#dc x ml x marvel
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My not so normal little sister
Chapter 2: Family is much more than blood
ā Time is a funny thing, did you know? The future becomes the present and the present becomes the past. Time is always dynamicā¦" Ladybug looked at her friend, Bunnix, before replying.
"My presence here is already altering our timeline. The more information I have, the greater the change. We know how dangerous messing with the timeline is...."
"That's true. But I also know that sometimes changes are necessary to keep the universe in balance. It was necessary to bring you here today, because if the league of assassins has access or greater knowledge about the Miraculous, the result is much worse. Take care of yourself, mini Bug." Bunnix smiled slightly seeing her friend walk towards the portal, holding her by the shoulder before she left. "Before you go, keep in mind two things: family doesn't depend on blood and you'll lose a lot if you don't go after yours..." Ladybug looked at her not understanding what she was talking about, frowning slightly, but before she could ask what it was about, Bunnix continued "and remember forgiving is not just good for the other person, but for your happiness as well. When you think all is lost, use these two pieces of advice I'm giving you. This will help you to move forward. You have a life, put your happiness ahead a little.ā
Marinette woke up startled, trying to orient herself from where she was. She tightened the sheets with her fingers, letting her breathing return to normal, startled at the sound of her Kwami's voice.
" You need to sleep, Marinette." Said a thin voice lying beside her on the bed. She was going to the hospital the next day and was so nervous that just thinking about it, she couldn't close her eyes.
"Easy to say but difficult to do Tikki." She took a deep breath " I'll check some emails and then I'll try to sleep again. I'm nervous, anxious, tiredā¦"
"I know, but it's going to be alright! Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, I really hope so Tikki. We have no way of knowing really ...." she replied as she scanned the emails, stopping at one where the last name caught her attention. It had been more than three days since Peter had given her the name of the boy who was Janet Drake's son, and after a little investigation by her friend (an investigation she is even afraid to ask how it was done), she discovered that there is a chance that she was changed in the hospital." Tikki, is it just a coincidence that my client has the same surname as the boy who could be my brother?" She asked after a while, looking at the little Kwami in front of her.
"Coincidence or fate? Her soul was chosen to be Ladybug. Luck is with youā¦ you just need to know how to use it." The little kwami smiled "You can only know if you ask, don't you think?"
She thought for a few minutes weighing the pros and cons reading and rereading the email in front of her.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Absence
Hi, how are you? It is a pleasure to receive your contact email!
Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I will be away for a few weeks and will not be fulfilling/accepting any requests. But don't worry, as soon as everything returns to normal, I'll be contacting you personally and, if there's still interest, I'll be scheduling an appointment.
I hope you stay well!
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Absence
I hope it's nothing serious and that you can recover as soon as possible. I'm a huge fan of your work and I believe you are one of the best fashion talents of this century.
I look forward to your health improving.
My greetings,
Timothy Drake
Marinette looked at the email again and decided that she needed to at least try. Years ago she stopped trying to understand how the universe worked, accepting the chances that were handed to her. Fate works in different ways. She took a deep breath, sat up comfortably and wrote the guy an email.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Information and doubts (curiosity)
Monsieur Timothy Drake,
How are you? I hope you're well. The reason for my contact is for a personal question, which has nothing to do with my work or yours.
Forgive my total intrusion and indiscretion, but your surname is familiar to me. Are you by any chance the eldest son of Janet Drake? If this is being too rude of me, please disregard this email.
Tim sighed heavily as he stared at the scream in front of him. He has always considered himself a person with a high intellect with an ability to understand and correlate data very easily. He has always considered himself a great detective, looking at different types of information, analyzing different situations, and despite his constant ability to stay awake for a long period of time, he hardly ever let anything slip out of his knowledge. However, upon receiving an email from his favorite fashion designer, he was surprised and a little intrigued. How did she know his parents? His curiosity got the better of him when he decided to answer the email and try to understand what that strange question was about. He finished the coffee he was currently drinking, checking the time on the computer in front of him. He had a meeting in an hour and his secretary would surely come to let him know. He read the email again before starting to type.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Information and doubts (curiosity)
Dear MDC,
You can call me Tim since that's what everyone normally calls me.
I am an only child and yes Janet and Jack Drake were my parents. Did you happen to know them? I confess that I was surprised and confused by this question.
Awaiting return.
Marinette could barely contain herself in bed, waiting anxiously for an answer. She decided to get up and make some tea, as she was still within the allowed time to eat before being admitted to the hospital. She set out her cup and a soothing tea while she waited for the water to heat up, when she heard the notification of incoming messages in her cell phone. She picked up, seeing the response and opening the email almost immediately. She poured the water into her cup, taking it to her room, already picking up the computer that was open on her email, formulating a response that wasn't confusing and inappropriate.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re: Information and doubts (curiosity)
I believe that before starting any explanation, a proper presentation should be made. My name is Marinette Dupain - Cheng and although I grew up and lived in Paris all my life, I was born in Gotham.
I haven't met them personally, but I have a rather intriguing question. I hope you understand that what I will share with you is confidential and personal, just like my name. I believe that if it were not for the situation currently presented, I would not be disclosing such information. Therefore, I would like nothing disclosed here to be commented on. I'm trying to believe that with the reputation you have in the business, information that was passed by a close friend of mine, and NDA documentation already signed in advance, we don't have a problem with breaches of confidentiality.
On the day of my birth my parents were traveling and they visited Gotham. On the same day, a little earlier, there was an attack by some villain with hostages which apparently led to a large number of people being hospitalized. I don't particularly have details of what happened, but from what I understand, the hospitals were full and our mothers ended up sharing a room while they were in labor. The two gave birth to girls with dark hair and blue eyes, however of the two girls only one survived. For health reasons and some necessary tests, I ended up discovering that my parents are not my biological parents.
A friend from New York and I started an investigation to find out what happened and that's when I came across your parents' names. I'm sorry if I'm being a bit vague, but all the information I have will be sent to you as an attachment. Understand, I don't want anything from you or your family other than wanting to understand what happened over 20 years ago.
If you don't want to get involved with this situation, I understand. It's a bit complicated and I believe that not everyone involved wants or will try to help me solve this case.
I hope you understand my side. The attached documents can be found at the hospital.
When Tim decided to reply to the message, he didn't expect that, after a few minutes, he would get an answer. When he heard the incoming message signal and read its entire contents, the young CEO nearly fell out of his chair. He opened the submitted documents and, to be sure, looked at the hospital documentation. It took less than 20 minutes for him to confirm that the documentation she was presenting was genuine. It was all right! He had a sister and no one told him. He must have been five, almost six when she was born, but there is no record of her anywhere in the house. His parents wouldn't hide something so important! Tim took a deep breath, squeezing his temples with his fingertips. Was it too much to ask for a late afternoon without any problems?
"Tam? Could you bring me one coffee? I'm trying to sort out some issues and it would really be nice to have a cup at the moment..." He heard the confirmation on the other end of the line and went back to analyzing the information in the documents he received and decided the best start would be to request a DNA test and, if so, look for the nurse who attended to the two families. He was still in disbelief that his own parents had hidden his sister's birth. Although, who he wanted to fool, he knew Jannet and Jack Drake better than anyone and he knew that yes, his parents would hide information like that.
He spent a few minutes thinking about what to do and the implications of what was said. She must have been switched at the hospital and there's a chance she's his sister. But how? Reluctantly, he looked at the email, rereading it completely, until he resolved to respond.
Marinete was already in his bed, in her apartment, lying down and trying to sleep. She was thoughtful looking at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep! She had so much going on at once that she felt lost. Fate always knows where to direct things. Was that what Alix tried to warn about following her family, what she felt and knowing how to forgive?
"family doesn't depend on blood and you'll lose a lot if you don't go after yours... and remember forgiving is not just good for the other person, but for your happiness as well. When you think all is lost, use these two pieces of advice I'm giving you. This will help you to move forward.ā
Marinette stared at the ceiling for a few minutes thinking. She has always considered herself a person with a great ability to understand different situations and assess everyone's side so as not to be unfair. She ran her hands over her face, glancing at the clock on the table beside her bed that read 00:30 in the morning. It had been almost forty minutes since she had sent the last email to the person who could be her brother and she didn't know if she was right to just dump everything to the guy via email. She looked to the side seeing Tikki and Plagg hunched over each other exhaling in frustration until she heard a message beep on her cell phone. She looked at the phone opening the email as soon as she received it.
From: [email protected]
Subject: doubts
While I'm ecstatic to know who you really are (believe me, I've been crazy about this information for a while) I'm simultaneously shocked and not knowing what to think. I confess that I was not aware that I had a sister, much less that she apparently passed away. I was very young and I don't remember very well what happened at the time.
I will look for the nurse and try to understand in my own way what is happening. I am as lost as you are and I hope we can understand the facts that led to our present. First, I suggest that we do a DNA test to be sure whether or not we are brothers. Please don't take my words and think it's a matter of mistrust. However, I must emphasize that the question itself is very delicate and it would not be prudent to assume something so important as true.
Really, I'm speechless and still trying to understand everything you told me. Technically, I'm the only family member alive and finding out that I might have a sister is shocking to say the least. I hope you understand my side, because after more than twenty years finding out that my parents had another child and I wasn't even aware of the event is a little worrying.
I await your return so we can try to move forward with the situation.
Tim read the email several times before hitting send. He was sure he couldn't take her word for granted, but he also didn't want to sound rude and simply say he distrusted the person who greatly admired the work. He had or had a sister and it didn't get out of his mind. He started doing a general check on the life of the person who could be his only blood family starting through her social media and then would check her entire history. He wasn't considered one of the best detectives in the world for nothing.
After about twenty minutes of looking at social media, Tim can see that Marinette was a very beautiful woman, she undeniably had her mother's features and, in a way, could say that she would pass for her sister very easily because they looked alike. She had friends in a high social circle, studied for a few months in New York, where she has work contacts. She was undeniably a charismatic person and much loved by people who frequented her social networks and had great admiration and respect for her parents. He smiled slightly at the knowledge that she had a different childhood from his.
Taking a deep breath, he slumped against the chair as he ran his hands through his hair. He saw his secretary enter the room to remind him of the meeting he was supposed to go to and that he had no mind at the moment. He got to his feet, turning off the computer, not hearing the signal of new email arriving on his cell. He walked to the room where he would have the last board meeting of the day.
After getting out of yet another one of the many useless meetings he attended, Tim headed straight home. He would thoroughly research the whole thing, starting with the night of his sister's birth. He quickly left his things in his room, heading straight for the cave, where it would be easier to do research. He had about two hours before the whole family showed up.
According to the death certificate, his sister's name was Mary Hellen Drake. Marinette wasn't such a far cry from Mary. He opened the email again to check the documents Marinette had sent when he realized there was an email he hadn't checked. He opened it immediately, checking that there were two documents attached, opening them in the background as he read her response.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: doubts
I understand exactly what you mean and, again, I must stress that I have no interest in taking part in anything concerning your family other than knowing everything that has happened in the past. I have no resentment towards your words. Really, I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one with misgivings on the subject.
My parents and I took the DNA test in 2 different laboratories, getting the same results in both. I am attaching the results in case you want to contact the laboratories. Trust me, my head is full of all the information. My parents are devastated, not knowing what happened to their biological daughter and worried about how I'm coping. They're trying to pass themselves off as strong, but I know it's hard. The pain in their eyes is visible and I haven't even had the courage to tell them that I started investigating what happened in the past. In short, they don't know about your parents, the nurse, your sister's death certificate or you.
Regardless of how this whole story will develop, I appreciate your attention and patience in the face of this whole issue. As I said in my initial contact email, I am taking a leave of absence due to illness. I'm going to have surgery tomorrow, so I won't be answering any kind of contact for the next few days. I'm sorry to have to throw all this information at you and just disappear, but I believe that fate must have given my life a little push right now. And who am I to ignore that?
Jokes aside, I hope we can work things out so to speak. As an only child (so far) I must say that while I'm excited about the development of all this, I'm also a whirlwind of positive and negative emotions, but I'll leave it to resolve later...
If all goes well, we'll talk at another time. For now, I will leave my personal phone number (+33 01 XXXX XXXX). Feel free to send me any message, but again, I won't be responding anytime soon.
Stay safe!
As soon as he finished reading Tim felt a little lost in a mixture of despair and depression. If she was his sister, she was sick and he didn't even know what it was about. It had been more than two hours since she'd sent the last message, it was dawn in France and he didn't want to risk waking her up. He took a deep breath and decided to compartmentalize the information. Initially, he hacked into the labs' system, seeking her clinical results so he could match them to his DNA. As soon as he finished downloading the data, he left the computer doing the comparison between the data in the background as it would take some time to finish.
As soon as he got the computer working, he looked up her data from the Paris hospital systems and, after a while, was able to find her chart. She was due to go into surgery in a few hours to remove a brain tumor and the extent of her danger was not yet confirmed. He stared at the screen in front of him, as he heard the audible confirmation of data comparison.
Tim saved all the documents he found in a protected folder so that no one would see. In a mixture of nervousness and anxiety, he opened the program checking the genetic markers and the conclusion that indeed Marinette Dupain-Cheng was his biological sister.
#damian x marinette#dc x mlb#maribat#maridami#mlb x dc#damianette#marinette x damian#damimari#dc x ml x marvel#ml x marvel#daminette
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Danny Phantom crossover setup idea
Danny has figured out a way to create portals to and from the Ghost Zone at will. Heās still not perfect at it, but heās capable enough to use it to attempt to flee the GIW during an encounter.
However, it turns out their scientists had invented a device to briefly replicate portals, allowing their agents to keep pursuing any ghosts that try to teport away.
Thus began a chaotic chase between them, weaving into and out of the Zone with every jump. As things wear on, the locations Dannyās portals connect to get less and less accurate, spitting him out in increasingly random locations across the glove.
