#dark!dave york smut
anaispunk · 19 days
In The Dark | Dark!Dave York x F!Nanny Reader (Daddy's Home Series)
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Next Part / Series Masterlist (COMING SOON)
Synopsis: Who said putting your early childhood education degree wouldn't cause you problems? Clearly they have never met Dave York.
Word Count: 4.3k
Trigger Warnings: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT! This is a dark series so be warned! Angst, Stalking, Masturbation, tame to start but will progressively get more fucked up. I think that is all the triggers.
Author's Note: Hi. It's been a while, huh? Guess this means I'm back. To be honest I needed the 2 years away from tumblr and writing to get my passion for writing back. College got to be too much and I needed to focus on that. Planning a wedding was a lot and I needed to focus on myself and my now husband. Oh yeah, I got married in December of 2023. Plus, didn't have the best experience in this fandom before with the constant drama/bullshit. But you know what? I'm too old for this shit, I'm 26 now. So I'm going to get back into this, without the fuckery. You can thank @xdaddysprincessxx for this one, if it wasn't for Anna's maid of honor pep talk last year, I wouldn't be bringing this series back.
What is the purpose of being a caregiver? Why was it something that most people wanted to cross off their list by a certain age? Kids can be a handful, but they can also bring the sweetest joy of the world. Maybe it's the control factor, knowing that you have to do everything for them in order to grow as humans. It's like a real life version of the sims, having to deal with the crying and the whining until it gets to the nice, sweet times. Maybe that is why everyone looks forward to it; the payoff is better than it would be. Plus kids are the cutest, even in their snotty hand-filled glory. The epitome of happiness and joy, they know no ways of the world that are evil, sick, and twisted; all they can see is happiness, freedom.
There was a time after college where you decided that maybe working in your field of education was a good idea, maybe it was a bad idea too. In this day and age with this generation it felt weird - they were coming up with all these new trends and making memes only they can understand, it was off-putting. Many, many times you would scroll through apps like Tik-Tok and think, how am I almost in the same generation as them? Maybe it's because you're an old soul, not relating to the newest and brightest thing isn't bad - they're just little assholes. That is all, it's all about the fame, the clicks and likes - not about the people behind it.
You never minded kids, sure they were gross but it isn't like you downright hated them. Sure they can be annoying; who the hell isn't? But a job is a job, just like anything else. Though you swore off of being a teacher - middle schoolers and high schoolers were no fucking joke - you couldn't bear dealing with the tomfoolery they were going to pursue. Elementary school kids on the other hand were too busy trying to color and learn their multiplication tables instead of being trolls. They wouldn't try to roast you like the older ones would, still though was working in a school setting really that important to you? Did you want to get paid biweekly less than any other job? Teachers' salaries were the worst, and you knew that. What was the second best option?
Ever since you graduated in May, you have been browsing around every inch of the internet to find a perfect job - one with benefits, and great pay. With how the last year has been no one, I mean no one wanted anyone coming around them - or being near them for reasons. So the market for your specific sight was limited by a lot, nothing local happened to be coming up, things were mainly out of state. You didn't mind the travel, the closest state was only an hour away anyways so it wouldn't be too much of a trek. But the one that really stood out to you, was easily about 8 states away, deep down in the boonies of suburban hell. Perfect little family, perfect marriage - would it be worth it?
Two months, that is how long you poured over this one job offering. It kept popping up as new every week - only to get a minimal number of views. But the job itself has numerous, I mean numerous reviews. Each one you poured over made you feel like it wasn't worth it; one said that the man who was conducting the interview was picky - no explanation on that. If you're going to be working with their kids then yes, they have every right to be picky and not get someone in who will be a weirdo, or worse. But still every review seemed to have the same exact theme, it made you second guess clicking the apply button. Then again what was the worst that could happen, he/they say no? It wasn't as soul crushing as everyone made it out to be; in the face of failure and rejection comes dreams and conclusions.
You sat, pondered for two months if you should apply - not knowing exactly what would be the answer. But what was the point of not trying? What if you did get it? What if you could move out of state and experience life that was full of travel, purpose? What if? Fuck it, you smiled to yourself, clicking the apply button. Thank god for Google auto fill because Jesus this application was long - and very, very detailed. As soon as you clicked submit you sat back, waiting and waiting for your life to change. Stepping away from your laptop for the time being you started to scramble your things together, making it as neat and nice as possible, the easiest distraction. That is when you hear it, the sound of your email dinging, a new message. Slowly pacing yourself back over to your desk, smiling at the new email. Your heart drops when you see who it is from.
Subject: Nanny Employment
Sucking in a deep breath you let shaky fingers find their way to open the email. In the moment you stop short, afraid this is another rejection letter. So many of them have come through in the last few weeks you started to suspect this was another. It came through, way too fast for your liking. Usually that was just the automated ones saying that you were not what they were looking for. But what was the harm in trying? What was the biggest thing they could say that would break you? Sucking up the courage in your veins, you slam your fingers down to open up the email, seeing bolded words first shine through.
Good Afternoon, Miss,
Thank you for your interest. I have received your application for the live-in nanny position and am interested in discussing your qualifications further. I would like to invite you to interview via Skype to discuss the job requirements and learn more about you. What time would work best?
Dave York | He/Him/His | Special Agent
Defense Intelligence Agency | 7400 Pentagon, Office of Corporate Communications, Washington, D.C. 20301-2400
Your eyes were wide; not believing exactly what you were seeing. At first you thought it was complete and utter bullshit - someone who works for the DIA needed a live-in nanny? This could be one of those fake emails wanting to steal your identity. Biting your lip harshly you toyed with the skin, debating whether or not you should Google this man. Shaking your head at all the negative thoughts coming up, you hit reply - seeing the line blink slowly as you tried to process what was going on. With a shallow breath being inhaled deeply, you began to let your fingers work.
Good Afternoon, Mr. York,
Thank you for your prompt response! I am free any day between 10am-10pm.
I am looking forward to meeting you.
Without thinking a single second more, you sent the email off - seeing how the sent notification pinged for you. That was it, that was all you needed in that moment. A bright smile laced its way across your lips as you felt the sense of accomplishment, one of the hardest parts was down now, all that was left was the interview. As you shut your laptop you silently screamed, jumping your way around your apartment as you started to plan out your interview outfit, nervous to see exactly when this was all going to come out and about. It has been a long while since you were this happy, this excited for something. Now that it was happening, you couldn't have asked for anything more perfect in the moment.
Now that brings us to here, sitting at your computer with a lovely baby blue dress on. You felt a bit silly getting so dressed up for a zoom call but, best first impressions always had the best deals afterwards. There had been many times you debated if your dress was too much, revealing too much. The sweetheart neckline dipped a bit low, showing your bust off in your bra. But out of all your dresses it was that least revealing one, making you giggle slightly. That little burst of happiness quickly diminished as you saw the time, only two more minutes until your interview. The nervous rattling in your chest echoed so deep, so loud you felt as if you were going to cry - why you were so nervous was inconclusive but you knew that you needed this, you needed to push forward.
Hearing the ringing of the Skype call made your body jolt backwards, the screen completely blue. Letting out the breath you were holding, you slid your hand forward - hovering over the answer button. You didn't want to seem too desperate to answer, so you let it go until the fourth ring, clicking the phone button softly. The light for your webcam came on, only able to see yourself within the moment. Damn, I look good, you thought softly, smiling brightly as you saw the black screen pop up. It took a moment before his picture rendered in, but once it did you felt a cold chill snake its way down your spine, rushing the heat through your chest. Picturing what Dave looked like versus what he actually did, had you in shambles.
"Good morning Miss, thank you for meeting with me today. How are you?" His face was like stone, not expressive at all. The only thought that of course raced through your mind was how attractive he was, but also knowing how particular he is. Gulping down the pool of saliva collecting in your mouth, you let the rosy blush creep onto your cheeks as you fiddled with the end of your dress, trying to calm your breathing for a moment. "T-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so, Mr. York. I am well, how about you?" As you were speaking you noticed his eyes flickering low, the small shift of his pupils lined up perfectly with your chest, you had hoped.
Soft russet brown eyes stared back at you, analyzing every inch and motion you went forward with. His eyes matched his quaffed hair perfectly, giving him such a pristine gentlemen complex. You wanted to feel those locks through your fingers, how the roots snagged at your skin as you tugged on it. The storm brewing in your belly was enough to make you whimper out softly, thanking God he did not hear it. Dave adorned a blue dress shirt with a red and white striped tie, black blazer capturing his torso effortlessly. It was fully set in front of you that Dave York is a special agent for the DIA, no wonder he was so emotionless during the call. You started to regulate your breathing as you got comfortable, letting your shoulder fall back instead of slouch forward. A low cock of his lips played into your words as he nodded, scribbling something across the notepad in front of him; "I am doing well, thank you for asking. Starting off I just want to know - why this job? Why did being a live-in nanny interest you?"
Dave's words rolled out in perfect succession, a low, deep voice accompanying them. The closer he got to the camera you could see the light creases in his forehead, furrowing as he awaited your answer. That was a great question, why were you truly interested in a job that was close to a few hundred miles away from you? Pondering your answer for a moment, you began to explain; "I felt as if it was my calling; my bachelors is in Early Childhood Education. Working/Caring for children is something that I would consider a strong suit, especially during such an impressionable time in their life. Plus I am great with handy work; taking care of kids, cleaning, making any meal - anything that can make yours and your wife's life easier is what I want to succeed at." The answer was genuine, you could see a light spark within Dave's dark pupils. A satisfied smirk played across Dave's lips as he licked them, chewing on his lower one. Once again he scribbled something down quickly, looking back up at you.
"Anything, huh? Good to know." He retorted, a slight blush clinging to your cheeks. You knew he didn't mean it in any way but just the sentiment of it; you wished it was. The longer Dave kept his head down on his notepad the anxiety grew, wondering exactly what he was jotting down after every bit of dialogue you provided. Quickly you grabbed your glass of water as you began to chug down a bit, soothing the scratch at the back of your throat. Nerves bundled quickly up inside of you, scared that you were somehow going to blow this interview. Breaking your train of self destruction was Dave's caramel-like voice coming through your speakers, serious in tone. "You're okay with moving out to DC? Living directly across the hall from my wife and I? Running all our errands, tasks and such?"
"Yes, Mr. York." It was no question, you were already so loyal to him. Even if it was a part to play so you could get the job, you meant it. I mean who could say no to him? Literally who could; the man looked like he could murder someone in fifty different ways, you were not going to get on his bad side at all. Rubbing your sweaty palms down the front of your dress you watched Dave intently with softened eyes, wanting him to know that no matter what you aren't afraid of him; deep down you were terrified of this man. For fucks sake he works for the government, they're always doing shady shit. "I will let you know I do work from home quite frequently, so while I am home you will be helping me as well - right?"
"O-Of course, sir." Did you need to say more? Your job was to be the live-in nanny, not just for his kids but for him and his wife - though by the way he is speaking, his wife wasn't going to be around much it seems. Sir, shit you didn't realize what you said until it was already out; not noticing your expression shifting you could tell Dave was fully aware as his playful wink fell to your screen, soaking in every bit of you as flustered as ever. This was rare, you were this bashful, seriously you never got this worked up by a man of his stature, much less anyone. You always praised yourself for having a clear head on your shoulders but Dave, fuck he brought out the shy girl energy you were harboring deep down.
"Good girl, now one last question before our interview does conclude. I want you to stand up, and spin for me - slowly." If he called you one more pet name you were going to burst at the seams, that was not an exaggeration either, the excitement sparking between your legs was making its way down the flesh of your thighs, causing your hands to clam up instantly. A small sweat was breaking out across your forehead at the stifling sounds you were suppressing. Everything was happening in slow motion, your brain not able to keep up with the current moment. Your heart was beating in your ears so fast you barely heard what Dave said; did he really want you to spin for him?
"I-I'm sorry, what?" You asked, your blush deepening to crimson. Chewing on your bottom lip seemed like the proper thing to do in the moment as you worked through this interview, reaching the hour mark already. It felt wrong, you felt wrong for harboring this sort of crush on Dave, infatuated with his dialect and appearance. What was it physically going to be like if you did work for him now? "Spin. I want to see exactly who I am hiring." You were right, he did want you to spin for him. Obeying his command you nodded small, pushing your desk chair out. Smoothing your dress down you slid your camera upwards to angle at your body - showing off every curve, every inch of your figure.
When you first started your spin, you went at a slower pace - knowing he was going to ask for it eventually anyways. You knew you should have felt slightly uncomfortable at the insinuation but to be honest, you felt sexy. An experienced man like Dave staring at you as if you were the only woman on Earth was flattering. It made you feel wanted, seen. Slowly you started to sway your hips with the spin, wanting him to catch every angle; from what you could tell he was in his office, only him seeing you do this. Completing your first full spin, you caught a glimpse of Dave's hungry eyes taking your body in, pulling his bottom lip through his teeth with a sensual smirk. You were doing things to him you couldn't see, but boy did you wish.
As the second spin completed you made your way back over to your desk, accentuating your breast in your dress for him - causing a groan to slip from his parted lips; of course he masked it with a cough, he had too much pride. Simpering at his notion, you tilted your head to the side like a cute little puppy, making your eyes doe-like. "I-Is that it, Mr. York?" You stuttered, unable to contain yourself as you watched the man beyond the camera. The nature of being in control for a moment slipped away as fast as his smirk did - leering at you through the camera. "Please, call me Dave." So you were getting close with him, did this mean you got the job if you were able to call him by his name?
"Right, sorry Dave." A titter left your mouth as you tucked a rogue piece of hair behind your ear, looking up at him through your lashes. Fire coursed through your veins as fast as it showed up, a small bead of sweat lining your brows. You were so close to that finish line you could taste it - something deep within you wanted to prove all of those reviews of Dave wrong; it may have been from lack of experience that he didn't want them, you had a fucking degree for crying out loud - that was enough to qualify you more than anyone else. But it wasn't your experience, was it? No, it was your age - he had such a soft spot for how delicate; a fresh flower you are. "I expect to see you here first thing Monday morning. My team will be sent to clean out your apartment for you. I will hotwire your first payment to make sure you get here safely. Understood?" Eyes shot wide open at his statement, you did it - you fucking did it!
"Of course, Dave. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am most looking forward to it." The brightest of all smiles fell across your lips, tears starting to well in the corner of your eyes. This was everything you have been wanting over the last two months, everything you have been struggling for. Endless nights of fear and what if's were now laid to rest - no longer able to make you feel small, worthless - like you would never leave your hometown. Now, you were. Heading right to the nation's capital to take care of a national treasure. Every inch of self doubt that remained in your system diminished, causing your heart to flutter with excitement. Dave matched your enthusiasm with a small grin. "That makes two of us, sweet girl. I for one am very excited to know you. Take care."
As you waved your goodbye to Dave, he ended the call. Skype closed out but Callnote popped up; a sinister smirk played across his lips. It did not take Dave long to save his little masterpiece. Scrolling his cursor over the call, he made sure to slow everything down; taking it frame by frame, watching your chest perk in that fucking dress you wore. With each flick of his finger to the next frame, he let out these primal moans. Instances like this he was truly grateful his office was soundproof - Carol, nor the girls, could hear what was going on in there. Sir. He played that phrase over and over again, a broken record to his warm ears. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. The softest nature of your voice sent ripples of lust throughout Dave York's strong body; a temple that killed many, many people before. He was out of his mind, but so were you. 
What you had failed to realize was Dave palming himself through his slacks at your spin; tantalizing fingers teased himself as your body flashed before him. God the things he was dreaming about doing to you, finally coaxing out of you was wrong but so fucking right. You were so innocence, so malleable - he could break that; he could break you. For months, months...Dave has been setting this plan into action. That job listing? Baby that was all for you; only you. Those reviews? All made by Dave - wanting to peak your interest, make you act quicker. Every time you skimmed over it, he knew. He saw. A virus, only you could obtain; letting him see into your home, your room, and how you pondered the what if's. If only you knew, Dave's had his eye on you since college.
Dave watched as you crossed towards your dorm, the dark of wintery night causing you to shudder at the touch. His car slowly creeping upwards; heat blasting through the vents. Lights turned off as he watched your every move; he could sense you knew he was watching. The quicker your speed picked up, the harder he pressed on the gas. No, he let you get away before - he wasn't letting you do it again. After two months he finally found you again - and would do everything to make sure you were his. Early Childhood Education, make a great nanny - wouldn't you? 
Moving from his desk, Dave closed his laptop with a sigh - placing it into his top drawer with a quick snap of the lock. Loosening his tie, he let his suit jacket fall over the back of the chair. His hardened cock was weeping; he was in need of release. He needed your help with his release. Tightening his hands into fists, Dave groaned as he left his office - stone cold whilst making his way upstairs. The guest bedroom now was slowly being shifted into your very own paradise, before you even accepted his offer. Only an arms length away from the master bedroom, you were in perfect reach. He could watch you intently, making sure that you were safe - you were happy. The cameras hidden in your room were going to add to that. Flying up the stairs like his life depended on it, Dave slammed himself into your new bedroom door, groaning as his hot hand fiddled with the cold, crystal knob.
It did not take York long to slide himself in, taking a deep breath to breathe in the clean scent. How prim and proper the lilac satin sheets were for you, made him feral. He wanted to break your innocence; to break you in - acclimating you to himself. You were the beauty, but he was going to be the monster. Brown eyes were blown out black, ripping his tight slacks down the front of his legs - pooling them at his mid-thigh. His hot, swollen cock was leaking some fierce with every inch of your body he remembered. The sway of your hips as you did a second spin for him; one only he was to see. You were playing with him, making him squirm from only a couple hundred miles away. What was it going to be like when he could really get his hands on you?
There was no way Dave would be gentle with himself when he was too worked up - the quickened pace of his fist rubbing harsh against his swollen length. Silent moans were passing through parted lips, the head of his thick length pressed against the pillow in which you'd sleep. There was a primal aspect within Dave that broke, causing him to press his cock towards the lilac case. Soft, cool against such a hot scene. It was enough for him to bust; thick, white ropes fell effortlessly, violently across your pillow case - causing him to snap his hand against the metal bracket of the headboard. White swirls that were so pretty, bending under his vicious grasp. Breathless, panting, and ever-so evil Dave York was as he let the last of his seed spread across the case, wishing it was your face. 
Quickly sucking down his breath, he pushed himself back into his slacks - flipping the seed stained case over, smirking at the thought of you sleeping on it when you officially came up. Your bed was like you now, sweet - adorably innocent. But what you lack, was being defiled by a man. Soon, you would not know such purity. "Oh, you innocent little thing...I'm going to ruin you."
If only you knew how dark things were about to get. 
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morallyinept · 8 months
Trick Or Treat? - A Dark!Frankie Morales x Dark!Joel Miller x Dark!Dave York Halloween One Shot 🎃
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Summary: It's Halloween and you're settling in for a creepy night alone with a scary movie, when three masked intruders break in. And they have more tricks than treats in mind for you. 🎃
Pairing: Dark!Frankie Morales x Dark!Joel Miller x Dark!Dave York x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It's you, bub.)
Word Count: 10.5k ish - 'Issa long one. Better grab some spooky snacks. 👻
Scoville Smut Rating: 🌶🌶🌶 "You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here
Explicit: DARK/DDDNE/implied noncon/implied dubcon/CNC/free use/anything goes/implied forced/established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/squirting/anal play/restraint/dirty talk/derogatory/some mild degradation/some mild assault in the form of slaps, scratching, biting/jump scares/mentions of clowns & a clown mask image below the cut - eh, some people hate 'em. Dave York comes with his own warning. 🥴
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don't come at me; you've been plenty warned.
Author's Note: Happy Halloween!! 🎃 I'm fully aware that this might not be for everyone, and that's totally fine. You can just move on quietly if it's not for you. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Couldn't think of any better trio of Pedro Boys to mess with you on Halloween, other than Frankie, Joel & Dave.
Enjoy! 🖤🎃
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The lounge is dimly lit. 
Shadows curated from the trenches of nightmares claw across the walls as you perch on the edge of your worn-out couch, crowded with the mass invasion of mis-matched cushions. 
The eerie glow from the flat screen casts an otherworldly pallor upon your face, accentuating the nervous flicker around your eyeballs that are wide with bulging scleras; watery white orbs in the dark.
The room is drenched in an unsettling silence, broken only by the haunting soundtrack of the horror movie slashing its way across your screen, from which you can’t tear away your fixed gaze. 
Every creak of the house, every groan in the walls, sends fleeting shivers down your spine as you clutch one of the cushions tightly, pulled further into the chilling world of the movie. 
It's Halloween night and the bowl, brimming full of sugared candy treats for the Witching Hour to begin, is resting languidly on the coffee table ready for the barrage of trick-or-treaters bound to harangue you all night long. Until you stop answering the door and devour them all for yourself. It always happens. 
But, as you watch the movie, engrossed in the suspenseful carnage that is about to erupt, slowly bringing mouthfuls of warm, buttery homemade popcorn up to your mouth, you start to regret it.
You always do this to yourself; cue the manic paranoia afterwards, lying in bed and getting freaked out by strange noises rattling around in the house. Turning the light off and running up the stairs really, really fast so a crazed, masked killer - that is purely a figment of your over active imagination, whose just endured copious hours of jump scares - doesn't get you.
As the movie’s tension mounts, so too does your own. Your heart races in sync with the frantic, heavy beats of the ominous bass that vibrates in through your toes. Fear creeps up your spine with icy tendrils, constricting your chest with each suspenseful twist. 
A young Jamie Lee Curtis is running for her life across the screen; a giant man in a boiler suit and waxy mask wielding a kitchen knife is chasing her, and you're yelling at her to run.
Run bitch!
You're invested wholly in the terror of the movie. Your fingernails leave crescent imprints on the fabric of the cushion you clutch, as if they could anchor you to reality amidst the growing dread that consumes you. 
The room’s shadows deepen, feel heavier somehow in the darkest corners and seem to slink and shift in the periphery of your vision. Your mind plays tricks on you, conjuring grotesque shapes from the inky void to float towards you, but any sense of your own mild panic is marred by the screaming on the screen that pulls your attention away. 
The rest of the house is unusually quiet around you, its existence ebbing away. Oblivious to the malevolent, unseen eyes that seem to pierce through the darkness, you continue to fill your mouth with the salty, puffed kernels.
"Run, why are you standing there, just fucking run!" You crunch to Jamie Lee; your eyes wide and the music hammering around you loudly as the killer is in the house with her, and she hasn't realised it yet.
Oh, the irony.
A figure continues to emerge from the swirly shadows, edging towards you in the dark where the light of the TV hasn't reached. It moves with a haunting grace as if it's part of the very darkness it inhabits. You feel hairs prickle up on the back of your neck as you watch the tension on the screen play out. 
You know how this shit goes down; you've seen this movie millions of times, but it still gets you. Still makes you jump out of your skin at the right parts and-
A maniacal laugh pierces your eardrum from behind and you screech in absolute terror.
The bowl of popcorn ends up all over the floor as you launch yourself up from the couch like you’ve been tasered, turning and screaming as you hear that sinister laugh morph into one you begin to recognise.
Big, splayed hands reach for you from within the dark and you squeal louder, backing up as the sinister marauder advances on you.
"Hey it's me, muñeca. It's me!" But he's still laughing and it's not fucking funny.
Your heart is trying to make a dash out of your throat and you swear to God some pee might’ve trickled down your leg.
"What the Hell are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?!"
You slap his hands away angrily as he reaches for your shaky ones, and the light from the TV assures you it's Frankie, still chuckling to himself from behind a cheap, neon-coloured clown mask.
"Jesus Christ," you sigh, catching your breath. 
You're still trying to choke your thrashing heart back down into your chest. It's not going down without a rowdy fight apparently as you cough and splutter. "Why would you scare me like that?! What are you wearing?" You query with a shudder as he pulls off the grotesque mask. 
It's a sinister, somewhat ugly clown, complete with rainbow coiffed curls, white cracked rubber for a face and peeling red nose. All your explicit, childish nightmares come true to form and are made graphically real - too real. You shiver again as you see it, now crumpled up in his hand.
"You should've seen your face!" He's laughing again and it's hard not to punch him right now. Or drop kick him in the balls.
"I fucking hate clowns." You growl, shoving him in the broad shoulder, as he tries to pull you towards him, but you resist in protest.
"Hey, it's just me." Frankie reassures, pulling you into the stack of his chest and trying to kiss your cheek in attempted fuzzy apologies, but you still repel him. 
"I know," you say, rubbing your arm uneasily and pouting at him. “It’s not funny.”
"Aww, hermosa. Come here, I'm sorry. Voy a parar, lo siento. Lo siento." He pulls you closer into his strong arms wrapping you up tight for a moment, and closing your eyes you're immediately in your safe place; safe in Frankie’s arms where nothing horrific can get you.
You feel your heartbeat regain its usual steady tempo and your body melts into a heated pool of slush as he soothes you, rubbing his large hands up and down your back.
It's hard to stay mad at him when he holds you like this. 
"Aren't you going to be late?" You murmur a few enraptured seconds later into his warm neck skin; your nose nuzzling into the soft, sparse scruff that roots there. You taste it as the oaky scents of his heady cologne makes your mouth water. 
He groans deliciously, stirring a flurry again in your rib cage, as you run your tongue up towards his ear and suck gently on the lobe.
"Mmm," he smiles blissfully, crushing your bones into his. You feel his hands now sliding down further, past the small of your back, and pawing at the pliable meat of your ass. 
You tug hard on his ear with your teeth and he hisses as you clamp down.
"Ow!" He whines. You snicker up at him. 
"Revenge." You titter. 
“Eso duele,” he gripes, pouting. 
"Look at this mess." Your bare feet are crunching into the popcorn that’s all over the floor as if an Arctic blast has just hit. 
"I'll help you clean up." Frankie offers, tossing the clown mask onto the couch. You make a mental note to throw the ghastly thing in the trash once he’s gone. 
"No, you go. The guys are waiting for you." 
"You sure?"
"Yeah." You nod with a soft smile, and watch as Frankie retrieves his favourite blue cap from his back pocket, unfolds and fixes it back into its rightful place on his tufty curls.
"I'll just be a few hours. Beers and some cards..." He smiles with cocoa eyes.
"Take as long as you want. I'll probably be asleep when you get back anyway." You say grimacing down at the mess.
"Yeah. Just gonna finish up the movie then climb into bed early." 
"Hardcore." He teases, pulling you towards him again. 
You kiss him on the lips gently. He wraps his hands around the small of your back and you can feel him. Feel that mounting swell of him against your belly as he stiffens in his stonewash Levi’s. 
The kiss between you intensifies, his tongue slipping slowly into the hungry void of your mouth. A polluting convergence of wanton desire and longing as he murmurs into your wet gums. It sizzles in your bloodstream, warming you from the inside out. 
"Might have to wake you up…" Frankie purrs as you pull away, breathless; your heart thudding, as well as your clit that feels like it’s growing in size and weighing you down.
You grin, clenching internally at the thought of how Frankie specialises in waking you up.
You pull on the lapels of his jacket, twisting the artichoke corduroy, working through the mental images of tossing him on the couch, straddling his face and sending him to the guys with your slick drying in his facial scruff. 
"Go on, get going, you jackass." You warn, bending down to pick up the popcorn bowl. You feel a gentle swat on your butt. 
"Enjoy the movie, baby." He says.
You smile standing upright. "Say hi to Joel and Dave for me." 
Frankie turns back to you, his eyes appearing like black shiny marbles in the dark shadows, and smiles sinisterly at you. 
