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I dont if you could but could you do one where the reader is the younger sister of daryl and Merle Dixon and is in a relationship with rick grimes?
Thank you so much for the request!! I’m sorry it’s taken like FOREVER but I’m slowly working through a ton of requests/ asks!! Thank you so much for the constant support! Love you all so so soooo much!
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Not officer friendly no more
Trigger warnings: blood, swearing, brotherly angst, angst in general, mentions of abuse. If any of this makes you uncomfortable please read at your own discretion! MERLE IS GOING TO BE AN EXTRA ASSHOLE IN THIS ONE SO PLEASE BE WARNED.
Fem! Reader. (Readers age around early 20s)
“What do you wanna tell us lil sunshine?” Merle asked staring at you, arms crossed as he studied you, eyes flicking from you before moving to the man you dated: Rick grimes. You and Rick hit it off a year after Lori died. It was difficult for the man to get over his wife but when it came to you he couldn’t help but jump feet first right into the amount of love you had for him. It made him feel loved… he truly did love you. You were both made for each other. Even though it was awful to admit you were glad the apocalypse had happened because if it didn’t… then you wouldn’t of met him.
Rick was capable of calming you down during your worst times… you suffered from your fathers anger when you were younger. Your brothers faced the brunt of each hit of the belt and kick from the boot but you didn’t get out of it unscathed, your mother whilst she was alive burnt cigarettes on your skin to put them out… she neglected you more than she neglected your brothers. Whereas the same couldn’t be said for your dad. He hit you, daryl, Merle and even your mum. It was awful and cruel.
Daryl stood beside Merle crossbow held over his shoulder as he stared at the two of you “Rick and I… uh…” “are in a relationship? Yeah I figured that out quite a while back missy.” Merle said a small smile on his lips daryl giving him quite a perplexed look as if asking why didn’t you tell me? “Uh.. yeah but…” you cleared your throat before looking at Rick nervously, “but? The prick didn’t hurt ya did he?!” Merle asked eyes almost bulging out of his head at just the thought, Daryl quickly shoving Merle “shut up man, Rick wouldn’t ever do that…” “we he sure as hell hurt me! Made me lose my hand!” Daryl glared at his brother “shut. up. They’ve got somethin’ to tell us. Just listen…” he demanded, even though he was the younger brother gods did he feel like the older brother sorting out the childish one… Rick looked at you smiling gently before a soft nervous sigh left his lips before he looked at your brothers before gently taking your hand into his, a small smile on his lips as he gave your hand a comforting squeeze “as you’re both her only parental figures… or living relatives… I want to ask for your sisters hand in marriage.” Daryl’s lips parted in shock yet he didn’t look unhappy, but Merle looked immediately unsure his eyes scanning up and down Rick as if sizing him up
“Why do you wanna marry my little sister huh? You gonna be like that asshole Ed… huh? You better not be-“ “merle. Enough. Please.” You spat out, glaring at your oldest brother brows furrowed in confusion and slight hurt that he would even say such a thing “ricks not like that.” “You don’t know what the hell any man’s like until ya marry him! Remember what d-“ “enough!” Daryl grabbed the back of Merle’s shirt yanking him backwards away from you before standing facing the agitated man “enough…. Ricks a good man. You know that.” He spoke glaring into his soul “don’t speak about dad either. You know what he put her through. Shut the hell up about it.” He demanded, ricks arm wrapping around your waist securely his thumb brushing up and down against your hip, lips coming to press against your head to comfort you his eyes full of held back anger. He knew the abuse you faced… what your dad did to you and he disliked the fact that Merle was using your father against you like that.
