radovanrybovic · 1 year
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Pohodove behanie pri zapade slnka. Co vas nezabije, to vas posilni. 🏃🏼☀️🏃🏻‍♀️Relaxing sunset run. What does not kill you, makes you stronger. . . . #brezno #slovakia #run #running #dayrunning #dayrun #beh #dennybeh #dnesbeham #winterrunning #zimnebehanie #nikerunningclub #nrc #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfreak #fitnessfreaks #mesto #den #day #geocaching #geocache (na mieste Brezno) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8Lw_GNFOT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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And evens for Aaron. You can do as many or as few of these as you like ofc
I can and I will do all of these. THANK YOU!!
For the weirdly specific character building ask meme
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
He uses 'buddy' and 'bro' very loosely, but the word 'friend' rarely comes over his lips. Ron keeps up a deliberate veneer of joviality, because he finds that life is a lot more fun when you pretend that you have zero worries in the world, and because he's allergic to genuine human connection. So he plays fast and loose with liking people, but if he calls you a friend to your face, you know it's serious.
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
He used to watch competetive sports way more often before he started spending all of his time cooped up with Nat. He still watches Dayrunning with headphones on sometimes, but Nat finds it annoying when he gets too hyped up about firing people on through the screen.
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
Ron is very protective of his life before everything went to shit for him. He keeps those memories close to his heart, and feels like sharing them and getting someone else's opinion would diminish them. He has favorite childhood foods, favorite places he still visits in his sleep sometimes, and even favorite people he would never utter a word about.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
He's from a place where that phrase holds a lot of weight and has never said it to somebody out loud before. The only person he'd ever consider saying it to is his teenage best friend Téo who he has awful complex feelings for (and has for years), but, tragically, Téo is straight.
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
He's not the type to infodump, because this involves sharing what he's passionate about, but he's fast to pull out a magic trick and show off his sleight of hand.
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Carnage and destruction that doesn't involve other people's harm or suffering. Adrenaline kicks. Setting things on fire. Explosions. He loves to rush down the interstate at twice the recommended speed limit and hang out the window whooping.
14. How do they put out a candle?
By licking his fingers and snuffing it out between his fingertips.
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Although he's in remission at the start of Twin Suns, Ron is schizophrenic, and when he gets stressed enough, internal arguments turn into external ones. Mostly, this is a disembodied voice that he argues with over all of his wrongdoings and missteps. He also obsesses over social situations where he feels like he failed, and replays them in his head, trying to get a different result out of it.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
Haru and Téo. Nat wishes they were on this list - thinks that they are. They used to be.
20. Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
Ron doesn't care about celebrities, famous authors, or the like. He's way too far down on the social ladder to care about what some bougie asshole is doing or whether they're hitting all the right notes in interviews. For all he knows, none of them would see him as anything more than dirt under their nails. So he reads/watches/listens to or otherwise enjoys whatever he wants.
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Entering a room without checking for surveillance. This has practical reasons, because him and Nat talk about a lot of things in private that would get them into deep shit if someone recorded them.
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
He has a major sweet tooth! Anything with citrus, bonus points if it has a filling and an interesting texture.
26. How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
Exasperation, trying to bargain, then walking off with his tail tucked between his legs to drown his disappointment in cheap soda and video games. There will be other jobs, but losing one that's not annoying to do stings.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
What he tells people he wants are freedom and a life of hedonism. What he really wants is a soft place to land. Something unshakeable to fall back on. He's tired.
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
He's generally self employed and only answers to himself and to Nat, so the professional is always personal. This doesn't make making mistakes any easier. But, in contrast to Nat, Ron is good at owning up to mistakes, apologizing, and trying to make up for them.
32. If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
Hahahahaha. Ha.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Depends fully on the other person and their boundaries! Fist bumps and a hug for Téo, a what's up at a respectful distance for Haru, and a loud AYYYY and a fist to the shoulder for Nat.
36. Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
Malice isn't something he cares for or spends a lot of time feeling. He keeps a lot of professional connections out of necessity, people he can hit up for jobs or favors, even when he doesn't particularly like them. That's life as a petty criminal.