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An hour or so later - the clown mask successfully dumped in the trash ceasing to haunt you - and you’ve already given up answering the door to demanding, greedy little witches, hobgoblins and mummies wrapped up in cheap ply toilet paper. 
The bowl of candy is now nestled snugly in your lap; the floor clear of the discarded popcorn. Your eyes are glued back to the flat screen as you finish the remainder of the movie, sinking down further into the couch so that you’re almost horizontal, as you chew and suck the candy corn clacking around your teeth.
A knock on the door a little while later makes you jump, but you ignore it, deciding the kids in your neighbourhood have had their fill. You reach for your phone - the light illuminating your face in the dark with Frankie’s beaming grin whilst he noogies you set as your wallpaper - to see it’s a little past nine PM. 
You toss it on the couch beside you, absorbing in the movie, reaching into the candy bowl for more as Michael Myers terrorises Jamie Lee to no end.
The door knocks again, this time a thudding hammering.
What the hell?
You pause the movie and get up with the candy bowl, padding over to the hall and towards the front door. The knocks grow louder, more insistent, making you flinch.
“Alright, Jesus!” You call out as you open the door, expecting to see a cluster of snarky little demons holding out their treat bags gluttonously.
But as you wrench the door open, you’re met with only the stark emptiness of the dense night. Frowning, you poke your head out further and see there's only vacant spaces hidden in the shadows of the porch. 
You shut the door, convincing yourself it’s a harmless prank from bored teenagers that you’ve become a victim to.
You run your hand around a niggling crick in your neck from slumping on the couch for so long and head back towards the lounge. 
Before you reach the end of the hall, another barrage of hammering rattles through your body. Turning, you march towards the front door and pull it open again.
“This isn’t funny, you little dipshits!” You holler out determined to catch them in the act. 
Again, there’s nobody there; the street is empty, devoid of any life or wily children making the rounds for poison candied apples. You hesitate, torn between curiosity and a faint bleed of fear haemorrhaging somewhere within your muscles. 
“The fuck…?” You query as a cold breeze nips at the tops of your shoulders as you step out onto the porch.
“Hello?” You call out, nerves already frayed as they're going to get this evening; your patience is running thin.
The eerie silence of the night that greets you back seems deafening as it plugs up all your senses. The breeze restlessly pulls the goose bumps out of your pores and you instantly feel foolish, if but a little rattled. 
Sighing, you retreat back inside. You wait for a few moments, listening, waiting again for the sound of the phantom knocker. You shake your head listlessly and with a stupefied mirth to yourself, even though the lingering sense of unease remains, trying to claw at your ankles.
You bolt the chain across the door before you finally walk away, convincing yourself that it’s nothing more than your paranoid mind left to its jangled devices. 
Of all the nights to play fucking pranks. 
Once the movie is over, you climb the stairs up to bed; washing up in the bathroom, now dressed in your matching shorts and shirt pyjama set, and brushing out the candy now cemented in your molars. 
Once you're sunk into the softness of your mattress, you roll over onto Frankie’s side, missing his shape wrapped around your body and the feel of his breath warming the back of your neck as he snores lightly.
The musky scents of him linger in the sheets and you inhale deeply, reminding yourself that you live in reality and not some torrid nightmare with crazed, masked killers. 
As you drift off, you smile at the thought of him losing at poker to Joel and Dave, and how much shit you’ll know they’ll both give him for it too. 
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It wakes you, bleeding into your chromatic unconsciousness and interrupting your stunted, dreamless sleep. 
A sense of unease washes over you, amplified by the eerie stillness that still hangs in the air as you glance the time on the alarm clock. It sears its menacing red vitriol into your sleepy retinas brightly. 
It's just past midnight and Frankie’s side of the bed is still empty. 
You lay still and clammy in the sheets, straining your ears to hear what had interrupted your sleep, trying to discern whether it’s real or if your mind had yelled at you from somewhere in the void, pulling you out with a jolt instead. 
You close your eyes and roll over again, your arm tingling numb from sleeping on it, when you hear it again. 
At first you dismiss it as a product of your overactive imagination, still haunted by the spooky shenanigans of the night, or the creaks in the house coming out to taunt you further for shits and giggles. But it’s there, unmistakably. A faint sound ruminating from downstairs. 
“Frankie? That you?” You call softly, sitting up. 
You listen out, the waves of your heartbeat rolling and crashing into the tide of your eardrums, disturbed only by a siren passing in the night.
You slip out of the sheets and pad over to the bedroom door that’s ajar. You're certain you'd shut it when you came up. 
“Frankie?” You call over the landing and wait. 
There’s a loud clanging noise that startles you and you step backwards. 
Dashing into the bedroom, you reach into the closet for Frankie’s old college baseball bat that’s beaten up and splintered to hell, but it’ll serve as some protection.
You grab your phone with the intent to call Frankie to come and kick some ass. You swipe across the screen and dial Frankie’s number. It rings off as your battery dies.
“What?” You murmur as you fiddle around with the wire, certain you had plugged it in to charge, trailing it down to the socket and find it’s unplugged and left loose on the floor. Shit!
The noise from downstairs stirs your attention, making you jump, and you’re more than convinced there is someone in the house. 
“Frankie, if you’re fucking with me again, I swear to God, I’m gonna kill you!” You mumble to yourself, standing up and tiptoeing towards the door. 
It falls quiet and you step closer to the top of the stairs. 
“Frankie!” You hiss out, assuming he’s probably drunk and rattling around down in the kitchen and making a mess, but you also don’t want to take the chance in case it’s not.
You descend down the stairs slowly, quietly as you can muster; the bat firmly in your hand and poised ready to swing. You convince yourself that you’ll be able to take them. Frankie’s shown you a thing or two about how to carry yourself.
Yeah. Come on, you fucker.  
With your pulse rising in your ears, you step into the hall, glancing at the front door. It's still chained up and the dread fully overtakes you.
You raise the bat and round the corner into the lounge. You reach for the light switch and flick it up, but the lights don’t come on at all. You flick it up and down a few times, but you remain in the swamping dark.
You hear the sound again, and it’s indeed coming from the kitchen. Loud and rustling. 
“Frankie?” You call out gently. The sound stops and you’re certain you hear footsteps. Perhaps, realising that you'd locked him out, he's come home through the back door.
"Frankie, answer me."
You head towards the kitchen, the orange light pooling in from the lamp post outside illuminates the trash can that's now overturned on the floor. You look down and kick it warily with your foot. You think you can see a shadow moving to your left.
The air shifts heavily against the back of your neck, and you yelp, swinging the bat with conviction. 
“Uh-ho, we gotta live one!” A thick voice booms as a giant hand catches the bat mid swing.
The voice comes from underneath a creepy vampire mask, complete with fangs and a bloodstained cleft. He wrenches the bat from you, in easily the biggest hands you’ve ever seen, and you hear it clatter away across the tiled floor. 
You scramble backwards. A leather gloved hand clamps over your mouth, as your arms are crushed behind your back, muffling out your panicked screams. 
You struggle and recoil against the body that holds you in a vice-like grip, despite your legs thrashing like you’re fighting against the tide. 
You glance up behind you and see another mask, this time a ghoul with pieces of skin missing, greets you. It's too dark to see the eyes through the slits. But you can hear his laugh; a cold mist of breathy chuckles as you struggle and fight against him.
His gloved hand presses harder over your mouth drowning out your squeaks into frantic inhalations as you struggle to breathe around it. All you can think of is Frankie. Doing some desperate Jedi Mind Trick shit to conjure him here to beat the crap out of these intruding assholes. 
The Vampire steps towards you, cocking his head and his hulking frame immediately intimidates you, terrifies you even. 
But a flood of adrenaline makes you kick out and your foot collides with his kneecap. 
He growls as he jolts. “Hey now! There’ll be none of that, darlin’,” he warns sinisterly. 
In a nanosecond, that voice registers somewhere familiar in the back of your skull, but before you have time to churn and process it into coherent thought, your arm is twisted further up your spine making you cry out around the gloved hand pressing against your teeth; the pressure making them ache. 
“Grab her legs.” The Ghoul instructs as The Vampire reaches for them and clamps tightly around your ankles as you try to repl against him. 
They manoeuvre you into the lounge where another figure emerges from the shadows, now illuminated by a couple of gloaming candles flickering on the coffee table. 
Your eyes widen as you recognise the gnarly clown mask from the trash, shaking the lit match in his fingers until it's extinguished.
You’re tossed face down into the couch and you scramble, gasping and yelling out as they pin you quickly. 
"Get off of meeee!" 
The Ghoul on your right, The Vampire on your left. Their auspicious, maniacal laughter ringing in your ears; their tight grip cementing you in place, pinching painfully against your skin.
The Clown steps closer peering down at you through the mask; his chest rising and falling, steadily puffed out in his menacing stance.
Your eyes widen as he advances closer, his hands moving towards his belt; thick, long fingers slowly unbuckling it.
You yell out, struggling, but it’s futile. “No, NO!” You kick and scream, the dread poisoning your bloodstream, and they all laugh. 
"Help! Hel-pffh!"
The gloved hand of The Ghoul wraps around your throat murdering your yells into dying croaks that choke out of you like sloppy hiccups. 
"Ain't no-one gonna hear ya, darlin'." The Vampire mocks. "S'just you n’ us, pretty girl. All night." 
The Clown kicks at your ankles separating them as The Vampire yanks your left leg towards him. The Ghoul follows with your right leg and it feels like he pulls it out of the joint.
You're completely opened up, your shorts riding tight up against your centre, and locked into place unable to move. You focus on The Clown and the sinister way in which he moves, head slightly cocked and revelling in your plight; a sadistic voyeur in this cruel fate.
Your breathing is frantic, sucking in too much oxygen making you a little light headed. 
The Clown edges closer, his horrifically masked face craning closer towards yours and you can see those dark eyes staring back at you, unblinking and unflinching.
“Trick or treat?” He simply taunts. 
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You’re frozen, paralysed. 
The fear has gripped you tight in a vice so binding that you’re unable to process basic motor functions. Both your fight or flight senses have left you, fled screaming into the night.
You can hear them. All around you. Their rabid voices hitching through the masks; verbal plotting laced with undulating horrors of menace. All the ways they want to feast on you rattles tinny in between your ears. 
Their hands paw at you, tear at your supple flesh like a pack of ravenous wolves; groping, scratching, pinching. Tugging lewdly at the light cotton of your pyjama shorts and shirt. 
The monsters harangue your every sense, flood your synapses with their ill intent. Their white noise deafens you. 
Then, like you've been dunked head first under ice cold water, the sudden awareness of your predicament shakes you with alarm. It's enough to pump fast adrenaline through you like Popeye's spinach as you twist, screech and fight back with all you’ve got.
You’re not sure how you manage it - it's one for your brain to calculate the physics later - but you’re up on your feet, shoving The Clown backwards as he unzips his flies, leaving The Vampire growling.
But The Ghoul is up just as fast and chasing you down as you make a daring dash towards the front door. 
Your fingers rattle clumsily around the chain, cursing yourself that you attached it earlier, unable to get a steady grip on it, when you feel The Ghoul slam into you from behind. 
Your face is crushed hard into the wood as he pestles against you, stars flooding your eyes. You hear him snarling fistules of lava in your ear. He grabs your arms and drags you back. “No you don’t, bitch!” He seethes. 
Now begins the physical struggle that you’re bound to lose. You might have torn at him with your nails, but it barely marks him. Your desperate imploring of him to stop, that he's hurting you, has no effect either. His need is too desperate now for him to even hear you.
You feel his urgency, and realising there’s nothing further you can do or say, your body submits to him as he drags you along with ease - he’s simply too strong for you to fight off - they all are. 
He slams you down, bent forward, over the dining table; your temple and cheek slapping against it, dazing you for a second. 
You feel hands on your body, one hand slipping easily around your throat, the other slipping around the front of your belly pulling you back tight against him.
You feel him, feel the excitement of your helplessness goading him on. Feel that hardness of his twisted desire. Your wrists are restrained at your back, held in place as he easily and quickly manoeuvres them despite your struggles. 
“Please!” You cry out louder.
His voice is rough sounding in your ear. "Don't you dare scream, or I'll snap your pretty little neck!" Foul menace is hissed into you insidiously from The Ghoul. And you know he's not messing around. 
Through the commotion, you hear a chair being pulled out, creaky scrapes, and The Clown takes a seat at the opposite end of the table. He tosses a couple of black cable ties across the polished wood to The Ghoul.
The Ghoul secures your wrists together, sharp and snapping, and you whine with tears pooling in your eyes for them to let you go. To not do this. To please just stop.
The Clown, drawing one denim clad knee up, sitting back in the chair, watches darkly. 
You jut your leg out backwards in a last ditch attempt to not go down without a fight, clocking it into The Ghoul’s thigh and he growls and slams his fist on the table mere inches from your face.
He’s had enough now. 
He tears off his mask and presses his body over yours, suffocating you with his crushing strength. He grips round your chin and turns your head. The face that is presented back to you, smirking with dark brown eyes burning into you like hot embers, renders you useless as he twists your face to meet yours. You can hear your neck crack. 
Oh fuck.
“D-Dave?” You query confused. He grits his teeth, mouth pursed out as he stares you into a weak submission. He's pissed, livid.
You see movement over his shoulder as The Vampire emerges. 
“Cat’s outta the bag, hmm?” The Vampire says to Dave, a hefty hand resting on his shoulder. 
You watch in shock, and with something else starting to flare over your body, as The Vampire removes his own mask, crushing it in his large palm to reveal soft, greying curls slick with sweat in the chocolaty roots. 
“Joel?" You gasp. 
“In the flesh, darlin’.” He sneers through a smile that’s more unnerving than Dave’s fury somehow, completing this picture of terrifying machismo. 
“What is this, w-what’s going on?" You pant, your wrists burning as they struggle around the plastic snare keeping them together and tingling your fingers with numbness. 
Dave’s gloved hand squeezes around your jaw popping your lips open.
“Ssshh.” His leathered index finger pushes tightly to your mouth. Black butterflies dance over Dave’s features. You're tempted to bite down, but sensing this, he pushes another finger in and you heave as it tickles the back of your throat. 
Joel chuckles softly at your plight as he watches you choke around Dave's invading leather digits.  
"So this is what you look like sucking on Frankie's cock, hmm?" Dave taunts.
"Real fuckin' nice." Joel agrees, licking his lips. You catch him palming himself over his jeans and you feel a heavy flutter start to rustle from the grave in your core. 
You try to swallow but your mouth is stuffed so full of the padded leather that your saliva pools out the corner of your mouth and runs down your chin. 
Dave grips the side of your face with his other hand, his hips pushing you against the table. Joel lurches behind him like a stacked shadow, sealing off any gap for a potential escape. 
You want to be furious, you want to push him off you as he pushes his fingers into the furthest reaches of your throat and becomes mesmerised by it as you gag and retch. 
Instead, and in some fucked up depravity stirring from the pits, you melt under his force; enjoying the feel of it and nuzzling into his hand with your eyes closed, until he yanks your hair backwards and holds you still and taut.
You gasp out as he sniffs all over your neck and face like a dog. "Oh, you want this don't you, slut?"
Dave's sudden change in demeanour again does something to you; something wonderfully perverted and untamed. Something unexpected and he picks up on it immediately like a Bloodhound.
He pulls his hand out of the glove, but leaves it in your mouth, pressing it in further until you gag more and your cheeks fill with it.
"I can smell your cunt," Dave says in a voice you don't recognise. It's sinister and deep, yet with a jaunty bounce of a little chuckle on the end of it.
His macabre smile does nothing to appease the angst simmering away inside your stomach. Instead, it seems to intensify it to boiling point and it begins to ache in your gut like a heavy pull.
But then, a surge of devious pleasure swills in your bloodstream, seemingly from out of nowhere; you're aroused by becoming aroused at such a thing. A blooming in between your legs, the slickness of your pussy waking up to join this fucked up tea party. And the feel of your body becoming heated for him makes you sweat.
“Ain’t she pretty, hmm?” Joel taunts. 
Dave runs his mouth over your cheeks; he becomes possessed, animalistic almost as he glides it back and forth, back and forth. You feel his lips drag against yours but he doesn't kiss you, even though you're suddenly desperate to latch onto his lips - to feast on them like you're starved, despite the glove stuffed so unceremoniously into your mouth.
It sends shivers down your body and tingles inside your hair follicles that he’s pulling on tightly. The smoothness of his marble-like jaw, the plumpness of his bottom lip; a kaleidoscopic wonder of him that you've never really paid attention to before.
Somewhere, deep inside of you, you realise you’d always thought Dave was attractive, handsome. And now whilst he’s terrifying and rough, that attraction rears its ugly head and dives haphazardly into wanton lust.
The electric sparks zap down your spine and surges through your nipples that are tightening inside your pyjama shirt. You’re unconsciously squeezing your thighs together as your clit throbs. 
He's right. You do want this. 
"You know, I've always wanted to fuck you." Dave's hand reaches for his belt. 
You see Joel kneel down to your level as your eyes widen. You feel Dave yank down your pyjama shorts as he practically tears them from your legs. 
You sound your resistance out around the glove, but all that comes out is incomprehensible moans.
He swipes between your legs, and his fingers slip over your puffy cunt lips, and it's a dead giveaway at how drenched you are.
You feel Joel pat your shoulder. “S’okay, darlin’,” he soothes with maddening eyes. “We’re gonna take real care of ya.”
"Yeah. Feel that tight cunt that Frankie says you've got squeeze round me." Dave snorts. "Fuck, you're so wet…"
You hear yourself audibly whimper as his fingers find you soaking and wanting. He runs them up and down your fleshy seam and pushes two of them into your folds with a loud, undignified squelch.
He slides further up and knocks against your clit that aches and your thighs judder uncontrollably as he circles it. 
Joel reaches between your legs and takes a swipe for himself. You watch as he sucks your slick from his fingers and smirks. 
“Someone’s ready to be fucked, aren’t ya, darlin’?” Joel says to you. 
You shake your head and it clatters against the tabletop.
Dave moans into your ear, "what a little slut. Wet for me already. What would your boyfriend think?"
You whine as he increases the pressure on your clit, your legs already buckling underneath you. 
"Why don't we ask him, hmm? Hey Frank. What do you think about that?"
Your eyes dart to The Clown, watching you silently with tented fingers. 
"Frank!" Dave grunts again through gritted teeth. "Take that thing off and watch me fuck your girl.” 
A hand goes to The Clown's face and you recognise Frankie's features as they're revealed to you from under it. Your heart surges, feeling heavier in your chest. But Frankie doesn't look how you expect him to.
He doesn't look aghast or in disgust, or furious with Dave and Joel. No. He looks positively delighted and smirks darkly at you as Dave lines himself up against your oozing slit.
Frankie tosses the mask across the table. "Fuck her until she screams, Dave." He says casually cold. 
You watch helplessly as Frankie's lips twist up into a chilling smirk that ices right through your blood. 
You whimper helplessly. Your body is shattered with an agonising realisation as Frankie teases and encourages your plight rather than halting it.
You can feel your heartbeat hammering wildly in your chest cavity - pumping courage into your veins, preparing you for what is about to happen. 
He’s not helping you, he’s not stopping this. You realise that he’s heinously a part of it. Tears well in your eyes, threatening to blind you and it feels like every bone in your body has snapped.
Dave shunts his cock into you so hard, that the table screeches and jostles forward against the floor. Frankie slaps his palms down so that he isn't crushed in the gut by it. 
"Shit! Never knew ya had it in ya, Yorkie-boy." Joel remarks with an impressed grin. 
"Fuck you, Joel." Dave pants from behind you. 
He’s not gentle as he drills in, pushing himself into the deepest parts of you he can reach as he fucks you. Your pussy welcomes him in, sucking around him, despite your body clenching initially.
Slowly, you’re unfurling, you’re taking it, taking him, whether you want to or not. Your mind is still trying to figure that part out.
He’s packing you out and filling you to the brim as he surges into a vile, hypnotic rhythm. You’re gasping around the glove; groaning and moaning as your body performs the ultimate betrayal against you, and starts to unwillingly peak. 
“Mmph, nufffph…” You lament helplessly around the suffocating glove. 
"Look at this slut, coming already. Barely fucked you, sweetheart and you're coming all over me!" Dave cajoles as though he's unimpressed. 
"His cock feel too good in ya, honey?" Joel asks, stroking at your sweat laden face.
You whine, unable to speak with the glove still stuffed in your orifice.
"Oh, I know, darlin'. Let's get that out, shall we?" Joel reaches for the leather and slowly pulls it out of your stretched, dry mouth. "That better?"
You nod, licking around your taut gums. "Uh-huuuah…" You groan as your back tenses and your body arches.
Dave pistons in deep, grabbing a hold of the meat of your hips with sharp, tight fingers. You can already feel the bruises forming as he squeezes around your malleable flesh. 
Joel smiles, grabbing at your jaw, squeezing it tightly in a binding crush of his fingers and stubby thumb. "Tell me how good it feels with Dave’s cock in ya cunt." 
"G-goo-ood." You whimper, snottily. You say it to appease him; it’s what he wants to hear, but Dave’s hitting those spots inside you that creep up your shoulders and whisper in your ear that it does, in fact, feel good.
Your muscles are tense all over your body making you feel like lead, but that building heat is melting it all away until you’re a boiling, metallic liquid running off the table to melt Joel’s boots. 
"Just good?” Joel frowns. “Ya can do better than that. He’s giving it to ya hard, honey n’ you’re telling me it’s just good?” He shakes his head disapprovingly. 
"S-so goo-ood…" you stutter, your words being forced out of your larynx with every brutal thrust Dave gives you as he riles and growls behind you.
"Tell him it's the best fucking cock ya've ever had." Joel prompts with a controlled voice. 
"It's t-the best cock… I've ever ha-haad." You hiccup through your wails.
Dave continues to pummell you. You can't take it anymore, it begins to hurt as he nudges against your cervix like a battering ram. It begins to charge and stew. It begins to turn you out, kicking and screaming by the ankles as your fingertips fizz and your eyes roll back into your skull as though possessed by the emergence of another haunting orgasm, only this time stronger than the last.
It's burning, licking all over your skin and melting you. He's taking from you, owning you. 
And it feels oh so fucking good.
"Oh God, oh fuck!" You cry. “Please! Fuck, yes!” You’re babbling; possessed by the inucubus-like demons that twist and trick and convince you that you want this as they lick at your ear. That somewhere, in the back of your mind, this has always been a dark fantasy that you’ve been reluctant to walk the path of.
You can feel the drool from your mouth pool on the table under you, sticking to your cheek like syrup. 
Joel slaps your face and it stings you back to reality for a second. "Louder darlin'!"
"It's the… aaah-ha! Oh God! The-best-fucking-cock-I've-ever-fucking-had! Aaahh! Fuuuuuck!" You wail as Dave snaps his hips into you and you fold completely in half. 
You're shaking and can't seem to stop, Dave's dastardly grunts filling your ears as you squeeze and flood him. "That's it baby, soak my cock. Just like that you little slut." 
"Ohh. Frankie. Man. That's gotta hurt." Joel snorts as he lets your face go and it falls back against the table with a heavy thunk. You've no energy to keep it up right now as you succumb to Dave’s cock tearing you open whilst your bones dissolve. 
Frankie purses his lips as Joel stands up with a smirk tossed at him. The two men watching you as Dave brutally gives you a pounding that feels like it’ll never let up.
And you kinda don’t want it to. 
“Enjoying the show, boys?” Dave pants around a wheezed laugh. 
He reaches forward and pulls at your hair again, snapping your neck up, your spine bending backwards on itself like a screwed up question mark, as he holds you there in a warped contortion and your body can only take it. 
It shouldn’t feel like this, it shouldn’t feel good and devouring. You should be repulsed, you should be frightened with how he's invaded you. You should be doing everything you can to fight him off. 
But you don’t want to.
You want him to snap your spine in half and eat your insides. You want Dave to annihilate you and pulverise your body into ashy dust. You want him to make you come again. 
“Watch me break your girl in half, Frank.” Dave croons evilly, as if able to read your thoughts. 
“Oh god... fuck... please!" Even your mouth betrays you now, begging him for more. "Dave! Pleasepleaseplease…"
But somehow your cries and begging him only make your orgasm that much more intense. And while he laughs, while they all laugh at you being railed on the dining table, deep derisive chuckles at your utter humiliation by Dave’s hands, you come again right on top of the other; your entire body shaking and trembling as you’re being exorcised of any reluctant demons left inside you.
You want this. You want them all to have their fill and to fill you up. You want to be tossed around and shared by them all. Left muddied and stained. 
"Daaaaaave!" You wail.
“That’s it, scream for me! I fucking love it when little sluts scream. Little sluts who scream like they don't want this cock buried in their cunt." Dave grunts into your scalp and he’s all teeth. 
You’re completely out of breath. Your body is caving into him as he ruts and fucks you harder, deeper and without any intention of stopping soon.
You’re starting to believe it when he said he’d always wanted to do this, always wanted to fuck you. And now that he his, it's more terrifying and wonderful than what you could have imagined. 
You can feel him speed up, really giving you his all, as his breathing starts to wane. His thighs are constant thuds against your ass cheeks, so much so that you imagine the skin between you is now one.
“Fuck!” He yells out. 
When Dave comes, it’s like he’s howling at the moon; turning himself around his bones and sinew as he pants and wheezes like an animal with bloodied carcass strings hanging around his teeth.
You feel him pump into you, his thighs buckling and his hands releasing your hair from around his grip; you feel like you’ve been scalped. 
He lets go of you completely, tossing your used body onto the tabletop like garbage, as his cock slips out and you can feel his come pooling at your entrance. You inadvertently squeeze to stop it sluicing down your thighs as your panting subsides.
You’re dizzy, you’re seeing spots in your vision as you try to remember how to breathe. 
You’re given no remission; Joel’s there immediately as Dave steps back, catching you before you slide off the table into a heap as your legs finally give way. 
“I got ya, darlin’.” He scoops you up into his strong arms with ease, and carries you through to the lounge. 
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Joel makes his way with you in his arms; his heavy boots crunching in some of the popcorn spilt on the floor in your earlier fright from Frankie that you'd missed clearing up.
He sits on the sofa, cradling you in his wide lap and stroking through your hair gently. Your arms are aching, feeling like they're on fire as your wrists are still lashed together tightly behind your back. 
You look up, in a heady stupor, to see Frankie still watching from the dining table with a blank, unreadable face and dark eyes, and Dave pouring a glass of water and gulping it back, clearing his throat, naked from the waist down and puffing out his cheeks that are pink with the exertion. His face shines with sweat. 
“Let’s get these off ya, darlin’,” Joel says. 
He pulls a switchblade from his back pocket and you flinch as the blade flicks open. He waves it under your eyelashes and you tense. 
“M’gonna cut ya free. Ya try anythin’ and I’ll slide this into your belly, y’hear me?” He pinches the fat of your stomach under the flaps of your pyjama shirt to emphasise the point. 
You nod frantically as he cuts the cable ties from your wrists. 
Tucking the knife away, he brings your hands around to your front and massages the feeling slowly back into them. They have purple rings around them that itch and weep from raw blisters. 
He brings your wrists to his lips and presses gentle kisses over the broken skin whilst holding eye contact with you.
An urge surges through your fingertips; you feel compelled to stroke through his curls, feel him nuzzle into you at his gentle nature. Run your nose over his facial scruff and see if it smells different from Frankie’s. 
But you don’t, he keeps your twitching hands firmly in his own as he kisses delicately, runs his soothing tongue around the welts. 
“Better?” Joel asks you after a few minutes. 
