#date night on friday was cat cafe + a walk
onedivision · 11 months
feeling better but also still. ahhhh
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anticipatecrime · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you wrote for Johnnie Guilbert? If so, I was gonna request Dating Headcannons for him :D !! ( Only if you’re comfortable, ofc! )
𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 | johnnie guilbert
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a/n: yes i love him <3 take some little dating headcanons, (sorry its short)
•you either meet johnnie from my digital escape, which was a collabrative youtube channel with alternative people
•or he first sees you on omegle while streaming for the first time, shocked to see a punk person
•he gives you his instagram that day after talking with you for sometime and you start dming
•he was quite awkward and shy when you first started talking and calling on the phone, not used to this
•it took a long time of being friends with johnnie for him to ask you out, but you were okay with that because it was worth it
•after my digital escape you didn’t continue with having a social media presence other than instagram
•he never made it a thing to announce it to his viewers, he just kind of included you in videos, and people understood you were together
•at the start of your relationship, he never wanted to be touchy in public or do pda but the more he fell in love with you he didnt care about other peoples opinions
•he would definitely hold your hand, and kiss your cheek, but the rest was private
•would never admit it, but he was a hopeless romantic which means he would always be trying his best for you, and wanting to be near you
•when filming for his youtube or his friends, he would always invite you along, and it was beneficial for both of you, it helped his anxiety and it made you feel included
•he would deal with constant looks and sometimes laughter when he would go outside or go on omegle, but he would never let it get to him, just turning it into a joke
•but when people would comment on your looks, he’d be more harsher and protective
•after a long day of filming, he would collapse into your arms, and cuddle with you, saying he wishes he could just stay there forever
•you would totally go on late night walks or adventures with him to seven eleven
•date wise, he would always get creative and find stuff to do with you
•you both liked going to a different cafe every week or so, ordering something new and just enjoying your time together since you were both busy working most days
•but he still loved just watching netflix on the couch with you, having a night in
•eventually you found a show you both loved, and now you wait to watch it together every friday evening
•he wasn’t one for outside activities, but you encouraged him to go hiking and rock climbing with you and he began to like it.. other than being sweaty and the mosquitoes
•you guys would totally share music, make playlists for eachother and johnnie would eventually encourage you to start singing because your voice was one of his favourite sounds
•he would take you to his favourite bands concerts and gigs, and you would do the same, him loving all of the music you listen to
•as a tattoo artist, you would totally design tattoos for him, and find ideas for his merch line
•he was never one to take things super seriously, but when it came to your relationship, and thinking about the future, it was always thought through
•when you got a cat, he was googling everything to do with the breed, the best food it should eat, healthcare information, which may seem normal, but tell that to the 11 pages of cat research on your living room coffee table
•when you got your first apartment together, no longer having to be in the same space as his roommates, it was such a relief
•he would wait by the door, with your cat, longing for you to come home from the tattoo parlour, and when you did he would be all over you
•i dont care what anyone says, he would be so clingy, just loving your presence
•his love languages are definitely quality time and physical touch. acts of service is up there though
•he loved feeling appreciated
•he would be the sweetest and just the perfect person to be in a relationship with.
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fatkish · 7 months
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Aizawa x Autistic Cat Quirk Reader 2/3
(Again artwork is not mine, I found it on Pinterest)
The link for part 1 can be found below
(Now let’s continue)
After the Boss’s wife took charge and interfered with (read as: lovingly made sure your socially awkward and shy ass wouldn’t pass up a perfectly good chance to get with a ‘handsome and sexy man’) your love life and set you up for a date with the scruffy yet handsome Pro, Aizawa texted you two weeks after the exchange asking you out to lunch on a Saturday.
After freaking out and panicking for a good 30 minutes worrying about what to write back you texted back a thumbs up emoji followed by “yes”
Aizawa gave you the details for what day and time he’d come pick you up two weeks before your planned date and told you not to stress about anything and that if you were more comfortable meeting up outside the cafe then he’d be happy to pick you up there.
Needless to say two weeks went by fast and you couldn’t sleep that Friday night and started getting ready 5 hours before you were supposed to meet. You did your hair after taking a shower and put just a bit of makeup on to hide your tiredness and to accentuate your eyes. You dressed up in cute and semi-fancy outfit that was still comfortable and made sure to bring your keys, wallet, phone and your preferred fidget.
After you and Aizawa met up he took you to a food stall and got you something to eat and then took you to an Aviary/Aquarium.
After you got your tickets and entered the place you latched onto his arm sticking to his side. Due to the various stimuli and being in a new environment you were rather nervous and anxious. When Aizawa saw this he took a pamphlet with a map of the facility and led you through the place guiding you so you didn’t have to think or take in your surroundings, just walk and he’ll guide you.
After some time of walking and dissociating from your surroundings, Aizawa led you to the Kelp Forest exhibit. When he told you to look up you were greeted with this
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(Picture of Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Kelp Forest Exhibit. Picture courtesy of google. This is the only big Aquarium I’ve ever been to and can be found in Monterey Bay California. If you visit the Aquarium’s website you can see live cams of the exhibits. Also most of this date is going to be heavily based off my experience at the Aquarium)
The view was amazing and and the lighting made it look magical. Your eyes pupils dilated as you took in everything. You walked up to glass and watched as small schools of fish swam passed, lager fish swam and maneuvered through the giant stalks of kelp. Small sharks passed by as you took it all in.
The sight of everything made your mind go blank as you watched in awe. All your anxiety vanished as you watched the kelp sway.
Aizawa walked up to you and simply observed your reaction happily watching you fixate on the large exhibit.
After a few minutes you grabbed his hand without realizing and began moving onto the next aquarium in the exhibit. You guys saw octopi, various different kinds of fish and invertebrates and even got to learn about the Kelp Forest environment and all the animals that take part in this ecosystem. You pointed out the moray eels and their faces staring them in the eyes.
After a bit you guys went to the next exhibit which was the coast line.
You guys walked through the small shark exhibit and the sea bird exhibit that showed different kinds of birds and where they nest. (Aizawa had to pull you away to keep you from jumping over the glass partition and hunting down the birds)
Next you both moved onto the tide pools exhibit where you could pet the stingrays and touch the various creatures that are found in the shallow tides such as starfish, various sea weeds, sea cucumbers, purple sea urchins, small sea anemones, decorator crabs and other small creatures.
Aizawa used this as an opportunity to get insight on what kind of textures you do and don’t like. He even chuckled whenever you got excited and your tail began to sway.
After that you guys moved onto the Splash zone. This exhibit showed you how the waves interact with the coastal rocky landscape and how the animals react and what it looks like.
When the wave mechanism for the splash zone dumped the water to imitate a crashing wave you jumped and grabbed onto Aizawa and tried to scurry away only for him to hold you in place and wrap his arms around you.
After calming you down from being spooked you both walked outside onto the overhanging balcony and outside theater. You both walked over to the railing and looked off into the distance seeing the coastline and the far off boats.
When you went back inside you guys went to the jellyfish exhibit. The tranquil atmosphere and nearly thoughtless movement of the brainless creatures was almost enough to put you both to sleep. You both moved on before you could fall asleep in the middle of the exhibit.
The next exhibit was the open ocean. In a giant tank there was hammerhead sharks, giant tuna, sea turtles, various kinds of rays, a few sunfish and different kinds of sharks.
At one point you fixated on a particular fish and followed its movements and even tried to grab at it when it swam by only for you to remember there was thick glass separating you. Aizawa took a short video on his phone recording your little experience.
The same thing happened when you saw the anchovies and Aizawa had to hide his laugh as you circled the round tank chasing a particular anchovy without realizing what you were doing.
After the open ocean you both went to the tropical exhibit where various different types of fish and corals where on display.
You guys talked about how interesting it would be to take a field trip with his students to the place to learn about the various environments and potential hero-ing and how to handle certain situations.
When you entered the tentacles exhibit you got to see various types of cuttlefish and other cephalopods. Aizawa told you about his one student who would probably enjoy this exhibit.
After that, it was The Deep. This exhibit was designed to show off how the aquarium used its research and technology to explore the sea floor.
Here you got to take a look at what the researchers found and what it’s like to take a dive in their research subs and what kind of stuff you’d see.
Here you were able to see creatures like wolffish and other deeper water inhabitants.
You suggested to Aizawa that it would be a great opportunity to exercise different types of underwater rescues and different types of situations where his students would be in a similar environment and how to go about it.
The more you talked about it the more Aizawa began to see the potential for you to be a teacher. Or at least a guest speaker. As you continued to spew word vomit about the topic he realized how important it would be for his students to understand and gain experience interacting with people who were Neurodivergent and had similar disabilities and cognitive difficulties/differences than them.
After that you guys went to the penguin exhibit as you continued to come up with different situations for his students to learn from.
At the end of the day the last exhibit was the sea otter exhibit. You both watched the otters play and dove into the water. After a bit you realized you had been talking most of the time and had genuinely forgotten to keep boundaries in line.
Fearing that your display of your natural personality would be a turn off for Aizawa and that you ruined any chances of getting together with him you began apologizing rapid fire.
Aizawa was quick to reassure you that he had a good time and would love to continue to get to know you. He told you that he didn’t mind your Autistic tendencies as well as your feline behavior.
After you guys left the aquarium you both decided on a time to meet up again and have dinner.
Aizawa made sure to walk you home as you rubbed your face against his arm.
Once you got to your door you turned around and pounced on Aizawa catching him off guard and nearly knocking him over. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and nuzzled your cheek against his head. Aizawa smiled and scratched you behind the ear as you purred and began grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and kneading it.
After you said goodnight you closed and locked your door and immediately went to bed having drained your social and mental battery.
That night you slept well and Aizawa smiled as he headed to his house to get ready for patrol.
That’s it for part 2 and I plan to make a third. Thank you for all the likes and hope you guys enjoy this one too.
(Sorry @atsukawolfcat if I didn’t tag you. I don’t know how but I hope this is right)
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come-away-with-me87 · 1 month
The Art of Love Chapter 10
Chapter 9 here
Warnings: This chapter is a lil angsty. Also, sorry for the long delays in posting chapters on this. I've been going through it lately, I'm just not my best self atm. But I promise to finish this story to the very end. Also, I haven't forgotten the two Aizawa requests I received; my hope is to write at least one of them this weekend when my brain is hopefully refreshed. As always, thank you for reading <3
You and Shouta went on various dates over the course of the next few weeks.  You went out to eat at a few nice restaurants, you went to a cat cafe where you both discovered your mutual adoration for cats (as well as coffee), he came over to your house, where you cooked him dinner a few times.  You two had not put a label on your...whatever it was you were doing, nor had you slept together yet.  You weren't quite ready for that step, and something told you Shouta wasn't ready yet either.  All you've done so far was kiss, and that was okay with you.  Things were going well.
By getting to know Shouta, you also got to know Eri better, especially on the evenings where you would go to the Heights Alliance campus to visit him.  You sat in on one of his training sessions with her; the patience he demonstrated was very admirable.  You could tell he was a man with a heart of gold with the way he acted towards her.  Eri also seemed genuinely happy to have you around.  At school, she seemed to blossom into a whole new girl.  She became better friends with Hana, and started interacting with other students.
Her artwork at school even became brighter and more colorful over the course of the weeks; no longer were they just shades of purple, green, and black.  Over the course of those few weeks, you also got to meet Izuku Midoriya, who you could tell Eri absolutely adored.  Izuku came with Mirio one day after school to pick Eri up, and you could've sworn two celebrities just walked into the classroom with the way she reacted when she saw them.  You remembered the story Shouta told you about when Eri was rescued; this Izuku and Mirio were her saviors.  You pulled Izuku and Mirio to the side that day saying, "Mr. Aizawa told me her story, and I can't thank you both enough for what you did to save her from that awful fate."  
One Friday evening after work, you had no plans.  You decided to pick up some sashimi from one of your favorite restaurants, and you made your way home to have some you time. You got home, put on your most comfortable pajama set, poured yourself a glass of wine, and sat down in front of your television with your sashimi.  You were flipping through channels, when you came across the news channel with some breaking news.  The League of Villains had teamed up with the Meta Liberation Army, and renamed themselves The Paranormal Liberation Front.  This could not possibly be good.
You texted Shouta telling him to turn on the news.  He just replied, "I'm already watching."  You thought to yourself again how this could not be good.  You had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach; something bad was going to happen.  You texted Shouta again, "what does this mean?"  He responded back, "I don't know yet, but it can't be good."  For Shouta to say that meant it was a serious matter.  You decided to flip the channel to something a little more mindless, something that didn't make you think.  There was a reality dating show on, so you watched that for the remainder of your evening instead.  
Around 11:00pm, you found yourself starting to get tired.  You had a date with Shouta the following day; you two were going on a picnic at a nearby park for lunch.  So you decided to call it a night and go to bed so you could be nice and refreshed for your date tomorrow.  You did your usual nightly routine of brushing your teeth and washing your face, then made your way to bed.  You were more tired than you realized, and you were pretty much out the moment the head hit the pillow.  Unfortunately, what followed after you fell asleep were a series of lucid nightmares.  
Your first nightmare was your memory of the hospital that Kento was in when he was attacked.  You were standing over his lifeless body in the bed in the hospital room, feeling heartbroken, yet numb.  You knew you were dreaming, so why were you living this moment over again?  You looked around the room to see if you could find a way to wake up, and when you looked down at the bed again, this time it was Shouta's lifeless body laying there.  You still knew you were dreaming, but you clasped your hands over your mouth to stifle yourself from screaming.
Suddenly, you were no longer in the hospital room.  This time, you were at a funeral.  It was set up very much like Kento's funeral, but there was something different about it.  When you looked at the body in the casket, you once again saw Shouta's body laying there.  The people and faces around you were all blurry; Shouta was the only one you could see clearly.  In your nightmare, you were in a never ending loop of being in the hospital room, then at the funeral, then back in the hospital room, then at the funeral again.  And it was always Shouta's body you were seeing.
The nightmare finally ended with you waking up in a cold sweat and hyperventilating.  You had to get up from your bed, go to your bathroom, and splash some cold water on your face.  "It was only a dream," you told yourself.  You looked at your phone; at that point, it was 3:00am.  You went back to bed in an attempt to fall asleep, but you were wide awake at that point.  You tossed and turned for the remainder of the night, thinking about the nightmares you had and what significance they had.  Why were you seeing Shouta's body?
Around 6:30am, you finally got out of bed, giving up on the idea of trying to fall back asleep.  You couldn't help it, but you thought there had to be some sort of significance behind your nightmare.  Shouta was a pro-hero; he would be able to protect himself and those around him.  But at the same time, he wasn't invincible.  You've heard of pro-heroes dying all the time.  At that point, you put on a pot of coffee, sat down on your couch, and pulled out your phone.  You texted Shouta and lied, saying "hey Shouta, I'm not feeling very well today, I'm not going to be able to make our picnic date. I'm sorry."
To be continued...
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy ; @ivydoesit23 ; @salientseraph ; @dreamofkaty ; @simp-hub ; @bluebreadenthusiast ; @fuzzyfestcat
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woozivrse · 10 months
Hiding the Truth, Pretending I'm Fine
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Jeon Wonwoo x gn! reader
Genre: Hanahaki AU, college AU, fluff, usual angst that comes with the AU, happy ending!
Words: 4k and some change!
Warnings: vomiting, doctors, surgery mention(doesn't happen! don't worry<3), implied depression? reader feels down and i kinda wrote it in a way that it could be read as depression..., death mentions(one a joke at the start, and the other being apart of the whole AU thing..., cursing, my ocs Mai and Kimi(ok my friends oc...) use different pronouns, Mai(She/He) and Kimi(She/They), blood
Notes: sooo... if you've read this before you are either 1) a friend i had read this for school or 2) you are my old english teacher, in which, hi. why are you here. please leave. please. aka i am repurposing this for tumblr, because i am pretty proud of it, meaning please be gentle on me. i am just a tiny tiny child. but tell me what you think! tell me if i missed any warnings, and stuff like that! also, stole the title from bittersweet. you'll see why! enjoy<3
You had been in love with Jeon Wonwoo for who knows how long, but you hadn't known it. Until you started coughing. You wish it had been easier.
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“Ooh my baby,” You cooed. “How's my little baby~ Hm? How are you Hoshi? What about you Byeol~~ Thank you for the gift~~”
Kimiko, your high school friend slash roommate, burst into your room. “Stop being a crazy cat person! Get up and out, Wonwoo is waiting for you,”
“Already? I just woke up–”
“Oh, no he's not here, here. He's just waiting for you like, in general y'know?”
“Not how you talk to your bestest friend in the world,” She pouted.
“That would be Wonwoo,”
“Bestest roommate in the world?”
“Fuck youuuu,”
Sitting down, Wonwoo placed an iced latte in front of you. Every Sunday, the two of you met at either the library or the cafe to plan your week out together. This week was the cafe. He stared at you, watching you work.
“Stop watching me, creep,” you grinned, tapping your foot against Wonwoo. “C’mon, I know I’m pretty ‘n all but you really should stop staring at me,”
“So full of yourself,” He teased. “You’ve got something, here I’ll get it.”
You rolled your eyes at Wonwoo pretending to fix your hair. Always trying to “fix” something, your hair, your clothes. You knew you weren't a messy person. What you didn't know was why Wonwoo did it. Sighing, you just let him fiddle with your hair. As he did that, you stole his phone, unlocking it to check his calendar for the week.
“Boo,” you pouted. “We barely match up this month, outside of class. Look! We don’t match this week and next week we match once, on Friday night,”
Seemingly done with your hair, he checked your planner. “Oh, you’re right. Isn’t that during the get together Cheol is holding?”
“Oh I think it is,” you sulked. “No free time for just us! Oh I am in pain, jail for a thousand years!”
He chuckled. “It’s fine, we can sneak some time in,”
“Not at a Cheol party. I’m gonna be tipsy and you’re probably going to be on babysitting duty,”
“Babysitting you,”
Grumbling, you stood from the chair and fell onto Wonwoo's shoulders like a lump of nothing, smacking him a little. Vernon, your mutual friend who worked at the cafe, took a picture and sent it to their group chat without the two of you, followed by a text saying “yo right in front of my salad?”. The group chat exploded with messages with variants of “they’re seriously not dating?” and one text from Joshua, one of the other workers at the cafe, saying “get back to work!!”.
This, you decided early on in your college days, was your favorite part of college. Walking with Wonwoo to whatever class you two shared, was great(unless the two of you didn't share a class, in which he would walk you to whatever class you had after the two of you had lunch).
You looked at him, seeing him staring at you, again. “Hey, what's with you looking at me so often, huh?” You raised a brow. “What, do you like me or something?”
He smiled, “Sure, something like that,”
Your face warmed, you could just feel the heat go to your ears.
You whipped your head away from him before saying. “Oh– oh just shut it! Don't even joke about that, Wonwoo!”
And then you started coughing, which granted, the weather had been getting colder, but you started coughing hard. Leaning down, you started coughing into your elbow before pulling away and seeing… petals? Bloody, purple flower petals. You quickly grabbed them before shoving them into your pocket.
Wonwoo put his hand on the small of your back, rubbing it. “Woah, hey, are you alright? Do you need water, anything? I’ll take you home if you need,”
You nodded, your throat still feeling a little raw. “Um… yeah, water would be nice, please,”
He handed you his water bottle, yours being at home. “Here, just drink from it. I’m fine without it for now,”
You sent him an appreciative look before downing the water. “Okay, I think I’ll be good for class now,”
He looked at you, obviously worried. “If you're sure… but I’m taking you home if you start coughing like that again,”
❀1:47, CLASS
You started coughing again.
There was no reason for it, you had just caught Wonwoo once again looking at you weirdly, causing your heart to flutter just a bit before you had berated yourself, thinking, Stop it, stop it! He doesn't like me…he just doesn't. And then the coughing happened again.
It had been so bad that the professor had stopped class and asked if you had needed to go. Wonwoo answered that question by grabbing your stuff and taking you out of the class. Oh well, you thought, Guess going to that class was for nothing.
Once you had finished coughing, you again found bloody petals. What the fuck…
“Hey, are you sure you're okay?” Wonwoo looked really worried now, placing a hand on your forehead, then cheeks. “You certainly don't seem okay, but you’re not warm or anything,”
You shook your head. “I think it might be the weather. You know I get a little iffy around this time of year,”
He hesitantly accepted your reason, knowing it was true, just usually happened later in the year. He shrugged his jacket off, placing it on your shoulders. “Well, keep this on until we reach your place, I don't want you actually getting sick,”
Sitting on your bed, your eyebrows scrunched up before you sighed. Just, what was happening to you? Coughing up flowers– that's something out of a storybook, not real life.
Your heart fluttered when you thought about Wonwoo, but why. Why was your heart doing this, why, why, why. Wonwoo was so sweet to you, that's why, you reasoned. Right? You…didn't like him, did you? You couldn't.
You started coughing, again. Running to the bathroom, you knelt over the toilet.
Kimi sang. “Your favorite dancer is home~”
Kimi stepped into the kitchen, dropping her bag into the floor, before calling your name. “Hellooo?”
Silence filled the apartment, which left Kimi worried. Walking through the hallway, Kimi knocked on your bedroom door, opening it when no noise happened. Nothing.
“What the…” Kimi muttered. “Ugh, where’d I put my phone… dance practice you thot!”
Dragging herself back to the kitchen, she shuffled through their duffel bag. Calling your phone, rings came from the bathroom. Making her way to the bathroom, Kimi barged in. There you were, in all your shitty, sweaty glory was you, throwing up into the toilet.
“Fuck!” Kimi dropped to her knees, rubbing your back. “You should’ve told us you were sick. One of us would’ve stayed home for you,”
You whined. “Kimi… it’s fine both of you were busy, I couldn’t let you guys stay home. Besides, this happened during class.”
“The one you have with Wonwoo?”
Nodding, you straightened. “Mm… he brought me home,”
“What happened?”
“I… um… started coughing up flower petals…” You muttered.
“You what?”
Sighing, you reached your hand into your pockets and brought out the bloody flower petals.
“What the– Why are they bloody!?”
“I started coughing these up,” You started to explain. “Look, they’re in the toilet bowl too. I… I asked Sayu, before I went into the bathroom, she said they were bittersweet or something like that…”
“You should go to the ER! Or at least the doctor– you don’t know what this is,”
“I will, I will. I was going to call her after this whole…fit,”
“So, what’s the reason for this appointment?” Doctor Kim asked, checking the files in hand.
“Um…so the other day, Wednesday, I uh… started coughing flower petals,” You explained, pulling the petals out. “They were um, bloody.”
Clicking her tongue, Doctor Kim examined a petal. “Oh dear…I see,”
“Why’d it happened? How’d it even get in my body?”
Doctor Kim sighed, pulling up an article on the computer in the room. “I’m afraid there’s not much research on this. I’ve never personally seen it but I know doctors who have diagnosed it. We’re calling it hanahaki, from the Japanese words 花 and 吐く, flower and to vomit. We’ve noticed that it’s from unrequited love,” she glanced at you and then the flower petals, “Do you…do you love someone? Do you believe they don’t love you back?”
You played with your hair, suddenly the floor looking interesting. “Um…I…I guess,”
“You guess?”
“I do. I…kinda just realized it and then spiraled for a little. On Wednesday, when I first coughed them up.”
“I see. I’m going to give you options and I will definitely push you towards a specific one. But I want you to know that it is entirely up to you, what you want to do,” sighing, she leaned onto her knees. “You could confess, and if your feelings get reciprocated the flowers will leave your body through a few days. If they don’t, then your lungs will grow with flowers faster and you’ll suffocate. If you do, come to the ER immediately.
“The last option is surgery, we remove the flowers and any roots in your lungs. But it’s a complicated surgery, and if successful you lose all memories of said person and you’ll never feel anything for them ever again. It’s a last resort for a reason, and if you even think they return your feelings, confess. I mean it, you need to confess.”
Laying on your bed, you pulled your blankets over your shoulders, tucking yourself in. Getting up seemed to take up so much more energy these days, it was so much effort, effort you couldn't seem to put in.
Your phone rang, and you left it. It stopped for a few seconds before ringing again. You sighed as it stopped again. It pinged a few times, two followed by one more before your phone silenced. You couldn't bring yourself to check, even though you knew it was Wonwoo, you set his notifications to have a special ringer. You were just… tired.
Nonu ❙
Hey, are you okay?
??? Hello??? You always answer, are you sick??
??? I’m coming over.
Wonwoo knocked on your door, before opening it. Seeing you still tucked into your bed confused him.
“I know I've asked this a couple times, but are you okay?” He sat on your bed, patting your leg. “Hello? Have you not woken up just yet?”
You hummed lightly. “No…I’m tired,”
He raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to be alone? You seem…well tired,”
You hummed again. He couldn't tell what you were feeling, facing away from him and barely saying anything.
“I’ll go, but I hope you feel better. I’ll get Mai and Kimi to take care of you,”
❀DAY 10, TUESDAY 11:23AM
Knocking on the door, Mai entered the room after a beat.
“You haven’t woken up yet?” She questioned, sitting on the bed. “You ok? I haven’t seen you wake up later than 9 since we were high schoolers,”
“Maiiii,” You whined. “I’m so TIRED, I can't even explain why!”
“The petals?”
“Of course, it's the– How do you know about them?”
He shrugged. “Kimi told me a little, sorry.”
“It's fine. I mean, you would've found out anyways,”
“Yeah, I would've. What happened, like why are they a thing? Kimi only mumbled something about petals and blood and purple– good color by the way,”
“I mean, the doctor said it's this stupid thing called hanahaki–”
“Like, hana as in 花, as in flower?”
“Uh, I think– STOP you're distracting me!” You jumped out from the covers.
“Yeah, but that got you out of bed. That was the goal~”
“You are the worst,”
Pulling you by the hands, Mai led you to the dining room.
“Our zombie lives!” cheered Kimi.
Flipping Kimi off, you pried yourself from Mai’s arms. “What was that for? I was gonna get out of bed eventually, it's only–”
“Only 11:23!” Kimi cut her off. “You are two hours late youngster!”
“To what?”
“To civilization! You have never–”
“Once woken up after 9, yes I am aware,”
“So you are aware we were worried, right?” Kimi huffed. “Now, eat! You are a growing child, no child of mine will starve!”
“I'm 20. We are the same age,”
“And,” Mai cut in. “I'm 21. I say you eat and get yourself freshened up. We are having a roommates day out,”
“What happened to my childhood friend,” you sulked.
“She has gone nowhere, I have always been your mother,” Mai chided. “Now eat, you actually look like a zombie,”
“So, young child of mine,” Kimi started, placing the group’s order down. “Why have you been coughing up a storm, and why are there bloody flowers everywhere? You only mumbled something about them, and I want to know why!”
The three of them were in a small cafe they frequented often, mainly due to your part-time job there.
“Still can’t believe you guys got me here on my day off,” you sighed, playing with your drink. “It’s nothing. I already went to a doctor, she said it was ‘Hanahaki’ or something,”
“Hana as–”
“Yes hana as in 花, as in flower. Why did you both ask the same question?”
“I needed clarification,” Kimi shrugged. “But like, what’s the haki part? Like what even is hanahaki?”
“The haki is 吐く, like to vomit,”
“It’s a disease where flowers grow in your- in your lungs?!” Mai read from his phone, head whipping to you. “And you could die?”
