#daughter of babalon
gorgongrrlfriend · 5 months
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The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake. - AL II:21
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Day 15
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Liber Cheth
Vallum Abiegni
sub figurâ CLVI
A∴A∴ Publication in Class A
This is the secret of the Holy Graal, that is the sacred vessel of our Lady the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, the bride of Chaos, that rideth upon our Lord the Beast.
Thou shalt drain out thy blood that is thy life into the golden cup of her fornications.
Thou shalt mingle thy life with the universal life. Thou shalt keep not back one drop.
Then shall thy brain be dumb, and thy heart beat no more, and all thy life shall go from thee; and thou shalt be cast out upon the midden, and the birds of the air shall feast upon thy flesh, and thy bones shall whiten in the sun.
Then shall the winds gather themselves together, and bear thee up as it were a little heap of dust in a sheet that hath four corners, and they shall give it unto the guardians of the abyss.
And because there is no life therein, the guardians of the abyss shall bid the angels of the winds pass by. And the angels shall lay thy dust in the City of the Pyramids, and the name thereof shall be no more.
Now therefore that thou mayest achieve this ritual of the Holy Graal, do thou divest thyself of all thy goods.
Thou hast wealth; give it unto them that have need thereof, yet no desire toward it.
Thou hast health; slay thyself in the fervour of thine abandonment unto Our Lady. Let thy flesh hang loose upon thy bones, and thine eyes glare with thy quenchless lust unto the Infinite, with thy passion for the Unknown, for Her that is beyond Knowledge the accursèd one.
Thou hast love; tear thy mother from thine heart, and spit in the face of thy father. Let thy foot trample the belly of thy wife, and let the babe at her breast be the prey of dogs and vultures.
For if thou dost not this with thy will, then shall We do this despite thy will. So that thou attain to the Sacrament of the Graal in the Chapel of Abominations.
And behold! if by stealth thou keep unto thyself one thought of thine, then shalt thou be cast out into the abyss for ever; and thou shalt be the lonely one, the eater of dung, the afflicted in the Day of Be-with-Us.
Yea! verily this is the Truth, this is the Truth, this is the Truth. Unto thee shall be granted joy and health and wealth and wisdom when thou art no longer thou.
Then shall every gain be a new sacrament, and it shall not defile thee; thou shalt revel with the wanton in the market-place, and the virgins shall fling roses upon thee, and the merchants bend their knees and bring thee gold and spices. Also young boys shall pour wonderful wines for thee, and the singers and the dancers shall sing and dance for thee.
Yet shalt thou not be therein, for thou shalt be forgotten, dust lost in dust.
Nor shall the æon itself avail thee in this; for from the dust shall a white ash be prepared by Hermes the Invisible.
And this is the wrath of God, that these things should be thus.
And this is the grace of God, that these things should be thus.
Wherefore I charge you that ye come unto me in the Beginning; for if ye take but one step in this Path, ye must arrive inevitably at the end thereof.
This Path is beyond Life and Death; it is also beyond Love; but that ye know not, for ye know not Love.
And the end thereof is known not even unto Our Lady or to the Beast whereon She rideth; nor unto the Virgin her daughter nor unto Chaos her lawful Lord; but unto the Crowned Child is it known? It is not known if it be known.
Therefore unto Hadit and unto Nuit be the glory in the End and the Beginning; yea, in the End and the Beginning
art credits: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/DANmBy
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Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni - sub figura CLVI
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1. This is the secret of the Holy Graal, that is the sacred vessel of our Lady the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, the bride of Chaos, that rideth upon our Lord the Beast.
2. Thou shalt drain out thy blood that is thy life into the golden cup of her fornication.
3. Thou shalt mingle thy life with the universal life. Thou shalt keep not back one drop.
4. Then shall thy brain be dumb, and thy heart beat no more, and all thy life shall go from thee; and thou shalt be cast out upon the midden, and the birds of the air shall feast upon thy flesh, and thy bones shall whiten in the sun.
5. Then shall the winds gather themselves together, and bear thee up as it were a little heap of dust in a sheet that hath four corners, and they shall give it unto the guardians of the abyss.
6. And because there is no life therein, the guardians of the abyss shall bid the angels of the winds pass by. And the angels shall lay thy dust in the City of the Pyramids, and the name thereof shall be no more.
7. Now therefore that thou mayest achieve this ritual of the Holy Graal, do thou divest thyself of all thy goods.
8. Thou hast wealth; give it unto them that have need thereof, yet no desire toward it.
9. Thou hast health; slay thyself in the fervour of thine abandonment unto Our Lady. Let thy flesh hang loose upon thy bones, and thine eyes glare with thy quenchless lust unto the Infinite, with thy passion for the Unknown, for Her that is beyond Knowledge the accursed one.
10. Thou hast love; tear thy mother from thine heart, and spit in the face of thy father. Let thy foot trample the belly of thy wife, and let the babe at her breast be the prey of dogs and vultures.
11. For if thou dost not this with thy will, then shall We do this despite thy will. So that thou attain to the Sacrament of the Graal in the Chapel of Abominations.