You nod as he pushes your knotted hair behind your ears.
“Alright, darlin’. Lay back. M’gonna fuck ya now.” 
"Please-" you start in a weak protest. Your body isn;t ready for another pounding yet.
"Shut up. Ya gonna take what I give ya like a good girl." He menaces in the same gentle tone, which is unnerving as it is heated. “In fact, let’s get you down here. Can splay ya out. S’better.”
Joel picks you up like you weigh nothing and lays you on the wooden floor, pushing the coffee table out of the way with his other hand effortlessly. It creaks across the wooden floor.
His foreboding, giant hands grip either side of your pyjama shirt lapels and wrenches it open with a quick yank; the buttons tearing and popping off, some never to be found again.
"Fuck," Joel groans as your breasts spill out at him. He leans forward over you, taking a nipple between his lips and sucking on it, pulling on it with his teeth and making you hiss. 
"Such a nice pair, darlin'. Jesus." He gruffs tonguing around your nipple as it hardens in his mouth. He runs his mouth across the valley and peaks of your breasts, his tongue lavishing attention around those stiff nipples that he teases.
You feel him bite down on the meat of the left one and you hiss as he sucks the skin in around his teeth ferociously. He rises up when he’s left a purple mark. “Something for ya to remember me by,” he says. 
Your eyes water, yet you groan in response to his biting, and shut them as he leaves another mark on your sternum. You feel a sharp sting across your cheeks; you open them again in shock.
"Eyes on me." Joel warns. "Want you to watch me turn ya out." 
“Please, Joel…” You whine, trying to resist him and the way he can simply knead and spread you about with ease like you’re a pliable plasticine doll. But your body is too strung out from Dave’s gruelling punishment. It has no fight left in it.
You try to close your legs, but Joel’s too strong. He wrenches them apart with a simple shove of his hands making your thigh bones crack: his stocky body filling the gap and stopping you from shutting them again as he slots in between like a giant cinder block.
"Don't act like ya don't want me inside ya. I know you've been thinkin' 'bout me doing this to ya. You're a fuckin' tease." 
Joel's always been big. With his broad shoulders and biceps that often strain under his plaid shirts, he's the quieter one of the three of them, the softer one.
A gentle giant that would always come to your aid if you needed him. And he knows how to grill a mean steak when he invites you and Frankie over for barbecues and he makes for the perfect, gracious host. 
But tonight, he's showing you a side of him you never thought could exist. A side of him that's turning you on explicitly, despite the creeping exhaustion and pursed reluctance.
Joel's a Texan gentleman through and through. But tonight, he's a wild fucking animal. 
“Y'gonna hold ya girl steady for me, Frankie? Squirmy lil' thing ain’t she?" Joel grunts as he unbuckles his belt. 
Momentarily, you feel Frankie lifting your head into his lap and securing your arms above your head as you wriggle and headbutt against his thighs. “Don’t fight it, hermosa.” He warns. 
"Gon' make a mess of ya, darlin'," Joel smirks as he shuffles his jeans off and you spy his ominous cock; massively hard and dripping. It's huge, almost comically so, and you gulp. 
"Ya ever had a cock this big before? Gon' break ya open." Joel spits into his palm and smears it all around his fat head as he pumps himself. 
You gasp; a deep guttural howl transmorphing into a silent scream as Joel pushes the head of his engorged cock against your hole and begins stretching you out.
"Oh God… so fuckin’ tight. Ya didn't tell me how good this would be, Frankie." Joel groans through a slack jaw. "Ya can't be keeping this pussy to yourself. That ain't fair." 
You hear Dave snicker in agreement above you as he repositions himself on the couch to get a better view of your plight. 
“Oh fuck…” You cry out as Joel continues to push in further.
Frankie's cock was big, he often left a delicious ache deep inside you for days after. Even Dave's cock you'd feel bruising around your insides in the morning. But Joel? Fuck, Joel wasn't joking when he said he'd break you open.
It burns and sears and you feel so full despite him not being all the way in yet.   
"Fuck Joel, you're… it's too much. I can't-" You protest, shaking your head and screwing up your eyes.
"Suck it up." He grunts as he pushes his hips further into yours. 
"Take it," Frankie grizzles, as you try to thrash against his hands, pinning your arms down. Your whole body feels full of Joel as he finally stills; his full, fat length buried inside you and you can feel yourself rib and pulse around him, already on the cusp of falling apart. You're whimpering and shaking already.
"Well look at that, seems ya can take me after all, sweetheart." Joel smirks, the crest of his hips now pressed flush against yours. The weight of him crushing you somewhat. He looms over you, his gigantic palms flat on the floor by your head. 
"Please move," you whimper around grinding your teeth. “Oh God, Joel, you’re too fucking big-”
"What's that, darlin'? Ya begging me to fuck ya now?" Joel chuckles. "Ya girl's really greedy for cock, Frankie." 
“Fuck her,” Dave encourages. 
Joel pulls backwards and slams forward into you with a hard shunt. "There we go." 
"FUCK!" You wail, water blinding your eyes as they mist over. You feel him; one quick, hard shunt of his cock inside of you and you gasp at the full invading breach as he bottoms out.
Although it feels like he’s ripped right through your back. 
He does it again and your breath is pumped out of your lungs into the air above you as you flounder, trying to suck it all back in. 
Joel's large paws grab at your hips as he kneels up and steadies himself into a brutal pace, rattling your bones with each powerful thrust. 
Your hands squeeze into fists and you glance up at Frankie; a poised smirk over his upside down features, a few renegade curls falling into his face, watching Joel's thick cock hammer into you. 
Joel's grunts fill your senses, mesmerised by the way he looks down to see himself pull back and admire how wet his cock is with you before he raises his eyebrow up and smirks accomplished. “Greasin’ me up good, darlin’.”
“Joel!” You wail as he slams on in again. You’re just a body for him to fuck, a toy for him to twist out of shape and break apart. “Oh fuck, please, nuuaaaahhh!"
Your gasps and cries are soon silenced by Dave straddling your face and planting his heavy balls into your mouth. "Shut up and suck." He commands.
He strokes his now hard cock again, and groans as you’re forced to suck whilst Joel continues to annihilate your cunt. 
Dave smirks at Frankie who’s still pinning your wrists in place. 
You look up at them both, staring into one another as Dave jerks his cock and Frankie holds his eye contact with flared nostrils.
Dave grips onto Frankie's shoulder with a heavy clap. He growls whilst you suck on his balls that have completely filled your mouth, squeaking around them as Joel forcefully pulls another orgasm from you. 
Frankie rests his forehead against Dave's as he groans, fucking into his own fist. 
You see Frankie's lips twitch, whispering to him, but you can't hear anything over your own muffled squeaks and Joel's rabid panting.
You think you lipread Frankie telling Dave to come. To come for him, and that thought alone makes you surge and cry out as you release all over Joel's cock uncontrollably.
Meanwhile, Joel is destroying your cunt as he thrusts deep and with intent on making you feel it; feel him with every shunt that leaves you gasping for oxygen as it's pushed out of you by his dick. There's simply no room in your body for both. 
Your squeaking around Dave's balls reaches a fever pitch and the humming against them only makes him grunt and growl heavier. 
His grip on Frankie's shoulder tightens, screwing up his t-shirt as he pumps his cock faster. He tenses and you feel his balls lurch in your mouth as he spurts ropes of thick ejaculate all over Frankie's denim clad thighs. 
He hoists himself off of you, panting and sitting back on the couch. "Clean him up," Dave instructs you with a click of his fingers. 
Joel pulls out of you and flips you over onto all fours and ploughs back in as you shakily get to licking Dave's come off of Frankie's jeans. 
"Good slut," Dave praises as he sits back on the couch, his arm slung over his face and breathes deeply. 
You feel Joel pry apart your ass cheeks. You feel a wet globule of his spit on your ass and you flinch at it, feeling it cool and sloppy as he rubs his thick fingers around it, teasing your puckered hole.
You then feel Joel's thumb stretch through your rim. You instinctively clench and he growls. 
"Clench and it's gon' hurt. I'll make sure of it." He smacks your ass as you yelp from the sting.
"Relax, hermosa," Frankie instructs, grabbing hold of your face and focusing your attention on him.
You shake your head frantically; the thought of Joel’s cock ploughing in your ass fills you with utter dread and horror. “No,” you implore Frankie with wide eyes. 
“I said, relax.” Frankie says squeezing your cheek bones tightly. You can feel Joel twisting his thumb deeply in your hole.
 A dewdrop of Dave’s come is smeared on your cheek and Frankie scoops it onto his finger and holds it out to you. He hisses, biting his lip as you suck it off, eyeing him the whole time.  
"You're such a good fucking whore for us, aren't you, baby? Quieres esto tan mala, ¿verdad?" Frankie nods encouragingly as you fall under his dark spell. You feel his own thumbs stroke at the sides of your face now as you pant and whine. 
"Yeah…" you nod too, straining not to clench as Joel's thick thumb hooks fully into your ass. 
"There we go, snug as a bug, darlin'." He emits a chuckle that seems to grab at you and shake you with its eerie, sadistic violence.
“Does ya girl squirt Frankie?” Joel asks as you inadvertently start pushing back against him as he fucks you more laboured now.
Frankie chuckles and nods. “Just gotta know the right place to stroke.” He looks back at your face in his hands, sweaty and panting. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
Joel nods in agreement. “I reckon you can squirt for me, darlin’.”
“She can. Let me get some of that pussy.” Frankie says, highly enthused at the prospect. 
Joel pulls out and rolls you on your back as you collapse into the floor. You can see Dave sitting forward, elbows on his knees and watching you intently with those dark eyes. You reach around his ankle and tug gently and whine and he responds to your wanting.
He slips down and slides behind you, propping you up, groping and massaging your breasts.
You catch the glimmer of his wedding band as his hands work your tits and you can only wonder at what Carol is assuming he’s doing this evening.
Those thoughts are cut short as Joel kneels up, slipping his thick cock back inside you, and Frankie lays down beside him on his stomach and starts sucking on your clit. 
You whine, watching intently as Joel’s hand comes down on the back of Frankie’s head, sifting through his curls and groans. His mouth is practically on Joel's cock too, and it does something to you as your body fizzes in response to the delicious sight of it. 
“Fuck!” You cry out, biting down on your lip. 
The pressure on your clit and the way Joel hits that spot deep inside you just right starts to build in your body. It all centres, gathering deep in the pit of your core as the warmth starts to choke you up.
You feel it tightening, bunching. Your toes start to curl, your fingers crack. Your back lifts and arches of its own volition and your thighs shake and stiffen.
You feel a pull, a heavy sensation as you bear down. The pressure mounting, pushing… You see those phosphenes glimmer at you as you close your eyes.
You can hear Dave’s snarls close to your ear, feel his fingers tugging on your nipples. Feel Frankie’s skilled tongue drawing those fast, dizzying circles on your clit. Feel Joel hitting that spot again and again that’s going to annihilate you imminently.
They're everywhere, they're all over you.
Your climax is almost violent; you buck and shudder as you release the pressure, always feeling for a split second like you'll pee, but don't.
You're gushing loudly, and uncontrollably, over Joel’s cock and Frankie’s lips. It bears down again, that weight inside of you erupting as you release. Frankie laps it up like a starving animal as it soaks his scruff. It feels like you’ll never stop. 
“Holy shit!” Dave remarks with a smirk watching you squirt. He squeezes your tits together as you place your hands over his and giggle deliriously. He squeezes your fingers around his. 
The combination of having Joel’s thick cock in your pussy, while receiving a tongue fucking from Frankie makes for a most lewd and unabashed scene whilst your head thrashes against’s Dave chest as he chuckles just as bewildered by it as you are.
You can’t believe it, your cunt is absolutely gushing as the three of them work in tandem to completely destroy you. And you’re loving it. 
Frankie licks his lips that are dripping as he rises up, the collar of his t-shirt is soaked, and Joel grabs a hold of you and fucks harder, quicker. More determined as he nears his own release. 
“Joel!” You wail as you squeeze against Dave’s fingers, feeling like you could crush them.
Finally, Joel comes roaring like an animal, and pumps himself liberally inside of you. 
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"Fill her up now, Frankie.” Joel nods with a puff as he pulls out.
The mess that is over the wooden floor between your legs is obscene.
Frankie pulls off his Levi’s, runs a hand through his messy hair, and crawls over you.
"Who's pussy is this?" He asks slipping a finger side of you and feeling the spend of both his friends in there, warm and silken.
"Yours," you whimper.
"Really? I think you need reminding, hermosa. Seeing as you've been such a fucking slut tonight, hmm?"
"Frankie..." you whine as he pulls you forward towards him. He lines himself up with your pussy, pushing in.
"Aah!" You groan.
“Fuck, Joel stretched you nice and good, baby. Shit. You feel loosened up.” He growls thrusting hard and fast. You can only clutch onto him, only whine and groan as Frankie gives you his all.
"My pussy. My fucking pussy." Frankie seethes at you, hips snapping furiously into you. He pants, growls. Garbled Spanish and English flows from his lips as he pummels you.
He finishes inside of you quickly, too riled up from this whole scene to not bust a nut quickly. 
“Got all three of us in that slutty pussy now, don't you?" Dave taunts.
“Which one of our kids ya gon’ have?” Joel smirks as he pats your tummy gently. “Cunt’s filled to the brim.”
The three of them dazzle you, utterly fucking you up. Working together like a team; a gang of insidious spectres dominating and taking their turns with you.
And you fucking love every single second of it. 
After Frankie fills you, Joel pulls apart your legs to watch the cream pie spilling out of you. 
He runs his fingers through it, pushing it back inside you. He then brings them to your face, Dave holding onto your jaw and bringing it forward towards Joel's drenched digits. He rubs them over your lips. "Lick ‘em clean. Taste all of us." 
They all watch with praise and smirks as your tongue moves out tentatively, licking the salty cream from Joel’s fingers until he finally pushes them in your mouth.
Your lips wrap around them tightly as you suck them like you would Frankie's cock.
“Mmm,” you whine, giggling. "You all taste good."
Dave chuckles behind you and Frankie laughs, his chin leaning on Joel’s broad shoulder.
“Good slut,” Dave praises in your ear.
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You lay there in a crumpled heap, gradually gathering your thoughts; striving to understand and come to terms with what has happened this spooky evening. 
But initially you’re still too confused, still swimming in a blissed out fracture of reality bobbing along the surface of a choppy existence.
Baffling questions bloom and wilt quickly as you have no answers to appease the turmoil of embarrassment, shame… of pure unadulterated pleasure. 
You can hear the shrill echoes of the guys in the hall, dressed and murmuring with Frankie. You can't hear much, the ringing in your ears from your body being mauled and torn at still hums, but you think you can make out Joel saying something. 
She’s a good sport… Hope she liked it.
Take care of her tonight. Dave adds. 
Ya still coming over Sunday, for the game? Joel checks.
You feel like you zone out for a while, only coming to when Frankie stands above you, towering and looming; his presence breaking the barriers of your heavy consciousness.
The look on his face is unreadable, impenetrable. 
You peep up at him from behind the scraggy mess of your knotted hair, your scalp still aching from how hard Dave had tugged on it. 
"I can't believe you did it." You grin, the concealed violence of this night escaping through your teeth into blissed satisfaction.
Frankie’s cool look instantly melts into a warm sunbeam. "Was it what you wanted, querida?" He asks, crouching down, knuckles running against your leg affectionately.
You nod. "It was better than I could have imagined. Creepy. But so fucking good." You smirk dreamily. "I really got into it."
He smiles accomplished, a faint blush of pink creeping under his eyes and in the crinkles there as he grins. "Good. How are you feeling, you a little sore?"
"My whole body feels like I've been tackled. I think Joel broke me." You start laughing as your pussy flinches in horror at the recall of him stretching you wider than you've ever been. 
"He's a big guy." Frankie chortles. 
"You're telling me. Jesus." You reach down and cup your battered pussy. 
"Come on. I'll run you a bath." Frankie scoops you up in his arms and carries you up to the bathroom.
You plant a delicate smooch on the side of his golden neck. “Thank you for this,” you murmur. 
“Cualquier cosa por ti, mi amor.” He runs his soft scruff against your cheek as he navigates the stairs. You can smell your cunt in it and you smile. 
He gets in the bath with you, pulling you back against his soft belly and soaping your body down with a hot washcloth. Your wrists are still purple; he smiles insidiously, feeling a rush through his cock at the decay of them.
"Did you enjoy it?" You query as his soapy fingers interlock with yours and you feel his breath cool against the shell of your ear. 
"I loved every second of it," he assures. 
"No jealousy?"
"None at all. I trust them. We discussed it in length. I told them anything goes, but no kissing you on the mouth and they respected that. It's all good."
You nod and mull it over, enjoying the hot water soothing the embryonic bruises you know will gestate overnight on your skin. You glance down at the purple bites Joel left on you. You press on one enjoying the masochistic flare for a few moments. 
You think back to so many things, but then you remember Dave and Frankie and that intimate moment you witnessed where Frankie was whispering to him. 
"Have you guys… ever done stuff together?"
"No. No, never." He says. “First time. For all of us actually.”
You nod, admittedly feeling a little swell of disappointment. But it’s washed away by the thought that perhaps they’ll be up for it again, one day.
"Well, this is going to make poker nights interesting now, hmm?" 
You feel his chest vibrate against your back as he laughs. "Yeah." 
"Dave is just… an animal!" You exclaim chuckling.
"Poor Carol." Frankie says, and you both start laughing and find you can't stop for a little while.
You both stay in the water until it starts to cool and the bubbles have all gone, just enjoying Frankie noodling and fussing over you, and relishing how lucky you are as he wraps his wet arms around you, and you could happily drown in the bath water.
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It's late; the dawn is on the cusp of rising on the first day in November and you watch as Frankie climbs into the sheets, naked as the day God created him with golden tan skin, pulling you back against his body that moulds itself around yours like warm putty. 
His thumb draws gentle circles on your navel as he buries his face into the nape of your neck. You reach for your phone, previously plugging the charger back into the wall.
“Did you do something to the power?” You query.
He chuckles. “Yeah. I switched off the breaker. Joel must’ve reset it when they left.” He yawns. 
“You guys thought of everything.” You smile. 
"We were in the house for a while. You were asleep." You hear him smirk into you skin.
You smile. You see a message that had come through whilst your phone was off, from Frankie, and click it open.
It's a selfie of Frankie, Joel and Dave outside on the porch with the Halloween masks on, possibly taken moments before they stormed the house. 
Underneath is a message typed out:
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You smirk as Frankie stirs behind you, rubbing your back, and you put your phone back on the table and rollover into his arms.  
The light from your phone stays illuminated on your previous message thread with Frankie:
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“I love you,” you murmur into his skin as you settle, closing your eyes. You plant a couple of small kisses on his chest.
"Yo tambien te amo, hermosa." Frankie whispers, his fingers dancing slowly in your hair as you finally drift off into an exhausted sleep inside of the Devil’s arms. 
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I really hope you got a spooky kick out this story. I'd love to know your thoughts and I hope you enjoyed reading it on this Halloween Fright Night. 🖤🎃
🎃 Re-blogs & comments fuel me! TY!💀
606 notes · View notes
absurdthirst · 4 months
Property of Dave York {Dave York x F!Nanny!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9.2k
Warnings: Voyeurism, video surveillance, masturbation, kidnapping, threats of violence, coercion, dub-con, derogatory language, gun play, spanking, oral sex (male receiving ) rough sex, choking, guilt, forced cuckolding, cream pie, anxiety, break up texts, murder, fingering, pussy slapping, sex toys, anal fingering, anal, double penetration, aftercare, forced imprisonment
Comments: Carol's offer of the York family cabin for a romantic weekend away for you and your boyfriend turns dark and deadly when Dave shows up. Unhappy with how you are being fucked and deciding to take you for himself.
🚨🚨DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT - this story contains dark theme of coercion, dub-con due to deadly threats, murder, imprisonment - do not read if this bothers you🚨🚨
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“Are you sure?” You ask Carol, eyes wide as she offers to let you use the family cabin for the weekend. 
“Absolutely. I'm heading out of town to see my mom with the girls. Dave will be here and we want to reward you for all of your hard work. You’re so good with the girls and do so much above and beyond. We want to reward you.” Carol offers you a sweet smile. 
You shake your head, “I don’t know what to say.” You admit and Dave smiles, “just say yes.” 
You nod, overwhelmed by how good the Yorks treat you, “th-thank you.” You reply and they both smile. It’s a reward beyond your dreams to get to spend the weekend in the woods with your boyfriend at the York family cabin. Little do you know that Dave hates the idea. 
You were hired about a year ago to be the live-in nanny to the York family. At first, they seemed like any other suburban dream but you began to notice small details that tipped off the fact that maybe Dave isn’t the man he says he is. The blood stained clothes on the floor in the mud room late one night and he told you he cut himself yet that was too much blood for an injury you couldn’t see. Then the random calls which meant Dave would disappear for days on end after. 
The weirdest thing is the man’s internet history. When trying to search the computer for Molly’s schedule, you accidentally came across a page that detailed the internet history of the house and you, being curious, clicked on some of the links. Porn. But not your average vanilla stuff. This was bondage, it was BDSM. It was rough. Fuck, that must be Dave. The time stamp was the middle of the night and you know Carol can’t survive without her sleep. 
You hate to admit it but you touched yourself to thoughts of Dave treating you like that. He’s so sexy, authoritative, and secretive. Maybe that makes him sexier. Well, certainly when compared to Johnny, your sweet boyfriend who won’t even so much as spank you. Still, you can’t get involved in any way. This is your boss and you’d be risking your job and home and a mortifying rejection since you know Dave doesn’t want you like that. No, you’ll enjoy the cabin this weekend with Johnny and maybe you can get off thinking of dirtier things while your boyfriend sweetly goes down on you.
The smile on Dave’s face is a very practiced one. One that doesn’t show the anger, that only flashes for a brief second in his eyes before he blinks it away. Carol hadn’t talked about this with him and he wants to snatch the keys away from you as his wife holds them for you to take. Instead, he smiles. “Just say yes.” He watches as you sputter and take the keys to the cabin he had bought and was normally a weekend getaway from him and the girls. Often when he needed to recuperate from a rough mission or a job had gotten too close. Why the fuck had Carol decided to give his fucking cabin to the nanny for the weekened ot use as a fucking sex room? That dipshit you were dating wouldn’t know what the fuck he was doing. Could he even build a fire? He scoffs to himself and grinds his teeth, furious as he thinks about that fucker touching you. It’s bad enough when you have weekends off and you come home smelling like sex and cheap ass beer like you were at some frat party. Probably had been. “You know how to get there, right?” He asks you, knowing he hasn’t told you where the cabin is although Carol might have. 
You nod, “Carol gave me the coordinates. Johnny is pretty good at navigating so we shouldn’t have a problem. It’s okay if I take him, right?” You ask, biting your lip. Fuck, Dave wants to say no but he knows that won’t help him. Carol can’t get suspicious of his desires otherwise you’ll be gone and he can’t allow that. “Of course you can take Johnny.” Carol promises and you grin. 
“Thank you so much.” 
Carol nods, “don’t think anything of it. It’s all set, right Dave?” 
He swallows down his annoyance, “it’s all set.” He offers you a sickly smile that has your stomach knotting and Carol pats his hand, “excellent.” She winks and you grip the keys, eager to tell your boyfriend about the weekend away.
“You girls be good for your mother, and grandma and grandpa, okay?” Dave winks at Alice and reaches out to tug on one of Molly’s pigtails. 
“Daddy!!!” Molly shrieks, batting his hand away as she giggles and he chuckles. 
“I mean it.” He raises his eyebrows at them before moving up to the driver’s side window where Carol is already behind the wheel. “Drive carefully, honey.” He urges, knowing that while he might not love her like he probably should, she is important to him. Plus he wants his girl’s to be safe. While he feels like there is something missing inside him, not able to really connect with his wife, he loves his children. “Call me when you get to your moms.” He leans in and presses his lips to hers quickly before he pulls away. His plans for the weekend have changed and he needs his wife to leave on time, so he had helped her pack up the Mercedes. 
“Wow. This place is sweet.” Johnny grins as you enter the cabin. He’s carrying your travel bag and you admire the decor of the cabin. It’s simple but rustic and you love it. You love being out in the woods, the sound of nature, and of course, being there with your boyfriend. He’s sweet and kind and everything you should want and this weekend you’re going to try and remind yourself of that. Johnny sets your bags down, reaching for you to pull you close, his hands squeezing your ass. “And the best thing is not having to sneak around. We have the whole weekend to do whatever we want.” Johnny kisses along your neck and you smirk, knowing he’s eager to touch you. Has been since you left the York house.
The rustic charm of the house hides the sophisticated camera system. Hidden discreetly in areas that won’t be noticed by anyone who isn’t a trained operative. Carol had never noticed. Now, Dave watches you, glaring at the screen of his laptop as your boyfriend gropes your ass and slides his hand up to cup your tit as he tries to steer you back towards the sofa. “Asshole.” He hisses, jealous that you let this fucker touch you. His cock twitches, making him reach down to palm himself through his pants as he imagines himself with you on that couch. Showing you what getting fucked should be like. 
You let Johnny lay you down on the sofa and he’s quick to remove your shirt, tossing it down and you reach behind you to unclasp your bra, exposing your tits unknowingly to Dave’s gaze until Johnny takes your nipple into his mouth, making you moan. “Fuck. That’s good.” You sigh, running your fingers through his hair as he sucks but it’s not hard enough, not rough enough.
“Fuck.” Dave hisses, reaching up to slide the end from the belt buckle. His cock throbbing in his pants and he’s already decided that he’s going to jerk off, watching you get fucked by this pathetic excuse for a boy. There’s nothing really wrong with Johnny, Dave hates him solely because he wants you. Wants to use you and show you what you really want when you look at him with those searching eyes. Pulling his hard cock out, Dave spits in his hand and starts to smear it over the sensitive head. 
When Johnny slides inside of you, he’s asking if you’re comfortable and you want to roll your eyes. “Fuck.” He hisses in pleasure at how wet and tight you are and you want him to squeeze your throat. You want him to fuck you like it’s your last day on earth. You want him to ruin you but he won’t. You wrap your legs around him, trying to push him deeper. “Fuck baby. You’re so wet.” Johnny groans and you want to be spiteful and tell him you were thinking about Dave being in this cabin, imagining him fucking you, wrecking you.
Dave strokes his cock, hard and fast as he imagines how tight you would be. The squeals he would pull from you would be much better than those damn fake moans you are putting on for him. “You would cry for me.” He grunts, watching you wrap your legs around him. He wonders if Johnny actually buys your moans, if he believes that you are actually enjoying yourself. His cock is slick in his hand, gripping it harshly as he jerks off. 
“Oh my God, I’m cumming!” You cry, throwing your head back as you grip him inside of you, faking yet another orgasm. You moan, glancing up at the ceiling, letting out another fake moan as you wait for Johnny to cum inside of you. He’s grunting, his face buried in your neck, and you whimper, “cum for me baby.” You try to egg him on, squeezing his cock in your walls and you moan his name. 
“Gonna cum. Gonna cum.” He groans, thrusting into you a half dozen more times before he cums.
Dave grunts, holding his breath as he starts to cum. Ropes of his sticky seed coating the towel he had covering the steering wheel of his car as he cums. Stroking himself through the high and watching you as you lay under Johnny limply, helping him ride out his orgasm while very obviously not experiencing your own. He wouldn’t let that happen. Milking the last drops of his release before he sits back in the seat and pants, making up his mind on what he will do next. 
