revretch · 9 months
I hate election season 'discourse'.
Like yeah, the Republicans are going to do every bad thing the Democrats will do and then some, and on a national level those will be the only two viable candidates.
But on the local and state level, there will probably be meaningful choices. There will also be ways to be politically active and make a difference beyond voting.
When it comes to specifically to the presidential election, the only choice is to prevent the worst possible outcome.
Exactly!!! I hate this "the only moral action is to sit back and watch the world burn" shit.
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incorrectdmp · 7 months
Baku: *fills the room with venomous gas*
Thorin: *Eats it so it can't hurt anyone*
Baku: Well it's not poisonous, so you'll probably be fine
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bad-at-magik · 1 year
Am I a stereotypical trans girl
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Maybe so I built a new combo deck that can go infinite with almost every card in the deck (it was also built on a budget of 20$ plus cards I had already so it’s kinda janky)
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These are all the ways to sacrifice your things (missing a alter of dementia) mother pod can win you the game
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All of these cards go infinite with any artifact in the deck as long as you can pay for the artifact
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And lastly these are some of the wincons. I would love some suggestions and interaction if you wanna see me build a commander feel free to leave a comment or ask
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incorrect-mtg · 5 months
Flavor Text Highlights - New Phyrexia
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Cool - Priest of Urabrask
Even in New Phyrexia, red mana sparks glimmers of individualism, passion, and freedom.
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Worldbuilding - Urabrask the Hidden
When the Mirran resistance arrived, the furnace dwellers looked to Urabrask for guidance. His decree stunned the others: “Let them be.”
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Worldbuilding - War Report
Underling Ethu’s 263rd report read simply “Yes, my lord. Overwhelmingly, my lord.” This marked the end of the Mirran-Phyrexian War.
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Emotional - Darksteel Relic
“It’s the last thing we can call our own.” —Minhu, Mirran resistance
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markrosewater · 6 months
Darksteel Relic is an artifact which does nothing. If you were to make an enchantment/instant/sorcery which similarly does nothing, where in the color pie would it be?
Green or white.
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bots-and-cons · 11 months
Can I request some hc's about bot!reader who's friends with the predacon trio (predaking, skylynx, darksteel) platonic or romantic is up to you
I honestly don't have a good grasp on the personalities of Skylynx and Darksteel, so these are mostly focused on Predaking. I watched the movie in like 2019 and have not watched it since. Honestly I considered making this like a romantic polycule thing, but I felt like it was a bit too much for me, so I just went with platonic, and this is like the very start of the friendship
•You met Predaking, Darksteel and Skylynx when you returned to Cybertron after the war
•They were really isolated from everyone else, but Predaking especially preferred it that way
•Darksteel and Skylynx were much more interested in the other cybertronians, because they had never really met anyone they didn’t have to fight or didn’t actively dislike
•You’re a historian, so your familiar with the predacons that way, but not with any of the new generation personally
•You went to look for them for research purposes, and ended up making friends with the trio
•Predaking is not very enthusiastic about your questions when you appear, and his answers are very limited
•Darksteel and Skylynx on the other hand, will tell you what they know, which isn’t very much, but they ask just as many questions in return
•The questions are pretty different from yours in theme, but you answer happily
•Predaking isn’t particularly happy when you visit them the first couple of times, but you start growing on him
•While you’re taking an interest in what he is, you’re also interested in who he is, and he appreciates that
•Sure, maybe you ask wayyyy to many questions, but it’s nothing weird or inappropriate
•They’re all much bigger than you, which was pretty intimidating at first, since all of them were also pretty aggressive or at least irritated
•You were scared for a while, sure, but you never let it show, and they grew to respect you more quickly because of that
•If you had been running and screaming in fear, it would not have led to friendship and mutual respect
•You’re of course older than all of them since they’re all very newly made, but that doesn’t really earn you any points or admiration or anything
•Predaking acts like an ancient relic already, and Skylynx and Darksteel can be like bickering younglings sometimes
•They can be a bit of a headache sometimes, but they became good friends to you, which also includes them being protective of you
•They don’t exactly consider you weak, but you are small compared to them, so they think you need protecting sometimes
•It’s very rare for others to mess with you or pick a fight with you, especially when any of the trio are around
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chiclet-go-boom · 4 months
Okay, time for a new project.