And, eventually, into other universesā¦
The story could take place in just one setting (kicking off with him collapsing from exhaustion there), or it could be a multicross of continuously scrambling through a bunch of different settings (spending only a relatively short time in each before he moves on)
#danny phantom#dp#danny phantom crossover#dp crossover#or for some specific crossovers that could get used:#dp x dc#dpxdc#dc x dp#dcxdp#danny phantom x dc#danny phantom x dc crossover#dp x mlb#dp x ml#mlb x dp#danny phantom x miraculous ladybug crossover#dp x marvel#dp x mcu
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Made some fan art for an amazing fic called miraculous gamer guild by inkaliber on AO3
Make sure to check it out and send some major love to them, they deserve it
Check out the fic down below
#danny phantom#danny fenton#dc x dp#ao3 fanfic#dp x ml#dp x marvel#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fandom#miraculous fanart#miraculous gamer guild#check out the amazing fic
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Oh noooo....my brain came back to this and was like, "Why not add Spidey to the mix?" Specifically, MCU Spidey, mainly because he was 14 is CW, and I just really love Tom Holland's spidey.
Second reason being, I think it would be hilarious yet heartbreaking if Danny, Marinette and Peter were all 14 with a little 12 year old Ellie all suffering from young hero syndrome and who all feel like the world is on their shoulders.
Reason Spidey is there is because he got portal-ed there while fighting a new villain with Tony and Strange. I headcanon the three get closer sooner. Why? Idk just yet. It could be time travel fix-it magic. It could be because the time stone "told" Strange to get closer to them because "the fate of the multiverse depends on it" shenanigans. Who knows!
Either way, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man gets portal-ed on the rooftop, too, and his spidey senses are going crazy and there are some other kid...heroes? He hopes they're heroes - sitting in a pile. The glow-y boy is hissy, but Peter doesn't feel threatened. No....worse....he feels protective! He, for probably some stupid spider reason, immediately joins the pile and relishes in the feeling of "protected" and of "protecting."
He's thinking that maybe he and his merrily little band could use more protection and is debating whether or not surrounding them in a wall of webs is too much or not enough when they all hear feet hit their roof. Actually two pairs of feet, and immediately Peter is shoving whoever he can behind him while somehow being hugged tighter by Glow-y Boy.
He has no idea what is going on, but how dare these people approach his new family????
I have no idea if I would have them all in the same universe, all different universes, a mix-n-match of universes, or what. But it's a fun idea to think about.
Haunted Blessings
This is a ml x dc x dp idea!
Marinette had been fighting an akuma when it happened. It was this little girl named Charlotte who got akumatized because her parents had been ignoring her requests. A friend and party-goer who was at her birthday party explained that 'Lottie' was sad because her parents were too busy to hang out with her and when her special day came, they ignored her wishes. She had wanted a princess themed party with a hired Fairy Godmother that she had seen posters of. Charlotte had apparently taken several of the flyers to put around her house so her parents wouldn't forget what she wanted. They had said they would hire the Fairy Godmother, but the day of the party came, and instead of a Fairy Godmother, Charlotte got a clown...and not a good one either. The clown who was currently stuck in a cage looked like someone bought a cheap clown costume and thought that was that. He didn't even have makeup on.
Charlotte got so upset, and when she had asked her parents why the Fairy Godmother wasn't there, her parents had sheepishly apologized and said the Fairy Godmother was too busy to come to the party. Arnie, Lottie's best friend, said that was a lie because he heard her mom talking to his about how they forgot to hire the Fairy Godmother, and the clown was all they could get last minute. Thus, Charlotte became her own Fairy Godmother. That was her akuma name and theme.
She granted 'wishes', but it was really what she thought people needed. If she hit you with her pixie dust, she could see your wants and needs, apparently. Her parents wanted, no needed, to be by her side and dote on her. That's why they became a king and queen who followed her everywhere. Marinette had been doing her best not to get hit, but Chat hadn't listened to her small plan to distract the akuma while she went back to her house to get some Miraculi that could help and instead he had nearly got them both hit.
Marinette was tired. She had just wanted to hang out with Luka for the day and just have a nice lazy day where she did nothing but lay on the closest surface and lazily existed while Luka played his guitar. But nooooooooo. So there she was trying to escape so she could go grab Vipe-ard (Luka with a new look and name), Honeycomb (Bee! Aurore), and Mossflower ( Mouse! Mireille). They needed help, bad, and her intuition had been screaming that they needed the help of the Snake, Bee, and Mouse. She thought Chat had been covering her, but he got wacked. Who knows how far and all Marinette could do was stare in disbelief and horror as she got hit but the pixie dust.
The akuma cheered but then got quiet and just looked at her for a very long time. Hawkmoth seemed to be trying to talk to Fairy Godmother, but she ignored him. The akuma flew down to her, her eyes filled with tears and said, "You've done so much for us. You're hurting yourself to protect us, and I...I made it worse. I know what you need so I'll help! I'm a good helper!"
Marinette tried to argue or anything, but she was stuck frozen by the power of the pixie dust. She could hear Chat yelling her name before she felt magic gathering at her feet. Before she fell through the now open portal she heard Fairy Godmother one more time.
"You need a break. And help! I'm sending you on a vacation!"
The next thing she knew, she was landing on a roof hard.
Danny would like to state for the record that as much as people liked to think, he knew what he was doing. The fact of the matter was he didn't. I mean, sure, sometimes he did actually know, but when it came to his ghostly powers, everyone and he included were in the dark. There were so many that developed and grew and evolved. Jazz ended up making him a detailed coded list. Now, for the most part, he knew how to use his powers and control them, but some were just so new ans he was just so busy that his newer powers took him by surprise when they acted up.
Case in point being right now. As he was fighting with Walker in the zone because of some shenanigans, he had zoned out when Walker had monologued. Danny had just been trying to free the wrongly imprisoned Infinite Beings from Walker's prison, and apparently, that was a crime, so here he was fighting when he should have been studying again. At some point, Ellie had arrived, and as much as he loved her, because he loved her so much, his Fraid instincts tended to take over if she was near a fight. He needed to protect his little sister-daughter-cousin.
It was a common thing, according to Frostbite. Danny, being the older of the Fraidmates, meant his protective instincts went a little wild when anyone he considered Fraid was in danger or something he perceived to be danger. But since he was a baby ghost still (lame), his instincts weren't easy to work around and talk sense into so he would become one-track minded.
So, really, it wasn't his fault! It was his dumb baby instincts that caused his portal powers to kick in and open a random portal to who knows where and fly like a bat out of hell to get Ellie and himself away from the danger. His portal spit them out thankfully somewhere loaded with ambient ecto, but they hit a roof hard. Not enough to break through, but enough to hurt a little. Both Halfa's groaned in unison, but it was a third groan that made them freeze.
Whilst he still had a hold on Ellie, as she was not fond of his Baby Instincts kicking in, really disliked how clingy he got. She was fine with his usual hugs. She even ought them out sometimes. But his instincts triggered her own set of Baby Instincts, and she hated it. But there was a little window of time where she would just accept it because of her Instincts and wouldn't just kick herself away, so with that in mind, Danny pulled them into a sitting position to look at presumably the only other person on the roof with them.
It was a girl! Probably around his age! She kind of gave off Liminal vibes, but like really really Baby vibes. Like newborn Liminal vibes.
Aaaaaaand his core and instincts have decided she was his responsibility because the next thing he knew, she joined in the cuddle pile courtesy of his levitation.
Great. Just great!
....Why was she dressed like a giant Ladybug?
Maybe the world was laughing at him, but Bruce had been having a relatively quiet night patrol wise. It was just him and Dick tonight, and that always left him in a somewhat nostalgic daze. He was still aware, he was always aware, but it was like his mind had been giving him a break. Most of his kids weren't going to be in the Manor for a while, missions, school trips, or just little forced vacations had them away for a time. So, while the night had been nostalgic, it had also been a touch lonely. Dick had a way of filling up any space he was in but his eldest son could only fill so much.
Bruce loved the chaos that had become his home and life because of his children. Not having them there left him feeling wrong-footed. He missed them.
Maybe it was how he wished to himself that they were home, if only to help make it still feel like home.
Maybe it was the way the carefully patrolled Crime Alley since Jason was on a forced vacation/road trip with Roy, Arsenal and Bizarro.
Maybe it was the way doing so had him reliving his meeting with his brilliant yet jaded second son.
Whatever it was, Bruce and Dick had seen two separate portals open on top of an abandoned apartment complex that was going to be condemned and rebuilt per Red Hood's plans and orders.
There was no hesitation between him and Dick as they both grappled onto the roof. Whatever danger they had been expecting, it wasn't three teens huddled together near the locked door of the roof. All three looked at the two local vigilantes in surprise and open fear. They looked to be in rough shape, and two were 98% metas. The 2% went out to whatever other possibility they could be.
The boy hissed at them and somehow wrapped his arms tighter around the two girls.
Bruce could hear Dick trying not to giggle which made him sigh.
Really...only in Gotham huh?
#ml x dc#ml x dp#dc x dp#mldc crossover#dc x dp crossover#ml x dc x dp#ml x dc idea#ml x dp idea#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc idea#ml x dc x dp idea#haunted blessings au#ml x dc x dp x mcu#marvel#ml x marvel crossover#dc x marvel#dp x marvel
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Writing idea and au archive master-masterpost lets go
š¦ DC - #hinacu dc
šæ Demon Slayer - #hinacu kny
š Disney Princess - #hinacu dp
š» DP x DC - #hinacu dpxdc
š Crossovers - #hinacu xover
š§JJK - #hinacu jjk
š¦ Lion King / Lion Guard - #hinacu tlg
š§āāļø LOTR/The Hobbit
š·ļø Marvel - #hinacu mcu
š¦ø MHA - #hinacu mha
š“āā ļø One Piece - #hinacu op
āļø RWBY - #hinacu rwby
šŖØ Secret Tunnel Series (ongoing misc. project)
š¦ Sonic the Hedgehog - #hinacu sonic
šŖ Star Trek - #hinacu st
āļø Star Wars - #hinacu sw / #hinacu swr
š¢ TMNT - #hinacu tmnt
š¼ Kung Fu Panda (retired fandom) - #hinacu kfp
š¦āā¬ Maleficent (retired fandom)
š¦ Merlin (retired fandom) - #hinacu merlin
š Miraculous Ladybug (retired fandom) - #hinacu ml
š Percy Jackson Universe (retired fandom) - #hinacu pjo / #hinacu tkc / #hinacu mcga / hinacu toa
āļø Power Rangers (retired fandom) - #hinacu pr
āØ She-ra: POP (retired fandom) - #hinacu spop
š„ Soul Eater (retired fandom) - #hinacu soul eater
š Voltron (retired fandom)
š”ļø Witcher (retired fandom) - #hinacu witcher
āøļø Yuri on Ice (retired fandom)
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I had the greatest idea while sleeping.
Adult Marinette just waking up one day and there is a Feral Assasin Child sitting in her living room confused as heck looking like he just woke up. Like this kid is maybe five years old. Very angry child very stabby...oddly familiar looking. Like wtf.
Marinette declaring its too early for this and finds a note left for her on the coffee table: Consider my debt to you repaid with the life of my son
Okay...Who did she save that would drop a Feral child onto her? Then she remembers the weird as heck lady she was pretty sure was an assassin that she saved from dying that she meet in Tidbet.
Oh God that's why the kids familiar. That's Talia's son...
Wait why would she drop this kid off to her to repay a debt from 10 years ago? Wtf seriously too early for this.
Apparently she has a son now.
And I had more thoughts about this-
Marinette lives in New York with her own boutique, it's small but it's a start after breaking off from Audrey's fashion house with her mentors blessing.
Miraculous Fashions is born just 5 years before Damian enters her life.
Marinette not knowing what to do with her new son, brings him with her to work daily. Where he watches her sew and design with interest because this could be useful for future missions.
It starts out with him only being interested for possible cover stories in later missions... And ends with Damian catching the fashion bug.
Another hilarious thing I thought of, Tony being a regular at her shop cause Marinette is a honest designer who doesn't fawn over his wealth and is very very blunt. Plus he always seems a little more lucky after getting a new suit from her.
One day (after she gets Damian) he brings Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes because there is a charity gala and he will not stand to see Rogers in ill fitting tuxs again and their new resident former assassin because this man needs actual clothes Steve! Not more sweats and hoodies! He looks like a hobo.
And of course some how Damian recognizes Barnes and is like "Soldier."
With Barnes like "Al Ghul." Much to the confusion of everyone watching. And Damian just "ttsk" "It is Dupain-Cheng now. Mother saw fit to give me to Maman."
Tony just looks at Mari like "Soooo how the heck does your green eyes mini-me know Winter Wonderland?"
"You save an assassin's life one time and apparently they repay their debt by giving you a kid. Who knew."
Which Mari ment that the Assasin gave her their kid. But everyone takes it as the Assasin some how made a kid with Marinette despite it being implied that the Assasin is female. It doesn't help that Damian is picking up her mannerisms from the month he has been with her due to his training to mimic others to blend in.
That's it that's the thought I had
Mari in this is like nearly 30. But looks younger.
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I've read your stories where the Justice League is banned from Paris, and I love them! What if the League and the Avengers were in the same world, but the Avengers didn't ignore them while the Justice League did? I imagine that Steve would convince Tony to help because these are KIDS, like Peter. So, the Avengers help, but since the League and Avengers are at odds, the Avengers don't tell the League. Team Miraculous is perfectly fine with that. (Big Team Miraculous and more users if possible!!)
Team Miraculous had practically begged the Justice League for help when Hawkmoth was still active. But they received no response. But the Justice League werenāt the only ones they reached out to. They also sent the same video asking for help to Tony Stark, who everyone knew was Iron Man, hoping the Avengers might help them. They sent the video with little hope for a response. After all, the Justice League had ignored all their requests for help. Why would the Avengers be any different?
Tony Stark received hundreds of emails a day. Emails from people at Stark Industries, SHIELD, and the avengers. But he didnāt often get emails from an unknown address from Paris. That is what initially caught his attention. The message was simple. The subject simply said Avengers, please help us. When Tony opened the email, there was no text to it. Just a video attachment. Tony called the team into the meeting room and played the video.Ā
They watched the video as two kids in animal themed costumes explained what was happening in Paris. These kids couldnāt be more than 14. When the video was over, the group sat in silence for a moment before Steve spoke up.Ā āWe need to help them.ā Tony sighed, turning to face Steve.Ā āItās not that I donāt want to, but we canāt just go to Paris and help. Not when they are still discussing the accords. We canāt go unless Franceās government asks for our help.ā Steve stands up from his seat, angry.Ā āSo what? We just ignore this? You heard what they said, France wants to keep this under wraps so they donāt lose the tourists that come to Paris. They arenāt going to ask for our help, then they would have to publicly admit there is a problem!ā Tony stands up too, walking towards Steve.Ā āI know that! But our hands are tied. With the UN still discussing the accords, we canāt go making the situation worse then it already is!ā Steve rolls his eyes and starts to walk away in frustration.Ā āOh come on Tony! Those are kids! Those are KIDS who are having to fight against a terrorist all on their own with no training! They need help! If it were Peter in Paris, would you leave him to face this alone?ā That made Tony pause. In the quiet, Thor decided to make his opinion known.Ā āI also feel that we should help them. I am familiar with these miraculous. The power they grant users is great. A terrorist powered by one is a sobering thought. I am especially familiar with the Black Cat miraculous, as is Loki. And I do not believe either of us wants to be on Plaggās bad side again. We should help these children immediately.ā Tony just sighs, shaking his head.Ā āI feel like I am going to regret this. Fine, lets go to Paris.āĀ The Avengers quickly made preparations to go to Paris. Before they left they sent an email back to the kids who sent the video to let them know that help was on the way.
