#davey trinkets
collateral-joy · 13 days
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strixessabre · 2 years
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I’m taking this Davey tray down very soon (2-11) alongside the keychain. 
I need room in my store, you can always request this in the future, but I plan on taking it down. I make them to order so yours will vary! 
( Strixes’ Sabre )
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we-are-inevitable · 3 months
Infodump about the frat au. Literally everything I’ve never come across you before. Pretty please and than you <3
i feel like i’ve shared so so much about this world but here are some fun things that aren’t important to the actual story but that i love!!:
technically davey is the middle sibling. he was born 12 minutes after sarah and she never lets him forget it! (oddly enough, the number 12 shows up a lot in his life. he thinks it’s a fun little reminder. he considers it his lucky number because it always makes him think of sarah, and sarah always makes him feel better.)
jack speaks fluent spanish because he’s half mexican, and davey speaks fluent spanish because it’s one of the 5 languages he knows outside of english! (he’s only fluent in 2 of the 5, but he’s passable in the other 3 and can have conversations with minimal struggle)
charlie is a HUGE sports nut. he’s really into hockey and plays sled hockey recreationally! he’s really competitive and brutal about it. in the fic, he has multiple sclerosis and primarily uses forearm crutches, but he has a black and green wheelchair kitted out in stickers, patches, and pins that he uses at least three times a weak.
charlie, albert, and jack all watch hockey games together and try to go to at least two games a season once they get closer.
davey loves live music but it can be a lot for him sometimes— he tends to stay in the back and uses noise canceling earbuds, but loves people watching and loves the atmosphere. gay bars don’t bother him as much because the noise level- albeit loud- is less so, but he always carries his ear buds on him. he keeps them on a carabiner clipped to his belt or crossbody like the fag he is.
(jack doesn’t think he’s allowed to say “fag.” davey assures him he is. jack has issues and he’s working through them.)
davey works at a public library close to campus, and spends most of his time with youth and teen programming. (he loves his job.) jack works in the fraternity and sorority affairs office as a student leader; he talks to current high schoolers about joining greek life. (he hates his job.)
davey likes horror movies and jack doesn’t like horror movies but he likes being able to hold davey’s hand through it.
jack drives an jeep cherokee from the early 2000s. medda helped him get it when he decided to go to college outside of the city, bc public transportation isn’t as easily accessible. jack got his license at 18 and thinks it’s stupid that he has to drive places now but he really likes his shitty little car. her name is Rory like the gilmore girls character but he swears there’s no relation
on campus, jack usually skateboards, and davey rides his bike everywhere. davey’s car is a little 2014 corolla named Miss Priss and she’s decked out in bumper stickers and trinkets inside.
race and albert have been together since high school. they SHOULD never have time for each other but they somehow never leave each other’s side. it’s kind of disgusting actually.
race starts learning how to do drag about a month before he meets jack!
katherine and spot work as waitresses at the same restaurant. they should not get along. they are best friends.
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
✨🏴‍☠️Find The Word Tag 🏴‍☠️✨
Thank you for the tag here, @indecentpause !
My Words: heat, chill, hurt, and heal
Your Words: cold, shiver, stream, and drop
Back to search the High Seas in Peter Hart:
The prince shot Davey a wicked glare, but resided in his feelings of contempt as he paddled to the solid surface. Rejoining the captain and the crew, they brushed their hands over their slick breeches to shed some water weight. Benjamin, who was shivering from the dank cold of the dripping ocean cavern, ran his palms over his forearms to get some heat and friction to his sea-steeped skin.
A chill swept over their spines as Davey shook his head. “Oooooohh…..I don’t like the sounds of this, m’boy. We better take what we can and get out….”
Peter scratched his chin as he contemplated. ‘An engagement ball, huh?’ He schemed through a smarmy smile. ‘That means that they’ll be loaded. And busy with guests….’ Much like his father, Peter was a daredevil at heart. Though it probably was a bad idea, he thought it wouldn’t hurt the royal family if a few priceless heirlooms went missing. What was the harm in a handful of lost trinkets, anyway?
Benjamin closed his eyes, hanging his head again as he let the pirates haul him away from land once more, accepting his punishment as his heavy heart sank in his chest. The amulet’s glow gently flickered and dimmed, but stayed softly illuminating Benji’s delicate, tired face inside the napsack. Indeed, it would take his heart a long time to heal from this betrayal of trust….for now, he was just thankful for the benevolence of his captors.
I will gently tag (no pressure): @thecomfywriter , @gioiaalbanoart , @marlowethelibrarian , @just-emis-blog , @pluppsauthor , @illarian-rambling , @cybercelestian , @fantasy-things-and-such , @paeliae-occasionally , @agirlandherquill , @michellekarnold , @flurrysahin , @differentnighttale , @authorcoledipalo , @somethingclevermahogony , @mundanemoongirl , @obviousknife , @yourpenpaldee , @wyked-ao3 , @clevah-girlboss , @aintgonnatakethis , @theaistired , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild , @nebula--nix , @finickyfelix , @moltenwrites , @tildeathiwillwrite , @leatafandom , @thebearthatreads , @alinacapellabooks , @saturnine-saturneight , @lychhiker-writes , @rotting-moon-writes , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , +open tag! 🏴‍☠️💛✨
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anonymouspuzzler · 9 months
Hey, Puzz— hey!! Look OVER hERE
• Between Buck and Davey, who's the neat freak and the messy partner of the relationship (or like. Who is. The one who. Cleans often while the other makes a mess lol)?
• How does the trio personally unwind after a long day of work?
• What's their favourite chores if they like doing em?
• Who would be most likely to get excited abt buying new sponges and dishwashing soap...... (I personally am very guilty of this LMAOOO)
• Who is most likely to impulsively buy. Things?
