#darth maul has my heart. sorry not sorry
Darth maul be upon ye, the long awaited (probably) Part 2
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FINALLY I return to finish my thoughts about the homie maul. Who knows if my writing can all fit, I don't even know the tumblr rules for writing lmao. So this is gonna be like Maul's loving style, and shit like. Mmm. Aat least how I think about it. Enjoy lmao. Part 2 of 2 (I wrote a lot) Warnings: None. (I think)
"I'm frustrated that my words cannot accurately describe your allure, the feeling of power that rolls off you in the same way waves crash against a shore, the way… just the way you live and breathe! It's as if the entire universe was meant to bow at your feet and sing your praises. At the end of time, if no soul takes your side, I will. Know even in your darkest nights and bleakest days that among the stars, there is a heart that beats for you and all you are. No matter what atrocity you claim to be. You told me you were a monster when we first met. Maybe I still need to see it. You still need to show me… Perhaps I'm a fool, letting my heart bleed for you. But even then in the scourge of your wrath, I would be there to wipe the sweat from your brow in the midst of your misdeeds to the galaxy." -Another bit of a letter about homie Maul. Love writing about this bitch.
Okay so Maul is the KING of slow burn. No fuckin doubt about it. Wanna know why? Trust. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship to Maul. He has to trust you, he has to know you aren't selling him out to his enemies. Because maker knows he's probably got a ton of 'em. The Jedi are on his ass, fuckin Palpatine, I mean, you try trusting someone in a galaxy against you huh? It takes him a while to trust you, and then some extra time to warm up on loving you. You probably won't even notice when he starts liking you because at most he'll probably not be so harsh with you. Maybe he'll use less insults, or won't glare so much at you, but he will definitely hide it behind some 'you are the only one who has not tested my ire' type shit. I mean he's so emotionally constipated he probably won't even know what he's feeling when he's around you and will try to beat his feelings out of his system by training or meditating. SO I take a pinch of my previous statement back. I have a feeling this guy is hostile (or at least passive aggressive) to everyone at first no matter what the circumstance. So, Enemies to lovers slow burn king. (which is Ironic because I am not good at slow burn skjhdlskj) When he FINALLY gets over his emotional constipation and gets a brick to the face with realization that he is crushing and crushing HARD, he is going to slowly start courting you. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry but he's a total fucking loser when it comes to romance and it shows. Like his anger may fuel up around you again because he doesn't know how to talk to you, what to talk to you about, or how to get closer to you without seeming weak or you know...anything like that. But like, the efforts he does make are so pathetically obvious and strangely out of character for him (and objectively, it's kind of cute watching him stumble over himself) you can't help but be swayed by his...'seduction tactics.' But YOU. You have to be the one to ask him on a date. Because he's just. He's too prideful okay? Stooping to such LOWS like...Affection. He grows out of that, don't worry. But like when you do ask him he's fucking floored. Almost literally. He has to keep himself calm and not trip over his word's and he's like "okay, let me choose an adequate location for us to be alone so that it doesn't seem like I'm showing any kind of weakness" Or something along those lines. He might accidentally insult you but please be patient he is legit trying his best. Outside of that when you finally have him wifed up (/hj) he is still awkward, new to this but trying his best. Don't expect him to be affectionate anywhere outside of his bedroom until he's comfortable with showing off you or this 'new side' to anyone. It doesn't mean he spends no time with you otherwise, it means his affections will be reserved to hushed whispers and small favors. Perhaps this manifests through seeking you out in the corridors, or providing you with little gifts that would appear meaningless to anybody else. It may take a while for his affections to become grander in the open, but one day it would happen. Unless you tried to force it out of him before he was ready then you're probably gone. He would make a laughing stock out of anyone who claimed affections for another were foolish and made him weak. NO. Hell no. He's soft for you but he can still kick ass. Obviously. I'm sure he would be rather possessive, I just know he would fear losing you. He absolutely uses that as a reason to usually be touching you in some way. Pinky fingers linked, his foot nudging yours, etc. He doesn't want to wake up and find you gone, find that all of this was for naught and dreams and peace really don't exist for him. He would spend as much time as he could learning everything about you. He would be so fucking devoted to you it would make your head spin. He'd know your favorite color, flower, time of day, place to be, things to eat, and he'd keep everything you didn't like away from you. To the best of his ability at least.
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Went a little hard with this one, stuffed it full with as many words as I could lol. Hope you enjoyed. Spice may be available later upon request, here's the first part.
Until next time!
Ciao~ -Enigma
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ganondorf21 · 3 months
Darth maul and me.
I wasn't expecting to find him on earth but when I found him on my doorstep half dead with wounds that were critical, there was no way I was going to leave him out there. So I brought him in my house...
And that's how it all began.
Working on first chapter now.
I could not believe my eyes when I first saw him. I knew who he was because I live on earth. A Supposedly fictional character showing up in the vast acres outside my house. But when I approach him I know in my heart that this is REAL. and I realize that he is in dire straits. His tunic is soaked with blood though its hard to see due to his black tunic. I know that I have to get him inside. I am a ninja I am a warrior I am not weak but I know it will not be easy bringing him in the house. I know however that I had to do it myself. I can't trust anyone else to get involved. I am well aware of how Earth is in regards to unusual creatures regardless of whether he happens to be someone that is well known as soon as they find out that this is no costume... No. I will not. So I half carry half drag him to my house. I am a woman I'm five foot five though I am not weak this is hard. because this is literal deadweight. But I persevere and I finally manage to get him in the house. I feel bad that I kind of jostle and bump into things but what else can I do. He is Unconscious and there is nothing I can do but get him inside.All I can focus on is getting him to the couch which folds out into a bed I lay him on the floor and pull out the bed then one final heave and I get him onto the bed . While I do this I am talking to him. " You are heavy huh. Feel like helping me out some? it's kind of hard. Hehe. And then before I can stop myself I whisper, "you are beautiful". And he is. I find myself staring for a minute then I remember that he is in trouble and I need to focus. "I am sorry" I say.normally "I would never undress somebody without their consent but you are in dire straits and I really need to get this off to take a good look at your wounds and see what needs to be done." After much struggling I finally get the tunic off I wince as I pull it away because it sticks to the wounds and I fear I'm hurting him Even though he's unconscious. I still don't want to hurt him.I busy myself cleaning the wounds and putting bandages on. he is very very warm I know from reading about his species that they have higher body temperatures and that worries me some because I cannot tell if he is feverish. But until he wakes up I cannot do anything so I focus on stitching up and bandaging his wounds and cleaning him up when I finish I am exhausted but glad. is it too cliche to say that he has stolen my heart already. But he has and I cannot deny it. He stirs some but still doesn't wake up I wonder how long he will be out. I wonder what on earth could have happened to get him to this state but I know even the greatest warriors get in trouble fortunately I am here . And so I will watch and wait and tend to you until you get better.
Chapter 2 coming up
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depomera · 6 months
Anyways, kinda dumb but I’m making a SW AU that takes place a few years before the Clone Wars. I’m doing the dirty and making everyone meet and being allies and such. This is just filling in gaps. One of my weaknesses in projecting is I really like fantasy role playing stuff and I’m trying to incorporate things like that into the SW universe but also keeping to lore as best I can. This AU is more of a slice of life/shoujo/shounen/fantasy adventure campaign.
• Grievous and Jango work for the IBC (intergalactic banking clan) to pay off their debt. They do things from rescue missions to bounties, escorts, and dealing with their own slice of life. (The “debt duo”).
• Jango is an esteemed bounty hunter but paying off debts of Mandalore owed to the IBC. He is aloof but a caring man. He has a soft spot for children and hopes to become a father one day.
• Grievous is a renowned warlord but is paying off his planet’s debts to the IBC as well as looking for his long lost mate, Ronderu who mysteriously vanished during a Huk invasion.
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•Darth Plagueis is now Sith Lord after being given the title from the previous Sith Lord whom renounced her faith and is on the run. The Sith operate from a Church on a planet in Wild Space due to the Galactic Republic outlawing/banning their research on dark magic (summoning, rituals, etc). Plagueis is obsessed with magic and science and is trying to find ways to use Midi-Chlorians to further his own powers by accessing dark magic that hasn’t been seen for thousands of years. I kinda wanted the prior Sith Lord (cat lady) to have an affair with Plagueis, which is one of the reasons why she’s on the run:
1) She realized she wants a “career change”, perhaps to become a mother? she knows her apprentice/ex lover, Plagueis wants her dead but due to her renouncing her faith, she believes she no longer has to abide by Sith rules. It is unknown why she won’t kill him. Perhaps her ethics changed or she needs to conserve energy due to trying to conceive/ has conceived, still has feelings for him, possibly manipulating him, etc (still wip lol).
2) Her beliefs in the Sith are different than Plagueis, rule of 2 = life and death, good and evil**, love and hate, weakness and power, parent and child, yin and yang, Fire and Water; she believes the Force is the balance between good and evil**, the grey between two extremes and everyone has a place within the universe such as herself being on the extreme (Sith vs Jedi). She is driven by passion and striving to be the best (including protecting and getting revenge for those who wronged her and loved ones). I wanted her beliefs to challenge many struggles we see in current religion such as “cherry picking” but also following one’s heart, beliefs and values.
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I had “Rudo” (Thrawn) in mind. A spy who happens to partner up with Jango and Grievous on occasion for random missions and quests. Rudo is a spy for the Chiss Ascendancy and goes by a different name to keep his identity hidden.
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Maul is struggling with wanting to be his own person but coming to terms with his destiny, chosen by adoptive father Sheev Palpatine. Early on, Maul showed powerful magic ability such as communicating with animals and harnessing the powers of nature (Sith magic) such as fire, earth, water, metals, etc. In other words he has shaman/druid abilities (similar to Ezra from Rebels). Maul is an innocent but honest and hardworking kid. He loves animals and wants to make friends. Prior to the romantic scandal (cat lady x Plagueis), the cat lady then Sith Lord, saw Maul as a son and was enamored by his love and connection with nature and the wild life - this led her to believe that Maul had the heart of a true Sith and was the catalyst to his downfall by having him train as Sheev’s apprentice rather than stay an acolyte/“alter boy”.
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To be continued…
Sorry for the typos and crappy grammar. I have food poisoning as well as a kinesiology exam tomorrow. >_<;
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
Star Wars
you just want me to talk about obi-wan, don't you. because you know i will—
[send me a fandom]
The first character I first fell in love with: ... boy gee golly i wonder who it could possibly be. jk. it absolutely was obi-wan. specifically attack of the clones obi-wan like. the long hair just hit ok i'm sorry. then i saw revenge of the sith obi-wan and it was joever from that moment. have not and will never be normal about mr. kenobi
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: darth maul. genuinely. i remember lowkey being creeped out by him bc i'd only seen the live action portrayal back in the day(tm) but like... after getting into comics and the animated series? and also growing up? i get it. i love him so much it is unreal. he is so tragic.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: ... kylo ren. i would like to apologize before i am crucified but i just. listen. i didn't mind the later trilogy. i absolutely have my issues with it (looking at the fact finn was supposed to be written as a more primary character and as a queer character (allegedly) and potentially force-sensitive but pushed aside because they thought the white woman would be more interesting) but like. i'm not a hater. i am perfectly fine with mediocre. that said... he just gives me ick. not hate to adam driver (unless he's done some shit idk about then absolutely all hate to him too)
The character I love that everyone else hates: jar jar binks. fuck y'all i love this gungan with my whole heart. and i understand the genuine criticisms for the way he was portrayed (re: the fact he absolutely can be read as and has been read as a caricature of black folk by black academics) and i absolutely agree with a lot of what has been said. but that's not the point of it, because criticism is good. it's the fact people went so far as to harass the actor (ahmed best) to the point he genuinely considered suicide? hm. hm. i don't like that. esp bc people sent him death threats and made him genuinely unsafe with their actions like. c'mon now.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: hmmm... i don't not love him. i do love him. i'm just more normal about him now. but hondo. he's just that guy. less a blorbo and more like that cool and kinda concerning uncle.
The character I would totally smooch: can i say all of them? because genuinely i could not pick just one like. fuck dude. for sake of picking one boba fett i wanna kiss his bald head (and then some-)
The character I’d want to be like: ... obi-wan 🥺 i wish i had that man's tenacity and patience and kindness.
The character I’d slap: paz vizsla. and then i would smooch him. i hate him. i love him. i am sad he died.
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A pairing that I love: speaking of paz!!! you got me hooked on the idea of him and bo-katan i am obsessed with how toxic they are <3
A pairing that I despise: obikin... i'm sorry that is a father and his son to me i do not see the appeal. i cannot be convinced. i have seen the untagged art. i have had the displeasure of reading y'all's headcanons and ficlets. i just. cannot. see it.
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dolcid · 2 years
Comforting Them | Star Wars
Request: Can I make a request? Comforting the Star Wars boys pls - @cool--chicken
A/N: my first request!!!! 😃 also, Luke has two because I feel he would react differently? Lol
Anakin Skywalker
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Comforting Anakin would take a lot of patience and lots of reassurance, Anakin has loads of self insecurity when it comes down to it, so you'd have to be very gentle while addressing him.
"Anakin? What's wrong love? Did something happen?" You'd ask him slowly, watching as he jumps slightly at your intrusion.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I was just worried about you." Hearing this would swell Anakin's breaking heart, his tears slowing.
"It's alright my love. I'm just irritated with the council, they don't think I deserve to be a jedi master." He would explain to you, holding himself. This action makes you frown, and you're quick to grab his hands and wrap them around you.
"You know you don't have to go through this alone, right? I'm always here when you need me Ani," you'd reassure him, feeling his grip tighten around your waist.
"Thank you, my love."
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Comforting Obi-Wan would be a rare occurrence. As he usually would either deal with it on his own or busy himself with work to distract his true emotions. The first time you comforted him was after Qui-Gonn died, the second was when he had to battle Anakin. After assuring Anakin's children were safe, he came to you, no emotions held back.
"Obi-Wan? What's happened? I got your holo," you would say, watching as he broke down in tears in front of you.
"Oh honey.." you would whisper, gently lulling his head into your chest.
"I'm here when you're ready to talk." You would assure him, rubbing slow circles onto his head, patiently waiting for him to calm down.
"Thank you, Darling. I don't know what I'd do without you,"
"You're strong, Obi-Wan. I know without a doubt you'll get through this."
Darth Maul
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Comforting Maul would take a lot of patience and kind words, after losing the battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, he would definitely have a damaged ego.
"Maul? Oh my love, what has happened to you?" You'd ask gently, taking in his new appearance. Savage told you of his battle with Kenobi and you were furious, how could anyone labeling themselves as a jedi attempt to kill someone? You were just thankful he was still alive.
