#daryl op
pick-a-poncho · 9 months
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When did you fall for him?
When I saw the love in his actions.
ˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉ~ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵗʷᵒ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ
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pageslearntothink · 1 month
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tale as old as time
tune as old as song
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stunt-lads · 4 months
It's okay to not like a ship, that's fair, but don't post your hatred of said ship in the ships tag. It's not cute, it's baity on purpose, you're just being a nuisance and trying to ruin peoples day.
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paledarklight · 4 months
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CSI BETH and Tracker Daryl with a military/Special OPS background
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vampyr-bite · 1 year
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do you think they ever explored each other's bodies
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manie-sans-delire-x · 2 years
Daryl as a soldier?? Yeah thats going to work lmao. The most stubborn, independent, disobedient guy...
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thedogsleg · 1 year
I gots 2 wathc letterkenny again.
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gentlefangz · 6 months
ithink this is what tumblr would be like in the dogman universe: a simulator
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😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
can those villain asshats get control of those goddamn monsters i have lost literally every single fucking thing thanks to those brainless pieces of shits last week a fucking T-REX SKELETON destroyed my fucking HOUSE and everything around it
🪻 inmylane-1999
how are you able to say those words
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
what words?
🪻 inmylane-1999 the a word, f word, and s word
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
oh i see you're one of the Collardale inhabitants. screw the fuck off your town is a CURSE
🪻 inmylane-1999
what did i do? :(
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🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
hnstly i dont get y Daryl hangs arnd that pig guy hes rlly mean & bad
🐊 piethrowingboss
didnt u help us go after him when he ditched us after the mini jail broke 2 bits?
🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
yeh butt hes still rlly mean & i was a lil moar concerned 4 Daryl
🐊 piethrowingboss
ohhhh kk
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🐕 zupabuddiezthezenutz
zomg did u guyz watch that new mini-documentary w/ Petey The Cat n Zarah Hatoff??? that waz tragickk..
#holy shart i have so much moar respect 4 him now..
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🔄 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep reblogged
🌆 icareforyou follow
still dont know why people are supporting Petey Duckhat just because of that documentary, didn't he terrorize the city for more than a month or two?? ntm he quite literally MUTILATED Officer Knight and Greg The Dog's bodies bad enough with that bomb to where they had to become that sick and horrible abomination i have to stomach through seeing on the news every week.
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
i know right?? like hes genuinely a horrible cat but people are supporting him for no other reason other than "oh hes a victim!!" like shut the fuck up and grow up.
op i wouldn't say DogMan is sick and horrible, he seems to be in great condition despite such an accident and hard surgery to conduct, and looks perfectly happy. while i don't support Petey Duckhat either, you took it a step further and suggested that DogMan is currently in conditions horrible enough to render him an "abomination".
🌆 icareforyou follow
dont you post tips for fucking evil monsters on your blog.
#LMAOOO dude was SLAUGHTERED so hard they deactivated #redogs
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🌭 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep
walking on the street with a small can of living spray in my pocket and the nearest cop explodes into blood guts and viscera
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🦷 bigmonsterinyourheart
okay i get that Dr. Scum is a real and kinda sucky person and all that but his labcoat kinda fucks!!
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✨ lookatthestars
Hot take or whatever but I don't think we should trust a guy who gets really distracted by squirrels and balls and a kitten who could easily get hurt to protect our city. Lightning Dude IS one of the better options as they ARE a highly durable and strong robot, but The Bark Knight and Cat Kid maybe aren't our best bets, they could get hurt easily and aren't exactly professionals.
Don't get me started on the Friendly Friends, I don't think we can trust two guys who JUST left the same exact trio that was responsible for that marshmallow factory's destruction (which left many injured, some DEAD), what if they're pretending? Also the bugs could easily get killed, they're small and fragile, the most work they can do without a high risk of getting smashed is spying on villains.
Commander Cupcake's a different story, as I'm pretty sure that guy only helped out, like, 3 times.
#anti-supa buddies #anti-friendly friends #twinkle twinkle little star
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🪁 lalalalala89
dude imagine if we were in a book rn and ppl were posting on tumblr abt us
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🎠 supastarr
remember, calico trans toms are perfectly valid! even cis toms can be calicos, and fur pattern doesn't determine exact gender, especially with fur dying technology nowadays! :)
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collecting-stories · 1 year
I have a TWD request if your up for it! I just started the series again and was thinking of a Daryl or Glenn x reader where the reader was a senior microbiology student in college at the time of the outbreak and was doing an internship at the CDC. That's where she meets them and ends up joining their team when they leave
CDC - Glenn Rhee
Summary: Glenn reassuring the reader as they drive away from the CDC.