• Does any of the trio collect things? Ik Minnie likes animals a lot but I'm talking more of. Trinkets and stuff. And if so, what would they usually collect? (Can they show me..... /Nf)
Found myself suddenly thinking of domestic fluff for your OCs while I was washing dishes woops ehehehe. I'm also a sucker for. The mundane and the sweet little things that can happen during that 👍
Generally speaking, Buck's the neat freak of the two - Davey isn't exactly a mess by any means, but he's pretty laid-back about stuff, whereas Buck likes things A Certain Way and spends a lot of his free time on chores and tidying stuff up. (It's exactly the opposite in their workspace, though. Davey's Actually Professionally Trained and tends to try and keep tools and supplies properly cared for and sorted and such, and their tech and whatnot maintained as professionally as he can manage, whereas Buck is full. yeah yeah just slap some duct tape on that bad boy. put another fan down there to deal with that thing that keeps spewing smoke. it's fine. don't be a baby about it)
Davey's big on just putting something on TV or playing video games to unwind, as is Minnie. Buck kind of does the same, but he's more about just kind of sitting back and having something making noise in the background vs. actively watching or doing something, if that makes sense. Minnie also enjoys doing some reading (as does Buck on occasion, but to a much lesser extent, and not usually after he's been working and is already exhausted), and Davey will occasionally take a jog to wind down if he's got the energy to spare. (Buck and Davey are also big on some good ol' fashioned post-work Casual Physical Affection, but less so now that Minnie's living with them. They Will Not Be Making Out In Front Of Their Niece Actually)
Buck, despite complaining, actually generally likes most if not all chores. He likes getting his living spaces Clean and In Order! Davey and Minnie, by contrast, are pretty ambivalent at best to chores - I don't think there's any they'd say they "like." (Secretly Minnie's come to enjoy helping to keep the workshop clean, though.)
Buck. One Hundred Percent Buck. Davey and Minnie Do Not Understand but like Davey at least is happy his boyfriend's happy.
They all have their weaknesses for this, with asterisks - Minnie's both an impulsive shithead 13 year old and actually Very Recently comes from a background where she Could just kind of buy whatever without consequences, so in that respect she's the most likely. Davey, meanwhile, likes little useless trinkets and such and can be a little bit driven by impulse on occasion, but 1) he's a reasonable adult who has learned, sometimes the hard way, that he doesn't need and shouldn't have everything that briefly strikes his fancy, and 2) if he decides he wants it anyway he's a supervillain he's just gonna steal it. he don't have money lmao. Buck is the least likely EXCEPT that he's very susceptible to like... dark pattern type marketing-slash-game things? What I'm trying to say is Buck spent a lot of money on Cookie Run until Davey got it off his phone and password locked the app store
Davey collects video games! especially older ones he played growing up. He's also got a soft spot for weird old technology in general, but doesn't actively seek it out so much, though occasionally Buck or someone like the Junkyard Queens'll gift him something they find along those lines. Speaking of I guess technically Buck collects junk and scrap and such to tinker with. Like i Guess that counts
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walkman-cat · 1 year
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here you go, @greensleeves-redhead:
a non-exhaustive list of what’s in davey’s pockets:
(thankyous and credits to the nobody told the horse server for thinking a lot of these up)
A small-ish leather-bound notebook he uses for all his notes (detective work, journaling, lists, etc)
A handkerchief stuffed in one pocket which he pulls out to haphazardly clean/wipe at stuff or tie things together. Ignore the blood spatter, he hasn’t had time to wash it quite yet.
So so many writing utensils (including a fountain pen which explodes far too often)— they’re everywhere and yet he always has to dig through all his pockets to even find one
A lump of charcoal he used as an emergency pencil one time became a mess. He puts his hand in that pocket he grimaces, pulling out his handkerchief to wipe of the charcoal smears
Several cool rocks that Splasher and Les have given him
Things Splasher has found while mudlarking
Some smooth beach glass he picked up once and promptly forgot about
his wallet
A picture he keeps in his wallet and checks regularly which most people think is his possible wife or maybe children. It’s a drawing les did of a cat that sleeps on their fire escape.
loose change outside of his wallet so he can pay for papers really easily
Folded up newspaper from two days ago he hasn’t gotten around to reading yet
Folded up newspaper from a week ago which he only uses as a cover when Snooping
A deck of cards (he plays solitaire when he’s bored, and sometimes Race challenges him to a game of poker or blackjack)
A very crumpled cigarette pack (he doesn’t usually smoke, but he can offer cigarettes as a conversation starter and they’re invaluable)
Two cigars. (They’re for Race)
Box of matchsticks (you never know when you need light, and offering to light a cigarette is a good conversation starter)
A drawing Jack did of him that he will not acknowledge is always in the breast pocket of his shirt.
A collection of marbles
At least four paper clips at any one time
One of Katherine’s hairpins (how did that get there?)
A small bag of boiled sweets to trade with children/to bribe Les with
several things in One Specific Pocket which are gifts for Les; mostly trinkets and small toys he’s acquired, but also some the younger newsies have asked to give to him (he plays with them after school more often than not)
A tube of lipstick (how did that get there?)
Lists. So many lists. He loves writing lists (they soothe him), and has written a list on so many random scraps of paper about so many things, ranging from normal grocery lists to suspect lists to a list of friends he did once to prove a point to Sarah (does the speakeasy bartender who only tolerated you because you’re friends with his boss who’s also a mob boss count as a friend?)
