#david palffy
labelleperfumery · 1 year
'Smallville' Star Erica Durance Separates from Husband
“Smallville” star Erica Durance is leaving her Clark Kent … because she and her husband, actor David Palffy, have split. A rep for Erica, who played Lois Lane on the superhero TV show, tells TMZ … “David and Erica have decided to amicably… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/04/19/smallville-erica-durance-splits-husband-actor-david-palffy/
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The Sweetest Sting
Episode Recap #37: The Sweetest Sting Original Airdate: January 21, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Art Hindle as McCabe David Palffy as Fred Marr Tim Webber as Bob Tucker Elva Mai Hoover as Joanne Hendricks Victor Sutton as Ben Landis Gerry Pearson as Purdy J. Winston Carroll as Norman Hendricks Tedde Moore as Dr. Meade Ilse von Glatz as Diane
Written by Rick Butler, Roy Sallows Directed by David Winning
Late Autumn on a sort of rundown farm. Guy in a truck pulls up to a man on the side of the road selling honey cheap. The man wants to buy some and the guy offers him taste, spilling some on the man as he does. The bee seller puts on his suit to the confusion of the other dude, says his bees are ornery. He then proceeds to let the bees free, and they attack the man, stinging him to death before returning to the hive box.
Cut to a night scene at the bee keeper's place. He leads an older man to a chair and puts honey on his hands, then places his hands in wooden contraption, and the man cannot get them free. He asks if his family will be looked after, and the bee keeper, McCabe, says they will believe he died in a car crash. McCabe appears in the other room where man's honey covered hands are, and dons his bee suit again, letting the bees sting this man's hands until he dies. McCabe goes into the room and the old man has been transformed into the younger man from the road. McCabe says he'll have to come back weekly for a "pick me up". The man is elated.
Another day, Micki arrives at a house looking for Mr. Purdy. A man with a shotgun and a barking dog appears at the door, saying he is Purdy's brother. Micki tries to explain she is looking for a hive his brother bought from the store. He tells Micki his brother is dead and wants her to leave, saying people aren't safe there at nightfall.
In an office, a Mr. Hendricks is getting bad news: his tumor will kill him in six to twelve months. She tries to comfort him that death is inevitable. He leaves, replaying the conversation, then sees the younger transformed man staring at him. Hendricks walks off.
Micki is at a phone booth telling Jack about her brief run in with Purdy's brother. Jack says Ryan can look up Purdy's death certificate, he'll do more research, and she says she'll love for more bee apiaries. Jack tells Ryan the hive is a one of a kind piece and that he is clueless as to how the curse will operate with it.
At his office, Hendricks is called in to the boss's office. The younger boss said he is phasing out the older man's division and he's being fired and losing his pension, to boot. Hendricks tries to reason with him but gets nowhere.
Ryan returns to Curious Goods with the death certificate for Purdy. He was stung by bees countless times after he bought the hive, so whoever has it now has been in possession of it for over a year. Ryan says there haven't been any other deaths by bee stinging, all deaths in that area have been normal. Jack wants to get to the place and goes to borrow Rashid's car.
Hendricks walks replaying his day in his head. The younger man from the bee transformation approaches him and Hendricks thinks he's being mugged. The man calls him Norm and tells him he is really Ben Landis. Hendricks says Ben died weeks ago in a crash, but the man tries to convince him it is true and eventually says enough to prove it. He asks how long his friend has to live, then tells him there is another option. Hendricks is unsure, but Ben is convincing enough. He leaves him a note with the name of the Apiary.
That night, Hendricks shows up at McCabe's apiary. He says if he signs over his life insurance to McCabe, how can he be sure his wife will be taken care of? McCabe reminds him how happy Ben is now. He offers to find someone that will be a good fit for his skill set.
At home, Hendricks tries to prepare his wife "just in case" something happens to him. But she is looking forward to their retired life together, unaware of all that has happene to her husband. He placates her.
