#darky answers
thedarkone121 · 3 months
I have a question about the Anne-Marie fic
Does she know that hyde and jekyll are the same person aka does she know that hyde is also her father?
Cus it's been bugging me for ages and I just couldn't figure it out :3
Ah, someone has finally asked the question I’ve been dying to answer. Sorry if I’m about to ramble-dump on here 🤣
Long story short, yes. She knows Hyde and Jekyll are the same person. Well, I say she knows it’s more of a she figured it out 2 months before Jasper came into the picture.
The longer version is this; Anne-Marie — once she got over her shock of suddenly seeing a man she never met in her home — pretty quickly clocked onto the fact that Hyde looked familiar. This was before she lost her sight, by the way. Like she noticed he looked similar to her father. Hyde, realizing that she could easily figure out the connection between him and Jekyll, immediately began to avoid her after that. For that first year, Hyde was able to avoid her like he avoided Lanyon and Anne-Marie was left to stew with the fact her father’s new assistant looked similar to him.
Then the Chemical Accident came around and Hyde, out of concern and guilt, decided to check on Anne-Marie while she was recovering.
Now, for a long time, Anne-Marie didn’t think much of Hyde. To her, he was her father’s awfully brash assistant who kept getting her angry by calling her Annie, something only her father was allowed to do. In fact, a lot of the early days of Hyde-Hunting was Anne-Marie genuinely being angry at him for calling her Annie.
But as the days went on, Anne-Marie began to notice things.
Like how Hyde would always place her back in her room once she’s tired out from chasing him. How he would sometimes slip into a Scottish accent if she surprised hit him. Or how when he does call her Annie, it’s more of him not thinking twice about it and not actually to antagonize her.
For a good while, Anne-Marie thought Hyde was like a long-lost relative of her father’s because of her memory him closely resembling her father. It’s why she was super against the rumors of the two sleeping together, even though Hyde tries to play it off like that. But then she started to notice other things…
Stuff like how Hyde would talk to himself, like he’s talking to her father when he’s not in the room. How her father would do the same even though Hyde is also not in the room. How at one point, when Anne-Marie slammed a piano lid onto Hyde’s hand and injuring him, her father had the same injury when she touched his bandaged hand.
But the biggest thing that confirmed it for her? It was when she took her glasses off with him the room.
Hyde had a meltdown. He begged, pleaded, screamed at her to put her glasses back on. Anne-Marie, not used to hearing Hyde like that, immediately put her glasses back on. Hyde took a few minutes to calm down. Then he moved on like nothing had happened.
But Anne-Marie didn’t move on. She realized that Hyde didn’t want to see her scars. Even when she commented on this, Hyde’s careless words finally hit her.
“Well, it’s not my fault you stood close to a sizzling potion made by sham of a scientist who didn’t sleep properly that day.”
How did Hyde knew that? The story she told everyone was that she was alone in her father’s lab, how she became curious with his things and started to mess around. That’s what cause the explosion, according to Anne-Marie.
How did Hyde knew the truth? There was no way her father would tell someone like his bad-mouthed assistant.
Then, it clicked for her. Hyde was her father, in some way. Hadn’t her father talked about splitting souls at some point? And looking back on it now, of course Hyde’s very bad impression of a theater villain would be her father’s idea of evil.
Anne-Marie figured it out. But she never told Jekyll and Hyde that she figured it out. Since the two kept the secret, then Anne-Marie figured she could keep it as well.
Anne-Marie knew. But Jekyll and Hyde don’t realize that she knows.
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garbagechocolate · 1 year
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Backpack hfj
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respect-the-stache · 1 year
Hi Mr. Warfstache! Quick question: Is putting pineapple on pizza considered a crime?
Experimenting with food is never a crime. How else do you think I discovered the magical taste of French fries and a milkshake? It's the perfect dipping sauce!
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(for either or both :])
You're weird, I like that >:3
Your curiosity and willingness to question things (as much as I myself question some ways you do things) is an incredible asset to have. I admire that.
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vpyre · 2 years
I shuffled and got “HAHA” by Lil Darkie
My favorite line has gotta be “Fuck all of the people judging, you got no right / and neither do I”
I would never judge someone without having really thought about it, and I would hope others try to do the same :) I really just wish people would all take the time to really consider everyone’s perspective, especially in volatile situations. If everyone did it, a lot less people would be hurt by drama or other sorts of issues. Thinking about the “Why?” behind other’s mistakes has really given me insight into ways they themselves might be hurting.
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iamvegorott · 3 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt19
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
“Oh, God, he’s wearing a suit.” Marvin groaned when he saw the first Iplier step in through the door. He watched as they greeted Chase and Henrik with handshakes and slaps on the back. Marvin was in the kitchen with Jackie, looking around a wall and through the entrance into the living room. He wanted a peek at who he was supposed to meet before they got to see him. 
“That’s Dark,” Jackie said.
“How is that…that’s his name, isn’t it?” Marvin put those pieces together in the middle of saying his sentence. 
“Yeah.” Jackie pointed to the one that stood next to Dark. The one with bright pink hair and a mustache that matched. “That’s Wilford.” 
“He looks like he reeks of cotton candy.” 
“That and bubblegum.” 
“Please tell me you’re joking.” 
“I’m not going out there. I’ll have an asthma attack.” Marvin and Jackie both quickly ducked away when Dark glanced toward them. 
“It’s not that bad. It’s more like a subtle smell than like a stank of it.” Jackie said. 
“What if I disappeared and didn’t deal with this? I’ve gotten some of my teleportation spells back, I can leave.” Marvin had just gotten used to all the Septiceyes and now more people are being thrown at him. 
Yes, it was just two of them at that moment, but there were who knew how many other Ipliers to experience. He still had Mare, Phantom, Mad, and apparently another age-defying Ego named Blank to get used to as well. Marvin was far from an introvert but even the most outgoing extrovert needed some time to adjust to so many people. 
“Chase would ground you so hard for that.” Jackie chuckled.
“Chase can’t ground me, I’m a grown man.” 
“You underestimate his mom energy.” 
“Then I’ll use Dad to distract him.” 
“Who’s dad?”
“Oh yeah.” 
They moved in silent unison to peek back into the living room, seeing that Chase was handed some papers by Dark and then he immediately gave those papers to Henrik. Wilford wasn’t paying attention to the conversation anymore by the looks of it as he perked up and looked down the other opening to the living room. He had a big grin and waved. 
Following Wilford’s line of sight showed JJ and Anti in the hallway. JJ had a polite smile and was waving back while Anti had an evil-looking smirk on his face. A smirk that told anyone who saw that he had something on his mind that would end up being chaotic. 
