#dave is a loser
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bianquitasworld · 2 years ago
Can we have Dave as a total nerd who gets invited to his first highschool rager where he meets reader who's interested in him?
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Parings: Dave Lizewski x Reader ₊ ⊹
A/N: Sorry for being gone I had no inspiration. I would make this a story but i’m scared to I trust myself doing little head-canons better :( also! Did y’all see the brawl in alabama !? 🪑
Warnings: Underage drinking, I pictured the characters around being 17-18 since they are in high school!! Dave is 18 reader is 18!!
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• Well first of all we all know Dave is a huge nerd and kind of a loser, So how he even got invited to a rager is unknown.
• He decide to go, figured it would be better than spending his time away at home reading comics. Poor boy was lost and confused he did not know what to wear, he was stressed!
• He spent so much time trying to find an outfit at the end of it clothes was all over his bed and floor hangers were everywhere. All this mess just for him to go with the first outfit he had originally put on.
• Dave was so stressed out about absolutely everything he wanted to turn back and go home and read his comic books in the safety of his room.
• The music was far too loud teenagers were everywhere indulging in underage-drinking and dancing, some making out and practically having sex, gross.
• Dave was scared he couldn’t find the person who invited him so he just walked around, he grabbed a cup just to try and fit amongst everyone else at the party.
• Dave recognized some of the people from his school and decided to keep his head down to not embarrass himself in front of them. He noticed many jocks playing beer pong and cheering each other on.
• As he walked around he found comfort in a dark corner away from everyone. Dave would definitely just sit in the corner by himself and people watch, which is exactly what he did until some shirtless drunk dude accidentally slammed in to him, making him spill his beer all over his shirt.
• Dave tried to find a bathroom to clean off his shirt but all the bathrooms downstairs were occupied, so he went upstairs he tried finding the bathroom but instead walked in on a couple about to have sex. He was mortified, the girl threw her shoe and screamed at him to get out.
• once he found the bathroom he opened it without knocking (he didn’t learn his lesson) and walked in on you adjusting your dress,
“Dude what the fuck? Didn’t anyone teach you to knock?”
he was a stuttering mess while he apologized.
“Sorry-sorry i was just trying to-nothing never mind”
• when he was about to leave you stopped him telling him it was fine and you were done anyways. He couldn’t make eye contact with you he was so nervous he thought you were so pretty and his nostrils were overwhelmed by your sweet perfume. Was he drooling? probably.
• Before he could leave you stopped him.
“No, Sorry it’s fine I was done anyways. You okay? You seem like..uncomfortable?”
He was blushing and nervous, he grabbed some toilet paper and tried to clean the now almost dry beer off his shirt.
“Y-yeah? I’m fine-i’m cool just never been to one of these things before-and and…you’re really p-pretty and you smell really good..”
His smile and was cute and his glasses only added to how adorable he looked.
• When he heard your laugh he was done for! That man would’ve done anything you asked and he’d only spoken two sentences to you.
• “well..thanks uh —?”
“Dave my name-it’s uh Dave w-whats yours??”
“I’m —“
• You guys would probably spend 30 minutes talking in the bathroom and laughing, you can definitely tell this is not his scene like at all.
• “So Dave..do you want to give me your number? Or are you just gonna stare at me?”
his loser ass is so embarrassed!! He gives you his number and you guys text all night and morning.
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granoel · 25 days ago
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you do not want to mess with my crew
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waffleslashermaster · 7 months ago
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Some young adult Michael doodles because I need to figure out how he looks like
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astermath · 2 years ago
"So? Whatever." Pt.2
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pairing: dave lizewski x popular!fem!reader
summary: after closing a deal with dave to let you borrow his comics while he pretends to tutor you, he finally comes over to your house. he’s confronted with the fact that despite your reputation of being damn near perfect, you have your own insecurities and issues. you’re confronted with how much you enjoy his company, despite having your reservations about him before.
word count: 2.4K
notes: thank you for the likes and the reblogs, I really appreciate it! I really enjoy writing for this reader, there’s something so fun about being able to be so playfully mean. Please let me know if you’d like a part 3, and comments are greatly appreciated too!
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[unknown]: hi, it’s dave! hope I typed in the right number lol
You look at your phone as it buzzed, squinting to see if you recognized the contact as you dried your hair off from the shower. You sat down on your bed and swiped up, smiling at the name. At least he didn’t forget to text. You saved his number under a new contact and started typing a reply.