"Darling? Oh my sweet, I have missed you" Maul would say, you both running into each others arms.
"I'm so glad you're okay," you'd whisper, rubbing gentle circles onto his temple.
"And you, my lady. I have been in need of you."
ANH!Luke Skywalker
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Comforting Luke would consist of cuddling, smooches, and blankets. After losing Ben, Luke's mood was dampened. Something you hated to see, he was a ray of sunshine, he didn't deserve to be sad.
"Hey hon, how are you doing?" You'd ask, laying a soft blanket over his shoulders. He would smile sadly and shrug, thanking you for the blanket.
"I just can't believe he's gone," he'd say sadly. You frowned and sighed, wrapping your arms around him. He would accept the hug immediately, tucking his head into your neck.
"Oh honey...it'll be okay, alright? I'm here for you," you'd assure him, gently scratching his scalp and kissing his head.
ROTJ!Luke Skywalker
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Comforting Luke after he becomes a jedi master would be difficult. He liked to deal with his emotions on his own now. So convincing him to share would take a lot of coaxing.
"Luke? I know something's wrong, you can't fool me," you'd say to him as he attempted to walk away from you. Everything he's been through really changed him.
"I told you I'm alright." He'd tell you again. You'd sigh and feel hurt, he used to be so open with you. Although after sensing your thoughts, he'd stop and turn to you.
"Look, I know you're a jedi master now but that doesn't mean you have to shut me out, I love you and will always be here for you." You'd tell him, not expecting for him to reply.
"Sweetheart, I-I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with the death of my father rather harshly....thank you, I love you too."
Han Solo
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Comforting Han was a very rare occurrence. This man isn't known for being emotional, he would definitely deny being sad or needing comfort. You being you would just pull him into a hug. Han would most likely accept it.
"Han, quit being such a hard ass, everyone has feelings, even you!" You'd say to him, watching as he rolled his eyes. You knew he was faking, just being a tough guy for everyone. You'd sigh and yank him by his collar into a hug, Han nearly yelping.
"See? This isn't so bad, hm?" You'd say to him quietly, Han groaning in reply.
"Yeah yeah, its alright I suppose."
Darth Vader
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Comforting Vader would be difficult. He's still stubborn Ani underneath so he'd probably attempt to deal with it on his own, or force choke someone daring to address him. Unless it was you, you're his weakness after all.
"Vader? What's wrong?" You'd ask him, gently placing your hand on his back. Vader would turn to you in silence, placing his hand along your cheek before answering.
"I'm quite alright, my love. Simply dealing with an issue." He'd say. You would sigh and nod, frowning at his stubbornness.
"You know I'm here for you, right? I always will be, you never have to deal with anything on your own." You'd assure him, feeling him gaze into your eyes.
"I know my love. Thank you."
Din Djarin
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Comforting Din would be a process. He's stubborn like most of these guys are and would probably feel ashamed to need comfort. But due to you and Grogu, he'd feel bad for not sharing, so he'd eventually go to you.
"Cyar'ika?" He'd ask, his voice deep.
"What's wrong?" Of course you'd know, he's not very good at hiding his emotions from you.
"Nothing, I just..." he'd sigh, you immediately running into his arms to hold him.
"I'm here Din, always." He thanks the stars every night that he has you and Grogu.
Poe Dameron
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Comforting Poe would probably be rather easy. When he's truly in need of comfort he wastes no time in finding you, that is if you don't find him first. Your wife senses go off when he's in need.
"Poe? Honey, I'm here." You'd say running up to him, cupping his cheeks in your palms.
"Oh baby...thank the force I have you," he'd breathe, securing his arms around your waist.
"Shh, c'mere hon," you'd whisper, gently pulling him into your neck, playing with his hair that rested on the nape of his neck.
"I love you, so much."
Kylo Ren
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Comforting Kylo would be much like comforting Vader. Both are stubborn to no end and insist they are okay or can deal with it on their own. But unlike Vader he wouldn't be able to resist you as long, he ultimately gives in and accepts your comfort.
"Kylo, is everything okay?" You'd ask, resting your hand on his upper arm. He would stay silent, barely moving.
"Kylo, you know I'm here for you my love, no matter the problem," you'd assure him, watching as he broke and gave in, quickly pulling you into a hug. You'd accept immediately, and rub small circles onto his back.
"I love you."
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The Will of the Force - CH 1
Fandom: Star Wars Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obikin AO3 Masterlist Summary:  What if Obi-wan hadn't been granted permission to train Anakin in the ways of the Force? What if Qui-Gon hadn't perished during the battle with Darth Maul? How differently would things have turned out?
Chapter One
     The battle was over, but Qui-Gon Jinn knew that the war had only just begun. He and Obi-Wan had made it out of their fight with the Sith Lord Darth Maul, alive though not completely unscathed. They managed to escape the fight with only a few cuts and many bruises, but in the end they won. Exhausted and worn down, but they won, they survived.
     Obi-Wan had taken down the Sith Lord, but as Master Yoda had said, there were always two. The Sith Lords death would be a relief for only a short period of time before they were forced to wonder, to ask themselves the bigger question. Now they only had to figure out which Sith they had destroyed, the master or the apprentice, and whether or not they had more to worry about in the future. A threat the Council once thought to be gone, all this time had been right under their noses and they didn't even know it. How many other threats had passed through their defenses unchecked?
     And though that was the Council's main concern, Qui-Gon's mind was on other matters at the moment. Those thoughts pertaining the future of the slave child they had saved from Tatooine, the very child which now stood with him and Obi-Wan in front of the Jedi Council.
     “You must reconsider!”
     “Made up our minds, the Jedi Council has.” Master Yoda spoke from his seat in the center of the room, hands clasped over the head of his walking stick, eyes closed and face scrunched in firm determination. “Trained in the Jedi Arts, the youngling will not be.”
     “Master Yoda, please.” Qui-Gon took a few steps towards the Council and away from Anakin and Obi-Wan. “He is strong in the Force, I know you can feel it, and he passed the entrance exams. Not only that, but he single handedly took down the Trade Federation’s Droid ship from the inside, and helped end the war on Naboo. He has instincts and talents that of which I have never seen in a Jedi before. He must be trained.”
     “He is too old.” Master Windu spoke up from his seat to Yoda's right, a hand tiredly rubbing at his forehead. “It will take too long to train him at his age now, and it will be a difficult path for anyone who tries. The Council stands with its decision that Anakin Skywalker will not be trained in the Jedi Arts.”
     “I am willing to train him,” Qui-Gon said, taking another step forward, “for as long as it takes, you need not find another Master Jedi.”
     “A Padawan, you already have,” Yoda pointed a sharp finger over to Obi-Wan standing near the back of the room, “a second, you cannot.”
     “Obi-Wan is ready to face the trials. Once he is no longer my Padawan I can take Anakin on in his place.”
     “The Council stands with its decision.” Mace Windu remained firm, Yoda beside him nodded his agreement, and it would seem there was nothing more Qui-Gon could do, though he could feel that the Council was making a grave mistake. “There will be no further discussions on the matter, this is our final word.”
     With nothing left to say and no more arguments left to make, Qui-Gon bowed and turned towards the door. Obi-Wan and Anakin bowed to the Council as well, then followed him out. Once they were on the other side and the door was closed, leaving them alone in the hallway, Qui-Gon turned a sorrowful look on Anakin.
     “I am sorry, Anakin.” The young child said nothing, just looked to the ground and moved to lean on the leg of Obi-Wan, and clutched tightly to his pant leg.
     Obi-Wan looked down to the boy, a pang stinging his heart. Anakin had told him on the ship when they left Tatooine that he had always dreamed of being trained as a Jedi, and now he was watching the child's entire future fall apart in front of his very eyes. 
     Obi-Wan sighed and rubbed a soothing hand over Anakin's shoulder, and the young boy just clung tighter to his leg, then hid his face against his thigh. All Obi-Wan could do was look up to his master for help, he didn't know what to do to make this better for the young boy.
     Qui-Gon closed his eyes and took a calming breath. “Obi-Wan, why don't you take young Anakin for some food before the flight back to Naboo for the peace ceremony. He has really taken to you, I think spending some time with you might cheer him up. And while you're gone I will prepare everything for our travels.”
     Obi-Wan just nodded, then patted his hand on Anakin's back, encouraging the boy to remove himself from his leg and walk with him through the halls. “Come along, Anakin, let's get you something to eat,” he said, as he led the way. And as they were halfway down the hall, almost out of Qui-Gon’s sight, Anakin reached up and took a tight hold of Obi-Wan’s hand. If Obi-Wan thought the pang in his heart was strong before, it was nothing compared to how he felt now, and all he could think to do was hold the young boy's hand just as tightly.
     Their transport arrived early on Naboo the morning of the peace ceremony with the Gungans. The journey there had been smooth yet oddly quiet. The usually very talkative Anakin didn't say a single word the entire ride, and instead spent all of his time right beside Obi-Wan, and never let go of his hand. 
     As the doors to their transport opened and they walked out, Anakin still holding tightly to Obi-Wan’s hand, they were greeted by the Queen and her Handmaidens in the palace courtyard. As soon as Anakin's eyes landed on Padmé, for the first time all day he let go of Obi-Wan and ran to her waiting arms. She welcomed Anakin with a smile, ear to ear, then knelt down and caressed his face in her hands. “Why don't you go with my Handmaidens while I talk to the Jedi for a moment? I’ll be along soon, but I've had some traditional Naboo clothing made up for you to wear at the peace ceremony today. They will help you change. Go on.”
     Anakin just nodded, still not speaking, and ran off with the Handmaidens into the palace. When they were gone, Padmé stood up and turned to the two Jedi standing quietly to the side. “So? How did it go with the Council? What did they say about Anakin?” Obi-Wan couldn't even answer, he just turned his gaze away, and Qui-Gon only shook his head. Her smile quickly faded and transformed into a frown. “Oh no… they won't have him trained.”
     “No, they say he's too old,” Qui-Gon replied, “I tried to plead his case but they would not discuss it any further. The Council was firm, unfortunately there is no future within the Jedi for young Anakin.”
     “What will happen to him now?” She asked, then a moment of panic flashed across her face. “You can’t send him back to Tatooine!”
     “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he shook his head and sighed, folding his arms across his chest, “I am not sure what is next in the boys future, but I will not send him back to be a slave on that planet. I promised his mother I would provide a better life for the boy, and I will not go back on my word.”
     “I’m sure something will work itself out,” she said and placed a soothing hand on Qui-Gon's arm, “how is Ani doing, dealing with the news? I know he was so excited.”
     “He hasn't said much since we left Coruscant,” Obi-Wan finally turned back and joined the conversation, “but he enjoys your company, your Highness. Perhaps some time spent with you before the ceremony will help lift his spirits.”
     “I will try my best.”
     Padmé stopped before the doors of the room where Anakin was waiting for her. She couldn't go in there and let her emotions show through, she couldn't let the dread she was feeling poor through her, she couldn't let Anakin see the pain she felt knowing his dream wasn't going to be coming true. She had to be strong for him and try her best to cheer him up. So before she went inside, she took a few calming deep breaths, then opened the door and walked in with the most sincere smile she could muster. But it wasn't all too hard when she saw little Anakin standing in the center of the room, in the new ceremonial Naboo clothing she had made for him, being doted over by all of her Handmaidens.
     When he saw her walk in he looked up at her and smiled, “Padmé, how do I look?”
     “You look wonderful, Ani,” she beamed at him as she walked over to kneel in front of him, then reached out to smooth down the front of his crimson and gold robes, “are you excited for the ceremony?”
     Anakin nodded, “It's great that you and the Gungans worked it all out, and now you can all be friends.”
     “I'm very glad for it too. It's the first time in Naboo history that there has ever been peace between our people.”
     “You must be very proud, then.”
     “I am.” She gave Anakin one more quick glance to make sure his outfit was complete before standing. “Now, you stay here with the Handmaidens for a little bit longer. I'm just going to go get myself ready, I won't be long, and then we'll head to the stables together for the start of the parade.”
     Anakin nodded, then walked over to sit with some of the Handmaidens, entertaining them with wild stories of pod racing on Tatooine, and waited patiently for Padmé to return.
     Anakin followed Padmé and her Handmaidens, escorted by the Royal Guard, out towards the Gualaar stables where the parade would begin. He walked closely at Padme's side, smoothing his hands down the smooth silk of his new robes, and couldn't wait to show Obi-Wan how he looked in them.
     Once they finally made it to the stables, every stable hand bustled past them as they made their final preparations, but even through the busy crowd Anakin finally spotted Obi-Wan. He ran from Padmé's side, right past Qui-Gon, and bolted straight to Obi-Wan. 
     Obi-Wan had his back turned when Padmé and Anakin had entered the stables, but as soon as Anakin laid eyes on him, Obi-Wan could feel his excitement and sensed him running in his direction. A smile graced Obi-Wan’s lips as he turned and lifted a giggling Anakin into his arms and held him there with one arm, and Qui-Gon and Padmé shared a fond look between them as they watched the pair.
     Anakin continued running a hand down his robes and smiled at Obi-Wan excitedly, “Look, Obi-Wan!”
     Obi-Wan lifted his free hand and gently tugged at the collar and asked, “And what are these fancy things?”
     “These are my Naboolian royal dress robes,” Anakin answered proudly, and it only made Obi-Wan smile more, “Padmé gave them to me, I've never had clothes that are so cool!”
     “Well, you look very handsome in them.” Anakin again smiled proudly in Obi-Wan's arms. “And did we say thank-you to the Queen for your new clothes?”
     Anakin turned to look back at Padmé. “Thank-you, your Highness!”
     “You are most welcome, Ani.” Before they could say anything more between them, horns echoed through the palace courtyard reaching them in the stables, and they could hear the crowd that had gathered, cheering loudly now. “And that is our cue to get this show on the road and start this parade. Anakin, would you like to ride up front with me or would you like to accompany the Jedi?”
     Anakin thought about it for only a moment before quickly answering, “Could I go with Obi-Wan, please?”
     Padmé smiled, assuming that would have been Anakin's answer. “Of course you can. You can ride in the carriage behind mine.”
     “Allow me to accompany you, my Queen?” Qui-Gon asked, hand outstretched for her to take.
     “It would be my honour, Master Jedi.” She accepted his hand and let him lead her over to the carriage and help her up, leaving Obi-Wan and Anakin to get in the carriage behind them.
     Obi-Wan then turned to Anakin, still held in his arms, and asked, “Well, Anakin, shall we?”
     Anakin nodded vigorously and Obi-Wan walked them over to their carriage, climbed in, and placed Anakin to sit happily on his lap so he could see over the sides of the carriage. 