Merle sighed “I’m sorry sunshine,” he spoke to you before gently grabbing your hand “I just want the best for you…” he spoke, daryl watching with cautious eyes before his eyes wandered to the fact that merle was inches away from touching the dark cigarette burn buried deep into your wrist but before he could react, Rick had already reacted, shoving merle back into a nearby wall- finger coming to point in his face his other hand stuffing his T-shirt up into his hand keeping him against the wall “you do not… do that… this is something happy. Grow the hell up.” Rick demanded glaring into his eyes, Merle smirking “let her grow up first before you fucking hurt and abus-“ before Merle could’ve even finished his sentence rick had punched Merle in the jaw a gasp coming from you, daryl quickly grabbing onto your hand as he pulled you away, arm wrapping around your shoulder as he held you tight in his embrace. Blood formed on Merle’s teeth as he smiled letting out a laugh “not officer friendly no more…” Merle laughed out Rick giving him an annoyed look “you keep acting like this and I’ll make sure your other hand gets chopped off.” Rick spoke annoyed “is that a threat?” Merle questioned,
“Nah. It’s a promise. Learn some fucking respect you-… are you drunk? Are you-“ “you aren’t a cop no more helicopter boy! Stop spitting ya rules around! No one cares… your an asshole I don’t need respect! You do!” Rick gave him an annoyed look before letting go of him “shut up.” He spoke Merle scoffing “what you gonna do?! Arrest me? Have fun with that pal! Gonna-“ Rick punched merle again, the man falling silent, wobbling a bit before crashing down onto the floor “I said shut up..” Rick muttered before turning around looking to you and Daryl, daryl unfazed yet you looked horrified “I’m sorry y/n.. sorry you had to see that..” he spoke, you soon shaking your head “it’s okay. Well deserved…” you assured shakily before looking at Daryl “are you okay with me marrying him?” You asked softly, Daryl’s hand coming up to cup your cheek as he gazed into your eyes lovingly “of course sunshine…” he smiled gently before pinching your cheek “you’re growin’ up too quick. I don’t like it… but… he makes you happy. Your happiness is all that matters to me.” You smiled lovingly before wrapping your arms around him tightly, him pressing a kiss to the top of your head “love you.” He murmured against your hair before pulling away smiling softly giving your shoulder a squeeze before he walked to Rick, reaching his hand out and shaking his head, both men sharing a brotherly moment you watching with a happy smile knowing you were making the best decision of your whole life.
Later on that evening you were having a picnic with Rick, you and him had driven out into a safe place… the place where you both just so happened to make love for the first time. It was beautiful really. It was an empty field of what happened to be an abandoned theme park, old rides still in place, no one in sight.. no walkers… no nothing. Just wildlife and you two. The sun was starting to set, melted chocolate in its packet being used as a dip for strawberries as you gazed at Rick lovingly,
as the time passed the big moment soon happened- Rick dropping down onto one knee your eyes wide and excited tearing up. Of course you knew this was going to happen… he had asked you to marry him prior to everything that happened that day… but this one was real for he actually had a proper ring, and not a plastic ring that children would wear… of course you didn’t mind either way but this ring was different it was genuinely a beautiful ring… “y/n… y/l/n…” he started eyes full of love and a lot of emotion. “Will you marry me?” You nodded excitedly tears growing against your eyelashes before he slid the ring onto your finger, a squeal soon leaving your lips before you jumped right on top of him, him falling backwards soft laughter coming from the both of you his hands grasping onto your hips tightly happiness clear on his face your happiness only growing “I love you so much..” he spoke gazing up into your eyes before cupping your cheek in his hand, your fingertips grazing against his skin gently “I love you so much too…” you murmured lovingly before you soon let your lips intertwine with his as you fell into that deep pool of light and happiness… never in your life did you think you’d ever get married. Especially during this time… you just felt stuck. Screwed. But Rick changed that all…. You had finally fallen in love and gods had you fallen hard for the one and only officer friendly.
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daryltwdixon · 6 months ago
Double Lines
a requested one shot
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"Hi it's me lol my request is Daryl and fem reader are a couple and they finally decided to try for a baby. When Rick returns he is proud of Daryl for everything he's done with the group as well as being a father figure to Judith and can't believe he's finally a father to his own kid. Just fluff lol up to you if there's a pregnancy loss or not in their journey to try to conceive, baby gender is up to you. Names for baby are DJ (Daryl Jr) or Elizabeth after Beth since she was your close friend as well as Daryl's 🖤🖤" @twistedprincess-92
fluffy, pregnancy, gentle Daryl, fem reader.
Daryl has his arms wrapped around you as you stand in the bathroom together. The tile flooring is cold under your bare feet, but that’s not the only thing bringing goosebumps to your skin. He’s kissing your cheeks and lips, then to your nose and temple.
“Whatever it is, I love you,” he whispers against your ear. 
You smile and tuck your face into his neck. Praying, pleading, for once to see that double line. Before you made it to Alexandria, you were terrified of an accidental pregnancy. The thought of bringing a baby into this world terrified you, even though Judith had done so well. But her early years were hard. For her and the group. Daryl was just as scared as you were about pregnancy–maybe more from the fear of losing you. So when you both settled into Alexandria, the idea of a life outside of the apocalypse crept in more and more each day. You kept picturing a stumbling toddler running out to greet Daryl when he came home, what songs you would sing them to bed with, or how soft their cheeks might be. What a mini Daryl might look like, or a little girl who looked just like you might be like. Every day when you sat on your front porch, having coffee and quality time when Daryl was around, you’d picture him or her in his lap. Their eyes would be just like his, so icy blue like the first frost of winter. Their smile would be a mirror of yours, maybe with dimples or none. When you brought the idea to Daryl he was nervous at first, but he knew how much safer you both felt here. There was medicine, doctors, support to help during birth. One night, after a particularly long love making, you confessed to Daryl your thoughts. He had been worried at first, the natural panic of the past few years coming to him. But after assuring him of everything around you, how good Alexandria was for both of you, he finally agreed. That night, you spent many hours interlocked with him. It was one of the most beautiful nights with him, where you finally felt like something was happening for the better. Since then, he’s held you closer and closer when he hugs you. He pulls you into more kisses, his arms always finding your waist. He brings you flowers almost every day, never leaving the vase on your dining table empty.