Later, his boss is getting into an elevator and McCabe, acting like a janitor, joins him. He pulls out a jar of honey and puts a glob on the man's coat. He then lets his bees free to attack while covering himself.
Back at the apiary at night, Ben and Hendricks arrive. McCabe sends the older man inside, then tells Ben he needs to find an older man to substitute for his friend when he "dies". Ben is reluctant to kill, but McCabe threatens him with the need for a fresh dose of honey, pointing out how the man's hand is looking aged already. He leaves Ben to ponder the deal with the devil he has made. Inside, he has the bees sting Hendricks with the curse turning him
Driving, Ben spies a hitchhiker and picks him up, hiding a hook behind him. At the apiary, Hendricks body has transformed into that of his boss, young and healthy. Ben drags the now unconscious hitchhiker to a tractor and then turns the machine on, killing him. Ryan and Micki try and convince Purdy's brother to help them find the cursed hive box. He keeps his gun aimed at them an won't talk more than saying the area is cursed and he is protecting himself from someone.
Jack is talking to McCabe, but the man says no one would want an old antique bee hive. Ben arrives, his face looking aged, asking McCabe for "that honey". McCabe calls him Bob and says his order is all boxed up. Jack is suspicious.
McCabe is not happy with Ben and they argue, McCabe threatening Ben, who promises to keep his mouth shut. He then swallows up the honey.
In a field, Micki, Ryan and Jack try and figure out what is going on, Jack saying the man who approached McCabe looked "prematurely old". Micki remembers something from school about Egyptians using bees to restore youth. Jack says many cultures hold similar beliefs. He heads back to the store to do more research while they head back to try and spy on McCabe.
Hendricks in his new body and role as boss calls his wife, who is distraught over husband's death. He offers condolences, and offers any help he can.
Micki and Ryan snoop around McCabe's barn and set off a sensor that alerts him. Ryan finds the room with the chair and hand holds. Micki searches elsewhere and finds the stash of honey. They can't figure out what the chair is for and Ryan goes to search the loft. Micki tastes some of the honey. Ryan finds the bees and hive and McCabe approaches, covered in his suit. He lets the bees free and Ryan calls to Micki to flee. She is attacked before she can make it to the car and Ryan gets the fire extinguisher from the trunk and sprays her free of bees. They jump in and drive off, to McCabe's dismay.
Jack studies a bee under a microscope. It is full of blood, Ryan calls them vampire bees. Jack said they usually die after stinging, but these only died after Ryan sprayed them. They work out the honey keeping people young part, but can't figure out why there have been any bodies found with bee stings. They agree to confront Purdy's brother a third time.
Mrs. Hendricks calls her husband's boss, unknowing it is really him. She's concerned about the low pension, and that her husband changed his policy to a different person. He says he will look into it an take care of it for her. Then McCabe bursts into the office. He wants to know why the man hasn't answered his calls. "Hendricks" says he is unhappy, but McCabe says he owes him everything, happiness isn't his concern. He's there to collect on his debt. He needs more bodies, and that "Hendricks" will do whatever McCabe wants, which is to use this job to contact even richer, more powerful clients for his honey. McCabe again threatens his continued youth. He gives the man the Curious Goods business card and says he wants all three from the store dead.
Purdy is seen walking his property with his rifle, which Ryan wrests away from him suddenly. Jack and Micki appear and want to know where the hive is hidden. Purdy says the hive is from hell. He's reluctant to help and they push him until he admits McCabe IS his brother, having used the hive on himself first, killing the original McCabe and turning himself into the younger man. Micki wonders about why no bee-stung bodies, and Purdy says he makes the deaths look like normal farm accidents. They leave.
"Hendricks" is having coffee with his widow, trying to tell him how much her husband loved her. But she knows Marr fired her husband and calls him out on it. She begins to cry and wants him to leave. He again offers help. When he's gone, McCabe appears behind her and chloroforms the woman.