“Not so loud– lord why did we go here,”
“I’m sorry– you’re upset I’m being loud? You could die, do not tell me to be quiet?”
You sighed, “Look, this is why I didn’t want to tell anyone! They get all dramatic, it’s not a big deal. It’s due to unrequited love, so all I have to do is unfall in love.”
“Uh, speaking as the person who’s in a committed relationship,” Kimi injected. “Impossibly hard. Like, I’m talking insanely hard. I mean–”
“We get it,” Mai said, cupping her face. “Look, it even took me a while to get over my first ex, and he stalked me! I’m with Kimi, there are easier ways to do this.”
“Except there’s not! It's either I unfall in love, confess, or get surgery! And, mind you, that surgery will remove all my memories of said person and remove all my feelings. It’s not like I can do that. I can’t lose someone I’m in love with– and I can’t lose my feelings! How am I supposed to live without being happy, or sad, or–”
“Then confess! They’ll reciprocate them, I’m sure.” Mai held your hands. “Please, I can’t lose you. We can’t lose you, you’re too important to us.”
“I am not confessing–”
“Confessing?” A voice cut in, Wonwoo. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“Wonwoo! No, no! I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve–”
“Been busy.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, if this was over some guy, you could've told me. I would've gotten it and backed off,”
You stood up. “It is not! Look, we went over schedules– we were both booked! You cannot say I have been ignoring you,”
“Does that mean you can’t answer my texts? Or calls?” He argued, walking away from you and out of the cafe.
“Oh don’t act like you don’t do the same to me. How come you’re acting like I’m doing it on purpose!” You followed.
“I haven’t ghosted you, never for days on end!”
“Oh sure,” You stopped and rolled your eyes. “I’m not arguing about this, not in public,”
“Oh so you’re running away, like always?” Wonwoo turnt around. “Like you always do when something happens, like the coward you are?”
Your eyes watered as you stumbled back like you were struck. “Fine! Yes, I’m running away, just like you said! Just like I always have, according to you, but don’t you dare try to come talk to me.”
You and Kimi walked into Seungcheol’s party, being eagerly greeted by Kim Mingyu.
He cheered both of your names. “Let me get you drinks, come in! I’m not allowed to help you with your coats, Cheol is worried about me breaking something again.”
Laughing, Kimi pat him on the arm. “It’s fine! I’m here to be sober, drunk watch and all that,”
“Mai forced her to be my babysitter,” You sulked. “Like I’m gonna get drunk off my ass or something…”
Mingyu and Kimi gave each other a knowing look. Like you hadn't been upset since the fight. Kimi pushed you further into the house, hearing the chatter of the others. Mai and Kimi figured it was best to get you to talk to someone, and what better way than to get her drunk with friends?
Bad idea. Mai and Kimi both forgot one important thing about a drunk you. You were an emotional drunk. Meaning, right now? You were sobbing your ass off, drunk, over Wonwoo.
Kimi could barely understand you because you were muffled by–
“Fuck,” Kimi muttered, launching herself towards you. “Spit them out, I fucking mean it you drunk fuck. Spit. Them. Out.”
You listened. Saliva and blood covered petals fell into Kimi’s hand. You fell into Kimi’s arms, still sobbing.
“He hates me Kimi! He does. He hasn't talked to me in 3 days! The longest we’ve gone is probably around a couple hours! Never this long,”
Kimi sighed, petting your hair. It pained them all to see her like this.
“He doesn't hate you, yknow,” Mingyu said, also patting you on the back. “He’s just upset right now. He’s probably also crying right now,”
“I don't want him crying over me!” You sobbed even harder.
Seungkwan hit Mingyu away, clicking his tongue. “Ignore him, Mingyu’s dumb. We know this. Wonwoo’s upset, but he’s not crying. He's probably thinking about what happened and trying to figure out how to apologize to you,”
“But he doesn't have to apologize, I was the one being a bitch!”
“All of you leave her alone,” Jeonghan swatted everyone besides Kimi. “Sweetheart, honey, drink this,”
He handed you a cup of water, urging you to drink. You tried to drink it, but instead a full flower came out of her mouth.
“FUCK,” Kimi shouted. “Fuck fuck- where’s their phone? Hurry one of you, give it to me!”
Kimi dialed your doctor, explaining that you had actually coughed up a flower. “C’mon hun, c’mon. Get up, we have to visit someone,”
“What's happening?” Mingyu questioned. “Kimi– what was that? Why did a flower come out of their mouth? Kimi?”
“Don't, don't worry. Just call Mai for me, tell her we're at the hospital. She’ll know why,” Kimi explained. “Sorry to bring the mood down,”
“Don't be. Now go, go! It seems urgent,” Cheol pushed the two of you out of the apartment.
Your doctor sighed, closing the door behind her and facing Kimi and Mai. “I’m to assume you two are their roommates, meaning they told one of you at least a little?”
“Uhm, yeah,” Kimi fidgeted. “She told me a little, just like, uh she was coughing flowers cuz of something called hanahaki? Uhm.. and that it was a disease caused by–”
“Unrequited love, yes. However, that’s not something we’re entirely sure about,”
“What do you mean, not entirely sure about? Did you tell her something incorrect about a disease that could kill her!?” Mai shouted.
“Yes and no,” Doctor Kim sighed. “Look, ladies, hanahaki is rare– we’re not sure about everything. But, there's a theory, that I have personally searched into, that it’s not unrequited love. More like, insecurity in the afflicted. The flowers, do you know what they are and what they mean?”
“Oh! Uhm, I think I remember our friend saying they were bittersweet? And that they meant truth? Truthfulness?”
“Then, there. They likely need to tell the truth, if the theory holds up. Either way though, one of you should get whoever they’re crushing, or in love with, here as soon as you can. I will make an exception for you three, and only you three, to be here after hours if they have not gained consciousness. The other should stay with them. I don't want any surprises,”
“Where are they!?” Wonwoo bursted into the hospital lobby.
Ignoring the onlooking staff, he went straight towards Mai.
“Mai, you cannot call me, say my best friend is in the hospital, and then not give me context,” he said, holding the dead tired girl by the shoulders.
“You hung up on me right after I said they were here! I’m not calling you back and getting you into an accident– we do not need that! Now, come. I'll bring you to them, your job is to get them to actually tell you the truth. I don't care what it takes, they have to.”
Leading the barely taller man, Mai opened the door to your hospital room. Pulling Kimi out, Mai quickly pat you on the head with a quiet, “Confess,”
“Wonu?” You croaked.
“Hey,” He sat on the edge of her bed. “What happened? Why are you here– why have you been avoiding me? I thought we told each other everything,”
He looks heartbroken, you thought, heart clenching at it. “It- it wasn't your fault, Wonu. I just- if I told you, I’d lose you. I can’t do that,”
“But you're here, in a hospital. Mai said you could die. Why do you think I can live without you?”
“Please. You’re my best friend, I can’t lose you,”
Bursting into tears, you sobbed. “Exactly! I’m your best friend, that's all I’ll ever be! Wonwoo, have you ever thought I wanted to be more than friends with you?”
“It’s you, it has always been you! I just had a shitty way of finding out, and now I’m dying! I don't want to die. I want to live out my life with you, and Mai, and Kimi, and and just– everyone! But if I get the surgery I lose my best friend– the love of my life! It's either I lose you by confessing, or I lose you by forgetting you, or I lose everyone by dying! I don't want this–”
“Hey, hey,” Wonwoo wiped the tears from your face. “Who said you’d ever lose me? Remember, I will always be here for you. Always. Besides, I’ve loved you ‘since forever’. You have nothing to fear,”
Your eyes overflowed with tears, and your mouth, flowers. Calling a doctor, Wonwoo was quickly kicked from the room. Worried, he quickly walked to the lobby.
“Wonwoo!” Kimi exclaimed, bouncing anxiously towards him. “Where- where are they? Why are you out here?”
“Well, I got kicked out. We confessed but then they started coughing again and–”
“You finally confessed? Like, for real none of that ‘I love you, as a friend’ bullshit?”
“Yes– why is that what you're focusing on? They started coughing flowers again, Kimi,”
“I know, I know, but I’ve been waiting for this since I met you two. That was our first year of high school!”
“Stop fighting you two,” Mai butt in. “What happened? Why are you out here?”
After explaining everything, the three of them went to hunt Doctor Kim down. Meaning, they were waiting outside of your room.
Walking out of your room, Doctor Kim turnt around and jumped. “Oh, you three scared me. Sorry, sorry. I should’ve told you to go home. But, they're fine. They’re resting now, you can visit when the hospital opens up again and you can see them then,”
“We can’t leave her!” Kimi whisper shouted, still aware of the fact that you were likely sleeping.
“No, you can’t but you will. I understand you’re scared about them, but they’ll be fine. They’ll have to stay here for another few days, but it’s just so we can monitor them. You can visit, but only during visiting hours. Now shoo, you are college students here on a Saturday,”
Wonwoo walked into the room, with a bouquet of aster flowers. Chuckling Wonwoo put them on the bedside table.
“Sorry, I know it’s a little soon,” Wonwoo sat. “but I asked your friend, um, Sayu? She said you thought they were pretty, the flowers, that is. Aster, she called them.”
You laughed softly. “It’s ok Wonu, they’re lovely. I love them, thank you,”
He smiled. “I’m glad. I know we only just established everything but I want to ask, can I be your boyfriend?”
You laughed, and Wonwoo pouted at that. “Sorry, sorry I’m not laughing at you. Never at you. Yes, of course you can be my boyfriend. Why’d I ever say no, I don’t know.”
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justsomerandomfanfic · 4 months
Small Fun Poll - 5/16/24
Which fanfic idea/prompt do you like the best? 10 options! May be featured as a Fanfic Friday Fanfic in the future! Read Below The Cut! :P
Klarion (Klarion The Witch Boy) X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff (whipped for the other kind of trope)
Klarion, being the mischievous witch boy the world has ever seen, decides to cause chaos in your favorite cafe. As the world was basically going crazy around you, you go up to the havok-causing witch boy and politely ask him to stop. Klarion is slightly shocked. No one had ever asked him so nicely, almost sincerely, and with a smile on their face. Before you knew it, you not only left a beverage, but with a almost love-sick Klarion and his cat.
2. Gaston LeGume (Live Action Beauty And The Beast) X GN Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff
You work as a barmaid at the tavern that Gaston frequents. Gaston, whenever he enters the tavern, always flirts with you, but you know that he has his heart set on Belle. Your heart yearns for him, but you know you can not have him... But, one night, an old lady gifts you a potion... A love potion. Will you succumb to your broken heart, or will you use the love potion to get what your heart's always desired?
3. Harry Osborn (The Amazing Spider-Man) X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff
You and Harry Osborn have been dating for a long time, ever since you met him at work. Now dating, you are smothered in his love, affection, and constant - constant gifts. Harry would give you random - almost always expensive - things every day. You wanted more meaningful gifts, and convincing Harry to settle down a bit on the gifts was... Well, not easy.
4. Armitage Hux (Star Wars) X GN Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff (somewhat grumpy x sunshine trope)
You and Armitage work together, very closely, Armitage hates it, you love it. You love meeting new people and spending time with the people you find interesting. A lot of people on the Starkiller Base think you are somewhat odd - you being so happy-go-lucky all the time. Armitage doesn't believe that you have anything in common with him; he's proven wrong.
5. Coriolanus Snow (The Hunger Games: Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes) X Female Reader - Angst/Fluff (enemies to lovers trope)
You are the eldest sister of Felix Ravinstill - strikingly beautiful, sharp wit, and extremely rich. Your parents are ready to marry you off. But to whom? Well, there are a few people they could choose... But, to your surprise, Coriolanus Snow is chosen. You're not too happy about the marriage in the beginning, but somewhere down the line, you fall for the young man. Coriolanus though, he only married you to get another step closer to becoming Panem's next president.
6. Jaskier (The Witcher) X Female Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff (Inspired by: Labour by Paris Paloma)
Jaskier and Geralt stop at a small tavern as they were traveling through a small town. They were both glad to be able to rest for a short while, and grab something to eat and drink before trying to find some place to stay for the night. Jaskier was having a grand ol' time, until you walked right up on stage. With a small frown and sad eyes, you sing your song, and Jasker is mesmerized by you instantly.
7. Willy Wonka (Wonka) X GN Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff (friends to lovers trope)
You help Willy and your friends conjure up the plan to stop the Chocolate Cartel. You are worried for Willy, hoping that he wouldn't get caught in his carefully thought-out plan. And though you had only known Willy for a short while - and with the constant worry for his life - the moment you saw him, covered in melt chocolate, you can't help but run into his awaiting arms. But, is this just a beautiful friendship, or is there something sweeter bubbling underneath the surface?
8. Kori/Starfire (Teen Titans) X GN Reader - Fluff
You and Kori just spend a quiet night in - with Silkie of course - playing Just Dance. You both have a lovely time dancing, which may or may not lead into a somewhat awkward - but wonderful - confession from the both of you.
9. Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff (competition/bet trope)
You and Anakin finally get to have a small break from missions and boring Jedi meetings. You and Anakin travel to a planet where - similar to Tatooine - loves pod racing. You surprise Anakin with a small bet, and Anakin won't back down from that; he truly thinks he can beat you. And with your bets on the table, will he win, or will you?
10. Harry Hart (Kingsman) X Fluff Reader - Angst/Fluff
Harry finally introduces Eggsy to you - his secret wife - but after the church incident, Eggsy has the hardest job to do... Tell you that Harry was dead. But, what happens when Eggsy and Merlin find Harry alive in America? Who's going to tell you that your husband has been alive, and has forgotten most of his memories... And has forgotten about you?
To anyone who reads this, you do not have to participate if you do not want to. I just thought it would be fun to make a poll. I haven't done one in a while, and don't really know what to make it about. XD
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
March 24-30 2013
It's Holy week. We also have electricity bills that are enaring to be oaid. But we can pay alter after the due date.
I was planning of going to a vacation alone but that's fine. I got my passport but where will 5k get me.
It's really crazy.
I asked Mansoor what he will be doing. He said just family gatherings. I asked if he can take me to the beach because I haven't been there ever since my parents don't ever allow me.
He said, okay.
"I don't have enough money though."
"I'll answer for it "
"Huwag I cat let you do that."
"Pay me back it's okay."
I wasn't concentrating in class anymorem Tuesday, we presented our culminating activity. And there are photos of us together with Mansoor again wit the kids.
"Uy, bagay!" Said the others.
"Next!" I said.
By Wednesday, Roxanne arrived already. Tina is also here and we kinda fought because of my attitude.
Psych Stat was doing PSS applications. So we learned that. The girls don't like Regine and avoiding her because of her negativity towards everything. She literally bring stormy clous over at anyone.
I asked a day off for tomorrw just in case we don't return in time.
"Ano, we don't have budget for like a room. There's just a parang covered for our things. Then may CR naman per may fee."
"Okay, that sfood enough for me." I said.
We plan to go by Friday. He has some family thing Thursday. I think his parents are quite good and fine. His siblings too.
Thursday, I just spent the time doing chores in the morning, then went out to the hill station cafe to edit videos before I go to my work. I do some studying too especially for stats.
I cooked food a night before. Just some fruits.
Then Friday morning at 5am, I met up with him at the bus station. We bought Jollibee foods. I'm really feeling fluttered wit him sitting together wit me.
"You know you get to know a person better when you travel together." I said.
"Test ba to?"
"Sinasabi ko lang."
The trip was just about an hour. We went down and flagged down a trike.
And we were lucky to catch the sunrise. I took a lot of photos. And photos of him. By 8, the sun is shining. I changed and wore a bikini bra and sports shorts. I'm wearing some light coverup underneath since I don't want to show my whole body with some distributed fats all over.
I saw him looking and was shyung away. He really is a good person.
He taught me how to swim but I gave up almost immediately.
"Bahala ka pag tinapon ka sa dagat." He said.
The sun was torture in the morning. Good hing he lent me a cap. We walked around and he answered for my food and drinks.
We swam a bit more but we are just on the sand talking and having jokes. Then taking photos. We had a quiet time as we both read after lunch. At 2, we showered. Separatelynoff course and ready to go back.
We caught a bus back home at 3. So tired so I slept on his shoulder. He allowed me to sleep on his lap since I also brought like a small pillow.
We reached the city at 5 and had coffee at Luisa's first. Then walked somewhere behind SM just to watch he sunm it's corny romantic sure but tis beautiful.
I went home at 7. The mother and daughters are still there. Tina slept in Ran's room and Keisha too.
Tina was talking to me but I shut the door.
I slept and wke up hours later and did some video edits. I asked Mansoor if he's okay to let me upload some photos. He said it's okay but warned me that we will get teased a lot for it.
So I just picked the ones that subtly shows him. I have him copies. All of it. Except the ones I look ugly in off course.
I started blogging again. Then sketching.
I slept late and woke up late Saturday. Just did chores and later went out to town and studied at a cafe.
Then I headed to work. We have a lot of customers aoaprenytly
March 24-30, 2013Sunday, March 24It's Holy Week, and I'm juggling paying electricity bills and planning a potential solo vacation. However, with only ₱5,000, it's challenging to figure out where I could go. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I asked Mansoor what his plans were. He mentioned family gatherings, so I asked if he could take me to the beach since my parents never allowed me to go.
He agreed.
"I don't have enough money, though," he told me.
"I'll cover it," I said said.
"Huwag, I can't let you do that."
"Pay me back, it's okay," I insisted.
Monday, March 25
I was distracted in class, thinking about the upcoming beach trip. We presented our culminating activity, and there were photos of me and Mansoor with the kids. "Uy, bagay!" the others teased. I brushed it off, saying, "Next!"
Tuesday, March 26
Roxanne arrived, and Tina was here too. We had a fight over my attitude. In Psych Stat, we learned about PSS applications. The girls are avoiding Regine due to her constant negativity. I asked for a day off tomorrow just in case we didn't return in time."Ano, we don't have a budget for a room. There's just a covered area for our things and a CR with a fee," Mansoor informed me."Okay, that's good enough for me," I replied.
Wednesday, March 27Mansoor had a family event today, so I spent the morning doing chores and then went to Hill Station Cafe to edit videos before work. I also studied for stats. I cooked some food the night before, mainly fruits.
Thursday, March 28I spent the day doing chores and editing videos. I also prepared for our beach trip by packing my bag and getting everything ready.
Friday, March 29At 5 AM, I met Mansoor at the bus station. We bought Jollibee food, and I felt butterflies with him sitting next to me. "You know you get to know a person better when you travel together," I said."Is this a test?" he joked."Sinasabi ko lang."The trip took about an hour. We flagged down a trike and caught the sunrise, taking lots of photos. By 8, the sun was shining brightly. I changed into a bikini bra and sports shorts with a light coverup. I saw Mansoor glancing at me shyly. He really is a good person.He tried teaching me how to swim, but I gave up almost immediately. "Bahala ka pag tinapon ka sa dagat," he teased.The sun was harsh in the morning, but he lent me a cap. We walked around, and Mansoor covered my food and drinks. We swam a bit more, then sat on the sand talking and joking, taking more photos. After lunch, we had quiet time reading. At 2, we showered separately and got ready to go back.We caught a bus home at 3, and I slept on his shoulder during the ride. He let me sleep on his lap with a small pillow I brought. We reached the city at 5 and had coffee at Luisa's before walking behind SM to watch the sunset. It was corny romantic, but beautiful.I got home at 7. Tina, Keisha, and the mother were still there. Tina tried talking to me, but I shut the door. I slept for a few hours, then woke up to do some video edits. I asked Mansoor if he was okay with me uploading some photos. He agreed but warned we’d get teased a lot. I picked ones that subtly showed him and gave him all the copies, except the ones I looked ugly in.I started blogging again and sketched a bit. I stayed up late.
Saturday, March 30I woke up late, did chores, and then went to town to study at a cafe. Later, I headed to work, which was busy with many customers.
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0 notes
cupidspoetrycorner · 5 months
Love is
Love is lice in the third grade
love is sitting on the steps of the choir room together
love is holding hands on the bus, whispering of a promise we could never keep
love is being leaves with you
love is friday night lights
love is late night reading
love is christmas trees
love is crying in my mothers arms when I know what you have done
love is cringing at graduation invitations
love is fire boy and water girl
love is rushing to get paperwork signed
love is the woods of my backyard right before prom
love is downloading a dating app so you don’t feel so alone
love is cat cafes
love is building furniture while you watch
love is walking way too long to the target and back
love is laying on the floor together
love is getting high and karaoke mics
love is late night railroad walks
love is thursday nights, every week or every other week
love is sharing song recommendations for our favorite lesbians
love is halloween night
love is the feeling of your hands in my hair as I look like a crime scene
love is matching socks
love is sobbing and raw skin
love is careful bandaids placed on that skin
love is not even being able to be angry anymore
love is playing games with your mom
love is spending the night on someone’s couch
love is hesitating deleting the group chat, months of memories I couldn’t handle anymore
love is laughing so hard I cry when something little happens
love is planned birthday gifts
love is crying in your arms when I can’t say the words
love is sit downs and lists and interventions
love is making love poems for you
love is rubbing your back and mourning a fictional person together
love is dressing up for the funeral
love is legos in your living room
love is holding you as we sleep
love is your face lighting up when you find out about that love poem
love is everyone going to therapy
love is obliterating the twinks straight out of the factory and um... and gay people piercings
love is improv games and karaoke
love is holding you close while you cry in my arms
love is wishing for nothing else but this
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horanghoe · 2 years
until it hurts a little less
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members/group: Beomgyu / TXT --- (mentions of Jon / NCT)
pairing: Hybrid!Beomgyu x Reader (Fem perspective)
genre: angst, fluff, heavy smut, hybrid!txt, minors dni !!
word count: 15.9k
T/W’s : heavy smut with frequent mention of hybrid features; this is purely fiction and not intended to harm. If you don’t like hybrid!au’s, please scroll on, peace and love!! (Pls dm me if you would like a trigger warning added ♡ )
shoutout to my fellow furry loving idiot ~ @raibebe
& A HUGE THANK YOU to all my beta readers ~ @kthpurplesyou / @rairecommends again / @gyukult / @flowerboykun
special cameo shoutout to miss angel ~ @moonctzeny
IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE - This fic has received a mass update since its original publishing date. I hope the edit serves as a greater service to returning readers; and doesn't take away from the original experience felt ♡
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Music to listen to while reading ♡ (in no particular order)
Settle - (BAYNK, Sinead Harnett)
Never Seen You Get So Low - (Aquilo)
Be Like That - (Kane Brown, Swae Lee & Khalid)
Lo Que Siento - (Cuco)
Deja Vu - (Post Malone, Justin Bieber)
Come Over - (Jorja Smith, Popcaan)
Bleu - (agajon, Leonie Barbot)
A Storm on a Summers Day - (Full Crate, Gaidaa)
Happier Than Ever - Edit - (Billie Eilish)
긴 밤 (The Long Night) - (Seori, GIRIBOY)
Lonely - (Chloe x Halle)
Broken Clocks - (SZA)
Good Days - (SZA)
Frank Ocean as a genre, lmao
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Your day had been simply awful.
It was like everything that could go wrong in the world, did. And everything that didn’t; sure as hell gave it a try.
The pain started as soon as you woke up.
You were old enough to know when you were due on your period. Even had an app for it - with notifications, etc. But the past month had totally whipped by, and you awoke to ruined pajamas and a deep ache in your lower back. 
Fumbling for your phone, you swiped clumsily at the alarm cutting out the harsh noise before it could offend your ears any further.
Grumbling, you cursed your body for having such a heavy flow out of nowhere, before pulling your corpse-like body out from under the sheets and out into the cold air.
It was just a Friday. One day until the weekend. You could do this.
Willing yourself into positive thinking, you stumbled out of your room and down the hall - straight towards the medicine cupboard to dull the ache in your body and head.
"Jeez! You look like shit. Maybe you should brush your hair before bed, owner."
Almost missing the cat hybrid's words until the pointed end - the prophetical sentence a well-crafted hilt and the end the tip of the sword - you turned around with a sleepy frown and an exasperated sigh, ready to fight without your eyes fully opened.
But he had already disappeared.
Maybe you had imagined it.
Maybe adopting Beomgyu had been one huge, massive dream (or nightmare), and you were due to wake up any minute.
Unfortunately, that was not the case.
The bathroom door in front of you slammed shut, making your body shoot up and back against the hallway wall. Beomgyu's laugh could be heard behind the door; high and lilted, full of mockery.
Clinging to your nightshirt and abdomen you whined softly.
"Beomgyu! That was mean! Get out of there, I need to get ready for work!”
Said idiot snorted from behind the door, thumping his clothes into the washing basket. 
“Sorry, no can do. I’m going out to the cafe today to meet Yeonjun. Wouldn’t want to walk around smelling like you.”
Absolutely at a loss of words, you garbled a noise of frustration and pleading.
“Beomgyu - please - can you at least grab something from the cupboard? I need some … medicine… fuck. Nevermind."
You knew as soon as you had begun to beg, that you had already lost.
The sound of the shower tapped out from behind the very much locked and sealed door, the male humming to himself as you knocked your head against the wood. You curled over at a wave of pain, breathing through it before it subsided.
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The night before, there had been... a disagreement. 
You had tried to initiate some ground rules. 
(Albeit, three months in could be considered a little late for a peace treaty, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Spoiler alert: it didn't make a difference).
The first point was that Beomgyu was to remain second on the pecking list.
He was arrogant. And a brat. But you were willing to work through it to not send him back to the adoption centre. He was a grown-ass cat-man and had the right to his own space; even if the local laws meant he had to have a human on his registry to do that. He was welcome to stay, on the terms that he could temper his ego, even just a little bit.
You had placed the handwritten ‘new-rules list’ in front of him.
He had peered over it with sharp eyes and a scoff, before crossing his arms and leaning back into the dining room chair.
"I'm literally older, bigger and smarter than you, Y/N. What exactly is your point? On all of this? I already work part-time to pay my way - this is a null request."
He had leered at you. Disgustingly smart, seemingly only when he needed to be.
"But - I'm - I'm your owner… Your - I adopted you…"
Beomgyu had howled with laughter, shaking his headbefore his eyes dropped and his gaze bore straight into you. 
"And? Just because you brought me here, signed the leasing papers; doesn’t mean I have to listen to your every beck and call. I’m not your little puppy on a leash, Y/N. Or maybe you’d prefer that. Someone to follow your every order. Maybe you should go back for Mingyu, I’m sure he’d die to get bossed around so much."
It was such a shocking change of aura that you were struck dumb. Sharp feline eyes and rigid tall triangle ears pointed straight at you had made you weak at the knees - the push of dominance, a very unfamiliar feeling. At least where the hybrid was involved.
He had always edged around your limitations but had never directly opposed you before.
At a lack of words, you had withdrawn the list. Shoving it into a kitchen drawer and trying your very best to avoid the emotions swimming in your lungs. Unsure whether to evict yourself or your anger via a punch straight into his - annoyingly charming, handsome, clean, frustrating, stupidly beautiful - face.
The rain had been relentless all week, and it had only seemed to add to your misery after defeat had been admitted. 
You sent yourself to sleep with a heavy head full of thoughts and a heart full of frustration. Sleeping through the loud music he played through the TV speakers. Fighting the occasional wakes from flashes of lightning and the thought of work looming over your next day.
Your sleep was troubled, at best.
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It seems that last night's confrontation had only made him more irate.
