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willameena · 1 year ago
15 questions for 15 friends
Thank you @sky-kenobye 💖
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
3 days ago
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, I have 3. They are 6, 4, and 2, but they are all having birthdays in the next few months.
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I was not allowed to play sports as a kid, because I had to play an instrument (I played cello for 8 yrs) but I like to run now. Idk if that really counts
5. Do you use sarcasm?
No. Never.
I wish sarcasm was easier to use in writing, haha. Yes, I do.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know... general appearance? It depends on who the person is and the context of meeting them.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings because I don't like scary movies but what I really love is sad endings 🫠
9. Any talents
I don't think so? I am told often how incredibly patient I am, which I don't know if I entirely agree with nor do I think that's really a talent haha
10. Where were you born?
Southern California
11. What are your hobbies?
I have a lot of houseplants! I also tried making my own candles recently and that was very fun. I like to read, I'm reading Fight Club right now. I like to hike and run, and be outdoors.
12. Do you have any pets?
No, my kids really want a black cat, but I can't handle keeping an animal alive in addition to them. Maybe in a few years.
13. How tall are you?
5'8" but I kind of wish I was a little taller!
14. Favourite subject in school?
I always enjoyed English and history and did well in those subjects, I liked biology too.
15. Dream job?
This is hard, I don't know. The past two-ish years I've been reassessing my life and I don't know what I want to do with my career, or what used to be my career (I used to work in residential care, for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities, as a licensed administrator but I burnt out really hard). Most recently, i worked as a patients' rights advocate representing people receiving behavioral health services. My best friend and I joke about opening a thrift store or going off grid and running a farm. I guess that's the dream!
No-pressure tagging: @trannakinskywalker @lesbianakins @dragon-on-ice @palfriendpatine66 @kenobster @somethingsteff @kato-neimoidia @underacalicosky @darthplodder @howlbrooklyn @fulcrum843 @heretolurkandnothingmore @wandering-not-lost04 @bisexualobiwankenobi @dark--whisperings 🩷
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kcrabb88 · 11 months ago
Last Line Challenge
I was tagged by @ninjigma! <3 This is way more than a line, but I liked this when I wrote it last night, so I figured I'd share it in full. This is a snippet from Blood Makes Noise, my QuinObi AIDS Crisis AU that I'm working on.
“You for sure will be keeping an eye out moving in here.” Siri gives him a wry grin despite their shared grief. “This is a one-bedroom apartment.” “And that”—Quin points to the new sofa—“is a pull-out.” “Rightttt.” “Tachi, shut up."
“You guys were supposed to be holed up and domestic by now," Siri points out. "Married, if it were fucking, you know, legal." “I know.” “You know?” “Yeah, of course I do. We've had the should we officially be a couple talk at least twice. I just … I want to talk to him about it again. Actually be his partner if he’ll let me. I’m sure in light of the news he’ll say it’s impossible because he doesn’t know how long he’ll live. Like it’ll be worse losing him as a partner than as a best friend who I consider when I make basically all of my decisions and who I’ve seen naked. It’s just … semantics, mostly.”
"Well." Siri sniffs and wipes at her eyes. "We'll all be there for him. But ... you two should be together together like you're meant to be. For however long."
“I just”—Quinlan shakes his head—“need to figure out … what he’s scared of. Virus aside, I mean." “Something,” Siri says softly. “Because he’s been in love with you forever. And it’s not like the two of you haven’t fucked. So, it’s not that he’s worried that will change the dynamic. I’m sure it’s an Obi-Wan thing that he’s convinced himself is true. Part of me hopes that stubbornness will keep him alive until they find better drugs for this goddamned virus. Actually, all of me.”
