#dave hodgman fanfic
* indicates smut
Mitch Rapp
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The Division * - Series
Welcome Home - Dad! Mitch
Guilty By Association * Part two is on the way!!
Stiles Stilinski
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Messy - College AU
Part I | Part II | Part III
Miracle - FBI! Stiles
Say Love *
Baseball & Alcohol
Dave Hodgman
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Milk & Coffee
Stuart Twombly
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No Matter Where You Are
The Maze Runner Rewrite
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Series Masterlist
Theo Raeken
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I’ll Protect You 
The Man I Was
Part One | Part Two |
Teen Wolf
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Burn - features Scott and Stiles
Alice In Borderland
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House of Cards - Suguru Niragi Series
144 notes · View notes
rememberstilinski · 7 years
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last christmas || dave hodgman (smut)
word count: 6,433
warnings: smut, protected sex, girl on top, angsty as fuck
author’s note: y’all i literally pounded this out and i hope it’s as good as i think it is lmao. i’m exhausted and proofread most of this, but i apologize for my errors because i may not have caught anything. also, i’m so sorry for taking forever to get out a fic, i’ve just been so busy and i’ve felt like shit, but now that i have a break from school, i can finally get back to posting on scheduled days! anyway, enjoy some dave!
pairing: dave hodgman x reader
holiday masterlist.
There are many terrible things. One is spilling scorching hot coffee all over yourself while wearing a white shirt. Another is waking up early and not having the time to get ready on a Monday morning. However, perhaps the worst thing is going back to a place that you genuinely hated. A place that held more heartbreak than it did happiness.
For Y/N Y/L/N, that place was her hometown in Northern California. The town she never really liked. She always wanted to get out. She dreamed of leaving for as long as long she could remember. She couldn’t wait for the day she got in the car and drove off, never to look back at the town that held so much angst.
You might be wondering why she holds so much resentment for the town she grew up in. Well, she had pretty good reasons. Her father had died when she was thirteen in a car accident on the bridge that led into the town her family lived in. He was the most important person in her life. The two of them were like two peas in a pod, they understood each other in ways no one else did.
Then he passed and it was like a piece of her went with him. Her once perfect grades took a colossal hit. The straight A’s plummeted to C’s and D’s. The happy smile she always wore died and wasn’t ever seen again. At least not until she met him.
His name was Dave Hodgman. He was a just a boy. Just a boring, hormonal teenage boy. But to her, he was more than just Dave. He was the one who made her smile like she did before losing her father. The grins she wore stretched across her face to her ears. Her eyes sparkled with life unlike they had for the four years she lived without her father.
He made her happy. He brought her back from herself in ways she didn’t think was even possible. Whether it was the way he sang to her as they drove in his car while taking Stella to the park, or the way the way he smiled at her with that beautiful grin every time he saw her. She loved the way he held her hand and stroked her knuckles oh so gently with the rough pad of thumb.
Whenever he muttered the three words, that he was the first one to say, her heart did a backflip and butterflies flew around in her tummy. He was this ball of light and happiness she’d needed for so long. And she loved him unlike she could have ever imagined.
When you fall in love with someone, it’s a dangerous game. You put so much trust in them that you’ll fall and they’ll catch you, holding you safely in their arms, never to let go. She thought that was what happened with him, but that was before the breakup.
“Just say it, Dave.” She mumbled almost inaudibly, looking at her hands, sitting in the passenger’s seat next to said boy. The light from the street lamps poured into the car, the light shining over her soft skin.
They’d just gotten back to her house from a date at the movie theater. The car was parked in the driveway, right behind her own car. She noticed
how quiet he was, how he didn’t smile like he did a week ago. He didn’t kiss her the same way. His lips were weak against hers.
She knew why he wasn’t the same. That was probably was hurt the most. It was because he fell in love with someone else. Someone else took his attention, captured his heart. It was that girl he met at the left from Friday night. Aubrey, was her name.
Y/N wasn’t stupid. She noticed that Dave kept looking back at the blonde girl he’d only just met, their eyes were on each other all night. He basically ignored his girlfriend when he saw Aubrey walk into the theater. He was pulling away and it hurt like hell.
“Say what?”
She finally looked at him, not having looked into his wonderful eyes all night. He turned his head to look back at her, the tears pooling in her eyes noticeable because of the dim light. “Break up with me already.” She shook her head.
“What do you mean? Why would I do that?”
She scoffed. “Because I’m not Aubrey!” Her quiet voice grew intense and angry, her chest aching with a pain similar to what she felt everyday after father died. “You don’t look at me like how you were looking at her all night anymore. You don’t light up when I walked into the room like you used. You don’t kiss me the same. You don’t blush when you see me anymore.”
Her vision was blurry, her tears warm as they slid down her cheek. The liquid left streaks in her face makeup, her mascara was flaking around her eyes. “You don’t love me anymore, Dave.” Her fragile voice broke, a sniffle following soon after.
“Why would you say that? Of course I love you.”
“I’m saying it because you don’t feel the same. You might love me, but you’re not in love with me.” She swallowed, looking back to her hands. “I don’t know how you fell for her so quickly or if you ever even really fell in love with me. I mean, you just abandoned your feelings for me so suddenly, I don’t if you ever loved me like I loved you.”
Dave‘s face softened as he began shaking his head. “Y/N, I-”
“Don’t. Just, please, don’t. Just break up with me now and get it over with. We both know it’s bound to come.”
He was silent as he looked down to his jeans, his hand smoothing over the rough material. He glanced back up at her with a sorrowful expression. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s the thing, Dave.” She breathed out, her eyes burning with hot tears. “You’re not.”
It’s been over a year since that night and she could still feel that dull ache that lived in her hollow chest. She hadn’t spoken to him since that night, she hadn’t looked at him. She avoided him entirely. It was easier on her heart that way.
Instead of letting herself fall into this downward spiral, she kept herself together. She used all her anger and became stronger than what she used to be. She maintained her grades, she got into going to the gym, finding a way to channel her emotions from the breakup. She was better than she’d ever been, but she wished it was under different circumstances.
After high school, she left her hometown and went to college out of state. She was happy being in a new place, but there was always that constant ounce of pain radiating from her heart. The pain of losing all she’d ever truly loved.
The intensity of how it felt grew as soon as she drove past the ‘welcome’ sign of the town she grew up in. She sighed, just ready to get the holidays over with and see her family. However, before she went home she had to make her way to the grocery store.
A few minutes ago, she received a message from her mother about needing some milk. Y/N took the familiar route to the store that was just around the corner from her childhood home. Within minutes, she was pulling into a parking spot in the small lot.
She made her way into the store and quickly walked to the back of the store, grabbing a gallon of milk. A buzz from her back pocket made her stop in her tracks as she walked towards the cash register.
Pulling out her phone, another text message from her mother lit up the small screen.
mom (6:46 pm): hi, honey! could you also grab band aids? molly scraped her knee
Y/N responded with a confirmation on buying the band aids for her little sister. Molly was eight years old and Y/N assumed that she’d been playing outside and fell off her bike. The little girl was still learning how to ride a bicycle and Y/N made a promise to teach her while she was home for the holidays.
It’d been awhile since she had come to this store for anything in the health and beauty section, but with a quick thought, she remembered where that particular section was and with no more troubles, she walked to the aisle with the rest of the things she needed. She hurried to grab the bandages and went to the cash register.
While she waited in line, she looked around, some of the faces she saw vaguely familiar. She even noticed a couple people who she went to high school with, but they weren’t anyone important. No one she ever talked to anyway.
She looked to the side and went to grab a pack of mint mojito gum, but someone else’s hand grazed over hers, clearly going for the same package. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She mumbled, waiting for the other person to grab their gum before she grabbed hers, tossing it on the conveyor belt along with the box of bandages and milk.
“It’s really no problem.”
The voice made her stomach drop. Her palms suddenly felt clammy and her cheeks were undoubtedly flushed with a light pink color. She knew that voice. She would never forget that voice.
Swallowing nervously, she glanced up at the person behind her. Her breath hitched in her throat, the long sleeved shirt she was wearing suddenly making her too hot. The amber eyed man furrowed his eyebrows, clearly recognizing his ex girlfriend.
“Y/N!” He said, surprise evident in his deep voice. “W-What are you doing here? I thought you were away for school.”
“I was, but I’m visiting my mom and Molly for Christmas.” She said, her tongue gliding over her smooth lips, a habit she had for when she was nervous.
Dave nodded in understanding. “Yeah, me too.” He trailed off, scratching the back of his neck anxiously. Neither of them knew what to say. What could you really say to the one who broke your heart at three o’clock in the afternoon in a grocery store? “It’s nice to see you. You look great.”
Y/N nodded, walking forward as the cashier began ringing her up. “I know.” She replied, turning to the cash register as the woman looked between the two past lovers, the awkward tension thick in the air. Dave smiled softly at her response, stifling a laugh.
The conversation ended there, nothing else left to be said. The woman scanning Y/N’s items finished up, giving her the plastic bag and the receipt. “Have a good day, Merry Christmas.” She said, Y/N returning the saying with an ingenuine smile.
She hurried to leave the grocery store, walking over to her car, fumbling with her keys. What just happened had Y/N shaking, her breath gone. She hoped prior to her trip that she wouldn’t see either Dave or Aubrey. She couldn’t take facing either one of them. It hurt too much to put into words.
Seeing him was like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air and her lungs were burning with the need for the essential gas. It made the ache in her heart intensify with a thousand thorns holding her organ, squeezing until she was left holding her chest on the ground.
The sky was dark and there a chill in the air she felt when it was about to snow, but she didn't expect a white Christmas. It wasn’t impossible for it to snow in her hometown, but it wasn’t very likely there would be any snow.
She tried to push the key into the keyhole on the side of car door, completely forgetting about the button on the keychain she could’ve pressed instead. With her anger increasing, she felt her eyes gloss over as every memory she ever shared with the man she just ran into flooding in her brain, flashing like a kaleidoscope.
With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, calming herself down. A tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away, not wanting to be seen crying in the grocery store parking lot. Y/N pushed the key into its hole, twisting it to unlock the door.
Before she could get in, long, slender fingers wrapped around her wrist, keeping her from going far. She looked to see who grabbed her and it was Dave. Who else?
She shook her head, refusing to talk to him. “No, no. Go away.”
“Y/N, we need to talk.”
She laughed mockingly. “Talk? Dave, I have nothing to say to you. Do you really think I want to talk to you after what you did?”
A look of emotional agony passed over his face, one that she didn’t fail to notice it. As much as it hurt her own heart, she had to stay strong. She couldn’t let the walls she spent so long building up tumble right back down again. “That’s why we should talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you. I came back to be with my family. I did not come back for you, I did not come back to build a friendship. What I did was build a bridge and got over it.” She exclaimed, her eyebrows scrunched together. Her face was flushed, the cold and her anger playing into the pinkish tint on her cheeks.
“I just want to talk to you.” He mumbled, looking at her with hurt in his beautiful eyes. She was close to giving in, close to falling into his arms and letting him hold her as she cried. But they weren’t that couple anymore. He wasn’t the same Dave Hodgman she fell in love with as a teenager. He was someone who hurt her.
“I’ve gotta go.” She shook her head slowly, pulling away from Dave, his hand falling from her small wrist. He didn’t get the chance to say anything else, she turned on her heel setting the bag in the passenger’s seat, pulling the door closed. She made quick work of putting on her seatbelt and starting the car, pulling out of the parking lot without looking back to Dave.
Y/N drove the two minutes to her house, stopping in the driveway in front of the closed garage. Finally breathing evenly, she sighed deeply, her hands gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white. She threw her head back against the headrest, needing a few moments to gather herself before entering her house to see her mom.
She grabbed the grocery bag and milk carton from the seat next to her and the duffel bag with all her clothes for the break from the backseat. She entered the house and instantly heard feet running across the hardwood flooring. Looking up, she saw Molly running towards her with a grin. There was a red scrape that was beginning to bruise right on her knee cap.
“Y/N!” The little girl exclaimed happily.
“Molly!” She dropped her duffle bag and set the stuff she bought from the store next to the door, bending down to hold her little sister in a tight hug. Molly tackled her into the floor, her arms wrapped around Y/N’s body.
“Did you bring my band aids?” She asked as she rested her chin on her older sister’s shoulder. Chuckling, Y/N nodded and grabbed the bag with the bandages and opened it up, putting one on the cleaned scrape.
She kissed her pointer finger, gently pressing her fingertips against the bandaged scrape. “All better.” Y/N stood up, pulling Molly along to the kitchen to see their mother busying herself with a recipe. “Hi, mom.” She smiled brightly.
“Hi, honey!” The older woman walked around the kitchen island wrapping her daughter up in a tight and comforting embrace. Y/N nuzzled her face into her mother’s shoulder, inhaling the sweet gingerbread smell that lingered in the air from all the baking the woman was clearly doing. “What happened?”
Y/N realized her mother must’ve sensed how her daughter clung to her, needing parental comfort after seeing Dave. “I saw him. I saw Dave at the store and we talked… kinda.”
Her mother sighed and held on tighter, rubbing her hands up and down her back in a comforting matter. “Oh, baby. What did he say?”
“He wanted to talk. But I panicked and came home. I think I hurt his feelings.”