And you knew it was stupid - knew it was mean and entirely selfish - but you couldn't stop the spike of emotions in the apprehension of a very long office shift.
Thoughts of emails, processing paperwork and phone calls and attending meetings; all flooded your mind's eye until you lashed out your frustration at the selfish idiot behind the bathroom door.
You knew he didn’t deserve it, but it sort of just happened before you could stop it.
Your fist solidly thumped against the door, with more strength than Beomgyu had ever expected to hear from you. You had never lashed out. So, in the comfort of the shower, he flinched harshly, bating his breath. 
Were you finally going to send him back? None of his ‘owners’ had ever lasted this long. He considered you more of an equal, but that uncertainty was like murky waters that left him too scared to test fate.
Considering the fact he fought bad types of hierarchy with the fervour of a forest fire; he was insufferable towards your lax rules around the flat.
And he would bite on purpose, just for some attention.
But, weirdly, he liked you. You were his opposite - disgustingly happy and optimistic. Buying him gifts when all he knew was hand-downs. Taking his bad behaviour as it came. That’s why your words dug deep into his psyche, deeper than he wanted. 
"God, you're insufferable! It's my flat! I brought you back here, pay for your shit! And you're the worst hybrid I've ever met! Maybe it would be a good idea to send you back since you keep fucking suggesting it!!"
Beomgyu closed off the shower. Breathing heavily as he quickly dried himself off. He needed to get away from you and fast before he said something he would regret. 
The door snapped open.
You realised your mistake as soon as the male stepped out from behind the door, shoving past your body and down the hall.
The look he had given you was as sharp as any knife. A pure scowl that was full of all the discontentment in the world. Piercing your lungs and squeezing your guts into a flood of guilt.
"I-I'm sorry - I didn't mean that - I just -"
You tried to call out to him; before his bedroom door slammed tightly shut.
As you showered, you considered the feeling sitting heavy inside of your chest. Empty and aching.
You - you didn't even like him, so why the hell did you feel so bad about confrontation when it came to Beomgyu? You had always bitten your tongue at his snide remarks, the poking. But you just couldn’t do it today.
You didn't even have much time to consider it. The second of your third alarms rang out, tapping your phone with a hurriedly dried hand to quickly cut it off before placing your forehead on the cold shower tiles.
It could only go up from here, right?
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Your car wouldn't turn on.
Thrusting the key forward; one, two, three times. Before releasing a small cry and shaking the wheel in desperation.
"Why? Why me?! Today, of all days!! I swear, I'm cursed by this stupid black cat! Handsome fucking - cat boy! Stupid - argh!"
To anyone outside of the car... well they may have called the police.
The small vehicle rocked as you yelled into the (somewhat) private space. Each shout was permeated by the aggressive turning of your keys against the very dead ignition - probably doing more harm than good. 
Eventually, you pulled back to slump against the seat, admitting yet another defeat.
Reaching for your phone, you dialed the first number you could think of.
"Kun! Oh my god, thank you for picking up. Please, I need to ask a massive favour -"
In reaction to your rushed voice, Kun, your friend of maybe ten years or so, pulled the breaks on the conversation. He knew something was up, simply by you calling him instead of texting.
Who even does that nowadays?
"Woaahhhh there Y/N, good morning - what's up? Did something happen?"
"Yeah - yeah and no, actually. The issue is that nothing is happening... My car won't start - Beomgyu - and then - I don't - it’s all just going wrong, Kun. Sending a friendly SOS. Very much won’t be making it into work without your help."
The light laughter from across the phone pulled your migraine tighter across your head, but you were at least comforted by his silent support.
"You need me to come and pick you up?"
He asked calmly. Ever the rock in a flowing storm. Speaking of; a gust of wind battered the rain against your windshield enough to make you flinch.
"God - yes, yes please! Then we'll both make the briefing! Wet, but on time… at least."
Kun chuckled, confirming your location before hanging up.
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The two of you made it into the briefing, barely on time.
Running through the halls in the mandatory but entirely stupid low heels. Cursing every God, Demon and Spirit on Earth for your luck today.
Upon arriving at the office’s car park, the storm outside only seemed to match your inner emotions. It welled, swirled, and looked entirely miserable but angry at the same time, with sharp changes of winds, and heavy downpour matching the ache at your core. You had totally forgotten to bring extra pain medication - and didn’t have the heart to ask Kun.
You and Kun had dashed out from his large Jeep to skid across the car park.
Obviously, your umbrella broke immediately.
But it hurt less as Kun hurried you in, taking the metal cage from you with bubbly laughter and throwing the metal immediately in the trash behind reception, pushing you through the doors to avoid the hawk-like receptionists.
"Jeez, I mean this as your close friend Y/N, but you might want to go clean up -"
Peering at yourself in the shiny plastic noticeboard, you grimaced.
Nodding at the wisdom of your best friend and immediately dashing to the women's bathroom to dab yourself with tissue. Contorting your damp clothes under the hand dryer, and simply begging for the day to get better.
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It was within the first 15 minutes of the official meeting that you realised you had forgotten breakfast.
Some people could go without. You were not one of those people on a good day, and with today going the way it was - ah. The first rumble. 
Like a beast had just made its way into the quiet room and stomped on the table, demanding 'hear me! I am hunger!'.
You slinked down into your chair, positively embarrassed.
Across from you, a particular Johnny Suh smirked in knowing. He reached forward to tap at his half-closed laptop before a ping made itself known on your own laptop messaging system.
He nodded towards it, before turning his gaze in faux concentration to the projected screen upfront.
Groaning internally at the office hotshot noticing you for all the wrong reasons; you pulled your PC onto your lap, slapping the mute button and - pulling your open coffee cup onto the ground with your momentum.
The one Kun had shoved into your hands outside of the meeting room.
The one he had instructed you to keep a lid on, like your parent.
The men around you whipped their heads on a swivel to see the source of the noise.
The feeling of absolute dread and humiliation washed over you like a cold sweat. What you wouldn’t do to have the earth swallow you whole; bending down to pick up the half-empty cup and release a pent breath.
The guest speaker at the front cleared his throat. Continuing the meeting with enough decorum to exchange a nod with you.
Well, at least the coffee hadn’t - oh. Nevermind.
The hot liquid hitting your sleeve made you jolt, the last of the liquid spilling from the cup and into your upper forearm. You withheld a squeal - only for your face to flush and the cup to hit the floor all over again.
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As soon as you hit the third hour of your workday - 11 pm sharp - your phone buzzed from within your bag. A flurry of messages hit your device enough to distract you from the current email draft.
Idiot Feline (Beomgyu) -  4 new messages
Sighing, you pulled the phone fully onto your desk to open it.
- I’m going out to the cafe to see yeonjun
- me and the band will be fucking around for a few hours after. not really sure for how long
- you left your house keys in the kitchen
- text me and I might be able to drop the keys off. or come find me. bye
You’re not sure why, or how, but the dull-sharp tone of Beomgyu’s messages really hit harder than usual today. Maybe it was your hormones, but it hurt to read such an empty message. 
The guilt in your stomach twisted into a ghostly kind of pain.
Why should he even say hi? Why should he care how your day was going? After saying what you did to him this morning, his lack of compassion towards your reply was mostly expected.
- ah - thanks for letting me know… I finish at five today - don’t suppose you could get me from work? It would be really appreciated…car broke, had to get someone to drop me in…
His response was immediate. The blue dots flashed up and fizzled out in an angry wave.
- shame. nope, sorry. like I said - we’re practising later. would probably miss your calls/the time anyways. break a window or something, since you’re so big and clever. 
You sighed, choosing not to text back.
Leaning forward to flop onto your desk. Closing your eyes - if only for a moment.
Taking a few deep breaths, the bags under your eyes began to feel heavier. The ache in your back just beginning to settle.
But the peace was momentary.
You were at work. There were phone calls to take. Work to be done, and deadlines to be met. Within this soulless shell of an office hall, you could at least ignore the storm outside for a little while.
Basking instead, in the aggressively white installation lights.
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Your phone was dead.
Of course, it was. Why wouldn’t it be? 
Crying out loud in the staffroom, you willed the swelling of tears back down your throat like a python wrestling to escape your grip. 
The door opened, and a familiar - and not so unwanted person - stepped inside.
Local water-tank fuck-boy, Sir Johnny Suh. 
“Oh - hey Jon. What is it with you and catching me at bad moments today, huh?”
Quickly swiping at your cheeks in case of any escapee tears - you laughed through a sniffle.
Jon sat down opposite you. The large white table reflected his handsome face, but his smile was a lot kinder than usual. He dragged the chair under his legs before laughing and placing a lunchbox on the table.
Huh. That was very - domesticated, for him. You didn’t mean to judge, but he always struck you as more of a pot-noodle kind of guy. Not that there’s anything wrong with pot noodles.
“Hey, Y/N. Not sure, I just have this way with people, sometimes, I guess.”
His smile breached his eyes as he nodded towards your one folded sleeve. Pulling out a fork to prod at - okay, this was getting a little odd. A salad? In a cutesy little pre-made box? That was totally left field from what you were expecting.
“You okay? Didn’t burn your arm or anything?” 
His voice brought you back into the room. You shook your head sheepishly, brandishing your arm until he nodded. He was a little - awkward when caught alone, it seemed.
“No, just clumsy today for some reason. One of those days.”
Jon released a sound of understanding.
“Ah - gotcha. Bit of a shit show?”
You pulled back, feeling weirdly comfortable around the guy you had avoided for quite some time. Laughing weakly you nodded, placing your phone down on top of your laptop to massage your temples.
“Yeah - yeah you could say that. Car broke down, my phone just died, and I’ve been typing up an endless report.”
The two of you were oddly compatible, it seemed.
At least, he made you laugh for the first time since 8 am this morning. And that was pure gold. You told him about your morning, while he revealed some details about his life. He came here from America and had a cool family. No partner, but had a cat hybrid called Angel. Cute name.
Eventually, Johnny nodded towards your phone.
“Hey - that’s an old model, right?”
You pulled your spine up straight with a nod, about to explain why you hadn’t been able to buy a new one after adopting Beomgyu before he nodded.
“If you want - you totally don’t have to - I have a charger in my car that’s compatible with that port? I don’t mind taking you as far as the hybrid clinic if you want?”
You almost choked on your coffee (again), wiping your mouth to nod enthusiastically.
“Oh my God - you’re actually kidding me? Yes, please, that would be amazing - but wait, isn’t that the opposite way to where you live? I can ask Kun -”
Jon laughed kindly, shaking his head with a shrug.
“No, it’s totally chill, it’s fine. I need to get Angel from the clinic anyways. That’s on the way to yours, with a slight detour. She’s working part-time there, so, yeah. No worries.”
At his slight wink, you grimaced. You hadn’t been flirted with in years, and it was telling.
He laughed at your expression before you blurted an explanation to avoid offence. But he brushed it off, enamoured by your honesty.
It was different - and he liked different.
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You managed to survive the rest of the day relatively well.
At least you had thought - you sat snug in the back of Johnny’s lush car, charger stretching from the centre of the vehicle console to your phone. 
Leaving it to charge while you chatted with Jon on the twenty-minute journey, until a message dinged on your phone.
Kun - 1 new message
- Idiot !! You left your computer on !!!! And your emails are wide open !!!! Hope you didn’t have anything important on there, with the 12 pm forced shutdown and everything. I at least locked it for you. Lots of love, shit for brains. Call me ~
The laughing emoji at the end of the sentence oddly, hauntingly, took your mind back to Beomgyu so early that morning. Or maybe it was the initial ‘idiot’. The feline had claimed that word in your mind, annoyingly. Every time you read it you heard his stupid voice.
Being around Jon - had been the only time in the day where things had actually worked out.
But it seemed like his luck was wearing off. 
Groaning, you thumped your head back against the headrest, sliding down the seat. The leather immediately seemed more uncomfortable than before.
Jon laughed softly before peering at you in the inside mirror.
“What? What’s happening now?”
Something about him asking. Something about him taking the time to care. It struck up that deep aching feeling in your gut once more, pushing you to take a few seconds with your eyes closed before releasing a held breath.
“My report - It’s gone. I don’t - I didn’t save it, literally any of it because I was in such a rush to go - I don’t… I’m gonna be in so much shit…” 
You forced yourself to clip your voice before you started to sob in the back of the hot man’s car. Dipping your head and masking your face by massaging your skull.
“Y/N - I’m so sorry. That’s so shit. I’ll put in a word for you - honestly, it happens to the best of us. I’m sure they’ll understand!”
Johnny’s attempts at comforting you were… futile. 
He didn’t know you.
He didn't know the importance of your document. Nor the time sensitivity. But you were too tired to argue, and too emotionally strung to fully explain. You knew you were homebound to an arrogant boy and journeying through the downpour was nothing but fodder for longing. Longing for it all to stop, so you could simply catch a breath.
Just one day. A few more hours. The weekend was within eyesight.
Defeated once more, you simply nodded.
The next ten or so minutes passed slowly. For the first time in days, the rain was a light drizzle. And the sun was trying its damndest to make an appearance.
The inside of Jon's car smelt like - well, him. A foreign cologne mixed with new-car leather. It was sort of nice. But also very unfamiliar. 
You were left feeling alone; in a car, you never belonged in.
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Making it to the clinic, Johnny’s companion jogged out to meet your vehicle at the curb.
You were driven down the next motorway before Jon pulled off to let you out. He felt a little mean and apologised profusely, but you shushed him immediately.
Honestly - you were kind of happy to get out of the car.
Jon’s hybrid was lovely. Truly; an Angel. 
A cat hybrid whose tawny brown fur matched her pulled-back, soft-looking hair. She was pretty, very tall, and had a delicate, twinkling accent. And you got to see a different side to Jon too, if only for a moment. 
But that wasn’t what you had noticed, or been shocked by the most, within your brief exchange. You were shocked by her mannerisms.
You understood that every hybrid worked a little differently - but the characteristics were usually the same across the board. The innate, animalistic instincts, that is. But you hadn’t seen a lot of these behaviours before. Something was… off.
As soon as Angel had entered the car, she emitted a strong purr at Johnny’s side hug. Pulling away to quickly scan you before deciding you were trustworthy; smiles and greetings were exchanged.
Beomgyu… had never purred around you.
Come to think of it - Beomgyu had never even shown you his tail.
Angel seemed to groom hers out of habit, the limb resting on her lap as she smoothed and unknotted the fur. 
And her ears - Beomgyu always tried to hide his in his messy emo-looking mullet. Or at least, that’s what you came to presume; ogling at the way Angel’s seemed to flick and move about so freely.
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Exiting the car, you took the break in the downpour to start quickly walking home. Pushing through the ache in your thighs to cut the distance by as much dryness as possible.
It wasn’t until you tugged your bag tightly over your shoulder that you realised you had forgotten your phone on Johnny’s centre console, charger still inserted.
What the fuck was going on with you today?
You couldn’t walk straight, couldn’t keep your emotions in check, couldn’t breathe as you fought the tears blurring your eyes. A slurry of grief slamming into you like a falling brick wall.
Just another straw on your back.
A stray droplet of moisture hit your nose. Your forehead. Your cheek.
What started as a light drizzle, soon picked up into relentless rain. It took less than a minute, and your skin was already wet to the touch.
You tugged your puffy black hood even tighter around your head. Lungs burning at the effort to not sob pathetically into the middle of the street. Your feet hurt. You were sopping wet. And you had a twenty-minute walk ahead of you, into the outskirts of town.
A soft gust of wind forced you to look away, tucking your chin into the coat even further. When something struck you. The inner lining of the coat smelt familiar - yet, different from your own perfume.
This - wasn’t even your coat?
What? How was that even possible? Did you pick the wrong one up from work?
Confused, you swiped your wet face with your wet sleeve, tugging at the collar until you revealed the inner tag on the side of the hood.
‘Beomgyu’ It read, in neat black sharpie.
Confused. Alone. Shivering, and enveloped by the aura of someone who hated you. 
You sort of forgot how to exist for a step or two.
You stopped, and turned to look up and down the empty country road as you considered the bus stop shelter in front of you. It was somewhere past 6 pm, and the autumn sun was on its fast descent into the darkness.
But you needed to stop. Just - just for a moment, a short while. You couldn’t take it anymore. Tired, and lonely. Surrounded by bustling trees and large splatters of liquid splooshing against rivers in the street. 
Following the stream up the slight hill by the side of the road, you approached the last dimly lit bus stop before your house. The lighthouse in your washed-up storm. Meekly entering to see nobody present. You crumbled onto the seat inside of the shelter. You were torn between ripping your coat off, taking your shoes off or simply not moving.
Choosing the latter, you took a moment to release some of the tears in debt from the night before. So troubled by something you wanted to forget. Such a stupid, stupid thing to be upset over.
You considered every step of your day. Everything you could have avoided, changed. It was your fault, your mind yelled. You chose bad luck by adopting a black cat, right? No - you argued mentally - you were the issue. Not the person in your home, nor the superstitions.
Everything bad was down to your decisions, and it would be you who had to pick up the pieces. Alone.
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Pulling your body and thrown off items up from the refuge, you followed the street lights of the familiar home-bound path. Numb to the lashing of wind, the coldness of the night seeped into your soul and the jittering of your teeth was violently dimmed by the sound of mother nature's passionate winds.
The house was in sight.
With bare feet - coat and shoes in hand - you continued your slow and defeated pace towards the building.
You almost dreaded entering - the lights inside all switched on alerting you to Beomgyu’s presence - even considered turning away.
But without a phone - your money all on contactless - no keys, and in this state.
Where else could you go?
Stepping into the house entryway, you took a moment to wipe your face.
You weren’t even sure if you were crying anymore. It could have been the rain.
You were dissociative as you knocked weakly at the door. Expecting no answer. You wouldn’t blame him for leaving you outside. It was your fault your day had ended up like this, anyways.
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Beomgyu had been trying to reach you for hours.
You never ignored his texts - and for a while, the calls didn’t go through to dial.
But after a good twenty attempts, the call finally went through.
An unfamiliar voice answered. A male colleague. Johnny. 
Beomgyu couldn’t help but prickle - this being the last person you had supposedly been in contact with. And as much as he had no right to want you back after being nothing but a nuisance - god, he couldn’t think about you with another man.
After the first hour, he ran circles. Entirely triggered by the ordeal. It took him to his deepest darkest fears trapped inside, but he couldn’t lie to himself. He couldn’t let himself not care. Maybe he had pushed you too far? Had you abandoned him? Did you hate him enough to leave, and never come back? Had he truly hurt you?
He was an idiot. A mean, selfish, stubborn feline. But God, he was still part human. And it pained him to think of you stranded and potentially swept away by the storm raging outside. He would take a screaming match over this situation, any day.
He couldn’t leave the house - since you didn’t have a key. And he had no neighbours to leave the key to. The other half of the flat is vacant, and Beomgyu is untrusting of strangers. He called his older friend, heart racing as he considered calling the police. You were so - small, and kind - what if someone had taken you?
“Hey, hey, hey, cool off kiddo. I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she found a lift or something? It’s not too late, don’t panic just yet. She could be walking home.”
Yeonjun had offered over the phone call, shocked by the panic in his friend's voice. It was rare for him to worry about someone so much. The last time he saw Beomgyu so distraught was the last time he was taken back to the adoption centre.
Three years ago, after his owner’s boyfriend fought him over nothing but faux dominance within the home. He was left scared and scarred. Doubting of strangers and prickly to kindness. With that morning being the only time you had ever shouted at him - he was scared of the worst-case scenario. 
“You guys had an argument this morning, right? Maybe she went to a friend’s place to cool off. Y’know, like you came round mine today? Give it an hour Gyu. If she doesn’t turn up before eight, we’ll get the boys to help find her. She’s probably fine, I promise.”
The elder fox hybrid did his best to calm him before he had to go. Leaving Beomgyu to sit anxiously in the silent apartment. Fiddling with his hands, pacing. He just wanted you home.
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Around 7 pm was when a weak knock hit the thick wooden front door.
Beomgyu practically leapt from his place on the sofa, padding out to the hallway. Skidding around the corner to reach for the handle and lock, to pull simultaneously. 
Not even taking a moment to compose himself, he pulled the heavy door open to see you standing there.
Your makeup had streaked down your face. Hair matted. Body sopping wet.
He could hear your erratic heartbeat pressing through your thin fabric, despite the whipping winds whistling against the buildings.
He could smell the hormones of sadness and fear rolling off of you in waves; like a tsunami flooding the hall.
You were barefoot - and somewhere between your bottom lip wobbling and your shivering body holding his coat, he couldn’t help the anger that washed over him.
For what felt like a millennium, the two of you stood like two rangers, awaiting the other to draw their weapons first. In reality, the time elapsed was less than a few seconds.
Ultimately, Beomgyu was the first to shoot. And he aimed well.
”You - fucking idiot Y/N - would it kill you to be more careful?! Jesus, get inside -”
His large hand gripped at your elbow, pulling you in and past his body in the thin space available.
“Where were you?! It doesn’t take that fucking long to walk from the highway - you’ve been gone for hours!”
"Y-Your c-coat-t -" You began to apologise, teeth jittering from the cold.
The door slammed shut behind you, Beomgyu snatching his coat from your grip, taking your shoes, and throwing them at the doorway behind his legs.
Anger is a secondary emotion to sadness, and fear.
He had felt both today, and he was struggling to temper himself. 
You tried your best not to cry. Humiliated, and at a loss. Backed up against the cold exposed brick wall.
“Why the fuck did you take my coat?! It’s not even waterproof Y/N - seriously, are you trying to get ill? Is that what you want? To get sick? To get hospitalised because you’re so fucking forgetful? Because you take joy in other people worrying about you?!”
You stifled a whimper, tucking your head down as you shrugged. Gripping at your icy skin.
Beomgyu’s ears flicked up out of his long hair, aching to hear the sounds coming from you. He was stunned for a moment. They aimed at your dipped head and the way you swiped aggressively at your weathered skin. The moving water on your cheeks - they were tears. 
The emotion in his voice ripped through you, water pooling at your feet as you trembled. You were so overwhelmed - couldn’t speak, couldn’t even look at him. Closing your eyes you flinched at the sound of him punching at the wall behind you. He didn’t want to scare you but had to express his twisted emotions somehow.
“Please, please, please can you try to pay a little more attention to things, so I don’t have to worry about your safety all the goddamn time? Shit, Y/N, what if I wasn’t here? Who - who would have come to find you? Nobody Y/N!  Don’t do that shit to me ever, ever again! What if you had been taken - or - or hurt in the storm?! I was ready to get the boys for fuck sa-”
Your eyes were pressed shut, hands reaching up to show your palms in defence.
“I-I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry for making you worry. But please stop shouting at me, I - I’m so tired, Beomgyu. A-and I’ve had such a s-shit day… P-please… Just stop shouting, I can’t take it anymore…”
The sore heaviness of your words cut short Beomgyu’s breathing pattern. The silence in the hall became so thick you could slice it. The only sound coming from your jittering teeth. 
Something painful bloomed in Beomgyu’s chest.
Frowning in an effort not to cry, he let out a sound of desperation. In the most gentle movement you had ever experienced, Beomgyu stepped forward to carefully cup your face.
“You - you pretty idiot, Y/N.”
His warm palms covered your jaw, pushing the hair out of your face before gently kissing your forehead. His body drew closer as he choked up. Adam's apple bobbing as he pulled you into his chest for a tight squeeze. It sent you for a spin, eyes bleary and unfocused as he pulled you back to the wall by the shoulders, face irrevocably close to your own.
“P-pretty -?” You whimpered, a little lost. 
“You might be a forgetful clutz, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see how hard you try… Jeez, Y/N, I've never been more worried about someone in my entire life. You’re so beautiful, but - God, such an idiot. Don’t scare me like that ever, ever again. Shit -”
The world kind of stopped spinning for a moment, when Beomgyu showed you how much he truly did care.
A shaky hand tilted your head back, to place a kiss on your lips.
It was pressed. Slow, heavy. Weakly, you gripped his shirt. He could feel your heart pound against his fingertips through your pulse; your mixed scents washing over him in an unknown shiver.
His lips warmed your cold ones, pulling away to wipe at his own face. He was crying. For you.
You reached cold fingertips up to his cheek to wipe them - it made the area wetter than before and did little to help, but he smiled, laughing softly.
Shaking his head, Beomgyu pushed you back against the wall, peppering your lips with quick anxious kisses until his mouth stayed long enough that his tongue danced with your own. 
Truly, he was just happy to be able to hold you.
He gripped at your thighs; pulling them up around his waist to press you against the wall in one swift motion, securing you with his hips.
Heavy kisses were pressed against your neck and jaw, as hot tears slipped over your cheeks. 
Small, sharp canines nipped gently at the soft skin of your collarbone. Before kissing open-mouthed love bites against your throat. So deliberate, careful and passionate.
You considered never leaving, as his hands dutifully held you against his body. Head tipping back as more and more waves of emotion started to flood out, now that the plug had finally been pulled. 
"Why are you so upset, Y/N?" The feline asked gently. Pulling away to press a feather-light kiss to your lips. He watched the way your face pinched, struggling to form an answer. Noting your white knuckles from the grip of the warm fabric at his shoulders.
“I know it’s not just the storm.” He whispered. “And I know it can’t be totally down to your hormones.”
Beomgyu could feel it in his gut, smell it on your skin; the way you ached about something even harsher than getting caught in the rain. “Tell me.” He pushed, gently coaxing you to open up to him.
“I won’t leave you alone until you do.” Each kiss to your body proved to press the seam of pain apart until it ripped suddenly; revealing the anguish tucked neatly underneath.
Unable to speak, you carded your hands into the back of Beomgyu’s hair, heart painfully beating at pace with the butterflies sparking up a fire in your belly.
He paused for a moment. Dipping his head to your shoulder as your body scrunched up against his torso, tightly, before you unleashed an ugly bubbly, cry. He allowed you to push your fingers up and through his hair, pulling him against you. Enveloped in security. Boards against your shoulders weakened by the weight but withstanding the push.
He was warm, and smelt like home. And you never wanted to let go.
“I’m so sorry.” You whimpered, a sob ripping through you. 
“I-I’m a really awful person, and I can’t seem to get anything r-right. My car broke down, m-my phone died, I burnt myself, f-fucked up at work. And I've been in s-s-so much pain - and so, so hungry - all f-freaking day. My favourite work blouse is ruined and I just - I'm s-so sorry, sorry that I'm so useless, that I forget th-things a-and I drop things, I get tired, and th-then I shout -”
Beomgyu, surprised even at himself, emitted a deep, stomach-rumbling purr.
He pressed his lips to the nape of your neck one last time, before relenting the weighty affection to instead rub his nose up against the curve of your jaw. Purring gently through pursed lips.
He considered how your unhappiness had made his guts churn inside out; how his mood changed by proxy of your unhappiness. And he realised he had become vexed by your sudden lack of vibrancy.
Seeing you, his person, so upset; pulled a piece of his heart apart.
Weak at the knees to your pleading, your need to be comforted. Even if that wasn’t what you were verbally saying, he understood. Understood the feeling of breaking. But unlike what he had suffered, Beomgyu wasn’t prepared to let you go through this alone.
"I don't - I can't even d-deal with myself anymore - I don't - I'm so tired B-Beomgyu that I can't - I won't -"
Beomgyu shushed you quietly, rubbing his nose against your damp cheek. He stayed silent as he let you cry into the open air. Your voice tangled with the garble of pure emotion and jittering bones. Unable to do more than choke for breath and release bubbling rounds of tears.
