#david bardin
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wwprice1 · 1 year ago
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These upcoming David Bardin covers are great!
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graphicpolicy · 1 year ago
David Bardin spotlights Marvel's iconic rogues galleries in Deadly Foes Variant Covers
David Bardin spotlights Marvel's iconic rogues galleries in Deadly Foes Variant Covers #comics #comicbooks
A hero is only as good as their villains, and the Marvel Universe is home to some of the greatest! Next year, see the most iconic rogues galleries in all of pop culture spotlighted in new Deadly Foes Variant Covers. Acclaimed illustrator Dave Bardin depicts Marvel’s super heroes with a lineup of their fiercest foes in these wonderful pieces that will adorn next year’s Giant-Size titles. Capturing…
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my-plastic-life · 2 years ago
Happy 30th anniversary to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! Thirty years ago today, the Power Rangers franchise debuted in the United States and was an instant hit. The series was originally a Japanese one titled Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger. All the footage of the Rangers in their armor, along with any shots of the Zords, battles (yep they used actual cardboard building props for those scenes), and villains is from the original Japanese series (any "monsters" received an English dub). The series was so popular here in the U.S. that Japan began showing it there - with subtitles! Yes, their original material was such a hit that the host country bought the rights to show it there!
Oh, and fun fact - ever notice how only the Pink Ranger has a skirt on her armor? That's because in the original Japanese version, there is only one girl Ranger - the pink one. The Yellow Ranger was a male in the original version, which is why there is no skirt with the armor.
Another fun fact - the Command Center? It's a real place! It's called House of the Book and is located on the American Jewish University's Brandeis-Bardin Campus in Simi Valley, California. So the exterior shots of the Command Center are of an actual building. How cool is that?!
To commemorate this milestone, I dug out some of my most valued possessions. I've had these three dolls since the series was still live on TV. They were literally made for girls, as depicted on their boxes (and only the girls were made, not the guys). These fashion dolls are about the size of a Skipper doll now, and each one came with her respective uniform and a blasting gun, as well as an extra set of clothes for school/everyday wear. All three girls were made - Kimberly, Trini, and Aisha. I was fortunate enough to get Trini before she was replaced by Aisha in the series. RIP to Trini's actress, Thuy Trang, who was sadly killed in a car accident in 2001. (And also RIP to our beloved Green/White Ranger, Jason David Frank, who died just last year).
So I dug the three of them out and got some photos. Kimberly and Trini will remain in their uniforms because it is very difficult to get those boots and gloves back on once they've been taken off. I opted to leave Aisha in her school clothes since there are two Yellow Rangers. Here they are in all their glory! Go, go, Power Rangers!
Kimberly & Trini:
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Yes, the helmets are only hollow shells that cover the faces LOL. Hey, it was 1993! The details are still great, though! These days you'd probably get uniforms with the details stickered on...
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In the Command Center, without helmets:
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Checking out the Viewing Globe - have to keep Angel Grove safe!
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And last but not least, Aisha, the successor of Trini!
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dispatchdcu · 12 days ago
Spider-Boy #16 Review
Spider-Boy #16 Review #spiderboy #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #spiderman #Amazon #peterparker #asm #amazingspiderman
Writers: Dan Slott Artists: Paco Medina Colorist: Erick Arciniega Letterer: Joe Caramagna Cover Artists: Paco Medina & Edgar Delgado; Dave Bardin; David Baldeón & Jesus Aburtov Designer: Adam Del Re Editors: Tom Groneman, Nick Lowe & CB Cebulski Publisher: Marvel Price: $4.99 Release Date: February 12, 2025 Spider-Girl loves winning. Friends may come and go, but trophies, medals, and ribbons are…
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comiccrusaders · 1 year ago
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the-paintrist · 9 months ago
Jean-Baptiste Regnault (9 October 1754 – 12 November 1829) was a French painter.