Pulling away, Y/N’s mom cupped her cheeks, looking into the sparkling eye color that they shared. “It’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” She smiled genuinely, pushing a piece of Y/N’s hair behind her ear.
“It hurt to see him.” She uttered, almost shamefully. “I-I couldn’t breathe. I still can’t breathe.” She said, trying taking a deep breath.
“It’s called heartbreak, sweetheart. Everyday it’ll get easier, I promise.”
Y/N nodded, hugging her mom once again. She sniffled, keeping herself from crying. If she’d known that coming back home would bring up these feelings again, she wouldn’t have ever said yes to returning.
A few hours later, the three ladies of the house had finished watching some Christmas movie. Molly was passed out, laying against her mother who was also sleeping peacefully. Y/N looked at the timed and realized it was almost eleven o’clock at night and she was drained, both physically and emotionally.
She got off the couch and grabbed a blanket from the closet, throwing it over her mother and sister, giving them both sweet kisses on the head. “I love you, guys. Sweet dreams.”
With a soft smile, she turned off the television and went up to her bedroom, making sure the door was locked on her way. She entered her old bedroom, the place pretty well kept. She had her mom to thank for that. She changed out of her clothes, slipping on shorts and a thin shirt.
With sleepiness pooling in her eyes, she yawned and sat at her old desk. Everything was just as she left it. Her pens and pencils still in the cup in the corner, a pile of books still stacked off to the side. A notebook sat in the center and Y/N opened it, having forgotten what was written on its pages.
She chuckled as her eyes scanned each word. It was all just living expenses and plans for when she bought her apartment. She set a budget, and the organization made her giggle. What could she say? It helped her out more than she thought it would.
Closing the notebook, she looked around more. Scratches were on the wearing wood. A light bulb went off as she remembered the hidden compartment in the second drawer. She opened it up, taking out the wood covering to dig around through the neglected objects.
She pulled out a stack of pictures and small slips of paper. Setting them on top of her desk, she started going through. The words written across them making her heart beat faster. It was all messages she and Dave would write to each other during class so they didn’t get in trouble for talking.
The pictures were of them while they were dating. Polaroids with dates written on the trimming. There was one of her in a white t-shirt, her hair messy as the sunlight streaming in from the window ghosted over her face. It was one of the nights he stayed over after they made love. She remembered this morning. She remembered every moment she’d ever spent with him.
She heard a tapping at her window as she continued going through the pictures on her desk. Her head turned to glance at the window, the sky dark and snowing outside. She walked over to the window and pulled it open, a freezing breeze coming in as she looked down to see who was at her window.
She spotted the one person she’d been thinking of all day, blowing warm air into his large hands before looking up at her. “What do you want, Dave?”
“To talk. I'm coming up.” He shouted in a whisper, beginning to climb up the tree next to her window. Watching him brought back memories from her senior year. Most nights she couldn’t sleep or they wanted to see each other, he scaled the tree and walked across the roof to get to her window.
“No, Dave, I-”
He came up to her window, Y/N standing in front of it. “Please, Y/N. Let me come in.” He whispered, with hopeful eyes.
“Nope.” She stood arms crossed in front of the window, not moving an inch. “I don’t want to talk. I already told you this.”
“I don’t care. You need to hear this.”
“No, I don’t.”
Dave huffed. “Yes, you do. And if you won’t let me in, then I’ll just sit out here and talk to you.”
“Well, I’ll be standing right here, waiting for you to leave.”
He rolled his eyes, licking his lips before taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. All that he’d been planning on saying all day was erased from his mind and now he was in front of her, opening and closing his mouth like a gaping fish.
“I don’t what to say. I had a plan, but now I’m stuck, so I’m just gonna wing it. I know that you don’t like me, that you might even hate me, but I didn’t mean to break your heart, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never wanted us to become this. In fact, I always wanted you and I to last. I always wanted you.”
She listened intently, the words settling in her heart. “Y/N, you were the first girl I’ve ever truly loved. No, you're the only girl I’ve ever truly loved and you’re the only one I will ever love. I’ve been thinking since that night, that I should’ve gone after you. I should’ve gotten out of my car and chased you into this house, holding you in my arms, telling you that I loved you and that I never stopped. As soon as you left, I realized what I’d done and what the consequences were as a result of my actions.
“I broke up with Aubrey after a few weeks of whatever was going on between us. I was miserable. I was always thinking of you. My thoughts of you kept me up every night. I would see something happen and I’d turn to tell you about it, but you weren’t there. You weren’t my right hand anymore. I would turn to push your hair behind your ear and kiss you because I never could get enough of you. All I want to do right now is kiss you with all my love because I’m still in love with you.”
Y/N’s eyes glossed over as did Dave’s, but she wasn't sure if it was because he was cold or because his heart was breaking as much as hers was. “No, Dave. You can’t do that. It’s not fair!” She exclaimed, walking away from the window. Dave took the opportunity to slip into the cold house, following behind her.
“You have to know. You have to know what I feel.” He grabbed her hand, spinning her around. “I still love you and I should’ve told you the night we broke up. If I did, then maybe you would still be mine. Maybe we would be living together and going to college. I should tell you that I’ve always loved you. You were always it for me, Y/N. And I hate that I needed distance to become wise enough to see understand my love for you.”
Y/N’s tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes squinted slightly as she looked up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I thought you hated me.”
“I did. I hated you for what you did to me, but I loved you for who you were even more, Dave. If you had come to me and told me this before I left, maybe you and I would’ve gotten back together. Maybe things would’ve been different.”
Dave nodded, holding her small hand in both of his. His fingers stroked her knuckles. He wanted to ask a question, but he was scared of what her answer would be. “Do you… do you still love me?”
Y/N stayed silent for a moment, not exactly knowing the answer herself until she thought it through. Did she? Did she still love him after all the time? Was it still possible for her to love him after he broke her heart? She looked down at the small hand of hers being held by his large ones before glancing up to see Dave looking down at her.
His eyes were full of hope. He needed her to love him back. He needed her to wrap her arms around him and kiss him like nothing had ever changed between them. As much as he wanted it, he knew he wouldn’t get it. He knew he wouldn’t get that kiss, that he wouldn’t get that warm embrace of hers. He knew he would never hold her again because it was different now. Everything changed because of what he did.
He pulled from her, thinking he had his answer. He held back his tears, sniffling as he nodded in understanding. He wiped his hands on his khakis, not having the courage to look at her.
“Dave…” She trailed off as he walked back over to the window.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I can’t take back what I did, I know that. I shouldn’t have come here.” He began to climb out the window, but she spoke again, stopping him in his tracks with what she said next.
“Dave, I love you.” She said. He looked back at her with glossy eyes, his vision blurring slightly. “I still love you. I know I probably shouldn’t, but I do.”
He sighed and walked back over to her in two quick strides, cupping her face in his large palms. He brought her mouth to his and pressed his lips against hers in a searing kiss that made her knees weak. It's been so long since he felt her lips against his. It's been far too long.
She wrapped her arms around his back, scratching at his clothed shoulder blades with her long fingernails. Dave tilted his head to the right, deepening the kiss they shared. His lips were cold and chapped against hers, but it was a feeling she couldn’t see herself ever getting sick of.
Her lips parted to allow him to slip his tongue into her mouth. The wet muscles glided against each other, the touch of another person, Dave’s touch making goosebumps appear on her skin. An awakened feeling lingered in her body, something she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Undress me.”
“A-Are you sure? We’re not even official or anything at all. We’re not together.”
She shook her head. “I don’t care. I need you. I need to feel you like I used to.” He nodded and took off his jacket, throwing it onto the floor, his shirt coming off soon afterwards. She pulled the thin shirt she was wearing over her head.
The cold air from the open window drafted inside, hitting her nipples and making them hard. Dave looked up at her exposed upper body, her torso having more definition that it used to. She looked at his own abdomen, a patch of hair between his pectorals, the hair led down to the dark, curly hairs around his belly button and above the waistband of his pants.
“Kiss me.” She breathed out. He pulled her closer, cupping her face as he crashed his lips down to hers in a love filled haze. He walked her back to the bed, laying her down as he kissed her neck gently and lovingly. She sighed, her eyes closing as she held him closer, eager to feel his body against hers after so long apart.
He trailed down from her lips to her chest, pressing his lips to her skin sweetly. “You’re so beautiful. I didn’t know this was possible.” He mumbled, his teeth grazing against her soft flesh as he spoke.
He looked up at her, his fingertips sliding up her sides as he held her breasts in his warm palms. She arched into his hands, her eyes closing as his fingers rubbed circles at her hard nipples. She sighed deeply, Dave’s lips sucking at her collarbone, leaving love bites behind on her skin.
She opened her eyes, her hands reaching up to tug at the hair on the back of his head, her nails scratching at his scalp. She hooked her leg around his waist, smoothing the soft skin on the heel of her foot up and down his leg. She grabbed his hair and tilted his head to the side, looking into his eyes.
“I want you, Dave.” She whispered, kissing his bottom lip lazily while still maintaining eye contact. She heard a low groan roll off his tongue, felt it vibrate against her skin. The sound was so exciting and aroused it made the juices that leaked from her core soak her cotton panties. “Right now.”
“Are you one hundred percent sure that you want this? You want to be with me.” He asked, his voice fragile as he spoke to her.
She held his cheek in her hand, Dave cuddling into her warm palm. “Of course I do.” She cooed. “I mean, it’s you. You’re the one I love. The only one I could ever need.”
“But after what I did? I mean, do you still love me like you used to?”
“I’ll always love you… always and it’ll take time for me to completely forgive you, but I want you back. I want us back, Dave.”
He smiled softly, leaning up to kiss her lovingly. The exchange was slow and passionate, he rolled his hips into hers subconsciously, his clothed cock rubbing at her covered core. Her hands went down to the buckle of his belt and began to undo it. She soon unzipped and unbuttoned the khakis he was wearing.
Her soft hands slid to his hips, dipping her fingers underneath the elastic waistband as she pushed the rest of his clothing off. Dave toed off his shoes, hearing them softly drop to the carpeted flooring. He raised his body off of hers, holding himself up on his forearm as he helped her completely rid him of any clothes, his body bare above hers.
The soft sound of his hardened member slapping against his the lower part of his stomach sounded in the room. She kissed him and pushed his shoulders, switching the position of their bodies. She used her hands to support herself as she kept her lips pressed against his.
She smiled against his mouth as she straddled him, her pussy pressing against his cock. “I love you.” She muttered as she pulled away for air. Her nose pressed against his as he beamed at the three words she said to him.
He sat up and brought his hands to her waist and smoothed them down. He slid his fingers into her pyjama shorts, cupping her ass. “Take off the rest of your clothes.”
“Are you sure that you don’t want to do it?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned, kissing his top lip gently.
Dave chuckled quietly. “You’re right.” He lifted her onto her knees, yanking the shorts and her panties off her body. She stripped herself of her remaining clothing and bit her bottom lip, watching as Dave admired her body. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to the scattered freckles on her chest.
She leaned her head back, sighing contentedly as her eyes fluttered closed. She gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his back. Her need for him grew more intense as he licked at her neck. “I can’t wait any longer.” She groaned, pressing her hand against his chest and pushing him back onto the mattress.
Reaching over and pulling the handle of the drawer, Y/N began to shuffle her fingers around, looking for the foil packets that hadn’t been touched since the last time she was with Dave. She grabbed one out of the box and ripped the wrapper open with her teeth, spitting it onto the side of the bed.
She pumped his member a couple times before placing it on his tip, rolling the rubber onto his length. She lifted herself up on his knees, Dave’s large palms covering her waist. As she lowered herself on him, his size and girth stretched her out, a breathy moan falling from her lips.
“Oh, god.” He groaned loudly. She looked down at him and used her hand to cover his mouth.
“Be quiet. Mom and Molly are sleeping downstairs.” She whispered, setting her hand on his chest to stable herself. Her walls fluttered at the feeling of him inside her, his own cock throbbing within her.
She began to move, her hips rolled into his. Her hand still covered his mouth, the sounds he was making against her hand leaving vibrations against her palm. He kept his eyes on her, watching her facial expressions as she rode him. Her tits bounced with each movement and it had him reaching one of his hands up to fondle the mound on her chest.
“I missed you so much.” He said, his words muffled as his mouth was still covered.
“I missed you, too.” She sighed, her eyes closing as her head fell back. Her hair cascaded down her back, her nails leaving red welts as she scratched at his chest.
He grunted at the burn it left, setting his feet flat on the mattress. He lifted his hips off the bed, thrusting up into her and tapping her g-spot every time. “Baby, you feel better than I remember. So much better.”
She sighed, biting her lip to hold back her loud moans. Dave sat up and wrapped his arms around her body, his hands resting over the curve of her ass as he pressed his lips to her for the umpteenth time that night. After going so long without her kiss or without making love to her, he savored every movement they made together. He let it imprint and lock in his mind so that he wouldn’t ever forget.
“You’re so warm. So wet. So tight.” He growled against her lips, their mouths parted at they breathed in and out. “I can’t tell you how much I missed this. How much I missed you.”
She moved his head to the side, wrapping her lips around his earlobe to suck slowly and teasingly. He shuddered and buried his face into her neck, groaning against her sweaty skin.