[y/n]: sorry, I know a lot of daves. are you the one from the party last saturday, or the one from the football game?
[dave]: lizewski? the one who lent you the venom comic? brown hair, glasses?
You grinned to yourself, laying down on your stomach on the bed.
[y/n]: I’m just messing with ya, nerd. I remember you, how could I possibly forget?
[dave]: right
[dave]: sorry
[dave]: could you send me the address? and what type of comics you want me to bring?
You sent him your location and a couple of screenshots of your favorite franchises.
[y/n]: think you can work with that?
[dave]: yeah, totally! I’ll be there at 2 on saturday, is that ok?
[y/n]: totes, see ya then x
Dave stared down at his phone, eyes fixated on the little “x” you added to your last text. Everything from that day had already felt surreal, and now he was actually texting you. Or, well, he assumed so. This could all very well still be part of some really shitty prank, but you did seem genuine in your request. And what kind of guy would he be to just assume you were out to get him, just like all the others?
A smart one, probably.
But it was too late for second thoughts now, as he stood in front of the driveway to your house. It was huge, nothing like the houses in his neighborhood. He guessed that’s what all that lawyer money was good for. He walked up to the front door, his hand shaking a little as he reached out to ring the bell. He heard footsteps, taking a deep breath in and mentally prepared himself to be met by you as the door opened.
Instead, he was met by the eyes of an older man, slightly taller than him, who seemed less than pleased to see him at his front door. He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow as he looked him up and down. “Can I help you, son?”
Dave gulped, hands getting clammy inside his coat’s pockets. He was not ready to be confronted by your dad, especially because he’s the one you were primarily hiding things from. “I-I’m here to tutor—”
“My daughter?” He cut him off before he could say your name. “You the kid that’s tutoring her?”
“Y-Yes sir, that’s me.” He pulled out his hand, silently cursing himself for not wiping it on his pants before because of how sweaty it was.
Your father looked down at his hand, but before he could even shake it, your voice was heard from behind him. “Daddy, that’s for me!” You walked down the stairs, making eye contact with Dave as he tried not to melt right then and there because of what you were wearing. He usually saw you wear your cute, well put together outfits at school, but seeing you in your cute comfy shorts, with your hair put up… He only realized he was staring when your dad addressed him again.
“Alright, get inside. And shoes off.”
He obliged, quickly taking his shoes off as your dad walked back into the living room.
Not long after, he was met with the sight of your room. Shelves adorned with trophies, a vanity, a queen sized bed with a TV in front of it, a plush sofa, and a huge closet… He was pretty sure he’s seen whole apartments less nice than your room. But nevermind that, he was in a girl’s room, in your room. That was intimate no matter the scenario.
You sat down on your desk chair, legs crossed as you turned it on its wheels to face the boy scanning your room. He looked like he had landed in another dimension, eyes wide as he examined his surroundings.
“What’s so interesting?” You asked, not sure if he was looking for something or if he was just genuinely this impressed by your room.
“You have… A lot of trophies…” He fidgeted with the sleeve of his shirt.
You looked over to the shelf, smiling proudly. “All from cheering.” You pointed to the tiara on the shelf above it. “Besides that one.”
He remembers when you won prom queen in your junior year, though he’s not sure if he’d count that as a trophy. He’d never tell you that, though.
“So, you gonna give me my comics or are you just here to inspect my private property?”
Your comment snapped him out of his daydreaming and he quickly took off his backpack to take out a plastic bag filled with comics. “I-I didn’t know which ones you wanted specifically, so… I just took all the ones from the franchises you showed me.” He took the pile out of the bag and you got up to take them from him.
“Careful, it’s—“
Your arms almost gave out to the sheer heft of the pile before he caught them. “Jesus christ Dave!”
“S-Sorry, sorry, I didn’t realise they weighed that much combined!” He looks panicked, hoping you didn’t hurt yourself when the weight pulled you down.
“You carried these all the way here?” You looked at him in shock. There was no way he was that strong, not without you knowing about it. “What are you, some kind of secret body builder?” You watched him put the pile down on your desk, seeing the muscles in his forearm. Maybe you were wrong, you just hadn’t been paying as much attention to Dave as you apparently should have been.
