#dave hodgman one shot
dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
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Lau’s Fic Rec Masterlist
A Little Game @dreamofbetterthings
About Last Night @maddie110201
Better With You @lionsbby
Car Trouble @dumbass-stilinski
Eyes Closed @cxddlyash
Favorite Book @rememberstilinski
Ferris Wheel @mf-despair-queen
Finally Got The Guy @stilinski-lover-24
Here @werewolfmutant
Hiding @dumbass-stilinski
Hotter Than The Pizza @writingsbychlo @dumbass-stilinski
I Kinda Have A Crush On You @cxddlyash
Just Teasing [1] [2] @cxddlyash
Late Night Talks @mf-despair-queen
Looking Around @stilinskisensation
Maid For A Day @mf-despair-queen
My Fault @maddie110201
My Girl @cxddlyash
Panty Dropper @dancingwithdylan21
Play Dates [1] [2] @writingsbychlo @thelittlestkitsune
Prom @cxddlyash @maddie110201
Santa’s Elf @rememberstilinski
That Was Fucking. @stilinski-jpeg
The Girl Next Door @mf-despair-queen
The First Time (In London) @were-cheetah-stiles
The Second Time @wydobrien
Too Late @redstringlovers
True Romance @mf-despair-queen @cxddlyash
145 notes · View notes
roseelise · 4 years
The Weather // Dylan O’brien
Reposting all my writings from @r0s3mm, my main blog, it is not stolen or plagiarized. All my works on my masterlist are main unless stated otherwise.
Hello! Welcome to 2-h, the back up account of @r0s3mm, I’ll be posting my works on here too until (hopefully) my blog gets restored and if not this will become my main blog.
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien x ofc!Alice
Word Count: 5129
Author’s note/warnings: break up? Swearing? Reader and Dylan talking about their relationship, a series of voicemail reader sends Dylan at different moments after their relationship ends.
Based off of the song: Lawrence - “The Weather”
Come say “Hi!” Wattpad
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“Hey D’, it’s me, leaving you a message on your voicemail… again. Listen, I know we agreed to give each other space but I just wanted to let you know that your change of address probs didn’t go through because I got your new script at home- hum, at my place. I’ll just send it to Liz’s office… Oh, also I wanted to know if you wanted me to box up and send you the rest of the stuff you have here, there’s a few sweatshirts and other clothing items, as your mom would say. Okay, so you don’t have to call me back, you can text me, maybe even email me. I can leave your stuff at your mom’s house, I’m seeing Jules on the 23rd, so yeah … whatever you feel good with. Ok, bye.”
“I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together ‘Cause even when the sky is grey, I’m feeling blue And though the winds are always changing And the clouds are rearranging A part of me will always be in love with you”
I hung up the phone and placed it in my jeans’ back pocket and turned up the volume from the TV.
“A heatwave this week turned the city of Anaheim, home to Disneyland, into the hottest place in theUnited States. The Tick fire forced 50,000 people to flee their homes, many in the mid…” The weather man on the tv announced as I picked up the package with Liz’s name on it from a tv or movie set in LA, taking back my cell phone, I texted Liz, Dylan’s manager telling her I’d be sending her the script in the next few days, putting the block of pages on the bench next to the front door, I sat down next to it as the news kept playing as a background noise accompanied by the rain falling down harshly on the large windows.
It had been a little bit over 5 months and I still hadn’t tidy up from his big move, a lot of empty and piled up boxes were on the floor next to the sliding door, there were empty spaces on the wall and people who would be coming in the apartment could easily guess that the large white wall used to be full, filled with baseball jersey’s, many pictures, music record, stickers of liquor brand, some posters and a few music instruments.
“Hi Jules, it’s me, are we still on for the 23rd? Ok great then, I’ll pick you up. You got any news from your brother? Yeah, I know, I asked you to refuse if I asked but I just wanna make sure that with his new place he’s good and away from the fires and that he’s … that he’s safe y’know? Ok great then, just maybe tell him to- actually you know what? Never mind. I gotta go, but I’ll text you this week… alright bye!”
“There’s a fire in LA Since you moved there back in May I wonder, should I call to see if you’re alright? Yeah, you’re a million miles away But I still think of you each day And hope the weather doesn’t keep you cold tonight”
After picking up what was on the floor and actually tidying up the apartment, I put on my rain boots with my coat and an umbrella before going out the door with the trash and some things that I wanted to get rid of. I walked the streets of the city, listening to the chaotic sounds, the loud voices and the fast steps of those who wanted to escape the rain. Walking to the Blue Ribbon Brasserie, I turned left to get to Sullivan St and passed the convenience store and got myself a few stamps and envelopes for the thank you notes I still had to write after the home warming gifts I received a while back. I put my earphones in my ear as I gave the cashier the money and put everything in my purse. As I entered the restaurant, I took off my coat and held it tightly against me, my eyes falling on a couple sitting at the bar, both a drink in hand and completely enamored with each other.
“Table for one miss?” The host asks taking a menu.
“Yes, thank you.” I smiled at the young man.
I followed him to a table near the windows. He pulled my chair for me to sit. I smiled at him and thanked him.
“What would you like to start with?”
“Glass of white wine, if you have it. Actually no, I’ll get a G&T, please”
“Right away, ma’am” The waiter’s New Yorker accent came through and I smiled at him as I picked up the menu and swiftly looked through it, already knowing what I wanted to eat as soon as I had left my apartment.
The rain was still pattering against the window and it gave a nice ambient sound to the restaurant that for once was almost empty on a Monday afternoon. A few minutes later, the waiter came back with my drink, putting a squared napkin underneath.
“Would you like to order now, or would you like a few more minutes?”
“I’ll order now, thank you. So, I’ll get the chicken barley soup with the steak, please.”
He smiled, took the menu from my hands and left to another table. I watched the other waiters walk around with platters of food as people started to come in. Usually the restaurant would be busy from opening to the time it closed but today felt different. I held the glass in my hands as I sipped it slowly taking the wedge of lime off of it and biting into it and letting it drop on the piece of paper after draining it of its juice.
As the waiter approached my table and put my soup down my phone’s screen lit up with Dylan’s name and contact photo. I had taken the picture when we were out one day and waiting to cross the street. My finger swiped the screen to answer.
“Ali? Hey, it’s Dylan…” His voice rang through my ear, it was hoarse and dry. He had been smoking.
“Yeah, I know. Your contact info popped up.” I said, silently slurping my soup.
“Oh, wasn’t sure if you had gotten rid of it. Hum, I- I thought it’d be better to call you rather than text you and I don’t even know the last time I sent an email that wasn’t for work.” He chuckled quietly but didn’t hear a sound from the other side. “So, for my stuff you can keep it, I won’t really need it, but if you really wanna get rid of it, I can transfer you the money for the delivery and stuff. It-It’s however you want it.”
“Yeah, no. I’ll send it to you or Liz, I wanna start over with a clean slate. I also found a few caps of yours earlier when I was cleaning up, so I’ll send those over as well.” I said finishing the rest of my soup. It was silent on the other side of the line for a few seconds before I heard him sigh.
“A, maybe we should talk? Y’know, actually have a conversation. The only times we’ve talked in the past few months were through voicemail and-”
“Sounds good Dylan, just right now isn’t the right moment. I’m out at a restaurant and I don’t think I can actually do this right now and in public.” I said dryly my voice full of emotion. A waiter came to pick up the now empty bowl and I smiled up at him.
“Yeah okay. Is everything good up there? Are you feeling good?”
“Yep, I’m fine, we’re all fine.”
“That’s good. I feel a bit far away from everyone, y’know ?!”
“Yeah, are- are you okay? I’ve seen the news on the TV about the fires. I was worried.” I said the last part quietly.
“I’m fine too, yeah, you don’t have to worry. Pretty sure Jules or my mom would have rung you up if something had happened.”
“Yeah probably…” I whispered. “Did you start smoking again? Your voice sounded funny when I answered.” I said catching the eye of the waiter that was bringing me my steak. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, miss. Hope you’ll enjoy” The small exchange between the waiter and I was soon over, and I picked up a fry.
“Yeah, a little. It was weird being in LA, felt nervous at first and I couldn’t shake it after. Are you at Blue Ribbon?”
“You were nervous? Dyl’ you’ve been to LA a hundred times for filming and shit and yeah I am.” I said, picking at the veggies in my plate.
“I never actually lived there for more than four or five months, and usually I’m not alone.”
“Don’t.” I said loudly, I lifted my head and looked at other costumers. “Listen I gotta go.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to-”
I hung up and went to eat my dinner and finishing my drink quickly. After paying my bill, I put my coat back on, the weather would be a little chillier than earlier. Halloween was approaching and carved in pumpkins were starting to make an appearance on people’s doorstep and balconies. The rain from earlier had stopped and had been replaced by clouds and sun light.
“So, I won’t talk about the weather No, I won’t talk about the weather I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together 'Cause even when the sky is grey, I’m feeling blue And though the winds are always changing And the clouds are rearranging A part of me will always be in love with you”
Music was playing loudly in the apartment, the vacuum loud over it and it felt as if the sun had disappeared from the sky. Halloween was even closer now, only 8 days away. I checked the time, 10:37, Jules would be here in just under two hours. There were two boxes full of clothes, pictures, sports’ games tickets and damaged drumsticks, that I will have to leave in Jules’ car at the end of the day. The two of us had planned to get lunch and then hang out. She told me that some of our friends and her were planning a Halloween party and that they insisted that I come “You gotta get out of your hiding place, Alice!” They had screamed at me through the phone almost a month ago. Even if the weather wasn’t really great, Julia insisted we leave her car at my place and walk.
I had gotten ready slowly, music still blasting through the small speaker when it suddenly stopped. Thinking it was Julia texting me she had arrived I jogged to get to my phone in the other room, it was the other O’Brien child.
“Hello?” I answered the phone, putting it on speaker while I walked back to the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth. “Ali, are you busy? I tried calling you a couple times.” I looked at the screen where I had missed a few phone calls. “M’getting ready to spend the day with your sister actually. Can you make it quick?” I said spitting in the sink and rinsing my mouth. “I just wanted to know if right now would be a good time to have that conversation I talked about last week…?” I stopped and looked at my phone and sighed. “Your sister’s supposed to pick me up in ten minutes, think you can finish in ten minutes?” A silence was heard before light chuckling and I swear I could picture in my mind how he looked in that exact moment. “What?” “‘Nothing. Look, why don’t we try to set up a date and time for us to talk? I think it’d be good. Maybe clarify things up a bit.” “Yeah sure.” The doorbell buzzed, I sighed, picked up the phone putting it against my ear and taking it off speaker mode. “Listen Jules here and I’ve- wait a sec” I told him before shooting Julia a one letter text to tell her I was on my way and putting on my shoes and coat. “Ok, so your sister’s here. I gotta go but if you call me back tonight at around 5, your time I should be back home and mentally prepared to have that conversation you want us to have.” I locked my door and ran down the steps to stop in front of the blue car with my friend resting against it, excitedly waving at me, I walked to the car. “So, I really gotta leave now, but don’t think I’m excited about this. I’m doing this for you.” “I don’t want to make you do this if you’re not ready A’.” He says, guilt overflowing the other emotion in his voice. “It’s fine, I’ll talk to you tonight.” I hung up and put my head in my hand, scratching my hairline and walking the rest of the distance to Jules.
“So, I won’t talk about the weather No, I won’t talk about the weather I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together And it’s hard to say if we will ever be But I’ll admit my greatest fear is that The air will never clear So I just wish we could talk like you and me”
“Who was that?” Jules asked me as we started walking towards the larger and busier streets. “Damn you, O’Brien’s.” I mumbled as I pulled her into a greeting side hug. “Oh my god, was it Dylan? Are y’all talking again?” She was too excited for her own good. “Not really, I just wanted to know what he wanted me to do with the stuff of his left at the apartment and he started saying how we should talk about what happened.” “Yeah, I’m not still a hundred percent clear on that, by the way. I don’t think any of us expected you guys to break up after 4 years.” “Don’t remind me, please” I begged as I opened the door to the small café.
When we entered, I looked around for either an empty table or counter seats. I nudged Jules and pointed to a small table at the very back near the window and looked at her, watching for an answer.
“Sure.” She shrugged and took a newspaper off the stand we were standing next to.
We sat down and she opened the menu, looking through it as a woman brought us glasses of water.
“Hello ladies, how are you today?” “We’re good, Jane, thanks.” I asked sipping the iced water. “What about you?” Jules asked putting the cardboard menu down. “Oh, I am very good thank you” She said a huge grin on her face as she extended her left hand, on it a very beautiful diamond engagement ring. “You are fucking kidding me! Oh, my fuck!” Jules exclaimed jumping up and down. She and Jane were college friends, I had met her through Jules at a party a few years back. “Congratulations Jane!” I said leaning in for a hug and sitting back down.
Jane and Jules were standing up and talking in loud whispers as to not fully disturb the other customers. I picked up my cell phone and opened the messages app and clicked on Dylan’s conversation as a reflex before making the screen turn black and setting it back on the table.
“Hey Alice, I haven’t seen much of you in the past two months, but you and Dylan are so invited! Maybe you’ll be in my situation in a few months!” She said cheery, my head snapped up at the mention of my ex-boyfriend and I looked at Jules.
“What? What did I say?” Jane looked back and forth between us. “Y’know when I told you that my brother went to L.A to film a new project?” Jane nods, “Well it wasn’t fully true, yes he is filming something, but he also moved to L.A” Jane’s eyes go from Jules to me. “Dyl and I broke up 5 months ago …” I said picking my phone up again to play with something. Anxiety filling my body and making my fingers shake at the mention of the break-up.
The waitress just sits down next to me and pulls me to her and squeezes me telling me encouraging words before she is called back to the counter.
“The usual?” She asks and Jules and I nod with a smile. “I think we’ll take it to go, if you don’t mind.” Jules says as she finishes her glass of water, Jane’s eyes go over one last time before going to the kitchen.
When we leave the little café/diner we decide to walk through a park that’s nearby, eating our paninis and drinking our mango and strawberry smoothies.
“Hey,” Jules nudges me. “They added something to your bag…” I look at her a put my hand in the bag. “It’s a muffin?” Jules says unsure. “What?” My word stays stuck in my throat. “Pretty fucking sure Janey didn’t tell Henry that Dylan and I were broken up” “Henry? The cook?” I nod and put the muffin back in the paper bag. “Yeah, hum, when Henry started working there Dyl and I went there to get you a smoothie and Henry was there and he just started hitting on him and like he knew that we were together but I guess it was a running gag between them and whenever I went Henry would put a muffin in the bag for your brother with a note” I laugh remembering the memory. “Once,” I laugh stopping us from walking further. “Dylan went to pick up our order to bring back to his apartment, before we moved in, and he actually gave Henry his number … Anyway, yeah.”
Jules looks at me and pulls me to her side as I hold the bag tightly. “You miss him, huh?”. I put my head on her shoulder, “you’ve got no fucking idea”
We keep walking and talking, and I can see that she is trying really hard to change my ideas. We go into stores and try on stuff without buying anything, we just spend an afternoon hanging out and it feels so good.
At around seven thirty we part, and we walk back to my apartment, I put the boxes that I left in the lobby in her car and wave her off. Clutching the paper bag, I grab my keys from my coat’s pocket, unlock the main door before going to the building’s mailboxes, gathering my mail and going through the lobby’s door to wave to Sam, the receptionist, before going up the stairs since the elevator hasn’t been fixed in 4 months. As I get onto my floor, I wave at my neighbor who exits his apartment as he looks at my door. I turn the corner and see that my door is opened, fearing the worst I grab a baseball bat sitting near the door that my father forgot last weekend when he came over. I hear soft music coming from the record player sitting in the living room, the smell of ham and cheese stuffed chicken filled the place and for a moment I thought my mother had come to New York … I entered the kitchen with the bat lowered down knowing who was in my apartment from the humming they made.
“I made dinner” Dylan says turning around and leaning his back on the counter, he pushes himself off of the counter.
“I can see that.” I huff out not looking at him. “What are you doing here?” I ask him, putting my coat on the back of the chair and my purse on the table.
“I- I wanted to talk.” He says taking a step towards me.
“Yeah, I know I was about to call you … We said we would talk tonight, on the phone” He nods slowly and turns around to put food in two plates. He hands me one and gesture for me to sit.
“I’m not a fan of phones.”
“Yeah I know that, we could’ve facetimed or something.” I pick at my Brussel sprouts, usually loving the way he made them, but seeing here tonight caught me off guard.
I actually look at him for the first time tonight, he hasn’t changed that much, his hair is a little bit longer though, he is hungrily eating the food and nervously keeps his head down.
“What happened?” He suddenly says, his head lifting and eyes connecting with mine. I take in a short breath and can’t look away.
“What?” I shake my head and look down. I stand up and put as much distance between him and I as physically can while still being in the same room.
“What happened between us?”
“I can’t say that I honestly know. We weren’t on the same path; we didn’t want the same things … I don’t know” I mumble picking and my chewed-up nails, a habit I had taken up from him.
“Ok so why didn’t work, it’s not distance because god knows we’ve done that before, none of us were unfaithful” I grimace at the thought of him with another woman and look at him, he notices, and pain quickly passes behind his hazel eyes. “I- I don’t think, hope not, we’ve fallen out of love… So, what happened Al’?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know what you’re expecting me to say right now, showing up at my apartment at fucking 8 …” I say my voice low and full of emotions.
“We agreed to talk” He says standing up and talking another step closer.
“I agreed to talk to you on the phone because even if it’s been five months, I can’t look at you right now!” I say looking at the shirt he’s wearing
“Did you send my stuff yet?” He asks changing the subject and taking another step, now only at an arm’s length from me.
“I actually gave the boxes to Jules earlier. Left em’ in the lobby and gave them to her when she left.” He nods silently, turns around before starting to put away the food, knowing we probably would not be eating tonight. The domestic choreography started as we moved around each other with ease and habit, but I still tried to keep a distance between us. Without having to consult each other I bent down to a cupboard to grab a few Tupperware’s and set them on the counter as he passed me the now empty pots and pans ready to be rinsed off. While we were quietly washing the dishes, the music in the back changed, but still fit the ambiance perfectly. He walked to the furthest and lowest cupboard where the large serving plates used to be and opened it to now find the spices.
“You changed the plates?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Hum, yeah didn’t have much of a choice, I couldn’t reach the spices from where they were, and I don’t use the serving plates all that much.” I shrug as he picks up the utensils and dries them off. He walks around me to the drawer where they’ve always been and opens it slowly, his hand supporting underneath.
“Oh no, I got fixed, it’s fine”
“Oh okay… Did your dad came all the way from Oregon or did hum…?” He asks and I smile at what he’s really asking me.
“No, I actually asked Pat to come over a month ago, he repaired a few things here and there” I smile warmly at him and his expression that went from sad to relieved.
“You- you called my dad?” He asks as he turns around to look at me and rests against the counter.
“I mean, yeah, is that okay?” I ask him, giving him a pot to dry off.
“Of course, yeah, no- no worries, heh.” He chuckles. “I’m just happy you guys stayed in contact. They adore you, y’know, my parents. Almost like a second daughter.”
“Well that’s just wrong” I mumble quickly my eyes large, falling back into the familiarity that is Dylan.
“What why?” He asks
“That would make us “brother and sister”” I finish washing the last dish and hand it to him.
“Oh yeah, so wrong. So, fucking wrong” He says under his breath and I laugh a little as I help him put away the plates. I open a cupboard and look up to see that it is far beyond my reach and I make a noise that attracts his attention. “Oh wait, I’ll get it” He says before taking large strides towards me. I quickly move to the side and put the plate on the counter so that he can pick it up.
We finish putting everything away in silence and I go sit on the couch as he washes his hands. A few seconds later he joins me and sit on the other side of the couch. Tears pool at my eyes and I sniffle, I can feel his eyes on me, I hear him shift on the couch, so his front was towards me.
“No, I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together But I wonder if we’re ever really through 'Cause if we’re talking about whether You and I shouldn’t be together Oh, I know I’ll always be in love with you Oh yes, I know I’ll always be in love with you”
“It hurts so much” I whimper as I wipe away a tear that’s fallen on my cheek. “I don’t know what fucking happened. We didn’t get to talk, we-“
I freeze when I feel him starting to get closer to wipe away more tears that are now falling down my neck. I nuzzle my head into his large hand.
“I’m so sorry, for everything” He says his face in my hair.
“Don’t. It is not your fault. No, the situation was not ideal you having to leave for filming after the initial event, but it is not your fault. I think we just thought we were untouchable.” I say never facing him, my eyes fixed on the stickers stuck on the wooden table.
“But still, if I hadn’t talked about me moving back to L.A we could’ve talked and work things out.”
“Stop it.” I lick my lips attracting his eyes to the area as I turn to really look at him for the first time in months. “Dylan, it is not your fault, we had a weakness, we miscommunicated something got lost in what we told each other. I feel like I might’ve thought I was ready to leave the city to go to L.A but I wasn’t and maybe-“
“Say it again.” He suddenly says, cutting me off in my version of the events.
“What? Say what?”
“Say my name again, please.” His ton is full of hope and desperate at the same time.
I lock eyes with him and chuckle.
“Dylan” I enunciate each syllable.
“God. I missed you” He says, tears filling his eyes.
He grabs me by my waist and pulls me on his lap.
His face nuzzles itself in my neck and I feel a single tear rolling down my neck followed by a few soft kisses.
“I just got used to you not being there and knowing you wouldn’t come back. I didn’t like that.” I mumble against his temple. “Don’t say that. You know I’ll always come back to you.” He takes my hand in his and kiss the silver band around my pointer finger.
We part and I just stare at him, his eyes fall on me with the softest look I have ever seen.
“You almost didn’t come back once” I say softly thinking back on probably the hardest year of my life. My finger tracing the soft and ragged scar on his forehead and nose area, his eyes close at the sensation of my finger going around his face.
“I know. But baby I swear to you, you are stuck with me until the day I die, even then.” “Yeah okay, I’d be cool with that. But I want to take things slow. You have to go back to L.A for a few months.” “As soon as I’m finished over there I’m coming home.” He smiles at me and I stand up quickly from his lap and walk over where I put my stuff when I came in. “Oh my god I forgot.” I say quickly grabbing the object and walking back to him and plopping myself hard on his lap. “What’s that?” He looks at me with a smile. “It’s an impromptu welcome home gift, it might have gone stale a little though.” I give it to him and pull his face to kiss his moles that I missed oh so badly.
He opens the brown bag and puts his hand in and gets out a blueberry muffin.
“Oh Henry! My man” He says as he splits it in two and share half with me.
The morning after, I wake up at 9:45 in my bed, alone. I squeeze my eyes shut, not believing that I actually dreamt this whole thing. I check my phone to see if I have any messages and only one from Julia saying that she would be at my place around 11. As I text her to bring the boxes back I hear my bedroom door open and a smile stretches on my lips as I turn around to see Dylan walking in with freshly made hot cocoa and buttered toast.
“Oh, you’re too good to me, O’Brien” I smile and lean against him as he sits on the bed. “What makes you think that’s yours? You’ve got the good homemade bread and I fucking missed it” He says taking a bite.
Seeing him bite into the grilled piece of bread I only think of his lips.
“Dylan?” I say grabbing his face in my hand. “Hmm?” He swallows his piece of toast. “What’s up.” “You haven’t kissed me yet. I didn’t get to kiss you welcome back. Please, do it” I say in the most desperate tone I’ve ever heard myself talk. “Anything for you my love” He leans in and kiss me.
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stilinskisensation · 7 years
Dave or Romeo who would have imagined it?
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Part one, Part two, Part three
You sat in your room, eyes stinging with tears, your nose running, it was quite disgusting. Your pajama shirt was covered in tear stains, you had half a mind to change it but who would care.
“ Excuse me, everyone !” someone exclaimed outside. You shook your head. ‘ stupid drunks‘ you thought.  “My name is Dave Hodgman and I am in love with Y/n Y/l/n!” You bolted up from your position on your bed and ran to the window. There he was, standing on your lawn proclaiming his love for you.
“What the fuck?” You gasped, grabbing your hoodie and sprinting downstairs. You flung the door open. Dave spun around facing you.
“Y/n I’m-” He babbled advancing towards her. 
“What the shit, Hodgman?” Dave winced at the use of his last name, you’d never called him that, not once. “ Are you trying to get yourself arrested?” you yelled.
“If that’s what it takes for you to hear me out then, Yeah!” you flung your arms out in confusion. Why was he doing this now, was it out of pity?
“If this is just some pitiful-” Dave rushed forward, taking your waist in his grasp pulling you against him.
“It’s not, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner, feel it sooner. You’re the one, Y/n, you're the girl I’d travel across the world to see, you’re the girl I would walk five hundred miles for” You chuckled at the song reference. “You’re the girl that steals my hoodies and I pretend not to notice because I know how much you love them” He mumbled pulling on the navy hoodie that you had actually stolen from him.
Dave placed his hand on your cheek, slowly caressing it. You melted into his touch. 
“ Be the Mary Jane to my Peter Parker.” You nodded staring into his beautiful eyes. He glanced down at your plump lips, asking. You said nothing but snaked your hand around the back of his neck and pressed your lips against his. It felt amazing. Applause echoed from across the street. You both turned to look and caught the eyes of several neighbors.
You laughed, pulling Dave towards your house, where no one would be around to applaud the next thing you do.
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golddaggers · 7 years
Rude Boy
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pairings: Dylan O’Brien x reader;
word count: 3741
warnings: cursing, rough sex, thigh riding, face riding, fingering, teasing, multiple orgasms, oral sex (both receiving) and i think that’s it. :D
A/N: this might be the naughtiest shit I have ever written and I have written some kinky things already. hope you enjoy it, if so, a huge thanks to my beautiful betty @dylan-trash-tbh that got my dylan writing started. thank you, baby. okay, go read it and please let me know what you think. it matters a lot. 
might want to listen to partition from beyoncé and rude boy from rihanna so you get on the mood. 
Comfortably positioned against Dylan’s chest, I allowed a blissful smile to curl my lips, for I couldn’t be more satisfied to have him around me again. My adorable boyfriend had been off to shoot “The Death Cure” in Africa and it took exactly ten weeks for him to come back home again. Back to my arms. 
Through the whole day, all we have done was eat ordered food and watch as many episodes of Friends as we could, both cuddled up on the couch. Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon, we got rid of our formal clothes, which left him in only a pair of briefs and I with his Mets T-shirt. It was so nice, so natural. Almost as if we had been a couple for a lot longer than just one year.
In the show, Chandler told a joke, which made his delicious laughter fill the room whilst his hand kept playing with my shirt’s hem, his fingers carelessly grazing the bare skin of my thigh. I swallowed thickly, shifting a little and pushing myself back.
“Is something wrong, babe?” He whispered, glaring at me worried. “Do you want something?”
“No, Dyl, everything is fine.”
The brown haired man quickly pressed his lips on my right shoulder, then lied back on the couch again, diverting once more his attention to the show being displayed on the TV. At the sight of his latter action, I sighed, a little bit frustrated. Dylan had arrived at eight in morning and we had been together ever since. Yet, besides a few slow, passionate kisses, he didn’t bother to go any further than that. Not even when I slipped off of my yoga pants. 
Suddenly, almost as if he was reading my thoughts, his hand went to my inner thigh, giving a soft squeeze there. I closed my eyes, licking my lips, feeling a warmth starting to tingle in my toes. He had such a huge effect on me, it was nearly shameful. 
“Yeah?” I purred, giggling, still high on his touch. “What is it, Dylan?”
“You’re acting weird.” He whispered, his mouth hovering over my earlobe. I gasped lowly, unable to stop myself from melting away under his touch. “Is it all because you have missed me?”
“Uh-uh.” Locking my bottom lip between my teeth, I nodded lightly. “I missed you a lot, but you apparently haven’t missed me.”
“Don’t say that, honey, you know I have. All the fucking time I was away, you were the only thing in my mind.” His digits were now on the waistband of my knickers, burning my skin wherever he touched. “Your soft hair, your hands wrapping around me… Your eyes glaring at me while you’re giving me head. I had to get myself off loads of times to keep my shit together.”
“Definitely, babe.” I felt his fingers tangle on my hair, pushing it off, making me shiver in the course. “What about you? What exactly have you missed, huh, gorgeous?”
“Oh, I missed you entirely. Your hands and the way they always seem to know where I need them.” He smiled against my neck, taking his right hand to my knee, lifting it and opening my legs wide for him. “I missed your lips. And your tongue too. The skillful way you get them to work on my body, which gets me screaming every time.”
Dylan’s mouth attached itself on my neck, leaving a wet trail behind the path he was taking towards my collar bone. Due to his caresses, I felt my form respond to it: a wetness growing within my panties, my nipples hardening… It was definitely easy to lose control when he handled me like that.
Unable to stop myself, for the heat in the centre of my legs was way too overwhelming, I dipped one hand in my knickers, anxious to get the dull ache on my core under control. However, my boyfriend certainly didn’t approve my actions, because he growled, roughly stopping the rubbing I was doing on my clit, which erupted a thwarted whine.
“Oh, princess, I don’t want you to do that.” Dylan muttered, raising the shirt I had on, finding my breasts and cupping them, earning to himself one gentle sigh from me. “Let me please you, will you? I fantasised about eating you out countless times when I was alone in my bedroom. I could even hear your low whines and the buckling of your hips against my face.”
“Fuck, Dylan.” I rolled my eyes, chucking tiredly. “Stop dirty talking to me, please? I just want your pretty mouth on my pussy already.”
“I bet you do.” One of his long slim fingers went down and found my clothed slit, making my breath hitch on my throat once he pressed it against my entrance. “This time I didn’t have to work much to get you wet, did I?” 
“Well, what can I say? I think she missed you as well.” 
“And I’m the one with the dirty talking?” 
“I have the right to tease you back!” 
“Alright, girl.” He laughed, slapping my arse playfully. “What do you say we take this to our bedroom?”
“Oh, vanilla Dylan? That’s new.” I commented, slipping off of his touch and getting up. 
What I had said obviously offended him, because it didn’t take long for the brown haired man to yank my legs, making me sit on one of his thighs. I moaned instantaneously, digging my nails on his bare, broad shoulders. The feeling of his thigh against my already throbbing clit felt incredibly good.
“Say again that I’m vanilla.” Dylan requested through gritted teeth, his whiskey coloured eyes darkened, whilst pressing his leg even further in between mine, eliciting a whimper to burst out of my mouth. “Come on!”
“I was merely joking, Dyl.” I laced my arms around his neck, hiding my face on its crook, biting the soft flesh there, and grinding against him, finding the exactly amount of friction I desired. “There’s nothing vanilla about, oh, you.”
He crashed his perfectly shaped lips on mine again, hands tight on my hips, even though it didn’t stop me from keep rubbing myself on his lap. Quickly, I threaded my digits on his already tousled hair, pulling it back whilst enjoying his tongue’s slow, steamy massage on my own, making me moan lowly, delighted.
“Does it feel good, darling?” The brown haired man quizzed, guiding me up and down his leg, feeling a slight wetness spread across it. “Does it feel good when you ride my thigh?”
“Yes, it does.” My voice came out as nothing more than a cry, my head thrown back once I started to feel the knot on my stomach about to come undone. “It feels fucking awesome.”
“Then cum to me, baby girl.”
“On your thigh?”
“All over it.”
“As you wish, then.”
Resting the palms of my hands on his shoulders again, I increased the stride I was going, pushing myself to get closer and closer to the orgasm I wanted so badly. Dylan, in the meanwhile, slapped my arse a couple of times, only to latch his mouth onto one of my hardened peaks afterwards, swirling around the sensitive skin. The other breast was soon cupped, his thumb circling the nipple. I was so engulfed on the extensive stimulation that I couldn’t hold back any longer, so I broke down, crying out his name, scraping his skin and clamping my legs on his thigh.
The man kept me in place while I rode out of my high, laughing on my chest and giving me goosebumps that spread fast throughout my body.
“You look so beautiful when you cum to me, do you know that?”
“Stop it.” The tips of my mouth curled up in a smile. “I might blush.”
“I doubt it.”
A chuckle fell from my lips as I finally found the courage to stand up, getting away from his tepid embrace, gaining a grunt from him. Still smiling, I turned my back to him, deciding to get rid of my black laced underwear. I had no use for it right now.
“What are you doing?”
“If I’m going to fuck you, I can’t do that dressed, can I?”
My boyfriend directed me a rather sinful gaze that got my core pulsating. He slowly glided his tongue across his bottom lip, leaving the couch behind and approaching me. Due to his upright position, I could perfectly see the bulge formed under his briefs alongside a growing stain, meaning his pre-cum should be already slipping; my mouth watered almost instantaneously.  
“Do you really think youare going to fuck me? That’s funny.”
“What makes you think I won’t?”
Delicately, Dylan placed a lock of my hair behind my ear, burning me to the ground with those mischievous eyes. I knew right away I didn’t stand a chance against his advances. Not ever.
“Because, doll, Iam the one who’s going to fuck you.” He pecked my cheek, dragging the tip of his beautiful upturned nose until it reached my earlobe, wrapping it in between his lips and making me gasp. “Till you’re all sore and screaming for me.”
“Well… That does sound yummy.” I mumbled, sliding my nails down his toned back. “But, first, will you let me suck your cock? Just to reassure I’m not some pillow princess.”
“I never said you were one.”
“You always make it about me, Dyl, I feel like I don’t give you enough attention.” At leisure, I knelt before him, my touch lingering on his pale skin, stopping once I was facing his length rebelling against the fabric. “Look how hard you are for me… How could I resist, huh?”
“This doesn’t make it easier, Y/N.”
“I’m not trying to.”
Wearing my best dirty smirk, I freed him from his underwear, letting his bare dick bounce in front of me. Upon seeing his state, I sort of felt bad for haven’t done anything previously; he should be really uncomfortable. In the light of this realisation, I didn’t hesitate to take a firm stroke down his shaft, hearing him groan afterwards, which lit me up like I was a firework about to combust.
I pumped his cock a few more times afore finally caving in to my desire and shoving his tip inside my mouth, savouring him. I whirled my tongue, gliding it through his slit, tasting the string of pre-cum leaking from it. I heaved, going further, swallowing him until he was lodged at the back of my throat, causing me to gag. The hazel eyed man gazed at me concerned, yet, noticing how much I was enjoying this, he simply collected a fistful of my hair, beginning to thrust heavily.
“Just like that, babe. You’re so good at this. Fuck.”
Dylan made me feel like I was the hottest woman in the Earth. I had a handsome looking man trapped under my spell. And, God, it was good. To see him calling out for me. To know I was the only one who could get him like that. It was fucking awesome, to be honest.
For a brief moment, I pulled him out to catch some air; however, I didn’t stop stroking his length, bobbing my hand up and down, painfully aware that he was close to break. I could literally sense the throbbing on my palm. I perked up my sight, viewing a messy O'Brien above me. His eyes were closed, his mouth gaped open, low sounds falling… Fuck, I was so lucky to have him. I drowned myself on him again, sucking rapidly, wanting him to spill himself already. I wanted to savour his salty seed.
“Y/N, if you keep doing this, we won’t have much fun for a while.” His tone was pleading and I glared at him, still being filled by his shaft. I worked on a vein on the underside, hitting it over and over with the tip of my tongue. “Damn, you’re going to wreck me good. Also, I m-must say you look incredible with my cock inside your mouth…”
At last, enjoying one last suck, I let him out, a string of saliva connecting us both. Never breaking our eye contact, I smiled, licking my digits. Dylan groaned, roughly grabbing me by my arms and pulling me to his lap. Even though I had been caught under guard, I quickly wounded my legs around his waist, knowing where this was leading. Enough with foreplay, it was time for action.
At the same second we arrived our bedroom, he threw me at the bed and I briskly shook my arse in the air for him, feeling a slap hit me right after. Then, gripping each side of my hips, my loving boyfriend sheathed himself inside of me in one sharp movement, filling me up in a way I haven’t been in months. We both moaned, not able to stop ourselves from enjoying the intimacy.
“How does it feel, baby girl?” The man queried, tightening his grasp whilst slamming his hips on mine, our skins clapping loudly. “Huh? It’s good to be fucked by me?”
“Y-yeah.” I stuttered, muffling my noisy sounds on the mattress. “I love your cock inside my pussy.”
“I know you do.”
His hands wandered up my belly, finding my boobs, to which he gave a soft squeeze, pinching my nipples with his thumb and index finger. I gasped, screwing my eyes shut, rolling my lower half to increase the friction. Above me, Dylan growled, marking my waist and arse with his fingerprints. I knew purple marks would be scattered throughout my entire shape tomorrow, but I didn’t care. I mean, he was going at such a fast pace that I could swear my mind went black for a second there.
Ultimately, his skillful digits found my swollen clit and they didn’t falter to circle strong eight figures on it, getting my throat sore from yelling. I should have known he wasn’t lying when he said he was going to fuck me. Matter fact, I think this might the most crazy animal sex we had ever had.
“Come on, darling.” He said, propping me up so I was lying on his chest. I heaved, remained with eyes shut. “I can feel you clenching around me.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” My breathing had switched to a ragged, uneven one. “I’m gonna’…”
“Do it, doll.”
The built up tension on my lower stomach suddenly disappeared, striking me strongly, pushing me to cry out Dylan’s name the highest I could. Shudders were crawling on my skin, my vision went blurry for a second and my walls never ceased pulsating around his shaft as I kept being fucked by him, his dick buried so deep within me I was pretty sure he had found new places to hit and drive me nuts. His mouth bit my neck, leaving a dull ache behind, yet, I was too numbed out to care.
Once I finally went back to myself, I sensed him releasing his load, grunting, growling. A true mess. He thrusted a few more times, his raspy voice on my ear, warming me up again, afore pulling out and allowing a string of his cum to drip down my legs whilst we both fell to the mattress, laughing tiredly.
After some time, Dylan covered us with the fluffy blanket from our bed, his fingers locking on mine. Cuddling up on his chest, I also noticed that his body was cold due to the excess of sweat; mine was just the same. Either way, I was way too blissful to give a damn about that. All I wanted was to be with him. Like that. Silent. Calm. Trusting. Simply mutual. 
“I love you, you know?”
“I love you too, Dyl pickle.” 
We shared a small giggle and, while I got lost stroking the growing stubble on his cheek, Dylan swiftly fell asleep by my side, his abdomen going up and down slowly, at ease. Before such sight, I wasn’t able to avoid the goofy smile that curved my lips; It definitely was not a lie when I had said I loved him. Very much. In ways I didn’t understand… I just felt. If that makes any sense. 
