#day 20: roller coaster
phoenixthemenace · 1 year
Till Death
Day 20. Alt- No good deed goes unpunished
Johnny gradually told Roy a few of the details of his life before living with his aunt, and they were more horrifying than he'd imagined.
"Is that why you sleep with your arm over your face?" Roy dared ask one day.
"So they couldn't hear or see me crying?"
Roy nodded.
"Yeah, that's part of it. It also hid that I was awake, waiting, watching for them."
Roy couldn't respond. He didn't know how.
He was still angry with himself for wanting Charlie that night, when he should have been focused on Johnny.
He loved Johnny.
Didn't he?
He was so certain that Johnny was his great meant to be, that these longings he felt for Charlie confused and scared him. Plus he knew Johnny needed help. Needed someone to talk to, and he wasn't sure he was strong enough for that. For Johnny.
Maybe his love wasn't what was best for him.
It surprised Roy that Johnny didn't mind hearing about Charlie. In fact he was, in many ways, a better guardian of Charlie's memory than Roy himself.
"I'm sorry." Roy had whispered once, early in their relationship, after having woken from a nightmare screaming Charlie's name. Johnny’s gentle caress and soothing voice calmed him.
"For what, Pally?" He asked, cheek resting against Roy's hair, arms snug around him, anchoring him to reality. To now.
"Doesn't it bother you? Charlie, I mean."
Johnny was quiet for so long that Roy pulled away to look into his face. He was met with adorable confusion.
"Nnnoo…" He answered slowly. "Should it?"
"Most people would be jealous, I think."
"Oh. Huh. I guess I could be jealous if I tried. If you want me to, but I think I owe the guy a lot."
"How do you mean?" Roy was startled pulling farther away, his own confusion written on his face.
Johnny smiled, framed Roy's face with his hands, kissed him, then cuddled him back down into his arms and nuzzled into his hair.
"He helped you figure you out." He said. "If you hadn't loved him, you probably would have come home and married Joanne and been miserable for the rest of your life. And he made you happy."
"What if he'd survived."
"We would just be friends, and I would be happy for your happiness."
Roy didn't quite believe that anyone could be so altruistic, but Johnny seemed genuine. He failed to realize that Johnny simply loved him that much. That Johnny would gladly trade places for Charlie in an instant if he thought it woukd make Roy happy.
But he let Johnny comfort him and ask questions. Roy let himself talk freely, ultimately admitting that he didn't know where Charlie was, so he couldn't visit his grave.
Johnny gently encouraged him to find out. That, for some reason, filled Roy with rancor and he'd lashed out at Johnny, who tried to be understanding, but couldn't hide the flash of hurt in his eyes.
Which made him even angrier with himself. He could barely explain to himself why he didn't want to know, didn't want to see the ridiculous shit Charlie's parents probably did, the monument to themselves for having a war hero son.
Not for the son himself.
Or worse, if they still denied him, and he languished in some unidentified hole in a weedy unkept paupers grave.
His Charlie deserved better.
So did his Johnny.
"Hey Pally!" Johnny called out as he bounded energetically through the door to Roy's apartment. "I've got a surprise for you!"
Roy had just stepped out of the shower, so he went out into the hallway in all his glory.
"I hope it's what I think it is."
Johnny tossed his keys and an envelope onto the entry table and grinned, his eyes sweeping Roy head to toe and back again.
"It is now."
He kept staring.
"God." He said. "You're amazing."
"Johnny. My surprise?"
They raced each other to the bedroom.
"I'd say that as far as surprises go, that was pretty good."
"Good? Good?! Roy, that was incredible!" Johnny grinned, bold and cocksure. Roy kissed him.
"I'm going to need another shower."
"Not until I give you this." Johnny ran naked from the room. Roy laughed at his easy exhibitionism. He was back a few seconds later. Roy sat up and leaned against the headboard, Johnny right beside him like an eager puppy.
He handed Roy an envelope and the pleased excitement in his face made Roy stop to kiss him again. Johnny broke the kiss quickly.
"Open it! Open it!"
Smiling at his lover's enthusiasm Roy looked at the return address and his blood ran cold. He didn't even read the letter.
"You couldn't just leave it alone, could you?" His quiet voice was hard and cold.
He watched the light drain from Johnny's eyes. A savage anger welled up inside and his rational mind seemed to recede and watch himself from a distance.
"Get out."
Johnny sat frozen, his expression one of utter shock.
"Get. Out."
Somehow, Johnny was suddenly on the floor scrambling on his hands and heels out the bedroom door where he curled into a ball as Roy threw his clothes, boots and finally the letter at him.
"Leave the key." He snarled before slamming the door. He sank, tearless, to the floor. It was hours before he was calm enough to think.
Oh God.
What had he done?
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wu-kongs · 2 years
not any major development but thinking about wukong using macaque's eye as a nazar and charming it to actually reflect any evil eye sent to him so he can feel protected by macaque even tho he's dead
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nwjn-z · 7 months
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𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝟑 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 !!
warning(s): nsfw, swearing
author’s note: this is my first attempt at a holiday themed post so enjoy! (also it should go without saying but they are aged up to be in their early 20’s)
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kyle broflovski .
loves planning for Valentine’s Day just as much as the day itself
takes it probably way too seriously
he first surprises you with breakfast in bed and then when you get up you see flowers, a big teddy bear, and all your favourite snacks
he spends the whole day doting on you by taking you out shopping, getting your nails done, and doing whatever else you want
ends the day by taking you to one of those drive in movie things where you cuddle and watch an old romantic french film
when you guys get back home you proceed to have the most passionate lovely dovey sex bc he’s a NERD!
stan marsh .
i mentioned this in my dating hcs about stan but he doesn’t make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day, he just doesn’t get it
he views it as just another day he loves you but he knows that it means a lot to you so he’ll pander
doesn’t do anything special besides the classic teddy bear and chocolates but he does get you either a cd or vinyl of your favorite artist
he’s so cute
spends the whole day watching cheesy rom coms with you even tho he thinks they’re cringe
day ends with cuddle fucking on the couch<3
kenny mccormick .
kenny loves Valentine’s Day bc he uses it as an excuse to be extra touchy feely in public
wants to do something exciting and fun for Valentine’s Day so he takes you to a amusement park
he saved up a lot so he could go all out and be a try hard at all the games so he can win you a ton of prizes and ride lots of roller coasters
loves going into photo booths and getting those strip pictures of you guys
afterwords he takes you to get fast food and you guys sit in the bed of his truck and look at the stars
day ends with you face down, ass up getting railed by him in his truck bc he’s NASTY (affectionate)
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m00nsbaby · 1 year
Falling asleep on their shoulders.
A bunch of headcanons about how would they feel. :) (Moon system x reader.) Steven.
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In a million years, he would never have accepted a work outing when he could be in his comfortable apartment with Gus, reading a new book.
Until he found out that you would be going.
He never imagined that an amusement park could be so much fun. He had never been to one before.
Or maybe he had, but he doesn't remember.
You separated from the group as soon as you arrived. Steven thought he would like to be as carefree as you when you took his hand and walked without a trace of nervousness or fear.
You talked all day, about anything and everything.
"You're very interesting, Steven." It was probably the sweetest thing he had ever heard. His blush made you feel satisfied.
For the rest of the day, you made sure he knew you were interested in him.
You also mentally noted how his lips brushed against your fingers when you offered him some of your cotton candy.
You held hands again when you rode the tallest roller coaster in the park.
Oh, and you kept the photograph.
"Shall we go see the Aqualoop?" "See it or...?" "Get splashed, I mean." He couldn't say no. Both of you were like a pair of children enjoying the day.
Adult life hadn't given you the chance to enjoy yourselves like this in a long time.
Both of you closed your eyes tightly as the water splashed over you, drenching you from head to toe. You both laughed until your stomach hurt, and Steven brushed a wet strand of hair from your face.
Having him so close made your heart skip a beat.
You spent the rest of the day dripping wet, enjoying the sun on your skin and the warm air drying your hair.
You shared food as the evening approached, and you discovered that vegan food was much better than you had imagined, while Steven ate half of your french fries.
As the park was about to close, you met up with the others at the exit.
Both of you insisted on declining the ride J.B. offered, as your clothes were still wet.
After 20 long minutes of arguing, you accepted on behalf of yourself and Steven.
Or Scotty, as J.B. had called him, making you struggle to hold back your laughter.
The space in the back seat was limited, and your body was squeezed between Steven and the car door, but you couldn't say you were uncomfortable.
His body emitted a delightful warmth.
A yawn escaped you.
"Are you tired?" Steven's whisper near you broke the complete silence in the car.
You silently nodded, rubbing one of your eyes with your hand.
If only he had the courage to tell you how adorable he thought you were.
Minutes of silence passed, your breathing became slower and heavier, and your head gradually leaned to the side as you began to fall asleep.
And it happened. Your cheek ended up against Steven's shoulder.
He almost vomited from excitement, not exaggerating. Needless to say, he was the type of person who simply assumed he would die of natural causes before moving or telling you that his shoulder had become tired.
After a few minutes, you shifted, slipping an arm underneath his and intertwining your fingers together, returning to your place on his shoulder after.
He allowed himself to finally smile.
And the hours it took him to gather the courage finally culminated in the best part of the night. He leaned in enough to kiss your forehead.
You smiled too, without opening your eyes.
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One day, you had to explode, and he knew it.
His plans were always thwarted because Khonshu interfered with his sudden missions that not only meant pausing whatever you were doing, but also meant that Marc would disappear completely from the radar for God knows how many days.
It was strange when he returned, too. It took him days to return to normal, if you were lucky enough he would tell you what had happened, only partially.
"It's always the same!" You finally screamed at your breaking point. Tears overflowed from your eyes as you quickly packed your clothes into your suitcase. You didn't care if the clothes became even more wrinkled.
"You knew it would be like this, I told you." Marc had the migraine of the century.
You shouted at each other for a while, and the maid looked at you as if you were crazy.
To be fair, you sounded like it.
The argument came to a close when Marc went too far with his words. You didn't argue often, but when you did, it always ended like this.
You cried the whole way to the bus station. And you almost started another argument when you pushed your boyfriend's hand away to prevent him from grabbing your suitcase.
If only he had the strength to set aside his pride for once, he would have apologized the moment the tip of your nose turned red.
You wished you could switch places with a stranger to avoid hours of travel with him.
But it didn't happen.
You felt like the thousand times you cried yourself to exhaustion as a child. You even let out a yawn within the first 15 minutes of the trip.
It didn't take long for you to succumb to physical and emotional exhaustion, thinking that sleeping would make time pass faster and you would be away from him sooner.
He was so focused on avoiding your gaze by looking out the window that he didn't even notice when you fell asleep.
Until your head landed on his shoulder with a sudden turn in the road.
Marc's body tensed. He was too stubborn to give in instantly, but at the same time, he was too in love to push you away.
He looked at you, and his chest tightened.
You looked so vulnerable. So tender and small. How could he hurt you if he loved you so much?
Unbeknownst to him, a barely noticeable pout formed on his lower lip.
"I love you," he whispered, more to himself than to you. He was almost consoling himself in the pain of having to carry the regret of his words.
"I love you with all my heart," he repeated.
It was futile, you were deeply asleep.
He made his decision and closed his eyes, leaning his head against yours to find comfort.
He would sleep by your side, feeling the warmth of your body, and when you woke up, he would apologize to you as many times as necessary.
Even if it meant having to make it up to you with other vacations.
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You never exchanged words unless it was necessary.
You knew his name, he knew yours, and that you were good at fighting together. Unfortunately, you didn't have a "magical" suit to help with that.
You stared out the window, suppressing the urge to moan in pain every time the taxi jolted on the road. You had survived worse things than a twisted ankle and a possible broken rib.
Jake didn't look at you, only when he heard you hiss or take a deep breath because of the discomfort you were in.
"We're close to the hotel," he reassured you, even though it was a lie. You were in the middle of nowhere, trusting that the driver had the correct directions.
You nodded silently, closing your eyes and resting your forehead against the cold window.
Five more minutes passed, and there were no signs of life on the road, but the pain became more bearable as exhaustion started clouding your perception.
Every time you were about to fall asleep, a tap of your forehead against the window would wake you up.
And you didn't even notice his gaze on you.
After the seventh hit, Jake lost his patience.
"Eso no va a funcionar, cariño." You didn't understand, and you couldn't be bothered to understand as you kept your eyes closed.
The last thing you felt was his body moving closer to yours.
You yielded, your body finally relaxing as you managed to fall asleep. It was easier for Jake to wrap his arm around your shoulders and gently push you against his, allowing you to rest.
Almost immediately, he regretted it.
Jake didn't have this kind of closeness with anyone. His interactions with other people always involved punches, sometimes harder, sometimes softer, but pain was always present.
Was it normal for his heart to race like this? He would investigate later.
You moved your head slightly to snuggle better against his shoulder as he held his breath, trying not to make the slightest movement that could wake you.
"¿Cuánto va a ser?" he asked in a low tone so that the driver would understand his concern about not disturbing you.
The driver pointed to the meter in silence. Well, he encountered someone even quieter than himself.
Jake lost count of how many times he whispered in your ear, "Shh, cariño." (although sometimes he changed the endearment to "cielo" or "corazón") as a way to lull you in his arms whenever you shifted in your seat.
When you arrived, he paid in silence, as usual.
He didn't wake you up, in fact, he did his best to be as stealthy as possible.
He slid one of his arms under your legs, wrapped the other around you, and lifted you up like a bride.
Jake was careful, but not so much that your reflexes didn't catch the movement.
You woke up, but never opened your eyes; you simply nestled closer to his chest and enjoyed his care.
Tomorrow you would both face whatever you had to face.
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gilverrwrites · 1 month
Dickies Mom has got it goin’ on
Had to get this convoluted, angsty but fun idea out of my head. One day I might expand it into a better-written, fleshed-out fic, but for now please enjoy my yappy ramblings.
Wally West/BatMom!Reader
CWs: Wally being a not so great friend.
So like, imagine you're roughly late 20s/early 30s and happily married to the love of your life Bruce Wayne, there's an age gap sure, but ultimately that's not important. What matters is that you've made a life with him and his children. You're especially close with Dick, his eldest (late teens/early 20s) as you've known him since he was a teenybopper.
All is well, until one day in true comic book fashion; you die. You sacrifice yourself for a greater cause. It's all very tragic.
A decade later, it turns out fate isn't done with you. You've no idea how or why, but you wake in a coffin one day and have to claw yourself out of it. Cold, alone, and afraid, you make your way back to Wayne Manor. There you're greeted by your husband Bruce, but not really. This Bruce is greying. There are fine lines on his face you've never seen before and a ring on his finger that does not match yours.
You're not mad, it's been 10 years, and he was supposed to move on! But it doesn't feel like 10 years to you, it feels like only yesterday everything was perfect. It's devastating.
Queue Dick finding out. He just so happened to be hanging with his best pal Wally at the time, they both drop everything to rush over in a flash.
Your first night back on earth is messy. It's emotional, and stressful, a hell of a roller coaster. Ultimately, you spend most of it with Dick and Jay who surprise is also back from the dead. Dick is really your emotional soundboard, while Jay offers more practical advice about navigating a world that has gone on without you. He recommends you just take some time off, heal your wounds, catch-up with friends and family. You should learn from his mistakes.
Wally helps too. Primarily in a comedian relief way but also just as a sunny friendly face. His freckles and kind green eyes go a long way in making you feel at ease amongst a sea of familiar strangers.
He's adamant you've met before but you insist you'd never forget eyes that green and it stops his heart. You mean nothing by it, but it means a lot to him.