You are cooking when you hear the noise. Confused by the clicking sound and you turn the stove off and on again, wondering if that’s the noise. “Johnny?” You call out, wondering where he is. He isn’t usually this quiet. He’s usually annoying you by now, wanting to incessantly talk about his video games or the latest thing he read on Reddit. You turn off the stove, the pasta sauce is cooked anyway, and you will probably find Johnny lounging on the sofa. “Johnny, baby. I-” You scream, finding Johnny tied to a chair and a gag in his mouth.
A hand comes around your mouth, covering it and hot breath washes over your ear. “Ah ah ah, no screaming baby, not yet.” Dave hums in your ear, grinning at the furious expression on your boyfriend’s face. “Your boyfriend didn’t even lock the fucking door. Anyone could have wandered into the cabin.”
Your eyes widen at hearing Dave’s voice in your ear. Your heart pounds in both fear and arousal. His body is pressed against yours and you shiver against him. Your hands are gripping his wrist but it’s no use, he’s stronger than you. “Be calm and nothing bad happens.” He coos and lowers his hand from your mouth. 
“Please. Let - let us go. We will leave. I- I am sorry Mr. York.” You promise, aware to an extent of what he is capable of.
“What are you sorry for?” Dave asks you, “fucking on my couch? Or faking your orgasm.” He shakes his head. “It was pathetic, watching you moan like a whore when we both know you were counting down the seconds until he came and rolled off you.” He tuts and watches Johnny huff and tug against the ropes tying him to the chair in amusement. “So I decided I’m going to show him how you should be fucked.”
Your eyes widen even more and you step away from Dave. “Wha-what? I- Dave. I- don’t understand.” You shake your head and step towards Johnny. “I- I swear to you baby I had - I don’t know what he’s talking about.” You try to assure your boyfriend who is tied up and Dave chuckles, reaching for your wrists to grip them in his. 
“Don’t lie, baby. That’s not nice. You gotta tell him the truth. He doesn’t make you scream. He doesn’t make you writhe. I’ve seen it. I know it. You don’t soak his cock with your cum.” Dave declares and your cunt clenches at the deep words, the truth you’ve been too scared to say. Johnny laughs around the gag again and you wonder how the hell he’s so oblivious. 
“He’s not wrong.” You confess in a whisper.
Dave smirks and looks over at Johnny smugly. “Strip off your clothes.” Dave orders, squeezing your wrists before letting go. “First, I’m going to punish you for letting this boy touch you. You could have just asked and I would have bent you over my desk every night after Carol and the girls were asleep. Or maybe the washing machine in the basement. That way you don’t wake them up with your squealing.” He chuckles as he steps back and reaches for the hem of his shirt. “You cleaned his cum out of your cunt, didn’t you?”
You nod, knowing this is so wrong. It’s so wrong. You can’t fuck Dave in front of your boyfriend. “I- I showered.” You confess and swallow harshly at the sight of Dave shirtless, several scars litter his skin from his past and it attracts you to him even more. 
“I told you to strip.” Dave orders and you shake your head, “I can’t do it.” You choke, knowing this is wrong. Dave shakes his head, reaching into the back of his pants to pull out a gun. 
“If you don’t strip, I’m gonna spread your boyfriend’s brains over the carpet and no one will ever find him.” Your eyes widen, looking at Johnny’s frantic, scared look, and you know Dave doesn’t fuck around. You reach for your shirt, starting to strip off with shaking hands.
Dave watches as your plain bra is revealed, smirking when you reach behind you and shakily unclasp it. “Those are nice tits.” He hums. “Your boyfriend should have sucked on them more. Bitten them and pulled on them.” His cock twitches in his pants and grunts, “I will. Maybe I’ll get some clamps out for them. Make them really sore.”
You whimper at his words, avoiding the glare from your boyfriend who is shaking his head. He never sucks on your tits, always gets right to fucking you. Sometimes he will go down on you but it’s too sweet. It doesn’t make you gasp and writhe. You toss your bra down and hook your fingers in your leggings, pushing them down and kicking them aside so you are left in your panties. 
“Ah ah ah. All of it.” Dave tuts as he pulls his belt through the loops. You look at Johnny as you push your panties down, the gun is still in Dave’s hand so you kick the underwear aside to stand bare before Dave.
“You don’t deserve her.” Dave turns his comment towards Johnny. Shaking his head in disappointment. “She shouldn’t be able to walk, let alone make dinner after you fuck her.” He slaps the belt against his palm and smirks. “Shouldn’t be able to move.” He flicks open the button of his pants and motions to the couch. “Bend over. I’m going to spank you for fucking on my couch.”
You shake your head, glancing over at Johnny and Dave tuts, pointing the gun at the younger man. “Do you want me to blow his brains out?” You shake your head frantically and move over to the sofa, kneeling on it as you shiver in anticipation for what Dave is going to do to you, knowing it’s so wrong to already be turned on.
You shake your head, “please Dave.” You beg and he smacks your ass again. 
“Call me sir.” He demands and you nod, “sir.” He hums in delight and rubs your ass, making you arch your back. 
“Fuck. I need more.” You tell him, finally letting your desires escape, the ones you’ve concealed for so long.
He pauses for a second, grinning in triumph. “I knew you were perfect.” He groans, pulling his hand back so he can whip your ass with the belt, “you need me. Not some pussy.” He hisses, striking your ass every other work in quick succession.
You cry out. arching your back at the pain, but fuck if your cunt doesn't clench at the sensation. "Oh shit." You pant, trying to catch your breath while Dave caresses your ass. You inhale deeply. ignoring the pained look on Johnny's face as he helplessly watches.
“You like it, don’t you?” Dave asks as he draws back for another slap of the belt against your ass. “Don’t lie.”
“I love it.” You confess, unable to lie to him. He’s tearing you apart and you are unraveling for him, telling him your deepest darkest secrets. You cry out when he hits you again with the belt, your skin is on fire and you pant, trying to catch your breath.
Dave groans, smirking as he flicks the belt against your ass again. “Knew you would love it.” He hisses, his cock twitching in his pants. “You’re fucking dirty, my little whore.”
You collapse forward onto your elbows, ass aching. And you struggle to breathe, knowing it’s true. You’ve always been his. “Yes, I- I- fuck. I’m your dirty little whore.” You whimper, closing your eyes to ignore the hurt look on Johnny’s face, concealed by the gag.
Dave chuckles and drops his hand, reaching out and caressing the welts that are on your ass. “Get on your knees.” He orders you rightly, “I want you to suck my cock. Show you me how much you regret him touching you.”
It’s getting impossible to deny him, the guilt pushed aside by arousal as you shift onto your knees and hiss at the sting when your thighs press against your ass. You look up at Dave as he fumbles to pull his cock out, gun still in one hand, and when he manages to get his hard length out, your eyes widen. Fuck, he’s huge. Your mouth falls open in shock and he grips his length, playfully swiping the head along your lips until you take him into your mouth.
Dave groans as you take him deep, rolling his hips forward. “Fuck.” He hisses, watching as your lips stretch around his cock. He loves it, your eyes starting to water slightly as he pushes himself deeper.
You choke but he doesn’t pull back, continuing to push his cock down your throat, and he grabs the back of your head to stop you pulling off of him. “Take it all.” He demands and you gag but inhale deeply through your nose, concentrating on taking all of him.
You swallow and struggle but you manage to press your nose against the curls above his cock. Making him groan happily as he holds your head there for a long moment before he pulls back. Wanting to fuck your throat, use you for his pleasure, although he’s not filling your mouth with his seed. No. He’s saving that for your pussy. Wanting to replace your loser boyfriend’s seed with his and watch it drip from your folds.
You choke on your breath when Dave pulls his cock back, barely able to catch it as he pushes deep down your throat again. “Fuck. Oh fuck.” He hisses and you are dripping onto the floor as you watch him with watery eyes, loving the way he clenches his jaw. The gun is still in his hand. He looks deadly and that turns you on more than anything Johnny has ever done.
He can tell this excites you. The way that you lean into his thrusts into your mouth and the way that your thighs spread tell him how much you love this. In a few minutes he will be able to see your cunt drooling into the floor, your arousal leaking out of you and dripping down like the little slut that he knows you are.
You whimper around him, saliva dripping down your chin, and when he hisses your name, you slide your hands up to caress his thighs. He allows it, watching you with those dark eyes you’ve dreamed of far too often and you whine when he pulls his cock from your mouth after several moments.
“Get up and bend over the couch.” Dave growls, slapping his cock on the side of your cheek. “Want to cum inside you. after you’ve screamed my name so much that your throat is raw.”
You scramble onto the sofa, desperate to feel him inside of you, to get fucked the way you desperately want to get fucked. You look over at Johnny who has tears in his eyes and you mouth “I’m sorry.” It’s useless but you still want him to know how sorry you are. You’re an eager whore for Dave but he didn’t deserve to get caught in the mess.
Pushing his pants down, he kicks them off and kneels behind you. The barrel of the gun slides up your drenched slit and he chuckles when you stiffen. “I could fuck you with this gun. Click the safety off and shove the barrel in your cunt,” he coos, loving how you whimper. “But I’d rather feel you around me first.” He pulls the barrel back and presses it against your puckered hole. “Maybe next time.” He guides himself to your cunt with his other hand and only pulls the gun completely away when he snaps his hips forward and fills you up.
Your gasp echoes in the cabin, shocked at the abrupt way he fills you, stretching you out, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt. Equal parts painful and pleasurable. It’s all you’ve ever wanted. “Oh fuck.” You choke, unable to breath as he doesn’t give you a chance to adjust around him before he’s pulling out to set a harsh pace, pounding into you like it’s the last thing he will ever do.
Dave hisses at how tight you get, pressing his hand on your lower back when you arch it up. “Fuck, that’s it. God, you love this don’t you?” He chuckles and glances over at where Johnny is sobbing in the chair. “This is what you should have done. You should feel how fucking tight she gets every time I rock into her.” He smirks. “But you won’t, because you can’t fuck her like I can.” He slaps your ass and thrusts harder into you, the slapping of his hips against your ass filling the cabin.
You cry out, his words shouldn’t turn you on but they do. It’s true. Johnny has never fucked you like this. It’s animalistic and you’re fucking breathless, panting as he slams his hips against yours over and over again, gun still in hand as he runs the barrel along your back.
“That’s it, taking it like the little slut you are.” Dave growls, enjoying the way you clench down around him. “My slut. Your cunt needed a real cock inside it. A man who isn’t afraid to hurt you, wants to hurt you.” He groans when you squeal and concentrates on that angle as he plows into you.
“Fuck! Fuck!” You whine, squeezing your eyes shut as he pushes deep inside of you, making you fall forward onto your elbows as you can’t remain upright on your hands anymore. “Yes. You. Needed you.” You know it’s wrong but you’re lost in the haze of lust and you can’t see Johnny’s heartbroken look as you wantonly moan for Dave.
Dave growls, loving how you just admitted that in front of your pathetic boyfriend. “You look so good.” He pants out, “split open on my cock. Be a good girl and cum and then I’m really going to make you squeal.”
You can’t hold back, even if you tried, you cry out when he smacks your ass again and you cum, clamping down on his cock and soaking him. You bite your lip, trying to smother your moan because you know Johnny is still watching you.
Dave growls, pissed that you would try to muffle your moans, and he reaches back to grab your shoulder, pulling you back against his chest. “Don’t you fucking bite your lip.” He huffs. “Or I’ll shoot your boyfriend and the last thing he will ever see is you cumming on my cock,”
You hate that his words make you clamp down even more on his cock. He’s so commanding, it makes you soak him, and he grabs your jaw, forcing you to release your lip. “I’m sorry.” You gasp, to both Dave and Johnny. The fact that you are getting fucked by another man in front of your sweet boyfriend has your heart breaking but your body is aching for Dave.
Dave huffs. Sliding his gun hand down as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, the barrel nudging your clit and he smirks when you gasp and your body reacts. “No you aren’t. You love this. You wanted my cock for so long.” He tells you. “You don’t think I didn’t know you searched my history? Saw what I was into? What I imagined doing to you?”
You would be mortified that he knew you’d seen the videos but he’s making your fantasies come true right now and you can’t stop yourself from enjoying the way he fucks up into you, the cold barrel of the gun nudging your clit enough to make you moan again. “I- fuck - it was so filthy. The - the choking. The spanking. I- I want that so much.” You admit, knowing Johnny wasn’t capable of giving that to you.
“You’re gonna get it.” He promises, feeling your cunt start to relax and he pulls out of you to turn you on your back. Throwing your legs back up into his shoulders, Dave wastes no time slamming back into you to start pounding you into the couch like he imagined when he was watching Johnny fucking you, folding you over to make sure he can plunge deep.
“Shit. Oh shit.” You squeal, he’s so deep inside of you. You feel like he’s in your guts. “Fuck baby. Oh fuck.” You sob, sounding authentic, not faking it like you did with Johnny. “Oh my God.” You whine, cupping your tits as he fucks you like it’s his last day on earth.
“That’s it, fuck, you’re so slutty.” Dave hisses, loving the way your cunt just floods his cock with your juices, every time he thrusts into you more coats him. It’s dripping down his thighs and his balls. Reaching up, he slaps your cheek lightly, not enough to hurt you. “My whore.” He growls, grabbing your throat and squeezing like he had imagined so many times. He could never do this to Carol, she didn’t like anything but basic lovemaking, but you are different. You will give him what he needs.
You grip his forearm as he fucks into you, making you moan and writhe. He grips your neck a little tighter and it cuts off some of your air, making you choke but your cunt squeezes his cock. You love this. It’s filthy and everything you’ve ever wanted.
“You love this.” He coos mocking, grinning over at where your boyfriend has his eyes closed. “Open your fucking eyes.” He orders, pointing the gun back at Johnny and his pace falters slightly. “Watch her get fucked. Every second of my cock inside you, you watch. Knowing you can’t give her this.”
You gasp, hating that you’re so turned on by his authority, and you whimper when he hits something incredible inside of you. Johnny opens his eyes, the look in them is heartbroken and it kills you to know that it’s over between you. He’d never want you now and you don’t know if you would want him after experiencing Dave. “Shit. Shit. I’m gonna cum.” You squeal, feeling how close you are.
Gritting his teeth, your squeal just makes him rock into you harder. Wanting to see how hard you cum, Dave holds the gun up to your head and pulls the trigger.
Fuck, it’s wrong. It’s so wrong. But you cum when he pulls the trigger. The way your life flashes before your eyes as you wonder if he’s just killed you only to hear the click of the trigger and nothing else. It’s the sexiest thing that’s ever happened to you and you gush, soaking him with your cum as you sob his name.
Dave groans, feeling your cum soak him. Making him hiss, flexing his finger and dropping the gun as he lunges forward. Folding you over as he presses his lips to yours and buries his cock deep as he can get it, coating your walls in hot ropes of his seed.
You pant against his mouth, hands wrapping around his shoulders, and you pull him even closer, “Dave. Dave. Dave.” You whine into his mouth, his cock twitching inside of you and he pushes his cum out of you with each rock of his hips.
He practically grins against your lips in satisfaction. Feeling you pull him closer is his personal triumph, getting you to admit that you need what he gives you. Riding out his orgasm before he pulls back to see your body just sag into the couch as he admires his cum starting to well up in your abused pussy.
You open your eyes, looking up at Dave as he shifts off of you, leaning back to admire his cum after pulling out of your cunt. “That’s how you’re supposed to fuck her. That’s how she should look. Wrecked. Ruined.” Dave tells Johnny who is crying, blinking to stop himself from closing his eyes, fearful of Dave despite the gun being set aside.
Dave stands, starting to pull his clothes back on and picks up his gun. “You drove up here, so I’m going to take Johnny down to the bus station.” He tells you. “Safe to say he won’t be staying.”
You are too dazed to really think about it. You nod, knowing you will have to call Johnny and break up formally but you doubt he will ever talk to you again. "I'm sorry Johnny." You whisper, watching Dave untie him from the chair but not ungag your boyfriend who looks equal parts disgusted and scared. You know Dave will send him on his way and then you have no clue what will happen next. You can only hope that he fucks you again.
“Stay here.” Dave shoves Johnny towards the door but doesn’t give him a chance to stop and look at you. Opening the door and pushing him outside before locking it behind him. “Don’t worry.” Dave chuckles quietly as the other man starts to struggle against the rope around his hands. “I won’t leave her alone too long.”
You sigh, leaning back into the cushions of the sofa. The guilt is creeping up on you but the ache in your body pushes it aside. You’ve never been so satisfied and you’re eager for Dave to return, wondering what the next steps are. Part of you worries if he will kill you. You know he’s capable of it. Part of you wonders if he will simply leave you out here to make your way home.
Dave drives Johnny five miles away from the cabin, turning down an old dirt road that leads to an abandoned property. “You don’t have to worry.” Dave chuckles as he parks the car. “Everything will be fine.” He gets out and rounds the car, pulling an increasingly frantic Johnny out. “Shut up.” He hisses, pushing him up against the car and searching for his phone. He smirks when he pulls it out of his left pocket. “You are going to break up with her. Tell her that you never want to see her again.” He chuckles and puts the now loaded gun up to his temple and urges him away from the car. “Let me show you where I’m going to dump your body.” He taunts. “There’s a very nice, dry well. Perfect for you to rot in.”
Johnny cries, sobbing as Dave pushes him towards the well and he knows he has one chance to fight. He spins around, trying to knock the gun from Dave’s hand and he succeeds, deciding to run. He sprints, his hands still bound, and he can barely breathe with the gag in his mouth. “Fucker.” Dave hisses, scrambling to pick up the gun to run after the younger man. When he catches up, he aims and shoots him in the head, watching the body fall to the ground. “Had to make it messy, huh?” Dave huffs as he drags his body to the well. No one would find Johnny.
After he’s unlocked Johnny’s phone with the Face ID, he shoves the body into the well and smirks as he flips through your texts. Frowning slightly when he sees the exchange where he had been trying to convince you to leave your job with the girls, wanting you to move in with him. “Asshole.” He hisses, angrily typing out the breakup message to you, signaling the end of your relationship permanently. After he sends the message, he blocks your number and shuts the phone down, throwing it into the well, along with his body and hums to himself as he walks back to his car. Now he just needs to deal with you.
You stumble from the bathroom, having peed and cleaned up, when you hear your phone ding. Picking it up, you frown when you see the message from Johnny and open it. 
I’m sorry. I can’t do this. Knowing you’ve been his whore and let him fuck you shows what kind of person you are. You are disgusting and I never want to see you again. I hope he satisfies your slutty needs and he’s gonna break your heart. Good luck. 
The message makes you tear up, not able to refute his claims that Dave will break your heart. You know that. He’s probably on his way back now to do just that. You pull on your shirt and panties and sit on the sofa, typing a message back. 
I’m so sorry, Johnny. I do love you. He just gave me what I needed. Can we please talk? I don’t want to end things like this. You hit send and the message never says delivered. He’s blocked you. That makes you cry, mourning the safe, yet boring relationship you had with Johnny.
Pulling back up to the cabin, Dave is happy to see your car still there. Scoffing to himself because Johnny had been happy to let you whisk him away rather than him doing it to you. Knowing it’s slightly sexist, but he doesn’t give a shit. You need a man to take care of you, and Dave is going to be that man. “I’m back.” He announces, walking back into the main room and frowning when he sees you crying. “What’s wrong?”
You sniff, wiping your eyes when you see Dave. “Johnny broke up with me.” You gesture to your phone and Dave wants to roll his eyes. 
“And that’s a bad thing?” He asks and you bite your lip. 
“I- I don’t know. I feel guilty. I- I fucked you in front of my boyfriend and now he’s - oh God. Carol. And the girls. I- shit.” You start to panic, realizing how wrong this all is.
“Don’t.” Dave shakes his head, sitting down and reaching out for you. He doesn’t care about what you are feeling but he has to pretend like he does. “Fuck that loser, or- don’t fuck him. He couldn’t make you cum. And Carol isn’t going to find out about this.”
“How do you know? I - I can’t look her in the eyes when we go back home. She- she’s gonna know. I can feel it. Oh God. This was so wrong. You shouldn’t have done this. You were supposed to be at home and now I- fuck.” You cling to him, soaking his shirt with your tears.
“Hush.” Dave insists, rolling his eyes at your dramatics. Some people just can’t have a poker face and you are one of them. Not that it matters. His hand slides down into your panties and he pinches your clit. “Don’t think about it.” He growls. “Think about what I’m going to do to you right now. In my bed.”
You choke on your sob, his fingers rubbing your clit has you whimpering. The alternations between pinching and rubbing make you moan and your tears run down your cheeks but you stop sobbing. “Fuck. Dave.” You whine, turning your head to kiss his neck.
“That’s it, concentrate on how much you want it.” He groans, his flaccid cock twitching. He always has wanted to fuck someone after he’s killed and he’s going to get to, the gunpowder still fresh on his skin. “You need it. You need what I’m going to do to you.” He bites down roughly on your shoulder, sure that his teeth will leave impressions through your shirt.
"I do. I really do." You gasp, grinding down onto his fingers. He smells like smoke, something you can't put your finger on, but you love it. It smells like Dave. "More. Need more." You whine and cry out when he slaps your cunt with his palm. 
"Patience." He demands and you whimper, "please Dave."
Dave smirks, enjoying how eager you are for him. He pushes a finger deep inside your cunt and curls it up. “When I am here, you are to wear nothing.” He orders harshly, pumping his finger before adding another. “You will be ready to take my cock in whatever hole I want to fuck.”
“Yes. Yes. I’ll be ready. I’ll be ready. I’m yours. Have been yours. Just - I need more.” You beg, lost in the pleasure to really take note of his words. You reach out to squeeze his cock through his pants, wanting more of him.
Dave growls, rocking his hips up, “take your fucking shirt off before I cut it off.” He demands, wanting to bite and suck on your tits. Eager to leave his teeth marks on your skin. To make you feel him when he leaves tonight. He pushes his fingers deep and rough. “Now.”
You scramble to follow his order, pulling the shirt over your head to expose your tits to his hungry gaze. He surges down to bite down on your nipple, making you cry out in both pleasure and pain. His fingers curl deep inside of you and you’re so close. He unravels you impossibly fast until finally, you clamp down on his digits, his teeth buried in your breast.
Dave groans in delight, feeling his teeth break the skin and the coppery tang of your blood floods his taste buds. Not enough to really do damage but from the way you clench around him, you love it.
You pant as he slows his fingers, letting you enjoy your orgasm and your eyes are still closed when he tells you to look at him. “You’re mine now.” 
You nod, “I’m yours. I- I always have been.” You tell him truthfully.
“Good.” Dave pulls his fingers out of your cunt and shoves them into your mouth, nearly gagging you. “Now, your going to go into the bedroom and spread yourself on my bed, I need to get the toy you will have in your cunt while I fuck your ass.”
You shouldn’t shake with anticipation but you’ve never done anal before. None of your boyfriends were interested in the prep work and you wonder if Dave is the same. If he’s gonna just try to stick it in. You stand on shaky legs and make your way to the bed, kneeling on it and spreading your knees to display your cunt and puckered hole.
When he had come into the cabin, he had dropped a duffel bag near the door. All the supplies he needs inside, he unzips it, removing a toy, a bottle of lube and the handcuffs. The collar and chain are left in the bottom, along with the padlocks he had brought to secure the cabin. Taking them into the bedroom, he grunts in satisfaction when he sees you kneeling. “Has anyone every fucked your ass?”
You shake your head. “No. No one has.” You admit, hissing when he smacks your ass over the welts that are still sensitive from his rough treatment earlier. “You can. I want you to. Just - just be gentle.” You plead, knowing he won’t but maybe he will consider it.
He snorts, pulling your hands behind your back and slapping the cuffs on them. “Depends on how good you are for me.” He won’t be too rough, he wants you to anticipate him fucking you rather than trying to shy away. Leaning over and grinning, Dave spits on your puckered hold and reaches out to massage it into your skin.
"Shit." You hiss at the new sensation. No one has done this to you and you already fucking love it. "Fuck Dave." You pant when he pushes his finger a little deeper inside of you.  "I'll be good." You promise, arching your back and your abused cunt clenches around nothing.
“I know you will.” Dave coos, pulling his finger out and coating it with lube so he can push it back inside you. “You know what I’m capable of. What I could do to you.” He chuckles when your tight hole clenches around his digits. “You like that I’m a killer.”
You can’t deny it. It turns you on to know what he’s capable of. “Oh fuck baby. Yes. Yes I do.” You confess, “I love it. I want you to be the one to fuck my ass.” You tell him breathlessly and you gasp when he adds another finger to stretch you out.
The sounds are slick and you aren’t pulling away as he starts to pump and scissor two fingers inside your ass. Making him groan at the sight of your clenching cunt. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are nice and filled up.” He grins, picking up the dildo he had formed from his own cock using one of those kits. “My cock will be the last one you have inside you. Even a toy.”
You hear him squirt lube onto the dildo and you gasp when you feel the silicone press against your cunt. You moan when he starts to push the toy inside of you. “Oh fuck!” You squeal, trying to relax around the girth and you realize that the toy is as thick as Dave.
He chuckles, admiring the way your lips stretch around the toy. “You look good like this, even better when my cock is in your ass.” He taunts.
You pant as he works the toy in and out of you, his fingers scissoring your ass open and you collapse forward, resting your cheek on the sheets, your fingers flexing in the handcuffs. “Please, baby. I need you inside of me.”
He chuckles again and pulls his fingers out of your ass. “You’re ready to be full, huh?” He slaps your ass, leaving the toy inside your cunt as he slathers his cock in lube. He wants it to be slick, for himself and for you taking his cock in your ass for the first time. 
“Yes.” You whimper, making him smirk as he slaps your ass and shuffles closer.
You pant as he presses the head of his cock against your puckered hole and you hold your breath as he starts to push inside of you. It hurts, but you can handle it. His hand caresses your back, “breathe.” He orders and you exhale shakily, inhaling deeply on the next breath. He’s so thick it stings but you want this. You try to relax so you can take as much of him as possible.
Unlike the first time he pushed inside your cunt, Dave takes his time. Works himself an inch at a time. Aware that this is new, plus you still have the toy filling up the other hole on the other side of the thin skin. He can feel the ridges in the silicone and he groans as he rocks into you. “Fuck- fuck you’re going to be so good for me? Taking this cock and a toy aren’t you? You’ll let me do anything I want to you.”
You nod, “yes. Whatever you want. I love - I love it.” You tell him, groaning when he starts to move inside of you. “Yes. Oh yes baby.” You pant when he starts to move faster and he’s gripping the toy, working that in and out too. It’s more than you’ve ever felt and you are already on the edge.
“Fuck, fuck you’re so-“ Dave groans, gritting his teeth and biting off his words when you spasm around him, close to cumming already. “Shiiiit.” He hisses, rocking his hips faster, slapping them against your ass as he works up to a frantic pace.
You squeal when he picks up the pace, pushing into you over and over again. “Yes. Yes! Keep - keep going. Keep going. I - fuck. You’re gonna make me - Dave. Oh Dave!” You clamp down on the toy, squeezing it inside of your walls and you squeeze Dave, shaking as you sob into the sheets at the intensity of your orgasm.
“God, you’re such a perfect little slut.” Dave groans, slowing down and rocking his hips a lot slower than before. He wants you exhausted by the time he is done with you. He needs you to sleep while he closes up the house. “That’s good baby, fuck, you’re so tight.” He praises, caressing your spine. “Want you to cum again. You’re gonna come for me again.”