Today you had told him, in a shaky voice, that your period was two weeks late. Every day since your period was supposed to be here, you just kept telling yourself it’s the stress–something hormonal. You knew there were reasons a period wouldn’t come. You’d had so many scares with Daryl because you were both starving and it was natural for a period to be missed due to the lack of nutrition. So you got used to making excuses for it. But Alexandria was…safe. It was home. So you finally decided to just tell Daryl, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. His eyes were like saucers when you came to him. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen him like that before. He immediately ran from you, and at first you were nervous you scared him away, that he needed to go out for a hunt to clear his mind. But instead, he came back quickly with a small, rectangular box. He pulled the pregnancy test from it, holding it out to you.
“Together,” he said. All you could do was fall into him for a sweet embrace. 
So you find yourselves together here in the bathroom now. Waiting for those double lines. 
“I love you,” you whisper into his neck.
He pulls you back, bringing your face up to his, kissing you deeply. He didn’t need words to tell you how much he loved you. His actions always spoke so much louder. When you come out of your kiss, your eyes naturally peek over to the test on the counter, and a gasp escapes from you.
There’s two bright pink lines across the tester.
It’s so funny, almost like deja-vu. You remember picturing this exactly nine months ago. Sitting on your porch, sipping coffee, watching Daryl with your child. Except instead of one, there were two. Yes, twins. When you found out both of you nearly fainted, the news was almost too much for your frayed pregnancy nerves. But now, seeing Daryl with his closed eyes on the porch swing, two babies laying sound asleep on him during a contact nap was the most magical thing you could ever want or need. You look over to the street from a bit of motion in the corner of your eye, and you see Rick walking over, Judith in hand. She’s walking over, blabbing about something in her toddler talk. He is smiling down at her, nodding and answering back. When he looks up and catches you watching, he lifts his free hand into a wave. You smile and wave him to come up to the porch steps. As he and Judith approach, you begin to stand. 
“Stay, stay,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss your cheek, “you must be tired,” 
“How are you doing? Hi Judith,” you say softly, your eyes twinkling at the little one.
“We’re doin’ real good,” he says, “right Judy?”
“HI!” she says loudly, still not exactly used to using her ‘inside voice’, stirring Daryl out of his nap. The babies squirm on him, but he lays still, bringing his arms up around them tighter. 
“Wow,” Rick says, watching Daryl. He’s shaking his head lightly, his eyes full of love.
“Thought I couldn’t do it?” Daryl says hoarsely with a smirk. Judith comes over to him to stare at one of the babies laying closest to her. 
“No,” Rick says softly, shaking his head, “I knew you’d be amazing. You’ve always been good with the kids, Dare. I’m just…” he trails off, his throat bobbing, “I’m just real’ proud of you. How far we’ve all come,” he looks over to you now, his eyes misty. You give him a sad smile, reaching your hand out to hold his, squeezing tightly for a moment before dropping it again.
“You’ve done so much for us–for everyone. I’m real’ happy that you finally get to have this.” he finishes, leaning over, putting his hand on his chosen brother’s shoulder. Daryl stares at him intently, and nods genuinely. 
“What’re their names?” Judith asks loudly. The baby closest to her opens his eyes, “Uncle Daryl? What are the babies’ names?” she asks again, impatient. 
“This one here, J, is DJ. For Daryl Junior,” he smiles softly, touching DJ’s soft cheeks with the pads of his fingers.
“Wow, so he’s Daryl and you’re Daryl?” she says quizzically. Her face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Tha’s right,” he says, meeting your eyes with a twinkle in his, he looks down at the other baby, still snoozing softly on him, “and this here is Elizabeth,” he says quieter now. He looks back up at Rick, a sad smile on his face. Rick returns it, and crouches down next to Judith, “that’s a beautiful name, huh, J? Tell Uncle Daryl what a nice name that is,” 
She giggles, putting her fingers in her mouth and smiling, “I like it,”
“Surprised you didn’t say one of their names was Ass Kicker,” Rick smiles widely and you all laugh at the memory.
You and Daryl had decided the names early on, knowing you wanted to honor his lost friend Beth Greene. She was so gentle and good hearted. He missed her, and you knew it would mean the world to him to name his child after her. DJ was the harder one to get Daryl to sign off on–he wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of his own name. He thought it was silly to name his son after himself. 