After you’ve parted ways, Dick makes a point of telling Wally not to flirt with you if he ever meets you again.
“Flirting? I wasn't flirting.”
“I was there.”
“But, come on man she's hot!”
“She’s my mom.”
“But she's our age now.”
“Wally, she's my mom!”
Eventually, after a lot of teasing, Wally surrenders but he deliberately makes no promises. He can't, not when he's been replaying the same 5-second interaction you'd had at Dicks 18th Birthday party many moons ago in his head over and over. He’ll try for his best friend, but it seems to him like this was meant to be.
Bruce may not be in love with you anymore, but he still loves you. So he helps how he can, offers you food and shelter, medical attention, a job, whatever you need to get yourself back on your feet.
You decide to take Jasons advice. Bruce still has a lot of your things; your clothes and your car. You ‘borrow’ gas money from your widowed husband and hit the road to seek out lost friends and family. Sad, but eager to get away from the city that no longer feels like home. You leave your rings with Alfred, a sign to Bruce that you expect nothing from him, that you'll leave him and his new wife be even though it breaks your heart.
The first stop is Dick, obviously, since you have to travel through Blüd. After joining him for a routine patrol, you spend the night on his couch, eating Thai food and talking about his life since you… passed. Nightwing as just finding his footing back then, but now he's a force to rival Batman.
You're two states over when you get a call from a number you don't recognise. Most of the people you know have changed their numbers since you last spoke, so don't hesitate to answer. You're surprised however by whose on the other end.
“Wally West? How did you get this number?”
“From Dick.”
He's not lying, he's just omitting the fact that Dick doesn't know Wally got your number from his phone bill. If he didn't want that info getting out he should probably put his bills somewhere other than a lockbox in a safe and quit being only person in the entire world to still actively use a landline.
His not-a-lie works however, the implication of Dick's approval helps you to let down those mother-appropriate conversation walls.
“Heard you're travelling cross country, any chance you plan on stopping in Keystone?”
“Why? Whats in Keystone?”
“Um, the Patriots?”
“And hotdogs! Al who serves em does not skimp on all the toppings, you've gotta try em.”
“You want me to detour in Keystone for baseball and hotdogs?”
“Well, there is something else.”
“And whats that?”
“Unmmm… You?”
“Ding ding ding. She's smart and beautiful, a woman after my own heart.”
He's cute. So cute. He's no Bruce, but Bruce never made you laugh like this.
“Wally, this is a bad ideas. I was married until like a week ago.”
“And? I'm not askin’ you to walk down the aisle again, just one game and like 20 hotdogs. For me. You don't have to eat that many unless you want too.”
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bangchansgirlsblog · 10 months
Sweet Angel 👼
Part one:
Has to re-write this
The clock was ticking. Her heart was pounding as she sat outside the principals office. She said a small prayer because she knew the trouble she was in. She knew this was going to be a good day.
“Y/n. The principal is ready to see you,” Candice, the school receptionist, called for her. She gulped and looked over at the lady. She was tall and had a mini skirt on. Her blouse was see through but no body complained because quite frankly everyone enjoyed the view. She was a hottie after all.
“Goodluck,” Candice said before Y/n could even step into the office. She needed it in order to stay calm and stay collective.
Her shaky hands opened the wooden doors and the smell of fresh books and coffee filled her nostrils as she took a step inside.
“Y/n, please take a sit,” His voice was loud but not scary loud more like loud for no reason loud. Y/n never liked the way he yelled. It was always hours of a lecture that she didn’t give two shits about because she knew she was going to get into trouble again but get away with it anyway.
“Goodafternoon Mr.Zang,” she smiled politely before taking a sit and looking straight at him. It was almost like she was taunting him, making him look like some type of clown.
“Alright let’s cut the crap young lady. We’ve called your brothers in,” her whole body went cold. Her breathing picked up its pace and her shaking hands were very visible now.
“You called my brothers?” She asked in disbelief, “but sir-“
“I don’t want to hear it Y/n, we’ve been going through a roller coaster with you and I think it’s time I set my foot down,” He was signing a piece of paper. The room was dark and mostly made of wood. It was a typical principal study and that creeped her out even more.
She was scared. She was terrified because if Chan was on his way he was definitely pissed off. She was definitely going to be in big trouble and she was definitely going to get killed. She was on her second strike. She had already been kicked out of a school before this and if she got suspended again in this school that meant she was one step away from getting expelled again. That alone would put Chan and all the boys in a coma.
She let out a sigh. This wasn't good at all. At all.
She looked up at the clock again to calculate how much time she had to live. 20 minutes. She had 20 minutes to live and she would spend it in this sad room. Not how she expected her last moments to be.
Her stomach was churning and suddenly the lunch she had eaten wasn’t such a good idea because of the nauseous feeling that came over her. The nerves were eating her alive and at a point she thought she was dreaming.
Her short prayers were interrupted by the doors opening. Had it been 20 minutes already?!
"I'm so sorry I'm late," She heard Chan's voice fill the room. She looked over at the door and gulped when she saw him come in with leeknow glaring at her. A lump in her throat started to form.
Leeknow was the scariest out of them all. He was the only man that scared the shit out of her (after Chan ofcourse) she just knew if it was the two of them (Chan and leeknow) it wasn’t a good thing because the both of them together was like losing a finger while cooking your favorite meal…does that make sense?
"It's okay Mr.Bahng, welcome. Please have a sit." Mr.Zang said pointing at both empty sits right next to Y/n. She made sure to scoot a bit further so she wouldn’t be at punching reach from Chan. (She was just taking safety precautions)
"So what seems to be the matter? what did she do this time and how much will it cost me?" Chan chuckled and she knew straight away that that chuckle wasn't real. It wasn't real at all.
"Im sorry we have to go through this again but today we caught Y/n- well you'll see by yourself," he pointed the tv remote at the tv that sat on the opposite side of the room. It was cctv footage. Y/n cursed herself for not knowing that this man was keeping cameras on her 24/7. She felt dumb. The video tape played and showed Y/n with a bottle of vodka passing it around with her friends. They were behind school in the alleyway between the gym and main hall.
She gulped again and looked at the floor not daring to look at Chan or leeknow. Her throat was dry at this point. She could hear a frustrated sigh and a 'you better start praying' from Chan.
"Now Ofcourse we don't tolerate any of this behavior," Mr.Zang turned off the tv and sat back in his chair.
"I understand that sir," Chan replied,
"We will have to put her on suspension for 3 days but I do have a question," he looked back and forth between Leeknow and Chan with a worried look on his face.
"Yes Mr.Zang, what is it?" Leeknow asked.
"Who is at home with Y/n? Is it just you guys?" He questioned the boys while adjusting his glasses.
"No sir, she has a nanny that takes care of her sir. It's me and my other brothers that are in charge of her sir,"
"And what about parents?..." he trailed off. Her heart slightly jumped at the thought of her mum and dad. All she could feel was numbness everytime they had to talk about them.
"We don't have any of that sir, her mum and dad died a while back so I was given custody over her sir," Chan replied politely. He too didn’t like to talk about the death of her parents. It ruined his whole mood because he knew it was a soft spot for his little sister.
“Oh I see because Y/n has been acting out lately and with the grades and her attitude she might not make it past 12th grade,"
She glanced over at Chan who was massaging his temples and trying to stay cool while leeknow sat with his hands crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.
"I understand that sir, I'll make sure she gets on her game,"
"Alright I think that's it, young lady I hope you take this time to reflect on your behavior," he pointed at her. God! She hated Mr.Zang. His pin black hair and beady eyes always creeped her out. Even his golden tooth that always seemed to be glowing no matter what. Ugh.
"Trust me she will be reflecting a lot," leeknow said before shaking Mr.Zang’s hand.
They handed them the peace of document for her suspension so they could sign it and once they had finished she got out of her chair and grabbed her bag from the floor and started following behind her two older brothers. They both were talking to eachother whispering back and forth as she walk quietly behind them. The school corridors were quiet and she was glad because if word got out that  2/8 of straykids were in school, that would be hell for her.
The car was parked outside with the driver in the front seat and when they got into the car and all the doors closed Chan started yelling. Yelling really loud. Her body was trembling at this point.
"What the fuck Y/n?!" He started off. she kept quiet and looked at the ground not daring to look him in the eye. "Oh! So now she can't talk huh?! Now she can't talk!"
"This is so disappointing! Yah! Do you know how embarrassing this is?! Getting called out of rehearsal?!" Leeknow added on.
"I can't even look at you right now! You're so stupid! Why can't you think before you act huh?! Why can't you do things without getting into trouble?!" Chan yelled while bawling up his hands in a fist.
"I'm sorry-" she softly said but she was interrupted by his sharp laugh,
"She's sorry! She's sorry she says! You know what I'm sorry for?! You're grounded for life. Locked up in that house for internal life!" Chan scoffed, "No tv, No phone, No tablet, No computer..oh and you know what else? No more free tickets for your friends! You will stay in that house until I see straight A's again understood?!"
“Yes Chan," She nodded her head,
“Also I’m taking you out of the trainee program. Your not debuting anymore-“
“Chan, please don’t. Please Chan that’s the only thing I have-“ tears started to build up in her eyes. Her heart was shattered. Chan knew how important that was for her. He knew how much she was looking forward to being in a girl group.
“I don’t want to hear it. This conversation is over,”
His face was red and he looked scary but she couldn't help it. Why would he do that? He knew that was my most valuable thing going on in her life.
“Chan I’ll-“
"I don't care! I don't fucking care right now! Just stay quiet and don't even talk to me, don't look at me if you can please don't even breathe the same air as me,"
She looked at him with so much hurt but obeyed his wishes. Her heart was heavy but she couldn't blame him. She deserved it.
She kept quiet and continued to look at the floor as they arrived home. Leeknow was trying to calm Chan down as she got out the car and walked into the house. Tears fell from her eyes at a constant speed.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Han asked, he was sat in the living room with one of his friends but he still chose to leave them and come up to her.
"Y/n? You reek of alchohol, where have you been?" He pulled her into a hug. Concern was written all over his face.
“Don’t touch me,” she tried to remove herself from his grip but it was too tight,
“Talk to me please,” he begged.
"I thought I said I don't want to see your face!" Chan's voice boomed in the room. She got out of Han's grip and quickly run up the stairs sobbing.
"Wait- what happened?" Han asked Chan who was now huffing and puffing.
"She's on Suspension,"
"Again?" Han asked confused, "what did she do this time?"
"Bottles of alcohol in her bag," leeknow explained while rubbing his eyes, tired as usual.
"Where does she even get that?"
"I don't know but I'm starting to get worried about her. I think this is her last strike. What are we gonna do?" Leeknow shook his head.
Chan was fed up and it was so clear, "I don't know but right now I don't want to deal with her crap."
"Chan don't say that, you don't mean it," Han said frowning.
"No I do! Han she has been causing hell! I don't know what to do anymore! I might just have to ship her off to boarding school! I can't be dealing with work stress and her stress! I've tried everything, literally everything but she won't change," he snapped at Han.
“Dont yell at me, I don’t mean any harm,” Han frowned feeling abit attacked, “Chan just give her time, she's just a teenager and she just lost her parents,"
"Who's just a teenager?" Felix asked entering the room from the kitchen.
"Felix back me up here, Chan wants to send Y/nnie to boarding-"
"What?! Why? You can't do that Chan?!"
"I didn't say I would and she got suspended Lix, " he run his fingers through his hair before he started to pace back and forth
"Maybe we can put her in classes? To distract her from being bad?" Han suggested.
"Yeah that's a good idea! That way we can monitor her there too. We can even pick her up after practice," Felix agreed
"We'll see but for now she's grounded for life."
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scuttling · 1 year
Flicker in the Dark - Jacob Black/Reader
Fandom: Twilight Saga Pairings: Jacob Black/Female Reader Word Count: 12,598 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Pining, Unprotected sex, Slightly aged up (Jacob is 20), Fix it fic Summary: My take on New Moon, if all of the characters were a bit more mature and Jacob got his girl. A/N: This is a third-person story that pairs Jacob with a girl who isn't Bella but who fills her role in the story; Bella doesn't exist in this universe because I find she's not as interesting to write as an original character, for me personally. The character has no name and no physical description, so treat her as an OC or a "reader," your choice there. :)
Keep reading below or link to AO3!
Bringing the idea of fixing the bikes to Jacob was the best thing she’s ever done: the best, and one of the dumbest, by far. 
They both have adult obligations now—she has class, and a part-time job, which are thankfully both online, and Jake works full time—so when the stars align and they’re free at the same time, they spend every moment in his garage like a couple of bored kids. They listen to music on his dad’s old radio, eat pizza and tacos standing up much more often than they should; Jacob isn’t twenty-one just yet, but they’re on the rez, so they sip beers sometimes, especially on the rare warm days where the sun shines into the garage and sweat prickles at their hairlines. 
He’s taller at twenty than he was when he was younger, broader and more filled out, like he’d said back on her birthday; she notices, sometimes, things like the tightness of his t-shirts stretched across his back, the way his jeans fit just, extraordinarily well. Those kinds of things you can’t help but notice, even if you’re emotionally, physically, and mentally unavailable, the way she is. 
He pokes fun at her age—forever a sore spot, especially when Edward is and will be twenty-two forever—but she catches him noticing her, too, sometimes, so she’s not a total embarrassment at least.
It doesn’t happen right away, like magic or anything, but hanging out in his garage does make her feel better; he makes her feel better, if she’s being honest with herself. He quiets the chatter in her brain, the anxiety, the self-doubt, and she smiles more when she’s with him, laughs more, gets out of her own head. She’s happier when she’s with him, too, bikes or no bikes—though the roar of the restored motorcycle engine certainly doesn’t hurt—and he’s good for her, there’s no denying that.
She remembers her dad’s advice, even more meaningful now that she’s moved out of his house and living on her own—sometimes, you gotta learn to love what’s good for you—and she even thinks she could, some days. 
That’s easy enough to say to herself, but so, so much harder in practice. She can tell Jacob is… interested, when they go to the movies, with the way he lays his hand on the armrest, palm up, in case she wants to hold it. Part of her wants to, really wants to; part just thinks about Edward and she clams up, can’t do it. She feels guilty, like she’s doing something wrong, even though he left her and not the other way around. 
She still loves him, will always love him, but Edward made his choice; she just wishes she felt free enough to make her own.
She feels guilty when they ride, too, because the one thing he’d asked of her was not to be reckless, and now she goes out of her way to find a rush wherever she can. Anything legal, be it motorcycles, rock climbing, running, skydiving, really, really big roller coasters—you name it, she’s done it, and though none of it ever worked as well as she’d hoped it would, she never stops trying. 
She knows better than to give herself over to things like drugs or binge drinking or meaningless one-night stands, but aside from that the limits to what she will try are almost non-existent. She loves the thrill of it all, loves feeling brave, feeling strong; In the end, she may wind up with a few cuts and bruises, but as long as she’s hurting no one but herself, she doesn’t feel too bad.
When she hurts Jacob, she feels awful, terrible, and she does hurt him—he’s so hurt for a while that he doesn’t want to see her, doesn’t even return her calls. She feels weak for the first time in a long time, like if she’d just been able to be what he wanted, to hold his hand, to kiss him, to get over herself, they both would have been happier. Now she just feels sad, and selfish, hurting the one person who has always been there for her, who’s always eased her pain.
She wants to respect his space, can’t bear the thought of hurting him more than she already has, but her anxiety gets the better of her; no amount of kickboxing or rock climbing has been able to take her mind off of him since that night at the movies, when he left in such a hurry. Even Edward has shifted to the back of her mind, though she has no idea when exactly that happened.
