#dawah men
p2ii · 1 year
[Start Video Description: a tiktok by user nusularay.
a clip of a tiktok featuring Ali Dawah plays, captioned "Why body count affects women more?" He is sitting infront of a mic, looking of-camera. He says;
"[...]Because men are created polygamous, Allah had to put in our fitra-"
the video is cut of and stiched to user nusularay's account, a black woman in a yellow shirt sits on camera, she says;
"you know what i have a different take on this, let's assume hes right, let's assume that Allah created this man polygamous. And also cater to that need by allowing them to have up to 4 different wives, lets assume he's right.
So Allah created men polygamous with a polygamous nature, and also catered to that need by, you know, you can have 4 different wives if you want to.
Interesting how Allah has also created some people to be gay or with the nature to be gay but they have to repress and deny those aspects of them, whereas god has catered to straight man to allow them up to 4 differet wives because of the nature that he also created them as.
you see how that dosnt add up? how god can cater to one nature whilst disregarding the rest. I think people forget that god being the infinite energy has never written any book, god has not written the bible; god has not written the Quran, god has not written the Torah, nothing. People have -excume me- men have, and im not saying those books have no knowledge and wisdom in them, those books have alot of wisdom, but men wrote those books; Which makes sence for all the inconsistencies god because we're inperfect beings trying to create a perfect that there is.
I just find it interesting how Abrahamic religions act like they have god all figured out, 'this is who god is', 'this is what god allows', 'this is-' god is an infinite energy, how do you have god all figured out? That is what i find interesting"
the video ends with the tiktok end card
/End Video Description.]
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milatibrahiim · 1 year
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
In shaa allah you are all in the best state of health and imaan. I am writing up this letter as naseeha for my beloved sisters, as I am noticing a trend nowadays where a new sisters owned dawah page will pop up at least once a week. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to spread dawah, it is of course one of the 4 principles of tawheed. However, the amount of compromising and lack of hayaa is very ironic. And concerning to say the least.
I trust that the intention of these sisters are pure and filled with motivation in wanting to convey the message. But remember dear sister, there are conditions and limitations one must follow. Did not Aaisha r. a give dawah behind a screen with her voice firm and her demenor strict? So why is it my dear sister you think it's "dawah" by constantly uploading personal images and captions onto your stories? Updating the world of your whereabouts? What you're having for dinner? Sharing memes and laughing with the world? My dear sister what is this?
Wallahi every sister who falls into this must be ashamed of themselves. A Muslimah is to be quiet, shy and reserved. When she is addressing those who aren't her mahaarim, she is firm in her voice and to the point. She understands that just because she may cover her entire
body, doesn't mean she still isn't vulnerable and susceptible to fitnah. Your hijab is also a concealment of your tongue and actions.
You're absolutely contradicting the purpose of your hijab when you cover yourself head to toe, black on black, no skin showing whatsoever, but you go ahead and expose yourself to your stories, giggling with strange brothers over nonsense, and sharing what kind of attar and abayas you love to wear.
Ya Allah, Allahu musta'aan. Have some humility dear sister. The Lord of all the Worlds is watching you and will hold you accountable. The next time you find yourself writing up a post about hayaa and hijab, look to yourself and ask, are you even applying the concept of that yourself? Have some sense dear sister.
Another common issue I'm also witnessing, is these arguments between brothers and sisters over a political issue pertaining to the deen. It's as if both parties have lost all sense of their dignity and hayaa. And you dear sister, are no better. Yes the man is responsible for himself, but you too are responsible. You dear sister, are responsible for entertaining such behaviour. As someone once stated, these men are not your mahaarim to care about your honour the way you value it.
And as for private messages, these sisters don't even realise it was them that opened that door to fitnah. You have no one to blame but yourself. Again, yes these brothers are responsible for themselves, but you are too. You made it known you were a woman and turned your so called dawah page into a funhouse, that invited all these men into your dms. Wake up to yourself seriously.
My biggest advice to every single sister who wishes to spread dawah, one, move to telegram as there is no communication whatsoever with anyone. You are able to completely turn off likes, comments which distract the heart and causes it to forget its intentions.
Two, do NOT make it known you are a sister. First of all, its not necessary and you're making the first mistake in sharing information that just isn't important to know. It is knowledge that does not benefit. And secondly, you become a hotspot for fitnah.