“We’ll call him DJ for short–that way you won’t think about it,” you joked one afternoon. 
He had taken a long pause, working on his motorcycle in the garage, tinkering with something in the engine. You had come by, hobbling over with your large belly to bring him lunch. He tended to forget to eat during the long hours he spent in the garage with his bike, and you liked visiting him during the day. When he saw you, he ran up to you to pull the stool he had in the shop under you. You sighed as you sat, and he kissed your temple as you took the weight off your swollen feet. He took the lunch from you with a small ‘thanks, baby’.
“So…?” you say breathlessly. You were getting so tired of being winded by walking 20 feet these days.
“DJ, huh?,” he finally said, “alright,” and that was that. Life had finally slowed down. You felt like everything that had happened between the two of you, the sacrifices that had to be made, the things that kept you up at night–had finally been worth it. You were safe, Daryl was safe. And now you had a beautiful family that was safe. It was all you could ever want and need.
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scudslut · 11 months ago
too sweet
daryl x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, mdni
a/n: okay, is this like the song? IDK i listened to it on repeat tryna decipher shit and come up with a good plot but i think i got a little lost in the sauce, or maybe im just being mean to myself🫢 ANYWAY I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ANON BYEEE🤍
you two never got along, never saw eye to eye.
years you’d known each other and all it ever did was reveal those differences all the more. highlighting them in bold letters for you to gaze at thoughtfully, but did that stop you?
it was a game you played, back and forth for so long that it became a routine. bicker and disagree till you were blue in the face and at each other's mercy for only the moon to bear witness too.
how many times had you dug into him for his habits. he smoked, kept to himself, he fought, but where had that ever gotten him? it was against your nature. a way of being that you genuinely could not understand.
and he’d be right there with you, matching each dig with his own. you were sweet, too soft. you pleased and walked among ice like you weighed as much as a feather, so predictable it was almost humorous. if you didn’t understand him, he was absolutely riddled by you.
“how do ya sleep at night? huh? don’ya ever get tired of keeping everyone so fuckin happy?” he’d mutter, all the while tearing articles of clothing off of your supple skin, one by one. skin that was pristine by default and worn as if only heaven itself had touched it.
“believe it or not, i actually want people to like me daryl. i like when i can make people happy. it’s not a fucking act,” you sneer back.
who was he to talk? he lived inside his own head. could go days… no, months by himself, not muttering a single word to a breathing soul. and you’d tried to reason, guide, and help, but if anyone knew daryl dixon, they knew he didn’t budge easily. he had to want it for himself and he simply didn’t see the glory in your people-pleasing nature, as he’d like to call it.
sure he saw the value in it, somewhat. but he liked things the way they were, as they were meant to be. if he disagreed with something he sure as shit wasn’t gonna prance around trying not to hurt no feelings.
“alright, you keep tellin’ yerself that, princess.”
so what was it that kept you two coming back for more? why was the tension and aversion between your minds so magnetic between your bodies? he wanted to snap those annoying, pretty lips shut with his. maybe if he kissed you hard enough something would click in that head of yours. maybe he could fuck some clarity into you.
his fingers would rub fast circles over your clit, watching you keen and moan into the pillow beneath you, “how’s that princess? good enough for ya? hm?” he’d mock, “faster? slower?”
“god, would you shut up already?” you tried to sneer only for it to come out as a breathy whine, adding fuel to his pride and smirk across his face. your lips crashed into his in an attempt to diminish it but it was right there, now pressed up against your face, and fuck, why was that so hot? why was his rugged stubble, his long hair kissing your shoulders, and his broad, strong body so infuriatingly sexy to you? muscles built from years of fights, kills, and hunting. you didn’t like it… but you did.
“fuck, i’m gonna-“ you cried to him softy.
“nuh, uh. not yet pretty girl.”
his belt was loud throughout the quiet room. your eyes were squeezed shut in pleasure but you heard the familiar clanks and zips, and then you felt his weight above you — warm and spicy. it pulled you so far and close that you sucked him in before he even got his pants all the way off.
“fuckin’ christ girl,” he groaned, snapping down to meet your hips flush. it was rapid and hot, both of you pouring all your frustrations into each push and pull. frustrations with each other, frustrations with yourselves that you liked this so fucking much.
he fucked you deep and hard like his body hated you, but somehow kissed you so tenderly through it all. his tongue massaging and tangling with yours as if you created his oxygen for him.
“so fucking sweet, princess, y’know that?” he whispered against you, “no good fer me.”
he was telling himself that; convincing himself and you knew it. your body rolled to meet his quickly, feeling every gooey, warm muscle against your skin and drooling over it, “more.”
as if to prove a point he slowed down, pulling out till just his tip was caught at your entrance, and then would thrust in, hard. over, and over, and over until you were singing his name and muffling it with his neck. warm and spicy.