Her arms slid under his arms, scratching at his back. He flipped their bodies, pinning her to the bed beneath him. Taking her leg in his large hand, he lifted her leg up to rest on his hip, his thrusts growing sloppy but somehow deeper and harder.
She clenched around him as he hit the deepest spots that resided inside of her. He leaned his head against her shoulder, watching as he pushed himself into her and pulled back out, his covered dick dripping with her sweet juices. He nipped the skin on her shoulder, licking against the red spot from where he bit down.
She held him close, her chest pressed against his as her breathing grew shallower. Her lungs burned with the need for oxygen, but the only thing in the cool winter air was the smell of sex and the emotions that came from both Dave and Y/N.
His hips snapped forwards, his pelvic bone knocking against hers as the tip of his cock twitched within her. “Oh, please, tell me you’re close.” He sighed.
“I’m so close. Rub my clit.”
He sucked his fingers into his mouth and brought them between her bodies, circling his pointer and middle finger around the bundle of nerves. His body was covered with perspiration, beads of sweat dripping down from his hairline. His face was flushed, his lips swollen and red from the heat the friction of their moving bodies created.
She whimpered and fell over the edge, her throat raw from the sounds she released and the ones she held back throughout the night. Her eyelids squeezed shut and her climax brought him to his own, his load spurting into the little bubble at the tip of the condom.
He shook like she did as he came, his mouth pressed against the side of her neck to keep his groans quiet. His name fell from her lips in desperate whispers, her hands gripping at the clammy flesh on his back.
Their dirty bodies worked together as they rode out their highs. He pulled from her, the exhausted feeling fall over the both of them like a warm and comforting blanket. He collapsed on the bed next to her, his shoulder pressed against hers.
Dave pulled off the soiled rubber and tied it off, throwing it into the garbage bin beside her nightstand. She turned onto her belly and laid her head on on his chest, her arm draped around his waist loosely. Her fingernails scratched at his skin comfortingly, her eyes closing as she listened to the soft thumping sound of his heartbeat.
He turned his head to the side, pressing his lips against her hairline before resting them there. The faint floral smell of her hair invaded his nose and soothed his nerves. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry for what I did.”
“I know. It’s going to take some time for me to completely trust you with my heart like I used to, but I forgive you. After everything we’ve been through, I forgive you.”
He smiled softly, squeezing her tightly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Dave.” She looked up at him, stroking lines on his side as she nodded slowly. “Just don’t give my heart away again.”
He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
what’d you think? let me know!
want to be tagged in the rest of smutmas?
@nocturnalzeal @lovefilledtragedy @sourshawn @obrienskhakis @lovelydob @fuckwhateverfuck @padmeisgay @schnin25 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @parislight @daddyxraeken @rayyyana
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
The First Time
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I Kinda Have A Crush On You Eyes Closed Favorite Book Just Teasing *Smut* Part Two *Smut* Prom (collab w/ @maddie110201)
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roscoe-dream · 4 years
↞ mack’s fic requests! ↠
requests are [ open ]
ship requests are on hold
|| request here! ||
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dylan o’brien and his following characters:
stiles stilinski + void!stiles
dave hodgman
stuart twombly
thomas (tmr)
mitch rapp
sam taylor
tom holland and his following characters:
peter parker / spider-man
this list will extend soon because i will be expanding to other fandoms in the near future!
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if it’s a vague request, it might take longer to do. if i don’t feel inspired when looking at the prompt or whatever, i won’t write it out until i have an idea. this is only because i want it to be as enjoyable as possible for you + other readers!
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
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Lau’s Fic Rec Masterlist
A Little Game @dreamofbetterthings
About Last Night @maddie110201
Better With You @lionsbby
Car Trouble @dumbass-stilinski
Eyes Closed @cxddlyash
Favorite Book @rememberstilinski
Ferris Wheel @mf-despair-queen
Finally Got The Guy @stilinski-lover-24
Here @werewolfmutant
Hiding @dumbass-stilinski
Hotter Than The Pizza @writingsbychlo @dumbass-stilinski
I Kinda Have A Crush On You @cxddlyash
Just Teasing [1] [2] @cxddlyash
Late Night Talks @mf-despair-queen
Looking Around @stilinskisensation
Maid For A Day @mf-despair-queen
My Fault @maddie110201
My Girl @cxddlyash
Panty Dropper @dancingwithdylan21
Play Dates [1] [2] @writingsbychlo @thelittlestkitsune
Prom @cxddlyash @maddie110201
Santa’s Elf @rememberstilinski
That Was Fucking. @stilinski-jpeg
The Girl Next Door @mf-despair-queen
The First Time (In London) @were-cheetah-stiles
The Second Time @wydobrien
Too Late @redstringlovers
True Romance @mf-despair-queen @cxddlyash
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl
Author: sumcp
Chapter one: The concussion 
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 2798
Warnings: occasional swearing, and terrible sentence structure/grammar ( I am working on it)
Notes: Y/N - your name.. Y/n/n- your nick name.
This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie.
Next Chapter 
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"Y/N…" Annabeth whined, fidgeting on the couch trying to see around you to continue watching the youtube video playing on the xbox. 
"Oh I'm sorry, A.B. am I blocking your way from what's his name?" You smirked, turning your head back around to glance at the video. It was of her celebrity crush doing an interview to promote some new movie of his. There was no denying he was pretty. Tall build, and a scruffy face that he couldn't stop touching whenever he spoke. You noticed the person sitting next to him in the interview, he looked oddly familiar with his dirty blonde hair styled to look like he just rolled out of bed. 
"Hey who’s the guy next to him?" You asked, trying to put a name to his face.
"Do you live under a rock? We are going to have to get you out of the apartment soon before you become a hermit." Your roommate grumbled, "Seriously Y/N, move it or loose it." You finally gave in and moved from her line of sight and joined her on the couch. You plopped down, which earned you a playful glare. You were fixing to put your headphones in, since you didn't care about feeding into her obsession when she tore her gaze away from the TV.
"And to answer your question, that’s Taylor Kitsch. Remember he was the sexy one on Friday Night Lights?" 
"Oh yeah, I knew I recognized him."
"I'm surprised you recognized him at all, do you even know what year it is?" You glared at your best friend, putting in one earbud, but before you could get the other one in she continued talking, "Come on, when is the last time you came out with me and Lex? Oh… I'll tell you, too damn long. You have got to start living your life again Y/n/n, Its been 6 months." 
You stiffened at her comment, thinking she was about to say his name. The last thing you wanted to think of on your day off from the hospital was about your ex-fiancé. "It hasn't been that long since I went out.." You trailed off, playing with the hem of your over-sized Falcons sweatshirt. You knew it was the truth, but you tried to play it off anyway.
"Yes it has.. Come with us tonight! We are going to try to get into the premiere of American Assassins after party." She gushed, turning to you excitedly. "You don’t have an excuse either, you are off tomorrow too. Please, it will be fun. It will be like old times, just us girls."
"I don’t know A.B, I don’t feel like getting all dressed up to go to party we might not even get into. I don’t want to stand around all night just so you can get one look at Brien O'Dylan." You deadpanned, "Besides, how do you know I don’t already have plans? Hm?"
"First of all his name is DYLAN O'Brien. Second of all.. I know you. Your only plan was to order Chinese food and binge watch Friends. Then when you are tired of watching Friends, you will go to the freezer get the Chunky Monkey ice-cream and turn on Harry Potter." You just stared at her as she continued, "THEN you will start thinking about Ryan. 30 minutes into whichever movie you put on, you will turn it off, pull out your phone and stare at the text messages I know you still have saved… " She said the last part in a whisper. 
You had stopped fiddling with your sweatshirt and stared at your ring finger, the one that used to have the most gorgeous princess cut diamond engagement ring on it. You let out a small sigh, tears burning in the back of y/e/c eyes. "It still hurts.." 
"Y/n/n I know it does.. But please come out with us, the first step to moving on is getting yourself back out there." She nudged your shoulder lightly, offering a small smile. You returned it gratefully, trying to pull yourself together. You knew your best friend was right, you couldn’t let one guy keep you from living your life. You brushed the tears out of your eyes while standing up from the position you were in on the couch, and offered her your hand. Annabeth tilted her head and raised an eyebrow toward you, but accepted anyway letting you pull her up too.
"If I'm going to this stupid thing.. I'm going to need to borrow a dress." She squealed, pulling you into a hug. She released you quickly, grabbing your hand once again, dragging you up the stairs to what you were sure was the start to a very long night.  
You kept tugging at the bottom of Annabeth's black dress which was too short for your liking but she insisted you wear. Every time you went to pull the bottom down, it made your cleavage that more noticeable. We made our way across the street to the Chinese Theater where the premiere was being held, stumbling slightly in the heels that your other best friend Alexis demanded you wear “to show off your sexy ass legs that any guy would kill to have wrapped around them." Lex and Annabeth were walking ahead of you, talking excitedly about the after party we were trying to crash. Lex had come over earlier to help you with your hair. She knew that if it was up to you it would have been thrown on top of your head in a messy bun. You brushed the Y/h/c hair out of your eyes, and ran your hand through it slightly.
"Y/N if you touch your hair one more time I will physically hurt you. I know you're not used to having it down and actually fixed to not look like a hobo but seriously, you look smoking. And stop fidgeting with the dress, it’s the perfect ass-to-boob ratio." Lex smirked at you, as she looped her arm through Annabeths. You gave her your best death glare, which didn’t have any affect of her since it was followed by you stumbling. Again.
"I look ridiculous. I should just go home, they are going to laugh in our face's if we try to get in there." You whined, stopping in the long line of guest waiting to get in.
"Stop being such a worry wart, we will be fine. There is no way they will say no to letting us in, I mean have you looked at us." Annabeth laughed, gesturing up and down to her red dress that left nothing to the imagination.
"A.B's right, besides if we don’t get in here I heard Tyler Posey is throwing an after-after party at his house, we could totally sneak in. Less security." Lex stated, clearly having done her research.
"Which one is that again?" You asked, not remembering all the celebrities from the werewolf show they were obsessed with.
"Omg, you still haven't watched Teen Wolf yet? That's it, we're done." Lex joked, shifting ahead in the line slightly. "We seriously need to have a Teen Wolf marathon one night and force you to watch it."
"I just don't care about TV that much." You shrugged your shoulders, standing on your tippy toes to look out over the long line of people.
"That's a damn lie. You watch Friends like it will never come back on again." Annabeth nudged your shoulder playfully. 
"It's not my fault I have normal hobbies that don't include stalking celebrities." You fired back, which caused Annabeth to nudge you again. We stood in the line chatting about work, and other things; before long your feet were starting to hurt. We had been waiting for two hours, when you had enough.
 "Guys come on, obviously this line isn't going to end anytime soon.. And I've had to pee for like 45 minutes." You whined to your two best friends.
"But Y/N.. Come on, please. 30 more minutes, I checked Twitter and it said Dylan is still there and the line isn’t even that long anymore." Annabeth begged. She was giving you her best puppy dog face which caused Lex to join her, ganging up on you, as always.
"Fine. 30 more minutes, after that we are leaving. No buts." You said, sounding like your mother. You shook your head lightly as Annabeth said thank you, giving you a slight squeeze. "I'm going to go find a bathroom though, I'll be right back." You started walking back down the street. You turned into the alley way which was a shortcut to get to the bar on the back side of the road.  
You weren't paying attention to where you were going as you pulled out your phone. You checked the time and noticed it was almost 1 a.m, no wonder you were exhausted you thought to yourself. You opened your group text fixing to tell Lex and Annabeth you were just going to go home, when the side entrance door to the theater burst open knocking your phone out of your hand and sending you tumbling to the ground.
"Ow.." you groaned, trying to sit up while placing your hand on your head. Suddenly a gorgeous freckled man was hovering over you, his warm brown as widened as he looked you over, clearly panicking.  
"Oh my god, did I just hit you?" He asked, placing one of his hands on your arm trying to help you get steady.
"No the door hit me by itself.." You rolled your eyes, shrugging off his hand from your arm.
"This is not good." He exclaimed, running his hand through his already messy dark brown hair.
"For you or for me? Cause right now it feels a lot worse for me." You rolled your eyes at the handsome stranger again, bringing your hand to your head once more.
"This is really not good." He said again, looking up and down the alleyway like he was expecting someone.
"Wait, your Dylan O'B--" You were cut off before you could finish your sentence by this hand extremely large hand covering your mouth.
"I will give VIP ticket's to my next premiere if you don’t scream my name." He begged, looking directly into your eyes. You jerked his hand away from your mouth and glared up at him.  
"I don’t want to see your stupid movie." You huffed. Your head was throbbing, and you were starting to feel sick.
"Okay.. Yeah we definitely need to get you to a doctor." He said, running his hands down his face. He pulled out his phone and started typing a message to someone.
"I am a nurse asshat. YOU don't need to take me anywhere." Putting more emphasis on the word, making it clear you weren't going anywhere with him. He raised his eyebrows slightly, a smirk forming on his lips. He gave you a once over while taking a little to long staring at your bare legs, so you snapped at him, "My eyes are up here."