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Jean-Baptiste Regnault - Self-Portrait - 1793-94
Regnault was born in Paris, and began life at sea in a merchant vessel. At the age of fifteen his talent attracted attention, and he was sent to Italy by M. de Monval under the care of Jean Bardin. After his return to Paris in 1776, Regnault won the Prix de Rome for his painting Alexandre and Diogène and in 1783 he was elected to the French Académie des Beaux-Arts. His diploma picture, The Education of Achilles by Chiron the Centaur is now in the Louvre, as also are his Trois Grâces, Le Déluge, Descente de croix (Christ taken down from the Cross, originally executed for the royal chapel at Fontainebleau) and Socrate arrachant Alcibiade du sein de la Volupté. His L'origine de la peinture and L'origine de la sculpture, ou Pygmalion amoureux de sa statue are now at the Palace of Versailles.
He was the author of many large historical paintings, especially of allegorical subjects. His school, which reckoned amongst its attendants Pierre-Narcisse Guérin, Louis-Philippe Crépin, Louis Lafitte, Merry-Joseph Blondel, Robert Lefèvre, Henriette Lorimier and Alexandre Menjaud, was for a long while the rival in influence of that of David. Besides Blondel, Guérin, Lefèvre and Lorimier, Regnault's students included Godefroy Engelmann, Louis Hersent, Charles Paul Landon, Hippolyte Lecomte, Jacques Réattu, Jean-Hilaire Belloc and Anne Nicole Voullemier.
Regnault was married first to Sophie Meyer, then Sophie Félicité Beaucourt. He died in Paris. He is buried in Père-Lachaise Cemetery.
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The Origin of Sculpture (Pygmalion Praying Venus to Animate His Statue) (Jean-Baptiste Regnault, 1786)
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londranotizie24 · 3 years ago
Elezioni Politiche 2022, guida al voto
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Elezioni Politiche 2022, guida al voto Di Londra Notizie 24 La guida al voto delle Elezioni politiche 2022 per gli italiani all'estero, con le informazioni utili e le dichiarazioni di alcuni candidati. Elezioni Politiche 2022, guida al voto per gli italiani in Regno Unito Le prossime Elezioni politiche 2022 sono state fissate per il 25 settembre 2022 quando in Italia si voterà per rinnovare la Camera dei Deputati e il Senato della Repubblica. I cittadini residenti all’estero e temporaneamente all’estero voteranno prima (le schede elettorali dovranno arrivae agli Uffici consolari entro il 22settembre) per i candidati della Circoscrizione estero. Londra Notizie 24 ha provato a contattare alcuni candidati e gli ha chiesto informazioni sul loro programma in particolare per gli italiani all'estero nel caso saranno eletti. Ecco i candidati. Camera dei Deputati - Circoscrizione Estero - Europa - Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra: Benedetta Scuderi; David Checchi; Elisa Fiorucci; Mattia Lento; Elisa Siragusa; Francesco Muscau. - Azione-Italia Viva-Calenda: Massimo Ungaro; Laura Garavini; Tatiana Gaudimonte; Barbara Gallino; Giovanni Pacialeo; Emanuela Rossini. Centro Destra Berlusconi-Salvini-Meloni: Giuseppe Arnone; Simone Billi; Antonio Cenini; Elio Rossi; Giuseppe Stabile; Stefano