“So much for behaving,” Marvin muttered, but he wasn’t really complaining. He’d admit he was curious about what Anti was thinking about. Maybe he’d jumped out there and just start yammering away, giggling and saying something crude or-
Is that a knife?
“Darky, catch!” Anti shouted with a laugh as he threw the knife across the room. 
Marvin’s eyes widened as he watched Dark only blinked as the knife went into the door beside his head. Dark then went from looking like an average man to changing, reminding Marvin of how Anti was that…blob of sorts. He saw Dark’s skin turn almost a decaying gray and there was a glowing of red and blue around his body, reminding Marvin of his magical aura but something about it felt off. The red and blue never overlapped, it was almost a sharp line of separation, two distinctive energies came from those colors. 
“Anti!” Dark snapped and Anti only laughed. 
“Did he just have two voices?” Marvin asked, looking at Jackie.
“That happens when he’s angry,” Jackie answered.
“How often is that?”
“Whenever he’s around Anti.”  
“I can see why.” Marvin hummed. 
Before Jackie could say anything, there was a sudden flash of pink between them. Marvin cursed and jumped up on the counter. He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and chucked it at the pink while Jackie held up his fists.
“A snack! Thank you.” Wilford said with a laugh, having caught the apple and bit into it. “Hello, Jackie.” 
“Hey.” Jackie sighed and lowered his hands. “You gotta stop popping up like that dude, one of these days I’m going to swing.” 
“If it happens, it happens.” Wilford shrugged. “Maybe you’ll send me flying farther than last time.” 
“I’m still sorry-”
“Oh sport, you know there’s no bad feelings. It was a blast. Gave me a taste of what you got.” Wilford chuckled and then turned to Marvin, who was still hunched up on the counter. “I see, you have the cat energy while Jackie over here is the dog. A perfect match.” 
“I will throw another apple at you.” Marvin threatened as he got off the counter. 
“Could I request a banana? I like mixing things up.” Wilford did a little shimmy. 
“You look and smell like questionable late-night decisions.” Marvin crossed his arms and leaned away. 
“That’s the goal.” Wilford winked and Marvin found himself having no idea how to feel so instead he went around and stood next to Jackie. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to my charms later and, speaking of charming moments.” He gestured with his half-eaten apple to the argument happening in the living room which was mostly just Anti and Dark shouting at each other with Chase trying to get between them and get them to stop. Henrik just pinched the bridge as it all happened. 
“I can’t tell if they’re about to make out or punch each other,” Marvin said. 
“Probably both.” Wilford shrugged before snapping his fingers and the next thing Marvin knew, he and Jackie were now in the living room with Wilford and a suffocating cloud of cotton-candy-flavored smoke. 
“You got an inhaler, Henrik?” Marvin said with a fake cough, waving a hand through the pink fog. 
“Wilford,” Dark said flatly.
“That’s annoying.” Marvin used a knuckle to plug one of his ears when he noticed a strange ringing sound coming from Dark. “You are an ADHD nightmare. Overstimulating and dull at the same time.” 
“I beg your pardon?” Dark’s glare had gone from Anti to Marvin. 
“You can beg all you want, but you’re not getting anything from me.” Marvin grinned when he heard Jackie snort as he tried not to laugh.
“When we were informed that a new Septiceyes was joining us, I was hoping for another Jameson, not another Anti.” Dark exhaled sharply through his nose. 
“And I was hoping not to meet the definition of a Barbie wet dream and two-thirds of the primary colors.” Marvin placed his hands on his hips, eyes hard and showing he was not going to back down. 
“I take mine as a compliment.” Wilford chuckled, casually eating the apple core. Dark just kept a flat face before looking at Chase. 
“Control your people,” Dark said dismissively and turned to walk out of the house. 
Like hell, Marvin was going to let that slide. 
He cast a spell that would create a green, glowing rope of sorts. Marvin flung it, had it wrap around Dark’s ankle, and, as the front door opened, Marvin yanked and caused Dark to fall on his face.
“Hah!” Anti laughed loudly while Marvin smirked with pride. 
The red and blue around Dark flared brighter and he threw an arm out toward Marvin, his shadow forming into a black spear and it went flying. Marvin jumped to the side and avoided the spear, the smirk from before staying on his lips as he held up his now glowing hands, ready for a fight. 
“Nope, nope, nope.” Jackie scrambled over to Marvin and threw him over his shoulder. 
“Jackie! Put me down right now!” Marvin snapped, knowing he could use magic to get out of the hold but there was a chance it would hurt Jackie so he stuck to the classic, kicking his legs and hitting his back, knowing his punches were literally nothing to Jackie. 
“You need to lock him up until he learns how to control himself!” Dark snapped as Wilford pulled him up to his feet. 
“And you need to trim your uneven beard!” Marvin snapped back. “You look like you were trying to make it into a mullet!” 
“Marvin, that’s enough!” Chase snapped as well, putting himself between Marvin and Dark.
“No, let him keep going, I’m stealing some of those lines.” Anti was still laughing during all of this. 
“We will contact you with decisions on this.” Henrik waved the stack of papers in his hands. “Now I think it is best for you two to go home. We will take care of everything here.” He stated before heading over to where some plants were hanging. 
“I hope you do.” Dark huffed. 
“You are being so grouchy.” Wilford clicked his tongue as he walked Dark out of the House. 
“I am not-” Whatever it was Dark was going to say to Wilford was cut off by Chase closing the door. 
“The fuck was that, Marvin?” Chase asked with a groan, rubbing his face with both hands. 
“He was being a dick.” Marvin protested. 
“You can put him down now, Jackie,” Henrik said. 
“Okay.” Jackie placed Marvin’s feet on the ground and stepped back. 
“He started-” Marvin stopped when Henrik sprayed him with water. “Excuse me!? Did you just-” He stopped again at more sprays. “Henrik!” 
“We need to all get along and you trying to fight each other does the opposite of that,” Henrik said and sprayed the bottle one more time before turning and spraying Anti with the water. Anti flinched and hissed at Henrik. “You knew this was coming after you threw that knife!” 
“I didn’t aim for him!” 
“You still threw it!” 
“What’s with the papers?” Marvin asked, using some magic to dry himself off. 
“Work,” Chase answered. “Dark’s a workaholic and will organize stuff for everyone to do based on their abilities and whatever.” 
“Am I going to be a part of that?”
“If something fits.”
