#dark metropolis
dark-metropolis · 1 month
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Age: 326 Sexuality: Omnisexual Gender/Sex: Male Relationship: Divorced Short Bio: One of Onyx's toughest members, and is heavily relied on for a lot of the combat. A ruthlessly brutal demon if provoked and due to his lizard-like features, he can see very well in the dark. Making him a dangerous foe for any nighttime attackers. He is specifically a Black Velvet Leopard Gecko, with quite the smug personality. He doesn't trust easy and tends to be a loner, but will be incredibly loyal and protective of anyone he views as family or a significant other.
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karmiclink · 4 months
Our 2018 album "DARK METROPOLIS" re-released in lossless HQ sound! Stream, share, emjoy! \m/
new album coming soon...
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hauntedinsomnia · 1 year
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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yoursghouly · 1 year
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Reformed Dan but misunderstandings suck
So, Dan has been Reformed for Years at this point. You could go with the Fandom Typical version of just chilling out, or you could go with the AGIT version of the Redemption. Either way, Dan is fully reformed and trying to find his way in the World.
Unfortunately, not everybody knows/believes him.
You know all those Time Traveling Heroes who came back to stop some great catastrophe? That was Dan.
Impulse is fucking terrified of this guy, cause he Grew Up in the Central City Stronghold and saw Phantom tear down the Walls protecting the City in person.
Booster Gold grew up in the Metropolis Stronghold, so while he never really saw Phantom in his timeline he still did know of him. I mean, obviously, he murdered every hero on the planet and subjugated most of the world, but he doesn't have much personal stake in that.
Eobard Thawn hates Phantom. Thawn himself grew up in a world where Phantom killed every Hero in the world, and he was terrified that Phantom would track him down when he tried to become the new Flash. But once he became a Walking Paradox he saw as Time itself changed to erase Phantom from existence, he got really jealous. Why did Time decide Phantom was bad enough to erase, why not him!? He's Evil! He's a Terror on the Timeline! He deserves Clockworks attention dammit!
And then, they discover evidence that Phantom has come back in Time,
So now, any and all Time Travelers are trying to find the guy who single-handedly was the Apocalypse, and want to kill him to save the world. Or out of Jealousy in Thawns case.
Either way, no matter where Dan goes to try and settle down, a bunch of annoying Heroes always find him and attack him, yelling about "Stopping his Plans" and "Saving the Timeline!" And "It should have been me dammit!"
Honestly Thawn is the most annoying one, he just runs in and rants at him about how he is jealous of how much attention Clockwork gave him. Dude, just sdmit your crush already and leave me alone. (I'm not sorry)
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splooosh · 1 month
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“Dark Knight”
Jerry Ordway
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argoscity · 2 years
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KARA ZOR EL + REBIRTH SUITS art by Emanuela Lupacchino, Yanick Paquette, Jorge Jiménez, Eduardo Pansica, John Timms, Marguerite Sauvage, Bilquis Evely, Daniel Sampere, and Dan Mora
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mtonino · 11 months
Side by Side
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Metropolis (1927) Fritz Lang
Army of Darkness (1992) Sam Raimi
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potorato · 1 year
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dark-metropolis · 2 months
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1 (𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 1)
The storm nearby was rolling in as Onyx laid in bed. It was getting late but he couldn't sleep due to how much pain he was in. Soon enough, a small voice spoke up from his bedroom door. "Papa? Are you awake?" He turned to look at the source of the voice and it was his daughter Siana. "Unfortunately yes...are you struggling to sleep because of the storm...?" The little girl nodded and made her way over to him. She was still only six so he understood her need for his comfort.
Siana climbed into bed to lay beside him and she began picking at his bandages gently. "You should have Mister Nivek change them..." She mumbled a bit and Onyx smiled softly. "Don't worry about me so much...I'll be fine I promise..." Siana pouted and frowned. "But you always come home hurting!" Onyx's smile faded and he sighed deeply, turning his gaze towards the balcony outside. It was true and he hated that she ever had to see him in a state like this. But he had always made sure she never saw him in the worse states he'd been in.