Sunglasses (gift from Spot and useful as a disguise)
A gun (it wasn’t his originally)
A pocketknife tucked into his boot (not a pocket, but important anyway)
Way to many things which constitute as evidence for cases
A note his parents wrote for him when he started out, he keeps it in his trouser pocket
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jack-kellys · 1 year
I used the AU generator and got the absolutely ridiculous combination of grocery store AU and ancient Greece AU so uh...have fun I guess?
send me theeeese
well i think the only answer is making a god for each aisle. right. or if we’re really into it we align 7 “food groups”/usual supermarket aisle contents with each of the seven deadly sins or something like…. envy might be organic/protein powders like that stuff. but idk i’m not doing that
local street market au. jack works at a small produce farm outside NYC and brings the farm’s goods to the city for the market each weekend. (i think each of the older newsies own a little stand or small business). but not only does jack sell produce, he kind of embodies it?
the freshness, the way he shines in the sun, he’s fruitful and juicy with stories and personality and he is also… a deity. of produce.
racer is a deity of nostalgia and owns a small vintage and thrift store. crutchie is a deity of solar energy since all his homemade trinkets are powered via sunlight. katherine is a deity of ink and specializes in antique pens and writing utensils. etcetera.
but jack, as davey would discover if i wrote this for real, tastes like juice dribbling down his chin in the summertime, and he can’t get enough of the man who can make any fruit ripe and conjure carrots from the dirt.
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idiotwithanipad · 5 months
First impressions are important
Just a short fic about how William was murdered and met Rogh
(TW: Murder, Dagger, Blood)
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"You brought it? The agreed amount?" The Lord said quietly, leaning over the polished oak table towards the portly captain. 
"Indeed I have. I didn't have to slit any throats this time, quite the jolly-up, actually. I located it off the coast of-"
"Yes, yes, that's all very grand. Show it to me" The Lord was in no mood for stories and tales, he'd expected the treasure, not a life story. 
"Well, a finger or two might have been hoisted off when I retrieved it" The captain erupted into a small series of giggles as he brought up a small wooden box strapped shut with rope. The Lord's sharp eyes seemed to be tied tighter to the box than the ropes binding it. The captain plucked a dagger from his belt and cut through the ropes. 
"Open it" The Lord muttered, his patience seemingly running thin. The captain pulled the chest's lid back, revealing dabloons, pearl jewelry and goblets encrusted with precious stones. The Lord eyed the bounty strongly and tugged up, between his thumb and fingers, a pearl necklace. He inspected the trinket closely as though it were the most prized possession he owned. 
"Aye, T'is quite a handsome load. I were almost tempted to keep back that there goblet for me ale" The captain chimed, his eyes fixed on the golden goblet with emerald emblems. The Lord's fist tightened around the pearls before he slowly lowered it into his jacket pocket, dropping them in slowly, savouring the feeling of the smooth stones slipping between his calloused, money counting fingers. 
"Indeed" The Lord fixed his eyes on the heavyset captain and sauntered his way around from his side of the table toward the captain. 
"The reward for a bounty of this size may even be enough for me to finally afford tobacco" The captain chuckled, his eyes remaining on the box of valuables. 
The Lord stood before him, not smiling, not even breathing. 
A sharp pain sank into the captain's thorax. His hands came up to grip onto the Lord's shoulders to steady himself as he staggered backward. 
"The butlers inform me that word of your immeasurable talent in locating items like this is begining to spread through the county. Can't have you offering your expertise elsewhere, can I?" The dark words dribbled from the Lord's lips like hot lava. The captain gasped and coughed as his hands gripped onto the Lord's wrist, already too weak to counterattack. A dagger had been stabbed deeply into his flesh and muscle. 
"Davey Jones. Take pity on me mortal flesh..." The captain had no other words, which would've came as a shock to his crew; he was usually a man of many words and tales, but he was now reduced to a man of laboured breaths and wide eyed glances down at the deeply imbedded weapon still held tightly in the Lord's grip. 
The Lord's hand twisted the dagger and jerked upwards as the captain lurched forward onto his knees, spitting blood and hacking. 
The room was black. No sound echoed in the captain's ears as he slowly regained consciousness; maybe Davey Jones HAD taken pity upon him? Perhaps this could just be another battle scar to bost about to the crew? 
A sudden muffled sound roused him. A slight, fluttering murmur. It seemed to be right above him, or rather to his left. He opened his eyes, peering over to the source of the noise, only for his eyes to bolt wide open. 
A strange creature, vaguely shaped like a man, squatted at his side, it sniffed and prodded at the handle of the dagger which remained sheathed in his chest. It was unlike any man, or creature, the captain had ever seen before, even amongst his many voyages and travels to places uncharted. It leaned on its knuckles and wore what seemed to be pelts and leather, crudely attached to one another and piled underneath and atop furs of different colours, textures and thickness. 
It didn't seem to take heed of the captain's awakening and continued to examine the weapon, sniffing at it, trying to determine what exactly it was and why it was rammed into the new man's chest. 
"Ey?! What in Mary's na- what the BLAZES?!" The captain recoiled and scooted back away from the strange creature, who also tumbled back on it's furred heels, it's eyes looked onto the captain's. A look of foreign alarm and burning curiosity shone in it's eyes. It's mouth hung open in a soundless gasp and it's knuckles stroked against it's furs.
"What art thou? Be this the Locker?" The captain rose to his feet, gripping onto the edge of a bookshelf, his eyes scanned the room and the recent memory of the days precedings flashed in his mind. 
"No. T-t'is the same house. The library. The house of the Lord who pays me for treasure. The dog plunged me" There was a whisper of hurt and betrayal behind the captain's words, his eyes settling down on the handle of the dagger sticking out from between his ribs. 
The man-creature looked between the captain's face and the dagger. It's face frozen in that same awestruck and mildly intimidated expression. It grumbled quietly and pointed it's..hand? Whatever it was, it was pelted also, wrapped tightly in furs and badly sliced leather straps. The appendage aimed down towards the rug beneath their feet. 
The captain's body remained on the floor, the dagger in the same place it was when the filthy, cheating Lord ended the captain's life. 
The captain's eyes settled on his own body, lifeless and still. 
"... Well. It seems as though, t'is sails down for captain William..." 
The creature's eyes darted back up to William's. It's head tilted slightly and it's mouth twitched and contorted, it's bearded jaw rolled and dropped. 
"You look like no man I've seen before. Thou art clothed in animal hyde, thou hasn't introduced thyself" William said, his previous shock of the creature slowly melting away. 
The creature's hand rose slightly to point toward itself, it's single digit slightly curved and twitched. 
