#day 19: iron
little-pondhead · 4 months
Day 19: Iron
"The Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep isn't a punishment because you sleep forever. No, it's a punishment because it's a secret iron maiden, but the Observants don't want you to know that until it's too late."
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19daysmemes · 4 months
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five-rivers · 4 months
Another continuation of my poll fic; the previous part is here.
“Hello?” called Danny.  “Is anyone there?  Hello?”
There was no answer except a further flicker of light, more distant.  
Danny touched his tongue to his lips briefly, then marked his place in the intake book using one of the blank cards.  He slid out of the chair and off his stack of books to stand.  The cold wood and iron of the floor made him rethink that and he floated up.  It was better that way, anyway, in terms of vantage point.
He approached the gap between shelves.  “Hello?”  
Looking out into the passageway beyond, the light seemed to wrap around and layer over itself with different levels of brightness.  Danny looked back at his own trail of brilliance, saw where it faded, saw where it was fresh and new.  This other trail, it looked like someone had walked this way multiple times.  Going in circles, maybe?
He floated upward, trying for a better vantage point and jostled a set of what looked like windchimes, long triangular metal rods covered in tiny symbols gathered together under domes.  They jingled and jangled musically in the muffling silence of the library.  He stilled them with one hand.
There was movement out of the corner of his eye and turned.  There, just before the passageway bent around a particularly precarious collection of papers, floated a ghost.  
It was a very strange ghost.  It glowed like a small sun, and if Danny’s eyes hadn’t been changed by his own alteration, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to look at it.  It had long, long ears, shaped mostly like a bat’s but furred like a cat’s.  Their eyes, too, were catlike, slitted.  It had wings, and at their ends they were thin and flat, like a moth’s or butterfly’s, but they were fluffy with fur and feathers near their bases, and there was something birdlike about their structure there as well.  Its body was relatively small, and looked soft, although it wasn’t nearly as small as Danny currently was.  Danny couldn’t tell if the ghost was male or female or something else entirely.
But perhaps the strangest thing of all was the pervasive sense of silence it carried with it.  
In any case, Danny saw no golden thread, and some of the other features - like the light - seemed to match with the aids offered to guests.  Only, like.  A lot of them.  All at once.  Meaning they must’ve gotten lost a whole bunch of times, even if Danny couldn’t see any visitor badges on them.
“Um, hi,” said Danny.  “I noticed, um.  Are you lost?  The attendant should be coming before too long.”
The faintest of breezes tickled the back of his neck and he looked behind him, to the other end of the passage.  There was another almost identical ghost hovering there.  
“Um.”  Danny was, perhaps, getting just a little nervous about the silent staring.  
More light.  Yet another similar ghost floated at the opposite entry to the card catalog space.  And–
Danny moved backwards, into more open space as the area brightened further and more luminous, winged ghosts floated into view or poked heads up over shelves and other barriers.  
“Danny,” said Mom.  
“Not now,” said Danny.  He blinked.  
Next thing he knew, fingers were brushing his throat.  He flinched backwards and away.  Fast.  Either naturally so, or via alteration.  Or, if they weren’t visitors, maybe because of a home-field advantage or disadvantage on Danny’s part.  Some places did that, and he hadn’t been here long enough to determine if this was one of them.  
“I don’t want to fight,” he said.  Or tried to say.  He went through the motions, but his voice made no sound.  He made no sound, period, not even the sound of his tongue tapping against the roof of his mouth.  
He’d been silenced.  Not good.  That meant that not only could he not negotiate, he couldn’t call for help.  
He was left with limited options, and limited time to choose between them.  Luckily, those same battle-born reflexes and reactions that were inconvenient elsewhere served him well now and gave him the chance to choose.  
He could fight.  The librarians would be unhappy.  It was against the rules that the receptionist had given to him, and likely to damage the books and card catalog, so he’d probably be kicked out.  But, if he fought, he was sure he’d win, even with these numbers, and that would be safer than his other options.  He couldn’t imagine that this many people ganging up on someone who looked like they were five meant well.  
He could flee.  He would almost certainly get lost, but that was a lesser crime than damaging the card catalog.  Whether or not he’d get caught… well, he had about the same amount of experience running as fighting, but he usually wasn’t running from a group this large in unfamiliar territory and facing unfamiliar powers.  These silent ghosts could have further unpleasant abilities.  
He could freeze.  Literally.  He could build a shell of ice and ghost shields up around himself and hunker down until he either thought of a better plan or the attendant came back.  That might put the attendant in danger, but Danny didn’t know if it would be more danger than if he just ran away.  Anything other than fighting and winning decisively meant that these people would still be around.  But if they were meant to be here… if the attendant could negotiate with them or authorize a fight…
Too much speculation.  He had the space of a breath in which to act.  Less. 
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #153
It's one of those "Peter gets outed as Tony's kid" fics. Except, you know how most of those end not too long after the public drama gets resolved? Peter and Tony talk out their feelings, maybe there's a press conference, and then it's over?
Not this one! This one contains a bonus plot!
A few years after the reveal, when the media frenzy has cooled down and Peter is now seen as just a normal celebrity kid, the internet explodes anew when Tony Stark's Secret Son We've Only Known About For Like 5 Years turns out to be Spider-Man.
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theleslistuff · 4 months
Danny may 2024
Day 15 Field trip / Day 19 Iron
Distant jealousy
Phantom planet never happened/ Dan denied Vlad's offer to take over a clone in agit/ Vlad keeps making clones au
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Danny's other clone tries to ruin a field trip
It was a relatively cold day to be outside, but the trio has been saving for this field trip for months, so their final statement is... They are going in this trip, even if a meteor falls in the place that exact day, the trip was patronized by the school but it was expensive and not of the interest of many, so the bus was almost theirs, for the only exception of 1 classmate; Wes who was absolutely uncomfortable in his seat next to the trio.