You recover against the bedsheets, trying to catch your breath while Dave caresses your spine, until he starts to fuck you again. This time, he’s slower. Not as rushed as he rocks his hips, and you try to grind back onto him, arms aching from the handcuffs but you daren’t ask him to remove them.
Looking down, he watches his cock move inside you. Aware that he is recording this very moment on the camera system to keep and watch back whenever he wants. “Gonna fuck you every week.” He groans, twitching inside you. “First you’re going to suck my cock. Kneel down and take my cock down your throat while I finish up work.” He tells you, like he’s explaining how things will go. Because he is. “Then I’m going to fuck your cunt full.”
"Oh God." His words make you burn and you want that, you want him. Every fucking day. "Yes. Yes. My pussy is yours, Dave. I belong to you." You promise, tears stinging in your eyes as your wildest dreams come true. "I need you. I need this."
“You are mine.” He groans, rocking his hips faster and he reaches around you to slap your clit and rub it harshly. “Forever. You’re mine. Mine. You’re going to give me more kids.”
You wonder if he’s just babbling or if he means it. It’s hard to not give into the fantasy. You want him to knock you up, claim you in every way. But you know that if you were lucid, you would be terrified to get knocked up by a married man. “Yes. Yes. Gonna have your babies. As many as you want.”
He snarls, closing his eyes and gripping your hips harshly as he starts fucking into you harshly again. Rubbing your clit in a desperate effort for you to cum again. His control slipping at your acceptance of what he has planned for you. “Yes, fuck, yes, cum for me.”
You can't deny him, clamping down on the toy that is still inside of you, while his cock pushes deep and his fingers play with your clit. "Oh my - fuck!" You scream, almost blacking out from the pleasure. This is what you've wanted, what you've craved since you started working for the Yorks. Now you've got it, your entire body is on fire.
He feels your body give out, collapsing against the bed and flattening out so he just follows you. Still fucking into your ass like a man possessed and his hand trapped between you and the bed, rubbing your clit. He growls out your name, burying his cock deep and filling you with another load of his cum, pulsing deep inside the other hole he had claimed.
You can't open your eyes, you can't move. Knowing he's cum inside of you again, and the way he growled your name, it's more than you can bear. "Fuck. I- I love you. I love you. I love you." You sob, knowing he won't reply but you want him to know.
He doesn’t love you. He can’t. Not when he has the girls and Carol and all the shit that he does. But he does want you. You’re his. He rides out his high and starts to slowly ease out of you once he’s done.
You sigh when he pulls out of you, slowly removing the toy too and you feel so empty. His cum drips out of you, and you want him to take the handcuffs off and cuddle you but he won’t. He will probably uncuff you and then send you on your way. “Thank you.” You murmur, knowing how good this was and you know you’ll need him again soon.
Dave caresses your ass for a moment before he moves towards the bathroom. He needs to clean you up. “I’ll uncuff you in just a second.” He promises, grabbing the toy and bringing it with him.
You watch him come back in with the rag, hissing as he cleans up your abused holes, and you sigh when he unlocks the  cuffs, rubbing your wrists. “Did you enjoy it?” You ask him softly, wanting him to have loved being inside of you.
“Obsessed.” Dave answers with an honest smirk. He knows that you are going to want reassurance and intimacy so he motions for you to get under the covers and pulls them back to get into the bed with you. “I’ll be thinking about it when I’m not inside you.”
Your eyes widen as he slides into bed beside you and you are surprised when he wraps his arms around you. You smile, shifting back to snuggle into him, breathing him in. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring but you have him tonight. He strokes along your stomach and you are lulled into sleep, exhausted from the sex and the events of the day.
He waits until you are softly snoring, slipping out of the bed and picking up your phone to type out another text message, one that would be sent to his phone. Smirking to himself as he hits send, removes your SIM card and erases it. He’s had your password for a long time and now he’s used it. Redressing and stepping out with the bag and padlocks to start shuttering the cabin windows. With you inside.
You blink as you wake up, confused by your surroundings until you remember that Dave had fallen asleep beside you. You sigh and turn over in bed, frowning when you feel the cold sheets beside you. He’s gone. You knew he would leave but a small part of you hoped he would stay. You get out of the bed, shrugging on your robe that you’d brought with you, and you frown when you see the cabin is in darkness. You walk over to the window to open the curtains and you gasp when you find it shut up. Starting to panic, you go through each window, finding each one boarded up, and you rush over to the front door. Screaming when you find it locked, you tug on the handle with no use. You’re locked in. “Dave! Dave! Dave!” You shout, praying he’s still here and this is some kind of joke. You rush around the cabin but he’s nowhere to be found. “Oh my God.” You panic, chest heaving as you come to realize he’s locked you in.
Watching the screen, Dave sees you panicking. He picks up his cell phone to dial the cabin. He’s set it up so that only he can dial in, there are no outgoing calls to be made. He watches you jump when the phone peels and you rush over to it. “Dave! What- what is going on? What - why are you doing this?” You cry, making him exhale slowly, keeping his patience for now. 
“You said you’re mine.” He reminds you quietly. “You didn’t want Carol to find out. So this is perfect. You will stay here, I’ll be up to see you every couple of days and bring you supplies.” He rasps into the phone. “I can see you on the cameras and I’ll call you once a day. Tell me if you need me to bring you anything. And when I come, you can have me just like you said you wanted.”
Your hands shake as you look around the cabin, trying to spot the cameras and you think you see one in the corner. “Please don’t do this. I- I wouldn’t tell Carol. It would be our little secret. I don’t - please Dave. I can be a good girl. I won’t tell anyone. Just - just come and let me out. Please. I - fucking let me out of here!” You shout down the phone, losing your cool as you start to have a panic attack at the fact that he’s locked you in the cabin.
“Ah ah ah.” Dave tuts disappointedly. “A good girl wouldn’t yell about her situation.” He tells you. “I’ll be back in three days, baby. Don’t worry. I’ll bring those cookies you love. And you don’t have to worry about Johnny.” He decides to tell you the truth. “I killed him. And you texted me, telling me that you were quitting to move in with him. So Carol won’t wonder where you’ve gone.”
You sob, hearing the truth that Dave killed Johnny. He didn’t deserve to die. He was a good man. You nearly drop the phone, covering your mouth to smother your sob but know Dave can see it on the camera. “Don’t be sad. Now we can be together. When I want. I’m gonna have you forever. You’re mine now.” Dave declares and hangs up the phone. 
You frantically try to call back on the phone but the line is dead. You press the numbers over and over with no response so you finally slump down onto the floor. Dave killed Johnny and now you are his prisoner. Your selfishness has ruined everything, Dave has destroyed everything. You cry for Johnny, for your future, and you know you won’t make it out of here alive. Dave won’t let you go now. You’ll be his. Forever.
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
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FLAT LINE || dark!Dave York x f!reader || 800
18+ mdni DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, non con, smut
creator chose not to use all the warnings
His obsidian eyes are boring into yours, as you’re thrashing and wriggling, completely naked, while his hand on your throat is holding you pressed to the bed. Your legs are getting tangled tighter and tighter in the cold sheets, soaked with your and your boyfriend’s sweat and cum.
You two were having one of those nights, drinking, smoking and fucking on a loop until this monster slithered into your house and took a shot. Only one for now but you’re sure there’ll be one more.
You’re trying to push him off with your trembling hands, eyes darting between his bloodcurdling stare and the splatter of blood on your wrist. Soon you focus only on them as your mind tries to save you from seeing the whole picture-you’re dying tonight.
The killer lets go your throat, you cough and then try to scream but like in a nightmare nothing comes out of your burning throat.
When he’s done condescending you with this joke of a fight he grabs your hands and cuffs you to the bed. You haven’t done this with your boyfriend tonight but the images of him tying you up a few times before emerge from your memory and you gush more.
As if sensing this pathetic reaction of your body, the man spreads your legs and leers at your puffy cunt.
“You’ve had a fun night, sweetheart?”
His tone is calm, static like a flat line and your heart seems to stop beating, as if already giving up.
His fingers easily slip inside your stretched hole and you jerk and try to kick him off. The killer grabs your ankles and holds them pressed to his shoulder, one big hand is enough to keep your legs together.
He renders you completely helpless, hands chained to the bed, legs bound by his strong grip.
His fingers return to your hole and he pushes them deep into you, with the same cold dead eyes.
“How many times did he come inside you tonight?”
You mewl at the question, staring up at him, vision blurry with tears.
He quickly pushes your legs off his shoulder and holds them up. You squeal even before he slaps your cunt with the back of his hand. Hard. It burns like hell but your whole body buzzes as the stroke sends a wave of arousal from your overstimulated clit to every cell in your body.
“How…many?” He slowly repeats the question and you hurry to reply, scared of another hit.
“Good,” he says and gently rubs your swollen pussy.
You half moan, half cry out as your walls contract at his touch.
He breathes in sharply when a trickle of creamy liquid flows out of your hole.
“She’s all used up and filled to the brim. Lovely.”You hear him say quietly and to your horror he opens his pants with a free hand and pulls out his cock. It’s hard and huge and you whine a pathetic ‘please’ which he leaves completely unnoticed.
He sits on his knees and then gets on top of you, your ankles still in his hand, caging your legs between his body and yours.
The killer plunges in fast and hard, quickly parting your walls with his thick long cock. He’s bigger than your boyfriend and you feel a sting of the stretch.
The man moans over you, pleasure twisting his face, very close to yours now. Hearing him you can’t stop your pussy from squeezing his length.
“So much cum, sweetheart. Feel it pouring out?My balls are soaked,” He whispers against your cheek, his soft lips tickling you.
“Please,” you mewl once again and once again it stays unnoticed.
He lets go of your legs and you don’t have time to react before he manhandles you into a mating-press, bracing his elbows on the bed by your shoulders and starts pounding into you. Your abused cunt burns at first but all the cum inside quickly turns the pain into pleasant stimulation and you chew on your swollen lips.
He growls and roars over your heated face and you squeeze your eyes shut with embarrassment hearing your pussy squelch loudly as his cock churns your boyfriend’s cum inside your cunt.
“Can she take one more?” You hear him growl and open your eyes in fear. If he comes soon it means you have only seconds.
“Please, please, let me go… don’t k…” his palm slaps over your mouth and he bites your cheek, making you squeal into his hand.
“Shut up. Daddy’s coming.”
A few more thrusts and you see him close his eyes as he stills while his warmth is spilling inside you. Then he rolls his hips, spurting his seed again and again until you’re so full of cum you feel it press on your walls already stretched out by his cock.
When he seems to be done, his lips brush against your stinging cheek and you feel cold metal pressed to your temple.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” is the last thing you hear.
Thank you for reading!
Comments and reblogs will make my praise kink go brrrr!
No tag list for this one. If you’d like to be tagged in my dark fics, let me know♥️
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suzdin · 8 months
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Summary: Dave and his team have been sent to kill you, but the night pans out differently than you anticipate.
Warnings: ¡SEX POLLEN! Implied noncon due to sex pollen. Fictional drug use. Mentions of weapons/guns/murder (duh). Threeway sex. Gun play, unprotected p in v, creampies, masturbation (f), fingering, spit roasting, oral (m receiving), use of sex toy on reader, anal, spitting, light degradation, choking, spanking, rough sex, squirting, let me know if I missed anything. No use of y/n. Picture is for aesthetics only, as reader is not given a physical description.
This fic is extremely feral and not for everyone, and that’s okay. <3
Word Count: 4,800-ish
Taglist: @kellybelly1978 @ohheypedrito @darkheartgatita @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain @sonderosa @missladym1981
And of course I dedicate this to @survivingandenduring and @kateispunk for holding a gun to my head until I wrote this inspiring me to write this 😘
Dave prods his index finger at the highlighted portions of the floor plans on the tablet, which he presents to his compatriots.
“There are entrances here, here…and here,” he points out, tapping the third for emphasis. “She’ll be expecting those. Watching them.”
Dave brushes his bottom lip with his thumb, brow creasing in contemplation.
“Ari and Resnik can head off the two main entrances. Joel, you take the side. And I’ll enter…here.” He places a finger where there’s a hastily drawn ‘X’ facing a private alley and courtyard.
“Don’t see a door or window,” the tall, tan man to his left drawls, placing a hand on his hip.
“Right. There’s a secret entrance there which leads to a crawl space left over from the city’s bootlegging days. None of the residents know. And guess where it exits?” Dave asks, eyes darting between the three men.
He places a finger where the bedroom closet would be.
A smirk twists Joel’s mustache. “Shit,” he says, scratching thick, weathered fingers through his scruff. “Gonna hit ‘er from all sides.”
“Exactly,” Dave responds, mirroring the way his companion places his hands on his hips. “We’ll strike at 10 PM sharp. That’s when the main festivities begin. No one will hear a thing.”
Dave crouches next to the hatch that leads to the secret door beneath the building, long since defunct due to the city’s proclivity for flooding.
A crackle resonates through his ear piece.
“Miller. Anything?” Dave asks.
“Nothin’,” Joel answers in a low southern lilt, positioned at the bottom of the narrow stairwell on the east side of the building, clicking the safety off on his Glock.
“Ari, Resnik? Station yourselves. Miller, I’m going in.”
“10-4,” Joel returns.
Dave yanks up on the metal hatch and it opens with a jarring creak, drowned out by the roar of the crowds on Bourbon Street and another jazz band playing their rendition of Oh When The Saints Go Marching In for probably the 1,000th time that evening.
He slips in easily and finds a peeling red door, which is shockingly ajar. A stray cat rushes out with a shriek, spitting feline obscenities at him.
“Fuck!” Dave snarls as the dark, furry void streaks past him and into the night.
“What’s goin’ on?” Joel’s voice.
“Nothing. Fucking cat. I’m inside.”
A low, throaty chortle sounds through Dave’s ear piece.
“Eat shit, Miller. Start heading up. I should reach her apartment in five.”
“Unless there’s more cats guarding the place.” This time it’s Ari’s voice. Dave pointedly ignores him.
The crawl space is narrow and damp, crushing in at him from all sides and choked with cobwebs and god knows what else, but it’s surprisingly not the worst place he’s ever been.
The space quickly dead ends into a ladder that looks like it’s seen far better days, rusting from the bolts outward. Dave can’t help but wonder if it will support his full body weight.
“‘M at her front door,” Joel remarks through the ear piece.
“Climbing the ladder now,” Dave responds as he begins his ascent, gripping the bottom rung and giving it a hard jostle to test its integrity.
The metal rungs protest and groan under his weight, but the structure holds true.
The boys had thought it absolutely ludicrous when Dave had come to them for their help with the hit. Four men for one single woman?
Bullshit. A waste of time and resources.
That is until they’d familiarized themselves with your rap sheet. Just shy of forty murders in less than a decade, and a weapons and ballistics specialist to boot.
But it would all end tonight, and that price on your pretty little head would be a nice cherry on top.
He reaches the hatch leading into your closet a moment later, twisting the mechanism that holds it flush to the wooden floor above.
He draws the Beretta from the holster on his hip, clicking off the safety as he strains his hearing to listen for something, anything, that would give him pause; that would make him abort the mission.
He hears nothing but the music seeping in from the streets through the century old brick.
“I’m in, Joel. I’m in,” Dave whispers, lifting the hatch as he silently crawls inside your closet, the scent of you overwhelming his senses, making his nostrils flair. Cock already half hard in his dark denim jeans at the prospect of another name scratched off his list.
Your name.
Joel makes short work of unlocking your door, pushing it open with his foot as he replaces the Glock with the heavier semi-automatic at his back, holstering the pistol on his hip.
His face pinches. You hadn’t even locked the deadbolt, despite having one, a feeling of dread slithering up the crease of his scrotum, perspiration pricking at his skin.
You’ve been waiting for them.
You register Joel first, his heavy footfalls impossible to conceal under the creak of the original wooden flooring. It’s almost laughable how loud they’re being, Joel making a ruckus behind you and the other rustling somewhere in your closet, probably smelling your panties for all you know.
Joel finds you at an open window, back facing him as some loud pop song he doesn’t recognize drifts up from the Quarter below. You’re naked aside from a short, black pleated skirt that barely ghosts the lower curve of your ass, a silver and white fox tail peeking out from beneath the hem of said skirt.
Though he can’t see it from his current vantage, a gun rests on the window sill in front of you. You’re starting to think you won’t be needing it. Not when the man at your back could have already taken a clear shot at you and didn’t.
You lean slightly forward, revealing more of your ass to Joel and cheering as you catch a handful of colorful Mardi Gras beads from one of hundreds of floats below, waving your arms triumphantly over your head before you slip the necklaces around the lovely column of your neck.
Joel spots Dave then, mocha brown eyes shifting to his comrade, his expression unreadable. The Beretta drawn to shoulder height, trained at your head, but he isn’t pulling the trigger. Not yet.
Lowering the rifle, Joel lifts a fist in the air to signal to Dave, take the shot, asshole.
But he doesn’t, and neither does Joel, staring at your bared skin, the exposed hills and valleys of your body. Two men reduced to little more than their base desires in mere seconds. Exactly what you were expecting.
You finally shut the window and turn to face them when they do nothing but stand there, transfixed by your beauty. You’re wearing a masquerade mask in royal purple that’s trimmed with gold lace, cinched tightly behind your head.
You won’t be needing a gun when you can use sexuality as a weapon. It wasn’t the first time, and certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“Took you long enough,” you admonish, eyes drifting back and forth between the two men.
The larger one is broad and older, unkempt curls swirling away from his head, dusted with silver. The beard tracing his jaw is dark and patchy, a thick mustache framing his upper lip.
A red and black flannel stretches across the expanse of his upper body, tucked into dark wash jeans, ending with heavy work boots. His eyes darken in their regard of you.
His companion is also broad, only just less so, and younger than his comrade by what you guess to be ten or fifteen years. His face is clean and smooth with the barest hint of shadow, plush lips pushed outward in bewilderment, a black beanie pulled down to conceal his dark hair, matching the rest of his attire.
“Love the outfit, but a bit on the nose, don’t you think?” you ask the younger of the two men. The edges of his lips twitch upward in amusement.
You sway your hips slightly, making the tail between your legs wag to and fro, enticing the two men to ease closer. And they do. Exactly where you want them.
Dave notices your fingers dancing across the lid of a small metal box in the nick of time.
A new party drug originating from Ibiza, its purpose intended to act as a powerful aphrodisiac amongst the most experimental, but as with most things, too much could be dangerous, in rare cases fatal. It usually came in tab form, but it had been sold to you as a fine powder, and your plan was to drug them senseless until they fucked each other to death or you killed them, depending on how bored you got.
You grasp the ornate metal box in your fingers and flick your wrist outward, hurling the contents in a direct trajectory at Dave’s face, which would have hit the intended target had he not been ready to deflect the strike with a hastily lobbed pillow from the nearby sofa.
The cloud the hit produces is magnificent, a shimmery white mist which coats your face and lips and everything else in its path, inhaled through your sinuses and entered through your bloodstream as traces of the powder land on your tastebuds.
You spit and claw at your face, but it’s too late, and you know it.
You’re fucked in more ways than one.
The affects are almost instantaneous, a fiery hot inferno that builds low in your core, a lance of pain sawing through you from the inside out. Your pupils dilate and everything is suddenly too bright, too painful, every source of illumination having a halo that almost resembles a mushroom cloud in its brilliance, its potency.
You feel the sticky slick coating the inside of your thighs and you double over, clutching your guts, tears pricking at your eyes.
“Whatsa matter, darlin’?” Joel asks, your show of pain bringing him immense joy. “Can’t handle what you dish out?”
His cock strains against his jeans as he watches you and you groan, spreading your legs as you slip a finger between your folds in a bid to quell some of the ache. “Fuck…” you grit.
“Jesus, York, the hell’s wrong with her?” Joel questions.
Dave can only stare, transfixed, palming himself over his jeans.
Both men can’t help but jump when Resnik’s voice comes through the ear piece, so lost in your body they almost forgot why they were there to begin with.
“Everything alright?” he asks.
“Good,” Dave responds. “We’re…negotiating.”
“Negoti— fucking seriously?”
“Yes,” Dave answers firmly, his voice a low and husky. “I’ll explain later. For now, stay in a holding pattern, and make sure no one enters the building.”
Resnik starts to say something else, but Dave flicks off the ear piece and tosses it to the floor before he can finish, already forgotten. Joel follows suit.
“Help, please,” you whimper, stepping toward Joel as you fumble in desperation at his jeans. “Need it bad. It hurts.”
Joel abandons his weapons, drunk at the sight of you. His massive hands circle your waist, squeezing, desirous, lifting your skirt to cup your ass, exposing the tail tucked between your cheeks to Dave. You keen and without thinking, Joel bends forward to press his lips to yours.
“Miller, stop —“ Dave spits sharply, but it’s too late. Joel kisses you, deep and wanton, tongue swiping hungrily at your lips, and within seconds he receives his own dose of the drug, though not nearly as much as you.
He spins you in his grasp and hikes your skirt even higher up your waist, revealing your pussy to Dave, dragging two thick, callused digits between your dripping folds, bumping your clit. You moan and press your ass against him, the hard line of his cock nudging at the plug, heightening your pleasure.
“Y’like that, darlin’?” Joel murmurs into the shell of your ear.
“Yes,” you answer too quickly. “But I need your cock.”
“That so?” he answers gruffly, making quick work of his jeans as he shucks them off like a second skin, the drug already firmly rooting itself in his brain.
He tugs his boxers down, fat cock springing free from its confines as he shoves you forward, folding you in half over the couch with a broad palm pressed between your shoulder blades, notching himself at your entrance and pushing himself inward with reckless abandon.
You grunt at the reprieve, the sting of how forcefully he invades you, how he fills you.
Dave watches the events unfold in stunned silence, lips parted and skewed, unbuckling his belt as his eyes fixate on your face, your lovely sparkling eyes. The way your mouth hangs open when Joel begins railing into you with everything he has to give.
He reaches forward and plucks the mask from your face, discarding it, so he can see you. See how well you take it.
He drags the pad of his thumb along your succulent bottom lip, pressing it against your tongue, to the back of your throat, teasing. Testing.
He exhales a groan when you don’t gag.
He quickly steps out of his jeans and boxers, climbing onto the couch in front of you, roughly gripping the sides of your face so that your lips pop open for him.
You take him into your mouth without question, mewling softly, your throat and jaw burning with effort as he sinks himself into you.
Dave presses the barrel of the gun against your temple, his voice a snarl as he says, “Try anything and I’ll spray your pretty little brains all over these walls, sweetheart. Understood?”
You nod around him in affirmation as he begins rutting into your mouth, his other hand fisted tightly in your hair.
It isn’t long before Joel drags your first orgasm out of you, every muscle in your body constricting, relieving the pain only temporarily before it flares up again, white hot and slithering through your veins like molten metal.
“Thassit, darlin’. Takin’ that dick like a champ,” Joel praises, giving your ass a sharp slap. Every thrust of his hips knocking against the plug secured firmly in your ring of muscle.
“Fucking whore, letting two men enter you,” Dave growls, the gun pressed so squarely against your skull, it’s sure to leave an indentation.
Joel finishes inside you expeditiously with a low growl, panting into the small of your back as he collapses forward, knees smarting.
“Quick on the draw as always, Miller,” Dave tuts, clicking his tongue.
Dave’s fingers twist at your roots as he pulls you further onto his length, bottoming out with a shudder at the back of your throat.
“Fuck off, York,” Joel retorts, still fully hard inside of you. He tugs at the end of the tail, smirking playfully, causing you to moan.
“What if I shoved my dick up your ass next, sweet girl?”
You whimper around Dave in reverence. For both of them.
“Not a chance. That ass is mine,” Dave snorts. “Soon as I’m done with this mouth.”
Joel doesn’t argue. Your pussy feels too good, the way you squeeze him, and it isn’t long before he’s railing you hard again, never having gone soft, even at his age.
You cum a second time, soaking Joel, your release splashing down his muscular thighs. Your moans reverberating through Dave’s cock.
“Fuck, I’m not going to last like this…” Dave grunts as he pulls himself free from you with a pop of your lips, jaw hanging slack as Joel’s unforgiving pace doesn’t falter behind you.
“Trade places, Joel,” Dave demands.
“Not a chance,” Joel growls, the sounds of his hips slamming against your ass lewd and depraved.
“Now, Miller,” Dave reiterates, eyes deepening a shade as he lifts the gun away from your head to aim it at Joel.
“Fuck,” Joel spits, extricating himself from you as he and Dave exchange places. “Fine.”
Joel’s wide palms cup your face and he doesn’t waste time stretching your jaw and throat beyond their limits because fuck, he’s girthy. You taste the cocktail of you and him on your tongue.
He circles the outside of your throat with his hand and squeezes, feeling himself moving in your esophagus, grunting deeply as he watches you take him.
You jolt when you feel something cold, rigid and foreign dashing through your folds a second later, realizing in abject horror what is happening just as Dave pushes it inside of you and begins fucking you with it.
You moan, eyelids fluttering closed and Joel grunts deep in his chest, hand tightening around the cradle of your throat.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you, slut? You like being fucked with my gun?” Dave grits from behind you.
You make a sound of supplication that tells Dave yes, yes you do.
He grins in satisfaction and drives the gun deeper, angling it just right, making you keen. The resulting squelch is deafening and obscene.
He pulls another orgasm out of you almost immediately, once again temporarily relieving the bubbling pain, sobbing around Joel, who’s already filling your mouth with more of his seed, spilling down your throat with a snarl.
He slows only for a moment, still hard as iron, ready to go again. And again.
Dave drags his lips up the curve of your ass and sinks his teeth into the meat of one of your plump cheeks, clamping down. You writhe against him at the small dagger of pain that courses through you.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Dave purrs, giving the smarting cheek a slap.
As he continues to fuck you with the barrel of the pistol, his other hand skirts your tight star of muscle, fingers dancing around it.
His hand curls into the synthetic material of the tail, reveling the softness against his fingertips, and begins to tug slowly, lightly, testing.
You initially clench out of instinct, but relax your muscles as understanding settles over you, allowing him to pull it free from your puckered hole, letting it drop to the couch.
“Such a good girl,” Dave croons, tilting his face forward to place a chaste kiss there, the tip of his tongue darting out to circle your rim. You whine and arch into his touch.
“You should have some of this drug, York. Y’won’t have to worry about lastin’ then.”
“No,” Dave says as he lifts his head above your ass to lock eyes with Joel. “One of us needs to keep a clear head.”
“C’mon,” Joel taunts, swiping a finger through the mix of powder and tears still on your face. “Have a taste. Live for once.”
Joel extends his offering to Dave, hovering just over your lower back, inches from Dave’s lips. The men stare each other down, each of their movements slowing, much to your displeasure.
Dave eventually resigns himself, taking Joel’s fingers into his mouth and giving them a good laving with his tongue, tasting the sweetness of the drug, the saltiness of your tears.
Without warning, Joel succumbs to another high, exhaling a sputtered groan as you swallow what he gives you — what little of it there is at this point.
The drug makes quick work of Dave, twisting him into some kind of untethered beast as he drags multiple orgasms out of you with the barrel of the gun, his tongue flicking hungrily against your ring of muscle.
There isn’t a part of you that isn’t on fire. With desire, pain, fear. Fear that this will never end, that these two men will rip you apart from the inside out before all is said and done, but in spite of yourself, in spite of everything, you don’t want it to end.
“Lie back, Joel,” Dave commands and Joel does so without hesitation, his age getting the better of him, welcoming the relief he’ll receive as he makes himself comfortable on your couch.
Likewise, you’re happy for your jaw to have a momentary reprieve, as well, rubbing your tired muscles with your fingers as you catch your breath.