I will no pressure tag a few folks! @hellotemporaryuniverse, @ihathbenobiwankenobied, @darthplodder, @heliza24, @ooboowoonkoonooboo
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vulpesarctica · 2 years ago
Nine (9) People You’d Like to Know Better
I was tagged by @captaingondolin! Thanks c:
Last Song: Last thing I searched on Spotify was Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye, because I randomly got suggested some YouTube shorts featuring it and it reburrowed into my brain just like it did in 2011
Currently Watching: On TV I'm watching Legion which is a Marvel show from a few years ago that's in the X-Men universe. It's very trippy but I'm really enjoying it, plus Dan Stevens is cute. On YouTube I've been very into a series of videos about restoring an old homestead in the Italian Alps by a man named Martijn Doolard. It's extremely chilled, beautifully shot and very satisfying to watch his progress
Currently Reading: regrettably I am not in a book phase so all I read at the moment is too many BORU/AITA posts on Reddit when I should actually be doing something productive
Current Obsession: Now we're in the back half of the year I am on the precipice of becoming obsessed with this year's pantomime at work (Peter Pan) that I'm designing and painting set for. It feels good to be back in the workshop and working with my hands and getting paint everywhere again
Tagging (no pressure): @zforhire @forcearama @vensram @ophidiae @diarythebookwyrm @guardingtheacewolf @renlyslittlerose @mid-nighttiger @darthplodder and anyone else who feels like playing~
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wayfareramongthestars · 1 year ago
thanks for tagging me @nixie-deangel!!
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I'll tag @intermundia, @darthvronton, @darthplodder, @walnutgoat, @glompcat + anyone else who might want to ^_^
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tagged by @aikinn !! thank you ! picrew game !
Make yourself! And your blorbo from your shows! Then tag some friends!!
tagging @fawndlyvenus @xxatlasxx @wildelydawn @istudyrainbows69 @efkaservicegirl and anyone else who wants to do this!
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obikinbigbang · 4 years ago
Hi there!
Debating doing this but not sure if I’ll have time- how much needs to be written by the first draft and second author check in? I’ll have more time in the summer than I do now so- sorry if this was answered somewhere else!
Thank you!
Hi!! Sorry for the late response! The first draft/check in on May 17th is just to show us mods that you started the fic! It doesn’t necessarily have to be finished or completed, just that you’ve at least started it! The second check in also doesn’t have to be fully completed /finished but at least a little bit more than the first check in! I hope this explains/cleared some things up!😊🤗
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lurkingcrow · 7 years ago
Hi there! Obi Wan for your best/ridiculous character, if you’d like :D
Oh man, how I could go on about why Obi-Wan is the best. This is the man who just loves so deeply, who is unfailingly dedicated to duty and is constantly struggling to reconcile the two. This is a man who just tries so hard and yet never lets on just how much he’s hurting. This is a man who is just so GOOD in so many ways. There are so many times he could have given up but didn’t.
He’s also completely ridiculous. I’m having a hard time restricting it to just three but here goes.
#1 - The sass. The flirting. The inadvertent seduction! Honestly, even as Old Ben he was pulling out the charm (although it appeared to be somewhat less effective than when he had the swooshiest of hair)! As long as Obi-Wan is breathing he’s using that silver tongue to try and make things go his way! Also do NOT get me started on the “from a certain point of view” thing AKA “how tiny Crow got hooked on the art of the half truth thanks to Star Wars”.
#2 - The dramatic appearances. Even his “stealthy hooded figure” entrances are completely over the top, like HOW has he ever completed a secret mission (I suspect it’s his stupidly high charisma score see point 1)? And then we have the flippy acrobatics and windswept posing on top of cliffs and... do I really need to go further?
#3 - The way he has absolutely and completely self sacrificing when it comes to those he cares about. He’s willing to give up whatever it takes to make them happy, even at his own expense and never say a word. And then there are the more obvious demonstrations. Here is a cool and composed Jedi Master except oh no, you threatened his loved ones and now he will see your threat ENDED. Zero chill. Internally at least. 
See? Completely ridiculous and THE BEST.
(And I’m sure Anakin would agree with me 100% here)
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konekorambles · 7 years ago
@darthplodder I answered your questions because I wanted to.  And you said you wanted to see answers so this is what you get :P
1. Favorite pizza topping I am not generally a fan of pizza, I ate too much of it in college and ruined it for myself.  If I have to pick, green olives.
2. Favorite fanfic genre Is fluff a genre?  I like fluff.  I almost always prefer canon!verse, with a few exceptions.  Like Pacific Rim aus.  Is that a genre?
3. Favorite Star Wars character AHSOKA FUCKING TANO
4. Favorite bird Red tailed hawk! Exhibit A:
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5.  winter or summer? Summerrrrrr I love the heat* give me all the heat please.  *Dry heat that is, humidity is not my friend
6.  Lake or ocean? I am a being of air and fire, water does not suit me. If I must pick, ocean.  I like listening to waves.
