#dark legends
my-wordbook · 29 days
persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.
gain entrance to (a place) by persuading (someone) with deception or flattery.
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kennan73888 · 10 months
Four Children of King Solomon
King Solomon had many wives and mistresses; through some, he had many children. Four of his beloved children didn’t come from either of these ladies but through death and magic. Daughters he had; Sonadia, Glinda, Kalinya, and the mischievous of them all, Gayelette. They’re known as the Four Great Witches. None ever met them. If one did, only words passed through mouths and their establishment’s titles.
Years and after King Solomon’s imprisonment in a domain called Babilim, under god’s punishment, unless seventy-two pillars awakened and set him free.
The absences of his legacy left the daughters overseeing it. Most importantly before their creation, were the demon contracts King Solomon form, splitting the responsibility in a cardinal direction.
Gayelette takes the north that rules over by Ziminir.
Glinda had the south where Gaap resided.
Kalinya went for the east that Amaymon was occupied.
Sonadia got Corson, who’s from the west.
These were the names of the four principal kings who had power over the other demons King Solomon had contracted. Through centuries and without a simple way to free their father, the daughters kept his legacy strong, building around it as each represented themselves uniquely.
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themortaldraw · 28 days
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keep forgetting to post this one
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wickedcriminal · 21 days
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Just go to the corner and spam the attack button. Easy peasy pizza cheesy 🧀
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yasmeensh · 3 months
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The comforts of palace life are still within reach for Zelda with the Tri-rod ✨
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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“in the 1990s, horror movies shifted away from the grotesque masks, buckets of liquid latex, and half-naked co-eds that had defined the genre during the 1980s. due to the 1990s being a more accepting time, diversity in all aspects was included in horror films. all races and sexualities were being represented through movies. 1990s horror movies also reflected fears about the approaching end of the millennium. were ancient prophecies about to come true? would the year 2000 trigger the sequence of devastating global events known as the apocalypse?”
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thesandlorde · 5 months
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"Your arm however, was beyond saving"
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greengableslover · 6 months
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hero-of-fortune · 25 days
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kennan73888 · 1 year
Legends Fables & Myth Timeline [June 27, 2022]
Organizing the timeline without the stories crossing each other, or so I’ll say. It’s more the planning of the year when each character appears and exists within the words. For example, Book A has Lee as a helper then, somehow, Book K shows Lee’s first appearance in the story plot. I love all of the characters to be there, but it won’t make sense when they appear later.
Before Time
Lucifer created his first demon, Lillith, and others with her.
Angels and Demons went on a rebellious phase, starting a war in heaven.
Michael seals Lucifer in a cage that’s buried deep within hell.
4004 BC
The universe exists, creating three archy.
Choronzon (Demon) and Cassiel (Angel) became good friends, keeping it a secret from their division.
3575 BC
The Titans defeat Uranus and lock him in Tartarus.
Few Uranus pieces fell into the sea, and Aphrodite froths traveled from Kythera to to Cyprus.
3256 BC
Kronos knew that one day his children will fight for his throne, so he’ll swallow them when they’re born. His wife, Rhea, saves one child by hiding him in Diktean Cave.
Zeus grows up in the Diktean Cave near Lyctus.
3135 BC
Zeus frees his brothers and sisters from within Kronos’ stomach then wages war against Kronos.
3100 BC
The Olympians release the Hecatonchires and the Cyclops from imprisonment in Tartarus and allied with Zeus.
Prometheus, and Epimetheus; they attack the Titans, commanded by Atlas.
3090 BC
The war lasted for ten years.
Zeus and the Olympians rule over Greek, and the Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus.
2908 BC
Zeus swallowed Metis, his first wife.
2900 BC
Demeter’s daughter, Kore (Persephone), was born when she slept with Zeus.
2895 BC
Zeus takes Hera as his wife.
2862 BC
Ares was born from Hera and Zeus.
2858 BC
Hephaestus was born and thrown off from Olympus because Hera was ashamed of his shriveled foot. After being thrown, Thetis and Eurynome saved him.
2810 BC
Hebe was born by both Zeus and Hera.
2802 BC
Due to a headache, Zeus orders his sons and Poseidon to break his head. From it, Athena emerges.
2785 BC
Zeus fools with Leto, creating Artemis and Apollo.
2744 BC
Aphrodite came from the sea, and Zeus adopted her as his daughter.
Aphrodite then became the wife of Hephaestus.
2710 BC
Hermes was born from his mother, Maia, and father, Zeus.
2658 BC
Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, is abducted by Hades as his wife.
Three sisters, who serve Persephone, were transformed into sirens by Demeter, out of anger, forcing them to search for her daughter.