“Get on top of him,” Dave barks at you.
You willingly climb atop Joel, panting, lining yourself up with the slick head of his shaft. Joel’s heavy arm comes up to bar across your hips, pushing you down onto him until you sink all the way to his curls. The new angle making you keen and arch.
Dave presses you forward until your chest is flush with Joel’s, flattening you out before him. Joel doesn’t miss the opportunity to wrap his lips around yours again, kissing you sloppily, roving the wet heat of your mouth with his tongue, making you whimper as you begin riding him.
Dave spreads your cheeks apart and spits a globule of saliva at your puckered entrance, pressing two digits inside easily.
“Good thing you already loosened up that ass for me. You can take both of us, can’t you, sweetheart?” Dave murmurs and you simply nod, not wanting to tear your mouth away from Joel.
He lines himself up, placing the weeping slit of his head against your muscle as he begins pushing inward, inch by agonizing inch. Though you’re properly loosened up, there’s still a slight sting as your muscles contract and pulsate around him, stretching to accommodate his size.
You pant in hitched breaths, never having felt so full, so sated, before. It’s like they’re everywhere inside of you, consuming every inch of you like rabid jackals. Joel’s arms lacing around both you and Dave as both men begin to move independently within you.
You soon discover why they work so well as a team. Within minutes their movements are synchronized, a coordinated dance with you placed right in the middle, every downward thrust from Dave immediately proceeded by an upward lance from Joel. And they somehow manage to maintain said synchronicity for quite some time, even as they’re filling you to the brim with their cum.
They pump you full of themselves and you continue to drench them with every orgasm they drag out of you, your shared fluids sluicing down your bodies, soaking the cushions of the couch below.
It’s okay, you can just burn it if you actually end up surviving this. But hey, if you don’t, what a way to go, right?
Everything begins to meld together after a while, lines and vision blurred, your bodies practically stitched together at the seams, a perilous dance between the three of you in the throes of passion when the drug reaches its peak.
Their hands paw at you, knead you, your flesh supple and malleable under their large palms. They dig their fingers in, branding you, bruising marks left in their wake. Your head twists to and fro, tongue snaking between your teeth as you alternate between locking lips with both of them. You aren’t certain, but you think you see Joel and Dave link lips a few times as well, but it’s difficult to ascertain for sure, each scene of debauchery bleeding right into the next.
It goes on like that for hours, Dave and Joel occasionally switching roles, manipulating your overwrought body into a host of varying positions.
You have to stop a few times. For water, or just to take a break and a quick breather before you’re at it again, both men claiming your body like the primitive animals they are.
Dave has to call off his two remaining men when they practically try to beat down your door, understandably mystified and concerned, drinking in the vision laid out before them when Dave answers the door naked as the day he was born.
He sends them away when their motives shift and they make a sudden plea to join, letting them know in no uncertain terms that you are for him and Joel only.
You pout as you watch them leave, ever eager for more, but you don’t allow yourself to dwell on it, the three of you getting right back into the swing of things the moment they’re gone.
You must have shifted to the bedroom at some point during the night, as you rouse from sleep between two massive furnaces of men, a thin sheen of perspiration coating your still naked bodies.
You extricate yourself from the tangle of limbs and climb out from beneath them. You could easily put an end to them right now, if you were so inclined. But there’s something oddly endearing about the way they’re passed out in your bed, practically cuddling one another, Joel snoring like a chainsaw, that gives you pause. You’re amazed you were able to get any sleep at all with them in your bed.
You give them a final glance before you hastily make your way to the bathroom to clean up.
After your shower, you slip into a set of loose and comfortable sweats — a stark contrast from last night — tucking your pistol into the band of your sweatpants. You know, just in case.
You sweep up the remaining powder, making sure to wear proper PPE this time, salvaging as much of it as you can, should you ever need it again. As a weapon next time, you tell yourself.
Once done, you wander into the kitchen, chewing on two naproxen tablets before chugging what seems like a gallon of water to alleviate your dehydration and the various aches and pains riddling your body.
You’re starving so you put on a pot of coffee and whip up a simple breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast, enough to share. You plate the eggs and bacon on a platter and place them in the center of the table while you finish up the toast.
Your back is to Dave when he enters the kitchen. You feel the boards shift and you spin on the balls of your feet, drawing and raising your gun. You aren’t at all surprised when you find him doing the same — holding the same gun he fucked you with — dressed only in his boxers, your eyes locked, staring each other down in a deadly game of chicken.
“Easy now, kids. Thought ya worked out your differences last night,” Joel chides as he steps into the kitchen next to Dave, adjusting himself in his boxers.
You swallow, eyes blown wide, and you lower your gun first, even though you shouldn’t. After an uncomfortable beat, Dave does the same.
“We good?” you ask him.
“Yeah. Good.” Dave furrows his brow at you, unconvinced, but willing to play nice. For now.
“Smells great, sweetheart,” Joel says, seating himself at the table, helping himself to a plate.
You make a motion for Dave to sit.
“Could be poisoned,” he warns Joel, who flashes him and incredulous slant of his eyes.
“Fuck sake—“ you grit, scooping up a spoonful of eggs and shoving them into your mouth, canting your eyebrows at Dave as you inhale them. “Satisfied?”
Neither of them says a thing, but you catch a glimpse of Joel’s smirk below his mustache as he begins shoveling food into his mouth.
You finish preparing the toast and pour each of them a cup of coffee before serving yourself.
“Thanks,” Dave says, quietly, his eyes sliding down your body, tongue trailing his lips.
“You know, I don’t even know your names,” you say, glancing between the two men.
“Dave,” he replies. “And this is Joel.”
“Well, you already know my name. Nice to meet you, Dave and Joel,” you say.
Silence settles between the three of you while you eat, you seated between them, pouring more coffee when their cups inevitably empty.
You stay like that for a while, mulling over what to say next.
Dave is the first to break the silence.
“Thank you. For breakfast. And for…last night,” he says, averting his gaze.
You smirk.
“I’m not a bad person, you know.”
“Never said you were,” he responds.
“Just a name on a piece of paper.”
“That’s right. The infamous Datura.”
“I don’t kill indiscriminately like you do. I kill bad people. Corrupt politicians. Crooked cops. Genocidal maniacs.” You swallow down a swig of coffee. “But I guess I should have known better than to take out a senator’s son this time.”
“You know, we’re all putting our lives on the line, too, by not completing the contract,” Dave explains. “Should probably get the fuck out of dodge. Maybe you, too.”
His lips skew into a ghost of a smirk, eyes mapping the gentle slopes of your face.
“Yeah, I figured as much.”
“We might need an extra set of eyes, if that’s the case.”
You smile, leaning across the table, resting your chin in the bowl of your palm. Your eyes sparkle sweetly as they shift between Dave and Joel.
“Dave, are you offering me a job?”
His hand comes up to hook around the back of your neck, lips crashing into yours as his other hand grips and squeezes your hip, making you whine when his fingers graze one of many tender spots.
You hear a throaty chuckle rise from Joel next to you.
“Take it that’s a yes, darlin’.”
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xdaddysprincessxx · 10 months
The Cabin in the Woods
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Dave York x f!reader
Dark fic/dead dove, kidnapping, Dave is mean, dub/noncon, piv (wrap your Willy kids!) light dick sucking, dick biting, no description of reader other than having a vagina and grabbable hair, cream pie, scary dark basements, uhh probs some other things I’m forgetting but bottom line: this is dark. Dave is not a nice guy. Enjoy!
Summary: it’s been a few days since your world was turned upside down. Running on pure adrenaline, you plan on getting loose and running as far away as you can but can you outrun your kidnapper? Do you even want too?
A/n : yeaaa this is my first fic(?) idk I wrote this on my phone, purely horny brain rot for my suburban murder daddy. Not edited or beta’d. The more I look at this the more I hate it and feel like it doesn’t read well but in the words of the loml @toxicanonymity fuck it we ball
Your daily life has always been mundane. Predictable. Comfortable. You work, go home to a studio apartment just a few blocks from your office, every other day you order takeout, you try to workout and go out on the weekend but your couch and netflix stay calling your name. It’s the middle of September where it’s chilly in the morning but by the afternoon your sweating bullets so you decided to try and look cute by wearing your favorite black tshirt dress. Work is the same as always except you’ve recently been working on a new case, a murder/suicide. There’s something weird about this case though. A husband shoots his wife at the kitchen table before turning the gun on himself. No apparent marital problems beforehand, no affairs, no real motive behind why he would do it. And then there’s the blood splatter. It just doesn’t add up. There’s something strange about this case you just can’t place your finger on it.
It’s already half past 7 at night, you got lost in your work yet again and lost track of time. The office is empty and mostly dark. You can’t help but get the creeps as you leave your office and start walking towards the elevator. Not even half way down the hallway when you swear you hear a loud thud making you jump out of your skin as you turn around trying to figure out where the noise came from. With your heart in your throat, you pick up speed, walking towards the elevator. Just as your rounding the corner you run straight into a solid chest belonging to a very handsome man you’ve never seen before.
“Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there.” You stammer out as the handsome man just chuckles
“You outta be more careful sweetheart. Not good for your health to run into bad men.” the man said with a smirk
That’s a weird statement. Not good for my health? Bad men?? Your mind starts running wild as the handsome man snakes his arm around your back and before you can even react his other hand is coming up to your face, pressing a soaked cloth to your nose and mouth
“ Sorry sweetheart, it’s nothing personal.” is the last thing you hear before everything goes black.
You’ve always had weird dreams all your life. Even had some dreams that later came to fruition in real life. But this has to be the weirdest dream you’ve ever had. You dream of these beautiful brown eyes. Of a rough, deep voice. You can feel his hot breath on your neck while he whispers in your ear.
“ I need you to be a good girl for me sweetheart. This is for your own good.” As much as his voice alone has you turned on, you can’t help but have this nagging gut feeling that something is deeply wrong. You’re scared but can’t remember why. Suddenly everything around you melts away and your in a room you’ve never seen before. Blood red walls, a beautiful matte black four poster bed in the middle of the room. However you notice there’s no windows. That’s when you feel a hand on the back of your neck, guiding you towards the bed.
“Now I need you to do what I say sweetheart. It’s for your own good. Don’t fight me or try to run or else you won’t like the consequences.” the brown eyed man said in a low, rough voice. As soon as he said that, you suddenly find yourself at the bed. With his hand still on the back of your neck, guiding you, you climb up on the bed on all fours when he removes his hand. You don’t know why you feel the need to lay on your back with your hands above your head but that’s exactly what you do. That’s when you finally see the man standing above you as he tied your wrists together to the bed post. Just as he finishes tying you up, everything starts melting away into pitch black darkness.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is the light. It’s not super bright but bright enough when it feels like you’ve been stuck in a coma for a month. Your definitely in a bedroom, very simple. Just a regular full sized bed in the middle of the room. A small dresser to the right of it and a chair in the far right corner facing the bed and a man sitting in it. That’s when you realize your laying on your back with your hands above your head and that your wrists are tied together to a bed post above your head. Holy fuck do your shoulders hurt.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. Or I guess good evening.” Dave says as he chuckles at his little joke.
The man! The mystery man you ran into before falling into this deep sleep. Wait no it wasn’t sleep. It’s all coming back to you now. He put a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. He used chloroform on you!
“Now that your awake, I’m going to need you to cooperate. This is for your own good sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you but you are playing a very dangerous game.”
“What? I don’t know what your talking about. I’m not playing anything! I swear! You must have me mistaken for someone else! Please! Let me go, I swear I won’t tell anyone about this just let me live please!” You try to beg as you find your voice again after being asleep for god knows how long.
“Aht see that’s where your wrong. You were working on the Bernstein case correct?”
Confused, you nod your head as best you can. What does work have to do with this?
“See here’s the thing sweetheart, my team and I, we’re bad men. We do bad things for money. And you, princess, were dangerously close to solving the mystery which would be very bad for my men and I.”
You lay there with a confused look on your face as the puzzle pieces begin to fit in your brain and suddenly you’re able to put 2 and 2 together. You knew there was something off about the case but you had no idea he had any involvement or who he even was.
“ I - I’ll stop working on the case! I’ll tamper with the evidence, throw them off your track! Please! I’m sorry! I won’t tell! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“I really do enjoy hearing you beg sweetheart.” Dave shakes his head and chuckles darkly. “But begging isn’t good enough. Not when it comes to this.”
As your mind starts racing a mile a minute, you subconsciously start to press your thighs together for a little crumb of friction. The dream you had about this mystery man had you turned on and now that your awake, seeing his face and hearing his voice more isn’t helping your little predicament. While your lost in your head you don’t realize he’s been watching you like a hawk and has noticed every little movement you’ve made.
The man moves closer to the bed your on when you snap out of your thoughts. “What are you thinking about pretty girl?” he asked as he sits down next to your body. You look up at him with wide eyes
“ I - uh nothing.” You manage to stammer out, knowing damn well he can see right through you. “ uh huh. Is that right? So you rubbing your thighs, squirming like that, that’s nothing?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. It’s like he can read your mind! You’ve literally been kidnapped and tied up but yet instead of trying to get out your brain is stuck on dick. Your own pussy has betrayed you! You can’t help but notice this dark look come over his face. A hungry look in his eyes. And you can’t help but press your thighs together even more, causing your squirming to increase.
The mystery man lays a massive hand on top of your thigh making you hyper aware of the fact your in a dress. He starts rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, sending chills down your spine. It’s been god knows how long since you’ve last been laid. And the first man to touch you in so long just happens to be your kidnapper?? The universe is playing a cruel joke on you.
Your breath hitches as his hand makes it’s way up your thigh. You can’t help but notice how large and veiny his hand is. How warm . .
He breathlessly says your name. “Look at you. You’re a filthy little thing. I’m a bad, bad man who could do anything he wants while your completely helpless. And all you can think about is how bad you want me right here.” The mystery man says right as his hand stops at the apex between your thighs.
Dave tsks, “Now what am I going to find when I lift this pretty little dress up? Huh? Soaked panties? A wet little cunt who wants to be used?” He says in the most condescending voice as he slowly lifts your dress up.
Embarrassed at the fact that he’s right. Your panties are soaked. You can clearly see the wet spot on your white cotton panties you had on. “ I- I uh I don’t d-don’t k-know-ow” you barely even stammer out, words completely lost to you.
“You y-you d-don’t know-ow?” He mimics your stuttering words, “oh princess I think you do know. I think you know just how bad you want me to touch you right now. How bad you want me to use my fingers, my cock to make this wet little cunt feel good. I thought you were gonna be my good girl? Good girls are honest and beg the bad men to fuck their cunts.”
You swear you damn near cum just from his words alone. “ I- I uh I . . “ you still can’t even get words out. As you try your hardest to find words, the mystery man oh so slowly takes his forefinger and runs it up and down your clothed pussy. Making you throb even more just from the light touch.
“ I- I want you to fuck me. Please.” You say as you look down, unable to look this man in the eye. You can’t believe you even said that. You don’t know who this man is, don’t know his name, you’re still tied up to a bed somewhere you don’t even know. What is wrong with you?
“There’s my good girl.” He practically croons as he starts to slowly pull your panties down.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Now listen to me and listen carefully. The better you are for me and do what I say, the better all of this is going to be for you.”
“ Yes sir.” You said. On the inside, however, you’re speechless. What is even happening right now? Who gets off on being kidnapped and wants to fuck their captor?? Nothing in life has ever prepared you for this or even made you think a situation like this would ever even occur.
The mystery man’s hand leaves your face and goes to his belt and begins unbuckling his pants. All you can do is sit there, arms above your head, neck at a weird half up position and stare as he pulls his thick cock out. Your eyes widen as you see what exactly he had hidden in his pants. That is easily the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. It’s a good 7 inches if not more. Girthy as hell, a huge prominent vein. The head is a tanned pink and slows changes to a darker tan shade down the shaft. You can barely make out dark curls around the base but for the most part you can tell this man keeps it nice and trimmed down there. You had no idea he was gonna pull out a damn horse cock. And why is it making your mouth water?
The mystery man spits in his hand as he goes to stroke himself while his other hand goes back up to your pussy and slowly starts to circle your clit. Everything about this is so wrong but he feels so good.
Unable to stop yourself, you moan out loud, “Please” you croak out. Not sure what your asking for, just knowing you want more.
All he does is chuckle at your request. But nonetheless his forefinger makes it way down to your opening and dips inside. Just barely entering your wet heat and it has you on the verge of tears. After a couple of teases, Dave inserts his middle and ring finger into your pussy.
Oh the relief! Your whole body heats up from how good his fingers feel moving in and out of you. Maybe there is a god. Maybe this big, bad man is merciful.
After thrusting his fingers inside your sweet little heaven, Dave moves his hand away from your pussy and goes to stand up next to the bed, causing his dick to be right in your face.
“ You want a taste pretty girl? Go ahead stick your tongue out baby”
You do what he says quickly. It’s almost comical how fast you stuck your tongue and boy did he notice. Your starting to believe nothing gets by him. Except one thing. Your restraints. They’re tight but not tight enough. All you had to do was wiggle them just so and you’ve managed to loosen them up even more.
Dave takes his cock in hand and sits the head on your tongue. He gives it a little thrust while you do your best to swirl your tongue around the tip. Dropping your jaw wide open, he takes that as you want more and thrusts his cock half way in. The sudden intrusion caused you to gag around his cock, sending spit and drool down your chin.
He keeps thrusting into your mouth despite your gagging. It seems to only be turning him on even more seeing your teary eyes look up at him.
“Fuck princess. Your sweet little mouth feels like heaven.” Dave moans out as his eyes roll back.
That’s when you decide to take control of the situation. With your hands loose, you yank down, freeing yourself and bite down hard. A metallic taste floods into your mouth and you know you’ve drawn blood.
Dave’s enjoyment is cut abruptly when you bite his dick. He falls backward trying to get his dick out of your mouth and slips on his pants. You jump up off the bed and manage to get past him while he’s on the floor cussing, trying to nurse his injured cock.
You bolt out the bedroom door to reveal an open floor space. You quickly realize your now in the living room and make a dash towards what you think is the front door. After a few seconds of desperately trying to unlock it, you finally get it and bust out the front door onto the porch and down the stairs. From the looks of it, you’d say it’s probably about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. The suns going down, you might have another hour of light left. But you don’t care. You run full speed into the woods in front of you. All you know is the mystery man took you, brought you to a cabin in the middle of the woods, night is approaching and you’ve just escaped his clutches.
After running what felt like hours in no particular direction, you start to feel yourself tripping over sticks and leaves. You immediately start to fall to the side when you crash into a tree shoulder first. As you steady yourself and try your best to take deep breaths while also catching your breath is when you hear him.
“Sweetheart come on out. You and I both know you don’t know where you are but I do. I know these woods like the back of my hand.” he shouted out. The mystery man sounds close. You start to move as fast as you can without making a sound, practically holding your breath so you don’t get caught. You’ve managed a fast half walk half run from tree to tree, frantically moving your head all around to make sure you don’t see him coming towards you. As your hiding behind a rather large tree you decide to take a quick second and look from behind it to see if you can see him or not. When suddenly you hear a twig snap right behind you and that’s when you feel a large hand yank you by your hair, pulling you backwards into the mystery man himself.
Wrapping his other arm around you tight, with a death grip on your hair, he leans down by your ear and whispers “Gotcha.”
“You little fucking bitch. You bit my dick. I was being nice and showing you some mercy because you were being such a little slut and you bit. My. Dick. Now your gonna see the monster that I really am.” Dave growled in your ear.
With that he keeps a tight hold you as he shoves you down on the ground, belly first. His body following yours, Dave puts his full weight on top of you. With his hand still grabbing your hair, he pushes your face into the dirt and manages to lift your dress with his other hand.
“If you try anything else I swear to god I’ll make this even worse for you.” He spat on the side of your face as he pulls himself out of his pants. He quickly spits into his hand, lubing his cock up and thrusts into your still wet pussy. Fucking hell his cock splits you open. You have no time to get used to his cock inside of you before he’s thrusting like a mad man. You swear you can feel him in your stomach. Thank god for his ministrations from earlier because there is no way in hell you could’ve taken all of him without it.
“Such a fucking dirty little slut. I can feel this cunt squeeze my cock sweetheart. Don’t try and lie to me. You fucking love this.” Dave growls at you while his massive cock pounds your poor pussy. And he’s right. You do love this. The way his cock is splitting you open. The delicious way he’s forcing your pussy to take every inch. Even his body weight on top of you is making you gush around him. Both of you grunting, you from trying to get away and him from pounding the life out of your pussy.
“Ngh that’s right take this fucking cock slut. Take every fucking inch. Hnnn fuck yes. Fuck. Look at you, already cockdumb. Can’t fucking say a word, just taking it like the filthy little whore you are.” Dave grunts out as he continues to mercilessly fuck your pussy.
His words alone have you creaming. You can’t help but moan. No point in trying to hide it. You know he can feel it. You’re so wet and creamy now from his unrelenting cock. You’re so close, if only he would just touch your clit or you could move your leg just right and get a little friction where you desperately need it. You swear you feel him speed up and after a few more thrusts, you feel him pulse deep inside you.
“Fuck sweetheart. That’s it. Take my fucking load deep in that sweet pussy.” he says panting in your ear. After a few more seconds of him panting in your face, he sits up on his knees, still pinning you to the ground. He puts himself up, stands and yanks you by your hair once again to make you get up.
As he turns you to face him, you realize what a mess he made of you. Tear streaked face, dirt and leaves stuck all over your body and in your hair. Cum trickling down your thighs. The bastard looks you up and down and just smirks.
The walk back to the cabin was quiet. You knew you were fucked. Literally. As soon as the two of you re entered the cabin, he took a left turn instead of going towards the back where the bedroom was. Soon you approached a door with a chain lock. You knew deep in your soul you weren’t making it out of here alive. After unlocking the door, he opened it to reveal a set of stairs going down to what you assumed must be the basement.
Dave tightens his grip on your hair as he guides you down the stairs in front of him. Once you both reach the bottom, he turns you to the right and all you can see is a damp, dark basement. Two little basement windows are the only light source to help you see where you are. Cement walls, some boxes stacked on the far right wall, what looks to be a washer and dryer just a few steps in front of you. He flicks a light switch on, flooding the room with light, causing you to blink real hard because of the sudden harsh light blinding you. Dave continues to be silent as he walks you over to the other side of the boxes to reveal a set of cuffs attached to chains stuck in the cement wall. He lets go of your hair only to shove you down on the ground and put a cuff on each ankle. Wordlessly he chains you up and turns back around to go back upstairs.
“Wait!! Wait! Please don’t leave me down here! I’ll be good I promise!! I’m sorry for earlier! I won’t do it again! Please!!” You begged. You pleaded to him to not leave you only for him to stop and turn to look at you
“It’s too late for that sweetheart. Begging will get you nothing. Your lucky I’m putting you down here when I should take you out back and put a bullet between your pretty eyes.” And with that he turns the light back off and stomps up the stairs, leaving you all the alone.
- I hope y’all enjoy this! My first fic ever! So I’m super nervous lol I do hope it’s good and reads well, the perfectionist in me is saying it’s horrible and delete, delete, delete but I’m not. Im posting it lol but yea if y’all like it I could definitely do a part 2(:
Tagging a few of ya that encouraged me to write this and a few I think would enjoy(:
@toxicanonymity @lumoverheaven @bonezone44 @neverwheremoonchild @wannab-urs @multiversed-daydreamer
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iamasaddie · 1 year
psst, wanna read?
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Every fic has it’s own warnings, but you can guess the mood using little symbols next to the name [♡ - EXPLICIT CONTENT ♢ - DARK-ISH CONTENT ♤ - EXTREMELY DARK CONTENT ♧ - ANGST]. All of the works are with FEM!AFAB!READER unless stated otherwise. Remember, you are responsible for your online experience, so navigate it carefully! This list will be updated, new characters will be added, so if you reblog, just remember that your reblog will not be updated! 
@iamasaddie-fic is my side blog that I use to reblog my fics exclusively <3
Spread love, kindness and respect! 
Hope you have a great reading experience,
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𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙇𝙀𝙏𝙎  [ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ 1000 ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ] 
ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴏɴ ᴍᴇ ♡  ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴠᴇ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢ ♡ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ [ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ʜɪᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ ♡ ɪ ᴡɪꜱʜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ♡♧
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ɴᴏ ᴇʀᴇꜱ ᴛú (ꜱᴏʏ ʏᴏ) ♡♤♧
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𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙇𝙀𝙏𝙎 [ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ 1000 ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ] 
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𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙇𝙀𝙏𝙎 [ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ 1000 ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ] 
1:07 ɢɪʀʟ  
ᴡᴇʙᴄᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴᴇʀꜱ ♡
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ᴏɴᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ ᴅᴏʀɴᴇ ♡ 
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𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙇𝙀𝙏𝙎 [ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ 1000 ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ]
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ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʙɪᴛᴛᴇʀ [ + ʀᴀᴍᴏɴ ɴᴏᴍᴀʀ] ♡ ʜᴀɴɢʀʏ ♡
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ᴄᴜᴍ ʀᴀɢ ♡ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʟᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ  ᴍᴏᴀɴɪɴɢ, ᴘᴀɴᴛɪɴɢ ♡ ᴘᴇᴀᴄʜʏ ♡
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ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛꜱ ♡
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pedroshotwifey · 10 months
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By Character:
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Frankie "Catfish" Morales
Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
Ezra (Prospect)
Javier Peña
Dave York
Marcus Pike
Max Lord
Javi Gutierrez
Marcus Moreno
Dieter Bravo
Oberyn Martell
Favorite Bounty Din Djarin x f!reader - All it takes is a beskar-covered bounty hunter and his little green child to transform your life completely. Settling into life on the Razor Crest is easy enough, but what happens once the tension between you and the Mandalorian gets to be too much? Will you be able to handle the conflict that keeps getting thrown your way? (47.8k ongoing)
To the Flame Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader - It doesn't take much for you to fall in love with the objectively perfect, older man from your home town. He easily sweeps you off your feet, and helps you to remember what happiness feels like until you think he's truly all you'll ever need in life. What happens though, once he tethers you down and starts to change before you have a chance to realize what's happening? (44.1k ongoing) DDDNE
Other Collections:
Christmas Countdown Collection A series of one shots containing a mix of fluff, angst, smut, or a mix of all three! (Complete)
Requested fics (my ask box is always open!) A mix of delicious fics resulting from delicious requests
Drabbles lil fics under 500 words
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baronessvonglitter · 11 days
Halftime Show
Joel Miller, Javier Pena, Dave York, Frankie Morales, Marcus Moreno x f!sexworker!reader (lucky girl)
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Word count: 2,779
Summary: you're an escort hired for a private Super Bowl party hosted by a mysterious client and his four friends
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, reader's work name is "Angel", reader is a sex worker, mildly dubious consent (though she does state that the men can do as they want, it's her first experience in sex work), rough sex (but no violence done to reader), group sex, threesome to sixsome, oral sex (f & m receiving), unprotected p in v sex, double p in v, anal sex & fingering, multiple penetration, hand jobs, face fucking, facial, verbal abuse/humiliation, squirting, swallowing, creampie, spitroasting, reader gets slapped w/a dick for a bit, porn without plot, you know.. all the sweet stuff.
Author's Note: another cross-post from AO3 but honestly, football is barely mentioned so if you want you can ignore the whole Super Bowl aspect. Y'all might know by now I love a little romance in my smut but this particular fic has zero romance. Reader is there to do a job and leaves having done it very well. Also.. I'm considering creating a part 2 featuring more Pedro Boys, so any input on that is welcome!
