#data economy
josephkravis · 8 months
Digital Clones and Deepfakes - Why We Need to Rethink Sharing Photos and Data Online
Digital Clones and Deepfakes - Why We Need to Rethink Sharing Photos and Data Online. And, In the age of instant gratification and digital omnipresence,
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phonesuitedirect · 1 year
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In this blog post, we will explore today’s data-driven ecosystem and discuss some tips for designing successful strategies that increase comprehension of consumers’ needs while providing valuable insights into what works best for your industry. Read More...
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tanadrin · 1 month
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I think this is pretty spot on; whenever I see discussion of the economy and economic perceptions, there's always people in the replies going "yeah, but eggs are $8 a dozen" or "why is every middle class family I know foodbanking." And then OP, or someone else, will post data showing egg prices are stable, or that wages have actually been rising faster than inflation, and the person who posted that may even admit that, ok, things are fine for them personally, but not for other people.
And it's always been true that politics is more about attitudes and aesthetics than it is about policy or facts on the ground; but it's rare that attitudes are so divorced from people's actual material circumstances. And while I think there are lots of things contributing to this disconnect, as matter of campaigning, I don't really know how you overcome it.
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hum-suffer · 5 months
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Bhai tum khud apne Desh mein Hinduo ko protect kar lo, yaha pe Muslims safe hi hai
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rohirric-hunter · 3 months
"Oh I'm cancelling my subscription right now because of one day of downtime and I'm gonna post about it multiple times so everyone knows!" You should not, and I cannot emphasize this enough, have access to a credit card
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One more way to frame our current reality. But go ahead and tell me the economy is strong one more time.
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pandemic-info · 2 months
Health systems and employers count economic cost of long Covid. - Financial Times
"We have growing evidence that the burden of long Covid is still exacerbating pressure on our health systems," said Hans Kluge, European regional director of the World Health Organization. “But countries are not monitoring and reporting data consistently. We need better reporting, surveillance and diagnostics, but also data on hospitalisations, mortality and healthcare costs."
Without this, he warned, "we will continue to shoot our policy bullets in the dark".
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bread-tab · 1 year
i bought a cheap squishy toy and it smells like something i should definitely not be inhaling at all (kind of like gas/petrol but more factory-plasticky? i'm a retail drone not a chemist) and, of course, it was made in china.
("of course" not so much because of the price or quality but because everything is. at every price range and standard, tbh. i'm not trying to say everything made in china sucks. for the tumblr-pedantic record. rip to the workers in the stinky plastic factory though. :/)
so i was like "if this was made in america i could figure out where. we put the company address on everything here. but can i do that with an overseas company?" and the answer is yes maybe (i found the import/middleman companies and there are "trading" websites that track this stuff) but also no because i can't read mandarin. (sorry ancestors)
anyway that's how i find out about this place
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yiwu "market" aka "international trade city." alleged "world's largest wholesale market." the mall to end all malls. this place sells stuff to the entire world by the shipping container. didn't even slightly exist in 1980; now does billions of dollars in trade annually which supports a city of 2 million people. which previously was just. like. a farming village.
(btw take this info with a grain of salt *please* i got it from youtube, google and wikipedia and i'm existing in an incredulous sleep-deprived haze)
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literally miles of showrooms of every random manufactured item you can imagine. toys, clothes, electronics, household goods, christmas decorations...
i cannot stress enough that we do not have this kind of thing here. (... do we?) but. we have the stuff. this is where all the stuff is from. all roads lead to yiwu, apparently
sometimes you just get reminded... world big. but also. world interconnected. not so small after all. but so connected.
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adj-thoughts · 29 days
Should social media platforms be banned from collecting their users' data?
Quarrels for banning data-
Privacy Concerns- Well, if Should social media platforms be banned from collecting their users' data? then there will be less chances of privacy breaches and personal info.
Data Security- Limiting data collection reduces the risk of large-scale data breaches.
Quarrels Against banning data-
Service improvement- By collecting users' data, social media platforms can better understand user needs and preferences. This information helps in: Personalization, Feature development and Performance enhance.
Economic Impact- Many businesses rely on data for advertising or revenue if social media platforms be banned from collecting their users' data? it could disrupt a lot of businesses resulting the negative direction of economy.
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josephkravis · 8 months
Digital Clones and Deepfakes - Why We Need to Rethink Sharing Photos and Data Online
Digital Clones and Deepfakes - Why We Need to Rethink Sharing Photos and Data Online. And, In the age of instant gratification and digital omnipresence,
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empirearchives · 1 year
Relative Share of European Wealth in the decades following the Napoleonic Wars:
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The year after the fall of Napoleon, Britain made up 43% of European wealth. By 1850, they made up 70% of European wealth, and the whole European continent made up 30%.
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Source: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, John Mearsheimer
This is where Mearsheimer got his data:
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darkvolley · 4 months
Considering Sora paid for those train tickets with data munny does that mean he committed fraud?
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ofcowardiceandkings · 4 months
when the possibility for art theft was like ... an entitled douche or a kid who doesnt get it , it was kind of bearable to risk sharing art online but fuuckk mannn
i dont want every powerdrunk tech bro to scrape the soul out of all my art without me knowing or consenting just to train their stupid robot brain to do art badly
where the fuck are we supposed to have creative communities now
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renesassing · 2 years
in my 'halo species as star wars species' au the kig yar have a very 'casual' relationship with force sensitivity in their culture; there are a large variety of jobs that require the skillset of any general force user, though those with highly developed precognition or psychometry were considered especially valuable in exploration and evaluation. there is also a special sect of kig yar who tune all of their senses into the force until their perception transcends that of all other known species. they produce the greatest and deadliest sharpshooters in the galaxy.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
the workers in severance seem to frequently situate themselves in reality in reference to numbers - mark tells helly he was asked who he was 19 times when he first woke up in the office, helly says she was made to read out the break room apology 1072 times, dylan is constantly obsessed with being the data refiner for the quarter. their work is literally about sorting numbers. like the logic of quantification structures their lives to such an absurd degree that they come to find meaning in numbers themselves (which is the point of their job). they don’t describe the colour of a room or the clothes they wear when relaying significant events they’ve experienced. sometimes they don’t even talk about how they were feeling. they mostly just talk about numbers
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leondaltons · 9 months
I am alive but at what cost asjaksks
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