The rain had began to fall which meant that the storm had officially arrived. "I know Siana...but I'm always alright, despite the hurt...you should be worried about your schooling. I understand you just want to take care of me, but it's my job to take care of you..." He turned back to her to give her a gentle pat on the head. "You're a good kid but you're just a kid...you can't take care of me." This only made her pout more. "Yes I can! Just wait! When I'm big and strong, I'll be the one taking care of you! And you can't stop me!" He chuckled softly. "I wouldn't dare try..."
He appreciated her concern and was happy to know that she didn't see him as the horrible father he felt he was to her. It wasn't long before she had fallen asleep beside him despite the storm outside. He tucked Siana in and sat her favorite plush next to her, getting as comfortable as he could himself underneath the blankets. He listened to the rain falling outside, keeping his gaze fixed on the closed curtains. Onyx's mind wandered with awful thoughts until he eventually slipped unconscious, not even realizing he had.
It wasn't until the soft shuffling had woken him, that Onyx had realized he fell asleep. He looked over to see Siana getting up out of bed. "Is it time for you to go to Nivek's...?" She looked at him, a bit startled since she hadn't meant to wake him up. "Mhm! He just got here." Onyx sighed and sat up a bit, wincing in pain shortly after. Siana frowned and panicked a bit. "P-please be careful Papa! You're still hurt!" He shook his head and gave her a small but pained smile. "I'll be alright little one...just go get ready and have Nivek make you some breakfast..." She nodded and hesitated but soon ran off to her room to get ready.
Onyx managed to lift himself out of bed, and got dressed in his comfortable clothing he usually wore around the house. A pair of black bed pants and his white tank top. He stepped out onto the balcony to smoke a cigarette, looking out at the ongoing rainfall. Many thoughts continued to plague his mind but most of it was his concern for Siana and her safety. Onyx didn't want her to protect him or care for him when she grew older. He wanted her to go off and enjoy her life without worrying about him so much. But his inability to die wasn't something he had ever discussed with her. She wasn't old enough to understand it yet.
𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱
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weepingfoxfury · 5 months
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The man on the radio wishes everyone a happy 1st of May. There's sunshine and birdsong and Pavarotti in full force followed by the 3 minute misery fest that purports to be the only news in the world. The duvet is still comfortable, the coffee still hot and the dogs are still bouncy as they vie for attention.
Yesterday's shiny metropolis excursion was wetter than wet. My raincoat is still about as much use as a paper bag ... at this rate I'll just use some carrier bags sellotaped together, as I keep forgetting to get a coat that repels the water instead of welcoming it into every inch of the fabric.
The rain came down so hard it bounced up off the pavements and made it's way into the shopping centre. I watched in sympathy as two ladies with their mops and buckets attempted to stem the tide.
Still ... as I stood inside waiting for the monsoon to cease, I went inside a kitchen shop and found myself a cast iron griddle pan. Between mice and power cuts, which both reduce the toaster to a paperweight, I figure this is one way to still get toast. Plus it'll lay out an intruder no problem at all.
I know ... I know ... first world problems ... but I still plan on having toast even as the apocalypse hits.
Hmmm ... thinking about intruders ... perhaps I should get another griddle to keep by the front door ...
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World’s Finest - art by Bruce Timm
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
DP x DC crossover, I need idea for beings and things in the Ghost Zone around Gotham (and the other heroes' cities)
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cainware · 2 years
I'm never going to get over the clear difference between Metropolis and Gotham in my mind, am I?
I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about how Superman is teetering the line of worry for being othered in the shining city vs Batman lurking in the shadows and grime and sometimes being waved at by average citizens who ask if he needs a bottle of water.
I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about Superman being loved like a God vs Batman being loved like a neighbor.
I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about Clark being a nobody journalist with a persona bathed in public light vs Bruce being a public power with a persona bathed in the city's shadow.
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nitrateglow · 7 months
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I only give my screencaps the choicest of names.
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