A/N: I couldn't remember everything that happens at the CDC and didn't wanna rewatch the episode/s so this just a short blurb that takes place directly after the place blows up. Also I killed Andrea to further my "Emily hates Andrea" personality trait.
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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“I delivered pizza,” Glenn mentioned, the RV hitting a pot hole as it pulled off the curb. It rattled your whole body, shaking you left to right and knocking you against Glenn. He steadied you with an arm around your shoulders over the back of the booth seat.  
The fire that was raging behind you was bright in the middle of the day and you were almost convinced that you could still feel the warmth of it inside the RV with the windows up. You could definitely hear the sound of the walkers that were attracted to the fire, moaning and dragging themselves into combustion.  
“What?” You turned your head away from the window for the first time since you sat down in the booth seat of the RV and looked at Glenn.  
It had been Rick that had offered you the chance to leave with them when Jenner locked all the doors. It’d seemed silly to agree to the notion of leaving when you knew the steel doors were impenetrable once they came down. But you agreed anyway because dying wasn’t on your list of things to do. And now you were here, in the RV with Dale driving and Glenn sitting next to you, following the other cars of the other survivors in the ragtag group that had broken into the CDC the night before.  
More had happened in 12 hours than had happened in the last two months.  
“Before, you know...dead people started roaming around.” Glenn explained, moving his arm from off your shoulder and leaning his elbows on the table. His arm was still pressed against yours in the small space.  
“You delivered pizzas?” You clarified.  
“Yeah. Yup.” He replied, “I know that, whatever that was, was way more important than delivering pizza, just figured...it might make you feel better?” Glenn scrunched his face up to show his confusion as he ran a hand through his hair. When he’d started talking he was sure he had an actual point to make but now he was struggling to remember what it was.  
When you’d agreed to come with them he’d offered a spot in the RV right away. With Jackie and Andrea gone it seemed somehow like he’d jinxed the situation and he was trying desperately to say something to make up for the silence that lingered in the two women’s absence. You hadn’t said much in the CDC and you’d said even less since they got outside but Glenn had spent the entire dinner the night before unable to stop stealing glances at you. Not in a creepy way, he’d assured Dale when the older man inquired, he just thought you were beautiful and he hadn’t exactly been in the position to see too many attractive people lately.  
“I was doing my co-op at the CDC...it’s like an internship while I was in school...I was working on my senior thesis when the outbreak happened and, didn’t know what else to do so I went to work. Which I guess was better than staying at my dorm, in hindsight, but maybe also worse cause I got stuck with Jenner.” Being away from most of civilization for even the short period of time that you had found yourself had clearly given you a knack for oversharing.  
That and a cute guy was currently giving you all of his attention, which was also a bonus.  
“You all seem pretty familiar with what exactly is going on out here.” You mentioned, looking back out the window as the RV continued down the freeway, back toward Atlanta. “I’ve studied some postmortem samples up close but haven’t actually seen anyone like...be undead?”  
“Oh man, you should’ve seen Rick and I. A couple weeks back, I think, got stuck in the city on a run...it was gross...” Glenn launched into the harrowing story of his survival through a crowd of the very undead that you’d referenced, adding a few embellishments for the sake of keeping you interested in the story. 
As he spoke you looked up toward the front of the RV, catching Dale’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He turned and smiled at you before looking back at the road ahead. In the back, T Dog was sleeping, though you were completely bewildered as to how someone could sleep after what you had just witnessed.  
“If that’s what I have to look forward to,” you finally said as Glenn’s story came to an end. You had missed bits and pieces of it but could put together all you needed to know, you were far in over your head. Alive, but over your head.  
“It’ll be okay,” Glenn promised. He laid a hand over yours and squeezed, the reassuring look back on his face again, “we’re together and we take care of each other. I promise.” 
You nodded, “I’ll just stick close by you, how’s that?”  
“Yeah, yeah, that works. Stay by me, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Glenn replied. It wasn’t exactly a promise that he could make, especially when he had no idea where they were going to end up now that the CDC was out of question, but he fully intended to do everything in his power to keep it. He couldn’t let anything happen to you, he felt far too much hope when he looked at you to let go of that.  