     They only waited a few minutes before the horns went off again, and their carriage was being pulled out of the stables and into the bright sun of a beautiful Naboo day, a perfect day for celebrations. The crowds on both sides of the laneway leading up to the palace steps were in high spirits. Gungans and Naboolians together in peace for the first time in history, all cheering for the joining of their two peoples. 
     Throughout the entire parade Anakin sat happily on Obi-Wan's lap, and Obi-Wan couldn't help but laugh when Anakin sat up straight and started waving to the people on both sides of the carriage. He couldn't help but laugh even harder when Anakin turned an incredulous look on him and said, “Wave, Obi-Wan,” and so he did. He waved along with Anakin the rest of the way to the palace steps.
     Once their carriage stopped, Obi-Wan lifted Anakin out and stepped down, and placed him on the ground beside him so they could ascend the staircase behind Padmé and Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan wasn't two steps up before Anakin had reached up and stolen his hand again, and he just smiled down at the boy beside him and continued up the stairs. 
     Once they had arrived at the top, they took their place beside Qui-Gon and Padmé, and turned to watch the rest of the parade. The Gungan leader, Boss Nass, was just beginning his walk up the stairs, followed by Jar Jar and the rest of his Gungan Generals. When he made it to the top of the stairs with the rest of them, he smiled and gave a small bow to the Queen who bowed in return, and then the Globe of Peace was exchanged between them. 
     Boss Nass turned toward the people below and held the globe above his head which elicited a roar of cheers from the crowd. The horns sounded again, music began playing, and streamers and confetti were shot into the air, raining down like a rainbow over them all. 
     Anakin squeezed Obi-Wan's hand tighter in his, and Obi-Wan looked down to see the young boy smiling a genuine smile for the first time since they left Coruscant. He was glad the boy had finally seemed to have forgotten about the Council for the time being and was able to enjoy the ceremony.
     “Come, new friends,” Padmé spoke, getting both Obi-Wan and Anakin’s attention, “let us feast and celebrate together in the great hall.”
     She turned and led everyone gathered on the steps inside the grand double doors of the palace, and towards the great hall for further celebrations. Obi-Wan gently tugged at Anakin's hand as he turned too and said, “Come along, Anakin, let's follow the Queen.”
     The feast was magnificent. There was food from both the Naboolians and the Gungans on tables that Anakin thought were longer than their transport. He had never eaten so much food, or even seen this much food, in all his life. The dessert table was even more grand, and Anakin had dragged Obi-Wan by the hand to that table more than once that night.
     One the feast was over, and Obi-Wan and Anakin had more than eaten their fair share of sweet treats, the music started up again and everyone in the hall started moving to the dance floor. Qui-Gon stood to Obi-Wan's left and held his hand out to Padmé beside him and asked, “Might I have the honour of asking your Highness for a dance?”
     She stood and took his hand with a smile, “The honour would be all mine.”
     Obi-Wan watched Qui-Gon and Padmé step down from the table and onto the dance floor to join in on the fun, and left Obi-Wan and Anakin to sit at the table alone. 
     “Well, Obi-Wan,” he turned to look down at Anakin who was looking back up at him and holding out his hand, “shall we dance too?”
     Obi-Wan could only smile and nod as he took the boy's hand and allowed Anakin to lead him onto the dance floor. He lifted him into his arms and the two of them swirled around with the rest of the esteemed guests, occasionally passing a laughing Qui-Gon and Padmé. Obi-Wan was just glad that Anakin was having a good time despite the disappointment of the day before. The party was seeming to be a good distraction.
     After a long while of dancing with an ever giggling Anakin, especially when Obi-Wan would lift him over his head, they both decided a break was needed and headed back up to their seats. They sat and ate more deserts, much to Anakin's delight, and watched Qui-Gon and Padmé who were still happily dancing.
     “Obi-Wan?” The quiet and suddenly shy voice made him look away from the party below.
     He looked down at Anakin beside him who was staring up at him with wide eyes. “Yes, Anakin?”
     “Since the Council won't let you or Master Qui-Gon train me, what's going to happen to me now?”
     Obi-Wan sighed and scratched a hand across his chin. He had figured Anakin would ask him this at some point, that the distraction of the party wouldn’t last forever. He was a smart kid and could surely sense there was something going on, but he honestly did not know what answer would suffice. “I don't know, Anakin,” he placed a hand on his shoulder and ran his thumb soothingly over it, “but I can assure you that Master Qui-Gon and I will make sure that you are well taken care of.”
     “You're not going to make me go back to being a slave, are you?”
     “No,” Obi-Wan moved closer to Anakin at the look of pure terror in his eyes at the thought, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, tucking him into his side, “no, Anakin, I promise that you will never have to go back to that life style. Master Qui-Gon promised your mother that we would take care of you, and that is what we are going to do.”
     “I actually have a proposition for a solution to this situation.” Padmé and Qui-Gon had returned from dancing, and were now standing beside Obi-Wan. The two of them turned in their chairs to look at Padmé and Qui-Gon and waited for her to continue. “Allow me to keep Anakin here on Naboo.” Both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan sent her confused looks. “Anakin and I have become close during our time together, and I would love to have him stay here with me. And if Anakin is not meant to be trained as a Jedi then I shall train him as a Naboolioan Noble, afterall, I will one day need an heir to take over Naboo when I am ready to step down.”
     “So not only a Noble,” Qui-Gon nodded his head in thought, “but a Crown Prince.”
     “I think young Anakin would make a great Prince,” she said as she walked over to put her hand on Anakin's head, “and one day an even better King.”
     Qui-Gon considered her proposal for a minute before turning to Obi-Wan and asking, “And what do you think of this, my young Padawan?”
     Obi-Wan looked down at Anakin again, who was still looking up at him. And although it would mean leaving Anakin behind and not knowing when again their paths could cross, Obi-Wan went against what his heart wanted in keeping Anakin close, and instead answered with what he knew was the right course of action for the young boy's future. “I think it a wise decision for Anakin to remain here with the Queen. If neither you nor I are going to be granted permission to train him, then I see no better option then Crown Prince of Naboo. I say we should allow Anakin to remain here with Padmé, if it is what he wants.”
     Qui-Gon nodded, then turned to Anakin, “And Anakin, is it what you want? To remain with Queen Amidala and train with her?”
     Anakin's eyes still remained fixed on Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan felt as if he was searching him for something, but he didn't know what. “What would I do if I stayed in Coruscant with you and Obi-Wan?”
     Qui-Gon then knelt down to be face to face with Anakin on the other side of Obi-Wan, and Anakin finally peeled his eyes away to look at him. “I'm afraid there is nothing left for you in Coruscant with the Jedi, Anakin. And returning to Tatooine would only have you returning to the life of a slave, and I promised your mother I would do beter then that for you. But this is your choice, Anakin.”
     He glanced back at Obi-Wan who gave him an encouraging smile, before he turned back to Qui-Gon and said, “If I stay, it means I will have to leave Obi-Wan.”
     Obi-Wan's heart broke, but he schooled his emotions and forced himself to remain strong, not wanting Anakin to see his resolve breaking. He didn't want to be away from the young boy either, there had grown something between them in their time together, but he knew for the better of Anakin he would have to let it go no matter how much it hurt.
     “Yes,” Qui-Gon answered him, “you will have to be away from Obi-Wan if you stay. But you would be in very good hands here with the Queen, your future would be very bright, much brighter than it would be if you returned to Coruscant.”
     Anakin took in his words, then turned to Obi-Wan seeking out his advice on the matter. “Obi-Wan?”
     He forced a supportive smile when he answered, “It's alright, Anakin.”
     The young boy nodded at Obi-Wan, then turned back to Qui-Gon with a sigh. “I… I will stay with Padmé then, if you think it's the best choice.”
     “It is settled then,” Qui-Gon stood with a pat to Anakin's knee, then looked to Obi-Wan who still had an arm wrapped around the boy, “and on that note we should get going. We have to be back in Coruscant by the morning, Master Yoda has a new assignment for us.”
     At these words Anakin tucked tighter into Obi-Wan, “You have to leave now?! What if I never see you again?!”
     Obi-Wan looked up to Qui-Gon and Padmé who both gave him a sympathetic look, and he asked, “Would you both allow us a moment alone?” 
     The two of them nodded and Padmé gestured for Qui-Gon to follow her out the side door of the great hall. “Of course. Master Qui-Gon and I will meet you both at the transport, it's ready and waiting for you now.”
     Obi-Wan watched them leave, then stood and lifted Anakin out of his seat and onto the ground. “Come along, Anakin, let's find a quiet place to talk before I have to leave.”
     Anakin reached up and took Obi-Wan's waiting hand, and they followed a few steps behind Qui-Gon and the Queen. Once the transport came into view and the music and loud cheers from the party inside had all but vanished, Obi-Wan stopped walking and turned to kneel down in front of the young boy, hand still clutched tightly in his own. “Hey now,” he reached up his free hand and ran his thumb along a chubby cheek to catch the stray tear that had fallen, “what's with all these tears?”
     “I don't want you to leave,” he sobbed.
     “Oh, Anakin, I must leave. I don't want to leave you either, but It is my duty as a Jedi, don't be sad.”
     “Will I ever see you again?”
     A painful question that struck Obi-Wan right in the heart, it hurt more than any lightsaber wound he had ever received. “What do you think? What do you feel?”
     “I think we will,” Anakin said between gasps, “but…”
     Obi-Wan smiled, trying to force away his own feelings of dread and sadness. “Don’t hold your thoughts in, Anakin, speak them freely. But, what?”
     “But,” Anakin continued, taking a deep calming breath, “I fear it won't be soon enough.”
     “Even if our next meeting is a long ways away, it would still be better than never seeing me again now, wouldn't it?”
     Anakin just nodded, his eyes filled with tears again and he cast them down.
     Obi-Wan tilted his chin up with his fingers and wiped another stream of tears from his cheek. “Come now, young one, no crying, keep your head up.” Anakin did as he said, straightened up his stance, and whipped his eyes with his free hand, then nodded with a sniffle. “There's a good lad. And I promise you, Anakin, we will see each other again. I can feel it in my heart and in the Force. This is not the end of you and I, our story will continue, it is the will of the Force.”
     Anakin sniffled again before he asked, barely above a whisper, “You promise for real?”
     Obi-Wan chuckled and repeated, “I promise for real. In fact, here,” he dug around in the pockets on his belt and pulled out a small bright green rock and handed it to Anakin.
     The young boy stared at the almost glowing rock for a moment before he asked, “What is it?”
     “That is the very last thing my mother gave me before I was taken as a child to train with the Jedi. I don't remember much about my home planet, as I was very young when I left, but I do remember her giving me this, and the tears she cried as she did.” Obi-Wan watched Anakin still fidgeting with the rock in his hands and smiled. “It's a jewel from her favourite necklace, she plucked it out just before I was taken on the transport so she could give it to me. Now, we both know that Jedi aren't supposed to have material possessions, but I was lucky enough that Master Qui-Gon allowed me to keep it, and I've always kept it close to me ever since. But no one in the Jedi Council can ever know I had this, so it must be our little secret, yes?”
     Anakin nodded his understanding then looked back up to Obi-Wan, “Why are you giving this to me?”
     “This is my promise to you that we will see each other again,” Obi-Wan said as he lifted his hand up to Anakin’s and closed his little fingers over the jewel, “this jewel is very valuable to me, so while I am gone you must take very good care of it, and when we meet again one day you can give it back to me. And this way, you can never forget me, no matter how long we are parted for.”
     Finally understanding Obi-Wan, Anakin nodded vigorously, then dug around in his pockets as well and pulled out a small circle with a hole in the center. “Here, you can take this.” Obi-Wan took the small piece from Anakin and also began turning it over in his hand, “It's nothing special like yours, but it's important to me. It's the processing ring from the very first pod I ever built and raced. My mom bought it for me with some credits she saved up doing extra work for the slavers so I could enter the race. I crashed and didn't finish, but it was still awesome!” Obi-Wan chuckled at the little fist pump Anakin did. “And since Jedi can’t have possessions, you have to make sure the other Jedi never see it and take it away from you, cuz you have to give that back to me when we see each other again, just like your jewel.”
     Despite his best efforts, Obi-Wan couldn't help the single tear that escaped his stronghold and slipped down his cheek. All of his training his entire life had been about denying himself these kinds of emotions and feelings, but there was just something about this boy that broke through all of his defenses and shattered his guard, and he didn't even care. He clutched the small processing ring tightly in his hand and held it against his chest, “I would rather quit the Order than let them take something so precious from me.”
     Anakin reached his hand out to Obi-Wan's face, the jewel still clutched tightly in his hand, but he held out one finger and caught the stray tear. “What's with all these tears?” He asked, repeating Obi-Wan's words from earlier, and Obi-Wan laughed and looked down, so again Anakin repeated him as he lifted his chin and said, “No crying, keep your head up.”
     Obi-Wan laughed and nodded as he said, “You are right, young one, no crying, for this will not be our last meeting. It is the will of the Force, remember.”
     Anakin smiled at him for a second before he turned sad again and said, “I'm going to miss you, Obi-Wan.”
     “I'm going to miss you too, young one,” he replied and caught Anakin as he nearly tackled him in a hug, “but remember this isn't good-bye, it is merely ‘until we meet again’.”
     “Until we meet again,” Anakin repeated and nodded against Obi-Wan's shoulder, then added, “Just… just don't make it too long, alright.”
     “Alright,” he pulled back from the hug and to his surprise had to actually wipe more tears from his cheeks and eyes, he couldn’t remember the last time he had cried or felt emotion this strong. He reached out and grabbed Anakin's shoulder and pulled him in for one last quick hug before they would be separated, saying, “Come here,” and held the boy tight against his chest for a few minutes more, before he heard Padmé calling after him from where she stood with Qui-Gon near the transport.
     “Come on, Ani, we must let the Jedi go, they have work to do and we must get you settled.”
     The two held each other for a moment longer before parting again, and without any more words between them, Obi-Wan took Anakin's hand and walked them over to the transport to join them. Anakin looked up to Obi-Wan one last time before letting go and walking over to stand beside Padmé. 
     Obi-Wan walked over and joined Qui-Gon, both giving a slight bow to the Queen before turning and walking up the ramp to the transport. Before he walked all the way up, he turned back for one last quick glance, and waved to Anakin who waved back, then quickly boarded the transport before he could change his mind.
     Obi-Wan stood on the deck of the transport and watched as Naboo, and Anakin, slowly faded from his view. He stood there for what felt like forever before he sensed his master standing behind him.
     “You care deeply for the boy,” he said, finally getting Obi-Wan to turn away from the window. He could see the redness in his young Padawan’s eyes, the tear tracks still trailing down his cheeks.