Ticozzelli. - Movimento 5 Stelle: Marcello Pilato; Diego Renzi; Piergiuseppe Pusceddu; Federica Onori; Salvatore La Barbera; Simone Cilliani. - Movimento delle Libertà: Massimo Romagnoli; Giuseppe Volpe; Giuseppe Crocamo; Maria Teresa Riggi; Susana Lujan Crea; Francesca Meli. - Partito Democratico: Toni Ricciardi; Laura Albanese; Mariza Antonietta Bafile; Nadia Buttini; Salvatore Mineo; Federico Quadrelli. - Più Europa: Antonino Mazzola; Benedetta Dentamaro; Maurizio D’Ercoli; Maria Jesus Grana Gonzales; Angelo Di Pietro. Senato - Circoscrizione Estero - Europa - Azione-Italia Viva-Calenda: Alice De Santis; Tipu Golam. - Centro Destra Berlusconi-Salvini-Meloni: Luigi Billè; Alessandro Zehentner. - Movimento 5 Stelle: Andrea Bardin; Stefano Balbi. - Movimento delle Libertà: Alessandra Agostini; Ester Barone. - Partito Democratico: Andrea Crisanti; Michele Schiavone. #Politiche2022, istruzioni per il voto Il voto per le Elezioni politiche 2022 in Italia è previsto per il 25 settembre 2022, mentre gli italiani residenti all'estero e temporaneamente all'estero devono votare prima: le schede elettorali infatti vanno restituite all'Ufficio consolare entro il 22 settembre. Il voto all'estero riguarda i cittadini italiani residenti all'estero e iscritti all'Aire e gli italiani residenti in Italia e che si trovano all'estero per almeno tre mesi per studio, lavoro o cure mediche, nonché per i familiari conviventi. Gli italiani temporaneamente all'estero devono aver fatto richiesta del plico elettorale entro il 24 agosto. Gli elettori all'estero votano per corrispondenza e ricevono via posta un plico con il materiale elettorale e le istruzioni per il voto. Il duplicato del plico elettorale non ricevuto può essere richiesto in duplicato entro il giorno 11 settembre. Dopo aver votato, l'elettore all'estero deve inserire la scheda nella busta preaffrancata e deve farla pervenire al Consolato di riferimento entro le ore 16 del 22 settembre. Informazioni dettagliate sono disponibili sia sul sito del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (www.esteri.it) e sul sito del Consolato di riferimento. ... @ItalyinLDN Continua a leggere su Read the full article
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years ago
Episode 315
Comic Reviews:
Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular by Jeff Parker, Doc Shaner, Geoff Johns, Paul Pelletier, Norm Rapmund, Hi-Fi, Michael Moreci, Pop Mhan, Tony Avina, Stephanie Phillips, Hendry Prasetya, Ulises Arreola, Shawn Aldridge, Tom Derenick, Nick Filardi, Marguerite Bennett, Trung Le Nguyen, Jordie Bellaire, Cavan Scott, Scot Eaton, Dan Watters, Miguel Mendonca, Daniel Henriques, Romulo Fajardo Jr, Dan Jurgens, Steve Epting, Jeromy Cox, Chuck Brown, Valentine De Landro, Marissa Louise, Brandon Thomas, Diego Olortegui, Wade Von Grawbadger, Adriano Lucas
Harley Quinn Annual 2021 by Stephanie Phillips, David Lafuente, Marco Failla, Jon Sommariva, Miquel Muerto
Midnighter Annual 2021 by Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Michael Avon Oeming, Taki Soma
Batman: Fear State Alpha by James Tynion IV, Riccardo Federici, Chris Sotomayor
Batman/Superman Annual 2021 by Gene Luen Yang, Francesco Francavilla, Troy Peteri, Paul Pelletier, Mick Gray, Hi-Fi