Many months passed, the siren eventually gave up and settled on the flowery island of Anthemoessa.
2640 BC
The search for her daughter ends after Demeter knowing who’s the suspect.
2305 BC
Prometheus stole fire from Hephaestus and gave it to men.
2294 BC
The gods created the first mortal woman, Pandora, and gave her to Epimetheus as his wife (as punishment).
Pandora is given a jar as a wedding present and told not to open it, but she doesn’t listen, opens it, and humanity suffers the consequences.
2167 BC
Prometheus was chained on a mountain in the Caucasus because of a prophecy he refused to share with Zeus.
1972 BC
Dionysus, the son of Zeus and Semele, daughter of Cadmus is born.
1667 BC
Prometheus and Io met, telling her future and her descendants (Hercules) in 13 generations (about 400 years).
Zeus has an affair with Io (Ioun) the daughter of Inachus the son of Oceanus and carries her off to Egypt.
1606 BC
Hephaestus divorce Aphrodite.
1530 BC
Eros fell in love with Psyche.
1444 BC
Eros cast an arrow through Hephaestus that he nearly rape Athena.
Erichthonius was born by the semen of Hephaestus, that’s left on Athena’s thigh.
1418 BC
Parthenope first met Medusa on the island, Sarpedon.
1415 BC
Erichthonius rules at Troy.
1397 BC
Erichthonius (Erechtheus by Homer) rules at Athens.
1322 BC
Medusa got slain by Perseus
After being beheaded by Perseus; Pegasus and Chrysaor were born from Medusa's dead body.
 1317 BC
Imhotep (Ardath) was born in Egypt.
1289 BC
Imhotep and his lover, Ankh-es-en-amon, were mummified.
1286 BC
Heracles was born.
1268 BC
Heracles frees Prometheus from imprisonment.
Cacus, a barbarous, fire-breathing giant of Latium (central Italy), who was slain by Heracles. He was a son of Hephaistos.
1234 BC
Heracles dies and becomes a god then marries Hebe.
1232 BC
Helen was born by Leda and Zeus, who disguised himself as a swan.
1213 BC
Thetis married a mortal, Pelius.
Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite compete with each other, seeing who’s the fairest.
Pylius, son of Hephaestus and man of the island of Lemnos (Greek Aegean) who cured the Trojan-War hero Philoktetes of his snake-bite wound.
1174 BC
Poseidon punished Odysseus for harming one of his sons.
The siren sisters were almost drowning deep in the sea, when their father, Achelous, formed a cocoon around them, keeping them safe.
1171 BC
Hermes fathers Pan by Penelope, the wife of Odysseus.
990 BC
Solomon was born in Jerusalem, Israel.
970 BC
Solomon became King in Israel.
Solomon made his first demon contract with four demons; Amaymon (East), Corson (West), Ziminiar (North), and Gaap (South).
968 BC
The four great witches, Sonadia (West), Glinda (South), Kalinya (East), and Gayelette (North), were created by Solomon through magic.
931 BC
Solomon made a deal with God and somehow failed to keep that promise to end up trapped in one of hell layers.
The only way to set Solomon free is his 72 pillars that build throughout the world.
770 BC
Romulus and Remus were born by Rhea Silvia, and their father, Mars.
Afraid of the prophecy, Rhea Silvia’s father threw the children in the river, hoping to drown.
A lovely female wolf found them and raise them as her own.
755 BC
Remus and Romulus meet a necromancy, Gayelette, who grants them the power to transform into any animals.
Remus broke one of the rules, killing a man, and was forever cursed to transform into a maniac werewolf during the full moon. Besides, Remus can turn a human into a beast with a bite of his blood.
Romulus tried to kill Gayelette in revenge but got in return by turning into a bat. Out of anger, Gayelette too curses him, craving for blood and a bite of his blood will turn any human into a vampire.
753 BC
Roman First Founded, naming it after Romulus.
One of Romulus’ men is afraid that Remus will rebel against his brother, so he planned to kill him. Romulus found out about the plan and killed him, threatening his men if they so-ever had any evil thoughts.
719 BC
One of the Greek Goddesses, Artemis, fell in love with Romulus.
Apollo found out about this and cursed Romulus. At each skin contact from the sun, his skin will burn.
Apollo argues his sister by tricking her into cursing Romulus, which was confused for Remus, condemned him instead.
Remus and Romulus suffer their curse.
Artemis saw her mistake, so she gave them speed and strength to overcome their evil.
718 BC
Romulus gave up his throne as King in Roman.
700 BC
Remus went on a deep dive when he suddenly saw three giant cocoons in the sea.