-I can't wait to ride the devil's tongue! And the comic convention!-
Tucker exclaimed as he looks at the photo of said rollercoaster and pointed at the convention article, Danny takes the magazine to turn the page and exclaim.
-And look how realistic is that model of a real space ship!, it's one of the few simulators in the world to have the same size as a real space ship! -
Sam takes the magazine next and turns the page to show the event she was waiting for.
-And it has the first real and certified goth circus in America!, this is going to be the best weekend ever! -
The gave each other a high five.
Meanwhile in the top of the bus, a cyborg holding certain resemblance with Danny's human half, he actives a communicator in his right synthetic hand made of metal and iron.
-I'm in the top of the objective...-
Vlad's grin was almost visible despite not being on camera.
-Excellent, now your only job is to bring Daniel to my lab and I can make you stabilize... Well, recover your missing parts... -
He calmly lied, feeling smarter and superior in comparison to the incomplete human clone.
-And don't you ever dare to betray me..., you know what happens to traitors... -
He declares as he's contemplating a tube of ectoplasm and Dani's remains on it, no one knows about the female clone's destiny after being set free by Danny and Valerie, no one but Vlad and the other failed clones who came after the incident.
-No father..., I will not... Talk to them, they would not even know I'm here... -
The clone replied nervously, Vlad just hung up satisfied with the fear in that answer, the clone just sat in the bus, waiting for it to reach it's destiny, after all, he could not phase through, he was still human, no special powers more than his prosthetic parts could give him, a prosthetic cybernetic eye that could detect living beings corporal heat and traces of ectoplasm, a robotic arm that has many modes and utilities like turning into an ectoranium blade, having a communicator, the option of turning the arm into a canon, a prosthetic cybernetic leg that allows him to run faster and jet wings impulsed by rocket fuel to fly, it was evident Vlad did this on purpose to have the perfect halfa hunter.
Just a disposable weapon Vlad will never bother to fix once he has the great price.
The group finally reached their destiny, the trio took their package and ran outside totally excited, for the other side Wes walks behind them in annoyance, no longer happy about his decision to go on a field trip Fenton could not pay to relax from his... Stalking routine...
-"It will be relaxing", he said, "it will be fun Wes", stupid Kyle...-
Wes grumply murmured as he's forced to not be away from the group, now being inches away from the trio, they did noticed Wes presence but to tease him even more they even talked openly about Danny's ghostly encounters as if the boy was not even there, but they knew this would drive him crazy.
-Could you just leave me alone five minutes?!, this was supposed to be my vacations from you, jerks! -
The trio just laughed, Sam was the first one to talk.
-Well, if you hate to be with us so much, why do you persist to be Danny's personal stalker to ruin his life? -
She said in an acid tone, making Wes flinch a bit, Tucker joins in.
-Yeah dude, don't you have anything else to do?, you even followed us here... -
Wes was about to reply it was not his decision until Danny stepped on.
-Yeah Wes, I know you love to spend time with me, but you are too sticky sometimes, my Romeo... -
The trio laughed, this was too much for the stressed teenager, once inside the place, Wes walked away from the group, no longer caring the place was in the middle of a dense forest, Danny immediately noticed, his laughs and jokes quickly turned into genuine worry, he went after him despite his friends insistence Wes would come back on his own, they stopped when they saw a warning sign about the dangerous forest, they followed Danny.
-Wes, come on, this is dangerous, let's head back, I promise I will not annoy you but you'll have to ditch your camera... -
Danny and his friends look around trying to find something that indicates of Wes presence..., they can't find anything and suddenly one of the park's guard takes the 3 teenagers by the hand.
-There you are, let's continue the trip on the safety of our park, shall we? -
They are dragged back to the park but unable to enjoy, only thinking about something bad happening to their classmate.
Wes tried to scream for help when he saw the park workers looking for him, but the boy could not make a sound since he has duck tape in his mouth and a rope preventing him to move.
-You never saw me!-
The cyborg yells at the terrified boy as he points his sword towards the boy's neck, instantly making him deny with the head, but the clone doesn't look convinced, so, he leaves Wes hanging up from the tree they're in. Wes keeps trying to scream in dismay. The cyborg left to keep following around his objective, waiting for the perfect moment Danny is left alone.
Unfortunately for him, Danny and his friends keep going to the most concurrent places like the rollercoaster and a goth concert and had the guards looking for them everywhere, the clone was feeling anxious, he knows one of his kind can't go home empty handed and neither stay away from home that long. So he sneaked into the missing and found stuff of the park and took a black jacket and a black hat to put on, hiding his metal parts to now be able to actively follow the trio into the attractions.
The next attraction was the space ship simulator, with Vlad's credit card he was able to pay for the ride as he follows them into the attraction, he knew anything about what it was about but never stopped following, not even paying attention to his surroundings, so when the supervisor of the game saw them together he said.
-Well, your crewmate will be the person besides you, so, you and you, you and you... -
He ended up pointing at Danny and the clone, the cyborg could not be more happy..., they were gonna be alone and unsupervised for some minutes inside the attraction, it was the perfect and maybe the only chance to kidnap Danny.
-Hey!, it's our turn!-
Danny said, totally excited as he took the clone's hand and dragged him inside the attraction.
He should be thinking about how to kidnap Danny... But he didn't...
He looked around in awe as they w"alked inside the simulated space ship, he has never seen something like this and he was... Curious about it; how does it works?, why was it build?, he didn't have to question it for long, Danny began to tell him everything he knew about the space ship, space itself and it was... Fascinating to him.
No longer caring about the mission or what his father would do to him, he asked questions about everything, Danny was glad to answer every single question, when they had the chance, they even piloted together the ship and were totally amazed by the realism of the representation of space in the screens, Danny would explain every single constellation, every single star, worm holes, even a simulated supernova as well as Danny explains the live of a star.
They even complained together when the experience was over, as they walked towards the exit, Danny could not help it but to say...
-Hey, um, I know I ramble a lot, I'm sorry if maybe you feel overwhelmed with all this info dump I dropped on you-
But the clone could not wait to answer.