Enough with the attention seeking. You may not see it as that, but that's exactly what is happening. Basic fact and reality does not conceal your ignorance.
And thirdly, it's honestly better for you to remove yourself from these socials and start by seeking dawah yourself. Replace the time you'd put in to reply to messages and check who liked your posts with seeking knowledge. And not just seeking but implementing. In the long run, this is a far better option for you because at least you will have on your concious that you will enter your grave with absolutely nothing, but the knowledge that you prepared for it.
Please forgive me for my harsh bluntness, it is all out of frustration and concern for my dear sisters in Islam. I ask Allah to purify our intentions and forgive us for our shortcomings, may He increase us in knowledge, and may He not take our souls except when He is pleased with us.
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samosa-merchant · 2 years
The lack of modesty in particular people that seem to be giving dawah on public platforms la hawla wa quwatta illah billah. This brother outwardly said, "some of you guys think women are too special and too important - bruv it's a hole". May Allah protect my ummah from men like this, this is frightening
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manhajsalafiyyah · 4 days
@dusdawah By Allah An Agnostic Men Accepts Islam Today @Dawah Table. Alhamdolillah
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diorstarr · 14 days
the men on social media who give dawah are such a joke honestly
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automatismoateo · 9 months
Muslim Apologists are insane via /r/atheism
Muslim Apologists are insane Just went down a rabbit hole of watching zakir naik, Mohammed hijab, Ali dawah, and other Islamic apologists because I was curious about how depraved this religion is, and let me say their rhetoric is absolutely disgusting. These Islamic apologists will make endless content mocking lgbt people, those who don’t conform to gender roles (especially feminine men), they advocate for pedophilia with one apologist even saying that the moment his daughter can menstruate (even if she’s 12) she is a woman who he can reasonably give away to marriage to a good Muslim man . I see them advocate for the death penalty for those who leave or criticise Islam. The least awful apologist believes in deporting lgbt people instead of killing them, how nice. Half of them support the taliban. The amount of Muslims I’ve seen justify marital rape because ‘the man is the authority’ is insane. And advocating for serious punishment just because someone wants to eat pork instead of lamb or chicken? Insane. Supporting jihad because someone mocks your religion just like you mock those who don’t fit into its norms. It’s really crazy to me that most of these Muslim apologists live in the west, instead of countries which have these views, and the rhetoric of the most popular Islamic apologists on the world is comparable to what the westboro baptists preach. Submitted December 26, 2023 at 12:09AM by SeaworthinessRich646 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/AMhkBFt)
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keyki421 · 11 months
I stumbled back onto Muslim Youtube and it's truly crazy. It amazes me how many Muslim men love Andrew Tate and will defend everything he does. It's also a bit pathetic. I see why these men remain unmarried. I'm sure no woman in their family is claiming them. It's crazy how they talk so much about having 4 wives and yet many of them can barely get one wife.
It's also crazy that they don't realize they are actually doing a disservice to Islam. These men are trying to give dawah, but they are doing it in such a way that would make any woman run for their lives away from them. They are doing the opposite of what they claim to do.
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apricotluvr · 2 years
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Sorry who’s “we”? People still listen to men like Ali Dawah in 2023?