My Free Company is small. Like, small small. Me and the Meatball kind of small. Keeps the fc chat to a readable speed and nobody fucks with how I organize the Company Chest or why I need to store dye in it, hey, I might need those colors, don't question, just accept.
I have my own custom title (Pretty Princess) and my alt has their own custom title too (Hades' Harlot) because why wouldn't they. I believe Meatball is set to Head Headache, which, props.
So everything FC related kind of takes awhile 'cause its just us and I can't violence very hard and Meatball can't craft for more than five minutes at a time.
So when I said to the free company, "people, we need to build submarines!", I was met with "attagirl!" and the offer to keep the Coke stocked up. Which, thanks amigo, we sure went through a fuck ton of it.
It's been something like a whole year and a half at this point or something equally shudder worthy, but I have done it. I have completely decked out four submarines in the fanciest of Modified parts for gain and glory and I did it through sheer grit, determination and the cheerful willingness to avoid anything resembling fighting spirit. The amount of Darksteel and Iron Ore I went through was, in a word, excessive. I have spent the last six months putting every single GC seal into exotic purchasables, sometimes five different ones for a single sub part.
And now it's done. Behold, One of Four! This is "Red Oktoberfest".
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Not pictured: "U-Boat? Or You-Boat?", "Sub-prise Me" and "Sink Or More Sink".
So moving on. The time must be filled. I am thinking of struggling to do the relic crafter weapons in my very cute, very chic, very underpowered purple scrip crafter gear. I understand its possible! It just might.. take awhile, but I am not afraid of time. Time is my bitch. My schedule has suddenly opened wide up. (does somebody want to gift me a set of Indagator's pentamelded gear? I'd be super grateful! :P)
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cosmicswritings · 1 year
Predastar content predastar content predastar co
It's been some time since I've written predastar content tbh. I've been having some feelings overall about them and this was soo fun to write. Thanks for sending it over.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Accidental Self Harm
“You and those little heels aren’t going to be able to get that far.” Skylynx sneered. “You’re as thin as a twig, why not give it to one of us?”
That was a challenge, especially to someone like Starscream, and as Predaking slept peacefully down in the lower crypts of the fortress he could hear Starscream respond with the same fire.
“Hand it over.” Starscream snapped angrily. “The box with the relics.”
“Starscream, you’re going to fall—” Darksteel was promptly cut off.
There was clearly a scuffle that ensued, but eventually, Starscream’s heeled steps were heard tippinng down the staircase leading into the lower level where in the corner, Predaking remained in his primary form, optics slightly ajar when he heard Starscream coming. 
He purred softly seeing the Seeker pass his direction, and growled in a bit of a chuckle. Starscream held a large box in his servos, one clearly too big for him, yet he was managing quite well. Predaking looked on, his tail thumping lightly against the ground as he did so. Starscream hadn’t noticed him yet, for the lower area was dark at that moment. 
Muttering to himself, Starsceam continued to walk down toward the opposite end of the basement where the other relics were housed.  
In the darkness, he hadn’t even realized that Predaking’s large tail was laying in front of him, effectively obscuring his path. Predictably, Starscream tripped. The box with the ancient relics went flying and Starscream crashed to the ground right in front of Predaking, face first. 
Predaking growled as he heard the relics shattering. Millions of years of knowledge were destroyed because he did not have the foresight to move his tail out of the way. And then, there was Starscream who was still on the ground.
Retaining his main form, he stood, stretching slightly. 
He saw Starscream laying upon the ground, and the seeker suddenly jumped to his feet and scrambled toward the box. He gasped in horror at the shattered relics, holding them in his hands as if he was attempting to put them back together.
“No…no…” He said to himself, repeatedly. He was clearly frantic, ex-venting quickly. 