He coughed clearly embarrassed to have been caught staring. He leaned closer to you, and a breath caught in your throat. You could easily close the distance and kiss him, but you wouldn’t. His eyes left yours for a moment and traveled down to your lips, it looked like he was about to close the distance when the Alleyway  was filled with lights, and a car came pulling up. The moment was gone, and you realized why he was standing over you. He reached a little farther behind you and grabbed your phone, placing it gently in your hand. "Come on, let me help you up." He offered both his hands to you, which you smacked away.
"I don't need any help from you." You snapped again, rolling away from him so you could stand on your own. You managed to gain enough strength to push yourself up, but when you did you almost passed out from the blood rushing to your head. Dylan's hands were the only thing keeping you from tumbling to the ground again, and he had such a firm grip on your waist you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow. What bothered you the most wasn't the fact that he was holding you, it was the inappropriate thoughts that followed.  
"Easy princess.." He spoke softly, turning you toward him. He noticed a small amount of blood on your forehead, "Hey, you're bleeding.." He pouted as he brushed a stand of hair out of your eyes, and started leading you toward the car. You still felt sick, and lightheaded. Tyler came around from the drivers side, and looked at Dylan alarmed.
"Uh…bro, who’s this? What happened?"  He asked, looking between you and Dylan.
"Help now, questions later." Dylan stated. Tyler furrowed his brow but didn't ask for an explanation again.
"Oooookay… here just get in the car.." Tyler said making his way toward you. Dylan made sure Tyler had a grip on you before he let go to walk to the drivers side. Tyler guided you toward the passenger seat of what looked like a black mustang. He gently helped you sit down, your head was throbbing so much that you didn’t care anymore. All you wanted to do was go home. Once you were in the seat, Tyler started asking questions again. "Who is this?" 
"Seatbelt." Dylan said gesturing to Tyler to grab it and hand it to him, "What is your name?" He asked, taking the seatbelt from Tyler and making sure you were buckled in properly.
"Y/N."  You said, rolling your eyes for what felt like the millionth time since you met him.
"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N." Dylan smiled, trying to lighten the mood as he buckled up his seat belt.
"I could think of nicer ways.." You grumbled, which caused Dylan and Tyler to chuckle.
"Um.. I'm not feeling to hot."
"Woah do not throw up in my car, I just got her detailed." Tyler begged, looking down at you. You just glared at him, and layed your head back onto the seat. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see spots. You knew you might have a mild concussion, nothing some aspirin and an ice pack couldn’t fix. Tyler shut the car door but leaned down so he could still talk to us. Dylan reached into his pocket for the keys to his car, and handed them to Tyler.  
"I'll see you at the party in a bit, and bro.. Don't tell anyone about this." Dylan asked his best friend. Tyler just nodded, turning around to walk through the entrance Dylan came out of earlier. Dylan started the car, and pulled out of the alley. We sat in silence for a moment, you could tell Dylan wanted to say something but he just kept his eyes on the road.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked, tearing your gaze from the window.
"I told you, the hospital." 
"And I told you, I'm a nurse. Just take me home please.." Your voice barely above a whisper.
"But you're bleeding.." Dylan whined, sounding like a 3 year old when they don’t get their way.
"I won't be the only one either unless you take me home." You demanded this time with more force. He reluctantly agreed, plugging in the address you gave him into his phone. You turned your attention back toward the window as Dylan mumbled something under his breath you didn't catch. You were fixing to ask what he said when a ringtone went off. Dylan reached into his suit pocket and pulled out his phone to answer it.
"Hey bro what's up?" Dylan looked over at you, a playful smile on his face. You were admiring his moles when his eyes widened. "Shit.. Are you serious?" Dylan groaned, "Okay dude, yeah I'll be right there." This time your eyes widened as he made a quick u-turn at the next red-light.
"Where are you going?" You yelled.
"How do you feel about a party?" Dylan offered, a hopeful and pleading smile on his face.
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golddaggers · 7 years
Rude Boy
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pairings: Dylan O’Brien x reader;
word count: 3741
warnings: cursing, rough sex, thigh riding, face riding, fingering, teasing, multiple orgasms, oral sex (both receiving) and i think that’s it. :D
A/N: this might be the naughtiest shit I have ever written and I have written some kinky things already. hope you enjoy it, if so, a huge thanks to my beautiful betty @dylan-trash-tbh that got my dylan writing started. thank you, baby. okay, go read it and please let me know what you think. it matters a lot. 
might want to listen to partition from beyoncé and rude boy from rihanna so you get on the mood. 
Comfortably positioned against Dylan’s chest, I allowed a blissful smile to curl my lips, for I couldn’t be more satisfied to have him around me again. My adorable boyfriend had been off to shoot “The Death Cure” in Africa and it took exactly ten weeks for him to come back home again. Back to my arms. 
Through the whole day, all we have done was eat ordered food and watch as many episodes of Friends as we could, both cuddled up on the couch. Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon, we got rid of our formal clothes, which left him in only a pair of briefs and I with his Mets T-shirt. It was so nice, so natural. Almost as if we had been a couple for a lot longer than just one year.
In the show, Chandler told a joke, which made his delicious laughter fill the room whilst his hand kept playing with my shirt’s hem, his fingers carelessly grazing the bare skin of my thigh. I swallowed thickly, shifting a little and pushing myself back.
“Is something wrong, babe?” He whispered, glaring at me worried. “Do you want something?”
“No, Dyl, everything is fine.”
The brown haired man quickly pressed his lips on my right shoulder, then lied back on the couch again, diverting once more his attention to the show being displayed on the TV. At the sight of his latter action, I sighed, a little bit frustrated. Dylan had arrived at eight in morning and we had been together ever since. Yet, besides a few slow, passionate kisses, he didn’t bother to go any further than that. Not even when I slipped off of my yoga pants. 
Suddenly, almost as if he was reading my thoughts, his hand went to my inner thigh, giving a soft squeeze there. I closed my eyes, licking my lips, feeling a warmth starting to tingle in my toes. He had such a huge effect on me, it was nearly shameful. 
“Yeah?” I purred, giggling, still high on his touch. “What is it, Dylan?”
“You’re acting weird.” He whispered, his mouth hovering over my earlobe. I gasped lowly, unable to stop myself from melting away under his touch. “Is it all because you have missed me?”
“Uh-uh.” Locking my bottom lip between my teeth, I nodded lightly. “I missed you a lot, but you apparently haven’t missed me.”
“Don’t say that, honey, you know I have. All the fucking time I was away, you were the only thing in my mind.” His digits were now on the waistband of my knickers, burning my skin wherever he touched. “Your soft hair, your hands wrapping around me… Your eyes glaring at me while you’re giving me head. I had to get myself off loads of times to keep my shit together.”
“Definitely, babe.” I felt his fingers tangle on my hair, pushing it off, making me shiver in the course. “What about you? What exactly have you missed, huh, gorgeous?”
“Oh, I missed you entirely. Your hands and the way they always seem to know where I need them.” He smiled against my neck, taking his right hand to my knee, lifting it and opening my legs wide for him. “I missed your lips. And your tongue too. The skillful way you get them to work on my body, which gets me screaming every time.”
Dylan’s mouth attached itself on my neck, leaving a wet trail behind the path he was taking towards my collar bone. Due to his caresses, I felt my form respond to it: a wetness growing within my panties, my nipples hardening… It was definitely easy to lose control when he handled me like that.
Unable to stop myself, for the heat in the centre of my legs was way too overwhelming, I dipped one hand in my knickers, anxious to get the dull ache on my core under control. However, my boyfriend certainly didn’t approve my actions, because he growled, roughly stopping the rubbing I was doing on my clit, which erupted a thwarted whine.
“Oh, princess, I don’t want you to do that.” Dylan muttered, raising the shirt I had on, finding my breasts and cupping them, earning to himself one gentle sigh from me. “Let me please you, will you? I fantasised about eating you out countless times when I was alone in my bedroom. I could even hear your low whines and the buckling of your hips against my face.”
“Fuck, Dylan.” I rolled my eyes, chucking tiredly. “Stop dirty talking to me, please? I just want your pretty mouth on my pussy already.”
“I bet you do.” One of his long slim fingers went down and found my clothed slit, making my breath hitch on my throat once he pressed it against my entrance. “This time I didn’t have to work much to get you wet, did I?” 
“Well, what can I say? I think she missed you as well.” 
“And I’m the one with the dirty talking?” 
“I have the right to tease you back!” 
“Alright, girl.” He laughed, slapping my arse playfully. “What do you say we take this to our bedroom?”
“Oh, vanilla Dylan? That’s new.” I commented, slipping off of his touch and getting up. 
What I had said obviously offended him, because it didn’t take long for the brown haired man to yank my legs, making me sit on one of his thighs. I moaned instantaneously, digging my nails on his bare, broad shoulders. The feeling of his thigh against my already throbbing clit felt incredibly good.
“Say again that I’m vanilla.” Dylan requested through gritted teeth, his whiskey coloured eyes darkened, whilst pressing his leg even further in between mine, eliciting a whimper to burst out of my mouth. “Come on!”
“I was merely joking, Dyl.” I laced my arms around his neck, hiding my face on its crook, biting the soft flesh there, and grinding against him, finding the exactly amount of friction I desired. “There’s nothing vanilla about, oh, you.”
He crashed his perfectly shaped lips on mine again, hands tight on my hips, even though it didn’t stop me from keep rubbing myself on his lap. Quickly, I threaded my digits on his already tousled hair, pulling it back whilst enjoying his tongue’s slow, steamy massage on my own, making me moan lowly, delighted.
“Does it feel good, darling?” The brown haired man quizzed, guiding me up and down his leg, feeling a slight wetness spread across it. “Does it feel good when you ride my thigh?”
“Yes, it does.” My voice came out as nothing more than a cry, my head thrown back once I started to feel the knot on my stomach about to come undone. “It feels fucking awesome.”
“Then cum to me, baby girl.”
“On your thigh?”
“All over it.”
“As you wish, then.”
Resting the palms of my hands on his shoulders again, I increased the stride I was going, pushing myself to get closer and closer to the orgasm I wanted so badly. Dylan, in the meanwhile, slapped my arse a couple of times, only to latch his mouth onto one of my hardened peaks afterwards, swirling around the sensitive skin. The other breast was soon cupped, his thumb circling the nipple. I was so engulfed on the extensive stimulation that I couldn’t hold back any longer, so I broke down, crying out his name, scraping his skin and clamping my legs on his thigh.
The man kept me in place while I rode out of my high, laughing on my chest and giving me goosebumps that spread fast throughout my body.
“You look so beautiful when you cum to me, do you know that?”
“Stop it.” The tips of my mouth curled up in a smile. “I might blush.”
“I doubt it.”
A chuckle fell from my lips as I finally found the courage to stand up, getting away from his tepid embrace, gaining a grunt from him. Still smiling, I turned my back to him, deciding to get rid of my black laced underwear. I had no use for it right now.
“What are you doing?”
“If I’m going to fuck you, I can’t do that dressed, can I?”
My boyfriend directed me a rather sinful gaze that got my core pulsating. He slowly glided his tongue across his bottom lip, leaving the couch behind and approaching me. Due to his upright position, I could perfectly see the bulge formed under his briefs alongside a growing stain, meaning his pre-cum should be already slipping; my mouth watered almost instantaneously.  
“Do you really think youare going to fuck me? That’s funny.”
“What makes you think I won’t?”
Delicately, Dylan placed a lock of my hair behind my ear, burning me to the ground with those mischievous eyes. I knew right away I didn’t stand a chance against his advances. Not ever.
“Because, doll, Iam the one who’s going to fuck you.” He pecked my cheek, dragging the tip of his beautiful upturned nose until it reached my earlobe, wrapping it in between his lips and making me gasp. “Till you’re all sore and screaming for me.”
“Well… That does sound yummy.” I mumbled, sliding my nails down his toned back. “But, first, will you let me suck your cock? Just to reassure I’m not some pillow princess.”
“I never said you were one.”
“You always make it about me, Dyl, I feel like I don’t give you enough attention.” At leisure, I knelt before him, my touch lingering on his pale skin, stopping once I was facing his length rebelling against the fabric. “Look how hard you are for me… How could I resist, huh?”
“This doesn’t make it easier, Y/N.”
“I’m not trying to.”
Wearing my best dirty smirk, I freed him from his underwear, letting his bare dick bounce in front of me. Upon seeing his state, I sort of felt bad for haven’t done anything previously; he should be really uncomfortable. In the light of this realisation, I didn’t hesitate to take a firm stroke down his shaft, hearing him groan afterwards, which lit me up like I was a firework about to combust.
I pumped his cock a few more times afore finally caving in to my desire and shoving his tip inside my mouth, savouring him. I whirled my tongue, gliding it through his slit, tasting the string of pre-cum leaking from it. I heaved, going further, swallowing him until he was lodged at the back of my throat, causing me to gag. The hazel eyed man gazed at me concerned, yet, noticing how much I was enjoying this, he simply collected a fistful of my hair, beginning to thrust heavily.
“Just like that, babe. You’re so good at this. Fuck.”
Dylan made me feel like I was the hottest woman in the Earth. I had a handsome looking man trapped under my spell. And, God, it was good. To see him calling out for me. To know I was the only one who could get him like that. It was fucking awesome, to be honest.
