#augusnippets day 19
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whumper-whimsy · 7 months ago
@augusnippets day 19
Collared / Branded / Chipped
Captivity, pet whump, kidnapping, noncon surgery
Whumpee groaned, opening his eyes. He had no idea where he was or why he wasn't waking up in his own bed. All he knew was his head ached painfully, and the lights were way too bright.
"Ahh, there we are!" a man spoke cheerfully beside Whumpee, and he turned, squinting his eyes against the bright light. The man gasped softly. "Oh, I'm sorry, puppy. Are the lights too harsh. Let me get that for you."
The lights dimmed, and Whumpee could look around. The man he was speaking to was a tall, muscular man with a sweet smile. He was in a small room with a bed, stuffed animals, a mini fridge, and a large kennel.
Whumpee was lying on a metal table with the man standing over him. He seemed friendly enough, but the circumstances seemed to prove otherwise.
"Where am I..? What did you call me?" Whumpee sat up, only to be pushed back down gently.
"Just relax. You don't need to worry."
Whumpee felt a stinging in his arm, looking over to find it bandaged. "W- why is my arm—"
"I chipped you! Gotta make sure my new puppy can't run off!" Whumper grinned, lifting a collar and snaking out around his throat. "Now... let's see if we can't get you trained."
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whumplump · 7 months ago
Day 19 of @augusnippets
Prompts used: collared / branded
Not used: chipped
CW: pet whump, defiant whumpee, branding, collaring, burning, torture
Kneeling on the floor, with their hands and feet tied, lay a little animal in denial. Behind them, Whumper, their Master, who with one hand held a leash attached to the collar around Whumpee's neck and with the other, held a red-hot iron rod with a stamp on the end. The animal's back was destroyed, full of burns in the shape of the stamp.
"Say, Whumpee, say you're a good pet." they said for the thousandth time.
"Go to hell!"
Unsatisfied with the answer, Whumper pulled Whumpee's collar leash, bringing them closer, until their back touched the hot iron stamp. Whumpee screamed desperately. Whumper loosened their grip on the leash, giving the skittish 'animal' a few seconds of peace.
"Come on, darling, be good, be a good pet for Master and you'll get a treat."
Whumpee twisted their neck as much as they could to try and look at Whumper behind them.
"Fuck you", they scoffed.
And Whumper pulled the leash again.
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sufrimientilia · 7 months ago
The Exchange
collared | branded | chipped @augusnippets Day 19 masterlist
cw: living weapon, captivity, conditioned, noncon drugging (mentioned), see above
They discussed the matter over a generous pour of Macallan 50.
He stood in the middle of the room, naked all the way down to his toes, and somehow it was like he was the most dangerous person there. Flanked on all sides by armed guards, heavy restraints dangling from his wrists to his ankles, the uncomfortable bite guard clamped tight around his jaw. Like they couldn’t be too cautious, even with the implant and the collar and the drugs. The conditioning and the training and the torture.
“That’s what I find tricky about these… things.” Amber swirled around and around, smooth against heavy glass. “A certain level of autonomy is necessary for what they do. Some aggression and unpredictability is to be expected. Predatory instincts, if you will.”
“I’m not so sure,” the buyer reasoned back, eyeing every piece of him with close intensity. A slab of meat to be haggled over. “I can buy— what, a dozen or so of those dolls for the same price? And you’re telling me this one doesn’t even behave?”
“Our assets are designed to execute complex orders. They aren’t puppets. What you’re looking for is something designed for high-stakes operations—assassinations, sabotage, blackmail. There needs to be a fine balance when it comes to controlling a rabid animal like this. Sometimes it's best left to its own devices.” The handler gave him a keen stare. Every muscle carefully in place, eyes straight ahead. “Messy beings can be capable of such messy, messy things.”
A long moment of silence. It was nothing new, being on display like this. The buyer eyed everything but his face.
"Think of it like this. You’re investing in a unique tool. There will be an adjustment period, and if you push him too hard, too fast, you might find yourself dealing with a situation you can't control. But we can guide you through it. We’ve designed a maintenance regimen that involves regular injections and compliance protocols to keep him in line, and of course there’s the shock collar for regular at-home use.”