Beomgyu had never scented anyone before. Avoided it out of shyness.
But the emotion that washed over him was like a happy full-body buzz at you slowly, slowly, starting to smell familiar again. He resisted the push inside of his gut, at least until you were able to truly advocate for your body.
The rain dampened the smell of your clothes, even weakened the smell of Johnny’s cologne and the aroma of the wet electric-fuelled storm. But his gut compelled him to go further. Pupils dilating at the marks blooming against your cold skin. Ears still firmly folded back against his hair as he pulled back to see your face.
You were so distressed.
“Just - shut up.” He whispered, delicately.
“You’re soaking wet, aggressively hormonal, and smell like - well, nothing, but also that guy Jon - Anyways, let me do the talking. You’re a mess, hmm? Don't want you saying anything you don't mean.”
Weirdly, you knew you were safe with Beomgyu taking control. Considering your entire three months of history together, you should have been doubting the trust you instantly felt around him.
But you knew he was more thoughtful than he let on - underneath all those protective insults and mean glares. Knew to boil the kettle after he had used it, leaving hot water for your coffee in the morning. Even leaving your leftovers, without a word. Love appears in the unspoken corners of a person.
“I’m sor-” 
Beomgyu pressed his lips against yours, effectively swallowing the remaining irritation between the two of you. Pulling away, his lips brushed your own as he spoke.
“I said - stop, baby. Just trust me. Trust this. I've got you… Just - I'm happy you're safe… Let me take care of you for once, 'cause I know nobody else fucking does. And I’m not about to let you go mope about and cry alone in the same apartment, hmm? We both know I’m not that mean.”
The tenderness in his voice was entirely new. And for once, he had shown his vulnerability. He showed how much he saw you for who you truly were. How he knew your mannerisms already. How you tried to hide the pain.
And the pet name. Baby?
If you weren’t crying before, you sure as hell were crying now.
You nodded weakly. Truly in no position to fight. Your defences settled and you slumped into his awaiting arms.
Beomgyu shushed you as he moved to carry you both into the shared bathroom. Back to where all of this frustration had started. You held onto his hips with your thighs, gripping his shoulders as he held you to his body. Melting into his temperate movements and the hushing of your tears.
You were so used to being shoved away from him or distancing yourself from his annoying anti-socialism, that being near him like this - was so nice. Strange. But like finding a new path through a forest, you were willing to take the risk for the sake of admiring the scenery. 
He just fit right.
You were starting to believe what you had heard about the healing of purring, as you wiped the tears from your face. Stiffening as he entered the bathroom, tipping you to slide off his hips.
Beomgyu dropped you onto the sink counter.
And his heart bounded in his chest at the sight in front of him. You had covered your face with your hands, wiping and sniffling with a bowed head. Still trying to hide from him.
“Oh g-gosh, I’ve made such a t-tit out of myself, Gyu… God, you m-must think I’m s-so pathetic...”
The boy smiled to himself, while your eyes were distracted. Ears swivelling over the side of his head solely to hear you better.
He chuckled with a small “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” before lacing his fingers between the ones hiding your face. Pulling them back to kiss the edges of your lips. Once, twice. A few more times. Until your lips melded together; hands gripping his shirt as he licked into your mouth. At your soft moan, he pulled away with a bite to your lip, chuckling at you being so much more malleable than usual.
“Come on - clothes off princess.” He poked at your stomach, making you buck in surprise. Laughing gently, he settled your sides with patient hands. “You’ll get a nasty cold otherwise.”
Despite his nonchalant tone, Beomgyu wanted nothing more than to wrap you up in one of his jumpers and keep you there as long as possible. The thought of him claiming you entirely made his neck flush with a feeble purr, pressing a kiss against your cheek. And the thought of how he would have acted if the other hybrid boys had in fact joined the hunt - flooded him with guilt.
What he said was true. You probably would get a cold if you stayed in them any longer. But he didn’t press you. 
His voice stayed hushed as the pads of his fingers wiped the dark liquid from under your eyes, flicking them against his joggers.
“Shh, baby. You’re okay. Let it all out.” 
And when you thought you had stopped crying; his words pushed you to sob against the back of your hand.
As you curled over, he hushed you further.
"You're okay," Pulling your fortified cross-arm-defence apart to let him inside your bubble.
He placed your arms around his neck as he kissed your cheeks, urging you to let him into your pain. With clenched fists you let him tug you closer, pressing his lean and tall chest against you, purring deeply. A deep wash of comfort poured over your scalp until your muscles thawed.
"I've got you…" He rubbed his cheek against yours before kissing your nose. As you tensed away from him, his ears folded and his expression changed.
For just a second, a flash of annoyance had washed over him - a sound of irritation emitted before his tongue licked a quick stripe up the side of your neck. Sucking suddenly and harshly at your neck until you cried out. The distraction ended with another nip of his canines. Scattering kisses against the new aching bruise set in the middle of your pulse until you softened in his arms.
Satisfied, he trailed butterfly kisses up to your lips.
“You smell better when you’re happy.” He grumbled against your lips. Purring through them, almost. “Like warm honey. Turns sour when you're upset. Disgusting and bitter. Not a fan. Not in the slightest.”
Shocked, you laughed. “H-huh? W-what do you m-mean?” Wiping the tears from your eyes to clear the blur.
Beomgyu rolled his eyes, ears flattening to throw his head back dramatically and whine. When he rounded back with a sarcastic love-dipped smile, you laughed, distracted by how beautiful he was. And for a moment, just a single small inhale, you started to smell like yourself again.
“There it is.” He smiled. “Much better.” So quiet you almost couldn’t hear it. 
Before you could react, Beomgyu pulled away from you entirely. Dragging the questions away with him. He moved in such a feline manner; swiftly, and with such grace. Stretching his body upright between your knees on the counter. 
Peering over you, he looked at your clothes expectantly.
The change in pace made you stiff, mumbling a small sound of confusion.
“W-why are you staring at me like that?” 
Beomgyu rolled his eyes before coaxing just one more french kiss from you, drawing away to lick his gums.
Purring, he flicked his gaze down to your top.
“Come on. Clothes, now. Seriously. You’re still shivering.”
“Yes, yes, okay.” You huffed, shuffling forward.
His hands lingered at your side as you slipped off the counter. Silently ready to catch you if you fell.
Standing in front of him, you considered where the hell to even start undressing.
Moving away from his body heat had pushed the shivers to become more aggressive, and as you reached for the buttons of your fitted trousers, you felt your fingers tremble uselessly.
You puffed a small sigh, wiping at your face.
“Do you need help, babe?” Beomgyu questioned after watching you struggle for a good minute.
You paused. Peering up at him. You shrugged, and nodded. Shrugged your shoulders again. Awkward and unsure.
Beomgyu kissed his teeth before going to kneel, choosing for you instead.
He swatted your hands away to unclasp your fabric trousers, tugging the tightly squelching material from your thighs until he could free your legs completely. A slight embarrassment washed through you, but with the way he averted his eyes, you knew you were safe. Using the sink edge as a brace as you looked away bashfully.
Throwing them into a corner, he stood back up, watching as you swiped the damp hair from your face.
“You okay pretty? We can stop, if it’s too much? Still your housemate, you know…” He checked in, breath bated at your possible rejection. He would die if you pushed him away right now, but you had every right to do so. You had stopped crying, finally. And seemed more mentally present than in the hall.
You nodded then shook your head. Falling forward into his chest to wrap your arms around his torso. 
"Thank you." You sniffled into the fabric of his hoodie, face smushed entirely.
Beomgyu stood, a little shocked, before tugging his arms free, and holding you against his body with a shocked laugh. Standing with you - as close as you could possibly be. Scrunching up the material just to grip you tighter. He paused his breath, aching at your sniffles against his chest. Ears tipping to hear you on his left side.
"You're welcome, Y/N -" He mumbled against your hair, relaxing into the hug, voice wavering and tears brimming in his eyes. Smoothing hair from your cheek to rest his face against your own.
“I’m sorry for shouting at you - period - but you scared me, alright? You scare me. The way you make me feel, it’s so strange and, I - I think, I love you, Y/N. Just - please, don’t ever do that shit ever again.” 
Beomgyu’s chest bounced against you as he sniffled away a small, very strong stimulus of a cry; pulling you tighter to his body.
You had never seen him emote like this. Never seen him portray anything stronger than annoyance or irritation.
“I- I thought you had run off, that you were in some serious trouble - that I’d have to go back to the shelter - I don’t know… I thought anything, everything had gone wrong. Next time - I don’t know, hopefully, there never is a next time but - please promise you’ll wait for me? I would have come eventually… if-if I knew you were in that much trouble…”
He coughed slightly, wiping his eyes. Flicking his long hair out of his face. You couldn’t stop the tears that spilled from your cheeks. The way he clung to you - gently and without any evil intent - made you feel so loved and cared for. 
Such a strange thing to suddenly be revealed, from a man that you had been convinced, was placed in your life to make your day-to-day inherently challenging.
You could see now that the lack of communication was the real fiend. 
“And for god’s sake - don’t go calling other men for help anymore! Friend or not - please, God, I hate it when you stink of other people - especially when you come home from a shit day, stinking of your dog friend from the cafe… Ugh, it makes me feel like I'm not good enough. Like - like you don’t feel safe around me?”
You squeezed him tighter at that. 
His lack of confidence and security had been eating away at him. And the guilt had evidently played a part in his emotions, too.
You knew in your heart of hearts that despite being an all-around-dick, he truly would have picked you up had you expressed what had truly happened.
Beomgyu’s tears welled up little by little until he was fully crying. His ears folded back against his hair until they almost disappeared. Neck bent and hand busy wiping any remnants of tears away.
Looking up at his pained expression, you smiled softly. You reached to wipe the hairs from his eyes. Equally, a line of dampness materialised over the height of your cheek. He truly was such a sweetheart, underneath such a brash exterior.
“I’m sorry, I just - I’m here for you, I always will be. Just because I’m a dick sometimes, doesn’t mean I'm always a horrible person. It hurts me to see you in so much pain. Just - please - stop crying! It’s making me cry!!”
As Beomgyu pulled back a hand to swipe at his own face, he sniffled through a forced laugh. Smiling, you reached to brace his shoulders, tipping his chin to leave a kiss on the corner of his lips. His ears pulled forward into a hopeful, puppy-dog expression. It was… cute.
“I never knew you could be so nice, Gyu. You should try it more often.” 
The tall feline released an airy laugh, lifting you back onto the sink with welcome strength. 
“Yeah, whatever.” He scoffed as he dipped his face down to chase your lips; gripping at the soft flesh of your hips to pull you closer to his body.
Your hands rested at his neck, gently holding his face. Beomgyu pressed at your pursed lips with his own, until a small unfamiliar sound like a feline whine distracted you enough for Beomgyu to huff, pinching your chin up to allow his tongue to lick up in one swift movement against your palette.
It made your head immediately spin, your mood easily spiralling as you moaned softly. Beomgyu's hands squeezed at your behind as he fought for dominance; eventually pulling your face away with his hands, cutting short the passion to see your puffed lips and slackened jaw, keening softly at his teasing.
To your absolute shock-horror and amusement, a string of saliva cut between the air, connecting your mouths in such a filthy way that Beomgyu immediately groaned at the sight. 
“Fuck, you’re so cute like that, baby.” He whispered breathlessly; only to break the string of spit with another forceful approach. Pressing against your body to hold you in place as a hand snaked to hold your neck; at will to the feline who probed at your gums and pulled such wanton sighs from your body.
The tongues caught between each other's teeth reflected how the two of you felt so strongly about each other. How much you had been hiding from each other. How you yearned to be near him, even if he teased you endlessly. How he loved to be near you, even if you made him beet-red from anger. Three months of pent-up emotion released into each other through flesh and energy. The fear and love of the two of you trapped on either side of a literal storm, coming to a singular point.
Beomgyu settled, soothing his palms over your thighs. Obviously, his mind had wandered; changing pace once more. He pulled away from your face as your cold skin drew his attention away from your lips. Your fingers combed through the hair at his neck, welcoming the kiss to your jaw. Soft to the touch. Streaks of white flicked over your hand as you played with it. Pulling it against your knuckles to hear his gentle sigh.
Then, something new flicked in the corner of your vision. Using the moment to test your curiosity, you reached for the tall triangle felt black ear peeking from the top of his head. It jerked harshly, sensitive to your touch as your cold fingers brushed against the skin, sending a shiver down Beomgyu’s body. Namely, straight down his spine and into his crotch.
"Ah- stop, Y/N I’m sensitive - nngh, fuck…"
He grit his teeth to resist emitting a ridiculously loud purr as you leaned towards his scalp for a proper angle. Taking advantage of his body tensing up in surprise; you reached for his ear again before he could pull away completely, ignoring his whine of protest.
You tested your lightbulb idea - pinching the inside and the outside of his ear between your thumb and forefingers, to rub the pads of your fingers together with a slight pull away from the skull, very close to the base of the ear. If it was heavenly for pet cats, you expected it to be the same for humans.
It turned out to be almost orgasmic.
Beomgyu moaned softly, eyes fluttering until his forehead flopped forward onto your shoulder. You laughed softly in disbelief, applying more pressure now you knew you were safe.
His voice was so pretty. His lips parted as his head fuzzed over, jaw slack. Consumed completely by the feeling of electricity dancing all over his scalp and the top of his spine. And that deep, rumbling purr he had been trying to hold in so desperately; vibrated loudly against your collarbone. Almost unconsciously, Beomgyu nuzzled against the juncture of your neck. His hands rested next to your thighs, as you brushed his hair with the other hand. Laughing at the second shiver bolting down his spine, purely from adding a scratching element.
He hadn't  - nobody had touched his ears like that in years. He had almost forgotten how sensitive they were.
You used your spare hand to rub his neck, then shoulder. Sliding down his jumper to follow his arms, eventually slipping into the knuckles at your sides. His fingers relaxed before gripping your palms together. Weirdly, it was even more intimate than making out, and your hearts hummed in glee.
The purring vibrating across your shoulders had almost distracted you from the bulge in Beomgyu’s sweatpants pressing directly against the counter.
The flush to his cheeks and neck was giving his true emotions away. The way his left hand kneaded at the skin on your thighs, ass, and hips. The wholesomeness of the purr had almost distracted from all of this. And you had never thought about the prospect of such a reaction in a sexual setting - but if his lips and chest were vibrating this much from such a gentle touch; you could only imagine the implications of an even stronger vibration in other positions.
But the slower your circular motions, and the more you tugged against the tight muscles of his scalp; the deeper he seemed to slip into this mind-numbing state. You were almost 90% sure he would cream his pants before you could do much about anything. The thought made you smile, fondly. His demeanour, so malleable in this submissive state. And you were half tempted to push the dynamic - but you were too tired, at least for now.
Finally relenting your ear-mania, you ruffled his hair back into place with a small smile. Swiping at the last sniffles from your nose, before meeting his eyes as he pulled away.
“Sorry - I just, always wanted to do that. And you always hide them, so…” You spoke shyly, unsure what to do with yourself now that the ball was back in his court.
But - something was different. The way Beomgyu looked back up at you. His aura had changed. It had switched into something totally new and unfamiliar. His pupils pinched quickly, before expanding in a mesmerizing display of affection.
You searched his face for more clues as his palm pressed solidly over your thigh, over your underwear at your hips and up to the edge of your stomach until his palm rested against your ribs.
His hands from under the fabric tugged up; encouraging you to pull the thick blouse over your head. With patient hands the item eventually broke free from your body, cringing as the fabric slopped onto the sink before Beomgyu tossed it behind him and into the pile at the door. Once again, his ears pulled back in momentary softness as he met your eyes, hands restless to find purchase on your skin.
Being naked in front of him like this; strangely, you were okay with it. And, to add to your newfound joy; he was still purring. And smiling. Maybe this was all a dream, and you had fallen asleep at your work desk? But no, the twitch in his smile brought you back into this reality.
“Your eyes are different, Gyu?” You had asked, bemused at his body's reaction. Voice scratchy and hoarse from the crying.
Reacting to your tone, naivety, and curiosity in place of judgement, even his new pet name - it all made his ears fold back until his eyes creased into an oddly soft smile. A natural reaction to your voice that he was sick and tired of hiding.
With a tongue pressed to his canines, he giggled. Not quite the reaction you had expected, but refreshing nonetheless.
Beomgyu pulled you closer by the hips via his grip on your love handles; until your noses met and your hip bone tilted forward, ultimately pressing your core up against his very solid erection. The action made you moan airily, hips fidgeting against such a sudden change of pace, hands bracing at his shoulders. Your cheeks heated up, your body twitching in anticipation. 
You had kissed, but now this was something different.
Beomgyu’s smile was Cheshire-like - and his pupils were blown out wide as he nuzzled your face aside to kiss and nip at your jawline. It was funny; his feline tendencies showed in the most random ways. His energy remained unpredictable as he began running his nose against the juncture of your jaw, ear, and neck. Until he seemed to settle at the bruise blooming against your pulse.
Purring softly, Beomgyu’s hold on you softened. Supporting your spine now instead of securely holding it. His energy was entirely focused on leaving open-mouthed kisses on top of your pulse; ears flickering with how hard your heart beat the blood to the surface. Beomgyu sucked at the same spot until your knees drew together at his hips, scraping his blunt nails down your legs to soothe you. Encouraging your breathy moans with his own purrs dipping lower in vibrato, confirming every twitch and movement to gain friction against your core.
Beomgyu pulled away suddenly with a lewd pop, rubbing his nose against your own as you came eye-to-eye with a cat who looked like he had snorted a week's worth of catnip. Before you could respond, he bit playfully at your lip, dragging it with him as he pulled away to mumble into your hairline and ear.
“I can smell how needy you are, baby. It's pretty, and sweet, just like you. My eyes are different ‘cause they dilate when I want to fuck something. And I can tell you want to fuck me, too. Can tell you really need it,  baby. Can tell how much your body is aching for those cramps to go away, hmm? How wet you are already? You've needed a good fuck ever since I got here angel, God you smell so much like warm honey when you're turned on, it's insane… intoxicating, even. So much prettier when you smile.” 
Letting you process what he had so brazenly pointed out, he chuckled at your flushed and abashed expression. The change in pace he kept setting was giving you whiplash - dominant, straight into playful, then back into a domineering pace.
And it was so unlike him to speak like that - in such a filthy way. But it wasn’t unwelcome. 
Your eyes told him all that he needed to know; your eyebrows and nose pulled into an expression of confusion while you released a gentle sound of pleasure at the thin skin pulled delicately between his teeth. Pulling back, he laughed at you playfully.
“What? They never told you about a hybrid’s sense of smell amongst all that shitty fuckin’ paperwork?”
Pulling down your brows, you shook your head.
“No?” You mumbled, questioning yourself now too.
Beomgyu hummed in amusement while tilting his head to the side incredulously. Now, this was curious. His nose and ear twitched as he considered how naive you truly were in this situation. 
“They told you nothing about our sense, at all? Not even heightened hearing?” He questioned in disbelief. And his tone once again slid from mockery, into kindness.
You shook your head again.
The feline thought about it for a moment, gaze floating inwardly before centring back on your face. He hummed, kissing the edge of your lips only to pull away as you chased him.
“Mmmm, that explains a lot, actually. The past three months have been absolute torture.”
Beomgyu pressed his forefinger against your lips as you attempted to spurt some very sudden thoughtless questions (probably); shaking his head with a mocking smile. It wasn’t a dominance you were used to. Stern, yet somehow playful in the way he moved with you. 
Testing the waters - you let your jaw fall enough for your lips to fall open. Beomgyu’s short bout of shock melted into pride; pleased, as he pressed the digit down against your tongue.
It was such an unfamiliar feeling, so unlike anything you had ever done with other people. But despite his teasing and his insufferable attitude, something told you that you could trust him. Something jittering in your heart like a bird in a cage. A purr rippled across his chest as you sucked, so obviously satisfied. Ears dropping forward, canines appearing in his adoring smile.
“We can smell around three times the strength and distance that humans can.” He started, rubbing his thumb against your chin as you moved your tongue around the digits, sitting patiently on your hands. It was awfully demeaning - but with the way hearts formed in his eyes, you had to painfully admit to yourself how much you loved it.
“Our hearing is better, too. Some breeds have heightened physical abilities… Not that that really matters. Shit, Y/N, every time you pleased yourself after a long shift - it was absolute fuckin’ torture, babe. I thought you were doing it as - as part of our little game, but - how could you have known? You had no idea what you were doing to me - Had no idea how beautiful you sounded.”
Beomgyu pulled his hand away to exchange a delicate kiss, purring against your lips as he reached around to gently unhook your damp bra. Sliding it off to throw it into the wash bin without moving his gaze. Wow, that was weirdly attractive.
“I’m sorry, I thought you knew. I took it as part of the power-play. I should have said something, maybe?”
You quickly noted the change in expression; he almost seemed deflated. His ears folded to the side as he withdrew into shyness. 
“No - no - it’s fine it - it doesn’t change anything, really. If anything I - you’re lucky, I’m kind of really into voyeurism.”
Beomgyu’s attention snapped up, tall triangles standing to attention as his poker face remained unreadable. “What? Seriously?”
You forced yourself to explain before you burned up in embarrassment, or before this whole thing got awkward. If you can’t beat ‘em - tell them your most intense fetishes? That always works, right?
“Like - I’ve never thought about actually doing it before but - but the fact you could hear me do stuff and potentially even - smell? all of that - it’s kinda hot Gyu, as weird as that is to admit. And if it was helping you get off as well… I sort of, don’t mind? I promise - I’m not offended. Promise.”
Beomgyu’s eyes checked your expression - attempting to find any hint of foul play - before exchanging a nod. Followed by a slight pause for the two of you to smile in agreement - two perverted consenting adults to the other - before his eyes and hands flitted towards your chest. Focus, obviously switched now that was out of the way.
His intermittent bouts of purring hiked up a good pitch, ears folding sideways, a sign of obvious joy. He peered back up at your shy squirming expression, moving to press easing kisses against your lips.
Releasing a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, your hands found purchase on his forearms, allowing him to marginally move away.
“You really are so pretty baby, but you’re still so cold ~” He mumbled through a purr, fixated on how cold your skin was under his seemingly burning hot palms. As his hands soothed over your ribs and a thumb brushed the underside of your breast, his brows pulled into a frown. He seemed hesitant. And so you reached to pull his face closer for a kiss. You met his lips at an angle and broke apart for air after another shared smile.
A sigh slipped through your lips as he moved to kiss and nip against the skin at your jugular, softness melting into passion once again - his body moving down until his lips suckled around your nipple, leaving kisses all over your chest - but not touching you where you truly wanted him. You whined softly, gaining his attention. Beomgyu’s ears flicked up, followed by his face.
"Gyu - please… Quit teasing…"
He peeked back up at you with a guilty, playful look. 
“Sorry. You’re just beautiful, Y/N.” He giggled.
Such an - honest compliment, from him. You smiled, thanking him quietly.
His hands finally found their place as he gently squeezed your breasts in either palm. It was an amazing feeling - but far too intense. A small shocked yowl sounded from the back of Beomgyu’s throat as you hissed at the soreness of your body, gripping his wrist to stop before releasing a breath and relaxing again. His ears had immediately jerked up and forward at your discomfort; eyes wide as he watched you anxiously, stiff as a board.
“Ouch, Gyu - gently, please… period boobs. No harm done, just - easy tiger...” 
He nodded sheepishly in understanding, eyes, and ears softening, kissing at your cheek in apology before dipping to kiss your collarbone, hands working gently to ease the ache in your breasts. He even ignored the hated nickname - tempering his emotions for you.
But as much as he knew he could move on, he found himself drawn back again and again to the juncture of your neck. At this point he was frustrating himself; sucking at the broken skin until your moans turned into whines and your hips moved mindlessly,  chasing the friction. He needed to do something about it before he truly did cum from fantasy alone. 
He pulled away from yet another mind-melding hickey that was being placed at the same sensitive spot he had been abusing this whole interaction, a moan spilling from your lips as the pleasure was suddenly pulled away. His words were breathy, restless, eyes pleading.
“Bringing all the blood to the surface in just the right spot - fuck, baby, it brings your scent out so strongly. It’s so addictive. God, you smell so good - please, please let me mark you? Fuck, please - I’ll do anything - it might hurt but God I need to do it before I go insane -”
“Yes, fine! Jeez you’re starting to freak me out Gyu - take a breath!”  Laughing softly at his desperateness to get your approval, you nodded with a bashful expression.  “What do you even mean? Not like that Twilight shit?”
Beomgyu was losing his mind, so much so that the humour flew over his head.
“Fuck, I think I might cry -” His choked voice matched with his hurried kiss, leaving you breathless as he tugged you closer to his crotch on the edge of the sink.
“or come - fuck, it means - marking means nobody else can touch you, you’re mine only to play with. Think about it, if you smell this good on any given day I’m surprised nobody has tried to propose already -” 
As he moved to dive into your jugular you scoffed, pushing his forehead back as you made a face.
“Woah! Easy there cowboy! Care to explain a little more about claiming my soul before you take it please?!”
Beomgyu groaned deeply, whining like a child as his ears folded back.
“Ugh, fine!” He cried at your attempt to push him away, but not before gripping your chin to kiss you into a moaning mess. Your hips tilting to gain some kind of friction against the boner pressing up against your core. It made him groan airily as he pulled away, purring deeply once more.
“It means,” He started sarcastically, before moving to lick at the shell of your ear, a moan slipping from your throat in embarrassingly fast record time and a shiver shaking your body.
“No other hybrid fucker can put their hands on you. It means you’re protected if you’re into that. It means that I love you - fuck -” He groaned gently, biting at your bruised jugular with sharp teeth. You flinched, whining until he pulled away.
“Means only I can touch you, baby. Come on, I can tell you want it, look at you ~ you’re so sensitive ~” He purred against your ear as his thumb rolled over your nipples, biting at your ear lobe. You had been completely called out. Panties sticking to your core as your face heated; Beomgyu’s the finger that tapping against the edge of your underwear. Caught, red-handed.
“O-okay…” You offered, a little unsure. “Just be gentle with - whatever it is…”
He smiled against your neck, a new and somehow even deeper purr making a short rumble across your shoulder. 
He left a kiss at your cheek in thanks before his hands gripped the back of your hips, pressing your hips into his at such a tilt that he was holding you from falling. You started to grind against his member pressing against your clit from behind his joggers, reaching for a kiss before he sucked harshly at your neck.
The kisses were gentle; until they weren't. Beomgyu’s barely dulled canines pressed into your pulse until your body stiffened and you tried to pull away. Beomgyu pushed a purr, maintaining the pressure to not break the skin but not leave without some obvious remnant of a bruise. 
His patient hands began guiding your hips, which made you moan softly, ignoring the pain to scrape your nails up against the back of his ears. He responded in kind, finally releasing your skin to kiss at the juncture of your neck and jaw. 
The pain settled after a few harsh seconds; the friction of your bodies proved to distract you beautifully. 
Pulling away with a deep moan mixed with a rumble, Beomgyu’s eyes blew open again, ears flopped back into a doting expression, his thumb coming to wipe at the skin. Followed by his hands in a mesmerized state, before leaning to rub his cheek against yours in a soft embrace.
“You sound like an old radiator, Gyu.” You giggled, actually enjoying this side of him.
He smiled. “That’s all you, baby. Just happy you’re okay.” 