"You? Yes, you. Does thou hath a name to call thyself?" William felt as though he had just discovered a new species, and finding out more about it filled the captain with a sense of wonder and excitement, similar to when he saw his first constellation as a boy. 
"Me, William, you?..." William gestured towards himself, being careful not to nudge the dagger deeper with his hand as it came up to pat against his chest. 
The creature's mouth closed briefly, it's tongue peeking out to lick at it's bottom lip. Perhaps it didn't have a name? Perhaps it didn't speak? 
".. Rogh"
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ectoplasmicbackstage · 6 months
this post is to document dave egbert's system, which is a little different than dave striders, due to their differing trauma and exposure to the world around them.
dave egbert (he/him) is the host, an opinionated man with a deepseated loyalty to his loved ones. he does know he has did, and has known since a young age. his alters tend to act separately, not bothering to mask. this list is subject to change as i learn more, and i appreciate any correction! they are:
davey—(he/him) little, 5 years old. excited about the world around him. loves getting attention, spending time with his family, and has a sweet tooth. when he fronts, it usually takes days to swap out, given the way his family infantilizes dave. the longest davey has fronted is a year.
bb—(he/him) has a vested interest in all things mechanical and technical. usually the one fronting to take care of any inconveniences to crockercorp that involve technological knowhow. keeps dave's phone as bugfree as possible.
pierrot—(they/them) presents as pierrot from the live action adventures of buratino. sorrow and regret are pierrot's natural state. can't bear the responsibilities of daily life. no energy at all. tends to focus on art with an emotional impact.
crockpot—(he/it/them) holds the most paranoia. persecutor. usually fronts in the middle of a breakdown. self-harms and runs away from home to make sure the body isn't under mind control.
cas—(she/he) salamander. bleps. yay ♡
jayjay—(it) bird alter. keeps all bird knowhow and, like striders crow, gives dave the compulsive need to hoard and organize trinkets. values haircare. can actually do birdcalls, so that's cool.
harlequin—(she/her) based on the harlequinsprite. takes care of networking opportunities for some reason, despite the archetype of harlequin clowns typically being mute—this fact annoys dave every time he remembers it. kind of giggly. likes to be cryptic, and likes solving little mysteries even more. perfect for hiding revolutionary statements in corporate technobabble.
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livesincerely · 8 months
🥀 Ask game :)
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
“Oh, yeah?” Jack bites out, not believing this for a second. “If you missed me so fucking much, then why’d we break up?”
“Because you were moving to Santa Fe!” Davey yells back. “You were leaving, Jackie! What else was I supposed to do, except let you go and try my best to be happy for you?”
Jackie. It sounds different coming out of Davey’s mouth. Something prickles at Jack’s eyes, and the threat of tears almost makes him angrier.
This is from trinkets (and also kinda from its sister fic keepsakes.) Trinkets is the Jack pov version of this fic, and Jack always tends to get my most poetic descriptions. Him not being able to stand hearing Davey call him Jackie because he’s still heartbroken over him was one of my better ideas.
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collateral-joy · 1 month
The Littlest Emmy Winner
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strixessabre · 2 years
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Vinyl out? Davey’s tiddies out? Check.
( Strixes’ Sabre )
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
Davey throwing the newsies birthday celebrations
Jojo draging finch into trouble.
Blink comforting skittery
oh my godddd davey with their bdays
in modern he gets them cakes with big candles, brings streamers and banners to the home to decorate, makes sure there’s good wrapping paper with little bows and ribbons, makes playlists for parties tailored to each of them. all little things to make their birthdays so special that they’re not accustomed to. in canon it’s little bday cupcakes, hand made bunting around the lodgings, confetti to drop on their heads, trinkets he makes or finds or bargains for, a good meal because they deserve to enjoy themselves
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seekdevotion · 1 year
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*          𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒     𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃          :          mw  types  of  characters?
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oh,  baby  we  welcome  all  sorts  !  to  be  helpful  though i'd  like  to  redirect  to  admin emms's  lovely  ideas  here  + the wcs we have open over here but  also  to  add  some  of  my  own:  
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literally  any oc of yours  you  love — from  your  most  whimsical and outgoing  characters,  to  your  introverts who are perhaps just as whimsical or alternatively too steely,  to  the  curious  and  nosy,  to  the  antagonistic  and  esp  to  the  most  absurd,  we'll  have  a  ball  anyway!
would  love  love  love  for  more  spots  available  in  our  listings and bits of lore within  to  be  utilized  in  char  creations  as  we  may  have  fun  lil  activities  to  tie  with  each  location  to  post  as  mini  plot  drops  soon.  like  i  would  die  for  an  empire  records  type  vibe  at  flagship  records  or  even  comet  videos.  (when  duncan  isn't  busy  running  the  bowl  like  the  navy,  they're  busy  running  comet  like  the  navy!) and it could be for anything! e.g davey wavey? bring their siren ex partner who mans the food truck that they share custody of after the break up! the  bowl?  needs  its  last  employee!  do  they  have  to  be  a  ghost?  no  but  i'd  love  it  esp  if  they're  related  to  the  owner  who  passed  it  onto  them  and  now theyre  out  here  beefing with  the  local  arcade out of the same establishment while dually hosting karaoke nites and a nice lil partie every third week of the month!  a  strange  establishment  that  needs  the  strange  management  it  deserves! the  faithfulls? bring the horde of faithfull kids running about in town or even their parents! + as  briefly  mentioned  but  in  mind,  they're  a  family  consisting  of  an  retired  priest  ass  over  titties  in  love  with  their  gorgeous  nymph  partner  and  their  possibly  3  children  who  now  own  and  manage  the  diner  +  gas  station. if not keen, just bring anybody with your own personal take on their ties in town! it goes on and on but it's a seemingly small town and we expect many of the chars to be entwined one way or another. of course you'd have to mind present chars with already established relations to mentioned npcs but that only makes way for delicious plotting opportunities!