     “Yes, Master, I do.”
     “He cares greatly for you too,” Qui-Gon said and walked closer to Obi-Wan, “I can feel it.”
     Obi-Wan nodded, he could feel it too, almost intensified with every minute they spent together. “I will miss Anakin.”
     “As will I. I too care for him very much,” he placed a comforting hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, “but this is the best path for the boy.”
     “Yes, I know, Master, I just…” Qui-Gon waited patiently for Obi-Wan to gather his thoughts and finish. “I feel as if there is something special about him. Something between us has grown in our time together, and now that we are apart I can feel it being stretched, almost… almost to the point of breaking. And it has brought forth in me emotions that I have never felt before, emotions I have never before had trouble controlling. It all makes me feel as if I shouldnt have left the boy.”
     Qui-Gon tilted his head, “A bond perhaps?”
     “I'm not sure, Master. But could a bond even form in such a short period of time? I was under the impression they took years to build, and aren't they usually formed between Master and Padawan?”
     “Though it is more common for bonds to form between Master and Padawan, it is not unheard of for bonds to be formed between other Force sensitive beings,” he answered, “It could very well be the beginning of a bond between you and young Anakin. The Force is strong with him, and he is very much attached to you, he could have started a bond and not even known it. And with your attachment to the boy in return, your mind could have completed the bond without you knowing it.” 
     “But, Master,” Obi-Wan started, still a bit confused as to how this could have happened, and so fast, “Force bonds are strong connections. Jedi who have formed them have been able to feel each other through the bond, sometimes even as much as communicating across it without words, or feeling each other without touch. I can do none of that with Anakin.”
     “We were not with Anakin for very long, your bond may not have had the chance to properly form. Had you been given more time together, you would have been able to discover the truth about it. Whether it be a bond or perhaps just the strength of Anakin's abilities in the Force.” He gave Obi-Wan’s shoulder a squeeze, before taking his hand back and crossing his arms over his chest. “Perhaps in the future years, when the two of you meet again, you will be given the chance to test the limits of this potential bond.”
     “Yes,” Obi-Wan nodded, sighing as he looked to the ground and remembered the promise he had made to Anakin, “perhaps one day.”
     Qui-Gon could sense his sorrow, but he knew in his heart and the Force as well as Obi-Wan did, that this was not the last they would see of the young Skywalker boy. “You will see him again, Obi-Wan, and who knows what the future might hold for the two of you then.”
     “Yes, Master,” Obi-Wan agreed, feeling hope suddenly bubble up in his chest at the thought, “and until then I shall look forward to that day when I can see Anakin again.”
A/N: So hi! This is my first ever Obikin fic, so be kind <3 Also this is a what if sort of fic, and in order to make this fic I have changed a few things from cannon, the two major ones being that Padmé is the permanent Queen of Naboo, there are no terms. And Qui-Gon is still alive because who doesn't love him, he had to be included! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do! The fic is pretty much completed already, and I'm thinking I will set up all the posts for every Tuesday. And please let me know what you think, I love reading your wonderful comments, And if you would like to be tagged in future posts just shoot me a message <3 Enjoy!
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If you’d like, how about Maul with an S/O who likes to hold and touch his horns?… :>
Ohhhhh my gosh Nonnie! This is so cute!!!! Thank you for sending it in! 💗💗💗 I’m going to do some headcanons for this if that’s alright. I set this around TCW when Maul is Manda’lore! 
*There’s a few headcanons for the smexy times, and I can’t add a cut since I’m on mobile, so ye youngins tread carefully. I’ve put in a warning where the NSFW headcanons start, so if you’re under 18, avert your eyes!
Horn Touching Headcanons!
Darth Maul x Reader
At first Maul will probably be hesitant to let you touch his horns.
They’re particularly sensitive, and he’s just learning how to properly take care of them.
Savage taught him how to buff, sharpen and polish them until they’re smooth and shiny.
So he’s super proud and protective of them now that they’re all pretty and sharp!
But once he gets more comfortable with you, he might let your hand venture up to his horns while you’re cuddling on the couch.
And when you do touch them for the first time?
Oooooohhhhhh it feels so good!!!
He’s surprised at first. How can something so simple feel so good? You’re just rubbing his horns. How can it feel this good?
‘It just does.’ He thinks, letting it go for the moment and enjoying the feeling.
No one else had ever touched his horns before. At least not like this. He’d done his fair share of agressive head-butting, and he’d used his horns to rip and tear, but they had never been used for anything else. They’d never felt anything so gentle or caring as your soft hands.
And now that he knows what it feels like? Say goodbye to your hands because they’re his now and they’re always rubbing his horns. He loves it!
When you decide to reach over and give his horns a massage, Maul can’t help but lean into the warmth of your hand with a very happy purr.
Smooth strokes up his horns, and small scritches at the base of them. Sometimes you’ll massage around them, and in those moments he swears he’s died and become one with the light side of the force because nothing else could feel this pleasant.
Well...maybe one or two things, but that’s a discussion for another day.... 😏
He loves how often you want to touch his horns. He’ll let you rub them anytime, anyplace.
In the morning when you’re laying beside him in bed? Yes!
During a meeting with the council? Definitely!
In the evening when he’s working on paperwork in his office? Yes please!
This man wants your hands on his horns all the time. Like, all the time.
Please touch this man’s horns he needs it.
Especially in the smexy times *eyebrow waggle*
Alright Yee youngins, if you’re under 18 boot it. Git. Avert yer eyes, for this is sin and I don’t want to have to exorcize you.
So...horn holding during the sexy times?
Hell. Yes.
Maul would spend eternity between your legs on a normal day, but if you so much as brush against his horns while he’s down there, you’ll have to actually pry him out.
It’ll take a lot of convincing and you might have to actually pry him away when you get overstimulated.
But yes please dash your hand out to grapple his horns when he hits that special spot between your legs. Squeeze his horns tighter and push him into you with those gorgeous moans of yours. He’ll live for that shit. He’d worship you for that.
And if you’re pegging this man and you grab his horns? It’s over for him. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been at it. It could be the first thrust or the twentieth, but if you grab his horns and yank his head back while you’re in him? Sorry, he’s cumming right then, right there, all over himself and the sheets with the loudest moan you think you’ve ever heard. The tingly sensation will course from his horns straight down his back and to his cock, and there no coming back from that.
And if it’s softer sex, with those gentle, loving touches, and whispered proclamations of love, Maul will bring your hand up to his horns and let you slowly massage them while he thrusts into you slow and gentle and with every ounce of love he has to offer. It’s a tender moment for him, and the feeling of your hands on his horns calms his racing heart and let’s him live in that moment, holding you, loving you, and being loved in return.
I hope you like my headcanons! These were really fun to write, so thank you again for the request! 💗💗💗
If you have anymore requests, my inbox is open!
@justalittlecloud @fanficsforheartandsoul @thundershield @spookiifi
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
The Gift of a Queen
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala
Summary: In the aftermath of his first battle with Darth Maul, Obi-Wan struggles and finds comfort and strength in an unlikely place.
A/N: In today's edition of "I don't even go here" I post yet another Star Wars fic. I have to admit that I wasn't the biggest Padmé fan growing up, but all of the spectacular fanfic writers here have really shown me how special her friendship with Obi-Wan is, so thanks for that everyone!
Read on AO3
His master is dead. He is dead and Obi-Wan…
Obi-Wan can barely think straight. Palace guards came and found him about fifteen minutes ago, meaning he finally had to let go of Qui-Gon’s cold, stiffening body and attend to matters at hand. The battle is over, they have beaten back the Trade Federation. A Sith Lord has been defeated. Their mission is complete. By all accounts it is a success, despite the grave sacrifice it took to complete it. 
He is ushered by one of the handmaidens, Eirtaé, into the throne room. The palace still smells of blaster fire and ferrocrete dust and Padmé sits on the throne, looking for all the world as regal as can be despite the dirt smudges on her face and the hair that has come loose from its twists. 
She is conversing with Captain Panaka, clearly giving orders as guards and members of the parliament scurry in and out, everyone in a state of elated hustle and bustle. They are free again, but there are still wounded to be tended to, citizens who must be helped back to their homes, and damage that must be repaired as quickly as possible. 
She stops everything when she sees him. “Padawan Kenobi.” Her voice is soft, compassionate, but still official sounding. “Master Qui-Gon—“
“Has become one with the Force.” The words barely make it out of his mouth and they sound stiff, foreign. Like they belong to someone else.
“I was so informed,” she says. “We are all terribly sorry for your loss.”
He inclines his head slightly. “Thank you. I will need to contact the Temple to arrange for—“ the words do not come this time and he has to take a deep breath to force them past his throat, “to arrange for his funeral.”
He will have to tell them all what has occurred. The thought of it makes his heart feel even heavier. He’s not sure how he will manage it when he is barely making it through this conversation, but he must find a way. It is his duty. 
“Of course. We are working to re-establish contact with the senate and will alert you the moment communication becomes available. We have also made arrangements for rooms for you and your charge.”
The name slams into him like a thunderbolt, directly in the chest, sending shockwaves of shame reverberating throughout his entire body. He has not even thought of the boy in hours. “Anakin oh my—is he all right?” he asks, suddenly frantic with worry, looking around the room as if the child will suddenly pop out of a corner.
Padmé quirks a smile. “He is more than all right. He saved us all. He should be back planetside shortly. Some of our pilots are guiding him in to keep him from finding any more mischief.”
Pilots? Planetside? What in the stars?
Padmé still speaking, but Obi-Wan’s vision has tunneled and he can no longer focus on her words. It’s too much. It’s all far too much. Anakin. The Trade Federation. A Sith Lord. His master. 
His chest tightens and he places a hand over his heart as his breathing turns rapid and shallow. Padmé is on her feet, her face concerned. “Padawan Kenobi, are you all right?”
He is not. His master is dead, his calming presence gone, leaving a gaping hole in Obi-Wan’s center, pain like he has never known burning him from the inside out. Everything is spinning and he cannot breathe.
The next thing he knows he is on the floor and Padmé is cradling his face. “Get a healer immediately!” she calls before looking down at him. “Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan you must breathe.”
But his chest is only growing tighter, his vision darkening, and then he knows nothing, blessed nothing, for a little while. 
When he wakes he is in a bed. He can breathe now, but his entire chest feels as if it is on fire, and his head throbs. He inhales sharply, trying to get his bearings.
“Easy,” a kind voice tells him and he is beyond surprised to find Padmé sitting beside him. “You gave us a fright Padawan Kenobi.”
“I’m sorry,” he says automatically. “I—what happened?”
“You were injured during the battle,” she tells him. “You’ve broken three ribs and have considerable bruising. The healers were concerned about a punctured lung, but you seem to have avoided that fate.”
Ah. No wonder it feels as if his entire chest has been split open. Or perhaps that’s the grief. He’s no longer sure of the difference between his physical and emotional pain. 
“You also seem to be suffering from exhaustion,” Padmé continues. “Our healers are not trained in dealing with Force sensitives, but they believe you may have overexerted yourself.”
Likely. He’s never had to draw on the Force so desperately, all while feeling the suffocating press of the dark side pushing back at him. But he does not care about that right now.
 His voice comes out rough, “Anakin—“
“Is safe and being taken care of. Sabé is with him. He was unharmed during the battle.” She smiles. “I think he’s quite enjoying his status as a hero.”
Obi-Wan relaxes slightly. He has not lost the child entrusted to him with his master’s dying breath. That’s something. 
“I took the liberty of contacting the Temple,” Padmé says, her eyes serious once more. “I may have overstepped, but considering the circumstances it seemed prudent to have them arrive as swiftly as possible.”
So he will not have to be the one to bear the news after all. His relief is palpable. Surely the Council felt Qui-Gon’s passing, but to have to be the one to tell Master Yoda, Master Windu, to others who were close to his master…Obi-Wan is grateful that burden has been taken from him. He’s not sure he would have been able to find the words.
“Thank you,” he says, adjusting himself to a more seated position, even though it pains him to do so. “Shouldn’t you be helping put your planet back together? It is not necessary for you to sit a vigil by my sickbed.”
She tilts her head and for a moment Obi-Wan feels completely exposed, as if she can see directly through him, though she has no Force abilities of her own. “You have sacrificed a great deal for my people,” she says. “It is an honor to sit by your side in this time.”
For the first time Obi-Wan realizes she is holding his hand. And it is this small, tender act of kindness that is nearly his undoing. His throat tightens, eyes burning with tears. Qui-Gon is gone, and Obi-Wan is alone. He feels small and vulnerable, like a child, not a fully grown man. It is embarrassing and pathetic and not at all like a Jedi.
“It is all right to grieve,” Padmé says quietly. “I know I cannot fully understand your loss, but I think even a Jedi can take time to mourn the passing of someone they have loved.”
And Obi-Wan had loved him so dearly, despite their differences. Had loved his gentle, if unconventional teaching methods, his penchant for the living Force, which so often meant their missions taking unexpected turns. He’d loved the way his master cared for even the lowest of beings. He had loved his master, and now he was gone.
“Thank you,” he says, his voice little more than a whisper. 
“You should get some rest. If you’d like I can stay,” she says. “Or if you would prefer time to yourself I will take my leave.”
“Please stay.” The words surprise him, leaving his mouth before he even realizes how desperately he does not want to be alone right now. “I would…I would appreciate the company.”
“Of course,” she says. “Rest now. I’ll wake you in a few hours.”
He allows his eyes to drift shut, the grief and his injuries exhausting his spirit and pulling him back toward sleep, Padmé’s hand still gently holding his. 
In future days, when things became too much to bear, he will remember this moment, remember the gift of a queen who had held his hand in one of his darkest hours.
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Thoughts on The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 5
Right! My hopes for this week's episode are... in abeyance? I'm not expecting anything great; I feel like we got one great episode, one shit episode, and we can expect the rest of the run to be one of more or less solid mediocrity to average it out. It's mildly sad to have settled my expectations there already but it feels better than getting fucked over by an episode 3 again.
This week: will we actually see Din Djarin again? It feels like it might also make sense, if they continue the sequence of flashbacks, if we saw Cobb Vanth at some point. I am always down to see Cobb Vanth because he is aesthetically pleasing. The blurb on Disney Plus just says "An unexpected ally emerges." Me, I hope it's Rotta the Hutt.
As the recap begins, Boba VOs "I will vanquish these interlopers who threaten our planet," and I wonder if he lifted the word-a-day calendar from the Mayor's Smithers' desk.
I know I said this last week, but was that "Pwease don't betway me!" really supposed to be a good deal?
I feel like he could have extracted better concessions if he'd promised they could pet his baby rancor.