So she goes to him. Against his wishes. In the pouring rain. 
She’s so, so stupid.
He’s so, so shredded, even more so than usual; it’s the first thing she notices only because he’s soaking wet and shirtless and that makes it pretty obvious. The second thing she notices is his hair, no longer long and pulled back with a cord of leather, but cropped short, though inky black as always. The third thing she notices is the tattoo, a large, tribal design on his shoulder that looks well-healed even though she saw him less than a week ago.
She catalogs all of that, and then she remembers he’s avoiding her and that she’s here to ask for forgiveness (she’s willing to beg, but it’s sort of a last resort.)
She calls his name, but he doesn’t turn around at first, not until she’s right in front of him, fists balled angrily at her sides.  
“Jacob, I’m sorry… I’m sorry about the movie. Can we talk about it?” He huffs an unamused laugh, takes half a step closer; that kind of thing used to be playful, but now it seems almost menacing, between the muscles and the tattoo and the deepening frown on his face. 
“This isn’t about that. You–you need to leave. Now.” The tone of his voice leaves no room for argument… but then again, that’s never stopped her before. She steps closer too, more of a challenge than anything.
“Well if it’s not about that, what is it? What happened?” He turns away as if to leave and she reaches for him, fingers latching onto his wrist. She knows right away that when she tugs, and he turns, it’s because he let it happen; there’s no way anyone could force him to do anything now, not with how big he is, how strong, how solid beneath her hand. “Is it Sam? Did he get to you too?” 
“I was wrong about Sam. He’s helping me through it—just like he helped the others,” he says, but it sounds odd to her ears. If something was wrong, if he’d needed help, he would have come to her… right? “I can’t do this right now—you have to go. Please go.” 
Before, he was stern, but this time he’s pleading for her to leave, and that’s just not Jacob—they’d hash it out before he cut her off without so much as a word, instead of ghosting her and making his father lie for him and keeping secrets with Sam Uley.
“Jake,” she pleads too, but instead of tightening her grip on his wrist she brings her hand up to the nape of his neck, to brush through the short hair that lays there, drenched in rainwater. “Please don’t do this to me.” 
He closes his eyes like it pains him, and it very well might; she knows the similarities to the night Edward left are becoming almost too much for her to bear. 
Maybe that’s why she came here, after all, because she could, because at least she still knew where she could find him. Because even if he didn’t want to talk to her, at least she’d know he was okay. 
“I’m not doing this to you, I’m doing it for you. I’m not who you thought I was, I’m not good for you. You can’t be around me anymore.” 
Fuck that, she thinks immediately, because she is so absolutely tired of people telling her what she can and can’t do, what she’s strong enough for, what’s safe. 
She doesn’t want safe. All she wants is Jacob. 
“I decide what’s good for me; I decide,” she says, voice raised and rough, jabbing a finger in his direction, and he grabs both of her forearms and holds them between them. He looks like he wants to shake her, he’s so frustrated, but his grip isn’t tight. “You think you’re going to hurt me, or something? Because look at us, Jake.” Her gaze moves to his hands on her, holding her still but doing it gently, carefully. “It’s okay. You won’t hurt me, I know it.” 
He drops her arms like she’s burned him, like he didn’t even realize he was holding them, and takes two steps back, away from her.
“You’re right, I won’t—because you can’t ever come here again.” 
He turns and runs to Sam and the other guys, leaving her standing in the rain, soaked and alone, her stomach in knots. The chatter is back, the self-doubt, louder than ever now; if they could both do this, both leave her so easily, would she ever be enough for anyone?
She’s not sitting around her house moping about this, not again. She did that with Edward and it got her absolutely nowhere, so this time she resolves to just skip to the front of the line. She packs a bag for the trail and goes hiking, plans to take a long path deep into the woods, away from the bear attacks or whatever’s going on out there. Her dad would have her head if she walked headfirst into danger, and she knows better, anyway, isn’t going to actually risk her life just to get Rocky Mountain high. 
She hadn’t planned on risking her life, anyway, but how was she to know the formerly peaceful Laurent was back in Forks, red eyes and all, and that he was working with Victoria? That wasn’t on her supernatural drama bingo card, that’s for damn sure. 
She listens to him do the villain rambling for a moment, but irritation wins out over fear and she loses her temper, slips up and says that Edward is gone and he’s not coming back, and if he wants to kill her, well no one’s stopping him! 
He looks amused by her outburst, but the smile melts off of his face when an enormous black wolf steps out of the trees, followed by several others of all shades, shapes, sizes. She doesn’t get a chance to count them, just runs like hell in the other direction, but when she risks a look back they are going after Laurent with a precision she wouldn’t expect from wild animals just looking for dinner. 
She tells no one about the wolves—who would believe her anyway?—just runs back to her truck until she’s breathless, goes home and takes a steaming hot shower to rinse away the cold clamminess of his touch. She makes a cup of tea and changes into a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, then parks herself on the couch with her laptop for the rest of the night. 
Until the knock at the door that comes around 1 AM. 
It’s Jacob, and she’s so happy to see him that she forgets all about her day up until that point and wraps her arms around him, hugs him where he stands in the doorway. He hugs back, thank god, his embrace tight and warm and comforting, and then she ushers him in, offers to make more tea while they talk. 
“About the other day,” she begins, filling the electric kettle with water and plugging it in, but he cuts her off, panicked. 
“I wish I could explain,” he says, and he’s almost got those puppy dog eyes that always get him his way; he doesn’t even do it on purpose, just looks like that, and it’s incredibly hard to resist. “But I literally can’t.” 
“No, I know, I… I mean, I think I know.” She has a box of tea in her hand and she’s gesturing a bit wildly with it, so she sets it on the counter, walks closer to him, so there’s about a foot of space between them. “First rule of fight club is you can’t talk about fight club—wait, it’s not an actual fight club, right? Because you’d dominate.” 
He laughs, a real one, with his head thrown back, and she all but grins. There he is. Her Jacob. 
“No, it’s not a fight club, but you’re right. I can’t talk about it, I can’t tell you anything.” His tone of voice hurts her, because it’s clear this is something he wants, needs to share; she moves closer, eyes on his.
“And what if I guess? Is that against the rules?” He shakes his head fervently, rests his palm on the counter beside him.
“No, no—in fact, that’s exactly what I need you to do. Sam can’t stop you, and I know you, you’re smart, won’t stop until you figure it out.”  He reaches out with his other hand, tentatively, and links their fingers together like he did at the movies; when he brings their hands up to his chest, this time, she doesn’t pull away. “It would be so much easier if you knew.”
His face is so soft but so serious, his brow furrowed, and she squeezes his hand.
“I’m going to feel really silly if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. I’ve been working on it all night.” With her free hand, she pulls her phone out of her pocket, shows him the same screen she has up on her laptop in the other room. It’s a list of all the facts she has, her own speculation, and finally, in size 42 font, one very important eight-letter word. “You said before that Sam was collecting disciples—a pack of them, Jacob, right?” 
“Yes. Fuck,” he breathes, and though she’s heard him say it in the garage many times, this one is special because it means she’s right. He slides down to a seat on the tile floor, looks so relieved it makes her chest feel tight, and she kneels in front of him, hands on his bare shoulders. 
“You’re a werewolf, Jake, just like the legend—your tribe is descended from wolves. Tell me I’m wrong.” 
He doesn’t say a word, and at first she’s afraid she is incorrect, but then he reaches out and pulls her close, crushes her to his body. He breathes hard into her hair, holds her tightly, and she can’t help it, she cries, hot tears leaving tracks down her cheeks.
He brings his hands there after a moment, wipes the tears away with his thumbs, then holds her face like she’s something precious, lips turning up into a half-smile.
“Thank you. I knew you could do it.” He tips forward, presses their foreheads together, moves his hands to her waist. “You don’t know how badly I wanted you to know.”
“Oh, Jake. I’m sorry—I should have caught on faster. It’s obvious, when you put everything together, when you… You know. When you’ve seen what I’ve seen.” He nods his head and swallows, presses his fingertips into her side. She shifts closer, or he does, maybe they both do, so their breath mixes between them, soft and warm.
“It’s okay, you’re here now. You’re here, it's okay,” he repeats, and she pushes fingers through his hair, softer now that it’s dry. 
“I’m here, and I don’t have to stay away.”
They don’t quite kiss, because she’s still nervous, maybe even more so now—they were so close to being separated, and now that he’s back in her life, in her house, she doesn’t want to risk breaking this delicate, fragile thing between them. His mouth just brushes over hers, more a swipe than a press of lips, and she turns her head so the rest of it catches her cheek instead. 
He sighs, but he’s not upset, and he lifts a hand to smooth through her hair before dropping it altogether. 
“I should go,” he says, but she can’t bear the thought of losing him again already. She stands when he does, takes his hand the way he did before. 
“Can you stay the night? Please?” She squeezes his fingers, tries her hand at her own version of those sad puppy eyes. “I understand if you can’t, but I’d feel… I want you to,” she’s clear to say, and eventually, he nods. 
She makes up a bed for him on the sofa, intends to head upstairs when he’s comfortable; she doesn’t know what stops her, but she stretches out on the other end of the couch instead and they put on a movie, something black and white, volume low. She couldn’t say for sure who’s the first to fall asleep.
She’s the first to wake up, so she takes a quick shower, does some work, brews some coffee. He’ll probably head out the moment his feet hit the floor, so she prepares herself for that—she just hopes that the rest of his pack knows he’s there, that they aren’t worried, or frantically searching the preserve for signs of him like she would be. 
She asks him that when he pads into the kitchen an hour later, eyes sleepy, bedhead evident, and he pours a cup of coffee and sits across from her at the table. 
“Nah, they knew I was coming,” he assures with a sip. “They know by now that if they can’t find me, I’m probably here with you.” That makes her smile, though she looks down into her mug and tries not to show it. He takes a few more quick gulps despite the temperature and sets down his empty cup with a smack of his lips. “Speaking of the pack, I think you should meet them. We gather at Emily’s—that’s Sam’s fiancee—sometimes, and they’ll be there today.”
“Will they be angry that I figured it out?” she asks, genuinely curious. She wants to meet them, wants to know more about the group of guys Jacob is now supernaturally entangled with, but she’s not so sure a house of angry werewolves is somewhere she’s ready to be so soon after her last brush with death. He breathes a laugh and shakes his head. 
“They won’t be angry. They’ll probably be irritated with me, because I couldn’t just let you go…” Their eyes meet, and she thinks of reaching out to touch his hand across the table, though she doesn’t in the end. “But as for you, they’ll probably just be impressed.”
The pack is both impressed by her and slightly irritated with Jacob, but stern glances and eye rolls quickly turn to laughter and playful shoving, as they pile into Emily’s small but cozy kitchen and make introductions around a batch of fresh muffins.
She gets official confirmation on things she’d only read about—like their ability to hear each other’s thoughts when shifted, the accelerated healing, their speed, their power—right from the wolves' mouths, and they learn from her too, everything she knows about vampires like Laurent and Victoria. She doesn’t talk much about the Cullens, mostly because their secrets are not hers to tell, but she can see Jacob’s brain working as she mentions Victoria’s vendetta, as she shows the group the pale, silvery bite mark on her arm. 
“If she’s here, she’s here for me,” she tells them, and Jake tenses, his jaw tight, veins visible, shoots Sam a look that conveys they have a lot to talk about when she’s not around. 
Later, she suggests to Jacob that he take a walk with her, because she can tell how all of those stories have put him on edge. Together they amble slowly toward the beach, close but not touching, and this time she does take his hand, leans in so their forearms brush. 
“It’ll be okay,” she murmurs, tilting her head to look up at him. “You guys are strong, fast. You took down Laurent—I have no doubts you’ll get her too.” 
“Before she hurts you?” he says, staring ahead, voice rough because he’s been mostly silent all day, listening closely to her and taking everything in. “Because if she does…” 
“She won’t. The others are watching her,” she says, hoping like hell that’s still true, “and even if she finds me… I trust you to protect me.” He stops there, on the wet sand, and she turns toward him so she can see his expression, to get a better idea of what’s on his mind. 
“If they come back, I’m not allowed to fight on their land—I’d be breaking the treaty,” he says with a pained look. She understands the words he’s not saying: if they come back, I wouldn’t be able to protect you in your own home.
“They’re not coming back,” she whispers, because she can’t say the words any louder than that, even though they’re true.  “He made his choice, and that’s—that’s okay.” 
“Is it?” Jacob asks, leaning in, and she gets it, gets why; she hasn’t exactly been positive about Edward’s departure, how his choice affected her, took his family away from her too, and now suddenly she’s okay with it?
It isn’t sudden, though, not really. It’s been a gradual acceptance, something she’s been coming to terms with since the day he left. She knows Edward’s decision wasn’t made easily; she knows he didn’t leave because he didn’t love her, but because he loved her so much he put aside his feelings for her and did what he thought was right. 
He went about it all the wrong way, removing every trace of himself from her life, banning his family from communicating with her, taking her choices away, but in the end his heart was in the right place, and she’s found a way to respect that, despite everything. 
Maybe it’s just Jacob. He brought her out of her post-breakup shell, made her smile again, laugh again, feel important and wanted and cared for. Maybe he filled in the cracks of her broken heart so she could use it again, without the need for exhilaration and adrenaline to cover up the pain of what she’s lost; maybe it’s just Jacob, bright like the sun they so seldom see, special and rare and wild. 
“It’s okay,” she assures him, voice steady with her conviction. She raises their conjoined hands and presses her lips to his knuckles, just briefly, before dropping them back to her side. 
Jake nods, accepts her answer, and they walk further along the beach until the sun goes down in a hazy blend of blue and orange and red.
He offers to drive her home, and even though it’s impractical, and she’d usually put up a fight, she wants that extra time with him. Wants to be that close to him. She sits in the middle of the bench seat, neither up against him nor really on the passenger’s side, but close enough for Jake to throw an arm across her shoulders, and they listen to the radio and talk about his pack while cruising down the road. 
“I better go,” he murmurs before she can even unlock her front door, and she tries not to let her face fall; she’d been hoping he’d stay over again, or come inside for a little bit, at least. 
She must fail at controlling her expression, because Jacob smiles softly, like he’s pleased with himself, and leans in, brushing his fingers over the line of her jaw. 
“We’re patrolling tonight—got a vampire to kill. But I’ll call you tomorrow?” 
She nods beneath his touch, and he pulls back and turns to leave, jogging down the street and toward the forest that’ll lead him back to La Push.
He does call the next day, but it’s brief; Victoria’s back, just as Sam expected, so they’re running all night, all day, trying to catch her off guard, taking breaks only to eat and sleep when they absolutely have to. Jacob promises to check in when he can, but after three days with no contact—and a voicemail from her father about locals spotting wolves in the woods—she’s on edge again, less concerned for her own safety, more worried about Jake’s. 
She’s an absolute idiot for doing it—going to the beach, to the tall cliffs that loom over it—but she needs the rush again, doesn’t feel right when it’s just her own troubled voice in her head. She needs to hear the purr of an engine, the hum of a plane, the crashing of pure, white water against rocks… or maybe Jacob’s heartbeat. But the cliffs are the simple option at the moment, and all she can think about until she’s actually there, looking out over the ocean, the gritty scents of sand and salt in her nose. 
She takes several deep, long breaths. That’s the key to these things that bring her so much excitement—using all of her senses, so she’s not just herself but everything around her too. She needs to see the sun on the horizon, taste the spray of seawater and clean, crisp air. She needs to smell the damp earth, touch the frothy bubbles that lap at the shore, hear…
She hears a wolf, actually, howling solemnly in the distance, but doesn’t register the sound until after she’s already jumped. 