more  faeries;  those  newly  coming  through  devo  from  their  realm,  those  who  have  stayed  for  longer  and  know  everyone  in  town,  those  who  left  devo  to  go  back  home  and  came  back  years  n  years  later  with  all  the  people  they  once  knew  dead  and  gone  (or  not  quite),  those  who  cannot  go  back  home,  etc.
nymphs  in  general,  i  would  welcome  v  greatly  from  younger  nymphs  to  their  elders, nymphs who collect prophecies like trinkets or keep a record of them like the most elusive time capsule you've ever seen - annotated! - that reads more like a dream journal until things get slightly too literal or personally fugartive and then it's shit and fuck, nymphs who set out to make those happen on their own or reject said prophecies entirely and risk upsetting their elders, nymphs who barely have left their grounds, etc.
mediums  &  ghost  consultants  who  not  only  consult  with  ghosts  or  relatives  of  ghosts  but  intervene  when  they  become  malevolent  and  offer  banishing  services.
characters  interested  in  exploring  the  forests  as  best  as  they  could  and  perhaps  wish  to  craft  sufficient  maps  of  the  area  while  looking  for  the  ones  already  made  (and  even  hidden)  of  town.  i  imagine  them  to  be  working  at  shrike  point  light  for  the  access  of  info  they'd  need  for  this  but  could  be  a  group  effort!
visitors  who  found  themselves  in  this  surrealist  side  of  the  country....  did  the  town and its funky little locals  already  lull  them  into  a  sense  of  belonging  or  are  they  perpetually eyeing the exit sign that kind of gets farther the more they recall images of it in their heads or are they just tourist passing through and having an absolute ball of a time?  are they overwhelmed by the energies coursing around in devo or is it just a  silly  town  that's  weirdly  big  on  parties  every  now  and  then?  did  they  find  their way into devo  incidentally or through yelp for the neat little spots  or  by  word of mouth from the locals and  were  surprised  to  learn  just  how  literal  certain  things  seem  to  be  /  "the  faery  of  a  girl  with  a  yipping  rabbit  is,  in  fact,  an  actual  faery,  accompanying  an  actual  guy  in  a  rabbit  suit  giving  uwu  frank  of  donnie  darko  who  won't  shut  the  fuck  u-"
and much more! these  are  just  ideas  you  could  perhaps  riff  off  of  and  see  what  works  but  really  get  creative  if  you  have  the  muse  +  feel  free  to  message  us  if  you'd  like  more  info  or  any  help  with  ideas  or  insight  in  certain  areas  x
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Newsies OC Guide
OC Count: 12
Name: Hilda Beckett
Nickname: Birdie- She’s kinda a lookout for Staten Island and her signal that something’s happening or someone’s coming is a bird’s whistle
Age: 16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Staten Island or Queens
Personality: Passionate, caring, (somewhat) easily irritable, street smart
Likes: Music, candy (on the rare occasion she can get it), Fall, her “sisters” (aka fellow newsies)
Dislikes: Summer, messes, lightning, competitions
Ship: Oscar Delancey
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Name: Ava Fig (real last name unknown)
Nickname: Tinker- she has many skills when it comes to fixing things that she’s more than happy to put to use in order to profit from
Age: 15/16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Resourceful, witty, thoughtful, trustworthy, earnest
Likes: Fixing things, cloud watching, carriage rides, reading, good manners
Dislikes: Gender norms, heat, bright colors, sewing, fog
It’s unclear how she has so much knowledge about so many things (she’s not even sure she knows how), but nevertheless she alway puts it to use
While her main job is being a newsie, she’s also welcome to commissions from anyone needing her abilities and she’s gained a small bit of a reputation from it
In reference to the first dislike) I can just imagine one of the workers of the newspaper being told that a tinker is coming in to fix their machine and then a small 5’3/4 girl waltzing in with a tool belt and her weird ass goggles lmao
Ship: Darcy Reid
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Name: Poppy (no last name)
Nickname: Poppy- she doesn’t actually know her real name or family
Age: 16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Clever, loyal, intuitive, observant, kindhearted
Likes: Collecting things (little trinkets), sewing, music, rain, festivals
Dislikes: Being late, winter, excessive blood, roses, nitpicking
She was raised in an orphanage until she was ten, when she eventually ran away and started her life as a newsie. She named herself Poppy after the flower
Ship: Davey Jacobs
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Name: Hazel Rynn
Nickname: Gingersnap- Because of her red hair
Age: 16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Sincere, intuitive, (kinda) eccentric, funny, brave(ish)
Likes: Moving pictures, trinket collecting, open spaces, cloud watching, tea
Dislikes: Closed spaces, wasting things, fog, sunny days, coffee
(In reference to the first like) she often sneaks into theaters to just watch moving pictures. She hasn’t been caught yet as far as she knows, but if she has been, they haven’t said anything to her
Ship: Spot Conlon
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Name: Mavis Adler
Nickname: Nurse- she’s the unofficial nurse to the newsies
Age: 15
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Kind, intelligent, realistic, passionate, resourceful
Likes: Helping people, music, sunsets, cloud watching, Fall
Dislikes: Rainy days, thorns, sewing, closed spaces, messes
As previously stated, Mavis had essentially become the nurse of the newsies. When she was super young she spent a lot of time sick in the hospital, and in her boredom of just sitting there she began learning whatever the nurses there would teach her.
She doesn’t really like talking about her past so that was just about all the other newsies knew about her
Ship: Elmer
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Name: Alina Ewa Jacobi
Nickname: N/A
Age: 16
Occupation: Waitress- Jacobi’s Deli
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Optimistic, sincere, funny, friendly, caring
Likes: Newsies, working at the deli, art, physical touch, Spring
Dislikes: Summer, being late, white roses, competition, no manners
As implied by her name, she’s the daughter of Mr. Jacobi.