7.  Forest or desert? Hard choice, but probably forest.  I love the shade and the quiet and the trees.
8.  Favorite sound track Ooh.  Ladyhawke.  Gotta love some 80s techno-fantasy.
9.  Best park you’ve ever been to? Hanging out in a city park in Munich was rather excellent.  To a mountain child who mostly knows pine forests, that was like wandering in Mirkwood.  Absolutely brilliant.
10.  Best name for a pet you can think of? I don’t know, I’m still pretty pleased with my rat duo Huckleberry and Finn.
11.  What would you bring to a picnic? Is this like, a potluck picnic?  Because then from-scratch brownies.  I make some hecka good brownies.  If just a picnic I’m packing for myself, cold cuts and bread, maybe some chips or some cheese to munch on.
I’m too tired to come up with questions or tag people, but if anyone else feels like doing this, count this as a tag!
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sl-walker · 7 years ago
33, 48, 49, 50?
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Literally every time someone tells me that my version of characterization is now someone’s personal canon.  It makes my life.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
Uh-- I’m honestly not sure.  LOL!  Not-friends to friends or lovers?
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I don’t know if it was actually the very first, but it was a Red Dwarf/Battlestar Galactica crossover and to this day, I still love it.
(Already answered 50!
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willameena · 2 years ago
9 People you want to know better!
Thank you, @anakinsthot 💖
Last song: Spaceboy- Smashing Pumpkins
Currently watching: Rebels
Currently reading: I'm between books right now, I haven't started a new one since I finished the last one :/ but I think up next will be "This is How We Lose the Time War" I recently reread "I think I Could Love You More" by @himboskywalker which is so delicious and spicy
Current Obsession: Star Wars (how surprising!)
Nine People: I'm sorry if you've already been tagged!! And no pressure, of course :) @sinfulskywalker @piecesofeden11 @starwalkertales @stainedleather @darthplodder @kenobster @bisexualobiwankenobi @fulcrum843 @ineffable-snowman
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swhurtcomfort · 7 years ago
Hi there! I love the idea of this blog :D Thanks for doing this! If you're still taking prompts, what about some h/c with Obi-Wan and padawan Anakin? I don't feel like there's a lot in that era, or else I don't know of it. How about a mission gone awry where Obi-Wan does something stupid and sacrificial to help his padawan or something like that? Or anything you want :3
Anakin hadn’t seen the blaster fire coming, but Obi-Wan had.
The worn-down oldspacer was a death trap—in dangerous disrepair and leaking noxious gas—but theyneeded the data chip from its internal computer. Obi-Wan, Siri and theirpadawans deduced that the best way to enter was a tiny hatch at the top, and asboth the smallest and the most mechanically inclined, Anakin seemed the obviouschoice for the job.  His face had lit upwith pride when Obi-Wan agreed. He was thirteen and a half now, and feltwonderful to have an important job to do.
Anakin had skillfully clambered up to the top of the ship’shull, then paused to adjust his rebreather before scurrying down the hatch andinto the monstrous craft. That’s when Obi-Wan had spotted cloaked figure appearon top of the ship and slip down after him.
Something primal and desperate in Obi-Wan set his legs inmotion. 
Without a lick of hesitation or even a glance towards his companions, Obi-Wan charged towards the ship, igniting his saber to deflect the bolts coming at him. Siri and Ferus were forced to betray their position to cover him, and began to take out the attackers while Obi-Wan deployed his cable launcher to haul himself up.
Anakin was intent on his mission, hunched over a dataprocessor and completely focused. He wasn’t sparing much attention on hissurroundings. He never knew the bolt was coming, but Obi-Wan’s blurry visionsaw the flash of blue.
Anakin felt his master’s hand yank him backwards by the hoodof his robe. Then he saw the bolt ricochet of the wall, heard a scream andfound himself on the ground once again as Obi-Wan sunk to his knees. Anakinignited his saber, but the attacker disappeared into another chamber of theship and Anakin did not pursue.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan rasped. He was kneeling against the dataprocessor and laboring hard to breathe. “Tell me you’re not hit.”
“I’m not,” said Anakin through the rebreather. “Well,” heshowed Obi-Wan the small, pink burn above his elbow. The bolt hadn’t even trulygrazed him; it was the burning fabric of his sleeve that had left the mark.“Are you okay, Master? We should get out of here.”