-Are you kidding?!, this is the best day ever!, you are so smart and know so many things, this made the experience even more fun!-
Danny chuckled and his cheeks turned red, not used to anyone complimenting him or calling him smart for sharing his passion.
-Ah, thanks dude..., oh, maybe if you wanna talk some more about this..., I can give you my phone!-
He would not waste a chance to have around someone as invested as him in his favorite subject, this threw the clone off guard, but he was so excited as well, he pulled out the cheap phone Vlad gave him to blend in if necessary and copied the phone number in the contacts.
-And your name is...? -
Danny smiles and was about to give his real name but reasonated a bit, noticing he's giving his phone number to a complete stranger he can't even look his face clearly.
-Just call me Apollo, hey... It's true..., how can I call you stranger? -
He asked the clone, who was clearly in trouble trying to make up a name... Vlad never gave him one anyway, he looks around trying to get an idea, but suddenly he remembers some fragment of their conversation..., so he instantly tells him.
-Nova!..., you know like the dying star!-
Danny seems even more happy about him recalling knowledge they just shared, so he happily accepted the name.
As they depart to different directions... The clone remembers... What he had to do.. , he gave himself an slap on his face and turned around to see Danny... But now... It feels... Wrong to condemn someone he enjoyed to talk with to a live like his or maybe be killed by Vlad.
He kept walking away.
Going back to the forest, he took Wes from the tree he left him and put him back in the Park's entrance, as people started to get closer, he left the scene as fast as he could, just giving a last glance at Danny and his friends when they rushed towards Wes. He just flew away.
-I saw everything... -
Vlad's voice could be heard in the clone's communicator, he didn't answer.
-Despite knowing the consequences you decided to disobey me!, you will pay for this! -
The clone lowers his head as he's just a couple of miles away from the mansion.
-I know... -
He replied, making Vlad exploit in anger, but somehow his mind didn't even register what Vlad was insulting him with, instead he pulled out the cellphone he had and sent a text message before he entered Vlad's property.
"I enjoyed our time together..."
He knew maybe he would never get to see the answer, he just put the phone in his pocket and walked towards an angry Vlad waiting for him.
Just steps away, the cellphone vibrates with a message, he pulled it out to read.
"Me 2, I hope we can get to see each other again! =)"
He smiled as Vlad violently pulled him inside the mansion.
Despite the yelling, some hits, ecto rays from the raging halfa, the clone didn't care and even tried to fight back, but soon he knew he had no chance, all of the prosthetic parts of him were under Vlad's control to deactivate, with his head up high he left this world with a smile, just for a really nice field trip.
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i-amusemyself · 4 months
whhhyyyy must my long covid flare again!?! i do not have TIME for this 🙃🙃🙃
like for real if you arent avoiding covid try imagining all the things you wanna do today and pick one (1). every day. indefinitely. thats your life if you get this wretched condition put on a fucking mask for your own sake i beg you.
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Augusnippets Day 19
Path of Hurt Prompt; "Branded" + "Flashbacks"
Day 19 of @augusnippets August 2024 Whump writing challenge! (Augusnippets Masterlist)
- POV; Gawain - The Green Knight
- Whumpers; Brother Salt, unnamed Red Paladins
(Characters; Whumpees)
(Characters; Whumpers)
(Ao3 Link)
Wordcount; 531
TWs; Branding, restrained, torture, PTSD, flashbacks, burning
Gawain grit his teeth as hands clawed into his hair, dragging his face towards the burning torch. The Red Paladin who wielded it laughed cruelly, a sadistic glee glinting with the light of the fire in his brown eyes. Gawain's own widened in horror at the flames drawing closer and closer, unable to stop from crying out when the Paladin drove the torch into his face, fire licking hungrily across his skin.
"Do you know me, friend?"
This pain was so specific, so severe that it set his mind just as ablaze as his cheek. Yet worse than the pain alone was the sickly sweet scent of his own flesh burning, it flooded his nose with a ravenous delight, all but suffocating him.
"Have you heard of Brother Salt, and his kitchen?"
Not again...
He fought against the men that held him as the walls came closing in...
"Let me introduce you to some of my friends..."
*No. No! This cannot be happening...*
"...God's Fingers I call 'em." Brother Salt stood now before him, holding out a hand for the brand once more. Gawain watched in horror, knowing what was to come, powerless to resist it just as he was last he had sat here, tied to this accursed chair, facing the terrible torturer of Father Carden and his Red Paladins.
"Each is named for His Archangels."
Michael, he knew already, the ache flaring within his chest of last he'd felt it's scorching touch. Gawain inhaled sharply as he eyed the glowing iron, the heat searing his face even before it could touch his skin.
"When I put Michael in the fire, he glows a beautiful white. Even I can see it."
Brother Salt's mocking sewn shut eyes seemed to weep blood from between those terrible stitches. The fervour with which he spoke lacked the hard edge Gawain remembered feeling proud of coaxing from the torturer, after so many hours under his brand and knife and tool.
"The light of truth.--"
Gawain stared up at Brother Salt, wishing beyond anything this nightmare would end, that he'd dissapear, this could not happen again, how, how could this be happening again?
"--You can only speak truth to Michael."
It's happening again...
The brand moved closer and closer to Gawain's face, and he shuddered, trying desperately to move away, gritted teeth, panting in fear, now.
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Brother Salt hummed, reaching out with blind hands to stroke Gawain's hair, almost rerverently. Gawain recoiled from the touch, just as revolted as he felt the first time.
"But don't worry..." Brother Salt whispered, leaning in so close he could smell the blood and sweat of the manblood. Soft caresses turned to a harsh hold, those fingers still hooked into his hair and forcing his face still. Gawain snarled up at him, knowing those next words, that deadly promise he knew to be true...
"... You will meet them all..."
And meet them all he did.
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The agony of the flames tore through him, and Arawn help him, he could not hold back his screams, he screamed until his voice gave out and he could scream no more.