However, moments later, after the rush was gone, I noticed that I wasn’t so done with sex as I thought I was. Despite having a burning, stinging sensation on my entrance, my clit began throbbing again, like it hadn’t been touched at all. This made me groan and shift uncomfortable underneath the sheets, unable to keep my hips in one place. Not when my pussy was dripping wet, hot. Urgh. 
A few minutes rolling after, the brown haired man woke up, complaining in a even hoarser voice than his usual, which did not helped me in the slightest with the situation I had going on. 
“What happened, babe?” He quizzed, his thumb circling my upper arm. “Are you okay?” 
“U-Uh, yeah.” A stuttered reply came out whilst I crossed my legs. “All fine. I just can’t sleep.” 
Dylan strutted up, leaning against his elbows and glaring at me, his hazel eyes narrowed, like he couldn’t believe that was the whole truth. I exhaled loudly, giving up from finding a suitable position; the only thing that could help me was those bloody fingers of his. Or his sinful mouth. Or even the two combined. 
“Come on, baby girl, tell me what happened.” 
“I… Fuck. I’m not quite done yet, Dyl.”
“What do you mean?” 
“No way, I’m not explaining.” My cheeks should be scarlet red by now, for I was feeling incredibly embarrassed. “Just…  I don’t know, go back to sleep. I’ll handle it.” 
Huffing, I went back to flipping on the bed, knowing I wouldn’t get much sleep done. Dylan smirked, wrapping a muscled arm around my waist, gluing his perfect body on mine. I could feel his warmness and it made me groan. 
“I think I know what you need.” The man whispered, nibbling on my ear. “Come on, sit on my face.” 
“Excuse me?” The noise that flew out of my lips was a high pitched one, not at all how my voice naturally sounded. I swivelled myself, staring at him wide eyed. I couldn’t believe he had just asked me to do that. “You want me to do what?” 
“Sit on my fucking face, because I’m going to make you satisfied.” 
He lied down again, winking at me playfully, calling me with his index finger, which drove me to swallow thickly before getting on my knees and approaching his face. When I was finally standing above it, I began to feel nervous, for we had never done that; it was pure news. A delicious one, though. 
“Come on.” His voice was rough, dominant. “Let me take you to heaven again.” 
“Don’t be so-” I was abruptly cut off the second he grabbed the back of my thighs, forcing me to sink down on him, drowning his tongue on my slit. “Fuck, Dylan.” 
While working on my bundle of nerves, slurping and applying just the enough amount of pressure with his lips on it, he snuck one finger up my entrance, uniting the two overwhelming sensations. In no time I was had three of his digits buried in me, pushing me to hold tight onto the headboard, my nails scratching the cushion; Dylan had a way with this that got me light headed every time. 
My boyfriend slapped my butt cheeks, carving his tongue on my sensitive skin, sucking it like my clit was some scrumptious gum. It wouldn’t take long for me to cum, I could sense it; especially when he was touching me like that. 
“Come on, princess.” O'Brien said in a deep voice, muffled slightly by my tries to get him back on my core. “Third time’s a charm.” 
“Oh, damn, I think I’m close…” 
And I was. 
All it was necessary was a few more pumps on the right spots and one good pair of lips wrapped on my soft nub. I came down screaming his name, nearly falling apart on his chest. My pussy began to twitch, whining against the massage he kept doing. I threaded my fingers on his brown hair, pushing him away, too sensitive to let him touch me any longer. Chuckling, Dylan helped me down, pulling me to him, engulfing my shape on the tepid sea of his embrace. 
“Now, do you feel better? Or do we need a fourth orgasm?”
“Oh no, I think I’m done.” I said, realising my body was too tired out, not capable to move a single muscle. “But I don’t think I’ll be doing much walking tomorrow.”
“You don’t have to, because we’re going to stay in bed all day long.”
“And here I thought you haven’t missed our sex.”
“I’m always missing our sex, Y/N.”
I didn’t bother to answer and, with the running of his fingers through my messy hair, it wasn’t long before I felt my lids heavy. I smiled, this time truly fulfilled and immeasurably happy to have Dylan to grant my every wish.
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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upholding traditions | dave hodgman
word count; 19,396
summary; a year later, dave finding himself in need of his christmas party saviour again, and is missing his girlfriend, thinking she won’t make it home for the holidays.
notes; honestly, this switches between his POV and hers a lot just to get the full story across, so just roll with it. click here to check out their new years outfits, I had very particular images in mind.
warnings; underage drinking, smut, semi-public sex
“Oh, Dave, isn’t that just the loveliest little garden?” He could only nod, biting down on the inside of his cheek, hard, to contain the yawn that he wanted to release. On one side was his mother, and on the other side was his ex, her shoulder pressed up to his as the perfume he once thought smelt alluring and sexy now just gave him a headache and made his nose wrinkle was overwhelming, her phone held out in front of the two of them, as she swept through photos of her new home. “You know, Dave, if you had a nice little house like that, you could host some lovely little event. Are you planning to host any, Aubrey?”
He gave her his best smile, knowing how fake it all must seem, and when she finally pulled her arm back and placed her phone away, her body leaving his side, he felt like he could breathe again, no longer sandwiched between the two women. The problem was simple; his mother had joined his neighbourhood book club, as had Aubrey’s mother, and over the year, as the group cycled between various members houses for meetings, his mother had become much more social and friendly. Aubrey had transferred home for college, after Ronnie and his piss-poor band had landed a series of songs to be made for cat-food commercials that he considered his ‘big break’.
Slapping an engagement ring on the pushy blonde’s finger and deciding the two of them would move in, Dave had come home from college, exhausted and ready to crash, to find his mother had befriended his ex, and everything since that day only one week ago had been a steady de-escalation in his run down to Christmas.
After the raging success that last year’s set of Christmas parties had been, and the formation of the neighbourhood book club - who seemed to have now self-elected themselves as the community event organisers - he once again found himself standing in an itchy festive jumper on Christmas Eve, a glass of punch in his hand as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that if his mother and his ex-girlfriend got any friendlier, she might actually start being invited to family gatherings and thanksgivings.
With her ‘big news’, in the form of an engagement and a small house in her hometown as she decided she was never going to break free, apparently, Dave found himself with a whole new set of problems. He was being badgered by everyone he knew about when he was going to settle down, when he was going to find himself a nice girl, when was it going to be his turn to get a house or start making roots, and what his direction was?
The worst of it all? You weren’t here to save him this time.
Three weeks before Christmas, and you’d broken the news to him over your weekly video chat date. You weren’t making it home for Christmas this year, your junior college year workload had all become too much and you were staying behind over your break to finish it all up. You’d been vague, not many details and so he didn’t have much to talk about when the older ladies of the neighbourhood asked him where you were, meaning they were all fixing him with disapproving stares and offering to set him up with their granddaughters or nieces.
Glancing around the room, he longed to catch sight of you, your sweet smile, enough to light up a room, but he already knew he wouldn't find you. The last time he had seen you in person had been the summer, when he’d flown all the way to your university campus as a surprise, spending the entire last week of summer with you, and flying back for his first day there, falling asleep in his first lecture of second year, and yet he hadn't regretted a moment of it. Going to college at the opposite end of the country to your girlfriend was hard, more so when your schedules never aligned and workloads began to pile on, but he struggled not getting to see you for so long.
Swallowing thickly, Dave gave up on all decorum and falseness of polite wishes, not missing the side-eye his mother gave him as he slumped out of the conversation, not having a single fuck to give about the names of paint samples Aubrey had been trying on the walls, but instead dipping down to sit in the chair closest to himself. The night was pushing on, and he had no doubt that the dinner would be being served soon, and he placed his chin onto his hand, elbow balanced on the tabletop as he propped up his head and tried to stay awake.
“Dave, you’re being rude!”
He flinched as his mother pinched at his shoulder, and he swatted her away, glaring up at her as he scowled at him, and Aubrey chuckled a little, a sound that grated his nerves when he was already wearing so thin on tolerance for any kind of festivities right now. “Girl talk, am I right?”
“Sure, Aubrey.”
“I think there’s something else bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?” His mother cooed a little, patting her shoulder, before seeming to find someone else to talk to, wandering away across the room and starting up another conversation, leaving him alone with the woman, and she sipped at the drink in her hands as she stared at him. “Is it because you’re here alone?”
Narrowing his eyes on her, he huffed, and she shrugged slightly.
“It’s okay to be alone, Dave.”
“I’m not alone.” His words were growled out a little bit, and she only seemed to fix him with an even more pitying look, shaking her head slightly, grown-out bangs falling into her face from the slicked-back style she’d put them in, and she tucked them away, the smile on her face now unobscured, and he couldn't quite decipher whether it was condescending or just overly concerned. “I’m not. My girlfriend just couldn't make it for Christmas this year.”
“Couldn’t? Or wouldn’t?”
He deadpanned, straightening up a little bit to look at her more clearly, and she fixed him with an innocent look. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” She took another sip of her drink, clearly not done with her statement, before her shoulders were slumping as she waved her hand, trying to brush it off. “Sometimes it can just be a bad sign, y’know? When one person in a relationship starts to give up, and the other person starts having to carry all the weight. It never works out.”
“Oh, you mean like how it ended up with us?”
“That’s not fair.” She mumbled, at least having the dignity to look a little offended and guilty. “I was young, I was all over the place with my emotions. I didn’t know what kind of baggage I had then. I thought you were right for me, but it didn’t work out. I’m just saying, anybody who can’t make time for you at Christmas might not be worth it. C’mon, Dave, it’s the holidays. What else could she be doing?”
He gaped a little, not quite sure how to reply, a prickle of doubt racing through his veins as he thought about her words, a feeling he knew was inappropriate because he trusted you implicitly and knew you’d never lie to him, and he was certain that the flame was burning strong still, but now she’d planted that seed of anxiety, and it was growing rapidly.
“She should be here. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, after all.”
His lips flicked up at the edges, a smile mirrored on her face as she finally cracked through his shell, and he knew she wasn’t all that bad, she just had no filter and ofter was a little too crass for her own good, but Aubrey wasn’t a terrible person, he just didn’t like her all that much. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he patted himself down for it, lifting it to his face, and feeling the entirety of his body perk up as your name flashed access the screen with a new unread message.
A simple text, asking what he was up to, and Aubrey chuckled as she realised it must have been you, but he was barely even in the room anymore, mentally he was in a bubble with you, now. Lifting his phone up to take a picture of the event before him, his eyes swept across everyone in the shot, just once, before he was pausing, and looking again. Lifting down the device, he stared out at the crowds with an uninterrupted gaze, checking that what he was wasn’t just a red-clad illusion on his phone screen.
No, he was right.
There you were, hands still tucked inside the pockets of your coat, scarf around your neck, and you waved at him, phone in your hand still open to the texts on the screen, and he shot up in his chair as he stared at you, jaw hanging open and a disbelieving look on his face. Turning off your phone and tucking it back into your pocket, you unwrapped your scarf from around your neck, hanging it up on the overly crowded coat racks, and turning away from him as you watched your boyfriend get up from the table to shoulder through the crowds towards you.
Slipping your coat down your arms and hanging that up, you shook your hair free of the windblown positions that it had been blown into, turning back to sweep your eyes over the hoards of people. You barely had a chance, before hands were finding your heels, pulling you forwards until you were sharing space with the man, breath shared, a shaky sigh released from him, before the gap was closed.
His mouth slanted across yours, warm and wet and eager, lips moving softly as he tries to tempt you to kiss him back, and you pressed back just as happily. Your hands sat on his sides, feeling him shake a little under your touch as you did, trembling at the connection as you finally saw each other again for the first time since the middle of the year, and he barely pulled back for breath, before he was kissing you deeply once again.
His fingertips were digging into the edge of your jaw, falling way lower and lower, until one was resting gently on your neck your pulse thrumming under his hand, as the other smoothed along your arm, dipping under to sit low enough to reach your waist. Giggling a little against his mouth as his fingertips tickled along your sides, he whined at the break in your exchanges, leaning in to press a series of shortened kisses to your lips until you were resting back from him, far enough for you to crack your eyes open and really take him in.
“Hi, Davie.”
“Really? ‘Hi, Davie.’ That’s all you have to say?” He repeated you, brows shooting up but a playful smile finding his lips as he pinched at your side enough to tickle you, a quiet yelp on your lips as you jerked, fixing him with a mock-glare that scarcely lasted longer than a second, before your arms were coming up to loop around his neck, allowing him to pull you in close again. “You have some explaining to do, ma’am.”
“Couldn’t leave you alone on Christmas, could I?” He smiled, bumping the tip of his nose with your own, and your heart raced in his chest as you found yourself wrapped up in him once again, the feeling being sorely missed. Running your fingers through his hair gently, scratching at the shorter hairs at the base of his neck, he let out a familiar little rumble of complete contentment as you did. “I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t know until about a week ago, but I realised that if I pulled some all-nighters and grabbed a last-minute plane ticket, I could be here to see you.”
One of his hands rubbed along yours lightly, sealing around your wrist to bring your hand around close enough for him to press a kiss to your palm, before letting it fall back to his shoulder. “When do you stay until?”
“Right through to the New Year, baby.” His face lit up, a smile that still managed to make butterflies raise up in waves within you, despite a year having passed in your relationship now. “I cleared my schedule for you. You’re going to be getting a whole lot of me real soon.”
“I should hope so.” He whispered, before pulling you back in, puckering his lips to tell you what he wanted, and letting you be the one to close the gap this time. It was softer, and calmer, and much more loving. The first kiss; needy and frantic and simply a reassurance that you were there and not a figment of his imagination had slipped away, and was replaced within the both of you as something that was much more about passion and comfort.
It hurt you, to see so little of him, to know that he missed you just as much as you missed him, every time you had to cancel a date, or fell asleep too soon in differing timezones, or staggered conversations that took the whole day to have via texts, all becoming irrelevant as you found one another again.
His tongue teased along your lower lip, prodding slowly, and you grinned, feeling his own lips curve up against yours in response, but you only made him wait a moment, before you were parting them and allowing him access to lick into your mouth. Beat shared, noses bumping together as mouths slid together and connected with deep and loving exchanges, head twisting to the side as you tried to push yourself up even further into him.
His hands slipped a little lower, the both of you seeming to forget the world around you for a moment as your front pressed to his, hearts beating together in unison and thudding against one another’s chests. For a moment, it was a space in which only the two of you existed, nobody else mattering, before the tranquillity was shattered.
A loud squealing, high-pitched, drawn-out and overexcited. A voice he knew well and Dave pulled away with a startled shock, eyes going wide and cheeks flushing red in a way that was mirrored to your own as embarrassment flushed your system, in time to find sights on the younger girl in the glittery dress dashing towards you. You dropped down to take a knee just in time, before you were almost being knocked over, her arms wrapping around your neck and her face pressing into your neck as she all but screamed happily into your ears.
Standing back up with the little girl in your arms, her legs found a place either side of your body, sitting on your hip as she held on tightly, and you turned to face her older brother, an adoring look you recognised well was flashing on his features. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Stella! We can have so much fun now that I’m back, though!”
“I got new toys!” She was still shouting, making Dave wince a little beside you, and you were sure your eardrum was ringing, but her apology as your boyfriend chastised her for her volume was enough to make your heart melt. “Can I tell you about them?”
“Why don’t you tell me over dinner? I’m a bit of a surprise to everyone, so I think I’ll be sitting at your table again.”
“Well, that seems fitting,” Dave mumbled, grinning at you when you rolled your eyes at him, and yet you still found yourself leaning into him when his hand found your lower back, pressing a kiss to your forehead, and scoffing at the dramatic whining and groaning Stella let out at the simple affections. “It’ll be just like last year.”
“I am a sucker for tradition.” You joked, his eyes glinting slightly, and before either of you could say anything else, attention was being called by the tap of a microphone on stage, announcing to you all that it was time to take your seats. Letting Stella back down to the ground, she was bolting away with the intention of leading the way from the very second her toes hit the floor, and Dave was soon after catching your hand with his, squeezing tightly.
He let you lead the way, pulling him along slowly, and his mum gasped loudly as he approached the table behind you, a beam taking over your face at the excitement that the older woman displayed. She was over to you both in a flash, arms held wide before they were wrapping around you and pulling you into her embrace, your hand shaking away from Dave’s so that you could hold her back just as tightly.
You giggled, your eyes meeting his for a second as his mother squeezed you tightly, rocking you from side to side, before she was finally letting you go. She had released you, just long enough to pinch at one of your cheeks lightly, the other arm sitting on your shoulder and giving a gentle squeeze.
“Your mother said you couldn’t make it! We weren’t expecting you, darling. It is lovely to see you, though!”
“Well, I came back as a surprise, she had no idea until she got a call to pick me up from the airport this morning.” His mother’s face cracked out in a smile as she laughed with you, and you felt his fingers inching along your arm, smoothing over your palm before weaving with your own once again, lacing together, and you wrapped your own back in comfort and security to assure him.
“It’s a good thing you did, too! Dave has been moping about all week since finding out you couldn’t make it.” You grinned, turning to look at your boyfriend as his cheeks flared up with red, swallowing thickly and glaring at his mother.
“What? It’s true, and you know it! You’ve been moody and sulking, pouting all around the house.” He only flushed further, and you leaned in, muffling your laughter by pressing your face into his shoulder, and feeling him sag a little underneath you, giving in, stomping his foot like a child as he whined.
“Mom, stop it!”
“I think it’s cute.” You finally managed to contain your giggles, wrapping your spare arm around his waist, his other hand coming up to rest on your arm and he huffed out as he gave up on the argument, no longer fighting the truth about it all. He had been moody and grouchy, not excited to see in the new year alone, but now you were here with him, and his whole world was lighting up once again. “I missed you, too.”
“You two are just the sweetest.” Your eyes widened, almost having forgotten that his mother was there, and he chuckled down at you, smirking a little now that you were just as embarrassed as he was. “Do you want us to shuffle all the chairs up? We can drag another seat over, I’m sure we could make it work.”
“Thanks, Mrs Hodgman, but that’s okay. I already promised Stella that I’d sit with her this year again, and I never break my promises.”
She only chucked, nodding her head, before you were leaning up to press a kiss to Dave’s cheek, grinning to yourself at the warmth of his skin as he flushed with shyness once again. “Okay, my dear, I’ll go and have a word with the kitchen and see if we can’t rustle up an extra plate for you.”
She walked past you both, wobbling a little on tall heels as her wine raced through her systems, and your boyfriend shook his head as he watched his mother go. He was tugging on your arm, and you looked up at him, following his footsteps over to the kitchen, and Stella was waiting patiently, her hands pressed down into two seats on either side of her own body, preserving them both as other kids began to fill in around the table, denying them the chairs each time, a toothy grin with a missing tooth flashing up as you both arrived.
“Scoot, Stell.” Dave tapped at the back of the left end chair as you took the right, and her head snapped up to him, chocolate brown curls the same shade as her older brother’s bouncing as she did.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” He looked utterly shocked, crushing down to her height, and she shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head at him.
“I want to sit in the middle! She’s my friend, too!” The younger girl insisted, and you couldn't hide your amusement as Dave gaped, eyes flickering up to you for support, before narrowing playfully when he realised he didn’t have it.
“Yeah, Dave. Stella’s my friend, too.”
He growled a little, the action more directed at you, a heatless warning, and his hand ruffled in his sister’s hair as he stood up, begrudgingly taking the other seat. He shuffled closer, until the edge of his chair was pressed up against hers, and his hand was reaching out to rest along the back of your chair, playing lightly with the strands of hair that he could reach, while your attention was turned to his sister. She was a whole year older, but just as adorable, and was already beginning to tell you all about her experience so far in second grade.
Her plate was placed down in front of her, and she paid no mind to it, the other children around the table receiving third as well, but she was far more focused on telling you all about the other kids that she’d met. You took charge, cutting up her food for you as you began to add into her stories, telling her all about your own experience in second grade.
“Y’know, Stell, I met your brother when I was in second grade.”
Her jaw dropped, turning to look back at Dave, who only nodded his head in confirmation, but seeming a little strained as he tried to remember that far back. “Really?”
“Really! He had just moved here, and you weren’t even born yet.” You poked at her sides, tickling her a little, and she broke out in a fit of childlike giggles, squirming slightly, pushing at your hands as she did. “He had two front teeth missing, and a buzzcut.”
Dave groaned behind the little girl, seeming to be patching it together now, a wicked glint on your face as you thought about even more details of the story. He ran a hand through his hair, the strands having been growing out over college, more than the short length that they had been when you’d reconnected with him last year, the strands sticking up a little over his head, messy and untamed, only making it worse the more he messed with it.
“He was in a superhero phase, and he came in wearing a different costume every day of the week.”
He let out a loud groan, but there was a smile hidden behind it, and you finished chopping up her food for her, placing the knife and fork down on the edges and pushing it back over to her, little hand picking up the shorter set of cutlery. The chair your boyfriend was sitting in scraped over the floor as he pushed away from the table, beginning to stand up and leaning over to press a kiss to his sister’s head as he passed her by, before coming to a stop before you.
The adult dishes were beginning to be bought out now that the kids all had their own, and he tipped his head in the direction of the bar, making you realise that neither of you had a drink. You’d been so caught up in the whirlwind excitement of surprising your boyfriend with your return that you’d completely neglected the scratching dryness in your throat, or the rumble in your stomach, lighting up a little bit at the thought.
You nodded your head, tipping your head into his hand when it came to rest over your cheek, leaning down enough to brush his lips against your own. It was barely a kiss, before a little hand was slamming down on the table beside you both, making you jump. “Gross!”
You couldn't help the laugh that you let out, head snapping back down to look at Stella as she glared at you both, your cheeks aching from the grin you held. “You don’t like kisses, Stell?”
“Not even if I gave you some little kisses?” You leaned over, scoping her up and into your lap so that you could kiss the crown of her head, holding her to you tightly as you peppered the side of her face with little affections, her face growing red as she laughed and wriggled in your arms, barely an effort to escape at all as she cracked up. Just when she thought she’d made it and you let her go Dave caught her on the other side, pressing a kiss to his sister’s cheek, grinning wickedly as he walked away, and you watched her rub aggressively at both of her cheeks as she tried to wipe them clean.
When she deemed the task finished, she set off on her eating, pointedly moving across a seat to get away from you, dragging her plate over to the chair Dave had once sat in, sticking her tongue out at you as she went, and you only beamed, before she was diving into conversation with the other children.
A waiter leaned over, placing two larger plates down, one for you and one for your boyfriend, a smirk on his face as he glanced around the table, before looking to you, and you shrugged, knowing how amusing it was that for now the second year in a row, you were sitting at the kid’s table, despite being in your second year of college, and they walked away with a chuckle.
Moments later, Dave was filling the chair once again, placing a glass down in front of you and raising his brows in silent question of approval as he did. A bubbling gin and tonic, a bottle of beer for him, and you lifted it up, taking a sniff of the contents inside, before taking a testing sip. A concoction of fruity flavours exploded within your mouth, a delicious mix, nodding your approval to him, and he grinned around the neck of his beer as he took a swig himself.
His gaze lingered on you, remaining while you ate, beginning your food, only ever leaving you for a few moments as he ate himself, or answered a question for his sister or one of the other kids, looking away momentarily to chop food or find his drink. It wasn’t an uncomfortable stare, and each time you caught his eyes throughout your conversation and the meal, you felt nothing but utterly loved and cherished.
So, in the pause between your dinner and your dessert, you turned to him, shifting in your seat enough to tangle your feet with his under the table, and his smile seemed to brighten even further.
“Are you trying to burn the image of me into your head, or something?”
“What do you mean?” He moved a little himself, facing you more, one hand smoothing over the tablecloth to find your hand, lacing your fingers together. You waited, and you could tell that he knew exactly what you meant, before shrugging a little, and finally tearing his eyes from you to look around the room. “I hate that we’re always so far from each other, and that this is the first time I’ve seen you in months because college got so busy. I love you, and I’m happy with how we’re doing, but it just..”
“Yeah.” He sighed, squeezing your hand back when you squeezed his first, and he watched as people came and went, your attention turning to the mingling folks around you too, and yet you were still entirely wrapped up in one another. “I’m patient, and I’m happy to wait, but sometimes I just feel like we’re being left behind. I mean, my mom and all the neighbours keep going on about the future. They’re all bugging me about when I’m going to move out, start growing up. Simon and Big-C have their own place, Jane just got married, even Aubrey is engaged and moving in with Ronnie.”
He was talking himself breathless, and despite the slightly angry tone to his voice, you knew how to read him, being able to tell that it was more stress than it was frustration, and you placed a hand over his cheek, thumb rubbing over the skin gently to soothe him. Placing his hand over your own, and holding it there.
“Everybody just keeps acting like I have no plans, and that my life isn’t going anywhere, but when your future is half-way across the country for fifty percent of the year, it makes it harder to know where you’re going and what to do.”
His words made your heart flutter, and you choked back the cooing that you wanted to make, pulling him in closer to press your lips to his in a sweet kiss.
It was chaste, and delicate, and you sighed out happily against his mouth as the hand closed over your own simply tightened, lips melding in slow patterns that had your heart beating out of your chest, exploding with emotions, finally being with the man you loved once again. Dragging your hand from under his, you pushed it further around into his hair, nails scratching at his scalp, a happy sound making itself known from the back of his throat, a rumble in his chest as he tipped his head further into your hold, and you let out a breath giggle as your lips broke apart, finding him relaxing more and more into your touch with each little scrape, knowing just how to comfort him after all this time.
“Don’t worry, Dave.” He only hummed, eyes fluttering shut as a content look washed over his features, head hanging back, now longer only supported by your hand to hold it up, and his body was sagging into the chair, like the actions you were taking had been a reset button for his entire body, stress clearing away. “You’re my future too. We will have plans, when we’re ready, we don’t have to rush for anyone. It’s me and you, and we can take out time.”
“Me and you?” He repeated, words a little slurred, and he jumped at the shock of a plate clanging down, the waitress apologising as the spoon clicked on the edge of the dish, before pudding a dessert down before you as well, and he forced himself to sit back up, to crack his eyes open and let your hand slip away to take your spoon. “You promise that?”
“Of course, I do. I love you.”
He nodded his head, pecking the tip of your nose as he shook himself off slightly to try and bring some life back to his body, and pulling your chair up and under the table properly.”I love you, too.”
“Good, because that tiramisu looks really good, so I’m kinda’ hoping you’ll share.”
He grinned, eyes flicking over the dish you had yourself, considering it all, before nodding his head. “Okay, but only because your pie looks good too, so we’re splitting them both.”
Poking your spoon into the dish, you dragged it towards you a little, a disbelieving scoff on his lips as he caught his spoon against the other side, stopping you from taking it any further, and stabbing the cutlery into it hard enough to chime against the counter, before taking a large mouthful of it and bringing it up to eat.
You cringed through a laugh as he chewed loudly and unattractively, his spoon battling yours each time you tried to take a bite of the dessert. “Dave!”
“Hey, I said you could have some, but you have to earn it!”
“That’s how you want to play this?” He nodded, taking another bite of his, and you took the chance, dragging your spoon into it and pulling off a piece of the creamy treat, and he was quick to use his own to scrape it back into the dish. “That's no fair!”
“All’s fair in love and war, sweetheart.”
He picked up the dropped chunk, watching as you pouted, eating it with a wide smile, and half of his tiramisu was already gone, and you gave a dramatic sigh. Instead, you pouted, deciding that if he wanted to play dirty then you would too, and you twisted away from him to face your own sweet, dragging a piece of the apple pie away from the pain crust, and lifting it up to your mouth.
He chuckled beside you, more than amused with his own antics, and you ignored him, letting out a little huff, and not responding to him when he cooed a little, and you tried some more of your pie, staring down into the dish as you pretended to be upset. “Oh, c’mon, baby. I’m only messing around with you. Here, you can have some now.”
He pushed the bowl closer to you, and you looked up at him again, pretending to study him for a moment, and he lifted up his spoon, holding it out to you with a large piece of tiramisu, the Italian delicacy calling out to you. Just as you leaned in to take it, he swerved it around, closing the mouthful between his one lips, and laughing around it as your jaw dropped in shock.
“I won’t fall for your fake sadness, I know when you’re really mad. Good try, though.”
You growled a little, biting at the inside of your cheek to contain your smile, before raising a brow, and dropping your act to deadpan at him. “Fine. War is war, don’t blame me when you regret it.”
“Sounds like a threat?”
“It is.”
It was just the two of you at the table now, the kids long since having finished their ice creams, sticky dishes and spoons left littered around the table as they’d all run off to play, and it was just the two of you left, the low lighting in the corner of the room, a smirk spread over your features as an idea came to mind.
Your hand landed on his thigh, leaning over to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw, feeling him shake a little under your hold as he laughed, bringing up the hand that was resting on the back of your chair to weave into your hair instead. His head twisted, lips brushing your ears, and hot breath washing over your neck as he curled back around you.
“Squeezing my thigh and kissing my jaw won’t work, I’m not the same shy kid I was when you first started using that trick.”
You only hummed, nipping a little at his earlobe, before lifting one leg to rest right over the top of one of his own, the blockade of your leg meaning you had enough space to slide your hand up higher. His breathing did hitch then, as your fingers pressed lightly to the crotch of his jeans, and you settled your head onto his shoulder. To anyone who may look over, it was simply a couple cuddling in the corner, young adults who’d missed each other enough to put aside the general rules of PDA for one night, and it would be okay.
Instead, you licked lightly at the base of his neck, a spot you knew made him weak, and your suspicions were confirmed when he trembled under your touch. “Who’s not playing fair now, huh?”
“It was you who made it a war, Dave.” He dropped his spoon, a loud clanging, and he was choking back a moan as you rubbed your palm down against his cock, feeling him twitch under your touch as he did, even through the layers of material. His hand came down, snatching at your wrist, and cursing under his breath as your actions refused to cease, barely suppressing a moan as he began to grow under your hand.
“Fucking hell, you’re evil.” He whispered, and you nipped lightly at that same spot again, hearing him whimper as you did, hips bucking up into your hand, fingers gripping your wrist even tighter as he tried to push you away, yet never trying to hurt you. “I give up, I give up. Fuck, if I cum in my pants at a Christmas party, you’re never driving my car again.”
“You surrender?”
Squeezing the bulge in his pants, you lifted your head, his eyes rolling back in his head as he bit down on his lower lip, turning his face towards yours and pressing your foreheads together to hide the expression on his face. “I surrender. Dessert is all yours.”
“That’s all you had to say.”
He wheezed out a relieved breath as you finally took your hand away, panting slightly as he came down, having been halfway to creaming himself at the age of twenty like some kind of horny freshman, and he looked mildly irritated when he finally managed to pull himself together. “That was low.”
You only grinned, taking his spoon and enjoying the final bite of his tiramisu, watching as his thumb came up to wipe the powdery dust it had been sprinkled with from the edge of your mouth, but a frown was still sitting on his features. “Hey, you’re the one who wouldn’t share. Besides, it wasn’t so low back in May when you stuck your hand up my skirt while we were playing pool at the bar, huh?”
His eyes flashed over for a second, remembering the moment clearly. He’d been losing, the two of you having snuck into one of the bars on campus and gotten a little tipsy, and after boasting just how good he was at the game, to be losing to you in his hazy state, and as you’d leaned over the table, he’d stood behind you, fingers pinching your clit roughly through your panties and making you fall forwards onto the table, a cry on your lips as you lost the game. It had led to some pretty amazing sex when you’d made it back to his flat, though.
“Besides, I’ll make it up to you.”
“You better.” He mumbled, watching you switch between dishes once his was empty, his jaw hanging open as he waited for you to serve him up a piece of the apple pie. His hand came down to rest on your thigh, holding you close to him as the two of you happily shared out the foods, before falling into comfortable silence.
It was whispers about anything and everything you could think of, nothing too deep, simply making passing comments about what you’d been up to, small talk that would usually come along via your video call dates. His sister had come and gone, crawling up into your lap to sit with you for a while, more than happy to fill the silence as you asked her about what she and the other kids were up to, before she was running away again to chat with her friends.
The conversation went on, chatter about college, updates on all the extra work you’d been doing that had prevented either of you from being able to make any trips in the last few months, straining the long-distance relationship that you were already sharing. First-year had breezed by, being easy enough that since last Christmas, the two of you had made plenty of time to visit one another, meeting up halfway between or making the full trip for the weekend, but second-year had come down hard, and had been kicking your asses.
You moved yourself, his arm settling behind your chair so that your head could fall to his shoulder, one arm slung over his waist, and tiredness began to creep in. You could suppress it for a while at first, holding in your yawns, and being able to follow the stories he was spinning for you, updating you on everything that his friends - both college and at home - had been up to, soft laughs on your lips with each adventurous tale he shared.
Eventually, though, he had caught on, going quiet as he let you fall into a half daze, the hand behind your body moving to stroke over your shoulder, comforting and warm as he just held you there.
“You falling asleep on me, sweetheart?”
“No, no. I’m totally awake. I’m here to spend time with you.” Your words were a little mumbled from sleep.
“Yeah, sure you are.” He teased, jousting you on his shoulder, and you groaned, but sat up, shaking your head to clear it before blinking your eyes into the lights again, trying to readjust.
“Okay, maybe I’m a little tired.” He only nodded his head, watching as you stood up on shaky legs, and following behind you. “My parents are going to be here all night. I can just tell.” You glanced over at them, finding them sitting around one of the tables, chatting away happily with no signs of stopping any time soon, and Dave slipped an arm around you, directing you over to where his mother was and showing you that he was in the exact same boat. “Come get my coat with me?”
He nodded, following after you, and lifting it down to help you pull it up your arms, booking yourself a cab as he tied your scarf around your neck for you, making sure you were nice and cosy.
Another yawn was pulling at your lips, and the second it was finished, he was offering you a soft kiss, one that you barely had the energy to return as you began to slip closer to just passing out in your exhaustion. Time zones were a real bitch, you were getting the short end of the stick with jetlag, but it was all worth it.
“You know, I could come with you? We could stay at my place, tonight?”
“I should probably stay in my own bed for the first night back, don’t you think?”
The cold was enough to make you gasp loudly as you stepped into the night air, suddenly feeling a lot more awake than you had a moment ago as your breath clouded in the air, making you shiver, sticking your hands into your coat pockets as you moved down to the curb to wait for your taxi to arrive. Seeing headlights coming around the end of the road, you could barely make it out, but suspected it to be your vehicle, and you rocked up onto the tips of your toes to steal another kiss from him, his lips working against your own just as eagerly. Licking along his lower lip, he parted them for you with a soft moan, tongues tangling together, his hands finding your waist and pulling your body flush up to his own, keeping you close.
It was a kiss that was long overdue, finally getting a real moment alone together, nobody around, no crowds, just the two of you for the first time in months, and you were looking forwards to much more time with him like this over the holidays, and beyond it. One of the hands on your waist was now sliding up, tangling into your hair as his head tipped to the side, stealing deeper access to your mouth, before pulling away for breath only a moment later.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place?”
“Tempting. Very tempting.” You mumbled, letting him lean in for further kisses as he laughed softly, the innuendo in his words not being missed but slipping way as irrelevant, and the squealing of tires pulling up only a few metres away told you that your assumptions had been correct, your taxi waiting patiently, phone buzzing in your pocket to confirm it.
“I could make you breakfast if you did.”
“How about you take me out for breakfast on Boxing Day morning? I’ll finish my unpacking and we’ll go for an early morning date.” He sighed, nodding his head and walking over to the car with you, reaching down to open the door.
“Fine, Boxing Day breakfast date it is. But only if you promise that it’s a lunch date and dinner date, too. I want you for the whole day.” He pulled it open, letting you step down from the sidewalk and settle into the seat, closing it and leaning against the open window as you smiled up at him.
“All-day date, you got it.”
“Call me tomorrow?” He questioned, not wanting to hold you up much longer as the driver waited, politely turning up the radio a little as the glass stayed closed, giving you both privacy.
“Of course, I have to wish my man a Happy Christmas, right?”
“It’s much happier now you’re home.” He leaned in, pecking your lips one final time, before stepping away from the car, and sticking his hands into his pockets, the car revving to life a little. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
You nodded, blowing him a kiss and rolling the window back up, the car setting off on its journey.
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This wasn’t like last year, where Dave had been waiting in unknowing anxiety as to whether he was even going to see you again. This year, he was filled with confidence, enjoying the part around himself instead of sulking in a corner, because this year, he was happy. You’d texted him a half-hour ago to tell him you were almost ready, and that you’d be on your way over soon, and he was anticipating the arrival of his girlfriend with joy.
He’d allowed his mother to introduce him to as many people as she wanted to, mingling and socialising as she willed him to, until finally, he’d been left along in peace to get a drink. He was now standing still staring down at his phone as he lurked near the dining table, the chairs dragged away into the living room and the wood pushed up to the wall, laid out with food and snacks, and just waiting for you.
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you felt him jump, before your hands were connecting over his middle and he was dropping a hand down to cover yours. His other shifted around between you, tucking his phone into his pocket, before turning in your arms to take you in. Before he did, he leaned down, pressing a careful kiss to your lips as not to smudge the makeup you had done, a fresh layer of lipstick sitting on pouted lips, and he hummed happily as you squeezed yourself in a little closer to him.
“Missed you.”
His words were mumbled against your lips, and you grinned, trying to kiss him through it and whining when he pulled back, but shaking his head, feeling mischief coarse through your veins. “You saw me yesterday. And the day before that, and before that, pretty much all week. Aren’t you sick of me yet?”
“I’m never going to get sick of you, baby.” His hands found your cheeks, tipping you back a little bit as your smiles were pressed together, ruining what would have been a romantic kiss, but you couldn’t contain your joy, cheeks aching as you tried to straighten it. “You look pretty.”
His hands slipped down to find yours, holding you out before him and dropping one, lifting the other to twirl you around in the golden wrap dress that you were wearing, a low whistle on his lips, and he tugged a little at the belt around your waist, raising his brows as the material gaped open a little with your movements, exposing your thigh to him as the hem of the dress at around the middle of your calves.
“This is new.”
“I bought something special for the night, I wanted to feel good.” He grinned, lifting your hand up to sit on his shoulder, before placing both of his own on your waist, nibbling on his lip as he looked at you. “You scrub up pretty damn good yourself, Davie. All black suit, looking hot.”
He smirked, shrugging his shoulders and pulling you back in for another kiss, groaning as the song in the room changed. Your lips were just brushing his, before his mother was darting straight through the room, calling his name loudly, and he sighed, pulling back from you to look up and find his mother, who was trying to shoulder her way through the crowds towards him.
“This is your song, Dave!”
“It’s not my song, this is just a song you play every year and make me dance to because I danced to it once in a middle school play.” His mother took no notice, rolling her eyes and grabbing onto his arm, trying to drag him away. He gripped onto your hand, forcing you to follow him along, until you could see Stella, tearing up the dance floor with the sugar rush she was currently holding, an upbeat song playing over the speakers and vibrating through the floors.