“And what about the implant you mentioned? Is it some sort of tracking chip?”
“Yes, in a way. The chip is our method of… quality assurance. A way to guarantee our assets stay in line.” The handler gave one big, buttery smile. The hard sell. “Nothing like it on the market, you know. We can program him to respond to certain trigger words or phrases, make him attack or shut down at the snap of a finger. We can make him dependent and loyal only to you.”
The buyer studied his face and only found more reasons to be skeptical. “How?”
“I’m afraid I’d only be able to demonstrate.”
He wasn’t sure how much he was worth in the end. Enough to make the handler quite pleased. His new handler chose some gaudy, twisted up symbol to brand him with, and he didn’t twitch or scream when white-hot metal boiled another scar into his skin. The collar made it hard enough to breathe, and this was just the first step to ownership after the initial exchange. It wasn't like it'd get better from here.
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maybeitsalivescribbles · 7 months ago
DAY 19: Chipped
“ Newbie! How did you-”
Team Leader, who was about to rush towards Newbie, abruptly stopped on their tracks. The newest teammate had shaken their head, and their frozen, terrified attitude warned them that there was something terribly wrong. People couldn’t escape from Villain’s headquarters that easily. So they stood still too, gesturing to the others behind them to do the same, and they waited. Newbie bit their lip, seemed to think for a minute, then signed “chipped”.
If I tell you I am, they’ll kill the other prisoners.
Leader nodded briefly, then chuckled humorlessly.
“So! You thought you could come back like this? After all you’ve done?”
Newbie tilted their head, raising an eyebrow:
“I thought that escaping would more than make up for it.”
What are you doing?
Improvising, signed Leader back before scoffing out loud:
“Oh, you thought so, uh? Well, you forgot one detail: you throw yourself into danger without my orders. What does that make you, what do you think?”
Newbie stumbled on their words, and didn’t have to make much effort to sound upset:
“I’ve just come back from prison and-”
“You’re used to it, then. Put them in a cell. Maybe that will teach you proper discipline.”
Newbie nodded with pursed lips, then passed through them. Some Teammates moved to go with them.
“And no talking”, precised Leader to the others. “I want them to learn their lesson one for all.”
They watch the door closed on them. Leader sighed:
“I’m really sorry,” they said in an empty room.
Back to Whump/Horror Masterlist
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evilwriter37 · 7 months ago
Forever and Ever
Augusnippets Day 19
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Rated: teen
Warnings: dehumanization
Hiccup didn’t mean to scream as the needle pierced the back of his neck. Not that it didn’t hurt of course—the needle was a wide gauge and went deep—but he was screaming more because of what it was.
A chip. A goddamned tracking chip. Like he was some kind of animal.
Viggo chuckled and withdrew the needle. He was very clearly amused by his subject’s pain and distress. He patted Hiccup on the shoulder, and there was nothing Hiccup could do but flinch. He was strapped down to the exam table on his stomach. 
“Why?” Hiccup asked in a voice choked with tears.
“Just in case you try anything clever,” Viggo told him. He flipped back Hiccup’s hair again to look at where he’d inserted the chip, as if he doubted his work.
Hiccup said nothing. He couldn’t promise anything, couldn’t say he wouldn’t try to escape. Again. One failure wasn’t enough to deter him.
But maybe this chip would. 
Viggo leaned down, his lips finding the curve of Hiccup’s ear. He rubbed over the injection sight, making Hiccup groan at the terrible ache of it.
“You’ll be mine forever, my dear Hiccup.”
Hiccup just kept his mouth shut tight. No point in being defiant right now. How could he when he felt like his chest was going to burst from all the turmoil and emotion within him?
No one could argue against it now. Hiccup was property of Viggo Grimborn.
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teine-mallaichte · 7 months ago
Day 19 @augusnippets - prompt : Branded
84 gains their brand. Characters: 84 and Sergeant Monroe.
CW: branding, control, manipulation, condtioing, living weapon.
Asset 84 masterlist
Complex 27 master list
The acrid smell of burnt flesh lingered in the sterile white room, mingling with the antiseptic odour of disinfectant—a grim reminder of the previous asset’s session. 84 stood rigidly, their back straight and eyes fixed forward, as Sergeant Monroe prepared the branding iron.