Did they really just write Boba Fett, who has been a bounty hunter since before he needed to shave, having a conversation with Master Assassin Fennec Shand where she has to tell him he can hire people to fight for him and it's presented in this... arch, sly way? Like this is a special plan not everyone would think of attempting? what a CLUNKER
Space butcher! Will we also see a space baker and a space candlestick maker?
ah fuck a duck it's good to see you again shiny boy
honestly the biggest smile just creased my face, I've missed him. We've all missed him.
so a) Din is still wearing his helmet and b) he seems to be back into plain old bounty hunting work - not stuck in the Mandalore hotseat
the weariness with which he trots out the catchphrase
I don't think he's used to people biting him!
and he's still carrying the Big Spooky Knife - and he just hurt himself with it, and honestly, refreshing to see Din not using absolutely any weapon perfectly. But I am sorry for his thigh.
well, you'll be bringing him in cold and bisected
I detect a note of emotional angst in that bisection
oh his leg really hurts, poor baby.
well here's some artistic cinematography
and here is a tired, lonely boy with a very sore leggy
ah yes, the social discomfort of someone getting onto your elevator carrying a severed head in a bag
Din? Dear heart? Please go and do something about your poor leg before you try to do anything else. Whatever you're trying to do, you can do it better if youre not limping and wincing with every step.
oooooh Mandalorians?
Din you are in no fit state to climb ladders! I'm admonishing you!
yes DO tend to him!
not really a warm homecoming but at least there's first aid
big fella do you realise both an ancestor of yours made that thing and a more recent relative was beheaded with it? does it give your hands tingles? or is the name Vizsla the Mandalorian equivalent of Smith and I'm reading this wrong?
I mean, Smith is an honourable name and a widespread one for good reason. Mandalorians would respect a smith. Armourers are just smiths who got specialised. So.
that thing has still got Darth Maul's cooties on it I am sure
*sigh* Darth Maul's cooties...
if it falls into the wrong hands "Mandalore will be laid to waste and its people scattered to the four winds" - well, that already happened, a lot, so I guess it doesn't matter who has it now!
What happened to the children who were in the Nevarro covert the first time we saw Din go back there? Were they evacuated before things went really bad? When Paz said "There are three of us now," did he mean himself, the Armorer and Din, or was he counting another person and Din makes four?
"It was the gift of a Jedi. Her name was Ahsoka and she was super cool."
AW! I like the spear! It's pointy and cool! He's got it in my Lego playsets!
holy shit, someone other than Boba gets a flashback and she didn't even have to get into a bath.
The Night of a Thousand Tears, aka The Terminator tribute - are we going to get a shot where one of those droids steps on a skull and breaks it? Or a helmet to make it more Mandalorian?
we did not, poot
I mean... how will she make something to fit him, she doesn't have him here to measure. Looks like chainmail maybe?
it is something tiny and precious - which suits him
okay, the Armorer counting, that's actual diegetic spoken Mando'a right, a lot of people will be marking their bingo cards
of course his mind is distracted! he is a very sad boy! and I think his leg still hurts!
also very interesting to me that Din has taken off his helmet in front of other people twice now (allowing for the "I am not a living thing" droid exemption), once under duress and once by deliberate choice, and he hasn't admitted it to the one real authority figure in his life even as he fills her in on everything else that's been going on
ah, big fella, might've known we could count on you to start shit.
yes, it was your ancestor, thanks for that
I still want to know why Paz began resenting and disliking Din as much as he obviously has for as long as we've known him. "He got to go out and it made me feel weak and humiliated to hide away and be dependent on him" is a satisfying explanation but it's just headcanon at this stage.
Well, this would be a fun way to get the Darksaber out of all of our hair. Paz can have it as far as I'm concerned. Din can get on with his life without that burden. He's got actual friends who like seeing him. One of them needs to be recast, but still.
and of course they're having this fight on a fucking catwalk because Star Wars
unusually for Star Wars, the catwalk is low enough that you can jump or fall off it without plummeting to your doom!
fuck's sake, Paz, you really feel you need to kill him? He's a good boy! You've got the big scary butter knife! Walk away!
he really was not going to tell her until she asked him - he was hoping to get away with it, it seems, and that's... disturbing and interesting in terms of his faith and allegiance
well, at least he's not going off to find some lost lake under a caved-in mine now, right?
I thought maybe he was going to have to leave his gear behind there, stagger out with his face showing.
heading for Tatooine, innnnnteresting
actually slightly fewer weapons than I thought he'd have about his person
shiny little butt-protector there
aw Din
aw Din
you exude woe
you need a fuckin' hug
is this one of those little guys from the old Star Tours ride btw
what kind of animal is snatching cute little droids
there's no meat on those things!
I like how swiftly she goes from getting chewed on to LOOK EVERYBODY IT'S MANDO
hey you know what you should do, not slay another dragon, go see that guy you slew it for, you know the one, legs for days, cute little mole, you did a *~wistful sigh~* as you watched him walking away after you two said goodbye?
that is not a ship, Peli
it is not even a whole ship
he's so weary and disgusted I love him
aw, Din managing to work with a droid - with some irritation but productively.
Din you are not known for getting along well with Jawas.
Thank you for implying you ate out a Jawa, Peli.
well, at least he's got a project now
"THANKS LITTLE GUY" oh god it's so cute it's like a little chicken with an old Polaroid for a head (I know it's there because it's heavily featured in the new video game coming out)
okay, so Razor Crest was the type of ship, not a name he gave it. It literally is just like "the Honda Civic."
you have law enforcement in Mos Eisley?
always tip your Jawas
I mean, it could be greased lightning, but you're not going to be able to carry cargo or lie down to sleep. It really doesn't replace the type of ship you had.
yeah, it'll probably do you good to go out for a blatt
he'll try spinning, that's a good trick
and just when you're having fun, the fuzz
once again the hero's day is saved thanks to the cops' desire to avoid paperwork.
Aw, Fennec really likes Din. (I don't understand why she came looking for him there, but w/e) She's so happy to see him! See Din! There are people who like you and are pleased when you come home! (Admittedly she wants you to do a job, but still, that was a genuinely warm smile.)
muscle is on the house
I enjoyed that episode, of course I think it helped that it was literally just an episode of The Mandalorian and not of The Book of Boba Fett.
Yeah, Bryce Dallas Howard, I've enjoyed her contributions before.
"An unexpected ally emerges"? Really, Disney+ blurb writer? The guy whose theme music played at the end of the previous episode? The guy who was already established as Boba's friend? Our main man?
I guess Tem either had a week off, or was working on something Demanding for the next episode.
did Din like... give Bo-Katan the slip? Or did she just let him walk away, Renée? Where did Cara go (other than getting cancelled)? How did Din and Boba part ways? GUESS WE'LL NEVER KNOW
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willowcrowned · 4 years
Grey Apprentice AU (Installment #4)
aka Sith!Obi-Wan AU Flavor II 
(Previous parts: x x x)
Qui-Gon paces the length of his and Obi-Wan's small sitting room, first once, then twice, then a third time. He looks up, expecting the usual dry comment from Obi-Wan on jedi masters’ peaceful bodies and minds, but he’s not there. Of course, that’s the problem in the first place: Obi-Wan is gone, off on a ship with a figure that felt like a maelstrom of darkness in the Force, and he’d left with a wink. The man must know something Qui-Gon doesn’t, but what it is, he can’t guess.
He turns, pausing at the entrance to Obi-Wan's room. He normally doesn’t enter without permission; it’s an invasion of Obi-Wan's privacy— privacy to which he is well entitled— but in this case...
Qui-Gon grimaces, opening the door. He won’t snoop, won’t do anything other than have a superficial look. At the very least it might calm him down to have tangible evidence of Obi-Wan's intention to return. When they’d left, he hadn’t taken the black bag he usually keeps with him, a velvet thing smaller than Qui-Gon's palm. Obi-Wan wouldn’t have left it if he thought he’d be gone for more than a week.
The room is just as Obi-Wan had left it, tidy and empty, with a plant on the desk next to a picture of his friends, a spare cloak hung up on the peg next to the door, and a blanket folded perfectly at the foot of his bed. It’s the room of a knight, not of a padawan, Qui-Gon realizes, and he has to push down the surge of pride and guilt that seems to swell up in his chest more and more often these days.
He frowns, for the first time noticing the odd pressure building in his brain. It’s a strange, blunt, thing— the marked absence of something, rather than its presence. He scans the room once more for the offending object, for the first time noticing an odd red glow from the closet. Qui-Gon pauses. He’d said he wouldn’t touch anything, but— The glow grows brighter, and he can hear the Force calling to him from it, not light, not peaceful, but not unkind. Qui-Gon sighs, and opens the closet door.  
The glow is coming from the floor, within the black bag Obi-Wan had left behind. Qui-Gon looks at it, a furrow forming in his brows. It’s not Obi-Wan's habit to leave things on the floor, and the cleaning crews haven’t been in their apartments since they left. When he picks up the bag, intending to return it to its place on the shelf, a white-hot pain sears through his hand, and he drops it. The bag tumbles to the floor, and out of it falls a holocron.
It’s the last thing Qui-Gon notices before the onslaught of darkness hits him, pressing him beneath a tsunami of emotion. The fury slams into him first, not so hot as the zabrak’s had been but far, far, deeper. Qui-Gon falls to his knees without noticing, forced to sustain the mental battering of his shields. He can feel them weakening even as he clutches them tighter, being torn away bit by bit like an old house in a storm.
How is no one noticing this, Qui-Gon wonders. How come no one has come in to see what this endless wave of darkness is— this storm with no light.
The first tear in his shields happens, and he works it shore it up, plugging it with whatever he can think of: random bits of trivia, a poem, a meal he shared with Obi-Wan. Stay, he tells them, give me time. The pieces do not stay, each layer being ripped away until all that’s left was the look on Obi-Wan's face as he realized the sandwich he’d bitten into was filled with candied ants. Then, abruptly, the maelstrom stops, and Qui-Gon is left grasping for the pieces of his shields, the void around them quiet once more.
“Do forgive my intrusion,” a female voice says, dry and unapologetic as Qui-Gon struggles to get control of his breathing on the floor. “You know how it is: better safe than sorry.”
Qui-Gon falls back, resting against the wall as he tries to catch his breath. “What are you?” He says, injecting his tone with as little worry as he can manage. “What are you doing here?” What are you doing in Obi-Wan's room, he wants to add. What have you done to my padawan?
Zannah’s nose scrunches slightly, halfway between amused and disgusted. “Your shields are down, Jedi.”
“I wonder why that is,” he manages.
She shrugs. “I’m not going to apologize.”
Qui-Gon patches up his shields, weaving the skeleton of the old threads of memory into a new place, beside several strong pockets of compulsion. It won’t be enough to stop the woman if she attacks him again, but it might gain him a few seconds of reprieve. It will have to be enough.
“As for your questions,” the woman says once he’s finished, “A Sith, sleeping, Obi-Wan brought me here, and I’ve done nothing to him.”
“Nothing,” Qui-Gon repeats, disbelieving, the aftershocks of her attack still filtering through his mind.
“Yes,” the woman says. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Darth Zannah. I’d tell you to sit down, but, well...” She gestures to him collapsed on the floor.
Qui-Gon shakes his head, trying to disseminate the information. “Does he know you’re here? Does he know what he brought back?” Surely not, he thinks. Surely Obi-Wan wouldn’t have knowingly brought a Sith into the heart of the Jedi temple.
“I should hope so,” Zannah says, “given that I’ve been training him for twelve years.”
“Twelve—” Qui-Gon freezes.
“Yes,” Zannah agrees, “since Bandomeer.”
“Impossible,” Qui-Gon breathes.
“Is it?” Zannah raises an eyebrow in a perfect imitation of Obi-Wan— or, no, all this time Obi-Wan must have been imitating her. Qui-Gon remembers when he picked that little habit up; it had been the months after he’d turned seventeen, just beginning to grow into his too-long limbs, still gawkish and almost awkward. Then, over the course of their mission, his gait had grown smoother, countenance more graceful, and his awkward smiles at Qui-Gon's jokes had turned into an amused raised eyebrow and half-smirk. 
It had felt odd at the time, watching the maladroit child he knew turn into a clever, subtle, adult, but he knows it now as the sign of Obi-Wan growing up, leaving Qui-Gon as a student and returning to him as a friend. He remembers the white stone of the city, remembers the late spring blossoms of the sea-roses, remembers the first time Obi-Wan had turned that quizzical look on him— and feels the taste of the memory, sweet with the blossoms, turn to ash in his mouth.
“How—” Qui-Gon starts, mouth dry. “Why—”
“I offered him knowledge,” Zannah says, not unkindly, “and companionship not to be found in the constraints of Jedi.”
“Why train him?” Qui-Gon asks, clutching at proof that she has not— could not— have trained Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is kind, and clever, and selfless, and none of the things a Sith should be. He cannot have lied so fully for so many years. He cannot. “Why not train someone else? Someone you wouldn’t have to corrupt first?”
Zannah gives him an incredulous look. “You think I’ve corrupted him? Have you forgotten Ghé’aiit so easily? That was not the behavior of one corrupted.”
Qui-Gon feels ire stir deep in his chest, at her prodding, guiding rhetoric, but the memory springs to him unbidden.
It had begun as a trade dispute. Three families, each the head of a government and of a trade sector. The Jedi had initially been brought in to facilitate negotiations; those had lasted all of two nights, ending with Obi-Wan kidnapped and in chains— a hostage for the third family. Qui-Gon hadn’t known that at the time, of course. He’d only known that Obi-Wan was gone and the place where their bond was had turned to a jagged mess of edges before it disappeared into nothingness.
He’d found Obi-Wan again, oblivious to Qui-Gon's presence, escaped and facing the Third Peer, who was holding a blaster to his sister’s head. It would have been easy, laughably easy, for Obi-Wan to let him shoot her, claim he had gotten there too late to save her, and arrested the Third Peer with little risk to himself. Instead, Obi-Wan had lain down his blaster, and braced himself for the shot.  
(Later, when their bond was back and whole, Qui-Gon had blocked it off again, too overwhelmed by fear and relief not to yell at Obi-Wan. How could he yell at Obi-Wan, when he’d done exactly as a Jedi should do? But how could he not be angry, not be furious, that he had lain down his blaster and braced himself for death as if it were second nature? How can I forgive you, Qui-Gon had thought then, for almost leaving me? How will I be able to let you go when it’s time?)
“He scared me too,” Zannah says softly. “When I heard what he had done, I could barely restrain myself. Foolish, loving, Jedi, and their need to do the right thing.”
“I hope you don’t think,” Qui-Gon says, tired, “that I trust you.”