It's your first day as an escort and you're a little nervous. Okay, a lot nervous. You never know what you're going to expect from clients, but these guys you're about to meet have been pre-screened and even had to turn in blood tests just to be considered as clients. The escort service you work for is very prestigious. You're even driven to the location by a security detail who is tasked to wait outside for you. This makes you feel a little better.
You take a quick look at your outfit before you leave the car. The rule is you show up in character and leave in character. No real names, no background stories, just a persona and an exchange of goods. Simple as that. Should be easy enough.
Taking a deep breath, you exit the car and go up to the front door.
* * *
The doorbell rings, and Dave York springs from the sofa, a little smirk on his lips. "Guys, I think she's here," he announces, and the rest of the group look up from the Super Bowl game, groaning when Dave mutes the sound even though it's just gone to commercial.
"Who?" Frankie Morales asks, swigging a beer.
"The halftime entertainment," Dave answers mysteriously.
Marcus Moreno and Joel Miller trade inquisitive glances. Javier Peña raises his brow. He knows what Dave means.
Dave brings you into the living room and you take a quick survey of your surroundings: the home is nicer than most, two stories, decorated tastefully but with an obvious woman's touch. You give him a once-over. He's forty-ish, handsome, clean-shaven.
"The wife got the house in the divorce," Dave tells you, as if reading your mind. "This is my last weekend here, so let's make it count!" He raises his glass of whiskey to the guys, most of whom also salute with their drinks. They are all eyeing you like a pack of dogs that haven't eaten in days.
Marcus, a kind-looking man with dark eyeglasses who gives you Clark Kent vibes, smiles awkwardly at you, blushing. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" he asks Dave politely.
"Angel," you give your working name, smiling at each of the men. They're all cute: some scruffy, some dapper.
Dave smirks. "I'm Dave, and these are my buddies Marcus, Frankie, Joel, and Javier." Each of the guys smiles or nods at you as they're introduced.
"I heard you guys are looking to get wild," you say, opening your winter coat to reveal your see-through lingerie. Joel, Javier, and Dave whoop in excitement. Marcus and Frankie are more reticent but can't take their eyes off you. "What do you plan on doing with little ol' me?" you ask innocently, kneeling on the cushioned ottoman in the middle of the living room. You glide your hands over your body and smile as the men shift in their seats, watching you, getting hard already at the idea of you offering yourself.
Dave is the first to put his hands on you, first on your hips then grabbing your ass. Joel, an older man with graying hair and green flannel shirt, interrupts him, rising from his seat. "Now, who told you you get to go first?" he asks in a deep voiced Texan accent.
"First? We're running a train on this girl?" Javier asks from his seat, a cigarette burning between his lips. He's dressed like someone from the 1970s but his clothes fit him well, accentuating a lean physique.
"You can do whatever you want with me," you tell them with confidence. "But of course, no hitting, no biting, no leaving marks." You are resolute on this, as is your employer.
"Hell, darlin', we're not monsters," Joel says, his eyes full of concern for you. The others chime in that they aren't into really rough stuff. Only Dave looks a little disappointed by your rule.
"I'd expect you to be more methodical about this," Javier tells Dave, rising from his seat and casting an amused glance at his friend. He eyes you up and down then reaches into your bra to cup your breast while his other hand dives between your thighs. "Christ, she's already wet. And so fucking tight. You haven't been doing this kind of work long, have you, baby?"
"You all are my first clients," you admit, your breath hitching as his thick fingers tease you.
Javier manages a small smile then looks over at the group. "You haven't thought about these guys," he tells Dave, and nods at Frankie and Marcus. "They're completely baffled by this."
"We're not, I know exactly what's going on," insists Frankie, an adorable middle-aged guy wearing a t-shirt, cargo pants and baseball cap. His innocence is palpable and quite touching.
Dave and Javier's hands are still on you, grabbing and groping. It's a good start. "I'm paying for her. I should get to go first," Dave complains.
A few of the guys (well, okay, Javier and Dave) start to bicker about it, fueled by testosterone and alcohol. Joel strides up to you, effectively taking you away from Dave and Javier. "It's kind of a shame that no one's puttin' her feelings into consideration. She's gonna be providin' a huge service for us. Least we can do is give her a little pleasure beforehand." With that, he takes you and places you on the ottoman, kneeling between your open thighs. He rips open the crotch of your lingerie and dives in, sucking on your pussy. Your initial shock gives way to thrill as you register the warm, wet stiffness of his tongue rasping your folds, your clit, not taking his time about it. Your fingers curl into his hair as you lift your thighs back. You're still on the clock, still giving a show, even if this part is currently for your benefit. With Joel's aid you manage to take the now-ruined lingerie off and are naked but for your knee-high stockings.
"Way to get the party started," Javier says approvingly. "I'm not about to waste any time." He goes to you and sits you up. You take a moment to admire the bulge in those tight trousers before he pulls them down enough to take out his thick shaft. You obediently open your mouth to accept it and he slowly moves into your throat, allowing you to get used to him. Saliva pools in your mouth as you start to moan around his dick, still exhilarated by Joel's ravishing you with his tongue. You feel a hand massaging your breast and look over to see Frankie, his puppy dog eyes wide with wonder, as if he can't believe you're real.
"That feels so good," you tell him, sensing he likes praise. He lights up, encouraged by you, and continues to pinch and pull at your nipple before sucking on it, extracting a pleasured moan from your lips before you go back to sucking off Javier.
Marcus and Dave stand back. Marcus looks flustered and Dave has his hands on his hips, making a face. He's figuring out where to squeeze in but at the same time doesn't want to share.
Meanwhile you're keeping busy with Javier's cock in your mouth, Frankie's mouth on your breast, and Joel still lapping at you between your thighs. The most exquisite feelings comes over you and your scream is muffled as you come so hard, your body spasming while surrounded by these men. It's the most sensually charged moment of your entire life.
Joel lifts himself up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "She's wetter'n a cucumber in a convent," he chuckles, standing and trying to get the feeling back in his knees. Frankie then moves down to finger you just as Javier is on the verge of coming. Just as he gives a strangled growl, spilling his cum into your willing throat, you feel one of Frankie's fingers in your ass. You gasp and clench around him as Dave takes Javier's place. Your body is buzzing with energy, with lust.
"You're gonna earn every penny," Dave growls, thrusting into your mouth as if he hates you. You don't have a gag reflex but you pretend to choke on him, bringing tears to your eyes.
Frankie starts to undo his pants then quickly steps away. "I'm, uh, not ready yet."
"Let her take care of it," Javier says, lighting up another cigarette.
"No smoking in here," Dave warns, his eyes still on the mascara running down your face.
"Fuck you."
You start stroking Frankie, smiling at the plumpness of his cock, uncut. He's gazing down at you with tenderness in his eyes.
"Marcus, you joinin' us?" Joel asks, getting ready to pull down his jeans.
Marcus watches from the adjoining kitchen, his beer growing warm in his hand. "Maybe.. in a bit." He smiles nervously.
Joel shrugs and unzips himself, releasing his thick, veiny cock. It's all you can do not to stare at it in wonder.
"Hey, I was gonna go first," Dave says aggressively.
"You snooze you lose. Aren't we all gonna get a turn?" Joel smirks before aligning himself to your opening. "Such a tiny, perfect little pussy.. you're gonna be completely wrecked when we're done with you, babygirl..."
Your eyes widen when he begins to slide into you, but you're already slick enough to take him. You remove Dave from your mouth so you can watch Joel's cock disappear inch by inch into your cunt.
"Don't forget about me," Dave warns you, tapping his dick against the side of your face. You compliantly return to sucking him off and he grunts contentedly in response. At the same time Joel pushes in to the hilt. "Hell she's taking every inch of me," he groans. "What a good little slut she is.."
"Well shit, don't stretch her out before the rest of us," Dave complains.
"That's not a particular worry of mine," Javier smirks, getting himself ready again as he goes to your free hand, opposite Frankie, who is already hard and ready. Joel is building up a nice tempo, sliding deep inside your pussy, Dave thrusts avidly into your mouth, Frankie and Joel are watching you as you zealously prime them for whatever they want to do next.
"Oh my god!" Frankie's eyes go wide and without warning he comes on your stomach and you make a sound of surprise when you feel the warm stickiness of him on your skin. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.
"Don't be," you tell him with a smile. "Think you've got another one in you?" you wink and scoop his cum into your mouth as Frankie watches in wonder.
Dave seems upset that you keep removing him from your mouth to talk to Frankie, but Frankie looks so happy that you're not grossed out or upset. Dave grabs hold of the back of your head and rams himself in your throat. "Less talking, bitch," he growls.
You would give him a death glare but then you feel Joel speeding up, his thrusts strong, the loud slapping of your flesh fills the air. Before you know it you're throbbing around him, milking him as you feel him finish inside you. He doesn't stay long, and soon Javier takes his place. "Flip over, cariño," he says, moving you on all fours. Dave takes over from the front, Frankie strokes himself while fondling your tit. Javier grabs your ass and slides in, letting you feel every inch of him as you moan around Dave's cock. He cums soon, spraying the back of your throat with his thick white cum.
"Get in there, Frankie!" Javier encourages, pumping away none too gently as he watches your ass ripple with each thrust. "Marcus get over here and do something or you'll miss out!"
Marcus seems frozen to his spot but Frankie follows orders and you open wide to receive him. He looks down at you like you're some kind of miracle, and you make sure to look at him the same way, charmed by his good nature.
Javier leans close to you. "I'm gonna put it in your ass, cariño."
"Do whatever you want," you purr.
He pulls out of you and you feel a warm glob of saliva at your rear entrance. Javier smears it around your puckered hole and eases himself in. You gasp, fists clenching the edge of the ottoman. "Fill all her holes, boys," Dave says, watching from the side. "That's what she's here for."
Frankie pulls away from your mouth. "Let me get under you." he says, and Javier pulls out enough for you two to get positioned. Frankie aligns himself at your entrance and sinks in easily. "Jesus, you feel so good, Angel.." He thrusts up into you as Javier continues to fuck your ass. The three of you are a fusion of lust and frenzy. Joel watches, running his tongue over his lips, still tasting your sweet essence. Dave tells everyone he's next to claim your ass. Marcus has since inched closer, undeciding yet if he's going to join, or how. He's obviously hard, his eyes dark with craving.
"Marcus," you mumble as he approaches your side. "Fuck my mouth," you beg.
He suppresses a gasp but he unbuckles his belt. "I haven't.. in a while.."
"That's okay.." you smile at him, helping him pull down his pants and briefs, running your nails over his solid girth, and he immediately rises to the occasion. "You were shy before, but not now," you notice, and give his cock a couple of gentle tugs before taking him into your waiting mouth, just the tip, and letting him go in as deep as he wants.
Javier speeds up, fingers digging into your hips as all your cries fill the room. He comes, filling your ass as he grunts savagely, causing you in turn to come, clenching around Frankie who buries himself deep inside as he lets go. Once Javier pulls away Dave takes over, gripping your hips and moving you against him.
You finger your lonely pussy, unable to make yourself feel as good as any of these men have. “Oh god, I want all of you at once.. please!” You beg.
Marcus approaches you and lays beneath you as Dave moves away, scoots up so he’s practically standing over you. Joel claims your mouth and Javier lets you pump him with your fist. Frankie approaches from behind and at the same time Marcus enters you from beneath. Two men fuck your cunt, stretching you, ruining you, and all you can do is give them what they want and then ask for more.. one man in your mouth, in your hand, in your ass.. you are working for every penny just as Dave said.
You're practically dazed by the countless feelings of pleasure coming from every man inside you, the way they move, the way they taste, how their hands grope your ass or your breasts, your hips.. you're just a receptacle for them, a plaything. This allows your brain to soak everything in without having to think. Just feeling. None of them really care about your pleasure, not at this point. You're just a means to an end, and you like it. You've never felt more alive.
"God!" you gasp as you feel yet another wave of absolute euphoria threaten to take you under. You don't even bother to hold back. As soon as you come you feel them all come with you, like tiny explosions set off in a chain. You gulp down Joel's spunk as Dave spills himself inside your ass, and Marcus and Frankie throb then release, one only seconds after the other. Javier takes control of himself from you and spurts his cum onto your face. For the first time ever in your life, you squirt, gasping at the relief and suddenness of it. The six of you try hard to catch your breath, all of you taking in the moments of this night.
"I don't think I'll be able to cum for weeks," Joel says, chuckling as he pulls up his pants.
* * *
Showered and dressed, you leave in a skimpy outfit that covers more than the lingerie did, as Dave uses the escort agency's app to send you a very generous tip from himself and the rest of the guys. The guys, cleaned up and all in relaxed moods, watch the game, not even upset that they missed most of the second half. You take your money and leave, blowing a kiss to the guys.
"God damn, you hired a good one," Javier mutters to Dave.
"Let's make this an annual thing," Dave smirks. "Next one's on you, Peña."
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janaispunk · 2 months
heaven can't help me now
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chapter 3 • series masterlist
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: You're afraid Dave might not like you as much as you like him. ...Meanwhile, Dave is afraid of the same thing. (They're idiots okay)
word count: 6.5k
tags/warnings: explicit smut -> 18+ mdni, dbf!Dave, unhealthy relationship dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, angst, daddy issues (reader’s dad sucks), able-bodied reader, reader has hair, no use of y/n, divorced Dave, phone sex, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving), rough sex, dirty talk, praise kink, degradation kink, biting, cream pie, use of panties as a gag, orgasm denial, pet names, let me know if anything is missing!
a/n: co-written with my angel @joelscurls, throwing around these ideas with you is so fun, i love you <3
taylor swift said “what if he’s written mine on my upper thigh” and i took that personally
thank you @catchallfangirl for beta reading! <3 (and listening to me freak out about this on a daily basis)
follow @joelscurlsupdates and @janaispunknotifs for updates and find jess’s masterlist here and my masterlist here :)
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 🤍
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Dave regrets the message as soon as the small text underneath it switches from delivered to read. 
He knows that he’s been cruel to you, he could see the confusion and hurt written all over your face when he drove you home. But he has to be the responsible one, the adult in this situation. The one who’s able to hold back. Nothing should have happened between you and him, not once, let alone twice. He shouldn’t indulge in this, shouldn’t give you hope. 
He has always looked down on men who were with women much younger than them. Midlife crisis. Not able to have a relationship with someone on the same maturity level. 
That’s not who he is. He understands that the reason why you’re attracted to him lies at least partially in your relationship with your father, and he won’t take advantage of that. It’s not who he is and it’s not what you deserve. 
You’re gonna go back to college in a few weeks and he can pretend that none of this ever happened. You’re gonna meet a nice boy your age, become a lawyer, get married and live your life the way you’re supposed to. Eventually, the memory of you writhing underneath him, your voice so sweet and needy in your desperation, surely won’t be as vivid as it is right now.
But then he found your panties between the cushions of his couch, still damp with your arousal, still smelling of you. His mind started wandering, conjuring images that he should be ashamed of. The things he could do to you, the things he could show you. 
It’s like he’s lost in a haze, stroking his throbbing cock to fantasies of you, all the depraved shit that some respectful fellow student would never do, but that he knows you crave. He hears your whimpers so clearly in his head, pictures your face, so pretty begging him for things only he knows how to give you, until he releases himself all over the lacy bit of fabric that’s clutched between his fingers. 
But now you’re not answering, and shame is swirling in his stomach, surely now he’s overstepped, why did he even think– 
His racing thoughts are interrupted by the quiet ping of his phone and a message from you. Just a photo, no text. 
His eyes widen, taking in the image. He can’t see your face, only the shape of your tits, already so familiar to him, covered in dark, lacy fabric. Exactly the same color, exactly the same pattern as the fabric that he soiled and photographed to send to you.
You put on the matching bra for him, he realizes. Which is probably why it took you longer than usual to answer, you had to get into the lingerie and put yourself all prettily on display for him. He drinks in the shape of you, the skin that he knows would feel so soft underneath his touch, the swell of your breasts, the nipples hidden behind lace, how they would harden for him, how you would squirm if he–
Desire starts coursing through him again, and he feels like a teenager, reduced to this by just a photo. His thumb finds your name on the display almost instinctively.
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“Fuck, baby.”
The rasp of his voice hits your ear as soon as you accept the call. Your heart had been hammering away inside your chest since you hit send on the photo. 
“You like it?” 
You hate how needy you sound, how desperate for his approval. David exhales sharply and you wish you were with him again.
“Trust me, I like it very much.” 
Your cheeks heat at his tone. He blows all other thoughts out of your head. You forget how rejected you felt, how you told yourself you wouldn’t let it happen again. It doesn’t matter, not when he talks to you like this. You whisper a thank you and he chuckles. 
“Are you in bed, sweetheart?”
“Yeah.” You bite your lip, considering the words resting on the top of your tongue. Deciding to take the leap. “Wish you were here too.”
You don’t need to see his face to know how he purses his lips, how he slowly curls them into a smirk.
“Mhm? What would you like me to do if I was?” 
Your face burns hotter. 
“I– Touch me, use your fingers to–” 
He groans, a rich, deep sound in your ear. You’re still sore, but your fingertips ghost down your body anyway, chasing the need that’s building up between your legs again. You gasp when they find your clit, already swollen and covered in your slick. 
“Are you touching yourself right now?”
“Yes, please David, I need–”
“Don’t worry, baby. I got you.” 
He keeps talking to you, low murmurs in your ear, directing your fingers over your body. He doesn’t let up until you’ve come twice, until he’s reduced you to a whimpering mess without even being there. 
He doesn’t apologize for earlier, not directly at least. You didn’t expect him to. In a twisted way, that you’re not sure anyone but the two of you would understand, this was his apology. 
You’re not sure what changed his mind, but he doesn’t go back to his distant self afterwards. Maybe he’s come to the same realization as you. That neither of you is going to be able to stay away. 
He’s on your mind constantly, you catch yourself checking your phone for new messages way too often and smiling down at the screen whenever he’s texting you. You know that you shouldn’t act like this, shouldn’t give him that much power in your mind. But it feels so good, to be seen, to be wanted like that. 
You’re both busy; he’s working on an important case and you’re in desperate need to catch up on job applications and college work, which you’ve neglected over the past few days, as your father is quick to remind you. 
But you keep exchanging messages, keep sharing hushed whispers at night. It never lets up, the thrill of his voice guiding your fingers and hearing the sounds that he makes when he’s putting his hands on himself. Knowing that it’s you, the thought of you that elicits them. 
You’re having dinner with your father, who is home earlier than most days, the brightly lit dining room reflecting off the massive windows, when the bubble bursts. 
“You remember Dave, right? From the country club?”
You freeze, your fork hovering in the air over your plate. He knows, your mind screams. No, there’s no way he would know. 
You fight hard to appear nonchalant, to not let your face betray you. You nod, humming questioningly in a way that you hope sounds innocent enough. 
“I told you how he got divorced recently, didn’t I? It’s been hard on him, poor fella…” 
Your dad sighs and shakes his head. You furrow your brow, at a complete loss where this conversation might be going. 
“Well, guess who got him a date?! Cheryl from the office is single and I realized, she’s perfect for him! An amazing match. He never goes out, always been a bit of a loner, I guess… But I set them up and they went out last night! Great, huh?” 
Your mind is running a mile a minute. You force a weak smile, lifting your head to meet your father’s proud grin. 
“Y-yeah, dad. Great,” you echo. You feel hollow.
He leans back in his chair, looking extremely pleased with himself. 
“Looks like I’m gonna have to play matchmaker for you too, eventually, with the way things are going, hm?” 
Under different conditions, the snide remark about your dating life and how he’s never been even remotely happy with any guy you had dared to bring home, would sting a lot more. Right now though, you’re reeling from the fact that David went out with another woman last night. 
“Sure,” you whisper. “May I please be excused?” 
You don’t wait for an answer, already pushing back from the table and rushing up the stairs. Back in your room, you grab your phone, scrolling through your past messages. You didn’t hear from him last night, which you hadn’t found weird at the time, but it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth now. 
Maybe he finally realized that someone his age would be much better suited for him. A real woman, not some little girl who still goes to school, calls him drunk in the middle of the night and can’t stand up against her father. Of course that’s not what he wants. 
You pace in your room, thoughts running through your head. Do you confront him? You never talked about it, never discussed exclusivity, but still… You don’t want anyone else and you had thought that he wouldn’t either.
After tossing and turning in your bed for hours, you decide not to ask David about it, to not contact him at all. Maybe that’s for the best. Save him the trouble of letting you down. It’s like a weight pulling under, the uncertainty and fear of this being it tying itself into a tight knot in your stomach. But you’ve been desperate enough for him already, you try to reason, you need to stop embarrassing yourself by running after him. 
He texts you the next day, sounding just the same way he always does. You can’t bring yourself to not reply to him at all, but it’s clipped, one-sentence answers, which he picks up on soon enough. His name lights up your phone as you’re hunched over your desk in your bedroom, pondering over an essay that you’re supposed to write over the break. 
“Sweetheart.” The deep smoothness of his voice travels from the speaker right under your skin, holding you under his spell the way he always does. “Is something wrong?”
You bite your lip, muttering a no in reply. You sound like a petulant teenager, everything that you don’t want him to see you as.
“Now why do I not believe that?”
You hear his smile in the way he sounds. You want to see him so badly, want to be on the receiving end of that smile. You wonder if Cheryl from the office got to see it last night too. If he’s given her all the parts of him that he’s given you. 
“Dunno.” There’s a sting in your voice, not unlike the sting that you feel piercing through your heart at the thought of him with someone else. 
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Dave frowns at the way you sound. You’re never this short with him, never seemed so sad since that night you called him drunk and he turned you down. And even then, it was different, not dismissive the way you are now. 
His anxious mind immediately provides him with a variety of explanations. Maybe you’ve finally come to your senses and realized that you don’t want him. That you don’t want a man twice your age, that him wanting you actually makes him a fucking creep, that he isn’t as great as you’ve built him up to be in your head. Maybe you’ve realized that what you’re doing is wrong. He wouldn’t blame you for it. One of you should be reasonable and end things for good. He has been telling himself that.
But you sound so upset that worry settles in his gut. He feels that pull towards you again, only that it’s not explicitly sexual this time. He just really needs to see you, to touch you, to make sure that you’re okay. 
The invitation for you to come over leaves his lips without thinking about it, just the overwhelming need to have you close. You pause, so long that he gets even more uneasy, but eventually you agree.
Dave knows that something is wrong as soon as he opens the door. You look smaller, slightly curling in on yourself. You don’t meet his gaze, eyes downturned and without the spark in them that he sees in his mind when he thinks about you. He pulls you into a hug, one that you barely return.
His bedroom door is once again firmly closed, and he’s directing you towards his couch again. Still the last invisible line, the one that he tells himself will keep him from letting you in all the way. Your eyes linger there for a moment, he can almost see the wheels turning in your head. You deflate even more.
He hates to see you like this. Fights the urge to wrap you in his arms, satisfy his hunger for your lips and fuck you until every trace of that sadness written over your face is erased.
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The door that you presume leads to his bedroom is closed, just like the last time you were here. You wonder if he opened it for Cheryl, if she got to see a part of him that you didn’t. Then again, he probably treated her like a lady. Wined and dined her properly, maybe a chaste kiss to say good night. Because she’s someone who’s right for him, someone worth putting the effort in. Not the quick fuck that you had been. 
He probably invited you over to tell you in person that he really can’t see you anymore. That he means it this time. You suppose that in his mind, that’s the decent thing to do. You think that you would have rather had him text you about it. That way you wouldn’t have to pretend, wouldn’t have to tell him to his face that it’s fine, that you understand, don’t worry.
Still, he called and you came running. Like a fucking idiot. 
You sit down on the edge of his couch, decidedly keeping the images of the last time you were here buried in your memories. “Do you want something to drink?” You shake your head no and he sits down beside you. You’re acutely aware of his presence, of the simmering need that you feel for him, even now. Please just get it over with.
“You didn’t have to do all this, you know.” You’re not looking at him, keeping your eyes on your hands, your fingers gripping each other tightly, tense like the rest of your body.
“Do all what?” 
You bite your lip, attempting to swallow down the anger at the fact that he’s gonna make you the one to say it, but it’s no use. Your eyes fly up to meet his. 
“Make me come here, to talk to me in person, or whatever it is you think you’re doing. You– you could’ve just texted me.”
He furrows his brow, a hint of defensiveness in his warm brown eyes. 
“What are you talking about?” 
You scoff. “My dad told me. About your date.” You’re never like this, your voice biting and your eyes glaring. You’re never like this and you have no right to be like this now, getting worked up over the end of something that never even was, not really. “I’m sure she’s nice. A great match, he said, so you’re gonna tell me to fuck off. It’s okay, I understand.”
Your voice breaks on the last word. A lump is building in your throat and your eyes burn with unshed tears. This can’t be happening. It’s bad enough that you feel this much about it, but it’s indefinitely worse to have him know it. 
David’s expression softens. “Oh, sweetheart. That’s not–” He slips one hand in between yours, gently pries your fingers away from each other. “You thought that’s why I asked you to come over here?” 
You shrug, once again unable to meet his gaze. 
“The date was shit. I wouldn’t even have gone if Jim hadn’t kept bugging me about it.”
Inhaling deeply, you slowly trail your eyes up to his face again. 
He nods, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest. His lips press against your forehead. 
“Promise.” He sighs. “You sounded so upset, that’s why I asked you to come–”
You sniffle, suddenly feeling stupid about the whole scene you made. He holds you a little longer, and you revel in his scent that’s engulfing you, in the warmth and solidness of his body. When he finally pulls away, his hand finds your chin and lifts it until you’re looking straight at him. A hint of amusement is glinting in his eyes.
“Were you jealous, baby?” 
You’re well aware that he can see right through you, but shake your head anyway. He allows himself a grin.
“What then? Worried that you’ll find no one else to fuck you like I do?” 
Heat is burning in your cheeks, but you can’t help but laugh. He’s not wrong, at least partially. 
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Your lips curling up and the soft laugh tumbling out of you soothes him, eases the sting in his chest. The severity of your reaction to the idea of him dumping you for another woman took him off guard. He never wants to see that kind of hurt written over your face ever again. 
He should have told you, he realizes that now. He knew nothing would come out of meeting with that woman that Jim had been boasting about all week, but what was he supposed to say? No need pal, I already got everything I need fucking your daughter? 
He doesn’t know when you began feeling like everything he needed. He knows that you shouldn’t. He knows that he shouldn’t check his phone as often as he does, shouldn’t spend his days fantasizing about you, shouldn’t imagine you by his side almost constantly. 
But how can he not, when you’re looking at him like this, your eyes so wide, so filled with trust. Always ready, always desperate to give him everything of you. Like a dream come true that he didn’t know he had. 
“Maybe,” you admit, teasingly but still so, so soft. Everything about you is so fucking soft. His to touch, his to defile. Because, inexplicably, you fucking let him.
He needs to reassure you that he’s worthy of that trust. He leans in closer, feels your breath ghosting over his face as his nose nudges against yours. He pauses, searches your expression for a moment. You dip your chin down in a tiny nod and he’s onto you, chases your mouth with his. He pours all the emotion that he doesn’t understand, can’t begin to name, into the kiss. How much he misses you, how often you are on his mind. How he doesn’t want to hurt you, wants to do right by you, but has no clue how.
Your lips move against his with more fervor, a mess of tongues and teeth clashing against one another. Your whimpers drip into his mouth, leaving him drunk off you. Heat spreads through him, like a fire that’s going to consume you both. He thinks that he wants it to. 