“You understand the meaning behind this?” Monroe's voice was a low, steady growl, each word deliberate and cold. He held the branding iron in the small furnace, the tip glowing a fierce orange.
“Yes, Sergeant,” 84 replied, their voice a controlled monotone. The anticipation of pain, as always, was the hardest part. They reminded themselves of their purpose. They were a weapon. They could endure.
“Remind me,” Monroe demanded, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinised 84.
“It is a mark of loyalty, a sign of my purpose,” 84 recited, “I am 84. I am a weapon. I endure.”
Monroe’s gaze remained fixed on 84, assessing their resolve. He lifted the branding iron from the furnace, the glowing tip hissing faintly as it met the cooler air. He approached 84, the heat radiating from the iron palpable even from a distance.
“Hold out your arm,” Monroe commanded.
84 obeyed immediately, extending their arm and clenching their fist to steady it. The muscles in their arm tensed, veins standing out against their skin as they braced for the searing pain. Monroe positioned the iron just above 84’s upper arm, the intense heat causing beads of sweat to form on their skin.
“This mark,” Monroe began, “is a reminder of your place and your duty. It is not just a brand, but a symbol of who you are and who you serve.”
84’s breath came in slow, deliberate intervals, their mind focused on the words rather than the impending agony. “I understand, Sergeant,” they replied.
Monroe nodded, "When combined with your tattoo, this symbolises your loyalty and your ascension from asset to living weapon."
As Monroe pressed the branding iron against 84’s skin, the immediate, intense heat felt like an electric current searing through their flesh. A sharp hiss filled the room, followed by 84’s guttural cry of pain. The sound raw and primal, a visceral reaction to the branding iron’s relentless burn.
The agony was a blinding force, the sensation of the iron felt like molten metal embedding itself into their flesh. The searing pain radiated outward, each pulse of heat merging into a continuous, throbbing inferno. The cry that had escaped 84’s lips quickly transformed into a series of ragged breaths, each inhalation a strained effort against the excruciating burn.
Monroe's grip on the iron was steady, his eyes cold and unfeeling as he held it in place. The iron’s heat continued to bubble and darken the skin, forming a grotesque, permanent mark. The pain was a relentless assault, stretching time into an agonising test of endurance.
“Every weapon bears their mark with pride,” Monroe’s voice cut through the haze of pain, “This brand signifies your place, a reminder of your purpose and utility."
84’s breaths became shallow and controlled, the pain a suffocating wave, blurring their vision and consuming their thoughts. Through the fog of agony, they managed to choke out, “I am 84. I am a weapon.”
Monroe nodded, he released the branding iron, its red-hot tip still glowing faintly as he placed it back into the furnace. The branding iron’s heat had left a deep, charred imprint on 84’s skin—a stark contrast to the pale, untouched flesh surrounding it.
84’s arm trembled slightly as it was gently but firmly cleaned with antiseptic. The ointment provided a stinging, albeit brief, relief, the contrast amplifying the residual pain from the branding.
“Remember,” Monroe said as he secured the bandage over the brand, “this mark is not just a part of you—it defines you. The pain you feel now is temporary, but the mark will be with you forever.”
84 managed a weak nod, their face pale and a pained smile tugging at the corners of their lips despite the enduring agony.
Sergeant Monroe nodded once more before turning away. "Report to medical," he said, his tone brisk as he prepared the next branding iron. "You are dismissed."
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lancedoncrimsonwings · 7 months ago
Augusnippets Day 19
Path of Hurt Prompt; "Branded" + "Flashbacks"
Day 19 of @augusnippets August 2024 Whump writing challenge! (Augusnippets Masterlist)
- POV; Gawain - The Green Knight
- Whumpers; Brother Salt, unnamed Red Paladins
(Characters; Whumpees)
(Characters; Whumpers)
(Ao3 Link)
Wordcount; 531
TWs; Branding, restrained, torture, PTSD, flashbacks, burning
Gawain grit his teeth as hands clawed into his hair, dragging his face towards the burning torch. The Red Paladin who wielded it laughed cruelly, a sadistic glee glinting with the light of the fire in his brown eyes. Gawain's own widened in horror at the flames drawing closer and closer, unable to stop from crying out when the Paladin drove the torch into his face, fire licking hungrily across his skin.