Predaking simply sat behind him, wings drooped and tilting his head in confusion. The loss of the relics was unfortunate, but there were so many more they’d discovered. More so it wasn’t Starscream’s fault, at least not solely his fault. Skylynx and Darksteel should not have tainted him, Predaking himself could have moved or at least offered to help.
Regardless Starscream's actions were strange. It was as if he was genuinely disappointed in what he'd done or more so, scared of Predaking's reaction.
"I'm sorry I…I…" He looked over his shoulder and saw the dragon looming over him. "It seems I can't do anything right." He did not say this in a pitiful way. He was angry, furious at himself almost. He grabbed at the shards, still attempting to piece the relics back together. It was then, Predaking realized that Starscream's servos were leaking energon; he had cut himself. 
That is when Predaking transformed into his alt mode - it was the only way he could properly communicate with Starscream. He shifted to get used to the setting gears; Primus did he hate his robotic form, but he’d manage it to speak to Starscream.
“Your servos - you are hurting yourself.” He knelt down behind Starscream and attempted to grab him to calm him. Starscream managed to squirm from his grasp, shaking in his own fury and still making a failed grasp at the shards. Predaking simply grabbed him again, steadying him.
“I know–just let me do something—”
“Starscream.” Predaking gently took him, turning him around so they could face one another. “They are broken. What is this about? What is wrong?”
“It was a relic–”
“There are thousands more we have just discovered; this is about something deeper, that much I can tell.” Predaking kept his voice low, but it was stern. He had Starscream restrained now, grasping his bleeding wrists so he could not hurt himself anymore. 
Starscream kept up a cold expression until he could no longer. He faltered, looking away shamefully. 
“What is it?” Predaking pushed again, softly. He pulled Starscream closer to him.
“I…” Starscream ex-vented. It was evident that he did not want to divulge so much, but there was something about Predaking that made it impossible for him to lie.
“I just want to make sure that everything is perfect. I don’t want to ruin this because this is the one place I want to belong. I don’t want you or anyone to question my place here because if you push me away, I don’t know where I’ll go. I don’t…I don’t feel like I really belong anywhere if I’m being truthful. I’m an outlander. Making foolish mistakes like this--”
“You think that because you broke a relic I’d turn you away. Starscream I…” He shook his head. It seemed foolish, and for any other bot, Predaking would have been beyond shocked by such a reaction. But for Starscream, it made sense. Before the Predacons had accepted him, he really was an outlander. 
He had been abandoned by Megatron - who had since been welcomed back to Cybertron, and was not treated well by him during the war. He had many times attempted to flee to the Autobots during and after the war. Not only had they practically abandoned him as well, but treated him with violence.
After the war, he had no one after he was thrown into prison. He had only managed to escape with the help of some other prisoners and they too left him alone. The Predacons themselves were not kind to him at first either. Predaking had tried to kill him numerous times when Starscream was on the run after the war (Starscream would always say that he himself deserved it. He had taken accountability for a lot of things he’d done during the war. The way he treated Predaking was one of them, though Predaking argued that it was not only Starscream that mistreated him and Starscream himself was also a victim of the Decepticon’s cruel plan. Starscream didn’t care to listen.), only a couple of years ago had they accepted him with open arms.
Starscream feeling like an outlier made sense, because everyone had treated him that way. 
Predaking ex-vented and pulled him into a hug. Starscream returned the embrace. 
“You’re worth more than any relic and you will always have a place with us.” Predaking whispered softly. “This is your home.”
Starscream didn’t respond, and that was either a good or bad sign. He had not been treated well during his life, and the relationships he’d formed or at least, attempted to were subpar. Regardless, Predaking knew he’d have to show Starscream as words these days had little effect on his trust, let alone hope.
Luckily for Starscream, Predaking had no problem showing Starscream just how much he cared for him. Even if it took a million years.
Hope you enjoyed! And if you have a request you wanna send it, go ahead and send it over!