"This one breaks slow..."
But oh, Gods, not slow enough...
I thought it would be interesting to write a scene directly from the show this time, this is from Episode 9 "Poisons".
As always thank you for reading, onto the next!
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aprocessionofthoughts · 4 months
In a world where only iron can hurt ghosts, and only iron face masks can protect you from possession, ghost hunting looks a little different. Especially for the son of the local ghost hunters who was there when the rift opened which caused the merging of this world and the one beyond.
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day 19: iron
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garnet-xx-rose · 1 year
One of the hcs I’ve had since I was a teen was that Ramin’s Phantom is Nadir’s nephew or young cousin. He’s meant to be Erik’s guardian but Erik was fucking shit up in Persia, then goes MIA out of nowhere and came to France.
So, in the case of Poto 25, not too long after the final lair Nadir finally tracks Erik down and he’s like “I messed up Uncle, this one’s a doozy”.
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pixiesnooze · 2 years
he tian better get his tetanus shot ASAP
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granonine · 23 days
Day by Day
Joshua 6:12-19. And Joshua rose early in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the LORD. And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the LORD went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them; but the rereward came after the ark of the LORD, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets. And the second day they…
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sbnkalny · 4 months
Kalny would you like to travel above and below us
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animusrox · 7 months
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TOP 10
Past Lives
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
How to Blow Up a Pipeline
Poor Things
The Holdovers
The Iron Claw
Killers of the Flower Moon
MY LETTERBOXD Grade A 11.    The Killer 12.    Beau Is Afraid 13.    Dream Scenario 14.    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 15.    Godzilla Minus One 16.    American Fiction 17.    They Cloned Tyrone 18.     Evil Dead Rise 19.    Eileen 20.    The Artifice Girl 21.   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 22.    Talk to Me 23.    Reality 24.    Leave the World Behind 25.    A Thousand and One 26.    Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One 27.    Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. 28.    Theater Camp 29.   Carmen 30.    Merry Little Batman 31.    Priscilla 32.    Society of the Snow 33.    Infinity Pool 34.    Enys Men 35.    Sanctuary 36.    Rye Lane 37.    Skinamarink 38.    Monster 39.    Anatomy of a Fall 40.    Landscape with Invisible Hand 41.    Reptile 42.    Sisu 43.    Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game 44.    No One Will Save You 45.    Tetris 46.    May December 47.    The Zone of Interest 48.    V/H/S/85 49.    Dumb Money 50.    El Conde 51.    Arnold 52.    Maestro 53.    Napoleon 54.    20 Days in Mariupol 55.    Influencer 56.    The Creator 57.    Origin 58.    Thanksgiving 59.    Next Goal Wins 60.    The Boy and the Heron 61.    Bottoms 62.    Wonka
[Press Keep Reading For The Full Graded List]
Grade B
63.   God Is a Bullet 64.    No Hard Feelings 65.    Joy Ride 66.    Fair Play 67.     Cocaine Bear 68.    NYAD 69.    Asteroid City 70.    Nowhere 71.    The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster 72.    Divinity 73.    The Equalizer 3 74.    The Last Voyage of the Demeter 75.    Venus 76.    Butcher’s Crossing 77.    Somewhere in Queens 78.    The Persian Version 79.    Boston Strangler 80.    Polite Society 81.    Miguel Wants to Fight 82.    The Color Purple 83.    The Royal Hotel 84.    Saw X 85.    All of Us Strangers 86.    Fallen Leaves 87.    Ferrari 88.    Elemental 89.    Peter Pan & Wendy 90.    Renfield 91.    Cat Person 92.    Scream VI 93.    The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes 94.    BS High 95.    Blue Beetle 96.    Huesera: The Bone Woman 97.    When Evil Lurks 98.    Dark Harvest 99.    A Good Person 100.    Final Cut 101.    Knock at the Cabin 102.    Quiz Lady 103.    Leo 104.    Air 105.    The Super Mario Bros. Movie 106.    Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham 107.    John Wick: Chapter 4 108.    Beaten to Death 109.    The Wrath of Becky 110.    Passages 111.    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 112.    Gran Turismo 113.    65 114.    Sick 115.    Sister Death 116.    The Blackening 117.    Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain 118.    Flamin’ Hot 119.    Nimona 120.    Cobweb 121.    Totally Killer 122.    What’s Love Got to Do with It? 123.     Sharper 124.    Unseen 125.    Dunki 126.    Bird Box Barcelona 127.    The Marvels 128.    Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Grade C
129.   Wildflower 130.    Freelance 131.    M3GAN 132.    Strays 133.    Sympathy for the Devil 134.    Creed III 135.    Chevalier 136.    The Marsh King’s Daughter 137.    A Haunting in Venice 138.    The Little Mermaid 139.    Silent Night 140.    Master Gardener 141.    The Flash 142.    Fast X 143.    The Pope’s Exorcist 144.    Saltburn 145.    Kandahar 146.    Stand 147.    Plane 148.   Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny 149.    Fingernails 150.    Quicksand 151.    Fool’s Paradise 152.    Migration 153.    Rustin 154.    The Covenant 155.    Good Burger 2 156.    The Pod Generation 157.    Alice, Darling 158.    Insidious: The Red Door 159.    Missing 160.    Shotgun Wedding 161.    You Hurt My Feelings 162.    The Boogeyman 163.    Showing Up 164.    Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 165.    Champions 166.    Consecration 167.    The Nun II 168.    Biosphere 169.    House Party 170.    The Exorcist: Believer 171.    Big George Foreman 172.    Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 173.    Children of the Corn 174.    The Beanie Bubble 175.    Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Grade F
176.    Anyone But You 177.    Marlowe 178.    Paint 179.    Extraction 2 180.    It Lives Inside 181.    Deliver Us 182.    Trolls Band Together 183.    Finestkind 184.    Corner Office 185.    Wish 186.    Prisoner’s Daughter 187.    Pain Hustlers 188.    Foe 189.    The Mother 190.    Old Dads 191.    Ghosted 192.    Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken 193.    Haunted Mansion 194.    Mafia Mamma 195.    Five Nights at Freddy’s 196.    The Machine 197.    Justice League: Warworld 198.    We Have a Ghost 199.    What Comes Around 200.    Legion of Super-Heroes 201.    The Boys in the Boat 202.    Attachment 203.    Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre 204.    About My Father 205.    You People 206.    Meg 2: The Trench 207.    Pathaan 208.    Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire 209.    Assassin 210.    Dalíland 211.    Vacation Friends 2
Bottom 10
212.    Sound of Freedom 213.    Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 214.    When You Finish Saving The World 215.    Heart of Stone 216.    Family Switch 217.    Expend4bles 218.    Sweetwater 219.    Hypnotic 220.    80 for Brady 221.    Spinning Gold
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violetsandshrikes · 7 months
i wish there was a way to switch the toxic self care consumerism buy 100 products use 10 actives a day on your face eat random powders roll your skin 25x a day minimise pores trends to something more simple and real
because when i was 19-20, undiagnosed and untreated ptsd and mdd, out of control binge drinking, incredibly destructive lifestyle and habits, being able to slowly shift into those “self care” style habits really helped actually