Ship: Mush Myers
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Name: Ella Chastain
Nickname: Runner- she’s Spot’s messenger of sorts
Age: 16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Brooklyn
Personality: Curious, carefree, positive, witty, kind
Likes: Mythology, dancing, sunrises, children, flowers
Dislikes: Fireworks, arguing, sitting still, swimming, negativity
Ella isn’t quite Spot’s second in command per se, she’s more of his messenger. When he needs word to get to the other boroughs he sends her. She’s also a sort of mother/older sister to the other newsies (even the ones that are older than her).
She basically has most (if not all) the streets of the city memorized, so it’s a rare occasion that she ever gets lost.
Ship: Jack Kelly
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Name: Issa Fei
Nickname: N/A
Age: 16
Occupation: N/A
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Inquisitive, realist, thoughtful, generous, careful
Likes: Reading, sweet scents, sunshine, picnics, baking
Dislikes: Darkness, rain, heights, sports, chalk
Issa’s father is a jeweler. They aren’t quite first class, but they’re the closest they can get to it. They live a somewhat lavish life but her mother and father always remind her to remain humble and give when they can.
Ship: Jack Kelly
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Name: Bonnie Morgan
Nickname: Baby- she’s considered everyone’s baby sister (even to those she’s older than)
Age: 16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Passionate, caring, witty, gentle, optimistic
Likes: Helping others, sweets, flowers, sewing, moving pictures
Dislikes: Winter, rain, bugs, singing in front of others, loud noises
Ship: Racetrack Higgins
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Name: Mia Fei
Nickname: N/A
Age: 16
Occupation: N/A
Borough: Manhattan
Personality: Carefree, kind, smart, amiable, adventurous
Likes: Drawing, stargazing, rain, writing stories, learning
Dislikes: Surprises, outdoors, sitting still, heavy clothes, competition
If you can’t tell by the last name Mia is the sister of Issa. They aren’t quite first class, but they’re the closest they can get to it. They live a somewhat lavish life but her mother and father always remind her to remain humble and give when they can.
Ship: Kid Blink
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Name: Apricot Monroe
Nickname: N/A
Age: 16
Occupation: Newsie
Borough: TBD
Personality: Sincere, intuitive, (kinda) eccentric, funny, brave(ish)
Likes: Heights, trinkets, open spaces, cloud watching, tea
Dislikes: Closed spaces, wasting things, fog, sunny days, coffee
Ship: Finch
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Full name: Lilith Larkin
Nickname: Lily
Age: 17
Occupation: Performer at Medda’s Theatre
Borough: Manhattan
Likes: Spring, adventures, singing, sunlight, dancing
Dislikes: Grumpiness, eggs, silence, darkness, rain
Personality: Carefree, passionate, loyal, ambitious, optimistic
Ship: Bill Hearst Jr
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haradasaya · 2 years
The Magic of a Mate
In light of the Summer Solstice tomorrow, here is a fic I'd been working on for awhile now! Just a quick little fic about my headcanon that mates help with the solstice sickness!
Also on ao3 if your interested!
The summer solstice was tomorrow, and David was already acting differently. Angel didn’t know much about the empowered world as a whole, but this also wasn’t their first rodeo in regards to the solstice. The first year knowing about it was rough. David was a mess all day, sick and tired, refusing to even move, let alone get out of bed for anything. He’d denied all their other requests of things they could do for him: making dinner, giving him a massage, running a bath. All he wanted was for them to lie in his arms.
This was to be their third year with David, and they felt nowhere near ready. Asher’s mate had agreed to help them out this year in preparation for whatever they needed, but in all honesty, Angel didn’t even know what they needed. If he didn’t want a bath, or dinner, or a massage, what else could they even offer to help?
Asher’s mate met them out for lunch, the plan to eat and then go to the store for things they needed. Stealth said they might show up if they could think of anything they wanted for tomorrow, but that they weren’t sure. As another moonbound empowered person, the sunbound solstice wasn’t their day either. Both Stealth and Milo would be out tomorrow, so Angel wouldn’t be upset if they decided to bail. They couldn’t blame them.
“Honestly, this moonbound, sunbound thing has me confused as fuck.” Babe said between bites of sandwich. “The solstice really has the ability to take out an entire half of the empowered population? Seems like bullshit to me. You’d think they’d have come up with some kind of potion or spell or something that would stop that by now.”
Angel smiled, taking a sip of their drink. “Sometimes I just wish they had a class for people like us who hop into the magical world without any prior knowledge. Like, “The Empowered World 101” or something, you know?”
Babe laughs. “Yeah, except some things aren’t stuff you could even learn. There is no possible way they’d think to cover how to care for a stinky werewolf who just came back from a run and wants to cover you in kisses, now would they?”
The two chuckle in sync, laughing at the imagery of Asher doing just that. Angel tried to imagine David doing something similar, but it just wasn’t something they could imagine. Honestly though, Angel was a bit relieved it wasn’t the same. There was nothing wrong with Asher and Babe’s relationship, it just wasn’t Angel’s cup of tea. Or Davids.
“Are you ready to go?” Babe asked. Angel nodded and stood, but when Babe didn’t move, it occurred to Angel that they were expected to lead the way.
“Honestly, I’m not really sure what to do. I’ve tried different things to help Davey out, but he doesn’t want any of it.”
Babe nodded, taking Angel by the hand. “I know how you feel. Last year, Asher rolled around in bed all day and just wanted me to hold him. He was lucky I had the day off.”
They walked together up the street, towards a small store selling general commodities. They detoured their way inside, looking over the trinkets and toiletries.
“What about some bath salts? That might help with the muscle aches?”
Angel shook their head. “He doesn’t want a bath.”
Babe set the bag down. They started to walk away, but quickly turned back around, finger raised as if to make a point and eyes gleaming. “What about a weighted blanket? Maybe the pressure will help him sleep?”
Angel chuckled. “I like the enthusiasm, but knowing David he’d probably leave it in the box and just make me lay on him to achieve the same effect.”
Babe groaned, hand falling to their side. “Fuuuuck, David is hard to shop for.”