“ya like that? thought ya wanted faster?”
he knew he was walking a line, but what had you guys ever been but a definitive line? a clear distinction of night and day, the only time ever seeing eye to eye being these moments. as one.
you were sent over the edge instantly, spasms of pleasure rolling languidly through your body. the tight swelling of your cunt causing daryl to finish with you and fuck if he didn’t cum the prettiest, sexiest way you had ever seen. straight out of your dirty, teenage fantasies and above you to soak in while you wreathed along with him.
he groaned and cursed into your chest, riding out each wave until he was shaking above you and so sensitive he couldn’t help but hiss as he pulled away, flopping down beside you.
a cigarette was quickly fished from his strewn jeans pockets and placed between his lips, lighting up and rolling back into the pillows lazily. every ounce of mending and merging you had just done was palpably tossed out the window, your scoff loudly filling the silence.
“that will kill you one day, hope you know that,” you muttered whilst gathering your clothes and slipping them on.
he didn’t bat an eye, nothing he hadn’t heard before from you and honestly, he didn’t really care. plenty of things in the world that’ll kill you, your naivety being one of them.
“lemme guess, gotta be up bright n’ early? tendin’ ta all yer charity cases?” he mused as he watched you head for the door. there had never been a night you’d spent together, probably would end up ripping each others faces off alone in room together for that long.
he didn’t get an answer, just an amused eye roll as you opened his bedroom door, “bye daryl.”
and then you were gone, quiet stomps heard as you floated up the stairs and he knew it would only be a matter of days before you were right back here, glued to his body and singing his name like you needed him to survive.
“figures,” he mumbled, taking a long drag from his smoke and smirking softly to himself.
what’s that saying? opposites always attract?
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daphnalia · 1 year ago
if theres one thing i wish for s2 its an oakson reunion
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cultofdixon · 2 years ago
Don’t bite my head off, sunshine
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Being concussed isn’t fun. But ones gotta admit, the concussed thoughts are pretty chaotic • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Injuries / Concussion
Requested by: Anon
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“You may have a concussion” Daryl frowns kneeling before his partner while he gently palpates parts of the back of her head to make sure of no prominent bumps or even a gash he hasn’t caught yet.
“I am a-okay baby” Y/N sung poorly making the archer grimace a bit but he knew she was going to be a bit out of it.
The fall was pretty nasty.
The two were on a hunting trip, something they’ve been doing more often once they arrived to Alexandria and even after the herd/Wolves incident. But Daryl is the better tracker and has more knowledge of their surrounding environment compared to Y/N who is getting better at tracking but isn’t familiar with the surrounding forest by their home.
Which lead to Y/N tracking down this deer but when the tracks stopped, she didn’t. She kept walking and eventually fell into a small ravine. It didn’t help that there was a creek running through because when Daryl came running and spotted Y/N at the bottom. She was on her stomach, not moving, and the stream picked up some blood.
He really thought he was going to go home explaining how Y/N died. But thank god when he came down carefully, she slowly sat up to show that the gash was her shoulder and not from her head. But tumbling down still had her hit her head a few times.
Leading us to now where Daryl carefully brushes away the hair blocking the forming bruise on the right side of her forehead. He gently touched it, watching her retract but he wanted to make sure it wasn’t too swollen in the area.
“You gotta take off your shirt so I can bandage that shoulder” Daryl states setting his pack down. He also carried her out of the ravine prior to checking her injuries.
“Not to see my boobs?” She teased as the head injury was starting to make her a bit more forward and stupid, later.
“This is some fucked way to see my girl’s boobs” He scoffs. “And no. I ain’t lookin’” he says as he got his first aid kit out hearing a sad ‘Aww’ from her in response. “Yea got a tank top on?”
“Mmmmm….maybe. Maybe not”
“Y/N, please”
“What if…I don’t?”
“Then I gotta give you my shirt.” Daryl says as he grabs the bandages he will need to patch her up and then realized where she was getting at. “Girl, I ain’t strippin’ for yea if yea lyin’”
“I is wearing…another shirt” Y/N mutters disappointed as Daryl sets everything he’ll need on top of his bag before helping her get out of the ruined shirt gently.
Y/N sat perfectly still, a bit too perfectly because Daryl did startle her when checking her pulse once. But she was still enough for him to patch up her shoulder and let the two relax a moment even if her brain was still a bit scrambled.
The moments of silence freaked out Daryl, but he knew startling her would only make her mad or wince. He doesn’t like either.
“How’s the pain?”
“Are you lying to me?”