The waves are choppier than they’d appeared when she was looking down at them, and it knocks the breath out of her lungs when they crash into her body, pulling her down into the dark vastness of the icy sea. Her arms and legs move instinctively, fighting to bring her back to the surface, but the water is deep and heavy and she’s already so tired of trying. 
She’s so cold all she can feel is cold, her teeth chattering, so even when she hits her head on a boulder and it starts to bleed, she doesn’t realize what’s happened until everything turns black.
She’s warmer, suddenly, that’s all she knows, though the ground beneath her back is rocky and wet, uncomfortable. She thinks maybe it’s a blanket that feels so warm, but quickly realizes it’s Jacob above her, soaked to his bones, a sigh of relief passing his lips. 
“Oh thank god. Can you hear me?” He cradles the back of her head in his palm and helps her sit up, then presses his fingers tenderly to the sore bump beneath her hair. “Your head’s not that bad, but I bet it hurts.” 
“Hmm. Hurts,” she mumbles, her throat raw, temples throbbing. She’s cold and tired and thirsty, but ashamed above all else; maybe she really does need someone making the decisions for her, if this is the kind of stupidity she gets up to when she’s alone. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” he answers quickly, and he runs his hands over her arms and legs, her neck, her face, checking for further injury. “I’m just glad you’re alright. The waves are bad today; you could have been swept away.” 
“I didn’t realize that until it was too late,” she admits sheepishly, and when he brings her closer she rests her cheek against his chest, feels tears stinging her already tired eyes. “I’m sorry, Jacob.” 
“It’s okay, I’m here. It’s okay.” His voice is as soft as his hands as they curve around her, holding her against him, and they sit like that for a couple minutes, until Sam runs over and tells him to get her home. 
He drives again, but this time she’s even more grateful, because there’s no way she could have done it herself. She feels so much at once—dumb and scared and childish, but also brave and calm, while somehow her mind races with thoughts of the wolves howling and Jacob’s hands in her hair. Her focus is shot, and even though she’s wrapped in one of Jake’s thick, fleece lined hoodies, she trembles, heavy and cold, as she peers out the passenger side window, watching the trees go by.
“Hundred and eight degrees over here,” Jacob says eventually, with a half smile, and she blinks for a moment before giving in; with a sigh, she scoots closer, wraps an arm around his waist. She can feel the heat of his body even through the layers they wear, and she shivers involuntarily at the pleasant but abrupt change in temperature.
“You still want me this close? Not afraid the bad decisions will rub off onto you?” It’s a joke, a self-deprecating one, and an apology all bundled together. “What I did was stupid, I know. I could have gotten really hurt, and you should have been out there with the pack, with Harry, not saving me.” 
He tilts his head, leans closer so his cheek rests against her hair.
“Well it wasn’t smart, but we all have our moments. And you couldn’t have known about Harry—don’t be too hard on yourself.” A long beat of silence passes, and she turns toward him, pressing her icy nose to his neck with another sigh.
“Mmm. You’re so warm. It must be nice, never getting cold.” 
“It’s a wolf thing,” he says with a shrug, but it’s not, not really, and she can’t let that stand. 
“Maybe, but trust me, it’s a Jacob thing too. You’ve always been warm.” She just sits there, breathes him in, lets him warm her hands and nose, so content she almost doesn’t notice when he pulls up in front of her house.
“This is better. Now that you know about me,” he says, tipping his face down, after he turns off the truck. She pulls back just enough to look into his eyes, to try to gauge his intent.
“But?” He swallows hard, looks away for a moment before returning to her face.
“You saw what happened to Emily. Sam got angry, lost it for a split second, and Em was standing too close. He’ll never be able to take that back.” He shakes his head, as if imagining the two of them in the same situation. What he could do to her. What she would think of him. “What if I get mad and I hurt you?” 
“You’re new to this—even if you are a natural,” she says, remembering a comment Embry had made when they’d last spoken. “You’ll learn how to control it, how to read the warning signs, and you’ll either stop yourself from turning or get somewhere safe. We’ll be okay,” she promises, resting her hand soothingly against his neck, and he sighs softly.
“Sometimes, I feel like I’m gonna disappear. Like one day it will be all wolf and no Jake.” He leans in, close enough that their noses just barely brush, and the way he looks down at her is something like… 
Yearning, she thinks to herself after a beat. It’s a powerful emotion, but she’s never seen it look quite so beautiful before. 
“You’re not going to lose yourself. I won’t let that happen.” 
“How?” he asks, bringing a hand up to cover hers, and she wets her lips, shakes her head to clear it; it’s swimming again, in this small space, so very close to him—especially when he’s looking at her like that.
“I’ll tell you all the time… how special you are to me.” She looks up, feels like she’s showing her soul to him, like this incident has stripped her down to bare bones and she’s letting him see her, once and for all. He stares into her eyes for a long moment, then leans in slowly, tentatively, and this time she doesn’t stop herself from meeting him in the middle, from pressing her mouth to his. 
She can actually feel the relief wash over him when she doesn’t reject his kiss, like he’s been tightly coiled and tense and can finally relax because she wants the same things, feels the same way.
She expects his lips to be warm, soft, but he is scorching against her skin, even more so when he moves his hand to her cheek in a gentle caress. With the palm against his hip, she pushes up his t-shirt, gets her fingers on his body, and they both gasp softly into the kiss, deepen it. 
“Jacob,” she sighs when they part for air; he seems okay, if a little shaky, but she feels flushed, eager, almost vibrating with the need to keep kissing him. She wants more, even though her throat burns like the last time his lips touched hers, when he forced the water out of her lungs and saved her life. 
That’s what he does best, her Jacob—like a flicker in the dark, he always pulls her away from the dangers of her own making and brings her back into the light.
“Is this real?” he asks, his breath a ghost on her lips; his other hand, on her lower back, pulls her closer to his body, and she turns her head and kisses the palm resting on her cheek. 
They kiss again, hands a bit less careful, hers sliding up his back, his weaving into her hair to control the tilt of her head. She gives in to it all, lets him set the pace, gripping him like a life preserver and letting his heat warm her from the inside out. She feels like she can’t get possibly close enough, wants to be pressed skin to skin, but she settles for sliding into his lap, ducking her head so she doesn’t hit it on the metal roof of the truck. 
He groans as she twists fingers into his hair, as she pulls him into her and feels the long, hard line of his body against hers. She kisses faster, harder, and he matches her fervor, wraps an arm around her waist and catches her chin with tight fingers. 
They kiss for a long time, and the cabin heats, windows fogging up as they share breath and saliva, as they murmur each other’s names like prayer. Her lips are red and raw when she finally needs to pause, and she rests her head against his chest and listens to the thunderous, wild beating of his heart. 
“Will you stay the night? Please?” she asks, voice a little broken—rough with need, and soreness from nearly drowning, and breathlessness caused by the most intense kiss of her entire life. 
Jacob nods, and he sets her carefully back on the seat, removes the keys from the ignition and climbs out of the truck. She slides out behind him, and he closes the door, takes her hand in his just like she did on the beach.
He locks the front door behind them when they’re finally inside—as if that will stop anyone we need to worry about, she teases with a soft laugh—and she takes the lead, walks up the stairs toward her bedroom with Jacob trailing behind. 
Despite his surreal body heat and the thick, warm sweatshirt he’d given her to wear, she’s still cold down to her bones, and wet like a drowned rat, so she pulls off her shoes and socks and sets them down by the radiator. Jacob watches her every move from a couple steps away, eyes lingering as she shrugs out of his hoodie, then pulls her damp sweater over her head. 
There’s nothing sexy or seductive about it, it’s not a striptease by any means, but he doesn’t look away when she’s down to her bra, and she doesn’t want him to. He bends down to take off his boots, to line them up next to hers, then bridges the distance between them and leans in for a deep, slow kiss. 
It’s not long before they both sink down onto the bed, and her fingers slip open the button of her jeans, then hesitate, wait at the button of his. She looks up at him, and the confirmation is all but written there, in the darkness of his eyes, the swipe of his tongue over his lips, but she needs to be sure. 
“I want you, all of you,” she murmurs, and then she brushes a hand through his hair, leans in to just rest her mouth against his. It’s delicate like the first time, but full of meaning, and he presses up into her kiss. “Do you want this?” 
“I want this. You. All—all of you.” He nods, licks his lips again, eyes softer but no less hungry, and she flicks open the button and kisses him like she did in the truck: hands on his body, in his hair, her breath all his. 
They don’t part, not really, just fall back against the pillows and tug at clothing, pressing kisses to throats and palms. His t-shirt drops to the bedroom floor, then her jeans and underwear, his, and the room is quiet except for the sounds of eager, wet kisses and soft, needy moans. 
She sits up, reaches back to unclasp her bra, and Jacob drags the strap down her shoulder, helps her take it off, leaving it somewhere in the bed; his mouth moves to hers, then down her neck, over her collarbone, and finally caresses each nipple with a gentle reverence that makes her ache all over.  
“You’re still sure?” he asks when she is shaking beneath his touch, strong arms wrapped around her back, and she nods and shifts up into his lap. 
When their lips meet, the kiss is hard, and she curls an arm around his shoulders, weaving a hand into his hair. They’re both panting when she leans up, guides him inside her, and when she sinks down it’s like a flash of tingling heat takes over her entire body. 
Jacob groans, holding her securely, thrusting up as she works her thighs above him. They kiss, deep and messy, graceless but passionate, her fingers tugging, his pressing hard into her skin. 
It’s not at all how she’d expected her first time to be; she’d imagined it would be with Edward, of course, and slow, but she can’t get enough of Jacob and it seems like he can’t get enough of her either. She’d imagined a cool, pale body above her, but it’s Jacob’s deep, rich, hot skin she presses her lips to, her fingernails against. She’d expected Edward’s hard, marble arms around her, and while Jacob is strong and firm he’s still soft, skin slick with sweat as they move together. 
“Jake,” she murmurs, the taste of him on her lips, his scent in her nose, woodsy, clean. “Jacob.” Her body trembles and he holds her tighter, presses his face into her neck. 
“I’ve got you.” She sighs happily at that, grabs his hair more roughly, rides him faster. 
“You’ve got me. You’ve always got me.” 
Jacob looks up at her, eyes fiery, liquid, then pulls her in with a hand on the back of her neck and kisses her like the first time—soft, nervous, sweet. The juxtaposition of that gentle kiss and his possessive grip makes her dizzy, and when he pulls back his face is all she can see, all she wants to see, all she needs.
“I’ve always got you,” he promises, his gaze tender, unflinching. “Always.”
He’s got her when he comes, holding her tightly with one thick forearm and dragging his free hand over her breasts, then lower, to rub her clit as she bounces herself to climax in his grasp. “Oh, god,” she breathes, voice like a shiver, and her fingernails dig half-moons into his biceps as they both slow, slow, slow, then stop altogether.
He eases them both down against the bed, arms around her, their legs entwined, and they catch their breath, just look at each other until the exhaustion of the day catches up to her. Her eyes flutter closed, and pressed so close to him, so warm, all she can do is sleep.
When she wakes, it’s still mostly dark, and she desperately needs to clean up in the bathroom and get a glass of water. Jacob’s t-shirt is the first piece of clothing she sees—or the first she wants to see—and she pulls it over her head and pads to the bathroom for a human moment—a very human moment indeed. 
She pauses, while washing her hands, to look over her reflection in the mirror. Rationally, she knows nothing has really changed, but at the same time everything has. 
The bathroom water is never cold enough to drink, so she treads down the stairs, across the kitchen, turns on the tap and lets it run until the water is icy and crisp. She fills a glass, takes a couple of sips, then almost drops it when a cool hand is suddenly pressed to her shoulder. 
It’s Alice, and she uses her other hand to catch the glass before it can hit the floor and shatter. 
“Relax. It’s just me.” Her eyes are soft, and it’s clear she is happy to see her, but there’s something else in her expression, something inquisitive. “You’re alright.”
“I’m fine. I’m… good, actually.” She shrugs, which bares her shoulder, in the large t-shirt she wears, that she’d forgotten she was wearing. She freezes—she knows how she must smell to Alice, like Jacob and like… Jacob—but her friend just shakes her head. 
“I couldn’t see you; well, I saw you jump off a cliff, and then you were gone. I thought you died.” 
“Alive and well,” she says with a tone that’s hoping for lighthearted, but… 
She has no regrets about being with Jacob, not one—she just hadn’t expected to be confronted with a vampire she once considered a sister almost immediately after. She doesn’t know what to say right now, how to act. Who to be.
“I was cliff jumping, recreationally. It was fun... for a minute.” Alice rolls her eyes, but it’s clear she’s happy she’s unharmed—though perhaps irritated by her tendency toward life-threatening idiocy.
“That doesn’t explain why I couldn’t see you, why your whole future went black.” Her golden eyes stare seriously, unblinking for a moment, and then she looks away. “Though maybe I owe that to the wolf in your bed.” 
Of all the nights for Alice to come back to Forks, she thinks, a suddenly uncomfortable pit in her stomach. Then she hears footsteps on the stairs.
“Not in her bed anymore,” Jacob says, voice low, from the doorway to the kitchen; he takes half a step forward, an aborted move, like he wants to put himself in between them. 
“This is Alice, Edward’s sister. Alice, this is Jacob,” she explains, trying not to focus on his shirtless torso, or the pained expression on his face. She blows out a deep breath. “It’s okay. She won’t hurt me.” 
“She’s hurt you before,” he counters, no doubt remembering every heartbroken, aching expression she’d worn in the months prior. He takes a step closer, so he is next to her, his forearm grazing hers, and Alice takes a step back. “I’d like to stick around, if it’s all the same to you.” 
He’s posturing, that much is clear, but she can't find it in herself to be irritated, because at least he’s giving her the option, letting her choose.
“I thought you couldn’t protect me here,” she says, turning her face up to look at him, and Jacob’s response makes heat pool low in her belly, just like the night before. 
“There is nowhere in this world I won’t protect you—treaty or no treaty.” 
She wants so badly to kiss him, but Alice is there, Alice, right in front of her after all this time, and she’s conflicted. Torn. He can tell, she knows, but he doesn’t take it personally, just reaches up to scratch his head, sighs. 
“So are more of you coming? Is–is he…?” 
“I came alone. And no,” Alice replies after a moment, but she’s looking at her instead, probably knows that he’s just saying what she’s too worried to ask. “He only calls in once every few months. Says he wants to be alone.” Jacob scoffs.
“Great. He wants to be alone, so you all leave her behind, unprotected? That red headed vampire is after her because of him.” 
That gets a reaction out of Alice, whose eyes darken protectively.
“Who, Victoria? I haven’t seen her.” She stares off into the distance, like she’s searching for memories, visions, sifting through what she’s seen and trying to piece together what she hasn’t. “Just like I didn’t see you get pulled out of the water. There’s a lot I haven’t seen, apparently,” she adds under her breath, and the other girl presses her lips together, sighs. 
Not the time or place for this discussion, and they both know it, but that doesn’t mean it’s avoidable for long. 
“So you can’t see around Jacob. The wolves,” she guesses. “I’ve been with them a lot lately.”
“With him a lot lately,” Alice corrects. Jacob huffs, but it’s not untrue, so she lets her think what she wants. Her silence must speak volumes, because Alice takes a deep, wholly unnecessary breath, and gestures toward the door. “Should I go?” 