Remus pulls it to the shore, then it breaks, showing three little girls emerge.
Remus and Romulus raised the three girls as their daughters.
356 BC
Alexander the Great was born.
323 BC
Alexander died but was brought back by an unknown vampire.
Arthur was born at Tintagel Castle
Mordred born by an incestual incident
Where Arthur lied to eternal sleep
Mordred was killed by Arthur
Dealing with the Frog Prince became a bad deal for the little Princess.
The Notre-Dame de Paris building was under construction, Crane arose after finishing being carved.
Vlad the Impaler was born in Sighișoara, Romania.
Vlad and his younger brother were sent to the court of Ottoman Sultan Murad II as collateral to assure the sultan that their father, in a reversal of his previous position, would support Ottoman policies.
Vlad ran away from the sultan, even though he and his brother are living, however, the on edge he felt
One harsh weather in the mountain, Vlad enters a cave but is attacked by the three sirens.
While trapped in the cave with the three sirens, he has the same goal: searching for the 72 pillars.
Vlad met the four great witches.
God freed both Solomon and Lucifer after Vlad convinced him.
Vlad returned, having been informed of the assassination of his father and elder brother at the hands of Walachian boyars (nobles) the year before.
Vlad then embarked upon the first of a lifelong series of campaigns to regain his father’s seat.
His opponents included the boyars as well as his younger brother, who was supported by the Ottoman sultan. 
Vlad emerged briefly victorious but was deposed after only two months.
After an eight-year struggle, Vlad again claimed the voivodate.
Igor was born to a gypsy mother, who died of an unknown disease with his father.
Igor’s uncle, Frollo, took him in while raising him, naming him Quasimodo.
As an infant, Quasimodo was secretly taken care of by Crane, one of the weakest gargoyles.
Aurelia made a deal with a dwarf, along the way while having a child with him.
For the first time, Igor met Crane face-to-face.
Redd, Malik, and Keziah were onto Crane’s little secrets.
The betrayal was one of Vlad’s best men. He assassinated his wife, and son, including him.
Vlad nearly lost his life because of deception, then Romulus turns him into a vampire.
With his new abilities, Vlad got rid of the traitors and took over the castle.
Igor met a beautiful gypsy, Esmeralda.
Without Crane on Igor’s side, he sneaks to the festival by himself.
By accident, he was discovered and held as a fool at the festival.
Esmeralda saw how miserable Igor felt in place, so she intervened and took him with her.
Through the gypsies hiding place, Esmeralda shows him the life of living as a gypsy.
Igor was introduced to a gypsy who can see anyone’s future through a crystal.
While looking through Igor’s future, the gypsies went unconscious because there’s too much information to handle.
The death of Esmeralda causes Igor, unable to let her go. Death came to take Igor’s soul in exchange for Esmeralda’s life when he came to offer his. The soul Crane had was nothing special compared to a human-like Igor.
Carabosse found a beautiful raven during the pouring season.
Abigail (snow white stepmother) became a maid.
William was born, abandoned in the Amazon rainforest.
Gretel escapes with her double, Hansel, from her palace being invaded.
An experiment from the Prodigium lab escaped, feeding on anything that moves.
All the animals in the forest got consumed, causing the huntsman to feel uneasy, believing that the woods are cursed.
The Nimrod came to hunt it down.
Soon it escaped once again, storing itself in a cart, carrying it to London.
While settling down, its first victim was an alley cat then a couple came after.
It transforms into a cat, blending itself in the city.
It was soon adopted by a little girl and her family, naming it Sweeney.
Benjamin Barker was accused of a crime he didn’t do and was exiled from the country.
Under Turpin’s watch, he kept Lucy and her daughter under his wing, for now.
Lucy doesn’t want to get raped by Turpin, so she slit her throat.
Unable to leave, Barker sneaks through the city to get his family.
He heard the news about his wife being dead through suicidal.
Barker tries to get revenge by sneaking into the Turpin room but gets shot instead.
Barker was about to be thrown in the river when Sweeney came and consumed the men.
Barker saw it was his cat and patted it head before dying.
For the first time, Sweeney felt an uncertain emotion.
He consumes Barker.
Sweeney Todd reopened the Barker shop, on top of Mrs. Lovett pie bakery.
Todd sworn himself to kill Turpin and everyone that hurts his family.
After finding out Mrs. Lovett unrequited love, Todd fools her by turning her into his assistant to take revenge.
The only family living was Johanna Barker.
Ichabod went to Sleepy Hollow.
Adam was created in the lab by Victor Frankenstein, his father.
Adam met Victor’s wife and accidentally killed her due to his unknown strength.