He avoided the question, simply sitting down on the carpeted floor across you with his back against the side of your bed. Frankly, he knew he’d be better off saying nothing when it came to his physique, afraid it might reveal too much relating to his vigilante activities.
You looked through the pile, finding the sequel to the previous comic you had borrowed from him and pulling it out. Dave took his own comic book out of his backpack, and when he looked back at you, something had clearly changed.
Your face was now adorned with a pair of round, thinly rimmed glasses.
He blinked a few times to make sure his own eyes weren’t deceiving him, but no, he was seeing things right.
You look up from your page and raise an eyebrow. “Didn’t your mommy ever tell you it’s rude to stare?”
“You wear glasses.” He said, eyes fixated on your face. His usual aversion to eye contact seemed to have vanished all of a sudden.
“What?” You realized you hadn’t thought about it when you put them on. You didn’t usually have company over while you were reading stuff. “Oh.” Your face suddenly felt a lot warmer, embarrassment washing over you. “Yeah, I uh… I need them to read, at least. I get through the rest of my day without em just fine, they just look so… Stupid.” You paused, looking back at his face and realizing how mean that must have sounded to him. “Not that you look stupid! You look, uh… You look smart! Real smart, it’s just… They don’t suit me and I…His expression hasn’t changed one bit since you had put on your spectacles. You looked so different, in a good way. A really good way.
“Pretty.” He muttered.
“What?” You broke out of your embarrassed rambling.
“I think you look pretty. With the glasses. They suit you.” He smiled demurely, hoping that didn’t gain him some creep points.
You stared back at him. You’d been called hot before, sexy, gorgeous… But hearing him call you pretty, it was something else. There were no intentions behind it, he just needed to say it, like it felt right. You blink, trying to cope with the fact that the nerd you thought you had an upper hand on had turned your brain to mush with a single compliment.
“Yeah, uhm… Whatever…” You went back to reading. “…thanks.”
He smiled to himself as he picked up his own comic book again. You were surprisingly fun to talk to, it was almost as if he didn’t feel like he was getting judged for everything he was saying anymore.
And he could definitely get used to that.
A few hours pass as you both peruse through the pile. The silence is comfortable, only being broken if someone flipped a page or grabbed a new comic. He looked up and saw you holding the Spider-man collector’s edition he took a page out of, seemingly very immersed in the story.
“Do you like Spider-man?” He spoke up, hoping he didn’t annoy you by taking you out of the story.
“Oh, uh…” You adjusted the glasses on your face as they kept slipping down your nose a bit. “Yeah. He’s like… pretty cool I guess.” You had so much to say about him, so much you wanted to gush about, but you couldn’t help but still feel a little ashamed about your interest.
Dave looked at you expectantly. He knew that look, the same look he had whenever someone would call him any type of name at school for being a top shelf dork.
And in that moment, you realised you both had something in common. Except he lived his life unashamedly being a dork, and you were concealing it.
“Alright, so,” You got up from your chair and sat down on the floor next to him, your shoulders touching as you held the comic to your chest. The excitement nearly poured out of you as you couldn’t contain your words, going over everything you liked about him. His background, his personality, his originally handmade suit, his unique powers…
Dave watched you speak with a dreamy smile on his face, your face glowing with happiness. He never thought you’d looked more beautiful, just unapologetically being yourself in front of him. He didn’t once try to interrupt you, he wouldn’t dare to, you just looked so cute gushing about this comic book hero.
“And the fact that… He’s just some kid, right?” You looked into his eyes as he nodded along with you. “Like, he never got any special training, or fancy gear, or anything like that. He could have lived every day of his life pretending he never got bitten by that spider, and live happily ever after, but no! He took matters into his own hands, because he wanted to make a change, because he cared about the people around him.” You smiled, not realizing you had grabbed Dave’s arm and were squeezing it a little to emphasize your words.
He blushed, feeling like that description fit his own endeavors pretty well. He looked into your eyes and for a second, felt the urge to lean in. It took about as much strength as it did to carry those comics to not do so.
You let go of his arms and held your legs close your chest. “But that upside down kiss with MJ… That’s gotta be bullshit. There’s no way you can kiss someone like that.”
“I don‘t know,” Dave responded. “I feel like it would be kinda fun. It doesn’t look that hard.”
“Oh yeah? How would you know?” You turned your head to look at him and gave him a cocky grin.