He had bit down hard enough to leave a mark, but not enough to break the skin. The two of you took a moment to hold each other.
“So - what now?” You offered quietly, loving his scoff at your sudden bravery.
“Well, Yeonjun will stop fucking bothering you, for one. That guy sticks around you like a fly and now finally he might get the hint. Soobin, too. Those guys are dogs, seriously -”
“But Soobin’s a bunny?” You laughed.
“Yeah, well,” Beomgyu laughed back, “they’re even worse sometimes. Rabbits have an almost endless libido - honestly, I pray every day for his partner.”
“Someone sounds jealous. Scared you’ve got competition? Maybe Yeonjun has more game?”
Beomgyu released a low yowl sound, lip twitching into an annoyed expression and tutting as his ears folded against his scalp. You obviously touched a nerve, a solid slap sounding against your thigh. Laughing with a scoff of surprise, you soothed a hand down his chest, kissing him into security. 
“Stop it, you sensitive feline. They don’t even mean anything to me. Where are they now, hmm?” He hummed gently before rolling his eyes, purring softly at your nails scratching at the base of his ear until he melted, moving your hand away to peck your lips.
“Not between your legs, I know that much. Think they'd kill to be here though.” Beomgyu huffed moodily, sucking his gums.
Laughing you nodded, pointing to the hand securely attached to your boob.
“Yeah, and they're not the ones touching me up, either! Seriously, as if I'd even let that sly fox within a foot of any of this…" Beomgyu smiled proudly, expression softening until you pulled him into a gentle embrace, butterfly kissing his lips until he truly melted.
Your foreheads rested together for a moment. Just breathing, settling your minds. 
All until Beomgyu released a sharp yawn against your hair. Stretching up and away from you suddenly as he moved to turn on the shower. Testing the water with his hand for a while before nodding his head towards the lush rainfall. You thanked yourself for that renovation. Watching him in curiosity. Still enamoured by the parts of his personality that kept appearing.
You slipped off the sink, hands covering your chest in modesty. Beomgyu smiled familiarly, ears folding as his eyes crescented. You stepped forward to pinch his oversized shirt. Tugging the fabric.
He laughed softly, confirming your intentions before reaching to tug it off, throwing it to the corner. Timid, his demeanour curved for a second before you reached to pull him closer for a kiss. He accepted, humming against your lips.
Curious, you spread your hands against his skin. Much to your amusement - his stomach was firm, yet soft.
Unsurprisingly, your hands dipped to his hips next. 
Beomgyu was definitely in shape - abs mellowed by his soft honey-coloured skin. But it really showed at his waist. Beomgyu laughed at your eagerness as you smiled back up at him. Willing yourself to calm your heart down as you decided to commit to what was happening.
Your cold hands against Beomgyu made him shiver, moan and purr all in a disjointed rhythm as you dipped under the waistband of his joggers.
He laughed softly, before your hands fully found their way around his shaft, pressing gently just to hear his pretty moan. With flushed cheeks, his jaw slacked. Eyes pulling over a haze as boys do when their body is full of lust.
The steam in the bathroom was quickly rising against the strength of the wall fan, your shivers tempered by the warmth. Your lover's body warmed your hands, overheating for your sake. What a waste of water.
Beomgyu sighed as you worked your hands up and down his cock, reaching to kiss his neck as your thumb swiped the precum down the vein on the underside. Pulling with a slight twist as your tacky foreheads met in the dim bathroom light - not even able to see him fully yet, but thrilled by the weight and length in your hands.
He leaned into your touch until his head became fuzzy, and then he needed to move on. Wanting to get you warm before you did anything together. Selfish, to be selfless.
The kisses on your skin were so kind. Loving. Gentle. As his fingers danced against your hips, before gently cupping you over your underwear. You moaned directly against his ear as he rubbed softly against the fabric and around your clit in a circular motion, the flicking of his ears and a deep purr letting you know how happy he was to hear you.
Finally, as you pressed your thighs together, Beomgyu hooked his fingers into the fabric, slipping them down to your feet. He groaned openly, enveloping you into a kiss before pulling away with your lip between his canines. He had smelt the aftermath or build-up of your hormones before - but being the reason behind them made his hands shake in anticipation.
“Your sweats -” You mumbled against his lips, loving the way he smiled back at you. Nodding in glee.
He moved away to fully undress, kicking the fabric away before shyly looking back at you.
You didn’t know where to look.
At his beautiful body as a whole. Pretty cock. Or gorgeous shaggy pitch-black tail.
He watched you with affection as you scanned him, taking a second to return the gesture before your eyes met again. He could tell you had questions, smiling as he brushed the hair off your face.
“Maine coon mix. I prefer to keep it short. Otherwise, it’s big, fluffy and annoying as hell. Especially when people call me cute, because of it.” 
Beomgyu’s ears twitched forward at your giggles. An ease washed over him. You were so much happier than when you had come in. And the tears had finally stopped.
“You’re pretty Gyu. Really handsome. Y-you should show it off more often!”
A loud purr sounded as his ears folded, and he nodded shyly. It was so - expressive. His tail. You couldn't stop staring at it. The way it twitched at your voice, curling then unfurling around his ankles. 
Beomgyu laughed. Laughed harder than he had all night. But it was all a show; hiding the heat flushing his neck by tugging you into the shower after him.
Holding your wrists as he walked you backwards into the water stream, kissing you under the hot water. 
It was thrilling. The feeling of being so surrounded. He moved back to shake his hair, laughing as you splashed him back in the face in retaliation. Only for you to grip his scalp to meet his mouth for a kiss, Beomgyu releasing a loud whine before a beastly purr. 
Hair pulling. You bookmarked that for a later date.
Somehow - despite your age and the situation - you ended up fighting. In the shower. What started as innocent water flicks at the other when their back was turned; quickly ended with you, wrists gripped at your abdomen as Beomgyu’s arms flexed to keep you still.
"Stop fucking flicking me with water! I am trying to help you warm up! Not drown in the shower!" He cried, taking the opportunity to bite at your shoulder.
You both laughed until you no longer could, humming as you looked up behind you. Beomgyu rolled his eyes, as a light purr settled against your back.
Dipping his head to meet your lips, he covered your face from the water. Giggling through his kisses at his long hair creating a slight cove in the stream. Something out of an artsy-emo edit, probably.
You didn’t care.
In your heart of hearts, you prayed it wasn’t a one-time thing. Part of you could tell - his eyes were following your every movement with a blush to his cheeks - that every second was full of love. 
And for once, with a partner, you weren’t nervous.
It’s not that he was totally experienced, but he was prepared to just wait, and to hold you, and to be held. He wasn’t in it just for the outcome. And you never knew sex could be fun; that you’d be laughing as he gripped at your chest, heart warmed through till your skin was on fire.
Beomgyu gently prodded you until your face was out of the shower stream, shoulders pressed against cool tiles. He bit at your lip, pulling it with him as you pushed the hair out of his face affectionately, trailing open mouth kisses down against your collarbone.
The boy was pretty tall. Having to shake out his hair when going to kneel in the restricted space, tail laying over his calves. He kissed down your sternum until he met your stomach, lips paying attention to your hips and hands holding the back of your thighs.
But his ears twitched from the water, pulling away in annoyance. 
Reaching over to the water, you turned it down halfway, Beomgyu’s ears folding as he shyly smiled.
“Thanks, pretty girl.” He mumbled against your thigh. “It’ll be good, I promise.”
You weren’t exactly sure what he was referring to, but as he hooked your thigh up and over his shoulder, your heartbeat almost leapt out of your mouth and you had no thoughts to spare.
He placed a pretty kiss to your core, before moving to place deep hickeys to your thighs, winking at you with a grin as his arm wrapped around your other leg. It held you in place as his thumb came from underneath, tapping at your clit to see you jump and squeal. 
“Aah!! Gyu! I’m sensitive, don’t be a tease!” Your body flushed as his shoulders shook with his airy laughter. Beomgyu apologised, nipping at your thigh before setting.
He turned his attention to eating you out with more intent than you had ever seen from him.
He started with kisses; testing the waters as he held you still. It was heavenly. Warm lips sucking and licking in a steady pattern, curling the coil in your stomach. Your hands found purchase at his shoulders, watching the water cascade down his beautiful back as your abdomen filled with bumbling warmth.
“Ngh - Gyu -” You whined softly, enveloped by his attentiveness.
He chose not to communicate; instead watching you with curious eyes as he circled your entrance with his thumb, before dipping a finger into your core. Moaning softly, your nails gripped at his skin. After a few pumps, he entered another finger, shallower but curling towards him.
He pulled away for a breath. “You’re so pretty, baby. Try and relax for me. You deserve it. I love you.”
He licked a long strip against your folds as he moved his fingers at a steady pace, your mind and body fuzzed over almost instantly. He had proclaimed his feelings so confidently, and it sent you for a spin.
You hadn’t even realised you had closed your eyes, but they jumped back open as he hummed against you, pulling away with a pop.
“You should cum first baby. Go on, I can tell you’re close.” His mumbled encouragements were so soft; fingers curling against him as you cried out. Holding on, on, on, on, until you crumbled.
As he pulled away, Beomgyu placed a kiss at the soft of your belly, holding your hips steady before kissing your forehead. Dazed, you melted into his touch.
Loving him just felt right.
Falling against his hold as he spun you away from the stream of water. The shower curtains rustled before his chest pressed against your back. He held you for a moment. Fingers wandering to your chest, nipples rolled against his palm.
The purr was back, against your shoulder blades. Matching how your mind felt as you heard lewd sounds behind you. 
“You’re so pretty Gyu…” You mumbled, head resting against the tiles. 
You didn’t have to see him to know it. You’d seen him plenty.
Beomgyu kissed your shoulder in response, thankful he was able to hide the smile breaching his hazed features. 
Working himself until a point didn’t take very long; having such a beautiful muse made the creation of a boner, pretty damn easy.
“You sure about this, Y/N?” 
Beomgyu’s mellowed question pulled you to peer behind, over your shoulder. He seemed worried. That this wasn’t the right decision. That he was showing his vulnerabilities far too soon. His brows were furrowed, inside of his mind.
Leaning back, you left a kiss against his neck.
“I’m sure, Gyu. I want this. Promise.”
That seemed to pull him out of his self-doubt. A tender expression breached his handsome features. Leaning in to kiss you deeply as he held your stomach at a curve, chest pressed against the tiles. 
With your legs straight and standing up; Beomgyu hit deep. As he entered you sighed deeply, Beomgyu moaning beautifully. When he bottomed out, your thighs shook in anticipation. He ran his nose at your skin, purring. Taking a moment just to savour this feeling of connection.
After a moment, your shuffles and moans told him when it was good to move. Hands reaching for yours, intertwining between your shoulders and the tiles. 
It really didn’t take very long for the whole thing to hit peak. But then; heaven has never had a time limit.
Beomgyu found no need for empty dirty-talk like your past lovers. Instead; the steam, the sounds of pure instinctual love, the shared words of care and devotion, the running water, his soft groans and even your own; it was the best music either of you had ever heard. 
Beomgyu continued his steady thrusts, before a slight stutter of his hips threw his rhythm off. Hips hitting hard, deep and heavy until you cried out; Beomgyu cumming with breathless pants. He tried not to collapse from the best orgasm he had maybe ever had - steadying himself before checking on you.
His purr’s were deep against your back, his arms falling to dip his forehead into the crook of your neck and hold you. He pulled his mind out of the gutter, biting at your ear and jaw as he drew you back, via his hold across your stomach. Staying inside of you, he held your wrists up as he met your lips - a kiss full of tongue and teeth, pure filth - before his other hand flicked a quick pace at your clit. The pads of his fingers skilled as your body shivered.
“Quickly baby, com’ on, I know you can do it. Look at you, fucked out and all trembly, just for me. Come on, you can do it. Quickly baby.”
Without any control, still full and clenching around him - sensitive moans sounding from Beomgyu pushing his sensitivity - it didn’t take very long for you to submit to his pleasant pleading, pushing you to come just one more time.
Just for him.
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The two of you did, eventually clean up. 
Holding each other for a while before he left you to shower per request; meeting you with a large towel and radiant kisses to wrap you up as soon as you stepped out of the tub.
Things were - going to be okay.
Different than before. But good. You didn’t feel so alone in this big blue storm, anymore.
Of course, some things would never change. Bullying Beomgyu into doing house chores was just another thing left on your list. And your inability to cook left you both bickering over take-out options. 
Beomgyu's abs flinched against your cold hands. Body settling again to let you slide your hand under his shirt, pulling the cotton fabric up against your forearm - before pulling back entirely. Legs perched either side of his hips, as he lay lazily lengthways on the sofa.
Beomgyu's ears flicked, a small purr of contentment floating out of his lips.
You were avoiding meeting his face, and so much quieter than normal. He wasn't so sure how to handle you. This new intimacy. He was afraid he would somehow fuck it all up. But he could only try his best.
"What is it, Y/N?"
You bit your cheek. Turning your head to avert your eyes as you moved to tug your shirt off, underwear loose but maintaining your modesty as you were otherwise bared.
"I'm cold..." You mumbled, covering yourself with your arms before resting down between his chest and chin. Arms folded between your bodies.
"You're so clingy." Beomgyu laughed. Softly, and for once without menace.
He tried his best to push out a large purr, breathing deeply as your erratic heartbeat began to thump more kindly against his skin. He liked this feeling. Skin against his. When your pulse slowed after comfort.
His knuckles soothed down your back as he reached for the throw on the back of the sofa; tucking you between his legs and enveloping you in affection. Tail loosely wrapping around your ankle and resting there.
"You can cry - if you need to, you know. You deserve that. I know you’re still upset, I can smell it hanging over you like a sour rain cloud. And - I know you don’t know how to explain what is going on in your mind. And we both know I’m not very good at talking. So we’re at a stalemate. But - I’ll stay. I promise. I’ll just stay with you until whatever it is, hurts a little less. Okay?"
His offer twinged like a hot coil in your gut. Your body going stiff; before a slight shudder and a whimper emanated from the small hole in the blanket. You were crying. Pressing his tongue against his palette, he pushed himself to purr even deeper.
Getting a sore throat was nothing when it came to comforting his person.
He could deal with a sore throat. But he didn’t think he could deal with you being upset for too long, as selfish as that was.
“I’ve got you.” He spoke into the open air. Your sniffles masked by insistent pattering thundering rain. Tight arms compressing you both into healing. Your souls content, if not in a reasonable amount of pain. “I know you’ve got me too.”
“For the record,” You snuffed into his clothes, pulling away to cough against your hand. "You’re the idiot, idiot." You wiped at your face; nose sore from earlier and a cold slowly approaching through the sleepy haze.
His fingers brushed against the bumps against your neck. He almost felt bad for leaving them there, fangs indented into your jugular. But he couldn’t deny the fuzzy pride that he filled with when you shyly caught his hand, holding it there. 
He smiled sadly. “That will go in a few days, you know.”
You smiled, poking his chest with a giggle.
“We can always make another one, Gyu?”
Beomgyu blinked before his ears peeled back and his smile turned gummy, shrugging shyly.
“Oh, hahaha.” He laughed, humbled by your return of the pet name. Ah, this was what love felt like. He had almost forgotten. “Are you sure you - want me, like that, Y/N?”
Rolling your eyes, you shrugged.
“Depends - will you start hoovering?”
Beomgyu’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, jumping up before flopping down as you stayed sitting on his stomach.
“Fuck no!!” He cried desperately, “But I’ll let you come to band practice if you want to be around me so badly.”
You squinted at his faux smugness, punching his chest before crossing your arms.
He cried out, giggling until he could pull you to slide between him and the back of the sofa, ignoring your whining to drown you in fabric.
“Gyu! Get off me! HELP! I’m drowning - SEND HELP!” 
But you were merely playing. Accepting kisses between giggles.
“Shut up, and get some rest. We’re ordering food tonight.”
“I’m so squished and stuffy Beomgyu -”
“Good. Oh, and, I love you, idiot.”
“Laundry duty and I’ll say it back?”
“Fuck no, but I still love you. Even if you don’t say it back.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you have a cat-boy for a boyfriend. Nerd.”
“Oh - when did I say it could be official?”
"You didn't - I did. It’s in your best interest. Trust me. I would know.”
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well would you look at that: updated 5/DECEMBER/2023
2K notes · View notes
yeojaa · 4 years
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What do you get when you mix Thumper and Bambi?  Answer:  Jeon Jungkook.
pairing.  french lop bunny!jjk x ragdoll cat f!reader.
genre + rating.   hybrid!au set in college.  super fluffy, a little angsty, with a dash of smut to balance it all out.  explicit towards the end because i just can’t help myself.  oops.
tags / warnings.  honestly, this jungkook should just come with his own warning.  but more realistically, mentions of kook using a scrunchie, kook being cute, kook railing his date after using the world’s worst puns...  the usual.
wc.  4.4k
beta reader(s).  @hobi-gif​ as always become, c’mon.  i’m me.  she’s her.  
author note.  this was written as part of @thebtswritersclub​‘s a hybrid fest and is gloriously late (i’m so sorry @ditttiii​​).  i’ve never written anything hybrid-related before so hopefully you enjoy.  feedback goes a long way!  xoxo
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He orders the same thing every time he’s in.  Iced Americano, no room for cream, and a single almond croissant.  (Every once in a while, he switches it up for matcha but that’s exceedingly rare.)  He always pays with a tap of his wrist - a sleek black AppleWatch with rubber band - and flashes his trademark slightly too-big smile.  All the girls swoon.  So do the guys.  Everyone except for you.
He’s unnervingly handsome, with long dark ears that sometimes hang in front of his eyes.  You’ve caught him with them pulled back Lola Bunny-style, knotted with a loose silk scrunchie that looks nearly as soft as his fur.  His hair’s usually unkempt, tossed into a little sprout of a bun, overly long fringe falling all over his big round eyes.  He wears butterfly clips sometimes, though that’s usually on days where he isn’t freshly sweaty and carrying his gym bag.  They appear in his hair when it’s damp from a shower, the smell of papaya and honey clinging to every inch of him.  You know, because you have a great nose - one that’s sensitive to every smell under the sun but especially his.  (You try not to think about it much.)  
It’s a Wednesday morning when you notice the change.  It doesn’t register at first, acknowledgement coming in a curious sniff at the air.  Weird. 
“Thanks,” he says like clockwork, a well-oiled polite machine, deceptively slender hands receiving the exceedingly hot cup without a care in the world. He’s got his usual bag over his shoulder - overly big, black, almost tactical - and a pair of comfortable looking pants on that seem more like they belong on your beloved grandmother.  Somehow, he rocks it (but he always does).  “Have a nice day.”
Because of course he says that.  Of course he steals the words right out of your mouth, turns them back on you as easy as he makes your heart rattle around in your chest like it’s a Friday night bingo ball. 
He moves toward the bar - he only ever grabs three napkins, tucks them into the slot on the left side of his bag - but pauses halfway there.  Rooted to the same spot as always, sleek ears following the imposing line of his shoulders.  
One, two—
The thumping starts, so quiet it’s almost negligible.  But you catch it, because you always do and because you’re the reason for it. 
He turns then, levels you with a look from the corner of those pretty, pretty eyes and you can’t help but laugh, openly, unashamedly, with the back of your hand plastered to your mouth. A true ojou-sama. 
His mouth quirks - does that funny thing where he sucks in his cheek then rolls it back out with his tongue - and you think he might finally say something.  Call you out for writing his name wrong for the past five weeks, finding more and more creative ways to do so every time.  Even occasionally using nicknames - silly things you’d come up with while on the walk home, or during lunch, or in bed.
“Good one,”  he states, laugh lines threading over his face, prominent around his eyes.  His nose wiggles with the sound - another of his traits that comes out to play often.  Your favourite of them all, if you’re being honest.
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You don’t realise it’s him until it’s too late, until you’re practically running into him, bouncing off the broad expanse of his back with a startled squeak.  Lucky for you, you’re quick on your feet, catching yourself before your skull can become too well-acquainted with the red brick wall to your right.
“You okay?”  Though he asks, you have a sneaking suspicion he knows you’re not and an even stronger suspicion that he’d been waiting for you, hovering past the entrance of the cafe with his big university hoodie on.
“Barely,”  you manage around a laugh, straightening the backpack slung over your shoulders, packed to the brim with goodies you got to bring home at the end of the night and two of your textbooks.
“Should watch where you’re going.”  
This is the most conversation you’ve had - ever.  But it’s fun, easy, organic and natural.  You wonder why that is. 
“You should watch where you’re standing, actually.”
He’s so much bigger than you, imposingly tall (especially being part of the Leporidae family) and wide in the chest.  Not bulky by any means, but big.  Strong.  Threaded with a strength you don’t normally see in hybrids of his kind.  It probably has to do with how often you see him covered in sweat and panting, basketball hooked under his arm, soccer cleats tied to his bag.
When he speaks again, it’s full of mirth, squeezing his round eyes near shut.  “Got a problem with me standing here?”  
You nod, solemn as ever (which is really never, but that’s besides the point).  “It’s dangerous to block entryways, didn’t you know?”  You’re gesturing to the awning, the dark interior just past the window of the shop.  “You’re loitering, Jungkook.”
“So you do know my name.”  You can tell he’s not surprised - that he’s hamming it up for dramatics, softly pink lips rounded in a little ‘O’.  He’s cute like this, you think.  Playful in a way you’ve never seen before.  
“I do?” 
There’s that cheek thing again.  It’s even more attractive up close, the shape of his jaw thrown into prominent relief when he sucks in a breath.  
“You just said it.”
You nod, thoughtful, finger tapping upon your chin.  “I guess I did.”
“Say it again,”  he states, expression inscrutable, eyes bright.  They’re so glossy even under the dimmed streetlights, impossibly big and undeniable.  So easy to get lost in - if your attention weren’t caught by something else.
“What is that?”  
You’d noticed it earlier in the day, caught the scent in passing sometime during the early hours.  You’d been unable to place it then, too distracted by freshly ground coffee, a girl’s three too many spritzes of Daisy by Marc Jacobs, and baking banana loaves.
It’s heady, masculine.  A strong musk that sinks into your nose and makes it twitch, ears rotating as if that’ll help pin the smell down.  
“What’s what?”  You hadn’t realised how close you’d become, your face five seconds from planting directly into his chest.  (It’d probably be nice - you know how soft your school’s merchandise is.)  “Are you okay?”  He asks because you’re now, actually, planting your face right against the worn navy cotton.  It’s terribly nice, silk upon your cheek.  
You answer more to his clothes than to him, nosing into the fabric. “You smell different.”
You feel more than hear his laughter, the sound barreling past his teeth seconds later.  The vibrations running along his spine jostle you from your position face first upon him but you don’t mind.  It doesn’t send you far, dark eyes peering up into the face of the bunny hybrid.  True to his kind, his nose is twitching, puffs of laughter expanding his cheeks when he meets your stare. 
“No I don’t.”
“You do.”  Tone firm, a finger lands upon the neatly embroidered N on his hoodie.  The white stitching stands in stark contrast to your baby blue nails.  “You smell… off.”
Whether Jungkook’s offended or not, you can’t tell.  He’s got that same strange expression on his face - the one from this morning when he’d received his coffee.  It’s made up of too many moving parts:  the flutter of his lashes, the coil of his jaw, the minute tick of the corner of his mouth.  You can’t read him for shit, somehow more confused now than in your 300-level art history class.  (You’d taken it as one of your optional electives assuming it’d be an easy A.  You were wrong.)
“Sorry you think so,”  he hums, looking down at you.  You’ve seemed to fully forget the meaning of personal space, edged up beside him as if you’re best friends and not just two ships passing in the night. 
“It’s not bad.”  Really, it isn’t.  It’s strong and sensual, vegetal in a way, calming in another.  But it isn’t unwelcome. 
In fact, you think you might like this scent a little more - less sweet than what normally clings to his skin, natural honeycomb rather than processed sugar.  It zings across your teeth, pieces broken up and scattered behind your molars.  You can practically taste it.  Him.
“Is that so?”  
You share a look - one that says more than all the words you’ve ever spoken, that threads together all the silly laughter, narrowed stares, (written) flirtations.  It settles between the two of you, filling the spaces with something akin to cotton, light and airy and soft.
The desire to speak lingers, hidden just beyond the cotton candy dusting.  Should you?  Shouldn’t you?  You still have no idea what he’s doing here, a street urchin making his rounds on the campus village.  
He beats you to it.  “Can I walk you back to your dorm?”  
You don’t think you could want anything more.  “Sure.”
Silence falls again but it’s comfortable, a caress rather than a crutch.  The grounds are surprisingly quiet - wayward students on their way to the library or heading home from lectures.  There are no picnic blankets spread across the grass, no gaggles of girls dressed in school colours.  It feels like the first day of fall, change sitting heavy in the air. 
“So—”  You start.
He finishes,  “do you wanna go on a date with me?” 
That’s surprising.  (Or is it?  You’re not really sure.)  You nearly trip over your own two feet in your haste to look at him, entire body swivelling on the spot because apparently you can’t just turn your head like a normal person.  Something something all or nothing. 
“Do.  You.  Want.  To—”  He’s being insufferable for the hell of it.  You can see it in his eyes, glossy things shining down at you like he’s got the entire fucking nightsky hung in them.  
“Not if you keep that up,”  you retort, though you both know you’re lying.  You’ve been waiting - wishing, wanting - for this moment since the day you laid eyes on him.  Since Yuri had elbowed you so hard in the ribs you’d thought you’d be bruised for days, since Jae had rambled on and on for his entire shift about the cute new bunny who’d come in that morning.  Since that very first wrongly spelt name on his plastic cup and every visit since.  
“Is that a challenge?”  
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“You won’t get it in.”  
He scoffs, loud and drawn out, cheek rounding with disbelief at your disbelief.  How can you possibly doubt him - school basketball star and all-around athletic freak of nature? 
“What do I get if I do?”  The ball rests in his palm, poised to be shot through the hoop, sunk without making contact with the rim.  He’s confident - he’s done it a million times.  
“A pat on the back?”  As much as you tease him - loop mockery around nearly every syllable you speak, you’re endlessly supportive, already carrying the fruits of his labour under your arms.  A Pikachu shoved haphazardly into the purse slung across your body, a Snorlax tucked under your arm at an awkward angle that crushes his poor head, a Sylveon tucked into the side pocket of his joggers.  (The arcade was really into Pokemon, apparently.)  “Me saying thank you?”
“Not good enough.”  He leans in close - those big galaxy eyes practically swallowing you whole - and taps a single finger upon your nose.  It makes your nostrils flare, an itch blooming under his touch.  “Gotta sweeten the deal.”
You must look hilarious because Jungkook’s biting back a smile, smirking down at you.  Then, all at once, without breaking eye contact, he’s extending his arm, flicking his wrist, and— swish!  
In goes the ball, leaving him with a perfect score.  
“I want you to stay the night.”
You think he’s joking.  He must be joking.  This is your third date.  
But he’s staring at you like he’s completely serious, gaze expectant, lips pursed around something that reads like a smile but has your heart doing a strange little one-two step in your chest.  It soars for a moment, high above the clouds like the string orchestra of a choral work - Beethoven’s Ninth in D minor. 
“Are you propositioning me, Jeon Jungkook?”  It’s the same reaction he always has when you say his name: a twitch of his ear, the corner of his bottom lip quirking and then resetting, eyes so sparkly it’s almost absurd.
“No.  I’m just telling you what I want.”