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Foreigner Mercy 🥀 Oh yes The Cartoon Movie Odyssey or Pinocchio what relatives would do any day to have another great story to tell around the campfire with the kids grandparents love all gods children 👶 MythBusters ♦️ oh yeah imaginary friends of The Tails Doll ♦️ ha ha ha nuck nuck nuck guess it was always better to be loved to have a friend or a lover 💕 in life than say no one had a friend or lover because all life forms are loved oh wait everyone what’s that an airplane ✈️ no a rocket 🚀 ship oh my wait oh no 🙊 baby 👶 Look it’s a beautiful woman 👩 where oh yeah that’s right KirubiRenamonTailsDollLucario 👿♦️🇩🇪Balloons 🎈 oh look it’s The Metaphorical and Literal Stanley Parable 🧬 Truth or Lie did the world victimize itself at any point of time or not will we recede from justice for good Valuing All Life to not kill it for mere sport or game how civil the individual society of humblest men said all at once to redeem all persecutive/victimizing behaviours in all hiding fathers/men in Redemption of hurtful behaviours all unkind hating boys screaming I don’t want to take a bath 🛁 well mama dearest doesn’t need you blaming persecuted kind son Christ for his troubles said GodMother Worldwide Baby 👶 Shower 🧼 Love ❤️ well ya know just not wanting to listen to your mother was a lot for persecuted kindhearted son Christ who was timid, shy in self love belief he would have been the Center of a introvert woman’s heart ☯️Lots of worthiness and gratitude in loving hunter Metaphorical or/and literal Conceptual Paradoxes of Meaning in Life itself The ironic controversies of life’s True Love 💕 Grasp the heart of the matrix 🧬 was the Metaphorically or/and literally past/present/future concepts&tenses of grammar alliteration of social love not social hate yes sigh 😔 socialism social studies and national interest vs individual interest of smaller
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society 🇩🇪
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What was Deepest Sympathy&Compassion&Mercy ✝️ Matrix 🧬 of Whole Multiverse Universe ☯️♾🧬♾☯️
What R All my Means ♦️ Tails Doll Introvert Woman 🇩🇪
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All Macro Furry Women ☯️
All Macro Furry Women ☯️
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stillevann · 5 years
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modestybae · 5 years
The percentage of men involved in e dawah, or dawah in general is saddening tbh. At least in the Middle East, the majority of the e dawah organizations are run by women. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great, but the place of men in dawah can’t be filled with women.
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storiesofthesahabah · 3 years
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You're tired.
You feel like life is throwing too much on you, you delay your salah and at times to a point that you miss it. You feel stressed out as if there's no more way out from all the problems you are facing. You feel unhappy that even through listening to Islamic lectures or the Qur'an - your heart still feels empty.
Indeed, you are positive that you have drifted away - that you are truly lost.
Yet, here you are - reading this post because you saw "hold on" on the poster. Doesn't that tell you something? Yes, you want to read this because you are holding on - you are looking for a way out. You have not totally drifted away from Allah rather Allah is still calling you back to Him.
Wandering soul, you have to understand that a believer's heart will always become uneasy when it has swayed away from its Creator. Whatever you are feeling now - this emptiness, this depression, this sadness and all those negative emotions - its a result of your abandonment of Allah and the Qur'an - nothing else.
You"think" you may have many "reasons" to justify why you are in such situations such as:
[1] you find it hard to marry someone.
Have you not thought that maybe you are in a haraam relationship or that you are having idle talks with the opposite sex or just ultimately you are not doing the means of asking Allah for it?
[2] you are in so much debt.
Have you not thought that maybe you are in this mess because you are earning from a thing that is haraam or has riba (interest) in it? Give sadaqah even a smile or a good word is sadaqah. Do not be greedy on it.
[3] your marriage is on the rocks.
Have you not thought that maybe your relationship has gone downhill because you have made your spouse greater in position in your life than Allah? Recollect your thoughts. The more a couple is closer to Allah, so will their relationship will be.
[4] you are failing in everything you seem to do.
Have you not thought that maybe you are having so much screen time that you get so lazy in studying or revising. Remember, Allah is the one who brings ease, he told you this in the Qur'an not only once - but twice. Inna ma'al usri yusra.
These are just maybe the couple of challenges that us, nowadays, face yet let me give you some samples that would make you realize how minute these challenges we face compared to the people who came before us.
Julaybib Radiyallahu Anhu - I know a lot of you may have heard about his story but let me just tell you a glimpse of it - he found it very hard to get married due to his appearance yet his adaab and akhlaaq were such high that our beloved Prophet Muhammad took him as his own.
Due to his diligence upon Allah and his perfection of his faith, Allah showered him with the blessings of raising his status both here in the dunya and akhirah. Allah blessed him with a great woman to be his wife as well - all of this because he held on (to Allah). So, hold on. [1]
Mus'ab Ibn Umair Radiyallahu Anhu - if you have been reading my posts, then I am sure you would have come across his story in one of them. He was known as the flower of the Qurash - due to his appearance and status. He was so handsome and came from a high status and prominent family. He was known for his lavish clothes, as well.