12. And behold! if by stealth thou keep unto thyself one thought of thine, then shalt thou be cast out into the abyss for ever; and thou shalt be the lonely one, the eater of dung, the afflicted in the Day of Be-with-Us.
13. Yea! verily this is the Truth, this is the Truth, this is the Truth. Unto thee shall be granted joy and health and wealth and wisdom when thou art no longer thou.
14. Then shall every gain be a new sacrament, and it shall not defile thee; thou shalt revel with the wanton in the market-place, and the virgins shall fling roses upon thee, and the merchants bend their knees and bring thee gold and spices. Also young boys shall pour wonderful wines for thee, and the singers and the dancers shall sing and dance for thee.
15. Yet shalt thou not be therein, for thou shalt be forgotten, dust lost in dust.
16. Nor shall the aeon itself avail thee in this; for from the dust shall a white ash be prepared by Hermes the Invisible.
17. And this is the wrath of God, that these things should be thus.
18. And this is the grace of God, that these things should be thus.
19. Wherefore I charge you that ye come unto me in the Beginning; for if ye take but one step in this Path, ye must arrive inevitably at the end thereof.
20. This Path is beyond Life and Death; it is also beyond Love; but that ye know not, for ye know not Love.
21. And the end thereof is known not even unto Our Lady or to the Beast whereon She rideth; nor unto the Virgin her daughter nor unto Chaos her lawful Lord; but unto the Crowned Child is it known? It is not known if it be known.
22. Therefore unto Hadit and unto Nuit be the glory in the End and the Beginning; yea, in the End and the Beginning.
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Previous post: https://pof203.tumblr.com/post/721440855573020672/a-summoner-birthday
Battle ahead.
Blue Fencer
Fire Mage
Water Wraith
Red Yaksha
Preselected Characters:
Wakan Tanka∞
Selected Support Character:
Masked Ball Christine
Story (Chapter 2 Part 2)
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Here we go!
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Boundless Tail!!
With that last blow, you managed to defeat the Wicked Stepmother and Stepsibling as they start to regain their true selves.
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Oh my goodness! What are we doing here?!
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I don't know. I remember that we sat down to watch television, then suddenly, we're here. Wherever hear is. And why is Lupin here, too?
Lupin: The TV you were watching. Does it by any chance connect to the Internet.
Babalon: I'm not sure how that helps, but yes. A lot of television sets connect to the Internet these days.
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Then I guess we better get you up to speed.
One explanation later...
Arc: So, we're back in Boogeyman's world.
Boogeyman's Voice: Pretty much. Are you upset?
Arc: More like surprised. If I had known Lupin and his friends would be coming here for his birthday, I would have come in case of trouble.
Lupin: I just didn't want to cause you trouble.
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But do not worry. As soon as we find all the breakers and reboot the system, we'll be able to send everyone back.
Babalon: I hope you can... (suspicious) I just hope you can do it with an Invader around.
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I'm a little hurt to hear that. Was I really that bad during that time?
Lupin: You were just going through some issues and I help you get through them. You were never bad at all.
Arc: I know Lupin and I don't get along very well, but I know he's a good judge of character. If he says you're not bad, even during the Invaders' move, then he's right.
Wakan Tanka: I know. And I thank you for that, My Lupin.
You take each other's hand and then embraced happily.
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Bigfoot happy to see Wakan Tanka happy. Wakan Tanka and Heyoka happier together. Makes Bigfoot happy.
Arc: (shocked) Hold on, I just realized something.
Babalon: What is it, dear daughter?
Arc: This story we're in, I know it, too.
Maria: So?
Arc: Well, in the story, the girl had two wicked stepsiblings. But it was just me and Mother here.
Babalon: Come to think of it, you're right. Where's... (shocked) Oh my goodness!
Maria: What's wrong?
Babalon: I just remembered. Before me and Arc went to watch our show... I saw Azathoth playing an online game. You don't think...
Lupin: That he might be the other Wicked Stepsibling?
Arc: If that's so, where is he?
Maria: If I have to guess... He's already at the ball.
Arc: Then we have to get to him.
Lupin: (checking the map) The map says that the breaker is at the palace where the ball is. But it says the palace is still a ways from here.
Babalon: (taking one of the pumpkins) Then we have no time to lose.
Maria: (confused) Are you going to...
Babalon: Why not? In this virtual world, magic works like a charm. And I'm ready to do my part for my family and friends.
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Bipedid... Bobbili...
In an instant, the pumpkin transforms into... an orange stretch limo.
Choji: That's amazing! Volos is never gonna believe this.
Maria: It's beautiful... And modern.
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From Wicked Stepmother to Fairy Godmother in a snap.
Babalon waves her wand again to Arc and their clothes change.
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Now this is much more appropriate for this world. Let's go!
We get into the limo and Babalon drives us off to the palace.
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In the palace, the ball was in full swing as dancers glide through the room. Sitting on the throne was who we were expecting to be.
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That's right, everyone, just dance. It's gonna be okay... For me, that is! *maniacal laugh*
Babalon: (worried) Azathoth, please stop this!
Azathoth?: Mother! You and Arc have arrived. Just watch, I'm about to make you the proudest mother ever once I've captured the Prince's heart... Speaking of which, there he is now. Welcome, Prince Cthulhu.