38. What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Drawing. He's a pretty decent artist (mostly furries and mechas), but gets a major allergic reaction when other people watch him draw or see what he made. He just really, really hates sharing his inner life with other people.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
If your grip is weak, he will make fun of you inside his head and think you're a wimp.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
There's a TED talk I enjoyed and try to reference when I write him, through the eyes of a thief. Assuming there would be no consequences for him, Ron would be very into the idea of explaining just how easy it is to break into places.
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
He's already ESL, and has also picked up bits and pieces of both Chinese and Japanese from Haru. It would be easiest to build on that.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
He strikes a pretty even balance. When he talks, it's preferably about things of no consequence, small talk, gossip, whatever. He's a good listener when it comes to more personal things, and is a solid shoulder to cry on, even if he can be awkward at times and doesn't really know what to say. Try to get him to talk about his feelings though, and he will climb out a window to escape.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Basically all of his friends, followed by biblical amounts of complaining. He loves hanging out more than he loves his peace of mind, though.
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
I care about laws and rules a lot more strongly than he does.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
He always tries to think twice before acting, and get at least some of the facts. Ron keeps his impulses under wraps for the most part, with the exception of his flight response, which can strong arm his brain occasionally.
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Freeze first, almost always, even if it's just for a split second. Then flight if he's alone and fight if he's not. This order of operations, combined with his penchant for pissing people off, has gained him the occasional fist to the face, and is the reason why he's missing his left eye.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Fear makes him want to curl up alone somewhere in a hole, clutching a weapon. He has a hard time seeking comfort. When the dread gets existential enough, he hits up Téo for a good talk, though Téo has been checking his phone less and less.
If it's a material problem that needs to be solved and Ron is scared out of his mind because he has no idea how to approach it, Haru gets a text. She's set a special ring tone for him and responds in ten minutes or less, without fail.
Nat isn't a very comforting or helpful person, even when they try. They're a lot better at providing a distraction.
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
The majority of his hobbies involve some type of skill that he can build, and then either show off in company or use to scam people or get him out of sticky situations. He's given ventriloquy a spin, can imitate a few bird calls, regularly practices new magic tricks, and is working on his impersonation skills on the phone. He also whittles things out of wood or bone, which is his current creative outlet. That's not for anyone else, though, that's just for him.
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handmade-home · 11 months
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Global Running Day
Whether you need to get back in the habit or start a new one, take  the opportunity to improve your health and well-being by going for a  run. Plus, it’s free!
The pavement under your feet, the crisp snap of early morning air,  the pounding rhythm as you run the distance one long flowing stride at a  time. Sweat trickling down your neck, the sun on your skin, your lungs  burning with joyous exaltation as your heart beats a rapid but steady  staccato in time with your running legs.
This is the joy of running, and every year millions of people all  over the world find themselves out on the open road experiencing the  joy, the thrill, and the pain, of recreational running.
Global Running Day celebrates these intrepid souls and their dedication to health and exercise, we should all join them.
History of Global Running Day
Running describes a particular gait of movement where, in general,  both feet leave the ground at some point during the stride. That’s not  to say that running always happens at the same speed, as gaits can  change from person to person. Jogging and Sprinting are both considered  forms of running but it doesn’t matter what speed you travel, if you’re  out running you’re a runner!
Believe it or not, humans couldn’t always run. Admittedly, it was a  long time ago when that was the case. When Australopithecus (our first  upright ancestor) was evolving almost 4.5 million years ago, we gained  the ability to have a long-striding run nearly. This stride was vital to  our existence because as a species we engaged in what is known as  ‘persistence hunting’, where catching our prey often involved days of  hunting on foot in order to track and wear the animal down until it  could no longer flee, and would collapse from pure exhaustion.
Millions of years on, and a long time since we needed to chase down  our prey, we’ve never lost our ability to run and instead we made it a  competition. Global Running Day celebrates the entire history of  running, what it meant to our ancestors and what it still means to us  today and is designed to bring together those people who absolutely love  running and to encourage those who have yet to give it a try to put on  their running trainers and to give it a go.