Marinette and Adrien could hardly believe the email in their inbox. They hadnāt expected to hear back from the Avengers so soon, or hear that they were taking this seriously. This is incredible! By now, team Miraculous had revealed their identities to each other to make it easier to communicate to each other. Marinette sent out a message in their group chat. Group project meeting. Meet in the usual place, 30 minutes. Half an hour later, team Miraculous was meeting in their secluded area of Chloeās hotel suite, which had been sound proofed so no one would hear them. Marinette and Adrien filled them all in on what had happened involving the Avengers and everyone was excited. They would finally get some help with Hawkmoth after all these years. It wasnāt long before they received another email saying that the Avengers had landed and asking where to meet. Marinette sent them the location of a secluded warehouse to meet in and Team Miraculous transformed, leaving to meet the Avengers.
The Avengers werenāt sure what to expect when they arrived at the abandoned warehouse the kids asked them to meet at. But they certainly werenāt expecting a small army of kids in costume, in addition to the two that sent the video. In addition to the original two dressed as a ladybug and cat, there appeared to be a fox, turtle, bee, horse, snake, monkey, dragon, and bunny. And they were all children. The girl in the ladybug outfit and boy in the cat outfit stepped forward.Ā āI am Ladybug and this is Chat Noir. We lead the miraculous team. Thank you for your help.ā Steve stepped forward, being the first to recover from the shock of seeing this army of children.Ā āWe are glad to help. We have the basic idea of what is happening from your video, but could you explain in some more detail what the situation is?ā Ladybug spent the next few hours going over everything with the Avengers, giving a more detailed picture of the ongoing battle with Hawkmoth and Mayura for the last few years.Ā
At the end of the explanation, the Avengers are horrified. The situation is worse than they thought. And the Justice League had been ignoring these kids? That just made it worse. Tony, his head still reeling from all the information, saidĀ āI am glad we got your message when we did, seems things are pretty bad here. We can help you track down this Hawkmoth and end this. But we need to keep our involvement in this quiet. With the UN still discussing the accords, we arenāt technically supposed to be here.ā Ladybug looks visibly confused, asking,Ā āAccords? What are the accords?ā The Avengers fill them in on the accords and what all it means for them.Ā
Ladybug was shocked that they would even consider agreeing to this.Ā āYou all agreed to this? To be monitored by the UN and restricted in what you can do. And anyone that they view as a threat could be imprisoned just because of that, regardless of if they had done anything wrong. That is insane! The Avengers I know wouldnāt agree to that. I remember watching you Agent Romanoff, testify before congress and challenge them to put you in prison. The world needs the Avengers and other heroes to be able to act in a crisis without worrying about if a panel will let them.ā Tony tried to argue his point, and Marinette continued to say it was wrong. The two argued for a while, which was concerning for both team Miraculous and the Avengers to watch. But by the end of it, Marinette being Marinette, had managed to convince Tony that he was wrong and that they wouldnāt agree to the accords. The Avengers were a little shocked that this young girl had changed Tonyās mind, but you wouldnāt hear them complaining. With all the discussions out of the way, they got to work.
Tony got Jarvis to start running analyses to see who in Paris was likely to be Hawkmoth. It had to be someone with a lot of time on their hands, a large amount of resources, and had to have a supply of these butterflies he was using. He also compared these results with the typical behavioral profile of a terrorist like this. Then the Avengers went over the list with Team Miraculous and started eliminating suspects. Anyone that didnāt already have an alibi was tailed by either Hawkeye or Black Widow until they were cleared. Meanwhile, the rest of the Avengers helped train the kids in combat and how to work as a team in the field so that they were better able to face akumas. It took weeks, but soon, they were down to only one subject. Gabriel Agreste. Adrien didnāt want to believe it, but as the weeks went by and neither Hawkeye or Black Widow were able to clear him, it became clear to Adrien that his father was likely Hawkmoth.
Ā By now, the Avengers knew of the kids identities. All the Avengers felt bad for Adrien, and also didnāt want him to stay in that house a minute longer. Besides how his father treated him, having another miraculous user in that house, especially the Black Cat that Hawkmoth craved was a recipe for disaster. So Tony had his lawyers help Adrien file for emancipation. That made Gabriel frantic. He didnāt want to lose his control over Adrien. He was so close to getting the miraculous and his wish. He could have his family back again. But that canāt happen if Adrien is emancipated and leaves. Gabriel became more desperate with his akumas and became sloppy. That was his downfall.
By the end of the week, the Avengers and team Miraculous were facing down Hawkmoth. By this point, Hawkmoth was so frantic, that they fight was easily won. When he revealed why he did all this and what happened to Emilie, Master Fu, who had come to collect the missing miraculous, was able to reverse the damage done by the peacock miraculous on both Emilie and Nathalie. Gabriel was arrested, as was Nathalie, and Adrien was ecstatic to be with his mother again.Ā
Once Hawkmoth was defeated, news of what had been happening in Paris spread like wildfire. It wasnāt long before the Justice League swooped in to do damage control. They landed in the middle of the city, already starting their spiel about how they were here to help with any damage and chaos from the final battle. But they were shocked to see the city in perfect condition, and the police surrounding them, telling them to leave. Over the heads of the police, they see the members of the Avengers standing with some kids in animal costumes. Two of the kids are familiar, from the videos asking for help all those years ago. Batman fumed at seeing the other group of heroes allowed to be in the city while they were being forced out. āWhy are we not allowed here, but they are!? They arenāt local heroes.ā The girl in a Ladybug themed costume stepped forward through the crowd,Ā āThey get to be here because they actually answered our call for help and were instrumental in the defeat of Hawkmoth. They arrived before the ban, followed my teamās lead, and respected the wishes of my team as well as the city. They proved to be good allies. You and your group on the other hand, ignored and denied our requests and now want to come in and do damage control. Now you leave, or we will make you.ā While some of the members of the Justice League have the good sense to look embarrassed and back down, Batman got right in Ladybugās face.Ā āAnd how are you going to make us little girl?ā Ladybug turned around and walked back to her team, not sparing Batman another glance. Batman looked smug, thinking he had made her back down. But when she got back to her team, she turned to the horse themed hero.Ā āPegasus.ā Without another word, the horse sprang into action. All the Justice League heard was him call outĀ āVoyageā before they were back in the watchtower, wondering what had just happened.
Finally, it was time for the UN meeting on the accords. When asked if they would sign, the Avengers officially declined to sign the accords so they could actually help in Paris. Team Miraculous watched the live coverage as all of the Avengers said they wouldnāt sign the accords. The head of the UN panel stood up, angry at their defiance. āMaybe we should just go ahead and toss you all in a cell. Clearly you are a threat to the world. While we were discussing these very accords, you went into France without permission and acted as the Avengers. You cause untold damage in each fight, do nothing to fix the damage, and wonāt allow for a little over sight to make sure you donāt destroy everything.Ā Seems pretty dangerous to me.ā There were mummers of agreement through out the room. Tony was the last one to speak.Ā āYou wonāt put us in a prison cell. Hereās why. As Agent Romanoff once said, you all need us. Yes, we have made the world a more vulnerable place. But, we are the ones most qualified and able to defend it. So, if you want to arrest us, do it. You know where to find us. But then you will be even more vulnerable to even bigger threats than us.ā Angry voices sounded from around the room, but the Avengers just turned and left. Most other heroes followed suit, officially stating that they would not be signing the accords. Eventually, the UN realized that if they arrested every hero that didnāt sign the accords, they would have no one left to defend the Earth and they dropped the issue.Ā
Things quickly returned to normal, for both team Miraculous and the Avengers. Team Miraculous was happy to have defeated Hawkmoth and not have to constantly guard their emotions. The emotional toll on the citizens of Paris was huge, but the Avengers werenāt done helping. Tony Stark brought in several therapists and took care of all the bills, so all of Paris could have access to mental help as needed, after enduring the trauma of living under Hawkmothās threats for years. And the Avengers kept on being heroes and helping everyone they could all over the world. And team Miraculous would often give them a hand with missions as needed. The Avengers and team Miraculous remained close allies after everything and were happy to have helped each other.
#ml#ml fic#ml fanfic#ml salt#ml salt fic#ml salt fanfic#hawkmoth defeated#justice league salt#avengers#the avengers#dc x miraculous#marvel x miraculous#miraculous#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fic#miraculous fanfic#miraculous salt#miraculous salt fic#miraculous salt fanfic#miraculous tales of ladybug and chat noir#miraculous ladybug x dc#miraculous ladybug x marvel#ml x dc#ml x marvel
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From Only Child to Big (and Little) Brother:
āIām a big brother?ā Adrien whispered in awe and a little fear as he saw the child of the King and his fiancĆ©e.
Sam smiled, āif you want to be,ā she replied, āhis nameās Damian and he wasā¦Wished Away to us too.ā
Damian was a baby, not a newborn but not a toddler either; he could hold his head up and make noise but it was only nonsense babble.
Sam held him a little higher and said, āDamian, thisās Adrien.ā
Damian babbled something.
Adrien knelt down, āHi, Damian,ā he said softly.
āYouāre also a little brother now,ā another voice said and Adrien looked up to see a girl that looked startlingly like the King.
āHi, Iām Danielle, Dani with an āiā,ā Dani greeted, āyour new big sister.ā
Adrien blinked and then beamed.
He had always wanted siblings.
Whichās why as the family grew, he accepted everyone. He did his best as a big brother. Plagg helped.
When Dawn arrived, accidentally sold, he did not hesitate when his Papa asked him to help with the Hellgod after her. She was his sister, she was to be helped.
His little brothers, Harry and Neville, were also to be protected and he did a lot of babysitting while his parents hunted down the Horcruxes they could. He was also sworn to secrecy on who wouldāve been the Chosen One. They were children, not soldiers or weapons or heroes to save the day.
(Adrien loved being Chat, he loved helping people, helping his Lady, but his therapist had a point that no child, not even the King, should have to bear such burdens. He did so now, so he would have to do his best, but he should have never been Chosen. No child should be Chosen.)
Sammy and Dean came along and Adrien wanted to commit murder. They had been sold just like him; by their biological father for something. Sold for revenge.
Sammy and Dean were the last for awhile, a couple years at least, and Adrien loved all his siblings.
Then came Anakin, Wished Away into Freedom, and Adrien knew the films, knew what could happen but he loved his little brother fiercely, just as fiercely as the rest. Anakin was not Vader yet and even if Adrien had to Cataclysm Darth Sidious himself Anakin never would be the Sith Lordās attack dog.
InuYasha was next and he was a change; guarded, having been abused not by his parents but by everyone else. Adrien found it difficult to get through to his silver-haired brother but finally did so, using the bridge Anakin had built just by being himself. He often took InuYasha out on runs around Parisā rooftops, letting the boy stretch himself and relying on being Chat in order to keep up. (He was only human after all.)
Then came Paige, after he had had his own children, and his heart ached for her biological parents. They had done what was best for her and he could never think badly of that. Knowing what he would do for his own childrenā¦
Then came Davy; like everyone else in the family, Adrien was caught by surprise. He had known his parents had been deaged for more attempts but apparently no one, not even his Mama, had known of her pregnancy.
Being the youngest by far, of all the children, Davy was a little spoiled for attention and yet effectively an only child. But his siblings, niblings, and cousins adored him just like everyone else.
Wished Away 6:
Summers Meets Summers:
Danny stepped through the portal, arms cradling a baby.
āUncle Danny?ā Dawn started.
āDawn, this isnāt for you,ā Danny assured, before looking to the assembled Scoobies, āScoobies, meet Hope Summersāwell, thatās an alias. Itās not safe for her in her dimension.ā
āWait, Summers,ā Xander said slowly, eyes wide, ālike X-men Summers? Mutant Summers?ā
āSheās supposedly the mutant messiah,ā Danny said in hushed tones, āevery anti-mutant assholeās after her. Clockwork pulled her right after her family was decimated because of those assholes. Me and Sam would take her on but weāve already got Anakin.ā
āWeāll pass her off as a cousin,ā Buffy declared after a quick silent conversation with Spike, āfamily problems. Me and Dawn are her only other family. Xander, we need your comic knowledge. Giles, Anya, Willow, Tara, your magic knowhow. DannyāYour Majestyāā
āIāll be point of contact for her dimension, and Iāll fund her stay here,ā Danny interjected.
Another portal opened and a stream of ghosts came flowing out; they were carting baby gear.
Danny smiled widely at everyoneās shock, āWe werenāt just gonna hand you a baby and run. Everything you need, you just need to buy the formula, diapers, and such. Come here, Buffy.ā
Buffy took Hope carefully; she had held babies before, mostly Phantom children, but never one soā¦young.
Then she blanched, āHoly hell, Spike! We have a kid now!ā
The vampire went bone white.
āCongrats,ā Danny said, grinning widely and with too many teeth to pass as human.
āYouāre sure you cannot rear her yourself?ā Giles asked.
Danny shook his head, āNo, we haveā¦Anakin might be subject to a Prophecy about being the Chosen One, Harry and Nev have a prophecy about either one being a Chosen One, Adrien is a Chosen Oneļæ½ļæ½in fact, only Damian doesnāt have some prophecy attached. That we know of. Even Dawn was gonna end the world. Plus Hopeās gonna be powerful; I donāt know how powerful but she will be powerful. We canāt risk her being ecto-contaminated either.ā
āDamn,ā Xander muttered.