When Islam came, he was one of the few people who accepted it and due to this his family threw him out from their lives and along with it all of the luxuries. He was the person that when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam see, he would tear up because of the sacrifices he has done for Islam and being with him.
My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you may be in debt which is a thing that you can repay here and there but imagine Mus'ab - he was left with nothing and know that he was brought up with all the luxuries in life so his life turned 360 in just one day.
With his tolerance and great sacrifice, Allah raised his status by making him the first envoy of Islam. He was the first messenger that was sent to Madinah to do dawah before our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam made hijrah - all of this because he hold
on (to Allah), So hold on. [2]
Umm Hakeem Bint Harith Radiyallahu Anha - I wrote about this beautiful woman in one of my posts. She is the wife of Ikrimah - the son of Abu Jahl. Her love story is very fascinating. She is an epitome of patience and true love, indeed.
When she entered the fold of Islam, her husband Ikrimah fled to Yemen out of the fear that he may be put on the sword as Muslims have finally conquered Makkah. So, instead of just living her new life as a Muslim - she made a plea to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam instead that to give her the chance to convince her husband to come into the fold of Islam as she believes her husband will be of a useful man for Islam.
So she went on to search for her husband - the story is quite long but as soon as she found her husband - she did her best to convince him and indeed Ikrimah joined her back to Makkah and ultimately entered the fold of Islam.
If your marriage are on the rocks - then imagine Umm Hakeem's situation that time - just because she entered the fold of Islam - she was left all alone and fragile but she never gave up on her husband and indeed if our love is true for our spouse - we won't just give up on him/her - we will do whatever it takes to save them, so even with the amplest faith left - she held on (to Allah). So, hold on. [3]
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam - there is no introduction needed for this great man. Rather, I want to remind you of his encounter with the people of Taif when he was thrown rocks at to the point that only his sandals were not covered with blood.
And before this incident happened, he tried to talk to the people and the leaders of the tribe of Ta'if and failure upon failure did he get to the extend that he was shattered with blood with their rocks. Yet, when he was pale and in pain and Jibrail Alaihi Salaam came and asked him if he wanted to take revenge on the people of Taif - our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said no because he held on (to Allah) that someone amongst in the progeny of these people might become a follower of Islam.
Imagine the physical abuse he had gone through, and we are here just feeling depressed as if the work has turned its back on us - he was covered with blood while here we are reading this post in the comfort of our homes - yet we still feel everything is going downhill.
He Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam held on (to Allah), So hold on. [4]
My dear brothers and sisters, true and ultimate failure is the abandonment of Allah and the Qur'an. We reap what we sow. If we walk into this life deluded with the tricks of Shaitaan and giving into each of them - then we have indeed, failed our test here and ultimately we will face that on the day we meet Allah.
Yet, if we walk into this life with the light of Islam and abiding to what has been given to us in accordance of this beautiful way of life, then be ready to harvest the rewards of it on the day we finally all enter Jannah.
A simple thought that you can also go by, if all of the above has not affected your heart - Jannah. Imagine, just imagine the day you enter the gates of Jannah. So hold on, hold tight to Allah.
Allah isn't the one who has let you go, you are the one who let go - yet His Mercy is still there - so Hold on to it.
Hold on. Jannah - in there is the true success.
May Allah make it easy for all of us.
Most of the stories were paraphrased. You can find more of the stories here:
[1] Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah Al-Ahzab
[2] Men Around the Messenger
[3] Commanders of the Muslim Army, Ghadanfar, p. 161-165
[4] Muslim, Kitab ul Jihad
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ynx1 · 2 years
It is reported that Al-Khalīl b. Aḥmad said:
Men are of four types: There is the man who knows and he knows that he knows. He is knowledgeable, so follow him and ask him. And there is the man who does not know, and he knows that he does not know. He is ignorant, so teach him. And there is the man who knows, but he does not know that he knows. He is heedless, so remind him. And then there is the man who does not know, but he does not know that he does not know (he thinks he knows). This is the fool (idiot), so beware of him.
Ibn ˁAbd Al-Barr, Jāmiˁ Bayān Al-ˁilm wa Faḍlihī article 1538.
#Character #Dawah #Guidance #knowledge
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womenfrommars · 2 years
You must have known about the man who was spewing racist slurs on a plane, he was wearing a burger king crown and that became a meme for a while with edgy 4 Chan racists.