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shizukazm · 3 months
As Tco was picking up tdl, tdl said to him, " Don't touch me. " slowly getting up and continuing," you traitor. You used me! U used me to get free from our creator! He was clearly abusing you. That's why u used me. Now you're the reason I'm the villain. Stay away, " he said, slowly walking backwards." I wish I k1lled you when I had the chance!" Tco was flabbergasted, but he still replied," dark... I'm sorry but what you were doing was wrong! You didn't listen to me, so I had to fight against you in order to keep everything and everyone safe.." tdl looks him and the eyes and says," pfft- like I care. You betrayed me when I needed you. Tco tell me. Are strangers more important to you than me ? " Tco not knowing what to answer goes close to tdl and puts his hand on his shoulder." I know u feel betrayed and hated, but you know we can't live without each other.. Tdl please..I'm begging you...forgive me!" Tdls sighs, knowing that tco was right about one thing. They can't live without each other. Tdl sighs and answers, " Maybe I'll forgive you... I'll think about it. " Tco softly smiles at tdl. " Did you smile at me? " tdl asked. Tco quickly stops smiling and says, " NO- " . Tdl doesn't let him finish and says, " U look nice when you smile... I forgive u.." Tco flabbergasted again, answer looks at him." thx-? Now let's go." Tco starts flying, and tdl refuses that Tco will carry him. Tdl tries to fly, but due to his injuries, he fails . Tco comes and carries him without tdls permission. He starts flying. Tdl didn't say anything bc he knew he needed tcos help . They both arrive at tdls base after four 4hrs tco puts bandaids on tdls injuries and puts him in bed bc it was already nightwhen they arrived . " Good night, darky~ " " Night chocho "
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quinloki · 2 months
I bloody hate Tumblr, I didn't get to send the playlist in the ask so I'll send it again. (Assuming that you didn't get an ask about this one TT but, if I did send it... Just ignore my old ask and pretend you don't know who sent it since it was not an anon ask.)
Anyways, just wanted to say I love your fanfics (I read'em on Wattpad), especially 'Some Direction' and 'Just Like Fire'. At the moment, I'm reading 'Hat Trick' and I got hooked into in the first chapter. I haven't stopped thinking about it since work.
By the way, the playlist I made is quite mixed in terms of genre (K-pop, OPM/Original Pilipino Music, and Classical) and languages (Eng, Korean and Filipino), I hope you don't mind? Though, just in case, I noted down which is K-pop, OPM, and classical, including the language(s) they are sung in.
- STARTAFIGHT by Joey Valence & Brae
- Hit and Run by LOLO
- What Do They Know by Mindless Self Indulgence
- I Want To Break Free by Queen
- Keep Myself Alive by Get Scared
Law & Crew
- Mary by Big Thief
- Bad Idea by Dove Cameron
- Bodies by Drowning Pool
- Barracuda by Heart
- In My Prison by IV of Spades [ OPM // ENG ]
Kid & Crew
- What's up Danger (With Black Caviar) by Blackway and Black Caviar
- PUNK! by BVDLVD ft. Lil Darkie
- Paint The Town Red by Doja Cat
- Kill Of The Night by Gin Wigmore
- Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
[ NOTE: I haven't finished Wano, I just started out, so I'm mostly basing this on my first impression during the Sabaody Arc. ]
- Under Pressure by Queen
- There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths
- Memories by Thutmose
- It Took Me By Surprise by Maria Mena
- Familia by Nicki Minaj, Anuel AA, Bantu
- Welcome To the Jungle by Guns N' Roses
- Captivated by IV of Spades [ OPM // ENG ]
- I Ain't Perfect by IV of Spades [ OPM // ENG ]
- Just A Girl by No Doubt
- One Woman Army by Porcelain Black
- Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
- Naughty Naughty by Porcelain Black
- Outta Get Me by Guns N' Roses
- Time Of My Life UPSAHL
- Egoistic by MAMAMOO [ K-pop // KOREAN ]
- Stupid MF by Mindless Self Indulgence
- Figure It Out by Royal Blood
- Hunter or Prey by NOISEMAKER
- Revenge by (G)I-DLE [ K-pop // KOREAN BUT HAS ENGLISH ]
- Problems by Hayloft
- Violin Sonata in G Minor "Devil" by Giuseppe Tartini [ Classical ]
- Creep by Radiohead
- Glory and Gore by Lorde
- Are You Satisfied? by MARINA
- Misfit Lunatic by MISSIO
So I didn’t reply to this for a while because I needed time to check out the songs xD
I liked a lot of these, my apologies for not having more detailed responses than that T-T - I’m pretty sure I added a couple and I know most of these are on my Liked list (so I can hear them again and again and see if they vibe more with time).
Thank you so much for going through and doing this with such focus \o/ it was helpful even if I apparently fever-dreamed replying >.<
Mom glad you’re enjoying the other stories \o/ and it should be obvious but I’ll say so just in case, I love all kinds of music, so there’s no disqualifications based on language ^_^ (also classical is great cause sometimes lyrics are distracting.)
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thedarkone121 · 3 months
If Anne-Marie by accident or by some random incident, drank the HJ7 formula then what would her “Hyde” be like? Also how would Henry and Edward react?
Woo boy, Anon, you have unleashed an idea that has been sprouting in my mind ever since I read @leonenjoyer69’s story about Elias. Also, hi Leon, hope you don’t mind the mention 🤣
If Anne-Marie drank the potion, it would definitely be on accident. Not sure how she would drink it in the first place, considering Jekyll drilled it in her head to not touch/drink chemicals by herself. Still need to figure that part out.
But for Anne-Marie’s Hyde, I actually thought about what she would be like. For clarity sake, I’m going to call the regular Anne-Marie, Anne-Marie, and the Hyde Anne-Marie, Anne. I have not thought of a name for her yet.
Not going to lie, it was a bit difficult trying to think what Anne could be like since Anne-Marie definitely isn’t the repressed mess like her father is. I mean, she’s still a kid! Sure, she can put on a facade of the perfect daughter of the gentleman, but that’s only for a few hours when she and Jekyll are at a social gathering. Everywhere else, Anne-Marie is free to be her blunt, sarcastic, curious, music-and-horror loving self. Sure, she has some things about herself she wants to ignore but I don’t think she’s reached the level of Jekyll at this stage of her life.
But then I thought about those things she wants to ignore, and I realized all of that can be Anne.
Here’s some context: Anne-Marie was born between an agreement with a wealthy Englishman who needed an heir for his family and an immigrant woman named Isabella who wanted to make it by on a new land. She was originally supposed to give the baby to him and be set with money but he blew her off when he realized the baby was girl — and because he’s also a huge slime ball.
So Isabella was left with a baby that she didn’t want. A fact she made known to Anne-Marie throughout the girl’s earlier childhood. She didn’t even give Anne-Marie a proper name, often calling her “Nothing” because that’s all she amounted to her. And Anne-Marie was quick to learn that she would never have her mother’s love.