āWeād take her in,ā Danny assured, āif we could; but we really canāt.ā
āWhat if the placement falls through?ā Anya asked.
āThen we ask Damianās bio-father to either take her or help place her in his dimension. If he canāt help, either the Potters or Longbottoms take her, if not them then the Fenton-Chengs, my eldest son and his wife. Youāre our first choice but not last resort. You were chosen because we hope the Hellmouth will help hide her. Pass her off as demon-touched or something once her powers start coming in. We hope thereās enough of aā¦a gulf between the two dimensions that nothing from hers can come after her.ā
āWeāll take care of her.ā Buffy promised.
#danny phantom#ghost king danny#harry potter#buffy the vampire slayer#miraculous ladybug#DP#HP#ML#MLB#BTVS#dc comics#DC#JLA#supernatural#SPN#danny phantom crossover#multi-crossover#star wars#SW#used google translate#long reads#Charmed(1998)#scooby doo#scoobynatural#Wished Away Series#inuyasha#marvel comics#x men
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"Blacklistedā¦" Marinette whispered her face blank as she stared at Chloe's worried face. "Adrien and Lila had Gabriel blacklist me." Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she choked back sobs, she covered her face with her hands. Chloe moved quickly pulling her shaking friend into her arms. "What am I going to do Chloe? Fashion was my future-and-and they ruined it for me. Four years of college all for nothing." Marinette sobbed into Chloe's shoulder as both girls sank to the ground.
"I don't know Marinette, I really don't know." Chloe said quietly she pulled back and pulled a handkerchief out of her bag. She brushed it across Marinette's cheeks wiping away the tears. "My mother confronted him and he refused to unblacklist you. It ended in a screaming match and mother declaring that Bourgeois would never associate with them again. Mother has been trying to counter the blacklist but Agreste has gotten too far already Mari." Marinette sniffled nodding as Tikki and Pollen flew over to their holders tentatively, the other Kwami remained near Pollen's little mansion.
"There is nothing that can be done? There has to be something!" Tikki said with anger clear in her voice. Marinette gave her a sad smile holding out her hand for Tikki to sit in it. Pollen landed in Chloe's open hand curling her arms around Chloe's thumb.
"No Tikki there is nothing we can do. We just have to move on." Marinette said they could all hear the anguish in her voice. She took a deep breath stopping herself from crying. "Plagg," she called softly , causing the Kwami to fly over. "normally I wouldn't allow this, but I think Gabriel has a streak of bad luck coming don't you?" Plagg was silent before her let out a loud cackle flying around Marinette's head.
"Oh kid, you're my favorite Ladybug for sure! What do you say Tikki, want to take away his creativity?" Tikki frowned part of her wanted to join in, but part of her pointed out that she should be the better person. "Come on Sugar Cube, I know you want to get payback for your chosen." Plagg said softly, smirking more when Tikki sighed and nodded.Ā
"But only once." She said looking at him with her own glare.
"It's funny," Audrey commented during dinner, she looked up with a smirk. "ever since Gabriel made the mistake of blacklisting you six months ago his designs have really dropped." She let out a laugh before taking a sip of her wine. "On top of that he has not only lost workers, but I heard there is a scandal going on with his son and the model of his!" Chloe snorted at that shaking her head, she took a bite of her steak. She glanced over at Marinette sending her a gentle smile, Marinette returned it before turning back to Audrey. "Mari dear, have you decided on what you want to do? I told you once I have absolutely no problem with you remaining here. On top of that I am more than willing to help you sell your designs under the acronym MDC like you've been doing with Jagged." Marinette glanced down at her food before looking up with a small smile.
"I am going to keep designing for Jagged and Clara. However I will not for others
, no, I have other plans now. Audrey you like my food, pastries, and weird drinks, yes?" Audrey glanced at Chloe in confusion before nodding.
"Yes I find it pretty amazing that you can make pastries from all over the world. Your apple pie is my favorite, although it is the reason that I have to work out so much." The comment caused the two young women to burst into soft laughter. "What does this have to do with anything?" Marinette smiled and placed her elbows on the table resting her chin on one hand. She smirked slightly thinking over her plan.Ā
"You see they derailed my dream just a bit, yes, but I have two loyal customers so I'm not completely stuck. I am not a one trick pony, I have a lot of talents." The mother and daughter were silent both confused, causing Marinette to laugh softly. "I was raised in a bakery, and my Great Uncle is a world renowned chef. I think a restaurant is in my future." Audrey smirked as she held her wine glass up.
"You see Mari, this is why you're one of my favorites, you never let anything keep you down. You'll have my backing and my husband's as well. With Chloe's help we are going to make your restaurant a hit." She shared a smile with her daughter knowing that Marinette's restaurant would be a hit when it opened. "Just one question Mari, what is the theme?" Marinette smirked looking over at Chloe with a twinkle in her eye.
"It's going to be subtlety themed around Paris's heros. Ladybug, Lynx(Felix), Viperion, Ryuko, Queen Bee and current Honeywell. Each hero will have their own signature dish. That is their personal favorite, Ladybug's is macaroons with her famous spotted design. Lynx's is Soupe Ć l'oignon, and so on. Desserts will be specially designed after their hero., While meals will be served on dishes resembling their costumes."Ā
āWell, you know youāll have my full backing. Once you pick the perfect location I will have construction workers on the site, and once theyāre done interior decorators to listen to your every input! On top of that I will make sure to talk up your restaurant to every business partner I have.ā Audrey declared gently dabbing around her mouth with a napkin. She placed the napkin down before standing up; she made her way to Chloe grabbing her daughter's face and kissing her forehead gently, before doing the same to Marinette. āNow it is time for me to retire to bed. Donāt stay up too late girls!ā She waved walking to the door nodding when Butler Jean opened the door for her. āMuch appreciate Jean.ā She gave him a rare smile, one which he returned with his own. Chloe and Marinette shared a look giggling softly together as Jean closed the door behind Audrey.
āWell, Dupain-Cheng, shall we retire as well?ā Chloe said mimicking her motherās voice. Marinette snorted covering her face with her napkins as Butler Jean gave Chloe a stern look struggling to hide his own smile.
āItās beautiful.ā Audrey said in awe taking in her once protegees restaurant. The outside of the store was simple yet elegant. Cream bricks with black accents, the two large windows were slightly tinted and had the name written in elegant cursive. āMiraculousā The outside sitting area was gated off with a station for the host that provided shade on particularly hot days. It was divided into different sections, for certain Parisian heroes. Ladybug, Lynx, Viperion, Ryuko, and Honeywell. Each section was styled after their hero, Marinette and the interior designers had managed to make it so the colors didnāt clash. Instead they gave off a look of abstract beauty. In the middle of the outside area sat one table that had a sign stating it was permanently reserved for the original Queen Bee. The table made Chloe shine with happiness that only doubled once she realized that there was also a table inside reserved just for her. The inside was much the same except in the middle of the restaurant their was another table for Chloe. There was a window that took up much of the back wall, displaying the kitchen where ten chefs were divided in two, each learning their heroes menu together. There were two hallways on either side, the right had the bathrooms and the left had five private rooms. Each styled after their hero. "I must say, I was unsure that you'd be able to fit their colors together. However, you and the interior designers pulled it off flawlessly. May I see the menus?" Marinette smirked a twinkle in her eye as she held up five menus.
"Five menus for each hero. Which one would you like to see? The waiters and waitresses are instructed to request what hero's menu they would like to eat from. Each has eight different meals, five deserts, one specialty drink, and specialty salad, the only thing they have in common is drinks. side salads and soups. Two waiters and two chefs for each hero, more will be added if needed. The chefs have their own spaces together in the kitchen."Ā Marinette surveyed the restaurant, a smile taking over her face as she took in her finished product. Butler Jean walked up placing a hand on her shoulder, his gentle smile already present.
"If I may break character for just a second, I must say and I'm sure Mistress Bourgeois and Mistress Chloe agree, I am quite proud of you Miss Marinette. You've truly outdone yourself." Chloe nodded and came up hugging Marinette's arm smiling at her as Marinette started to tear up. The tears didn't fall until Audrey placed her hand on the back of Marinette's head, a rare smile on her face.
"Thank you for everything." She whispered softly, smiling brightly at them.
"Don't bemused, it's just the news! Nadja Chamack back again! Good afternoon Paris! New in Paris today, I'm sure you have all heard of the hit restaurant Miraculous that only opened a week ago! Well Paris, I have the inside scoop for you today! I was invited by the owner of the restaurant just last night! Now I am sure you are all wondering! Nadja, how did you get a direct invitation?! I was shocked too! Only to discover the owner of the restaurant was my goddaughter Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Marinette is twenty-three years old and now owns one of the most popular restaurants in Paris! Let me tell you! The restaurant is absolutely beautiful and styled after our heroes, you all know Ladybug is my personal favorite. So Marinette set up a private room for my daughter and me. She has five private rooms, all designated with a specific hero, so obviously my room was Ladybug's! I must say the restaurant is truly one of a kind! Marinette has out done herself, and its not just me saying that. Jagged Stone, Audrey Bourgeois, Clara Nightingale, and even some famous actors and musicians have all gone to Miraculous this past week. Each one had raving reviews, so much so that many celebrities and even some heroes are coming to Paris just to eat there. Pictures on Jagged's and Clara's Instagrams show them posing with a bright eyed Marinette, in one of the private rooms together! I think Paris agrees with me when I say this, congratulations Marinette, and I must say this to my goddaughter, I'm so proud of you Marinette. Now itās time for sports-" Lila paused the tv glaring at is as she stared at the picture of Marinette between Jagged and Clara. She screamed throwing the remote at the wall, causing Adrien to tense up in their share kitchen. He sighed glaring down at his coffee only sparing a glance at the tv as he stirred.Ā
'When will she stop causing problems, I seriously thought she was more mature than this. But no she just has to keep thrusting herself into the spotlight knowing it'll piss Lila off.' He shook his head turning to watch his fiance finish her tantrum, as a smirk covered her face, a plan clearly forming. Only briefly did he wonder what the new lie was going to be this time. 'I am surprised she didn't just give up when we ruin her dream. Lila and father thought for sure that would break her.' He glanced down at his right hand where the ring use to rest anger growing in his chest. 'She deserves it, if she had just kept her mouth shut things would be different. No, she had to tell Ladybug everything when she discovered my identity. If it wasn't for her I'd still be Chat Noir, things would be different. I'd be with the love of my life and out of my father's control. This is all her fault, she deserves to be ruined.' Lila turned to him with a predatory smirk, her eyes glinting in the light as she walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck leaning against him standing on her toes as she lifted one leg into the air. She bit her lip before kissing him and pulling back their lips barely touching as they stared into each others eyes.Ā
" We're going to get reservations at her crappy little restaurant, and we are going to destroy it and her name for good." Adrien smiled and placed his mug down wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her closer kissing her deeply before pulling back
"I'll have Nathalie set them up for us under my name. Now go get dressed, we have a photoshoot at 5." He let Lila go picking up his phone and texting Nathalie as Lila went to the shared room in their penthouse. He picked his coffee back up and starred at the picture of Marinette on the tv a smirk crossing his face.Ā
Two days later however they were all furious when the reservations were denied under all their names. They were only given reservations after using a fake name. When the day came they were dressed to impress and arrived in a limo. Lila smirked before letting her mask fall into place, as paparazzi turned to them and started taking pictures. She wrapped her arms around Adrien's arm giggling and waving at them until they reached the door only to be stopped by two guards and a hostess who was looking down at her book. "Name?"
"We are under Anthony Stewart." Adrien said smiling charmingly. The host ran her finger down the book till she came to the name. She nodded and looked up glancing at them before turning to the guards only to turn back surprised.
"I apologize we do have a Anthony Stewart down for reservations but you are not him." Adrien smiled nodding to her glancing at Lila.Ā
"Yes, you see my assistant set up the reservation for us under his name." The hostess gave them a tight smile before nodding politely.Ā
"Yes we do allow that to be done here. Unfortunately I am still not allowed to let you in." She said holding back a smirk at their shocked faces as the cameras began to take even more pictures.
"What do you mean you're not allowing us in?!" Lila said anger displayed clearly on her face.
"I'm truly sorry, here Maya let me take over while you take care of our other guests." Marinette said as she stepped out of the restaurant. She hair was pulled into an elegant up do, still wearing her signature black earrings. However she had a simple pairing of silver glasses on and was wearing a pink pencil skirt a white ruffled top and a black blazer. Her nails were a soft pink matching her toes as she wore black open toed heels. Both Adrien and Lila saw the glint in her eye even though she was smiling politely at them. "I really hoped you would all take the hint when reservations under your name were all rejected. You see I refuse to allow petty drama cause problems for my restaurant, and I'm afraid that you two bring drama with you where ever you go. However I can see my hint was not noticed so I'll tell you myself. Lila Rossi, Adrien Agreste, you two and your families are banned from setting foot into my restaurant. So sorry, but after you two repeatedly bullied me, spread lies about me and tried to ruin my future, I simply couldn't find it in myself to allow you in. Now please leave, your blocking other customers." Marinette turned and began to walk back into the restaurant until Adrien grabbed her arm dragging her back roughly.
"Now listen here Marinette!" He started until Marinette turned to him no fear in her eyes as she drew her free arm back and decked him. Adrien released her arm falling backwards holding his nose in pain, Marinette falling to the ground holding her arm gingerly.
"How dare you!?!" Lila snapped dropping down and wrapping her arms around Adrien's shoulders protectively, glaring at Marinette attempting to play the victims. "Thats it! We are sueing you for everything you have, I can't believe you just assaulted Adrien!" She smirked as she watched an officer get out of her car and advance on them. "Officer! Officer please arrest her! She just assaulted my fiance!" Lila cried out as tears began to fall.Ā
"I'm afraid I'll be taking Mr. Agreste into custody instead Miss Rossi. I was here the entire time and I watched him grab Miss Dupain-Cheng roughly. He assaulted her and she defended herself." Sabrina said staring down at the two as Lila looked up at her in shock. Another officer pulled up with his lights on and stepped out of the car. "Raincomprix, an ambulance is on the way to fix his nose before I take him in. Please make sure to get the photographers names, emails and numbers so that we can get pictures and possibly videos. Then take Miss Dupain-Cheng statement along with pictures of her and her arm, I'll take his pictures. After that get witness statements." Sabrina nodded before pulling out her notebook and walking over to the paparazzi. A few minutes later an ambulance pulled up and took care of Adrien before he was escorted to the back of the police car. Lila stood watching in shock, her mind running a mile a minute, she was quick to flee the scene once she realized pictures were still being taken.
