, how well you do it, there will always be people who have things to say, who hate you just because...Likewise where there is hate, there will be love. So why fixate on all these? To move ahead, he needs to shed his past reservations and uncertainties. Adopt a brand new attitude – indifference. He needs to toughen up so that those who love him won’t have to feel hurt on his behalf. This show of love and support, both from his loved ones and fans – powers him on.
就保持无感 Just remain indifferent
不计较成败 Don’t fuss over success or failure
就保持无感 Just remain indifferent
才有幸福感 You’ll feel happiness that way
你是流量超红ppt上全部都是你 You are top traffic and super popular; You are all over the PPT
你红的没作品骂你的声音更变本加厉 You’re popular yet you have no works, and the criticisms have intensified
I'm running running running in a circle
困住的自己不能把目标变清晰 This trapped self is unable to see the goals clearly
如何前行 How to move ahead
丢掉过去 Put the past behind
爱我的人才不会痛 love wakes me
So that those who love me won’t feel hurt; Love wakes me.
Prior to coming to this realization, DD probably felt lost. He couldn’t see a clear way foward (hence going in circles) and he doesn’t understand why some people ‘attack’ him. What did he do? Remember, he was just 22 back then, just exploded into fame after CQL, things were arguably on a different scale compared to previously. He’s unsure of his place in the industry, like I don’t think he has a clear idea of where he wants his career to go. Up till this point, he was probably mainly just grabbing opportunities wherever. Vs the DD of today, where he obviously has a goal and is working towards the ‘actor’ direction as his main portfolio.
Note: It took me a while to figure out the PPT part. I thought he meant online discussion boards/forums but PPT here indeed refers to powerpoint presentations. He’s just painting a picture of the behind the scenes work in the industry – referencing the powerpoint presentations that industry executives often prepare when they are pitching a new project, new ambassadorship etc to investors. Often times when selling an idea in the initial stage, these executives will include images of artiste whom they hope to invite onboard the project and these will usually be the big names, the traffic stars, in order to inspire confidence in front of the big bosses. You know, just like in a marketing proposal, the ‘grand plans’.
These two parts are mainly elaborations of his new-found attitude and way of dealing with things. Like don’t fear challenges and negative sentiments from others, don’t be affected by what others think or say, just do what I enjoy, focus on myself, work towards my goals.
逆境之路看到未来 The road to adversity shows the future
摔倒以后站得起来 Standing up again after falling down
如果每天活得左顾右盼 If I live my days having to look left and right
还能谈什么生命的精彩 What splendour of life is there to talk about
逆境之路看到未来 The road to adversity shows the future
摔倒以后站得起来 Standing up again after falling down
不要轻易被情绪打败 Don’t be easily defeated by emotions
就保持无感 Just remain indifferent
就保持无感 Just remain indifferent
不计较成败 Don’t fuss over success or failure
就保持无感 Just remain indifferent
I picture this part like a soliloquy, like DD wondering out loud to himself, questioning his current state but the conclusion is like what the rest of the song says. He sees his goal, a clearer direction via his new attitude. He’s choosing to be free (of the shackles and emotions holding him back) and to not conform. Which is why after all these experiences and lessons, DD has learnt to not pander to the whims and fancies of those around him, and to not let outsiders dictate how he does things, what things he does.
才有幸福感 You’ll feel happiness that way
Tell me where you at now
Tell me where you at now
Finding the way
Follow the light that you see
Finding the way
Follow the light that you see
自由自在 Free and comfortable
I’ve seen several different translations of the word Wu Gan. Some say ‘unfeeling’ or ‘no sense’, but I chose ‘Indifference’. I see Wu Gan as a reaction, a coping mechanism. Not an attitude. It's not that he doesn't care. And it’s not that he’s not affected by the negativity or that it’s not hurtful. The criticisms and harsh attitudes or rumours clearly hurt him but more like he's choosing to react and treat the negative sentiments in a certain way, and maintain a positive outlook. So DD is really not as unfeeling or uncaring as some people think.
Wu Gan also reflects his knowledge and understanding of the industry. Fame and popularity is transient. Fans come and go. DD has said in an interview that fans are just people who accompany him on a part of his journey. I think it’s an incredibly mature thought coming from someone who’s merely in his early 20s. To DD, fans are not unimportant; he's thankful and appreciative of all these attention, affection and work opportunities but he also knows these can go away one day. Fans are fans, and he is himself (does this make sense?) He is working to better himself, to do the things he enjoys, to leave behind something that he can be proud of. He's not working to please anyone and he is not letting this fame and popularity get to his head, because he knows it’s fleeting. What matters at the end of the day, what is the measure of an artiste’s worth is really the works they leave behind. So instead of focusing on the bad stuff, just ignore them and focus on putting his all into his job, delivering good work, to be a better version of himself. ‘Repay’ fans by delivering good works that fans can enjoy. Don’t fixate on popularity or rankings, don’t fight or compete with others. This is something that both GGDD have repeatedly mentioned – to focus on oneself and to be our better selves.