For a brief moment, I pulled him out to catch some air; however, I didn’t stop stroking his length, bobbing my hand up and down, painfully aware that he was close to break. I could literally sense the throbbing on my palm. I perked up my sight, viewing a messy O'Brien above me. His eyes were closed, his mouth gaped open, low sounds falling… Fuck, I was so lucky to have him. I drowned myself on him again, sucking rapidly, wanting him to spill himself already. I wanted to savour his salty seed.
“Y/N, if you keep doing this, we won’t have much fun for a while.” His tone was pleading and I glared at him, still being filled by his shaft. I worked on a vein on the underside, hitting it over and over with the tip of my tongue. “Damn, you’re going to wreck me good. Also, I m-must say you look incredible with my cock inside your mouth…”
At last, enjoying one last suck, I let him out, a string of saliva connecting us both. Never breaking our eye contact, I smiled, licking my digits. Dylan groaned, roughly grabbing me by my arms and pulling me to his lap. Even though I had been caught under guard, I quickly wounded my legs around his waist, knowing where this was leading. Enough with foreplay, it was time for action.
At the same second we arrived our bedroom, he threw me at the bed and I briskly shook my arse in the air for him, feeling a slap hit me right after. Then, gripping each side of my hips, my loving boyfriend sheathed himself inside of me in one sharp movement, filling me up in a way I haven’t been in months. We both moaned, not able to stop ourselves from enjoying the intimacy.
“How does it feel, baby girl?” The man queried, tightening his grasp whilst slamming his hips on mine, our skins clapping loudly. “Huh? It’s good to be fucked by me?”
“Y-yeah.” I stuttered, muffling my noisy sounds on the mattress. “I love your cock inside my pussy.”
“I know you do.”
His hands wandered up my belly, finding my boobs, to which he gave a soft squeeze, pinching my nipples with his thumb and index finger. I gasped, screwing my eyes shut, rolling my lower half to increase the friction. Above me, Dylan growled, marking my waist and arse with his fingerprints. I knew purple marks would be scattered throughout my entire shape tomorrow, but I didn’t care. I mean, he was going at such a fast pace that I could swear my mind went black for a second there.
Ultimately, his skillful digits found my swollen clit and they didn’t falter to circle strong eight figures on it, getting my throat sore from yelling. I should have known he wasn’t lying when he said he was going to fuck me. Matter fact, I think this might the most crazy animal sex we had ever had.
“Come on, darling.” He said, propping me up so I was lying on his chest. I heaved, remained with eyes shut. “I can feel you clenching around me.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” My breathing had switched to a ragged, uneven one. “I’m gonna’…”
“Do it, doll.”
The built up tension on my lower stomach suddenly disappeared, striking me strongly, pushing me to cry out Dylan’s name the highest I could. Shudders were crawling on my skin, my vision went blurry for a second and my walls never ceased pulsating around his shaft as I kept being fucked by him, his dick buried so deep within me I was pretty sure he had found new places to hit and drive me nuts. His mouth bit my neck, leaving a dull ache behind, yet, I was too numbed out to care.
Once I finally went back to myself, I sensed him releasing his load, grunting, growling. A true mess. He thrusted a few more times, his raspy voice on my ear, warming me up again, afore pulling out and allowing a string of his cum to drip down my legs whilst we both fell to the mattress, laughing tiredly.
After some time, Dylan covered us with the fluffy blanket from our bed, his fingers locking on mine. Cuddling up on his chest, I also noticed that his body was cold due to the excess of sweat; mine was just the same. Either way, I was way too blissful to give a damn about that. All I wanted was to be with him. Like that. Silent. Calm. Trusting. Simply mutual. 
“I love you, you know?”
“I love you too, Dyl pickle.” 
We shared a small giggle and, while I got lost stroking the growing stubble on his cheek, Dylan swiftly fell asleep by my side, his abdomen going up and down slowly, at ease. Before such sight, I wasn’t able to avoid the goofy smile that curved my lips; It definitely was not a lie when I had said I loved him. Very much. In ways I didn’t understand… I just felt. If that makes any sense. 
However, moments later, after the rush was gone, I noticed that I wasn’t so done with sex as I thought I was. Despite having a burning, stinging sensation on my entrance, my clit began throbbing again, like it hadn’t been touched at all. This made me groan and shift uncomfortable underneath the sheets, unable to keep my hips in one place. Not when my pussy was dripping wet, hot. Urgh. 
A few minutes rolling after, the brown haired man woke up, complaining in a even hoarser voice than his usual, which did not helped me in the slightest with the situation I had going on. 
“What happened, babe?” He quizzed, his thumb circling my upper arm. “Are you okay?” 
“U-Uh, yeah.” A stuttered reply came out whilst I crossed my legs. “All fine. I just can’t sleep.” 
Dylan strutted up, leaning against his elbows and glaring at me, his hazel eyes narrowed, like he couldn’t believe that was the whole truth. I exhaled loudly, giving up from finding a suitable position; the only thing that could help me was those bloody fingers of his. Or his sinful mouth. Or even the two combined. 
“Come on, baby girl, tell me what happened.” 
“I… Fuck. I’m not quite done yet, Dyl.”
“What do you mean?” 
“No way, I’m not explaining.” My cheeks should be scarlet red by now, for I was feeling incredibly embarrassed. “Just…  I don’t know, go back to sleep. I’ll handle it.” 
Huffing, I went back to flipping on the bed, knowing I wouldn’t get much sleep done. Dylan smirked, wrapping a muscled arm around my waist, gluing his perfect body on mine. I could feel his warmness and it made me groan. 
“I think I know what you need.” The man whispered, nibbling on my ear. “Come on, sit on my face.” 
“Excuse me?” The noise that flew out of my lips was a high pitched one, not at all how my voice naturally sounded. I swivelled myself, staring at him wide eyed. I couldn’t believe he had just asked me to do that. “You want me to do what?” 
“Sit on my fucking face, because I’m going to make you satisfied.” 
He lied down again, winking at me playfully, calling me with his index finger, which drove me to swallow thickly before getting on my knees and approaching his face. When I was finally standing above it, I began to feel nervous, for we had never done that; it was pure news. A delicious one, though. 
“Come on.” His voice was rough, dominant. “Let me take you to heaven again.” 
“Don’t be so-” I was abruptly cut off the second he grabbed the back of my thighs, forcing me to sink down on him, drowning his tongue on my slit. “Fuck, Dylan.” 
While working on my bundle of nerves, slurping and applying just the enough amount of pressure with his lips on it, he snuck one finger up my entrance, uniting the two overwhelming sensations. In no time I was had three of his digits buried in me, pushing me to hold tight onto the headboard, my nails scratching the cushion; Dylan had a way with this that got me light headed every time. 
My boyfriend slapped my butt cheeks, carving his tongue on my sensitive skin, sucking it like my clit was some scrumptious gum. It wouldn’t take long for me to cum, I could sense it; especially when he was touching me like that. 
“Come on, princess.” O'Brien said in a deep voice, muffled slightly by my tries to get him back on my core. “Third time’s a charm.” 
“Oh, damn, I think I’m close…” 
And I was. 
All it was necessary was a few more pumps on the right spots and one good pair of lips wrapped on my soft nub. I came down screaming his name, nearly falling apart on his chest. My pussy began to twitch, whining against the massage he kept doing. I threaded my fingers on his brown hair, pushing him away, too sensitive to let him touch me any longer. Chuckling, Dylan helped me down, pulling me to him, engulfing my shape on the tepid sea of his embrace. 
“Now, do you feel better? Or do we need a fourth orgasm?”
“Oh no, I think I’m done.” I said, realising my body was too tired out, not capable to move a single muscle. “But I don’t think I’ll be doing much walking tomorrow.”
“You don’t have to, because we’re going to stay in bed all day long.”
“And here I thought you haven’t missed our sex.”
“I’m always missing our sex, Y/N.”
I didn’t bother to answer and, with the running of his fingers through my messy hair, it wasn’t long before I felt my lids heavy. I smiled, this time truly fulfilled and immeasurably happy to have Dylan to grant my every wish.
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Heat Haze Days - Stuart Twombly
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Character(s): Stuart Twombly/Reader
Word Count: 2800
Notes: This is like...my first time writing in forever and a day. So be gentle :’) also, tbh, I only thought of this idea because I was listening to Kagerou Days in my car on my way home from work. Kagerou literally is Heat Haze Days. xD
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What was worse than working in the middle of summer?
Working in the middle of summer with no AC.
You slowly fan yourself with a folder you found sitting on your desk, groaning as the mid-summer heat penetrated your skin. It was the hottest day thus far and the AC just HAD to break today. How were you supposed to get any work done when you are too busy dying at your computer?
You place your head on your desk, before sitting back up in your chair, fearing the puddle of sweat that would start forming in its place. Needless to say, you were completely miserable and you did not want to do anything.
Glancing around the room, you notice Stuart sitting in his usual beanbag chair in the corner, typing away on his computer. Tight polo shirt, showing off his muscled arms and even his toned chest. Khakis, like always, that seemed to stick to his skin more than usual in the summer heat. Black rimmed glasses that seemed to enhance his sparkling, golden eyes. And his usual beanie was atop his head.
How he even wore a beanie right now, you would always wonder.
You got up from your desk and strut over to him, plopping down noisily in the chair next to him. He didn’t even spare a glance as he continued typing on his computer. You mentally sighed at yourself at his lack of response.
See, you had always had a slight crush on Stuart, ever since he spilled his coffee on you’re the first day of the internship. He gave a short sorry before taking off, not even bothering to help clean up the coffee he spilled on the floor and, most importantly, on you.
It was by chance that you had been placed on a team with him. Ok…maybe not by much chance. No one had wanted to join a team with you and you got stuck with the “leftovers” team, led by Lyle. You couldn’t really complain at the time, since Stuart was on your team.
The beginning was…rocky, to say the least. He was a complete and utter dick to you and everyone else on your team. Especially the trees, but that’s another story. He would make snarky comments to everyone, acted smarter than everyone, or just plain ignored everyone and opted to stick his nose in his phone instead. You swore the guy hated human interaction.
As time went on, he slowly opened up to everyone and it seemed like you all had become great friends. You all hung out as a team doing random activities, like watching movies or playing volleyball. You and Stuart would study the Google material and even helped each other prep for the challenges. You guys even won the internship competition and got positions at Google. Google of all places!
As you all started your jobs the following summer, however, he seemed to revert to his old ways. He shut himself into a corner, nose deep in his computer, working on the project that Lyle gave you guys to work on. Maybe it was just the summer heat getting to him. People can get pretty grouchy on hot days like today. But he was being a total ass, not even glancing at you or acknowledging that you were next to him.
You glanced at his computer once to see what he was working on before he eyed you, giving you a questioning look.
“What do you want now?” he questioned, staring at you with a bored look.
“Just wondering what you are working on,” I replied, smiling at him. He stared for a second longer before returning to his computer. You huffed slightly before continuing trying to talk to him. “How can you even where a beanie in this heat? The AC is broken and its nearly 100 degrees outside today.”
He just shrugged, causing you to groan audibly. He gave you another questioning look, making you realize you had done that out loud instead of in your mind.
Silence returned shortly after. The silence was suffocating. You could almost cut the tension with a knife, it was so thick. How were you supposed to talk to him if he didn’t want to talk to you back? Having a crush on this boy was hard.
“Stuart, why are you always so quiet around us?” You asked him, finally breaking the silence and sparing a glance as his face, memorizing the moles the trailed down the side of it. “Back when we were doing the internship, I thought we were actually becoming really good friends. You opened up a lot more back then. Once we came back, you seemed to be closed off again, like when we started the internship. I was just wondering why that is.”
“Maybe I just don’t want to talk to you guys right now,” he said casually, still typing away at his computer. Did he really not care about talking to you? It just seemed so sudden and didn’t make any sense.
You sat up more in the bean bag and leaned over to him, covering the keyboard with your hands so he would stop typing and look at you. “Is there something going on that you aren’t telling us? Is it the heat outside? I mean I know it’s hot and all but-
“It’s not the goddamn heat! Not everyone cares about how hot it is in here!” He screamed that so suddenly, you were taken aback by the sudden outburst. “You know, some of us are trying to work on the project we are supposed to be working on. Some of us are trying to do our job!”
You slowly backed away from him, staring at the glare that was fixed on you. Tears formed in your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away before standing up.
“Well maybe the heat doesn’t bother you. But it bothers me. I can’t work in this heat.” You walked over to your desk and grabbed your bag off the ground.
“Where are you going? We still have work to do,” Stuart said as he put his laptop on the nearest table and walked over to you. You sniffled slightly as you tried to walk passed him and out the door. He grabbed your arm before you could completely bypass him. “Hey. Just wait a sec-“
“No!” You didn’t mean to scream at him, and you were pretty sure your voice cracked at the same time. You turned to him abruptly, a couple tears running down your cheeks. “I am going home, where it is nice and cold. And I can be out of your hair, because you obvious don’t want me around. So, I will see you tomorrow, Stuart.”
You tugged your arm out of his grasp and briskly walked away, wiping away the couple of tears that had escaped your eyes. You were embarrassed, and even that was an understatement. You just went off on your crush, and even cried in front of him.
As you got in your car, you laid your head on your steering wheel and let out a sigh.