“Please don’t,” she says quickly, nearly begging. It’s the first she’s seen of Alice in almost a year and she cannot let her leave as abruptly as she’d shown up. “If you could just give us a minute…” 
“Take two,” the vampire says, and it’s with a half-smile that turns into a smirk. “I’ll go Febreze the living room while I wait: it smells like wet dog.” She turns to leave, a bounce in her step that the other girl can’t help laughing at, shaking her head. 
She sobers up when Jacob turns toward her, takes a step that moves the both of them, so her back is pressed up against the kitchen counter. He looks so serious, and her heart beats for him everywhere. 
“Do you believe her? When she says she came alone?” he asks, and she tilts her head, nods softly. 
“Of course I believe her. She just had to make sure I was okay, that’s all. There’s… there’s nothing for them here.” 
Even as she says the words, she hopes they’re not true—hopes that, even if they really aren’t meant to be together, that she and Edward, she and the Cullens, can still be… Friends isn’t really a strong enough word, but she wants them in her life, potential bloody accidents be damned. 
“So if he came back,” Jacob says, leaning in closer, his lips hovering over hers, “you wouldn’t go to him?” His tone is light, but she understands the weight of his question, takes a moment to find the right words to answer it. 
“If he came back, I’d want to see him. Just like I want to see Alice.” She reaches out to touch him, his warm, bare skin, places her palm over his thumping heart. “But I wouldn’t go to him. Not like this.” 
It’s true, and she wants to say more, to promise him, reassure him, but just after she says it, the landline rings. Jacob sighs, his breath on her cheek, and reaches out a hand to answer it. “Hello?” The person on the other end speaks in a low tone she can’t make out, but she can see the tick in Jacob’s jaw, a hard set to his eyes. “He isn’t here right now, but that’s not who you really want, is it?” 
There’s another moment of conversation she can’t hear, and Alice walks into the room looking stunned; Jacob hands the other girl the receiver, and she looks from him to Alice and then speaks into the phone. “Hello?” 
“You’re alright.” 
It’s Edward, his voice cool and smooth but thick with emotion. It makes butterflies flutter around in her stomach, just like it used to. 
“I’m alright.” She doesn’t give him more than he asks for, doesn’t take more than he offers. She’s aware of two sets of eyes on her, feels more nervous than before, in her oversized t-shirt and sleep-mussed hair.
She’s glad he can’t see her and wonders exactly what that means.
“Good. Rosalie said Alice had a vision…” He trails off, but they both know what he’s not saying: everyone thought she’d given up and killed herself. She crosses her arms.
“The vision was incomplete. I’m fine. Stupid, but fine.” Edward huffs a laugh down the line, and she can imagine the exact cant of his mouth, the glimmer in his eye that always seemed to be reserved for her.
“You are many things, but stupid is not one of them.” There’s more he wants to say, she can tell; as a man of few words, many of their conversations were punctuated with heavy, meaningful silence. Part of her wishes she could see his face, at least. That always helped. “Who answered the phone? Jacob?”
She looks up at him involuntarily, notes the tightness of his mouth, his arms folded in front of his bare chest. 
“Yes, Jacob. He’s the one who pulled me out of the water, the one Alice didn’t see.” 
“Hmm. He still doesn’t seem to like me much.” Her lips turn up at that—understatement of the century—and she wonders if Jake can hear him too. Based on the stoic expression he wears, he either can’t, or he’s not paying attention. 
“No he does not.” A beat passes, then two. “You should call your family more often, go see them. They miss you.” 
“It’s difficult,” he says, swallowing, and she nods at no one. 
“I know, but don’t punish them. Please.” She knows how it feels, to be totally cut off from people she loves, to constantly wonder, always fear the worst; she doesn’t say it because she knows he knows.
“I’ll consider it, if you don’t go jumping off those cliffs any time soon.” She laughs softly, surprised at his humor; this was not how she would have ever anticipated a call like this to go, but she likes it. Likes them, like this. 
“Deal. Alice is looking at me like she’s going to steal the phone any moment,” she warns, which is putting it mildly. “So I’m going to put her on. You can call when it’s not life or death, you know,” she adds quietly. “It would be nice to hear from you. If you ever want to talk.” 
She doesn’t know if he responds, because Alice takes the receiver, winds the cord around her arm, and scolds her brother with love in the way only a sister can manage. 
While they talk, she walks toward Jacob, then past him, toward the staircase, but she takes hold of his hand as she goes, and he follows just like the night before. This time, he closes the bedroom door behind them. 
“I’m sorry this happened like this,” she says, sitting down on the bed, one leg beneath her and the other hanging over the edge. “I’m not sorry Alice is here, but I’m sorry that’s what you woke up to. If you were… worried.” Jacob takes the space next to her atop the rumpled duvet. 
“I was worried when I smelled a bloodsu- vampire,” he corrects quickly, “and you weren’t beside me.”
“I’m sorry,” she says again, this time leaning closer. “But thank you for giving me the phone, letting me talk to him. I’m sure that wasn’t easy.” He shrugs, like it was no big deal, even though she remembers how angry he’d looked at the sound of Edward’s voice. 
“I almost didn’t. I mean, technically, he didn’t ask for you.” She rolls her eyes—definitely guy logic—then stands up, scoops his jeans off the floor and hands them over to him. Her face heats at the memory of removing them in the first place, but she snaps out of that for her own sake and grabs fresh clothes, steps into the bathroom to make herself presentable.
When she’s done, she heads back to her bedroom, where Jacob is now clad in jeans and boots, sitting shirtless on her bed. She deposits the borrowed t-shirt onto his lap, and when he thinks she’s not looking he brings it to his nose, inhales long and slow, before pulling it over his head.
That action does things to her, and she wishes for a moment that she had his senses, so she could smell the two of them the same way he does, their scents deeply saturated and blended together.
They head downstairs when they’re both dressed, and while he rummages in the refrigerator for something to make them for breakfast, she treads into the living room and sits down next to Alice on the couch. 
“So,” Alice says, and then she gestures to a cup of tea. The other girl picks up the mug and thanks her, brings it to her lips. “How long has that been going on?” 
She feels her cheeks heat, and she hides behind another sip of tea. 
“Really? I haven’t seen you in almost a year and that’s what you want to talk about?” 
“Oh, forgive me for being curious about what it’s like to date a werewolf when last I saw you were grieving the loss of my brother.” Alice’s tone is more playful than it would seem, and her eyes smile even if her lips don’t. 
She always knew that Edward wasn’t telling the truth when he said he didn’t want her. He just couldn’t bear it, knowing that being with him put her in so much danger, caused her so much pain. She knew it was worth it, but if he didn’t… there’s nothing she could have done to change his mind, she knows that now. She can’t feel guilty for moving on when it’s exactly what he’d wanted her to do in the first place. 
“Okay, you’re right. Let’s talk about how I’m going to comb the woods, find Victoria, and rip her into confetti for threatening to hurt you.” 
“You don’t have to do that,” Jacob says, walking into the room with… a cup of tea. He looks over at the mug in her hand, then sets the one he brought her down on the table without a word. “The pack’s got it covered.” 
“All due respect, but if the pack had it covered, she wouldn’t be a threat anymore, would she?” Alice tosses over her shoulder. The other girl sets her tea down and sighs. 
“Alright, can we not do this? The age-old vampires versus werewolves thing? Especially if I’m in the middle of it. Maybe you guys could work together for a change; Alice can’t protect this part of the territory all by herself.” She picks up her drink—a drink, the one Jacob made, this time—and takes a long sip, looks up at them over the rim of the mug. 
“The pack could help, if you give us the authority to amend the treaty,” Jacob says to Alice, though he’s kind of looking at the ceiling, his arms crossed. “But wherever she is, I’ll be.” 
“You can’t be with her every second,” Alice counters, and her exasperation makes it  sound like an argument she’s had before. “It’s not good for either of you and could put her in danger; if Victoria picks up on it, she’ll be able to use your scent to track her anywhere. Trust me, yours is a lot stronger than hers is, and it’s all over her.” 
She thinks Jacob makes some kind of noise, like a low growl in the very back of his throat, but it’s hard to hear. Alice raises her eyebrows like she’s trying not to roll her eyes. 
The three of them discuss potential ways to coordinate with the pack, and Alice mentions calling in Emmett and Jasper to see if they could help with the search; the sooner Victoria is gone, the better, is the general consensus, and Jacob thinks he can get Sam on board with that as well, even if it means more Cullens coming back to town. 
She finishes both cups of tea, then a plate of eggs and toast Jacob put together from the bare-bones contents of her kitchen—she reminds herself to make a shopping list, then absently wonders if she’ll have a grand escort to Trader Joe’s. 
“I’ll make some calls while you’re gone,” Alice says as she is taking her last bite; she looks up from her plate, confused, and Alice waves a hand. “I saw a glimpse of you at the grocery store, but then it went dark; I assume that means he’s going with you.”
“I thought about it for a split second, as a joke,” she clarifies with a huff of laughter. “I don’t think I need a bodyguard in the produce aisle at eight AM.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Alice and Jacob say, at the same time, and her lips twitch in amusement. 
Looks like they’re not so different, in the end.
She gives in and allows Jacob to drive her to the supermarket, though not without a long look from Alice as he walks her to the truck with his hand on the small of her back. 
They breeze through the store thanks to the list in her head—she buys a little more than she usually would, because it seems like Jacob plans to be around. She likes the thought of that even more than she’d expected, likes choosing things solely because she knows he’ll enjoy them.
“I think we should talk about last night,” Jacob says, voice low, when they’re nearly back to her house. She cringes internally, because that’s never a sentence a girl wants to hear after a night like that, and he clears his throat. “I know cliff jumping ended up being kind of traumatic for you, and it didn’t feel like it last night, but if I took advantage…”
He looks over at her, his expression pained, and she shifts closer and wraps her hand around his forearm.
“God, no, Jake—that’s not what happened.” He brings the truck to a stop in her driveway, puts it in park, and she presses her palm to his cheek so he’ll focus on her instead of fixing his gaze out the window. “I wanted everything, every moment. I still want it,” she murmurs, and he looks over her face like he’s still not quite sure he believes it.
“You do? Even after… after you spoke to him, and everything?” It’s a fair question, and again, one she answers very carefully.
“I think we needed to talk, he and I, but it didn’t change anything. You’re the one who changed everything,” she admits softly, tentatively, wetting her lips. She hopes her eyes convey the certainty her voice can’t seem to. “Do you want to kiss me?” she breathes, leaning closer, her fingers winding a path through his hair, and he nods his head and presses his mouth to hers. 
She gets up on her knees so she can be closer to him, but she doesn’t climb into his lap like before—she does have some self-restraint, despite what it may seem. She curls one arm around the muscles of his back, pulls him in for more contact with the hand in his hair, and it’s a few minutes later when she remembers they’ve got bags of perishable groceries in the back and a vampire with excellent acoustic abilities just inside her home. 
She pulls back, smiles a little at the soft, unfocused look on his face, then runs her hand down his chest before lifting it away entirely.
“I know we’re kind of at DEFCON 1 right now, but more of that a little later would be nice.” 
“Hmm. Very nice,” he agrees with a nod, his voice slightly rough, and he turns off the ignition and carries all of her groceries into the kitchen with one strong arm. 
Emmett and Jasper do come back, with Rosalie and Esme, to her delight and Jacob’s discomfort. Between the pack, who comes to get the vampires’ scents so there’s no friendly fire, and the family, who split time between her house and the one they left behind, the place is a revolving door of the supernatural for the next few days. 
All of them take turns watching over her house at night, while the others patrol the woods. She catches up with everyone she’s been separated from—even Jasper gives her a crushing hug, so at least the time away was good for something—and it’s wonderful, but it means there’s not much time to be with Jacob aside from planning sessions and the occasional quick check in. The most time she spends with him is when they attend Harry’s funeral, something somber and intimate, with ethereal music and a glowing campfire and endless stories about the Clearwater line. 
She is introduced to Leah and Seth, Harry’s children, and while Seth seems welcoming and friendly his sister is cold, standoffish—though not without reason, she soon learns from the pack. 
“She’s not always like that… mostly just when she’s around Sam,” Embry says where they stand on the edge of the forest, away from the thick smoke that burns her very human eyes. She looks over at the pack leader at the mention of his name. “Now that she’s part of the pack, we have to live the Leah/Sam/Emily painfest all over again.” 
She turns back to him, to Quil, who’s standing beside him, and tilts her head, curious.
“I don’t think I follow—Sam left Leah for Emily?”
“Well, yeah, but it’s not what you think. He hates himself for hurting her, but he couldn’t help it. Emily was ‘the one.’” Quil says it almost sarcastically, with air quotes for emphasis, and she frowns.
“The one?” She doesn’t mean to sound skeptical, but these days she’s not as big a fan of providence and destiny as she used to be.
“Sam imprinted on Emily. It’s kind of like… soulmates, but bigger. Cosmic. They were literally meant to be together.”
“Like fate,” she says, filling in that blank, and then a large, warm hand is splayed across her back, fingertips pressing into the fabric of her dress. 
“We make our own fate around here,” Jacob says tightly, and she looks up, regards him curiously. He’s not just upset about Harry, or Victoria… there’s got to be something else making his jaw tense, his eyes hard. “And I think that’s more than enough of the pack soap opera for tonight. Are you ready to go home?” 
He turns his gaze to her, and it softens, for which she is grateful; he is her guardian on duty tonight, and despite the solemn evening—or maybe because of it—she wants to spend the night as close to him as she possibly can.
She nods, and after they say their goodbyes he walks her to the truck, opens the door for her, closing it carefully when she’s safely inside. He takes the spot behind the driver’s seat—his usual, now—but doesn’t drive straight to her house like she expects. 
“Ice cream?” she asks when he turns off the engine outside of a mom and pop shop selling sundaes, cones, and shakes. She exits the car at his indication, and the two of them walk hand in hand up to the illuminated window that says Order Here. An older couple is ahead of them, pointing at the chalk menu board, and Jacob leans in to speak in a hushed tone. 
“This place was Harry’s favorite. You like chocolate, right?” 
“Has anyone ever answered ‘no’ to that question?” she asks softly, playfully, and it works as intended, lightens the mood just enough to bring a brilliant smile to his painfully beautiful face. “I think this is a wonderful way to remember him, Jake.” She wraps a comforting arm around his, and Jacob nods, lips pressed together, eyes sad.
“Just kind of feels right.” 
He orders for them when it’s their turn, two waffle cones with two scoops of chocolate ice cream each, and they sit at a picnic table on the side of the building, eating their tributes with heavy hearts and looking up at the stars.
The ride home is quiet, contemplative, at least for her; by the time they arrive she has been running through thoughts of mortality, finality, how short life is and how very precious. 
These are all normal thoughts for a person to have, and certainly after a celebration of life like the one on the reservation tonight, but she thinks seriously for the first time about Jacob and his desperate need to protect her, the way he puts himself in danger—stupidly, recklessly, completely—every day to keep her safe.
When they’ve made it inside, she exhales deeply, looks up into earnest, curious eyes, and wraps her arms around him, presses close so she can bury her nose in his clothing.
She breathes him in long and slow, his usual scent of crisp air and rain and oak dulled by the smoke of the bonfire, and then his hands are in her hair, tipping her face up for a decadent, passionate kiss. 
God, how is he so good at this? she thinks as he sips at her lips, glides his own down the tender line of her throat. She sighs and grabs for his arms, something to ground her as her desire threatens to take over, to leave her a whimpering, begging mess beneath his hands. 
Jacob turns them so she’s got her back to the kitchen table, sets her on top of it, and she parts her knees for him, pulls him closer. Her fingers itch with the need to touch his skin, so she tugs at the hem of his shirt and gets her hands beneath it, skims them over the taut muscles of his bare back. 