At the apiary at night, an aging "Hendricks" says they need to talk. He says he is not a killer. But McCabe shows Mrs. Hendricks stuck with her hands in the box. McCabe tells him if he refuses to do as told, she'll die.
The Curious Goods trio are watching the apiary from their car and see McCabe with "Marr", unsure who he is. They leave the car to find the cursed hive box. Mrs. Hendricks is still stuck and gagged. "Hendricks" stops driving away, looking at his aged face in the mirror.
Micki and Ryan decide to box all the honey and put it in the vault. McCabe sees the light on in the barn. "Hendricks" turns around and drives back to the farm.
Ryan brings one box of honey to the car as Micki packs another. They see McCabe heading toward the barn. Inside, Micki finds Mrs. Hendricks and ungags and frees her hands as McCabe walks in, gun drawn. He then puts Micki's hands in the bee box holes. He goes to get honey for her hands, but an even more aged "Hendricks" arrives, with the rifle. McCabe is able to knock the gun out of the man's hands when Ryan and Jack burst in to save Micki. They go to free Micki and the other woman while McCabe and "Hendricks" struggle.
McCabe sets his bees free on them, but they flee the barn. He is confident they can't run, but then "Hendricks shoots the jars of honey, which explode all over McCabe, causing the bee to attack him. Outside, "Hendricks" calls to his JoJo, who is very confused. She goes to the dying man who asks for forgiveness. He transforms back into his old body after he dies.
Ryan puts the bee box in the vault. Micki asks Jack if it was okay to let the bees go, and Jack says the hive was cursed, not the bees. Micki wonders if they'll ever know how many died from this item, Ryan says Purdy's brother should have spoken up sooner. Jack says sometimes all that's needed for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing. Ryan shuts the vault.
My thoughts:
The bee hive box is a convoluted antique, using honey and multiple people to work its curse. It makes you wonder how the first guy, Purdy before he became McCabe, figured it all out.
This curse is a demanding one, too. Not only does it transform the people, but they need to rely on weekly doses of honey to remain young in their new forms. McCabe should be making lots of money with this scheme - and lots of enemies.
Loved the Autumn settings around the farm country. Some of the barns had seen better days, but the scenes were very pretty. And loved the little look at Rashid's unique car!
Overall, and interesting story. Loved Jack's comment at the end about evil triumphing if good men do nothing. And when Ryan comments about Hendricks changing his mind at the end, and Micki says its good to know they are not alone in their pursuit of justice. Nice end.
Next week: The Playhouse
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theactioneer · 5 years
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Storm German VHS (David Winning, 1987)
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spockvarietyhour · 6 years
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- Anubis? - Yeah kind of an over-the-top, clichéd bad guy, black cloak, oily skin, kinda spooky.
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stargatecaps · 6 years
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justfilms · 6 years
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#950 House of the Dead - Uwe Boll 2003
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celebzall · 2 years
David Palffy is a Canadian actor renowned for his role as Anubis and Sokar on Stargate SG-1.