Little did you know, at the same time, Stuart removed his beanie and threw it to the ground before running his hand throw his hair, mumbling to himself, “I fucked up big time…”
The next day, you were reluctant to get up for work. You checked your phone for messages from work and let out a frustrated grunt when you saw the message stating that the AC was still broken. You briefly contemplated staying in bed all day and just telling Lyle that you were in bed sick. It would be a lot easier than seeing Stuart at work today, that’s for sure. But you also knew that it wasn’t the right thing to do either. With that thought, you begrudgingly got up and began to get ready for the day.
Your shower wasn’t long enough it seemed, even though you were there for almost a half hour. You just stood in there, contemplating how you were going to face Stuart after blowing up at him the way you did yesterday.
Throwing on a quick black skirt, a white tank top and some black flats, you trudged out to your car. The moment you walked out the door, the heat hit you like a ton of bricks and you starting crying inside. The car wasn’t much better as you drove to the Google building.
This was going to be a long day, you could tell.
You swung by the café to try and grab the coldest bottle of water you could. Which, of course, they were out already. You just wanted to hit your head against the wall a million times after this. How could your day get any worse?
As you walked into your team’s room, you noticed the changes made to your desk. A small fan was placed in the corner of the desk. A small ice chest was under the desk, filled with ice and bottled waters. There was even one of those silly, little fan pens where you hold the button on the pen to make the fan work. You stared in awe at the things on your desk, wondering who would do this.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you turned around to see Stuart standing there. He was glancing at the ground slightly, clad in a short-sleeved button up shirt and khakis. He didn’t even wear his beanie today. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shuffled from one foot to the other, almost like he was nervous.
“I um…” He began, before he swallowed thickly. You could see his Adam’s apple bob slightly at the gesture, making you swallow in return. His tongue darted out quickly, wetting his lips, before he continued. “I just thought I would help you stay cool today. You know…since the AC is still broken. We have a project to finish and we could really use your help.”
A small smile graced your lips and you brought Stuart into a quick hug. “That’s really sweet, Stuart. Thank you.” He smiled slightly as he returned your hug.
“I also thought it would be a decent way to try and make up for yelling at you yesterday. You didn’t deserve to be yelled at. I was being a dick.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement, you know,” You chucked at him before letting go and leaning back on the desk.
“Yeah I know. I was a total ass,” He said, sitting in a nearby chair. “I just… I don’t know how to explain why I’ve been so quiet since we came back. You guys are my Google family after all. I’ve just been feeling weird, I guess, since we came back.”
You eyed him slightly before sitting next to him. “If you want to talk about it, please do. I want to be able to help you if I can,” You told him calmly, taking his hand in mine. I traced my fingers up and down his hands, enjoying tracing the veins that protruded from his smooth skin. “You are my friend and I want to help you.”
He chuckled lightly, leaning further back in his chair. “You would think it’s stupid.”
You laughed and punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Just try me. Nothing you say could be that stupid.”
He sighed before glancing at you. “Have you ever liked someone so much that you just don’t know what to say or do? You just…you act so irrationally that it ends up causing problems in the end? Have you ever felt the urge to kiss someone to the point that your lips are so swollen that it hurts, but you can’t stop smiling because you are with that person you love the most? Have you ever wanted to hold someone so tightly, that you don’t want to let go? But you fear that if you hold too tightly, that they will break? That is how I have been feeling.”
You blinked, slowly taking in what he was saying. Was he saying he had a crush on a girl? Saying he was in love with a girl? You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it quickly after when you realized you didn’t know what to say.
He glanced at you, leaning over to you and turning you to face him more. “That is how I have been feeling about you…”
You didn’t have time to think as he pushed his lips against yours. Your lips molded together, and moved in sync without you even realizing you were kissing him back. His lips were soft and smooth, and they felt perfect against your own. You brought a hand up to his face, your fingers tracing small patterns on his cheek before it found a safe place on the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape. His hands found the small of your back, pulling you slightly closer as he broke the kiss and kissing his way down your jaw line to you neck. He nuzzled your neck softly, placing a few kisses before sucking lightly.
A small moan left you lips as you moved your head slightly, allowing him more access. His hands slipped under your shirt slightly and traced the skin on your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He nibbled lightly on your neck before backing away slowly, trying to get air after the small make out session you guys just had. He leaned his forehead against yours, smiling a little and closing his eyes.
“That was…that was nice,” he said, happy and breathless. You smiled back at him and nodded, moving your head to lean on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.
“So, would you believe me when I said that I have had a crush on you since the day you spilled coffee on me in the café?” You laughed, feeling him shiver as your breath hit his neck. “I always thought you hated me because you were such a dick back then. You always made these rude comments and I think you even once said that I was the most pathetic person on this team.”
He groaned and shifted in his seat, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Yeah. I didn’t mean it. I knew I was being a dick to you, but I never knew how to express that I actually DID like you. I never felt like this towards a girl before. Let alone someone as beautiful and smart as you.” You blushed slightly at the comments. “But every minute we spent together, be it with this stupid team we have, or studying together for Chetty’s silly tests, I just started falling in love with you more.”
You glanced back at him quickly at those words. “W-wait. What? Love? You…You love…love me?” I couldn’t believe what I was saying right now. He couldn’t love me, you thought to yourself.
He nodded before leaning up and pecking you lightly on the lips. “Yup. I 100% love you. And I wouldn’t change that for the world. I love you so much.”
You smiled and turned to him, straddling his waist, before kissing him fully on the lips. He groaned and pulled you closer, licking your lips as if asking for access inside. You smiled and allowed him in, letting your tongue wrestle a bit. His hand slid up to your thigh, and to your ass, grabbing it tightly. You moaned into the kissed and tried to move even closer, if possible.
He pulled away sharply, shaking his head. “We may want to stop now. Otherwise, I don’t know if I will be able to.” He shifted slightly and you felt something poking your leg. Glancing down, you noticed the bulge growing in his khakis. Grinning, you got up slowly and turned around, purposely leaning forward a bit too much to give him a view of your ass while grabbing your bag.
“Well,” you started, turning back to him, leaning down to kiss him quickly, “my apartment is a lot cooler than here. Maybe we can work on the project there?”
He grinned before grabbing his stuff and wrapping his arm around your waist. “Do you think it’ll be too cold there?”
I winked at him before leading the way out the door. “It’s ok. We can always heat it up if we need to.” He kissed your forehead at this and laughed lightly.
“By the way Stuart,” you started as you got in your car. He glanced at you from the passenger side, quirking an eyebrow at you.
“I love you too.”
Maybe the summer heat isn’t so bad after all.
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0letsimagine0 · 8 years
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Milk & Coffee - Dave Hodgman
 Author: @thelibrarianintraining
Song:  Milk & Coffee by NoMBe
Word Count: 884
Relationship:   Dave Hodgman x Reader
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“You seem special, but have some patience,
There’s just one thing I need to know”
“Wait!” gasped Dave as he pulled out of the kiss. You were in the hall that led to his bedroom and you were both in a completely dishevelled state. Your own shirt had been discarded at the door along with your shoes. His blue button-up was completely open and his jeans, unzipped and unbuttoned, were barely staying up as you both stumbled in the direction of his room. Neither of you willing to break the embrace until now.
“What?” You breathed out, your eyes searching his brown ones.
“Is this going to happen again?” he asked and you were unsure what he was talking about for a moment. Then you laughed when you understood.
“Well, that kind of depends on how this goes, doesn’t it?” you laughed in response, but he frowned. “What’s wrong, Dave? I was just kidding.”
You’d been dating for a couple months, and though there’d been quite a few heavy makeout sessions, you’d yet to actually take it all the way. Dave seemed to be extremely nervous about the whole thing, and given the way things had played out with his ex, you weren’t really that surprised. He never said much about her, but his friends had given you the lowdown. To say that it hadn’t been the best of relationships was an understatement. And, in hindsight, your joke was probably in poor taste and you wished that you could take it back.
“Are you going to stick around after this?” he questioned, before you could apologize. You looked up at him in surprise.
“What do you mean? Of course, I’m going to stick around.”
“It’s just, if we do this, you might be disappointed,” he said quietly, avoiding eye contact.
“As if,” you laughed, but when he didn’t laugh too, you grew serious. You traced your thumb over his jaw and he sighed. “Hey, what’s going on? Is this about what she said to you?”
He shrugged and you sighed.
“Hey, you’ve only ever gotten one opinion. That doesn’t mean a thing and I don’t trust her opinion at all,” you stated sharply.
“Will you still love me in the morning?
Will you stay for milk and coffee?”
“Are you going to stay the night?” he questioned.
“Absolutely, babe. I love cuddles,” you smiled at him. He smiled a bit then. “And I know for a fact that you are one of the best cuddlers in the world. I’ll gladly take just your cuddles, if that’s all you want to do.”
“No, I want to do this,” he said firmly, running a hand through his hair. You knew there was more to it.
“But what?”
“Putting hours past the dawn in,
Will you still love me in the morning?”
“What if I actually do disappoint you?”
You cupped his face in both hands and held it in place as you stared into his eyes.
“I’m staying all night, David, and if you’re disappointing, you have to make me breakfast, and we can work on it. If you’re not, I’ll make you breakfast. Either way I’m not going anywhere. Sound like a deal?” You asked. He nodded. “Now, I’m getting tired of waiting on you.”
You pressed your lips back against his roughly and you both stumbled the rest of the way back to his room. When he collapsed onto the bed, you joined him, shedding the rest of your clothes.
“I can be your pillow if you’re feelin’ lonely
Whatever’s on your mind, you can put it on me”
You rested your head on Dave’s chest, ignoring the sweat and focusing more on the now-steady rise and fall of his chest and the rhythm of his heart’s beats. Both of his arms were wrapped firmly around you to hold your body close to his and you snuggled in as close as possible. You couldn’t help, but soak in the moment. Audrey or Aubrey or whatever her name was had clearly lied to him, or had no idea what she was talking about. He’d picked up on exactly how you wanted things right from the start.
“So?” he questioned and you tilted your head to look up at him, already knowing what he wanted to ask.
“That wasn’t disappointing at all. Do I need to be louder next time to prove it?” you replied, kissing his jaw. He glanced down at you and gave you a crooked smile. “Looks like I’m making breakfast.”
“Don’t you think, you might want to go a second time? I mean, just to be sure, of course. That might’ve been a fluke,” he said and you giggled rolling over to rest your arms and head on his chest as you looked up at him.
“Mmm, I think I have to test my hypothesis three times before I can draw a conclusion,” you teased and he laughed, kissing your forehead.
“You know, I think you’re right,” he replied, flipping your bodies so that he was over top of you again. He ducked his head down to kiss you and then pulled away again. “You’re freaking amazing.”
You giggled and he pressed his lips to yours again.
“Cause I’m ready to swim, darlin’,
If you promise one thing
To love me in the morning”
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
Oh Shit
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Summary: Stiles gets jealous when he sees you flirting with the next door neighbor.
Prompt: “It would be great if you could stop acting like a bitch.”
Pairing: cop!Stiles x Reader
Pulling into his driveway, Stiles couldn’t be more grateful that his tiring work day has ended. As he shifts his cruiser into park, your cute laugh catches his attention through the rolled down passenger window.
It makes Stiles’ head snap towards the new neighbors house and what he sees next makes his blood boil. You’re completely oblivious that he’s even home, too engrossed in giggling as you shake your ass in front of Nathan.
Nathan being the new buff neighbor who’s ridiculously attractive and apparently charming based on your actions. They haven’t met yet but of course Stiles did a quick background check on the guy. He decides that it’s fucking time Nathan knows exactly who he’s living next to now.
“Hey, babe!” You greet cheerfully, once you notice that your handsome husband is coming over. His body language instantly tips you off that he’s pissed but you’re completely clueless as to why.
Stiles throws you a strained smile as he snakes his arm around your waist and jerks you flush against him. His glare towards Nathan makes you both immediately confused and uncomfortable.
“I’m Stiles. Y/N’s husband.” He coldly spits making your eyes widen.
“Nice to meet you, Stiles. Your beautiful wife has bragged about you. Definitely good things.” Nathan assures surprised about his abrupt introduction.
“Oh I bet.” Stiles sasses back, tightly squeezing your side with his strong hand. “I hope that my beautiful wife mentioned that I’m a cop.”
“Hence the uniform and the cruiser parked in our driveway.” You speak up with a chuckle, attempting to lift the tension that is now insanely palpable.
“And the gun.” Stiles adds with a low growl, resting a hand on his loaded firearm that’s holstered on his right side.
“Uh…right.” Nathan laughs nervously, his brain now scrambling for what to say next. He barely glances at his watch then awkwardly makes eye contact with your intense husband.
“Look at the time…I should start dinner.” He blurts out already trekking backwards away from you and Stiles.
“Ok. Have a good night.” You politely call out to him. The second Nathan turns his back, you latch onto Stiles’ arm to drag him inside. Your fingernails dig into your husband’s skin making him hiss but he wisely keeps his mouth shut.
“What the hell, Stilinski?!” You fume harshly at the 5'10 muscled pain in the ass.
“What?” Stiles’ innocent tone dumbfounds you as he locks the front door behind him.
“Don’t play stupid. We need to talk about what just happened outside.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. Especially when there’s nothing to talk about.” Stiles snaps, swiftly striding down the hallway.