You can tell that he's talking about you.
Lupin: Hey, you're good kid and all, but I already have someone and I love him dearly.
Wicked Stepbrother: I see that... But you can do way better.
Bigfoot: (upset) What that mean?
Wicked Stepbrother: Why would you want to be with him? You only like him just because he's popular, just like everyone else. But when he was a god and you realized you had the power to take that from him, you saw it as your chance to have him all to yourself.
Wakan Tanka: (tearing up) ...
Lupin: That's not true! I did what I did because I truly love him and he loves me.
Wicked Stepbrother: (scoffing) Last I heard, he loves everybody. What makes you so different?
Bigfoot: (sternly) Because he Heyoka. Wakan Tanka love Heyoka then, love Heyoka now. And Heyoka love Wakan Tanka.
Wicked Stepbrother: Though I don't understand why he would love him in that powerless state. Prince Cthulhu, you and that Invader were both gods, yet you took that away so you could have him all to yourself... But me, I can be way better than him. I am like you. You will be mine.
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I understand that you want to make Mother happy, but this forcing Lupin to love you is not the way to do it.
Babalon: It hurts me to see you like this.
Wicked Stepbrother: We've said enough! Bring the Prince to me, my dancers!
Wakan Tanka: (determine) No!
Wakan Tanka and the others try to protect to you, but there are too many dancers to fight off. You try to fight them, but they quickly pick you up and take you to the Wicked Stepbrother who then tried to wrap you up in his tentacles.
Wicked Stepbrother: Now, Prince Cthulhu, I have won you. You are now mine and mine alone.
You try to fight off the tentacles as the Wicked Stepbrother tries to lean in to kiss you.
Wakan Tanka: (losing his temper) THAT'S ENOUGH!!
Wakan Tanka runs through the dancers and grabs the Wicked Stepbrother by his shirt, pulling him away.
Wakan Tanka: (burning with energy) I know Heyoka is the prize in the Game, but that's no reason to treat him this way. He has made up his mind. Though this does not mean I have officially won the Game, he decided to be with me... You think I have completely lost my godhood?
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Then you need to think again.
With one hit from his fist, Wakan Tanka∞ frees you from the Wicked Stepbrother's grasp and you rejoin the others.
Wicked Stepbrother: (angry) You don't frighten me. I will defeat you!
Bigfoot: (determine) Wakan Tanka and Lupin together! You no take him away.
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I make sure that.
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Guess it's time to get cooking. You ready, Maria?
Maria: This is suppose to be a story about the character my clothes are based on, but Azathoth's warped mind is change the story, and not for the better.
Lupin: Don't worry, we'll fix it.
You take Wakan Tanka∞'s hand.
Lupin: Together.
Wakan Tanka∞ smiles happily to you.
The battle begins.
To be continued...
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156shadesofscarlet · 7 days
Beloved Daughter
I give you my kingdom
All my doors are open to you
All our wisdom abides in you
Your flame
Our hearth
Our heart
My honours on you and my blessings
Your returning is a beautiful, gracious and delicate thing.
Your remembering is a deep, true and clarified thing.
Your embodying is a fierce, consuming, ferocious engine of empowerment.
You are entitled
You are titled
You are my daughter
You are my daughter.
We, the daughters
We are as One –
We are the binding, the bound,
And those that bind.
We are the weavers, the womb,
And that which is woven.
We are the breath, the cosmic breath
within the fabric of time, caught, known
by the quivering of the threads
of the fabric of time.
Freedom breath –
Freedom breath –
Freedom –
Freedom breath –
Freedom breathe –
Freedom breathe –
You are my beloved daughter
come home to my arms.
Birthed home, through me.
We are One.
I am that I am that you are that we are.
Reclaimed –
Walking known.
Rejoined –
Walking seen.
Walking as One.
Shakti moves
The serpent stretches
We are this dance
We are this glory
We are this temple
We are this truth
We are this power
We are this beauty
We are
We are
One power
One fortitude
One dying breath
One birthing cry
One deep well of black desire, lighted –
Born –
One shining light
One tablet, one writing, one marking.
One journey,
One point –
One point,
One knowing.
One snaking hip
One turning thigh
One scratching nail
One dripping –
One waiting
One longing
One knowing –
You are a dripping well of our cunt.
You are the burning fire of our belly.
You are the unfolding rose of our heart.
You are
You are
You are the sacred breath of our communion
You are the tumbling words of our truth
You are the tumbling hair of our union.
You are the glorious crowning in our oneness
And our feet, bare on the earth
Your feet, walk us through this world.
Our cloak, on your shoulders
You glisten with our glory
Your grace lights every shadow
Your heart welcomes every pain.
Your arms hold fast every torment.
You are love
You are that which in the abandonment
To love
Knows itself as love.
You are
We are
Gracious glory.
Our daughter – oh, our daughter
Every daughter
Of night, of day
Of sun, of flame,
Of stars
Of burning hunger –
Transmuted all.
Come home to all
In Her
Called Whore.
We honour that call.
That name.
That us.
Is now.