Harley Quinn: Eat, Bang, Kill Tour 1 by Tee Franklin, Max Sarin, Marissa Louise
Dark Ages 1 by Tom Taylor, Iban Coello, Brian Reber
Demon Days: Cursed Web 1 by Peach Momoko, Zach Davisson
Last Annihilation: Wiccan and Hulkling by Anthony Oliveira, Jan Bazaldua, Rachelle Rosenberg
Almost American 1 by Janosh Neumann, Ron Marz, Marco Castiello, Flavio Dispenza
Beauty: All Good Things by Jeremy Haun, Jason Hurley, Matthew Dow Smith, Danny Luckert
Red Sonja 1 by Mirka Andolfo, Luca Blengino, Giuseppe Cafaro, Chiara Di Francia
Telepaths 1 by J. Michael Straczynski, Steve Epting, Brian Reber
Bountiful Garden 1 by Kelly Williams, Ivy Noelle Weir, Giorgio Spalletta
Mayor Good Boy GN by Dave Scheidt, Miranda Harman
Eighty Days GN by A.C. Esguerra
Steeple Vol 2 by John Allison
Hello Neighbor: The Secret of Bosco Bay by Zac Gorman, Chris Fenoglio
Hello Neighbor: The Raven Brooks Disaster by Zac Gorman, Dave Bardin
99 Cent Theatre
All Hallows Eve and The Pumpkin Patch by David Eveleigh
Additional Reviews: Woman in the Window, What If Ep4, Dug Days, Monsters at Work, Batman Universe, Shang-Chi, Jennifer's Body
News: Avengers Forever from Jason Aaron, FF mini event from Dan Slott, She-Hulk by Rainbow Rowell, Daredevil event from Chip Zdarsky, Marvel controversy, Action Lab collapse, Substack and Lemire, return of Steve Urkel, Die Another Days release, Let There Be Carnage, Ed Asner
Comics Countdown:
Many Deaths of Laila Starr 5 by Ram V, Filipe Andrade
Black Hammer Reborn 3 by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky
Batman/Superman Annual 1 by Joshua Williamson, Clayton Henry, Dale Eaglesham, Gleb Melnikov, Alejandro Sanchez
Bountiful Garden 1 by Ivy Noelle Weir, Kelly Williams, Giorgio Spalletta
Steeple Vol 2 by John Allison
Undiscovered Country 15 by Charles Soule, Scott Snyder, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Matt Wilson
Geiger 6 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Last Annihilation: Wiccan and Hulkling by Anthony Oliveira, Jan Bazaldua, Rachelle Rosenberg
Batman: Fear State Alpha by James Tynion IV, Riccardo Federici, Chris Sotomayor
Groo Meets Tarzan 2 by Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragones, Tom Yeates, Tom Luth
Check out this episode!
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bitter69uk · 2 years ago
Do you get off on being tempestuous? 
“What do you mean “get off”? That’s just the way I am.” 
How would you like to be remembered? 
“I want to be remembered as a diva from beginning to end who never compromised in what she felt about racism and how the world should be, and who to the end of her days consistently stayed the same.” 
But isn’t life about evolving and changing? 
“Not for me.” 
/ Brantley Bardin interviewing legend-with-an-attitude with Nina Simone in Details magazine, January 1997 / 
Born on this day 90 years ago: lacerating and regal High Priestess of Soul Nina Simone (née Eunice Kathleen Waymon, 21 February 1933 – 21 April 2003). My favourite song of Simone’s will always be “Four Women” from her 1966 album Wild is the Wind. Pictured: Simone performing at the Newport Jazz Festival by David Redfern, 1968. That wild white crocheted two-piece outfit was one of her best-ever looks!