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pick-a-poncho · 9 months
Their best and most random traits
Chan: The happy noises he makes when cuddling.
Lino: Screaming while stretching and/or yawning.
Bin: Sporadic squeaky, cute noises.
Hyune: Purposely doing dumb things cuz he knows he's pabo.
Han: The way he stuffs food in the Jeekies.
Felix: All the different weird voices he does to be silly.
Min: Random barking out of nowhere.
Innie: How he laughs almost compulsively all the time.
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The Outsiders Musical review and rant and stage door
Omg i just saw the the Outsiders on broadway. It was amazing 100/10. I saw Dan as Darry and Kevin C as Paul also i saw Trevor as Ponyboy. The socs climb the set. Two-bit and Ace hook up. The work relationship you need to lay on each other for a few mindenies is crazy. Got my playbill signed by Sky,Dan,Rj,Bart,both Kevins,Trevor,JASON,Renni,Daryl,Melody,Sarahgrace. Thank you Kevin C for take my character name tags i hope the cast likes them also he asked my name. I sat in the center mezzanine i could see the whole show clear and got a pretty good spot at the stage door. 4 actors walk right pass my dad after they were done. The hair jokes are the best. The girl next to me at the stage door thought Renni was Joshua. The things i wanted to say Melody: all hail shark queen Dan: uncle Dan Darry on a magnet kwp: your characters name spells bs Jason: i listen to hey hailey while brushing my teeth every night. Dan was so good as Darry but so different then brent. It was my first time stage dooring. I was not surprised by the understudies that were on brent has been out for days and Brody pearson grant is the most unpredictable man on broadway but he knows his limits and i respect that. When the slip for Dan and Kevin C came out of the playbill i was like i knew it and a few pages later the slip for Trevor came out ope there that is. I half expected it half didn’t. Emma’s voice did seem a little tired. Me and Jason made eye contact i am crying.i looked straight into his eyes. Got a blister so i was in pain but it was worth it. also Johnny's parents fighting sounds like the adults from Charlie brown. the bass after Bob died was my only complaint.
i wasn't going to post until the 31st but couldn't wait
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soft-for-them · 1 year
I don't know a thing about love - Daryl Dixon x plus size non-binary reader
Summary: A Daryl x plus size non-binary reader based off the song 'I don't know a thing about love' by the White Buffalo.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: This is both a non-binary reader and a plus size reader, so cis people this isn't for you. The reader has been left vague because this is a short fic and not all plus size non-binary people are afab (really, it's real problem with authors, non-binary people aren't women!) This is coming from your very own non-binary/queer op. 👍
Everyone knows that you and Daryl Dixon are partners but everyone also knows that your relationship, or lack thereof, is complicated.
It’s clear you love each other, Rick or Carl could tell you (with various amounts of excitement) about the first time the two of you met, how Daryl’s eye widened, how you smiled like you had be given the sun and moon.
From the very start of joining Rick’s group you had it hard. Having to explain to people that you’re non-binary and not a man or woman was hard, both for yourself because you were coming out again to complete strangers and for them for most of the group aren’t queer.
Carl got it straight away, he happily used your preferred pronouns and asked you many questions most of which weren’t about being trans but where about random this like comic books and how your survived.
Rick, Carol, Glenn and Maggie learnt quickly too whilst the rest took their time getting used to someone so different to their heteronormative life.
Maybe it was because living people are hard to come by, maybe it’s because most of the bigots of the group had met their grizzly end but somehow you feel safer with Rick’s little rag tag group of survivors then the people you house shared with before the apocalypse arose.
Then there’s Daryl.
Now don’t get me wrong, the first few weeks of you joining Rick’s crew he didn’t talk to you, he just stared at you. He was raised by bigoted people and he was trying to be better, before the end of times even began he was trying to be better. He wasn’t racist or homophobic like his dad or brother nor did he go out his way to antagonise anyone (for he isn’t Merle after all) but still he was learning.
He was drawn to you, it made him panic just a bit but he has long realised that he isn’t so straight, that he identifies with both Bisexual, Pansexual and Queer, that he didn’t need a label for one he loves you and two who fucking cares.
But still it took a long time to come to terms with, thankfully you were there with him to help.