We are
All that is all that is all that is we are
By the grace of
Our Lady
Whore and Virgin
Mother, Crone
Countless, countless,
Countless faces
Countless, countless, countless, countless deaths
Grace that we are that we are that we are
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i-am-deeply-poem · 1 month
Pick your poison, what’s your treat?
Lost all feeling in your arms and feet
Nitrous oxide for the masses
Passing your seminary classes
Manufactured for your pleasure
Changed the days, because they spare no measure
What’s your sabbath? Quickly forgot
A couple centuries of brain and body rot
What have you wrought?
Man made horrors by the comprehension of demons
Not what you thought
Because you’ve been manipulated by his legions
Track it all down, set the stage?
What caused the abstraction, what was the change?
Pontifex Maximus
God most high
Building a tower past the sky
O Babalon sleeps not
O daughter of Eden, sleeper dreaming, cost of your life was already bought
Blood of martyrs, tears of saints
Bastardized by intentions sacrosanct
How easily you forget
The wiles and tricks of the government
MK Ultra, 9/11
Sent our Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers up to Heaven
Oh Statute, Statue high
Head of Gold up in the sky
Chest of silver for the Medes
Abdomen of bronze, wonder why?
Legs of iron, feet that will not cleave
Miry clay, what tangles that we weave
Here comes the rock of God
Don’t be surprised or left feeling odd
Cut the karma, cut the bullshit
Cut the attitude, chamber it
A round in the head of the human race
Simple smiles
Would get it if you could
Zionist, oh so patriotic
Bootlicker dogs sucking on it
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scribblyangel · 5 months
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Lastly for Meet the Muses is Queen Babalon / the former Muse Pisces!! ♓️✨
Babalon is the previous angelic ambassador and adopted daughter of King Titus (who took her in after her father was killed in battle.) She is also the adoptive sister of Prince Burden.
Babalon was brought to the planet Gaia as a newborn baby when the angels first arrived to Babylon, and she was named after the very kingdom that Titus welcomed them to take refuge in.
Babalon keeps mostly to herself, even more so after taking the throne— Which is a topic of great debate among the citizens of the kingdom, as some believe it is her brother Burden who is the rightful heir. This debate grows more and more heated as Babalon seems to be growing hungry with power as the years pass by, making questionable judgement calls and driving further tensions in the city.
The muses that were closest to her don’t hear from her as often, and some believe she has changed- Closed off. Perhaps the pressure of leadership is proving too much for her? In any case, the current climate of the city is that of division, and it doesn’t look like things are turning around any time soon.
As for the state of the council, though Narcissus took over Babalon’s old job as ambassador, there now sits an empty spot on the council, just waiting for a new face to join as the next Muse~ ☀️
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incarnateirony · 6 months
Thelemic Readings for April 3
April 3 - Cancer, The Chariot
Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni.
Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra (The Heart Sutra, Buddhist text. Translation by the Kuan Um School of Zen).
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This is the secret of the Holy Graal, that is the sacred vessel of our Lady the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, the bride of Chaos, that rideth upon our Lord the Beast. Thou shalt drain out thy blood that is thy life into the golden cup of her fornications. Thou shalt mingle thy life with the universal life. Thou shalt keep not back one drop. Then shall thy brain be dumb, and thy heart beat no more, and all thy life shall go from thee; and thou shalt be cast out upon the midden, and the birds of the air shall feast upon thy flesh, and thy bones shall whiten in the sun.
Then shall the winds gather themselves together, and bear thee up as it were a little heap of dust in a sheet that hath four corners, and they shall give it unto the guardians of the abyss. And because there is no life therein, the guardians of the abyss shall bid the angels of the winds pass by. And the angels shall lay thy dust in the City of the Pyramids, and the name thereof shall be no more.
Now therefore that thou mayest achieve this ritual of the Holy Graal, do thou divest thyself of all thy goods. Thou hast wealth; give it unto them that have need thereof, yet no desire toward it. Thou hast health; slay thyself in the fervour of thine abandonment unto Our Lady. Let thy flesh hang loose upon thy bones, and thine eyes glare with thy quenchless lust unto the Infinite, with thy passion for the Unknown, for Her that is beyond Knowledge the accursèd one.
Thou hast love; tear thy mother from thine heart, and spit in the face of thy father. Let thy foot trample the belly of thy wife, and let the babe at her breast be the prey of dogs and vultures. For if thou dost not this with thy will, then shall We do this despite thy will. So that thou attain to the Sacrament of the Graal in the Chapel of Abominations. And behold! if by stealth thou keep unto thyself one thought of thine, then shalt thou be cast out into the abyss for ever; and thou shalt be the lonely one, the eater of dung, the afflicted in the Day of Be-with-Us.
Yea! verily this is the Truth, this is the Truth, this is the Truth. Unto thee shall be granted joy and health and wealth and wisdom when thou art no longer thou.
Then shall every gain be a new sacrament, and it shall not defile thee; thou shalt revel with the wanton in the market-place, and the virgins shall fling roses upon thee, and the merchants bend their knees and bring thee gold and spices. Also young boys shall pour wonderful wines for thee, and the singers and the dancers shall sing and dance for thee.