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Nina Simone photographed at the Newport Jazz Festival by David Redfern, 1968
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francis-alianovna · 4 years ago
**I am not keeping up with artists’ URL changes! They are current as of the date they are added to the archive**
D# - DE
d1nocharge - daekazu - DafnaWinchester - daftflower - dagmarv - dai-phi - daideelion - Dami - Damien Torres - daminwayne - damn-doodle - damn-this-pool - Dan McDaid - Dan Panosian - danadeardraws - danidraws - Daniel Acuna - Daniel Leister - Daniel McNea - danielshen - danikitsune - dank-mom - danyadeck - dappernation (aka stupidpekopon) - dariankite - darkestspiritofthemoon - darthbloodorange - daryshkart - dasomjr - daughtermermaid - Dave Bardin - Dave Wachter - David Yardin - davidshaws - daviespitzer - davypark - daywalker-shadow - Daz Watford - dazzlesdoodles - dbbwombat - dchanberry - dead-cherry-bitch - deadblogdontopen - deadlock21 - deafening-radio-silence - deafeninghighheels - Dean Kotz - deandraws - deannamb - dearlovedoodles - deathblogsamongyou - decarbry - deeper-heroes - deepflourishroses-drawings - deepinthesewoods - deepspacialrift - deeroutfoxed - definitelygayming - delicatetimetravelarcade - deluske - Demara Davidson - demicoeur - demi-pixellated - denpasei - Denver Balbaboco - depples-method - derpykaichiu - descaladumidera - desilluist - desirelegrand - desirexwolf - dessoucis - destinyart
dfellow69 - dhumonio - dianmz - diastrons - didyouever32 - digitalduckie - dilfosaur - Dima Ivanov - dino-sores - dinos-vs-aliens - dipendancesld - dippy-ecks - disubiquity - ditse-sebb - divingsiren - djiange - dmaru-art - dnitedraws - dobrye - doc-destructo - docgold13 - dogs-up - dolcissimo - domirine - dommnics - donkringel - donnerfrost - dontdierobb - dont-be-like-the-sun - dont-piss-off-the-assbutts - donw - doodlesbysol - doodlezup - doomcheese - doopdedoopa - doppdoppdopp - dorkbait - dorodraws - dottiechan - doyou-fondue - dragonolong - drahgons - dragonpressgraphics - dragonxborne (aka theimperialdragon) - drallimylime - dramatical-fuckass - drawing-throughlife - drawnbybrittany - drawology - drawstuffandsarcasm - dreadlockholiday-01 - dreaminglypeach - drewbauchery - dreymart - driftbitch - dripcat - drive - drizzledrawings - dryad-druid - drzwi-do-szafy - Duke Hoover - dumblydore - dummybunny - Dylan Moore - dynosawrslair
Eamon O’Donoghue - ebbreon - ecairnsart - eclaire-de-lune - eclecticmuses - eclectivity - eclypseaf - ecokitty - edgebugart - edithdraws - edwardpun - eenocsarchives - efyri-art - egghostile - eggrace - egobuzz (aka egobus/egobuss) - ehmeeyu - eichan2d - einn-l - ekormekolindo - el-scorchooo - elanordraws - elasekar - elasmosaurus - eleafunn - electricalice - elen-yan - Elena Casagrande - Elena Tormen - elenakb - elenquilde - elenstar - ElephantWendigo - elfpen - elgunto - elidust - elimiko - elirluna - elite4steffi - elithien - elkane (aka elkleggs) - ellewutt - ellinael - elodye-x - elvenstar365 - em-dibujsb - em-j-art - emikayeofficial - Emily Carson - emmiju - emotionalsupportpussy - empressemma - enaki - enfernalinferno - enigmatic-bass - enjoieartstuff - enouementonism - entirelyenigmatic17 - ephem-eras - epicheather - erato - erebusodora - ereteria-arcid-art - Eric Bass - Eric Canete - Eric Guzman - Erin K. Kavanagh - erinomalleyart - erlie - Erol Debris - escendoll - esmidsm - esotericblue - espionageism - essouffle - estelior - estrellavega - euclase - eugenidesthemortal - euphoricsound (aka littlestwolfs) - evacorvus - evalescoart - Evan Shaner - evankart - everversum - everyhting - Evgeniy Bornyakov - exbrumous - excaliburelise - exegesisv - exmakina - exoticghosts - exquisitekalopsia - ey-toni - eyetosky - eyewhiskers - ezefehl - ezziedoodles