The part was reaching its full mass, the place absolutely teeming with people, far more than should be able to fit into a house like this, even if the gardens were open too, despite the cold weather, and yet there was still a spot cleared on the dance floor for him. His mother had found a dance partner, Stella was dancing with two of her friends in a crazy trio, and Dave was holding his hand out to you, wiggling his brows as the song progressed on. He didn’t give you a chance to mull it over, taking your hand and pulling you into him, your chest crashing into his, before he was positioning you to be able to dance.
“This is the worst song in the world.” You teased, bodies around you moving just as fervently, and he nodded his head, before the lyrics were belting out of him, shouted at the top of his lungs, and you were giggling as he twirled you around. “I am not dancing to this.”
“You have to!” He insisted, still trying to get you to move with him, one arm wrapping around your waist as the other connected with your own, holding it up in a waltz style pose, despite the fact that you’d never be able to waltz to this kind of pop.
“Says who?” Your laughter broke out again as he dipped you backwards, spinning you around, your bodies bouncing a little as you moved to the beat, and you couldn't deny that it was catchy, your feet beginning to move along with his, and the smile on his face only widened as you did.
“Says the laws of being my girlfriend. You have to dance with me, always, even if you think I’m embarrassing you.”
He let out a loud cheer, just to draw attention to you both again, but the smile on his face made it worth it all as you danced with him again. Your inhibitions were slipping away, heart beating rapidly in your chest and laughs drowned over the sounds of the music as you twirled around the room, almost bumping into other people on the dance floor as they joined in. The heat was building, your cheeks flushing as his skin shone with a thin layer of sweat, the song seeming to go on forever, and yet, you couldn't find it within yourself to care, because the moment felt perfect.
When the music finally ceased, you slumped against him, letting him catch you as the two of you panted, a few stray hairs sticking to your forehead for the exertion of the activity, and he laughed breathlessly, holding you up as the funky hip hop tunes continued on, the more tame songs would come along later in the night when only the adults were left, the kids still making the most of the evening.
Looping your arms around his neck, he smirked, hands finding your waist, as the two of you rocked slowly to the upbeat song that was playing, a smile finding your lips when his forehead came down to rest against your own. “So, later on, will you save me a real dance? When the slow songs are playing?”
“Who says I slow dance?”
“The laws of being my boyfriend.” He chuckled at your use of his words against him, before he was dipping down to press a kiss to your lips, sighs sounding from both of you at the chaste connection. “You’ll have to get used to slow dancing with me, Davie. As you said, all our friends are starting to grow up, getting engaged and throwing parties, and I’m going to want to slow dance.”
He nodded his head, spinning you out form his body and twirling you around, before he was bringing you back into his body, a smirk on his lips and mischief flashing across his eyes. “Who says you’re my date?”
“Oh, you got someone else?” You took the bait, gasping falsely as he grinned wider, a cocky look on his face as he held you once again, swaying you in his arms before dipping you backwards, lifting your thigh onto his hip for only moment, and when he pulled you back up, you were even closer than before.
“You know you’re my one and only, baby.”
You leaned up, mouths brushing together again. “Mhm, I better be.”
He closed the gap, teeth scraping over your lower lip at a more passionate connection, sucking on your lower lip slightly, enough to make you moan out a little under your breath,  and his hands tightened on your body. The dancing you were enjoying had become more like swaying, no longer focused on the movements of your feet or the tune of the music, but just on one another.
Your hand came up to tangle in his hair, nails scraping over his scalp lightly as his fingertips dug into your waist, all but burning through the material of your dress, making you feel like flames were consuming you from the inside out. You’d never felt this way with a guy before, Dave mad you feel cherished and loved, everything you always wanted, without ever having to ask, he was perfect for you. He accepted every flaw and rumple, and he never made you feel anything less than beautiful.
You wanted to live in this moment with him forever.
It was short-lived, unsurprisingly, before the two of you were being pulled apart once again to mingle, your mother wanting to introduce you to people and show you off, telling them all about your big university plans, and Dave being forced to help his mother host, the hours of the night passing by.
You were moved from group to group, the same questions being asked every single time, repeating the answers like a script you’d learned as you recited facts about your course, and told them what you liked, and what you thought would be improved on. You were asked about your college experience and the campus, and everything that the middle generation could possibly think of. You were sick of college, you were sick of being asked about how hard it was to be away from your family and friends, or whether it was liberating and gave you your freedom. You didn’t want anything but to enjoy being home, to hear about what you’d missed out in, instead of being interrogated about your life.
You managed to escape from the conversations, hiding away in the corner and letting out a sigh, eyes closing for a second as you tried to steal a moment to yourself, your phone buzzing in your bra from where you had stored it, no pockets or a bag, and just as you reached for it, there was a voice calling your name once again, and you wanted to bite down on the inside of your cheek just to stop a scream of frustration from leaving you.
A blonde head of hair was bobbing towards you, leaving the group within which her date was wowing a collection of the locals with his information on music and his up and coming cat-food album. Aubrey Miller, somebody you had formed a begrudging allegiance with over this last year, the girl constantly messaging you on Facebook, commenting on your Instagram posts and retweeting you, and so you’d simply accepted that she was going to be a part of your life. Besides, you never wanted to feel like the jealous ex, because you weren’t and you knew Dave loved you, but sometimes it irked you how she always seemed to be around at the most inconvenient of times.
Your phone buzzed again, but she was taking both of your hands in hers, squeezing tightly and laughing as though something had been said. “It’s been so long since I last saw you!”
“Yep, that’s right.” You managed to muster a somewhat enthusiastic tone, unsure of how you did it, but she seemed to breeze on over it, charging straight into her next topic. “How is life at college? It’s so far away!”
“Can we talk about something other than college? I’ve been talking about it all evening.”
She paused, chuckling for a second, before nodding her head. “Sure, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about my new place yet! I’m having a house warming party, and I wanted to invite you. Dave and his family will be there, of course.” You ground your teeth a little, smiling through it as she spoke on behalf of your boyfriend, but knowing that deep down you were just a little frazzled because of the night.
“Sounds fun, I’ll be there.”
“Great, it’s in just a few days, I can send you the details!” You only nodded and smiled, glancing around the room to try and catch sight of your lover, but he was nowhere to be seen. “Besides, it’ll be nice for you and Dave to have some more quality couple time together, I know how lonely he’s been feeling lately.”
A lump formed in your throat, your eyes snapping back to her own as your brows furrowed, narrowing a little as you looked at her. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, gosh, no.” Her eyes widened, shaking her head as she realised how her words had come out. “I know what that came out as, but I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that I hear some things, and he said some stuff earlier tonight.”
“Like what?” You mumbled, arms crossing over your chest as you stared at her, insecurities beginning to creep in.
“Well, I’m the only one still around here, so I talk to the parents a lot. His mom is really proud of him, and of you. She loves you, she talks about you both every book club, but Dave just misses you a lot. He tells her, she spills it to us, that's all. She likes me, but only as a friend. She never liked me the way she likes you, like you’re her own daughter.” You smiled a little at that, warmth blossoming in your chest at the idea of being welcomed so wholly into his family. “I was talking to him earlier tonight, just before you arrived, his mom was grilling him about moving out and making moves, plans for his life, y’know?”
“Yeah, he told me about that.”
“Well, did he tell you the part where he just felt alone, because he never got to see you? I like you, I admire you, I really do, but Dave is my friend. I’m not still in love with him, I’m in love with Ronnie, but him and I went through a hard time and Dave was there for me during that time. I want to be there for him, too.” You were suspicious once again, somehow feeling like you weren’t going to like what was about to come from her. “It’s Christmas, and you’re here now, so clearly we’re on the same page, but I told him that I thought you should be here, because it’s the holidays. I wasn’t trying to start anything, I was just giving him the same real talk that he gave me when I couldn’t see the truth about Ronnie.”
“The truth? Are you trying to tell me that you told Dave you didn’t think I was good enough for him?”
“No, of course not! I just told him that I thought he should be thinking about why you couldn't be here, and whether you were growing too busy for him, and he should prepare himself before any more hurt came.” Your jaw clenched, and she cursed under her breath, seeming to realise that she still wasn’t getting her words right. “I’m messing this all up.”
“You think?”
She pursed her lips at your hissed out words, and you stiffened as you felt arms sliding around your waist, a chin hooking over your shoulder, and she excused herself, pointing over her shoulder, before disappearing into the crowds, and you twisted around in the arms of the man who was holding you. “You haven’t been replying to my texts.”
“You feel alone?”
His face dropped, the smile disappearing, and eyes widening as he looked at you. “What?”
“You confessed to Aubrey and not me?” He looked panicked, freezing up before you, and you placed your hands on his cheeks, trying to reassure him a little, not wanting him to bolt or get overly anxious. “You should tell me these things. I’m your girlfriend, if we’re having issues, I want to know about it.”
He held onto your hand, bringing your knuckles to his mouth, pressing kisses along them as he sighed. “We don’t have any issues at all, sweetheart. It’s just me being insecure and needy, that’s why I didn’t tell you. I just miss you a lot, but I know you’re busy.”
“I would make more time for you, though, if I knew you needed me.”
“Yeah, but then you’d be putting all your work aside, and you’d get more stressed than you already are, and I don’t want that.” Your heart warmed, watching him put your needs before his own, and you leaned up enough to bump your noses together. “I’m sorry, I just wish we had some more time together.”
“I know, but we will, okay? I promise, the future holds a lot of quality time for me and you.”
“It does?”
There was a hopeful tone to his voice that made your lower lip tremble a little, pressing a series of kisses to his lips that were for his assurance as well as your own, and he sighed happily at knowing you weren’t angry with him, kissing you back until you pulled away. “Wanna’ find a quieter? We can have some quality time.”
“Yeah?” He wiggled his brows a little, and you grinned, already knowing exactly where his mind had gone. “It’s loud in here. I keep getting pulled away to mingle. You know what I really want?”
“What do you want, honey?” You reached up, fingers smoothing through his hair, weaving through the strands as you tried to restyle the hair atop his head that was starting to flop back down into his forehead as the gel wore off.
“I just want to makeout with my girlfriend on New Year's Eve, like I should be able to. I’m young and horny, and my girl is hot, I don’t want to spend it away from her and socialising.” He huffed out the words, and you tried to cover up your laugh, raising your brows. “Why are you laughing at me?”
“Because I’m remembering how we missed last year’s countdown, and your mom was furious about it, and she didn’t even know what we’d really done.” His lips parted a little as he remembered it, eyes glazing over as he went back to that moment, and his lips were beginning to curl up at the edges, pulling your body in a little closer to his own. “Stop that, I know where your mind is going.”
“You brought it up!”
“To prove to you that we have to stay here!” You laughed, and his hands ran a little further down your sides, pushing you closer to the wall, and your breathing hitched in your throat as his grip became tighter, body pressing into you as you were pushed up into the surface. “Dave..”
“We could be quick, back in time for the countdown. Nobody has to know.”
You shook your head, resistance beginning to fail as his nose nuzzled at the underside of your jaw, lips dragging over your skin teasingly, before he was pressing a soft kiss to the spot just below your ear that made you shake in his hold, your body betraying you as a tremor wracked along your body, making you arch up into him a little further.
“C’mon, kitten. You look so good tonight, and now you got me thinking about sex. What do you expect from me, when you’re here looking this good, and you’re all mine, huh?”
“You’re such a pain in my ass.” You muttered, already preparing to cave in to his pleadings, before he was pinching at your ass roughly through your dress, snickering at the yelp you let out as he did, and he palmed roughly at the patch instead. As you released a little moan, his mouth closed over yours to silence you, a hot kiss as his tongue plunged into your mouth, tangling with your own without even a second’s hesitation.
You were putty in his hands, and you already know it. Clearly, he did too, because his hips were pushing into yours as he held you up to the wall, risking it all as people continued to wander around you, and it only took one o the more conservative neighbours or one of your parents to see for it all to be over, the two of you to be chastised like children again, taking you back to your youth, but you had absolutely no reservations when it came to him.
As you finally pulled back for breath, feeling his lips trace along your jaw, you nodded your head, giving in and telling him what he wanted to hear. “Okay, let’s go.”
He snapped up, lips a little swollen and eyes glossy, a look on his face that made your thighs clamp together and rub with need, and his gaze flickered down as he caught onto the action. Taking your hand in his, he dragged you away, glancing back at you over his shoulder as he heard you giggle, before making his way to the staircase. He went ahead of you, your feet barely having touched halfway up the set, before your eyes were closing in on the hoards of people upstairs, too.
It was twice as busy as it had been last year, the two of you having been able to sneak away to the empty upstairs, but even the corridors outside of his bedroom were busy, and as you finally pushed through the people to open the door, finding his bed piled high with coats, bags and purses.
“Of course.” He mumbled, practically hearing his mother’s voice yelling at him again for disappearing, a little task clearly done on purpose to ensure the two of you had nowhere to sneak off to this time, but he wasn’t giving up so easily. “Basement?”
You nodded, falling into step beside him, and chasing after him, adrenaline and excitement racing through your veins. There was always the risk of getting caught, there was last time too, but this was something else. Last time, you didn’t know what would come of it, it could've been a one-time thing, and so this one was all new kinds of thrilling. A year into your relationship, and you were making up for all the time that you had lost, searching for new excitement as you celebrated the time that had passed together.
As your fingers hooked onto the door to the stairs leading down, the light was already on, your stomach sinking, and the further down you went, the more kids you already found hanging out down there, a game of twister in play as thirteen year old girls all squealed and giggled, eyes wide as they stared at you while trying to balance.
You both mumbled your apologies for interrupting, backing your way out, and there was a pout on his lips as you returned to the main party. Leaning up, your body slumped into his, large hands smoothing over your back, before you were teasing the lobe of his ear with your teeth, a shudder rolling over his body as you did. “Don’t you have a treehouse?”
“Only if I can climb up the ladder behind you.”
“You’re going to get to see what’s up my skirt anyway.” You scoffed, and he only winked, the two of you stumbling out into the back garden dirty little jokes and exchanges as you poured out of the back door. There were considerably fewer people milling around the garden, the cooler temperatures making people prefer the indoors, and as you approached the treehouse, a muffled set of giggles caught your attention from the top of the ladder as you stood at the bottom.
An incredulous look flashed over your features at the idea that someone might have actually already beat you to that spot, and Dave groaned in frustration, kicking at the wood before him, and the ladder trampled a little from the force. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!”
He turned to look at you, frustration flicking across his face as disappointment set in, your shoulders rising and falling in a shrug, not sure what else to say, and the two of you began to trudge back inside. The backdoor way was blocked as you approached it, Dave’s hands clenching by his sides as he navigated you around to the side of the house, using the spare key to open the garage door, and knowing that there was a lock to the main kitchen from inside of it.
Sealing it up behind yourselves and replacing the hidden key, he navigated himself between his car and his mom’s, parked at alternating angles toward the kitchen, and an idea flashed through your mind.
“Yeah?” His hand was sitting on the handle to the kitchen, ready to flick the lock on it open, light spilling out from the crack under the door.
“We’re alone.” He paused, and your arms motioned out around yourself, the chill of the room quickly making your hands clamp back up at your sides, and he seemed excited for just a second, before shivering himself.
“It’s freezing, and there’s nowhere to lay down.”
“Come over here and warm me up, then.” You smirked, leaning against the edge of his car next to the front, and his face lit up, hopping back down the steps towards you. Hands hooked under your thighs, lifting you into his arms for just a second, before the cold metal of the car’s hood was pressing into you, making you gasp at the chill, his body taking place between your parted thighs.
It all became irrelevant, though, when his mouth collided with yours, slamming together with heated intensity, and all of that burning passion came rushing back. Hands were burning on your thighs, bringing your legs around to wrap at his waist, the material of your dress falling aside as the wrapped material fell open, rough palms dragging over the smooth skin.
One hand was sitting on his face, feeling his jaw moved under your own, sharp and smooth from where he’d freshly shaven, rough kisses making your lips sting as you pressed back with an equal kind of love, your other hands tingling in his hair. Your lungs were burning for oxygen, your head spinning the longer you prolonged the inevitable. Finally pulling back for breath, you dragged your mouth along his jaw, feeling the moan that rumbled up in his throat as you licked your way along the column, his pulse pounding beneath the skin as you kissed across that same spot.
He tipped his head back, letting you work longer, and when your lips came to meet the collar of the same dress shirt he wore, your hands slipped down to his shoulders, to his chest, nails scratching at the muscles underneath loft and he puffed up into your hold, before your fingers were finding the buttons.
“I love it when you wear smart shirts.” You mumbled, each space of skin exposed as you undid his shirt being pressed with a kiss from your lips, faint marks of your lipstick being left over his skin the lower you went, until you were untucking it from the belt around his waist, and leaving it to hand open. Goosebumps travelled over his skin when your nails scraped across the lightly defined muscles of his abs, red marks being left in your traces as you did, your fingers hooking into the belt loops of his jeans. “God, you’re so fucking hot.”
“I was just thinking the same thing about you.” He mumbled, fingers playing with the belt around your waist, the sequinned design making it harder for him to find the catch, but when it fell loose, he was quick to let it drop away to the floor, discarded as you pulled his belt free from his jeans. “You’re telling me that all that’s holding this whole dress shut is two buttons?”
His eyes were wide, nimble fingers undoing the button on the outside, and pushed the base of the dress open a little more, a smirk forming on his lips, before looking up to catch your eyes.
“Wearing my favourite panties, too, huh?”
“Not the matching bra, though.” Your words were whispered, a hoarse voice, and he licked over dried lips, before popping the final button and letting the material expose you to him fully. He hummed happily, two hands smoothing across your stomach, pushing you down until the cold metal of the car until you were laying back across it, large palms cupping at your tits and squeezing roughly.
You couldn't help the way you pushed up into his hands, a loud moan falling from you, and he shushed you quietly, bending at the waist to press a wet kiss to the spot just under your ribs, licking at the spot teasingly as he worked his way down and around your navel. “Keep quiet, baby, we don’t want anyone to come in here and see you with your legs wrapped around my head, do we?”
A single finger ran under the crotch of your panties, knuckle brushing over your clit, and you bit down on your lip to contain the whimper that such a feeling aroused within you, your hips bucking against his hand. He pulled back, snapping the edge of the lace garment against your folds, chuckling at the gasp you made when he did, before he was pushing them to the side. Holding them or of the way, dragging a finger across your slit, a happy sound produced from him as slick coated the tip of the digit, swirling with a filthy sound bouncing around the two of you as he did, sinking a single finger into your walls.
“So wet for me. I love getting this reaction out of you. What got you all worked up tonight, hm?” He was sinking further down, nipping along the indies of your trembling thighs, and despite the cold metal you were laying along, you were already burning up from the inside out, eagerly awaiting the moment in which his mouth would reach the place that you wanted it the most. “Was it the dancing? Or the outfit? Tell me what made you like this.”
He pumped the finger slowly, and your hands formed fists, nails digging into your skin as you found your first orgasm beginning to build rapidly within your stomach, guts winding up into a tightening coil and you tried to catch your breath just to be able to reply. “You did.”
“Mhm, I know that, but what specifically?” He pushed, dragging his tongue slowly over your centre, and you let out a loud cry, cutting it off halfway through by covering your mouth with your hand, eyes rolling back in your head as the pad of his tongue dragged slowly across your clit, electricity sparking across your body. “You can have what you want as soon as you use your words, kitten.”
“You did! Just you, nothing special. I just love you, you drive me crazy.” Your words were slurred and rushed out, but he paused for a second, his finger no longer pumping but instead curling within you, pad searching along your walls until he found the spot he was looking for, your entire body jerking at the stimulation with you.
“Yes, Dave, please! You know how I feel about you, stop teasing me now.” He nodded, pressing down once more on the patch within you that made you cry out, before he was pulling back, sinking to his knees entirely and giving you exactly what you wanted. A hot and wet mouth closed over your folds, tongue parting them and licking at everything that had already built up, teasing around your entrance as he slurped up what you had to give. Teeth dragged across your clit, enough of a sting to make you cry out into the cover of your hand, your eyes rolling in your head hips bucking up into his face, and he was more than happy to allow it.
Easing your thighs up onto his shoulders so he could move deeper, your legs clamping around his head with every motion he made, every shake of his head as he worked at your centre, lips sealing around the throbbing button nestled between your thighs to focus on the pleasure it brought you. Dave was skilled with his mouth, he’d known what he was doing since the very first time he’d gone down on you, but basic skills had become honed to your body, being able to read you, everything he did bringing you closer and closer to melting bliss.
Tears lined your eyes, squeezing shut to contain them as the simulations all became too much, and your other hand came down to thread into his hair, pulling roughly, your words muffled by the hand covering your mouth, and it became your only way of communicating with him. Fingertips were digging into the muscle of your thighs, holding you still as he dove into you, again and again, tongue lapping at every drop that came from you.
His tongue was plunging in and out of you, fucking you against the wet article as your keened up and into his hold, writhing against the hood of the car, speech becoming completely incomprehensible. Dave was by no means boring in bed, but there was always something exciting about the idea of fucking right when there was someone on the other side of a door, and right now there was a wheel party that might hear you scream Dave’s name, because as his tongue traced at your walls, lips and teeth teasing over your clit, alternating between where he wanted to please you the most, your arm was growing heavier and heavier, your climax teetering on the edge.
He knew it too, reading you like a book, pulling away and prying your legs from around his head before he was grabbing a hold of you and pulling you up to stand. Your legs buckled underneath you, almost falling away to the floor if it wasn't for his hands supporting you, a dark chuckle was sounding in your ear, a wet kiss placed to your cheek, before he was turning you around. Your hands pressed to the car, using it for support as he pressed up behind you, fingers dipping down and under the waistband of your panties.
He wasted no time, two fingers plunging into your already stretched out core, and just as a loud cry of his name left you, his other hand was skating up, over your throat, making your breathing hitch, before he was tipping your head back onto his shoulder. A thumb slipped into your mouth, and you sucked onto it, using the digits to muffle yourself as two fingers began to slam in and out of you.
It was oddly reminiscent, the amusement of the thought flashing across your mind for a split second, about just how comparative this was to New Years last year. Dave standing behind you, hand in your panties and cock straining into your ass as he prepared to fuck you senseless, except this time it wasn’t just lust, but love too.
As your peak came crashing over you, your eyes were rolling back in your head, shaking in his arms as he held you tightly, your underwear becoming far too uncomfortable as your juices slicked up his fingers, ruining the material as he kept going to rid you through it, the pads of his fingers brushing against your sensitive walls, the heel of his hand brushing over the swollen bud that fireworks explode within you.
When you finally couldn't take it anymore, he let you go, slumping down in an undignified manner across the hood of the car. Your dress was half hanging off of you, and you shucked the material down your arms and to the floor, feeling like you were burning alive in it now, skin covered with a thin layer of sweat from the heat building between you both, and your thighs were still twitching a little.
A hand came down roughly on your ass, and you jerked at the feeling, hissing out a curse to your boyfriend, and he didn’t reply, a more than proud and cocky look on his face as he palmed at the stinging skin.  
“We have two options.” He knelt down, fingers hooking into your panties, pulling them roughly down your thighs, until you could step out of them, and he pressed kisses all the way back up along your skin, until he was standing again. “Option one, I can fuck you over the hood, but you gotta’ keep quiet.” He pinched at your ass cheek, the one he’d laid a spank to, and you moaned, pushing back into his touch.
“And the other option?”
“Option two, you can ride me in the front seat, and scream as loud as you want.” You whimpered, managing to find enough strength to turn around to face him, fingers hooking into his belt loops and stand up a little further.
“I like option two.” You whispered your response against his mouth, lips brushing together, and he could only nod, tongue flicking out to lick at your mouth a little, spreading the taste of you to your own lips until it was smeared there. He reached behind you, pressing up to you until you fell backwards, and he opened the door, stepping away from you with a wide smirk and half-lidded eyes.
Tugging open the front of his jeans, the zipper grated angrily as it came undone, and he palmed at himself through the thick material, thumbs hooking into the waistband to push both the denim and the cotton of his underwear beneath it down, a dripping and flushed red cock springing up, slapping against his stomach and leaking with shining precum, bobbing in the cool air, a sight that made you legs clench together tightly.
Collapsing down into the passenger seat, he patted at his thighs, tempting you forwards while rummaging through the dash box, finding one of the emergency condoms that the two of you kept hidden in his car at all times, and tearing the little packet open as you settled across his lap, cramped into the chair. As he rolled the rubber along his length, pumping himself slowly, and you cranked back the lever on the seat to push it backwards.
As he laid down you were granted more pace, hair falling around the pair of you like curtains, hiding the meshing of your lips as your hands found a home on either side of his shoulders to support the weight of you above him. His hands were on your hips as you sank down, rolling yourself along his length, the head of his cock dragging through your folds and pushing with a delicious friction against your button every single time.
Finally, when the tension became too much, he shifted, hips bucking up and into you, the head of his cock sinking within your walls, and he reached one hand out to find the car door, pulling on it and slamming it shut, before bucking his hips up the rest of the way inside of you. Your arms trembled, almost dropping you down onto him as the pressure of his cock within you stretched you to your limits, filling you up perfectly just as he did every single time, his name spilling from you in a drawn-out whine as he gave you a moment to adjust.
“That’s right, baby, call my name. Tell the world who makes you feel this good.”
“Dave!” He leaned in, sitting you up a little in his lap and helping you start to make rhythms with your hips, lips closing around one perky nipple. Your fingernails were dragging marks into the pale flesh of his shoulders as you held on for dear life, his mouth working over your chest with the same vigour and determined enthusiasm that he’d used to assault your core. “Fuck, Dave!”
The head of his cock was pressing up to that spot within you that made everything go fuzzy, the world melting away until it was just the two of you left. As you grew more in your confidence, the simple circling and rocking of your hips became more, you became bold enough to lift yourself up, slamming yourself back down onto him, and he switched to your other breast, equal treatment being shared across your body.
“Oh, my God. You’re so fucking good..” Your words were whined out, and you couldn't wait for the morning, when you’d wake up with that ache between your legs, body littered with fading bites and bruises made out of love, and he was beginning to thrust his hips up a little into you. For every movement that he made to meet you, another fizz of electricity and excitement raced through your veins, another moment here your entire body lit up with sunshine and fireworks just for him, because he took you to heights of pleasure that you’d never before experienced.
“Louder, kitten. Scream louder for me, like I know you can.”
He licked over the pad of his thumb, slipping the hand between your bodies, and pressing down roughly on the already overstimulated bud that was throbbing and desperate for attention with every brush across the hair-smattered skin at the base of his cock. “Dave!”
Two fingers pinched at your clit, and your head was thrown back, eyes welling with tears at the joy of pain that made you unravel once again, nails ripping marks into his skin as you quivered on top of him, his name leaving your lips in a loud scream like a mantra. The windows were fogging up, the heat becoming unbearable around you both, and yet it still felt perfect, the two of you boiling in hell as you roasted within the weight of your sins; filthy and reckless, utterly debaucherous as you stole yet another chink of one another’s innocence with each dirty act.
You couldn't help it, the need that washed over you, the easy way that every time you were with him felt addictive never wanting to pull away, no matter how spent you became, because chasing a high with home was just too good to pass up on.
Your forehead pressed to his, skin slick and sliding together with sweat, and you slammed yourself back onto him, riding him for everything that you were worth, and from the way he was beginning to shake and quiver underneath you, you could tell that he was nearing a peak that would make his eyes roll back in his head the same way yours did.
“Always so damn tight, so good for me. Perfect, baby, all mine.” He was babbling, the same way he always did when he was nearing his climax, and your walls were fluttering around him, never once taking a break, chasing up both of you final crashing downs. You felt like you’d been electrified, and he planted his feet on the floor, arms circling your waist to pull you down until your legs were folded against the chair, chests pressed together, and he could buck up without restraint into you.
You were boneless, feeling like you’d become nothing but jelly, your throat raw as you cried out his name, eyes crossing at the feeling of how deep he could reach within you, and all that you could hear was the sounds he made, low growls and grunts, cracking voice as he moaned your name and a slew of praises, and your heart beating in your ears.
Your blood was rushing, heart threatening to explode entirely for you both, racing and banging against your ribs.
“Don’t stop, fuck, don’t stop.” You whispered, unable to muster up anything else, and as you came undone for the final time, the clenching of your walls dragged him along with you. He bit down on your shoulder as he came, only dragging out the feelings you were experiencing, and you felt as though you’d blacked out for a moment as your vision spotted, everything within you going numb, except for all the places where you were joined to him, hands on your waist and cock buried inside of you.
“Yes, kitten, fucking hell!”
“I know!” You squeaked, the aftermath of your orgasm making you twitch and clench around him, and he groaned, squirming at the overstimulation and lifting you off of him, pacing you down into the driver’s seat.
The windows were fogged up, marks streaked across the glass as you wiped them clear, and you reached across, opening one of the doors and sighing happily at the cool breeze that swept across your body. There was a chafing sting along the backs of your thighs from the denim that was still bunched tightly around his upper legs, and he cringed as he peeled back the condom that was still wrapped around his softening cock.
You tried to move, tingling sensations spreading the whole length to the tips of your fingers and toes as you tried to wiggle some kind of feeling back into them, sitting up a little as you made attempts to regain control of your body, and your elbow recessed into the horn, a scratch sounding from you as it sounded out loudly. Your boyfriend jumped too, loud barks of laughter leaving him as you did, and you almost joined him, before panic was washing over you both, heads snapping over to the garage door that connected to the kitchen, fear making your blood turn to icy cement in your veins.
When nobody came through, he turned to shoot out a mock glare, slapping at your thigh lightly. Lifting his hips up awkwardly, he managed to tug his jeans back up, searching around for his shirt and finding it discarded on the floor, unaware of when he’d even taken it off, but finding it messed up alongside the various garments that you had been wearing too.
“Think we should go back?”
“Probably.” He sighed, leaning over the centre console for a kiss, lips puckered and a hand landing on your cheek to pull your mouth down to his, delicate and sweet as he made the most of the final moments.
When you felt like you might be able to stand up without falling, you removed yourself from the car, the temperatures having dropped as you came down, and the chill of the crisp December air was making goosebumps rise through your skin. He was messing with his belt when you finally had your panties back on, your dress on your arms but hanging open, the same way his shirt was, and he closed up the car doors, chuckling at the way you wobbled as you buttoned your dress back up.
His hands found your hips, mouth coming back to claim your own, smeared lipstick making his pale skin stand out even more, and you giggling against his mouth, the rubbing of his thumbs through your dress was soothing and relaxing, bringing you back down to earth from the cloud nine that he’d taken you to, and you did up the buttons along the front of his shirt, trying to get them right without looking, but in your haze, the task was too hard, and you dragged your lips from his kiss to be able to check the task.
He smoothed down your hair for you, grinning at the messed up state that it had become, and you ran a finger around the edges of your lips to clear away the smeared lipstick that was now just a mess on both of your mouths, and you were glad that it had already begun to fade somewhat before this had all taken place.
He licked at his own lips, making sure the colour you’d printed onto him was gone, and when you finally judged yourselves to be appropriate again, or as appropriate as you were going to get, he opened the door for you both to reenter the house. The kitchen was warmer, and while you’d adjusted to the difference in temperature while Dave’s body had been pressed up to your own to keep you warm, you were glad to be back into the heated room. The doors were all closed now, the crowds having thinned, parents with younger children or older parents leaving, and yet there were still enough people that you managed to slip back into the party without being noticed as absent.
“See? Fifteen minutes ‘til the countdown. We’re just in time.”
Champagne flutes had been laid out along the island in the kitchen, all filled up perfectly, and Dave had two in his hands, passing one over to you, and you clinked them together, fingers weaving and palms pressed or one another’s as you walked into the rest of the house. The music had quietened, and the television had been turned on, the countdown displayed prominently on the screen as the final few minutes began to tick down, and Dave’s mother was making the rounds with a bottle of champagne to top up the glasses of anybody who needed it, always laying the perfect hostess.
Taking a small sip of the liquid in your glass, you winced slightly, but swallowing it anyway. It wasn’t your drink of choice, and you weren’t particularly keen on it, but since the two of you were not only celebrating the new year, but celebrating your anniversary, you were indulging in something a little classier. Dave’s hand was sitting low on your waist, letting you curl into his side, the night plodding on, and Stella and her friends were sprawled out on the couch, all looking absolutely exhausted, trying their very vest to keep their eyes open for long enough to see the countdown.
Now that it wasn’t as busy, you could see the extent of the mess left by the party, food trays and empty platters stacked high on the dining table, plastic cups and paper plates all over the room, both floors and surfaces, and there was enough leftover food and crumbs that it would probably fill a bag all on its own. Party poppers had been set off by the younger children before their parents had taken them home, leaving confetti and streamers on the floor, among the shredded remains of popped balloons and lost belongings. It was a catastrophe, and yet somewhere within yourself, you still couldn't wait until it is you hosting the party, getting to play that role.
A squeeze at your side brought you back to reality, dragging you from your thoughts, and you looked up to your boyfriend, finding him nodding his head towards the television, just as the timer clicked over onto one minute left, everybody beginning to crowd into the room just to see the screen, and you once again found yourself surrounded on all sides.
“What’s your New Year’s resolution, baby?”
You thought about it, unsure yourself as to what it actually was, nibbling on your lower lip a little, before letting out a sigh. “I suppose it would just be to complete this school year to the best of my ability, and to start journaling, because I keep wanting to do that and never get around to it.” He chuckled at the addition, watching as you pouted to yourself for only a moment, before you were turning your attention back to him. “What about you?”
“Same as every year; just to make every moment count. To make good memories.”
You giggled a little, a countdown beginning to start around you as the numbers on the clock hit twenty, and you rolled your eyes slightly, coming to stand before him more clearly. “You’re so cheesy.”
“Maybe, but it’s worked out pretty well for me so far.” His nose bumped against your own, and as the final countdown hit, your eyes were fluttering shut, whispering the figures as they dropped lower and lower, sinking into that same bubble that consisted of only you and he, until his lips were pressing to yours with the number one, a warm and loving kiss, his arm squeezing around you even more tightly than it had been and pulling you up into his chest, your free hand resting over his jaw, thumb stroking lightly across his skin, before settling to sit just behind his ear.
There was loud cheering, shuffling and celebrating, your bodies being jostled as hands landed on your shoulders in pats of congratulations and celebrations, but you paid them no mind, instead simply being focused on the way that it felt to kiss the man you loved as the year clicked over, welcoming you both into your second year of being in a relationship, and being in love.
When he finally pulled back, he pressed an equally adoring kiss to your cheek, and you could feel his smile pressed against you, the last scents of his fading cologne washing over you as you were shifted into a hug, feeling his cheek pressing against your temple. “Happy New Year, baby.”
“Happy New Year, Davie.”
You knew that you should call your parents and wish them the same, and that you should begin to acknowledge all the friends and family that were surrounding you, but for one more selfish moment, you wanted to absorb the time you had with him. When he pulled back, it was to clink your glasses together, one eye dropping in a cheeky wink, before the pair of you were downing what was within your glasses, trying to school the appalled looks on your faces as the taste trickled down your throats, fizzing and making itself known, before it as finally gone.
“Go and find your mom and your sister, I’ll call my parents, and I’ll find you afterwards.”
He only nodded his head, a final peck pressed to your lips, before he was disappearing through the crowds to find them.
You managed to find a quiet corner, pulling out your phone and calling your mother to wish both her and your father a happy New Year, and listening to them talk all about how they’d spent their own evening, bickering playfully about the movie they’d watched and the conversations they’d had, before bidding you a goodnight and telling you to use the spare key to let yourself in, as they’d locked the door, and were on their way to bed.
It was almost fickle how quickly the masses began to clear away. Once they’d had their midnight celebrations and welcomed in the turn of the year, they were already all beginning to leave, cars along the street roaring to life and taxis being called to ferry the more drunken patrons to their addresses, and the people around you were beginning to dwindle.
It wasn’t all that hard to find your love, his height and hair giving him away, messy locks standing out in the crowns of middle-aged neighbourhood women that had gathered around him and his little sister to coo at them and wish them the best, his face flushed a little pink as his eyes finally connected with your own, a look in them that screamed for help.
You hesitated, allowing him to be fussed over for a moment later, before finally, you took pity on him, moving in towards the group and taking the hand that he had outstretched for you. The neighbours didn’t like you nearly as much as they liked him, because he was the ‘handsome young man’ that they wanted to set up with their nieces and grand-daughters, but you were just the polite young lady who had taken that chance away. They favoured Dave greatly, and you weren’t surprised at all, because you favoured him too.
He was honest, well-mannered, funny, and a real sweetheart. His fingers laced with yours, letting you pull him away from the groups, and he followed after you, feet kicking through discarded rubbish on the ground. A yawn was pulling at your lips, and you covered it with your hand, trying to shake your head clear as tiredness crept in.
“Do you want a lift home?”
“I’ll call a cab, you’re just as tired as I am.” You mumbled, and he nodded his head, leaning down to be able to press his forehead to yours as your eyes fluttered shut. “Let me go and grab some bags, and we’ll start getting this place tidied up a bit.”
“Leave it ‘til the morning.” He grumbled, hands locking on your hips to hold you steady, and you laughed softly into the space between you both.
“You’ll hate it in the morning if you do.” You took his hands, stepping away backwards, and pulling him along behind you as you tugged him into the kitchen, leaving him to lean against the counter while you found a couple of new bin bags, and pressed on into his hands. “If you clean up the whole kitchen while I do the living room, the next time we go out to eat, I’ll let you choose where we go.”
“That is a backhanded deal, because you know that you’ll complain and we’ll still go to your place.”
You shrugged, a cheeky grin on your face as you pecked his lips swiftly, barely giving him a chance to reply. “Yeah, well, that’s what you get for loving me.”
“Oh, that’s what I get, huh?” He mocked, grinning as you walked away, and beginning to focus on the kitchen-connected-dining room, sweeping trash into the bag, and you made your way through to the main room. Dave’s mother was bidding farewell to the last of her guests, and Stella was fast asleep on the couch, curled up in her favourite party dress and what seemed to be every single sparkly necklace she owned.
When the door finally closed, you heard the relieved sigh that Dave’s mother let out, and you chuckled, turning to face her upon clearing the top of the television cabinet, no more plastic cups, plates and waste to go into it, and she grinned through her exhaustion as she saw you.
“You shouldn't be doing that, darling, that’s my job.”
“It’s no trouble. I even managed to wrangle Dave into doing the kitchen.” You teased, and she looked completely shocked just at the thought, before you were sharing tired laughs.
She held the bag open, and you grabbed every piece of litter you could find, and you were certain that while the room might look clear now, it would probably be littered with missed pieces of crap in the morning, when fresh eyes after a goodnight’s sleep were cast over it, but you were sure that the Hodgman’s would be able to handle it, especially with the head-start that you were giving them.