"Do you know me, friend?"
This pain was so specific, so severe that it set his mind just as ablaze as his cheek. Yet worse than the pain alone was the sickly sweet scent of his own flesh burning, it flooded his nose with a ravenous delight, all but suffocating him.
"Have you heard of Brother Salt, and his kitchen?"
Not again...
He fought against the men that held him as the walls came closing in...
"Let me introduce you to some of my friends..."
*No. No! This cannot be happening...*
"...God's Fingers I call 'em." Brother Salt stood now before him, holding out a hand for the brand once more. Gawain watched in horror, knowing what was to come, powerless to resist it just as he was last he had sat here, tied to this accursed chair, facing the terrible torturer of Father Carden and his Red Paladins.
"Each is named for His Archangels."
Michael, he knew already, the ache flaring within his chest of last he'd felt it's scorching touch. Gawain inhaled sharply as he eyed the glowing iron, the heat searing his face even before it could touch his skin.
"When I put Michael in the fire, he glows a beautiful white. Even I can see it."
Brother Salt's mocking sewn shut eyes seemed to weep blood from between those terrible stitches. The fervour with which he spoke lacked the hard edge Gawain remembered feeling proud of coaxing from the torturer, after so many hours under his brand and knife and tool.
"The light of truth.--"
Gawain stared up at Brother Salt, wishing beyond anything this nightmare would end, that he'd dissapear, this could not happen again, how, how could this be happening again?
"--You can only speak truth to Michael."
It's happening again...
The brand moved closer and closer to Gawain's face, and he shuddered, trying desperately to move away, gritted teeth, panting in fear, now.
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Brother Salt hummed, reaching out with blind hands to stroke Gawain's hair, almost rerverently. Gawain recoiled from the touch, just as revolted as he felt the first time.
"But don't worry..." Brother Salt whispered, leaning in so close he could smell the blood and sweat of the manblood. Soft caresses turned to a harsh hold, those fingers still hooked into his hair and forcing his face still. Gawain snarled up at him, knowing those next words, that deadly promise he knew to be true...
"... You will meet them all..."
And meet them all he did.
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The agony of the flames tore through him, and Arawn help him, he could not hold back his screams, he screamed until his voice gave out and he could scream no more.
"This one breaks slow..."
But oh, Gods, not slow enough...
I thought it would be interesting to write a scene directly from the show this time, this is from Episode 9 "Poisons".
As always thank you for reading, onto the next!
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diegoalvesisgod · 7 months ago
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Men's Football RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sergej Milinković-Savić/Luca Pellegrini, Luca Pellegrini/Mattia Zaccagni Characters: Luca Pellegrini, Sergej Milinković-Savić, Mattia Zaccagni Additional Tags: AuguSnippets, Snippets, Blood and Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Kidnapping, Aftercare, Trauma, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Non-Consensual Drug Use Summary:
A collection of snippets for Augusnippets.
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jamietarttsnorthernattitude · 7 months ago
cw car accident aftermath
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Colin gets whiplash. The team takes the piss out of him.
Day 19 of @augusnippets - collared
Read on ao3
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autobot2001 · 7 months ago
Hidden Danger
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: None Description: Jamie believes she is getting a cold until Crosshairs notices her throat is red and swollen. The discovery of something more serious concerns the medics and Jamie's guardians.
Day 19; @augustofwhump: mistake @augusnippets - path of hurt: chipped
When Jamie wakes up with a sore throat, she believes she is getting sick. She feels like she has a cold until the afternoon when her throat hurts more and feels like it is swelling. Crosshairs lifts her head by her chin, which Jamie finds odd. "Scrap, Drift." The two observe that Jamie's lower neck is swollen and red. Saying nothing, Crosshairs picks up Jamie, and the two mechs rush to the medbay.
The additional concern is Jamie's oxygen level is a little low. It's not an emergency, but with Jamie's lower neck being red and swollen, the medics are concerned about serious illnesses.