“Meh means bad”
“Since when does ‘meh’ mean bad? It’s usually a blow off” Daryl questions watching her shrug a little before having another moment of awkward silence but this time she was looking up at the sky. Her small head tilt up made Daryl think about how much sunlight they might have left. He’d like to get her home before anything.
As Daryl packs up a bit, including her knife. He doesn’t want her to do something dumb in this loopy state. While she continued to look around at everything in the woods as she became hyper focused on this small bug inching closer to her shoe. A praying mantis.
“Y/N, what’s the pain level no—-“ Daryl turns to her seeing her carefully pick up the praying mantis off her shoe since it decided to climb on her. “You want me to kill it?”
“No! It prob has kids out there” Y/N scoffs holding the little dude in her hands looking down at it.
Then suddenly tossing it aside which shocked Daryl.
“You were so fucking gentle with it, whyd yea do that?!”
“It was lookin’ at my man funny”
“What does that even fucking mean?!” Daryl questioning watching her face turn into confusion for a moment. “What is happening??”
“That was a praying mantis right?”
Great. She’s got the short term memory loss with the concussion Daryl groans. “Yeah”
“Don’t have sex with it” What the fuck “it will eat you after”
“Yknow, good call” Daryl decided to play along while throwing his pack over his shoulder and getting up. “It was lookin’ at me all seductive-like”
Y/N nods agreeing with his words as he extends his hands toward her to help her on her feet. Once Daryl got his arm around her to support her, just in case, while starting the walk back home.
“That’s how they get yea” Y/N pats his back with her blank daze going on on her face. “What if humans were like that? Females finding their potential male mates…then fuckin’, but instead of the fuck and dip, the female just CHOMPS his head off.” Her emphasis on the word ‘chomps’ made Daryl cringe a bit. “The upstairs head too” now that made him have sympathy pain for the downstairs one.
“Yeah…don’t bite my head off, sunshine”
“No promises” She slurs a bit before looking at Daryl and taking every feature on his face to memory, but it looked more like staring which lead him to stop.
“You’re too good lookin’ to bite your head off” Y/N smiles using the hand that wasn’t on his back to pat his cheek which made him roll his eyes but smile as well.
“‘M glad I’ve got yea, and we agree you ain’t gonna bite my head off” Daryl smiles starting to walk again listening to Y/N making biting sounds.
This is going to be a long walk.
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norman-fucking-reedus · 7 months ago
I know pegging Scud has basically become the normal for us but can we also talk about one day just absolutely craving dick and totally catching scud off guard
He actually forgot that HES the man in the relationship… that he’s the one with an actual real life peenar
Sex with Scud would be like sex with a virgin, cause its been so long that he doesn’t remember how to use his own body let alone his own dick
He’d be such a whiny and sloppy mess, shaking and trying his best to stop himself from continuously slipping out of you while also trying his hardest not to absolutely bust a nut right on the spot
You’d have to gently talk him through it, stroking away his stressed tears and slowly explaining to him what he needed to do, how he needed to do it, and what was okay for him to do
“It’s okay sweetheart, you’re doing so so good for me, you just need to relax”
He just wants to be able to make you feel as good and amazing as you somehow make him feel, and he’ll do whatever you say when you say it in that sweet and sugary tone, making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside
His hips have almost no rhythm when he makes an attempt at fucking you, though its more like a dog humping its owner and you have to tell him to put more power behind his thrusts, he's still totally flushed and overwhelmed, having never felt something as incredible as being wrapped up inside you
He's still the same whiny little sub, moaning and whimpering into your ear as he fucks his own brains right out, spiraling down a spiral of pure and utter new found pleasure
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loganlostitall · 1 year ago
Eugene: *dramatic vocabulary for saying he’s lying*
Daryl: *literally just embodying this emoji*
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Like he’s literally just…
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mrcrawly · 2 months ago
Daryl, Negan, & Abusers
Hi! I started watching The Walking Dead recently and just hit s7, and I had some thoughts to share about his dynamic with Negan because I gave it a little thought and I really like the way it's written. (Note that I'm only on s7e5, so this won't be entirely accurate, but there are spoilers for TWD up to that point.)
I was honestly confused at first as to why Daryl really doesn't seem frightened of Negan, at least not in a way that matters, but I think it makes a lot of sense.
Firstly, Daryl was abused for most of his childhood and this is a known fact. The only person who loved him in any capacity was inconsistent and also likely volatile. He has never known stability, safety, or comfort. Daryl grew up around really violent, cruel men.
Secondly, Daryl, throughout this show, has known (and killed!) a lot of really awful, abusive men. He didn't kill Ed, but we know that he knows about Carol's abuse and this is part of the reason he's so protective of her. Daryl is consistently very protective of women and children.