“Fine,” said Obi-Wan distractedly as he inspected Anakin’sburn. Anakin doubted that he could really see it; he was squinting as tears streameddown his face from the fumes.
“Come on,” Anakin took Obi-Wan’s hand and tried to encouragehim to stand. That’s when he noticed the blood soaking Obi-Wan’s thigh.
“Oh,” said Anakin, stunned by a sudden sense of panic. It surprisedhim how dark the stain was. “W-we really gotta leave, Master, just stand u—”
Obi-Wan swayed and collapsed back onto his calves. Anakin pulledoff his rebreather and pressed it over Obi-Wan’s face. A stinging, burning sensationin Anakin’s eyes and inside his nose erupted instantly, but at least Obi-Wanseemed to catch his breath.
Anakin was vaguely aware of the sound of lightsabers comingfrom above, but his eyes were glued to his master. Even with the rebreather,Obi-Wan was flirting with unconsciousness, and the pain from the chemical exposurewas growing too much for Anakin to bear.
“You idiot,” came MasterSiri’s scathing voice, muffled by a rebreather.
“He’s hurt,” Anakin yelled over his shoulder.
Siri hissed when she saw the wound, which made Anakin’s stomachplummet. Master Siri was one of the bravest people he knew, but she was clearlyscared now. She knelt beside Obi-Wan and lifted him onto her back.
“Come on, Anakin,” she barked. Anakin didn’t need to be toldtwice.
Once they got outside, Ferus laid out a blanket from one of thesurvival packs and Siri set Obi-Wan down. She didn’t waste time examining the wound,but set to work using gauze pads to apply pressure to Obi-Wan’s thigh.
“One of you take the rebreather off him,” Siri instructed. Anakindid so, and Obi-Wan gulped gratefully at the fresh air.
“That was stupid, Kenobi,” Siri huffed. “Utterly and completelystupid.”
“Sorry,” groaned Obi-Wan, each syllable painfully slow. He sniffedat the blood dribbling from his nose.
“You will be sorry, when you find yourself in a bacta tank,”Siri teased.
Obi-Wan ignored her. He had noticed Anakin hovering by hisshoulder. “Alright?” he asked the padawan.
“Yeah,” said Anakin.
Obi-Wan’s face split into a relieved smile, and he began tochuckle to himself. Anakin looked up at Siri, clearly perplexed by this behavior.
“He’s in shock, Anakin,” said Siri quietly. “If you want tohelp, you can try to keep him distracted.”
With Anakin safely occupied, Siri beckoned Ferus to her sideand had him lift Obi-Wan’s knee so that she could wrap a compression bandagearound the bacta-gauze. Obi-Wan grew paler and cried out pitifully at themovement, and although Anakin was clearly distressed to see his master in sucha state, he did not waver in his task of patting Obi-Wan’s arm and reassuringhim. He was growing up fast. Both padawans were.
Obi-Wan passed out at some point during the procedure. Thatwas just as well, it would make the next step less awful for him. Siridouble-checked the bandage and took Obi-Wan’s pulse just to make sure he was ingood shape to move. Then Siri took up one side of the blanket and the boys eachheld a corner, and they carried him back to camp. It was too dark to travelsafely on this planet, so they resolved to stay hunkered down until morning.
Anakin’s face was pressed into a serious frown as he helpedSiri get Obi-Wan situated on his sleeping mat.
“He is not in danger, Anakin. Everything is going to bealright.”
Anakin nodded and tucked Obi-Wan’s blanket around him.
“How are you holding up?” Siri asked, turning Anakin’s chintowards her. His eyes were bloodshot, though not as badly as Obi-Wan’s were.
“’m fine. My head hurts. And my throat kind of.”
Siri clucked her tongue sympathetically. “You inhaled somenasty chemicals. That was very brave of you, Anakin.”
“Why did come after me?” Anakin asked. He’d thought Obi-Wantrusted him enough to handle it alone. Well, they hadn’t retrieved the datachip, so maybe that trust had been misplaced after all.
“He shouldn’t have. It was reckless,” Siri explained. “Hesaw the man with the blaster follow you. He was frightened.”
“He was?” Anakin’s eyes widened.