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horademagic · 13 days
Relíquia de Aço Negro/ Darksteel Relic
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Artefato Indestrutível 
Custo de mana: 0 mana
Por que ela é interessante? Esse artefato não faz nada, ele apenas é indestrutível e custa nada para entrar em campo. Isso pode ter algumas utilidades específicas, mas precisa ver como se encaixaria nos decks.
Preço da carta: em torno de 0,50 até 4,30
Disponível em Português
Link: https://www.ligamagic.com.br/?view=cards%2Fsearch&card=Darksteel+relic&tipo=1
Até a próxima postagem, Ulli e Thiago
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terriblecommanderdeck · 3 months
Silas Renn v1
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water
Under the cut is draft one of Silas Renn. Is it good? Not particularly. I've been drafting for just shy of a month and synergies are hard to come by when the card pool is everything ever printed. But I think it could probably hold its own against a precon.
1 Skittering Cicada 1 Pilgrim's Eye 1 Entirely Normal Armchair 1 Nevinyrral's Disk 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Blinkmoth Urn 1 Explorer's Scope 1 Phyrexian Arena 1 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Dark Confidant 1 Runed Servitor 1 Windfall 1 Brainstorm 1 Blade of the Oni 1 Inspired Sprite 1 Triton Wavebreaker 1 Ichor Shade 1 Sky Weaver 1 Szat's Will 1 Collective Brutality 1 Somber Hoverguard 1 Wave of Rats 1 Painful Lesson 1 Murderous Compulsion 1 Claustrophobia 1 Dark Ritual 1 Ichor Drinker 1 Unearth 1 Josu Vess, Lich Knight 1 Tricks of the Trade 1 Aetherspouts 1 Meteor Golem 1 Vow of Flight 1 Fleeting Distraction 1 Keepsake Gorgon 1 Volo, Itinerant Scholar 1 Decree of Pain 1 Mindslaver 1 Hydroblast 1 Murderous Rider 1 Vampire Nighthawk 1 Jet Medallion 1 Sword Coast Serpent 1 Commander's Sphere 1 Coalition Relic 1 Urza's Bauble 1 Anoint with Affliction 1 Disrupting Scepter 1 Perplexing Test 1 Scytheclaw 1 Grand Architect 1 Lightning Greaves 1 Sphinx of Magosi 1 Dire Mimic 1 Counterspell 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 1 Zombify 1 Arcane Proxy 1 Sequestered Stash 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Underground Sea 10 Swamp 1 Salt Marsh 1 Riptide Laboratory 10 Island 1 Tectonic Edge 1 Darksteel Citadel 1 Nephalia Drownyard 6 Island 6 Swamp
// Commander 1 Silas Renn, Seeker Adept
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donutghosthouse · 2 years
darksteel ingot: who are you?
skyclave relic: i'm you but sexier
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probablybadrpgideas · 5 years
A Warlock whose Patron is a Teletubby.
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the-a-j-universe · 4 years
Star Trek: TOS stands for Star Trek: Terms of Service, right?
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furbearingbrick · 4 years
It's always wild seeing Tumblr users you recognize on other sites. I just saw Deploy the Boy making its rounds.
fame is truly a double-edged sword
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revretch · 4 years
replied to your
Being trans and neurodivergent, and just raised...
I love inhuman monstrous rep, the problems arise when that’s most of if not all the representation. Gotta strike a balance.
Yeah definitely, that’s really stricken me. It’s so fucking disproportionate. It just, I mean, still hurts, like “Oh, it’s unfair that you’ve had to be compared to me so often.” Like I’m gently asking the mainstream to stop comparing an underprivileged group to me because I suck
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markrosewater · 4 months
Hi Mark! Today is my birthday. If it's not too specific, I was wondering if you had some trivia regarding my favorite Magic card, Darksteel Relic. Thanks!
The design of Darksteel Relic was actually a bit controversial. Shortly after I made indestructible, I designed this card. A lot of R&D was “Why print this? It doesn’t do anything.” I said that players would figure out things to do with it, and finally managed to keep it in the set.
Happy Birthday!
EDIT: I confused Darksteel Relic with Darksteel Citadel. Oops. Sorry.
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