“No,” Zannah says. “You’re not a stupid man, on the whole. I hope you will trust Obi-Wan, though.”
Qui-Gon sits straight up, reminded of what had caused his agitation in the first place. “Obi-Wan. You sent him after that darksider?”
“Darth Maul,” Zannah agrees. “I wouldn’t fear, he’s not a match for Obi-Wan— merely the servant of the Sith Master.”
“You would send Obi-Wan to do another Sith’s dirty work?” Qui-Gon doesn’t hide the curl of his lip from her, meeting her gaze head-on. “I thought the masters were supposed to discard their apprentices themselves.”
“I do not,” she hisses, eyes flashing, “do that creature’s dirty work.”
“Lady Zannah—” Qui-Gon replies coldly.
“Lord, actually,” Zannah corrects, and all of a sudden the fire has left her eyes. “The title is ‘lord’ regardless of gender. A Sith Lady is a different job entirely.”
“Lord Zannah,” Qui-Gon corrects, making sure she can hear the eye-roll inherent in his tone, “Are you implying that not only are you embroiled in a rivalry with another Sith clan, but that you have, in fact, created your own?”
“We call them houses,” Zannah replies. “Mine is that of Athén. And you are correct, Obi-Wan is a part of it. We are a House of two.”
Fantastic, Qui-Gon thinks bitterly, and his patch-job must not be as good as he thinks it is because he swears he hears Zannah chuckle. He sighs. “Out of curiosity, what is the job of a Sith Lady?”
“A combination of cultural advisor, archivist, and magic user. And occasionally a consort.” Zannah smiles a wickedly sharp smile. “I much prefer being a Lord.”
Yes, Qui-Gon thinks, not caring that she can hear it. You would.
 Some notes:
-Yes Zannah did name her house after her dead wife, who is in turn named after Athena, because I am a basic, basic, bitch
-Yes, I did borrow the line about Sith jobs from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. Patricia C. Wrede I’m so sorry I’m using your work for my nonsense AUs but also those books shaped me as a human, so. Too Bad. They’re a part of my writing now.
- I included a bug-eating joke because apparently I am constantly under the compulsion to talk about people in sw eating bugs. I have no excuses
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dindjarins04 · 3 years
Could you do Darth Maul?
With the promts
2a 8a 16a
1b 7b 9b 10b 12b 15b
Make me cry like the baby I am
Gosh darn this hurt me! I love Maul so much it hurts to write angst about him!! This is an amazing request but a painful one!
A Failed Promised
Maul x FEM!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Prompts: 2A) I love you. 8A) It's alright, I've got you. 16A) You've been strong for too long. 1B) I couldn't unlove her; and I didn't want to. 7B) I don't even know who you are anymore. 9B) BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. 10B) I loved you (past tense). 12B) You broke me first. 15B) I am not angry, I'm in pain! And you put me here! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything.
Warnings: Hurt!Maul (this has to be warning), brief mention of self harm (like just a tiny but you have to squint to see it, and it's not the reader who harmed herself!), angst, not a happy ending, crying, shouting and ANGST.
Request rules here
Prompt list here
Main masterlist here
Darth Maul/Oppress masterlist here
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When the relationship started, everything was perfect. Nothing went wrong, it was a smooth road and a clear future, or so you thought. You thought that in the future you would be a family, two knucklehead children running around the throne room of Mandalore and hitting each other with sticks. You imagine you and Maul telling them stories of everything that happened during the Clone Wars. You were so prepared for a bright future so it hurt when that dream turned to ash.
You noticed that he began to become more distant. Instead of laying with you in the morning, when you woke up he was gone. And it kept happening. He left early in the morning and came back late at night. Conversations with you were short and straight to the point. You decided to confront him about it, and because of that, that's why you are here.
You managed to wake up with him. He was busy getting changed when you walked into the living area of your shared quarters.
"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to wake you up," He said as he clipped his lightsaber and darksaber to his sides.
"Maul, we need to talk," You say sternly. He stops and turns to you, brows furrowed. The tone in your voice sent shivers through him.
"What is it?" Before you can even start, tears begin to surface. He smiles softly before walking over to you, embracing you. "It's alright, I've got you," You sniffle before you bring yourself to words.
"I...Do you like me?" You cringed at your choice of words. He chuckles lightly, pulling back to hold the side of your face.
"I love you," He says. You pull away and shake your head.
"Why does it feel like you don't love me?"
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You're barely around anymore, our conversations are limited to a couple of words," You noticed how he seemed to get agitated.
"You are aware I have an entire kingdom to rule," He asks.
"I am aware...but my love-"
"I need to be strong for this. For Mandalore. For the Crimson Dawn...for my brother,"
"You've been strong for too long," You say, stepping forward. "I know it was hard to lose your brother and you have so much on your plate...but you're overdoing yourself. Saxon can take care of Mandalore for a day if it means you got some rest," This time it is him who shakes his head and turns away and walks to the door.
"I can't, I have to rule Mandalore. I have to keep this up-"
"Even if it means losing me?" He freezes and turns his head.
"If this is how the rest of my life with you is going to be, I don't want it," You say strongly. He turns fully to face you, eyes narrowed. "Come back to me, I love you!" You said, tears surfacing again.
"I am in charge of the biggest syndicates and ruling Mandalore, I have priorities,"
"I should be a priority! You promised me you would stay with me!"
"Unfortunately you're not,"
"I don't even know who you are anymore," He rolls his eyes and folds his arms.
"Leave if you're so willing to do so,"
"Fine! I will!" You march back up to your room and begin to pack your stuff, anger in your movements, tears falling freely. Once you packed your two bags you walk towards the door where Maul is. His eyes seem to widen and hurt crosses his face when seeing your packed bags. "Move," You say, your voice shaking.
"You're leaving?"
"You told me to do so...and thinking about it...it's the only option that I won't regret making,"
"You regret us?"
"Yes, very much," You snarl.
"(Y/N), you're just angry, perhaps if you calmed down-" He attempts to reason.
"I'm not angry, I'm in pain! And you put me here! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything!" You shout, angry and sad tears cascading down your face.
"Please...I'm sorry," He reaches out to hold you put you pull away, even though it hurts your heart. He falls to his knees and holds your hands that clutch around your bags. "I'm begging you, (Y/N)...please...I'll change...I'll do anything,"
"Why are you doing this?" You ask trying to keep the confidence in your voice.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" You shake your head and pull away from him, opening the door, leaving him but he follows you out. "Please! Don't leave. Please? (Y/N)?" You turn to see the pain written across his face.
"Maul...I loved you. I loved you so much...but I can't stay here any longer...not now," You turn again but you hear him following.
"My love, doing this will break my hearts-"
"You broke me first," You say, turning to face him. "All of this...you no longer love me. You're obsessed with Mandalore. With Obi-Wan. All of this has made you forget about me. The one person who was there for everything. From Naboo all the way to Mandalore. But this obsession put me in the shadows," You sigh before leaving, leaving Mandalore and the man you've loved for so long.
"My lord...what is wrong?" Gar Saxon asks when he walks into the throne room. Maul, shirtless, is on the throne, head buried in his hands, elbows on his knees. He slowly lifts his head to look at the Mandalorian.
"She's gone," Maul says. Saxon sees he's been crying and notices fresh scars across his chest.
"Would you like me to find her? Send out parties?"
"No...she left willingly," He says, looking up. "And she's not coming back,"
"My lord, I was unaware that (Y/N) left...I'm sorry that it didn't work out,"
"I couldn't unlove her; and I didn't want to," He says, standing up and walking to the window in the throne room. "And here I am...I have no one because I was too arrogant and too proud," He bows his head. "She's better off without me,"
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ganondorf21 · 3 months
Darth maul and me
I could not believe my eyes when I first saw him. I knew who he was because I live on earth. A Supposedly fictional character showing up in the vast acres outside my house. But when I approach him I know in my heart that this is REAL. and I realize that he is in dire straits. His tunic is soaked with blood though its hard to see due to his black tunic. I know that I have to get him inside. I am a ninja I am a warrior I am not weak but I know it will not be easy bringing him in the house. I know however that I had to do it myself. I can't trust anyone else to get involved. I am well aware of how Earth is in regards to unusual creatures regardless of whether he happens to be someone that is well known as soon as they find out that this is no costume... No. I will not. So I half carry half drag him to my house. I am a woman I'm five foot five though I am not weak this is hard. because this is literal deadweight. But I persevere and I finally manage to get him in the house. I feel bad that I kind of jostle and bump into things but what else can I do. He is Unconscious and there is nothing I can do but get him inside.All I can focus on is getting him to the couch which folds out into a bed I lay him on the floor and pull out the bed then one final heave and I get him onto the bed . While I do this I am talking to him. " You are heavy huh. Feel like helping me out some? it's kind of hard. Hehe. And then before I can stop myself I whisper, "you are beautiful". And he is. I find myself staring for a minute then I remember that he is in trouble and I need to focus. "I am sorry" I say.normally "I would never undress somebody without their consent but you are in dire straits and I really need to get this off to take a good look at your wounds and see what needs to be done." After much struggling I finally get the tunic off I wince as I pull it away because it sticks to the wounds and I fear I'm hurting him Even though he's unconscious. I still don't want to hurt him.I busy myself cleaning the wounds and putting bandages on. he is very very warm I know from reading about his species that they have higher body temperatures and that worries me some because I cannot tell if he is feverish. But until he wakes up I cannot do anything so I focus on stitching up and bandaging his wounds and cleaning him up when I finish I am exhausted but glad. is it too cliche to say that he has stolen my heart already. But he has and I cannot deny it. He stirs some but still doesn't wake up I wonder how long he will be out. I wonder what on earth could have happened to get him to this state but I know even the greatest warriors get in trouble fortunately I am here . And so I will watch and wait and tend to you until you get better.
Chapter 2 coming up
AUwhere sidious actually cares about maul and plagueis is in this too 😏
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dinsbeskar · 4 years
First Time | Darth Maul x Reader
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Rating: Teen (fluff with one sex reference)
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Maul has never heard "I love you". Well, there's a first time for everything.
Warnings/tags: angst, miscommunication, mutual pining, fluff, declarations of love, references to sex offscreen, gender neutral reader (no references to gender)
The first time you tell Maul you love him, it slips out and you want the ground to swallow you up.
“I’m leaving.” You regret breaking the previously comfortable silence as he barely looks up from his datapad, nodding softly.
You stand abruptly, surprised he has nothing more to say.
“Really?  That’s it, no asking why or where I’m going?” Your voice is threatening to break, stars, don’t break in front of him.
“Why would I?  You don’t need my permission,” he says with a slight tone of annoyance, brows furrowed as he tries to concentrate on the current uprising in the syndicate.
“Right.  Okay.  Guess I’ll see you around then.”  You turn to leave, tears pricking your eyes.
You can’t believe he’s being so cavalier, not that you imagine he feels the same way about you but you had hoped-
“And what is that supposed to mean?” He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “I have neither the time nor patience for dramatics, if you want me to follow you-"
“That’s the thing, I don’t, I can’t-"
“Can’t what?” His anger is building now, something is wrong but one of you is being obtuse and he can’t tell which.
“I can’t stay!” You’re trembling, wanting so badly to stay, to stay with him, but pining for a Sith Lord is hard work. “I can’t stay here, I’m taking my ship and leaving Mandalore, Maul, I’m sorry.”
His hearts drop to the pit of his stomach, suddenly a black expanse through which they keep falling- how could you leave?  He really thought maybe this once... no, everyone leaves in the end, it was only a matter of time.
He’s on his feet without a thought, nails biting into his palm to keep himself grounded.  His lips draw back in a snarl, an expression you’d seen countless times but never directed at you.  Your chest aches and your palms sweat  but you stand your ground.
“Then leave, I’d hate to think I were keeping you here against your will, you must have so many pressing appointments.” Sorrow has quickly turned to rage and he needs you to leave before he does something he’ll regret.
“You know that’s not the case, don’t be so kriffing cruel.  Force, if I’d realised how you truly felt sooner I’d have left sooner, I do apologise, my Lord.” Your words come out harsher than you mean them, laced with spite in retaliation.
“Cruel?  You haven’t seen cruel, get out before that changes.” He’s shaking too now, desperately trying to control every urge to scream and rage until you’ve gone.  Abandoned again, no, he is fear, he is hunter, he is nothing.
You can feel his rage rolling off him in waves as he paces the hall, looking anywhere but at you.  Why would he care so much?  You’ve never truly known what goes on his head, but you assumed he was fairly indifferent towards you.  Yes, he tolerates your presence more than the others in court, allowed you to get a little closer than most too, the only one he would ever request to join him aside from his brother.  And it wasn’t as if you hadn’t shared his bed a few times, but you had assumed that was boredom, a way to pass the time for both of you.  He wasn’t the type to get attached and you knew that, fought your own feelings, there was no way they would ever be returned.  Unless-
“I can’t believe I loved you.” You’re taking a chance, gambling on the possibility that his anger has something more to it, force, please have something more to it, this was such a risky move.
He stops his pacing, still refusing to even glance at you, but his black towering rage becomes slightly less black.  Very, very, dark grey.
“What did you say?” Is that hope you detect?
You clench your jaw a little and reply, “I loved you.  It was foolish, I see that now.”
He starts to pace again, less in a temper though, more out of the confusion written all over his face.  It couldn’t be.  And even if it were, you said loved, past tense.  Cue the longest, most tense silence you’d ever experienced, during which all you could do was stand there nervous, so nervous, nausea building as you watch him pace back and forth, wringing your hands a little.
“Maul, please say something, anything,” you hate pleading like this but he won’t be the one to break the silence, having to admit everything he’s thinking, feeling, terrified that you really will leave when he says the wrong thing.
He seems to choose his words carefully, still not looking at you, refusing to look because if he looks he’ll break.
“You said... loved.  You... loved me.  Why did you say nothing?” It comes out as a whisper, almost as if to himself.
“How could I?  We’re... friends, aren’t we?  At least you have me around when you don’t really need me-"
“I do need you.” He’s louder this time but not by much, you’re not even sure you heard him right.
“What?” You need him to say it again, need to hear it a thousand times more.
He turns and finally looks into your eyes, expression softening instantly when he sees the tears rolling down your cheeks.  He wants to brush them away, to hold your face and tell you he wants you by his side, that you can’t leave him, to make you promise to never leave.
“I need you.  And if you no longer feel the same, I understand.”  He can’t hold your gaze, he tries but a heat rises in him that any other being would identify as embarrassment.
Your eyebrows crease in astonishment, a smile working its way to your lips, threatening to crack your face in half.  Need.  Need would do.