His face flushed pink and he regretted saying what he said. He just gave you the perfect bait to tease the ever living hell out of him. “W-Well, I… I can imagine that… From my experience… It’s…” He stammered.
You let out a soft giggle, amused at his embarrassment. “You’ve never kissed a girl, have you?”
Dave gulped, words stuck in his throat. But you had opened up so much to him, it wouldn’t be fair to not do the same. “I, uhm… No. I haven’t.” He let out a bit of a defeated chuckle.
An idea sprung alive in your head, a dangerous but intriguing glint in your eyes as you bit your lower lip slightly.
“Would you want to?”
Dave had heard you say a lot of shocking things, but that might just take the cake. His cheeks burned hot as the blood rushed to his face, his hands staying steady on his own thighs to not show they were trembling a little. He didn’t know what to say, this was all happening so quickly.
Before he could respond, you were leaning in, eyes on his soft lips, only inches apart—
“Sweetie! Come down for dinner!”
Your eyes snapped open and you pulled back, looking at Dave before glancing over at the door. Thank god they didn’t come up to knock, that would have been the death of you. You take a deep breath and get up, gesturing with your hand for him to do the same. “You should uh… Probably head out.”
He sat there a bit longer than he should have, a million thoughts going through his head before the sound of your voice finally got through to him. “Right, sorry… Don’t wanna overstay my welcome.” He gathered his comics and went downstairs with you to put on his shoes and coat again.
You opened the door for him and he looked back at you to say goodbye. “Thanks for having me over, I had a good time. I hope you did too.” He smiled shyly, hands in his pockets.
You smiled back, reaching up to ruffle his brown curls. “Don’t mention it. And don’t die on the way back, shit’s dangerous out there these days.”
He nodded, giving you a quick wave before heading out, the feeling in his chest warming up his entire body. He felt like he could take on anything, a feeling that would absolutely come in handy later when he’d be face to face with New York’s criminals.
You went back upstairs and sat down at your desk, noticing he’d left something. It was the special collector’s edition you’d been gushing about earlier. You ran your fingers across the damaged front page, smiling to yourself.
Dave was looking in the mirror, adjusting his costume a little and checking if he had everything he needed with him. A buzz of his phone got his attention, and a giddy boyish grin spread across his face.
[y/n]: so, same time next week? xx
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(lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list for this fic and other dave lizewski works!!)
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binary-bird · 19 days ago
Who is David sadek? Is he just hamlet? I'm so confused because they look the same, not in a same face kind of way but in a these are the same person kind of way. I haven't been here long please explain 😭
They look the same because they are the same person!
David Hammond is a theater kid OC who plays my version of Hamlet. When I post Hamlet fanart, it's usually him in costume.
David Sadek is an alternate universe version of Hammond. He's an anti-hero/vigilante who also happens to be in a metal band, making him significantly cooler than the original.
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crypticwritingz · 9 days ago
me: I wonder why people think I'm autistic
also me:
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uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh,, hhh
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zombehqola · 1 month ago
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I love low effort comics. Ik for a fact dave is terrified of jigsaw bc of his bro
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sheetcheevbanna · 4 months ago
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Hidden johndave file!!!! @johndavedaily I busted my frickin ass, doinf this after my bedtime. So don’t even talk about the quality!!!! I was half asleep!!!!!! >:((
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snailb0t · 5 months ago
i love how in ur au they all look fucked up except dave. hes just dave. keep going boy i love 2 see it
Honestly he’s just so amoeba-like to me there’s nothing to change </3
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(Also some Dave doodles I did for warmup :3)
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pinkypride · 7 months ago
"You're a loser, Dave!"
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Loser, Baby is so Davesport istg it fits them so well. Also this is my first piece of dsaf art wow. I can't wait to get bullied off the platform for making a Hazbin reference
I am cringe, but I am free.
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 8 months ago
Rockstar Lestat would have the most insane beef with either Courtney Love, Dave Grohl, or both.
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shotbyafool · 9 months ago
it was so awesome that they let Dave Malloy up on the stage for the Tonys that one time. sure hope that happens again some day
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astermath · 2 years ago
 “So? Whatever.” pt.3
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pairing: dave lizewski x popular!fem!reader
summary: you and dave grow closer and you both share stories and secrets. one faithful night, when he’s got nowhere else to go, he reveals his biggest one.
word count: 1.7K
warnings: mentions of blood and injuries
notes: this is probably the final one in this series, but I’ll definitely be writing some blurbs and whatnot using the popular!reader. any requests or things you want to see between these two, or just dave, are welcome in my asks!! thank you for the sweet comments and reblogs, they mean the world to me, hope you enjoy!! <3
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Meeting Dave at your house had now become a weekly occurrence.