He remembers one day when you still were new and everyone was still stuck in the prison out the blue he asked about your jacket, an oversized black denim jacket sparsely covered in handmade patches.
You told him about the small amount of patches that you had; a non-binary flag on the breast pocket, an anti-Nazi patch on your arm, two ridged band patches that really should have been ironed on instead of sew on dotted around, tin badges decorating the collar like a jewelled necklace.
Over the years the jacket has evolved like he has, both have become more outward and full of love.
Daryl still cracks a smile at the back patch adorning your jacket made out of an old t-shirt of Carl’s that depicted a superhero dog.
You and Daryl talk, sleep close, sneak kisses when people aren’t looking, go hunting together, laugh at each other’s silly jokes. You’re out going and talkative whilst he stands back quiet and stoic his eyes always filled with love for you. You share clothes like it’s nothing, he loves holding you close at night the feeling of your plush body against his better than any bed or pillow, he knows you in and out, as do you for him.
But somehow still the two of you have never breached the subject of how much you love each other, you’ve neither had the conversation trying to figure out what to call one another.
Well not until today.
Sitting idly on the front porch of a nice enough house in Alexandria you work away under the watchful eye of your lover.
It was no surprise that you and Daryl were put together in the same home, neither is it a surprise that you both sit so close as the sky starts to turn orange, the sun slowly setting and the moon rising into the sky.
Knees touching, you carefully try to stick on a new patch onto your jacket next to one of many pride flags you’ve acclimated over the years.
Daryl leans over watching you quietly sew wonky stitches, his face almost pressed to the side of your round cheek.
“You know what Daryl?” you whisper, eyes flickering up to look up at him.
He just hums out a yes.
“When I first met you I didn’t know anything about love, I don’t think I fully know a thing about love now but with you I- I well-“ you face goes warm, your fingers stop sewing as he looks up at you with sparkling eyes, “-I think I’m learning because of you.”
He just stares at you for a moment, shock and what you assume is love morphing his face into a sweet smile.
That moment disappears as he leans down and kisses you, his chapped lips gentle on yours, your hands dropping your handiwork on your lap to hold his face in place.
You pull away first but still hold onto him with pin pricked hands, eye still connected staring like a fool at him, happiness flooding through your bodies.
“For years I was told I’d never find love because of who I am-“ you begin again still in a whisper, the thoughts of the long dead people who said such cruel things being pushed away by the many memories of your and Daryl.
You push a piece of his long brown hair back from his face, you smile growing big and proud.
“- but I had been looking for love below and above despite all the dead roaming around and then there you were.”
He lets out a small chuckle, one that isn’t filled with malice like old lovers did but one filled with a joy you’ve only seen for yourself.
“Do you?” he asks covering your wondering hands with his, “Because I do, I love you.”
“So many eyes in the world are searching for love and somehow I find you, of course I love you Daryl.”
The two of you laugh together as you kiss again, the set of wings you were stitching onto your jacket fully discarded as the kiss deepens.
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
Warnings; normal the walking dead warnings.
Synopsis; Y/n opens up about working in the Military
A/n; This was a request from @greatfandom , thank you so so much for requesting :)
Sorry it's short!
Find my master-list; here , my taglist form; here , and req rules; here .
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\You kept your eye trained on the small scope present with your gun, looking out over the prison field. Today you took Glenn and Maggie's usual job of watching over the Prison Yard, from the guard tower. Not that you needed to, however, you were up every night waiting for something, or someone, to attack constantly.
Who knew when the Prison gates would come down, you certainly didn't. Especially with the ongoing war between Rick and the Governor. They were both unpredictable, and you wanted to be awake to stand even a sliver of a chance.
You hadn't survived the initial blow of biters just to die in a feud between new communities, especially to someone you saw as stupid and reckless; like the Governor.
So you busied yourself quite nicely, keeping your eyes trained over the Prison yard. It was hard to refrain from shooting the mindless targets, however, you knew the group was low on ammo. You wouldn't be the one to slip up and waste it all.
Taking your eye from the scope, you jumped hearing steps behind you. You looked behind you, quickly training your gun on Daryl. As soon as you realized it was him, you aimed your gun at the floor. "Jesus, Dixon." You exhaled, letting the worry escape you.
"Who else would it be?" He grumbled, he was tired you could see that much, but he was like you. He would stay up every night just like you, though he usually sat in the yard, watching from up close. He sat down beside you, not adding to the pathetic "conversation" you'd both had.