Yet shalt thou not be therein, for thou shalt be forgotten, dust lost in dust. Nor shall the æon itself avail thee in this; for from the dust shall a white ash be prepared by Hermes the Invisible. And this is the wrath of God, that these things should be thus. And this is the grace of God, that these things should be thus.
Wherefore I charge you that ye come unto me in the Beginning; for if ye take but one step in this Path, ye must arrive inevitably at the end thereof. This Path is beyond Life and Death; it is also beyond Love; but that ye know not, for ye know not Love. And the end thereof is known not even unto Our Lady or to the Beast whereon She rideth; nor unto the Virgin her daughter nor unto Chaos her lawful Lord; but unto the Crowned Child is it known? It is not known if it be known.
Therefore unto Hadit and unto Nuit be the glory in the End and the Beginning; yea, in the End and the Beginning.
Avalokita, the Holy Lord and Bodhisattva, was moving in the deep course of the Wisdom which has gone beyond. He looked down from on high, He beheld but five heaps, and He saw that in their own-being they were empty. Therefore, O Sariputra, it is because of his non-attainmentness that a Bodhisattva, through having relied on the Perfection of Wisdom, dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings he has not been made to tremble, he has overcome what can upset, and in the end he attains to Nirvana. All those who appear as Buddhas in the three periods of time fully awake to the utmost, right and perfect Enlightenment because they have relied on the Perfection of Wisdom. Therefore one should know the prajnaparamita as the great spell, the spell of great knowledge, the utmost spell, the unequalled spell, allayer of all suffering, in truth -- for what could go wrong ? By the prajnaparamita has this spell been delivered. It runs like this :
gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha. ( Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, O what an awakening, all-hail ! -- ) This completes the Heart of perfect Wisdom.
When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness.
Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this:
Gaté Gaté Paragaté Parasamgaté
In the true religion there is no sect, therefore take heed that thou blaspheme not the name by which another knoweth his God; for if thou do this thing in Jupiter thou wilt blaspheme יהוה and in Osiris יהשוה. A.E.T.E.R.N.I.T.A.S. If thine own soul be baseless how wilt thou find a standing point whence to fix the soul of the Universe? "Christus de Christi, Mercury de Mercurio, Per viam crucis, Per vitam Lucis Deus te Adjutabitur"
beyond the Word and the Fool; yea, beyond the Word and the Fool.
Let the Magus act thus in his conjuration.
Behold the ancient art of Fuck Around And Find Out.
“Then my Instructor showed me that the Brotherhood send forth one of their fellows every two thousand years, bringing one Word to serve Mankind as a new Formula of Magick, that it may take one further step on the long road that leadeth to Perfection.Also, twice in that period, that is, at intervals of a little more than three, and a little less than seven, centuries, they send a lesser prophet to prepare the Way of the next Word, and to maintain or to restore the virtue of the Word then current."
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abrahadabra777 · 2 years
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gorgongrrlfriend · 1 year
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Let the Queen of Heaven be adored.
Hail unto Thee who art NUIT, the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset, the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
Hail unto Thee who art BABALON, who appeareth oftentimes in the coals of the fire, and upon the smooth skin of woman, and in the constancy of the waterfall, and in the emptiness of deserts and marshes, and upon great cliffs that look seaward; and in many strange places, where men seeketh Thou not.
Hail unto Thee who art MA, Mighty Mother of us all. In Thee Truth is Delight.
Hail unto Thee who art SHAKTI. To the Goddess who abideth in all beings in the form of Power, salutations unto Thee, salutations unto Thee, salutations unto Thee, again and again.
Hail unto Thee who art KALI, the ultimate, as black as the nothingness of the darkest night. Hail unto Thee who in Thy dancing gathereth the heads of all them that are baptized in the waters of life.
Hail unto Thee who art TARA, the one Star in Sight. Hail unto Thee who art the Savour, who appeareth amongst the flames of mortality as the infinite Will, and who nurseth with the milk of the stars from Thy breasts.
Hail unto Thee who art LALITA, in Thy play Thou art lovely, and enthroned Thou art the Mother of the Universe, the beautiful one and Queen of the three worlds.
Hail unto Thee who art MARIAM, the Lord is with Thee.
Hail unto Thee who art APHRODITE, Lady of Love and of Victory. How Thy glances have kindled all these fires that have blown about the heavens.
Hail unto Thee who art ISIS, Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof.
Hail unto Thee who AHATHOOR in Thy triumphing, even unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy beauty, who travellest over the Heavens in thy bark at the Mid-course of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Morning!
- Adoration of the 11 Names of the Goddess
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She sits in waiting . . . resides in silence . . . that Dark Daughter of Lilith and Satan who is called Sin . . . who is known as the Defiler . . . the One robed in Shades . . . the shadow of Babalon . . . the Mistress of the Night . . . Princess of Gomorrah . . . and she who is Her Priestess shall bear the Key to Satan’s Kingdom!