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graphicpolicy · 16 days ago
Deadpool unleashes pranks, jokes, and absurdity in April Pool's Day Variant Covers
Deadpool unleashes pranks, jokes, and absurdity in April Pool's Day Variant Covers #comics #comicbooks #deadpool
April Fool’s Day is just around the corner, and Deadpool is gearing up to make the day all about him! Everyone’s favorite wisecracking hero has an armory of surprises in store including new merchandise, digital content, and more. The fun begins at your local comic shop with the release of seven April Pool’s Day Variant Covers! From phony ads to suspiciously blank covers to blasphemous homages,…
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dispatchdcu · 24 days ago
Spider-Boy #16 Preview
Spider-Boy #16 Preview #spiderboy #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #spiderman #Amazon #peterparker #asm #amazingspiderman
Spider-Boy #16 Preview: SPIDER-GIRL TRIUMPHANT! Everything about Spider-Girl has shocked Bailey to his core. Can he somehow get back up and stop Spider-Girl and Bullseye’s plan? DAN SLOTT • PACO MEDINA (A/C) TORCH! VARIANT COVER BY DAVID BALDEÓN • VARIANT COVER BY DAVE BARDIN 32 PGS./Rated T …$4.99 Publisher: MARVEL COMICS Release Date: February 12th, 2025 Check out The Spider-Boy #16 Preview…
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joseandrestabarnia · 5 years ago
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Baron Jean-Baptiste REGNAULT (París, 1754 - París, 1829)
Las tres Gracias
H. 2,04 m; W. 1,53 m
Legado del Dr. Louis La Caze, 1869, 1869
M.I. 1101
Esta pintura de Regnault caracteriza perfectamente el gusto por la antigüedad que estaba de moda en la Francia del siglo XVIII. El artista interpretó una escultura antigua con habilidad y precisión, dándola a la vida con color, encanto y belleza. Las representaciones más conocidas de las tres gracias incluyen Primavera de Botticelli, las pinturas de Rafael y Rubens, y un grupo esculpido por Canova.
Un tema mitológico
Esta pintura representa tres diosas de la antigua mitología griega llamadas las Gracias, conocidas en griego como las Charitas. Originalmente diosas de la naturaleza, llegaron a ser generalmente consideradas como compañeras de Afrodita (Venus), la diosa del Amor y la Belleza. Según la tradición poética y literaria, las Graces eran tres en número, y sus nombres eran Euphrosyne, Thalia y Aglaia. Eternamente jóvenes y encantadores, representaban encanto, belleza y creatividad humana, y fueron representados desnudos, originalmente tenían atributos como manzanas, rosas y ramitas de mirto.
Las poses de las figuras de esta pintura se inspiraron directamente en una antigua estatua de mármol en la Libreria Piccolomini en el Duomo de Siena: la ninfa en el centro se ve desde atrás; la de la izquierda se enfrenta al espectador, con la cabeza girada hacia un lado; la de la derecha se muestra de perfil, con la cabeza girada hacia el espectador. El resultado se asemeja a tres vistas diferentes de la misma figura. Las tres diosas están unidas en un anillo, sosteniendo entre sí por la cintura o el cuello para formar una cadena elegante.
El triunfo del neoclasicismo
Esta pintura, con sus contornos lisos, formas sinuosas y colores luminosos es típica del estilo de Regnault. El tema mitológico sirvió como pretexto para pintar a tres mujeres jóvenes en poses elegantes, el blanco rosáceo de sus tonos de carne realzado por un fondo oscuro salpicado de pequeñas flores. El contraste de luz y sombra y las líneas puras de "estilo griego" reflejan la encantadora marca de neoclásicos de Regnault, expresada con una perfección casi excesiva.
