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ebonyandivory · 2 months ago
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Databrawl Photos
heehee hoo hoo. does a tumblr databrawl fandom exist
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mirai-the-sadistic · 2 years ago
Violently making muffins
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museincarnate · 2 years ago
Welcome To A Whole New World!!
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A New and Revamped Multimuse RP blog, Set in the Wondrous World of Dragon Ball!!
Home to an ever-growing number of Dragon Ball OCs, each with their own personalities and backstories!
18+ only, Mutuals only!
Mun Muses Rules Marvel-Muses Interest Tracker Sol-Lago Lore & Muses The Embers of Fate
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fused-saiyaness · 2 years ago
A fateful wish
And just like that, everything ended. One moment, she experienced wonders way beyond everything she thought she‘d see, pushed herself further than she ever thought she could go, and then…it was all gone. Literally. She could see her new compatriots fade away, even the extra large-sized God who drafted her. And of course she felt herself getting lighter, as she herself vanished from this world. And it was not just them, in fact, the world vanished as well. Their world. Universe 6, as the gods high up called it. All its hopes rested on ten fighters, all ten eventually failed them. Sure, they all gave it their all, but their opponents were just too strong. And as her vision fainted to white, her thoughts were not on what she would be feeling, being erased, rather than dead, but rather, how things would have been, if she had gotten the time to actually get settled in the powers she attained, the level she reached while being here. And she thought, how nice it would have been, to be her selves at this moment. And not still be fused, at the last moment of her existence. Not to vanish as Kefla.
This was the price of the Tournament of Power. Eight universes fought for the right to survive, each fielding ten fighters, each knowing, once their last fighter fell out of the Arena, they would lose, and lose the right to exist. Universe 6 drafted two Saiyan Bandits, Caulifla and Kale for this battle, both gaining new powers as a compensation for their troubles. But when their universe was about to lose, they were given the opportunity to use a godly power to fuse themselves into one being - Kefla. With this fusion, Kefla briefly turned the tables in the battle, until a stronger fighter, a Saiyan from a different universe, overwhelmed her and pushed her of the Arena. Shortly afterwards, the last fighter of her universe lost, and now, they all lost. Those were the rules, and Kefla knew, she didn‘t have a way out of this. Not without challenging all of the gods, and as extreme as her powers were growing in the last few days, this was a task too high. No, it all happened too fast for alternative plans. Fast enough, that her time limit as Kefla wasn‘t fully gone, as her body was leaving reality.
The white faded again. Colours returned. It seemed, at the last moment, existence decided she should not fade. And neither should her comrades. In fact, a confused Kefla noticed not only her Universe returning, but even those she saw disappear before herself. And others…everything came back. And while she and those, that reappeared had confused looks, everyone else was smiling. Well…most were. Vados, the blue-skinned Angel of her universe, who got a pass from being vanished due to…well, nepotism, seemed equally confused as the others of her universe, as well as her father, the Grand Priest. Both held back, as the explanations were delivered though. They were not gone for a moment, they actually disappeared. But the winner of the tournament was granted one wish - and he wished for all universes to be restored. A selfless wish, that ultimately rendered the tournament meaningless - but nobody really complained about that. Everyone was just happy to somehow survive the ordeal.