You sat in silence for awhile, neither of you doing anything whilst your eye stayed trained on the scope. You saw a walker in the farthest corner of the prison yard, lined yourself up, and shot. Square in-between the eyes. However, you drew back from the gun after that, you could tell the biter had been one you simply missed in the initial clearing.
You could tell that much as he had been idly trying to get to his friends through the fence.
Daryl watched the gun, he wasn't one to ask many questions; let alone speak at all. But he was curious, aim like that didn't come from someone who'd been handed a gun for the first time, a couple years ago. You'd had training and he knew that much, but how.
You seemed to hear his thoughts as his eyes stayed on the gun. "Military." You told him, pulling back from the gun, and leaning in your chair. "Special Ops branch. Got the personality there too, if that was ever a question."
"How's that work anyway." He leaned back too, not particularly looking at you. Or anything for that matter. "Dunno, wasn't really big in the usual Military." You paused, adding to that, "My dad was a huge Army guy, had a gun in my hand before I turned 8. Wasn't safe, but I'm here and he's not. Must've done that much right."
"Maybe he felt the walkers coming, in his knees." He joked, referencing how your parents used to talk about the rain coming when their joints ached. "Was that a joke, Dixon?" You smiled at him, having never seen him come out of his own little shell.
"I'm capable. Funny man, I am." He nodded, giving you a slim smile as well. Though his smiles typically looked more like slight smirks, you appreciated the idea of seeing him smile. "You should do it more, haven't had much to laugh at since that whole 'yo j.c.' thing."
He shrugged, looking back over the field. "He should be taking damn requests." You smiled at him again, rolling your eyes this time. "I don't know, seems like he's a bit busy with the mindless people-eating biters at the moment." It was your turn to joke.
It was nice to sit in his company like this, a sense of normalcy. Like two old friends rekindling their friendship. You had fallen fast for the likes of Daryl, quiet, and kind. The way he'd searched so thoroughly for another person's kid. He'd barely known Sophia, but the severity he had in looking for her, it warmed your heart.
There wasn't much good left in this world, and even if he hid behind a wall of stubbornness and mystery, you knew where his heart lied. And he felt the same to you, you never pushed or pried, and a part of him felt he was doing everything right as long as you were still behind him.
He set his hand on yours, keeping his eyes trained on the field. "Did you know this was comin'?" He asked, mostly referencing your connections to the government. "Nope." You popped the p, "Was on leave for a couple weeks, visiting my mom. She was ill, by the time I went to go back the government was in shambles."
"Sounds like you screwed the world up."
"Haha. Very funny, Dixon."
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Jensen showed his support for Krista by singing (probably a song of her choice) at SNS.
Jared showed his support with a long emotional hug during photo ops.
One of these things is not better than the other. People have different strengths and ways to show support. And yet others may not have the emotional capacity within themselves, by nature or their own cerci stances, to be as supportive as they might like.
Turning any of this into an excuse to hate on any of the actors (not just Jared) is so discussing it actually upsets my stomach a bit. Some people have no shame.
There are some things that transcend fandom drama. No one should be judged on the type of support they can provide to a friend. I'm glad Daryl deleted his tweet, but I would also hope he took it as a learning opportunity. Using someone's tragic situation for fandom drama is never okay.
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adhd-fanficwriter · 5 months
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ꕤ PAIRING ꕤ Daryl Dixon x Fem Reader
ꕤ RATING ꕤ Typical TWD stuff, so always 16+ I will let you know when it’s 18+
ꕤ DISCLAIMER ꕤ I do not own any of the TWD characters. This story takes place in the TWD universe. I use the character and I might not follow the tv series. We’ve all seen the serie, you know the gore that it brings, the kills, the walkers. This al will be coming back in this series. So be warned.
ꕤ A/N ꕤ Please let me know what you think of the series! Tell me what you liked most of this chapter. ALSO if you’d like to know what Bailey and Lizy look like, let me know. I’ll post some pictures.
ꕤ Song Used ꕤ Zombie - The Cranberries
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< Intro - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 >
Chapter 1
My shoulders hang low as I trudged the old abandoned highway. The weight of moms death heavy on my heart. I have been walking for over a week now since I left the car that I found. 'Why?'' you may ask? Simply because the fuel ran out. I drank my last drop of water 3 days ago and I was down to my last muesli bar. The scorning hot sun shone bright above my head as there was nowhere to shelter from it. The stranded cars were hard to open and had barely any supplies in them. I found a cap, which helped against the sun.