Siri nodded. “Frightened that something might happen to you.”
Anakin swallowed guiltily. “He should have at least grabbeda rebreather.”
“Yes, he should have. But we masters are silly like thatsometimes. Our most important job is to keep you boys safe.”
Anakin looked back at Obi-Wan, who was still out cold. “MasterTachi, can I move my sleeping mat over here for tonight?”
“There’s no need to worry, Anakin. We’ll get him to a medfacility at first light, and soon he’ll be good as new.” Anakin continued tostare at her. Siri sighed. “Yes, alright.”
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legobiwan · 7 years ago
For the head cannon thing... Obi-Wan and 2,3, 16, 18 if you’d like!!
Answered here.
Looking back, it was somewhat amusing. As a Padawan, he was able to fall asleep instantly, no matter the noise, the setting, or even the temperature. Qui-gon had accused him of being part Lothcat, given his ability to lightly nap in any situation.
It was not a skill that had carried past his adolescence. Indeed, now Obi-wan was prone to awful bouts of insomnia, and the war demanded so much that he often eschewed sleep in favor of other tasks. The corridors of a Star Destroyer were somehow peaceful (oh, but what a contradiction that was!) at the odd hours of the morning, and Obi-wan often found himself chatting with the graveyard shift workers, or sitting in the cafeteria with a cup of tea, completing what seemed to be a never-ending ream of Council paperwork.
In his earlier days, he had often joked that “He would sleep when he was with one with the Force.” The quiver of a lip from a very young Anakin Skywalker had stopped him from repeating that mantra too often, though.
When Obi-wan truly slept, however - well, it was an experience. He would wake up, tangled in his sheets, with distant memories of colorful dreams of another life - of happiness, of ease. But the images faded before he could grasp them, leaving the Jedi with a deep melancholy. No, it was better not to sleep, to not risk the chance of dreams.
He does not consider himself an angry man. At least, not on the surface.
He is Obi-wan Kenobi. The Negotiator.
Snippy, sarcastic, occasionally ill-tempered - yes, all of those could be true - from a certain point of view, at least.
But he was a Jedi. He adhered to the Code. Released his emotions into the Force.
At least, that was the lie he told himself every day.
Because he was angry. Nearly abandoned to a life of farming on Bandomeer, he had had to fight for Qu-gon’s approval again and again, until finally he was rejected one last humiliating time in front of the entire Jedi Council. And then Qui-gon had gone off and gotten himself killed, conveniently avoiding facing the consequences for his actions.
Again and again, death and sorrow followed him. Again and again he did what he was told was right. Had sacrificed the entirety of his young adulthood to a child that the Council didn’t want him to have. Had again and again done his duty, and because of it, risen to the post of Council member, the youngest in recent history.
And yet…there were moments. Moments when he hated them all, when he raged against the Code that he lived by, when he didn’t know what to do with his roiling emotions. Anakin had once asked him why he kept so many teacups. Obi-wan hadn’t had the heart to answer truthfully, to admit that so many ceramic fragments had bursted onto his floor in an attack of rage.
But no. He was a Jedi. There was no emotion, only peace.
Obi-wan feared the day when was no peace.
If Anakin had been asked, he would have said Obi-wan’s favorite possession was his hot water heater, and that he had a very un-Jedi-like attachment to the device.
Of course, Obi-wan would counter that his protective actions regarding the kettle were only due to the fact that as a Padawan, Anakin had somehow engineered his kettle to heat at twice the speed it was supposed to. Which was all well and good until there was a veritable geyser in their apartment and a very upset quartermaster who Obi-wan had to explain this all to.
Obi-wan’s favorite possession was not his hot water heater, although he had banned Anakin from any further experimentations. No, tucked away in the back of a drawer was a small sheet of flimsi. It was fraying on the edges, worn from its age. But on it was a crude child’s drawing of two males - simple circles as heads, rectangles as bodies, and sticks for limbs. Both males wore wide smiles, in an unnatural hue of purple. The taller, older one had flaming red hair, and the short, young child in the picture had a simple bowl cut - blonde and sun-streaked.
“Friends!” the shaky Aurebesh said over the two figures, who held small oval hands in front of a landscape of lakes, buildings, and (Force help him), brightly-colored pod racers.