Every Saturday he’d stop by for a “tutoring session”, backpack filled with new comics and sometimes collectibles, usually bought with the money you gave him for his time. You’d started enjoying your time together so much that you started bailing on party plans or shopping trips, raising some suspicions from your friends as to what you were up to. You simply said you were focusing more on school to finish the year off properly. Which would be a decent excuse if your grades were actually improving, which they weren’t exactly. 
Your Saturdays were usually spent on the carpeted floor of your room, pages spread as excited voices filled the space, talking about your favorite arcs and discussing who the best supervillain really was. 
You had easily become one of Dave’s favorite people to spend time with outside of his vigilante duties, and the feeling was mutual. A crush had started brewing between you two, but neither of you wanted to admit to it. Not just because your worlds outside the safe space of your bedroom were so vastly different, but because you didn’t want to ruin this perfectly good thing you had going on with each other. Even if it meant suppressing the urge to ask him to stay the night, or him pushing away thoughts of kissing you before he’d leave, it was for the best.
Dave had grown so fond of you, you’d shared so much about yourself. You’d opened up about your insecurities, about how competitive cheerleading had affected your mental health, how you hated how your father was away so much for work, how you felt trapped by your reputation... All these things you could never talk about before, they were safe with him.
That’s why Dave felt so ridden with guilt any time you would share things like that with him. Because he was essentially just... Lying to you. You had no idea he was Kickass, at least that’s what he hoped, and the thought of you resenting him for it was eating away at him. If you knew what he was doing when you weren’t there, if you found out about this entire other persona, there was no way you’d still want to spend time with him. At best, you’d turn him in to the police, and he’d never see you again.
But something inside his head, something really stupid and naïve was telling him you’d accept him.
That really stupid part was also in love with you.
Dave’s text messages had been less frequent lately, further adding to your worries about what he’d been up to. He’d cancelled multiple times in the past few weeks, something he’d never done before, and when you asked what he was doing he got so nervous. He’d usually just give some strange excuse or said his dad needed him to be home with all the crime that’s been going on. But that wouldn’t explain the bruises you’d notice on his arms when he took his jacket off, which he’d quickly try to cover by pulling down his sleeves. You’d asked your brother if him or any of his friends had been messing with him, threatening to light his jerseys on fire if he lied about it.
“The fuck would I know about what your boyfriend’s been up to?” He spat, upset that you were bothering him with this at all.
“He’s not my boyfriend, shithead!” You yelled, throwing a pillow at his head.
But damn, did you wish he was.
You sat in your room, flipping through the pages of the collector’s edition Spider-man comic Dave had gifted you months ago. Your fingers traced across the lines of the damaged paper, wondering if he really bought it like this or some asshole at school did this to it. For someone so secretly strong he sure let a lot of people fuck with him.
You thought back at all your years in high school where you deliberately ignored him or even allowed your friends to make fun of him. You wished you could turn back time and give him a chance earlier on, maybe be able to spend more time with him now that he seemed too busy for you now. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock against your window. You didn’t respond at first, thinking you imagined it, but when the sound returned a bit louder you got up. You squinted, finding it a bit hard to see who or what was outside your window when it was so dark outside. You approached and realized it was Dave, looking a bit panicked. You didn’t even think much about it, sliding your window up so you could talk to him. “Dave! Where the fuck have you--” 
“Can I please come in?” He interrupted, his breath ragged, looking like a mess. It was only now you noticed the bruises and the cut across his cheek. You nodded, moving aside so he could come in. He struggled, limping a little, and you turned back around to close the window, hearing him take off his jacket and drop his bag.
“What the hell were you even--” Your own sentence was cut short when you were met with a sight you had not expected. Your eyes widened and your expression changed into one of shock and worry.
There he was, full Kickass attire, no mask. 
And everything clicked.
The random bruises, the comic book obsession, his secret strength, his sudden disappearances...
A heavy silence filled the room, the only sounds present his rough breathing as he put a hand against your bedpost to keep standing. 