Benefits of running
You don’t need to be a scientist to know that running is good for  you. In the most basic sense, running is a great form of exercise,  getting your blood pumping and your heart rate up, burning calories and  improving your physical health. But running won’t only help you to lose  weight and get fit, it can help your mental health too, by working as a  form of meditation in motion, reducing stress and lowering anxiety.
How to get better at running
If you’ve tried running before and were shocked at how hard you find  it then this isn’t an excuse to give up altogether. Marathon runners  weren’t born able to run marathons, and so if you’ve never run before  then you need to manage your expectations. Why not start with some  guidance from an App like the Couch to 5K, where you will slowly build  up your stamina by walking and running in short intervals until  eventually, you can run a full 5 kilometers without stopping.
Here are some tips to help you with your running:
Invest in good footwear Running puts a lot  of pressure on your feet, so be sure to buy a good pair of running  trainers that will give you the required arch and ankle support. The  right trainers will give you more spring in your step and will stop you  from getting nasty blisters.
Always warm-up and cool down Woah,  hold your horses, you can’t just run off into the sunset without doing a  proper warm-up. The good news is that warming up is easy, simply start  your run with a brisk walk, get your heart rate up and after 5 minutes,  off you pop.
Alternate between running and walking There’s  this misconception that to be a runner you can’t stop, but this is just  unrealistic. Until you can run longer distances, set yourself targets  to run for 60 seconds then walk for 60 seconds, increasing the running  time when you need more of a challenge.
How to celebrate Global Running Day
Really, the only way to celebrate Global Running Day is by getting  out and starting to run. Whether you’ve run before or have never tried  in your life, simply put on your running shoes, get out of the house and  begin. Distance doesn’t matter, neither does walking when you need to  catch your breath – running is a flexible sport that can be scaled up or  down to suit all ages and abilities – the only important thing is that  you begin.
If it’s your first run then, don’t overdo it, just start with a slow  jog to begin with and take as long as you need to travel the distance.  As you start feeling more confident you may want to up your pace or  lengthen your run.
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indig0trolls · 1 year
Hands on sounds about right based on what you said earlier! You have any handsy hobbies or crafts you like to get up to?
And You’re right! Shoulda introduced myself earlier, I’m just not used to most people being interested in knowing lol. You can call me Wren, pleasure to formally make ur acquaintance, Nyx 🤝🏼
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Nice to meet you too, Wren. I like meeting new people you know. Friends are nice.
Anyway um!
Papili and I do a lot of freerunning and dayrunning together. And independently.
I have a whole grubtube channel devoted to some of our stunts, and it's fun.
I've also um! Taken to training some... squishier friends of some friends on like. Minor self defense as a creative and emotional outlet. It's been good. They let me play in their capture the flag games a lot.
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smart5solutionsbbsr · 2 years
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Happy National Sports Day
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up. Best Wishes. Happy National Sports Day!
Visit: https://smart5solutions.com/
Call us at: +91-7440005000
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itoshikimi · 3 years
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Super late post, but I got in a 5k run with a cool down mile (walk with the pup). It was hot!! Felt good to run in the sun again~! Hoping to get more of a groove and schedule for running. With keeping up with the beachbody workouts. • • • • • • #kimiruns4sam #running #run #runnergirl #girlswhorun #solorun #5krun #cooldownwalk #pup #sheisnotapup #actslikeapup #oldladydog #shestilllivestowalk#wouldstillrunifshecoulddog #dayrun #middayrun #lakefrontstriders #sherunsthistownsaintcloudflchapter https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvbiTgBkz-/?igshid=1v4o0p2nwme6i
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bunnymics · 4 years
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Speedy runs for a good health everyday. Do you? #100daysofsketchingofficial #100daysofsketching #100days2020 #keshrt #digitaldrawing #joggers #jogging #running #sport #runningmotivation #excercise #healthylifestyle #digitalartist #autodesksketchbook #wacomartist #wacomart #wacom #dayrun #joggerpark #runningtrack #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0ohqAJEtZ/?igshid=12iissi5vf6ma
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miraclecustom · 4 years
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Custom World Food Safety Day Run Medals Featuring beautiful soft enamel and unique hollowed out to create a fun run effect, these fun run medals are sure to catch the eye. 75mm diameter x 3mm thick with best value. https://www.miraclecustom.com/product/world-food-safety-day-run-medals/ ##FunRun ##WorldFoodSafetyDayRun ##DayRun ##CustomMedals ##MiracleCustom https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZApNxAFyP/?igshid=12fcofz8piqos