Lastly, The Walking Dead is honestly pretty good at portraying abusers. Pete, Ed, Gorman (the police officer that was abusing Beth at Grady Memorial) and his friends. Sometimes, in lots of different media, abusers are portrayed as horrifying, sometimes powerful people (particularly men) who are almost omnipotent in their control of the abused. The Walking Dead doesn't do this. Abusers in this show are small. They're weak. They are only alive because someone else is defending them or by luck. They are not brave, they don't contribute anything, and they're not powerful. They're just men. Ed controlled Carol's every action, and then got clipped by zombies in the first season of the show! And that was all! Pete was a coward who was only kept around because he just so happened to be useful.
Daryl understands that Negan is a threat, but there's a difference between being afraid and being wary. He's not scared of Negan because he knows Negan is just one man. One really awful, cruel, mean man, but that's all. Negan only has any day at all because he controls other people, and he can only do that by making other people afraid. Negan has no other skills. He won't grow his own food, won't get his own weapons, won't scavenge for himself. The only reason Negan is alive is because people allow him to be cruel and to take. Without Negan's group, he's got nothing at all, and Daryl *knows* that.
I had to get this off my chest because so far I really love the way this show has portrayed abusers and cops, especially for a show that came out in the same general time period and TV era as shows like Supernatural that aren't always the best at tackling serious themes.
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darylssunshine · 11 months ago
my favorite brand of daryl fics is when he doesn't feel important enough to drink/eat because he doesn't wanna waste resources so he refuses them until he's basically slurring and passing out so y/n has to nurse him back to health (@celtic-crossbow write more of this please I'm begging you) ((I'm addicted to whump))
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cherishedskulls · 4 months ago
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i definitely have a type-
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So I am autistic, not very high on the spectrum, and I would love to ask for a fluff request with Daryl Dixon but as a father figure. The girl is like 19 and she is Rick Grimes daughter or whatever. So she had moments when she’s excited or happy, maybe nervous she fidgets and won’t stop moving around. She will also just make random noises just to calm nerves or something. Big crowds bother her and cause her to be just overstimulated so maybe Daryl takes her away from like the party and outside where he calms the reader down? I know from experiences that I am a very touch sensitive person with textures, so what if he uses his poncho knowing it’s a texture that is for comfort for her, or Dog could be used for the comfort too. Just overall him being a dad figure to the reader. But I am obsessed with fluff
Thank you so much for the request!! I’m so sorry for how long it took! I hope it’s what you were looking for! I of course don’t go through what you go through so this might not be realistic/ authentic and I apologise if it isn’t! But I hope it doesn’t disappoint!
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Simple reassurance
The small party being held in the Monroe families house within Alexandria’s protective walls. You were already feeling incredibly anxious and this didn’t help you one single bit. You always struggled with crowds and lots of people, it made you uncomfortable and well… this was making you increasingly uncomfortable, your hands fidgeting by your side- a slight clicking coming from your mouth. It was a sound you made without even being aware of… but it happened every time you were anxious, worried or embarrassed. Almost like a cringe… because you truly didn’t want to be there. Parties during the apocalypse just seemed bizarre. Absurd. It felt wrong.
And unbeknownst to you your closest friend had spotted your odd behaviour. Daryl was incredibly observant and he knew just by your body language that you were uncomfortable, people drinking around you, attempting to engage you in conversation yet you were clearly anxious and didn’t want anything to do with it. “Hey y/n,” the older man called grabbing your attention, your hands almost stimming as you struggled to keep them still, fingers wiggling as your wrists almost hit against your sides. It wasn’t your fault… you just felt incredibly sick. So many people. So many different smells of food and beverages, you just felt sick to your stomach. His hand gently grabbed a hold of your wrist where he quickly lead you outside and into the fresh air, where you automatically calmed down, body language becoming calmer and more neutral “you good?” He spoke gruffly your hands now squeezing in and out of fists, body feeling tingly in the most revolting way. Textures often helped make these feelings go away- sometimes you’d just touch your clothes and that would help but that wasn’t solving the issue this time.