“I can take it off,” he murmurs against her neck, and she nods breathlessly and helps him pull it over his head. His hands bracket her hips, palms flat on the table, and her arms curve up around his back, bringing him closer; she kisses him eagerly anywhere she can reach—his throat, shoulders, face, everywhere.
She whispers his name into his own skin, presses her lips to his biceps, scrapes her teeth over the lobe of his ear, and he shudders at her touch, tilts his head to look up at her, his eyes dark and almost… dangerous.
What does it say about her, that she finds that look so goddamn attractive?
“I’m sorry, I—I need a minute,” he says, panting through gritted teeth, and she lets her hands fall away, leaning back a little to give him space to breathe.
“Take all the time you need,” she assures him calmly, patiently. It’s the first time she’s ever seen his wolf so close to the surface, and she’s completely unafraid, would hold him and help him ride out the tension in his body if she thought he would let her. “It’s just us, Jake, just me and you.” 
“Just us,” he repeats, his fists clenching and unclenching, taking a long breath with his eyes closed. She breathes with him, has always found that helpful when she herself is overwhelmed, and after a few moments he presses closer and she runs a soothing hand over his chest. “I’m okay,” he says eventually, leaning in slowly for a kiss as though he’s afraid it will be rejected. She brings her hands to his face, deepens it, so it’s still soft and easy but with enough meaning behind it to convey her thoughts. 
“I know,” she murmurs, just to be certain he believes her. “You did so good; so good, Jake.” He nods, pulls back a little so he can look into her eyes. 
“It’s not that I can’t control it, I can, but…” He looks away for a moment, swipes his tongue over his lips. “The instincts are so strong and I don’t always want to fight them. Sometimes when I’m with you, I want to let the wolf win.” He says it like he’s ashamed, and she puts her arm around his shoulders and brings him down for another kiss, this one just a gentle press of mouths.
“I understand that more than you think I do.” His breath on her lips makes her crave more of his heat, but she knows it has to be slow now, or he’ll get too in his head and never let himself enjoy their night together. “I may not be supernaturally inclined, but sometimes making decisions with my body is all I want to do. Especially with you,” she adds, just a sigh between them, then touches their foreheads together. 
They stay like that for a moment, embracing in their own way, until he initiates a kiss that is so thorough it makes her toes curl. She brings her hands to his waist, guides him closer, and he rests a broad palm at the base of her throat and kisses her, again, and again, and again. 
Her arms curl around his body the second they separate for air, and he lifts her from the table, carries her up the stairs with an ease that makes her long for more frequent displays of his strength. 
Getting his clothes off is quick enough, since he’s already shirtless, and his hands are tender and gentle as he sweeps her hair away from her neck, pulls down the zipper of her dress, slides it off her bare shoulders. 
Neither of them bother to pull back the covers, simply lay back on the bed, her knees apart again, Jacob hovering between them and letting his eyes move over her like he’s committing her body to memory. It makes a wave of heat rush through her, and since tonight is less hurried she does the same, lingers over every curve of muscle, every sharp line of bone. He leans in, lays an arm behind her head, glides his lips over her jaw, her cheek, her mouth.
“I was right, before,” she says after another satisfying kiss, letting her fingers press into the flesh of his hips. He looks into her eyes, tilts his head curiously, and she smiles a little, can’t help herself. “You really are beautiful.” 
Jake breathes a laugh, even blushes a little, then kisses her until they’re both panting; her fingertips press harder when he pushes inside, then glide up his back to keep him close while the two of them move together. 
Jacob feels so different this way, is so much deeper, filling her in a way that makes it so she really can’t tell where she ends and he begins. He is heavy on top of her, but not uncomfortably so, and when her body shifts up the bed with every thrust it’s thrilling, incredible—she’s never felt so much in her life.
His face is serious, eyes focused, and she weaves her fingers into his hair and catches his lips in a kiss, moans into the end of it when he finds a spot inside of her that takes her breath away. 
“Oh, god, Jake.” He leans in for another kiss, deep and wet, nods against her lips. 
“You’re perfect—so perfect,” he huffs, breathless; he moves his hand to her hip, runs it over her stomach, then presses his palms to the bed and repeats his previous motion, over and over, her body coiling tight with pleasure. “Can’t believe I get this.” 
“We get this,” she corrects in a whisper, won’t let him think for one second that she’s not as completely in awe of him as he seems to be of her. She skims her nails over his lower back, his ass, tightens her thighs on either side of him and tips her head back just as he makes her come. “Don’t stop, Jake, please,” she whines, shaking, holding him so tightly with her entire body—she never wants it to end, never wants to be separated from him again, and he agrees, if the way his body presses down on hers is any indication. 
“Can’t stop… need you,” he groans, pushing her leg up further, so he feels almost impossibly thick and deep. Her arms wrap around his back, pulling him closer, holding him there as he ruts into her, scorching flesh pressed against flesh. 
“Yes, oh—”
Before she knows it she’s quaking again, gasping when he brings his teeth to her throat, scrapes them over her throbbing pulse. He growls in her ear, a deep, low, animalistic rumble she can feel in her stomach, then comes inside, claiming her with a broken, raspy, “mine.”
He lays half on top of her, half on the bed, after, their skin soft and damp with cooling sweat. She can’t stop looking at his face, his dark eyes, sharp jaw, and he cups her cheek with a gentle palm and gazes just as intently at her. 
“Come here,” she murmurs, a soft smile on her lips, and he kisses her slowly, makes her sigh with a pleasure so complete—mentally, physically, spiritually—it feels like she’ll never be the same. 
He gets up after a moment, comes back with a glass of water and a towel, and helps her clean up well enough to hold her over until she’s ready to get out of bed. She pulls the covers back while he’s gone, slides in between the cool sheets, and he follows her lead, pressing close to her beneath them.
“Are you upset you didn’t imprint on me?” she asks carefully, propping herself up on her elbow and using the other hand to run fingers through his hair. “I noticed that when the guys were talking about it, you got kind of tense.” He shrugs slightly before shaking his head.
“No, not upset… I was just so sure you were meant for me; I really thought it would happen sooner or later.” She understands that, can picture him wishing and waiting for something that would never come to pass. So patient, her Jacob.
“Do you wish it had? Do you think it would make this more real?” Her hand moves from his hair to his collarbone, down his chest, over his stomach, so very low. “Because when I’m touching you like this… nothing has ever felt so real.” 
He presses her against the bed, hovers over her, kisses her breathless, and it goes without saying that he agrees with every word she says. She softens beneath him, tired and pleased, and he shifts into a more comfortable position, laying behind her, that she knows means sleep for the both of them. He drapes an arm over her, and she draws circles into his skin with her fingertips, feels his warm breath on her neck, closes her eyes and revels in the weight of him at her back.
“Anyway,” she whispers, one last thought on her mind before she succumbs to sleep, “I almost think it’s better like this, that we have to fight for each other. No help from fate—just your will and mine.”
A/N: I got my start in fandom spaces by writing Twilight fanfic fifteen years ago, but I never posted it because it was... bad. Last week was a crummy week for me, so I found comfort in watching New Moon, and I literally couldn't help myself from re-writing it in Jacob's favor. There's no Edward hate here, and he'll play a bigger role in the next part I have planned, but Jake took hold of me in this one and didn't let go.
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Rusted Orange Leaves
Poly Lost Boys x gender neutral reader
It's been awhile! I am so sorry for being gone so long. Ever since graduating life has been sort of a roller coaster. Working full time along with trying to figure out student loans has been tough.
I wanted to start writing again and get back into The Lost Boys with a bit of a self indulgent fic. For context I recently lost my Nana (grandmother) a couple weeks ago and its been tough to say the very least. She was not only my grandmother but she was another mother to me and in this fic there is a lot of things that are actual things that my Nana and I would do together. Not only that but this is also a fic for anyone who might've lost there own grandmother or even a grandparent in general who you had a very close connection with.
Happy fall to all of you and I am very excited to write for one of my favorite seasons of the year. Get ready for some spooky, Halloween fun and in general fall themed fluff.
Word Count: 1,840
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The smell of pumpkin and cinnamon filled David’s noise as he walked into a place that he called a second home. Music that he remembered coming out during the time of the 1910’s and 20’s played at a reasonable volume. Being loud enough for anyone to enjoy but just low enough that people could talk comfortably to each other without raising their voice. 
He smiled softly as he walked deeper into the house and caught sight of you doing your thing around the kitchen. 
You were making your grandmother’s infamous great pumpkin cookies that she made every year around the fall holidays. You smiled a little though that smile didn’t quite reach your eyes as you mixed in the chocolate morsels that went in the cookies. 
But now these cookies were to be made by you and other members of your family since your grandmother unfortunately passed away not even a month ago in September, just before the leaves started to turn. 
A part of you was sentimental; making her baked goods and other recipes she taught you ever since you were little. You and your mother were really the only two who she taught her recipes to, leaving it to the both of you to teach the rest of the family. 
You had her cookies on your list along with her pumpkin and apple pie and the traditional fall soups she made from scratch. You also had some of your own recipes you’ve been wanting to make. 
With it being the beginning of October, the leaves turning their beautiful vibrant colors, you turned on the music that your grandparents played and had been going at it in the kitchen since the early hours of the morning. 
You were so engrossed in your activity that you didn’t notice your boyfriend David walk into your home. You had given him a key a while ago, turning your home into his home as well… along with your other three boyfriends; Dwayne, Marko and Paul. 
David had gotten there before any of the boys could. He knew that you were dealing with your grief in your own way. You had been having your days where certain sounds, images and even scents sent you into a crying mess. Hell, even before your grandmother passed away, you got so upset because a candle you bought smelt like her. 
You wanted to bask in her scent forever. Her smell gave you comfort and it scared you that you could never live in it again so you haven’t even lit it since her passing. Afraid to lose it and never smell it again. 
David knew that your grandparents weren’t just that, they were another set of parents; a mother and father to you. David knew how much your grandmother loved you. He and the boys got to spend some time with her and she talked about you so much and always wanted to make sure that you were taken care of. You were her first grandchild and she loved you like you were her own. 
Your grandmother even had them tear up, making them promise her that they would love you and make sure that you would always be happy and live your life. And they promised that. 
You eyed the amount of batter in your mixing bowl, finally noticing David when he walked into the kitchen, “Hey.” You said quietly, not fully trusting your feelings in that moment. You wanted to cry, but at the same time, you were feeling the most comfortable since her passing. 
David smiled, wrapping an arm around your waist and placing a soft kiss on your temple, “Hey. I can see you’ve been busy.” 
You nodded, leaning into him, “I made some apple turnovers for the first time. I think they came out really good. I have another batch in the oven and pumpkin soup is simmering on the stove… think it’s too much?” 
David shook his head, “Nope. I think it’s perfect. Do you need any help?” David didn’t think it was too much. If anything with how much the four of them loved your food, it could never be enough. And who was he to stop you from cooking and baking, this was your way of coping, he didn’t want to stop you from healing. 
You felt warm and fuzzy when he offered to help. Cooking with David was always wonderful. It surprised you just how much he enjoyed doing the activity with you. It warmed your heart even more at the idea that you were gonna teach him your grandmother’s recipes. 
“Yeah, I can teach you her pumpkin pie and I wanted to make her chicken pot pie to go with the soup.” You could help but get excited as you explained what you wanted to make. 
David just smiled, taking off his coat and gloves, grabbing a basic brown waist apron that was hanging on a hook in your kitchen, matching your own. You got one for him after he complained a little by getting flour and food particles on his pants one night. 
He tied it around his waist and grabbed the kitchenware he needed and the ingredients that he needed. He followed your instructions as you did your own thing, chopping whatever vegetables and poultry needed for the chicken pot pie. 
Of course, during the longest part of cooking, prep work, did the others file into your home. 
Paul came in smiling at the scene before him. He never in his life thought he would see David doing such a domestic thing in his life, but then again, he didn’t think that for himself either. “Do we have to kiss the cooks?” Paul teased before giving you a kiss on the lips, tasting pumpkin and chocolate on your tongue as he gave you a stomach fluttering deep kiss that held nothing but love with no lust behind it. Just pure love. 
David rolled his eyes when Paul gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek to tease the bleach blonde. “Smells great in here.” 
Paul honestly loved it when the home smelled like this. Your home for him was a place of comfort. A place for him to unwind and just relax. That’s what made you very similar to your grandmother. Both of you made your homes feel like a home. 
He always thought your grandmother was the definition of a grandmother. A woman with a heart of gold and a pure soul. Always making sure everyone was taken care of. The day she passed was a sad one. 
He was frozen in fear the moment the news settled in for you. He had never seen someone feel so much pain that wasn’t physical. He’d seen you sob your heart out before. But seeing your face turn into anguish and cry out so loudly and so heart broken, truly shook him to his core. 
Since then he’s been treating you much more softly. It wasn’t per your request, but something in him changed and he wanted to show you just how much he cherished you. It’s not like he didn’t already, he just had a much more lustful and hornier way of going about it. 
Marko was next to walk in, carrying a small brown bag in his hand and smiled once he saw you spreading out the cookie batter on the pan, “Are those the pumpkin cookies you were talking about?” 
Marko softly grabbed your chin and placed a short kiss on each of your cheeks before placing one on your lips. 
You giggled as Marko gently nipped at your lip, “Yes. I’m gonna bake them once the rest of the apple turnovers are done… what did you get?” 
Marko smiled as he carefully pulled out two tea cups with saucers attached to them. One design to be like fall colored leaves and the other in the shape of a pumpkin with leaves. You cooed at the teacups, wanting to hold them but didn’t want to dirty them with the batter on your hands. 
“Oh, Marko. They’re so cute.” You cooed softly. Marko felt his chest swell with pride as he got you a gift that made your eyes sparkle. And he knew that tone in your voice. You only talk that way when you truly love something. 
“I’ll go put them with the rest of your collection.” He took the teacups and placed them in a wooden cupboard with glass that you used as a display case for your teacups that you pulled out in rotation to use. You had an addition to mugs and teacups and you had an ever growing collection that weren’t just sitting on a shelf but were used for different times throughout the year. 
Marko grinned to himself. He had been trying his best to make you smile recently. Little gifts and outings have been his way to do just that. Even though you’ve told him multiple times that he didn’t need to buy you any gifts, he wanted to. He loved seeing your eyes shine with happiness and he wanted to treat you. You’ve been going through your emotions and even your thoughts for the most part alone. 
You didn’t want to talk to your family much about how you were feeling, afraid of judgment on some weird level. You were afraid that your family wasn’t going to understand how you felt and the way you were going through your grieving process. 
After placing the teacups in the case, he took one of the apple turnovers you already made and took a bite of it, groaning at how good they were. “These are banging.” He comments. Paul joined in and grabbed one of his own, enjoying the freshly baked dessert. 
Dwayne was the last to walk in. Seeing you doing something that you love and glowing, his heart, if it could, would’ve fluttered. Without a word, Dwayne came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaned down placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re not pushing yourself, are you?”
You shook your head, done with placing the batter on the pans, “No. I’ve been taking breaks here and there throughout the day.” 
Dwayne hummed, squeezing your waist a little, “Good.” 
He didn’t want you overworking yourself too much, even if it was doing something you loved. Sometimes, Dwayne would just make sure that you took time to rest and relax. He knew how hard the past couple weeks have been for you. If the nights of you crying in his arms didn’t tip him off, then you being extra clinging to them lately did. 
You moved to go wash your hands, Dwayne still having a grip on you and moving with you, not wanting to let go yet.