With the two of you working together, you managed to clear the halls and closets too, leaving everything empty as far as you could, by the time Dave came to collect the bags, and take them outside to the trash cans. Taking another one, you began to clear upstairs, finding it much tidier than it had been downstairs, only one bag’s worth of rubbish to be thrown out, and you took this one yourself, Dave trying to cover his tiredness as he swept the floors, glitter and confetti cleared from the solid oak floorboards until they were visible once again.
Stella managed to sleep through it all, drooling onto a pillow as she lay half-propped up, and your heart beat just for the sweet little girl, loving her as much as you’d love a little sister. Taking out the last of the litter, the bins were overflowing, the old year being ushered out by plastic and bottle, and you tried to shove it down, dusting off your hands when you finally made all the bags fit. The streetlights were yellowed and dull, making you realise just how late it had gotten and how tired you really were, the stars twinkling overhead and lulling you back into the sleepy haze you’d left behind to clean.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you rubbed at your skin, trying to warm back up as you wandered up to the house, letting yourself in and leaning back against the door as you let out a deep sigh. Dave was making his way up the stairs, carrying his snoozing baby sister, and you watched him go, until he was disappearing from your view along the corridor.
“You okay, sweetie?’
You jumped a little, snapping over to look at his mother, who was watching fondly from the doorway, a nostalgic look on her face as her hands sat on her hips, and you shrugged a little. “Just tired. Thank you for a lovely evening, Mrs Hodgman. I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”
She scoffed, waxing a hand as she made her way towards you, and leaning behind you to flick the locks on the door, rubbing your shoulder lightly. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re never a bother. You’re welcome to stay, and Dave can get you all sorted out.”
“Well, I can take the couch and just sl-”
“Oh, honey, I’m a mom, not a nun. You’ve been dating my son for a year now, I’m certain you and my son have shared a bed before, so sharing a bed won’t be an issue tonight.” Your face flared up with heat and you gaped at her, watching as she flicked off the remaining lights around the both of you. “You can stay over, I’ve already left your parents a message to explain. There’s no way I could possibly send you home at this time of night and feel at all like a responsible mother.”
She was walking up the stairs ahead of you, leaving you to stand alone in the darkness with heated cheeks and amused embarrassment coursing through your veins. Following her up the stairs, she slipped into her own bedroom, wishing you a goodnight before the door was clicking shut, and Dave was backing out of his younger sister’s room and turning off the light. He jumped a little as he found you sitting on his bed when he turned around, eyebrows shooting up a little, and he stepped into his bedroom, a softening tired look on his features.
“I think your mom just gave me a version of ‘the talk’.”
“She did what?” He was equally mortified and amused, toeing off his shoes and kicking them into the corner of the room, a hand closing behind his head to tug the material up and over his head, dropping it into the laundry bin in the corner.
“She said she knows we ‘share a bed’, and so tonight we can share a bed.” He snorted a laugh at your words, undoing the belt around his waist and leaving it abandoned on his desk, a smile on his face as he looked at you.
“That means you’re staying the night?”
“Yes, it does. You’d better find your best pair of sweats and a t-shirt for me.” He tapped at his drawers, undoing the button and zipper on his belt to be able to push them away down his legs, the denim pooling at his ankles, and your gaze followed them, a smirk on your face as he almost tripped over them while trying to get them off.
“You know where my clothes are, get them yourself.” He had a cocky look on his face, pulling a pyjama top on alongside his boxers and disappearing into the bathroom to clean his teeth.
It was a true statement, you knew exactly where all of his clothes lay, and you folded yours neatly to rest on his desk, finding a pair of sweats that hung baggy around your ankles and a t-shirt of his to wear, before allowing him into the bathroom. His hip bumped against yours, brush hanging from his mouth as he winked at you in the mirror, pulling a face a moment after, and almost making you gag on the mouthwash you had, chuckling to himself as you spat it away and cursed at him under your breath, and hot tap coming on.
He left you alone to remove your makeup, already curled up in bed with the covers pulled back when you entered the room, door closing behind you and light being flicked off, using memory alone to guide you to where you knew he to be laying.
When you were all tucked in around him, feeling him chuckle at the shuffling you did to get comfortable, you finally settled with facing him in the dark, his hand running up and down over your sides as you adjusted yourself, one leg slung over his, and the minty taste of his breath lingering on your tongue as noses brushed together, sharing a pillow.
“I like this.”
You hummed, eyes closing a little, your hand coming up to find his, bringing it away from your side to instead clasp it between your bodies, and you dipped your head down to press a kiss to the fingers joined with yours. “Sharing a bed?”
“Well, yes, but other things. Getting to see you as much as I have this week, it’s been incredible. I’ve seen you almost every day, and I’d have you by my side even more than that if I could. Going back to college is going to suck.” You squeezed at his hands tightly, a spark of excitement running through you, despite your sleepy state.
“I thought you loved your college? You always tell me such great things about it.”
“Everything else could be world-class, award-winning, and it’d still suck because you’re not there.” His words were slurred with sleep, and you let his hand fall down to rest on the mattress, your palm pressing over his heart, feeling it beat steadily and solidly under your touch.
“Well, that’s no fun, is it? I’m expecting you to show me all of the great things to do.”
He let out a huff of amusement, never shifting, but shaking his head slightly. “Yeah, if we ever get some free time during this year for you to come visit.”
“What if I didn’t just visit? What if I stayed?”
“Don’t tempt me, sweetheart, I might justice you down to the bed and refuse to let you leave.” He seemed to realise how his words had sounded, his body stiffening for just a moment, before breathy and quiet laughter was shared between you both, and he tipped his head up to press a long and slow kiss to your lips, both of you too lazy to really move, and so your lips played a lazy game together.
“I have something to tell you.”
“Oh, yeah? You breaking up with me? Because it would be awfully awkward if you did, we’d have to sleep back to back, and I would much rather cuddle.” He used the arm slung over your waist to pull you in closer, until his chin could rest on the top of your head and he could pull you in enough that your legs tangled and your chests pressed together.
“I’m not breaking up with you, you weirdo.”
“Your weirdo.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just listen to me, okay?’ He made a vague noise of agreement, going quiet despite the snickering that he was holding in, and you toyed with the material of his shirt, scratching lightly at his back as you tried to form words. “You know all the extra work I’ve been doing lately?”
“The work that’s been keeping you extra busy?” He sounded like he was pouting, a sulky voice, and you squeezed him a little tighter, not sure that you could get any closer to him if you tried, by now.
“It’s not been college work. Technically.”
“Extra credit?” He was half-asleep now, and you wanted to get this out before you lost him to sleep.
“No, transfer papers, and the likes.” You heard the sudden intake of breath that he too, body tensing up beside you, and then he was shifting a lot, pulling back and holding your face in both of his hands, more alert and awake than he had been for hours now. “There was a lot to do, I had class papers and catch-up assignments, and I still haven’t sorted out housing, but it went through. From now on we won’t have timezone struggles or differing social calendars, but our only problems would be different class schedules.”
“You’re serious?”
“One hundred percent.” You barely got your laugh out before his mouth was descending onto your own, a kiss that portrayed everything there was to say. Love, passion, adoration, gratitude, excitement, anything and everything that you could think of, feeling it all being conveyed.
This was exactly the reaction you’d been hoping for, you wanted him to be as thrilled as you were at the potential that the two of you would have, sharing a college as you moved to be closer to him, and there was a wetness to his cheeks as he twisted his head one gasping breath before he was dicing back in to kiss you again.
“I love you, Dave. I’m sick of being away from you.”
“I love you so fucking much.” He mumbled, lips stinging as they pressed for his, trying to return the eager kisses that he was gifting to you. When you finally needed a real breath, you pushed him back, shushing his complaints and groaning as you did, twisting your body to rest your head on his shoulder, and he kissed along the top of your head, any space he could reach, before finally laying back down into the blankets and settling in for sleep. “Happy New Year’s to me.”
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x-lulu · 4 years
dylan o brien
↳ ❤︎ series ☾ one shots ☀︎︎ ongoing ↳ my memory is really bad so these are just the ones that popped in my head or I have read multiple times :) it’s a small list for now but I will update this list every time I read something new I think belonges on this list. there are so many more talented writers on tumblr than on this list and everybody has incredible work!!! ↳ also these are my favourite works of the authors, but you can binge their whole masterlist, because they are all masterpieces x ↳ you can always leave recommendations in my asks, it can be your own work too ;)
stiles stilinski
can you teach me by @smutandahalf ❤︎
the mistake by @were-cheetah-stiles ❤︎
we don’t believe what’s on tv by @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone ❤︎☀︎︎
nine to five by @spxderbarnes / @rekrappeter ❤︎
curiosity killed the cat by @mf-despair-queen ☾
stuart twombly
cabin fever by @mf-despair-queen ☾
none yet
dave hodgman
none yet
mitch rapp
following orders by @perlocutionary ❤︎
learning to love again by @dob-writer ❤︎☀︎︎
caleb holloway
none yet
sam taylor
none yet
joel dawson
none yet
dylan o brien
boy meets girl by @huntersanonymous ❤︎
what are we by @tarakizz ☾
the aura painter by @anxiousstark ☾
16 notes · View notes
huntersanonymous · 7 years
It’s Just A Word // Soulmate AU (Prologue)
Author: sumcp
Prologue: The Birthday “Gift”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 1728
Warnings:  Panic attack( trigger warning?), a little swearing
Note: So this is a Soulmate AU, but it will follow season 5a with minor changes. This series would not be possible without @honeymoonmuke, Hannah is the kindest soul and convinced me to just write it since the idea had been sitting in my drafts since I started on tumblr.
Chapter One
nodus tollens
n. the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore—that although you thought you were following the arc of the story, you keep finding yourself immersed in passages you don’t understand, that don’t even seem to belong in the same genre—which requires you to go back and reread the chapters you had originally skimmed to get to the good parts, only to learn that all along you were supposed to choose your own adventure. 11:58 pm. 2 minutes. 160 seconds. You continued to stare at the inside of your arms, waiting for the word to appear. The word that will determine what your soulmate thinks of you for the rest of your life, well if you find him that is. You ran your fingers gently over your skin, goosebumps forming at your touch. You bit your lip nervously, a million possible words flying through your mind. You could get anything, and you didn’t get a do over. 
11:59. In 60 seconds a word is going to appear on your arm, and it sure as hell won’t be in sharpie. You will never be able to erase the word of your skin, always a reminder of exactly what you are. Everyone says you can turn the other cheek, not pay any mind to the word, but how. How do you ignore what the cosmic universe thinks of you? You continued gnawing on your bottom lip, a metallic taste soon coating your tongue, but you didn’t care. 
“Okay Y/N. No matter what this word says, you are a good person. You are too strong to be brought down by  a stupid word,” you laughed as you continued talking to yourself aloud, “No big deal.. It’s just a bunch of letters etched on your skin for eternity and if its bad and you actually luck up and meet your soulmate they could totally disown you and you will live forever alone with 5 cats. Yep. Totally not a big deal.” You took a peak at your door, wondering if your dad was waiting outside. You told him you wanted to be alone when the word appeared, but knowing him he would come in and check on you regardless.
Stiles couldn’t sit still, his leg bouncing up and down nervously. He had been counting down the minutes, staring at his clock on his nightstand watching the digital numbers continue to get closer to midnight. 45 minutes, he thought to himself. He was brought of his thoughts as his phone started ringing somewhere from under his covers. He aimlessly searched the sheets until his fingers came in contact with a cool metal surface. He brought it up to his face, the light from the screen blinding him slightly as he pressed the green button.
“HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY BRO!” Scott was yelling so loud he had to pull the phone back from his ear before he went deaf. He was fixing to thank him when his best friend since childhood went into a horrible rendition of happy birthday.
“Scotty if I wasn’t deaf before the screaming I definitely am after the singing.” Stiles heard his friend scoff from the other end, which made him chuckle.
“Ass. That’s not how you thank someone for staying up and singing Happy Birthday to you.”
“Singing is a strong word Scott.” Stiles didn’t hide the laugh that escaped his lips this time, and he heard Scott gasp in fake heartbreak.
“I am offended. I’m a fantastic singer.” Stiles was practically rolling now, tears threatening to spill from the corner of his eyes as he clenched his stomach.
“Yeah right Scotty. If your shower head could talk, it would probably kill you from all the torture of your so-called singing.” Scott laughed this time, and they both sat on the phone giggling like school girls over his comment. Stiles was pulled out of his conversation by a knock on the door. “I’ll call you back bro, my dad wants to talk to me.” He didn’t wait for a reply, clicking the end call button and putting his phone down as his dad walked in the room in his room, a sad expression on his face.
“Hey kiddo… I’m fixing to head out for my shift. I just wanted to tell you happy birthday.”
“Thanks dad.” He smiled at his father, who was still wearing the same frown on his face. “What’s wrong pops?”
“I just wish I didn’t have to work tonight.. It’s a big deal Stiles. You know, you get your word. I don’t wanna miss that.” Noah was shuffling on his feet, not wanting to look into his son’s eyes.
“Dad it’s okay. You’re doing your job, making sure the streets of Beacon Hills are safe. If you couldn’t be here, then that’s where I’d want you.” Stiles watched as the frown turned into a small smile and that made his own smile grow wider. "And besides, you gotta put in the groundwork right? The election for sheriff is coming up and you’re a shoe-in.“
“Sometime’s I wonder what I did to deserve you kid.” Stiles watched his dad cross the room, and engulf him in a tight hug. He hugged him back, not wanting him to leave. Stiles didn’t want to make a big deal about his birthday because he knew his dad couldn’t take time off, not in the middle of election season, but he didn’t want to be alone when the word appeared. “You know no matter what that word says, I will love you right?” His dad’s voice was barely above a whisper, but Stiles could hear the sincerity in it. He gave him a tight squeeze before pulling out of the hug.
“I know dad.” Noah patted him on the shoulder as he started to walk out the door. Stiles watched him get to the door frame, and he couldn’t stop the words that left his lips. “Be careful.“ 
“Always Stiles. Always.” His eyes connected with his dad’s and he just gave him a nod. They didn’t need to be any other words said, the look they gave each other conveying everything. 
You mentally counted down the seconds, no longer able to sit down. You had been pacing your floor like a caged tiger, looking for some sort of escape but there was none in sight. Your digital clock flickered to 12, and you stopped dead in your tracks. An echo rang through your head, an imaginary grandfather clock striking midnight. Your inner dialogue was screaming in your head, and the air became more soupy, making it harder to breathe. You felt the burn on your arm, and tried your best to catch a breath. As fast as the pain appeared, it was gone in a blink of an eye. You didn’t dare peak, your motor function’s incapable of working.
“Okay Y/N. On the count of 3 you are going to open your eyes. 1… 2….. 3.” Your eyes flew open, and down at the word written in a delicate font. You felt the glossy sheen coating your eyes as you stared at the 7 letters displayed on your arm, your thoughts scattering like an electrical storm in your head, too many short-circuits to make any sense. You stood in the room as the tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down your face. You felt the muscles of you chin tremble as you stared at the word. It felt as if your entire body shut down leaving only static in your head. You heard your own sobs, like a distressed child, raw from the inside. Seeing the word took something out of you, something you didn’t know you had left to give. 
“Bro 2 more minutes. Are you ready?” Scott asked excitedly.
“I guess. I don’t know.. I’m more nervous. What if it’s bad Scott.. What if I get something like loser, or failure, or hopeless. If I actually meet her, my soulmate, what would she think?” Stiles mind was becoming hazy with all the possible words the universe could stick him with.
“Dude calm down. She’d be your soulmate, she would love you despite what your arm would say. 
"That’s easy for you to say Scott. Your word is selfless, what girl wouldn’t want that?” Stiles let out a dramatic sigh, his gaze landing on the clock. 11:59.
“Deep breath Stiles. I know you. Your word will reflect the person I know you are, which is funny and smart and kind.” A smile made it’s way on his face, and he took in a deep breath. 
“Thanks bro.” Stiles watched the number change and he felt a burning sensation on his arm. He closed his eyes, wincing slightly. 
“Happy birthday buddy… what does it say?” The phone slipped out of his hands and Stiles didn’t hear a word his best friend said, the only thing he was focused on was the word. The word that just flipped his entire word upside down. “Stiles?" 
He faintly heard the mumbled voice of Scott calling his name but he couldn’t pick up the phone. He wished for loser. He prayed for failure. He cried for hopeless. He begged for any other word, anything other than the 8 letters staring back at him. The panic started, his nerves jumping all together, and in different directions. It quickly became a cataclysm of ice water surrounding every limb, creeping higher until it passed his mouth and nose. He felt his ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate his lungs, that’s when the attack became absolute, shutting his body down as fast as punching a reset button.
Alright guys, anyone have a guess at what their words are? Let me know :)
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 9)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Nine: The Romantic Gesture
Characters: Dylan O’Brien x Reader
Word Count: 3481
Warnings: swearing, suggestive comment at the end, and tears… of joy
Note: This series is based off of the Disney Channel movie ‘Starstruck’ I do not own the rights to this movie. Also, thank you Sammie ( @redstringlovers ) for making my song choice decisions because I am incapable of doing so <3
Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney is in bold italics
Chapter 8 -- Epilogue
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“Sir, I can’t let you on this plane."
"I–I know look,” he grabbed his wallet from his back pocket, pulling out his credit card, “I don’t care how much t–the ticket costs. Just charge it. I have got to get on that p–plane.” He had caught enough of a breath finally looking to the young girl with hopeful eyes but was met with sadness.
“Sir, It’s not because you don’t have a ticket… It’s because the plane has already taken off.” Dylan watched as she gestured to the window in the lobby, he followed her finger to a plane that just got off the ground. He watched as the plane tucked in its wheels, carrying his girl two thousand miles away. He was broken now, shattered actually, robbed of the glue and tape necessary to put his soul back together. It was difficult to remember her smile, soft but contagious, as his heart became cold. He watched the plane disappear, and it felt like concrete drying in his chest. 
Dylan felt numb watching the spec that used to be a giant airplane vanish from the sky. His stomach was churning like a summer storm, prepared to crash over his whole body. The sympathetic look the flight attendant was giving him just made it worse. He felt like he could drown in the stares from the people scattered around the gate, some of them having their phones out to video him. He didn’t care anymore. The paparazzi, his image, the cameras, the interviews, the movie. All he cared about was the gorgeous y/h/c haired girl on that plane.
His hands were shaking as his mind ran in circles, all his thoughts consumed with her. Her smile, her laugh, the way her forehead crinkled slightly when she was angry. He knew he loved her, but he didn’t know he couldn’t live without her until he watched the plane disappear in the sky carrying his heart away too. He still couldn’t force himself to move, only stand at the window overlooking the tarmac.
“Do you love her?” Dylan jumped slightly as an older couple came to stand beside him, a sleeping toddler in the woman’s arms. He didn’t know how the older man knew, maybe he saw the whole spectacle, or maybe he was a mind reader. Dylan didn’t hesitate to answer the question, just like before.
“Yes.. but I fucked up. She’s gone.” The man chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. The kind gesture made his heart warm, and he felt compelled to tell this man his whole sob story.
“Then what are you waiting for?” Dylan turned to the man as he furrowed his eyebrows. He noticed the little boy snoozing away, and it reminded him of how his mom used to carry him when he was younger.
“What do you mean? She’s gone.. She’s moving back home because she couldn’t even be in the same state as me. I-- I lost her for good.” Dylan felt himself choke on the words, the truth settling over him like ice.
“Do you love her?” He asked again. Dylan let out an aggravated breath, as he looked more closely at the man. He was older, his grandpa's age more than likely. He noticed the small gold band on his ring finger, and Dylan’s eyes shifted to the woman's who wore a matching ring with a small diamond in the center.
“Yes, b--”
“No buts.” The older man smiled at Dylan, giving him another pat on the shoulder as he turned to walk away with his wife. Dylan stood there, wondering what the hell just happened when the man turned his head back to him. “Son, by a ticket to Georgia and go get her back… although I don’t think you’ll need it.” If he wasn’t confused before, he was now.
“Wait what?” Dylan called out to the couple but they had already disappeared into the crowd. He looked around to see if anyone else had witnessed the strange conversation, but beside from the few stray cameras no one seemed to notice. He stood there for another moment, wondering how he knew where Y/N was going and the cryptic message along with the advice. Dylan’s internal struggle he was having was seemed to be brought to light at the old man’s words. His body moved on instinct, no longer frozen in place. He started rushing toward the ticket stand, prepared to get his heartbroken even more for the slight chance she might want to see him to.
“You know running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win Y/N.” You looked into the man’s eyes, tears threatening to spill.
“What if you don’t want to be in the race anymore?” You asked, biting your lip nervously. He patted your knee gently as he spoke.
“Then run. But just remember your heart,” he pointed to the spot where your heart was and smiled, “can withstand almost anything. It’s your head that you have to convince.”
You made your way through the airport as Charles’s words ate away at you, so much that you couldn’t get on the plane. He was right, you couldn’t run from your problems. Dylan might be gone, but you were happy before him and you would be happy after him. Eventually. It took forever to get your suitcase from the baggage claim, but finally you did. You adjusted your duffel bag on your shoulder as you rolled your red suitcase behind you, ignoring the stares you received from making a scene moments ago demanding your luggage back because you weren’t getting on the plane.
You passed the ticket desk, solely focused on getting out of the airport without drawing any more attention to yourself but your plans were ruined when you heard a voice that made your heart stop beating.
“What do you mean the next flight to Georgia tomorrow is booked? Seriously, how many could possibly be flying there?!” Dylan huffed out, a shocked and confused expression on his face. The lady at the desk gave him a tight lipped smile, with a short apology and offered him a seat on the next plane in first class for half the price. “Is there any other planes going to like Tennessee or Alabama right now, I can just drive the rest of the way if I have to.”
“Dylan… What are you doing here?” You didn’t even recognize your own voice at this point. His head whipped around hard enough to give him whiplash and you didn’t realize how close you had walked to the brown haired man. You honestly couldn’t believe your eyes or ears. You could have sworn they were playing some sort of twisted joke on you, because there was no way, none, that after everything he did to distance himself from you, he would be standing there asking for a ticket halfway around the country to see you.
“Y/N..” Your name fell off his lips like a prayer, and it made your heart skip a beat out of reflex. He was staring at you, an unreadable expression on his face. He didn’t make a move toward you as his honey eyes locked onto your frame, a lost look in his eyes told you he wasn’t expecting you here either. Looking at his face, his perfectly scattered moles and his mesmerizing eyes, all the anger over the past two days came bubbling to the surface before you could stop it.
“What the fuck are you doing here Mr. O’Brien?” He winced as if you threw something toward him, and it made you feel guilty for half a second. He closed his eyes as if he was mentally preparing himself,  but before he could open them you cut him off. “Oh I’m sorry.. I forgot I’m your number one fan. Can I have your autograph?”
“Y/N I-- I just wanted t-to say I’m--”
“Go fuck yourself Dylan. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.” You turned your back on him, your head telling yourself you did the right thing, but your heart screaming at you for being such an idiot. You didn’t want to give him a chance to explain, all you wanted to do was become yesterday's news in the world of Dylan O’Brien. You noticed a crowd gathered around you both, everyone putting together who he was and who you were.
(Listen to this)
Dylan panicked as he watched her turn away from him, but he refused to let her go again. It was a split second decision, something he had scene in the movies, and he threw all his embarrassment away as he pulled out his phone and the small Bluetooth speaker he remembered to put in his pocket. She froze when she realized the crowd around them, and he was grateful for being a celebrity for once.
Dylan heard camera’s flashing, and in the distance he heard people pushing through the crowd to get to them. He looked around and noticed everyone had their phone’s trained on them, and took a deep breath.
“I won’t say it then.” He yelled from behind her, but she refused to turn around. If possible the entire airport went silent, watching what was about to happen and he felt his hands shake slightly. He had never been a singer, but he was willing to make a complete fool of himself in front of his fans and the reporters if it meant getting her back. He pressed play, and the music started to play through the air. He watched Y/N stiffen, immediately recognizing the song and she slowly turned around as he began singing.
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
He walked closer to her, careful not to scare her away as he tried his best to stay on tune. Her eyes darted around them, to the people with their camera’s and the reporters that had just shown up.
I know that you are something special
To you, I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me
She looked at him with fear in her eyes as he continued singing, and he decided to kick it up a notch. If he wasn’t famous before, when this video went viral he would be. He started to use his phone as a mic, and he saw the corner of her mouth twitch slightly and that was all he needed. He threw his arms toward her dramatically as he sang, then brought them back to his chest, swaying his hips to the beat slightly.
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I want to chase
You're the one I want to hold
I won't let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul
Dylan reached his hand for her but she didn’t offer it in return. He didn’t let that stop him though, he grabbed her hand anyway. Y/N’s eyes went wide as he pulled her toward him, her duffle bag falling off her shoulder in the process. Dylan twirled her as he still held his phone as the mic, trying his best not to get sidetracked from the lyrics. He spun her out dramatically and back to his chest. She stayed in his arms for a moment but quickly shrugged out of his embrace. He didn’t let that deter him, as he reached for her hand again.
You might need time to think it over
But I'm just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind if you give me the chance
I will never make you cry, c'mon let's try
He entangled his fingers with her as he stared into her stunning y/e/c eyes singing every word to her. The lyrics dripped with honesty and his feelings for her. She didn’t pull away from him, only giving him an incredulous look.
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to h--
You didn’t let him continue singing, your heart not able to take much more of it. Your hand grazed over his as you reached for the phone, and it sent chill bumps over your arms. You pressed pause, and handed the phone over to him, careful to avoid touching him again. There was a  brief applause, but you just shook your head slightly.
“What did you think? That you could just come here and sing to me and everything would be fine?” You locked eyes with his pleading ones, but you managed to stand your ground.
“Uhh-- yes.” You tilted your eyebrows, and he closed his eyes for a brief moment. “No? No.”
“Well which is it?” You crossed your arms over your chest, and he gave you a small smile. You didn’t understand why he was looking at you like that.
“When you get mad, you have the most adorable crinkle right here.” He reached a hand to your forehead, and you couldn’t stop yourself from relaxing into his touch. “I came here to tell you I was wrong.. About everything. Especially about you.” You saw movement out of the corner of your eye and your noticed who it was. Teresa from MTV was making her way toward you both, and you clenched your fist.
“Don’t you think you’re a little late. Everyone thinks I am a stalker, I had to delete my twitter because of your fans. Your girlfriend came to my house and made me feel like shit, I--”
“Ex.” Dylan stated, trying to catch your eye again.
“Ex girlfriend. I broke up with Britt, for good.” You didn’t even know how to respond, especially when Teresa had appeared with her microphone. “And I’m the one who lied.”
Your lips fell into a flat line, your heart still hammering in your chest. Dylan looked from you back to Teresa and he did the last thing you thought he would. He grabbed the microphone from her hands, and gestured for the camera man to come closer. The man looked skeptical, almost afraid Dylan would break the camera if given the chance but he moved so you and Dylan were front and center.
“I lied about knowing Y/N Y/L/N, because the truth is. I know her. Y/N Y/L/N is a terrible navigator, and a know it all.” Your lips formed into a small smile as he continued, “but she’s honest. When she makes a promise she keeps it. She understands me like no one else does, and I’m totally, head over heels, in love with her.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his confession, eyes wide with surprise and apparently everyone else’s went wide too. You heard the murmurs around you as Teresa’s jaw practically fell on the floor. Dylan turned away from the camera, his hazelnut eyes staring into yours and you gave him a small smile for the first time.
“Y/N I am so sorry. I can't blame you for thinking that you never really knew me at all. I tried to deny you but nothing ever made me feel so wrong, and I know I hurt you.. I thought I was protecting you from everything that I go through and ugh.. It just got so out of hand, and I know that’s no excuse. Y/N I promise to never hurt you again, if you just please.. Forgive me.”
Dylan and you seemed to have a silent conversation as you stared into each other's eyes. You finally looked away, tears threatening to blur your vision, when a hand encircles yours. It was soft and warm, reassuring almost, as ff the owner of that hand sensed your desperation.
“I love you Y/N, and I will spend every day for the rest of my life proving it to you, because you are the most amazing woman I have ever met.” He whispered, his expression utterly serious. You thought back to what Charles said about running from your problems. You have been running from one problem since Ryan, your heart. You were done running, done caging your heart like some fragile bird. It was meant to fly free, even if it meant you might get your wings broken every now and then.
"I--" You paused, silently staring into your favorite rich brown eyes, "I love you too."
"You really mean that?" His lips were turned up into a tiny smile, as he held your hand tightly to his chest.
"Yes, I do." You whisper, capturing his lips into a kiss that felt just right.
When she kissed him, his brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout his entire body. After that he was addicted, he couldn't bare to not to be with her. He forgot what her kiss felt like, and now that he remembered he was never going to stop wanting them. Those kisses were his salvation and his torment. He lived for them now, the way her lips moved against his were his home.
He pulled back, both of them out of breath. He quickly remembered where he was, a slight blush rose to his cheeks and he noticed a similar hue on hers. He couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he brushed a thumb over her cheek. He noticed Teresa was still standing next to them, smiling like an idiot and Dylan narrowed his eyes at her.
“Go away.” He huffed out, and you couldn’t help but laugh. The reporter took a hint for the first time, and left them alone. Dylan turned back to her, and they both shared the same kind of smile. “I really am sorry Y/N..”
“What about your movie.. Your life?” She bit her lip nervously, and Dylan reached to tug it out from her teeth.
“You are more important to me than any movie or any role.” The smile she gave him set his soul on fire. He walked around her to grab her duffel and her suitcase, before reaching out his hand to her. She didn’t hesitate to take it this time, and his cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. He reached into his back pocket, handing her his black ray-bans and she laughed. “Come on, let’s go out to dinner.”
“Do I have to wear a disguise?” She took the sunglasses, waving them in the air jokingly.
“No.” He chuckled, rolling his eyes are her playfully.
“Do you?” She raised an eyebrow to him, and pulled her to his chest.
“No.” He stated simply, but there was so much more meaning behind it.
“Mmmm No thanks, I’m too cool to be seen with you now, encase you didn’t know, I’m some sort of celebrity now.” She laughed, putting on the sunglasses and giving him a dramatic hair flip. He frowned slightly but the goofy grin on her face made it hard to fake pout. “I’m just kidding, I’m 147 of pale skin and fragile bones, sarcasm is my only defense.” She started to walk away from him, but he froze in place when the quote registered with him. He tugged her to a stop, a smirk playing on her lips and he narrowed his eyes at her.
“You watched Teen Wolf.” It sounded like more of an accusation than a question and she laughed. She leaned on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Stiles is my favorite.. I wonder, do you happen to have a pair of the Sheriff’s handcuffs lying around?” As quick as the words left her lips she was walking away again. There was a swing in her hips that made him let out a small moan, as he watched her walk away. The fact that she watched his show, even though she was so mad at him made one this perfectly clear. No matter what life would throw at them, they would still be able to support each other. He watched her with her head held high as people were still filming, and he realized he didn’t need to protect her from his world, because she was fully capable of running it all on her own.
And just like that, It’s over folks. The epilogue will be posted soon, if you want to be tagged, let me know <3 
Tag List: @fan-of-many-bands @littlewriterme @katieevans371 @honeymoonmuke  @daddyxraeken @awkwarddly @ssa-banshee @simple--study @lovefilledtragedy @susybird @alonna-oxoxox @ellie-bee242
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Bad Habits Die Hard
Author: sumcp
Title: Bad Habits Die Hard
Word Count:2956
Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Warnings: swearing, smuttyish actions, implied smut, angst, cheating, hurt feelings, longing
Prompt: “You gotta stop saying things that make me want to kiss you.” requested by @cuillere
Take It Out On Me- Florida Georgia Line (Listen here) in italics
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noun; a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
What'd he do this time? Did he break your heart?
You didn’t know how you managed to end up on this street. The familiar houses came into your vision before you even realized just how far you had walked from your and Theo’s apartment. Your feet were moving on instinct, just like they had countless times over the past 4 months. They seemed to know you better than you knew yourself at this point.
You walked up the path to his house, the one person you always managed to find your way back to. The crunch of the gravel was music to your ears, seeing the rusted blue jeep began to edge the numbness you felt. You were opening the door, walking in like it was your own home, and in a sense it was. This was your place of comfort, of warmth, of joy. This was the place you went when the world felt like it was crashing down on you, and you couldn’t breathe.
You walked through the quiet house, your heart beating faster with every step. The events from tonight swirling through your mind, all the fighting and the screaming. You hated it. You hated how much you loved him. You paused at the door, thinking maybe you should just turn around but you didn’t get the chance when Stiles flung it open.
I can tell you been crying... and baby here you are. And I always know any time you show up at my door past 11 o'clock that he really must've pissed you off.
“Y/N... “ Stiles looked over your appearance, smudged mascara, puffy eyes, hair in a wreck on top of your head, and the goosebumps that appeared on your arms from walking so far in the cold. “You’re freezing, get in here.” Stiles pulled you into his room and as soon as his giant hands wrapped around your arm you began to thaw.
“I’m fine.” You said softly, but he just shook his head.
“God Y/N you could get hypothermia walking around this late without a jacket on. What were you thinking?” He left you in the center of the room to grab his lacrosse hoodie from the table, turning back around to hand it to you.
“I think I know a better way to warm up.” You took the hoodie from him, but instead of putting it on you just let it fall to the floor. He furrowed his brow, looking you up and down till he realized why you were there, even though he should have known. You walked to him slowly, and Stiles licked his lips as his his eyes raked down your body. He didn’t seem to notice your disheveled appearance, or at least he didn’t seem to care.
Take it out on me. And put your lips on mine. Let me take his wrong and make it right this time. Yeah, you can just come over, you ain't gotta call. You always got a shoulder anytime it all goes bad, when you're 'bout to break, when you're mad as hell, you can always take it out on me.
By the time you reached him, his normal honey eyes had lost all their brightness, replaced with blown pupils, a look you have grown to accustomed to seeing. You thought his eyes looked better this way, no warmth, just a burning desire swirling in them. You ran your fingers up his toned chest, letting them settle into his messy brown locks. His hands found your hips immediately, working his fingers under your shirt slightly.
His breathing quickened as did yours as he began nuzzling your neck with sloppy kisses. You knew this was wrong and urged yourself to push away, but once his lips were pressed against your skin any resistance of yours crumbled. Your body began to tremble uncontrollably, and you wondered how it was possible for someone to have this much control over you.
You can take it out on me baby. If you ever wanna leave, maybe. In the middle of the night, that's alright... You can take, take...
His head was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to yours. You were surprised to find your own lips parted, waiting for his to finally meet yours. Your heart fluttered inside your chest as his lips found yours. It was a delicate butterfly of a kiss, at first, then his grip on your waist tightened, drawing you to him so you were flush with his chest.
Your hands fell down his back, all previous thoughts stopped in their tracks as you tugged at the hem of his t-shirt. There was only one desire, one wish, and you both knew it was just a matter of time before it happened. He broke away for just a moment, ripping the fabric off his body, discarding it on the floor by his hoodie. Your fingers trailed down his happy trail, a moan escaping your lips at the memory of what it led to. You reached the waistband of his sweats, tugging them down along with his boxers in one fell swoop.
Take off your coat, and baby come on in. Girl, let me help to get back at him. And I don't know why you never say goodbye... Whatever hell he's puttin' you through, I can't wait for you to…
“Babygirl, you’re wearing too much.” He whispered in your ear, as he stepped out of the last article of clothing hiding his amazing body. If possible, your heart stopped at the nickname. The one he has uttered a handful of times over the past couple of months when they were in this same position. His hands grabbed the edge of your shirt, jerking it off your body as if it was on fire. His mouth found its way back to your neck, leaving his mark on your collarbone. You wanted to yell at him, to tell him not to do that, but your voice was lost.
You never knew someone's touch could make you this drunk, this unbelievable high. His lips were the only healthy drug there was, the one that put your mind into a frenzy of sparks and a haze of pleasure. The simple touch of his hand lead you into moving in ways you never knew you could. The feeling rocked your head backward, and pushed your body into his; it enguled your senses and stole away your hurt, anger, and every worry from your fight with Theo.
Take it out on me. And put your lips on mine. Let me take his wrong and make it right this time. Yeah, you can just come over, you ain't gotta call. You always got a shoulder anytime it all goes bad, when you're 'bout to break, when you're mad as hell, you can always take it out on me.
“God you’re so beautiful.” He mumbled into the crook of your neck as his fingers fumbling with the clasp of your bra. You moaned when his teeth grazed up your neck, his bottom lip leaving a trail of wetness that caused the muscles in your abdomen to tighten. Piece by piece, clothing was scattered across his bedroom floor. Your shirt, his jeans, your bra, his boxers. He pushed your jeans down, and you had just enough time to step out them before he wrapped his hands under your thighs to lift you up.
You legs wrapped around him, his length pressing against where you so desperately needed him as he walked you both to his bed. Your breath caught in your throat as he dropped you roughly on the bed, but you didn’t care. You looked up into his eyes through your lashes, and bit your lip seductively. You reached for him, but he swatted your hands away.
Yeah, I'll lay you down and love you just the way you should be. Baby, so now that you're ready...
“This is about you babygirl.” He knelt on the bed as his hands moved over your skin, your body in transient paralysis, your mind unable to process the pleasure so fast. His head moved around to your right ear and he whispered what was coming next. Him touching you was like being handed the holy grail, and you knew you shouldn’t enjoy someone else’s touch this much.
You belonged to Stiles in that moment, and if you were being completely honest, all the time. It wasn’t forced, it was just something you couldn’t help. You couldn’t help walking to his house, and into his bed. It was an endless cycle, one that you were sure would have a catastrophic ending. You have a fight with Theo, you make love to Stiles. It was as if those two seperate things coincided with one another, a dangerous game you were sure you would never win.
Take it out on me. You can take it out on me baby. If you ever wanna leave, maybe. In the middle of the night, that's alright... You can take, take...
“God your so wet Y/N.” Stiles voice cracked, the statement dripping with appreciation. You fidgeted as his fingers traced along the seams of your lace underwear.
“All for you Stiles..” You whined, moving your hips into his touch, wanting him to do something. Anything, to get the burning in your stomach to ease.
“All for me?” He asked, there was a hurt look behind his eyes but you didn’t have to think about what it meant.
“Always.” You moaned out as he hitched a finger into the delicate fabric as he slowly dragged it down your legs.
“Good.” He let the last piece of fabric join the others on the floor, as he kissed his way back up your body till he came face to face with you. You kept your eyes closed, sinking into his touch as his skilled fingers roamed over your skin. Everything began to fade into bliss, your bad habit breathing life into, and for just a little while, that was okay.