Minutes pass, and their was an air of uncertainty, if people should just leave, or if there was some sort of celebration, a gathering, something. People were talking with each other, comparing notes, building relationships, complaining about stuff. Kefla used the time to slip next to the side of Vados. There were a few…open questions, she was contemplating of leaving. To fuse, she gained the Potara ear rings of their Supreme Kai, basically the main god of creation of the universe. She…didn‘t intend to give them back, unless asked, seeing how valuable and useful they could be, though she knew she couldn‘t really hide from the gods, once they noticed she still had them. These were questions for later. However, another question did arise from her: „So…how fast until the tournament was decided, until we were out?“ Vados thought for a moment, before saying: „You were eliminated a bit beyond the half-way point…at around Takk 60? The tournament lasted just about the full 100 Takks…“ „Huh, really?“, she asked, surprised, „then…I guess the time being vanished did not count for the time of the fusion?“
Vados turned to her, and she knew, what Kefla was talking about. In fact, it was the very thing that worried her as well. „To tell the truth, dear Kefla, even if the time were stopped, it should have been over now.“ Kefla looked a bit annoyed: „Huh? So why am I still a mashed potato then? Did the time reset?“ „I‘m afraid no“, said another voice. The Grand Priest walked up to the two, looking in thought: „I believe, this is a result of the exact wording of the wish. Our dear Winner was concerned, people might return without their memories of what happened, or something similar happening…so he wished them back the exact way they were, when they vanished. So in other words, you were wished back as Kefla.“
The Fusion blinked, as the words started to sink in. „I was wished back…as Kefla…so…no timer?“
„No Timer.“
„I stay fused?“
„You stay fused. At least I guess so…“
She froze for a moment…then she looked at Vados: „So…I need you to turn me back into-„ „Oh no!“, Vados said, waving away that thought, „this wish was made with the Super Dragon Balls. This supersedes all abilities of the angels. We can‘t revert you into another state of being!“ „Well, not permanent, at least…“, said the High Priest, and raised his staff, to wish the other Angels arrived. „Unfortunately, the Super Dragon Balls interpreted the spirit of the wish incorrectly…so I‘m willing to make a slight correction. As stated, we can not override a wish like that, nor are we able to use the balls again at this moment. However, we can give you an additional power to…split into your two personalities. With all Angels combined, we might be able to stretch such a split to…about 125 Takks before a full recharge. In Terms of your home planet, that would be about an hour a day.“
Kefla looked bewildered. Did they seriously just told her, she would be fused permanently? Or rather…23 hours a day? She looked at the priest, then to Vados, then around, clenching her fists, ready to attack them and make them revert this permanently. But…she was no fool. She‘d gain nothing by attacking them, in fact, she‘d most likely lose the very life she was just incorrectly gifted with. The pragmatic bones of Caulifla and the diplomatic thoughts of Kale told her, this was most likely the best deal she could hope to get. At least for the moment. Just as with the erasure of her universe, she wasn‘t in a position to change anything. At least not right now. The difference being, now she had some time. Now she could explore her powers, and find new limits. In fact…staying as Kefla increased her chances of attaining more leverage and finding a way back to being her selves.
„…agreed. But I‘m not satisfied with a half measure…I expect, that once you find a way to undo this permanently, you will tell me.“ The Grand Priest smiled. Obviously he and all the Angels noticed Keflas anger - which made them respect her restraint all the more. „Of course. Obviously, the best way will be with the Super Dragon Balls, but that option will take a while before it presents itself. You better stay in contact with Champa for that, he seems to have a knack of collecting them…as for now…gather around me, my children. I will be needing your power for this, and I will be needing to access your mind, dear Kefla, to fully separate your merged beings…“
As the fighters of Universe 6 travelled back to their universe, Caulifla and Kale were sitting in the corner, back to back, looking exhausted. The process was difficult, especially for their mind, but now they had their individualities back. At least briefly. They decided to split for the ride home, and be it only to not answer any stupid questions for the time being.
„Hey Caulifla, hey Kale!“
So much for that. Kale turned her head, as Caulifla opened one eye to look at Cabba, the third Saiyan on the team, who approached them. „So the fusion finally wore off? How did it feel?“ Caulifla felt, he was way too happy for her mood, so it was Kale, who answered first: „Well, it felt…great, honestly! But…“ „But there‘s a limit to everything“, Caulifla added, shutting Kale up. Cabba looked a bit confused: „Is…everything all right?“ „It‘s fine“, Caulifla answered, closing her eyes again, „just a lot to process. A lot, that has been forced upon us…and a lot we need to learn to adjust to. And to master…“
Cabba scratched the back of his head, and said: „Okay? Well, if any of you need some help, we could spar on the weekends? I‘d also like to take this opportunity to ask you to join the-„ „Don‘t be ridiculous“, said, Caulifla, and even Kale looked a bit annoyed buy the proposal both of them expected so much, they didn‘t bother to let him finish. „Don‘t take this wrong, we‘re thankful…but three‘s a crowd. We prefer to do things on our own terms.“
Cabba looked a bit deflated, but before he could answer, the Supreme Kai of Universe 6, Fuwa approached meekly: „Erm…Caulifla, Kale…now that the Tournament is over, I would like to have my Potaras back…“
Cabba looked over to Fuwa, then to the girls. Kale avoided their glance. Caulifla opened her eyes, and looked at Fuwa.