And so, DD does things because he likes it, things that he’s passionate about. Like the surfing show, skateboarding show, SDOC. Not to garner fans or become more popular. He doesn't care about these. This is also seen in the filming projects he has chosen to take on in 2020 onwards, which tend towards projects that showcase his range, focusing on acting skills, project positive messaging etc. Which is also why it is unlikely we will ever see him in idol drama type projects again. This is also why he doesn't do fan service or go the 'popular' route. That is why he dyes his hair green and cuts his hair super short cos he feels like it. That is why he expresses himself through make-up, clothing, accessories that can be unconventional.
Ok I think I’ll end here now cos it’s getting rambly and not as cohesive as I would like this analysis to be. Told you I have a lot of sentiments about this song. I hope this gives you a better appreciation of Wu Gan. Feel free to share your thoughts with me.
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plateauofmemories · 2 years ago
Van Helsing: Damn, friend John, you need a wife
Mrs. Westenra: Damn, Dr. Seward, you need a wife
John Seward: *is served a cup of tea by Mina and feels for the first time like the house he lives in is a home*
Seward, choking up: Damn, I need a wife
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rebloggingrexan · 2 years ago
#me when someone tells me a lady is coming to see me
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Bram Stoker is hilarious, actually
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Robert and Brian get matching tattoos!
— Random DD Fic Prompt (@ddficgen) Sep 30, 2022
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objecteiespai · 2 years ago
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 Paul Laseau (Author)
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Watercolor Sketching
An Introduction
Published by Norton Professional Books
Interior del llibre
Watercolour-guía acuarela-editorial
LASEAU, Paul Freehand sketching: an introduction Norton Editions, 2004. ISBN: 9780393731125
The urban sketching handbook (consejos y técnicas para dibujar in situ)Ed. Promopress, 2018. ISBN: 978 84 15967 52 1
Lliris d'aigua de Monet
5 d'octubre de 2024 [diss.] - 11 de febrer de 2025 [dimarts/festius]
the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
Claude Monet (1840-1926) és un dels principals pintors impressionistes. El 1890, als 50 anys, Monet va comprar un terreny i una casa al poble normand de Giverny, convertint-lo en la seva darrera llar. Uns anys més tard, crearan un ``jardí aquàtic'' amb un estany de nenúfars. Aquest estany de nenúfars és ni més ni menys que la font més gran de creativitat que ha ocupat el cor dels pintors des d'aleshores. Aquesta exposició presenta l'art dels darrers anys de Monet, centrant-se en la sèrie Water Lilies.
Els darrers anys de Monet van ser un moment en què es va enfrontar a moltes dificultats, inclosa la mort de la seva família, la seva pròpia malaltia ocular i la Primera Guerra Mundial. En aquestes circumstàncies, finalment se li va ocórrer la idea d'una ``gran pintura decorativa'' que cobriria les parets de la seva habitació amb un llenç enorme que representava la superfície d'un estany de nenúfars. La peça central d'aquesta exposició són els nombrosos nenúfars a gran escala que es van crear durant el procés de producció d'aquestes "grans pintures decoratives". Monet, que no va voler alliberar les seves idees inacabades, va deixar la majoria de les seves obres al seu estudi fins als darrers moments, però l'única persona a la qual va permetre separar-se del panell decoratiu de ``Lliris d'aigua'' abans de la seva mort va ser Monet. , va ser Kojiro Matsukata (1866-1950), un empresari i col·leccionista japonès. Matsukata va visitar la casa de Monet a Giverny i va interactuar amb l'artista, i finalment va col·leccionar més de 30 obres de Monet. Actualment, formen la peça central de la col·lecció del Museu Nacional d'Art Occidental.
Aquesta exposició comptarà amb un total de 64 pintures de Monet, incloent aproximadament 50 obres de la col·lecció Marmottan Monet de París, així com obres de col·leccions de tot el Japó, inclòs el Museu Nacional d'Art Occidental. Aquesta serà l'exposició més gran que s'hagi fet mai al Japó i serà una oportunitat perquè els nenúfars de Monet es reuneixin en un sol lloc.
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weotrading · 1 year ago
Sep 3, 2023. ETH. Short
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Another nice trade after rejecting 4h OB.
Price took buy-side liquidity and rejected from old 4h bearish OB.
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Entry after MSB on 5m TF at 2:30. Limit order placed at FVG. Risk = 0.32, RR = 1.42 (1 / 1.09)
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Limit order filled at 2:32 (2m). DD - 0m. Trade duration - 1h 7m. Price hit TP.
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View from 30m TF:
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rebloggingrexan · 2 years ago
#the funniest thing is that it WORKS
Mina comforting the suitors like...
Quincey: gets a kiss
Arthur: gets a hug
Seward: gets his deeply personal diary widely disseminated
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mrrajkumarpathak · 3 years ago
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