Their relationship was awful. It got to a point that Isabella abandoned her to an orphanage when the girl was five. Sure, Anne-Marie had friends but one by one, she lost them to greedy Orphanage heads that gave them away to a horrible working place.
Anne-Marie still has her scars from that time. Ones that she tries to ignore because why should she? She has everything now; a wonderful father, a home, food, and being able to pursue her love of music and other interests. What does she have to worry about?
…Losing everything. Anne-Marie might put on a strong facade but she’s still a kid. A kid who is afraid to lose everything she has.
And that’s what Anne is. Anne is all of Anne-Marie’s childish fears brought worth. Not only is she physically younger than Anne-Marie, but she acts more childish as well. Anne is a bit of a crybaby, crying from either the transformations, the pain from her scars, or the fear of being unloved and unwanted again. While Anne-Marie understands that her father is busy and can’t spend every moment with her, Anne is desperate for her father’s time and hugs.
If you thought Anne-Marie was a koala bear before then you haven’t seen Anne.
Now is the time to mention that another way that HJ7 would affect her is that there’s no communicate between the alter egos. Whether it’s due to her young age, her own trauma, or the fact Anne-Marie is a little more honest with herself, Anne-Marie and Anne can’t appear when the other is in control. It’s like the other disappears as soon as the one in body takes control. This is because I like to think the HJ7 is like a truth serum to Anne-Marie, so she’s essentially the same person but is more open to her vulnerability.
That said, learning about that scared the absolute hell out of Jekyll and Hyde. The two had already felt guilty enough since they did caused the Chemical Accident, but not only that and she accidentally ingested the potion, but they may as well accidentally erased her from existence! Basically, the two thought they killed her. The two spent good while arguing before they realized that they can still get their daughter back.
Hyde absolutely does not know what to do with Anne. He’s used to riling Anne-Marie up and getting her mad until she’s all out of energy. He doesn’t know what to do when Anne starts crying! A lot of Hyde’s interactions with Anne boils down to nervous-first-time Dad energy before he begrudgingly accepts his fate as a tree for her kola climbing skills.
Jekyll is actually more equipped to deal with Anne because a lot of her behavior reminded him of Anne-Marie during her first weeks after the adoption. Granted, Anne was more a cryer but the constant need for cuddles is still the same. Jekyll is actually hit with the good ole parent nostalgia, since Anne is so small and he ends up crying over the fact his little girl had gotten so big. Hyde tells him to get it together.
That said, those two are even more protective because of it. Especially when they realized just how much Anne-Marie’s mother had left her with emotional scares.
Hyde: If I ever meet this woman, I’m stabbing her with an umbrella.
Jekyll: HYDE! We’re going to have a very LONG discussion with her on why Annie doesn’t want to see her, that’s it! No murder!
Hyde: Alright, fine! …Can I at least get to call her foul names?
Jekyll: …
That’s all I got! I hope this answers your questions! Also, if anyone has any ideas on what I could call the he Hyde Anne-Marie, please let me know!
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Happy STS! Do you associate your MCs with any specific songs?
This is gonna be a short answer but I don’t have a very deep answer lmao
I don’t usually associate songs with specific characters, I do often think of Arsioly when I hear COLOSSAL CONFLICT by Lil Darkie though
I also associate the songs Katyusha and Smuglianka (specifically the Red Army Choir versions) with Biting the Bullet as a whole and I’d like to sincerely apologize for that 💀 I wish I had a better explanation but the entire reason is that I feel like Kristalyc nationalist propaganda songs would have the vibe of those songs and I keep imagining rebel soldiers singing them in terrible mocking accents while trying not to laugh
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a-d-nox · 1 year
nox's astrology q&a: your questions, my answers
i want to thank everyone again for being here and helping me to celebrate 2k!! without you all i would just be a nerdy chick with a mythos addiction. i thought the game was fun - i am already thinking that perhaps we should do one more before years end!! but in the meantime everyone who participated had some great questions for me, so here i am answering them!!!
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@googiekookk : "do you have a favorite animal?"
i like crows :).
@mionas-world : "do you believe or have any familiars?"
i do believe in familiars! i have been wanting a black ragdoll cat for a while now - i might adopt one soon!!
@astrowomanland : "do you have any pets? actually i have dogs and they are absolutely cute and lovely! having pets will heal your heart." / @guregire : "are you a cat or dog person?"
aaaaaa - i completely agree!!! i have, over my lifetime, had 3 dogs and 5 cats! currently, i do not have a pet, but i do debate getting one from time to time. i am leaning more towards cat given my work schedule - i'm in my cat era!
@thelittlesunwitch : "are you listening to any new music? any new favorite artists or songs?"
i'm always on the hunt for new music - my "got bluetooth?" playlist is the dumping ground for anything i'm listening to at the moment!
@livelythoughts : "what music or artist do you like?"
anything but country because country reminds me of someone i would prefer to not think about. i love $uicideboy$, baby keem, eminem, kid cudi, lana del rey, lil darkie, melanie martinez, olivia rodrigo, tyler the creator, the weeknd, and yung gravy. here's one of my spotify playlists!
@starzzzzzlights : "what is your favorite music album?"
ooof i can't pick just one lol. heroes and villains by metro boomin, AM by arctic monkeys, awaken my love by childish gambino, black parade by my chemical romance, born to die by lana del rey, call me if you get lost by tyler the creator, currents by tame impala, dmz by kinneret, eternal grey by $uicideboy$, fallen by evanescence, flower boy by tyler the creator, gasnova by yung gravy, igor by tyler the creator, k-12 by melanie martinez, long term effects of suffering by $uicideboy$, the man on the moon trilogy by kid cudi, melodic blue by baby keem, nevermind by nirvana, sensational by yung gravy, the slim shady lp by eminem, smoke + mirrors by imagine dragons, ? by xxxtentacion, seventeen by xxxtentacion, sour by olivia rodrigo, stop staring at the shadows by $uicideboy$, swamp by lil darkie, and this doesn't exist by lil darkie.
@swordoftheseeker : "what is your favorite song, and/or a song that gets you emotional?"
favorite songs: i have so many; here is my define me playlist - aka the playlist whose songs resonate most with me. songs that make me emotional: "my immortal" by evanescence, "soon we'll be found" by sia, "still" by ben folds, "addicted" by kelly clarkson, "for the babies" by simply red, "winter song" by sara bareilles, "the hill" by marketa irglova, "hand me down" by matchbox twenty, "both sides now" by joni mitchell, "the beach" by the neighborhood, "orange juice" by melanie martinez, "need you now" by lady a, and "imagine" by john lennon.
my astro placements
@theghostadrift : "what is your main star sign?"
my sun sign is scorpio. my signature sign is scorpio. and my dominant sign is scorpio.