Because of the monitor chip's metal, an MRI is impossible. Jamie undergoes a CT scan. While the medics, Crosshairs and Drift are relieved Jamie isn't panicking, they worry about how calm she is. The medics confirm that Jamie needs surgery.
"Wow," Jolt says. The two observe that Jamie's throat is swollen and there are minor burns. They can tell the monitor chip malfunctioned. The concern is that a small amount of energon powers the chip. Ratchet takes a tissue sample to check for energon, while Jolt removes some burnt tissue. How was this not causing excruciating pain? Jolt questions. Even if this is a tiny section of her throat. "We can't put a new monitor chip in for at least two weeks," Ratchet tells Jolt, "The good news is no energon poisoning." "I know her throat needs to heal, but the risk we're taking." "We'll be fine, but I can inform Prowl that Drift will have two weeks off. Unless Jamie gets an infection in the next three days, she doesn't need to stay in the medbay. This never happened before. Why now? Add, it's been eight years since this one was out in." "I wouldn't worry about it." The two finish surgery, relieved the swelling isn't severe that they need to intubate, and move Jamie to an ICU room. Ratchet still plans on examining the malfunctioned chip.m, but for now, Jamie and her guardians are his priority. Hating the trauma Crosshairs and Drift struggle with whenever Jamie ends up in the ICU.
Ratchet assures the two worried guardians she'll be okay and mentions that he's keeping her in the ICU for three days before discharging her. The two guardians worry about the delay in putting a new monitor chip in but understand Jamie's throat needs to heal. They hope Ratchet can determine what occurred and if it's preventable. They wonder if their mistake was missing signs of the chip malfunctioning. Hoping the delay in putting a new one in doesn't turn into a mistake, but it's been years since the emergency system had to kick in. They sit by the bed. Jamie is on a little oxygen via a venturi mask. They wait for her to wake up. Ratchet suspects Jamie will feel as humans do after getting their tonsils removed, and recovery shouldn't be any different except that Jamie will need another surgery.
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abubblingcandle · 7 months ago
Augusnippets Day 19 - Chipped - Man from UNCLE (2015)
Napoleon always knew that this partnership with Illya would end with the Russian's blade at his neck, snarling at him to now move an inch. They first met when they were trying to kill each other and Illya had tried to choke him out in a bathroom. Not the best starting point for a wholesome partnership. But Napoleon didn't think he would be gripping onto the sink with a white knuckles tension, belt between his teeth and begging Illya psychically to just get on with it. 
Here on AO3 @augusnippets
Napoleon always knew that this partnership with Illya would end with the Russian's blade at his neck, snarling at him to now move an inch. They first met when they were trying to kill each other and Illya had tried to choke him out in a bathroom. Not the best starting point for a wholesome partnership. 
But Napoleon didn't think he would be gripping onto the sink with a white knuckles tension, belt between his teeth and begging Illya psychically to just get on with it. 
See this all started earlier that week, when the terrific trio had wrapped up a target elimination in Budapest and were promised at least a day off before their next call. 
Illya plucked the empty whisky bottle out of Gaby's loose grip and dropped into the small hotel bin with an echoing clank. "Ssshhh," Napoleon hissed, "you'll wake her up."
“She is dead to the world,” Illya scoffed, “a bomb could not wake her.” Napoleon bit back and laugh and rolled on the settee onto his back to stare at the artfully etched ceiling. Illya kicked off his boots and started to head towards the attached bedroom when his hand caught on a raised seam in his trousers pocket. He sighed, also looked at the ceiling but in fond exasperation rather than exhaustion. “Cowboy, this is yours,” Illya ripped the stitching and tossed the small black bug onto Napoleon’s chest. There was a moments silence and then the small plastic bug was launched over the back of the settee just falling short of Illya.
“Peril, this is yours,” Napoleon mimicked back. “We could stop doing this you know. The hassle of trying to hide them from each other. Give trust a try?” Napoleon sighed.
Illya froze, one foot out of his trousers and one ankle still hooked in the fabric. “It is not about trust. If it is trust then it is I do not trust you to avoid trouble,” Illya grunted, and then kicking the mud-stained trousers into the corner.