Angel was about to agree, but their phone rang at the same time. They picked it up, seeing Stealth’s name.
Hey! Where are you guys? I decided I needed a few things after all.
Angel laughed. “It’s okay. We’re at a little corner store off the Boulevard. I’ll send you our location.”
Babe turned, curiosity piqued. Is that Stealth? they mouthed. Angel nodded.
Okay, perfect. Can we stop by a grocery store after? That’s where I need my stuff from.
“Yeah, of course.” Angel looked at their watch. “How far are you?”
I’m just leaving the department. Should be five minutes tops.
“Awesome. We’ll see you in a second.”
Babe had already walked off into the store, out of sight of Angel. ‘Kay, bye.
Angel quickly sent the location of this shop to Stealth, then they slid their phone back in their pocket, looking through stands and displays for Babe. They called out their name, but no reply. Angel dared venture further past the initial displays, getting deeper in.
The store was empty, quiet except for the soft music playing from the speakers in the ceiling. Angel was about to call out for Babe again when they suddenly appeared from behind a shelf, scaring Angel. “I got it!”
Angel yelped, clutching at their heart at the recognition of Babe. “Don’t do that! You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Babe didn’t acknowledge their panic. Instead, they help up a toy medical kit in one hand, and a plastic syringe in the other. “Give him some anesthesia and make him sleep all day!” 
Babe squeezed the toy syringe at them twice as if to make their point. Angel had to chuckle, not at the idea, but at Babe’s outrageous energy. “That might work.”
Babe set the toy box down. “I genuinely don’t think there is anything in here we can use.”
As they’re saying this, an out of breath Stealth comes through the door. “Sorry I’m—out of breath… I—ran here.”
The three meet up by the door, letting Stealth catch their breath. “Why did you run?”
They raise a hand as if to say Gimme a second.
When they eventually do stand fully, they hold up their watched arm. “It’s a challenge at work. Department versus department thing…” they take another breath, exhaling quickly. “That run put us in the lead.”
Babe made a whooping sound as if to celebrate. Angel just smiled at them both.
“We’re just leaving, so let’s head to your grocery store.” Angel said, gesturing toward the door.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this challenge right before the sun bound solstice,” Babe commented, stepping outside, “aren’t you exhausted?”
Stealth nodded, leading the group out of the store and down the street. “I’m exhausted, and so is my department. Luckily, I can put my watch on Aggro and let him rack up steps for me!”
Angel and Babe laughed. That was such a them thing to do. “Never change, Stealth.” Babe commented.
They enter the grocery store, Stealth visibly stiffening under the whoosh of cold air in the doorway. “You alright?” Babe asked.
Stealth nodded slowly. “Yeah. Just a little light headed.”
Angel made a mental note to stay by their side in case they fell or something. Stealth leads them through the store, grabbing the random things they had in a mental checklist. Eventually, Babe asks the million dollar question.
“So I know that you both are affected by this solstice, but what do you get Milo to help?”
Stealth looks at them quizzically. “I don’t really get him anything.”
Stealth had been with Milo for an extra year more than Angel and Babe, who met their mates around the same time. Stealth had a whole extra solstice of experience over them, surely they had some piece of advice for them.
But that was it? Surely there was something they could do?
“You don’t get him anything? Does he want a bath or a massage? Something to help with the pain?”
Stealth shook their head. “Nope? Milo just likes to lay in bed all day. Sometimes if I’m feeling alright I’ll read a book, but that rarely happens. We mostly just hold each other all day.”
Babe laughs. “That’s what Asher and I do too. He doesn’t let me go.”
Angel agreed. “Davey is the worst because when he falls asleep, you can not get out of his grasp for anything.”
Stealth and Babe laugh at that. “You know why that is, right?”
Babe and Angel give Stealth a puzzling look, stopping in the middle of the isle. “What?”
Stealth laughs, the kind of laugh you give when you know juicy gossip that others don’t. “Marie and I were talking the other day about this thing she calls “Mate’s Magic. It’s supposedly superstition among wolf shifters because there really isn’t any actual magic involved, but it’s essentially this belief that a mate is the only cure for solstice sickness.”
Stealth finally eyes what they’re looking for and grabs it, adding it to their basket. Babe and Angel still stare at Stealth, as if they hadn’t just basically revealed the secret to the whole universe. “They what now?”
Babe laughs. “Okay, but why does that make so much sense? Ash won’t let me go and it’s the only time he says he can stand being awake on the solstice.”
Stealth chuckles, fatigue evident on their features. “It’s just superstition though, because, again, there’s no actual magic involved. Marie seems to think it’s true though.”
Angel notices their tiredness. “You don’t believe it?”
They shrug. “I don’t know if I do. It seems like bullshit that this “magic remedy to the solstice sickness” is limited to only one type of magic user, and a specified type of shifter at that, but who am I to tell Marie that she’s wrong?”
Angel and Babe share a look. Stealth might be skeptical, but they absolutely believed in this “mate magic.”
Stealth goes to take a step, but stumbles. Angel is there to catch them though, luckily. “I think it’s time you get home and rest.”
Stealth opens their mouth to protest, but Babe cuts them off. “No buts! You’re tired. It’s almost the worst day of the year. We’re taking you home.” Stealth only nods at that.
After making sure Stealth and Babe made it home safe, Angel made their way back to their house. It was still breathtaking that they owned this house now, with David, it was theirs. Since the day they stepped inside to tour the house, Angel knew it was home. David seemed to know too.
David must have heard the garage door open, because when Angel got out of the car, he was standing in the doorway into the house, arms open just enough to signal that he wanted them to come into his arms. He was without a shirt, dark gray sweats hanging loosely off his hips, dangerously low. He obviously hadn’t looked at himself in a mirror before coming out.
“Give me a second to grab the bags and I’ll be right in.”
Angel leaned into the seats to grab at as many plastic handles as possible, but immediately felt David’s hands on their waist. “Is there any perishable food in the bags?”