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hellochriiiishstuff · 3 years
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wikiblog-org · 3 years
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shelbyhuesario · 7 years
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#Comics #Supergirl  Facebook Live Chat with #EricaDurance #Smallville
Erica Durance did a Facebook Live Chat with the fans top answer their questions about her new gig in “Supergirl”. Here are the questions she answered:
David Palffy: Hey you remind me a lot of my mom! I think you will be an amazing Alura as I know that you are an amazing mom! Oh by the way it's your son! Love you as always and forever! Erica Durance: Is that my wonderful son? My inspiration and constant source of pride. Brandon Christopher: When are you going to get Tom Welling to make an appearance? Not that you alone getting back into Superverse isn’t awesome! ED: It's on my to do list. Ha! Luke Tucker: Welcome back to the land of superheroes! After 5 years on a different style of show in Saving Hope, what are you most enjoying being back in this genre (action, comedy, costumes)? ED: Hey Luke! Yes, after Acting, producing, and directing...the blood, gore, and science of medicine, it is nice to have pretty hair, beautiful dresses, and a wind fan. Rachel Fitz: Will we see you again in season 3 with Melissa aka Kara in a scene and maybe see your character alive just like we all think Mon'el is alive too but on another planet Erica?! #Supergirl#AskErica ED: I have worked with Melissa, loved it, she was what you would expect. Down to earth and incredibly generous. As for Alura's future. We will be seeing more of her in new and very creative ways... Sam Hudson: Did you ever foresee a moment where you would become another character in the "Super" world, much like many actors became new characters on Smallville? ED: No I didn't, but it seemed like it would be fun, and I looked forward to working with dear friends.....SUZANNE Olivia Luder: What does it mean to you to be on such a feminist show, particularly in this day & age?) thank you! ED: Any chance to be part of something that puts women in the forefront is a pleasure. Aaron Price: An as aspiring actor, I always love the work of others in the industry. My question Erica, what got you interested in acting and who was your inspirations idols? ED: Knew I wasn't going to be a neurosurgeon... so... acting it was. HA! Seriously though, just gravitated to it and kept coming back for more. Cindy Kat DM: Did you needed to do an audition to get the part in Supergirl? + If you needed to do one pls tell me the details of it! Thanks! ED: No, just spoke with Andrew. Rachel Luciano: You looked stunning in the season premiere! Can't wait to see what else is in store for you this season. Can you share a fave memory so far? ED: I had a scene in an upcoming episode with the young Kara... It was really nice to play a mother/daughter dynamic. Carey Johnson: Erica, you're coming into an established show, Supergirl, much like you did with Smallville. How do you navigate being the new kid on the block, compared to being the lead, like on Saving Hope? ED: Good question. After 5 years as a lead i needed a break, so this is lovely to come in, do my work and then take off home to my babies. Nathan Sponenberg: Are there particular versions of Lois that you looked to for inspiration when playing the character? To me, you're the perfect live action version of the Animated Series Lois. ED: Thanks, to be honest, when I started on Smallville, it was fast and furious, so not a lot of time for research. But loved Margot Kidder. Eric Johnston: How many episodes have you filmed so far? ED: About 5 so far but its been great Giovanni Mark Mane: In general who is better Lois Lane or Iris West? ED: Why do they have to compete? Chantël Rodriguez: How does it feel to be apart of the supergirl cast? ED: Everyone has been very welcoming. Fun to be apart of this universe again.
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itsjustascarecrow · 7 years
May Birthdays in the NHL
mainly currently players but i listed a few notable retired players and ahl’ers
May 1st:
David Backes
Antoine Bibeau
Dylan DeMelo
Patrick Eaves
Frederick Gaudreau
Max McCormick
William Nylander
Jaccob Slavin
May 2nd:
Jason Chimera