I was walking on eggshells, or so it feels like. Constantly looking around, trying not to make any noise as there were biters everywhere. It drained me. Weeks long of tip toeing my way around the world, without any food or water is hard. I refuse to give up. I made a promise to mom, to make it to that place here, in Virginia. It was the only thing that kept me going these past weeks. If not for mom, I would've ended it a long time ago.
The sun was setting and I saw some small houses coming up. Or was I imagining it? Did I get a sun stroke? I walked, and when I say walked I meant shuffled, faster towards a small town on the side of the road. It had houses on either side. Is this real? I lay my hand on the wooden walls of the house. It is real. ''Oh my god'' I sighed out. Tears of joy fell down my cheeks. Focus Bailey, these houses may contain biters. I unsheathed my dagger and held it up as I knocked on the door. No sound. I cracked open the door, still no sound or movement. Moving in, I noticed that the place was a mess. They must have left in a hurry. I lowered my dagger, keeping it ready when I needed it and walked around. I open the cupboards and found a of bottle of water and cans of peaches and beans. I picked up the bottle and took a sip, savoring the rest for later. I opened another cupboard and found a whole sixpack of bottles. ''Fuck it.'' I said and drank the bottle that I already opened. ''Ahh this is so good.'' I moaned.
I walked around the house, searching the place. I didn't find anything else. I was now upstairs, there were beds, sheets, pillows. This is heaven when you walked for weeks on the road, without any good shelter. I couldn't help but smile. I smiled for the first time since mom died. I sat down on one of the beds and sighed so loud. I had a place to stay for a while. After a few moments I stood op and walked over to the window overlooking the small street. I looked around and saw some movement in on of the alleyways. I carefully walked down the stairs and peeked through the door. I didn't see anyone. I fully stepped outside now.
''Mommy?'' I hear. I whip my head around and see a little girl hugging someone that's laying on the ground. ''Mommy wake up, please'' she says again. You could hear how scared she was. I kneel down and keep my eyes on the little girl. She's across the street. Her mother wasn't moving. ''Mommy...'' she started crying. ''Mommy!'' she screams. The hurt is killing me. This little girl is losing her mother way to young. A tear slides down my cheek. ''Mommy! You are awake!'' she says and I look up at her. The woman is indeed moving now. She grabs the little girl by her arm, ''mommy you are hurting me.'' She says and tries to get out if her grip. ''Ouch!'' she says, ''Let go! Let go of me!'' She yells.
I stand up and run over to them. ''Hey, hey hey, look at me.'' I say in a hushed voice. She turns her head to me and those small grey eyes were full of hurt. I hug her, placing my hand on the back of her head. More tears start to find their way on my cheek as I end her mothers live. The little girl wants to turn around but I stop her. ''Mommy send me to help you.'' I say. I stand up, scooping her up with me. She's sitting on my arm now. ''It's okay sweetheart. I'll keep you save.'' I say. In this moment of time, I didn't care. I lost my mom, she just lost hers. It's like she was sent to me, like a sign to keep going. ''You've got me now'' I hug her as I silently cy.
She leans back on my arm and rests her little hand on my cheeks, ''don't cry'' she says and wipes my cheeks. I look at her, blonde curls falling on her back. I nod, and wipe my face wit my free hand. ''Mommy was in pain.'' She explains. I nod, ''I could see that. I helped mommy, she's up there now.'' I say and point up to the sky. ''Both our mommy's are there.'' I tell her. Her head falls back as she looks up, ''Hi mommy...'' She whispers. A tear escapes her eye and I wipe it away. ''No more crying.'' I say and hold up my pinky, ''Pinky promise?'' I ask. She holds up her small pinky and hooks it around mine. ''Promise.'' She says.
I look up at the sky and smile. ''Thank you.'' I mouth as I walk back to the house I was in. It's save there, for now. I turn my attention back to the little girl. ''So, how old are you?'' I ask. I could see the gears turning in her head and she holds up six fingers. ''Six? Aren't you a big girl!'' I tickle her. She giggles. ''And what is your name?'' I ask. ''Lily'' she smiles. I nod, ''I am Bailey.'' I smile down at her and hold out my hand, she grabs it and shakes it. ''Nice to meet you'' I smile trough the pain. This little girl will now be under my care and I will have to do everything about it to keep her save.