“I’d follow you to the ends of the galaxy if you asked me to.”
His hearts skip a beat or three as you speak, a pressure building in his chest that feels so warm, so kriffing pure, he’s never felt anything like it.
“I love you, and I’ll keep loving you, and if you have to hear it again and again, I’ll keep telling you, until you’re sick of hearing it, until you beg me to stop.”
“Go on then,” he says, his features so soft your heart melts. “Tell me again.”
“I love you,” you huff a laugh, small and quietly ecstatic, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Placing emphasis on every single word, huffing a laugh as you do so, enjoying seeing him melt at your words.  Bringing a Lord of the Sith, former as he would so often remind you, to his knees could soon become a much beloved pastime, judging by the warmth that envelops you every single time you tell him how you feel.
He’s scarcely able to believe it, even after hearing it from your lips so many times, that he might no longer be nothing, that he might actually be something to someone like you.  He whispers your name in reverence, like a prayer that keeps you spellbound and breathless.
You reach out for him, hand on his chest while the other searches for his hand to hold, to reassure him that it’s okay.  He holds onto you like you’ll disappear, dissolve through his fingers into the ether, and you pull him closer and sigh into his chest.  He lifts your face with a finger and actually smiles.  You’ve only seen him smile a handful of times and it’s not always because he’s happy, not that he knows what happy means.  It’s warm and genuine and content, you’ve never seen such a sight and it reignites the ache in your chest, that you’re sure can only be quelled by one thing.
When his mouth claims yours, everything burns, warm and bright and glowing, an unmistakable feeling that, well, it feels like home.
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elenamiria · 4 years
Darth Maul x Reader
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Rating: E for Everyone 😊 Word Count: 966 Summary: When you find out Maul has never taken a bubble bath you take matters into your own hands to convince him to take one. Requested Fic: @thegreatandmightyone​ asked  Could I ask for a reader x maul fic/drabble where either maul or reader (or both?!?) are taking a bubble bath and it's just super fluffy and cute? I’m so sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy!!!  Warnings: Fluff, Kissing, gn!Reader  Masterlist  --  Tags:  @fishswimbetterunderwater​ @a-dorin​ @blxwjobsforclones​ @lynnie51​ @katrynec​ @Mistermiraclee @theelvenvalkyrie​ @brilliantbutbatty​ @anakinswhore​ @botherbother-blog​ @sammi-doll483​ @oneirnaut​
You sighed contentedly sinking deeper into the hot waters of your bath. Flinching back slightly as the excessive amounts of bubbles that you had added to your bath tickled at your nose. Your breath huffed out blowing the bubbles away from you with a little laugh. Perking up as the door opened you sat up just a bit, head poking up. A large smile covered your face as you spotted your black and red Zabrak partner, he shared a smile with you before his eyes narrowed slightly.
“What are you doing in there my star?”
“Just relaxing, you should try it sometime love." you laughed. Maul playfully growled at you as he moved to your side, hand drifting through a few of the bubbles.
"And do these help in your relaxation?" He questioned, your jaw dropped at the realization that Maul seemed to have never taken a bubble bath. It made sense but it wasn't something that had really every crossed your mind.
"Maul, my love, have you never taken a bubble bath?" You questioned as his amber eyes drifted to yours from where they had been transfixed on his hand toying with the bubbles.
"I can't say I ever have my star, I tend not to have time for such frivolities."
After that you had made it your goal to get Maul into a bubble bath, than man needed to relax more than anyone else you knew
It had taken a lot of pleading and whining to convince Maul into this situation. At first he refused because he simply had too much to do and then he refused because he didn't see the point. When you finally talked him into it he grumbled all the while you filled up the tub and even more so when you poured in bubbles solution and bath oils. You excitedly climbed in once the bubbles had grown and the delicious scent wafted from the steaming waters of the bath. You scooted to the back and expectantly looked up at Maul who stared impassively down at you. Shooting him a mildly annoyed expression you gestured to the water in front of you as you waited for him to join you. 
Maul's yellow eyes narrowed before he heaved a dramatic sigh and climbed into the water in front of you. A smug smile crossed your face as he sunk into the warm waters, sliding back to lean against you. His back was tight with what you assumed was stress and you cupped water in you hands to let it stream down his shoulders. At first he tensed and you heard a low rumble until the heat started to pierce his skin and relax his muscles. You nearly laughed at the thought that Maul was acting like an angry loth cat being bathed and you had to clap a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles. Maul's head tilted and you knew his keen senses had caught you, his shoulders started to rise until your hands settled on them and started a gentle massage. Leaning forward you pressed a sweet kiss to his neck as you softly murmured, "Relax, my love. I can feel how tense you are."
You allowed yourself to sink lower into the bath, tugging Maul along with you. His grumbling was once again quieted by you wrapping your arms around his chest and pressing kisses up the back of his neck. A smile covered your face as Maul huffed, his exhale pushing the bubbles by his mouth into the air and you couldn’t help but giggle. Scooping some of the bubbles up in your hand you held them out of the water and Maul surprised you by blowing on the bubbles and they flew into the air. Another one of your laughs filled the air and a happy rumble came from Maul’s chest as his head tilted back towards you, a smile covering his face. You leaned forward to press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth and you teased, “See this isn’t so bad now is it?”
Maul sighed out, “I suppose not, it is rather relaxing.”
As he spoke he pulled away from you and managed to spin himself around to face you, given the size of the tub it wasn’t a difficult task. Your eyes narrowed slightly at Maul’s playful grin slightly suspicious of his sudden change of attitude. Your suspicions were proven correct when a sudden wave of water came your way and completely drenched you and you let out a startled yelp. Immediately you retaliated sending a wave back towards Maul with a quick flip of your hands. Despite the suddenness of the water being flung at you it still brought a bright smile to your face that devolved into laughter as Maul lunged at you, wrapping his arms around you. He sank the two of you into the water up to your shoulders and you sighed happily as the heat relaxed you. Maul nuzzled his nose against yours before pressing his lips to yours in a loving kiss. Your arms wrapped around Maul’s neck, stroking the skin at the base of his neck as you happily responded to the kiss, your mouth moving against his. As the two of you broke apart you pressed your forehead softly to his and your heart soared as you thought that this seemed to be the most relaxed you had seen your lover in a long time. Maul sighed contentedly and he lightly spoke, “I think I’m beginning to see the appeal of these love. Perhaps I could be persuaded to join you more in the future.”
Smiling softly you pulled back in order to press a kiss to his forehead and whisper against his skin, “I’d like that very much my love.”
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The Knighthood Problem
Have the first of (hopefully) many Mace and Obi-Wan one-shots!!! This one has to do with Maul’s return and Obi-Wan’s horrid self esteem. I’ve seen a few fics/one-shots that have taken this same kind of approach, and I hope you enjoy this one!
Obi-Wan fiddled with the blanket on his lap. He’d returned to the Temple after his fight with the newly returned Maul bruised and battered. Ventress had essentially kicked him off the ship and he’d collapsed into the arms of Mace Windu who then rushed him to the Halls of Healing.
Now, after spending some time in bacta, he was let to rest.
“Your wounds are healed, yes, but you need rest. I’ll clear you when those circles under your eyes are gone.” Healer Che had told him, then left.
Obi-Wan didn’t attempt to leave. Not this time.
Instead of escape, his thoughts were filled with all that happened and what he took it to mean.
“Obi-Wan,” Mace called as he entered the room Obi-Wan stayed in. “I’m surprised you haven’t tried to leave.” He says teasingly, hoping to get some reaction from his friend.
“Master Windu,” Obi-Wan’s voice was dull and he had yet to lift his head and look at the other Jedi. 
Mace felt his stomach drop. He hadn’t heard Obi-Wan sound like this in...quite some time. He was concerned, but he didn’t want to pressure Obi-Wan into doing or saying anything.
“I’m pleased to see you’re alright,” Mace says after the silence dragged on. “I-”
“I’m resigning my spot on the Council.”
Mace had been making his way to Obi-Wan’s bedside, but the statement caused him to stumble to a stop. “Pardon? I could’ve sworn you just said-”
“I’m resigning from the Council,” Obi-Wan says once more. “As well as my titles of Master and Knight.” The younger man finally raises his head to look at Mace.
Mace’s breathing hitches at the dead, dull look that replaced the usually vibrant blue eyes. 
“Excuse me?” Mace asks. “Why would you-”
“Pardon the interruption, Master,” Obi-Wan says, bowing his head. “My Knighting happened only because I killed Darth Maul years ago on Naboo.”
Mace knew this. The whole Order knew this.
“As we all saw, he is very much not dead. And-” Obi-Wan swallows thickly. “I failed to defeat him this time.” His voice is a whisper, and Mace drops into the chair next to Obi-Wan’s bed. 
“My Knighting was...well, a lie. It was something I no longer deserve with my failure this time around…” Obi-Wan’s words fade and he shrugs. “One cannot be a Master nor can they be on the Council without passing their trials and becoming a Knight.” Obi-Wan licks his lips. “I’m sure you can understand.”
“No,” Mace’s voice is hard and Obi-Wan’s head whips up. “No.” He says again.
“Master?” Obi-Wan asks with wide, confused eyes. 
“You don’t get to do that.” Mace states. Obi-Wan opens his mouth to speak, but Mace stops him. “You don’t get to discredit all your hard work. You don’t get to throw all those years away because of this.”
“Obi-Wan Kenobi, I have watched you grow into the man you are today. I’ve seen your difficulties. I’ve seen you beaten down time and time again. I’ve seen you go through things sentients should never have to go through. And every time, you’ve come out on top.”
“Yes, the man who killed your Master is back. Yes, you killed the first Sith in centuries and earned your Knighthood. But, Obi-Wan, you being unable to kill him a second time, him being alive, does not make you any less of a Jedi Master. Your skills and your strength in the Force aided you last time. It took both you and your Master to at least wear him out.” Mace pauses, hoping his ramblings are making sense and getting through to his friend. “Tell me, what was different this time?”
Mace already knew the answer to this question, but points need to be made.
Obi-Wan stayed silent for a moment, then started speaking after realizing the question wasn’t rhetorical. “I was alone,” Obi-Wan whispered. “And…” he pauses.
“And?” Mace asks, prompting him to continue.
Obi-Wan licked his lips. “And there were two of them.” He says, flicking his eyes down.
“Brothers,” Mace said. “We know little about the other one, but…” he sighs. “Once again, you survived something many Jedi would not have.”
The events of Zigoola ring through both of their minds.
“Obi-Wan, you were alone against two very powerful Darksiders. Not only that, but I know you’ll always deal with Zigoola and its...gifts.” Mace feels his heart clench when Obi-Wan flinches at the mention of the planet. 
“You are a Jedi Master,” Mace says. “Even if Maul has returned, it doesn’t take away what happened. You earned your Knighthood that day. And if you truly feel that his return means you should no longer be a Master or Knight, fine. But I can think of a dozen or more trials you have faced that would more than make up for it.” Mace breathes for a moment. “So, I don’t accept your resignation. No one would. You are strong and resilient. You have been through more than any Jedi should ever go through. You have earned your Knighthood a dozen times over.”
Obi-Wan meets Mace’s eyes.
“I know you,” Mace says, making sure the other Master keeps his gaze on Mace. “I’m proud of you. I won’t accept your resignation. I won’t allow you to fall into a hole you’ll refuse to dig yourself out of. You are a Jedi Master. You’ve never accepted defeat before. Are you going to start now?”
“No,” Obi-Wan replies. “No, I won’t. You’re right, and I’m sorry to have doubted myself, the Council, you, and the Force.”
“Good.” Mace smiles and Obi-Wan smiles back. “Don’t think I won’t tell Depa, Aayla, and Plo about this.” Mace smirks and Obi-Wan pales.
“No, please. You wouldn’t-”
Mace types a few sentences to the mentioned Councilors. Then, he rises from his seat and leaves. 
“Mace! Oh, wait!” Obi-Wan calls from inside the room.
Mace continues walking, smiling on his way. And if other Jedi see that smile or see three Jedi Masters racing to Obi-Wan’s room, no one speaks of it.
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write4tomorrow · 4 years
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Word Count: 3366
Pairing: Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!Reader
Summary: Master Kenobi fell from the Jedi order many years ago, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t kept close tabs on the jedi order since. As Darth Dominus, he has recently discovered that he is part of a Force Dyad… with a jedi. How will he bring her to his side? 
Genre: Angst / Fluff
A/N: This is part two to this one shot I wrote, but can be read as just a one shot. Also, in this universe, Count Dooku has two apprentices. 
The only light in the dark conference room came from the blue hologram in Darth Dominus’ palm. He watched as the Jedi knight moved faster than he had seen any Jedi ever move. With two lightsabers, the wielder must be incredibly in tune with their surroundings and the force to fight without also hurting themselves. They had to be really good. The Jedi in Dominus' palm wasn’t just good, she was a master. 
Dominus scowled at his own thoughts. This girl was going to stop him from taking the republic for himself. He had seen it time and time again in his dreams and his meditations and the occasional vision. You were going to be his downfall. Your face plagued him like the lingering flavor of honey after a burning cup of coruscanti tea. So why couldn’t he stop staring at the hologram? Why couldn’t he bring himself to confront this inevitable downfall? 
Because it wasn’t inevitable. For every vision he saw of you turning against him, he saw another dream of you in beautiful crimson robes with a pair of red sabers to match. For every vision he saw of you standing against him, he saw another of you standing by his side. This was his curse, to be half of a dyad. 
He had been able to keep it well hidden. No one knew except you and him but that didn’t mean he liked it. How had he wound up the other half of a Jedi? His one weakness was you and he hated both you and himself for it. So why couldn’t he stop gazing at you on the hologram? Why couldn’t he stop himself from reaching out to you through the force? And why didn’t you ever respond? 
“Oh, Kenobi. You really can’t stop yourself, can you?” Darth Maul had crept into the room without Dominus noticing. He knew that using his jedi name would rattle him but Maul was always trying to rattle him. If only Dominus had been more aware of his own surroundings. He cursed Maul’s unnaturally quiet robotic legs and tried to deactivate the hologram. However, Maul used the force to pull the moving image of you out of Dominus’ grip. 
“She’s good,” Maul teased, “do you think she moves those hips like that when-”
In a flash Dominus had ignited his lightsaber and sliced the hologram peice in half, narrowly missing Maul’s hand. Unfazed, Darth Maul raised an eyebrow at the sudden outburst. 
“You’re distracted, and Tyrannus can tell.” At Maul’s words, Dominus’ face paled in the dark room. His saber was still drawn and he thought about taking his anger out on Maul. Instead, he tucked his saber back into his dark robe and ran a hand over his beard to calm himself. 