He had received it as a gift from Anakin on his 27th birthday. It was his first indication that they had overcome their shaky beginnings, when he was too wrought with grief, with panic to be able to think straight, to be able to do right by this incredible child.
Obi-wan smiled, filing away the drawing in its special place.
In relation to this ask. 
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vulpesarctica · 6 years ago
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The lovely and generous @darthplodder commissioned me for this meditating Obi-Wan for a story she’s working on <3 This was a real challenge but a very welcome one, so I hope you all enjoy it. 
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peppermintvader · 7 years ago
for your tarot ask: strength and the tower :3
Thanks for sending this, sweetie!!!💙💙💙
Strength: What’s your dream occupation? What I’m currently pursuing, which is psychology with a concentration in counseling, I want to be a sexual assault and/or lgbt counseling psychiatrist or a child psychologist. But I also want to be an author!😊
Tower: What are your favorite colors to wear? Pastel pink/blue/purple, black, and burgundy. 😊
Send me tarot asks :)
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elrhiarhodan · 3 years ago
Thank you! I can't believe I got three asks on this one. You're the best!
Do I dare say I've got yet another time travel idea? Ehhhh, it's not really a time travel idea. It's more of a multiverse idea but there's a little bit of time travel involved because ages don't match up.
It's a Din/Luke, and the Last Jedi and the Mand'alor are happily married and raising Grogu (and Rey and Finn), but for reasons, Luke, who's approaching 40, has to go to Chandrilla and butt heads with the buttheads in the New Republic Senate - and pick up some Jedi texts that Han and Chewie found for him. On his way home, he swings past Tython for other reasons, and his x-wing gets caught in some kind of Force vortex. Luke ends up in a different universe, one where the Sith never returned.
He finds himself in Coruscant airspace and is given permission to land at the Temple. Where he runs into Qui-Gon, old but still spry, just returning from a mission. Qui-Gon is utterly confused. "Luke, why are you so old?" "Why are you wearing black?" "Where is your master - you passed your trials?"
Artoo is strangely quiet through all of this.
Luke, who is overwhelmed by the Force presence of so many thousands of Jedi.
Qui-Gon takes Luke up to the Council chamber and Luke is even more overwhelmed. There is Ben, looking far too young. Yoda, shining in the Force. And Mace Windu, the one Jedi Luke has longed to meet.
They all stare at him. And then Yoda says, "A problem we have. Two Luke Skywalkers exist when there should only one be."
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aifsaath · 8 years ago
3 for the writing ask, any story you'd like ☺️
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Huh, I can’t really say I have a favourite given the fact that every line is a work of blood and tears (English is like my… third language -.-)
Maybe I’ll go with one of the very first lines in my short sw fanfic career?:D The mantra of the Sith lord, spoken by Darth Plagueis:D
“They bask in the light of suns. We fight in the depth of countless nights. Theirs is the order. Ours is the discord. Theirs is the knowledge. Ours is the wisdom. Theirs is serenity. Ours is the motion. They stand and endure. We wait and do. That is the doom of days. That is the doom of us all.”
- The Master and The Apprentice
But if I had to pick the line based on the sheer emotionality that it represents for me… I can’t really choose:D Maybe this line from Recovery?
“You can stuff the notion about me not helping into your certain orifice, dear one. If you are so hell bent on this foolishness, you will take this.”
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shywhitemoose · 3 years ago
I’m so behind on these, but I haven’t forgotten! Thanks for the tag @obi-1kenobi! The post was getting a bit long so I started with a fresh one :)
Rules: We’re snooping in your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
1. Rox In The Box - The Decemberists
2. La Traviata, Act I: Preludio - Sofia Symphony Orchestra
3. Utilities - The Weakerthans
4. Down On The Corner - Creedance Clearwater Revival
5. 1234 - Feist
6. Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
7. All Shades of Blue - Gregory Alan Isakov
8. Oh, Good Grief - Vince Guaraldi Trio
9. Cinco De Mayo - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
10. Emile's Vietnam in the Sky - Elvis Perkins
Lol that is... quite a mix. 
Anyway tagging @thetorontokid, @artemisthehuntress, @darthplodder, @intermundia, @jswander, @obi-wkenobi, @mindmysimplesoul, @tomicaleto, @realmoftenderness, @maragny (sorry and please ignore if you don’t like these things or if you’ve already done it!)
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