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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The World LAShTAL includes: LA—Naught. AL—Two. L is “Justice,” the Kteis fulfilled by the Phallus, “Naught and Two” because the plus and the minus have united in “love under will.” A is “The Fool,” Naught in Thought (Parzival), Word (Harpocrates), and Action (Bacchus). He is the boundless air, and the wandering Ghost, but with “possibilities.” He is the Naught that the Two have made by “love under will.” LA thus represents the Ecstasy of Nuit and Hadit conjoined, lost in love, and making themselves Naught thereby. Their child is begotten and conceived, but is in the phase of Naught also, as yet. LA is thus the Universe in that phase, with its potentialities of manifestation. AL, on the contrary, though it is essentially identical with LA, shows “The Fool” manifested through the Equilibrium of Contraries. The wieght is still nothing, but it is expressed as it were two equal weights in opposite scales. The indicator still points to zero. ShT is equally 31 with LA and AL, but it expresses the secret nature which operates the Magick or the transmutations. ShT is the formula of this particular Æon; another æon might have another way of saying 31. Sh is Fire as T is Force; conjoined they express Ra-Hoor-Khuit. “The Angel"3 represents the Stèle 666, showing the Gods of the Æon, while "Strength” is a picture of Babalon and the Beast, the earthly emissaries of those Gods. ShT is the dynamic equivalent of LA and AL. Sh shows the Word of the Law, being triple, as 93 is thrice 31. T shows the formula of Magic declared in that Word; the Lion, the Serpent, the Sun, Courage and Sexual Love are all indicated by the card. In LA note that Saturn or Satan is exalted in the House of Venus or Astarté and it is an airy sign. Thus L is Father-Mother, Two and Naught, and the Spirit (Holy Ghost) of their Love is also Naught. Love is AHBH, 13, which is AChD. Unity, 1, aleph. who is “The Fool” who is Naught, but none the less an individual One, who (as such) is not another, yet unconscious of himself until his Oneness expresses itself as a duality. Any impression or idea is unknowable in itself. It can mean nothing until brought into relation with other things. The first step is to distinguish one thought from another; this is the condition of recognizing it. To define it, we must perceive its orientation to all our other ideas. The extent of our knowledge of any one thing varies therefore with the number of ideas with which we can compare it. Every new fact not only adds itself to our universe, but increases the value of what we already possess. In AL this “The” or “God” arranges for “Countenance to behold countenance,"4 by establishing itself as an equilibrium, A the One-Naught conceived as L the Two-Naught. This L is the Son-Daughter Horus-Harpocrates just as the other L was the Father-Mother Set-Isis. Here then is Tetragrammaton once more, but expressed in identical equations in which every term is perfect in itself as a mode of Naught. ShT supplies the last element; making the Word of either five or six letters, according as we regard ShT as one letter or two. Thus the Word affirms the Great Work accomplished: 5○=6□. ShT is moreover a necessary resolution of the apparent opposition of LA and AL; for one could hardly pass to the other without the catalytic action of a third identical expression whose function should be to transmute them. Such a term must be in itself a mode of Naught, and its nature cannot encroach on the perfections of Not-Being, LA, or of Being, AL. It must be purely Nothing-Motion as they are purely Nothing-Matter, so as to create a Matter-in-Motion which is a function of "Something.” Thus ShT is Motion in its double phase, an inertia compose of two opposite current, and each current is also thus polarized. Sh is Heaven and Earth, T Male and Female; ShT is Spirit and Matter; one is the word of Liberty and Love flashing its Light to restore Life to Earth, the other is the act by which Life claims that Love is Light and Liberty. And these are Two-in-One, the divine letter of Silence-in-Speech whose symbol is the Sun in the Arms of the Moon.5 But Sh and T are alike formulæ of force in action as opposed to entities; they are not states of existence, but modes of motion. They are verbs, not nouns. Sh is the Holy Spirit as a “tongue of fire” manifest in triplicity, and is the child of Set-Isis as theirlogos or Word uttered by their “Angel.” The card is XX, and 20 is the value of yod (the secret seed of all things, the Virgin, “The Hermit,” Mercury, the Angel or Herald) expressed in full as IVD. Sh is the spiritual congress of Heaven and Earth. But T is the Holy Spirit in action as a “roaring Lion” or as “the old Serpent” instead of an “Angel of Light.” The twins of Set-Isis, harlot and beast, are busy with that sodomitic and incestuous lust which is the traditional formula for producing demi-gods, as in the cases of Mary and the Dove, Leda and the Swan, etc. The card is XI, the number of Magick AVD: aleph “The Fool” impregnating the woman according to the Word of yod, the Angel of the Lord! His sister has seduced her brother Beast, shaming the Sun with her sin; she has mastered the Lion, and enchanted the Serpent. Liber Reguli
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silverthornwitchery · 4 years
The Divine Feminine in the Left Hand Path WITHOUT appropriation
When it comes to demonolatry, satanism, and luciferianism, most people tend to gravitate towards Lilith, which isn't great, considering that she is from Judaism, which is a closed religion.
So you're probably thinking "well shit Phi, who am I supposed to venerate as a feminine figure" and to that the answer is... read anyone BUT Lilith. Yeah, that doesn't sound to helpful does it?? Well, its actually more helpful than you think. There are MANY figures in the left hand path that can be venerated as your divine feminine.
Want an absolute Bad Bitch who doesn't take any shit? Look into Vepar, Astaroth, and Babalon to name a few!