Angel made a negative sound, and stole a small glance over their shoulder. His arms had found their way onto their hips and was beginning to pull them out of the door of the car. Before they could realize what he was doing, he’d lifted them up and hoisted them up over his shoulder.
“Davey, the bags!”
He kicked the door shut with his bare foot. “Later. Bedtime now.”
Angel huffed, but wasn’t actually upset. It wasn’t often David got like this, all clingy and lovey. They’d take what they could get, they supposed.
He makes his way through the house, careful not to knock Angel’s head into a wall on the way to their bedroom.  Their bedroom.  That thought always gave Angel butterflies.
David deposited Angel softly into their bed, taking his place next to them and pulling them to his chest before they even could have possibly tried to move. He was already comfortable by the time Angel spoke. “Was that necessary?”
David grumbled something into their back, voice too low to possibly understand what he’d said other than that it was necessary. Angel was about to protest this assault when the conversation with Stealth and Babe from earlier came back into their head. The mate’s magic helps the solstice sickness.
Instead, they let themselves relax into his arms. It wasn’t the solstice yet, though David was already acting like it was. But Angel didn’t have to worry. They knew they had the cure for tomorrow. They didn’t need fancy bath salts or a special massage wand or any other sparkly item to help David. He just needed them.
Maybe the mate’s magic wasn’t real, but the butterflies that formed in their stomach at the thought of being David’s antidote made them think that maybe it could be.
David kept a death grip on Angel all night. He wasn’t hurting them, but Angel thought they might pop if he squeezed them any tighter. But despite that, his touch was comforting. It was almost relaxing. They understood why David would be able to sleep if he held them like this. When he was in his deepest sleep, they wriggled their way out of his arms to grab the rest of the groceries, and then cleaned up a little around the house. Most weekends, pack members found their way to their house to come play cards, or swim in the pool like this was a frat house. Angel didn’t mind. In fact, certain members who showed up were a relief to see there. That way, both Angel and David knew where they were–that they weren’t out causing trouble or looking for fights. David liked to pretend he was irritated every time they all came over, but they knew he secretly liked it. It made the house feel even more like home, if that were even possible.
It also helped David to have something to do on the weekend of Father’s Day. Ash and Milo had coordinated it to make it seem like just another frat party weekend, but they all knew what it was really about. David mused about how much he appreciated it, though those two were still a pain in his ass.
After making dinner and cleaning up their dishes, they made sure all their work was done for the day. They knew that they’d have more projects due later this week, but today was about David. It was about being there for him when he needed them. As the normally protective one, David was prone to putting himself and his needs aside to make sure the job got done, or making sure that their needs were met first. For all his bitching about healthy meals, taking care of their mental health, and also keeping up with work and pack matters, he really tended to wear himself out worrying for them. Today, when he didn’t have a choice but to take care of himself, Angel liked that they got to be the caretaker for a time. It helped too that now they knew that they didn’t need to do some extravagant act or outrageous service to help him. All he needed was them.
 They checked on him every twenty minutes or so, making sure that he wasn’t in pain, awake or needed anything. When he did look like he was waking up, Angel crawled back into his arms, letting him wrap around them again. They’d only had to do this twice so far today, as he’d slept most of the day. Nearing the evening though, he’d woken up with an apparent intent to be awake for at least a little while.
“What have you done today?” He asked sleepily. They lay in each other’s arms, hands intertwined. Angel was using their free hand to play with David’s fluffy hair, full of cowlicks from sleeping, and David was running small circles on Angel’s hip with his thumb.
“Just cleaned up from this weekend. Everyone made quite the mess here this time.”
“I noticed. I wanted to clean it up for you before you got home, but I didn’t. Sorry.”
Angel thumbed at a new batch of hair. “It’s okay my love. I had time today to get it done.”
He only nods. “Did you eat?” Always taking care of them first.
“Yes, I did. There are some leftovers if you want some later.”
He grunts. “Definitely later. Eating sounds like a terrible idea right now.”
Angel chuckles at that, reminded of everything they’d heard the past couple of days. “Sorry I couldn’t stay with you all day, I get really restless when I don’t get to move around.”
David nodded again, pulling them closer. “I understand Angel. I’m glad you were with me when I was awake. Just holding you helps me feel better.”
Angel hums in agreement. So this mate’s magic thing had some backing to it. David at least understood the magic behind the madness, even if they didn’t know if he believed in it or not.
“Hey Davey?” They questioned. He tilted his head the tiniest bit, not enough to see into their eyes but enough to let them know that he was listening. “Do you believe in mate's magic?”
This time he did look down at them. “Who told you about that?”
Angel blushed, but they didn’t know why. It wasn’t like they’d just asked him a super personal secret, it was just some superstition. “Stealth told me yesterday. They were talking with Marie and she told them and then they told us when we met up. Do you think it’s real?”
He thought for a moment. Angel wondered if he would just be saying something to make them feel better about believing in superstition. But David wasn’t like that. “I believe that I feel better when you’re here. Solstice or not, your touch is the thing that makes me feel better. Your presence is always appreciated.”
“So you don’t believe in it?” Angel saw through his fancy words. They appreciated his attempt though.
David just huffs, his version of a laugh. “You asked for my honest opinion, why do you always get so feisty when I give it to you?”
“Because it’s not what I want to hear.” They whine.
He pulls them back to him. “If you believe in that superstition, then I do too. Does that make you feel better?”
The fact that David wasn’t the type of person to give out free compliments like that meant one of two things: he was too tired to want to argue with them about the logistics of all that, or he genuinely meant what he was saying. Angel hoped it was the latter.
“I always want you in my life Angel. Mate’s magic or not, feisty or responsible. You are my mate, and if that gives you some pseudo magical ability on one day of the year, then I’m okay with it.”
Angel’s stomach fills with butterflies. “You’re really tired aren’t you?”
David makes a face. “You’re welcome for the compliment, I guess.”
Angel only laughs, burying their face into his chest. “I love you, Davey.”
“I love you too, you little snot.”
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