@museagerie : "what are your personal favorite placements from your chart?"
ooo that is tough i love a lot of my placements... being a circe dominant individual is fun. i love my scorpio moon, my 9h venus, and my 3h jupiter. my 8h nyx. idk i can go on for a long time especially with asteroids lol.
@honnuey : "do you have any 6th house stelliums in your chart?"
nope! i have no 6h placements! my stellium is in my 8h - my 6h ruler lives in the 8h though.
@e11e27 : "what indications in your natal and MC persona chart (with your career or money asteroids of choice) helped you decide what career path and strategies work best for you?"
as a sag mc person, i have come to the conclusion that i likely will never have a consistent career - the pluto conjunct mc from my 9h and opposite jupiter in my 3h certainly won't be of help on that matter either. so my charts are a bit of a bad explain when it comes to career planning. my plan is that there is no plan but to make money and enjoy what i do whilst doing so (that's such a sag mc thing to say lol). i have talked about my mc chart before so i will link that!
@csmicixtte : "do you sometimes wish to work a different job?"
if in reference to the blog - absolutely not. if in reference to my real life job, nope i just started it a few weeks ago so (this is my fourth week), i plan to stay here for a bit.
@sliceofcinnamoroll : "what's your mbti type? i assume you're an introvert haha."
i am an ENTJ-T! i'm not an introvert, but i would consider myself an ambivert.
@selene-destiny-201 / @yonafswurld : "what is your favorite hobbies?" / "what are your hobbies aside from the astrology and mythology related side of things?"
aside from reading and the occult - i love art. i went to art school for photorealistic graphite drawings! but now i am rather interested in knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching (right now i have made a pattern for a lake side sunset and i am making that - i'm about 810 stitches in).
@dutifullycrazycreation : "is there anything you would like to start as a hobby?"
oof that's tough. i already have a ton of hobbies lol - if i were to pick something up, perhaps i would pick up pottery, crystal tumbling, candle making, soap making, or embroidery (i mean i already cross stitch so embroidery is right around the corner lol).
@seungmim : "what is your favourite season?"
FALL. i adore fall -> seasons ranked: fall, summer, winter, and spring.
@thescorpiourge : "what advice would you give to your younger self?"
learn to say "no" - while "yes" will get you places and give you experiences, "no" will give you better control of your life.
@miraclekay97 : "do you have a favorite children's book?"
the giving tree, charlotte's web, or the miraculous journey of edward tulane.
@neptxn3 : "which was your favorite mythological figure or creature that you learned about in your spare time?"
ORPHEUS. orpheus is my favorite mythical hero!!! as for a creatures - yetis are the cutest (shoutout to my boy ziggy).
@heart-of--a-child : "do you have a favorite bingeing show you watch in your free time?"
yes!! my go to rewatch/comfort shows that i often binge are gilmore girls, game of thrones, rick and morty, gravity falls, and avatar the last airbender.
@queenlear : "what are your favourite movies?"
ooof that's tough i have a whole list. i would say my top 5 are pride and prejudice (2005), us (2019), emma. (2020), midsommar (2019), and the princess bride (1978)!
@sayaliii : "what's your favourite childhood memory?"
i had a holiday break when i was in sixth grade and my mother and i got snowed in. the snow was not the funny / best part of this it was the fact that the power went out and i had a school project to do. in sixth grade all the history classes had you build a medieval shield or a castle. i built a castle basically in lamp light and whilst eating cookies. it was a rather large cardboard box medieval castle - painted grey and black with a functional portcullis.
@mbelair : "what is your favorite memory of this year so far?"
UGHHHH I DISCOVERED MY FAVORITE TACO PLACE. that's my favorite memory for this year. it's like a local shack lol. but they have so much good stuff though - their milkshakes are so good AND THEY SELL ALLIGATOR. i have never had alligator until this year lol.
spirituality & the occult
@lavieenrosess : "how long have you been spiritual? is it something you just know intuitively that you are or did you see signs (and this is assuming you are)?"
i have been intuitively inclined all my life; i'm "claircognizant" - i have always known things that i really shouldn't. ex: as a child (3 or 4 years old), i would pose in photos with my pointer finger flush to my cheekbone - my grandmother freaked out when she saw that because that's the same pose my great grandmother (my namesake) use to do. it's not signs, it's more like random thoughts coming into my mind that aren't mine? that probably isn't the finest description - but it's the best way i can describe it.
@linnienin : "for how long have you been studying tarot, astrology and the matrix of destiny?"
tarot i'm nearing a decade, astrology i was introduced to when i was 6 or 7, and the matrix i am learning live right alongside you as i post (so since the first wyrd web post)!
@jupitersessence - "i'd like to know what drew you to astrology, tarot, the study of the web of wyrd and such. i know we all have our own ways of stumbling upon these topics, but what was it that made you want to continue with this?"
i have talked about the first part before - for astrology, it was the pandemic that reawakened my love and passion for astronomy, especially the asteroids because i saw people were not all that informed on the myths behind them. as for tarot, my grandmother gave me her mother's tarot deck in middle school and i have practiced ever since! for the web - the matrix is newer to me but has a close relationship with tarot, so, naturally, i am interested! i continue because i have a natural curiosity for what makes us "us" - i feel like all these tools can help us to reflect on who we are and why we are the way we are and that is just beautiful to me. a spiritual journey is never complete! no one masters any of these things - we just level up and learn new things as we go (i.e. space is infinite; how can you be a master at astrology? there are thousands of nuisances to astrology that will always need exploring)!
@i-can-get-back-on : "which esoteric tool (astrology, tarot, etc) you first learned how to use vs. the most recent one you've learned how to use - and maybe which tool you've resonated with the most!" / @greathologramobservation : "how did you get into divination and which was the first one you learnt and practiced?"
let's see - tarot is the first tool that i actively used and promoted to others (like i started with astrology but only read my own chart - where as tarot i have been reading for others for a while now (almost a decade)). most recently i picked up lenormand (which i haven't seen many people talk about). i resonate with nearly all the tools i use. the one that i feel like i am still getting use to though is runes (like the fact that mine is dice and a deck makes it tricky to me lol).
@loonaticpoe : "since when have u been into astrology / tarot and how long did it take 4 u to master it ? can u also leave an advice 4 new learners like me if u want ?"
i have talked about my origins in both studies before, take a look at the other questions because its up there. as for the second part, in my opinion i don't see mastery as a possibility, only high competence and experience. as for advice ALWAYS question what you read and ALWAYS look into the qualifications of who you are learning from. if they can't tell you their source or their accreditation, then they aren't someone you should be learning from. spend time with each of your studies and don't be afraid to spend a long time on small portions.