“I will speak with Tyrannus. Don’t worry about her,” Dominus tried to push past Maul to leave the room, but Maul stepped in his way. 
“Oh he knows about y/n,” Maul smiled as he said your name, “in fact, I came to tell you that he’s on his way to deal with her now.” Maul laughed as Dominus’s face lost all remaining color and the former Jedi left the room in a sprint. 
Reconnaissance missions weren’t your specialty, but you always enjoyed stepping into an undercover role. You were attending a separatist gala as a senator’s liaison. The actual senator was still on his ship, a few miles above the planet’s atmosphere, dealing with a pesky cusom’s agent by the name of Anakin Skywalker. Ahsoka Tano had accompanied you to the gala in the hopes that two listening ears were better than just one. 
You hadn’t seen her in a few hours though and were beginning to worry. With your best smile, you excused yourself from the conversation with one of the banking clan members. 
“Ahsoka,” you hissed into your coms, “Where are you?” After a moment of static, you heard Anakin’s voice answer.
“Her com may have died,” Anakin sighed, “Besides, the lovely senator has decided to just go home so I don’t need to be up here anymore. I am going to come down to you guys and see if I can find her.” 
“Thanks, Anakin,” you whispered, “let me know if you find anything.” You felt a little better knowing that Anakin was on his way to you. You hadn’t realized it, but something was making you tense. Something felt wrong. 
You knew better than to ignore your intuition. If something felt wrong, something probably was wrong. You felt the weight of your sabers in the small purse around your shoulder. Protectively you used one hand to cover your purse and the other to grab your black skirt. Lifting your dress up just a little, you tried to quickly leave the room. Perhaps some air would help clear your head and you would be able to think of a plan. 
“There you are.” You stopped short as a body stepped into your way. With a quick glance up, you recognized the man. You had never met before, but Anakin and Ahsoka had told you many stories about Count Dooku. This was the man that talked Obi-Wan Kenobi into joining the separatists and the Sith. If Count Dooku was here, was Obi-Wan close as well? 
“I’m sorry, sir,” you feigned politeness, “I don’t think I know-”
“Don’t play dumb, girl,” Dooku countered, “besides, if you don’t know me, perhaps you know her?” Dooku pulled out a small screen from his pocket and showed an image of Ahsoka. Your heart sank. Ahsoka was bound by some of the heaviest handcuffs you’d ever seen. Two separatists droids were keeping her on her knees. 
“Take my arm and smile,” Dooku grinned as he spoke, “it’s an honor to finally meet you, y/n.” Without seeing another good option, you allowed yourself to be led out of the room. You hoped that Anakin would get here soon. 
Dooku didn’t speak while he led you away. As you walked, he wordlessly took the small bag from around your shoulders and tucked your lightsabers into his own jacket pocket. You tried to think of a good way out of your current situation, but the walk was over before you could think of anything. 
After a few short turns down increasingly reclusive hallways, Dooku pulled you into a storage room near one of the building’s exits. Upon seeing Ahsoka, you tried to move toward her, but Dooku pulled you back. 
“Tell us what you want, Dooku,” you tried to keep your voice calm, “so we can all be on our way.” 
“There is nothing you can do that I want,” Dooku said with a shrug. His eyes watched you for a reaction and you could tell he was expecting you to do something.
“Everybody wants something,” you returned, “and you’re talking to the best negotiator in the Jedi Order.” You did your best to match Dooku’s calm demeanor. He only smiled back at you.
“I’ve heard of your reputation as both negotiator and battle strategist,” Dooku glanced at Ahsoka, “but you’re going to have to do more than talk your way out of this one, dear Jedi.” 
“Give me my sabers, dear captor,” you offered, “and we can exchange more than words.” Dooku laughed and drew himself up to his fullest height.
“Clever girl with a silver tongue, no wonder he likes you.” At Dooku’s words, you froze. Was he talking about… no. You pushed the thought of Obi-Wan Kenobi from your mind. That man - that Sith - took up too much of your time already. Sometimes it felt like you couldn’t get him out of your head, no matter how hard you tried. Even when you slept or mediated, you saw visions of him. 
Even now, there was a nagging pull in your mind that usually meant he was trying to reach you. You closed your eyes, trying to push the feeling away. 
“My ship will be here soon,” Dooku continued, “and you will board it with me or Ahsoka will die in this room.” You looked down at Anakin’s apprentice and could feel the fear well up inside of her. There was defiance too and you smiled as Ahsoka shook her head. She was brave and you adored her for it. 
Please, please listen to me, You heard the familiar voice in your mind. It was Obi-Wan Kenobi and, just like you had time and time again, you tried to ignore him. Still, you felt him push harder than he ever had before.
Dooku is coming for you, y/n, Obi-Wan warned. 
Dooku has me. You answered without keeping the mirth from your voice. There was a pause from Obi-Wan. Perhaps it was his shock that you had answered him at all. After all, you had done your best to stay radio silent over the past several months. But now you were straining to keep his presence at bay and you could feel both Ahsoka and Dooku looking at you. You tried to fake a smile but you felt Obi-Wan pushing his way into your mind. 
I’m almost there, he said, be ready. He didn’t need to say more. You could feel him becoming stronger, closer. And you knew he meant to do something brash. 
“When do we leave?” You asked Dooku. 
“Y/n,” Ahsoka pleaded, “don’t do this.” Dooku nodded at the droid who took that as a signal to bring the end of a blaster down on Ahsoka’s head hard enough to make her cry out. You tried to push towards the padowan again, but Dooku pulled out his red saber and leveled it at your chest. 
“We leave now,” Dooku glared at you as you thought about retaliating. Quietly, you made your way out of the room, closely followed by the Sith Lord. His saber was no longer ignited but he kept it in his hand as an idol threat. You gave Ahsoka one last look before he closed the door on her and the two droids. 
“Follow me,” Dooku gestured toward the end of the hallway but you froze in your tracks. Standing in gorgeously dark robes at the end of the hall was none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi. You felt an overwhelming wave of something hopeful fill your chest. You wanted to run away from the Sith and you wanted to sprint toward him. 
Dooku seemed just as surprised as you felt. But in his surprise, you realized that this was your opportunity to act. Using the force, you pushed Dooku back against the wall and felt your lightsabers in his blazer pocket. But you also felt Ahsoka’s. You couldn’t grab all four sabers and you didn’t have time to think about it.
Dooku pushed you away from himself but you were faster than him. You dashed back to the room that Ahsoka was in. You threw open the door and used her saber to cut the restrains. You left her to free herself and hurried back to deal with the two Sith lords in the hallway. 
To your horror, Obi-Wan was waiting for you. He angrily launched a flurry of strikes towards you. Is he here to save you or kill you? You didn’t have a chance to ask him. Without a weapon, you were playing defense and he was merciless in his attack. 
Run, Obi-Wan’s voice rang in your head, you were supposed to run. Obi-Wan pushed you farther away from Dooku with his attacks. You understood then that Obi-Wan was trying to help you. Over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, you saw that Ahsoka had escaped the droids and was running towards Dooku. Even if you wanted to run, you couldn’t leave Ahsoka. Not to mention, Dooku still had your sabers. You tried to get around Obi-Wan. You needed to find some way to help Ahsoka. 
Obi-Wan pushed you around a corner, out of sight from Dooku and Ahsoka. You suddenly realized that he was steering you someplace. 
“What are you doing?” You halted, hoping that the Sith lord before you wouldn’t strike you down. Just as you hoped, Obi-Wan turned his lightsaber off. But not even a breath later, he shoved you against the wall. Not with the force. No, with his bare hands, Obi-Wan held you in place against the wall. He spoke in shallow breaths that were somewhere between fury and desperation. 
“Dooku will kill you,” He was so close his breath was mixing with your own. “If you don’t get out of here, he’ll… I’ll be forced to…” 
“Why don’t you let me go, and I’ll just kill you both instead?” You tried to break Obi-Wan’s grip on you but he held strong. 
“Stop joking around.” Obi pleaded.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t wear the right dress for surrendering.” You offered with an eye roll. Obi-Wan looked at your dress then and you saw the corners of his mouth turn up in the smallest smile.
“Darling, that dress fits you perfectly. Even if it didn’t, I’d find a million new dresses for you if you just come with me.” Obi-Wan’s eyes took a second to linger before looking back into your own. 
“Obi-Wan-” you began, but he cut you off.
“Come with me, willingly. Come with me and I can tell Dooku that I will train you. You and I will rule the galaxy.” Obi-Wan’s voice was softer now, pleading. 
“I can’t,” You began, but you wouldn’t let him know how much you wanted to, “I would rather be tortured as your Jedi captive than live as your pet.” 
“There’s no way out of this! You come with us or- you have to come with me or I will have to kill you,” Obi-Wan’s voice cracked. You looked at his face and you could feel the turmoil in him.
“You don’t have to kill me-” 
“I won’t let him hurt you!” Obi-Wan’s voice was strained and his words seemed to come out against his will, “I’ll kill you before I let him have you, y/n.” 
“You don’t have to kill me, Obi-Wan.” your voice was just a whisper and something in Obi-Wan’s expression softened. This man in front of you seemed so desperate and you couldn’t tell why. Before he could say anything else, you heard Ahsoka cry out from the other hallway. You need to get to the padowan.
Obi-Wan seemed to sense your apprehension. He registered Ahsoka for the first time and released you. He cursed under his breath and turned his attention away from you for the briefest moment. He ran back into the alley with Dooku and Ahsoka with you close on his heels. You watched as he used the force to pick up the padawan and hurled her towards the hallway’s opposite exit. You took that as an opportunity to attack Obi-Wan. You didn’t want to harm him, but you needed to get out of here. You used the force to push Obi-Wan away from you in an attempt to clear an escape route. He fell to the side but before you could run, you felt an overwhelming pressure around your throat. 
It was Dooku. Now that Ahsoka wasn’t here to distract him, he had turned his attention towards you and Obi-Wan. He tightened his invisible grip around your throat enough to make you gasp for air but not enough to fully suffocate you. You couldn’t help but admire how terribly effective it was. 
“Darth Dominus,” Dooku strolled toward the pair of you, “I am surprised to see you here.” Obi-Wan rose to his feet and straightened his robes. He ran a hand through his golden hair. 
“I heard you were going after Master y/n,” Obi-Wan said, “I wanted to help.” Obi-Wan looked over at you as you struggled to take in breath. His eyes were the best shade of gold and there was a warmth behind them that took your breath away more effectively than Dooku could imagine. 
“Be mindful of your thoughts, Dominus,” Dooku chided. He turned to you and slowly pulled you off your feet. The pressure around your throat constricted too much. You saw spots in the air and blackness began to close in on your vision. 
As he dropped you, the sound of Dooku laughing filled the hallway. Obi-Wan had dropped to a knee in front of his master. He must have said something to Dooku while you were fighting for breath. 
“So it seems, my apprentice, you are half of a dyad.” Dooku gave Obi-Wan a dark smile, “I’ve suspected it for some time now. I hear you calling to her in the dark nights when you should be sleeping.” You and Obi-Wan exchanged looks, but it was too late. The secret was out. 
“The two of you together will be the most powerful weapons in the whole galaxy,” Dooku kelt in front of you and grabbed your jaw. Obi-Wan quickly stood from his keeling position. 
“Relax, my apprentice. I’ll have you both alive and whole. Together we will help Darth Sideous-” Dooku was cut off by a cry from the hallway. Obi-Wan, Dooku and you turned to see Anakin and Ahsoka standing at the other end of the hallway. You smiled from ear to ear and knew that this was your chance. Just as you had done earlier for Ahsoka’s sabers, you reached into Dooku’s jacket pocket and retrieved your lightsabers. You ignited both and began an attack on Dooku. 
Anakin and Ahsoka rushed to your side. But Anakin froze as he locked eyes with Obi-Wan. The two men looked at one another. Master and apprentice was a bond that stayed with someone for life and you could see pain written on both of their faces. 
Even though Anakin was distracted, you were able to push Dooku far enough against a wall to make a run towards the exit. Ahsoka ran after you and Anakin began to follow after a silent nod at his old master. 
“Darth Dominus,” Dooku said loud enough for you to hear, “do you think she cares for you the same way you care for her?” Your blood turned to ice as you doubled back to see Dooku stand and turn on his apprentice. 
Before you could do anything, Dooku used force lightning on Obi-Wan. His scream filled the hall ways and before you knew what you were doing, you were running back to help him. You didn’t make it far though. Both Ahsoka and Anakin grabbed you and dragged you back. They were probably talking to you but you couldn’t hear them. The only sound you could hear was Obi-Wan’s screams. 
A weak voice pushed its way into your mind. Run was all it said. You knew Obi-Wan was telling you to go. You knew that Dooku was setting a trap, but you couldn’t just leave him. You hated yourself for it, but you couldn’t just leave. 
It didn’t matter. Anakin and Ahsoka dragged you away before you could do anything else. 
“What were you thinking,” Ahsoka was astonished, “going back to help a sith lord?” You were aboard a small ship heading back to the Jedi temple. Anakin and Ahsoka had done a full medical test on you just to make sure you were okay before they began their own version of an interrogation. You barely had a chance to speak over the two. 
“You almost- I mean, I miss Obi-Wan, but the man I knew is dead,” Anakin seemed almost angry, “And what did Count Dooku mean, ‘does she care for you’?”
“Do you know what a dyad in the force is?” you finally asked. Anakin immediately went quiet and Ahsoka gasped. Ah, so they did know. 
“You’re not- no, no way,” Ahsoka said in a hushed voice. She didn’t believe it and to be honest, you didn’t want to believe it either. All you could do was nod. You had been able to keep it well hidden. No one knew except you and him but that didn’t mean you liked it. How had you wound up the other half of a Sith? His one weakness was you and yours was him. You could feel how much you hated him and yourself for it. So why couldn’t you stop thinking about him and wondering if he was okay? Why couldn’t he stop himself from reaching out to you through the force? And why couldn’t you ever bring yourself to respond? 
“I need to tell the Council when we get back,” was all you said. Anakin and Ahsoka stayed silent, the weight of this news sitting heavily on their shoulders. 
The faintest voice filled your mind then. You really did look good in that dress. For our next date, try blue.
Before you could stop yourself, you smiled. He was alive and he was okay. Well, okay enough to be snarky. And that was enough for you. You looked up and saw Anakin watching you. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n,” was all Anakin could say. 
 A/N: Hi! I really like Sith Obi-Wan. I’m tagging people who asked to be tagged and who also asked if there would be a follow up to my last fic. Sorry I didn’t answer you, but I figured a part two was better than an answer. Anyway, thank you for reading! @emmamikaelson95 @fandom-lover-4 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @good-night-starlight 
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