like yeah. cleanse, moisturiser, sunscreen, so i feel like dried out and gross and im trying to be nice to my biggest organ. got blood tests from my doctor and got put on iron and vitamin b supplements. made sure i not only had a robust teeth brushing regime, but added in tongue scraping and flossing. like. these things have such potential to be actually good!! but have been morphed into some evil non-stop spending and publicly performing beast
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
sebastian michaelis + fem bimbo s/o smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (01/09/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; sebastian michaelis
outline ; “would you write sebastian michaelis x bimbo reader? maybe she's smart when doing her duties, but when she knows she can relax she's just a thought-free girl sebastian can use. (maybe their contract mark is over her womb or smth; im 19)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, bimbo!reader, dumbification kink, dom!sebastian, sadist!sebastian, overstimulation, oral sex (male and female receiving), marking kink, slight ownership kink, degradation kink, praise kink, free use kink, vaginal sex, fingering, cream pies, public / semi-public sex acts
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
sebastian michaelis is, above anything else, the perfect butler and is willing to do anything and everything in order to keep his masters safe and satisfied — whether that’s by cleaning and cooking for them or, in the case of your very unusual contract, fucking the thoughts out of them after a pressing day of work
you weren’t stupid by any means — quite the opposite, in fact, as he’s seen you masterfully manipulate peers and inferiors alike with a wit so sharp it could cut glass, and perform the duties assigned to you with such ease that he’d once questioned why you’d even formed a contract with him in the first place — but it was that same intellect that brought you the strife you’d asked him to relieve you of
after all, one can’t overthink or stress about work when their thoughts are drowned out by the feeling of being stretched out on a long, thick cock — if you’re still even able to think after he’s worked your clit so hard with those long fingers of his that you’re seeing stars and squirting so hard you’ve stained his uniform
of course during work hours he tends to you at all times, waiting on you hand and foot: waking you up in the morning with the day’s paper and fresh breakfast in bed, engaging in light banter and productive conversation with you, bringing you freshly ironed clothes suited to the day’s weather, fetching you documents and books for work, and doing other odd jobs related to the upkeep of your home — he is still a servant, after all
but when you’re ready to wind down and want nothing more than to be used and thoughtless — well, then he’s happy to indulge you there too
happy to force you to your knees (or have you lay on your back with your head hanging over the edge of your bed) and shove his cock down your throat — burying his hands in your hair and fucking your face until your cheeks and lips are covered in spit and your mascara is streaming down your face
happy to kneel between your legs as you sit at your desk or in your lounge room, massaging your thighs and waist and stomach as he uses that talented tongue and those long, slender fingers to bring you to climax over and over again — not stopping until you’re limp and gasping and sobbing, until even his eyelashes are damp with your juices, until your fingers are so tightly wound in his hair that it’s even starting to hurt him and your hands are trembling, until he’s had his fill of you
happy to bend you over the nearest surface and fuck you until your legs and arms give out beneath you — legs spread as far as they can go whilst his hands roughly paw at your waist and ass and breasts (greedy and harsh and possessive), not stopping until your pussy is spent and dripping with his seed and his teeth marks are imprinted on your shoulder
happy to pick you up and fuck, finger, or lick the thoughts from your mind at any moment — you had given him free reign, after all
happy to sit you on his lap with his dick buried in your cunt, strong grip keeping you in place as he forces you to look at your reflection in the mirror — one hand gripping your chin and making you stare at the point where the two of you become one, stare at your contract mark as it flashes and pulses in time with the pulsing of your inner walls around him, not moving until you’re teary eyed and begging him to please touch you
happy to play with and tease you even in front of others: whispering absolute filth into your ear before walking away completely unaffected, giving you suggestive looks across the room whenever others can’t see him, sliding his hand a bit too far up your thigh (when sat side by side) or low down your back (when walking together) for it to be completely innocent, and even making remarks referencing things he knows you enjoy in the bedroom that to others seem completely innocent
happy to leave an array of marks all over your body as a trail of evidence showing just how much of a good girl you are for him — deep bite marks on your thighs, fingerprint bruises on your hips, scratches along your sides, nips along your throat, and deep hickeys all over your breasts (he’s very generous with how much he claims you and he seems to get off on it even after the fact, whenever he notices them on you during the day when you’re working)
happy to call you pretty and perfect and his ‘good girl’ in the same breath that he mocks you for being ‘desperate’ and ‘needy’ and ‘slutty’ — praising you for your obedience and receptiveness and reactiveness to his touch and voice and yet teasing you for being ‘so wet already’ when he hasn’t even touched you yet, even playfully spanking your clit and chuckling against your throat when you yelped and flinched away from his touch
(he is a demon, after all, so it’s only natural that he’d be at least somewhat sadistic in the bedroom — and you have plenty of bite marks, bruises, and scratches all over your body to prove it)
(and he’s at his roughest when you show off your contract in one way or another — such as when you call him ‘my demon’ or wear something that intentionally shows off your contract mark, which will lead to much more possessive behaviour when you’re alone)
he’s also not at all opposed to fucking or playing with you in public or semi public areas — at most he might suggest finding somewhere a bit more private in order to preserve your reputation amongst your peers, but if you’re insistent then your demon is hardly going to refuse you (just know that he’s not going to go gentle on you just because you decided to proposition him where others might hear or see you, he’s still a demon after all)
but, of course, sebastian is still your loyal servant and once the fun has been had he’s there to take care of you in the aftermath: running you a warm bath, tending to any injuries so they don’t get infected, wiping away all of the blood and cum and saliva without complaint, reassuring and praising you for being so good for him, putting you in fresh bed clothes, and even bringing you some food and water to help you completely recover
you still have work to do and no butler worth his salt would let his mistress risk her career over something so minor
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l-uminescent · 2 months
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synopsis: after the events of storm's end, the seven kingdoms of westeros believe lucerys velaryon to be dead. brutality murdered at the hands of aemond targaryen, the dance of the dragon inevitability follows. however, what the targaryen's don't realise is that luke washed up on the shores of tarth. alive.no memory other than his first name and a love of the oceans he becomes a fisherman, falling in love with you in the process.