@siren-honey : "what advice would you give to anyone regarding their spiritual journey? or just advice for life in general?"
for spiritual journey guidance - always start your study where your interest lies and stay away from google unless you are looking up credibility or physical (book) resources. for general life advice, be kind - be you and be that well. recognize that no one is perfect and you can never really know all that someone has been through, so be gentle with others. you only ever see a fraction of a person's experiences in life and they only ever see a fraction of yours - so try to be gentle with others as you would want them to be gentle with you.
@galaxiesandstarss : "what's your fav sign from the zodiacs?"
capricorn <3 i don't have favorites... but capricorn lol.
@melaniee4350 : "what are your favorite astrological placements in general and/or about your own chart?"
i answered the part about my own chart earlier. as for other peoples charts, i love fire placements - sag placements in particular!!! i love capricorns too. particularly capricorns moon <3 (love y'all). aries mars people have my heart too.
@white-tale-tea : "do you have any favorite placements or aspects in astrology?"
i answered the placements part in the question above but aspects!!! ask any of my astro-friends here, i always tell them i love a good ole opposition - the tension between two planets is immaculate!!
@wutt : "which placement do you find the most comfortable to hang out with?"
i feel the most comfortable around those with sagittarius, capricorn, and/or virgo placements!
@i-am-empress-irish : "do you have a favorite deck?"
OOO i have a special place in my heart for kim krans's wild unknown!
@karmicbitchastro : "do you ever base your real life decisions on tarot?"
no. i use it to reflect on a situation mainly. i don't base life decisions on astrology either!
@covillhaa : "how long have you been on tumblr and from where did you learn about destiny matrix charts?"
since my post on eros - shoutout to @astrosky33 for introducing me to tumblr! as for the matrix, i am learning right alongside you :). i will link my post on resources for the matrix.
@haileycannotcometothephonern : "what is your favourite prediction tool? for example, using astrological transits or through tarot or other means? and which do you think is more accurate in general?"
hmmm i'm going to go with RETURN CHARTS. y'all know i adore return charts; mine have always been quite accurate so *shrug*! i do feel like all divination has its place though; i never just use return charts only (i still do tarot, transits, etc.).
@viyarisemoon : "have you thought about opening paid reading services in the future?"
i have paid readings options typically; they will be linked at the bottom of the post as per usual.
@nl107 : "do you like to travel and if so do you have a favorite place to travel?"
i do enjoy traveling, but i haven't traveled since 2018 sadly. my favorite place that i have been is little italy in new york and labadee in haiti!
@fgggjjdfbikeefujrdgjohrwaxhombd : "what's a city / country you wanna visit / or your most memorable travel?"
i talked about my favorite trip in the last question! but i want very badly to go to italy. i promised my grandmother as well that i would visit wales for her.
@coffeecoffie : "what's major in uni?"
if you poke around a bit on here, you'll find i was an english literature major. and before that, i was a forensic psychology major.
@sunxastroblog : "how did you get interested in such a topic [mythology]? have you learned at school / took classes or you're self-taught? which branch of mythology are you currently still learning?"
i have always loved books. i have talked about my who first introduced me to mythology before (that post is linked above in the what drew me to the occult question). but most of the mythology that i post is self taught - based on books i read in my spare time. part 3 of asteroids that aren't getting more attention than this was from what i learned in my senior fall semester of uni though! i am still learning all the branches of mythology if i am being honest! anyone that claims they have read all the classic literature of a culture and knows all of a set myth is lying. there is always more to read - particularly, i find that true of norse mythos!!
@moanafromthedarkages : "how has been your college experience??"
when was in high school, i submitted 10 applications and got into all of them even columbia university (ivy). but i didn't know what i wanted to do and i didn't feel secure about traveling far from home (a gut feeling). so i went to a community college as of 2019 - when i started college i wanted to be an OBGYN. i took a weeding class right off the bat to find out if it was for me and the answer was a fat no - anatomy and physiology was the bane of my existence (despite my prof saying my dissection technique was quite good). in 2020, i was feeling better about college and it was the week before spring break when i asked my sociology professor what will happen to society if it stands still and she told me "nothing good". we went on break and i never returned to the campus except to pick up my degree. in my final spring semester (2021) at the community college, i met a boy and he inspired me transfer and continued my degree. i applied to 5 colleges and got into 3 because 2 of them wouldn't accept me without my father's tax records (i'm estranged from my father so *shrug*). i selected my uni based on the money they gave me to go there and the parking situation haha. i commuted to my university because i still was wasn't comfortable with strangers and the pandemic (during the first year of the pandemic alone my family members went through 2 surgeries and had many experiences having COVID). so i started at my uni. my first semester was a cultural shift - i didn't realize that your GPA resets when you transfer. i was shoved into a bunch of classes that weren't related to the major i selected. it was a struggle. in november, i started experiencing social anxiety and depression and i just pushed through my first semester. my gpa was bad, i was worried my academic scholarship would get revoked, etc. my holiday break, i spent on the couch - my depression was so bad that my mother was sort of frustrated/upset when telling me to get help. my semester started and i was taking 6 classes trying to catch up. i was so anxious that i got physically ill and my menstrual cycles were progressively worse i skipped days because i physically couldn't leave the couch i got physically ill from that too. i had to drop one of my classes... i was afraid of getting sick in front of other and in class. by the end of the semester, i was starting to think that maybe i should just drop out and the school counselor was advising the same plus to seek in-patient treatment somewhere. i got a new therapist because that one and the one before sucked (no offense - but quitting is never the answer in my eyes). my new therapist suggested online school, a gap year, etc. but of all her suggestions changing my major was the most promising. that summer (2022), i took 3 online courses all literature based and got a 4.0. in the last few weeks of summer, i moved homes and i was anxious about being in person again with the mask policy lifted, my menstrual struggles, not knowing anyone in my new major (except my department chair and the one professor i had a for a summer class), etc. the first day i was on campus, i went to my advisor and told her i wanted more classes online and she told me no. my nose started bleeding (the menstrual medication they had me on helped my symptoms but cause other issues) in that meeting. i went to my first class with blood on my jeans and a crush-n-go ice pack to my nose. i sat in the front of my class stressing and feeling hopeless - two minutes to the start of class was when a boy sat down next to me. he became my best friend in that college. i survived that semester. in the spring semester, i started a new medications for my menstrual cycle and i felt even better. i thrived in that last year at my uni - i got awards, made friends, etc. i graduated cum laude - and now i miss it. i think of college fondly despite the suffering i endure throughout my experience.
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
darkie answering asks I run over hihiiiiiiiiiiii
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Hello Star.