Brett Connolly
Kris Russell
May 3rd:
Ron Hextall (retired)
Jared McCann
May (the) 4th (be with you):
Aaron Dell
Devan Dubnyk
John Stevens (retired)
James van Riemsdyk
May 5th:
Darcy Kuemper
Mitch Marner
Ziggy Palffy (retired)
Rickard Rakell
May 6th:
Martin Brodeur (retired)
Brendan Gallagher
May 7th:
Josh Anderson
Anton Khudobin
Nate Prosser
Jesse Puljujarvi
Chad Ruhwedel
David Schlemko
May 8th:
Lars Eller
Eric Gelinas (ahl)
Kevin Hayes
Matt Martin
Peter McNab (retired)
May 9th (also my bday!):
Ben Chiarot
Calvin de Haan
Vernon Fiddler (also fellow native american)
Riley Nash
Steve Yzerman (retired)
May 10th:
Ryan Getzlaf
Carter Rowney
Alex Tuch
May 11th:
Brad Marchand
May 12th:
Bracken Kearns
Colton Parayko
Antti Raanta
May 13th:
Taylor Beck
Jared Boll
Matt Greene
Jaroslav Halak
Anton Slepyshev
Mark Stone
P.K. Subban
Kris Versteeg
Travis Zajac
May 14th (no current players so i’ll just list the most recent player):
Jordan Szwarz
May 15th:
Jordan Eberle
Mark Fayne
Nick Holden
Valentin Zykov (ahl)
May 16th:
Jean-Sebastien Giguere (retired)
Mikhail Grigorenko
Corey Perry
Rick Rypien (rest easy, pal)
Jeff Skinner
May 17th:
Andy Andreoff
May 18th:
Chris Driedger
Jim Fox (retired)
Jari Kurri (retired)
Manny Malhotra (retired)
Marty McSorley (retired)
Aaron Ness
May 19th:
Connor Hellebuyck
Evgeny Kuznetsov
Michael Leighton
Jack Skille
May 20th:
Jacob de la Rose
May 21st:
Craig Anderson
Matt Hunwick
Kevin Rooney
May 22nd:
Evan McEneny
Roman Will (ahl)
May 23rd:
Esa Lindell
Curtis McElhinney
May 24th:
Artem Anisimov
Cody Eakin
Mattias Ekholm
Zach Sill (ahl)
May 25th:
Matt Benning
Kyle Brodziak
Michael Latta (ahl)
Matt Murray
David Pastrnak
May 26th:
Mathew Barzal
Josh Leivo
Jimmy Vesey
May 27th:
Nic Dowd
Marcus Kruger
Nelson Nogier
Chris Wagner
May 28th:
David Perron
May 29th:
Patrick Brown
Steve Mason
May 30th:
Scott Laughton
David Warsofsky
May 31st:
Joel Armia
Michael Bournival
Erik Karlsson
all names taken from this site (x) 
there’s probably a lot more players on this list who are currently in the ahl than the ones i listed but if it said they played in the nhl this year then i just left it as is. and i probably missed a fair few other big retired names b/c i just put the ones i recognized but i tried, lol. feel free to add to this tho if y’all think of any other notable retired players or players from other leagues!
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spockvarietyhour · 6 years
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stargatecaps · 6 years
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justfilms · 7 years
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House of the Dead - Uwe Boll 2003
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
David Palffy Married, Wife, Children, Net Worth, Facts, Wiki-Bio
David Palffy Married, Wife, Children, Net Worth, Facts, Wiki-Bio
David Palfy has a blissful married life but with whom? Source : The Globe and Mail Born Name David Palffy Birth Place Vancouver, British Columbia Height 6 feet Eye Color Black Zodiac Sign Pisces Nationality Canadian  Ethnicity Welsh – Hungarian descent Profession Actor Wife Erica Durance Net Worth $800 thousand Weight 78 kg Age 50 years Sibling Jeff Palffy
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
The Chiarelli Cup: Which GM can make the best starting roster from players they’ve traded away?
Last​ week we tried​ to​ figure​ out​ the​ identity​ of NHL​ history’s most entertaining​ trader by assembling​ starting​ lineups based on​​ players a single GM had traded for. Once we rigged the rules to keep Sam Pollock from rolling over the competition, it turned out to be a tight race.
But plenty of you had the same request: Now do it for players a GM had traded away. Or, as we took to calling it in the comment section, The Chiarelli Cup. OK, the customer is always right. You get your wish. Let’s do this.
A few notes before we get to the teams. First, we’re working with slightly different rules than last week. We’ll keep the Sam Pollock rule – the player himself has to be in the trade, not the draft pick used to select him. But last time, we were only giving GMs credit for what a player did on their team. Today, we’re giving credit for everything a player did in their career after the trade. So in theory, today’s rosters should be slightly better than last week’s.