I barricade the front door and walk into the kitchen, at least, from what's left of it and set Lily on the counter top. ''Hungry?'' I ask and she nods. I grab a can of peaches and open it for her. ''Careful, the edges might be sharp.'' I tell her as I give her the can. I put a bottle of water beside her so she has something to drink. ''Can I ask where you and mommy were going?'' I ask. ''Mommy wanted to find a save place to live. One of the monsters grabbed her... Mommy was ill.'' She says and I can feel the sadness. ''I was going to a save place, do you think that mommy knew that? She waited till I was with you.'' I tell her to reassure her. ''Mommy was smart.'' She smiles.
I nod, ''she indeed is.'' I chuckle. I eat a can of beans and look carefully at her. ''Are you hurt?'' I ask her and she shakes her head. ''No, mommy kept me save.'' She says and eats another piece of peach. "Good'' I nod. I pick her up and walk over to the couch. I set her down and I sit next to her. Her blonde curls are tangled and her little face is smudged with dirt. ''Once you're done, shall we go look for a brush and wash cloth?'' I ask her and smile. She nods and eats her peaches. ''Done!'' she says and shows me the empty can. ''Good girl.'' I say and stand up walking to the stairs. ''Come, I need your help finding them.'' I chuckle. I'm really trying to make her happy and include her from now on. She's now relaying in me.
Luckily we found a brush and some cloths. To my surprise, the water was still running and it was warm as well. I could wash her face and I brushed her hair. I found hair ties and put her hair in a bun to prevent it from being snatched by biters. ''That's a lot better, isn't it?'' I ask Lily when I was done with making a bun. She nods and smiles ''Now I can see better!'' She giggles. I chuckle in response.
The sun was setting. We could easily stay here for the night. It's save and I barricaded the front door. ''So, are you tired?'' I ask the little girl. ''A little...'' She says and yawns. ''Well, we're in luck, as you saw, there are beds. So we can sleep here if you want?'' She nodded eagerly. I picked her up and brought her to one of the beds, throwing her on one of the beds, earning a giggle in response. I took of her shoes and tucked her in. ''I'll be downstairs for a bit, I'll come up soon okay?'' she looks up at me, ''okay''. I ruffle her bun and walk downstairs. Once I sit back down on the couch I sigh. I bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knees. I silently cry. I do believe that mom send her to me, as a sign to keep going. Lily's heartbreak for her mommy broke me. I kept my cool, but it was so hard to kill her mom.
After an hour or so I walked back upstairs and lay myself down on the king-sized bed.
My hands founds their way behind my head and I look up at the ceiling, not daring to sleep incase something happens. ''Bailey?'' My head turns to the doorway, ''I can't sleep'' Lily says and rubs her eyes. I open my arm for her. She crawls on bed and lays against me as I wrap my arm around her. I turn on my side and curl around her. ''Try to get some sleep sunshine, I'll keep you save, okay?'' She nods and closes her eyes. Soon her breaths are slow and even. I throw the cover over us and close my eyes too. Within an hour I am asleep.
''Bailey!'' someone pulls my arm. ''Wake up!'' My eyes fling open and Lily is tugging my arm in panic. ''What is wrong?!'' I say as she points to the stairs. ''Monsters..." She whispers. I sit up straight, ''Are they inside?'' I whisper. She nods. Fuck. I climb out of bed and walk over to the window. There's a fire escape.
''Stay here, I'll grab your shoes and our bags and we'll leave trough the window.'' I tell her as I set her on the bed. I tiptoe to the other room where we left her shoes and bag and look down the stairs. There's at least seven of the biters inside. How? I barricaded the door? No time to thigh about that. I quickly run back to the room where I left Lily. I hear growls and the stairs is creaking. I whip my head over my shoulder and see two biters coming up the stairs. They must have heard me running.
''Shit'' I whisper yell. I softly close the door behind me and lock it. I try to stay calm for Lily, I don't want to scare her. I quickly put on her shoes and put her down on the ground. ''Turn around'' I whisper and she does. I put her backpack on her back.
The door is now moving, the biters walking into it to reach us. I hold my finger up to my lips, indicting to Lily that she needs to be quiet. She nods but I can see that she's scared. I open up the window and pick her up, placing her outside on the fire escape.