„What?“, Fuwa asked, a bit panicked.
„I said no. Take it up with the Angels, if you want to, we have a deal with them. We need the ear rings a little while longer.“
Fuwa stumbled back a bit upon Cauliflas determined gaze. He wanted to reply, when another voice spoke up: „I see, so the monkeys get a trophy, but I have to be content with being alive, is that correct?“ That voice belonged to one of the more opportunistic fights on the team, Frost. And then, another loud voice, that of Dr. Rota, another fighter, chimed in: „Oi, that‘s not fair! If they get enchanted ear rings, I want a magic belt or similar!“ And with that, Fuwas energy was needed elsewhere, leaving the three Saiyans alone. Cabba looked back at the girls, asking: „…what are you planning?“
Caulifla smirked: „Cabba…the main reason why we won‘t join your little band of guards is…because we don‘t believe in rules. We don‘t believe in set laws for anything. We believe in life dealing you cards, and you have to do the best with them every turn. Which includes swiping better cards from players who aren‘t paying enough attention. We‘re no ‚righteous warriors for good‘ like you want us to be…we‘re rebels, bandits, thieves and fighters. We‘re Caulifla and Kale…and we‘re only just beginning taking our destinies into our own hands.
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megamattzx · 2 years ago
#DragonBall New Frontier is officially being renovated to be a place for Writers and artists, both #fanfic and #DBRP alike. Explore the expanded universe of Dragon Ball like never before, or witness it unfold through the various forms of writing. It's your call.
Witness the various routes waiting to be explored and encounter faces, old and new. Interact with the world around you and meet various versions of Canon and Original Characters.
Explore variants of the Dragon Ball world many would never dare to. Either spectate or participate in the adventure. It's your call. And hopefully, meet new friends along the way! The world is filled with infinite possibilities. waiting to be explored. Secrets waiting to be unlocked and revealed.
To all the writers, artists, content creators, and anywhere in between seeing this, In advance of you joining us on this journey, I hereby welcome you all to the exciting adventurous world of infinite possibilities of DRAGON BALL NEW FRONTIER!!!!
Link: discord.gg/vbYhhxpphV
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thelonewarriorprince · 1 year ago
Got tagged by: @tahinnia
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I took the quiz as Vegeta and got the redemption arc which actually kind of makes sense, haha.
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Tagging: Whoever wants to continue the game in my mutuals! The reason why I'm not tagging specific people is because I don't know who did and didn't take this aside from a few people, haha
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thefearfactor · 2 years ago
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀" 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 " ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Semi Literate / Literate ⠀⠀Crack / Banter Welcome ⠀⠀Friendly Adult Admin 21+ ⠀⠀Brand new to TumblrRP ⠀⠀Has multiple characters! ⠀⠀Spiderman, DBZ & OC's ! ⠀⠀18+ Writers Only! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ filter credit. freerps / deviantart
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windsofredemption · 2 years ago
(Okay, gonna make something clear. I will NEVER muse Goku Black, even as an event. I am genuinely STARTING dislike the character, and am getting tired of people thinking my Zamasu knows him when I made it obvious that this is the present Zamasu that got ERASED, therefore not knowing the character outside of people that muse him and they meet for the first time! He has legitimately never met Goku Black!!