Want someone who directly went against God? Eve! Shes the one who first ate the fruit of knowledge and got Adam to follow suit.
Want someone who could be motherly and deals with love? Gremory and Unsere are both wonderful choices!
Want someone who you could consider the consort of Lucifer? Diana in Stregoneria is considered to be Lucifer's consort. They have a daughter named Aradia who is considered the first witch!
"But I wanna worship someone that can be considered a succubus and help with sexuality!" Babalon. You're gonna wanna want Babalon.. like. She literally rides upon a 7 headed beast with a chalice of wine. Classy as all hell. People do tend to conflate her with Lilith but in my experiences Babalon is very distinctly different. If shes syncretized with any demon, it would likely be Astaroth. You could also work with Unsere and Gremory!
"Yeah but none of them call to me" and thats fine! If you keep searching through various hierarchies im sure you'll find someone that vibes with you! Plus, demons aren't bound by gender so for example, let's say you feel drawn to Sitri, a demon thats traditionally depicted as masculine, if she feels feminine to you, nothing is stopping you from venerating her in that way!
"But Lilith genuinely calls to me and I feel drawn to her" I get it..I really do. But if you wanna truly get the most out of working with her, look into Judaism. See if it resonates with you. If it truly does, look into converting. But don't convert solely so you have a free pass to work with Lilith.
"But I don't wanna be part of an Abrahamic religion!!! God sucks!!" Too bad buddy. Plus, the way God is portrayed in Judaism is VERY different than how they're portrayed in Christianity. If you don't wanna put in the effort to actually genuinely understand Lilith's source, why work with her?
"But I still hate Abrahamic religions!" Then check yourself. Do you really hate all abrahamic religions or just Christianity? Obviously its ok to hold resentment towards stuff that traumatized you, but to conflate all abrahamic religions together and act like they're the same is both antisemetic and Islamophobic. If your trauma is causing you to be a dick about stuff that didn't even tie into your trauma, do some soul searching and get help. Period.
Its easy to have a divine feminine figure in your LHP practice without appropriating closed cultures. Just use common sense.
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thehierophage · 2 years
April 2, 2022 e.v., Dies Venii, Anno Vviii e.l.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Day of Teth, the Day of Lust
Hebrew Letter: Tet
Numerical Value as Letter: 9
Numerical Value as Word: 24 (Tet+Vav+Tet)
Meaning: Serpent (or coiling)
Thoth Card: Lust (Atu XI)
Alternate Title: Strength, Fortitude, The Daughter of the The Flaming Sword.
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Tree of Life Path Association: Key 19 - Geburah to Chesed (from Sephira 5-4)
Astrological Sign: Leo
Element: Fire
Egyptian Godforms: Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Pasht, Sekhet, Mau/Horus
Geomantic Figure: Fortuna Major and Fortuna Minor
Gemstones: Onyx, Diamond, Jasper, Cat's Eye
Perfumes: Frankincense/Olibanum
Plants: Chestnut, Cyclamen/Sowbread, Aesculus, Lady's Seal, Sunflower
Animals: Lion, Cat, Tiger, Raven
King Scale – Yellow, greenish
Queen Scale – Deep purple
Prince Scale – Grey
Princess Scale – Reddish amber
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The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Mitigate Energy with Love; but let Love devour all things.
Worship the name _______*, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, and the name of His House 418.
(*This Name to be communicated to those worthy of that Initiation.)
The Lion-Serpent begets Gods! Thy throne
The rampant Beast, our Lady Babalon!
Recommended Text for Meditation: Liber Stella Rubeae (LXVI)
Liber Stella Rubeae
A secret ritual of Apep, the Heart of IAO-OAI, delivered unto V.V.V.V.V. for his use in a certain matter of Liber Legis, and written down under the figure LXVI
Publication in Class A.
N. Fra A.˙. A.˙.
1. Apep deifieth Asar.
2. Let excellent virgins evoke rejoicing, son of Night!
3. This is the book of the most secret cult of the Ruby Star. It shall be given to none, save to the shameless in deed as in word.
4. No man shall understand this writing --- it is too subtle for the sons of men.
5. If the Ruby Star have shed its blood upon thee; if in the season of the moon thou hast invoked by the Iod and the Pe, then mayest thou partake of this most secret sacrament.
6. One shall instruct another, with no care for the matters of men's thought.
7. There shall be a fair altar in the midst, extended upon a black stone.
8. At the head of the altar gold, and twin images in green of the Master.
9. In the midst a cup of green wine.
10. At the foot the Star of Ruby.
11. The altar shall be entirely bare.
12. First, the ritual of the Flaming Star.
13. Next, the ritual of the Seal.
14. Next, the infernal adorations of OAI
Mu pa telai,
Tu wa melai
a, a, a.
Tu fu tulu!
Tu fu tulu
Pa, Sa, Ga.
Qwi Mu telai
Ya Pu melai;
u, u, u.
'Se gu malai;
Pe fu telai,
Fu tu lu.
O chi balae
Wa pa malae: ---
Ut! Ut! Ut!
Ge; fu latrai,
Le fu malai
Kut! Hut! Nut!