notes: genuinely don’t think i can write anything that isn’t at least somewhat angsty anymore. this theory also makes me ugly cry omg, i miss luke. speaking of, he’s been aged up to 19! also, if anyone wants to be hotd besties my chat box is calling!
warnings: angst, fluff, feelings of loneliness alluding to depression, mentions of violence, death and blood.
word count: 3.9k
THE EVENTS OF STORM'S END HAD BECOME COMMON KNOWLEDGE ACROSS THE SEVEN KINGDOMS OF WESTEROS. screams of 'kinslayer' echoed across the realm after the cruel death lucerys velaryon received at the hands of his uncle aemond targaryen had been revealed. as a result, his death saw many rushing to support rhaenyra targaryen's claim, turning their backs to the greens in disgust and inevitability contributing to the blacks winning the war. 
unbeknownst to anyone, lucerys velaryon had survived. it was a miracle by the gods how he had evaded the bloodied teeth of vhagar, who had viciously ripped into arrax's poor unsuspecting neck. the plummeting fall of both boy and dragon was sure to solidify their deaths, however in their final moments the young dragon was able to shield his rider from the full effects of the vast ocean. as much a bastard as lucerys was, the water had favoured him that day. allowing his unconscious body to be rocked between waves, he ended up washing up on the shores of tarth. sadly the waves were not so kind to the body of arrax, as he arrived a broken mess at the cliffs of storm's end, completely riderless. 
lucerys velaryon, woke up with a thudding in his head and an ache in his bones nearly a moon after aemond targaryen had been branded a kinslayer. how he managed to survive the cruel nature of the ocean, with nothing to sustain him remained unknown (it is suspected that house velaryon may have ran through his veins after all.) he had little to no memory of the events that had occurred —waking up only with the name 'luke' and a feeling of sincere gratitude for the ocean. 
as the years passed, luke had settled, making a home in a small fishing village, earning a living in providing food for the people he lived near. his memories began to return to him after a while but he made no effort in returning to the targaryen's. with only money to afford a small hut and enough food to survive, he had no means of making the journey back to dragonstone or king's landing, as he heard his mother had taken seat upon the iron throne. he now lived a lonely life, one in which he forced the effects of the war to play little on his mind. even still that didn't stop the ache in his heart that yearned for his family as the loneliness he returned to every night was an unfulfilling replacement.
you on the other hand, had convinced yourself that you favoured the loneliness your little hut you shared with your uncle had to offer. it was located at a decent distance from the bustling docks, giving you peace. you adored your uncle, but he was always off at sea fishing, never staying more for a few days at a time. nevertheless,your heart yearned for something more in life than what you had. you wanted friends, family, love; something that solitude couldn't give you. you spent your days selling fish for your uncle's business. you enjoyed the hard work, it kept your mind from thinking of how alone you felt. your uncle had entrusted you with this, saying that a pretty face would encourage many to buy off you, before he set sail again across the water's to gain more from the ocean to put money in both yours and his pockets. allowing you to keep half of his earnings, it was more than enough to buy you a small home of your own that was always kept warm, and food in your belly to keep you alive. 
as the sun rose from the east illuminating the blue embers of the ocean, you arose to start another days work of selling fish. it had come to your attention in recent moons, that your uncle's business was not doing as well as it had done in previous years. and you had your suspicions that this was due to a  curly haired brunette boy who had appeared a few years ago.
you had yet to see the boy, but you had heard whispers that he was a natural at  sea. and at only the age of ten and nine, he was able to set sail  on his lonesome and acquire more than enough fish in a day than your uncle was able to in a week. distaste bubbled in your stomach at the boy stealing business from you. you brushed these thoughts aside as you readied yourself, if he stuck to the other side of the village than there would be no problems between the two of you.
setting off to work, your stall gleamed with delight as you opened it for another day of work. the bustling crowds however, were no where to be seen that day. something was off. pulling on your cloak, you ventured onto the creaky boards in hopes of working out why business was so dead today.
and alas you found the reason.
crowds gathered around another stall only mere metres away from yours. and as you peered in an attempt to work out who had stolen your customers your eyes met with that of a brown mop of hair. it was the boy, luke,you had heard so much about. he was a lot prettier than you had expected. standing tall, the brunette's hair fell just above his eyes, freckles adorned his tanned cheeks, splattered unevenly like the stars that hung over tarth at the hour of the bat. his eyes matched his hair perfectly, coffee coloured orbs flickered from customer to customer as he tried to keep up with the many orders he was receiving. 
with a grumble, you made your way over to luke's stall. pushing past the fierce crowds proved a hard task but it wasn't long until you managed to make your way past as you ducked and dodged the villagers. 
now coming face to face with the boy, you were able to appreciate him a lot more. he had an air of beauty that seemed all so foreign to you, almost otherworldly which intrigued you greatly. nevertheless, you refused to let this distract you from what you had came to do. 