“Hmm, ok I’ll pretend to believe that,” Napoleon chuckled. “If that was the case then you could just ask the CIA for that one instead of trying to hide your own.”
Illya watched as Napoleon lifted his head up from behind the back of the settee. His brow was furrowed, and eyebrow arched. “I thought Waverly would have told you? He surely knows. The CIA keep tabs on me,” Napoleon shrugged, pulling himself to sit fully upright.
“How? When we are regularly searched? How?” all thoughts of going to bed had fled Illya’s head at yet another mention of the depraved nature of Napoleon’s former employers. He knew that in the eyes of most of the world the Soviets were the savages but they clearly had not looked close enough in the mirror. Indentured servitude, that’s what it was.
Napoleon gulped, his pupils dilating as he tried to come up with a lie in the face of his partner’s anger. He couldn’t, clearly, but his façade cracked and he made a fatal error. As Napoleon hummed, his left hand inched up and rubbed at a patch of skin just above his right collarbone. Illya clenched his fist, the red mist returning. He hoped he was wrong. He knew he wasn’t. In a flash, it felt like a blink to Illya, he was in front of Napoleon and tenderly cupping the American’s chin. Napoleon’s eyes were wide and he was frozen in place like one move could break the spell.
“Here?” Illya growled, running his fingers over where Napoleon had just been worrying. He didn’t need the confirmation. He could feel the slightly raised cut in Napoleon’s skin that would usually be hidden by the starched collars the spy always wore. He could feel the heat of the old wound, presumably caused by whatever was below it. Truly barbaric. Napoleon gulped, as Illya’s fingers softly traced the line, but there were no words to say.
Illya couldn’t stop thinking about it. They were given four days to relax and then report to London for their next job. They had moved to an apartment in Madrid, Gaby’s request so they could get some sun before the rain that would no doubt mar their next location. She was out when Illya made the offer. Napoleon was never going back to the CIA. Illya and Gaby would defect from UNCLE before they let that happen.
And that was how they ended up with Illya, knife in hand and ready to cut into the first friend he had ever really had.
“Are you ready?” Illya asked. Napoleon locked eyes with Illya, nodded and clenched down on the belt between his teeth. It was time. He couldn’t stay tied to them forever. And he couldn’t do this on his own.
Illya took a deep breath, said a quick prayer, and got to work.
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whumplump · 7 months ago
Augusnippets works Masterlist
Doing this just to be organized.
Path of HURT:
Day 1 - Gaslighting
Day 4 - Vivisection
Day 7 - Drowning
Day 10 - Execution / begging for mercy
Day 13 - Drugging, poisoning
Day 16 - Humiliation, conditioning
Day 19 - Collared, branded
Day 22 - Captivity, recapture
Day 25 - Intimate whumper, stalked
Day 28 - Mind control, body control
Path of COMFORT:
Day 2 - Platonic bathing
Day 5 - Drunk caretaking, feverish caretaking
Day 8 - Reunion / found family / friends
Day 11 - Escape / safe and sound
Day 14 - Toys, gifts, celebration
Day 17 - Forgiveness, resolving a misunderstanding
Day 20 - Homemade meal
Day 23 - Gentle touch, protective caretaker
Day 26 (1) - Warm blanket, snuggling
Day 26 (2) - Tending to non-human Whumpee's non-human parts, phantom pains
Day 29 - First words
Day 3 - Blizzard
Day 6 - Car accident / plane crash / shipwreck
Day 9 - Hypothermia, dehydration
Day 12 - Lost
Day 15 - Food poisoning / starvation / throwing up
Day 18 - Infection / self administered medicine
Day 21 - Delirium, hallucinations
Day 24 - Medical complications
Day 27 - Chronic pain
Day 30 - Self harm, addiction
Day 31 (bonus day)
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write-kin · 7 months ago
Day 19 - Chipped
prompt by @augusnippets! a little sunshine for today. mostly because of cyber's awesome art of them putting me in the writing-them mood. :)
CW: lab/medical/scientific whump, microchipping, mentioned murder/human euthanasia, dehumanization, mentioned vivisection, self-harm.