“Huh.”  You should say no.  Guys like him - with charm that oozes out of every pore, whose offhanded smiles break more hearts than you ever have - are almost always bad news.  Too sweet, too funny, simply too much for your feeble heart to take.  
“Is that a yes?”  He’s got you in his clutches - a viper rather than a hare, with a smile so dangerous you’re paralysed by just the sight of it.  (Who needs venom?)
Your words catch in your throat, stick to one another like the deformed gummies at the bottom of the movie theatre bag.  What comes out isn’t what you expect.  “Okay.”
Damn you.  Damn him.  Damn how good he smells and the big dumb grin that spreads over his lips, sunshine in human form, undeniable and warm and cute enough to start a war over.  (That’s probably what’s happening - a vicious battle between your head and your heart.)  
Damn his stupid thumping foot that you can make out over the sound of the video games, the boisterous din.  It’s so cute you can’t help yourself from smiling, mouth pulling and pursing around the delight that begs to be freed.  
“Cool,”  he says, and you almost think that’s not very cool.  He’s so nonchalant, cavalier about it as if it means nothing.  You’d be bothered if you felt like you didn’t know him so well - hadn’t learnt his idiosyncrasies over the last two months.  
How he looks when he laughs really hard, his slightly too-big front teeth taking up all the real estate in his mouth.  How he sounds when he’s tired (groggy, with a lisp that rarely sees the light of day otherwise) or when he’s told he’s wrong (pouty, with his bottom lip jutted out so cutely you want to scream).  How he runs every morning, hits the gym every night, and eats double your protein because fitness, bro!  How his cheat meal of choice is soy garlic fried chicken from the place off-campus and he hates tangy, tart desserts (your lemonade lip gloss not included, he insists).  How he can’t sleep if he’s too hot - which he often is - and he spends way too long combing through his ears with a specialty brush he doesn’t let anyone touch.  How he’s secretly raindrops and gummy bears and hand holding in the car, so much more than his high school superlative of most likely to grace the cover of GQ.
You wonder, because you know those things, does that make you special?  Does it make you immune to the heartbreak that you swear you imagine whenever your mood drops (not often, but often enough)?  
You hope so.
“Let’s go shoot guns?”  He’s tearing you from your reverie, planting an open-mouthed kiss to your temple.  It’s sloppy and not very refined, much less suave than what you’d expect from your school’s soccer captain (and basketball small forward and swim team stand-in).  You suppose that’s why you like him so much - because he’s always surprising you, keeping you on your toes. 
“Let’s.”  You agree, letting your date drag you toward the Time Crisis machine.  It’s blissfully unoccupied, allowing the two of you to slide into place.  He takes the blue gun, you the red.  
He squeezes your hip when you take up position, one eye squeezed shut as you look down the barrel of the plastic weapon.  “Better not let me die.”
“Better not get shot,”  you return.  
He doesn’t listen - failing halfway through the helicopter scene, his shot missing and resulting in some sad miserable death in the form of Continue? blinking across the screen.  Neither of you mind that much though.  He occupies himself on his phone, free hand tucked into the back pocket of your jeans.  You play better when he’s not shouting terrible call-outs, nearly crashing into you because he gets so into it.
(How he’s never got a concussion on the basketball/soccer/etc. field before, you’re not sure.)
By the time you’re done - a good five minutes later, you think - Jungkook’s growing restless, tugging at your belt loops enough that you stumble with every shot, nearly knocking yourself out when you have to steady yourself on the centre console.  
“Kook!”  Your glare is barely that, too affectionate to dissuade him from his childish antics.  
He pulls you forward, traps you between his thick thighs, tattooed hands settling comfortably on your hips.  “Let’s go home.”
“Someone’s in a hurry.”
Of course, he doesn’t deny that.
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It’s not the first time you’ve been over.  Not even your second or third.  You’ve met up with him before his games, thrown his jersey overtop and helped him wrap his fingers before hitting the court.  You’d even had to grab his cleats for him once, running across campus as he did drills in his socks as punishment.
This time feels different.  You know why but it doesn’t make it an easier pill to swallow.  It lodges somewhere in your throat, makes it hard to breathe when you kick off your shoes and tuck them neatly beside Jungkook’s.  
“Are you hungry?”  He’s already in the small kitchen, glancing over his shoulder at you as you linger in the adjoining hallway, bag halfway over your head.  
“I’m good.”  You are, really.  You’d eaten one donut too many at the arcade, indulged in a little too much disgusting nacho cheese goodness.  You don’t really understand how your date’s still hungry, a cucumber crunching between his teeth when he turns back to you. 
Standing there, vegetable devoured in quick, decisive bites, he looks every inch the French lop bunny he is.
You reach him in the same instant he finishes his midnight snack.  Arms fold around you like there’s nothing else he’d rather be doing, head dropping to rest comfortably upon yours.  Like this, his ears tickle your cheek - velveteen fur lost to the silk of your hair.  “Are you tired?”  
Another no comes - spoken into the fuzzy fabric of his sweater - and he hums above you, whole frame rattling with the noise.  
“No bed then?”  
At least he’s transparent, you think.
“One track mind much?”  You’re only teasing.  A part of you looks forward to… whatever it is that sits over the horizon, lost past the creaky bedroom door and somewhere beneath his surprisingly soft sheets.  (You’d asked about them once - he’d told you his mother liked to send him housewares to remind him of home.  He was a real mama’s boy that way.)
The monster only laughs, snuggles into your hair like it’s home.  “Can you blame me?”  
You can’t do much of anything when he’s like this - so utterly adorable and enticing and good for your heart that it feels as if you’ve taken a straight dose of morphine.
“Let’s go to bed, Wookie.”  Another nickname, recently coined after you’d spent an evening watching Star Wars for the first time.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You whack him on the way to his bedroom, smack a hand over the arm curled around your shoulders.  He pretends like it hurts, howls in a way he he thinks resembles a wounded animal but really just sounds stupid.  “Not a ma’am.”
“Sir?”  He asks, just to make you laugh. 
“If you don’t shut up—”  
He pushes you through the door of his bedroom while giggling to himself, sound puffing out of his cheeks.  “Don’t be mad, kitten.”  The two of you drop to the bed, a tangle of limbs and silken fur and squeaking laughter.  “You’re so purr-ty when you’re annoyed.”
He’s doing it again.  Dropping those stupid cat puns that make your nose wrinkle, ink-tipped ears folding back against your head.   
“I think I’m hiss-terical, don’t you?”  
Face adamantly buried into his sheets, you don’t give him the time of day.  You don’t even care that your mascara is probably rubbing off against the charcoal fabric, lipstick tint doing potentially irreversible damage.  He knows how unfunny you find these jokes, how you’ve heard them your whole life and roll your eyes so hard your optic nerve might sever every time you face another.  
What’s the point of sharing your pet peeves with him when all he does is lean into them?  Use them against you like it’s the cool thing to do.  Make you wonder what you’d seen in him when he was just another customer, another boy in Seoul National indigo and bedhead so dishevelled it begged to be managed.  
(You’re not sure why you’re so irritated suddenly, caught in the clutches of a moodswing as you curl into your side and ignore his bad jokes.)
Stupid Jeon Jungkook.  Annoying, silly, too-cool-for-his-own-good Jeon Jungkook.  
Jeon Jungkook who makes you second guess your choices, leaves you breathless and confused with just one dumb look.  Who has convinced you into his bed and teases you mercilessly, snickering to himself as his foot bounces against the floorboards because he finds himself that funny.
“Baby?”  The pet name comes, presses itself past your curtain of hair and invades your thoughts.  
You say nothing, adamantly faced away.
He doesn’t like that, sneaking his hands around you and cradling you into his chest as if that’ll lighten the mood.  (It does, a little bit, but you don’t tell him that.)  “Don’t ignore me,”  he mumbles, warmth breath tickling your ears, fingers dancing over the rungs of your ribs as if they’re ivory and not bone, playing a tune only he can hear.
“Stop with the shitty jokes,”  you retort.  You’re being difficult - can feel the vinegar turning your blood even as he tries to will it all away.
You feel the intake, the rise and fall of his broad chest.  You can only imagine how hard he’s biting his tongue, careful to keep his next errant pun at bay.  People don’t tell him no - only you.  Maybe that’s why you do it, to remind him you’re not just like everyone else.  
You don’t tell him to show you how sorry— but he does anyway.
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You’re astounded by him, utterly entranced by the way he moves.  How power runs the length of his frame, manoeuvres each of his limbs and turns your own to jelly.  
He’s got you face down, ass up, hands cradling your hips like they’re his home and he can’t bear to let go.  Every upward stroke feels like heaven - feels like a million lifetimes of pleasure you can barely wrap your thoughts around.  He’s impossibly big, thick and long.  The first thought you’d had when he’d stripped his black Calvin Kleins was pretty.  
You realise now there’s nothing pretty about him.  He’s filthy - the devil come to collect as he fucks you across his bed, nearly loses you to the pillows at the head with each snap of his hips.  (What they said about rabbits was true, you think.)
“B-Bunny,”  you sob, scratch over cotton that’s worn soft and smells exactly like your favourite sweater of his.  The linens are defenseless, tangled up and wrinkled with each flex of your fingers, bunched up within your palms every time he buries himself like he’s looking for the answer to life, thinks he might find it within the fluttering walls of your pussy.
“Not my name.”  When he sounds like this, he’s more predator than prey, a thousand volts of electricity shooting up your spine.  He’s demanding and unrelenting.  It makes your head spin.
“Not.”  Bunny teeth are just as painful as a feline’s, doing their job as they dig into the flushed skin over your back, marking his territory with two prominent indents right between your neck and shoulder.  “A.”  He ruts into you as if he’s got something to prove, snaps his hips to a beat you can’t keep up with.  “Wookie.”  Grips you so tight you might snap, red blooming beneath his hands.
You sob under him, drool against the pillows because you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut.  (You feel like Jungkook post-win, spewing nonsense as he prattles on about game winning plays with his teammates.)
“K-Kookie.”  It’s what he wants to hear - hits him right in the chest, a bull’s eye to the thing that beats wildly and in tandem with your own.  
His rhythm stutters.  The bed is shaking and not because he’s practically breaking the weak wooden frame.  No, his foot’s thumping, bouncing across the sheets even as he tries to regulate the roll of his hips, return it to the assured, teeth-numbingly good tempo it’d been at.  
It doesn’t work.  You love it anyway.  Like it more, because it means he’s just as affected by you as you are him. Your heart sings, leaps out of your chest on hummingbird wings, and dances around your head.  You’re a goddamn cartoon - Pepé Le Pew in ragdoll form - animated pink shapes circling like a crown.
You don’t care.  You can’t.  Not when he plasters himself to your back and asks you to say it again, begs you to tell him how good he is, tells you how he wants to make you his.  
Who cares if it’s three dates in, if your meeting was cliched and silly and he’s the campus heartthrob?  
You don’t - because he’s yours and when he flips you onto your back and you curl your fingers into his hair, it’s your name he stutters out.  It’s you who has him coming apart beneath your hands, the feel of his ears like velvet, the little whines he huffs growing louder each time you tug at the base.  It’s you who knows what he sounds like as he falls to pieces, throws himself against you as if gravity demands it.  It’s you who holds him to sleep, whose skin acts as a canvas for the doodles he traces as he drifts off.  
It’s you and it’s him and that’s enough.
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tag list.  @neverthefirstchoice​ @youwannabelostandnotbefound​ @snackhobi​ @codeinebelle​​
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Ultimate Bonding Experience
Hange and Moblit follow Levi and Petra on a date. It's a disaster.
one-shot, fluff and humor, nonbinary Hange, they/them pronouns for Hange, officemates, best friends forever, friends to lovers, jealous Hange
This is for the Levihan Filo Week Day 4 Prompt, Tourist Destinations, featuring Greenbelt, Makati (Yes, the audacity of me.)
"You're going out on a date with Petra?” Hange stood up too quickly, knocking down the pen holder on their office desk in process. “As in… Petra Rall? From the Marketing Department? As in, sweet-as-candy, honey-bunny, gorgeous glam girl Petra?”
Levi swiveled his computer chair to face his best friend. "She asked me out."
"Hmm. And you didn't say no?" Hange was absentmindedly tapping the end of the pencil against their lower lip.
He gave a half-shrug. "Wanted to try something new for a change."
This was really new. Hange was incredulous. Levi never went on dates. Levi went on food trips and grocery shopping and karaoke nights (mainly due to Hange’s persistent nagging), but he never agreed to a date. There were always other people around whenever they hung out. The two of them had been best friends since college, and now as colleagues, Hange could tell from the numerous awkward and sort-of romantic encounters with Levi that Petra wasn't exactly his type.
"Is this a joke? Is this for a dare?" Hange kept prodding. They would bombard him with questions nonstop until he gave in. “Did you hit your head somewhere? Are you dying?”
"No, I just told you, Four-Eyes, I wanted to try something new.” Levi returned to his work and continued typing on his computer. “She said she already has planned something for tomorrow."
"This isn't you, Levi. You don't like itineraries," Hange said, sitting down to compose themself, gripping the pencil in their hand and holding it too tightly against the notepad.
"Maybe it's about time I do."
“So you’re choosing her over me?” Hange was already upset. Their hand was already shaking at this point, the tip of their pencil threatening to break. Levi would usually hang out with them to binge-watch a show or series on Saturdays over pizza and cheap beer, which reminded her, “What about our UBE?”
“Our—what?” He looked over his shoulder, confused.
Hange gave him a hopeful smile, hand still resting on the paper. “Our Ultimate Bonding... Experience?”
Levi glued his eyes to his computer screen once more. “You can Netflix and chill on your own for one night.”
The pencil snapped in half.
It was only 6 pm and Hange had already downed half a bucket of beers this Friday evening. Tomorrow morning, Levi would meet up with Petra somewhere for their date, maybe have lunch, a movie, some hand-holding and kissing, and then the two would possibly end it up with a bang. Something was really boiling deep inside Hange as these imagined scenes flashed through their mind.
And Erwin had to bear with them for tonight.
"I just don't understand, 'Win," Hange started, "Why would he do this? Why would he trade our pizza night for a girl he can't even relate to?"
Erwin was Hange and Levi's colleague in the same department before he got promoted to an executive position in corporate. Times like this, he would lend an ear to his friends' complaints and act as some sort of a part-time counselor, part-time therapist, and full-time drinking buddy.
Hange should be thankful Erwin had never charged them for these sessions before, but now with all of their whining, he was probably regretting that he gave them for free.
"Last I checked, you guys are just best buddies," Erwin commented. "Have you ever told him how much he means to you?"
Hange pouted.
"I'll take that as a no," Erwin said.
Their friend had a point.
"I can imagine it already, " Hange mused, eyes already watery, "I can imagine him walking down the aisle with pretty-face Petra and making babies with her, while I end up becoming that unknown relative who sends them presents for Christmas every year."
"Ah, I can imagine all the regrets you'll be having for the rest of your life."
Hange grabbed a fistful of hair in both hands. "What do I do now? I want Levi to be happy, I really do. I want to see him be happy, even if it's not with me. But why am I getting all riled up about this?"
"Then follow him," Erwin simply said as he wiped the beer of his mouth with his sleeve. "Follow him to the ends of the earth. Maybe you'll see for yourself."
Erwin had meant it as a figurative speech. When he said follow, he meant Hange supporting Levi all the way through. He never meant Hange stalking their best friend on his date.
Obviously, Hange had gotten it all wrong, because now they just blinked once, twice, a grin forming on their face. As if an epiphany had appeared before them. "Hmm. You're right."
Follow him.
This could be the greatest thing that Erwin Smith had ever come up with. Brilliant idea. Superb, even. One-of-a-kind strategy by none other than the genius Erwin Smith—oh, yes, yes, yes.
Erwin was still finishing up his beer when Hange tackled him into a hug out of gratitude, their smile wider than before. "You really are the best of the best, you know that?" They told him. This could work, Hange thought.
The plan was to follow Levi, literally.
"Boss, why did you pay me a hundred bucks to follow them?"
Hange was wringing their hands together. "We’re doing this together, Moblit! I wanna see how Levi acts around this girl."
"That's it?" Poor Moblit couldn't believe what he's hearing.
"I just wanna make sure he's making a good impression!"
They’re both sitting in a cafe right across Levi’s apartment. He and Hange were dressed up in plain clothes with matching sunglasses and baseball caps. Moblit had no choice; Hange was going to strangle his neck if he declined.
Moblit rested his head against his palm. "Aren't you jealous?"
"Pffft, me? Jealous?" The sour look on Hange's face was enough to tell Moblit that they weren't fooling anybody. It was just Levi’s attitude towards the entire ordeal that was tearing Hange apart. “I’m sure I’m not being rude.”
Moblit scratched his head and sighed. Hange as a boss could be really demanding at times, but the two of them were also friends in real life, which is why he agreed to this. "I thought Petra was head over heels for Oluo?"
"I thought so, too."
"He's dense, though," Moblit said. "Maybe this was just a ruse to get Oluo to confess?"
But Hange was already distracted by the sight of Levi coming out of the building.
"Ooh, he's leaving." Hange pointed towards the familiar figure. They then put their shades on as part of their undercover mission. "Let's go."
The two of them hid behind the fast food mascot of the big fat stupid ugly bee. Levi really knew how to dress up, Hange had noticed. He was wearing a plain button-up with dark pants, his hair neatly trimmed and his face cleanly shaven. He never dressed up like this whenever they hung out. It hurt Hange to see him this handsome. Levi then headed straight for the nearest station and waited for the next train to arrive. Hange and Moblit then took the same train but stayed on the other rail cart, catching a glimpse of Levi every now and then to make sure that he hadn't alighted by then.
“What would you do if they do end up together, Boss?” Moblit had to ask.
“I'd sign my life away as a single person for the rest of my years. Be an old cat person, maybe.”
The skyscrapers of Makati were passing them by, huge billboards left and right of commercial ads and government campaigns looming over them. If they looked far enough, they could see shanties and informal settlers nested in small alleys here and there. Hange had been seeing this for the past few years of their lives; Metro Manila could be daunting, but they wished they could spend away from the noisiness and busyness of the capital.
“He's getting out at Ayala Station, Boss!" Moblit pointed out. "They’re probably meeting somewhere in Greenbelt.”
“Ah, fancy-schmancy. Who could have known?”
Makati was the place only for the very rich, or for the very poor. There was no in between. Nobody dared to bat an eyelash at the rickety houses behind the skyscrapers. The shopping district and the high-end restaurants where affluent people would gather: celebrities, business executives, expatriates, anyone who could call themselves rich, rich, rich. Hange was none of those. Levi wasn't either, but he could easily pass off as one if he wanted to.
When they got off at the station, Hange and Moblit crouched behind the dumpster, craning their necks enough to get a glimpse of Levi coming up to Petra who stood waiting in front of the fountain.
“Ah, I’m so glad you’re here,” Petra said, her smile warm and happy as Levi walked alongside her. “Shall we?”
Petra was effortlessly gorgeous. She had her hair clipped into place, her slender figure matching the nice summer dress that she wore. She had also put on some light makeup, but even without it, Hange could tell that Petra would still be as breathtaking.
There really wasn't anything that Hange could hate about Petra Rall. Petra was attractive and alluring, sweet and shy, probably the ultimate dream girl of every person in their office. Hange would date Petra if she were even into them, provided the two of them had a spark.
But Hange's attention was all for Levi. Always had been. Always will be.
"Shall we, Boss?" Moblit interrupted Hange's train of thought.
Tonight they felt that they had to accept the possibility of Levi ending up with someone else. Regardless of how this would end, Hange had decided they'd be there for him.
They didn't really blend in with this fancy-schmancy place. This was one of the most expensive fashion malls in the area; the price tags made broke people cry, and the restaurants were considered artisan for their taste. People were dressed up in crisp polos and cocktail dresses, the faint smell of perfume wafting here and there. The gardens had a beautiful landscape, stoned paths paving the way, and the lights were carefully draped on the trees around them, glowing like stars. It was a romantic setup for lovers.
Petra was pointing out all the different sights around the area, holding onto Levi's arm. Levi remained stiff all throughout their date, not even shedding a single ounce of emotion when Petra popped a joke. It ended up being a lousy one, though, since Levi didn't even scoff. Hange felt smug after that; their own jokes were terrible as well, but at least Levi would call them out for that.
"I think it's going well, don't you, Boss?" Hange's assistant teased.
“Oh, yeah, perfect, I can see how compatible they are.” Hange was being sarcastic.
Petra had chosen a place called People's Palace. It had a five-star rating on the internet, and even the cheapest item on the menu could break a whole in someone's wallet. There was no way they could eat there. Levi didn't even protest, though. He must have been saving up for this all along. Thankfully, the restaurant's walls were a solid transparent glass, and Hange could see the two of them from afar without having to go in.
Petra was saying something in a hushed tone when Levi came over to her side. He then put a hand on her face, tenderly brushing her cheek, as if he were about to go in for a kiss.
The moment Levi held Petra that close, Hange had to stifle their gasp which ended up like a strangled cry.
The sound made Levi look over his shoulder. Moblit had to cup his hand over Hange's mouth to shush them up, pulling them down behind the huge pots of plants.
"You alright?" Petra asked him, craning her neck towards the source of the sound as well. "What was that?"
Levi clicked his tongue. "Probably some lost bird. Well, more like a dying one."
The two went back to their meals and didn't bother to check if they were being followed. Moblit then let go of Hange and sighed in relief. They were safe, for now.
Everyone in the restaurant looked classy and elegant, soft lights all over the room. After Levi had paid for the meal (he didn't look too happy when he saw the check), he and Petra stood up and exited through the other door on the farthest end. Hange had forgotten about that. The People's Palace had an entryway connecting to the indoor gardens. They would have to enter the premise in order to follow Levi and Petra.
Without any further thought, Hange immediately stood up to barge into the restaurant, urging their assistant to follow. "They're probably confessing to each other in the gardens!" Hange was already right through the entrance. "Moblit, hurry up, I need to—"
"Boss, watch out!"
The warning came in too late. Hange had already knocked down a drink from the waiter's tray right behind them, the liquid spilling all onto the customer sitting nearest to where they were. The huge beefy man was furious, the steam already coming out of his reddened ears.
"Why, you, son-of-a-gun—"
Hange held up both hands in front of their face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"
"Do you even belong here, you prick?" The stranger grabbed the front of Hange's oversized shirt. There were gasps from other customers, and one of the servers left to call the manager.
"Please, don't!"
The man started shaking Hange. "Filthy, pathetic, piece of—"
Somebody grabbed his wrist before he could even do anything else. "Let go."
It was Levi.
"And who the fuck are you?"
He was small, but his presence was intimidating, firm. "My friend already apologized. Isn't that enough?"
The stranger released his hold of Hange and held out the stained fabric. "Fucking pay for this shirt, asshole!"
Hange was mouthing 'sorry, sorry, sorry,' to him, their eyes filled with apology. Levi didn't bat an eyelash. Instead, he quickly took out twenty bucks from his wallet and shoved it into the huge man's hand. He then grabbed his friend by the elbow. "Hange, come on."
"Hey, this isn't enough, shortstack," the stranger grumbled, crumpling the bill. He gestured once more to his stained shirt. "Do you know how much I bought this for?"
"You could buy a similar one from one of the thrift stores downtown for less than half the price. I doubt anybody would notice." He tugged at Hange again and headed for the exit.
"What did you say, you little—"
They were out of the restaurant before the man could even finish. The manager had kept the customer in his seat, trying to console him with a discounted coupon.
Outside was a breath of fresh air, the coolness of it enough to clear their minds.
“You alright?”
Hange was still trembling. Their lips quivered, too. They had never been roughly-held like that before. Levi calmed them down by rubbing their back, urging them to take slow, steady breaths.
"Levi?" Petra called after the two of them. "Are we still heading to the movie?"
Hange had feared this all along. They didn't want to ruin his date with Petra; they merely wanted to see Levi, and now they had done it. Hange held their own face in both hands. Levi saw it and knew what he had to do.
“I’m sorry, Petra, but we should probably call it off at this point.”
"Should we re-sched?"
Levi paused before responding. "I had a good time tonight, Petra. But I think... once is enough.
“Oh. Okay.” Petra stood still for a moment, disappointed. They expected her to cause a scene, to thrash at him or at Hange, and then complain about her evening. But to Petra's credit, she merely broke into a smile and said, "Thanks for giving me a chance, Levi. I had a good time, too. You guys enjoy the rest of the night."
The huge beefy man suddenly burst out of the glass door, the restaurant manager no longer able to hold him back. "You fucking punks, I'm going to call the police—"
Hange hid behind Levi out of instinct, which didn't make any sense, considering that he was a couple inches shorter than them. "What now?" Their hand was still in his.
"Go ahead, Petra's safe with me," Moblit assured them. "I'll text you guys once we get home safely."
Levi nodded and took off with Hange.
They ran past the gardens, past the expensive shops, past the fountains and the bright lights. Everything seemed like a blur. Hange's senses had overloaded their brain at this point, especially since Levi's hand was still holding on to theirs. It was warm. They never expected any of these to happen. Levi would look over his shoulder once in a while to see if Hange could still keep up. They ran as fast as their legs could carry them, and with every tug of their hand, Hange felt like they were living in a dream. The two of them had already reached the station, heavily panting as they clutched their chest.
"So much for trailing me all this time, Four-Eyes," Levi heaved. He knew.
Hange was beyond apologetic. "I'm sorry, okay! I just wanted to see how you'd act around someone while on a date."
Levi made another scoffing sound. For a minute, Hange thought he was mad. But the intensity in his eyes was full of longing, like somehow, he did want Hange to follow him. And then Levi sighed. "Erwin told me you might be spying; my suspicions were confirmed when I saw you hiding behind the plants."
“Oh.” Hange had nothing else to say. “Well, then, I, uhm, I should probably head home. Sorry for ruining your date."
They were about to leave when Levi held their hand once again, stopping Hange in their tracks. "Where do you want to go?" he asked.
"You already ruined my date, so you might as well hang out with me for the rest of the night."
Hange couldn't believe what they were hearing. It was almost too good to be true. But the reality dawned upon them; they were still in Makati, and they couldn’t really afford any of these places. "Uh… well, I don't really have any money, and I'm not really sure I want to dine here…"
"It's fine,” Levi said. “I know a place to go."
Part 2 coming up soon!
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kythed · 4 years
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synopsis: it’s a tragic case of boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl has a boyfriend. [un]luckily for you, semi doesn’t play by the rules... and you don’t really want him to.
tagged: semi eita x reader, fluff, mediocre writing.
commitment level: 2,583 words.
table of contents | next chapter >>
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They say young love is a rite of passage. They say it’s fresh and light, it’s wading in the shallows of a swiftly flowing river and letting the deliciously frigid water take you wherever it flows. They say young love comes easily. 
But they don’t tell you youth is not a remedy for pain. They don’t tell you the cold of that water burns your skin, too — it leaves your fingertips numb and kisses your palms an angry red. They say “it’s just puppy love,” but they don’t tell you puppies grow into wolves. 
You’re eighteen when you first meet Semi Eita, and he’s twenty-two. It’s not a highly significant age gap, but it’s noticeable enough. 
“She’s a baby,” he says, eyes grey as the southern sea and just as unforgiving. Though he’s young, the weight of an iron giant rests on his slender shoulders. 