Also half the men you deemed ugly in your example were Arab men.
Also, you use based a lot which 4 Chan users love to use.
🤔 there's a reason I'm suspicious
I did not hear of that meme actually, but based on this description he sounds mentally unwell
One of the men I included is Ali Dawah who is a massive misogynist who believes child marriage is a-okay provided the girl has menstruated. He also calls for the deaths of apostates of Islam. I believe the other "Arab" was DJ Khaled who is to my knowledge black and I was just clowning on him because he got infamous for saying he didn't perform oral sex on women
The based meme started, like half of all the memes on the Internet, on 4chan. There's a reason the site is called a meme factory. People like to steal memes from them because it takes away their language, meaning it will be harder for them to find one another via dog whistles. "Appropriating" their memes is actually a good thing. The creator of Pepe the Frog also wants average people to use it more so racists can't use it to find one another, for example
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julaibib · 3 years
Assalamu alaikum
I'm engaged , we are getting married in November
But I recently I find out that he has many female followers in his Facebook like 70 or 80 % are girl
He interacts with them ,nothing haram or haram talks like flirt or anything
But after finding this my feelings for him just fading away
I don't want my future husband to have female followers on social media or interact with them
I sometimes overthink some stuff and decide to not marry him
But he is open to me ,infact he told me all this and said I have no secrets for you .
I'm really in confusion I don't know what to do I feel like he chats with other girls in Messenger maybe I'm overthinking but I'm really upset about it
وعليكم السلام
If he does not do anything Haram and there is nothing wrong, then what is the problem, what if he is a daayeh or performs dawah and will deal with men and women What will you do What if there are women in his workplace Will you ask for a divorce from him?
This is a mistake in thinking, because if this man is suitable for you and on deen , you do not have to think about all these things as long as he does not do anything wrong.
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saqrqa3d · 3 years
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📝 Dr. Eyad Qunaibi:
I was speaking to my daughters yesterday about the studies which say that a significant percentage of suicide cases among young women are the result of their unhappiness with their own appearance!
One of my daughters said:
"True. We very often hear young girls saying things like, 'I look hideous!' "
This issue is more severe than many parents may think.
These young girls spend extended periods of time on platforms such as Instagram, where photos of "celebrities", "singers" & "influencers" are circulated; then she starts comparing herself with those unrealistic "standards of beauty"!
This young girl doesn't know that many of those women undergo plastic surgery, and suffer mentally in order to maintain their looks.
She doesn't know that those women she sees on social media are the clearest example of "the objectification of women" where women are treated as a commodity not as human beings.
She doesn't know that behind that skin, powders, and creams, many of these women are hiding a troubled, crushed, scared, shattered, and weak soul.
That young girl wasn't taught by her parents, or at school, or by society that her value lies in her devoutness, her courteous moral character, intelligence, and her pure heart. All these virtues can be acquired with no need for makeup or surgery. Qualities that become more admirable over time, unlike external beauty which fades away with time.
That young girl wasn't raised upon: "Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you."
Surat Al-Hujurat 49:13,
or upon the hadith of our Prophet ﷺ;
"Allah does not look at your bodies nor at your appearances. Rather, He looks at your hearts and your deeds." [Muslim]
Even for men, it's very often the case that they give priority to appearances and disregard the goodness of the heart and the purity of the soul.
The result: The young girl becomes unhappy with her appearance- which according to her, is the gauge of her value - thus, she becomes insecure. Rather, she might even object to her Qadar (that which Allah has predestined for her).
O' my daughter, be strong and free: be strong with your faith, your pride in your religion, and the merits which Allah has granted you. Be free from the false standards adopted by many girls of your generation and society...
Your value is not determined by such people; they can't even attain happiness or serenity for themselves, let alone grant it to you.
Let your heart become focused solely on pleasing the One who looks at your heart*, Exalted be He, so that you may live a life well-pleased, in serenity, and be well-pleasing to Him the Almighty.
*Allah does not reward you based on your bodies and forms, nor do you get closer to Him by such means. However, you get rewarded based on your sincerity, truthfulness, and righteous deeds.
#socialmedia #society #sociology #False #standards #Dawah
#muslim #muslimah
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