Please, don't ask him anymore about Black- I legit am starting to not like the character because of this. This isnt directed at anyone who muse Black, you guys are cool. I'm just sick of fans assuming my muse knows him automatically because he's a Zamasu. )
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armz911 · 2 years ago
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ceranchia · 5 months ago
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so i went fucking crazy a while ago and now i'm back on my dbz brainrot. meet my oc pitaya everyone.
her entire gimmick is that she's a saiyan from an alternate future where bardock had succeeded at defeating frieza.
yamcha is literally just her poor little meow meow. femalehusband/malewife dynamic i fear.
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mirai-the-sadistic · 2 years ago
Do you like m o s s ?
-moss eater
I never ate moss in my life.
(Also I’m starting to use colours now /OOC)
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axolkitkat · 1 year ago
intro post!!
hello! I'm Axol! she/they/ze for now :] I am a queer (aroace+ demigirl/enby) and neurodivergent (autism + ocd + probably gad or something like that) multifandom artist who enjoys gaming, roleplaying, and art, among other activities.
some stuff about me:
I like playing games- mostly Roblox (Super Scuffle, Databrawl and DBRP, Regretevator, PHIGHTING!, etc.), also very often I play roleplaying games because
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I love roleplay! I've got a good amount of experience, and will play mostly anything that looks cool :p most of the time it is on Roblox buuuut
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I also play D&D! I don't have /that/ much experience and usually I stick to the classes I know, but I've been in one (digital) campaign for a few years now and it's a ton of fun :]
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I am an artist! I mostly do traditional, but I also like messing around with digital. I'll post my own art occasionally. Mostly silly doodles, probably.
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I love reading! everything from Percy Jackson to the Wells & Wong Detective Society! (I particularly like manga and comics :])
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I love love love music. I'll listen to basically anything that sounds cool- Lemon Demon, Ginger Root, Jhariah, etc.
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I /am/ a minor, and will try my best to keep this blog as SFW as possible, though there will likely be swearing (mostly from the reblogs).
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oh and I adore object shows :] my favorites are probably hfjone, BFDI/TPOT, II, and Lunchbox Kids right now
aaand I think that's basically it :] I'll probably edit this every once in a while to update it. cya around!
(i'll probably be redoing this soon ^^)
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lycorisicecream · 4 months ago
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I have such bad brainrot that when I saw this DB OC while RPing in DBRP I kept thinking of MO4
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megamattzx · 9 months ago
Not what I normally promote on here, as I usually promote my normal fanfics and works in progress, but I wanted to showcase a little bit of another form of writing I do. This group story here is something I've been working on for 3 years, and this honestly does put my creativity to the test as it involves other writers, and forces me to actually utilize a skill that I'm actually used to as this form of storytelling is how I got into writing in the first place.
This fanon server was originally strictly for a group story originally, and this group story may be one of the most ambitious and honestly most unpredictable stories that I've probably ever done. This is a form of writing that forces you to rely on improv so if you're not too keen on that, it may not be for you to be part of the story but you are very much welcome to witness it unfold.
The whole theme of this story is to explore the worlds of Dragon Ball like never before. And this group story will give you the options to either a play as canons if they are available, or as your own original characters all together.
I call this story and it's overall "universe" Dragon Ball New Frontier:
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thelonewarriorprince · 2 years ago
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎Interest Form!
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ┗━✦❘༻ ♚༺❘✦━━┛
If your interested in an RP please let me know here! I’d love to discuss plot and other details with you! I know what it’s like to be nervous to ask someone or to Dm someone who has DM’s open and if anyone does decide to interact, I hope this short form helps you! It’s my first time ever making ones of these, so it’s imperfect but I tried my best!
Oh and note that the literacy question isn’t gonna impact my decisions at all to RP with you or not, I just wanna know your comfort zone so that I don’t overwhelm you is all!
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virdemption · 10 months ago
Points to your pfp
Is that databrawl :0
( ・∇・)
ya! i didn't feel like getting an icon of my avatar so to fit the theme i just opened dbrp,,, which is silly cuz this took more work lawlz
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