You chuckled, and after you dried off your hands, you reached up and tangled your fingers through his hair. Feeling the utmost content in this moment. 
Out of all the days that have gone by in the past couple weeks, for once you felt at ease.
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7ndipity · 11 months
First Date at The Carnival
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: Headcannons of what a first date with them at the carnival would be like
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon for requesting this! This is such a cute idea for a first date, I really love it!
Requests are open
I think this type of date would match his vibe really well, it makes it easy for him to show off both his silly and sweet sides.
Screams his head off on the rides, even the slow, non-scary ones, just to make you laugh.
Would have so much fun trying all the different snacks and foods with you.
He would be hell-bent on winning you a plushie before y’all leave tho.
He would be so cute on the first date, He’d be such a shy baby at first.
Until he wins one of the ball toss or shooting games on like the first go, and then his cockey side comes out.
I feel like y’all would get over-competitive at some of the games as a result, betting that the loser has to buy the next round of snacks.
He refuses to actually let you pay for anything tho, calls it a reward for being a good sport.
Oh my goodness, he would be soo cute on a date like this!
Because it’s the first date, he would be so easily flustered if you compliment him, but would still try to be cute and hold your hand or smth.
Not the best with most of the rides, but y’all would have so much fun playing games.
His favorite part tho would be just getting to know you, playing smth like 20 questions as you wander around.
I would love to see him on a date like this; no worries, just him being light and goofy and having a good time with you.
Y’all would for sure get lost in the funhouse/hall of mirrors.
Would hold onto you in some way most the night, tho he claims it's to keep y’all from getting separated.
Just has so much fun just wandering around and eating junk food with you.
This kind of date is right up his alley, like remember when he and Jk went to Disneyland Tokyo?
Lets you pick nearly all the rides y’all go on, very much wants to match your comfort level for those things.
He does insist that y’all get the classic snacks tho, like funnel cakes and cotton candy.
Argues with himself half the night on if he should kiss you on the ferris wheel or if it’s too soon.
He would be so cute, playing up the gentleman role. Brings you flowers, holds the doors for you(even on the rides) lets you have the first taste of all the food.
He has the habit of making everyone feel super comfortable, so even if it's technically a first date, it quickly feels like you’ve done this half a dozen times before.
Wants to go on the roller coasters or smth, but then hangs onto you for dear life the whole ride.
Would win y’all matching plushies or something as a memento of the day.
Omg, He would be so fun on a date like this, you guys would spend ages playing games, seeing who can get the highest score.
It truly feels like you’re just hanging out with one of your best friends
If you’re cool with it, y’all would go on almost every single ride. The only thing stopping him is if there’s a size limit for little kids or if you’re scared of any of the rides.
Y’all end up staying till the park closes.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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st0rmyskies · 3 months
I spent the day sweating my ass off at a smaller hometown theme park, so here's a list of how the boys enjoy their day trip to a fun park.
Twilight - He’ll go on any ride with anyone no matter how fast or scary, nor how slow or mundane. Although the teacups and other rides that spin you a lot tend to make him dizzy, and he's not a big fan of the haunted house. But our big soft-hearted country boy is partial to the antique carousel and needs to go on it just once. Come on, guys, anybody…? (Spoiler: They all go on it with him.)
Wild - It’s a wonder he’s going to survive any of the rides because this boy is all about the food. Funnel cake? Candy floss?? Potato pancakes??? Fudge????? Dippin’ Dots!!????!?!? He has his hands full of treats while they’re waiting in every line, and on any ride he can sneak them on to successfully, too. His favorite ride is the music-coaster-thing, and he’ll sing along at the top of his voice to every damn song.
Champion - Not too thrilled by rides, but he will go on them to be a sport. Except those rides with a sheer drop, tower-of-terror style. NO fucking thanks. Where he really slays, though, are the shooting games, with special bonus points if one of the other boys challenges him to a round. You bet your ass Champion is casually lugging around a stuffed Wolfie half the size of his body for most of the day.
Legend - He’ll get on some of the coasters and the crazier rides, but not all of them. He’s not a big fan of screaming his head off all day long, gives him a headache. He gets uppity with the fortune telling machine giving him the same negative reading over and over again no matter how many quarters he jams in the damn thing. And his fortune ends up coming true, too: he gets banned from the bumper cars after a vulgar road-rage incident.
Hyrule - Goes on one, maybe two coasters, and promptly pukes. He’s then the designated Bag Handler for the rest of the day. Which actually works out well, all up until the mid-afternoon when he wanders off to find himself some coffee and promptly gets lost, necessitating a rather embarrassing announcement over the PA system.
Warriors - He stressed out about his outfit for two weeks beforehand and STILL managed to choose the wrong thing to wear. Yes, those linen pants with the front crease are supposed to be breezy, Wars, but they’re meant for something like a wedding, not a fucking amusement park. He gets cranky when he’s too fucking hot and his hair is damp against the back of his neck. Eventually, one of the other boys — probably Legend or Sky — has to shoo him away from the group for a bit. When they turn up 20 minutes later Wars has an icy drink, a pair of novelty swim trunks from the souvenir shop, a headband for his hair, and a brand new “fuck it, we ball” attitude.
Sky - Loves all the roller coasters, LOVES THEM, and gets sad if he doesn’t get to sit in the front seat on every single one. He wants to go on the biggest, tallest, fastest, most OSHA-violating coaster no less than three times, and he’ll hop off of it just to turn around and get right back in line. Least likely to remember to hydrate and reapply sunscreen. You know he’s passed the fuck out that entire drive home. 
Four - He quite enjoys observing the inner workings of the mechanics that go along with the rides, then makes ominous comments about the engineering to his seat-mate as they’re being hauled up the incline for that first drop of a coaster. He also spends an inordinate amount of time in the air conditioned arcade winning as many tickets as he can to obtain some silly prize like an obscure toy from the 80’s or something similar. May not be tall enough to ride every ride.
Wind - Water rides are his JAM. His hair and clothes and shoes are soaked through well before halfway through their day, and he gets the cutest waves in his hair because of it. Although he also smells like chlorine all day, then. Also has way too much ice cream and cold treats during the day, so he’s nursing a hell of a stomach ache on the drive home.
Time - Bet you thought he wouldn’t be in attendance or would wait in the car or some shit, didn’t you? Time allows the boys to cajole him onto every coaster, every water ride, the carousel, into the haunted house, you name it. He’ll sit in the first row of the rides that take your photo, too, and he just. Deadpans it. Zero facial reaction, no screaming on coasters, ALL day. Flawless commitment to the bit. He does secretly enjoy all of this; Time didn’t get to do this sort of stuff when he was their age, so better late than never.
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cerysjonesdarling · 2 years
can you tell me what’s wrong?
Mike Wheeler x fem!reader smut
Warnings: Talks about painful sex, insecurity, reader is sad/frustrated at the start.
Smut warnings: Painful sex, unprotected p in v, breeding kink, daddy kink, mommy kink, cockwarming, light somno, creampie, wet and messy, vague nod to virginity kink? Dirty talk, soft dom Mike, light humiliation.
Description: Mike’s girlfriend is struggling with sex being painful and is very insecure about it, spiralling internally because she really struggles to voice her feelings. Mike Wheeler just wants to take care of people.
This is some self-serving bullshit fr
She had been so fucking difficult for him all day. She was clearly in a mood of some sort, and he couldn’t quite tell what it was about, and it was starting to really upset him. She always had roller coaster emotions, but it was evidently clear that she couldn’t seem to stay on ‘happy’ or ‘content’ for very long at all, sticking more around the area of looking grumpy, frustrated, or sometimes devastated.
He tried being nice about it, he put every ounce that he had into being patient and gentle and sweet, but his soft words and rubbing her back were met with a faraway and glassy-eyed look, his girl shrinking in on herself and almost holding back tears. And in the end, he’d never been very patient as a person.
That being said, he was enjoying getting to play this side of the board for once. It was in her nature to be nurturing, to look after him, to make him feel safe and happy and warm. Mike rarely ever got to do the same. Mike got called daddy because she liked to say it, and because it’s nice to hear. But he very rarely got to act in such a way that would be considered just purely being a caretaker for her, and he liked it quite a bit.
Well, he liked it when she wasn’t being a fucking brat about it. The tears and the pouting made his heart ache, but they were always quickly preceded or followed by frowning, snapping, fighting. He liked those things when he knew she wasn’t upset, but this time she clearly was. And for some reason, that didn’t stop his body reacting how it usually did when she made some scathing comment towards him.
It didn’t help that in between outwardly sour moods she was actively teasing him. He was trying to keep himself in line based on how her moods were changing, how fucking sad she seemed to be, but he was so fucking horny. His cock was rock hard and leaking in his jeans and she was sucking on his neck while they tried to watch a movie, and he was only a man.
He angled himself towards her a little more, playing with her hair with the arm he had around her while the other teasing at the flesh of her thigh. It seems to spur her on, which spur him on, until both were moaning into the other's mouth, palming each other through their clothes.
“Want you,” he breathed into her mouth, receiving only a whimpered cry in response as she straddled him. She was rocking against him helplessly, tears in her eyes and her face red. He cupped her face, making her look at him properly. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong, baby?”
She shook her head petulantly, diving down to kiss him but he dodged. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong, princess?”
He only ever used princess genuinely, in a situation so genuinely vulnerable that he could only mean it with his whole heart. It was never meant to be cruel, unlike some of the others, just to let her know he adored her more than anything else in the world, usually when she was having a bad day.
“Don’t….don’t wanna.” She whispered. “Hard to talk about.” And she wasn’t lying either. The words felt stuck in her throat, stuck behind all the intrusive thoughts that were causing her tears, stuck behind fear and insecurity. “I just….can I try to talk about it later? It’s just hard to get to, and I….need this right now.”
And really, that was scary enough for her to do as it was. His chest filled with warmth and pride, smiling up at her and nodding as he pulled her back down to him. “Sweet girl, telling me what she needs. I appreciate your honesty, babygirl, I know it’s hard for you.”
He was at a crossroads here, though. Usually, if she’d acted this way, he’d be taking her down. Verbally, physically, he’d be trying to turn the tide of her behaviour through any punishment or humiliation necessary. But he didn’t think punishment would do any good this time, and he could tell she was humiliated enough as it was, so he had to carefully reconsider how he’d go about it before proceeding.
“You needy, baby?” He asked gently, pushing her shirt up her stomach and over her head, exposing her breasts to the bedroom that had seen them so many times before. He grazed his fingertips over them, carefully brushing over her nipples, trying to ease her into some state of complete submission. “You’ve been a bit bratty all day because you’re desperate for me, is that it?”
He was soft, rather than condescending as he spoke. She needed to be kept humiliated enough to stay at his mercy while not so much that she’d talk back. Plus, she liked it when he degraded her lightly, lovingly. She liked being forced to pout and nod and avoid looking him in the eye, humiliated and aroused and humiliated again.
Her underwear was damp already under his fingertips, and he made a sympathetic sound as he rubbed her over them. “So wet for me already, and I’ve barely touched you, love. It’s ok, you can’t help it. Look at you, all pretty and ruining your panties for me. So good for me, baby. Making me so hard.”
She whimpered again, pushing her hips against his hand and his cock. He moved his hand away, pulling her down to kiss her again, slotting their lips together and dipping his tongue into her pliant mouth, relishing how soft and needy and submissive her mouth was to him. He moved her from his lap and onto her back on the couch, situating himself between her legs and continuing his exploration of her mouth while he ground his hips into hers.
“You want my cock, baby?” He asked, grinding hard and slow against her. She didn’t answer, only grinding back. “Honey….” he pushed, dipping to suck at her breasts. “I would like an answer please.”
She continued her refusal, pouting a little when he drew back to look at her. He sighed, kissing her cheek and her temple and her nose, stopping with his nose pressed to hers and his eyes on hers.
“Wanna be really nice to you, princess, and all I’m asking is for you to tell me you want my cock.” He spoke gently, still slightly sad that she had looked so upset all day. “‘m not going to punish you. You were so brave telling me you need this earlier, but now I’m asking you to tell me what you need before I give it to you.”
She bit into her lower lip, looking somewhat frightened at having to say it out loud. She blinked up at him, trying to find the right words.
“Could you help?” She asked timidly, playing with her fingers and looking far too adorable for someone almost naked and spread out beneath him.
“I’m tryna help, honey, just want you to say-“
“No, I mean…. wanna say it, wanna tell you what I need, but need your help. Please. Just this once.”
This was another big thing for her to admit. It seemed intriguing to say the least that she was more willing to ask for help than to just tell him she wanted him inside her, but that was her contrarian nature. He nodded, pressing another kiss to her lips before snaking his hand down between them.
“So wet, baby, gonna make such a mess on the couch. Love it when you’re messy for me, darlin’,” he smiled to himself, rubbing on her drenched panties before pulling them aside lightly to touch her properly. “Fuck, baby, Jesus Christ,” he moaned, pushing his hips against her thigh as his fingers met her core. “So needy for me, so good, so fucking good.”
She was pushing her hips shakily against him, unsatisfied by how he refused to push into her, refusing to touch her to a rhythm. “Please, Mike.”
“Please what, babygirl?” He asked, eyes lust-blown and smouldering as they searched her face. “Are you ready to ask for what you need?”
She blinked a little, shaking her head. “‘m sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry, baby, don’t be sorry…” she whimpered when he removed his hand, sitting up on his knees and pulling her underwear down her thighs. “You’re ok, baby, you’re alright. Promise I’ll take care of you. Gonna get you to say what you need and then ‘m gonna give it to you, ok my good girl?”
Honestly, it was a bit of a blessing to have to tease this out of her. She’d been struggling so much recently with sex, being unable to relax properly and feeling pain when she put anything inside her little hole, so he would relish this chance to get her nice and ready before filling her with his cock. He stroked along her folds, feeling a rush of arousal at how wet she was, before working a finger inside her. She clenched around him, and he heard her gasp lightly.
“Did that hurt?” He whispered, easing himself down beside her. She nodded.
“Yeah…. not a lot, but a little bit. Just at the very start.”
“Ok, baby, I’ll be super careful.” He used his thumb on her clit, working her over gently and paying attention to how she clenched and unclenched on his finger in intervals. He chanced a second finger and was met without resistance or reaction. “Was that ok?”
She nodded, giving a small smile. “Yeah, Mikey, thank you for being gentle with me.”
“That’s alright, princess, anything for you…”
He worked slowly, carefully bringing her to a comfortable place, stretching her out by scissoring with his two fingers before adding a third. She was squirming lightly, wishing for more focused attention, wishing to be allowed to cum. “Please, Mike, want it-“
“What do you want, baby?”
She faltered, looking up at him pleadingly. “More.”
He smiled, adding a fourth finger and pumping into her carefully, allowing her to feel good for a moment. “Gonna give you everything you ask for, beautiful, promise.”
He was putting more care into her than he would if she were a virgin, which she hadn’t even been when they’d met. “Do you ever wish our first times had been together?”
He’d asked quite calmly for someone who had half his hand inside this whimpering mess of a girl who was moaning into his shoulder. “Mhm. Wish you were the first in my body, Mikey.”
He could tell she was close to relenting enough to answer his question as she was calling him Mikey. That was always a funny turn of events.
“I could be, baby. Just gotta tell me what you want. What you need.”
The thought of treating her like a needy little virgin had him throbbing again. He hoped she said it soon so he could play with her how he wanted to.
“Need you, Mikey. Need you inside me….need your cock, daddy.”
He was beyond relieved. He kissed her sweetly, affectionately, before whispering: “Thank you, princess.”