The next day they were all over the news and everyone was on Marinette's side. Videos and pictures were all over social media and Gabriel's lawyers told him that there was no way they could save Adrien from being guilty unless they took a plea bargain. Adrien would admit his guilt and instead of jail time he had to pay Marinette a settlement and was given a restraining order to not come within fifty feet of her for five years. Gabriel's brand took a great hit and for a while Lila and Adrien couldn't step outside with out receiving glares or being refused business. Their reputations were dearly hurt and it didn't look like they'd ever be fixed. While Marinette was higher than ever everyone viewing her as a strong and amazing person after she didn't let his attack hold her back. This drove them crazy but they knew they couldn't do anything, Lila however decided that Hawkmoth just needed to target Marinette. Unluckily for them, it was that targeting that gave away Gabriel's identity to Ladybug and the Miraculous team.
A few months later it was breaking news when the Miraculous team brought in Gabriel, Natalie, and Lila and exposed them as Hawkmoth and Mayura, and that Lila was working with them. Adrien was spared after Ladybug revealed that he was Chat Noir. Everyone was ecstatic, parties were thrown and statues of the heros were placed in different parts of the city. It was shortly after that it was revealed that Gabriel blacklisted many people and allowed his designers to steal work in the hopes that they'd get others akumatized. Marinette was ecstatic that her name in fashion was cleared but she told the press she wasn't planning on going back into fashion. That only a few people would receive her designs, and they would only be those that Clara or Jagged recommended. It was a few months later that Gordon Ramsey visited her restaurant everyone was expecting Ramsey to find something to tear apart and were extremely surprised when he made a tweet praising Marinette's meals and her chefs talents. It actually spurred a friendship between the two and soon Gordon was added to the list of people that received her designs. After this everyone was going to Marinette's restaurant, they had reservations book 6 months out. Every day there is new pictures of celebrities at the restaurant Marinette was the new name in restaurants and cooking. She even agreed to star on some cooking shows. Her favorite guest spot was on Nailed it. The show was themed after heroes Jacques Torres made cupcakes specialized after America's heros, while Marinette made a five tier cake, each tier representing a different Parisian hero. Marinette lost it when she saw the cupcakes for Batman and Robin she couldn't stop laughing and immediately took pictures. Marinette and Jacques held multiple conversations in French, both struggling not to laugh as Nicole made faces at them. When Marinette pulled out the money gun she flicked her head done and a pair of Eiffel Tower shaped glasses covered her face. She looked at Nicole seriously and nodded before saying she was ready to complete the mission. This cause Nicole to burst into laughter.Ā After the winner was announced Marinette made another announcement, all three contestants and their family had an all expenses paid trip to Paris and a free meal at her restaurant Miraculous. It was shortly after that, that Marinette began to open more restaurants starting in each heroes city. Twenty-five percent of their earnings went to either the heros in question or a charity that they picked. Marinette's restaurants got popular quickly and soon she was named the youngest billionaire and only twenty-five years old. Everyone was shocked when majority of her money was put towards charity and thar she began different foundations to help others. She even began programs to pay for peoples schooling in university and colleges. Soon she was invited to charity events all over the world, from the Maria Stark Foundation to the Martha Wayne charity Gala. When she is twenty-six Marinette moves out of Audrey's penthouse and travels between different homes until settling down into a penthouse in New York. Audrey and Chloe both follow her over Audrey simply returning and establishing New York as her base of operations once again.
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous marinette#miraculous au#miraculous fandom#miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#lila salt#adrien salt#adrien x lila#nailedit#gordon ramsay#chloe bourgeois#chloe sugar#audrey bourgeois#mlb x dc#ml x dc#dc comics#marvel#maria stark foundation#martha wayne clarity gala
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i see ppl doing crossovers of miraculous ladybug with other superhero franchises which is FINE as long as you acknowledge the fact that when speaking english ladybug and chat noir speak with thick, obnoxious french accents
#i want it to be such a task to read#who is ze jokeur? āees an akuma?#spideurman? zer is a spideur miraculous?#american superheroes would have absolutely no clue what theyāre saying#ml#mlb#mlb x dc#mlb x marvel#ml x dc#ml x marvel#miraculous#miraculous ladybug
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I've been looking through your archive for 2 hours trying to find that list of your new favorite ongoing fic now that The Great IKEA Game is over and I can't find it šš would you mind listing it again please??
yeah! in fact, let me make a new list since some of the fics that might have been on last list are on hiatus indefinitely.
First, another completed fic that can be hard to find, but is absolutely wonderful. It's not quite maribat, it's a Miraculous x Marvel crossover, but I figured it was close enough to include.
There is also A Bug's Way Home by CocoaKat on A03. It hasn't been updated in a little over a month, but it is still ongoing. Just a hiatus as the author is busy with life rn.
and omg, by far Tiny Tim by LeoLeonte on A03 is my favorite ongoing, regularly updated maribat fic right now. And But Think of the Content! by you_wish_you_knew_8755 on A03 just finished up not too long ago, it's 20 chapters and a real good read.
I haven't been keeping up with reading it, but I know that Look What You Made Me Do by Kiatana6 on A03 is ongoing and I remember liking it. It's just slightly too long for me to justify rereading it right now with all the stuff I have going on in my life, but it is worth a shot if you're looking for a longer story.
And actually, I lied. Tied for first place on my list of favorite ongoing fics right now is actually Bug Bites by thatwritersdream on A03. It's a Mlb x Marvel crossover, not Maribat, but it is sooooo good. I love it so much.
Also The Forgotten One by Alyssa_deliv on A03 is also good, and another huge fave of mine right now is The Particular Abilities of Marinette, and Her Discovery of Them by plantsarefun06 on A03.
Other honorable mentions go to the Resilience in the Face of Adversity series by AboutTheMountains on A03, and Mistakes by Tress_Are_The_Answer on A03.
#ml x marvel#maribat fanfic#maribat#not my fics#fic rec#fic recs#my fic rec list#mlb x dc#dc x mlb#dc x miraculous#ml x dc
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Pics or It Didnāt Happen
Mild salt and slight hints of Maribat, but mostly crack.Ā
I did get some ideas from @unmaskedagainās blog.Ā
Their ml salt and/or crack fics sustain me.Ā
Marinette learned pretty quickly that even if you had proof, not everyone will listen. Itās always better to have pictures than words, because more people will believe you that way.Ā
It was a slow burn, but Lila Rossi had successfully turned Miss Bustierās class against the girl. It hurt when her once friends called her jealous and a bully.Ā
Her! Marinette!Ā
Did they forget that she had been bullied by Chloe for years? Why would she become a bully after being bullied herself?
And jealous? Jealous of what? Marinetteās crush on Adrien had long simmered out into nothing but cinders. The boy was a spineless coward who would rather pretend everything was ok rather than stand up and face the truth.
It hurt that this had happened, but, oddly enough, Marinette got some of her greatest allies through this.Ā
It started with Chloe.Ā
One particularly gloomy day, Marinette saw the blonde sitting alone while eating her lunch. Sabrina had long abandoned the blonde for Lilaās foolās gold and, not for the first time in her life, Chloe felt alone.
Now, despite their long hated history, Marinette wasnāt heartless. The Ladybug in her compelled her to sit next to the blonde and eat. Chloe stared at her, surprised, but said nothing as she continued to eat herself.
That lunch started a truce and led to a friendship.Ā
Next was Moriah.Ā
Moriah was an exchange student from America. Marinette was surprised the day she walked into the bakery and saw her parents talking with a shy looking brunette girl with glasses.Ā
Her parents told her that Moriah was a transfer student from AmericaĀ that they would be hosting for the next few years if all went well.Ā
Moriah was very shy around new people, so when they arrived at school the next day, she stayed close to Marinette. Lila saw this and tried to tempt her into her web of lies.Ā
Moriah was interested in Lilaās tales, but cautious. She looked up any proof of Lilaās stories and found no evidence. She looked up Lilaās name. Nothing.Ā
When she tried pointing this out to the class, she was shunned. Chloe and Marinette welcomed her with open arms.Ā
After a month or so, Moriah became much more comfortable. She was witty and funny, and she had no qualms about defending her friends and she always tried to remain to the side of justice.Ā
This was one of the reasons Marinette decided to give her a miraculous.Ā
After a week of living together, Moriah found out Marinette was Ladybug. The girls had to share a room and Marinette came back late in the night, still dressed as Ladybug, assuming Moriah was asleep and detransformed in her room.Ā
Moriah dropped the book she was reading and squeaked behind the Asian girl.
The next few days included Moriah beating herself up about not noticing that her roommate was a superhero.
About a month or two later, was when Marinette began debating whether or not she should give Chloe and Moriah a miraculous.Ā
Chloe, Marinette knew she wanted to give a miraculous too. The blonde had long ago proved that she was trustworthy and ready to re-wield a miraculous, but she didnāt want to risk anyone knowing that it was Chloe like with Queen Bee.
Moriah was a different story. Marinette was scared about risking something and making a mistake like she did trusting Alya. And the risk was much higher with Moriah since the brunette girl knew Marinette was Ladybug and the Guardian.Ā
It wasnāt until when Ondine was akumatized again that Marinette made her choice.Ā
Lila had manipulated Kim and convinced him to dump Ondine, to which she was akumatized into Syren again.Ā
Ladybug had to fight this one almost alone because recently, Chat Noir had been showing less and less. He blamed it on his other life, but Ladybug couldnāt help but get the feeling that it was because she kept rejecting him.Ā
It was a long hard battle and by the time it was through, Ladybug knew she needed help. If Chat Noir was going to be a little bitch, fine. But this wasnāt going to happen again.Ā
That day, Marinette decided to give Chloe the Fox Miraculous and Moriah the Bee Miraculous. They became the heroes; Vixen and Yellow Jacket.
(āThis is why Iām a dog person.ā Yellow Jacket commented, pointing at Chat Noir as he arrived late to their first fight with disdain.)
Miss Bustierās class were both excited and confused about the new heroes. What happened to Rena Rouge?Ā
Alya threw her phone when she saw Ladybug announce that Vixen and Yellow Jacket would be the new, permanent holders of the miraculouses.Ā
Many mocked Chloe for being replaced, assuming that the girl would throw a tantrum, but she ignored them.Ā
What Moriah couldnāt understand is how nobody noticed how similar Vixen and Queen Bee looked.Ā
The next ally was Luka, who turned out to be the most helpful.Ā
He never knew about the tall-tales that the class had been told until one day when the girls came by to his house boat and was met with a disgruntled Moriah whose hair was cut.
Moriah had pretty magenta peek-a-boo highlights that were hardly noticeable, but Lila decided to complain that Moriahās colored hair was distracting her. Mr Damocles ordered her to get rid of the colors from her hair or sheād be expelled.Ā
Moriah, while normally always respectful, especially to adults, looked stunned. She pointed to Alix and Juleka, yelling; āWhat about Alix and Juleka?! Their hair is more obvious than mine! Why shouldnāt they change their hair?ā
She was not allowed back on campus until the color had been removed from her hair. Moriah was furious and called her parents, telling them what had happened, and told Tom and Sabine the same thing with Chloe and Marinette.
Both parties were furious, but there was nothing Moriahās parents could do since they were in America and Tom and Sabine tried talking to Mr Damocles about the issue, stating that there was nothing in the school rules against dyed hair and why it shouldnāt be more important than the education, but the man refused to budge.Ā
Eventually, after three days of failing to get Mr Damocles to see reason and missed school, Tom and Sabine emailed the school board about the issue and, with no choice until they responded, Moriah was forced to get rid of her highlights.
She flat out refused to dye her hair because to get all the highlights out, theyād have to dye her whole head, so Moriah was forced to cut her locks short to remove the color.Ā
Needless to say, she was pissed.Ā
As was Luka.
The boy had grown to be good friends with the girl and liked her highlights. Seeing the rockinā pink cut out sucked. When he asked what had happened, the girls told him everything, including Lilaās tabloid tales.
Luka was quick to pull Juleka aside and open her eyes to reason. When the girl found out the truth, the first thing she did was tell Rose.Ā
The blonde girlās eyes were opened too, and were quick to fill with tears. Everything was a lie. How could they have been so stupid? Then they remembered that Marinette had tried to warn them and were overcome with guilt. How could they make it up to her?
Marinette, Chloe, and Moriah were watching Heathers (Moriahās suggestion) in Marinetteās room with their kwamis when Rose and Juleka entered. (Tikki, Pollen, and Trixx hid before the girls could see them)
The movie was paused and the girls stared at each other, waiting for something to happen. There was a beat of silence before Rose burst into tears.
āMarinette, weāre so sorry! We shouldāve listened to you!āĀ
Rose and Juleka told them that Luka had opened their eyes and that they never should have believed Lilaās stories and how they had tried to prove it to Ivan and Mylene too, but they wouldnāt listen.Ā
They ended their apology by saying; āWe know we donāt deserve your forgiveness, but we are sorry and we want to make it up to you. Starting with this.ā
Both girls handed Marinette two hundred dollars each. Marinette looked between the girls and the money in shock.Ā
āItās payment for everything youāve done for us. Every dress, outfit, accessory, baked good, everything. We know it isnāt enough, but itās all we can afford right now. We promise to give you more once we have it.ā
There were a few minutes of silence after that. Marinette blinked at the girls before tearing up and smiling.
āNo. You donāt have to give me anymore. This will do.ā She reassured.Ā
Rose and Juleka awkwardly nodded, but Marinette could tell they were somewhat relieved. There was an awkward silence before Moriah spoke up.Ā
āI know youāre lesbians, but do you want to drool over JD with us?ā
Rose and Juleka blushed, but nodded their heads happily, rushing over to join the group.
It wasnāt just the girls though. Nathaniel never believed the stories, but was scared about what would happen if he spoke up. Seeing Rose and Juleka of all people step up made him join too. Marinette also had allies in students in other classes too, like Marc, Calude, and Aurore as well as in other schools, like Kagami and Felix. For the first time in a long time, Marinette felt much better.Ā
She should have known it wouldnāt last.Ā
That night she and Moriah returned to their room after patrol, she should have noticed that her sketchbook wasnāt where she left it on her desk.Ā
She should have noticed when she and Moriah got up in the morning, but they were so exhausted from the night before to think of anything more than food and getting ready.Ā
The girls met up with Chloe at the school gates and they had just walked into the classroom when they saw Alya talking with Miss Bustier, Lila and her sheep herded on one side of the room and the rest on the other side, looking murderous. Marinette almost instantly got a gut feeling that something was wrong.