Una brillante carrera durante un período tumultuoso de la historia
En 1764, Jean-Baptiste Regnault siguió a su padre (quien se fue a América con la esperanza de hacer su fortuna) antes de unirse a la marina mercante como un niño de un barco. A la muerte de su padre regresó a Francia, donde sus habilidades artísticas atrajeron la atención. Se unió al estudio del pintor Jean Bardin, y en 1768 acompañó a su maestro a Roma, donde se trasladó en círculos artísticos, mezclándose con los primeros teóricos neoclásicos. Fue galardonado con el Premier Prix de Rome (Primer Gran Premio) en 1776, y regresó a Italia como pensionista del Rey. De regreso a Francia en 1783, se convirtió en miembro de la Real Academia, y fue elegido miembro del Instituto en 1795. Muchos aspirantes a artistas fueron entrenados en el estudio de Regnault. Su principal rival contemporáneo fue Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825). Su experiencia de varios regímenes pol��ticos, desde la Revolución y el Imperio (cuando fue nombrado barón) hasta la Restauración, puede explicar que su trabajo se caracteriza por una gran variedad a pesar de una notable constancia de estilo y expresión. Aunque es descrito como un retratista y pintor de historia, debe gran parte de su fama a las pinturas mitológicas, en las que sobresalió (las Tres Gracias son una de sus más conocidas).
Información del Musée du Louvre.
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tvtracker · 7 years ago
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Bobs Burgers Episode 8.02 ‘The Silence of the Louise’ Press Release.
Molly Shannon Guest-Voices
When Mr. Frond’s therapy dolls are mysteriously attacked, Louise teams up with Millie (guest voice Molly Shannon) to help solve the case. Meanwhile, Teddy decides to get into the inspirational poster business, but ends up with mixed results in the all-new “The Silence of the Louise” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct.15 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BOB-709) (TV-14 L)
Voice Cast: H. Jon Benjamin as Bob; Dan Mintz as Tina; Eugene Mirman as Gene; John Roberts as Linda; Kristen Schaal as Louise
Guest Voice Cast: Molly Shannon as Millie; David Herman as Mr. Frond/Mr. Branca/Pet Shop Guy; Bobby Tisdale as Zeke; Lennon Parham as Janine; Sam Seder as Harold; Billy Eichner as Mr. Ambrose, Melissa Bardin Galsky as Millennial #2 Source: FOX
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bat-aldo-azevedo · 6 years ago
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Atletas da AJOV campeãs do Campeonato Brasileiro de Seleções Sub-16 são homenageadas 03 Junho 2019 19:00:41 Associação Joaçabense de Voleibol (AJOV) As atletas Maria Eduarda David e Thuany Cristina Bardin que integraram a Seleção Catarinense de Vôlei no mês de março, em Saquarema, no Rio de Janeiro, foram homenageadas pela Associação Joaçabense de Voleibol (AJOV) no último dia 23 de maio. Além de um jantar que reuniu familiares, amigos, diretoria da AJOV e comissão técnica as meninas receberam uma placa de reconhecimento reforçando a importância da participação e resultado. As ponteiras integraram a equipe composta por 11 atletas que se consagrou campeã invicta do campeonato obtendo os resultados: SC 3x1 SP, SC 3x2 RJ, SC 3x0 DF, SC 3x2 MG, SC 3x0 PR e SC 3x0 PE. Maria Eduarda David e Thuany Cristina Bardin são atletas oriundas do projeto social “Bom de Bola, Bom de Escola”, que a AJOV é mantenedora.    Maria Eduarda iniciou aos sete anos de idade no núcleo do Colégio Santíssima Trindade e vem desenvolvendo a carreira dentro da Associação. Já Thuany Cristina Bardin, é natural de São João Batista e passou a integrar a AJOV em 2018 no projeto “A busca por novos talentos continua”. Ela já disputou jogos pela Seleção Catarinense, além do Campeonato Brasileiro e foi convocada pela Seleção Brasileira na categoria.   Paula Patussi http://www.adjorisc.com.br/jornais/otempo/esporte/atletas-da-ajov-campe%C3%A3s-do-campeonato-brasileiro-de-sele%C3%A7%C3%B5es-sub-16-s%C3%A3o-homenageadas-1.2145067 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQ_grNn6Q2/?igshid=1aa7csz85fpzb
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reseau-actu · 5 years ago
DÉCRYPTAGE - Si les cadres du RN ont rapidement cherché à mettre le plus de distance possible avec l’auteur des coups de feu, ils n’ont pas réussi à éviter les mises en cause.