“It would be great if you could stop acting like a bitch.” You add loudly.
“It would be great if our neighbor didn’t want to fuck my wife.” Stiles states now with an edge in his voice and it makes you pause. He shrugs his shoulders at your lack of response and then starts unbuttoning his uniform shirt.
“What?!” It’s all you can manage at the moment, the shock of his words needing to wear off. In a huff, you start trailing behind him as he stalks to the bedroom to change his clothes.
“You’re so ridiculous.” You grumble at him. “You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I’m not blind, Y/N. His perverted eyes were attached to your ass when I pulled up! And the best part…you were showing him.” He snarls roughly, chucking his work boots into the closet and slamming the door shut.
“You are going to march next door right now and apologize to Nathan.” You chide with a hard poke to his chest.
“And why would I do that, Y/N?” Your husband’s sweet puppy dog eyes are now flashing with anger as he runs a hand through his spiked hair.
“Because Nathan is gay. You jealous, dumb ass.” You respond frustrated.
“Gay?” Stiles is taken aback by your answer and it makes you shake your head at him.
“I…really…Are you sure?”
“Yes! I met his boyfriend Tony earlier today. He also lives next door now.”
“Oh shit.” Stiles breathes out feeling embarrassed. “And you were showing him your ass because?”
“Nathan complimented my new jeans! He said my ass looks good in them so I did a little twirl to make him laugh.”
“I like Nathan and Tony. I want to be friends with them so get your troublemaker ass over there and apologize. Or so help me…”
“Ok!” Stiles cuts you off. “I will right now, baby. I promise.”
“Thank you.” You say with a huge sigh of relief.
“You could of told me you know.” Stiles adds glancing over his shoulder.
“It’s very obvious, dude. He’s even dressed better than I am for Christ’s sake.” You scoff at him.
“I guess I never paid attention.” Stiles mumbles adorably before focusing his brown eyes on you.
“No shit.”
“Your ass does look incredible in those jeans by the way.” Your husband delivers with a bite of his lower lip.
“Go!” You giggle making your husband race out of the bedroom and head straight towards the neighbors house.
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
The Truth Comes Out
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Summary: The reader’s quiet night at home is interrupted when Dylan shows up looking bruised and bloody.
Pairing: Dylan x Reader
Word Count: 2,307
“Thank god I live alone.” You grumble to yourself, thankful no one’s around to witness your behavior. You’re lazily sitting on your kitchen counter in a ridiculous onesie stuffing your face.
You twist open an Oreo, put a scoop of chocolate ice cream then add whipped cream and chocolate syrup. While singing along to the radio, you smoosh the Oreo back together and shove it into your mouth.
You’re really baffled as to why you’re not married yet. Your boyfriend would be crazy to not lock down all of this sexiness. Realizing it’s almost time for a new episode of Scandal, you make your way towards the couch.
You freeze when you hear someone fumbling with the lock on your front door. This is just fucking perfect. A creep is breaking into your apartment and on top of it, you’re gonna die wearing a onesie.
You run back into the kitchen, grab a large knife then move towards the door. This is such a bad idea. Most people would call 911 right about now but not you. You decide to check it out for yourself.
The sound is now suspiciously gone, making you feel annoyed at this whole ordeal. You stupidly swing open the door and you’re shocked by what you see.
“Holy shit! What happened?!” Your best friend is barely standing looking bruised and bloody in front of you.
“Ice.” Dylan groans ignoring your question as he stumbles into your apartment.
“Ok. Go sit down.”
“What’s with the knife?”
“It sounded like someone was breaking in!” You huff stalking into the kitchen.
“I tried unlocking it with my key but no luck.” He mumbles falling on to your couch.
“Here.” You hand him an ice pack and place a cold glass of water in front of him.
“Can’t I have a beer?” He whines glaring at the glass of water.
“Stupid.” He mutters under his breath.
“Damn, Dyl.” You sigh studying his split lip.
“I look sexy, huh.” He jokes before dragging his hand down his face.
“You must have a concussion.” You tease making him chuckle.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Y/N.” He replies stubbornly.
“Dylan O’Brien! Don’t make me kick your ass. We both know I could win right now.” You scowl at the stubborn man.
“But Y/N…”
“I’ll explain but can I just rest first?” He begs giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“How did you get here?”
“Tyler. He wanted to come up but I told him to go home.” You nod your head, wondering what the hell is going on.
“Ughhh.” Dylan moans as he tries to take off his jacket.
“You look like shit.” You frown staring at the fresh blood on his face, knuckles and clothes.
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” He boasts before coughing and clutching his stomach.
“Maybe we should get you to the hospital, buddy. Looks like you bruised some ribs. They could be broken.” You add wearily.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N. I’m fine. Plus you’re a nurse so there’s no point.”
“I’m sure you need X-rays or something. Maybe I should call Tyler.” You mumble nervously, you’re not strong enough to lug the dumb ass there yourself.
“If I’m not better by tomorrow then I’ll go, ok?”
You’re about to push the issue but get distracted by your Justin Timberlake ringtone. You glance at your phone and see your boyfriend’s name flashing.
“It’s Mike. He’s home sick. I better get this.”
“No! Don’t answer it!” Dylan shouts sending him into a coughing fit.
“What the hell was that?” You demand feeling completely out of the loop.
“Do you trust me?” Your best friend asks already knowing the answer.
“Obviously. Why?” He’s about to reply but grumbles when your phone starts ringing again.
“Don’t pick it up, Y/N. Please.” Dylan pleads, the seriousness in his voice is freaking you out.
“Why can’t I talk to my fucking boyfriend?!” You exclaim jumping up off of the couch in a panic.
“Calm down, Winnie.” He chuckles eyeing your Winnie the Pooh onesie.
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Shit. You forgot you had it on.
“You better spill, O’Brien!” You growl, pretending you’re not dressed as a Disney character.
“Mike’s the other guy.” Dylan reveals quietly refusing to make eye contact with you.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s the one I fought with.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because he’s a piece of shit. I already knew but it was confirmed tonight.” Dylan snarls tightening his fists.
“Mike’s at home with a bad chest cold.”
“No. He was at Marty’s Bar tonight. I don’t think you’ve ever been there. It’s a few towns over.”
“Ask Tyler! He’s the one who broke up the fight. He actually clocked Mike really good in the process.” Dylan says with a crooked smile.
This can’t be happening. Is your boyfriend secretly a douchebag? If this came from anyone else, you’d tell them to fuck off. But it’s Dylan, he never lies to you. Ever. You trust him completely.
“What happened?” You sigh, feeling nauseous.
“He…well…I…” Dylan stumbles on.
“Anytime, O’Brien.”
“Mike was making out with a redhead. Some skank. No clue who she was but he was all over her.” He replies, concern etched all over his face.
“What the hell.” You whisper, tears now filling your eyes.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N. He’s not fucking worth it.“ Dylan stands up to comfort you but you’re not having it.
“Dyl! Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself more. I’m fine.” You scold making him nod in response.
“Hold on.” You mutter, trying to catch your breath as you leave the room.
Your friend watches you try to hold it together and it breaks his heart. You of all people do not deserve this. Mike fooled everyone, making them think that he’s a great guy. But Dylan always knew he was a waste of life.
“Can you eat?” You ask walking back into the living room.
“Yeah. I think so.” Dylan shrugs looking confused.
“Take these.” You direct placing two pain pills in front of him.
“What’s this?”
“Tramadol. For the pain. I’m making you some toast. You should eat with those.”
“Y/N. Hold on. Come sit down so we can talk about this.” Dylan sighs knowing you’re in denial.
“There’s nothing to talk about. What do you want on your toast? Butter or jam?”
“Toast?” Dylan whines looking pathetic. “Don’t you have anything better?”
“You were just punched in the stomach, dude. More than once. Eat something bland first. Unless you want to take the chance of getting sick?” You raise an eyebrow. “I bet throwing up with bruised ribs is fucking fun.”
“Ok. Ok. I’ll eat the god damn toast. Butter, please.” He groans letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Good boy.” You pat his head, snickering at the annoyed look on his face.
“I thought having a hot nurse would be a lot different. This isn’t enjoyable at all.” Dylan glares making you roll your eyes.
“Sorry to disappoint, kiddo.” You chuckle pulling your hood on.
“And the outfit is all wrong. You’re supposed to be in a sexy nurse outfit, instead you look like friggin Winnie the Pooh.” He huffs gesturing to your onesie.
“Silly me. Next time I’ll be more prepared.” You respond sarcastically making him smile.
“That’s all I ask, Y/N. Put in some effort.”
“I would take the onesie off but I’m not wearing anything underneath.” You shrug innocently before strolling into the kitchen.
“Tease!” Dylan shouts from the other room making you giggle as you butter the toast.
Thankfully Dylan eats without complaining, he just sticks to a puss on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. The pills are kicking in.” He replies looking relieved.
“I’ll call Tyler soon.”
“For what?”
“To pick me up.”
“It’s almost 1am. Just stay here. If you won’t go to the hospital then at least let me take care of you.”
“Whatever you say, nurse L/N. You’re the boss.” Dylan wiggles his eyebrows.
“You need to change. You’re too bloody. I have some clothes you can put on.”
“Let me guess…Mike’s.” Dylan responds looking aggravated.
“Yup. Can you handle taking a shower? Now that the pain meds are working?”
“I can handle it.” He scoffs with a frown.
“Right.” You chuckle.
“Aren’t nurses supposed to help with that? You don’t want me to slip and fall do you?” Your best friend smirks with a gleam in his eye.
“You’re shameless.” You shake your head.
“I’ll help you…but you stay in your boxers.”
“Ok. But you need to be in your underwear too. Only fair.”
“Do you want me to feel self conscious?!” He answers dramatically.
“This coming from the guy who streaked at the pep rally in high school.” You can’t help but laugh at the memory.
“It was one of the best moments of your life, sweetheart.” Dylan cracks up, it quickly turns into a moan because of the pain.
“Take it easy, O’Brien. Don’t strain yourself.” You sigh grabbing his arm to help him stand up.
“Y/N! I can walk on my own. I’m not eighty.” He mumbles looking grumpy.
“Ok.” You cross your arms over your chest and watch him try to be a tough guy.
“Can I have real food now? I ate the toast.” He mutters moving slowly.
“After you get cleaned up, O’Brien. I have…” You get cut off by a loud pounding on your front door.
“Oh jeez.” You groan knowing it’s your boyfriend.
“Ignore him.”
“He has a key.” You snap annoyed with this whole night.
“Y/N?” Mike calls out, you hear his heavy work boots getting closer.
“Behave yourself.” You whisper to Dylan.
“Seriously?” He scoffs ignoring your glare.
“Y/N. Hey.” Mike walks into the room but stops short when he sees Dylan
“Leave Mike. We’re done.” You say coldly making him flinch.
“Baby, come on. Whatever this moron told you…it’s a lie.”
“Really. So you weren’t at a bar tonight? Making out with another girl?”
“Of course not! I was walking to the store to get cough medicine. This drunk jackass ran into me and he started throwing punches.”
“You son of a bitch.” Dylan snarls staring your boyfriend down.
“Look what he did to my face! My nose is broken. And he fucking killed my wrist. I won’t be surprised if it’s broken too. He’s a fucking animal.” Mike spits moving closer to Dylan.
“Jesus, Mike. You couldn’t have come up with a better lie than that? That doesn’t make sense. Dylan wouldn’t start a fight for no reason.” You huff, feeling anxious.
“Oh, he has a fucking reason. The bastard has been jealous of me since day one. He’s in love with you and hates that you’re with me instead of him.” Mike growls making both you and Dylan’s eyes widen.
“Oh Mike…” Dylan starts chuckling with a cocky as fuck smile.
“I guess this isn’t you then right?” He looks through his iPhone and then holds it out.
Your mouth drops when you see Mike and some slut making out. The bastard is wearing the same exact clothes he has on now.
“That could be anyone.” He lies looking guilty.
Dylan scrolls through, showing another picture where it’s crystal clear that it’s your boyfriend.
“Out.” You spit shoving Mike so hard he stumbles back.
“But baby…”
“I’m not your baby. Get the fuck out of my apartment and stay the fuck out of my life. I mean it!” You shout before slamming the door in his face.
You’re now frozen in place, a shit ton of emotions hitting you all at once. Without warning, tears start rolling down your face and you start sobbing loudly.
“Hey. Hey.” Your friend says softly wrapping his arms around you.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself.” You sniffle trying to stop him.
“I’m ok.” He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I really didn’t want to show you those pictures. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.” Dylan sighs wiping away a tear falling down your cheek.
“It’s ok.” You mutter, grabbing his hand leading him down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
“You still need to get cleaned up, dear. It’s late. We’re both tired. So let’s get it done so we can sleep, ok?”
Dylan reluctantly agrees, not wanting to make things any harder for you. He holds in a groan when you hand him Mike’s t-shirt and sweatpants. That bastard, he’s gonna regret hurting you. Dylan will make sure of it.
“Do I have to sleep on the couch?” He asks giving you a sad face.
“No.” You chuckle. “Get into bed. I’ll be right back.”
Dylan gives you a wink and slowly moves under the covers. It’s obvious he’s pretending the pain is gone. Silly fucker.