Boy was she right.
When the girls were noticed, Lilaās sheep gave them smug looks while the girl herself gave them a faux innocent look.Ā
She did something.
Miss Bustier cleared her throat before turning to face the girls.Ā
āGirls, because of your behavioral issues, the class decided that it would be best if you three didnāt go on the class trip.ā
Oh yeah, the class trip.Ā
During the third and final year, the seniors of the school were allowed a class trip. It was to be organized by the class, mostly the president, and the entire class had to do fundraisers to pay for it.Ā
To be completely honest, the last thing the three girls wanted to do was go on a trip with their class. Nathaniel and Marc had gotten an internship at DC Comics (courtesy of MDC) and that was taking place exactly during the class trip and Luka and Julekaās mom decided that they were going to sail around the world this summer and Rose got permission to tag along.Ā
It would only be the three girls together with a class who hated them, but Marinette was the class president and had to organize it, and if she had to organize the whole thing then she was going to enjoy the fruits of her labor. And Chole and Moriah werenāt going to let her suffer alone.Ā
The bluenette had already begun planning the trip. Places to go and fundraising to do. She even decided to go ahead and book reservations. It was unfair!
Marinette opened her mouth to argue when her eye caught something in the trash that made her heart stop.Ā
Praying she was wrong, she slowly walked to the trash can and pulled out itās contents.Ā
There was her sketchbook, tattered and torn.
She couldnāt believe it. Marinette started hyperventilating, looking at the scraps of her work.
Marinette had several sketchbooks, she filled them out rather fast, but that specific sketchbook was one filled with the design ideas she had for Jagged Stoneās tour that was happening this summer.Ā
Marinette felt the world around her spiralling. She felt dizzy. Distantly she could hear people calling her name, but couldnāt comprehend it.Ā
She felt sick.Ā
She was going to be sick!Ā
That was the last thing she remembered before running home, people calling her name as she left the school.
Always make friends with people who are loyal.Ā
A good friend will make you feel better after someone hurt you.Ā
But a best friend will skip beside you with an old, rusty bat singing āSomeoneās gonna get it~ā
After Marinette ran out, Chloe, Moriah, Juleka, Rose, and Nathaniel all screamed at their classmates and teacher, telling them how incompetent they were. Moriah, too angry to remember how to speak french, called them scum sucking creeps of the earth that Satan wouldnāt even want in hell.Ā
It probably wouldāve gone farther, but the three competent classmates gave Chloe and Moriah a look and told them to go after Marinette.Ā
The girls listened with no hesitation.Ā
They ran all the way to the Dupan-Cheng bakery. They walked in and Tom and Sabine looked at them before glancing upstairs with sad looks. Both girls knew immediately what they meant. They went upstairs to see Marinette doing breathing exercises, trying to keep from crying or even being sad at all. Tikki was patting her wielder's leg.Ā
Moriah instantly ran over to Marinette while Chloe was quick to close any windows, doors, and cover any cracks and creases that an akuma could get through before joining them
Fuck Hawkmoth! There was no way the girls were going to let Marinette try and keep this bottled up so that she wouldnāt get akumatized.Ā
Chloe decided that the best thing for them to do was go to her fatherās hotel and have a girls night, which is precisely what they did. What Marinette didnāt know was that there was a double meaning behind it.
The girls and their kwamis spent the night eating junk food and watching chick-flicks like Legally Blonde and Mean Girls. Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel told the others what had happened, and Chloe and Moriah were met with numerous texts, asking if they needed to come over, but the girls reassured everyone that they had it covered.
Finally, Marinette had passed out. It was after midnight and Chloe and Moriah exchanged looks before getting to work.Ā
Tip-toeing out of the room, closing the door behind them, Moriah unlocked Marinetteās phone and opened her contacts.Ā
Scrolling down the list, taking note of a few names she wanted to ask the bluenette about later, she found the contact they were looking for.Ā
Jagged Stone.Ā
Hitting the face-time button, the girls waited for Jagged to answer. The rock star was currently in America, and should only be mid afternoon over there. Even if it wasnāt, heād stop in the middle of a live concert if Marinette was calling him.
Sure enough, after two beeps, the screen changed to Jaggedās face.
āMarinette, love! So good to hear from you-ā He stopped short when he saw the two girls, neither of which being his honorary niece.
āMoriah? Chloe? Whatāre you doing calling me on Marinetteās phone?ā
That was all it took before the girls told him everything. Lilaās stories, all worthy of a lawsuit, what happened to Marinetteās sketchbook, they even emailed him pictures of the texts that the class had sent to Marinette, most of which encuriged the girl to comitte suicide, and a link to the LadyBlog to prove that everything was true.
About midway during their confession, Penny had appeared on the screen, reading the emails that the girls had sent her. By the time Chloe and Moriah were finished, the pair looked like they wanted to commit murder.
Jagged yelled in fury, wanted to take legal action immediately, but Moriah cut in before he could.
āI agree with you Jagged, but what Marinette needs is a break. She needs a vacation from her class and Paris in general.āĀ
Chloe nodded in agreement.
Jagged brought a hand to his chin in thought. The girls had a point, but what to do?Ā
It was Pennyās idea.Ā
The first thing the girls did in the morning was burn all the plans that Marinette had made for the trip. They cancelled the reservations and when they got to school, Marinette walked up to Miss Busterās desk and said; āIām resigning as class president. If the class doesnāt want Chloe, Moriah, and I to join them on the class trip, then I wonāt plan it.ā
And that was it.Ā
Lila had been chosen as the new class president.
To her credit, she did do a decent job. She had decent fundraising ideas, but she started late in the school year, so the class only raised enough money to go to Disneyland Paris.
Chloe snorted.
The class attended the trip in June. Their social media and camera rolls filled with pictures. Most of the captions read that they were glad to get away from the bullies at school.
It wasnāt till after the trip that they found out what happened with the girls.Ā
It was Alix who found out first. In the class group chat, save the three ābullies,ā Alix texted: āOMG, look at this!ā
Underneath was a picture of the three girls at the airport with Jagged Stone, Penny, and Fang. The three were posing like Charlieās Angels, wearing huge grins, with the caption: āTouring with Jagged Stone All Summer!!ā
Penny was a genius.Ā
Lila looked at her phone in horror. This couldnāt be happening.
Oh, my dear liar, but it is!
The first stop was Gotham. Jagged was performing at a Gala hosted by Bruce Wayne, which the girls would be attending. But first, they got a tour of Wayne industries.Ā
The first picture in Gotham was taken by Moriah at Wayne industries. She was looking at the phone camera like she was on the Office while very clearly behind her you could see Marinette talking with Damian Wayne, the youngest Wayne son, and Chloe talking with a boy named Jonathan āJonā Kent, son of famous reporters Lois Lane-Kent and Clark Kent. Alya nearly snapped her phone in half when she recognized the boy. The pairs were obviously flirting. The pictureās captain read: āFirst Day in Gotham and Iām already a fifth wheel.ā
The next two pictures taken were a surprise to everyone.Ā
They were taken by Chloe in the late night streets of Gotham. The first one was a picture of Marinette sitting on the driver's seat of the batmobile looking like all her dreams had come true while Batman stood beside her, arms crossed, looking rather stern.
The second picture was Moriah holding two pistols with starry eyes with Red Hood standing beside her, explaining to her how to shoot them, with an alarmed Marinette and Nightwing running towards them in the background.Ā
The girls did take a selfie with the entire Batfam, but they decided not to post that one.
The next few days were mainly pictures of the girls sightseeing (with the occasional sneaky picture Moriah took of her friends with Damian and Jon). However, at one point the girls were adopted (kidnapped) by Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Chloe and Marinette both agree that the weirdest thing that happened in Gotham was Moriah bonding with a talking plant named Frank.
Eventually, it was the night of the Wayne Gala. None of the girls took pictures of the gala, but the entrance was on tv, which Miss Bustierās class made a movie night out of.Ā
Sure enough, walking down the red carpet were the girls. Marinette had made new outfits for all of them, just for the gala, and they were stunning.
Marinette wore a long scarlet dress. It was fashioned like a traditional chinese dress, but more Marinette-y. There were intricate designs stitched in black around the bottom of the dress with a silk sash tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with a fancy stain glass rose pin in it.Ā
Chloe wore a glamorous gold mermaid dress. It shimmered with every step she took with glittering blue details on the top that matched her makeup. And if you looked down, you could see her wearing gold, literal gold, heels. Her hair was down in beach wave curls with blue strands woven into it.
Lila and Alya screamed when they saw both girls being escorted in by Damian Wayne and Jon Kent respectively.Ā
Jagged and Penny were linked together. Penny wore a v-neck, sleeveless shimmering silver dress, also made by Marinette, while Jagged wore a dark purple suit. It looked pretty monotone for the man at first, but when lights hit the suit, you could see that there had been music notes embroidered into the suit that turned it into a rainbow of color.
Moriahās dress came as a bit of a surprise. Marinette knew Moriah was more comfortable in pants than a dress, but she still wanted the girl to wear a dress, so they compromised. Moriah wore a dress that was also crossed with a suit. Kind of like Garnetās wedding dress from Steven Universe.
She wore a tuxedo jacket over a white, sleeveless dress that draped down longer in the back, shorter in the front. She had a red sash wrapped around her waist and black tights with red shoes to match. Around her neck was a shirt collar and bow-tie that she wore like a choker. Her hair was half up and half down in curls. Moriah wasnāt one to wear make up, but since it was a special occasion, she wore some mascara and a little lipstick.
The biggest surprise was her escort.Ā
Walking beside her was Fang, dressed in his own original Marinette tux that matched Jaggedās.
For the rest of the night, nobody knew what happened to the girls at the gala. It wasn't until the next morning that they found out.
Chloe and Marinette spent most of the night hanging out with Jon and Damian, but whenever they werenāt doing that, they talked with the other guests, most of whom asked for the designer of their outfits, which really boosted traffic on Marinetteās website.Ā
Moriah hung out around the dessert table most of the night, snacking on a bit of everything, while talking with the other Wayne sons. At some point, totally unclear on the how and why, Moriah and the oldest Wayne son, Dick Grayson, got into a dance fight. The gala ended before the fight did, so they had to call a draw.
Their next destination was New York, but they made a slight detour to Metropolis per Jon and Chloeās request. They got a VIP tour of the Daily Planet and met Jonās parents: Lois Lane-Kent and Clark Kent.Ā
Moriah recorded Lois tearing into the LadyBlog with a grin on her face, having no remorse in posting it online.
Alya couldnāt understand it as she watched her idol tearing into her lifeās work.
Then the girlsā mentioned BugOut, the blog Aurore ran, and Lois was a lot more pleasant.Ā
Alya threw her phone when she got a text from Nino that Marinette got Aurore an internship at the Daily Planet for winter and spring break, and possibly summer if she did well.
The next picture posted was the first one Marinette took. It was of her two friends hanging off Supermanās massive muscles as he flexed. Chloe denies ever drooling.
After that, they left for New York. Specifically, the Avengersā Tower. It was the anniversary of when the Avengers first became a team, and Tony Stark, an old friend of Jaggedās, highered the man to play at the party.Ā
Before then, they toured the Avengers tower. At one point, they walked in to see Captain America, Bucky Barns, and Thor working out. Shirtless. Moriah let out a quiet but passionate āHell yesā when they saw them.Ā
After the three men, regretfully, put on their shirts, they showed off their equipment. Chloe couldnāt help but squeal when Captain America handed her his shield. Marinette grinned as she hung off Buckyās metal arm as he flexed it. Moriah was once again handed guns, this time by Black Widow, which were once again promptly taken from her.
After all that excitement came the big guns. Per the girlsā request, Penny recorded them trying to lift Thorās hammer. It was all fun and games until Marinette easily picked it up. It was dead quiet before Thorās voice thundered across the room.
āShe is worthy! I must take her to Asgard with me!āĀ
Tony took a step forward. āThor, you canāt take a child.ā He stressed.
Thor tilted his head at the millionaire like a puppy. Moriah winced, grabbing her heart. That face was too cute for a grown-ass space god.
āThen what is the spider-kid?ā
Tony faceplamed. āHeās my intern and protege. Iām his mentor!ā
āThen I shall be this childās mentor!ā
āMiss Potts can be Chloeās mentor, for they are both fit to rule!ā Chloe preened at this.Ā
āThor, no!ā
Moriah raised her hand. āCan the kick-ass, Russian spy be my mentor?ā
Natasha raised an eyebrow at the girl before smirking.
āYes! Black Widow will become Moriahās mentor! It all works out! Now, I must take my new protege to Asgard to meet the All-Father.ā
āThor, no!āĀ
āDonāt you take my niece!ā Jagged ran into the phoneās picture, looking ready to fuck-up a god.Ā
The video ended with Penny dropping the phone and running towards Jagged who was now riding on Thorās back, pulling his hair.
The video went viral in an hour.Ā
Lilaās hands trembled as she watched the video, feeling herself paleing. She had become enemies with someone who could lift Thorās hammer.
This wasnāt posted, but shortly after Penny got Jagged off Thor, Loki appeared. He tried explaining that he felt powerful magic coming from the tower, but was cut short when Moriah tackled him to the ground in an aggressive hug.
While weāre on the subject of proteges, at some point, Peter came over. He heard that Jagged Stone was at the tower and wanted to meet him. He, Ned, and MJ were huge fans and he really needed an autograph.Ā
Friday told him that Jagged was with the other Avengers in the training room. Promptly saying thanks to the A.I, the spider boy practically ran to the room. What he didnāt expect was to open the door to see a short, brunette girl German suplex the Winter Soldier while wearing heels. (A trick Natasha had taught her. The Black Widow took being a mentor very seriously.)
Tony turned to see who was at the door and was met with a red faced, dazed Peter Parker who was clutching the area over his heart like it was about to beat out of his chest.
āNatasha, your kid broke my minion!ā
(Now Marinette and Chloe got their fill of taking sneaky pictures of Moriah and Peter.)