"you stole my business." you stated above the chatter of the men next to you who were keen on ordering the fresh cod brought in. 
luke's eyes flickered over to you for a second, deeming your words not worthy for a response as he had plenty of hungry customers to feed. who were you to say he was stealing? after all, he deserved to make a living just as much as you. 
you were far from disheartened at his attempt of ignoring you instead, it fanned the anger that grew as the seconds passed. you weren't giving up without a fight. "helloo! i was talking to you." you spoke louder than before.
"what?" he snapped, clearly annoyed at the disruption of his work. 
a sigh escaped your lips at his rudeness. "you stole my business. i do not know what you intended to happen when you moved to my side of the village, but i surely do not appreciate the lack of customers i'm receiving because of your ignorance." as you spoke, your voice got even louder as you grew more frustrated, almost as if you were shouting. the boy's clear lack of care annoyed you to no end as he just stared at you blankly before a smirk adorned his lips. 
"s'not my fault my fish is nicer than yours." 
the rage that took hold left you a stuttering mess as you struggled for a reply to his response. your reddened cheeks that were once filled with fire, quickly turned a dusty pink at the embarrassment you felt at your feeble attempt of talking. before you could make matters worse with your blubbering, you turned away from the fisherman and grumbled the entire way back to your own stall, thinking of what you could of said in return as you began to calm down. gods how you hated him.
━━━━━━━━━━ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ━━━━━━━━━
as the moons passed, it appeared that you and luke had built up some sort of petty rivalry, an odd friendship forming as a result, much to the villages enjoyment. you each strove to make more money than the other in a day, with many of the villagers placing bets on who would win. it annoyed you to no end on the days when you saw that the brunette had attracted the most customers. 
as the sun began to set once more across the waters, you could not help having a satisfied smirk on your face, a gloating look in your eye as you came face to face with the boy after another days work. one in which saw your uncle's fishery the winner.
"come to declare yourself the loser?" you called out, shutting up your stall for the day. "or have you come to admit that my fish is better. either or, it means i am the better out of the two of us."
luke let out a small chuckle at your bragging, he would never admit it but the rivalry between the two of you often brought a small smile to his face. "you would love that."
you let out a laugh in response at his sarcasm, running your tongue over your lips. just as he, you would never admit to anyone that you too enjoyed the odd friendship that blossomed with the boy, putting it down to having a small crush on the brunette. but who could you blame you, he wasn't exactly bad looking. he held such an ethereal, elegant aura. and you knew it to be an opinion thought by many, as you often overheard sailor's daughter's gossiping about his looks, comparing his nature to what they imagined the targaryen royalty to be like. 
"no. i have come to show you something." 
luke was like an open book most of the time, easy to read as he tried to suppress the small smirk that he fought hard to not wear. looking at him to continue, he grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him as he weaved between the other men and women who were closing up shop for the day. your face heating at the action, your heart beat doubling as your hand was in his calloused one. damn the gods for making him gorgeous.
pulling you further, the two of you crossed the wooden planks that were the only thing separating your feet from the ocean below. luke came to a stop abruptly, dropping your hand in the process. you couldn't help but feel a tad disappointed at the action. the feeling evident on your face, as he looked upon you with confusion in his eyes.
unknown to your oblivious mind, the boy seemed to harbour the affection you held for him. what started off as a small acknowledgment of your beauty when he first laid eyes on you quickly festered into something more. your witty and sarcastic nature, drew him closer to you. he found himself looking forward to working as he rose each day knowing that by the end, you two would inevitably end up talking due to the 'rivalry' that was established. 
at this revelation, he vowed that he would end this childish war between the two of you. luke did not seem to have many friends, only the people he fished with and even then he only deemed these people as acquaintances. since the divide in his family and being brutally torn from those he loved, luke yearned for the comfort of another, his heart wrenching at the thought of his family. he found himself craving his mother's warm touch on particularly cold nights, how she lulled him to sleep with her stories of targaryen history when the storms of dragonstone frightened his younger self. gods, he even missed her scoldings. he would do anything to relive the stern telling off he would receive if he appeared to dine with his hair a mess, if it meant being with her another day. his heart also longed for his elder brother, the endless teasing for being an awful sword fighter played on his mind whenever he lifted a blade. jacaerys' strong-willed and hot-tempered nature was also a feature evident in you. it brought a sense of solace whenever you fought, causing him to wear a soft smile as he reflected on the petty arguments with his brother. you seemed to embody all the good things of his past life. and he would be damned to let that go.
luke picked up quickly the skill of reading people in order to survive after he woke up on tarth. how their little habits lead to their true motivations and how their eyes often conveyed the feelings they tried so hard to hide. he saw this in you. despite building your walls high, presenting a hard exterior to assure that you were perfectly capable surviving on your own, he saw the distress within. after observing you for quite some time during your rivalry, he intended to find the ladder to climb over the walls you had spent so long constructing. he noted how you were often by yourself. independent yes, but he also saw the glint of loneliness in your eyes as they lingered a second too long on groups of friends and families who cared for one another. he knew you had your uncle, but he was away so often at sea that you barely saw the man. luke wanted to be that sense of escape for you. he believed that together, you could each provide some sort of comfort for the other, and he was determined to make this reality.