Sunshine had been trying to claw the thing out for the better part of an hour. 
It’d been a necessary evil, they’d been told. Dr. Cara, with the golden-brown hair and the gloves, had reassured them of this. 
Dr. Cara had also held them down until they stopped convulsing and vivisected them, so Sunshine didn’t exactly trust his word. 
They’d been an expensive asset to find and recover, apparently. 
Their escape and bonding with Watchtower’s Dog had made them less agreeable. More violent. Harder to handle. 
The Sunshine Project mk. 1 was coming to a close, and they’d need to perform an autopsy to get the final results soon. 
Bad. Very bad. Incredibly bad. 
Every time they moved their neck, they could feel it. A little stiff piece below the skin. Pressure. A sensitive wound. Uncomfortable. Ever-present. Sending little electric shocks through their muscles whenever they were deemed to be acting inappropriately. 
So Sunshine tried to claw the chip out. Tried to scratch the barcode tattooed onto their neck so they didn’t have to get scanned again. They bit, and fought, and kicked, and were generally difficult. 
Dr. Cara floated around the idea of finding a way to reunite them with Dog, but it had been agreed that this would only make them behave worse.
And instead, the chip simply shocked them down when they needed it. They were going to be put down anyways. A little brain damage was nobody’s concern. 
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jamiesfootball · 7 months ago
Augusnippets Day 14
Prompt: gifts
cw: implied/referenced child abuse
Sometimes gift-giving ain't all it's cracked up to be, and sometimes it is. - A series of moments from Jamie's life.
Here on AO3
Age 4
Gasp! “Is this for me? Did you make this? Oh, Jamie, it’s beautiful, I love it. Come on, now, give mummy hugs.”
Age 7
“Oh, thanks baby. That looks wonderful. No, I do, I do like it! I do! Mummy’s just really tired today, I promise. Soon as the holidays are over, I’ll go back to working my normal shifts.”
Age 9
“Did you make me breakfast in bed? That’s so sweet! Thank you so much, love. …Was this by any chance the last tin of beans in the cupboard?”
Age 11
“What the hell is this? Did your mum put you up to this? Bit cheap, innit?”
Age 12
“No, of course I’d love to come to your match, Jamie. But you know with this new job I started, it’s not a good look if I ask for time off so soon.”
Age 13
“Did you think that I wouldn’t already have the new kit? Huh? You think I’m broke? Is that the kind of garbage your mother’s been filling your head with? Teaching you how to disrespect your old man?”
Age 14
“Look, junior. I know things got a bit heated between us last time I came around. Just the way it is with us men sometimes, am I right? I’m sure you said some things you regret too. But your mom and I, we’ve been talking, and I think I’ve got a shot there. Make us a proper family again. Now, what do you say you and me, we celebrate the occasion by taking ourselves a little father/son bonding trip? Ever been to Amsterdam?”
Age 15
“We can make a day of it. Get lunch, maybe go to the cinema? Oh. Oh, no, that’s all right, love. I didn’t know that you’d made plans with your friends already. Right. Right. Well, if you think you’ll be home in time for dinner-“
Age 16
“-right. Uh huh. No, I know you’re busy, love, but I was thinking. I know how stressed you’ve been lately and how hard you’ve been working. Maybe later this year, you and I can take a trip, hm? Around New Year’s? Just the two of us. Get away for a little bit before you skyrocket into superstardom.
“No, you don’t have to help pay for it any of it, Jamie-”
Age 17
“-No, I know you’ve got a match, Jamie. It doesn’t have to be this weekend. I told you, whenever you’re free-“
Age 18
“Now that you’re making money, I think it’s only fair you treat your old man to a drink.”
Age 19
“New fancy contract, and you’re telling me you can’t afford to do something nice? For your own dad? C’mon, son, I’m not asking for a Porsche here-“
Age 20
“I’m not saying you have to like him, Jamie! But Simon’s important to me, and I’d like you to actually meet him before-“
Age 21
“-lazy, uninspired, waste of fucking space on the pitch! Is it any fucking wonder that Pep’s got you warming the bench for the real players when you’re out there bottling penalties? Hey. Hey! You fucking look at me when I’m talking to you-!“
Age 22
“I know you’re still screening my calls, but I just called to thank you for the flowers. I’d ask about your birthday, but I’m sure you already have plans.”