The girls did normal sightseeing stuff around New York. They went to a town called Riverdale and Moriah met a guy named Jughead. They bonded over having friends with love issues that attracted endless people while they just wanted to eat burgers.
At some point they were in another dangerous situation, but this time they met some guy named Deadpool who would make this One-Shot Rated-R if I actually put anything he said in it.
While in New York, they went to two Broadway Musicals. The first one was Phantom of the Opera. (Jagged didnāt really want to see this one, but he was outnumbered one to four. (Five including Fang. The crocodile had a weird love for Opera music.)) They also had a backstage pass where pictures of Marinette conversing with the person in charge of costumes, Chloe complementing the actress who played Christine, and Moriah hugging the actor who played the Phantom were taken.
After that, Jagged took them to see Hamilton. What the girlsā didnāt know, however, was that this was a special show with the original cast. Moriah screamed when she saw Lin Manuel-Miranda on the stage as Alexander Hamilton and when they went backstage, Moriah started crying when the cast greeted her.
Mylene, who admired the man herself, felt her heart break when she saw the picture of a joy-crying Moriah hugging Lin.
After that, they went to Florida for Jaggedās next concert at Universal Studios. They didnāt meet anyone famous there, but the class were still envious of the pictures.Ā
Moriah was a huge Potter Head, so this was a dream come true. She hissed at Marinette and Chloe when they playfully mocked her Hufflepuff shirt while they sported matching Slytherin shirts.Ā
They also went to Disney World, which was also a dream come true. The funniest thing that happened there was while Jagged and Moriah were off trying to waste hundreds of dollars on ice cream and other junk food with Penny trying to stop them, one of the parkās managers thought that Chloe and Marinette were supposed to fill-in for two of the disney princesses. Jagged, Penny, and Moriah came back to find Chloe dressed like Elsa and Marinette dressed like Mulan. Moriah laughed hysterically at the two girls until the same park manager pulled her away and she came out dressed like Belle.
Originally, Florida was supposed to be the final place, but there was a last minute change. Turns out that Jagged Stone has a sister who lives in Japan with a daughter named Kyoko Jirou.
While they were on tour, Jirou and her classmates had done a performance for their schoolās festival.
Jagged, of course, was inspired and requested Penny to schedule one last performance in Japan where heād have Jirou and her band open for him. It would be a nonprofit concert since Jagged wanted it within the next two weeks, but that didnāt bother him.Ā
The girls had to check in with their parents, but they were allowed to go with Jagged to Japan.Ā
Since it would take every waking moment to plan the concert and write a new song for it, Jagged had the girls join Jirouās class for the time being despite being a little older.
The first picture taken was Moriah performing the German suplex Natasha taught her on a hot, ash-blonde guy named Katsuki Bakugou who said that the girls looked weak.Ā
The next thing that was posted was a selfie of the three girls wearing the UA gym uniforms with the caption: āTraining at the USJ.ā With them in the picture were Momo and Hagakure, both of which were adorning new hero costumes.
Marinette took one look at their old costumes and went on a rampage. In the time span of two days, she managed to make both girls new suits (with the help of the support course).Ā
Momo kept her red and white color scheme, but it became a two piece outfit that was pretty similar to a female wrestlerās costume, but with knee and elbow pads. To avoid showing too much skin, they used strands of Momos hair as a way to let her creations move past the more intimate areas of her body. Momo kept her heeled boots because if Black Widow and Wonder Woman can kick ass in heels then so could she, but Moriah gave the suggestion of being able to snap the heels off and use them like throwing darts.
Hagakureās suit was made out of reflective lenses that could turn her completely invisible without having to be naked, but also amplify any light she admitted. She got a chest plate tank top and pants with built in kneepads. Her boots were sound absorbent for stealth and she also got a pair of rocking goggles to keep her from blinding herself.
Needless to say, both girls were satisfied with their new looks.
For the next couple of days, they took pictures of Class 1-A. Marinette was the only one who could get a picture with the Class 1-A homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa. Probably because she made him a new sleeping bag as an apology for their intrusion.
Funny story: When he saw Jagged Stone, he paled, before muttering āOh dear god, thereās two of themā under his breath repeatedly. The girls didnāt understand this until they met Present Mic.
Moriah and Katsuki somewhat got along after the german suplex incident and she hung out with the Baku-Squad. Chloe took a bit of an interest in a duel-haired boy named Todoroki who hung out with a boy named Izuku Midoryia and the Deku-Squad. Izuku and Marinette got along swimmingly, just donāt look directly at them. Itās harmful to look at the sun, let alone two.
At one point, they met Endeavor. All three girls called him out and chastised him for being a horrible father and human being. Chloe took the lead on this. (Todoroki started looking at her in a new light.)
The next big news that Miss Buisterās class got wasnāt from stalking the girlsā social media. It was the Japanese news. The class couldnāt believe it when they saw that Ladybug, Vixen, and Yellow Jacket were in Japan.Ā
Originally the girls were only planning on going shopping, but when they saw the villain attack, their hero instincts took over and they transformed and apprehended the perp. To avoid suspicion, Vixen cast an illusion to make it look like Marinette, Chloe, and Moriah were in the background in the crowd.
The girls were interviewed by the press. Wellā¦ Ladybug and Vixen conversed with the press while Yellow Jacket was giddily talking in the background with the pro hero Hawks, who the girls had aided, with a vibrant blush on her face.
Non Surprisingly, Izuku was there. Ladybug gave him the most attention out of all the interviewer's. (Block your eyes from the sunshine rays!)
The next day, things got even crazier. All three girls were kidnapped by the League of Villains. U.A, Jagged, and Penny were in a panic until Moriah posted a selfie, looking so done with the world, with a black haired, scared man with piercings beside her staring at the phone camera like he was on the Office.Ā
\In the background, Marinette was chastising the villains about how rude it was to kidnap people while Chloe insulted their baseās decor. The caption read: āThese idiots didnāt even take our phones.ā
They were found two days later by a group of pro-heroes, led by current No. 1 hero, Endeavor, but when the heroes burst in, they stopped short at the sight in front of them.
The heroes found a very smug Marinette demolishing a very pissed Shigaraki at a video game while Chloe, Toga, Magne, and Twice were doing each otherās nails in the corner while gossiping. In another corner of the room, Dabi had decided to give Moriah new, vibrant blue highlights that matched his eyes.Ā
The entire base was refurbished.
The heroes were stunned long enough for the LoV to escape.
The girls had to use the horse miraculous to return to Paris several times to deal with akumas, but it was worth it.Ā
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Jaggedās trip was soon over and the girls returned to Paris.Ā
The moment they walked into the classroom they were met with glares ranging from weak to pure shade.Ā
While they were on the trip, Jagged had told every important person they came across every tabloid lie Lila had spun and she was met with a tsunami of lawsuits. As was the LadyBlog. Alyaās eyes were red and puffy, but she still gave a heated glare towards Marinette.Ā
The rest of the class wasnāt off the hook, either. With all the evidence Moriah and Chloe had shown Jagged, the entire class were sued for harassment.Ā
After finally getting to the email Tom and Sabine sent, the school board had found out about everything. Mr Damocles and Miss Bustier had been told to hit the road, and were promptly replaced with new, competent teachers.Ā
The girls gave a bright smile before sitting in the back of the class, high-fiving Nathaniel, Rose, and Juleka on the way.
Best. Vacation. Ever.
#mlb x dc#batfam x mlb#ml salt#mlb x marvel#mlb x spiderman#mlb x bnha#mlb crack#mlb x oc#maribat#damianette#self insert
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What is Pepper Potts and Tony Stark were Marinetteās biological parents?
ā¢ Pepper and Tony already had Harley before He go kidnapped and taken to Afghanistan.
ā¢ He would probably be like two years old.
ā¢ Before Tony got kidnapped, Pepper didnāt know that she was pregnant. She would find out about it later.
ā¢ After Tony comes back, he realises that she is slightly showing and asks her if she is pregnant.
ā¢ They get married after a few days and Harley spends a lot of time with his father and mother.
ā¢ After Peterās and Marinetteās birth, they realise that they cannot make the marriage work as he is constantly in business meetings and doing work as Iron Man.
ā¢ After he reveals himself as Iron Man to the public, they decide to split up.
ā¢ Tony takes Peter and Harley while Pepper takes Marinette.
ā¢ Pepper moves to Paris and continues to work there under a different name.
ā¢ Marinette gets the black cat miraculous while Adrien gets the ladybug miraculous.
ā¢ He is not the right fit for the miraculous and sexually harasses her.
ā¢ Peter is the true ladybug miraculous holder.(Because he already is a half spider why not also make him a half ladybug.)
ā¢ After Hawkmoth is defeated, Pepper decides to move back to New York as it has become too toxic for Marinette.
ā¢ She goes to Midtown High where Harley and Peter act as normal children and go to school while hiding the part where they are Tony Starkās children.
ā¢ They do not know that their mother is Pepper Potts.
ā¢ New York suddenly gets a new black cat hero.
ā¢ Black Cat and Spiderman team up and handle all the crime in New York.
ā¢ Tony doesnāt know that Spiderman is Peter and Pepper doesnāt know that Marinette is Black Cat.
ā¢ Cue them suddenly finding out and a lot of messes later they live as a family happily.
ā¢ If you want you could make it as a Parent Trap kind of plot also.
ā¢ In this story Marinette can have brown hair and blue eyes. She can be sassy and mischievous(side effect of Plagg).
ā¢ For some reason I am obsessed with her having an Arabic name like Mara.
ā¢ If you also want it to be Maribat you can have some Timinette or Dickinette.
ā¢ If you only want it to be ML x Marvel you can make it an Harry Osborn x Marinette fanfiction.
#ml x marvel#ml x dc#maribat#timinette#dickinette#jasonette#daminette#harry osborn#pepper potts#tony stark#peter parker#harley keener#marinette dupain cheng
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Iām the anon who asked about your other Adrien salt ideas. I would actually really like to see you describe all your ideas because I like the thought processes and concepts of salt ideas. Iām also really really interested in the high salt category.
Hohohoho boy alright High Salt Category, also known as the Dead Sea Salt Category. I hope you are ready for this list because as I recall I have stated before that I have around 12 ideas. I believe I have shared two on here already but they were kind of all over the place so I will refine them. Buckle up kiddos.
1. Double Take:
Tom and Sabine aren't dumb, they know something is going on with their little girl, but every attempt to get her to open up is met with over-enthusiastic reassurances and too big smiles. They hope that a surprise visit from her cousin Bridgette and her aunt, Sabine's sister, will help. When they were younger, Bridgette and Marinette were as thick as thieves and everyone thought the two were twins whenever they hung out. Even though they haven't seen each other in a year, the two still are close, that's why Bridgette knows that something is wrong immediately when she goes up to Marinette's room to support her.
It doesn't take long for Marinette to break and tell her everything. Everything about Lila, how she did turn everyone against her like she said, how Adrien said they were in it together yet he offered no help when he saw how her former friends were treating her, how Bustier kept lecturing her about how she had to be the example. Bridgette is furious but she convinces Marinette to tell her parents, when she does they are rightfully angry, and Tom becomes Akumatized yet again into Weredad. Bridgette and Marinette run when their mothers tell them too and in a fit of desperation Marinette tells Tikki she is sorry before telling Bridgette that she is Ladybug and she needs to transform as quick as possible.
Bridgette immediately is even more furious at her cousin's situation but understands, she comes up with the idea that the two of them switch clothes in case Tom goes searching for Marinette, he'll think Bridgette is her, Marinette agrees and they quickly do so. After Tom is defeated everyone sits down and has a long conversation about what to do. Sabine wants the school to pay for not taking action and her sister is right there with her but Marinette quickly points out they have no definitive proof to take to the board and Damocles would fight tooth and nail and would throw whoever he had to under the bus if they just opened up a case, not to mention if they went with no proof who knew how long it would take for the investigation to actually start. That's when Bridgette gets the idea that they collect proof themselves over a period of time and then go to the board. Marinette is on board the idea but Sabine really doesn't want Marinette to go back to that class or school, that's when Bridgette gets the idea for the two of them to swap places. It gives Marinette a break from the chaos and Bridgette can collect the proof.
Everyone is a little hesitant but after a longer talk everyone agrees. They wait two weeks before switching. That way Bridgette can cut her hair and have everyone get used to it before Marinette comes in, she let's her friends know what's going on because she knows they'll be able to tell that Marinette is not her so she tells them to make her feel welcome and help her come across as 'Bridgette.' They agree of course after she explains the situation. Then the switch happens. While Marinette is finally able to have a break and starts to enjoy her life once more, Bridgette is getting angrier as the days go on, horrified by what her cousin has to go through but she is dutifully collecting evidence and boy it wasn't hard at all. It's a wonder that the school is still open. It's hard not to call off the whole thing but she's going to be strong for Marinette.
Meanwhile Adrien doesn't understand why Marinette is acting so differently but he doesn't like it. Felix is intrigued by Bridgette's cousin and it seems like his friends share that sentiment as they are all trying to convince her to transfer after the whole investigation and whatnot.
[Includes New Chat Bridgette and Quantic Kids as the new heroes and Felinette, Felix Culpa not Felix Graham de Vanily]
2. Moving On, Finding Home:
Out of everything Felix expected his mother to do while in the stages of her grief, he never thought moving would be one of them. Now he is in Paris and hoping beyond all hope that he will not run into his cousin. Thankfully he is at a different school than his cousin, on the other hand his mother is all to eager to throw herself into work again and start on a new movie, and so are her employees. Felix is dreading the time when they will have to get costumes, since his uncle was always the one to provide them, and he is fairly certain his uncle would not be pleased to see him. It would seem that his mother shares the same thoughts as him and is also not wanting to ask Gabriel for help. That's when he gets an idea.
After his last visit to Paris and his...encounter with Adrien's friends, he had been keeping an eye on one of them, purely because they had piqued his interest. Marinette Dupain Cheng, the girl who professed her love to her cousin, though he never got to see it, also the very talented designer MDC. It wasn't hard to put two and two together, sure she posted on two different accounts but really the signatures on each commissioned piece were basically the same. Then he thinks about how thrilled his mother would he to work with her...the only problem is how will he convince the girl to help them out?
All the while Amelie decides to play matchmaker for her boy and Marinette while she commissions the young artist. It's great because it double as a big middle finger to Gabriel who is wracking his brain trying to figure out who this MDC is while simultaneously trying to steal Mlle Dupain Cheng from his sister-in-law. Adrien is just upset about his very close friend getting too close to his mischievous cousin. He will stop at nothing till he makes Marinette understand what a bad person Felix is.