Take it out on me And put your lips on mine. Let me take his wrong and make it right this time. You can take it out on me baby. If you ever wanna leave, maybe. In the middle of the night, that's alright... You can take, take, take it out on me.
Stiles laid wide awake in his bed, Y/N lightly snoozing beside him. He hated this moment, when she fell asleep in his arms because he knew what happened next. What always happened. She would stir in an hour or so, but he couldn’t bring himself to sleep. He looked at the beautiful girl, her bare skin pale in comparison to his navy sheets, and his heart never felt such longing before.
He leaned in a little closer, resting his head on top of hers. Dear god, he couldn’t fight against the thoughts that were going through his head. He breathed in her shampoo, the strong scent of strawberries invading all his senses. He knew this was wrong, but in the moment, when they were together, it felt too right. Her skin on his, her lips on his, it was all addicting. He lived for the feeling of their bodies pressed together, even if he only got it once in awhile.
Stiles never craved anything until she first kissed him a couple of months ago. It wasn’t a kiss out of longing, but comfort. From then on out, she sought comfort in his lips and in his bed, and he was to starved for her to say no. It was like an animal clawing at his insides, a desperate need for her, and when she came to him, he freed it. She snuggled closer to him, and his breath hitched in his throat as she was waking up.
“Sorry I fell asleep.” She kissed his side, working her way up his chest with her soft lips. Stiles wanted to push her away, to tell her to stop, but he couldn’t find the words.
“It’s okay.. You can stay.. If you want.” He mumbled, knowing what her answer would be. What it always was.
“I should get back to Theo..” Stiles didn’t trust his voice any longer, so he just bit his lip, nodding his head lightly. She gave him a small smile, not looking him in the eyes as she pulled the covers back to get out of his bed.
He watched her pick up her clothes one at a time. Every piece of fabric she put back on was like a stab to the heart, and he didn’t know how many more puncture wounds it would take before it fell apart completely. She finished buttoning her jeans before walking to the door, turning to him with a smile, and he forced one in return.
“Don’t forget my hoodie.. It’s cold outside.” She gave him a sad smile, shaking her head lightly.
“I can’t wear that back home, I’ll be fine Stiles.” He tried to keep his face expressionless, but she must have sensed his sadness. She walked back to him, straddling his waist. It was reflex by this point, for his hands to find her hips. He gripped them tightly, not wanting to let her go.
“You’ll catch a cold.” He whispered as she bent down, and she laughed.
“I’ll be fine.” She breathed out before crashing her lips to his. She tasted like Christmas morning, long summer nights, crimson fireworks, and comforting hugs. Every time her lips moved against his, he forgot she wasn’t his. She belonged to someone else, and she always would. “Thank you for worrying about me.”
She placed a final kiss to his lips, and moved her leg to get up. He let her go like he did every damn time, and he watched her walk to his door. She turned around and gave him another smile, one that made his hands start to tremble with anxiety.
“Seriously Stiles… Thank you for this. You’re amazing.” His eyes locked onto hers, and he thought he saw a hint of sadness in them. He returned her smile with one of his own, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He watched her figure disappear without another word, holding his breath till he heard the faint sound of the front door closing shut. His thoughts went back to the first night this happened, the first time she stole his heart.
“Seriously he is so stupid. He just expects me to be okay with it, he expects me to just move on, act like nothing happened because he said he was sorry.  I-- I don’t know why I even stay with him, god Stiles I love him so much.. Why would he do this?” Y/N continued to pace back and forth as she bitched about her fiance. Stiles sighed, getting up front his spot on the bed as he heard a small whimper escape her mouth.
“Because Theo is a piece of shit Y/N. If he thinks that any girl holds a candle to you, he is the biggest idiot on the planet. You’re beautiful, hilarious, and way to smart to be with someone who doesn’t see how absolutely amazing you truly are. Any guy would be lucky to be with you.” Stiles grabbed her face in his hands, brushing away the few tears that started to form at the corner of her eyes.
“You gotta stop saying things that make me want to kiss you.” Stiles laughed at her joke, but she didn’t. She stared into his eyes, before he realized what was happening her lips were on his. He froze in place, not knowing what to do but he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her back. She ran her hands under his shirt, trying to tug it off and that’s when he was able to regain some of his sanity and pull away.
“Y/N.. we can’t. You’re upset.. Yo--”
“Stiles please.. I need you.” Those three words were all it took. He stared into her y/e/c eyes, her pupils already blown with lust. He knew it was dangerous how much he missed her lips already, and they just pulled apart. It was like he didn’t know exactly what he needed until he got a taste, and now he didn’t think he would be able to stop. He nodded his head, crashing his lips back to hers.
Stiles rolled over in bed, as he wrapped his arms around the pillow she had her head on moments ago, pulling the sheets up to his face breathing in her scent. He wanted to be with her, it was as simple and complicated as that. He didn’t want her for a few hours when Theo fucked up, he wanted her all the time. He closed his eyes, willing the feelings to go away. 
He locks them in a box, swearing to throw away the key every time, but he just puts it under the mat for her. When she opens it, because she will, she steals a part of him, and makes it impossible for him to put himself together. And yet, he can’t stop her. He wonders why, perhaps in hope that she would return what she’s stolen, but she never does. She just take more, leaving him all alone in an empty bed, and an ache in his heart.
So that happened, Comments always welcome :)
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Day to Day ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) Series Masterlist
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Sur·viv·al noun the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.
The world was gone, wiped away by something so simple as a disease, leaving few survivors and plenty of memories.There was no government, no army, no hospitals, nothing but average people pretending they know how to live in a chaos. Y/N Y/L/N has managed to stay alive, in a secluded camp with few others. Things have been good for months, but with supplies dwindling they have no choice but to send out a search party made up of two people. The two chosen would have to keep the other alive, but what happens when the two people chosen can’t stand each other.. and definitely don’t trust each other.
Part 1: Make The Plan 
Part 2: Execute The Plan (1/08/18)
Part 3: Expect The Pan To Go Off The Rails
Part 4: Throw Away The Plan
Anyone wanna be tagged for updates on this series, my tag list is here :)
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Summer Fling (Chapter 9) - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “Salsa and Beer”
Relationship: Dylan O’Brien x Reader/OFC
Warnings: Smut........... I know. I don’t know where it came from.
Author’s Note: A few things, I really never thought I would write smut for this series. I am just as surprised as all of you. I tried to keep it less explicit than usual. That was my compromise with myself. What else... oh um, if you ever go to Burbank, go to Salsa And Beer. it is legitimately the best Mexican food i have ever fucking had. those flautahs... i have dreams about them. also, yea, uh, enjoy. there’s only about ten chapters left so relish it while you can.
Summary: Dylan talks with Posey about what happened the night after his first appearance at ComicCon, before returning to New York and having a night that he never expected and will never forget.
Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten
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Dylan handed his menu back to the waitress and smiled as she walked away. He then turned his attention back to his best friend sitting across from him, examining the lunch hour crowd around them in the busy Burbank restaurant. "Thanks for coming down here for lunch, man."
Tyler turned his head as he heard Dylan's voice and he smiled. "No problem, bro. I was just chilling today since all the Comic Con craziness from last week is finally over. How long do you have until you have to be back at the hotel for the rest of the American Assassin press?" He asked, leaning back as the waitress brought over their beers.
"They gave us like two hours, or something. We've got time." Dylan clarified while smushing his slice of lime down the neck of his Corona.
"So what happened on Thursday night?" Tyler asked, getting straight to the point of why Dylan frantically texted him the other night asking if he could have lunch with him that Monday.
"Britt came to my hotel room."
"No fucking way, bro... What the fuck did she want?" Tyler's patience for his best friend's ex ceased to exist months before, specifically in the moment that Dylan told him she cheated.
Dylan pushed his elbows against the tabletop and ran his fingers hard against his scalp. "She came in and it was just weird, man. Like, I know what she did and I know she's with KJ but, like, I'm not completely over her and being back around her, I don't know..." Dylan trailed off when he heard Tyler groan.
"Dude, seriously? She fucking cheated on you, and last week, you were going on and on about Y/n and you were hella stoked and you seemed happy and like you liked her... Why are you even giving Britt the time of day still?" Tyler asked, leaning across the table to scold his best friend.
Dylan sighed and rubbed at the stubble on his chin. "I know all of this. I know, Ty, and I do really, really like Y/n, but like a part of me missed Britt and I was about to start this press tour and I knew I would have to talk about what happened last year with the accident and it was weirdly comforting being able to talk to her about how nervous I was for today because she was there for all of it last year." Dylan explained, rubbing his fingers against the condensation on the bottle in front of him, and not making eye contact with Posey.
"Is that all that happened?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrow suspiciously.
Dylan contorted his mouth to the side and took a sip of his drink. "Nah, she stayed for about an hour, and we talked about how I was doing since the accident and since I last saw her and what I've been doing out in New York and how her and KJ were doing and she just kept... like, touching my arm and my leg and hinting that she missed me and they weren't doing well, and I don't fucking know, man. I'm so fucking confused right now." Dylan rubbed his fingers into his right eye and leaned back in the booth, staring up at the light in the center of their table on the ceiling.
"Chipotle chicken flautahs and the carne asada tacos." The waitress put the dishes down in front of Dylan and Tyler, handed them their utensils and walked away.
Dylan began to cut at his flautahs as Tyler jumped back into their conversation. "When she asked what you were doing in New York, did you tell her about Y/n?"
Dylan shook his head as he finished chewing and swallowed. "I don't know why I didn't either. She has a boyfriend. She's dating KJ, and I like Y/n.. so much... and, oh god, she also fucking told me that Mary told her that that picture that the girl took of all of us on the convention floor, with Britt, was the first good bit of press that Britt's gotten since we broke up, and apparently Mary wants us to get back together, which I think I knew anyway, but..." Dylan explained, referring to the talent manager that he still shared with Britt.
"Dude, you need a new fucking manager, bro." Tyler mumbled through the food in his mouth. "Or at least one that you don't share with your ex."
Dylan laughed quietly and nodded. "I know..."
“Did you tell Y/n about seeing Britt?” Tyler asked.
“You should.” Tyler prompted Dylan, in between sips of his cerveza.
“I know.”
Tyler licked his fingers, after polishing off the first of his three tacos, and then took a swig of his Dos Equis. "Listen, Dyl, I get it. You and Britt dated for like six years?"
"Yea." Dylan confirmed.
"And she was there for you last year when you really needed it and you were really in love with her, I get that. I get all of it, but dude, it will always come back to the fact that she cheated on you, big time. Twice. I think you're just, like, going through a lot this weekend, with like the end of Teen Wolf stuff and having to talk about the accident for the first time publicly, and running into her and Apa, and you're just like grasping for something familiar and comfortable."
Dylan snickered. "You're so deep, bro."
"Am I wrong though? For real, like, I think you just need to go back to New York - as much as I've been missing having you in L.A. - and you need to see Y/n and see if you still like her or if she still makes you as happy as you were Thursday morning when you were telling me and the dudes about her, cause you seemed stoked and happy and like you were actually having fun, dude."
Dylan's lips turned up into a smile. "She is the most fun, dude. I have been thinking about her a ton... She's sweet and smart and funny and nerdy, and she can talk baseball and I don't feel awkward around her. I feel a lot like my old self when I'm with her, like, really positive and upbeat, like I was before last summer." Dylan then let his mouth turn down into a frown. "What if she's a rebound though, Ty? I don't want to hurt her."
"Do you think she is? I mean, I've never fucking talked about a rebound like that before." Tyler took a large bite of his second taco and watched as Dylan contemplated his question.
Dylan slowly began to shake his head. "I don't think she's a rebound. I really actually like her."
"Then lean into it, dude. Lean on her, and bring her out here so I can meet her." Tyler snickered.
Dylan was exhausted when he finally finished his long day of American Assassin press interviews, and laid down on his couch the moment he got home. His West Hollywood apartment was quiet and sparse since he hadn't been in it for months. He looked around and was grateful that he had decided to put the place on the market to sell. It had too many old memories from a life that he didn't really want any part of anymore. Dylan pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. He pressed his phone against his ear and listened as the line rang a few times. 
"Hello?" A groggy sounding voice mumbled from the other end.
Dylan glanced over to the clock on his TV cable box and smacked his palm against his forehead. "Shit. How do I keep doing this to you? I forgot about the time difference. Again. Go back to sleep. I'm sorry."
"No, no, it's okay, I'm glad you called. I wasn't, like, deeply asleep yet." You told him while clearing your throat, trying to wake up more.
"You're glad I called?" Dylan asked, a smile spreading across his face.
"Mhmm. How was your day? How was all of the press? What'd people think about the movie? Tell me all of it." You peppered him with questions. You hadn't really talked to him while he had been back in Los Angeles and you missed being a part of his day, or at least hearing about it.
"It was hard. It's been a rough trip. I got lunch with Posey this afternoon though at that place you told us to go to. Did you know that it's like less than five miles away from the house I'm buying in Burbank? Did I tell you that?" Dylan asked, settling in on the couch cushions, closing his eyes, and feeling calm because you were the one on the other end of the line.
"YOU WENT TO SALSA AND BEER?!" You yelled. "Shit, that was probably too loud. Oops. Ah, who fucking cares? Was it amazing? Did you get the flautahs? Are you converted? Oh my god, tell me everything."
Dylan laughed loudly and felt his cheekbones pushing up against the bottoms of his eyes. "We went to Salsa and Beer, and you were right. It was literally the best Mexican food I have ever had. Posey and I are one-hundred percent going back, and he said that you obviously have to come with us next time since you introduced us."
"Fuck yes, I will go with you. You literally will never have to ask me twice when it comes to Salsa and Beer. Fuck. I miss that place." You sighed into the phone and then laughed when you heard Dylan laugh. "So how was the rest of your day? You said it was hard? Do.. do you want to talk about it?" You asked.
Dylan rubbed his hand against his torso and felt the spaces between his ribs in between his fingers. He shook his head. "I promise I will tell you all about it when I get back tomorrow, but I literally just wanted to hear your voice. I needed that cheering up."
"Oh my god, O'Brien. You are making me blush. My voice cheers you up?" You asked, picking at the paint on the wall above your headboard, a massive grin plastered across your face.
Dylan pressed his fingers against his turned up lips and laughed quietly. "It really fucking does... So, um, if you don't have to be going back to sleep immediately, would you mind telling me about your day, yesterday and today? Like from start to finish." Dylan requested. "Please." He added, rolling his lips back towards his tongue and smirking.
"Okay, well, yesterday, I woke up and hopped on a train into the city. Oh my god, Dyl, the weather was perfect yesterday. I grabbed my laptop and those briefs I've been working on and just went to Bryant Park and laid in the grass and read and..."
Dylan quietly hummed every so often to let you know that he was engaged in your story, but he was also thinking about his conversation with Tyler earlier that afternoon. Tyler was right. You were anything but a rebound to Dylan. He had butterflies from hearing your voice and he found himself feeling more complete when he knew how your day was and what you did. He wanted to be involved in your life. He was more attached than he had realized and he was happy that you were the one that he found. He spoke to you for about an hour until he heard you yawn, then he forced you to hang up and go back to bed. He milled around his apartment until he finally passed out himself, but the smile that returned to his face after he heard your voice, never left.
Dylan sat in Los Angeles International Airport, waiting to board his flight back to New York, reading through articles about whether or not Yoenis Cespedes would return for the rest of the Mets' regular season due to his hamstring injury, when a text message banner dropped down from the top of his iPhone.
Britt Robertson: You still in town?
Dylan felt his stomach turn as he stared at her name at the top of his screen. He hovered his fingers over the keyboard and felt like he was going to be sick.
Dylan O'Brien: At LAX now.
He stared as the typing bubble popped up and then a new text message followed very shortly after.
Britt Robertson: I was hoping to see you again while you were still here but it was good to see you when I did. I missed talking to you, Dyl.
Dylan's stomach leapt into his throat and he dropped his phone into his lap. He slunk low in his chair, the back of his head pressing against the top of the seatback, and pushing his backwards Mets cap forward onto his forehead. He pulled his hat off and placed it on top of his phone on his leg. He rubbed his hands over his face and into his hair, massaging his fingers into his scalp.
"This is so fucked up." He whispered to himself. He sat back up in the black cushioned chair and placed his hat back on his head, bill facing forward this time, hoping no one recognized him in the scene that he felt like he had just made. He began composing a text back, letting his tinge of anger over Britt texting him and ruining the good mood he had been in over getting to go back to New York to see you, take over. He palmed at the front left pocket of his pants, the place where he used to keep his pack of cigarettes, and he wished more than anything that he could smoke in that moment. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to get the smell off of him before he saw you later that night though, so he was grateful that it would probably be difficult for him to find a pack in the airport. He grew increasingly agitated without them though.
Dylan O'Brien: You still with KJ?
Britt Robertson: Dyl...
Dylan O'Brien: Yes or no?
Britt Robertson: You know I am...
Britt Robertson: But that doesn't still mean that it wasn't good to see you, or I don't miss you.
Dylan O'Brien: Text me when you aren't with the guy you cheated on me with, Britt.
Dylan O'Brien:  Or don't text me at all. That works for me too.
Dylan hit the back arrow on their conversation and searched for your name. He clicked on your iMessage conversation and began composing a message to you, swiping up against the banner that said that Britt had texted him two more times. He didn't care to see what her reply was.
Dylan O'Brien: Hey, I know you wanted to see Dunkirk tonight, and I know I already bought tickets, but do you mind if we do that tomorrow night instead and just chill tonight?
He waited a couple of minutes, scrolling back through his conversations with you and smiling over the picture of you in the subway next to an American Assassin poster with a silly caption below. The conversation scrolled back to the bottom when you finally replied.
Y/n Y/l/n: sure, whatever you want to do is fine with me. are you okay though?
Dylan smiled. He liked how in tune with his feelings you already were, but he didn't want to worry you with the truth of Britt messing with his head.
Dylan O'Brien: I'm good. Just want to be awake for the movie and your inevitable freak out.
Y/n Y/l/n: mmm i do love Chris Nolan.
Dylan O'Brien: Nerd ;)
Y/n Y/l/n: get that winking shit out of here, O'Brien. you know what it does to me!
Dylan laughed and shook his head, and just like that, you had put him back in a good mood. He was smitten.
Dylan rang the buzzer to your apartment in the lobby, and waited. He checked the time on his phone and wondered if you had heard him, so he rang it a little bit longer the second time. Suddenly, you came bounding down the stairs and opened the glass door in front of you. Dylan grinned, dropped his bags to the ground and scooped you up in his arms, your feet no longer even close to touching the floor below. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulled his hat from his head, and leaned in for a blissed out kiss. You squealed as Dylan tugged you tightly against him and he laughed at the noise.
"I'm so glad you're back." You couldn't help but admit, as he gently lowered you back to the floor.
Dylan picked his duffel bag off the ground and smiled up at you as you lowered his hat back onto his head then fumbled with your keys to open the door back up. "I'm so happy to be back, but if all your welcome home’s are going to be like that, I might have to leave much more often."
You playfully glared at him behind you and began walking up the stairs to your apartment. "Um, so because your flight was so late, they weren't supposed to be here earlier, but now my sister and her fiancé are home and yea..."
Dylan smiled and shrugged. "Let's meet them. It's um, Maddie and Ryan, right?" You nodded and then opened the front door, walking in first, and leaving it open as Dylan walked in behind you.
He grabbed your free hand, as your other held his pillow, and followed you towards the sound of the TV playing in the living room. "Uh, guys..." You got your sister and her fiancé's attention, and they looked surprised when there was more than just you standing in he hallway. "This is Dylan, um, he is.. my friend." You couldn't help but smirk back at him as you realized that now that the two of you were making your relationship more public, you really needed to have that discussion. "Dyl, this is Maddie and Ryan."
Maddie and Ryan stood and greeted Dylan. Neither of them recognized him, or at least, not enough that they let on, and Dylan stood around and talked to them for a few minutes. Maddie could not stop smirking at you, as you dreamily stared up at Dylan while he talked and he kept his fingers wrapped around yours. You hadn't brought a guy back home since your ex, and she was surprised that she didn't realize that you had been seeing someone. 
Finally, you cut the conversation off and pulled Dylan into your bedroom. He closed the door behind him and gently placed his duffel and backpack on the floor next to him. He walked over and embraced you into another hug. The two of you stood in silence, swaying back and forth as he cradled you against his body. He exhaled a sigh and sat down on the foot of your bed.
"What do you want to do tonight? We can stay in or-" You asked before he cut you off.
He scrunched his face and shook his head. "Nah, no.. no.. I uh, let's go do something. I know I said I didn't want to earlier but, ever since you told me about going to Bryant Park and just finding a patch of grass, all I've been thinking about is lying around outside with you somewhere."
You smiled and stepped forward, your hands connecting with his, as he began to pull you closer. Dylan brought his knees together and pulled you over to straddle his lap. You sat on his thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. He buried his head against the crook of your neck, and rubbed his cold hands up underneath the back of your tank top. You ran your fingers through his hair and furrowed your brow, something felt off.
"Are you okay?" You whispered.
You felt Dylan nod his head, his soft hair tickling your neck as he did, and his warm breath leaving goosebumps on your skin as he spoke. "I think I just missed you more than I realized, and I'm just so glad to be back and to be here with you right now."
You felt your heart skip several beats over his sweet words. You didn't enjoy how out of step you had been feeling with him while he was gone, but you were happy that the two of you were settling back into each other so easily now that he was back. "I missed you... like a lot... a whole lot." You whispered into the shorter strands of hair on the back of his head, stroking them down towards his neck as you whispered your truth.
Dylan finally tilted his head up, stared at your lips in front of him, licked his, and then leaned forward until his lips met yours in a tender embrace. He tilted his head slightly to the side and pulled you tight against him. You exhaled into the kiss, and a small moan rolled out of your throat. You felt Dylan's lips curl up against yours and it made you smile.
He pulled back and looked up into your y/e/c eyes, and felt complete and utter joy. "You make me very happy, Y/n."
The two of you, both generally fidgety people, were incredibly still in that moment. You gripped his shoulders and he held your back and sides, and you just stared longingly into each other's eyes. "You make me very happy."
"We'll have to discuss the logistics a little more, and to be honest, I don't really want to do that tonight..." He said, pausing with a lopsided frown, as he glanced up to gauge your reaction. You simply nodded, so he continued. "...but I don't want this to just be a summer thing. I'm working on getting a role in this show that shoots here in New York in the fall, so I'll be sticking around a while longer, but for now, until we talk more about this, can I at least be upgraded from your 'friend' to the 'guy you're dating' or 'going on dates with' or whatever you want to call it?"
You could feel the hot red blush covering your face as you grinned and nodded. "The guy I'm dating." You told him what you would call him until the two of you were ready for a deeper conversation about the definition of your relationship. "Man I am dating, are you hungry?" You grinned down at him.
"Do you want to change?" Dylan shook his head. "Then let's go."
"So how'd you hear about this place?" Dylan looked around the Mexican restaurant they were sitting in, in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.
You looked up from behind your menu and smiled at Dylan, his skin glowing a warm red from the chili pepper string lights strewn about the ceiling of the restaurant. "I actually don't remember who told me about it, but it's so good... I mean, it's not Salsa and Beer good, but it's good enough." You rolled your eyes and shrugged, a subtle smile resting on your mouth.
You both ordered your food and waited for your drinks to come, as you continued your conversation. "I thought that maybe because it's so hot out, after dinner, we could walk The Highline and then go up to the rooftop on The Standard and get a nightcap. It shouldn't be too crowded." You tried to reassure him, knowing that he wasn't one for busy hotspots.
Dylan smiled and shook his head. He may not have been fond of places with a ton of people who might recognize him, but he knew your love for Manhattan on a warm summer night and he was willing to do whatever made you happy. "Can we hang out on the rolling chairs by the water thing on The Highline for a little first?" Dylan asked, reaching across the table and taking your hand in his, and rubbing the center of your palm with his thumb.
You nodded slowly, a grin resting permanently on your lips as long as he remained holding your hand. You sipped on your mojito and Dylan chuckled as he watched you tear off a piece of the crushed mint leaves floating towards the top of your drink and began chewing on it. He loved all of your quirky habits. "So what happened with the house near Posey's, in Burbank?" You asked, wanting to hear more about Dylan's trip.
"My mom has been really amazing with the realtor and she thinks that it's going to be a go, so I think I'm going to own my first home within the next few weeks. I'm gonna sign for it when I head back out that way for the Alamo Drafthouse screening thing in the middle of August." Dylan explained.
"That's amazing. I don't even have proper health insurance and you are buying your first home. Clearly, you are doing something right." You laughed.
"Yea, but I haven't traveled all over the world, so clearly...." Dylan trailed off, and started to stare behind your head.
"What is it?" You started darting your glances around the room, trying to figure out what quieted him down.
"I think I know who told you about this restaurant..." Dylan said, still staring behind you.
You turned around, the waiter was blocking your view of who was standing by the front door, waiting to be seated. "Who is it?"
"So, Julia and Collette just walked in, and I completely fucking forgot that my own sister lives in Chelsea and since that that is where we are...." Dylan pursed his lips and stared at you. "What do you want to do right now?"
Your eyes grew wide. You weren't sure that you were ready for your relationship with Dylan to become so public yet. You stuttered. "We-well.. She's your sister... s-so, what do you want to do?"
Dylan thought for only a split second, and then he laid his hand back down on the edge of the table, his palm facing up, beckoning yours to return. "I want to tell her. You're the girl I'm dating, and I'm proud of that." Dylan waited for you to place your hand in his, committing to going public with your relationship, and he smiled warmly at you when you finally did. "She's walking over here." Dylan updated you, the grin on his face widening as the anticipation rose.
"Why do I feel like I missed something?" Julia said facetiously, as she walked over to the table and finally clocked that she knew the girl sitting at the table with her little brother.
You flagged down the waiter to get him to bring two more chairs over so that Julia and Collette could join you, as Dylan stood and hugged his sister, who he hadn't seen in over a week. The waiter brought the chairs and extra menus over and everyone settled back in and ordered, then Julia began her line of questioning.
"I'm so confused as to what we just walked in on.." Julia finally asked. "How long has this been going on? What even is going on? You know... I knew you were dating someone..."
"Unless they aren't dating..." Collette quirked her eyebrows up and smirked.
"That's my brother and our friend, Col, why the fuck.. what is wrong with you?" Julia shook her head at Collette in disappointment.
Dylan finally stepped in. "Okay, well, we are dating, for one." He smiled across the table at you, and you tried to keep straight faced.
You were suddenly terrified of pissing Julia off. In that moment, you realized that when all of this had started in the second week of June, when you first met and hung out with Dylan, you did not think that it would have developed into something even remotely serious. You also realized that you hadn't told any of your friends yet, so you were going to have to call Sarah as soon as you left there so that she didn't hear it from any one else. You listened as, for the first time, Dylan retold your story from his point of view.
"So you introduced us at Boardy Barn and I thought she was stunning, straight off the bat." You had never known that he thought that, and suddenly, you were fighting with everything you had not to break out into the most massive grin. Dylan smiled warmly at you. All he wanted was to hold your hand and to not be telling you all of these things for the first time in front of his sister and his sister's most obnoxious friend. "Then we went to the party at her house after Boardy, and I don't know if you realized, but the two of us hung out and talked most of that night."
"I was so drunk, I barely remember that night. I do remember hooking up with your friend, Felisha, though. She was super hot." Julia looked at you with a smile, and you snickered, and began to relax. She wasn't glaring at you or, even worse, not making eye contact with you at all. You decided to pipe up and help Dylan out with the story.
"The next morning, Dylan and I were the only ones awake.."
"I remember this, I think, you guys were out with your dog or something, right? I remember you coming through the front door together." Julia interjected, and you nodded.
"Yea, he walked Trixie with me, we sat on the beach and played with her for a little, and just talked and got to know each other more. He expressed at some point that morning, how bored he was and how he didn't know what to do during the week while you were here working, and so I gave him my number and told him to text me and I would show him what there was to do... Honestly, at that point, it was pretty innocent, I mean, I thought he was cute and sweet, but I wasn't trying to hit on your brother."
"You weren't?" Dylan faked a pout, and you widened your eyes at him, a slight smirk on your face regardless of your look telling him to shut up. Dylan laughed, and took the story back. "So fast forward a few days, I never texted her, cause I'm a nervous idiot, and I'm walking down Main Street in East Hampton, and it was this whole thing where Trixie got loose and Y/n hit her head on the sidewalk, and I was sort of the cause of all of it-"
"Kind of sounds like the plot to a romantic comedy." Collette interjected, sipping her way through her margarita.
Dylan chuckled. "It kind of was... But, I took Y/n home and she had this massive welt on the back of her head, and I sort of used that as an excuse to hang out with her longer." Dylan paused and let the waiter deliver their entrees to the table, then continued. "We ended up spending the entire day together, watched all of the first season of Game Of Thrones, had dinner, talked... and uh, yea, I definitely had a crush on her at that point." He smirked in between bites of his chicken burrito.
"Basically, I definitely liked him at that point too, and I invited him to go paddle boarding with me the next day, and he actually showed up, and we had fun and we had lunch an-"
Dylan leaned his elbows against the edge of the table and swirled the liquid around in his beer bottle, as he tilted his head and smiled at you. "And I invited her to your party.." Dylan interjected, before being cut off by his sister.
"Before I did?" Dylan laughed and nodded. "Wow, way to make me look like an ass, Dylhole." Julia playfully shoved her brother, who laughed.
"I'm not sorry, I wanted her to come and I wanted her to hang out with me." Dylan smirked.
"That's where you were when Sarah got roofied then?" Julia asked, suddenly very wrapped up in the pieces of these stories that she didn't even know were missing until just then.
You nodded, with a slight frown creeping onto your face; you still felt guilty about what had happened that night and how you hadn't been there to keep an eye out for your best friend. You cleared your throat, and rubbed your hand against your jaw, not realizing the habits that you had begun to pick up from Dylan. "Yea, we were upstairs, in his room, like, talking."
"Oh yea, 'talking'." Collette smirked and made air quotes with her fingers when she repeated the word.
Dylan rolled his eyes and stepped in for you. "Then Y/n went to Kansas for the Fourth of July to see her mom, and we talked the entire time she was gone.."
"You hate texting though." Julia furrowed her brow at her brother, unable to hide her surprise.
Dylan snickered and brought his beer bottle up to his lips. "I know." He sipped quickly. "We didn't text much. I called her and we talked on the phone every night she was gone for like a few hours each time. That was when I really started to like her. Talking to Y/n was just effortless.." He smiled a lopsided grin at you, and you melted, covering your mouth with your glass and hand to hide your blush. "Then when she came back, I picked her up at JFK, and we saw Spider-Man, and had dinner, and just ended up hanging out the rest of the night. We watched Game of Thrones a...." Dylan trailed off. He realized that he was about to admit that that was the first night that they had slept together, and regardless of how innocent it was, he wanted to keep that night and the following morning private, because it was that next morning and afternoon, that he realized that he could be happy if what was going on between you and him turned into something more serious. You watched as he sat in contemplative silence for a few long moments and you finally intervened.
"Then we just went on a ton of dates and hung out a lot. We went kayaking, surfing, hiking, to a winery... Dylan took me out to dinner a bunch of times. Um, oh, we went to a Mets game and then I took him to The Met... What else?" You asked Dylan, glancing up at him taking a bite of his burrito.
"Tthoones and dinnr." Dylan said with his mouth full and you laughed, completely understanding what he was trying to remind you of.
"Right.. He cooked me dinner once, it was pretty good actually, and we've watched about five seasons of Game of Thrones.. Oh and we saw a play on Broadway. I don't know, we've basically spent almost every day together since the week we met."
"Except for the weekends because I haven't seen the two of you together since the party." Julia glanced back and forth between you and Dylan.
Dylan shrugged and finished chewing his last bite. "We weren't ready to tell people until now. I only told Ty about it like two weeks ago."
"Well, besides the fact that I am deeply offended that you told Tyler TWO WEEKS before you told me, and this is all pretty weird considering you are my friend and you are my brother, I kind of get it. You two are pretty similar. I don't know why I didn't guess that it was Y/n that you were dating. I knew you were dating someone, I just assumed you had gotten back together with Britt." Julia paused after she said Britt's name.
"Definitely not that... Are you okay with this though, Jules?" Dylan asked, furrowing his brow and staring at his sister.
"Would it matter even if I wasn't?"
"Julia, we woul-" You started to speak out of panic before Julia cut you off.
"That wasn't me saying I wasn't okay with it, I just, you guys sound like you're in pretty deep at this point, and I don't want to get in the way of that. Plus, you two have been sitting here grinning like idiots at each other. It's adorable and vomit inducing and reminding me that I need to re-download Grindr." Julia chuckled at her own joke. "I'm cool with it, just like, don't let me walk in on anything weird, okay?"
"I promise, that will definitely not happen." You stuck your hand up in the air like you were taking an oath.
Dinner turned out to be a success. Julia was fine with you dating her brother and you all chatted and laughed your way through the meal. Julia and Collette said their goodbyes as they had to wake up for work the next morning, and you and Dylan stuck with your plan to walk The Highline and get a nightcap. As you sat on a couch at Le Bain, the rooftop bar on the top of the Standard Hotel in the Meatpacking District of lower Manhattan, Dylan suggested that instead of returning to Queens, to your apartment, that night, that he could just get a hotel room for the night and you could simply stay at The Standard. You agreed and went down to acquire your bed.
Dylan unzipped the side of your flouncy, white, purple and yellow, floral printed summer dress. He paused to pull his shirt off over his head, and tossed it on the floor by the window. He smiled warmly and reassuringly at you, and watched as you brought your hands flat up against his torso, and traced the natural lines of his body with your fingers. The crease in his forehead became prominent as he reached over and pushed a large section of your hair over your right shoulder and onto your back with the back of his fingers. He then hooked his long digits under the thick strap holding up your dress and pulled it off the top of your shoulder. He paused when he felt your hands drop from his chest to the button and fly of his dark gray trousers. You left them open, no longer snug against his hips and waist, and you ran your fingers gently along the cuts on his hips, under the waistband of his boxer briefs, and towards the muscles of his lower back and ass.
His breathing became heavier and he brought his hand up to the other strap and pulled it off your shoulder to rest against the side of your arm. He looked perplexed when the dress did not drop to the floor like he assumed that it would. You smiled and suddenly brought your hands up to unclasp the small metal hook that was keeping the dress up still. As soon as you did, the dress slid right off of your arms and body and pooled at your feet on the floor. You were left standing in front of Dylan in nothing but a pair of white, lacy underwear. He visibly gulped and you heard his breath stagger. Your heart beat fast, and you became incredibly nervous. This was it. You were finally going there, and you had wanted him, but it didn't make you any less terrified to be vulnerable to him in this new way.
Dylan shook his head and furrowed his brow, then dropped his hand down to interlace his fingers with yours. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He whispered, and you suddenly felt more at ease.
You tugged at his hand, and began walking backwards to the side of the bed, leading him to the edge. You let go and crawled backwards, towards the middle, watching him watch you. He glanced down and pulled his pants down his legs and left them in a ball on the floor with his socks. Now, he stood in front of you, vulnerable and almost naked, in nothing more than his boxer briefs. He was, undoubtedly, the most gorgeous man you had ever actually seen in person, and you were finding it very hard to breathe normally.
Dylan crawled onto the bed, only pausing once he was finally hovering over you. He smiled softly and spoke again. "Maybe it's the actor in me, but part of me really just wishes this could be filmed." You tilted your head back and quirked your eyebrows up in utter disbelief, and Dylan began laughing, burying his face in the neat, tucked in sheets next to your head. "Not like that.." He calmed down his laughter, and was only left with a genuine smile on his face. He brought his right hand up to your cheek, and gently caressed your soft skin. "I just meant that I wish I could capture this moment in a more tangible way because I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those times that I am never going to want to forget."
You tilted your head to the left and kissed the palm of his hand, which caused him to let out a soft sigh. "I think if we go slow and just savor it, we won't forget." You told him.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, still hovering over you, still stroking your cheek lightly.
You nodded slowly, never breaking eye contact with him. "Are you?"
Dylan's mouth twitched up at the corner and he nodded in response. "We'll go slow. It'll be okay."
He waited until you nodded and smiled before he connected his lips with yours. This kiss was different. A lot had changed that day for the both of you. It was the longest you had been apart since all this had started between the two of you, so the reunion was automatically that much sweeter. You had accidentally, on both fronts, finally introduced yourself as a couple to your respective sisters. On Dylan’s part, simply seeing you hopping down the stairs into your lobby to greet him earlier that evening, reaffirmed all of the feelings that he had begun doubting while he was away. Most of all, however, you had finally made a commitment to each other. Albeit, a loose one that required a lot of further discussion, but it was a commitment nonetheless. You were developing serious and deep feelings for each other and that shone through every time your lips connected.
Dylan made the plunge. He pulled gently at the sides of your underwear, and you felt the lace slide down your silky legs and finally over your pointed feet. You watched as he stood at the side of the bed once more, hooked his fingers around the elastic on his boxer briefs and tugged them down his hairy legs to the floor. He rolled his lips back into his mouth and wet them with his tongue as he stared at you, watching him in his most bare and exposed state.
"Condom?" You asked with a small smile, biting your bottom lip as you took in his impressive length and his even more impressive girth.
"Shit, right."
Dylan's eyes widened and he spun around in place, looking for his pants. He squatted next to the bed and grabbed his wallet, then pulled a condom out and placed it on the night stand next to the bed. After your close call the other night, that was only staved off because of a drunken case of the hiccups, you and Dylan had a serious conversation the next morning. It was one that he had never had with a girl before, and it made him happy to be in an adult relationship. You had discussed that, regardless of the fact that you were on birth control, you were still going to have sex with condoms until there was a little more time spent together under your belts. The real reason that you were both dancing around was the fact that you had not had a conversation about being exclusive, and regardless of your "guy I'm dating" conversation earlier that evening, you still had not actually had a conversation about your exclusivity, so you were sticking with the condoms. Dylan agreed quickly and you both discussed when you had last been tested, and when you found out you were both clean, you moved on to a new conversation. You were relieved that you had gotten all of that out of the way before the moment you were currently in, both naked and ready to finally take the next step in your relationship.
Dylan pulled the corner of the sheets down over your legs, and glanced up at you. "Come on." He beckoned you to get under the covers with him. You did as he suggested, and very quickly, you were both on your sides, face-to-face, with your bodies pressed up against each other. Your neck fit perfectly over Dylan's right bicep, and he gently stroked your hair with the tips of his right fingers as he kissed your lips. The arm that was pressed in between the two of you was holding his chin in place, lightly massaging the stubble on his face. Your other hand was pressed up against his sternum, feeling the taut skin of his body against the pads of your fingers. Dylan positioned his left hand against the small of your back, and the two of you had your legs intertwined with each other.