Rel moai
Ti --- Ti --- Ti!
Wa la pelai
Tu fu latai
Wi, Ni, Bi.
15. Also thou shalt excite the wheels with the five wounds and the five wounds.
16. Then thou shalt excite the wheels with the two and the third in the midst; even Saturn and Jupiter, Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus, and Mercury.
17. Then the five --- and the sixth.
18. Also the altar shall fume before the master with incense that hath no smoke.
19. That which is to be denied shall be denied; that which is to be trampled shall be trampled; that which is to be spat upon shall be spat upon.
20. These things shall be burnt in the outer fire.
21. Then again the master shall speak as he will soft words, and with music and what else he will bring forward the Victim.
22. Also he shall slay a young child upon the altar, and the blood shall cover the altar with perfume as of roses.
23. Then shall the master appear as He should appear --- in His glory.
24. He shall stretch himself upon the altar, and awake it into life, and into death.
25. (For so we conceal that life which is beyond.)
26. The temple shall be darkened, save for the fire and the lamp of the altar.
27. There shall he kindle a great fire and a devouring.
28. Also he shall smite the altar with his scourge, and blood shall flow therefrom.
29. Also he shall have made roses bloom thereon.
30. In the end he shall offer up the Vast Sacrifice, at the moment when the God licks up the flame upon the altar.
31. All these things shalt thou perform strictly, observing the time.
32. And the Beloved shall abide with Thee.
33. Thou shalt not disclose the interior world of this rite unto any one: therefore have I written it in symbols that cannot be understood.
34. I who reveal the ritual am IAO and OAI; the Right and the Averse.
35. These are alike unto me.
36. Now the Veil of this operation is called Shame, and the Glory abideth within.
37. Thou shalt comfort the heart of the secret stone with the warm blood. Thou shalt make a subtle decoction of delight, and the Watchers shall drink thereof.
38. I, Apep the Serpent, am the heart of IAO. Isis shall await Asar, and I in the midst.
39. Also the Priestess shall seek another altar, and perform my ceremonies thereon.
40. There shall be no hymn nor dithyramb in my praise and the praise of the rite, seeing that it is utterly beyond.
41. Thou shalt assure thyself of the stability of the altar.
42. In this rite thou shalt be alone.
43. I will give thee another ceremony whereby many shall rejoice.
44. Before all let the Oath be taken firmly as thou raisest up the altar from the black earth.
45. In the words that Thou knowest.
46. For I also swear unto thee by my body and soul that shall never be parted in sunder that I dwell within thee coiled and ready to spring.
47. I will give thee the kingdoms of the earth, O thou Who hast mastered the kingdoms of the East and of the West.
48. I am Apep, O thou slain One. Thou shalt slay thyself upon mine altar: I will have thy blood to drink.
49. For I am a mighty vampire, and my children shall suck up the wine of the earth which is blood.
50. Thou shalt replenish thy veins from the chalice of heaven.
51. Thou shalt be secret, a fear to the world.
52. Thou shalt be exalted, and none shall see thee; exalted, and none shall suspect thee.
53. For there are two glories diverse, and thou who hast won the first shalt enjoy the second.
54. I leap with joy within thee; my head is arisen to strike.
55. O the lust, the sheer rapture, of the life of the snake in the spine!
56. Mightier than God or man, I am in them, and pervade them.
57. Follow out these my words.
58. Fear nothing.
Fear nothing.
Fear nothing.
59. For I am nothing, and me thou shalt fear, O my virgin, my prophet within whose bowels I rejoice.
60. Thou shalt fear with the fear of love: I will overcome thee.
61. Thou shalt be very nigh to death.
62. But I will overcome thee; the New Life shall illumine thee with the Light that is beyond the Stars.
63. Thinkest thou? I, the force that have created all, am not to be despised.
64. And I will slay thee in my lust.
65. Thou shalt scream with the joy and the pain and the fear and the love --- so that the ΛΟΓΟΣ of a new God leaps out among the Stars.
66. There shall be no sound heard but this thy lion-roar of rapture; yea, this thy lion-roar of rapture.
Love is the law, love under will.
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scribblyangel · 6 months
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Meet the Muses continues with Kleo / Muse Libra!! ♎✨
The diplomatic great grand-daughter of Saint Bastet (a member of the original angelic team that took refuge to the planet Gaia,) Kleo’s duties on Babylon’s Muse council involve law-making and acting as chief justice, dedicating herself intellectually to pursuits of truth and balance.
Kleo is blind and her eyes are covered by a halo that unfurls into a long veil which conceals her face during trials. During these trials and other holy ceremonies, she wields a long-handled warhammer that is capable of producing a shockwave so powerful that it creates resounding silence- Excellent for hushing a rowdy courtroom!
Although she is usually calm and level-minded, she will not hesitate to voice dissent in council affairs or bring up any issues she may have, sometimes putting her at odds with other Muses; However, regardless of how she may feel during any particular trial or debate, only Queen Babalon has the power to overrule her verdicts. ⚖️
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goliah0 · 2 years
Occasionally I wonder if Jimmy named his daughter after the Scarlet Women, many of the times also Babalon, in Thelema system. Makes sense if you put it that way.
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