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damnthelust · 2 months
If I can, could I request a blurb of a jealous corporate au! Dark? I’m thinking Die was being extra with Anti again and Dark reminds Anti who he belongs to
Sure thing!
“I don’t think Infelix will like the fact that we are fucking in his office,” Anti panted with a giggle, moaning when he felt Dark’s prick against his prostate.
“He’s going to learn eventually that I don’t like sharing what’s mine.” The older growled, before he began fucking Anti against Infelix’s desk. Moans rang across the room that came from the smaller’s mouth while Dark was drinking in the sounds that he was making.
“W-What if we- Ah!” Anti cried out, arching his back as he saw stars from a particular thrust Dark had done.
“Infelix will finally come to his senses and maybe terminate our companies collaboration contract.. Oh, the horror..” Dark replied with dripping sarcasm before he leaned down, his hands going from the desk to paw at the smaller’s reddened ass, “Come on, doll, make a mess for me. Don’t hold back.”
“Fuck.. Fuck..” Anti whimpered, clawing at the desk, “Oh, Darky!” He gasped as he came onto the desk, making a mess on the furniture and himself while Dark finished inside him, filling him to the brim. Heavy pants now filled the room as Dark leaned down onto Anti and whispered praises as he rubbed the smaller’s shoulders.
“I’m back! We can now get into the…” Infelix drawer out the last word as he walked in on the sight. He didn’t know what to think or do, “In my office?!?!”
“I’m just making a statement, Infelix.” Dark answered with a smirk, pulling out of Anti gently and getting a soft moan from his assistant. “Anti is mine.”
“You are fucking disgusting.” Infelix sneered.
“Says the mutt that’s going for a married man.” Dark quipped back, fixing his clothing before he took his blazer that was on the floor to cover the smaller.
“You will be hearing from my lawyer!”
“And your lawyer will be hearing from me.” A smirk was on Dark’s lips.
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iamfruitie · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 21
Soft Sex
“Darky~” Anti breathed out, feeling Dark’s kisses slowly training up his bare back. 
He’s lost track of how long they’ve been like this. How long they’ve been naked and just feeling each other’s bodies. Their touches were soft and tender, opposite to how their activities from the previous night were, the lingering hickies and bruises proof of that. 
“I got you, darling,” Dark whispered, kissing Anti’s shoulder as his hands gently rubbed his sides.
“Please, I need more. I need you.” Anti pressed the side of his face to the pillow as he took one of Dark’s hands and brought it up to his face, kissing his palm before it got tucked under his head to hold his cheek. 
“I know. I do, too.” Dark kissed Anti’s temple, slowly rolling his hips and pushing his cock in, having both of them feel every little inch. They were both hyper-aware of how everything felt, worked up to extra sensitivity. They were desperate for each other, on the verge of breaking already. Anti mewled and arched his back, legs wanting to go further apart, but Dark’s body on top of him prevented that. Dark practically growled deep in his throat and rested his forehead between Anti’s shoulder blades. 
“Darky, please. Move, please~” Anti usually was one to demand things. It was rare when he was begging, and the whine in his voice stirred Dark to begin slowly rolling his hips. He groaned when his movement earned a breathy moan. “F-Fuck, why does that feel so good?” 
“It’s different than our usual. Different always feels really good the first time.” Dark answered between his own little pants. 
“It always feels really good with you, Darky.” Anti giggled, tilting his head and silently encouraging Dark to kiss it. 
“Going for my ego there, darling?” Dark chuckled, understanding the silent request and pressing his lips against the exposed skin, barely scraping his teeth against it.
“Of course.” Anti giggled again. The giggle got followed by another moan as he tried to rock his hips back into the light thrusts. 
“This is why you’re my favorite.” Dark joked, slipping a hand between Anti’s body and the bed so he could rub at his cock. The lack of space didn’t let him wrap his fingers around, but what he could do was enough to get Anti to grip the bed covers. 
“The-The sex is a bonus~” Anti tried to joke back, voice stammering a bit. 
“Of course.” Dark echoed Anti’s words before using the hand he still had on the other’s cheek to guide him up into a kiss. He swallowed the moans and whines as he kept their slow, gentle pace, and he wasn’t shocked when it wasn’t much longer before Anti was gasping, tensing up, and cumming with a gasp into Dark’s mouth. 
“Good boy~” Dark praised against Anti’s lips as he pulled out. 
“You-You didn’t-” 
“Don’t worry.” 
“O-Oh~” Anti hummed when he felt Dark still rutting against his ass. “Cover me in your cum, Darky~” He knew speaking like that would get to Dark. He was proven right in a few more thrusts as he heard a wonderfully deep moan in his ear and a splash of warmth on his back. 
“I love you, Anti.” Dark breathed as he let his whole body weight rest on Anti, uncaring of the mess. He’ll get them in the bath later.
“I love you, too, Darky. I wouldn’t put up with your ass if I didn't.” Anti giggled, eyes half-closed and enjoying the added pressure, feeling covered and safe when Dark would do that. 
“Last I checked, you were the chaotic one.” Dark kissed every part of Anti’s face he could reach. 
“True.” Anti softly purred, letting himself embrace the fluffy feeling in his head. “But I still love you.” Dark only chuckled and continued his kisses. 
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iamvegorott · 3 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt20
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin had this weird familiar feeling as he and the other Septiceyes gathered in the living room for, what most would call a meeting, but they called it a family gathering. Something about how the room could be read as Chase and Henrik being in charge and the others, somewhat, followed their orders had Marvin itching to put his mask on, that it would be appropriate, but no one else had one or at least the only other person that did was without it. Jackie sat on one of the couches with Marvin while JJ sat on the other and Anti was on one of the chairs, feet crossed under him and he rocked his body to make the chair do the same, looking bored and finding a way to entertain himself while he waited. 
“You good?” Jackie asked Marvin in a whisper, noticing how uncomfortable he seemed to be. 
“Yeah, yeah. Just…deja vu?” Marvin tried to describe what was happening in a way Jackie would understand. 
“Gotcha.” Jackie flashed a smile and then straightened up. “Hey, Robbie.” 
“Hey.” Robbie, who was now a grown man, greeted back with a casual nod. 
“I-” Marvin was going to say something but it got lost in his throat as he watched Robbie walk across the room and sit on the couch next to JJ. 
This was the first time Marvin had met adult Robbie and he was massive. His size put Jackie to shame and he swore he was likely over seven feet tall. He took up over half of the couch on his own and JJ seemed completely unbothered about him being in his bubble. 
Although most of the Septiceyes appeared to not really have a personal bubble, they were always very close to each other, and Jackie’s habit of picking people up added to that. Maybe over time, Marvin’s bubble with them would fade? He practically gave it up with Jackie almost instantly, but he was a giant dork so that probably explained that. Nothing about Jackie actually screamed ‘danger’ at him despite those powers of his. 