Age 22
Age 23
“Oh, babes, I wish you’d told me. I already promised my mum I’d go ‘round hers for the holiday. Only she’s just moved down here, and she hasn’t been able to meet anyone yet- no, you do not want to meet her, trust me. But hey, you have fun in Spain- wait you didn’t already buy the tickets, did you?”
Age 24
“Would you look at that? City wins on my son’s birthday, and he ain’t even here to see it. All because he let some stupid yank make him soft, and now he’s too much of a pussy to stick it out when things get tough. What’s wrong, junior? Did Roy Kent calling you little bitch on TV hurt your widdle feelings? Huh? You gonna cry? You gonna cry about it?-”
[“Dad”]: Don’t you fucking hang up on me
[“Dad”]: Jesus Christ, no need to be so sensitive
[“Dad”]: Did you sort my tickets for the next match?
Age 24
“Yeah, but, you know, some folks might also consider that buying affection, you know.”
Age 24
“Jamie? Oh… we didn’t expect you to call. No, it’s fine, we aren’t going anywhere; Simon’s tinkering around in the kitchen… You tried them? Really. That’s- ahem, of course. Of course I’ll let him know.
“SIMON! Jamie tried your gluten free lemon pound cake! He said it was ‘fucking tasty’! His words!
“Jam, Simon would like to know what your nutrition guidelines say about – love, is this a list?”
Age 24
[Isaac]: Alright, everyone. Jamie’s birthday is coming up, so it’s time to start making plans.
[Sam]: Did you remember to remove Jamie from the group chat before you sent the text?
[Isaac]: Shit
Age 25
“...and this is going to sound so weird, but I promise I am not a stalker. I’m Roy’s sister. Yes, that Roy. Uh, you may be aware that he has a niece – Phoebe, yes – and she has something important she would like to ask you.”
“Hi Jamie! It’s Phoebe! Would you like to come celebrate Uncle’s Day with us?”
Age 25
“I love it.”
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blackrosesandwhump · 7 months ago
Augusnippets Masterlist
Day 1: Brainwashing (2nd pov from whumper's perspective, Gothic whump)
Day 4: Vivisection (vampire whumpee, Gothic whump)
Day 7: Choking (1st pov, Gothic whump, breath whump)
Day 10: Fake Execution (Gothic whump, hanging)
Day 13: Poisoning (Gothic whump, hero whumpee)
Day 16: Dehumanisation/Conditioning (Gothic whump, vampire whumper, human whumpee)
Day 19: Branded (Gothic whump, winged whumpee, 2nd pov from whumper's perspective)
Day 25: Reluctant Whumper (Gothic whump, vampire whumper)
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ronanziriano · 7 months ago
I did it. I somehow managed to write and post every day for 30 days. After so long writing maybe a couple hundred words per month. This is a big deal. I crave attention for my accomplishment.
Anyway, this is a masterpost for my fills for the @augusnippets event.
Day 1 - Gaslighting
Day 2 - Hair Care
Day 3 - Blizzard
Day 4 - Amputation
Day 5 - Whumpee Wearing Caretaker’s Clothes
Day 6 - Shipwreck
Day 7 - Drowning
Day 8 - Reunion
Day 9 - Dehydration
Day 10 - Execution
Day 11 - Safe and Sound
Day 12 - Avalanche
Day 13 - Drugging
Day 14 - Gifts
Day 15 - Food Poisoning/Throwing Up
Day 16 - Humiliation
Day 17 - Forgiveness
Day 18 - Apocalypse
Day 19 - Collared
Day 20 - Quenched Thirst
Day 21 - Vertigo
Day 22 - Recapture
Day 23 - Massage
Day 24 - Bear Trap
Day 25 - Whipping
Day 26 - Snuggling
Day 27 - Chronic Pain
Day 28 - Body Control
Day 29 - Tending to Non-Human Whumpee’s Non-Human Parts
Day 30 - Overdose
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