It’s also worth pointing out that the easiest way to make the cut on a list like this is to have lots of trades to work from. Somebody who was only a GM for a few seasons just isn’t going to have the body of work to compete with somebody who was around for three decades (well, with one exception that we’ll get to). So this doesn’t actually end up being a list of history’s worst GMs like you might think. Guys who are widely considered to have been poor traders, like John Ferguson Jr., Réjean Houle or Mel Bridgman don’t show up here. They didn’t keep the job long enough and didn’t have enough talent to work with when they did.
And here’s one final note: There shouldn’t actually be any suspense here, since the answer is actually kind of obvious. Or at least, it should be. But maybe it isn’t, because of all the names I saw thrown around last week, almost nobody mentioned the actual frontrunner. So let’s see if you can figure it out before we get to the end of the list.
But we’ll begin at the beginning, with the man this exercise was named after.
Team Peter Chiarelli
Goalie: Tim Thomas
Defensemen: Johnny Boychuk, Justin Schultz
Forwards: Taylor Hall, Tyler Seguin, Phil Kessel
It’s a solid group. That forward line is a killer and we could follow it up with a second unit that includes Jordan Eberle and Blake Wheeler. There’s depth all up and down the roster, to be honest, and the Pollock rule means we’re not even giving credit for the Mathew Barzal pick here. But the starting blueliners are just OK and the goaltending isn’t great – Thomas should barely even count, since he was traded to the Islanders, never played and then left as a free agent before playing one more decent NHL season.
So Chiarelli’s not bad. But we can definitely do better. Let’s try the other name that probably popped into your head as soon as you heard the concept.
Team Mike Milbury
Goalie: Roberto Luongo
Defensemen: Zdeno Chara, Darius Kasparaitis
Forwards: Ziggy Palffy, Olli Jokinen, Todd Bertuzzi
Even without quite as much star power up front, this team beats Chiarelli’s pretty easily. It’s more balanced, with first-ballot Hall of Famers in goal and on the blueline. And it’s deep too, with names like Chris Osgood, Mathieu Schneider, Bryan McCabe, Bryan Berard, Michael Peca and Wendel Clark available.
Maybe even more impressively, it’s not like Milbury builds this roster by swinging high-profile but well-balanced blockbusters like some of his colleagues – he lost pretty much every trade that leads to that starting six. And you could make a strong case that we should waive the Pollock rule for Jason Spezza, since Milbury traded the second-overall pick on draft day and it was well-known at the time who the Senators would be using it on. We won’t do that here – rules are rules – but we all know what’s up.
So with apologies to its namesake, it’s Milbury who stakes out the early leader status for the Chiarelli Cup. But the competition is about to heat up.
Team David Poile
Goalie: Devan Dubnyk
Defensemen: Larry Murphy, Seth Jones
Forwards: Mike Gartner, Dino Ciccarelli, Jason Allison
Yikes. This loaded lineup is basically the anti-Milbury team; Poile did well on several of these trades, but has always been willing to give up something to get something. Still, that’s three Hall of Famers from his Washington days, plus two current all-stars – not to mention Shea Weber, who you could swap in on the blueline if you wanted. The third forward is really the only iffy spot, as Allison edges out a three-way Matt Duchene deal that only kind of counts.
The Dubnyk deal is a little bit of a sneaky addition, since he was barely considered an NHLer at that point and was basically given away to Montreal for nothing in return. Still, it counts, and based on his career resurgence in Minnesota it gives Team Poile a potential goaltending controversy with guys like Byron Dafoe and Tomas Vokoun. And as a side note, the Pollock Rule comes into play yet again, and it keeps a couple of big-name draft picks out of the Team Poile lineup: Joe Sakic and Erik Karlsson.
And just like that, I think we’ve got Milbury beat. With the two early favorites already out of the running, let’s see if we can find someone to challenge Poile.
>> Read the full post at The Athletic
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from All About Sports http://www.downgoesbrown.com/2019/02/the-chiarelli-cup-which-gm-can-make.html
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