The door bursts open and the two biters march in, walking over to us. ''Bailey!'' Lily yells. I quickly look down in the alleyway, to my luck there's no biters there. "Go down the steps! I'll be right behind you!'' I say and turn back around. My dagger is already in my hand as one of the biters throws me against the wall. In the corner of my eye I can see Lily staring at me. ''Go! I promised to keep you save, I'll be there!'' I yell and she nods. I plunge my dagger in the skull of the biter and throw its body to the other one, buying me some time to climb out the window. As I'm trying to go down the stairs, the other biter grips my arm. ''Asshole!'' I yell and put my dagger up his nose, it's body going limb.
I quickly walk down the stairs and find Lily, hugging her. ''See, you're save.'' I whisper in her ear. Her little arms wrap around my neck and I pick her up, setting her on my hip. ''Let's go.'' I say and lean towards the street. It's full of biters. I curse under my breath. ''we'll have to make a run out of this town.'' I tell Lily and set her down for a bit. I move my backpack to my chest and kneel down. ''Jump'' I tell Lily and she jumps. Her legs go through the bands of my backpack and I hold her up, making sure that she's secure. Her hands grip my shoulders, ''ready?'' I ask over my shoulder. She nods, ''okay, hold tight!'' I say and run onto the street. Heads turning our way as I make a run out of town, dodging every biter that comes close. ''Close your eyes!'' I yell over the growls, She doesn't need to see this.
I feel a tug on my back and notice that a biter is holding on to Lily's bag. I quickly turn around and swipe my dagger in its head. I keep on running and running but the herd is following me on my heels. I'm growing tired. ''Look!'' Lily yells and I see her pointing forward. My eyes follow her little finger and sure enough there's a car coming our way? I keep running towards it as it slows down. A man gets out, ''Duck!'' he yells and I do as he says. He runs up to us and starts to riffle down the biters. ''Are you hurt? Bitten?'' He asks, saying calm. ''N-no!'' I say. ''good, come with me!'' he yells above the growls. I don't even think twice as we run back to the car.
''I'm Aaron, we have a save place where you can stay.'' The man says to us. ''Do you mean... 'that' save place in Virginia?'' I ask Aaron. He nods and smiles, pulling away from the herd. ''oh thank god'' I burst in tears as I hug Lily who's siting in my lap.
Aaron grips my shoulder in an kind way and tells me to relax, as it's an 30 minute drive. ''So who are you?'' Aaron asks. ''I'm Bailey, this is Lily, we found each other yesterday.'' I try to smile as I think back on how we met. Aaron nods, ''I am Aaron, as you know, and I drive around to see if there's people in need and give them the choice to come back to Alexandria.'' He smiles.
''We're close.'' Aarond nods towards a sign that says 'Alexandria, this way'. ''Do you think his is where our mommy's wanted us to go?'' I ask Lily as I see high walls and a big gate. ''I think so!'' She giggles as the gate opens.
''You are finally save. I will let Deanna know that I came back, she'll help you get settled.'' Aaron says and gets out of the car. The gates close behind us and I look around. It's just like a normal neighborhood. People are smiling, children are playing outside. I look down at Lily, her eyes almost popping out of her head. She looks up at me and smiles, holing up her arms. I hug her tight.
''I think we can call this our new home!'' I smile and look back up at the sky. ''We're home mom.'' I say and my eyes fill with tears. < Intro - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 >
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dandrew-stuff · 1 year
Look at this amazing news that just dropped in my box😝!
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I know that the WGA' strike is over but that the SAG-AFTRA one is still going on, but that doesn't stop me from being optimistic about a "surprise" appearance by the actors🥹.
I say this mainly because 'the op that send me this has confirmed that apparently Norman Reedus( plays Daryl Dixon in twd/dd) was able to promote his spin-off somewhat on IG.
And recently too,I read somewhere that AMC had made a special request to the guild to lift some restrictions(something like that🤷🏽‍♀️)so they could resume filming for some spin-offs( Finishing Daryl Dixon season 2 and some touch-ups to be made for The Ones Who Live).
So I keep wondering if we'll ever get an appearance from the actors (maybe just for a few minutes at the end of the panel,who knows).
In any case, I just hope that the TOWL teaser will be released online after the NYCC🙏🏾.
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I just want to see my two favorite human beings🥲
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