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radovanrybovic · 1 year
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Pohodove nedelne behanie a priprava na #dobyvezu. Co vas nezabije, to vas posilni. 🏃🏼☀️🏃🏻‍♀️Relaxing sunday run and preparation for #conquerthetower. . . . #dobyvežu👊😀❤ #dobyvežu #conquerthetower #brezno #slovakia #run #running #dayrunning #dayrun #beh #dennybeh #dnesbeham #winterrunning #zimnebehanie #nikerunningclub #nrc #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfreak #fitnessfreaks #mesto #den #day #geocaching #geocache (na mieste Horné lazy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZ5jqVNhDX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rouginakralovna · 7 years
headcanon: wonderlandians can ride on the large dogs' backs into battle if they want but in reality they are just small little puppers who want to be pet
consider: wonderlandian dogs that still think that they’re lapdogs and just walk over to their owners and sit on them
the owner lets them bc even tho they’re being crushed, they’re being crushed under the weight of canine affection and that’s okay
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otherpends · 7 years
hi! i'd like a pendulum reading, please. was my flynn timeline the one i made with my friend, where nethys is with gwifren instead? or is it the normal timeline? did i have a crush on clecian in my flynn timeline? thank you!
Nethys with Gwifren
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aaronfoo78 · 5 years
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#TLS#KSD#PKL#GD#🔜🏃🏻‍♂️🔙#21km#bemorehumanrace#😊🌥dayrun (at George Town, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsjpWhphOVi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v89by58jd5r6
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allpendulum · 7 years
hello again! i'd like to ask, am i kin with or "literally" the peacock miraculous holder? if so is the holder N or MA? thank you!
literally, ma
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pendulumkin · 7 years
hey!! i just wanted to ask for a quick tarot reading about what my life as H was like after A died? and what was my relationship with B after A died? thank u!! hope this isn't too much trouble (also i just remembered when mod theo was mod pasha..RIP)
life as H after A diedcard: upright worldI’d say your life got a lot better.  Not that it was exactly horrible before, but so much fell into place and a lot was realized.  You were pulling yourself together and finding your goals in life again.  Even though A’s death left you with a heavy heart, you managed to find joy in the world.
relationship with B after A diedcard: upright chariotYou two helped each other recover.  Both of you realized your potential with the help of each other and worked at getting better.  This was a relationship revolved around being confident with yourself and achieving all your goals.  You both knew that even if everyone else was gone, you’d both still have each other for support.
and ahhHahh I remember that too :’) the good ol’ days
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windhunter509 · 3 years
The Longest Day Colorized Movies
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Jun 05, 2019 Stevens’ son, now 87, came across the reels of color film in storage one day — and knew instantly that they were no ordinary home videos. “I was sitting alone, and on the screen came images. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. "For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day. The Longest Day illustrates the scope, the difficulties, the risks and the confusion in the famous battle that enabled the Allies to prevail in the war in Europe. Students will more thoroughly comprehend the important strategic, military and moral victory known as D-Day.
Youtube Movie The Longest Day
The Longest Day Colorized Dvd
The Longest Day (1962)
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Full Color Version
On June 6, 1944, the Allied Invasion of France marked the end of Nazi domination over Europe. The attack involved 3,000,000 men 11,000 planes and 4,000 ships, comprising the largest armada the world has ever seen.
Presented in a colorized version, The Longest Day is a vivid, hour-by-hour re-creation of this historic event. Featuring a stellar international cast, and told from the perspectives of both sides, it is a fascinating look at the massive preparations, mistakes and random events that determined the outcome of one of the biggest battles in history. Winner of two Oscars, The Longest Day ranks as one of Hollywood's truly great war films.
Starring :
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John Wayne, Robert Ryan, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum, Rod Steiger
Director : Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton, Bernhard Wicki
Youtube Movie The Longest Day
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Running time : 178 Minutes
The Longest Day Colorized Dvd
Language : English
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