“She’s talented, Semi,” says Akamine, tone wheedling. He fiddles with the lapels of his coat — it’s Italian, all cream silk and bronze buttons. “She’s capable.” 
Twenty year old Akamine Keo is a trust-fund kid, born into the arms of an oil empire he’ll someday fall heir to. He’s charming, clever, and sweet, with distinctly expensive good looks, fine features and black hair like raven’s feathers. He also happens to be your boyfriend. 
“That means nothing,” Semi says, peering into your face. An uncomfortable chill tickles the back of your neck as you fight the urge to look away. “There are toddlers who can shred Led Zeppelin, but they’re not musicians. They’re puppets controlled by overzealous tiger moms. They can’t take the heat of the real industry.”
“I can take the heat.” Your words bleed out heavy and sharp, a rough gash through the palpably thick tension. Fingernails leaving painful half-moons on your palms, you clench and unclench your fists down at your sides. “And I can sure as hell shred better than any toddler.”
For a split second, surprise flashes across Semi’s face, only to be quickly replaced by a wry smile. “Brave.” 
You stare at him, lips sucked in and eyes narrowed as Akamine slings an arm over your shoulders and presses a kiss to your temples. 
“See?” he says with a laugh. “She’s talented, capable, and brave.”
“Well,” says Semi, drawing the word out. He cocks his head, giving you one last hard once-over, before extending a hand for a firm shake. “We’ll see. I’ll give you two months. A trial.” 
You accept this compromise, returning the shake. Semi’s still skeptical, you can tell, but you make a vow to yourself — you’re about to blow this sonuvabitch out of the water. As Akamine crows in delight, Semi’s eyes don’t leave yours. 
Good luck, they seem to be saying. You’ll need it. 
You smile, and he smiles back. 
I won’t. 
Semi’s a phenomenal bassist. When you’d first started dating Akamine and he’d just joined Semi’s band, he could scarcely shut up about it — “His name’s Semi Eita, and I swear he’s got magic in those fingers, babe.” 
Well, Semi Eita’s about to be dethroned, because your fingers are magic, too. 
For those two months, you’re the band’s lead guitarist, and you pass Semi’s test with flying colors. It takes a couple weeks to fall into step with the other guys — Semi on bass, Akamine on drums, and a quiet college kid called Yasuda on keys — but you’re a quick study, and soon you’re a cornerstone, expertly weaving searing arpeggios of dashed dreams and fiery hopes up and down the band’s underlying tunes. 
(You should’ve seen it coming.)
You and Semi somehow become co-songwriters. He has a knack for melodies, and you have a knack for lyrics. Akamine doesn’t seem to mind the long hours you spend in Semi’s company, working in a whirlwind of messy notes and empty energy drink cans — he trusts you. 
(Sometimes you feel like maybe he shouldn’t.)
“What do you think of this?” Semi says, idly twirling a pencil between his fingers. It’s 10pm on a Friday night, and you’re stretched out on his couch, inhaling chow mein from a greasy paper box. “For the second verse, I mean.” 
“Lemme see,” you say around a mouthful of noodles, snatching the paper from his hand. You furrow your brow. “‘Tear me open like a scarlet letter, cruelly addressed ‘return to sender…’’ Jeez, Semi. Who hurt you?” 
Semi scowls. “It’s a breakup song, isn’t it? It’s supposed to hurt.” 
“You might consider being a little more… subtle,” you suggest, offering him a fortune cookie. He takes it and sets it aside.
“Heartbreak isn’t subtle,” he says, shooting you a look that speaks of throbbing phantom wounds. “It cuts deep. All the way down to the heart. Hence the name heartbreak.” 
“Wow. I had no idea,” you say drily. You swing your legs over the couch and sit upright, snatching his pencil. “I just think we should tackle this with nuance, not just write another ‘eff you’ ballad.” 
“This world can always use another ‘eff you’ ballad,” Semi says humorlessly, resting his chin in his hand. 
You regard his suddenly silent demeanor as he stares, unseeing, out the window. It’s dark outside, and it’s a darkness that speaks less of peaceful sleep and more of emptiness. 
You sigh, nudging him with your foot. “What was her name?” 
“Her name. This demon of a girl that hurt you so badly.” 
For a moment, it seems he’s going to argue, to deny ever being afflicted with something so childish as lovesickness. Then he runs a defeated hand through his hair and shakes his head, laughing. “You’re too curious for your own good.”
You wait. There’s a brief, uncomfortable silence as Semi chews his lip.
“...Her name was Aiko,” he says finally, inspecting his nails with a faux nonchalance. “Smokin’ hot. Met her in music school three or so years ago, I think — she was a TA, a few years older than I was.”
“Older women, huh?” you tease. This is new territory — you’re dipping a toe into the forbidden arena of flirtation. A shadow of guilt creeps into the back of your mind as you think of Akamine, but the bright light of Semi’s crooked grin swiftly flushes it away.
“Yeah,” he says, leaning over to flick your leg. “I don’t date babies like you.” 
“Maybe you should consider it,” you say, unthinking. Semi stares at you, eyebrow raised, and you flush, frantically backtracking. “Not me specifically. I’m just saying — well, I mean, ‘cause this Aiko chick was such a bad time and everything.” 
“If you have a crush on me, just admit it,” Semi says. You’re sure it’s meant to come across jokingly, but the way he’s eyeing you twists your stomach into a pleasurable knot. Then he sighs, leaning back on his arms. “She was a great time, actually. It’s the ending that sucked ass.” 
The question lingers at the tip of your tongue, hesitant like an ill-trained acrobat, but before it even attempts the leap, Semi answers.
“It burned.” He looks straight at you, and you can taste the bitterness in his words. “It burned, and not a day goes by that I can’t remember how awful it felt.” 
That’s the first of the many secrets you trade with him. 
Later that night, you tell Semi about your first kiss, about how the recipient smelled like Old Spice and tasted like chapstick, how he walked you to your front door and introduced himself to your mom. About how he took your virginity six months later, and how you soon realized there are some things in life you don’t get an exchange receipt for. 
Semi tells you his favorite color is green, and that outer space scares him more than anything. (He doesn’t like thinking about life in other galaxies because he can hardly handle thinking about life right here.)
You tell him you like milk tea with 75% sweetness, and he promises he’ll take you to his favorite cafe sometime. (“Not a date,” he assures you, and you internally scold yourself for wishing it was one.)
He says he once accidentally kicked a stray cat while trying to find a volleyball he lost in the bushes near his house, and that’s why he considers himself a cat person now: as repentance. (He has a pet cat called Haru, and he shows you a picture — Haru is small and black with bright yellow eyes. You say he’s cute, but Semi corrects you: “Not cute. Fierce.”) 
You say you used to wish life had a restart button, so you could turn back time and dance through each year without making a single mistake.
Semi says he still wishes that. 
(Another thing they don’t tell you is how secrets are really currency. Secrets can’t help but pay for familiarity, and familiarity often leads to something more.)
It’s a couple weeks later when you have your first gig. It’s at a bar downtown, and Yasuda nabs fakes for you and Akamine, though you don’t plan on drinking. Not much, anyways. 
(Speaking of Akamine, your relationship with him has grown strained over the past month. He’s stretched himself thin between the band and his business degree, and you — well, whenever your phone pings, you can’t stop hoping it’s from Semi.)
Five minutes before show time, Semi turns to you, eyes wide. “We don’t have a band name.” 
“We don’t have a band name.” He looks around, frantically trying to draw inspiration from something in the dimly lit bar. “Quick, think of something.” 
So you think for a moment, chewing your inner cheek, before reaching out and tugging on Semi’s sleeve. “Paper.”
Paper is fragile, it’s thin, it’s easy to come by. But it’s also a world of potential on one sheet, a story waiting to be written. 
When the bar owner walks onto the stage and introduces the band, you know you’ve made the right decision. And from the glittering smile Semi flashes you before nodding at Akamine to count you in, you know he thinks so too. 
The show goes on without a hitch, and even though the bar is far from packed, you’re just as proud as you’d be playing in a stadium of screaming fans. The air smells of stale whiskey and fresh beginnings, and as your fingers dance up and down your Gibson’s fretboard, you hear colors — rich teal, smooth mahogany, creamy gold and silver brighter than the stars. Akamine keeps the rhythm like a war drum, and Semi, as always, is perfect. Yasuda, doubling as the main vocalist, sings until his voice gets wonderfully low and raspy, keyboard taking some of the heat as he grins back at you, mouthing how badly his throat hurts.
You’re sweaty when the set’s done, and Akamine buys you a drink, giving you a quick, half-hearted kiss and a tired smile.
Akamine’s always been kind to you.
“I gotta go,” he says, squeezing your hand. “Essay due tomorrow at ten.” 
He looks so genuinely sorry to leave, you almost feel guilty. 
You’re packing up your amps into the back of Semi’s van, alone in the parking lot save for the moon many miles above, hanging bright and full in a clear sky. The moon has seen all your most indulgent sins, and she’s going to see one more tonight.
“You did well.” Semi heaves the last of the equipment into his truck before turning to you, wiping his palms on his jeans. “Consider me impressed.”
“Why, thank you,” you say, giving him a mock bow. “So glad I’ve finally managed to impress the Semi Eita.” 
He regards you for a moment, arms crossed. A small sigh escapes his lips. It’s both a sigh of resignation and one of anticipation. 
Then, in one smooth motion, he steps close, reaches out, and pulls you close by the waist. 
You stare up at him, all too aware of the heat radiating from his body. His skin is burning, and his cologne is different from Akamine’s — it’s not expensive, it’s not a multilayered, deep, woody scent. It’s cheap, the sort of cologne a struggling musician can afford, but it smells of home.
“Forgive me for what I’m about to do,” he whispers, sliding a hand up your jaw to cup your face. His hair glows silver and ghostly under the streetlamps. 
“And what are you about to do?” Your voice is deadly quiet, and your chest feels a deathly cold despite Semi’s proximity, refusing to thaw as you await his answer. 
“Kiss you absolutely senseless.” 
Semi’s never been one to make empty promises, and right now is no exception. He presses his lips to yours and you immediately melt into his arms, suddenly craving him and only him. You’re not entirely sure how you’ve managed to avoid devouring him whole up until this point, because he kisses like Eros, full of pomegranate seeds and crimson blossoms, of days spent in clandestine bliss. He kisses like a man on death row, desperate and longing, hands squeezing your waist like your body is his only anchor to life itself. 
Semi Eita wants to be a rockstar, but right now he’s just a boy kissing a girl he’s bound to fall deeply, inexplicably in love with. 
When he finally breaks away, you’re breathless, staring up at him like you’ve just seen an angel. Your hands are still curled in the front of his shirt, you’re still standing on tiptoe, lips just inches from his. 
“Semi…” You swallow hard. “Akamine’s a good guy… I can’t.”
Semi tenses his jaw, taking a finger to lift your chin. “Then why are you looking at me like that?” 
Your voice is barely above a whisper. “Like what?”
“Like you’re hungry.” 
He’s got you there. 
You’re standing on a balance beam splitting two vastly different worlds. On one side there’s the known: Akamine and his bright, blue-eyed optimism, his willingness to shoulder burdens he shouldn’t have to. There’s his sweet touch and soft kisses, his firm words of reassurance and his sunny laughter shedding light on your hidden depths. 
The known is comforting. It’s familiar. 
But on the other side… there’s the unknown. There’s Semi Eita in all his scalded glory, his sharp tongue and headstrong determination. There’s his burning touch, his fingers leaving scorch marks on your cheek and his lips depositing glowing embers in your mouth, ready to ignite at a single inflammatory word. There’s his moonstone enigma, the shadow underlying his every sentence like smudged eyeliner. 
The unknown is frightening, almost overwhelmingly so… but there’s something in you, something willful and terribly thirsty, that draws you to this unknown and the possibility of knowing it. 
“Because I am.” 
And you grab his face and pull it down to yours, impatient, frustrated by months of dancing around that painfully tangible attraction, that magnetism — finally, you allow yourself to fall, hurtling through a chasm of fallen stars and ancient suns, hanging on to nothing but Semi and his carefully guarded secrets. 
You kiss him hard, pouring your soul into his mouth, all your youthful doubt and hope. You knot your fingers in his hair, and he pulls you into his chest, pressing your body so close it’s as if he wants to make it a part of himself. 
And when you part for the second time, chest heaving, you know you’ve fallen completely, entirely, without a doubt. 
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eberles · 4 years
Jamie Oleksiak
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Request: Hello!:) Can you write something (super) sad with Jamie Oleksiak? I don’t have a specific idea in my mind so I’d like to leave it up to you completely if that’s okay 💕
A/N: officially the longest thing i’ve ever written coming in at 5300 words!! based this fic off of The Vow, so it’s sad but not like sad sad. i hope you enjoy it i feel like this is one of my best works so hopefully you guys think so too! 🥰 italics = flashback
Warnings: angst, sad, mentions of car accidents & hospitals
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Every Friday you and Jamie had a date night, it was the one night a week the two of you could wind down with each other and you never missed it unless Jamie was on a roadie. This Friday you guys went to your favorite restaurant and saw a movie after, the movie was some stupid romantic comedy and in all it’s cheesy glory it had the two of you laughing all the way to the car after the movie. It was a fairly hot night in Dallas, both you and Jamie wearing shorts and light t-shirts, walking back to the car hand in hand at around 11 PM. 
“AC, I need the AC.” you groaned, buckling your seatbelt, not even in the car for a whole minute before complaining about the horrible heat. 
“Don’t pressure her, it takes a few minutes.” Jamie spoke, softly patting the steering wheel as if to give the car some comfort after your harsh tone towards “her.” You laughed, putting up your hands in surrender as Jamie buckled his seatbelt and began pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road. It was fairly quiet tonight in Dallas not many cars on the road, so you and Jamie decided to have some fun and sing along to the radio at full blast not having a care in the world. Pulling up to a stop sign, you looked around before turning the music down and undoing your seatbelt, smirking at your husband in the driver's seat. 
“You know, i’ve always wanted to get knocked up in a car.” you whispered as seductively as possible, Jamie smiling at you, his eyes going wide once he realized, and you took no time to lean over the center console and press your lips against his. Tonight was supposed to be like every other Friday night, dinner, movie, sex, it sounded simple, but it was truthfully all you wanted and everything you looked forward to during the week. Tonight ended differently than your other Friday night dates, only a few seconds into kissing and there wasn’t anything to stop what happened next. You never predicted for your once blissfully in love moment to be completely ruined within a matter of seconds. You couldn’t have predicted the drunk driver speeding up behind you and shoving your car full force through the intersection. Yet it happened. With your seatbelt undone the collision caused you to go right through the front windshield, your head suffering most of the damages as you landed on the hood unconscious.
Everyone’s life was based on moments and how one decision you make could impact you for the rest of your life, no matter how big or small. Jamie felt that meeting you was one of life’s greatest joys, he knew the second he saw you that you were meant to be, that you were his one true love. Jamie used the one opportunity he was given to talk to you and he knew it would change his life forever. 
-4 years ago-
Jamie couldn’t stop staring at the back of your head from a few feet away from you in line at his favorite coffee shop. You paid the barista and said “thank you” before turning around with your drink and walking passed Jamie, stopping at the door briefly to turn and look back at him realizing that he was already looking at you with a small smirk. You gave him a smile and continued out the door and made it the short distance to where your car was parked. 
“Ugh!” you groaned, turning around almost bumping into Jamie who came walking up behind you with a small bag in his hand. 
“You forgot your bagel.” Jamie smiled, handing you the bag feeling giddy inside that he was given the opportunity to talk to you. 
“Thank you, you’d think I would remember my breakfast after spending 20 minutes waiting for it.” you laughed, looking up at his broad figure just now noticing how tall he really is. 
“Yea, it’s what i’m here for.” Jamie said, mentally face palming at the corny line he just gave you. 
“Um, i’m Y/N.” you reached your hand out to him, and noticed a small blush on his face. 
“Jamie.” he shook your hand, both of you laughing awkwardly and pulling away from each other.
“Well, thank you for this.” you said, opening your car door handle.
“You know, um, I noticed that we have the same coffee order.” Jamie mumbled, and you turned back to look at him, a smirk showing on your face. 
“Is that so?” 
“Yup.” Jamie nodded his head, as if to confirm it and you could already feel the butterflies bubbling in your stomach. 
“How intimate.” you giggled, keeping your eyes on his and noticing how the squint when he smiles.
“I was thinking, we should drink our coffees together. You know, to create a bond over our joint tastes...in coffee.” Jamie said, looking down at you and giving his award winning smile. You agreed closing your car door, the two of you walking back into Weekend Coffee together. You grabbed a table while Jamie ordered his coffee and pastry, coming back to the table and telling you he swears by their pastries. It took Jamie all of about 5 minutes to fall in love with you and you with him. The next few months were spent getting to know each other and falling for each other's quirks and habits. 
Jamie woke up in the hospital with virtually no injuries having to listen to the doctor explain to him that his wife was in a medically induced coma. He sat by your side as often as he could and made sure to place your wedding band on your finger where it belongs. Jamie replayed the significant moments in your relationship in his head while he sat by you. 
“Babe, you can’t keep doing that.” Jamie walked outside to where you were crouched over a grey cat giving him some food to eat. 
“I know, but I love him.” you frowned, going back inside his apartment.
“I can’t keep him though, I'm allergic.” Jamie mentioned, and you knew that already, but the poor cat having to stay outside in the heat made your heart ache. 
“Do you want some fruit? I bought it this morning.” you pulled the bowl of fresh fruit out of Jamie’s refrigerator and looked at him while he just smiled at you. Jamie, in those moments, confirmed the thoughts he’d been having for a while now. “What?”
“I want you to move in.” Jamie continued looking at you as he flipped the pancakes he was making for breakfast and you gasped.
“Yes!” you put the fruit down on the counter, coming up behind Jamie and pulling him away from the stove to give him a kiss. 
Jamie smiled at the memory, and looked over at you with a tear in his eye. You had a tube down your throat connected to a ventilator to help you breathe and he couldn’t get over the sight. He blinked back the tears and put his head in his hands thinking about your wedding. 
“I vow to always love you, and always try the new pastry flavors at the cafe, no matter how weird they may be.” you said looking up into Jamie’s eyes, making him and both your friends laugh at your vow to him. 
“You wrote your vows on a Weekend Coffee menu?” Jamie asked, noticing the paper in your hand and you smiled shyly holding it up over your face. Jamie held the same menu up with his vows on it and you both laughed in shock. “Okay, I vow to love every bit of you, now and forever. I promise that no matter what gets in our way, we will always find our way back to each other.” Jamie said, promising his love to you in every way as long as you were both alive. 
“Do you take each other as man and wife?” 
“I do.” Jamie said proudly, a wide smile covering his face.
“I do.” you smiled just as big, letting a happy laugh leave your throat as you said it. The wedding was small, just having Jamie’s bestest friends there who grew to be your friends as well over the years and you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
A few days later you started breathing on your own so the doctors removed you from the ventilator and told Jamie you should be waking up soon and you did. The nurse told Jamie to give you some space when you woke up, knowing that you wouldn’t be fully coherent and probably scared.
“Hey.” Jamie whispered from the end of your hospital bed, seeing the eyes he fell in love with finally flutter open. You looked around the room feeling confused and avoiding eye contact with Jamie. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Y/N, it’s okay. You’re in the hospital, you were in a car accident, you suffered from some head injuries, but you’re okay.” the nurse explained in a soothing tone.
“Was anyone else hurt, doctor?” you asked softy, looking directly at Jamie and feeling uncomfortable under his confused gaze. 
“What?” Jamie whispered, feeling his voice about to give out. “Y/N, you know who I am right?”
“You’re my doctor.” you stated, and watched as the man in front of you looked at the nurse and back at you before coming to sit in the chair beside you.
“Um, i’m your husband.” Jamie said, reaching for your hand and feeling his heart break when you pulled away from him holding a scared expression on your face. You glanced down at your left hand gasping when you noticed the wedding ring. Jamie walked out of your hospital room with the nurse feeling frustrated as she explained how brain injuries were hard to diagnose because of how unpredictable the brain is. 
“She doesn’t remember me!” Jamie said frustratedly, pulling at the ends of his hair. 
“The swelling in the brain can cause confusion and memory loss sometimes, but it’s normal.” the nurse explained, watching Jamie walk down the hallway of the hospital with tears in his eyes. 
Jamie went home to pack a bag for you and came back to the hospital later that night. He fell asleep laying on a few of the chairs in the waiting room and was woken up by you tapping his shoulder lightly. 
“Hi.” Jamie said sitting up, his voice gravely from the short slumber he was in.
“What are you doing?” you asked, wrapping your hospital robe tighter around your body.
“Sleeping.” Jamie yawned, and you smiled awkwardly before nodding your head. Jamie grabbed the bag he packed for you and moved it closer to you. “I brought you some clothes.”
“Thanks.” you spoke, sitting on one of the chairs next to him. “I’m hungry.” 
“Okay.” Jamie laughed, grabbing your bag and walking with you to the hospital cafeteria. Jamie explained to you that you were a painter and had your own studio and you were shocked to find out you didn’t follow through with going to med school. 
“I remember being in med school and...being engaged to Samuel.” you said, noticing how Jamie put his head down a little. “I just, I don’t know.” you got up from your seat in the cafeteria heading up the stairs hearing Jamie run after you.
“Babe, babe, just wait!” Jamie called after you and you tensed hearing the pet name he used, but stopped on the stairs turning to look at him.
“The best thing you can do is to go back to your life, with me. You heard what the doctor said.” Jamie said, putting emphasis on the word “best.”
“But I don’t know you. So what? I’m just supposed to go back to a stranger's place.”
“It’s our place.” 
“There’s no proof of our love? A journal?” you asked, feeling helpless. Of course, you wanted to believe Jamie was your husband for the right reasons and that you were in love with him, but it was so hard for you. 
The next day you got ready to leave with your parents not feeling like going home with Jamie was even an option at this point. 
“Wait hold on, I have a letter you sent when I was away.” Jamie ran into your room, holding up his phone. “You said you wanted proof.”
Hey baby,
I’m at the studio right now and I miss you so bad these paintings are starting to look like you. I’m sending you a letter because I thought it would be a fun surprise for you on your roadie. I hope it actually makes it to you. Anyways, I love you and I can’t wait to see you when you come home next week.
Love you always,
“Just think about it, you quit med school, you pursued being an artist, you moved to Dallas. These are all things you did way before meeting me, you know it to yourself to at least experience the life you set up for yourself.” Jamie said, grabbing onto your hands and pouring his heart into those few sentences. “Come home with me.” 
“I guess I could try it out, to see if it will help my memory. If it doesn’t work out, i’ll come home.” you turned to look at your parents as you spoke and your parents understood. They loved Jamie and just wanted the best for you. You drove home with Jamie taking everything from Dallas in on your ride from the hospital. You spent the night looking around your shared apartment at the pictures and smelling the perfumes you had on your vanity. Nothing felt familiar when you went to sleep alone, Jamie sleeping on the living room couch. 
When you woke up you took a shower and came out disturbed to find out you had a tattoo of a bird on your shoulder, and changed into an oversized sweatshirt before going into the kitchen area where Jamie was.
“You look nice.” Jamie said, smirking slightly, taking in your interesting clothing choices.
“Really? This is the only thing of mine I feel comfortable in.” you said, hugging the material around your body awkwardly. 
“That’s mine actually.” Jamie laughed, pointing to the Stars logo on the front and you laughed while apologizing and he assured you it was okay that you wear it. Jamie went to practice and you managed to find the video of your wedding chuckling at your corny vows and tears up at Jamie’s. You noticed the name of the cafe on the menus and decided to go there for the afternoon. 
The next few weeks went by as seamlessly as they could when you’re suffering from amnesia. You and Jamie made small talk in the mornings and at night before retreating to your own beds. Nothing felt normal for you, but you were trying everyday to discover new things around the apartment that might jog your memory while Jamie was at practice. Today you were feeling curious about your old life and Samuel and how things ended between the two of you when you remember being so blissfully in love with him. You called your mom and asked where he worked so you could visit him and although she was hesitant on telling you she eventually gave you the information. You took a short bus ride to locate his office building that he worked at and asked the receptionist to show you where his office is. 
“Hi.” you said walking into his office, smiling widely when he turned to look at you and you realized he hadn’t changed a bit. 
“Y/N.” Samuel said, shocked to see you standing in his office after no many years apart. You explained to him what happened with the car accident and how the last thing you remember is being with him. 
“Can you please explain what happened with us?” you asked, shifting in your seat across from him in his office. 
“Only you would dump a guy and then come back and ask for answers.” Samuel said, fidgeting with the pen on his desk. “A cruel, pre wedding dumping.” 
“Why?” you asked, genuinely confused not fathoming why you would call off your wedding to the guy sitting in front of you.
“You just changed. You weren’t sure about med school anymore, and you really weren’t sure about me.” Samuel explained. “It’s okay though, i’ve been with Rose for about a year now.”
“Right.” you shook your head slightly disappointed that the guy you last remember loving had moved on from you. 
“I couldn’t wait forever, Y/N.” you nodded your head agreeing with him and stood up to leave. 
“I’ll let you get back to work.” you said, both of you going in for a hug, something you hadn’t felt in ages. Feeling Samuel’s arms wrap around your waist made you pull back to look at him before leaning in to kiss him with your hands cupping his cheeks. “I’m sorry.” you said, pulling away and walking out the door. 
The next day you woke up ready to explore a different part of your new life that you hadn’t yet understood. The artist side. The last time you wanted to be an artist you were in high school so owning your own studio and actually selling paintings to people was one of the biggest things you had to wrap your mind around. 
“I’m ready to see the studio.” you said at breakfast with Jamie, hoping he would take you there and show you around. 
“Yea? Alright! We’ll go after this.” Jamie said excitedly, ready to show you a huge part of who you were. It was a short walk from your apartment so after breakfast the two of you went there and Jamie unlocked the doors for you. 
“This is it.” he said, opening the door and letting you inside first to take everything in. “It’s cool right?”
“Wow.” you said slowly walking around the room, looking at all of your art supplies and paintings all over the room. 
“You used to come in here and blast the music and get so lost in your art.” Jamie explained, watching you look around at everything, stopping to touch a few of the pieces you had on the walls. Jamie handed you a paintbrush when you stopped in front of your latest unfinished piece and you hesitated before taking it. “Go ahead.”
“I don’t really know what i’m doing.” you felt panicked and insecure in those moments, with Jamie watching over you knowing he wanted nothing more than to know you still remember how to make art. 
“Hold on.” Jamie said, running over to the stereo you had in the corner of the room and turning it up loudly before walking back to you with a big smile on his face. “Just try it.”
“Can you just turn the music down please?” you asked, voice shaky feeling anxiety erupt in your stomach and spread all over your body. 
“I swear you used to listen to it way louder than this-” 
“I have a clinically bad fucking headache! Please turn it down!” you threw the paintbrush, yelling over the music at Jamie and rubbing your temples. Jamie turned off the music, feeling anger bubbling up inside of him. He didn’t want to blow up on you, but he wanted you to realize it was hard for him too.
“I’m trying to help you! We don’t speak to each other like this, Y/N. This is difficult for me too.” Jamie explained, before turning around and walking out of your studio. After he left you spent some more time looking around before going back to your apartment. Jamie went for a walk and stopped at your favorite takeout place before returning home to you. 
“Y/N?” Jamie called out, not seeing you in the living room.