[Contains new Chat Felix, as well as Felix redemption, school transfer for Mari, Quantic Kids, Lila Rossi's Lies Exposed]
3. Marinette, The Rolling Stone:
She didn't know how, but Lila had done it, she had successfully turned Marinette's friends against her. Not only that, but her lies had somehow made their way to and infected, Marinette's parents, making them lose their faith in their "once sweet daughter." They decide they no longer can care for her, seeing as she deceived them, they want to send her away or give up guardianship. Marinette tries to get Adrien to help her out but he is still on his high-road-horse and won't come don't even if it means she loses her parents. So she collects all her evidence and does her best to talk to them.
But Tom and Sabine don't want her to "take advantage" of their family members so they decide the best course of action is to have Marinette legally emancipated. Marinette tried, she tried so hard to get them to see her evidence and just hear her out but they think she is nothing more than a liar and manipulator. Before they have her emancipated, Jagged crashes back into her life and when he hears what Tom and Sabine are planning he is outraged and immediately offers to adopt Marinette. For Tom and Sabine, it's the out they needed, but they worry about Jagged, seeing as he obviously doesn't know the truth about their wicked daughter. But he stands strong and does not take no for an answer, and Marinette...she is hurt, yet happy that Jagged loves her enough to adopt her.
When all is said and done, Jagged and Penny get to work on being the best parents they can be. First things first. Getting their little Rolling Stone out of that hell-hole of a school and finding one better suited to her tastes. Or better yet, why not leave Paris as a whole?
[Includes class salt so much of it, Lila Rossi getting outed as the liar she is, Chat Noir aka Adrien salt and him losing his miraculous, new school, new friends, Tom and Sabine salt, some Master Fu salt, slight Tikki salt but so slight like a grain of salt, Marinette being loved, Jagged getting to be a dotting father, I don't know what ship I want this to be fyi]
4. Everyday Ladybug
After the events of Ladybug, Sabine and Tom have had enough. Marinette said she could handle it but she shouldn't have to, not to this extent, not to almost getting akumatized, so they decide to pull her from that problematic school and they reinstate her, and transfer her to a new school that would help cultivate her skills and passions. Marinette fully agreed, the expulsion had been the last straw for her, she couldn't take it anymore. She was ready for a change, but was CollĆØge FranƧoise Dupont?
Once their little girl is free from the Akuma School, Tom and Sabine take their case to Board of Education. Because even though they got Marinette out of there, there was bound to be other students like her who thought they could and should stick it out and that just won't do. They hoped Principal Damocles was ready, because they were prepared to go to war.
[Includes the pairing Felinette, Quantic Kids, Uncle Jagged, Damocles Salt, Bustier Salt, Adrien and Gabriel Agreste salt, Adrien losing the Cat Miraculous, Class salt, Lila Rossi Salt, etc]
5. All The World's A Stage:
She had so many roles to fulfill, and at this point she couldn't keep track of them all. Marinette was being pulled thin and she felt as though there was nothing she could do to stop it. Lila knew this, had seen it coming, maybe even had been a small devil on people's shoulders to help it along, and she decides to take advantage of the situation to help Hawkmoth finally akumatize Marinette. The liar plans a party with the class, or well suggests they should throw a party. The class jumps on the idea and adds just that much more work onto Marinette.
She can't hold on and she needs help, but it seems like the only help she will get is from herself...many of them actually.
[My spin on the Many-nette akuma idea! Includes the pairing Lukanette, akumanette, Adrien realizing that actions and inactions have consequences, new Chat Noir, new Miraculous Holders, class salt, Lila salt, Adrien salt, Hawkmoth salt, happy ending]
6. Wish Me Away:
Chat Noir betrayed her. He took her earrings at the peak of the battle, she never even saw it coming, but she did see his look of surprise and his look of awe and love, and yet...not one apologetic look was given. She watched from where she was pinned under Mayura as Chat detransformed, she watched as he became Adrien, and she cried. She begged Gabriel Agreste not to make the wish, she didn't expect the slap from Adrien or the venom he spit out telling her he expected better from her, he thought she wanted him to be happy.
She watched in horror as Gabriel detransformed and told Natalie to do the same but not before tying Marinette to a chair. She watched as Gabriel happily took her earrings from his son and Adrien's ring before transforming into a being of Chaos and Order, she forced herself to watch as he made his wish and as the light swallowed her she finally closed her eyes.
Tikki and Plagg were furious, Adrien betrayed them and all of Paris, all of the Miraculi. But as they were joined to make the wish they realized that Gabriel hadn't been specific in his wish, which meant they could create something together, a loophole of sorts, all they wanted was to give Marinette a better life. One where no one from her past life would find her, and they wished that she would be placed somewhere she would be loved and cared for like she deserved.
Well...it worked...what they didn't understand was why their Guardian was currently transported to Gotham of all places, and why she was barely a year old!? At least she was transported to what seemed like a nice place. Wayne Manor huh? Well no matter they would make sure their little kit was cared for and make sure that no one from her past life found her.
[Includes Batfam! With Babynette! Marinette gets adopted into the Wayne family! Yes she is still the Guardian of the Miraculous. Karma is being served and it is delicious! No one is skipped, everyone gets a serving!]
7. Tattle-Tail:
When an Akuma catches the class off-guard and makes them tattle their truths on themselves nothing is the same. Marinette still had hope that her friends could return to their senses and come back to her side but after hearing what they think of her, really think, that hope dies. It turns to ash and ignites a fire she didn't know she had. She was done holding out for them. She was done being nice for the sake of being nice. And most importantly, she was done being the example.
Her class started the fire, and they were going to get burned.
[Includes class change for Marinette, Truth Akuma, Lila Rossi's lies exposed, consequences being learned, new friends for Marinette, class salt, no ship for Marinette or if there is it may be Kagaminette, New Chat Noir]
8. The Haunted Bride:
Marinette didn't know why, but ever since she was a little girl she was always fascinated with the famous Culpa Mansion in London. If she asked her parents where her fascination came from they always claimed it had to be from her Grandma Gina when she had given Marinette a book about the mansion. Gina claimed it came from her parents and that's why she bought her little fairy the book. All Marinette remembers is dreaming of the mansion, of living there, and when she found out the tragic history, she started to dream about being the Master of the Mansion's bride-to-be, Bridgette Chang. She dreamed that she might be the reincarnated bride and one day she would go to Culpa Mansion and be reunited with her love, but as she grew, that dream grew to be just that, a dream.
But fate works in weird ways and Marinette finds the chance to go visit like her heart has always yearned to, when she wins her class the opportunity to stay in the mansion. It should be the perfect trip, but between her friends believing the liar over her and her boyfriend, Adrien, still telling her to just take the high road and being everything else but her boyfriend, Marinette is finding it hard to be happy.
Then she meets the staff of Culpa Mansion and she can't help but feel right at home.
[My take on the Haunted Mansion AU made by @merry-madness I believe! Includes class salt, Lila salt, supernatural elements, ghosts!, Adrien salt, Felinette, Quantic Kids, Marinette being loved like she deserves, Guardian Marinette, Hawkmoth has been defeated]
9. Ivy's Sapling:
Pamela didn't mean for it to happen, she didn't mean to stumble upon a robbery gone wrong but she did. She was fully prepared to go about her business but then she heard a baby cry and saw the man with the gun point it at the bundle in pink and next thing she knew her vines and her lashed out and strangled the man. She was fully prepared to take the child to the orphanage but when she saw the child wrap a small chubby hand around one of her vines and give her a gummy smile, she made a decision that would change a lot.
Poison Ivy became a mother, and she loved her little Marigold so much, so when things became a little too much, a little too dangerous in Gotham she sent her little Marigold away with a dear friend who said her son and his wife would take care of her daughter.
Now her and Harley are getting married and she wants her daughter there, when she calls her to tell her the news she wasn't expecting to hear her daughter crying and asking to move back home.
[Includes Mama Ivy and Harley! Daminette pairing, class salt, of course Adrien Salt, new Chat Noir, Lila salt and her lies exposed, Mari moving to Gotham! Uncle Jagged! Batfam]
10. The Commission
Marinette had many noteworthy commissions, but she never bragged, and it's not like she had many people to brag to. So when she opened her business email and saw it full of requests she merely smiled excitedly at the promise of work and the opportunity to work with new people. She clicked the top email and nearly fainted, she read it once, twice, five times before she asked Tikki to read it for her, and after that yelling for her mom and dad to also read it for her. When they confirmed that she had actually gotten a commission from who she had read from she gave out an excited squeal. She had the opportunity to design a formal suit for Tony Stark and a wedding dress for Pepper Potts! Yeah no she was going to faint.
Tony had been a little reluctant to commission this MDC for his and Pepper's wedding attire but he couldn't say no to Pepper who had been a fan of the designers for a long time, so when he finally got his hands on the designers email he didn't hesitate to send an email for the designer to fly over to New York for a consultation and have them stay until their outfits were done. Was it over the top? Maybe a bit much? Was he more than willing to pay for their rooming and materials just to make Pepper happy? Hell yeah! Oh and maybe he could ask if they could make a suit for Peter, he loved the kid, really he did, but he wouldn't know a nice suit if it wrestled itself onto his scrawny body.
Adrien didn't know what Marinette's problem was, he told her to take the high road and she had been doing anything but! Their friends started to call her a bully and well Adrien could tell them that Lila was lying about the bullying but she wouldn't be lying about it if Marinette had just done as he said so he saw it as fine punishment. Well school was over and it was summer and he was planning on helping Marinette go back to the way she was. It was for the best really.
[Includes Spiderbug ship aka Marinette and Peter Parker, I also like to call them Lovebugs! Adrien salt and a new chat! Lila salt and her lies exposed, class salt, Uncle Jagged, the Avengers, the Avengers loving Marinette]
11. The Not-So Phantom of the ThĆ©Ć¢tre du ChĆ¢telet:
Marinette couldn't be more thrilled! She was hired to design and make the costumes for the ThĆ©Ć¢tre du ChĆ¢telet's performance of The Phantom of the Opera. She was less than thrilled at the fact that she would be working with Lila Rossi, her old bully from collĆØge, and Adrien Agreste her ex-boyfriend. But this was a great opportunity for her and her company, Lady Luck Designs. When her and her team arrive to the theatre, she was expecting a little drama, what she wasn't expecting was the whole cast and crew to be on edge. Then she heard the whispers, the rumors, the show was haunted.
At first she thought it was just a little PR stunt, but then she realized that everyone was doing their best not to let the information get out. Then the whispers and rumors were more than just about little things going wrong, people were actually meeting the ghost,, the phantom they were calling him. Marinette didn't believe in it,, didn't want to believe in it, that is until she came face to...er mask? with the phantom.
She hoped Lady Luck shined on her for the duration of this project, she had a feeling she would need it.
[Includes: No Miraculous AU, Felinette pairing, big Lila Rossi salt and her lies finally being exposed as well as her facing consequences, Adrien salt big time too, Marinette's former friends salt, Quantic Kids, the Kwami as Marinette's design team, theatre kid shenanigans.]
12. Silence Can Be The Loudest Thing:
Marinette was fully prepared to find a place to transform in the studio, it shouldn't be hard, it was a big place, and she wasn't Luka's target, but she hadn't counted on Bob Ross. He kept using her as a human shield so it seemed like Luka...er...Silencer took it upon himself to be her protector, and apparently that meant carrying her around Paris as he hunted down Bob Ross so he could keep her safe. She just hoped Chat Noir would get there soon and distract Silencer long enough so that she could transform.
Once he does though she can't help but notice how reckless he is in the fight and how he reacts when he finds out Ladybug isn't there yet. Silencer doesn't take it well and seemed more determined than ever to guard her.
What's a bug to do.
[Includes a Silencer rewrite, lukanette, Adrien/Chat salt, new Chat Noir, new heroes, class salt, class picking sides, Kitty Section opening their eyes to Lila's lies, LIla salt, Alya salt]
#lukanette#daminette#Spiderbug#felinette#kagaminette#mldccrossover#ml x dc#ml x marvel#ml marvel crossover#no miraculous au#adrien agreste salt#ml class salt#lila rossi salt#alya cesaire salt#marinette dupain cheng#fic ideas#goggles answers#goggles ask#goggles answer#miraculous tales of ladybug and chat noir#miraculous ladybug#kwami#marinette x peter parker#maribat#felix culpa#quantic kids#felix graham de vanily#salt everywhere#for i am a salt shaker
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So Hereās a Masterlist
AO3 Account can be found here.
My first fic, āHappy Birthday Dear Chatonā can be found here.
My ML&DC fics
āSupernetteā, my Kryptonian Marinette AU headcannons can be found [Here]
Ā - [Part 1]Ā [Part 2]Ā [Part 3]Ā [Part 4]Ā [Part 5]Ā [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]Ā [Part 9]
āMockingbird ~A Prompt Based Fic~ā can be found [Here] (Taglist is closed, I'm sorry)
Ā - [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
āBio!Dad Bruce Wayne Monthā Prompts
Ā - [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] [Part 22] [Part 23] [Part 24] [Part 25] [Part 26] [Part 27] [Part 28] [Part 29] [Part 30] [Part 31] [Part 32] [Part 33] [Part 34] (Yes this is above the monthly prompts, but there were a few that I liked in the optional ones so I added them to my list)
I have a ML&Marvel Drabble
bioMom!Loki (might continue, might not) [Here]
My ML&SW fic, "Miraculous Path of a Specific Padawan" can be found here:
[Part 1]
Oh look some video games to mix things up a bit!
Mass Effect: Found in the Dogās Mouth: [Part1][Part2]
Iāll make it known here that I wonāt be tagging anyone anymore. Iāve found it more distracting than anything and I canāt keep up with the requests.
#My fics#masterlist#ML x DC#maribat#I will be updating this with each of my fics#ml x marvel#ml x sw
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The trope of the justice league or avengers having no clue whats happening in Paris is so freaking stupid i mean if the freaking united heroez knew who ladybug and chat noir were as heroes then why tf are yall making it to where the dc and marvel heroes don't???? for petes sakes!
#ml x marvel#ml x dc#maribat au#mariavenger#maridami#damimari#daminette#peternette#maribat#marinette wayne au
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