"hurry up then." playfulness dripped from your tone, breaking him out of his thoughts. his left hand came to hold the back of his neck in embarrassment for having been caught lost in thought about you.
luke had brought you to what appeared to be some sort of a pond. it was truly magnificent in your eyes. you had no idea a place like this existed so close to the docks you resided near. 
willow trees stretched far, their weeping leaves swaying effortlessly in the salty breeze that brushed past. as the two of you ventured closer you noticed that towards the edges of the pond, plants grew freely around it, obscuring the full vastness of the water. as the sun set, it made the sight in front of you even more wondrous. hues of purple blue and orange were reflected on the surface, only to be disrupted moments later by lily pads that bristled past as the winds willed them. moss stuck close to the rocky edge, only to be gone seconds later when fish braved the shallow waters in search for food. your eyes seemed transfixed on the sight before you. the only sounds heard for miles was the salty breeze and the fish that swam. oh, and of course your hammering heart.
without a word, luke made his way closer to the ponds edge, taking a seat against the bark of the closest willow tree, beckoning you to follow his actions. "i come here to think." he started, an airy tone in his voice. you recognised the tone well, often finding yourself reflecting on the times of your childhood when things were much easier. "we're two sides of the same coin, you and i" he continues on. "as much as we bicker, we only have each other."
you brought your knees up to your chest as he spoke, turning your head to look at him. the words hit hard, rubbing salt into the gaping wound of loneliness that has found a home in your heart. luke took your saddened eyes and silence as a sign to speak further. "i wish to tell you about my past. if only you promise you will stick by me, and not breathe a word of it to another."
he looked upon you intently. coffee eyes, boring into your own, trying to work out how you would react to his confession. the shock was plain in your face at the serious connotations behind his words. how the two of you went from rivals to having a heart to heart was unknown. but you did not mind. the shift in the wind revealed the truth in his feelings for you and allowed you to feel safe with the boy next to you, a lot safer than you had felt in a long time. your mind had stilled for what felt like the first time in years; luke's presence in this moment allowing you to calm, reflecting the atmosphere he trusted to show you. and you intended to honour this trust.
"i promise."
luke visibly relaxed at your words, you now held the trust of each other. a silent vow passed over the two of you; you would remain by each other's side through whatever the gods plans. having only each other as an escape from loneliness, you welcomed this promise with warmth. you shuffled closer to him showing that you had meant what you said, your tucked legs now touching his outstretched ones. taking it as a sign of comfort, luke mustered up the courage to interlock your hands. he needed a source to ground him before he told you the tale, your soft hands proving perfect for the job.
"as you know i'm not from here. i washed up on the shores of tarth many, many years ago." his voice trembled slightly as he recounted the story of his childhood for the first time. you began to slowly rub circles with your thumb, showing him that it was alright as you listened intently. "i was born in king's landing to my mother rhaenyra targaryen."
you were taken aback by his confession yet deep in your heart you knew it to to be true. anyone else who would make such a claim would be called a liar the moment the words slipped from their mouth. however, the tone of luke's voice, and the pain evident in his features told you enough. he wasn't lying.
his lip wobbled slightly as he fought the tears that wanted to fall, the heartbreak in his voice and how his eyes glossed at the pain willed you to fish for his other hand. now facing each other with interlocked hands, luke found the strength to continue. "i loved them so so much. but the war- the split in my family was too much." his voice cracked as he reminisced on the tragedy that struck. the anguish broke your heart, you hated seeing the boy who was once so full of mischief in such distress. you felt helpless seeing him, only being able to offer him comfort with the pads of your thumbs drawing soothing circles. 
"luke it's alright." you soothed, eyes staring into his. "you do not have to talk about it if it causes too much suffering."
a small sad smile graced his lips. "no. i want to." he sighed, taking a deep breathe before he carried on. "when i was sent as a messenger to storm's end. only a boy of ten and four, i was promised that i would be welcomed, that my grandmother's family would show me hospitality. i was wrong. aemond was there and i-i thought i would be able to escape. arrax was fast, and i was stupid enough to believe we would make it. it's my fault he's gone. i was stupid enough to think i could outrun vhagar. s' my fault he's dead, he shielded me from the jaws of vhagar and from the ocean below and i never did anything to protect him."
he couldn't help the streams of tears that fell from his face as he mentioned his dragon. "and i have wanted every single day since washing up here to return to dragonstone. but i can't. i don't have the means to, i barely have enough to survive- and- i would not know if it would cause more harm than good."
you had heard the rumours of what had happened to lucerys velaryon from sailors who passed by. how his uncle had viciously murdered him in cold blood, being branded as a kinslayer in return. you had also heard whispers of the bonds targaryens had with their dragons, how sacred it was to hold such a connection with the beasts amazed you. you could not fathom the pain that luke felt with the lose of his closest friend. 
without thinking, you drew the crying boy closer to you. embracing him as tears still pooled from his eyes. muttering hushes, your hands weaved through his hair willing him to calm. "luke, i am more than sure that your family would welcome you with open arms with your return, and i will help bring you to them myself if you wish it." you paused, waiting for his reaction. a slight sniffle from him was enough for you to resume. "and i know nothing i say will ever bring your dragon back, but i am undoubtedly certain that arrax had loved you with all his heart and would have saved you a million times over. it is not your fault you were attacked on a diplomatic mission. it was no one's fault but the prince's."
silence engulfed you before a small "thank you." was muttered into your back. 
"no, thank you." you replied. "thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this luke."
as he drew back from the embrace, his glossed eyes once again met yours. you didn't know if it was your shared pain that did it, or the knowledge that you two now trusted each other that drew his lips to yours. but whatever it was, you were grateful for. every emotion felt was poured into the kiss. your hands once again found his hair as his calloused hands cradled your jaw, exacerbating how much you needed one another in that moment. loneliness, suffering, pain, yearning, love. none of it needed to be said. the kiss was word enough. 
pulling away from each other, you settled your head in the crook of his neck breathing him in as his head rested upon yours. after keeping the information bottled up for so long, luke finally felt free after revealing the truth, a white flag had been presented in the war that raged in his mind. and under the willow tree as you drifted off to sleep, still entangled with him, he had decided that maybe he did not need to threat about returning to his family. the thought of living a quiet life in tarth may finally bring him the peace he had wanted for so long. 
as he had you to live it with.
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