#daryl crossbow
trashg0blin37 · 24 days
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I’m so obsessed with this smelly man, send help
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moodboardmayhem1 · 10 days
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avidtetrisenthusiast · 2 months
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chokehold's illegal 💥💥🔥💥‼️🔥💥
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I want to bite his biceps
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wildlyfreemoon · 2 months
s3 ep 10 of twd -- daryl saving a family and killing a walker with the car boot door? yeah that was hot
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 11 months
Dude, your Daryl art is freaking amazing! I hope to see more!💙
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Him smiling, just for you <3
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So I am autistic, not very high on the spectrum, and I would love to ask for a fluff request with Daryl Dixon but as a father figure. The girl is like 19 and she is Rick Grimes daughter or whatever. So she had moments when she’s excited or happy, maybe nervous she fidgets and won’t stop moving around. She will also just make random noises just to calm nerves or something. Big crowds bother her and cause her to be just overstimulated so maybe Daryl takes her away from like the party and outside where he calms the reader down? I know from experiences that I am a very touch sensitive person with textures, so what if he uses his poncho knowing it’s a texture that is for comfort for her, or Dog could be used for the comfort too. Just overall him being a dad figure to the reader. But I am obsessed with fluff
Thank you so much for the request!! I’m so sorry for how long it took! I hope it’s what you were looking for! I of course don’t go through what you go through so this might not be realistic/ authentic and I apologise if it isn’t! But I hope it doesn’t disappoint!
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Simple reassurance
The small party being held in the Monroe families house within Alexandria’s protective walls. You were already feeling incredibly anxious and this didn’t help you one single bit. You always struggled with crowds and lots of people, it made you uncomfortable and well… this was making you increasingly uncomfortable, your hands fidgeting by your side- a slight clicking coming from your mouth. It was a sound you made without even being aware of… but it happened every time you were anxious, worried or embarrassed. Almost like a cringe… because you truly didn’t want to be there. Parties during the apocalypse just seemed bizarre. Absurd. It felt wrong.
And unbeknownst to you your closest friend had spotted your odd behaviour. Daryl was incredibly observant and he knew just by your body language that you were uncomfortable, people drinking around you, attempting to engage you in conversation yet you were clearly anxious and didn’t want anything to do with it. “Hey y/n,” the older man called grabbing your attention, your hands almost stimming as you struggled to keep them still, fingers wiggling as your wrists almost hit against your sides. It wasn’t your fault… you just felt incredibly sick. So many people. So many different smells of food and beverages, you just felt sick to your stomach. His hand gently grabbed a hold of your wrist where he quickly lead you outside and into the fresh air, where you automatically calmed down, body language becoming calmer and more neutral “you good?” He spoke gruffly your hands now squeezing in and out of fists, body feeling tingly in the most revolting way. Textures often helped make these feelings go away- sometimes you’d just touch your clothes and that would help but that wasn’t solving the issue this time.
“I- I feel like I have a fucking microfibre cloth on me… it’s freaking me out..” you expressed to Daryl you grew more concerned, he knew what you were like and how textures often helped “here,” he reached his hands out towards you, offering his hands “hold my hands.” Daryl wasn’t a very touchy person… never in fact… but he cared very much about you and just wanted you to be okay. He knew what it was like to feel… odd… feet not grounded on the floor. It was almost anxiety inducing. He also understood the fact that you were touch sensitive, so he was always cautious no matter what. Your hands shakily gripped onto his rougher dirtier hands his touch gentle and reassuring as he gave your hands a simple squeeze yet within ten seconds you had to pull away
“I- I’m sorry… I just…” “no. Don’t apologise. Come with me..” he spoke before nodding in the direction of his home before he began walking, you trailing slightly behind him as you followed after him before eventually being lead into his home. You sat down on the couch in the living room, Daryl disappearing before returning crossbow in hand and an arrow, you took the crossbow into your hands the cold texture making that little crack in reality shine through as a soft breath soon left your lips “you know you really shouldn’t force yourself to do things you aren’t comfortable with…” he spoke softly the look on your face proving it all as he let out a soft grunt, quickly shaking his head “I know what you’re goin’ to say. You’re a people pleaser.. ya need to learn how to say no.” He spoke sternly his eyes full of concern yet a lot of care and affection for you. He was always a reserved man but seemed to hold a lot of care for you.