“I’m in here.” you responded, and Jamie walked into your bedroom seeing you packing a bag. “My sister is getting married soon and I just feel like I should be there for her. She has an engagement party coming up so I want to help her with that.” 
“Okay, but what about your life here?” Jamie asked, watching you walk around your room grabbing more things to pack away.
“I don’t know, I just- I can’t do it.” you said. “I’m sorry, it’s just going to be until after the wedding.” 
You invited Jamie to your sister’s engagement party, per your family's request, and against your sisters. Your sister never minded Jamie, but she always preferred you with Samuel, since she was the reason you guys had met in the first place. Your parents insisted on Jamie being a part of this event, not as your date, but just so he could feel welcome in this aspect of your life since it was new for all of you.
“Y/N!” Jamie said, spotting you once he entered the backyard to where the party was happening.
“Jamie! You made it!” you said, walking over to him and noticing his suit. “You look nice.”
“I was thinking that we should try a new method. We should start from the beginning, and I would like to take you on a date.” 
“A date?” you asked, feeling uneasy at his question when you looked behind him briefly noticing Samuel. “I don’t know, the weddings coming up-”
“But if we go before that, you could still take me as your date.” Jamie said, smirking. Suddenly feeling smooth and confident with his choice of words. 
“Okay. A date.” you nodded your head in agreement, smiling widely up at Jamie before both of your attentions got turned to some toasts being made. 
A few days later and Jamie was getting ready for his date with you. He picked you up at your sister’s house, just outside of Dallas. 
“Where are we going?” you asked curiously, noticing that Jamie was driving back into the city. 
“It’s a surprise.” Jamie said, and not long after you made it to your first destination which was parked on the side of the road, you knew it looked familiar from the day you explored on your own, but you couldn’t pinpoint it. “This is the exact spot where we first met. I’m gonna take you down memory lane.” 
You guys got out of the car and headed into Weekend Coffee where Jamie brought you to the table you first sat at together and left to go up and get you the same order you both had that day. 
“This is my favorite pastry of all time and the day we met I forced you to try it.” Jamie said, sliding the pastry over to you for you to try. You took a small bite and moaned in satisfaction making both of you laugh at your reaction.
“It’s amazing!” you took another bite, and listened as Jamie explained to you how you always order that pastry and whatever new flavor they have that time and split them. The next stop on Jamie’s list was the rink where the Stars practice and also where he taught you how to skate very quickly into your relationship. 
“What do you think?” Jamie asked, handing you a sweatshirt to wear while you're inside the rink.
“Um, I can’t skate. I’ll eat ice.” you said, shaking your head and Jamie laughed throwing his head back.
“I got you, don’t worry.” Jamie said, finishing the laces on his skates before kneeling down to help you tie yours the proper way for them to be secure on your feet. Jamie stood up on his skates and walked towards the opening of the rink before turning to look at you. You nodded slowly wobbling behind him, and watching as he expertly took his place on the ice.
“Hold my hand.” you shrieked, holding both your hands out for him to take. Jamie grabbed a hold of your hands and led you onto the ice, but he quickly moved his hands to your waist to help stabilize you.
After a little while of him holding you tightly, you hadn’t realized when he started pulling away from you and you were skating on your own. You gasped realizing he was watching you from about a foot away and that caused you to lose your balance. You felt your skates come up from under you and you closed your eyes bracing yourself for the fall, but it never came jamie saving the fall, holding you in his arms.
“Oh my god! I thought I was gonna die!” you yelped, and looked up at Jamie seeing him smiling down at you.
“I think you learned even quicker this time around.” Jamie smirked, standing you up straight  on your skates. The two of you wrapped up the lesson and made your way back out to his car.
“Kiss me.” you said to Jamie once both of you were in the car. Jamie looked at you with wide eyes and you were already smiling confidently at him. 
“Are you sure?” Jamie asked, already starting to lean into you and you nodded your head yes before pulling him in by the back of the neck. Jamie put everything he had in that kiss and you could feel all his emotions pouring into it. 
“This is nice.” you said, pulling away with a smile on your lips. Jamie nodded, leaning in to kiss you again, finally letting himself feel safe in your embrace because for the first time in months he felt close to you again. You pulled apart both of you breathing heavy and your faces flushed and Jamie drove you back to your sisters house and of course, walked you to the door like a gentleman. 
“I miss you. I miss us. I love you.” Jamie said, and you gave him a sad smile before looking around to avoid meeting his gaze.
“I should get inside. Goodnight Jamie.” you walked into the house, giving him a small smile before closing the door. When you walked inside your sister was sitting on the couch watching tv and waiting for you. 
“Hey! Were you out with Samuel?” your sister asked excited. 
“No, I was with Jamie. I like him.” you smiled, trying to fight off the tears beginning to pool in your eyes, but that didn’t help and they came rushing down your face.
A few days later and it was your sister's wedding, you didn’t bring Jamie as your date knowing that it wouldn’t be fair to him to give him that kind of hope. Jamie kept his distance with you, not wanting to overwhelm you with his presence at the reception. 
“Hey, you want me to introduce you to people. Can’t feel good to be the one left out.” Samuel said, coming over to where Jamie was standing at the bar.
“I’m not the one left out.” Jamie said confidently. 
“If you say so. You just seem weird over here all by yourself.” Samuel laughed, getting his drink from the bartender. 
“I’m just waiting for Y/N.” Jamie said, slight irritation in his tone of voice
“Good luck with that.” Samuel said, starting to walk away from the bar.
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” Jamie asked, before Samuel could get too far away. “Y/N leaves you, has a whole life without you with some new guy that's different and now you get to watch her reject all of that.”
“I like it a little bit, I guess.” Samuel smirked, a condescending chuckle falling from his lips. 
“You wanna know what I like? I like that Y/N told me everything about you, that when she was with you she’d wake up at night panicking thinking, ‘is this all there is?’” Jamie said, taking a sip from his drink.
“She told you everything?” Samuel asked, a smile on his face. “Did she tell you that she kissed me a few weeks ago?” 
“Look, you obviously love her and think that you're gonna get her back, but she outgrew you. It’ll probably happen again, man.” Jamie said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Well, i’ll be sure to think about that when i’m in bed with your wife.” Samuel said, and that was the final straw for Jamie as he threw a punch to his face knocking Samuel to the ground. 
“Jamie!” you yelled, running over and seeing Samuel on the ground. Jamie turned to look at you and ran after you. 
“What was that?” you felt Jamie coming up behind you so you stopped short turning around once you were out of earshot from everyone. 
“I’ve been driving myself crazy trying everything possible to save us and you’ve been kissing Samuel?” Jamie said, frustration hitting him like a brick. 
“That’s not fair!” you said, looking up at Jamie.
“No? I see the way you look at him, it’s the same way you used to look at me.” Jamie whispered, looking at the ground and back up at you. “Your memory’s not coming back. I’m a stranger.”
“I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to hurt you Jamie. I’m so tired of disappointing you.” you let the tears fall down your face freely.
“I know. How do you look at the girl you love and tell yourself it’s time to leave?”Jamie asked, before turning and walking away from you. 
9 Months Later
You were finally getting around to unpack your things from Jamie’s apartment. You hadn’t realized the last box was holding something very near and dear to your heart. It was your wedding vows, the ones written on Weekend Coffee menus. 
“I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness, and to have the patients that love demands.” you read the menu outloud, feeling a pang in your chest and your breath hitch in your throat. You decided to take a ride to the small cafe where everything started, upon arriving you saw Jamie outside the doors reading the “closed” sign on the glass. Jamie turned, walking away from the door and doing a double take as he saw you approaching and stopped in his tracks.
“Hi.” Jamie said, walking closer to meet you halfway on the sidewalk.
“Hi.” you responded, both of you stopping in front of each other.
“I hope you didn’t come all the way to the city for a pastry.” Jamie said, turning to look back at the sign.
“Actually, I moved back here six months ago.” you said, smiling up at Jamie.
“Really? That’s great.” 
“I’ve actually started to paint again.”
“That’s amazing!” 
“It’s crazy what my hands remember, that my mind forgot you know?” you said, gesturing to your head as you spoke. “So, thank you.”
“Wasn’t me.” Jamie said, shaking his head noticing the tears pooling in your eyes.
“Yes it was. You did everything. You never wanted anything but the best for me.” you said, reassuring Jamie, wiping the tears that started to fall down your face.
“I just wanted you to be happy.” Jamie confirmed. 
“Isn’t there somewhere we used to go when this place closed?” you asked, smirking at Jamie hoping he’s getting the hint that you want to go out with him. 
“Yea, let’s go.” Jamie said, both of you walking the same direction. Jamie smiling down at you when you reached for his hand. 
You never regained your memory, but the love between you and Jamie was true, it was real and raw and able to be felt no matter what forces were between you. It was a love that anyone could feel being in the same room as you, it was kind, patient, and honest. 
taglist: @sortagaysortahigh​ @sweeterthansammy​ @butgilinsky​ @kiedhara​ @taiter-tots​ @jjmaybanksbaby​ @jamiedrysdales​ @ana-maa​ @iamtheblondestblonde​ @elitebarzal​ @softboybarzal​ @himbos-on-ice​ @bestestbenn​ @dreamypeaches​ @mycaptaintazer​ @dunnerbarzal​ @matbarzall​ @sidscrosbyy​ @calgarycanuck​ @celestialblae​ @jackiesquinn​​
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pockyxx · 4 years
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“ kitty-cat cafe ”
kuroo x reader 
genre: fluff. (kuroo’s s/o works at a cat cafe, he finds out.)
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With your boyfriend’s birthday coming up you desperately wanted to buy him something nice but at the same time you were broke. You’d gone back and forth with newspaper ads, looking for the best place to work that would also fit in with your school schedule. 
So, when a position for a waitress at a cafe just a quick train ride from your house and a flexible schedule-- it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Not to mention the pay was great. 
The job was never suppose to be permanent, and you knew that which was your subconscious reason to not tell Kuroo. It just seem too complicated to tell him about it. 
He’d ask questions like: why do you even need a job? Or he’d mention something about the required attire for the job. It was the only downside; having to wear a maid-like costume along with a cat tail and a cat ear head band. 
The school day was over and looking down at your watch your shift started in just over thirty minutes, which gave you plenty of time to get there and to get into uniform. 
“Hey kitten, you staying to watch the practice match?” Tetsuro asked, slinging his arm over your shoulders, stopping you from making your way to the train station. 
It had been apparent how much you’d been absent at his practices and it made you feel awful but then again, you weren’t going to tell him about your employment. 
“I’m sorry babe but I can’t today, I, uh, have to help my grandma with house chores.” That had been one of your more convinent excuses since Kuroo had already met your grandmother before. 
He sighed before letting you leave but not without a kiss to your forehead. Pressing your lips as you walked to the train stop, all you could think about was Kuroo’s disappointing expression. 
It’s only for a couple more week, you reminded yourself. His birthday was just around the corner. 
“Hello Master, welcome to the kitty-cat cafe!” You flashed a fake smile at one of the customers as you ushered him to a table, offering a menu, “i’m y/n so if you need anything, I’ll be here to serve you.” 
Even though you had a cheerful tone, you felt absolutely exhausted and just wanted to go home and sleep. Only two more hours left on your shift, though, so that was a positive. 
Running back from the kitchen to the tables, you’d received a great sum of tips although it didn’t make up for the aching in your feet. The shift was nearing it’s end and there was just one more table you needed to wait on before heading home. 
“Welcome Master, to the kitty-cat cafe! I hope you’ve had a paw-some day!” You’d been sorting menu’s in front of your face and didn’t notice who was sitting in front of you until it was the moment to introduce yourself. 
“Y/n?” The quiet voice asked, tone dripping with shock. Your mouth falling open, you looked down to see Nekoma’s second year setting staring right back up at you. 
“Kenma?!” You almost screamed but managed to keep your voice low to not cause a sense, “what are you doing here?” Your tone was snappy. He looked at you, then to his surroundings, like it was a trick question. 
“I was getting a video game from the store down the street and I wanted to eat something.” He took the menu that you’d just laid down into his head, “what are you doing here?” 
Groaning and pinching your nose, you realized you’d have no choice but to explain to not only Kenma but inevitably to Kuroo. 
“I’m trying to save up some money-- mostly to buy Tetsu a gift for his birthday.” You mentioned. 
“So I guess he doesn’t know about... this.” He was referring to the frilly outfit you had. Nodding, you looked down at your feet, almost shamefully. 
“The gift is suppose to be a surprise. So I didn’t really want to tell him so if you could-” 
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him.” A wave of relief washed over you at the pudding head’s promise.  “Now can I have an apple pie?” You gave him a genuine smile before going back to the kitchen to take his order. 
It was a Friday afternoon and coach Nekomata had let them have a rest day, considering how hard they’d been working the whole week. It was also a day you had to work a double shift. 
“Kuroo, you don’t have to come with me to the game shop.” Kenma insisted, knowing that you’d be close by and he respected the promise he’d made you just a week earlier. 
Kuroo frowned as they took their seats on the bus. They’d planned to hang out in the evening so he didn’t understand why Kenma didn’t want him around. 
“But I want to look for something in that shop too, I heard they’re selling periodic tables with studio ghibli characters on it so I want to check it out.” He turned his head from the setter. 
Kenam huffed, leaning back in the train seat, trying to focus on the level he was playing on his switch while also coming up with an excuse to ditch Kuroo. 
“I just want to go alone.” He muttered, eyes shutting at the ‘defeat’ written on his screen. He looked up at the raven haired boy, “I need to go alone... for personal reasons.” 
Kuroo’s mouth dropped into an ‘o’ shape as he started to connect dots that weren’t really there. He smirked down at his junior, 
“Kenma, are you meeting a someone there?” He wiggled his eyebrows, teasing his friend, only to receive a dirty look from him. Rolling his eyes Kenma knew that he’d just have to take a risk. 
Kenma help his breath walking past the kitty-cat cafe, hoping Kuroo would pay no mind to it and thankfully he didn’t. At least the first time they passed it.  
Now, it was nearing evening and the two had spent their day at the video game store only to walk past the cafe on their way to the train station. 
“Kenma, I’m hungry, why don’t we stop and have something to eat?” 
“I’m not hungry.” He quickly shot back, trying not to seem extremely suspicious. Although Kuroo wasn’t buying any of it. 
“I doubt you’ve anything to eat besides this place looks...” He dragged off looking through the window of the cafe. His eyes then proceeded to widen, feeling his mind go blank as he saw one worker in particular. 
“Is that?.. y/n?” He turned to Kenma who was avoiding eye contact, he really didn’t want to get involved in your relationship drama. “Oh my gosh, it is.” He stated, slowly walking to the door the the cafe, he needed an explanation. 
They were greeted by a different girl as Kuroo noticed you slip back to the kitchen, not sure if you had seen him walk in. 
“Hello Master, welcome to the kitty-cat cafe!“ The waitress introduced. Kuroo’s heart sped up, is that what you said to every customer who walked in? As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he got a little jealous. “Someone will be back shortly to take your orders.” 
The boys sat down at a booth, Kenma unbothered while Kuroo rested his head in his palm, mind racing on what he was going to say to you. He didn’t even know how to properly react to this situation, it seemed like something out of a girly manga. 
While on the other end, you were walking up to the table you were suppose to wait on when he recognized two familiar sets of hair. Your heart stopped. You turned, shaking your head, not believing what was happening. 
“Hana, I’m not feeling well I think I need to leave early.” You lied as your coworker looked at you and then back to the customers. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. 
You went and sat by the back door, bringing your legs in your chest. It felt awful having to lie to Kuroo about your job but it felt even more awful that he had to find out like this-- you were certain he’d seen you, or why else had Kenma willingly come in? 
“Y/n?” You finally break a little bit, tearing up as you covered your face with your hands. Kuroo’s voice was calm given the circumstances. “Are you alright?” 
Shaking your head, you looked up at him, taking a deep breath and standing up. You were still in the cat themed maid outfit, trying to hide your embarrassment. 
“Baby, I can explain honestly.” You put your hands up in defense, sighing in defeat. “This job is only temporary.” 
“I’m not mad that you’re working here, a little upset all these other guys get to see you in such a cute outfit... but I’m just a bit angry that you didn’t tell me.” He stated, it was understandable but you tried to ignore his statement that he was jealous of all the other male costumes (although it would be funny to bring up later). 
“It’s just, I don’t understand why you needed to work, if ever needed something you could’ve come to me. You know how close our families are too.” He was right, you’d known Kuroo since childhood and had been dating him since your last year of middle school. You sniffled, finding your way into his arms. 
“I just needed some money, that’s all.” You whispered, biting your lip you decided it was time to spill the beans. “Truth be told, I just wanted to buy you a nice gift for your birthday. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier” 
He laughed hysterically, pulling away from the hug, hands on your shoulders, scanning your adorable outfit one more time. 
“I think this sight is a gift enough.” He grinned as you fell back onto his chest, cheeks red. He placed a gentle hand on your back. You knew looking back on this moment would make the two of you laugh. 
“I have to go change, my shift is just about over.” You wiped the tear stains away while Kuroo nodded. 
“Come back to the booth with me and Kenma.” He gave you another reassuring smile. You nodded your head, making your way back to the staff room to take off your uniform. 
The night sky was out and it was just you and Kuroo walking along the empty sidewalk on the way to his house. The moon shone brightly and casted beautiful shadows on his face. 
“I just wanted to say sorry again, for everything.” You mentioned to him as he stopped in his tracks, taking your frowning face and cupping it with his hands. He scanned over every part of your face, every curve, freckle and even pimple. 
“Y/n you don’t need to apologize.” He ran his thumb over your blushing cheeks, “it’s okay and honestly, I’d put on a maid costume for your birthday too.” He chuckled as you rolled your eyes, someone expecting more romantic words to come out of his mouth. 
“I think I might just take you up on that offer.” Now it was Kuroo’s turn to flush a deep shade of red while looking away from your eyesight. Giggling, you placed your ear against his growing heart beat. 
Kuroo rested his chin on top of your heart, squeezing you into a hug. He mumbled something thinking you wouldn’t hear it. 
“After my birthday though, you better quick, I don’t want anyone else’s eyes on my s/o.” You jotted that down mentally, making sure to not only hang up the maid costume but to tease him for being so jealous. 
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write-orflight · 4 years
Trouble: Prologue
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*Gif not mine*
Rating: M
Words: 1.2K short because shes a prologue
Warnings: None right now, but will be smut eventually
Summary: After Haley’s passing, Aaron Hotchner has lost the light in his eyes. He seems to find it it the most unlikely of places, an occult themed coffee shop ran by a witch.
A.N: I took some liberties describing the reader, so if that’s not your thing I’m sorry. The idea of Hotch dating a goth witch is just *chefs kiss* to me. This story will switch from 3rd to second person as most of my stories do.  All crystal and tarot information may not be completely accurate because I got them from my best friend who’s a witch, and even then I zoned out slightly. Message to be added to the taglist. Much love, Cia
Prologue: Got so much to lose  
The months following Haley’s death were rough. Anyone could tell you that. 
Hotch was reckless. And despite what he told everyone, still hurting. Not to mention, he was still trying to find the balance between work and home life. Jack was way more understanding of his dad’s need to work than any kid should have to be at his age. That didn’t stop Aaron from at least trying so he always had early mornings to late nights at the office so every weekend he was home for he could leave early Fridays and spend the weekend with Jack. 
That however was putting a strain on him, he was tired almost all the time and frankly the office coffee wasn’t doing it anymore. Which is why he found himself at Hallowed Grounds Coffee and Tea one morning. 
The first time he’d heard about it had been one morning when he walked in on his team members arguing about it. 
“I can’t believe you went to HG without me!” Garcia said to Reid, who was sipping smugly out of a coffee cup that had ‘Dr. Know-it-all’ written on the side with a smiley face. “What happened to loyalty?” 
“Sorry, Garcia. It was a last minute thing, I needed something to wake me up.” 
Garcia pouted as Hotch approached them. “Why’re you arguing so early in the morning?” He asked. 
“Spencer went to Hallowed Grounds without me, even though I was the one gracious enough to tell him about it.” 
“Hallowed Grounds?” 
“Yea, it’s a new coffee place not far from here.” Spencer adds. “Coffee’s amazing plus the girl who works there is nice.” 
“Oh, you have a crush on her! That’s why you went without me.” Penelope squawks. 
Spencer laughs. “No, the coffee’s just that good. Y/n’s nice and all but she��s a little...intense” he says, trying to find the right word. Hotch left the conversation then as it was not his forte. 
Upon entering, Aaron immediately took in the occult feeling of the shop. Black and brown color scheme,a giant black and white painting of the entire zodiac chart, 6 shelves lined the walls in a zigzag pattern, 5 shelves were full of books, the first one he zeroed in on said “Beginners guide to tarot” he could only assume the rest of the shelves were full of that. The last shelf held a black cat who was peacefully napping. There was soft jazz music that Hotch could hear someone softly humming to but couldn’t see them. Hotch already felt uneasy, but he was already feigning for coffee so he rang the bell on the counter that was sitting next to what he believed was sage burning in an ashtray. 
“One second!” A melodic voice called out. He heard some rummaging in the back before a woman stepped into view. 
The first thing he noticed was her hair. It was tied up in a bun, a rich green color, her roots black which he could only assume was her natural color. The second thing was everything else. She wore red eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner that complimented her green hair, dangle earrings which now that she was closer he could see they were goldfish in bags. Tattoos lined her arms, not seeming to have a theme but she had a lot of them. And an apron tied around her waist that read It’s Poisoned in cursive font. 
The last thing he noticed was her face. A ring piercing in her nose, a bright smile on her face, shining eyes. She’s breathtaking was the first thing Hotch thought. 
“Hey, Sorry. People don’t really come in this early so I like to take the time to finish baking goods for the morning rush.” She said, smiling. “Haven’t seen you in here before though, Welcome to Hallowed Grounds, what can I get you?” 
Hotch clears his throat, unexpectedly taken aback by the young woman. “Just a black coffee please.” 
“Alright, that’ll be 2.45.” Hotch pretends he doesn’t feel the shock in his hand as she took the card from him. “Now I actually don’t have anything brewed yet, like I said I don’t really expect people this early. But if you want to wait it shouldn’t be more than 3 minutes.” 
“Why are you open then?” Hotch asks, wincing at how rude he sounded unintentionally. 
“Whoa, Mister.” She brushes off his brashness with a laugh. “Apparently I’m open this early in case Grumpy Gus’ like you need their black coffee before work. Which by your suit and inability to smile, I’m assuming you work at the FBI building down the block?” 
Hotch nods, watching her deeply as she worked. He knew he was being creepy but he couldn’t help himself, there was something extremely captivating about her. He’s never thought of another woman that way after Haley. 
She sets the coffee to brew before turning back to him. “Yea, I assumed so.” She then picks up a cup and a sharpie. “Can I have your name? For the order?” 
“Hotchner. Aaron Hotchner.” He says. He didn’t know why he gave this completely stranger his full name but he trusted her for some strange reason. 
“Hotchner… That sounds familiar.” She says, now just drawing on the cup, thinking. She then points at him with the sharpie. “You’re Penny and Dr. Know-it-All’s boss, aren’t you?” He nods again, assuming you were talking about Penelope and Spencer. “I love those two, even though Spencer likes to argue with me about my beliefs too much.” 
“You believe in the Occult.” Aaron says, more of a statement than question. She nods. 
“I believe in spirituality. And that the soul is powerful enough to put power into anything it believes. The occult is just what I chose.” The coffee pot dings at the pot. She turns pouring it into the cup she’d been idly drawing on. She then capped it before handing it to Hotch. He examined the cup on it was a delicately drawn sunflower, a smiley face and Agent Grumpy Gus written in her delicate script. He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “Have a good day, Aaron, hopefully I’ll see you again.” She smiles. 
“Can I know your name?” Hotch says, before he can stop himself. “It seems only fair.” 
“Y/n…” She says, smiling. “Can I give you something?” She says. 
“Sure.” He responds, watching her reach under the counter through a small bin he couldn’t see the contents of. She rummages a while before finding what she wanted. She smiles, placing a small, clear crystal in his left palm. 
“I dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light.” She says, softly closing his palm around it. “Clear quartz. Deflects negativity and attracts positivity, hopefully it’ll promote some happiness in you.” She winks. 
“Is this a service you provide to all your customers?” 
“Only the ones who the spirits tell me need it.” She shrugs. “Now I have cookies to get in the oven, have a good day at work, Grumpy.” She says turning to go back into the back of the cafe. 
Aaron stares after her for a second. Not fully grasping what just happened. Only thing that was clear in his mind was that he needed to see the woman again. He took a cautious sip from his cup. 
Fuck, it actually is really good coffee. 
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Family Vacations (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 10th, 2022
part one
december 24th: vacation getaway (ao3) - watergator
Summary: phil burns easily, but that soon proves to be not such a bad thing
From all the way across the Atlantic (ao3) - Curlylinguist
Summary: Phil's away on a family holiday in Florida leaving Dan to man the radio show alone (almost).
Just A Few Days (ao3) - amczingphil
Summary: Dan wasn’t intending to join the Lester family holiday in Florida but somehow when Phil asked him to his mind went blank and he agreed. Not that it was a huge deal because he only said that he would join for a few days.
Go to Playlist, have just a few days in the sun with the Lesters and then go home, it was a good plan.
Private Pool (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan and Phil, Martyn and Cornelia in Miami. Phil found them a suite with a private pool, and he has plans. Dan agrees but for a price. They are both very satisfied with their arrangement.
Reunion - summerohnine
Summary: It’s Phil’s last day in Florida and he can’t wait to be home and hold his bear for the first time in two weeks.
Summer Storms - huphilpuffs
Summary: Phil loves thunderstorms.
the one where dan pretends to date phil to save him from embarassment (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil was meant to be going on a week long holiday with his family, and finally introduce his girlfriend to them. But as Phil has the luck of a black cat walking under a ladder on Friday 13, said girlfriend breaks up with him the night before their planned trip. Devastated, and scared to tell his family of his failure to settle down again, his best friend Dan offers to pretend to be his partner for the holiday- but little did Phil know about Dan’s not-so-subtle 8 year crush on him.
Tomorrow Will Be Better - Succubusphan
Summary: Dan is away for a family vacation so they have a phone call.
Up with the Downpour (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: Phil enjoys a Florida summer thunderstorm during a Lester family vacation.
Visions of Gideon (ao3) - kategkateg
Summary: Dan Howell is a waiter at the local cafe in Los Angeles. He has a great best friend, a shitty boyfriend, a studio apartment and not enough money.
Lesters decided to go to LA this time and one evening Phil wanted some ice cream.
want you so bad i can taste it (ao3) - larasunbetadscribbles
Summary: Dan and Phil get absurdly drunk and start making out in the middle of a pub, with Martyn and Cornelia coming to rescue them from doing something incredibly stupid.
We have Each Other (and that's all we need) (ao3) - Phanfictionhoe
Summary: Dan and Phil have finished their 2018 tour and are visiting Phil's family on the Isle of Man before they go home. This is supposed to be a nice calm vacation for the two after the stress of the tour, however Phil can't find it in himself to calm down. Dan decides to help him out a little bit...
When the Rain Falls (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: Phil woke up to the sound of rain drumming on the roof of their air b&b. It was a sound that he used to find comforting and relaxing, but now filled him with dread.
The world changed for the worse while they were half a world away from home. Now they have to adapt to a strange new life but at least they had each other.
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