He did as he promised and went slow, but soon the tension and heat between the two of you became even too much for you to bare. Your hand moved down to his shaft and you began gently stroking him, he exhaled into your mouth at your touch and it gave you the confidence to become a bit firmer with your grip. His hand grazed over your ass and grabbed a fistful, pulling you closer to him. Under the tangled sheets were tangled body parts and intensely passionate kisses and Dylan had reached his limit. He leaned his body backwards and reached for the wrapper on the table. You pressed your lips against his throat, unable to stop yourself, and Dylan paused in his stretch, enjoying the sensation of your soft and wet lips against his neck. He closed his eyes and sighed as you worked your way down to his chest.
Dylan, snapping out of his momentary trance, gently nudged you on to your back. He placed the unopened wrapped on the pillow next to you, and positioned himself over you. He relished in the feeling of your hands on his ribs and shoulder, and how thoughtfully your fingers ran across his skin, setting it ablaze with your touch. He cupped his hand behind your neck, leaning down to connect your lips once again. He tilted his head to the side to gain greater access and prolong the embrace. The warmth and wetness of his lips sent shivers down your body, that you never wanted to stop. You felt his hand wandering down from your neck, over your collarbone and suddenly stopping just about your breast. Dylan broke from the kiss and hovered over you again, trading his glances from his hand to your eyes.
"Your heart is racing." He whispered, his eyebrows stitching together in concern.
You ran your thumb gently over the soft pink skin on his lips, and you nodded with a subtle smile. "I know."
Dylan's hand remained pressed firmly against your chest, and he shut his eyes as he enjoyed your gentle touch. "Do you... are you nervous still? Should we stop?" You felt him whisper against your finger.
You brought your hand up to run your fingers into his thick chocolate mane, and then you rested your palm against his prominent cheekbone. "No." You whispered back and he opened his eyes. "I'm not nervous. I'm excited... and I want you."
Dylan smiled, grabbed your hand off of his face and pressed over his heart, against his chest. "Well that made my heart race too." His smile gave off the warmth of a thousand suns and you basked in it. Dylan leaned down and pressed his perfect pink lips against your cheek firmly. You felt the whiskers on his upper lip tickle your skin as he spoke in a hushed tone. "I want you."
You ran your fingers up through the hair on the back of his head, feeling the soft strands push against your fingers as you went. You held him in place against your body and whispered something in reply that had never been truer than it was until that moment. "Then I'm yours."
You heard Dylan exhale loudly through his nostrils and felt the warm air against your shoulder. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and stayed there for a few moments, replaying those coveted words in his head over and over and over. Finally, Dylan raised his head and looked at you with a steady and serious look on his face. "I want this." You barely saw his hand gesture between the two of you out of the corner of your eye before you replied. You didn't need to see his gesture. You were on the same wavelength and you understood exactly what he meant.
"I do too."
Dylan swept his head in and connected his lips to yours. Your tongues danced around each other with blissful purpose, as your hands pawed at each other in their search for more skin. You patted your right hand around on the pillow next to you, searching for the condom, unable to take the tension any longer. Your fingers found the foil wrapping and only when Dylan heard the crinkle did he breathlessly break from your intense embrace. He watched as you carefully ripped at the packaging and pulled the rubber protection out. You shimmied down slightly, pinched the tip, and began rolling it down his shaft. He softly moaned at the sight and the feeling of you touching his cock. Your hand remained, and you gently lowered him in line with your opening. You slid him back and forth, wetting the tip thoroughly with your arousal. He was big and you were going to need all the help you could get.
He slid in and you tilted your head back in lustful ecstasy. Dylan leaned down and sucked lightly on your exposed neck, his hands pushing indents into the mattress around your head to steady himself as he thrust in and out of you. Your bodies moved in a way that only people who share a truly deep connection experience, ebbing and flowing with each other's movements. Dylan drank in your sighs and moans and whimpers. He relished in the way that your warm skin felt against his, the way you had wrapped your ankle around his, the way your nails gently dug into his taut flesh, and the way that your breath felt against his neck as he leaned down and buried his forehead in the pillow under your head. Quiet curses and subtle moans left his lips as he thrust in and out of you.
You watched as Dylan's nose and cheeks twitched and his forehead wrinkled. He pressed his tongue in between his lips and squeezed and furrowed his brows down, his eyelids closed tightly. You pulled one of his hands off of the mattress and brought it down your body. You placed his fingers against your clit and watched as the expression on his face completely changed. He grew smug.
"Come here." He whispered, as he dropped to his side, next to you, and turned you onto your side.
Dylan pulled your naked body against his, your back pressed against the sticky skin of his chest. He ran the backs of his fingers, underneath the blankets covering your bodies, up your thigh, across your hip bone, up your ribs, over your shoulder and pulled the hair covering your neck, against your back. He peppered your sensitive skin with a flurry of soft and lingering kisses, and you found his free hand with yours under the pillows. You intertwined your fingers, as you felt his other hand pull your thigh on top of his. From behind you, Dylan connected with your pussy again and slid back inside of you. You moaned loudly at the reunion, tilting your head back involuntarily and feeling your skull press at Dylan's upturned nose.
He wrapped his long and sinewy hand around your body and pressed his fingers against your engorged nub. He rubbed and thrust simultaneously, feeling your body clench at his touch. You gripped at his hand under the pillow and squeezed your bony fingers against his, feeling the circulation cutting off and not minding. You were close and you needed to brace yourself for what was inevitably coming. Dylan squeezed back. He was struggling to keep from finishing before you. He had never wanted to finish with someone as badly as he wanted to finish with you. He did the only thing he knew might get you to where he was and he sped up the movements of his fingers, pressing firmer against your clit. As his brain thought 'faster' for his hand, it thought 'faster' for his thrusts too, and he picked up his pace without realizing.
"Oh god..." You exhaled quickly, and Dylan heard you stop breathing.
He felt the first twitch and the first clench, and he couldn’t help but let go. As each new wave of your orgasm rolled over your body and you spasmed against him, Dylan felt his release coming quickly. You settled, small twitches still involuntarily taking hold of you, and you reached back to grip at his hair, as his thrusts became deeper, sloppier and harder. Dylan reached up and pulled your hand out of his hair and pushed it against the mattress in front of you, interlacing his fingers with yours and squeezing as he buried his face into your cheek. A loud moan escaped his lips and you leaned into his embrace.
Sudden stillness fell upon the room. You heard a helicopter moving through the nightsky above the Hudson River and the soft pants of Dylan above your ear. He pulled your hands under your chin and squeezed you tightly against him.  
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Come yell at me about things.
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Summer Fling (Chapter 7) - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “East Hampton Main Beach”
Relationship: Dylan O’Brien x Reader/OFC
Author’s Note: It is such a bitch to keep his exact schedule in terms of public appearances straight, but this is supposed to be July 18th and 19th. Cool.
Gif Credit: @dylobrians
Summary: Dylan and Y/n spend the day together before he flies off to the West Coast for ComicCon and American Assassin press.
Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight
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Dylan swam towards where you were treading water, as the waves tried to move over you and towards the beach. "Not tall enough to stand?" He smirked, licking his lips and tasting salty seawater.
"Yea, maybe I should just head back in." You teased with a scowling grin, turning your body towards the shore and preparing to swim away from him.
"Or you could just come here." Dylan grabbed your wrist and pulled you through the water towards him.
You giggled, as you sailed through the water and ended up face-to-face with the incredibly sexy man in front of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he wrapped his arms around yours, and before you knew what was happening, his lips were pressed against your lips. You and Dylan swayed with the movement of the swell as he tugged on your lower lip with his teeth and moved his hand from the small of your back up to rest underneath the small knot at the back of your bikini top. 
There was very little room between you as your arms were wrapped around his neck and your hands were gently tugging at his dark chocolate strands on the top of his head. You felt like your heart was about to beat right out of your chest as the intensity of your kisses increased and Dylan's other hand gripped a little tighter against your side. You pulled away, taking a deep breath in and then rolling your lips back into your mouth, desperately needing a breath and to calm down. You were getting a little carried away over Dylan's kisses. You suddenly began snickering, and Dylan couldn't help but laugh with you.
"What? What are you laughing at?" He asked, chuckling.
You grinned from ear to ear and leaned your head and body back into the water to cool down. Dylan couldn't help but stare at your chest and exposed neck, placed right in front of his face, begging to be kissed. He was grateful when you straightened out in front of him and spoke. "I don't understand how it is that you are that good of a kisser and then you also look like this?" You pulled your hand from around the back of his neck and waved it in front of you, gesturing to his face and upper body. "Like, how is that fair to me? What am I supposed to do about that?" You joked.
Dylan chuckled and then answered your question. "Keep kissing me." He replied smugly, before leaning in for another kiss, a bit more intense this time. 
He craved more of you. He gently swept at your lips with his tongue, hoping you would allow him entrance. You did, and Dylan's tongue found yours. The two of you got lost in the passionate and hot kiss, forgetting where you were, until a wave came crashing down on you both. 
"Shit." Dylan searched the water around him as he lost you under the wave, until he heard you gasp for air a few feet away from him, having gotten swept away by the wave. He quickly ran through the chest deep water towards you, and saw you push the water out of your eyes and slide your hair back off of your face as you breached the surface. "Are you okay?" Dylan said, frantically, as he pressed his hands under your elbows and kept you afloat.
You began laughing, as you pressed your fingers against your nose and, as lady-like as possible, spit into the water behind you. Dylan looked confused but smirked nonetheless at your laughter. "Maybe less kissing in the ocean next time." You said, in between fits of coughing and laughter.
You had finally gotten Dylan to wake up early, on a somewhat overcast morning, and go surfing with you, but once the sky had begun to sprinkle a misty rain over the East End of Long Island, you both decided to pack it in for the day. You spent the rest of the afternoon, sitting on the massive U-shaped couch in the TV room on the first floor of Dylan and Julia's Montauk beach house, and for the past week and a half, that meant two things for you and Dylan: Game of Thrones and making out like ravenous teenagers.
As the hours passed, Dylan sat on the couch, playing with your hair, half watching the episodes and thinking of what he could do to make you smile. He had decided that he wanted to woo you, and was going to make you dinner. You took the opportunity of him being occupied to catch up on some work. 
You sat at the counter in the kitchen, on one of the tall stools, with your laptop open in front of you, scanning an amicus brief that you had been working on proofreading for one of the partners at the law firm that you moonlighted as a paralegal for when you were not traveling. Dylan stood on the other side of the counter, cutting vegetables and seasoning chicken, and mostly smirking while watching you read and type on your computer.
"Are you sure I can't help with dinner?" You asked, as you caught him staring at you, as he aimlessly stirred at the sautéing onions and bell peppers on the stove top.
He smiled, and shook his head. "Keep working, I got this. I swear my mom taught me how to cook a little." You hopped off the stool, and Dylan's head whipped around when he heard the soft pads of your feet connect with the wood floors below. "I said you didn't have to help, you nut." He reminded you, leaving his wooden spoon on the counter, and bringing his hands up to your cheeks. 
You leaned up and Dylan smiled genuinely, waiting for you to kiss him. "I know." You finally said, then reached into the sauté pan on the burner, grabbed a caramelized onion and popped it into your mouth. "I just wanted an onion." You grinned, Dylan dropped his hands and shook his head and you walked back over to your laptop. Dylan laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, while shaking his head and returning to his cooking. His crush on you developed more and more every minute he spent with you and he was thoroughly enjoying this picture of domestic bliss. He peeked behind him one last time, connecting his eyes with yours, and you gave him a quick smile that sent butterflies swarming straight into his chest.
"I'm glad that it cleared up." Dylan said, as he popped the cap on your beer off with the bottle opener on his keychain.
"Me too... Thanks." You took the cold Stella Artois from his hand and brought it up to your lips as he opened his IPA, then shoved his keys back into his pants pocket. "Oh, you know where I want to go, and bring you, obviously... if you're into doing stuff like this, of course?" You asked, as you watched Dylan secure his beer into the sand next to him, then begin to build a mountain of cold and damp sand behind his back.
"Stuff like this? You mean, stargazing with the most beautiful girl in New York while drinking beer? Yea, I obviously am into doing stuff like this. I'm not crazy." Dylan said sarcastically, with a small smirk, as he finished building a mound to lean against, cleaned the sand off of his hands and then rested against the incline.
You felt Dylan's hand grip against your shoulder, as he gently pulled you back against his chest, wrapped his arm across your collarbones and kissed the side of your head as you laid between his outstretched legs. "Okay, well if you're gonna be sassy, I'm not bringing your ass anywhere." You teased back, bringing the bottle up to your upturned lips.
Dylan snickered and peppered your cheek with swift kisses. "Please keep bringing me on your adventures." He whispered in your ear, and you nuzzled your head further against his chest at the sound of his request. "Where did you want to go and bring me?"
"There's this observatory in, I think, Southhold, which is on the North Fork somewhere, I don't know my way around up there as well, but every Saturday from like April to October, starting at midnight, they hold these, basically, stargazing parties, with wine and little finger foods and if it's clear enough, they have tons of high powered telescopes and people there who tell you what constellations are what and tell you facts and histories about them. I've been wanting to do it for years but never had anyone to do it with." You explained, leaning your head back to look up at Dylan behind you.
He smiled softly, his amber eyes gazed at you with adoration. "I would love to do that with you." He leaned down and kissed you on the temple, watching as you closed your eyes and sighed at his touch. You relaxed into each other, watching the clear night sky twinkling above you, quietly debating with each other on what was an airplane versus what was a satellite.
After you the two of you lost the satellite amongst the other twinkling lights above, the conversation died down and you closed your eyes and simply listened to the sound of Dylan quietly breathing in your ear, and the sound of the waves crashing off of Montauk Point, in the distance. You adjusted your feet around, digging them into the beach below you and feeling the cooler and wetter sand scratch between your toes as you buried them deep. You sighed heavily with contentment and felt Dylan crane his neck around to try to glimpse at your face.
"What are you thinking about?" He whispered, his warm breath brushing against your ear again.
You smiled quickly and snickered. "I'm thinking about being a fish."
Dylan half scoffed and half laughed and fully lifted his hand off of your thigh to cover his mouth while he laughed. "What?!"
You began laughing with him. "Oh my god, that sounded so dumb outside of the context of my brain." You laughed and covered your eyes with your sand hands, tiny grains of sediment falling down your cheeks and back onto the beach. "I am so scattered. Oh god... okay.." You sat up and turned your body fully and sat cross-legged in front of him, wiping the sand off your hands onto the knees of your jeans. "I swear I am the most random, but it's just like this thing I think about. Like, I've lived on an island my whole life, except for when I lived in Boston and that's a city attached to a harbor, so, I'm an ocean and water kind of girl, right?"
Dylan sat up with you and aimlessly traced lines into the sand next to him with his fingers as he softly smiled and listened to you, unable to hide the admiration from his face. He loved just listening to you talk. Every time you opened your mouth in front of him, you either always had something interesting to say or you made him laugh, and he was absolutely enthralled with you because of that fact. He watched as you closed your eyes and leaned your head back, your hair softly blowing in the wind behind you as you let it dangle over the sand.
You continued speaking. "I have this dream, I guess, where I'm sitting on a beach by myself and an arm comes out of a wave and grabs me and pulls me in and I become a fish."
Dylan snickered quietly, and watched as his hands mindlessly buried your feet in sand. "Is that a good dream?" He asked softly, glancing back and forth between your sand covered feet and your closed but happy eyes and mouth.
You collapsed backwards into the sand, your arms stretching up above your head, reaching out towards the ocean behind you, beckoning the hand to come out and grab you. Dylan climbed over you and settled onto his side next to you, not willing to miss any of what you had to say. He watched with a smitten smirk as you made sand angels in the grains below your arms.
You sighed contemplatively. "It is a good dream. It's comforting because it's not like I drown, I just swim and float and exist in the waves and it's quiet and peaceful and weightless and warm..." You trailed off, getting quieter with each new 'and'. "So I guess, I just want to live in the sea, be one with it or.. whatever." You quietly snickered then rolled your lips back into your mouth. You opened your eyes, turning your head to see Dylan quietly watching you, his head resting against his bicep, with his arm outstretched above him in the sand. "Was that just the weirdest thing you've ever heard?"
Dylan shook his head slowly. "I think I could listen to you talk all day and never get bored of the things that come out of your mouth." Dylan whispered, barely audible over the wind and the crashing surf. He simply moved his left arm from against his stomach to the side of your face to stroke your cheek, brushing damp grains of sand away from your freckled nose.
You smiled, nuzzling softly into his touch, and connected your eyes with his. "That was so the inner workings of my brain right there... I must like you so much.... I never would've told you any of that if I didn't." You scrunched your nose towards the end of your sentence, nervous about the truths coming out of your mouth so willingly.
Dylan couldn't shake the smile off of his face; it had been there all night and he really didn't see it going away any time soon. He was so content and comfortable. He brushed a flyaway hair away from your face and leaned in to give you a soft and momentary kiss. "I like you so much..." He found himself mirroring your expression and scrunching his nose as well. "So much... I'm constantly finding new things to like too." He continued stroking his fingers through your hair until you suddenly shivered. "You cold?" Dylan asked, glancing over at you.
"I'm fine." You lied, not wanting him to suggest leaving yet, regardless of how cold you actually were.
Dylan sat up and pulled you up with him. He watched as you shook your hair out with your hands, trying to free the sand from your long tresses. He leaned forward and rubbed his large, sinewy hands up and down your arms, trying to create some friction and heat.
"You have goosebumps! Why didn't you say anything? Come here." Dylan pushed you up onto your feet and he followed. He wiped his hands against the thighs of his khaki pants, and then pulled at the bottom of his blue and gray pullover hoodie, ripping it off over his head, and handing it to you. “Don’t argue, just put it on.” Dylan chuckled before you could protest.
You blushed mildly, then smiled softly, as you pulled the sleeves from being inside out and then tugged it on over your head. The sweatshirt intoxicated you with the overwhelming scent of him. “Thank you.” You smiled as Dylan nodded and then plopped back into the sand below. You dropped down to the ground with him, and positioned yourself back into your earlier position, against his chest. “Are you going to be cold now though?”
Dylan shook his head and left a quick kiss against your cheek. You were smitten with how affectionate he had been since your first sleepover. He had a very hard time keeping his hands and lips off of you because of how much he liked you; kissing you became a regularly all-consuming thought for him. "I got you, a tiny human furnace, leaning against me and it's not too cold, I'll be fine out here for a while longer."
"Let me know when you want to go in." You told him, tilting your head back and placing a kiss on his lips.
"I will."
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"This is really soft, where'd you get it?" You mentioned, stroking your fingers against the fabric of his sweatshirt.
"It's Stiles'." Dylan answered nonchalantly.
"What?" You furrowed your brow and laughed.
"Literally half my wardrobe is just clothes that I stole from Teen Wolf. That's something I wore in one of the later seasons. I don't remember when exactly. I know Cody and Shell were with me a lot those scenes though." He explained.
"Are you excited to do Comic Con in a couple of days? Get back in touch with your inner Stiles?" You joked, taking a sip of your flattening beer.
Dylan sighed and bobbed his head back and forth. "I am excited but I’m also really nervous and I wish you were coming. I'm gonna miss you while I'm gone." He watched as you pulled the sleeves around your tiny fists and he cupped them in his. He liked you in his clothing.
You turned your head and left a quick kiss on his chest, rubbing your fists gently up and down on his upper thighs. "I'm going to miss you, but you'll have fun." You yawned loudly, unable to help it; the alcohol was starting to go to your head. "Wanna head back?"
"Yea, let's go." Dylan waited for you to scoot forward, then got up and wrapped his hand around yours and walked back to the house with you.
Deeming half past midnight as still 'early', you and Dylan cracked open fresh beers and went upstairs to his bedroom to start season five of Thrones. The moment that he saw you laying on his bed, tilting the mouth of the bottle against your lips and letting the liquid pour down your throat, however, Dylan could think of nothing else but your lips. 
He knocked back a third of his beer and then placed the bottle down, hearing the clink of the bottle connecting with the glass on the top of one of his bedside tables, not watching what he was doing, but instead keeping a silent but intense eye contact with you. You furrowed your brow, small wrinkles creasing your forehead as you watched him climb onto the bed towards you. He pulled the bottle out of your hand and placed it on the other bedside table. Suddenly, your heart rate increased and your breathing became heavy as he hovered over you.
Without any words spoken, Dylan slowly leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, his hand gently caressing your cheek. He pulled his head up slightly and opened his eyes, examining the expression on your face. He licked his lips, closed his eyes once more, and leaned down again, brushing his lips against yours softly. You felt your the breath exhaling from your nose being reflected back onto you as his face remained hovering inches from yours.
The way he was staring at you was making your brain become useless in thinking of anything but a singular idea. You wanted him. He was sweet and smart and funny and easy to talk to and beautiful to look at and you had been pushing your desire for him deep down inside of you for weeks. You felt his hand come up to hold your side, above your hip, and your eyes glanced down to see the connection take place. It was almost like you were in complete sensory overload, and you required the visual to confirm that his thumb had brushed up under the hem of your shirt slightly and was touching your bare skin. You glanced back up to his face as he was pressing his tongue to his lips, wetting them, and your instincts took over.
You wrapped your hands around Dylan's neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss, sliding your tongue against his lips and then into his mouth and against his own tongue. As the two of you explored, your fingers gently tugged at the neck of his shirt. Dylan was feeling just as wrapped up in the moment as you, and suddenly, he broke from the kiss. 
He sat up straight and pulled his shirt off over his head, tossing it on the carpet next to the bed. You grabbed at his biceps, pulling his body back against yours and connecting your lips greedily against his again. His hands went back down to your sides, his fingers becoming more bold in their search for skin. He pushed your shirt and his sweatshirt up, exposing your stomach, and broke away from your lips again. You squirmed at his touch, and watched as he furrowed his brow and looked up at you, staring, almost as if he was waiting for you to tell him to stop, but you never did.
Dylan inched his way down your body and began leaving soft kisses against your torso, his eyes closed and his nose brushing lightly against your soft skin. His fingers remained at the hem of your shirt, moving it slightly higher with each new kiss. Finally, the tips of his fingers met metal covered in cloth and he glanced back up at you. Your chest moved heavily up and down, as you breathed out of your nose. The only noises filling the room were the sounds of the ocean from outside of his open windows and the quiet pants coming from the both of you. He was met with no resistance, so Dylan curled his fingers under and gently pulled your shirt and his sweatshirt off over your head, you leaning forward to assist him. You landed back on the pillows behind you, and Dylan leaned back down to continue kissing where he had been before.
You wriggled under his soft lips, and watched as they ascended up your body towards your chest. You held your breath for a moment and suddenly you hiccuped. Your eyes grew wide and you covered your mouth. Dylan looked up at you and a small smirk grew across his lips.
"Did you just-" You hiccuped again, and Dylan devolved into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god, that is the cutest thing I've ever heard."
"Oh my god, this is the worst thing that ever-" Hiccup. "Happened to me." You hiccuped again. Dylan began laughing loudly, his smile open and his cheekbones prominent.
"Are you a little drunk?" He asked, chuckling, and resting his chin on top of his folded hands across the skin above your belly button.
You furrowed your brow and tried to stifle another hiccup, to no avail. "That was, like, my fourth beer. I should've had-" Hiccup. "Water." You shook your head and brought your hands up over your eyes. "I really fucki-" Hiccup. "-ng ruined the moment, didn't I?"
You felt Dylan smile against your skin, having moved his hands to hold your sides. "It's okay. I'm a little drunk too, and in actuality, I would very much like to remember any moment that you don't have your shirt on..." You felt the cool and hard surface of his teeth against your stomach, and then felt a series of kisses on your skin. You brought your hands down to his hair and began twirling it in your fingers. He nuzzled his head against you and sighed, listening to your hiccups become fewer and farther between. "You're going to sleep here, right?" He asked, hoping you wouldn't ask for him to call you a cab.
"If that's okay with you."
"I want you to." He glanced up at you and smiled softly. You returned the smile. "I'll grab you some shorts and a shirt." He began to climb off of you and the bed.
"Can I just have a shirt and some water?" You asked, grinning up at him.
Dylan smiled and licked his lips, then raised his eyebrows. "Whatever you want, beautiful." He winked, and grabbed the beer bottle off the table next to you, then collected the one on the other side of the bed. He left them on his dresser and opened one of the drawers, pulling a single royal blue t-shirt out and tossing it to you on the bed. He watched as you began unbuttoning your jeans and wiggling out of them on the bed. "Yea, I'm gonna need a water too." He snickered, grabbed the beer bottles and walked out the door.
When Dylan walked back into his bedroom, he saw you swallowed up by his shirt, laying curled up on your side, with your eyes closed, under his sheets. He snickered and closed the door quietly with his foot. He placed your water on your table and then placed his next to his side of the bed. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, stepping out of them and pulling his socks off, leaving all his excess clothing in a pile on the floor. In nothing more than a dark gray pair of cotton boxer briefs, Dylan climbed under the thin sheets with you and leaned up to turn off the lamp next to his bed. He combed his fingers through your hair, tucking it against your neck and back neatly, and mumbled to himself.
"You are so fucking cute, and I like you so fucking much, but you are killing me with this falling asleep on me thing." He whispered.
"I-'m not asleep..." You mumbled back groggily.
Dylan quietly laughed and shook his head. "Yes, you are." He argued with the half-comatose girl in his bed.
He heard you sniffle, and then you turned your head to face him. "Mmm-mmm." You argued. "But I am falling asleep. So, come here." You leaned your hand backwards, waiting for him to take it in his. Dylan obliged your request and slid his muscular body across the mattress towards yours. You felt his long and hairy legs touch your shorter and smoother ones first, then his hand found yours and you pulled his arm over your body, tugging him closer to you. "Can you actually sleep like this?" You asked, as he settled his front against your back, finally resting his head against the pillow behind yours.
"Definitely." He whispered, suddenly yawning.
"Just to be clear, I like you so fucking much too."
Dylan smiled. "Goodnight, little fish." He spoke, barely audible.
You smirked, and squeezed Dylan's hand in yours. He placed a kiss on the side of your neck, and settled in for the night, the two of you quickly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
You snuck your toothbrush back into your purse, sitting on the floor next to Dylan's dresser, and tip-toed back around to your side of the bed. Dylan was laying on his back in the middle of the bed, his left arm folded across his stomach, his head facing and right arm stretched out towards the empty space that he usually occupies when you are not sleeping with him. 
You climbed back under the covers with him and watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed deeply in his sleep. You propped yourself up on your elbow and stared at his bulky and muscular physique that he had been trying to keep up with even after filming for American Assassin had wrapped. Occasionally, Dylan's muscles would tense and ripple as he moved slightly in his dreams, and a large and long vein that ran from his shoulder, down his tricep, would bulge from under his skin, and before you realized it, your left hand was flat against his torso, and was making its way across his smooth skin towards the thick and dark chest hair between his pecs.
He stirred slightly at your touch and made a soft groan. You felt like you had lost all ability to control yourself, because again, before you even realized what you were doing, you were sliding closer to him and pressing your lips against his chest. Dylan's eyes fluttered open and saw you lightly peppering his upper body with small kisses. He exhaled loudly through his nose and raised his hand to rest on the nape of your neck. You made eye contact with him, smiled and then rested your cheek against his stomach. He ran his fingers through your hair a few times, and stared. Anxiety began to fill him when he thought about his flight that evening. He had been hanging out with you for just over a month and he had grown incredibly attached. He didn't want to leave you. He thought of a solution.
"Come with me to Comic Con. I'll buy you a plane ticket." Dylan whispered, staring into your eyes as he spoke.
You furrowed your brow and narrowed your eyes at him, unmoving from your position, but mulling over his request. "I couldn't ask you to.."
Dylan cut you off and moved his hand from your tresses down to your shoulder. You were still wearing his shirt from the night before and he tucked his fingers up under the oversized sleeve around your arm. He gently caressed the skin on your shoulder, and rubbed your muscles as he spoke again. "You didn't ask. I'm offering. I don't want to leave you. I'm gonna be gone for days and I.... I'm just not ready to leave you..." He shook his head but maintained eye contact with you.
You smiled big and climbed your way up towards his face. You took his cheeks in your hands and felt his strong arms wrap around your back, pulling you closer to him. You kissed his lips a few times, then pulled back so you could see his face but still be near him. "I'm not ready to have you not be here, but I can't come with you." You smiled softly and shook your head.
Dylan dragged his teeth against his top lip and stared down at your chin, the crease that often found its place in the middle of his forehead returned. "Y/n... um..." He exhaled, but then found that the air wasn't filling his lungs the same way it had mere moments before. He was nervous. "Are... are you not as into this as I am?" He asked, pursing his lips and straining to make eye contact.
A look of shock and horror overtook your face as you quickly shook your head and pressed your fingers into his cheeks a little harder. "No, no, no, no... Dylan.." You half scoffed, half laughed, as you paused to sort out your next words more carefully. "I like you... so fucking much. Uh... and I would not hate having a discussion about where this could maybe be going when you come back, but.."
Dylan's forehead crease remained as he cut you off. "Then why won't you come with me?"
You sighed, and a gentle lopsided smile spread across your lips. "I want to, I do, but I have to take my grandmother to a doctor's appointment, and then I promised my boss that I'd come in to the office on Thursday and Friday because I knew you wouldn't be here and I could get a lot of work done..." Your lopsided smile turned into a light smirk as the crease turned into a forehead full of wrinkles when he raised his eyebrows. "Plus, you should be able to go and fully enjoy and take in the experience of your last panel with your Teen Wolf family and you're a surprise to the fans.. I don't know. You just need to be present while you're there and just take it all in."
"Oh.." He laughed as he realized that you were just busy and not avoiding going to California with him. "You should've just said that in the first place.. and you're right, it'll be fun with Posey and everyone else. I don't need you there, you're totally right." A small grin broke out on his lips, and you playfully scowled at him, while pushing his face against the pillow underneath him for being facetious. "I want to have that talk too, just to be clear."
Your facial expression became more serious and you nodded your head. "Okay. You get back on Tuesday or Wednesday?" You asked.
"My last day of American Assassin press is Monday and then I have to talk to my mom and the realtor about that house in Burbank that I was telling you about, but my flight is Tuesday afternoon and I'll be back here with you by Tuesday evening." He smiled and pulled you back up for a light kiss on the cheek.
You dreamily smiled and closed your eyes, then dropped your head back down to his torso. You stared at your fingers as you stroked his chest hair, and he ran the backs of his fingertips along your bare legs. "What time do we have to leave?" You asked, your heart sinking into your stomach as you realized that it would be almost a week until you saw him again once he left.
Dylan looked over at the clock on his bedside table and then looked back at you. "Not for hours." He reassured you.
"Wanna watch some Game Of Thrones or something?"
"In a bit, yea... for now, I kind of just want to lay here with you, if that's okay." You softly smiled and nodded, then cuddled up against Dylan's side.
You and Dylan laid around for hours, both talking and enjoying the comfortable silence. You watched him pack his duffel bag during your last episode of Game of Thrones, clutching at the crumpled sheets underneath you as he flitted about his bedroom readying himself for his trip. You did the math in your head: fifteen minutes to the train station, two and a half hours to Jamaica, twenty minutes on the Airtran and then you wouldn't see him again for six whole days. You were stunned by how deeply miserable that thought made you. It had only been about five weeks, but it was hard to not develop as strong of feelings for the man in front of you, as you had. Dylan picked his sweatshirt from last night off of the floor next to the bed where he had tossed it the night before. He gently folded it in half lengthwise and placed it on top of your purse. He told you that he wanted you to hold on to it for him while he was gone, and you happily obliged his request.
You held his pillow in your lap, your hands gripping the underside, and Dylan's fingers sneakily intertwined with yours underneath it. You sat with your backs against the wall, side by side on the built in bench, on the monorail that took passengers from the Long Island RailRoad station in Jamaica, Queens, to JFK airport. Dylan had his royal blue and orange Mets cap on, obscuring some of his face, and he felt comfortable enough with the emptiness of the Airtrain, to occasionally leave a flurry of light kisses on your cheek every time he felt like you were getting melancholy. You stayed inside of the doors as the tram emptied once it got to the airport, and Dylan took his pillow from you. He held you in his arms and left a long kiss on your lips, as the cars filled back up with passengers seeking to leave JFK.
"I'll see you next week." He said as he started to back up out of the tram.
"Okay." You smiled lightly, small wrinkles developing across your forehead.
"And I'll call you and text you."
Your smile got a little bigger, and you nodded. "Okay."
"And I'll miss you." He said with a small smirk as he continued slowly walking backwards away from you.
You chuckled quietly, and nodded. "Okay."
"And I'm going to take you to see Dunkirk the moment I get back, I promise." Dylan winked and you felt your heart melt a little.
"You better." A genuine smile spread across your lips, and Dylan brought his hand up to his chest and faked pain, as if he had been shot through the heart by Cupid's Arrow.
"You're making this hard for me, Y/L/N." He grinned and shook his head.
You smirked, and held your hand against the sliding door, in case it decided to close since you had heard the chimes indicating you would be leaving momentarily. "Just text me when you land?"
Dylan nodded, smiled and wiggled his fingers in unison, waving goodbye. You waved back and stepped inside fully as the doors closed.
You hopped on the next train at Jamaica to Kew Gardens to finally go back to your own apartment. You stood with your back against the wall, in the vestibule by the doors, as it was only one stop and there was no point in sitting. You scrolled through your phone, aimlessly snapping pictures of your feet against the textured floor to send to your friends to continue your SnapStreaks, until Dylan's name popped up on the banner at the top of your screen. You quickly pressed your thumb against the iMessage notification and waited for the screen to load.
Dylan O'Brien: Just got to my gate.. That smile killed me.
Dylan O'Brien: I miss you already.
You grinned from ear to ear, trying to contain your excitement and smitten feelings. You rubbed your hand against your mouth and cheeks and tried to compose yourself enough to reply.
Y/n Y/l/n: i miss you, got the sweatshirt though, so i may live.
Y/n Y/l/n: get home soon please.
Dylan smiled down at his screen and stared at the last text. 'home'. New York was home to him because it was where he was born and where he spent the first several years of his life, and deep down, he considered himself a New Yorker, but when he talked to people about 'home' in more recent years, he was always referring to California. But when you said 'home' and you meant New York, Dylan realized that it felt right. The idea of 'home' was changing for him suddenly and he had an idea as to why.
Let me know what you thought and if you’d like to be tagged :)
@fuckwhateverfuck @l4life @ninja-stiles @lightbreaksthrough @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @iknowisoundcrazy @leilaelizabeth  @5secsxofamnesia @awkwarddly @completebandgeek @chivesoup @ivette29 @sunshineystilinski @twentyone-souls @obrosey-af @anonimereader06 @yaehl @theneverendingracetrack @fillthevoid-stilinski @teenwolf2424 @redstringlovers @jademorris @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @dailyburritos @lolaversuslipstick @mieczzyslaw @im-very-odd33 @amethystmerm4id @anonimereader06 @itsamberh @eccentricxem @mayahart02 @susybird @sp00der-m00n @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @kittykayrose @ellie-bee242 @nocturnalzeal @alexhmak @sumcp @girlwiththerubyslippers @wittystiles @gluetwentyfourobrien @stopit-ihateyou @lovefilledtragedy @r0s3mm @loveforbrains @arikachang @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @omgimafuckingmermaid @inkedaztec @cafe-a-sabor-chocolate
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 7)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Seven: The Interview of all Interviews
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 5382
Warnings: swearing, terrible sentence structure/grammar -- P.S. I take full responsibility for wrecking ya'lls hearts. 
The song that's in italics is Whiskey- Jana Kramer
Note: This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie. 
Chapters:  6 -- 8
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Dylan was stuck in place staring at the door Britt just closed shut. He couldn’t wrap his head around what just happened. He was free. He was free to be with Y/N for one glorious minute, and then she said that. He was left wondering what the hell he is supposed to do now when Tyler came into the room.
“All clear?” Tyler hesitantly asked, peaking around the corner into the living room looking for Britt.
“Yeah," he turned to his best friend, confusion written all over his face, "she's gone."
"Thank god," Tyler let out a sigh as he made his way into the living room, "she scares me."
He let out a small laugh, knowing exactly what he ment. Britt was the definition of intense. She had this commanding presence about her, and it was one of the reason's he fell for her. He thought back to the first day he met her and how she took his breath away with how she commanded the script reading for The First Time, and he was instantly attracted to her. He wished he knew then what he did in that moment, that she used fear and intimidation to get exactly what she wanted. He was tired of it though, he was tired of everything.
He took one last look at the door before coming to sit on the couch with Tyler. He plopped down on the couch, running his hands over his face. "I broke up with her... I think." Tyler spit out the coffee he had in his mouth all over the table, which caused him to jump in surprise.
"You what?" Tyler practically screamed, ignoring the fact that coffee was all over his furniture. 
"She asked if I was willing to sacrifice everything for Y/N, and I said yes." 
"Dude." He turned to look at his best friend and he looked so proud. Tyler's eyes were practically glowing, and a huge smile was plastered on his face.
"You're free," Tyler slapped Dylan's back grabbing his shoulders shaking them excitedly, "You're fucking free man. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment? 4 years bro. 4 long ass years." He laughed at his best friends excitement, he knew he hated his girlfriend and always asked when they would break-up.
"I don't think I am though, I told her I wanted to break up and she just laughed. She said she had an errand to run and we could just talk more over dinner tonight then kissed me and left out the door." He scrunched up his face, still confused at how everything played out. He was happy in those couple of minutes when he thought they were done, and he wanted to get back to that. Back to happy.
"Dude that doesn't matter. Fuck what she said, you said you wanted to break up. So it's done." Tyler spoke with so much confidence, he started to believe him. "We have to celebrate, holy shit. Let's go out tonight, I'll call Sprayberry and Cody. Hoech too." Dylan laughed at his eagerness, but it was short lived when his phone started to ring. He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket, and saw his agents number flash across the screen. 
"Hold that thought bro, it's my agent." Dylan answered the phone and pressed it to his ear. "Hey Sam, what's up?"
"Dylan we need to talk, now." Sam's tone was enough to let him know something serious was wrong.
"Um.. Yeah okay. Where?" 
"Your apartment. I'll be there in 30." He was starting to panic now, and the sinking feeling in his stomach was getting worse.
"Okay," he coughed trying to clear his throat so his voice wouldn't sound as shaky, "I'm not home, I'm at Posey's but I'll head over there now."
"See you then." Sam disconnected the line quickly, leaving him with a million different scenarios running through his head. He stood up from the couch, putting his phone in his pocket before turning to Tyler.