“Here. Take this.” You hand him another Tramadol and a bag of his favorite chips.
“You’re trying to drug me aren’t you. So you can seduce me.” Dylan raises an eyebrow.
“Damn it. You found out my plan.” You giggle climbing in next to him.
“I knew it.” He mumbles before throwing chips into his mouth.
Dylan knows you have on a brave face, but he can always see right through it. He hates this.
“Come here.” He says softly holding his arm out so you can crawl underneath.
“You don’t need me leaning on your ribs. Just get some sleep.” You answer quietly shutting the light off.
“Y/N L/N! Get over here now.” Dylan commands, you roll your eyes but decide to listen anyway.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He pulls you closer, ignoring the pain and the pressure he feels on his ribs.
“The asshole was right ya know.” Dylan breathes out, his heart now beating faster in your ear.
“Mike…what he said…I am in love with you. Everything else was bullshit but that part is the truth.”
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
Moving On
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Summary: Dylan is caught off guard when he meets his new roommate.
Pairing: Dylan x Reader
A/N: Mr. O’Brien is just a regular dude in this. He’s not an actor. 
Dylan O’Brien is a simple man. Of course he still needs the necessities in life like food, money and sex. Throw some weed and his beloved Mets into the mix and he’s usually happier than a pig rolling in shit.
Unfortunately Dylan’s content lifestyle is now being rudely interrupted, his current place of residence will soon be no longer. His roommate Tyler just got engaged so the hot fiance is moving in and Dylan’s annoyed ass is moving out.
That’s how Dylan ended up in this apartment building, directing a hard glare at the 14A on the door in front of him. Tyler’s eviction wasn’t completely heartless, he put in a good word with his friend Brady who’s looking for a roommate. Apparently it’s a great place with decent rent but Dylan’s stubbornness isn’t allowing him to care right now. He’s never been too keen on sharing his personal space in general, never mind with a stranger.
Dylan shakes his head, ridding the negative thoughts he’s accustomed to before loudly knocking on the door. He impatiently scratches the stumble under his chin and is dangerously close to ditching this lame idea. The door swings open too fast but he is pleasantly surprised with the drop dead gorgeous female in front of him.
“Hi…can I help you?”
“Well I hope so, sweetheart. I’m looking for Brady.”
“Are you Dylan O’Brien…” 
Who gives this fucker the right? The man is nothing short of absolute perfection. Damn it. You need to remain cool, calm and collected.
“Guilty.” He delivers with a sinful smirk. Then Dylan suddenly realizes that you’re probably Brady’s girlfriend. Fuck. If that’s the case then this is already off to a rocky start.
“Y/N Brady. Nice to meet you.”
“Wait what…” The pure look of confusion on Dylan’s face is downright adorable. Of course you have no idea why he’s reacting this way but it’s still amusing to say the least.
“Come on in.” With a wave of your hand, you start to walk away until you notice that Dylan isn’t following you. Welp. You guess it makes sense, a guy with his type of looks has to have some kind of flaw. He’s awkward as fuck.
“Or you can chill in the hallway. Whichever you prefer…” You chuckle now feeling strangely awkward yourself. Thank god it seems to snap him out of his hesitation, he gives you a somewhat sheepish smile then let’s you guide him into the kitchen.
“So you’re the one looking for a roommate?” He asks carefully making it dawn on you why he’s behaving this way.
“Yup. Tyler obviously left out some key information. Like that I’m a girl.” Dylan nods his head still appearing lost and you can’t help but laugh at the poor man.
“He’s always just called me Brady. We work together at the gym and he was the lucky one who showed me the ropes.”
“It’s not a problem is it?”
"Um no…no I don’t think so. I’ve never had a chick roommate but I guess there’s a first time for everything."
You tell Dylan to head into the living room while you grab some cold beers and a snack to munch on. He definitely seems like a nice guy but it’s probably a smart idea to chat a bit before making any final decisions. The last thing you need is finding out you and your new roommate can’t stand each other.
You leave the kitchen and find Dylan looking completely mesmerized by the shiny silver pole in the middle of the room. Shit. You totally forgot about it.
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"Are you trying to figure out if I’m a stripper?” You tease playfully, snickering at the almost shy but also hopeful expression on his face.
“Well…” Dylan licks his plump lips and gestures back at the pole then turns to you waiting for a response.
“I’m a fitness instructor. I teach pole dancing classes. And it’s easier having my own here so I can practice whenever and come up with routines. Would that be cool with you?” The Cheshire smile that automatically breaks out on Dylan’s face is comical.
"So at random hours of the day…my hot roommate will be pole dancing in the living room?” Dylan tries hard to contain his excitement and you know for a fact that this man will be the end of you.
“Hell yeah. I’m going home to pack right now!”
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
No Longer You
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Summary: Now a shell of her former self, the reader runs into an old flame.
Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Word Count: 1,781
Warning: implying an abusive relationship
Green cancels out red.
Yellow cancels out purple and brown…no purple and blue.
And lavender cancels out…yellow?
Jesus Christ. This shouldn’t be that difficult, hiding the evidence of your home life is now a normal occurrence. The three concussions you’ve acquired over the years must be catching up to you.
You’re squinting harshly at the Revlon concealers on the top shelf before you at the supermarket. Trying and failing to remember which ones work the best, basically whatever hides the fucking truth.
Your exhausted brain is practically mush at this point in time, you used to know this shit. You used to know a lot of shit. You used to be a strong, independent take no bullshit kind of a woman that took care of herself. But things clearly change. People fucking change.
You’re feeling a bit woozy at the moment, either from the lack of food or from the lack of focus, you’re not sure which. Moving backwards you try to control your balance, causing you to stumble into an older woman passing by.
“Oh! I’m sorry!” You spin around to apologize, immediately regretting the fast movement.
“You ok, honey?” The woman asks eyeing you too closely for your liking.
The automatic judgement is something you’ve become accustomed to over the years. You’re convinced it chips off a piece of your pathetic heart each time.
“I’m fine. Thanks.” You barely mumble turning away from her in the makeup aisle. You can still feel unwelcomed eyes on you, aggravated you silently command yourself to just breathe.
You freeze from the sound of your name although you’re more concerned with the deep voice saying it. It can’t be him…can it? For the love of all things holy, please let it not be him.
“Y/N?” Stiles slightly hesitates, awkwardly staring as if you’ll run away any second.
You turn around painfully slow, stalling what’s about to take place. Your eyes lock, immediately waking something in you that you’ve been suppressing for years. Hope.
“Stiles.” You let out a heavy sigh as your chest tightens, you struggle wanting the pressure to dissipate as quickly as it came. Your body’s way of warning you, an asthma attack is on the horizon.
Out of habit, your eyes dart around the aisle, clearly paranoid about your surroundings. You quickly scan the area, assessing what you can. Where you are, who’s around, what’s being said and who’s listening.
“Wow. It’s been awhile.” He half heartedly chuckles, trying to keep his shocked reaction at bay. If it wasn’t for your sweet voice catching his attention, Stiles would have kept strolling right by you. Completely and totally oblivious that the love of his life is near.
“Yeah…six years.” You offer him your best fake smile, praying that time has ruined Stiles’ memory of you.
He doesn’t react, at least not in a negative way. Did he become an amazing actor? Or did he forget the look of your real smile? Either way, it makes you both relieved and disappointed. Stop it, Y/N. The last thing you want or need is to trap Stiles fucking Stilinski into this shitshow you call a life.
“What are you doing here? Last I heard you moved to...I think New York...for an architect job?” Ugh. You can barely remember shit anymore. It doesn’t help that you moved a few towns over, cutting off all ties with everyone that you cared about.
Stiles’ stomach drops, his mouth turns dry and he’s debating if he should tell you the truth. Worried what your reaction will be, he nervously decides against it. At least for now. You’ll find out soon enough what he’s been doing with his life. He silently makes that promise to you.
“Yeah. Scott and Alison still live close by with their daughter Kelly. She just turned two years old and they’re having a big party for her. So I’m just visiting everyone.”
“Huh. I bet they make great parents.” You mutter glaring down at your gorgeous, princess cut diamond ring that’s fucking mocking you. It’s become the only bright, attractive thing left in your god damn world.
“Yup they do.” Stiles nods following your gaze down to the giant rock on your bony finger.
“You’ve obviously settled down yourself. Any rugrats?”
“Nah…no kids. Its not something I want.” You shrug nonchalantly, eyes fixating on anything but your ex boyfriend.
“Really? You always wanted kids. Or at least one.” Stiles frowns eyeing you suspiciously. Shit.
“You couldn’t wait to have a little boy so you could dress him up in baseball caps and skull t-shirts.” Stiles snickers at the memory, your face would light up when you used to talk about it.
“Things change.” You add softly, realizing he will never know the actual truth.
Stiles barely nods in response, the restraint it’s taking to keep his mouth shut is nearly killing him. He doesn’t know specifics but he knows for sure that something isn’t fucking right.
Stiles has missed you terribly since the breakup, the amount of regret he deals with on a daily basis is sometimes overwhelming. It doesn’t matter how much whiskey he knocks back or how many girls he takes to bed, you’re always hiding in the corner of his mind.
And now here you are in the flesh, standing before him and you’re not her. It’s a total mindfuck, to be honest Stiles misses you even more now. Or at least the version of you that was his. The current version of you is breaking his fucking heart.
Glancing at your cuticles, he sees how marked and cut up they are from where you’ve repeatedly torn off the skin. You always pick at them when you’re anxious or upset. It’s an automatic tell of yours.
Your nails - usually perfectly trimmed and painted, are now ragged and thin. The texture of your hair looks dry and fried, the color and cut something you’d never choose six years ago.
Your wardrobe, once playful and always stylish is now drabby and depressing. You wouldn’t be caught dead in the oversized clothing you’re wearing right now. Even with the baggy clothes, Stiles can see how thin and fragile you’ve become. Which confuses him slightly based on the shopping cart in front of you.
It’s filled to the brim, the amount of junk food alone would make anyone gain weight. Weirdly enough, he doesn’t see one thing of yours that’s a favorite. Being a creature of habit, he would’ve bet money you still liked the same guilty pleasures.
You strangely keep favoring your right leg. It wouldn’t be obvious to many people but Stiles knows you’re usually full of energy, moving around even when standing still. So the fact that you’re not annoyingly restless is a huge red flag.
One of many at this point.
You know Stiles is dissecting your appearance in his mind right now but you refuse to acknowledge it. This surprise encounter is hard enough, seeing the best part of your past standing in front of you is torture.
Thinking back you realize the breakup was a stupid solution, the fights you two had seem so lame and unimportant now but you were young. Young and stupid. Still being with Stiles was the greatest time of your inevitably short life.
It’s not like you haven’t tried to create distance between you and your personal hell. There were other factors in play that wouldn’t let it happen. Your husband being a police officer has stalled every getaway plan you’ve tried.
You left in the middle of the night once, an APB was sent out so fast you barely made it two towns over. And reporting to the police was a joke, your husband made up mental problems for your “erratic behavior”. They knew the truth but it didn’t change a fucking thing.
Growing up in a family of cops, you know how they take care of their own. How easily they sweep shit under the rug if needed, unfortunately you were one of those things swept away. So he’s still “serving and protecting” the city while you suffer in silence.
“Are you…are you okay, Y/N?” Stiles asks concern overtaking his handsome features.
“Of course.”
“You don’t seem ok to me. You don’t even seem like the same girl.” He adds hesitantly.
“You’ve always been one for the dramatics, Stiles. I’m doing great.”
“You’re lying.” Stiles quietly growls, trying to control his anger.
“You haven’t seen me in a long time, Stilinski. Maybe you just don’t know me as well as you used to.” You glare now getting angry yourself.
“Right. You’re right.” Stiles snaps aggravated. “I don’t know you anymore. I don’t know your life or your husband. Or the reason why you no longer want children. Shit changes I guess, huh?”
“Well I’ve had fun strolling down memory lane but I have to go. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.”
“You too, Stiles.” You respond softly, doing everything in your power not to break down.
“I hope you find the happiness you’ve been pretending to have, Y/N.” Stiles adds bitterly, barely making eye contact as he leaves you behind.
The pure sadness in your eyes hits Stiles hard as he stalks away from you. He hates causing you any kind of pain but unfortunately it’s necessary for his plan to work. It’s blatantly obvious your home life is keeping you prisoner and there’s no way in hell that’s going to continue.
Stiles chose to hold back an important piece of information during your awkward conversation. He’s been working for the FBI for years now, using the architect job as a cover. Stiles always refrained from looking you up in the FBI database. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t been tempted, he could just never bring himself to do it.
It’s not like he expected to find anything negative - just the opposite. He assumed you were married with kids by now and living a full happy life. The kind you’ve always wanted and deserved. The kind he always thought he could never give you. Stiles is now kicking himself for being so fucking selfish. Maybe he could have saved you sooner if he put his god damn feelings aside.
The choice to keep you in the dark wasn’t an easy one but it’s for the best. You’re barely holding it together as it is, he doesn’t need any outside factors affecting his plan. He can’t risk your demeanor changing and it tipping off your douchebag husband.
Stiles has never been more determined in his entire life than he is right now. He’s going to save you, love you and do whatever it takes to see your beautiful, genuine smile again.
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0letsimagine0 · 8 years
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