“Is... Is this why you’ve been so busy?” Your voice sounded hurt, betrayed even. “You’ve been fighting people?”
Dave struggled to get any words out. He’d hoped he’d never have to do this, but he had nowhere else to go, and you deserved to know the truth. He looked to the side in shame, sighing. “I’ve... Been meaning to tell you. For a while now, I promise, I just... It all escalated so much, I never meant for it to become such a big lie.”
You looked at each other, and Dave’s heart literally ached at the sight of your teary eyes. Or maybe it was the cracked rib that was doing that, who knows honestly.
“Sit down.” You said, pointing at your bed.
“W-What? I don’t--”
“Sit. Down.” Your voice demanded, eyes meeting his with a look he’d never experienced from anyone before, not even when he was getting his life threatened by criminals.
He gently sat down on your bed, groaning slightly at the movement straining his injuries. You silently walked to your bathroom and took out the first aid kit from below the sink. You sat down next to him on the bed as Dave kept his head down in shame. He was certain he’d cry if he saw the expression on your face right now. 
“Take it off. The top part.”
He didn’t say anything, reaching behind him and unzipping the back, peeling the layer of clothing off his body and revealing a wide array of injuries. Normally you’d be excited to see him shirtless, his toned body surprising you, but right now all you felt was hurt. You put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and gently patted the cut on his shoulder. Despite your anger, your grip on his arm was soft. 
He winced slightly at the burning feeling, looking at you and seeing a few tears roll down your cheeks. “Hey, I’m... I’m really sorry.” He spoke softly as you prepared a bandage. He said your name so gently, so sweetly, that you almost wanted to kiss him, if you weren’t so upset. “Everything got so real, and I met other vigilantes, other people like me... It started taking up so much time, I felt bad, and I couldn’t just abandon it, so...”
“So you abandoned me instead?” You finally looked up to face him. You were still holding his arm, and even like this, crying and upset, he thought you looked so beautiful.
“I...” He felt his own eyes start watering. “I would never abandon you...” His hand reached out to rest over your back. “No matter what, I swear, I would never give up what we have...” He gently pulled you in, hugging you so softly, a bit hesitant.
You leaned in closer, head against his bare chest as you started calming down. He didn’t hate you, he didn’t leave, he was there, right there. You closed your eyes, listening to his heartbeat as he reached down to rest his face against the top of your head, the gentle scent of your shampoo calming him as well. You stayed just like that for a few minutes, holding each other. Nothing else in the world mattered, everything you wanted was right there in the room with you.
You gently pulled back, and Dave was certain he’d be met with either a slap or a finger pointing to the window to get out.
Both of those guesses were wrong.
You leaned in, lips meeting his in the softest, gentlest most loving kiss either of you had ever experienced. No lust, no intentions other than to just feel closer to him. Your mouth opened slightly and Dave leaned in more, a hand reaching out to rest on your cheek as yours sneaked into his brown curls. A warmth had spread through your body, mind running blank, until you gently pulled away.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” You whispered against his lips.
“Yeah...” He whispered back. “Me too...” The both of you leaned back in, passion growing as your breathing became heavier and the kiss became more intense. His arms snaked around your waist and you moved onto his lap, straddling him. He didn’t care if it hurt, all he wanted was to be even closer to you, to never let you go. 
You pulled away and looked into his eyes, before a soft smile appeared on your face. “You know I’d never hate you, Dave...” You reach out to gently touch his cheek, and he melts into your hand, tilting his head slightly to lean into it.
“I really thought you would...” He smiled. That adorable, nerdy, slightly nervous smile that you’d grown to love.
“Of course not...” You grin. “In fact...” You leaned in closer to his ear. “I always thought Kickass was kinda hot...”
Heat rises to his face, and his grip on your waist strengthens just a bit at your lustful tone. 
He gained another ally that night. His most valuable one, for sure.
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tag list <3
@nephilimsss @tangerinesgf @dynamitehacke @izzyisstuff @cinawoah @amoebagrl @ykyouluvme  @stilloverthinking @erodastylinson   @reneehillary69  
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dvrcos · 6 months ago
David: You just gotta join the strike because - because you just gotta
Spot: You’re right Jack, this guys got brains
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 1 year ago
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I need him tbh
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smeezy845 · 7 months ago
i like drawing dave where he stands like a fucking loser
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