"Maybe some other night Bro. That was Sam, he wants to see me and I need to talk to Britt and figure out what's going on first." He grabbed his laptop, putting it in his bag. He grabbed his keys, making his way to the front door when Tyler grabbed his shoulder gently. He turned to look at him, and worry clouded his eyes.
"Dude, don't let her rope you back in. I know you loved her once, but she isn't it for you bro. You deserve better." He smiled at his best friend in the whole world, and pulled him in for a hug.
"Thanks bro. I'll text you later and let you know how it went." 
Dylan had been at home for 10 minutes when the doorbell rang. He quickly rushed to the door, not bothering to check who it was before opening it. Sam looked at him, and the sinking feeling he had since his conversation with him early intensified. Panic was coursing through him as the discomfort in his chest was tightening, sending a feeling to his brain like excess caffeine. 
"Hey Sam.. Come on in." He couldn't stand still as he shuffled in place, putting his hands in the pocket of his jeans. His adrenaline was pumping like he had run a mile as Sam made his way into the house, and into the living room.
"I guess by now you know this isn't a friendly house call. We have a problem. A huge problem." Sam was staring at him now, his face void of expression. He sat down on the couch, rubbing his neck.
"I gathered as much.." He came around to sit next to him, fixing to ask him what was wrong when Sam's phone started going off. He held up a finger to Dylan as he pressed answer on the phone.
"Hey Micheal.." Dylan knew in that moment he was fucked. He couldn't hear what Micheal was saying but he knew whatever it was couldn't be good. He felt the panic attack begin like a cluster of spark plugs in his abdomen, but he quickly shut them down. "Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. Yeah. Okay." Sam hung up the phone as Dylan's TV lit up with Micheal's face appearing on the screen for a conference call. Sam quickly grabbed the remote off the coffee table and pressed the answer button. 
Micheal was sitting at a desk in his office, a poster for American Assassin's hanging directly behind him. He looked tired, as if he had been up all night.  
"Hey." Dylan waved sheepishly to the camera on his TV and Micheal sighed. He picked up a piece of paper and stared at it before he turned it around to show him and Sam. 
"Y/N Y/L/N." Dylan's chest tightened as he looked at the photo Micheal was holding. It was a photo of Y/N getting into a car, she was dressed in maroon scrubs and he couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. He turned it back around to stare at it again. "Such a nice name, for such a nice girl."
"Where did you get that?" He sighed, scratching at his face nervously.
"Where do you think I got it from Dylan? Teresa Strasser from TMZ. She's had a whole fleet of photographers on you for the past 3 days."
"I know.. But I was careful." Dylan rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on.
"This is exactly the kind of thing I was afraid of with you kid. I ask you to stay out of the press, to avoid anything bad and this is what you do? Cheat on your girlfriend.. I was afraid of taking a chance with someone so young, but you just seemed so mature that I looked past all of those uncertainties. Maybe you're just to young. Maybe the next movie we need to do a flash forward."
"No sir." He answered quickly. He didn't want to lose this role, Mitch meant too much to him. He sighed again, looking Micheal in the eyes as he spoke. "Look, I made a mistake."
"Come on, Micheal," Sam spoke up from beside him smiling his dazzling smile, "give us a chance to fix this."
"ughhh-- mm.." Micheal trailed off, sighing dramatically. He took his glasses off and rubbed his hands over his eyes. He took a deep breath and put his glasses back on, "Okay. Alright. Make the story go away."
"How do we do that?" Sam asked, and Dylan was afraid of the answer.
"You call Teresa at TMZ. You offer her an exclusive. You say you don't know this girl. You say that she's just some fan following you around."
"You want me to lie?" Dylan felt sick, his stomach was in knots and his heart felt like it was breaking again. He didn't want to hurt Y/N. He didn't want her involved in any of this, he wanted her name as far away from his for this reason right here. The paparazzi, the press, all the Hollywood bullshit, he wanted her out of it. She doesn't deserve any of this, and he doesn't deserve her. 
"Dylan, this is the tabloid press not the supreme court. Say whatever you have to say because I promise you this girl," Micheal held up the picture of Y/N once more, "goes away or the movie does. Okay...  Goodbye."
Dylan was staring at the blank screen when Sam spoke up, "Dylan she's just some girl, this is your career we're talking about."
"She's not just some girl.." He whispered, not wanting to make eye contact with him. Dylan saw Sam shake his head out of the corner of his eye. 
"Do you want her involved in all of this Dylan? You know how the media will portray her right? She'll be called a home-wrecker or worse a gold-digger because she's not famous. Do you want that?" Dylan clenched his fist, anger coursing through him as he turned to his agent.
"Of course not!" He spat.
"Good. I'll call TMZ to set up the interview and I'll text you with the details." Sam picked up his bag and left the room without another word. Dylan heard the door shut from the living room and he let out a deep breath. He was still angry. Angry at his world. He knew Sam was right, if he didn't go along with the interview, if he let the story get out, there would be hell to pay. Britt would spin it in her favor playing the heartbroken ex, then he would be labeled a cheater and Y/N's name would be drug through the mud. He would also lose the movie and the character that meant so much to him.
He opened his phone, fixing to text Tyler when he saw the background. It was of Y/N standing by the pond looking at the water after their swim. She didn't know he took the picture, and out of all of them this one was his favorite. The sun bounced off the water hitting her at  just the right angle giving her the appearance of a halo. She looked like an angel. Staring at that picture he didn't see any other way around it, he refused to let the media dig their claws into Y/N. She was too pure, too perfect. She made him so unbelievably happy, but his happiness came at too steep of a price. He would sacrifice it every single day for the rest of his life if it meant keeping her the same, beautiful, normal woman he was falling hopelessly and irrevocably in love with.
Your feet were killing you, 17 hours of blood, sweat, and tears were enough to send you into an early grave. You're new phone dinged in your hand signaling you that your Uber was there. Finally. You made your way out of the back entrance of the hospital, glad your shift was over and you could go home and continue watching Teen Wolf. 
You dove head first into work today, not wanting to revel in your memories of yesterday. After Britt left you couldn't hold yourself together and cried for hours until you couldn't produce anymore tears. You took a long shower and scrubbed your skin as hard as you could to get any trace of Dylan off of you as every word Britt said played in your head over and over again. You knew she was right, you knew he would never choose you. You didn't see the point in continuing down the path of heartbreak anymore, and decided to just be an ordinary girl who didn't know who Dylan O'Brien was, only who he played on TV.
You bottled everything up. You collected yourself. You went into work this morning and put every once of strength you had into your job. You were mentally exhausted as you climbed into the back of the Uber, slumping in your seat. You turned the corner of the hospital as two black vans pulled up, along with a TMZ news van. What the hell is going on. You noticed security coming out the door to handle the unruly mob of paparazzi and the news, you had spent enough time over the last couple of days worrying about paparazzi so you let it go. An ordinary girl like yourself shouldn’t have to worry with it.
You put your headphones in listening to music, not wanting to make small talk with your driver. Country music started echoing through your ears and you had to will yourself not to cry. You knew that listening to sad music wouldn't help you get over Dylan, and you knew it would only make the sting of everything worse, but you let it play anyway because at least the sting reminded you to feel something.
Shoulda just called it like I saw it Shoulda just called for help and ran like hell that day The burn and the sting and the high and the heat And the “left me wanting more” feeling when he kissed me I shoulda just called him whiskey Warm my body to the core just like a blanket It tasted so sweet then he took my breath away Hit me so hard like a rock through a window I knew I was in trouble from the moment I met you, boy
Every word was an arrow to the heart, but you didn't turn it off, you just hit repeat on the song to torture yourself a little more. Your heartache at the beach walking away from Dylan was like an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen from you, but now it is more like a thin layer of ice covering your entire body, a reminder of the agony that came before and a warning not to stoke that flame again. The saying goes once bitten, twice shy, but you let yourself fall for Dylan. You let your heart feel again after Ryan. People always say third times the charm, but your heart can't survive another inferno. Your song was interrupted by your phone beeping and you held your breath when you Annabeth's name across the screen.
[Annabeth]  Come home... we need to talk.
You were so exited to see her text that you stared at your phone, not able to get your fingers to start typing. She hasn't replied to any of your text since your fight, and you were missing your best friend. Your motor functions finally came back, but as you started to type another message popped up..
[Annabeth] NOW
Dylan sat in the chair in front of the TMZ camera's, he was fidgeting in his chair as Teresa came up to him and sat in her chair. She extended her hand out to him, Dylan didn't want to be rude so he shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. O'Brien."
"Mmmhm, you too." Dylan didn't want to be here, shaking her hand, fixing to lie to every person in the world about Y/N. Teresa was fixing to say something else to him, when the camera-man shouted. 
"Alright we are live in 3... 2.... 1..." Dylan took a deep breath as Teresa smiled, giving her opening spill of the show and why he was here. She turned to him, and he smiled and gave a small wave to the camera.
"So Dylan, we're talking about this girl," she gestured behind her to a picture of Y/N that Micheal showed him during their conference call, "Y/N Y/L/N.”
"Uh, yeah.. Yeah she looks kind of familiar." Dylan rubbed his clammy palms on his jeans, every word felt like sandpaper on his tongue.
"Come on Dylan.. We know you were at the beach with her." Here is where he brings out his acting ability, pretending this was just another role. The role of a guy who has no idea what he is doing with his life anymore. He shook his head, laughing lightly before flashing a smile at Teresa.
"Look.. Lots of fans come up to me when I'm out. I try to say hi to everybody that comes up to me. Maybe I signed an autograph for her or something?" He was lying through his teeth at this point.
"According to our sources she was the girl pictured in the photo at Tyler's party, is that correct.. The one that just happened to follow you into your room?" The photo popped up beside the one of Y/N, and thankfully he couldn't tell they were the same person since all that was showing was her backside as he drug her up the stairs.
"Well your sources are wrong," he laughed again, "Britt already explained she was just another fan. You guys seriously need to start fact checking this stuff." He teased playfully but there was a hint of anger behind it. "I mean she looks like a nice girl, I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to meet her."  Dylan felt sick sitting in the chair pretending not to recognize the girl he so desperately wanted. He convinced himself if he heard her voice or laugh, just one more time, he would be able to move on but looking at the pictures of her on the screen he knew he was only fooling himself. There was no moving on from a girl like her.
You felt goosebumps cover your arm as your driver turned onto your street. You were anxious to talk to Annabeth, and see what was wrong. The driver rounded the corner as you looked up from your phone and felt your chest tighten. There were about 3 black vans parked in front of your house, along with a TMZ and Access Hollywood van. Paparazzi and reporters were scattered along the street, and you knew they were waiting for you. 
Your driver didn't seem to care as he pulled up to the curb and told you to have a nice day. When you opened the doors lights started flashing in your face and you couldn't see anything except black dots. You heard too many voices, each of them toppling over the other as they bombarded you with questions.
"Are you and Dylan dating?"
"Are you the reason Dylan broke up with Britt Robinson?"
 "Are you aware everyone is calling you a home-wrecker?"
"Are you a stalker?"
"We heard you were pregnant with Dylan's child, was it just for his money?"
You pushed past some of the reporters as they stuck their microphones in your face, their accusations were accelerating inside your head. You want them to slow so you could breathe but they wouldn't. Your breaths were coming in gasps and you felt like you were going to black out and your heart was hammering inside your chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin. You stumbled slightly, but no one made a move to steady you. You fell to your knees as the reporters surrounded you spitting out more insults hidden inside questions until you heard a voice scream.
"What the fuck did I tell you all! Stay the fuck off our property or I will have every single one of you arrested for trespassing and tie every company you work for up in so much litigation your grand kids will still be dealing with it!" Annabeth was barreling through the crowd of the reporters, shoving her hands in their cameras as she came to your side. She helped you stand up, and covered your head in a towel so they couldn't take any more pictures of you which you were grateful for. You heard her yell every cuss word imaginable as she slammed the front door of the house shut once you were safely inside.
You took the towel off of your head as you went to look out the window, the reporters and paparazzi made their way back to the curb heading Annabeth's warning. You sighed as you put the blinds you were peaking out of back in place. You rested your head against the window seal, thinking about everything that just happened. Every question the reporters asked had malice laced in them, and you felt your eyes glossing over with tears.
"You're bleeding.." You tore yourself from your thoughts and looked to your best friend holding up the first aide kit pointing to your knee. There was a scrap from the fall oozing A negative down your leg. You didn't even feel the cut when it happened, but now that the adrenaline was wearing off you noticed the pain radiating from your knee. "Come on sit down... let me see it." She spoke carefully, all the tension from our fight yesterday had disappeared.
You made your way the couch as Annabeth grabbed your leg putting it on the coffee table to inspect. You watched her look at the cut, biting her lip nervously. She opened the first aid kit, struggling to decide what to get first. You grabbed her hand gently, smiling at her. "I'm the nurse, remember." She laughed at you, her blue eyes sparkling again. You picked up the alcohol pad to clean the cut but she grabbed it from your hand.
"You tell me what to do, and I'll do it." You nodded your head at her as you instructed her to clean the cut. It wasn't deep enough to need stitches, so you told her how to dress it so it wouldn't get infected. She worked diligently, the only words being exchanged were instructions. 
She finished wrapping your knee and started to pack up the gauze when you both spoke up.
"I'm sorry Y/N."
"I'm sorry A.B."
You both laughed, and you starting to go first but she stopped you by holding up her hand. "No let me.. I'm sorry I left. That was immature. I should have just trusted you, but it hurt that you wouldn't tell me what was going on." She gave you a small smile, signally you could talk now.
"I'm sorry too.. For everything. I wanted to tell you. God I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't, but now I guess there is nothing stopping me." You took a deep breath and dove into the story of the past 3 days and how you met Dylan O'Brien. She didn't dare interrupt you, as you explained what happened. You even told her about the kiss, which you didn't want to think about but you couldn't keep the secret any long. 
You finished telling her what happened on the beach and she just sat there staring at you. "A.B. are y--" You were cut off by her attacking you with a hug, squeezing you to death. You didn't complain one bit at the excessive force, you just melted into her arms. This was what you needed, to talk to someone about this. About everything. She reluctantly let you go, and she had some tears falling down her cheek. You reached up and wiped them away with a laugh. "Why are you crying?"
"Because I am such a shitty friend. I left you here all alone, I should have been more patient and understanding. I should have known you would come to me if you needed me."
"No no it's my fault. I should have told you the truth, to hell with what he said. I knew you wouldn't say anything to anyone." You squeezed her hand, both of you grinning at each other like mad men. She broke eye contact, and glanced at the TV for a moment but when she did her eyes widened. She practically leaped over you to get the remote, turning the volume all the way up. "What the Hell A.B.?"
"Dylan's talking about you on TMZ!" She gestured to the TV, and sure enough Dylan set in a chair, a dark gray henley over his toned chest. He still had the same scruff on his face, and you remembered what it felt like against your chin as he kissed you. You focused on him and the lady sitting beside him.
"So you're saying that you don't know this girl?" Teresa gestured to a photo of you getting into the Uber to go to work this morning.
"Uh yeah.. I don't know what she's saying about me, but I don't know anyone named Y/N Y/L/N." Dylan took a sip of his water, before smiling at the camera, shrugging his shoulders. "Sorry Teresa, there's really nothing to tell."
"Okay," she smiled at him before turning to the camera, "you heard it here first. This is Teresa Strasser from TMZ news."
Annabeth turned the TV off, looking to you with angry eyes. You bit your lip, replying Britt's words over again. He is a celebrity, he would never be with you. Dylan's words echoed right behind hers ‘I don't know anyone named Y/N Y/L/N.’ He betrayed your affection and left your heart in shattered disarray of pieces. You got up from the couch and made your way to the window.
"Dylan said this would happen.." You trailed off looking out at the reporters camped out on the street. "He said things would get crazy." You grit your teeth, your heart was hurting from his lies and the anger was coursing through you at this point. You stomped to the door, hand wrapping around the door knob when Annabeth stopped you.
"Wait, what are you doing?"
"Celebrities might have to put up with this shit, but I sure as hell don't." This was the breaking point of your patience. At that moment, you were blinded by a four-course serving of fury that tasted bitter, but surprisingly satisfying. You flung open the door, making your way to the street. You didn't get a chance to reach the curb before you had cameras shoved in your face.
"Y/N, over here!"
"Y/N please just one quote."
"Y/N can we get an exclusive?"
You stopped in front of the circle, a male reporter from TMZ shoving a microphone in your face, asking the one question you couldn't wait to answer. "Y/N how was your weekend with Dylan O'Brien? We only want the truth."
"Bullshit. You don't want the truth, you want a story," you felt angry tears prickling at the corner of your eyes but you refused to let them fall on national television, "you take a good, normal person and turn him into your own little reality show. You build him up into a big celebrity just so you can tear him down in public. Just so you can sell magazine's and TV shows. That's really sick. Dylan O'Brien is just one example, he's talented and successful. He has all the stuff lots of people dream of having, but thanks to you he's had to give up some of the best things in life. Freedom, privacy.. honesty. So congratulations, you created a celebrity.. But you wrecked the human being inside. You should be ashamed of yourselves." You felt the tears start to fall but before you could turn around to leave the man turned to the camera.
"Did you get all that?" He asked excitedly and you had to hold back the urge to punch him, remembering what Britt said about your temper. The camera man smiled, giving the reporter a thumbs up and you felt sick. They didn't care about anything you just said, it was all about their ratings for them. 
"Y/N... Y/N just one more question." He watched as she had tears in her eyes on the TV screen, the slimy feeling he had since his interview causing goosebumps to form on his arm. The reporter shoved the microphone in her face again, which made his blood boil. "In your opinion, who's Dylan O'Brien really?" He watched as she laughed at that question, which just made him feel worse. He had tears of his own burning behind his brown eyes, but he couldn't stop watching the TV.
"Who is he? I don't know.. The Dylan O'Brien you are all so obsessed with.." She trailed off, taking in a calming breath. "I promise you I never met him. And I wouldn't want to." Dylan watched as she slammed the door to her house and Tyler clicked  pause on the TV, not wanting to watch the train wreck any longer.
"Didn't you say you liked her because she was so honest?" Tyler asked, his voiced laced with annoyance.
"Yeah.." He bit his lip, not wanting to meet Tyler's accusing stare. He heard a humph come from him and decided to look his way.
"Wowwww," Tyler let out a sarcastic laugh, "Congradulations Dylan, you did it. You got her to lie for you." He just stared at his best-friend, who was supposed to be on his side.
"I didn't have a choice okay?" He sat up straighter, crossing his arms over his chest. He couldn't believe Tyler was giving him hell for this.
"Oh," Tyler shrugged his shoulder's getting up from the spot on the couch, "Oh alright." Tyler started walking to the door without another word to him.
"Woah... Where are you going?"
"To find my best-friend," Tyler yelled back at him, "Because he's not the guy sitting here now." He furrowed his eyebrows at him, confused at what he ment by that. "I didn't have a choice..." Tyler mimicked him, throwing his hands up dramatically. "That's been your answer to everything. You have no choice but to stay with Britt, You had no choice because of the movie, You had no choice to be with Y/N... Dude, it's your life. YOUR choice." 
Tyler shook his head at him, turning around to walk out the door and slamming it shut behind him leaving Dylan sitting on his couch with his own thoughts. The nausea swirled unrestrained in his empty stomach, and his head swam with regrets. He opened his phone to stare at the picture of Y/N no longer holding back the tears in his eyes, his heart felt as if his blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat.
One last Chapter before the Epilogue guys! Are you as sad as I am? Comments always welcome :)
tag list: @fan-of-many-bands @littlewriterme @susybird @katieevans371 @honeymoonmuke @daddyxraeken @awkwarddly @ssa-banshee
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl
Author: sumcp
Chapter one: The concussion 
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 2798
Warnings: occasional swearing, and terrible sentence structure/grammar ( I am working on it)
Notes: Y/N - your name.. Y/n/n- your nick name.
This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie.
Next Chapter 
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"Y/N…" Annabeth whined, fidgeting on the couch trying to see around you to continue watching the youtube video playing on the xbox. 
"Oh I'm sorry, A.B. am I blocking your way from what's his name?" You smirked, turning your head back around to glance at the video. It was of her celebrity crush doing an interview to promote some new movie of his. There was no denying he was pretty. Tall build, and a scruffy face that he couldn't stop touching whenever he spoke. You noticed the person sitting next to him in the interview, he looked oddly familiar with his dirty blonde hair styled to look like he just rolled out of bed. 
"Hey who’s the guy next to him?" You asked, trying to put a name to his face.
"Do you live under a rock? We are going to have to get you out of the apartment soon before you become a hermit." Your roommate grumbled, "Seriously Y/N, move it or loose it." You finally gave in and moved from her line of sight and joined her on the couch. You plopped down, which earned you a playful glare. You were fixing to put your headphones in, since you didn't care about feeding into her obsession when she tore her gaze away from the TV.
"And to answer your question, that’s Taylor Kitsch. Remember he was the sexy one on Friday Night Lights?" 
"Oh yeah, I knew I recognized him."
"I'm surprised you recognized him at all, do you even know what year it is?" You glared at your best friend, putting in one earbud, but before you could get the other one in she continued talking, "Come on, when is the last time you came out with me and Lex? Oh… I'll tell you, too damn long. You have got to start living your life again Y/n/n, Its been 6 months." 
You stiffened at her comment, thinking she was about to say his name. The last thing you wanted to think of on your day off from the hospital was about your ex-fiancé. "It hasn't been that long since I went out.." You trailed off, playing with the hem of your over-sized Falcons sweatshirt. You knew it was the truth, but you tried to play it off anyway.
"Yes it has.. Come with us tonight! We are going to try to get into the premiere of American Assassins after party." She gushed, turning to you excitedly. "You don’t have an excuse either, you are off tomorrow too. Please, it will be fun. It will be like old times, just us girls."
"I don’t know A.B, I don’t feel like getting all dressed up to go to party we might not even get into. I don’t want to stand around all night just so you can get one look at Brien O'Dylan." You deadpanned, "Besides, how do you know I don’t already have plans? Hm?"
"First of all his name is DYLAN O'Brien. Second of all.. I know you. Your only plan was to order Chinese food and binge watch Friends. Then when you are tired of watching Friends, you will go to the freezer get the Chunky Monkey ice-cream and turn on Harry Potter." You just stared at her as she continued, "THEN you will start thinking about Ryan. 30 minutes into whichever movie you put on, you will turn it off, pull out your phone and stare at the text messages I know you still have saved… " She said the last part in a whisper. 
You had stopped fiddling with your sweatshirt and stared at your ring finger, the one that used to have the most gorgeous princess cut diamond engagement ring on it. You let out a small sigh, tears burning in the back of y/e/c eyes. "It still hurts.." 
"Y/n/n I know it does.. But please come out with us, the first step to moving on is getting yourself back out there." She nudged your shoulder lightly, offering a small smile. You returned it gratefully, trying to pull yourself together. You knew your best friend was right, you couldn’t let one guy keep you from living your life. You brushed the tears out of your eyes while standing up from the position you were in on the couch, and offered her your hand. Annabeth tilted her head and raised an eyebrow toward you, but accepted anyway letting you pull her up too.
"If I'm going to this stupid thing.. I'm going to need to borrow a dress." She squealed, pulling you into a hug. She released you quickly, grabbing your hand once again, dragging you up the stairs to what you were sure was the start to a very long night.  
You kept tugging at the bottom of Annabeth's black dress which was too short for your liking but she insisted you wear. Every time you went to pull the bottom down, it made your cleavage that more noticeable. We made our way across the street to the Chinese Theater where the premiere was being held, stumbling slightly in the heels that your other best friend Alexis demanded you wear “to show off your sexy ass legs that any guy would kill to have wrapped around them." Lex and Annabeth were walking ahead of you, talking excitedly about the after party we were trying to crash. Lex had come over earlier to help you with your hair. She knew that if it was up to you it would have been thrown on top of your head in a messy bun. You brushed the Y/h/c hair out of your eyes, and ran your hand through it slightly.
"Y/N if you touch your hair one more time I will physically hurt you. I know you're not used to having it down and actually fixed to not look like a hobo but seriously, you look smoking. And stop fidgeting with the dress, it’s the perfect ass-to-boob ratio." Lex smirked at you, as she looped her arm through Annabeths. You gave her your best death glare, which didn’t have any affect of her since it was followed by you stumbling. Again.
"I look ridiculous. I should just go home, they are going to laugh in our face's if we try to get in there." You whined, stopping in the long line of guest waiting to get in.
"Stop being such a worry wart, we will be fine. There is no way they will say no to letting us in, I mean have you looked at us." Annabeth laughed, gesturing up and down to her red dress that left nothing to the imagination.
"A.B's right, besides if we don’t get in here I heard Tyler Posey is throwing an after-after party at his house, we could totally sneak in. Less security." Lex stated, clearly having done her research.
"Which one is that again?" You asked, not remembering all the celebrities from the werewolf show they were obsessed with.
"Omg, you still haven't watched Teen Wolf yet? That's it, we're done." Lex joked, shifting ahead in the line slightly. "We seriously need to have a Teen Wolf marathon one night and force you to watch it."
"I just don't care about TV that much." You shrugged your shoulders, standing on your tippy toes to look out over the long line of people.
"That's a damn lie. You watch Friends like it will never come back on again." Annabeth nudged your shoulder playfully. 
"It's not my fault I have normal hobbies that don't include stalking celebrities." You fired back, which caused Annabeth to nudge you again. We stood in the line chatting about work, and other things; before long your feet were starting to hurt. We had been waiting for two hours, when you had enough.
 "Guys come on, obviously this line isn't going to end anytime soon.. And I've had to pee for like 45 minutes." You whined to your two best friends.
"But Y/N.. Come on, please. 30 more minutes, I checked Twitter and it said Dylan is still there and the line isn’t even that long anymore." Annabeth begged. She was giving you her best puppy dog face which caused Lex to join her, ganging up on you, as always.
"Fine. 30 more minutes, after that we are leaving. No buts." You said, sounding like your mother. You shook your head lightly as Annabeth said thank you, giving you a slight squeeze. "I'm going to go find a bathroom though, I'll be right back." You started walking back down the street. You turned into the alley way which was a shortcut to get to the bar on the back side of the road.  
You weren't paying attention to where you were going as you pulled out your phone. You checked the time and noticed it was almost 1 a.m, no wonder you were exhausted you thought to yourself. You opened your group text fixing to tell Lex and Annabeth you were just going to go home, when the side entrance door to the theater burst open knocking your phone out of your hand and sending you tumbling to the ground.
"Ow.." you groaned, trying to sit up while placing your hand on your head. Suddenly a gorgeous freckled man was hovering over you, his warm brown as widened as he looked you over, clearly panicking.  
"Oh my god, did I just hit you?" He asked, placing one of his hands on your arm trying to help you get steady.
"No the door hit me by itself.." You rolled your eyes, shrugging off his hand from your arm.
"This is not good." He exclaimed, running his hand through his already messy dark brown hair.
"For you or for me? Cause right now it feels a lot worse for me." You rolled your eyes at the handsome stranger again, bringing your hand to your head once more.
"This is really not good." He said again, looking up and down the alleyway like he was expecting someone.
"Wait, your Dylan O'B--" You were cut off before you could finish your sentence by this hand extremely large hand covering your mouth.
"I will give VIP ticket's to my next premiere if you don’t scream my name." He begged, looking directly into your eyes. You jerked his hand away from your mouth and glared up at him.  
"I don’t want to see your stupid movie." You huffed. Your head was throbbing, and you were starting to feel sick.
"Okay.. Yeah we definitely need to get you to a doctor." He said, running his hands down his face. He pulled out his phone and started typing a message to someone.
"I am a nurse asshat. YOU don't need to take me anywhere." Putting more emphasis on the word, making it clear you weren't going anywhere with him. He raised his eyebrows slightly, a smirk forming on his lips. He gave you a once over while taking a little to long staring at your bare legs, so you snapped at him, "My eyes are up here."
He coughed clearly embarrassed to have been caught staring. He leaned closer to you, and a breath caught in your throat. You could easily close the distance and kiss him, but you wouldn’t. His eyes left yours for a moment and traveled down to your lips, it looked like he was about to close the distance when the Alleyway  was filled with lights, and a car came pulling up. The moment was gone, and you realized why he was standing over you. He reached a little farther behind you and grabbed your phone, placing it gently in your hand. "Come on, let me help you up." He offered both his hands to you, which you smacked away.
"I don't need any help from you." You snapped again, rolling away from him so you could stand on your own. You managed to gain enough strength to push yourself up, but when you did you almost passed out from the blood rushing to your head. Dylan's hands were the only thing keeping you from tumbling to the ground again, and he had such a firm grip on your waist you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow. What bothered you the most wasn't the fact that he was holding you, it was the inappropriate thoughts that followed.  
"Easy princess.." He spoke softly, turning you toward him. He noticed a small amount of blood on your forehead, "Hey, you're bleeding.." He pouted as he brushed a stand of hair out of your eyes, and started leading you toward the car. You still felt sick, and lightheaded. Tyler came around from the drivers side, and looked at Dylan alarmed.
"Uh…bro, who’s this? What happened?"  He asked, looking between you and Dylan.
"Help now, questions later." Dylan stated. Tyler furrowed his brow but didn't ask for an explanation again.
"Oooookay… here just get in the car.." Tyler said making his way toward you. Dylan made sure Tyler had a grip on you before he let go to walk to the drivers side. Tyler guided you toward the passenger seat of what looked like a black mustang. He gently helped you sit down, your head was throbbing so much that you didn’t care anymore. All you wanted to do was go home. Once you were in the seat, Tyler started asking questions again. "Who is this?" 
"Seatbelt." Dylan said gesturing to Tyler to grab it and hand it to him, "What is your name?" He asked, taking the seatbelt from Tyler and making sure you were buckled in properly.
"Y/N."  You said, rolling your eyes for what felt like the millionth time since you met him.
"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N." Dylan smiled, trying to lighten the mood as he buckled up his seat belt.
"I could think of nicer ways.." You grumbled, which caused Dylan and Tyler to chuckle.
"Um.. I'm not feeling to hot."
"Woah do not throw up in my car, I just got her detailed." Tyler begged, looking down at you. You just glared at him, and layed your head back onto the seat. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see spots. You knew you might have a mild concussion, nothing some aspirin and an ice pack couldn’t fix. Tyler shut the car door but leaned down so he could still talk to us. Dylan reached into his pocket for the keys to his car, and handed them to Tyler.  
"I'll see you at the party in a bit, and bro.. Don't tell anyone about this." Dylan asked his best friend. Tyler just nodded, turning around to walk through the entrance Dylan came out of earlier. Dylan started the car, and pulled out of the alley. We sat in silence for a moment, you could tell Dylan wanted to say something but he just kept his eyes on the road.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked, tearing your gaze from the window.
"I told you, the hospital." 
"And I told you, I'm a nurse. Just take me home please.." Your voice barely above a whisper.
"But you're bleeding.." Dylan whined, sounding like a 3 year old when they don’t get their way.
"I won't be the only one either unless you take me home." You demanded this time with more force. He reluctantly agreed, plugging in the address you gave him into his phone. You turned your attention back toward the window as Dylan mumbled something under his breath you didn't catch. You were fixing to ask what he said when a ringtone went off. Dylan reached into his suit pocket and pulled out his phone to answer it.
"Hey bro what's up?" Dylan looked over at you, a playful smile on his face. You were admiring his moles when his eyes widened. "Shit.. Are you serious?" Dylan groaned, "Okay dude, yeah I'll be right there." This time your eyes widened as he made a quick u-turn at the next red-light.
"Where are you going?" You yelled.
"How do you feel about a party?" Dylan offered, a hopeful and pleading smile on his face.
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 6)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Six: The Girlfriend
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 5645
Warnings: swearing, self doubt, bullying(?), Threatening, cheating, terrible sentence structure/grammar and mild violence that makes my heart happy.
Note: This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie. Also, if you’re a fan of Britt Robinson you probably won’t like this chapter… at all.
PS. There is a line in here from another personal favorite movie of mine, Let’s see if you spot it. Comments always welcome :)
Chapters: 5 -- 7
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Your alarm had gone off 30 minutes ago, but you just hit snooze and continued stared at the ceiling. It wasn’t like you needed the alarm, you hadn’t even been to sleep yet. Your alarm read 5:30 and you should be getting ready for work but you called the hospital faking sick so you could stay in the confines of your bedroom all day. You knew you should pull yourself together, but you didn’t have the strength. On top of everything that happened yesterday, Annabeth wasn’t talking to you and you honestly couldn’t blame her. She was mad about her car, but what made it was worse was her knowing you lied to her even though you desperately wanted to tell her the truth. You wanted to explain everything to her, and cry on her shoulder about Dylan but you couldn’t.
“What the hell has been going on Y/N? First you totally ditch us at the premier and now you fake going into work and wreck my car? This isn’t like you, please tell me what is going on.” Annabeth pleaded with you to talk to her, and for a split second you almost told her. Almost.
“Nothing’s going on, I told you I was trying to find a shortcut and got lost and before I knew it your car was in a sink hole! I called the tow immediately telling them where it was, and I’m paying for everything. I also ordered you a rent a car. I apologized A.B. I don’t understand why you can’t let it go.” You snapped at her but felt guilty the moment you saw her face.
“Why won’t I let it go? Because you’re my best friend. You have been my best friend for 6 years ever since our freshman year of college Y/N. I know when something’s going on, is it Ryan.. I saw his updated status on Facebook. I’m here for you..” She trailed off looking at you with so much sympathy and it just made you feel guiltier. 
“This isn’t about Ryan. I couldn’t care less.” You stated staring at your best friend. She crossed her arms over her chest and you could tell she was becoming angry.
“Then what is it about Y/N?” She was using her lawyer voice you have heard countless times over the past 6 years, and you couldn’t help but feel like you stepped into her court room.
“Nothing.” Liar.
“Okay.” She turned around quickly and stomped into her room. The slam of her door made you wince and you wondered if she was picturing your head in the door frame with how hard she slammed it. You didn’t move from your spot on the couch as you heard her rustling in her room. You were tempted to knock on her door but you didn’t know what to say so you didn’t move.
She came out moments later with a duffel bag and her car keys in her hand. You thought she was going to walk right past you but she decided to stop and break your heart even more than it already was, “when you stop lying and want to tell me the truth, give me a call, I’ll be at Lex’s.” You opened your mouth to say something, anything, to make her stay but nothing came out. She turned her back on you walking to the door. She opened it and looked to you over her shoulder and you were pleading with your eyes but she snapped her head around pulling the door behind her with so much force you swore the apartment shook. 
You didn’t want to think about your fight with Annabeth, or how she has ignored ever text you sent her since last night, which was plenty. You eventually drug yourself out of bed, stretching slightly but not bothering to look in the mirror. You knew your eyes were puffy from crying, and you could only imagine what your hair looked like in its messy bun. You grabbed your iPod off its charging dock and clicked the power button which surprisingly turned it on after it’s time spent in your ruined purse from yesterday. 
You walked into the kitchen setting the device on the bar, taking your time grabbing a bowl down from one of the taller cabinets and then the lucky charms from the top of the refrigerator. You were pouring the contents into the bowel when the sound of your iPod buzzed on the counter and you all but threw the cereal box down in an attempt to get it. You thought it was Annabeth finally texting you back, but deep down you wished it was Dylan. You were wrong on both accounts when you noticed it was just a notification from Facebook.
You clicked on the notification that read ‘New Friend Request’ wondering who could have added you when the name flashed on the screen and you immediately recognized it. You let the iPod slip from your grasp and hit the bar with a clang. In that moment you felt the universe had some sort of vendetta against you, that you had to have been a serial killer or world dictator in a past life to incur this much pain. Your heart was no longer broke, it was obliterated.
You picked up the iPod and stared at the open notifications for your friend requests.
Spencer Westen has added you as a new friend.
The name alone was like nails on a chalk board, you couldn’t help but cringe at it, but the picture next to her name was the real blow. It was a picture of Ryan down on one knee, in what looks like downtown LA, holding out a velvet ring box standing in front of her while she had happy tears in her eyes. You knew it was crass, you knew it wouldn’t make you feel better, and you knew it was immature but you did it anyway. You threw your iPod across the room straight into the wall of the living room. The iPod landed with a crash and you were sure it was a goner, but it the moment you didn’t care. Seeing that picture short circuited your brain causing you to replay the day you found out who she was.
“Hey baby, we need to talk..” Ryan knocked on your door, but you were busy getting ready for your date so you didn’t pay attention to him.
“I’m almost ready babe, just give me like 5 minutes?” You smiled at him, not noticing the guilty expression on his face. You bend over in your closet digging for your favorite pair of strappy black heels when he cleared his throat behind him. You turned to your fiance, and the look on his face made your heart race. You knew something was wrong and it was sending a million scenarios through your brain. “Is something wrong?” You bit your lip nervously, not wanting him to answer the question.
“Can we talk?” You nodded your head and sat on the end of the bed patting the spot next to you for him to join. He sat down and immediately grabbed your left hand, holding it gently in his hands. You didn’t know what was worse, him not talking or the fact that he wouldn’t make eye contact with you.
“Ry you’re scaring me..” You grabbed his chin with your free hand, turning it so he would have no choice but to look at you. “You know you can tell me anything.. What’s going on?” He grabbed your hand off his face kissing the back of it gently before taking it in his hand. You noticed every hair on your body standing on end, and goose bumps begin to form on your arms as you stared at him. His normally bright blue eyes were clouded over so much so they became a dull gray, and you felt the weight he was carrying from simply looking into them.
He looked away from you and down to his hand which was fiddling with your engagement ring on your finger. He took a deep breath like he was gathering up strength then he uttered four words. They were simple words, nothing about them were menacing just like the ocean or air, but when combined they had the power to leave destruction in their wake.
“I cheated on you.” You retracted your hand from his grip as soon as the words left his lips, and your mind was reeling, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You stood up from the bed and walked over to your desk bracing yourself against it.
“What’s her name?” You surprised yourself with the calmness in your voice. You didn’t want to look at him so you continued to stare at the books scattered on your desk as he spoke.
“It doesn’t matter Y/N. It was only once I swear, it was a moment of weakness I swear it meant nothing. Please baby listen to me,” you didn’t hear him get up from the bed but you felt him place his hand on your shoulder, “I love you Y/n/n, I want to marry you.” You shrugged his hand off your shoulder as you turned around to stare at him.
“What’s her name Ryan?” You demanded through clenched teeth.
“Y/N..” He whined reaching for you again but you stepped out of range. He realized he wasn’t going to get out of answering the question, and he ran his hands down his face out of frustration. “It was Spencer..”