He fucked her as nicely as he could manage, working tirelessly to ensure it didn’t hurt her like it had before. They really did make a mess, his cum leaking out of her and adding to the pool of her arousal on the blanket that covered the couch cushions for this exact reason.
They remained entangled, Mike not even bothering to pull out of her as they settled into a state of dreamy relaxation together. She seemed more present, more stable now, so he chanced asking his initial question once more.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong, honey?” He planted kisses on her face and her jaw and her shoulder, trying to make her feel as safe as possible while she considered what she had to say.
“I’ve been….in my head. About how it hurts to have sex. It’s been making me self-conscious, insecure kind of. Sometimes it spirals and I can’t…I can’t remember that you want me, and I think I’m broken, and that you can’t possibly want me anymore.”
He looked at her, unable to mask his devastation. “No…that’s not…that’s not true, baby, please don’t think that.”
They stayed there, talking about it until they both drifted off to sleep.
It can’t have been more than half an hour later when Mike blinked back awake, hot and hard from the dream he’d been having about….well, exactly this, actually. She was still asleep, and his cock was buried deep in her cunt, ready to use her again greedily and fill her up again.
He kissed her lightly, over her eyelids, forehead, cheeks, until she was blinking awake and wiggling beneath him. His breath turned ragged, his eyes fluttering closed and his mouth dropping open as she clenched around him.
“Hi, baby…” she whispered, voice husky with sleep. She lifted her hand to cup his jaw, bringing him down to kiss her again. “Like waking up like this.”
“Me too,” he rasped, kissing her deeper. He rolled his hips into her, groaning quietly. “‘s it hurt?”
She shook her head, pushing into him sleepily. “Feels good. Gonna fuck me again, daddy? Gonna breed me, breed my needy little cunt?”
Yeah, this is a lot like that dream.
His thrusts picked up speed, and she picked up in volume, spitting all sorts of filthy words at him while he got himself off in her again.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna knock you up this time, baby, gonna leave so much of my seed in you that you’ll have no choice but to have my baby. Fu-uck, mommy, so good around me. Can feel you’re close - you getting off on me breeding you? So filthy, baby, wanting to be a mommy for me just because you like my cock so much.”
He could feel her pulsing around him, a tell-tale sign that she was about to cum around him again, and he’d be a goner when she did. She was moaning, still sleepy but so relaxed and content being at his mercy, feeling her orgasm build and not having to do a thing to push for it. It was going to be intense, and she was powerless to stop it.
“Mikey, ‘m gonna cum, gonna make a mess, can’t help it, ‘m sorry-“
“Don’t be sorry, baby, I’m desperate for it. Wanna see my good girl come apart on my cock for me, oh fuck, just like that - let go, honey, that’s it-“
She arched up into him, moaning sinfully as she spilled onto him, coating his cock and their thighs in her, soaking the blanket beneath them. She was still cumming in waves, gripping onto his arm while he fucked her through it, filling her with his release before she’d had the chance to come down.
“Oh my God,” he panted, feeling the rolling ecstasy slowly abate. “Oh my God.”
He pulled out of her carefully, sitting back on his heels and marvelling at the image before him. “Why is it that the hottest visuals always come after it’s over? I don’t wanna wait a few hours to get off over this.”
She giggled dazedly, shifting slightly before he stopped her with a hand on both her knees, holding her thighs apart. “What is it?”
“Can I take a picture of you?” He asked, brain somewhere else entirely. Her eyes widened, and she nodded slowly.
“Don’t want my face in it, please,” she whispered, leaving her legs open while he got his phone. He snapped the photo before reaching a hand down to help her up.
“Messy girl needs to take a shower.” he teased, tickling her sides as he pushed her towards the door, laughing at the face she made.
“Please don’t, there is so much cum in me.” She grimaced as it leaked out of her.
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damienf519 · 4 months
Download $ Lost Wages $ Here!
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You can download the map via the Exchange here
The official saved game file for $ Lost Wages $ can be downloaded here
I would prefer that you download the map on the Exchange however, if you are unable to download it from the Exchange you may download it somewhere else
You can download the map on Media Fire
Either way, before you download it, $ Lost Wages $ requires all the expansion packs, along with, and I cannot stress this enough Lucky Palms and Let it Ride Roulette Table, The Dead Man's Hand Poker Table, and the Triple Rich Slot O' Jackpot's Slot Machine. Silly Billy's, a casino inspired by Circus Circus also uses the Boardwalk and World of Wonders sets, however, that is just a single lot. You still will not be able to ride the roller coaster or the merry go round without them, so keep them in mind.
The world also uses the following free store content. 1) Annie's Well Organized Shelf 2) Weba Yayfoo 3) In The Dawn of Sims 4) The Sims Strike Back 5) Let There Be Sims 6) Happy ST. Patrick's Day 7) Harvest Bounty 8) Fall Frultion 9) Modern HDTV by Websta Industries 10) Happy Valentines Day 11) Gifts for the Holidays 12) Honeycomb Bookshelf 13) Tis The Season for Gift Giving 14) Earth Day 15) Explorers' Loot 16) No Tricks Just Treats 17) Halloween Treats 18) Happy Halloween Gory Goodies 19) More Halloween Treats 20) Eye of the Bolder '10 21) More Holiday Presents 22) Kalliopi's Gifts
Hope you enjoy $ Lost Wages $! Let me know what you think of the world and its Sims, and if you will try your luck at a gambling rags to riches! 🤑
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bokettochild · 27 days
This isn't trying to pressure you, I'm just curious if you plan on finishing the febwhump you have listed on your blog.
It's fine if you don't. I'm enjoying the stuff you are writing right now. 'Violet's Sisters' always makes me laugh and lifts my spirits.
The blood between us rewrite (I can't remember the name, sorry) is a roller-coaster of emotions. I look forward to the weekly updates.
Oh, yes! I only have a couple more to do before Whumptober is upon us, (like 4?)
I don't think I'll ever get around to writing Day 20, as the longer I think about Truth Serum, the more I realize I can't whump Time with it really 😔
I will try and finish the last three or four days though! I have drafts, I just need to focus on them. Honestly, I'll probably try and work on them this Tuesday on my day off, at the very least. Although, I'll take a shot at them tonight as well after church!
I'm glad you're enjoying the violet fic though! And it's great to hear someone's having a time over in the BoHH disaster fest LOL
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deus-ex-mona · 23 days
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just a tl of mona's q&a from her summery! photobook~~
Q1: Please introduce yourself.
A: I’m mona, a High School student and an idol. It’s nice to meet you!
Q2: What is something that you’ve been hooked on lately?
A: Trying out different foods! As you can see from a couple of the pictures in my photobook, I love to eat shaved ice with tons of fruits on it. I plan on trying shaved ice topped with lots of mangoes next time.
Q3: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
A: I stretch out, just like a cat does. My body is all stiff when I wake up, so stretching feels great. I recommend that you guys do it too!
Q4: What is something that you always carry with you?
A: Lip balm, I guess. As I’m an idol, I’d like to avoid having dry lips if I can help it!
Q5: Do you collect any items?
A: I collect goods of idol girls. Whenever I attend their concerts, I buy at least 10 random bromides, though I’d buy 20 if I can afford them! Also, I have all the CDs of the idols I follow!
Q6: What is your favourite ride at the amusement park?
A: The roller coasters! Like the ones that make you scream a ton, I guess. But that bungee jump that I did on that one TV show was pretty scary~.
Q7: What would you say your strong point is?
A: The flexibility of my body, I guess. I train my flexibility every day for the sake of my dances.
Q8: What is something that you are unable to deal with?
A: I can’t stand horror stuff all that well. Though, I’m the type of person who’d become composed when I’m with someone who’s more scared than me.
Q9: What would you do if you had 5 more hours in a day?
A: I’d play games! I’ve been hooked on a dating sim these days… It’s so much fun that the hours just fly by. I wanna romance all of the targets someday. Ah! I’m not betraying all of my fans with a boyfriend, or cheating on you guys or anything! I promise! This is just a really fun game! I mean it! Please believe me!
Q10: What would you do if you turned into a cat?
A: I’d want to bother my owner! Cats will be forgiven if they selfishly plead for attention, won’t they? I wanna be spoiled a ton too!
Q11: At what point during your Summer vacations would you usually finish your homework?
A: I’d try my best to do my homework on the first day of Summer vacation, but the end of the break always arrives before I know it. So I alwaaays end up barely finishing my homework in time…
Q12: Are anniversaries important to you?
A: Not really~. But maybe I just don’t know cuz I’ve never wanted to fall in love! The birthdays of my family and friends are really important to me, though.
Q13: Do you wait for the entire recommended duration before eating your cup noodles?
A: Nope. I like my noodles firm! Plus, the noodles will soften while I’m preparing my meal afterwards anyway.
Q14: If you could change just one thing about yourself, what would it be?
A: I wouldn’t change anything. Everyone loves me just the way I am after all! …I sure said a really embarrassing cheesy line there, ehehe.
Q15: What would you do if the world ended tomorrow?
A: I’d hold a concert! I’d want to have fun with everyone till the very end.
Q16: What would you do if you turned into the opposite gender for just one day?
A: I’d want to tease my Big Sis, I guess. She’s so pure that I think it’d be really fun to tease her. I wanna make her heart pound!
Q17: What is a must-buy for you at convenience stores?
A: Ice cream! There are new kinds of ice cream every time I go. It’s the best~.
Q18: What gestures could a member of the opposite gender do that would make your heart skip a beat?
A: Eh, lemme think… Maybe my heart would pound if I saw him enjoy a delicious meal? Like the other day, my heart pounded as I watched this boy from the same batch as me eat cream puffs. No, maybe the sight of a boy who loved sweets was just so cute that my heart skipped a beat… I don’t really know for sure!
Q19: If you could live in a fictional world from either a book, TV show, or a movie, what kind of world would it be?
A: I’d want to live in a world where I could use magic. I still dream of flying to the skies on a broomstick with the use of magic.
Q20: Do you think aliens exist?
A: I think they do! The thought that there’s a civilisation that’s way more advanced than ours in a galaxy far, far away is pretty exciting, right?
Q21: Which of the four seasons is your favourite?
A: Summer! Be it Summer live festivals, Summer festivals, or Summer vacation, Summer’s full of events, which makes it really great~!
Q22: How would you describe yourself in a single phrase?
A: I hate to lose, I guess.
Q23: What image do you currently have as your phone’s lock screen?
A: Uhh, it’s a photo of my class’s blackboard that has the deadline of my assignment written on it… I’m sorry that it isn’t cute at all… But if I don’t set it as my lock screen, I’ll completely forget about the deadline.
Q24: Who are you good at imitating?
A: I’m great at imitating my Big Sis! But Big Sis is really good at imitating me too, y’know?
Q25: Do you believe in fortune-telling?
A: I’ll believe in good fortunes! But I’ll completely disregard bad fortunes!
Q26: What is something you’re unexpectedly good at?
A: Crane games! I’m great at grabbing plushies from my favourite manga series and such. Even my Big Sis often begs me to help her snag some goodies from them these days! Crane games don’t just hold plushies, they hold sweets and all other kinds of stuff too! I like them cuz they’re really fun to play!
Q27: What is something that you would like to challenge yourself to do in the future?
A: I’d like to write lyrics and compose music! I want to give writing songs by myself a try. I think that there are songs that only I would be able to write in order to convey the feelings to my fans which would otherwise be unable to get through to them. Those are the feelings that I wish to write songs about. So I hope that you’ll continue to keep watching over me!
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shirohige-pirates · 7 months
Birds of a Feather - Chapter List
Marco the Phoenix / Reader Multi-chapter story (you can also read it on Ao3 or Wattpad)
Includes: canon-typical violence, romance, smut, Marco blushing, cis-fem reader, devil fruits, Ace and Thatch are alive and well, a very small ode to monster fucking at the end.
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
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Table of Contents
|| Chapter 1: Pity || Chapter 2: Friendly Terms || Chapter 3: Coffee || Chapter 4: Azul || Chapter 5: Nameless Firebird || Chapter 6: Brothers || Chapter 7: Motor Running || Chapter 8: Page Turner || Chapter 9: Ruffled Feathers || Chapter 10: Teenagers in Love || Chapter 11: Condominimum || Chapter 12: The Firebird || Chapter 13: Drop-Off || Chapter 14: Marco || Chapter 15: Dinner || Chapter 16: Frustrations || Chapter 17: Pirated || Chapter 18: Carnival || Chapter 19: Amusement || Chapter 20: Oratorium || Chapter 21: Tension || Chapter 22: Old Flames || Chapter 23: Talk It Out || Chapter 24: Living Life || Chapter 25: Family || Chapter 26: Ivan-Cause || Chapter 27: Birthday Day || Chapter 28: Birthday Night || Chapter 29: Brotherly Deception || Chapter 30: Brotherly Rage || Chapter 31: The Library || Chapter 32: ...? || Chapter 33: Options || Chapter 34: Pretty Bird || Chapter 35: The Risk of D. || Chapter 36: Birds of a Feather
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xerith-42 · 9 months
My Inner Demons Stoner Headcanons
Part 3 in my Stoner Headcanons series!
Fuck you I love this show and think it's the perfect setting for stupid shenanigans like this
Leif learns what weed is from TV (mainly cop shows) and knows Ava won't answer if he asks so he just asks Mrs Oats when Ava isn't around and she gives him some because she just has a medical card.
Leif fucking loves it. My man has such a hard time relaxing because he is always ready for a threat, always ready to kill, that he's honestly forgot what real relaxation feels like until this funny little plant turns his brain off.
He shows it to Asch first, who quite enjoys the ability to actually lower his guard. That and they don't have to use the lighter that still doesn't make sense. They can just have Asch light the blunt.
Rhys catches them smoking one time, but Leif is so chilled out he just passes the joint to Rhys and badly explains how to use it. Rhys does not have a good time initially, but he eventually settles into it. He decides he likes second hand smoke more than ingesting it directly
Noi is scared of smoking because his body is already considerably weaker due to his lack of magic. He's too scared to bring this up because he doesn't think there's an alternative, but Mrs. Oats leaves them a goody basket one day, saying she made too many sweets to eat on her own. There's a bag of "special" gummy bears for Noi.
Now I'm imaging Noi eating like 20 of them and not realizing they were edibles and going straight to god. Like he's just lying in his bed thinking about Ava, he blinks and then he just sees the portal of truth.
Pierce is the last to discover it, and he never voices an opinion on it. If he happens to walk into the room where it's being smoked, he'll join the rotation for a hit or two, but then he just leaves. He lies to lie on the floor of Ava's apartment with Johnny on his lap and just relax. Ava's caught him, but he's usually asleep, so she doesn't realize he's baked as fuck in his dreams.
The plot twist is that Ava has a medical card she just has to keep it hella on the down low for her dad's campaign. He wants to make it legal recreational, but until then, she has to be fuckin chill about it. One time Leif walks into her room without knocking to ask her something and despite everything seeming normal, he stops and then sniffs the air. And then he sees Ava's slightly bloodshot eyes.
I feel like Lorelei isn't an active stoner, she's the kind of person who only smokes around her friends who smoke. She never smoked it with Ava (because Ava's actually really good about hiding it), but one time she visits Ava's apartment and catches Leif about to duck into the portal to their place and he has a fresh joint in his hand. Instead of just smoking it on his own, Leif actually smokes it with her and hotboxes Ava's bathroom.
Oh god Ava getting sick at the festival because she took a hit off a vape before going on a roller coaster the fuckin dumb ass.
When they're forced to go back home Leif is pissed for a lot of reasons, but partially because he doesn't have his stash on him :(
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