“I- I feel like I have a fucking microfibre cloth on me… it’s freaking me out..” you expressed to Daryl you grew more concerned, he knew what you were like and how textures often helped “here,” he reached his hands out towards you, offering his hands “hold my hands.” Daryl wasn’t a very touchy person… never in fact… but he cared very much about you and just wanted you to be okay. He knew what it was like to feel… odd… feet not grounded on the floor. It was almost anxiety inducing. He also understood the fact that you were touch sensitive, so he was always cautious no matter what. Your hands shakily gripped onto his rougher dirtier hands his touch gentle and reassuring as he gave your hands a simple squeeze yet within ten seconds you had to pull away
“I- I’m sorry… I just…” “no. Don’t apologise. Come with me..” he spoke before nodding in the direction of his home before he began walking, you trailing slightly behind him as you followed after him before eventually being lead into his home. You sat down on the couch in the living room, Daryl disappearing before returning crossbow in hand and an arrow, you took the crossbow into your hands the cold texture making that little crack in reality shine through as a soft breath soon left your lips “you know you really shouldn’t force yourself to do things you aren’t comfortable with…” he spoke softly the look on your face proving it all as he let out a soft grunt, quickly shaking his head “I know what you’re goin’ to say. You’re a people pleaser.. ya need to learn how to say no.” He spoke sternly his eyes full of concern yet a lot of care and affection for you. He was always a reserved man but seemed to hold a lot of care for you.
Your thumb traced over the arrow head before you glanced back at Daryl “teach me how to say no.” You spoke Daryl not responding to that as instead he whistled, tapping his thigh loudly “dog! Hey dog! C’mere boy!” He called, dog happily trotting into the room greeting Daryl before the dog bound over to you, snout immediately pushing into your lap, the arrow now beside you as instead your palms were stroking against the dogs fur , entangling within his soft winter coat the texture immediately bringing you comfort, dog wagging his tail as he licked your cheek tail at a medium height, wagging happily. “Even dog agrees.” He spoke, you glancing at Daryl before letting out a soft laugh “you know I can’t say no.” You murmured Daryl shaking his head in disagreement before sighing softly “I’m okay now.” You reassured continuing to fuss dog, Daryl raising his brows at you knowing there was some sort of a catch to your words “I’ll go back to the par-“ “nope.” He cut you off shaking his head “but you can come with-“ “no y/n. I don’t like people. And I know you’ll panic if you go in there again.” He spoke you knowing he was right as you instead focused on dog, running your fingers through dogs fur, dog licking your cheek again, paws coming to collide against your thighs his tail wagging faster and faster “dog come,” Daryl soon called hearing your soft laughter as dog continued to lick your face your eyes squeezed shut- as if the animal knew you needed something to laugh about, not listening to Daryl as he continued licking over your face, daryl watching with amusement before shaking his head “dog, hey boy!” He called again clapping his hands the dog bounding over to him before Daryl stood up fussing dog before walking over to you, you standing up before watching him carefully “can I hug you?” He asked you, he knew your boundaries and knew what made you uncomfortable but also what you struggled with so always asked no matter what. You nodded your head the man getting closer to you before pulling you into his embrace his hug gentle and careful but also secure and safe.
“Please learn how to say no.” He spoke to you a small smile tugging at your lips before you sighed softly “okay… I’ll try to.” You reassured with a soft laugh Daryl soon pulling back hands resting upon your shoulders “good. You better.” He spoke a playful threat coming from him but you knew he was just playing around “now first… will you go into that party?” He asked “no.” You said after a moment or two Daryl smiled “good. You’ve got no one to please other than yourself. Now go pick up that crossbow and we can go hunting yeah… get our own food.” You smiled amused you loved hunting with Daryl. It was your favourite thing ever.
“Squirrels?” You asked and he nodded
“Squirrels… or maybe even deer if we’re lucky.” He chuckled out making you smile widely. Gods did you love him.
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darylscigarettesmoke · 5 months ago
me: this season of daryl dixon sucks. the plot points are weak, the writing is anti-feminist, the character acts shallow and ooc, the entire spin off makes no sen.. -
daryl: grunts and squints and looks a lil sad
me: I love you so much baby boy I’ll follow you to the end of the world
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ectonurites · 1 year ago
this movie's had my brain in a vice grip all week
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theyreunderadumpster · 1 month ago
I keep reading about Aaron and Gabriel getting a Spinoff and while it mostly seems to be a floating unfounded rumor I MIGHT bother watching it if they actually give Aaron an honest to god male love interest that they SHOW 👏 ON 👏 SCREEN 👏 AND 👏 DON'T 👏 JUST 👏 IMPLY 👏 AMC 👏 YOU 👏 HETERO 👏WASHING 👏 COWARDS 👏 LET 👏 AARON 👏FUCK 👏 A 👏 DUDE 👏 ON 👏 SCREEN 👏 IT'S 2025 DAMMIT.
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norman-fucking-reedus · 11 months ago
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Scud and his mommy (me)
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feral4daryl · 1 year ago
hi bbys, just passing by to let y'all know that i'm currently on the process of writing the sequel to sweet scent and it's gonna be dirtyyyyy af. i'm talking corruption kink w daryl taking ur virginity while muffling ur sounds so ur dad won't hear what he's doing to you right under his nose. yeeeea brace yourself
EDIT: just dropped it!!
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