“The new doctor at your practice?” You couldn’t belive this, of all the people it had to be her. She joined Ryan and his father’s practice 3 months ago since they decided to expand and needed a pediatric doctor. She was stunningly beautiful, and she was always nice to you when you went into his office.  
You met his gaze and saw the man in front of you clearly for the first time. Everyone said he wasn’t good enough for you, but you never believed them, thinking they were crazy. Ryan was 5 years older than you, and you met him at the hospital where he was doing his residency and you fell for him instantly. It was hard not to when you looked at him, he was 6'2 with a lean build and perfectly sculpted, with blonde hair that took longer to fix than your own. You felt honored he wanted to date you, let alone marry you. Ryan came from a wealthy family since his dad had his own private practice, and you always felt out of place but Ryan didn’t seem to care as he introduced you to his stuck up parents who looked down on you from where you came from. You were clouded by his name, and his words that you didn’t see him for what he really was.
“Why?” You looked into his eyes and watched him shift uncomfortably in place.
“Y/n/n you have to believe me, I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you so much. Please baby,” Ryan took a step forward and you stood in place. He took that as a sign and wrapped his arms around you kissing the top of your head as he whispered into your hair line, “please can we just work this out. I promise I will never let it happen again.” You stayed in his embrace for a moment thinking about his apology in your head. You breathed in his cologne which always smelled like sandalwood, but instead of it being comforting it churned your stomach. You were never this girl, the one who depended on a man, and here you were thinking about taking him back.
You knew what you had to do, and as much as it broke you, you did it. You pulled yourself out of Ryan’s embrace and walked over to the door. You looked down at your ring finger admiring the sparkling rock on your hand, and slowly slipped it off. Ryan didn’t take his eyes off you the whole time, and you noticed his voice cracking as he spoke.
“Please Y/N, I love you. She meant nothing. It was–It was the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. You have to believe me, I want you. I only want you.” He came to stand in front of you, tears forming in the back of his eyes, but you no longer cared. In that moment you forged a steel wall on around your heart, and grabbed his hand placing the engagement ring in his open palm and closed his fist.
“You knew what you were doing and you knew that it would break me and you didn’t let that stop you.”
“Baby pl–”
“Please leave.” You opened the door wider for him, but he didn’t budge.
“I’m not going anywhere.. We can work this out. I know we can.”
“You didn’t just cheat on me Ryan, you cheated on us. On our future..” you shook your head, letting a small sigh escape your lips, “we’re done now Please Leave.” You didn’t want to fight with him, all you wanted was to be left alone and with one last pleading look he granted your wish. He walked through your bedroom door and you shut it behind him collapsing against it. You could no longer hold yourself up as you slid down the door to the floor as the tears you had been holding back came flooding out.
You didn’t bother picking up the iPod, knowing no one would be getting in touch with you anyway.  You didn’t finish pouring the bowel of cereal since your stomach was still churning from the resent news. You made your way to the couch and plopped down grabbing the xbox remote from the coffee table, and started scrolling through Netflix. The house was eerily quiet and that just made you feel lonelier. You couldn’t find anything on Netflix so you switched to Amazon video when one thing caught your eye: Teen Wolf. You knew you shouldn’t click on it but you found your hands were working on their own agenda as they pressed the title. You grabbed a blanket as the start of the show came on and noticed Tyler on the screen.
“Look how young he is.” You muttered to yourself, but you remembered he was like 16 when the show started and the man you met yesterday was 25 now. You watched as he walked outside of his house with a baseball bat when someone came tumbling down from the roof which caused you to jump and the two boys on the TV scream.
“Stiles what the hell are you doing?” Tyler yelled at the boy whose face you saw clearly now.
“You weren’t answering your phone.” You paused the show staring at young Dylan as he was hanging from Scott’s characters house. Your heart broke all over again seeing his face but you couldn’t stop staring. Seeing him now, even if it was just on the TV brought you back to yesterday.
You felt the tears burn your eyes as you walked away from Dylan on the beach. You honestly felt like he had changed, that the moment you shared by the pond, and everything he said about you was true. You knew you had been kidding yourself, there was no way that a girl like you could ever be with someone like him. He could claim he was trying to protect you, but at the end of the day, it came down to one simple fact: you were a nobody.
You finally stumbled back to the spot where you, Annabeth, and Lex set up camp but they were nowhere to be found. You tried to fight back the tears as you made your way to the phone booth. You just opened the door when you heard screaming coming from the beach, but when you turned around you were met with Dylan being surrounded by a bunch of girls and some boys wanting autographs. He smiled his dazzling smile while posing for some pictures as if nothing had happened 5 minutes ago, and that was all the confirmation you needed.
You dug through your purse to find loose change, but stopped yourself turning around to look at Dylan one more time but seeing him smiling while your heart was breaking caused the tears burning in your eyes to cascade down your cheeks. You let yourself have this moment, the same way with Ryan. You pulled yourself together and put the loose change in the slot calling a car to come and take you away from the craziness of Dylan O'Brien and back to reality. You waited till you saw the cab pull up, which didn’t take long, and made your way out of the phone booth. You caught the paparazzi hiding in the bushes as he took Dylan’s picture but you didn’t care, it wasn’t your problem, but what you didn’t know was he wasn’t just taking Dylan’s photo’s, but yours too.
You continued staring at the paused picture on the TV, not wanting to take your eyes off Dylan. He looked like a baby compared to the handsome man he is now, but still unbelievably cute. Dylan had a buzzcut in the episode and you couldn’t help but wonder what he would look like with one now, but quickly dismissed the thought because his shaggy brown hair was enough to send electric shocks to your heart. You told yourself you should stop watching knowing it was only going to cause you more pain, but then again you were never good at doing what you were told. You snuggled under the warm blanket and pressed play, preparing to relive your heartache over and over again ever time you saw him pop up on the screen.
Dylan was a wreck, an emotional and unstable wreck. He crashed at Tyler’s the night before not wanting to come home to an empty apartment. Tyler welcomed him with open arms, and cold beer promising not to talk about her if he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to talk about her, he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to hear her angelic voice, he ached to hear her laugh or her sassy remarks.
He woke up after noon not even bothering to check his phone, which had been off the moment he left the beach yesterday. He knew as soon as he turned it on it would be a fight, and his hangover couldn’t deal with Brittany right now. He made his way downstairs for some coffee, his feet carrying him to the kitchen when he stoped by the kitchen table which had his laptop still up from yesterday. He clicked the mouse pad and was met with Y/N’s smiling face wearing those stupid cat glasses only she could make look good. He watched the pictures change, all of them from yesterday, including the one on his phone where she was wrapped in his arms. He missed Tyler coming up to him setting a cup of coffee on the table for him.
“Bro.. You okay?” Tyler put a comforting hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently.
“Yeah,” he sighed rubbing a hand down his face, “yeah I just can’t get her out of my mind.”
“Me either, she almost threw up in my car.” Tyler joked trying to lighten the mood which made him chuckle remember when he first met her.
“She’s real yano? She’s annoyingly honest.. She is super smart. Did I tell you she graduated from Stanford?” Dylan asked, admiration for her coating every word as he spoke to his best friend.
“Damn, that’s impressive.”
“I know, I said the same thing. She’s cool, she’s funny.. When she’s not being a pain in my ass, and her sarcasm out does mine by a long shot.”
“That’s saying something.” Tyler mumbled under his breath as he took a sip of his coffee, but Dylan heard him and gave him a playful glare.
“And not to mention the fact that she’s absolutely gorgeous.” Tyler hummed, agreeing with him. Neither of them heard the front door of the house being open, or someone behind them until they heard a throat being cleared.
“Hello boys,” Tyler immediately shut the laptop to hide the pictures, “talking about me?” Britt’s voice rang through the living room and both of them turned around. Tyler clapped him on the shoulder muttering a quick good luck before he bailed to go anywhere in the house that didn’t have them in.
“Look Britt.. I don’t want to fight right now.. please.” Dylan begged rubbing his temples to prevent the headache he knew was coming on.
“Neither do I, just answer me this, is she an actress, is she more famous than me?” Dylan scoffed at her bitterness, he made his way to the couch and she followed behind him.
“No,” he sighed as he sat down on the couch, “she’s not an actress, she’s not famous at all.”
“Okay,” Britt furrowed her brow at him crossing her arms over her chest, “then I really don’t understand why you would pick her.” Her phone started ringing and she pulled in out of her pocket as Dylan narrowed his eyes at her.
“I didn’t pick her.. It just kind of happened.”
She laughed at him shaking her head lightly, “that kind of stuff only happens in the movies.” Dylan was growing more angry with his girlfriend by the second. He didn’t want to talk about Y/N, especially not with her. “This is the real world.” She looked down at her phone, squinting slightly to read whatever was sent to her. Dylan wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and get away from her so he could go back to pining over Y/N. Britt squealed which caused him to practically fall out of his seat on the couch.
“What the hell Britt?” Dylan huffed standing up so he could see what she was so excited about. Tyler ran into the room after hearing her scream and looked at the pair with confusion.
“I just landed a lead role on the CW series! Omg!” She squealed again, and Dylan’s blood ran cold.
“The CW?” He clinched his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white. He heard Tyler mutter an ‘oh shit’ before turning around as fast as he could to avoid the fight that was fixing to happen.
“Yes! I’ll be playing Sabrina the teenage witch. They are doing a remake of it! I can’t believe this it’s going to be so much fun.” She smiled up looking up from her phone but then frowned at him. “What’s your problem, why are you not happy for me?” She put her hands on her hip, glaring at him.
“Oh I don’t know… Is that the show that’s suppose to cross-over with Riverdale?“ 
"Maybe..” She trailed off twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger looking anywhere but at him. If he was pissed earlier, he was livid now. He knew about her and KJ, even though she never openly admitted, he knew. He had heard countless rumors, although they came from very reliable sources. He stuck with her every time because he was hoping that somewhere deep down the girl he fell in love with 5 years ago was still there but she wasn’t. As soon as the rumor’s spread about her and him he knew that their relationship was never going to work, but he was always so terrified of what the split could do to his career.
He thought back to what Y/N said about keeping their imagine intact, and she was right. The same reason he hasn’t broken up with her is because he was afraid of what it might do. He has seen countless celebrities break up, and everyone takes one side. He rubbed the back of his neck of frustration, and looked Britt in the eye.
“Do you still love me?” Meeting Y/N has made him more bold now that it ever has been.
“Why would you ask me that? Is it because of her?” She gestured to the laptop containing all of their pictures.
“No I’m asking because I want to know. I want to know why you would accept a TV role which could jeopardize our relationship.” Britt crossed her arms over her chest defensively.
“You’re one to talk. Are you willing to throw our relationship down the drain for some nobody?”
“Yes.” Dylan answered without hesitation, and it surprised her just as much as it did him. She laughed so hard she was bent over, holding her chest. She rubbed her eyes, collecting the tears that began to form in them when she noticed he wasn’t laughing.
“Oh my god.. You’re serious.” She narrowed her eyes at him, and he began to panic.
“Yeah I am.. You have no regard for our relationship obviously, so why should I? Maybe we should just end this here.” Dylan couldn’t stop the words from leaving his lips, and she laughed again.
“So what? Are you breaking up with me?” Dylan thought long and hard about his answer, but in the end there was only one word
“Yes.” A small smirk formed on her lips as soon as that word left his. He felt free the moment he spoke but it was short lived  when she closed the distance between them and smiled sweetly up to him.
“Yano what Dyl, fortunately for you I’m gonna ignore this mental breakdown of yours, just chill out, I have an errand to run, and we can grab dinner tonight.” She leaned up and kissed him hard on the mouth but he didn’t return it. As soon as her lips touched his it felt wrong, foreign even. Her lips left his as quickly as they came and she turned around without another word and walked through the front door.
You just finished season 2 of Teen Wolf and you were hooked. You hadn’t stirred from under your blanket on the couch, unless it was for a bathroom break. You rewinded the TV to the part where Stiles was watching Lydia run to Jackson, with tears in his eyes. As painful as it was to see him on the TV, it was even worse to see him with tears in his eyes. You knew that it was all acting, but he was so believable. You might have been head over heels for Dylan but you wanted Stile’s and Lydia to be happy forever. If you couldn’t have your happily ever after, at least your favorite fictional characters should.
You were about to press play on season 3 when there was a knock on the door. You thought maybe AnnaBeth forgot her key at Lex’s and you ran to the door opening it in a rush. You froze as you stared at the girl in front of you, who was the last person on earth you thought would be at your door, with your mouth wide open.
“You’re Y/N right?” Britt Robinson smiled at you and walked into your apartment not waiting to be invited. You stared at her as she made her way into the living room and quickly closed the door behind her. You took a moment to look at the gorgeous girl in front of you. She had long blonde hair which was styled in perfect curls, and a pair of jeans with knee high boots and a tight black tank top on. You gazed from her appearance to yours and felt self-conscious. You were wearing poop emoji pink plush pajama bottoms with a Stanford T-shirt. You brought your hand to your hair to adjust your messy bun, and fix any stray hairs. “Cute apartment.” She smiled again, but you heard the mocking tone that coated her words.
“Um.. No offense but what are you doing here.. In my apartment?” The words came out more harsh than you ment, and the smile didn’t disappear from her lips, if possible it got wider. You saw the hint of destruction in her eyes, and you were starting to panic.
“Oh no reason,” she trailed off picking up a picture frame of you and Annabeth staring at it, “I just wanted to meet the girl that has my boyfriend so blinded he can’t think straight.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You crossed your arms over your chest as you locked eyes with her. She let the picture she was holding fall to the ground and the echo of glass shattering echoed through the room.
“Oops.” A smirk replaced her smile as you gritted your teeth. Bitch.
“Accidents happen.” You smiled sweetly at her, but your voice betrayed you.
“That they do,” she mused to herself more than you, “Like Dylan meeting you for example.”
“What do you want Britt?” You didn’t want to beat around the bush any longer, knowing there was something she wanted.
“I want you to stay away from my boyfriend.”
“Dylan made it perfectly clear yesterday, he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
“See that’s where you’re wrong.. He has this notion that he doesn’t need me anymore, that he can date whoever he wants, but that’s not the case. He does need me.”
“Are you sure it’s not the other way around?” You sassed at her, raising your eyebrows daringly.
“As sure as I am that you have no chance with him.” She stopped pacing the living room and pointed to the TV which was still paused on Stiles, “You see that? He’s famous. He is a ce-le-bri-ty. You are what? A nurse at a hospital?” You bit your lip to keep from snapping at her as she continued, “you will never be good enough for him. What do you have to offer hm? You’re just a little girl chasing a fantasy you will never see the end to. You can’t help his career, you’re not famous and let’s be honest you’re not that pretty either. I mean you’re just..” She smiled at you thinking of an insult, “Ordinary.”
It felt like she had reached in your chest and squeezed your heart with that word, the one Dylan called you yesterday on the beach. You felt the same sensation come over you as earlier and you knew you shouldn’t sink to her level, but of course your reflexes acted before you could scream at them to stop. You reared your right hand back and it came with full force connecting with Britt’s cheek. The sound of your palm connecting to her skin chorused through the room, and you felt your heart beat pounding in your chest.
Britt raised her hand to her now red cheek and laughed. You were trying to regain control of your breathing but nothing was helping. She stepped closer to you, the smile still plastered on her face. “That’s the difference between you and me sweetheart, I know how to control myself. You can take the white trash out of the girl and move her to a big city but deep down you will always be her. You might have graduated from some fancy school but you lack class, and Dylan can’t have someone by his side with a temper like yours. Do yourself a favor, leave him alone before you drag him down even further.”
You had tears burning in your eyes, and she smirked at you. She walked to the door and you watched her go but not before she turned around to you, putting on her best sincere face, “It was nice meeting you Y/N, we should do it again some time.” With that she opened the door and closed it behind her. You stood in your living room, absorbing everything she said to you. Silent tears fell down your cheek and you wondered again what you did to deserve this. You knew how the saying went, sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you strong. It doesn’t build character. It only hurts, and right now you felt the damage to your heart slowly becoming irreversible.
Tag List: @honeymoonmuke @littlewriterme @fan-of-many-bands @susybird @katieevans371 @daddyxraeken @awkwarddly @fuckwhateverfuck 
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 4)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Four: The Day Out
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 5202
Warnings: swearing, self doubt(IDK if this is a warning?) and terrible sentence structure/grammar 
Note: I had to split this chapter up because it was so long, that is why the ending is very anti-climatic. This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie.
Chapters: 3 – 5
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You woke up to a loud pounding on your door, and you knew this was your punishment. You hated waking up early and Annabeth was now torturing you. She wasn’t the yelling type, but last night you got a mouth full from her, and now she was getting her revenge by waking you up at an ungodly hour on your last off day before you go back the hospital tomorrow for your 17 hour shift. You pulled the covers over your head when you heard your door open. 
“Y/N get up it’s almost 9.” You groaned at her mom tone, rolling over in the bed. You knew you should get up, and get ready since you bailed on her last night and you were already in hot water. You told her you had an emergency page at the hospital so you called an Uber. You told her you thought the text sent and accidentally left your phone in cab in the rush to get to work. She was furious, pacing back and forth yelling at you, but she did believe your cover story and that’s all that mattered. “Y/N I’m serious, you promised to go to the beach with me and after having me up all night worrying about you, you owe me.” You knew she was right because when you came in last night she was almost in tears with Lex on the phone fixing to call the cops.
“I said I was sorry..” You grumbled under the covers.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it. Get your ass out of bed and get dressed, we are leaving in 30.” She said yanking the comforter off the bed, depositing it on the floor out of your reach before she walked out of your room. Well played. 
You just finished putting on a Georgia tank top over your black bikini when Annabeth barged into your room. “Hurry up loser.”
“You literally woke me up 10 minutes ago, and I got like 5 hours of sleep last night, you know I don’t function well on less than 9 hours of sleep.”
“You can sleep when your dead.” She sassed, putting her hands on her hip. She was wearing our alma mater’s tank top over her neon pink bikini with a pair of worn out blue jean shorts, perfect for the heat. Her beach blonde hair was in a perfect messy pun on top of her head, and you couldn’t help but be jealous of how effortless she made it look. She was the perfect picture of a California girl, and you always felt out of place next to her. You tugged on your cut off shorts, before grabbing your beach bag. 
“Fine. I’m ready. Are you happy?” You huffed dramatically, and she just nodded her grinning at you. You made your way through the house on Annabeth’s heels when she stoped in front of the TV. 
“Oh hold on they are doing a story on Dylan.” You froze at the mention of his name, and turned your direction to the reporter on TV. You tried to get the remote from her grasp but she tugged it out of your hands turning up the volume.
“The American Assassins viewing and party was a hit last night with leading men Taylor Kitsh, Micheal Keaton and Dylan O'Brien. Speaking of Dylan O'Brien, he was seen at the after party without his longtime girlfriend Britt Robinson at his side but his best friend Tyler Posey was there to keep him company. The Teen Wolf boys were reconnected and look how cute they are.” The lady spoke, flashing a picture of Dylan and Tyler from last night on the screen. Damn that suit.
“Tyler Posey apparently held an after-after party at his place in Los Angeles, and witnesses say Dylan O'Brien left the Americans Assassins party without a trace only to magically reappear at Tylers home with a different girl? Yes that’s right, as you can see here there was a picture of our young Dylan O'Brien tugging a girl up stairs that was clearly not his girlfriend of 5 years Britt Robinson.” 
You didn’t know how good the quality of the picture was but you didn’t want to take your chances. You quickly grabbed the remote from Annabeth’s hand turning the TV off before they could show the picture of you and Dylan.
"Hey! I was watching that.” She snapped, grabbing the remote from your hand again to turn the TV back on.
“Why it’s all lies. Technically slander.” You snapped back reaching for the remote but she was faster than you.
“Why do you care you don’t even like him?" 
"I care about the truth and I’m pretty sure that’s not it.” You said pointing toward the reporter on the TV.
“We also have pictures of Britt Robinson who apparently couldn’t get out of scheduling conflict to make the premier but drove two hours from her set on Netflix’s "Girl Boss” to surprise Dylan at the party at Tyler Poseys. You can see here the couple dancing together, and laughing. Also, we can see them sharing a very passionate kiss goodbye as party goers said she didn’t stay long. Just long enough to see her man and wish him congratulations on the premier success. The picture of the mystery girl is still up in the air and Dylan O'Brien wasn’t available to quote on it but his girlfriend was. This was a direct quote from Britt Robinson herself.
“Oh my god, of course someone would grab a picture of that” She laughed into the phone. “It was a completely out of context picture. Dylan was going upstairs to his old room at T. Pose’s and some crazy fan stopped him before he reached the top grabbing his arm to get some autograph. Dylan of course being the amazing guy he is agreed, and went to get a pen in his room and the girl simply followed him. Dylan doesn’t have the heart to say no to his fans and that’s one of the reasons I love him so much, it was all just blown out of proportion. ”
“You heard it here folks, thank you for–" 
You grabbed the remote from Annabeth’s hand clicking it off. You could feel your blood boiling at Britt’s words. Annabeth gave you a glare but walked over to the glass bowl by the door grabbing her keys. She clicked the garage door button and opened the door making her way outside while you stood frozen in place. You stared at the blank screen thinking about what she called you last night and just then on television. You couldn’t believe Dylan would let her spin it around and make it look like she was crazy. Shit, Dylan. 
"Annabeth wait!” You screamed running out the door to catch up with her. You panicked not knowing what to do if Dylan was still in there so you grabbed her arm and twirled her so she wasn’t looking at the garage.
“What the hell Y/n/n.” She yelped trying to get her footing from being spun around so quickly. Your eyes went straight to the open garage door and you let a deep breathe. Dylan’s SUV was gone. You couldn’t help but feel the pang in your chest from last night return but you quickly shut it down. He’s gone Y/N, you’ll never see him again because he is famous, why would he want to be with you.
“Hello, Earth to Y/N.” Annabeth snapped her fingers in front of your face pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Uhhhh– I thought I saw a spider web.” You stammered.
“A spider web?” She asked narrowing her eyes at you. 
“Yeah. Huge web, I didn’t want you to walk in it cause yano spiders. Yikes.”  You chuckled trying your best to play off your mini freak out.
“Uh huh.. You sure your okay? You’ve been acting weird ever since you came home last night." 
"Me? I’m peachy. Just ready to go soak up the sun. Is Lex meeting us there?" 
"Yeah she is. Come on lets go before all the good spots are gone.” Annabeth made her way to her car and followed behind her. You hated lying to your best friend, but what were you suppose to tell her. You met her favorite celebrity because he gave you a concussion then went to an after party at his best friends house where he shoved you in a closet because his bitch of girlfriend was yelling at him and then he finally drove you home but had to sleep 50 feet from you because paparazzi followed him to your house all while you almost kissed twice and he kept smiling his dumb smile and looking at you with his caramel eyes. No you couldn’t tell her that, and it didn’t matter anyway because he went back to his life this morning and won’t even remember your name next week.
Annabeth pulled into the parking spot beside Lex’s car and got out, popping the trunk to get the beach chairs. The whole drive to Venice had been awkward neither of you saying much, just the radio playing in the background. Lex came up to you first giving you a hug, then proceeding to punch you in the arm. Hard. “What the fuck was that for?” You glared at her, rubbing your arm where you knew a bruise was forming on your skin.
“For last night. We were worried sick about you. Don’t you EVER do that again.” Lex returned your glare and you chuckled. You knew they were both worried, so you decided to play nice.
“I know I already got chewed out by mom.” Pointing at Annabeth. “I think I’m grounded.” Lex started laughing and Annabeth just rolled her eyes at the both of you. You made your way to the beach to get a good spot, Annabeth and Lex behind you talking.
“Did you see those pictures of Dylan and that crazy fan that stalked him to his room?” Lex asked.
“Yeah we were watching it on the TV I mean the guy can’t catch a break with creepy girls following him.” Annabeth sighed.
“You mean like you two were planning on doing last night?” You raised your eyebrows at them, but they ignored you. You found a spot big enough for your beach chairs and began setting up camp. You didn’t have your phone on you since you threw it at Dylan, not like it mattered anyway since it was broke. Atleast you had your iPod.
“Hey A.B. will you turn on your hot spot so I can check my messages on my iPod." 
"Yeah sure thing.” You started scrolling through your Facebook feed when you froze. You felt the color drain from your face, as you started at your notifications.
Ryan Ashworth has updated relationship status to: Engaged.
You felt the tears prickle at the back of your eyes, but they weren’t from sadness, they were from anger. You were so concerned about kissing another guy and he was engaged. You quickly locked your iPod, shoving it into your bag.
“I’m gonna go for a swim.” You stated, but neither of your friends were listening. They were layed back soaking up the sun with their headphones in. You took off your shirt and shorts and made your way toward the water walking along the shoreline when you looked out over the beach. You stopped walking when your eyes fell upon a man wearing an old worn out red cap. That’s not possible. You made your way over to where the man was sitting, faking like he was asleep. You could see the tufts of brown hair peaking out from the hat, and he had on a pair of dark jeans on, with a charcoal gray shirt on his toned frame. He was hunkered in the chair, black ray-bans hiding his honey brown eyes.
“Is this seat taken?” You gestured to the chair, but received no response. “No?” You teased, knowing full well that it wasn’t. “Oh, okay.” You sat down next to him, smiling. You relaxed for a moment, neither of you saying a word. You started to worry he was ignoring you on purpose, but you pressed anyway. 
“What a beautiful day.. Isn’t it just a beautiful day?” His only response was shuffling in his chair, wrapping is arms around himself to make it look like he was trying to sleep. “Oh I’m sorry.. You were sleeping. Did I wake you?” He shook his head no, but didn’t glance your way. “No? Good, then you’re awake. Can you rub some sunscreen on my back?” You teased trying to get him to respond. His head snapped toward you, and he lowered his ray-bans to the bridge of his nose smiling from ear to ear. 
“How did you know it was me?” Dylan chuckled, shaking his head lightly.
“The hat.” You rolled your eyes at him, relaxing in the chair. He took his glasses all the way off and you didn’t miss him raking his eyes over your body. He bit his lip, as he continued to stare at you wetting them every so often.
“What are you doing here?” He breathed out looking away from your body as he situated himself in his chair to hide his embarrassing hard on he got from staring at you in nothing but a black bikini. His imagination was  running wild, and he had to metally slap himself.
“What are you doing here? Go home.” You smirked at him noticing how he was still fidgeting in the chair.
“I tried." 
“You wouldn’t understand.” He waved you off staring at the people littering the beach. 
“Ohhhh. So you think you’re so special that a nobody like me couldn’t possibly understand how hard it is to be you."  
"Okay.” He sighed. He didn’t want to fight with you, especially since he prayed he would get a chance to see you again when he left your garage a couple of hours ago. “There were about 10 paparazzi parked outside my house with their cameras wanting an exclusive interview about that picture.”
“Oh.. Yeah that is tough.. Especially since you have crazy stalker fans." 
He winced at your tone. "Y/N.. I didn’t know she was gonna say that. I figured she would let me handle it but she released the statement as soon as she left the party.”
“It’s fine Dylan, anything to protect y'all’s perfect image right?" 
"See I knew you wouldn’t understand. Ugh.” He leaned his head back on the beach chair a little to harshly and you heard the thud of the impact. You believed him when he said Britt did it on her own, but it still hurt Dylan hasn’t bothered to correct it. “I just need to get home in a car the paparazzi won’t recognize.” Dylan was twiddling his thumbs when he looked at you, an idea forming in his mind. “So what are you driving?”
“Oh you’d love it. It blends right in." 
"Perfect, I could pay you or–”
“Stop that.” You yelled at him, causing him to jump.
“Stop what?”
“Throwing your money around. I mean you still owe me five grand for your stay at garage de-la Y/N.” Dylan laughed but you didn’t miss the eye roll he tried to hide. You knew you were going to regret what you were about to do, but you did it anyway.
“Meet me in the parking lot in 5 minutes.” You stood up from the chair and started walking away from him.
“What?” Dylan called after you, raising his eyebrows slightly.
“Just do it.” You made your way the short distance back over to Annabeth and Lex who where in the same spot as you left them. You quickly put on your shirt and shorts, grabbing your bag. You pulled out your iPod and nudged Annabeth to get her attention.
“Y/N why are you dressed?” She pouted.
“There’s an emergency at the hospital. It’s all hands on deck. Can I please drive sunshine and you get a ride home from Lex?” You pleaded with your eyes, knowing Annabeth could never say no when you used them.
“Ugh you and the eyes I swear.” She huffed, leaning up to dig through her bag. Her movements caused Lex to come back to reality. 
“Where are you going?” She asked
“Emergency at work.” Lex nodded her head in understanding. Annabeth handed you her keys, but before she let them go she said the same thing she always did. “You know the rules, no eating or drinking and fi–”
“Fill up the tank when I’m done. Got it.” You smiled at her, kissing her on the cheek. “Thanks A.B. Love you both." 
You heard a chorus of bye’s as you made your way to the parking lot, seeing Dylan leaning against a post waiting on you. He greeted you with a dazzling smile that made your stomach do backflips. You gestured for him to follow as you weaved through parked cars. You made your way to a stop, turning around giving Dylan an evil grin.
"Dylan.. Meet sunshine.” You gestured to the bright yellow cobalt in front of you.
“You have got to be kidding me.. This is your idea of blending in?” He huffed narrowing his eyes at you, but you continued smiling. You grabbed Dylan’s hand placing the keys in it. 
“Now hand me yours.” You smirked at him but before he could hand you his keys two vans came speeding into the parking lot.
“Get down! Get Down!” He whispered, grabbing you by the shoulders pulling to crouch in front of the car. “ I can’t believe this. How did they even know where to find me?” You both watched close to a dozen people with cameras get out of the vans looking around trying to find Dylan. “Here put these on.” Dylan ordered, handing you his ray-bans. You took them from him, putting them on without arguing. “Okay get in the car.” Dylan ordered again, crouching toward the drivers side. You didn’t object, not wanting to cause a scene and get caught.  
Dylan climbed into the drivers seat as you made your way to the passenger side door still crouching down to avoid the cameras. Dylan leaned over the console to open the door and it hit you with a thud. You got knocked on your ass, again, and Dylan’s shades fell from your face. You heard Dylan mutter a curse word, as you regained your balance you glared through the car window.
“Okay you really need to stop hitting me.” You growled putting your fallen shades back onto your face.
“I know I’m sorry. Just.. Get in, get in, get in.” He whisper-yelled, flailing his arms around. You sat in the passenger seat as Dylan started the car. “Quick buckled up. And put your head down.” He pressed the top of your head down, but you swatted it away.
“My head is down.” He ignored your comment, and put the car in reverse pulling out of the parking lot as fast as possible. You had been driving for a couple of minutes, Dylan checking the road behind him every so often. He finally relaxed and we both looked at each other, bursting out laughing. I love his laugh. You tensed, coughing slightly to regain your composure. 
“I’m going to need my sunglasses back.” Dylan smirked wiggling his fingers at you.
“Oh I don’t know, I kinda like em.”
“I’ll give them to you. Later.” He grinned at you, and you started squealing.
“For real? Becasue my friends won’t believe that I, Y/N Y/L/N have an actual pair of Dylan O'Brien's sunglasses, worn by Dylan O'Brien himself.” You fawned over him, causing him to roll his eyes but a smile was still on his face. You grabbed onto his arm tight, pretending to freak out. “Will you autograph them for me?”
“HA HA. Very funny." 
"No but seriously, I really want these glasses.” You smiled at him, taking them off of your face to look at them.
“Uh huh, give em. Come on.” You handed the glasses back to him and relaxed in the seat.
“So, how long do I have to drive around with you this time?” You nagged playfully at the boy next to you. We were heading back toward Los Angeles and you couldn’t help but be happy to spend time with him.
“Only until the paparazzi leave the beach.” Dylan turned on the radio so it was playing faintly in the background as he drove. “Hey lets go do something." 
"Like what?" 
"Anything.” Dylan had a lopsided grin on his face as he turned his head toward you. “Have you always lived in California?" 
"No, I moved here for college and I loved it so much I decided to stay.”
“Where are you from then?” He asked
“Is this what we’re going to do, play 20 questions.” You joked looking at Dylan with hopeful eyes. You wanted to get to know him, but you were afraid what he would think if he got to know you.
“We have a 40 minute drive back to LA, why not. So where are you from?”
“That explains why your a Georgia fan then?" 
"Yes. We had season tickets to the games, my mom and dad met there, they both graduated from UGA and so did my older sister Kat." 
"Then why did you move half-way across the country to go to school if you’re a legacy at UGA?” Dylan asked, fully invested in getting to know you. You knew it was nothing to be ashamed of, but even your greatest accomplishment seemed to fail in comparison to the TV and Movie star beside you.
“I got accepted into Stanford..” You mumbled, looking anywhere but in Dylans eyes.
“Y/N I’m not a werewolf I don’t have super human hearing.” Your face twisted in confusion and Dylan could tell you didn’t get the joke. “Yano cause I play a human on Teen Wolf..” You bit your lip nervously, not wanting to let Dylan know you have never seen the TV show that launched his career, but you had no poker face when it came to your emotions and Dylan saw right through you.
 "You’ve never seen Teen Wolf have you?“ 
"No.. But if it makes you feel any better my two best friends are obsessed with the show?�� Dylan started laughing, and he didn’t stop.
“God, you’re amazing. You know that?” Dylan was practically in tears, and you were more confused than ever.
“Your happy I have never seen anything you have played in?” You asked skeptically, trying to understand what  was so funny.
“Yes.. I mean no, of course I would like you to watch my stuff, but you just treat me like a regular person. You don’t expect anything from me. I don’t have to be Dylan O'Brien actor when I’m with you, I can just be Dylan O'Brien regular guy.. It feels amazing.” He beamed at you, and his whiskey eyes gleamed with adoration. “It feels amazing to be with you.” He clarified and you swore your heart escaped your chest and ran all the way back to the beach squealing the whole way. The way Dylan was looking at you sent a shock to your soul, and it scared the shit out of you. 
“Well any time you don’t want me to watch one of your shows or movies, you just say the word.” You sassed at him, trying to hide the smile on your face but failing miserably. Dylan chuckled shaking his head at your sarcasm.
“So you were telling me about school..” He trailed off bringing you back to the question you wanted to avoid. Yes, you were proud and so was your family but being from such a small town it was awkward. You were known as the genius kid, having skipped your senior year all together. You missed your family but you didn’t miss the town. You loved California now, having lived here for 6 years how could you not. You let out a sigh, looking at your hands. 
“I went to Stanford.” You fidgeted with your fingers, inspecting your cuticles so you didn’t have to see the look on Dylan’s face.
“Stanford? Holy Shit. Beautiful and smart, the perfect combination.” Your head snapped in his direction at his comment and you were met with the same adoration in his eyes and you were pretty sure you melted away in that moment. You continued making small talk the rest of the trip, laughing and joking. With each passing minute you felt yourself slipping deeper and deeper into a hole. Besides being the sexiest human being alive, he was funny and smart. The way he talked about his parents and sister with love, and his fans and his career made you fall harder. He didn’t bring up his girlfriend, and you didn’t mind. You were content to live in this blissful world of delusion where he was just a regular guy and you were you. 
Dylan pulled into an open parking lot, putting on his glasses as he walked over to the other side of the car and opened the door for you. You took his hand gratefully and started walking down the street checking small shops talking the whole time. The streets were buzzing with people and it was easy for you and Dylan to get lost in the crowd. You walked up to a cart on Hollywood Boulevard selling LA memorabilia along with a bunch of odds and ends. You put on a pair of cat sunglasses and turned toward Dylan.
“I think these are way cooler than your glasses anyway.” You said seriously and he just laughed at you.
“Hold on. Don’t move.” Dylan demanded as he turned around and plucked a disposable camera off the table handing the cashier a twenty dollar bill, not asking for change back. He smiled at you and held up the camera to take your picture in the glasses. You smiled until you heard the click of the camera and started giggling. “As fashionable as those are, I don’t think they are your style." 
You went to take them off but before you could  Dylan had his hands wrapped around the frames lifting them from your face. You were in the same situation as last night, Dylan’s breath fanning on your face from standing so close to you. He let the moment slip away without making a move, reaching for a ridiculous looking hat plopping it on your head. You swatted at him, grabbing the hat and putting it back.
You continued walking and talking until you made it to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and you were lost in your thoughts not paying attention to Dylan. He watched you stare at each of the stars as you walked wrapped up in your thoughts. You made your way to another table picking up the thing you see people use in movies to call action. Dylan smiled at you taking your picture and as he did you yelled ‘Action’ causing him to laugh.
"What is this thing called anyway? An action board?” Dylan started laughing at you again, and you gave him a playful glare.
“You’re too cute. It’s called a clapperboard." 
"That’s a dumb name.” You put the action board down, looking around at the other items on the table when you saw the billboard for his American Assasins movie.
“Dyl look!” You exclaimed grabbing his arm. You pointed to the giant billboard that had him front and center as his character Mitch Rapp. Dylan melted at the nickname, even though he gets called it a lot it made his heartbeat skip when it came out of your mouth. You took the camera from his hands making him turn around to stand so the billboard was behind him. Dylan took off his hat and glasses for a moment so you could get the picture.
“Say Clapperboard.” Dylan laughed and you took the picture. Dylan quickly put his disguise back on and checked the time.
“Holy shit we’ve been hanging out for 3 hours."  
"Yeah I guess we should make our way back to the beach right?” You tried to hide the frown on your face, but disappointment was written on over you. Dylan wasn’t ready to go back yet either so he decided to make a quick stop at a place where we could see the Hollywood sign before heading back to the beach. You were sad to see this day end because it had been perfect. You and Dylan made your way to the sign, and surprisingly there wasn’t any tourists around. 
“Here go stand over there.” He pointed to an open spot so he could take a picture of you with the sign. You gave your best Vanna White impression as Dylan snapped the photo. He was about to head back to the car when you stoped him.
“Dyl wait, come here.” He walked over to you and you positioned him so he was next to you. You held the camera up to take a selfie but he stoped you. “Oh hold on.” Dylan took the hat off and his sunglasses so he could take an actual picture with you. You smiled and clicked the button snapping another picture but before you could walk away he grabbed you around the waist.
 "Wait, I want one of us on my phone.“ He pulled out his iPhone from his pocket and clicked on portrait mode. Dylan pulled you closer to him, and you decided to just wrap your arms around him. He snapped the picture, but you remained in the same position. You took a deep breath, drinking in his scent. He smelled like the woods, with a hit of vanilla and you were pretty sure you could get drunk just off his cologne. You eventually de-tangled your arms from around Dylan and you were sure you heard him whine in protest. You both made your way back to the car to head back to a reality neither of you wanted to be true.
Tags: @fan-of-many-bands @littlewriterme
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