Victor went in rage and chased after Adam till he lost his life.
Edmond was born.
Lucian was born in New York.
Dr. Jeremiah Griffin was born.
Edmond got betrayed by his three friends and traded to the Prodigium, turning into part of an experiment.
Edmond became a ghoul.
Alejandro saved a young child, Matakara, and raised her as his daughter.
Through those cruel experiments, Edmond finally escaped and met Gayelette.
Lucian became part of the Men of Letters.
Edmond seeks his revenge.
Dr. Griffin went invisible while helping Lucian, but can never find an antidote to cure him.
Lucian bit Remus so hard that it drew out blood. Within those blood Lucian accidents take it, he became the new birth of Lycan.
Erik was born in Boscherville.
Francois was created in the lab and escaped.
Erik died at age seven from a collapse and trap inside a cave, which turned into a phantom.
Marguerite was born, with her fraternal twin sister, Charlotte.
Eleanor d'Aubigné was born in France.
Dr. Griffin was testing his new invisibility until he spotted his younger brother.
To help his brother, Dr. Griffin, helps him through disguises.
Hyde was born in Paris.
Marguerite fell in love with Eleanor’s appearance when they first met while their parents got married.
Eleanor’s father got a heart-attack for some unknown reason.
Lorina was born.
Alice was born.
Edith was born.
Hyde was found in London and adopted, changing his name into Henry Jekyll.
Hyde had amnesia, from what his adopter believed it was the war’s fault, so he restarted as a new person.
A ball was announced.
Lorina went missing and was taken to Wonderland.
Alice follows a rabbit then enters Wonderland.
While staying in Wonderland, Alice learns his older sister, too, went there.
Searching for his missing sister, Alice went through many trials.
Erik bought the Palais Garnier, with different managers to manage.
Thomas Edison invented Jeno and called Hadaly.
Erik taught a woman how to sing then fell in love with her.
The woman couldn’t return the feeling, for she loves a different man.
Vlad donated the theater repairmen while Adam tagging along.
Later, Erik takes an interest in Adam.
Romulus and Remus die, becoming a tree.
Gayelette lay in bed as her ardor consumed by a core that planted in the body.
Dr. Griffin met Will in an Amazon Forest.
Jekyll transforms into Hyde and begins his savages way of murder.
Holmes and Watson are finding who’s the killer.
Utterson, Jekyll’s friend, tried to understand his situation.
Vlad met a woman named Mina that had a similar appearance to his dead wife.
The two became good friends.
Lucy Westenra
Renfield is dead, being killed by Van Helsing.
Quincey, born before his mother, Mina, became a vampire.
Ardath, Imhotep, was awakened from the dead.
Ardath met his reincarnation lover, Evalyn Grosvenor, who accidentally awakened him.
Evalyn thought she would be cursed but misunderstood when Ardath confessed his love.
After what Ardath tells her about turning her into immortal.
Evalyn never loved him, and she purposely killed him and became immortal herself.
Ardath was saved by Solomon and was under Vlad’s care.
The betrayal of his love was so much that he turned into a drinker.
Watson and Holmes were captured by the Prodigium, becoming an experiment of entertainment. They then suicide to escape the torture.
Ardath kills Evalyn.
Sherlock was born.
John was born.
Aleister and Cassiel were slain by the Archangel, Michael, for forming a relationship.
God save the two rogues.
Christian was born in a cult church, Soho, London.
Sherlock first met John, making them roommates in 221B Baker Street.
Christian awakens as the AntiChrist.
The Secondary Revelation War began.
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arcanegifs · 6 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: Season 1 ↳ Vi + Looking at 🧁
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robogart · 7 months
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Conjured - or more aptly — released from an ancient, dark spell, this creature was born at the bottom of a well beneath the footsteps of a hero.
It was vanquished in one time, but remains in that secret place still, in quiet agony of its own existence.
The old tree in the depths, still rooted, still faintly alive, is said to have a reflection of itself straight above it, a great tree in the old forest, its leaves in constant fall. It weeps, crying out for the strange creature in that deep, empty place. A friend it knows and yet has not itself seen.
When the shade is able to escape its prison, it is said that the tree has been cut in two. Spared a lonely existence in unforgiving eternity. A seed sits in the pocket of the shadow as it seeks its other half, hoping that it can fulfill the duty it had once said. 
Conquer yourself.
Dark Link from last April's Fanart Friday poll! 💖
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yokyoaaa · 1 month
The ancients and their clingy little legend cookies
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peachy-kun · 17 days
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Experimenting with hatching for shading by drawing Dark Link lurking in the woods for funsies
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: paranormal
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