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Le «pas d’amalgame» change de camp. La direction du Rassemblement national a été comme saisie de stupeur, lundi après-midi, au sortir de son bureau politique réuni comme chaque mois au siège du parti à Nanterre. «Il y a un dingue qui a tiré sur une mosquée! Et c’est un ancien candidat à nous», lâche en pleine salle de réunion une huile du mouvement.
À lire aussi : Qui est Claude Sinké, l’octogénaire qui a attaqué la mosquée de Bayonne?
À quelques kilomètres de là, l’eurodéputé RN Nicolas Bay apprend, lui, en direct la nouvelle alors qu’il est sur le plateau de CNews. Le malaise est palpable. La ligne de défense, arrêtée dans la précipitation: mettre le plus de distance possible entre l’auteur des coups de feu de Bayonne et le mouvement l’ayant investi lors des départementales de 2015. Quitte à présenter l’homme de 84 ans comme un potentiel déséquilibré. «C’est un acte inqualifiable absolument contraire à toutes les valeurs portées par notre mouvement. Ces crimes doivent être traités avec la sévérité la plus totale», cinglera Marine Le Pen sur Twitter, qualifiant la première l’attaque d’«attentat».
Les cadres RN auront beau se relayer toute la soirée sur les chaînes d’information pour rappeler que le suspect a «quitté le parti en 2017 en indiquant que les idées du FN ne lui correspondaient pas», qu’il s’agissait «d’un extrémiste qui n’avait rien à faire dans le parti», ils n’auront pas réussi à éviter les mises en cause. «Les terroristes et ceux qui arment leurs esprits malades se ressemblent: même haine, mêmes paroles, mêmes actes», a lâché le chef de file d’Europe Écologie-Les Verts, David Cormand. Quand Jean-Luc Mélenchon a dit ce mardi à l’Assemblée voir dans ces événements «le résultat évident d’une écœurante et odieuse séquence de stigmatisation des musulmans». Une façon de tracer un lien direct entre le tireur et son ancien parti, sans le nommer.
À lire aussi : Après l’attaque de la mosquée, le choc des musulmans de Bayonne
«On a toujours condamné la violence! Personne n’est à l’abri d’un mec qui, cinq ans après, disjoncte, rejette en bloc le conseiller spécial de Marine Le Pen, Philippe Olivier. Même lorsque notre conseiller régional, Julien Odoul, a pris à partie cette femme voilée il y a quelques semaines, Marine Le Pen l’a désavoué en lui faisant un texto dans la seconde. Cela montre bien que nous sommes dans un esprit d’apaisement…»
Discrédit sur le mode de sélection des candidats
Au-delà des dégâts quant à la «dédiabolisation» entreprise de longue date par le parti, les événements jettent un lourd discrédit sur son encadrement et le mode de sélection de ses candidats. Et ce, cinq mois avant les prochaines municipales. «Oui, ce monsieur a été candidat Front national aux dernières départementales. Mais parmi 8000 autres personnes. Avec un tel nombre, le risque zéro n’existe pas», se défend Nicolas Bay, ancien directeur de la campagne de 2015, pendant laquelle les dérapages verbaux de candidats ont été légion.
Peu après sa défaite dans le canton de Seignanx, le retraité aurait été mis au ban du parti, et même «foutu dehors physiquement d’une réunion locale» par le service de sécurité du mouvement, rapporte un membre de l’état-major du RN. En cause: «un comportement et des propos contraires à la ligne du RN». Une altercation sur laquelle ni le secrétaire départemental RN des Landes, Christophe Bardin, ni le délégué national aux fédérations, Gilles Pennelle, n’ont tenu à s’exprimer, restant injoignables ce mardi.
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