genericfangirlshit · 2 years
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Eddie’s Strength 🧎‍♀️
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genericfangirlshit · 2 years
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Stranger Things- 4.08 ‣ Papa
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genericfangirlshit · 2 years
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#there’s just something about a man with a little slutty waist (3/?)
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
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Oh my god it’s you, it’s really you!
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
there is not a single logical argument against having stricter gun laws and I swear to god if yall bitch one more time about “it’s my second amendment right” ill scream bc that amendment was written before machine guns were even dreamed of so frankly if you wanna walk around with a fucking musket and gun powder then feel free but for fuck’s sake don’t pretend like the founding fathers were saying “yes jim I think you should walk around with a gun capable of killings hundreds of people in a few minutes that sounds fantastic”
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
This is beyond accurate
amanda seyfreids life in the mamma mia movie is so ideal…..living in a villa on an island in the mediterranean, sailing around the coast and eating fruit, colin firth might be ur dad….this bitch rlly had it all
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
I love this so much
man you know what I want? a superhero series where they have powers that 100% contradict their personalities. a fishermans daughter who lives by the sea, swims every day, learns that she can control fire. a boy who’s mortified of heights but realizes he can use antigravity and hates it. someone who was bitten by a dog as a child, suffers extreme fear around animals, can now communicate with them. they’re all disgusted by their powers.
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
Reblog is you want Monroe to die a painful death.
because I know we all want it.
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
Half of The Argents are literally the bane of my life (no pun intended). Kate is just one of the vilest creatures to ever walk the earth of Beacon Hills and don't even get me started on Gerard....And then there's Allison and Chris who are absolute babes like how are they from the same family tree I just don't understand it. I swear if Gerard isn't killed off in the finale I will personally hunt him down myself
Ok mini-rant over
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
And just when you think you couldn't hate Kate Argent anymore...
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted and enjoy working with T Pose while it lasted because we have just loved working together since day one and we’ve had so much fun on the show. We’ve built a lifelong friendship and he’s one of my best buds ever.
Dylan O’Brien on coming back to Teen Wolf for the Series Finale (via stydiahappenedin2017)
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
Teen wolf just makes me angry atm like can you stop killing my babies pls, thanks a lot 🙃
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
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Happy 26th Birthday, Dylan O’Brien.
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genericfangirlshit · 7 years
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How am I possibly meant to focus in work when today is the 26th birthday of this absolute god 🤤 like how ?! Please someone help me
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