Your thumb traced over the arrow head before you glanced back at Daryl “teach me how to say no.” You spoke Daryl not responding to that as instead he whistled, tapping his thigh loudly “dog! Hey dog! C’mere boy!” He called, dog happily trotting into the room greeting Daryl before the dog bound over to you, snout immediately pushing into your lap, the arrow now beside you as instead your palms were stroking against the dogs fur , entangling within his soft winter coat the texture immediately bringing you comfort, dog wagging his tail as he licked your cheek tail at a medium height, wagging happily. “Even dog agrees.” He spoke, you glancing at Daryl before letting out a soft laugh “you know I can’t say no.” You murmured Daryl shaking his head in disagreement before sighing softly “I’m okay now.” You reassured continuing to fuss dog, Daryl raising his brows at you knowing there was some sort of a catch to your words “I’ll go back to the par-“ “nope.” He cut you off shaking his head “but you can come with-“ “no y/n. I don’t like people. And I know you’ll panic if you go in there again.” He spoke you knowing he was right as you instead focused on dog, running your fingers through dogs fur, dog licking your cheek again, paws coming to collide against your thighs his tail wagging faster and faster “dog come,” Daryl soon called hearing your soft laughter as dog continued to lick your face your eyes squeezed shut- as if the animal knew you needed something to laugh about, not listening to Daryl as he continued licking over your face, daryl watching with amusement before shaking his head “dog, hey boy!” He called again clapping his hands the dog bounding over to him before Daryl stood up fussing dog before walking over to you, you standing up before watching him carefully “can I hug you?” He asked you, he knew your boundaries and knew what made you uncomfortable but also what you struggled with so always asked no matter what. You nodded your head the man getting closer to you before pulling you into his embrace his hug gentle and careful but also secure and safe.
“Please learn how to say no.” He spoke to you a small smile tugging at your lips before you sighed softly “okay… I’ll try to.” You reassured with a soft laugh Daryl soon pulling back hands resting upon your shoulders “good. You better.” He spoke a playful threat coming from him but you knew he was just playing around “now first… will you go into that party?” He asked “no.” You said after a moment or two Daryl smiled “good. You’ve got no one to please other than yourself. Now go pick up that crossbow and we can go hunting yeah… get our own food.” You smiled amused you loved hunting with Daryl. It was your favourite thing ever.
“Squirrels?” You asked and he nodded
“Squirrels… or maybe even deer if we’re lucky.” He chuckled out making you smile widely. Gods did you love him.
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witchb1tches · 1 year
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Daryl "Dilf" Dixon
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mymanreedus · 4 months
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foxintheferns · 9 months
I know I’m a Twilight fic page but um Daryl Dixon from TWD is a lot of the content I read in my own personal time and I am openly admitting this hoping someone else has the niche obsession with both…
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verfound · 1 year
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Teaser | The Book of Carol
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rimunagenius · 2 years
Glenn: Daryl won’t get up.
Maggie: Just poke him, that usually works. He’s a light sleeper.
Glenn: Tried. Didn’t work.
Carol: I got this.
Carol: *bends close to his ear* Oh my god. Nicolas is god awful close to Y/N.
Daryl: *shoots up right away* Imma kill him.
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feralhuntercosplay · 6 months
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Progress from today. Super happy with how the shirt turned out, just needs more distressing. And that's the Barnett I rescued recently. Needs to be restrung. Bout to cook up some fiddleheads and deer meat. (:
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clochanamarc · 1 year
i have to go shower BUT i wanna talk abt the OC and canon regulars at the diner bc i'm watching a lot of tv shows lately and i have very strong ideas about how lasz.lo from ww.dits and oddly enough dar.yl dix.on from tw.d would interact with the diner, so don't be confused or alarmed when i start talking abt vampires and crossbows okay?
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ioannemos · 1 year
??????? WHAT is my greasy biker boy doing in FRANCE
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wildlyfreemoon · 9 days
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