“Looks like Dark’s got a big collection for us to pick and choose from,” Chase said after everyone was settled, pulling Marvin back into the present. 
“Any good shit this time?” Anti asked. “I’m getting all antsy and I need something fun to do.” 
“Your definition of ‘good shit’ and ours are very different,” Henrik stated as he handed out some of the papers.“But, I do believe this will fit your standards.” He handed a stack to Anti. 
“Aw, Darky wrote my name on the top.” Anti played up his tone as he started to read.  “Fuck yeah!” He bounced up to his feet. “Let me get my-”
“Finish reading it first,” Chase stated.
“But Chase!” Anti held out the name with his whine.
“Sit.” Chase pointed to the chair. There was a pause as Anti glared at Chase before muttering and sitting down. He curled his legs back under himself, continued rocking, and returned to reading the papers, fully pouting.
“He really does have mom energy,” Marvin said softly to Jackie, leaning toward him to read over his shoulder at the papers he was given. 
“Told you.” Jackie chuckled, tilting his paper so it was easier for Marvin to read. 
“Security for a black tie event?” Marvin read out loud with a hum. “It’s asking for two people.” He added and looked over at Chase and Henrik. “Is that what Anti is excited about?” 
“Anti does not do security gigs.” Chase quickly said. 
“We have learned the hard way with that,” Henrik added with a sigh.
“I was told not to let anyone not on the list in and I did that,” Anti said.
“You stabbed a man.”
“He argued with me.”
“Who’s going with Jackie, then?” Marvin asked before the argument could continue. 
“You,” Chase answered with a gesture at Marvin.
“Me? I don’t do this kind of stuff.” Marvin had to admit to himself that being able to attend a black tie event did sound fun, curiosity kicking in for that but to be security for something like that did not sound as fun. Something about babysitting people with more money than brain cells had him worried he was going to end up smacking someone. Kind of defeats the purpose of being security. “Why not send Robbie? No one is going to try anything with the literal giant nearby.” 
“We think you doing this job with Jackie would be the easiest way for you to begin your involvement with how we work,” Henrik said. “We do not want to send you out there on your own yet and Jackie is likely the best for you to work with since you seem most comfortable with him.” 
“Comfortable in his bed.” Anti laughed. Robbie reached behind him for the spray bottle and turned Anti’s laugh into a hiss with a few squirts of water. “This is why I only like child you!” Anti hissed again when the only response from Robbie was to spray him more. 
Marvin watched the chaotic scene, then looked over to JJ who just gave him a supportive smile and he sighed.
“Fine. I’ll do the job with Jackie.” 
Marvin adjusted his cuffs as he studied himself in the mirror. He didn’t even remember ever having a suit in his closet, but honestly, there was a chance it just appeared in there when he realized he would need one. The House worked strangely and according to the others it would sometimes provide what was needed and sometimes it wouldn’t. 
Perhaps it worked on a need-not-want basis. You needed food, a roof, clothing, things one would expect with a home. Even certain aspects of entertainment could be seen as a need, especially with how some people could be when it comes to boredom. Mostly Anti came to mind with that thought. But it would explain the library and all of the exercise equipment in the basement. With what he’s gathered from the others chatting, he figured out that the video games and movies had been bought and brought into the House. Marvin was tempted to ask more about what specifically was from the House and what was bought so he could see if there was a way to work with the House to get more things from it and have fewer worries about doing these ‘jobs’. 
Although the jobs might be another form of entertainment for the Egos and they wouldn’t want to nullify them. 
“Woah,” Jackie said when he peeked into the room and saw Marvin all done up. 
“You have to go all out for black tie.” Marvin did really like this suit, it was a nice dark blue with a lighter shade of blue button-up and the tie matched the blazer and slacks. It was tailored perfectly for his body, fitting just how he liked it and he had to admit, he looked hot. “Did you-what are you wearing?” Marvin turned and saw that Jackie was still in his usual attire of a red hoodie and jeans but he had a poorly done tie around his neck. 
“Clothes?” Jackie shrugged.
“We’re supposed to be going to a black tie event.” Marvin sighed. 
“Yeah, I know. That’s what this is for.” Jackie pointed to the literal black tie he was wearing. 
“That’s not…you are such a dork.” Marvin chuckled. “It’s a lot more than just the tie. Do you own a suit?” 
“I think? Like, I don’t usually wear stuff like that but the House probably has one tucked away in my closet.” Jackie tried to take off the tie, accidentally tightening it with his tugging and when he got it off, his hair was spiked out even more than it naturally was. 
“I take back what I said earlier. You are an extreme dork.” Marvin walked Jackie out of the room and took him to his own. He casually went to Jackie’s closet and opened it, digging through the clothing. “I found mine hidden in the back and…” He held out the word until he pulled out what he was looking for. “There we go. Looks like the House went with a classic black suit and tie but with a red button-up. Very fitting.” Marvin took the tie and then handed the rest of the clothing to Jackie. “Knock when you’re done.” He said as he slipped out of the room and closed the door, not giving Jackie time to respond. 
Marvin softly hummed to himself as he scrolled through his phone, just killing some time as he waited for Jackie to change. He didn’t think it would take too long but after ten minutes, he got a little concerned. 
“Jackie? You still alive in there?” Marvin asked with a knock. 
“Yeah, yeah, you can come in.” 
“Did you get stuck?” 
“I kept messing up the blazer thing.” Jackie was tugging on the bottom of said blazer as Marvin walked in. 
Marvin paused for a second while Jackie fidgeted. He was so used to seeing the hero in his hoodie or a t-shirt with a comic book character on it that a proper-fitted suit had him looking very different. 
“Does it look bad?” Jackie asked when he noticed Marvin staring. 
“Not at all. It looks really good on you.” Marvin wrapped the tie around Jackie’s neck, knowing there was no way he could tie it on his own with how the previous tie was. 
“Thanks. Um…yours looks really good too.” Jackie nervously chuckled while Marvin finished his tie and fixed his collar. 
“I know,” Marvin said with a bit of a cheeky grin. “Let’s go be some fancy security guards, shall we?” 
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foxalone · 2 years
Dex! Sans: Hey friends!!! I'll bring it to share! •Dex brought with him in his arms and tentacles gifts for everyone, they were surprise so, they were gifts that everyone would like•
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Yosa doesn't have a good relationship with his father, he hates him, but that night he wanted to have peace in his heart and finally decided to answer the phone call
Nor!Sans , Yosa!Sans , Connor!Gaster and Underblood belongs to me
Dex!Sans by : @darky-overlord
Undertale by Toby Fox
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