He trails kisses down your throat, sucks at the skin, relishes in the shivers that it sends through your body. You grasp at his shirt, trembling fingers fumbling with the buttons, but he stops you. Nipping at your collarbone, he looks up at you, takes in your wide blown pupils, the hunger in your eyes.
Maybe this is all he can give you, but he’s going to do that right. He’s going to give you what he can, as long as you let him. 
He hooks his fingers under the neckline of your dress, pulls it down a little, inhales the sweet scent of your perfume. Every new inch of your skin that he reveals fills him with the need to worship it. 
“Will you let me make it up to you, sweetheart?” He mouths at your skin again, his eyes still trained on your face. “Let me make you feel good?” 
You nod eagerly, a breathy please, David falling from your lips. He runs his hands up your thighs, marvels at the almost feverish warmth of your skin, before he lifts your dress and helps you pull it over your head. 
Your underwear is white this time, a picture of innocence that only he knows is an illusion. His arousal swells at the thought, his cock pushing against the confines of his pants. 
“Fuck, I’ve been thinking about this,” he admits, his hands trailing over your waist, tightening his grip momentarily and enjoys watching you squirm in response. “I think about you all the time.” 
Your gaze flickers for a moment, and he realizes what he just said. It’s not a lie, but also not a truth that he intended for you to know. You bite your lip, expression turning thoughtful for a moment. Then a small smile spreads over your face. 
“M–me too,” you whisper, a bit shy, like you’re still half-expecting him to take it back, but putting your trust in him anyway. 
He has to kiss you again, remove all remaining doubts about how much he wants you from your mind. Licking into your mouth, he starts toying with the cups of your bra, pulling them down just so that his fingertips can graze over your nipples. You press your body into his touch, your back arching off the cushions, and he undoes the clasp, lets the fabric fall away from your body. 
He runs his fingers over your flesh, teases the hardening buds, loves the way you keen into his mouth in response. Palming your tits roughly, he pulls away a little to look at them. He doesn’t think that he’ll ever tire of the sight of his hands on you. 
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he murmurs. “Like you were made for me.” It stings only a little right in this moment, while he’s touching you, to know that you are not. He can keep pretending, for a while. It’s worth it, seeing how you light up at the praise, how you drink in his every word, sinking deeper into his touch. His, his, his.
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David peels your panties off of you, the image of the white lace against his hand one that you know will burn itself into your memory. His eyes linger on the fabric, a grin slowly growing on his face. Arousal tingles at your spine at the sight. You’re entirely bare now while he hasn’t removed one item of clothing. The obvious power dynamic leaves you feeling vulnerable, you and your body at his mercy, but you trust him. To treat you the way you want, need to be treated, to push you to your limits and to still keep you safe.
The weight of his hands lands on your thighs, slowly pushing them apart, making room for his body between them. You’re acutely aware of how wet you are, and how clearly he can see it right now, with your folds all spread out right in front of him. You feel your slick coating your inner thighs, feel his breath ghosting against it.
He groans at the sight and sinks to his knees, almost at eye level with your pussy. The realization of what he’s about to do sinks in as he leans forward and places a gentle kiss against your clit that has you trembling. But still–
“Y–you don’t have to do that,” you stutter, suddenly feeling a different kind of vulnerable. A shame that you can’t explain starts welling up inside of you. 
He pulls back, sitting back on his haunches and looking up at you. His hands gently push your thighs back together, leaving you less exposed. 
“Do you not want me to?”
You bite your lip, fighting not to avoid his gaze. “I don’t know. I– I’ve never–” Your voice trails off. A fire is burning in his eyes, intimidating you. 
“No one’s ever eaten you out?” He sounds incredulous. 
You shake your head, shoulders moving up in a shrug, a wave of embarrassment growing in you. “Men don’t really… like to. In my experience.” 
He sighs and leans forward, presses a soft kiss to your left knee. “Most men are idiots.” It’s mumbled into your skin, lips moving against it. His fingertips inch up your thighs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “You deserve to feel good, baby.” His voice sinks into your skin, low and raspy, and you have no choice but to believe it. “Will you let me make you feel good?” he asks again.
His dark eyes are on you, his fingers still tracing shapes over your skin. So close to where you want him. You’d let him do anything. 
“Please, David,” you whisper, for the second time. 
He pries your legs back open, a low growl in his throat as you’re spread out for him. Then he dives in, licking and sucking at your clit, gently at first, but quickly getting more intense, until stars start to burst behind your eyelids and you’re gasping his name. It’s overwhelming, unlike anything that you’ve ever experienced before. 
He lets up momentarily, licking through your slit, drinking up your arousal that’s dripping out of you and groaning at the taste of you. His mouth moves to your inner thighs, kissing and sucking on the sensitive flesh. He bites down suddenly, sinking his teeth into your skin and you scream his name at the unexpected burst of pain that transforms into pleasure almost instantly. 
He does it again, and again, leaving his marks on your body. It hurts just right, the sensation of him leaving his trace on you, marking you as his. You clench around nothing, desperate to feel him on your clit again, to take you the final bit to the top. 
As if he was reading your mind, he lets up his ministrations on your thighs and kisses his way to the spot where you need him so desperately. Your fingers sink into his hair, tugging at the roots, and he looks up at you, smug pride glinting in his eyes. He licks through your folds, nudges at your entrance with his tongue, before his lips find your clit again, closing around the sensitive nub. 
You come within seconds, the waves of your arousal crashing over you so suddenly that it takes your breath away. His groans vibrate against your skin as he laps at you, drinking you down. You feel like you’re in heaven. 
David gives you time to calm down, gently mouths at your heated skin, licks over the spots where you feel the indents of his teeth, before he kisses his way up your body. You taste yourself on his lips when they connect with yours. It’s messy, and filthy, and you can’t get enough of it. 
You whimper when he pulls back and his eyes find yours again, his almost black, the pupils blown wide. He rises to his feet and looks down to where you’re spread out, thighs parted, on full display for him as he towers over you. He leans down, a finger tapping against your mouth.
Your lips part immediately, giving him all the access he wants. He groans at your obedience, trails his knuckles over your cheek for a moment, before raising his hand to your eyes. He’s holding your panties again. 
“These are so pretty. Would be a shame to just leave them lying around, don’t you think?” 
You let out a sound, something akin to agreement. His grin widens. 
“Good girl.” 
His fingers push the fabric into your mouth, your spit soaking the material, mixing with the arousal that’s already sticking to it. You moan at the taste, your eyelids fluttering shut. 
His palm connects with your cheek in a light slap. Not hard enough to sting, but your eyes fly back open at the sensation. You grind down onto the cushions, desperate for friction as another wave of need floods you. 
“Eyes on me, remember?” 
You try voicing a sorry, but it comes out garbled and he chuckles. Soothing his fingers over the spot he just slapped. 
“There’s no need for you to talk. Just be a good girl and take what I give you, yeah?” 
Your body is buzzing, but your mind is blissfully empty. Ready to give yourself over to him, to submit to whatever he asks. It feels so good, so easily being able to please for once in your life. To follow rules and be praised for it. Simple. Safe. 
He wraps the lace around your head and ties it together in the back, effectively gagging you, leaving your mouth opened, the fabric stretching against the corners. Your desire is coursing through your body with so much force that it’s almost painful. 
He kisses you over the gag, pressing his lips against yours. One of his hands wraps around your throat, applying a hint of pressure. Your hips chase him, your arousal close to unbearable. He chuckles against your mouth before he pulls back.
“Such a good girl.”
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He teases you endlessly. Drinks in the sight of you writhing under him as his fingers are back on your nipples, tugging them harshly and eliciting soft mewls from you. You look beautiful in the golden light of the evening sun that’s falling through his windows, almost angelic. 
An angel that he wrecked, already so fucked out when he finally sheds his own clothes and starts sliding his cock through your folds. He coats himself with the slick of your desire, taps his head against your clit, nudges at your entrance again and again without sliding inside. 
Your whimpering cries are music to his ears, your fingernails digging into his shoulders sting just right. You’re pleading with him through the makeshift gag, your words all muffled, and he revels in the desperation in your eyes. Loves the sight of it. 
“What do you want, sweetheart?” he coos, slides over your clit again. “Tell me.” 
You’re trying, trying so hard to get out real words, and he chuckles at your efforts. Deciding to grant you a little mercy, he pushes the head of his weeping cock into you. He throbs at the feeling of it, of how your slick pissy tries pulling him in deeper. You’re whining at the stretch, your hands desperately grabbing at him, before he pulls back again. 
Your eyes are swimming with tears, silently pleading with him. It’s like a rush. You’re always such a good, polite and well-behaved girl, so sweet, and here you are, completely bare and spread out underneath him, crying to get fucked. By him. He’s a bad man, he knows it. He doesn’t care, not when it feels like this. 
He smirks down at you. “Say please.” 
It’s obvious that you’re trying, your tongue struggling against the soaked fabric in your mouth. He lines himself up once more, looks at your face, at the desperate hope written out in your eyes. Then he slams into you. You scream, gripping his shoulders so tightly that he thinks you’ve drawn blood. He couldn’t care less.
Now that he feels your tight walls all around his cock, engulfing him with pulsing heat, it’s impossible to tease you any longer. He pulls back, just to sink deep into you, again and again. You cry out at every thrust, every time that he hits that spot deep inside of you that leaves you such a trembling mess. 
He can tell when you’re starting to tighten around him, your cries getting higher, and he knows that you’re close. Slowing down, he leans his head down to yours, his thrusts becoming more shallow. 
“Hold it,” he murmurs, his lips ghosting against the soft shell of your ear. A whine escapes from your throat, fresh tears falling from your eyes, your whole body trembling underneath him, your cunt squeezing him deliciously tight. He’s breathless, high on the control you’re giving him, on your level of obedience, doing every single thing that he asks from you. 
Letting you calm down a little, he busies himself with kissing every inch of your skin that he can reach. Almost bursting with arousal himself, he knows that he’s not gonna be able to keep this up much longer. 
When he speeds up again, he sets a harsh rhythm, jostling your body with every thrust, mesmerized by the way your tits bounce with the movement. Your walls start tightening around him again, pulling him in. He can’t hold back anymore. 
“I’m gonna come. Gonna leave you just as messy as those little panties of yours. ‘S that what you want?” 
You nod eagerly, more unintelligible pleads stumbling through the gag. 
“Fuck, come here–“ His fingers scramble, ripping the fabric out of your mouth to kiss you properly, to feel your tongue against his. 
His hips move at rapid speed, pumping into you and chasing both your orgasms. He’s breathless, high on the feeling of your wet cunt squeezing him so tight. You come with a cry, muffled by his mouth on yours, and the sensation of you clenching around him sends him over the edge as well. He buries himself deep inside of you, spilling his cum to leave you just as messy as he promised you. 
“Fucking perfect, like you were made for me, only want you sweetheart…” He’s rambling, barely aware of what he's saying, still lost in the bliss of his orgasm. The words only register when an unreadable expression flies over your face in reaction. Shit. He goes through things to say, ways to somehow explain, though he couldn’t even explain the words to himself. 
His mind quiets when you smile shyly and burrow your face in his neck. He moves the both of you until you’re a tangle of intertwined limbs, resting on his cushions, watching as the light slowly fades outside. You’re warm in his arms, your breath coming softly, fanning against his skin. It feels too right to be wrong, he decides silently. 
The peaceful silence between you breaks with a chime from his phone, a message from  your father. 
“Looks like I’m invited to have dinner at yours,” he says, turning the screen towards you. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, grabbing for your own phone to check the time. “I should get going.” 
He helps you get dressed, until your still soaked panties end up in his hands again. His eyes flit up and down your body, lingering on the hem of your skirt, on the bare thighs beneath them. You take a step closer, your hand stretched out for them, but he pulls them away, sliding them into his pocket. 
A smirk grazes your features as you take another step closer. “Again? Really?” 
He shrugs, takes your hand to pull you into him. Your responding giggle is a sound that he’ll never get tired of. He sneaks a hand under your dress, palms your bare ass and presses your body against his. 
“Be a good girl and stay like this, for dinner,” he murmurs against your lips, before he kisses you once more. 
A grin slowly grows on your face as you realize what he’s saying. 
“Deal,” you agree, your eyes glinting. 
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You’re sitting down next to him, sliding into the chair beside him with the most innocent, sweetest smile to both your father and him. You’re still wearing the dress that you left his place in, the one that, if you’ve been good, you’re bare underneath. 
He reaches for you almost instantly, hidden under the tabletop, the pull towards your skin too strong to resist. You tense up for a moment, throwing him a quick glance, before you relax into his touch. He draws circles, featherlight on your skin, and you part your thighs a little more, allowing him to slide further between them. 
Focussing on the conversation with your father isn’t easy, not when you’re right here beside him, so pliant under his touch. 
“So, how was it with Cheryl?” your father asks, far too invested in the whole thing for Dave’s liking. You’re looking down at your plate, your shoulders slumped forward. 
He shrugs, his hand traveling upwards, beneath the hem of your skirt, pulling your thighs apart a little more. “She’s nice, but– Not the right fit for me, I think.” 
The memory of meeting the woman flashes through his mind. “You must be Dave,” accompanied by a shake of his hand. All wrong, so different from the way it sounds when David falls from your lips. He had wanted to leave right then and there. His grip on you tightens at the memory. 
“Well that’s a shame,” Jim sighs, leaning back in his chair. “I really thought you two were a good match.” 
Dave grunts noncommittally, taking another bite of his food. 
“This one,” your father continues, his eyes falling to you, “has yet to find a good match as well. Not the best choices so far.” He chuckles, either blind or indifferent to the way you seem to shrink in your chair. You mumble something about focussing on school and your career right now, your voice so small that it breaks Dave’s heart. 
“Boys your age are idiots anyway,” he says, grinning at how your eyes widen, his emphasis on your age in no way lost on you. “Wouldn’t want to have them distracting you, right?” 
You nod silently, but fire burns in your eyes when his hand reaches so high that his fingers swirl through the slick that’s covering your upper thighs. Dave grits his teeth, fighting the urge to kiss you right here and now, consequences be damned.
It’s wrong, it’s so so wrong, but it’s like he’s lost in a haze, high on the feeling of your skin under his fingertips. On the way your thighs fall open so willingly for him, always such a good and obedient girl. On the way you both know that you’re bare underneath your skirt, dripping with the filthy proof of what you did together. On the way he’s staked his claim all over your inner thighs, to the point that he’s certain the indents of his teeth are still pressed into your flesh. All while your father has no idea what’s happening right in front of him. 
The secret rebellion of it thrills you, he understands that now. He wonders if that’s what he is to you, an opportunity to do something so deliciously forbidden that you couldn’t resist. He’ll gladly be that for you. The idea to be the person who brought this out in you thrills him too. 
He somehow makes it through the evening. Not a single conversation topic has found its way into his memories. All he can think about, all that he knows he will remember is the feeling of you under his tight grip. All his. 
You had excused yourself when your father brought out the whiskey, squeezed his hand under the table before you stood up, carefully smoothing out your skirt. Call me, you had mouthed, turning back to look at him before exiting the room. 
He knows that he will.
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as always, if you enjoyed this, please consider putting a smile on my face by reblogging, commenting or sending in an ask <3 thank you for reading!
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punkshort · 2 months
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Pairing: Dave York x f!reader
Summary: Dave confronts you in the office and things quickly turn heated.
Warnings: language, threats of violence, sexual tension, smut (18+) MDNI, protected piv sex, edging, fingering
WC: 4.7K
dividers by the one and only @saradika-graphics
Collection Masterlist
How was he so calm?
How was he just standing there chatting in the breakroom with some guy, one hand holding a coffee, the other shoved into his pocket with an easy smile on his face while your heart was racing so fast you felt faint?
When he had first stood up from his desk, he pinned you with a dark stare and you were absolutely sure he was going to say something to you. You braced yourself for it, your trembling fingers hovering over your keyboard, but he just breezed right past without a second look. And now he stood in the breakroom talking about football or cars or the goddamn weather, you had no idea, but from where you were sitting he appeared completely at ease.
You heard your name and you blinked, forcing your eyes from Dave and onto the man standing behind you.
"Yes, hi," you said, trying to collect yourself. You stood to shake his hand and he introduced himself as Michael, your trainer for the week. Just to get you familiar with the software and stuff like that, he had said. He pulled up a chair and began instructing you to click on certain things on your screen, explaining what each tab's purpose was, where you could find important information on clients, reports and data, so you quickly began jotting down notes, forcing yourself to focus. You needed this job now that you were on your own, you couldn't let Dave distract you.
You were successful, for the most part. You had been listening intently to Michael explain how to run statements and alter them if need be that you didn't even notice Dave walk past your cube, his step faltering ever so slightly when he saw Michael leaning over your shoulder, then enter his office and shut the door.
It wasn't until lunchtime, after Michael left with the promise to return in an hour, did you notice the closed door across from you. There was no window. Dave was completely hidden from view. For all you knew, he had a client lunch and had left.
The office was quiet as you made your way to the breakroom to get some water. It was a nice day now that the rain had stopped and it seemed like most people wanted to go outside for lunch. The area was still relatively new to you so you had planned on just staying at your desk. That is, until you felt a strong hand grip your elbow, nearly making you jump out of your skin.
"Come with me."
His voice sent a shiver down your spine. Deep and commanding, firm yet smooth.
With a shaky hand, you put your cup on top of the water cooler and turned around only to find him halfway across the office already, heading for the stairwell. You smoothed down your dress and forced your legs to move, but it felt like you were walking through quicksand. When you saw him slip through the door, you moved faster while still trying to look casual to the few remaining people at their desks.
You pushed open the door, eyes flickering around, wondering if he went up or down when his arm shot out and yanked you to the side, pushing your back up against the concrete wall. You gasped and winced at the grip he had on your arm. It was not like his touch from last night. This time, he was angry.
"Who the fuck are you?" he seethed, towering over you with eyes so dark they almost looked black.
"What?" you squeaked, then he tightened his grip. You were about to cry out when he covered your mouth with his other hand.
"Who do you work for?" he tried again. Tears began to well up in your eyes. You had no idea what he was talking about.
Slowly, he lifted his hand from your mouth so you could answer, but his grip on your arm remained.
"I-I work here, I just started-"
He wrapped his hand around your throat, not enough to choke you but just enough to scare you.
"You think you're funny?"
"No," you gasped, fingers clawing at the back of his hand, "I swear, I don't - it's a coincidence, I-I don't know who you are!"
"Pretty strange coincidence, if you ask me," he replied, still holding onto your throat, his jaw tense. "You move into Alvarez's apartment and you got a job here? Who sent you?"
"W-what?" you sputtered, tears streaming down your face now. "Let me go!" You tried to kick him but it was no use. His hips pressed against your body, pinning you into the wall, effectively immobilizing you. "P-please," you begged, squeezing your eyes shut, "I don't know you! You're hurting me! Let me-"
His hand immediately dropped from your throat and you doubled over coughing.
He watched you for a moment as you tried to gather yourself, wiping furiously at your cheeks, then rubbing your throat. He could have killed you in an instant. If you were an agent, you were a really bad one.
"Alright, get up," he said, his tone flat. When you shifted, the shoulder of your dress slipped down and revealed the strap of your lingerie underneath. His breath caught in his throat as he stared, immediately recognizing it as the piece he found hidden in the back of your closet the night before.
You stood up and fixed your dress, eying him warily as he stared at your now covered shoulder.
"Are we gonna have a problem here?" he asked, dragging his gaze up to your face. "You gonna tell anyone what you know?" You shook your head.
"N-no. No problem. Please, Dave. I need this job. My whole life just got turned upside down. All I have is my shitty little apartment and this place," you could feel the tears building up again but you blinked them away, his stare cutting right through you. "I just need to get back on my feet. That's all I care about. I don't care about you or... whatever it is that you do."
His expression shifted and the corner of his mouth twitched.
"You don't care about me?" he repeated lowly. You gazed at him for a moment, your back still pressed up against the wall, panting slightly as your adrenaline wore off.
"No," you said quietly. He took a step forward and you stiffened.
"No?" he asked, voice softening as his fingers traced your shoulder. You swallowed and shook your head. He pinched the fabric of your dress between his thumb and pointer finger and gave it a little tug, revealing the lingerie strap again. "Then what's this?"
You bit back a gasp and instead tilted your chin up bravely. "It's nothing."
"Hm," he said, his eyebrow twitching playfully. "Because to me that looks awfully familiar. Tell me," he stepped forward again, eliminating any space between you to the point where you could feel the heat rolling off his body. "When you put this on, did you think about me?"
"Dave-" you began to protest, but he shushed you.
"Did it turn you on? Wearing this all day?" he whispered, lightly brushing your hair off your shoulder, making you shudder. He hooked his finger underneath your chin and leaned down, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Did I leave you wanting more, baby?"
Your knees weakened at the way he managed to tear you apart so quickly.
"Yes," you whined softly, brows furrowing as the blooming heat between your legs became unbearable.
"Yes to what?"
"All of it."
"Fuck," he mumbled, dragging in a ragged breath through his nose. You needed to touch him. You needed to feel the heat of his skin under your fingertips but all that was exposed was his neck. You cupped his face then gently fanned your fingers downwards, caressing his tanned skin underneath the collar of his dress shirt, thumbs grazing his chiseled jaw as your fingers danced around, trying to memorize every freckle. But when you sought out his lips, desperate to feel them pressed up against yours again, he stepped back.
"Not here," he said, holding your wrists in his hands.
"Then where?"
You were fully aware how pathetic you sounded, but you didn't care. Something about him was so magnetic, you couldn't help it.
He opened his mouth to respond when the door opened on the floor below you. He dropped your wrists as a group of people's laughter echoed up the concrete stairwell, pulling your attention towards the noise.
When you turned your head back in his direction, he was slipping silently through the door, back to his office.
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Grease seeped through the paper bag you clutched in your fist as you trudged home from work. Your feet ached and your head throbbed and all you wanted to do was put on some sweatpants, eat junk food and watch TV the whole the night.
Dave avoided you the rest of the day. He kept his office door shut the entire afternoon and when you got up to use the restroom, he must have snuck out to go home because his office was dark and empty when you got back to your cube.
After the emotional rollercoaster he put you through, you were throughly exhausted and feeling pretty shitty, so you stopped at a liquor store and picked up a bottle of red wine on a whim.
And although the lingerie was a bit uncomfortable, you kept it on, sliding your sweatpants and an oversized shirt over the red lace. Because even though you were confused and a little hurt, you still wanted something that reminded you of him.
You tried not to read too much into it.
Instead, you devoured your burger as you watched some crappy reality television show, something to turn your brain off for a while as the red wine coursed through your veins.
By the time you were ready for bed, you cleaned up and checked the lock on your door. The flimsy chain was pinched between your fingers as you hovered over the lock, considering for a moment whether or not to use it.
You ultimately let it drop, the metal grazing against the wood, swinging back and forth as you turned on your heel and headed down the short hallway.
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Something pulled you out of a deep sleep at 1:56am. You noted the time because your eyes immediately locked onto the clock next to your bed, bright red numbers glaring at you from two feet away. You strained your ears, trying to figure out what caused you to wake, but you didn't hear a thing. Rolling over onto your back, you slid your bare legs out from under your comforter, your feet about to touch the floor when you saw him.
Your heart jumped into your throat and you forgot how to breathe as you stared at the shadowy figure silently sitting at the end of your bed, and if it weren't for Dave's distinctive side profile, you wouldn't have recognized him as quickly as you did.
"What are you doing here?" you whispered, trying to keep the tremble out of your voice. He tipped his head back and sighed.
"I don't know."
He was wearing a similar outfit as before: dark, long-sleeved shirt and pants, but no gloves and no hat this time.
You waited a minute, your breath quickening as a familiar warmth settled low in your belly. You knew why he was there.
"You should use the chain," he said, still not looking at you. He stared at your closet from across the room, instead. "It's not safe."
"Do you mean you're not safe?" you asked, and you thought you saw the corner of his mouth twitch in amusement.
"No, I'm not," he said lowly, finally turning his head. His eyes raked up and down your body, noting appreciatively that your sleepwear was rather sparse. Then his eyes met yours. "Does that frighten you?"
You didn't trust yourself to speak. Instead, you just shook your head, lips parted, heart racing in your chest as you waited.
"I can't-" he cut himself off and dropped his gaze to your bed. "I can't offer you anything good. Like you deserve."
You would come to realize later he was negotiating terms of the relationship he was willing to have with you. But in that moment, you only wanted one thing.
"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?"
And when his eyes met yours once again, you saw an undeniable heat behind them. He hesitated for a moment, wishing the small part of him that had some morality left would come forward and stop him, but maybe that part died long ago and he was too busy to notice.
He didn't even remember doing it, it was so fast. He was on top of you, pinning you into the mattress while his tongue licked feverishly inside your mouth. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer, your greedy fingers seeking out his skin. And just like before in the stairwell, you found it difficult with the clothes he was wearing. But he didn't have that problem because all you were wearing was an oversized shirt, your sweatpants abandoned earlier next to your bed. His hand slid up your smooth leg and stopped at your hips, just underneath the hem of your shirt, plucking at your lacy underwear.
And then it hit him.
You didn't change your clothes.
He pulled away from your mouth, causing you to groan irritably.
"Off," he demanded, urgently tugging at your shirt. You frowned until you realized what had gotten him all worked up, then you grinned.
Sitting up, you chose to make a little show of it. You gripped the hem of your shirt with both hands, and maintaining eye contact, you slowly lifted it over your head and tossed it to the side, shaking out your hair when you were finished. His gaze darkened and he adjusted himself through his pants as he leisurely committed every single detail of your body in that lingerie to memory.
"Did you wear this hoping I would come here tonight?" he rasped, eyes still glued to your body.
That was when you saw the first crack in his mask. His eyes softened and his lip quivered before he was on you once again, his mouth moving hungrily against yours, his hands gripping and squeezing every soft piece of you he could find.
He knew it was wrong. He knew he was possibly putting you in danger simply by being there. Anybody could be tailing him. Anybody could be waiting for their chance to take him out. It's why he never tried to be close with anybody before. He couldn't take the risk of putting someone innocent in harm's way, to be used as collateral in a world they knew nothing about. But something about you made him forget all his rules. He couldn't stop himself from seeing you that night. And had he stayed another minute, he would have taken you right in the middle of the stairwell at the office.
He needed to hear you say it. He needed to hear you say you wanted this. But before he could ask, you spoke.
"Take your pants off," you said, your hands tugging feebly at his waistband. "I need you, Dave, please."
Working his zipper down with one hand, he kept his mouth pressed against yours while your fingers raked through his hair, pulling and tugging impatiently. Leaving his pants partially undone, he groaned and pulled away so he could drag his mouth down your neck, in between the valley of your breasts and then down your soft stomach.
The sharp stubble from his chin against your sensitive skin made you jump underneath him and he chuckled darkly, throughly enjoying how responsive you were. He hooked his fingers underneath the band of your panties and pulled. You lifted your hips in earnest and he had to hide his smile against your skin.
He dropped your panties to the ground and sat up, pressing your knees into the mattress and spreading your legs wide so he could see every inch of you. You squirmed under his gaze, trying to ignore the embarrassment creeping up your neck but he didn't notice. His eyes were pinned directly between your legs, unable to look away.
"Can I touch you?" he asked quietly, and something about the way his tone softened when he asked for permission, two things you didn't expect from him, made your heart flutter.
"Yes," you whispered, then your back arched off the bed when his middle finger dragged slowly through your folds. His thumb pressed down on your clit, rubbing a few circles until his middle finger slid all the way up once again, pinching your bundle of nerves before pulling his hand away entirely. You gasped and writhed around before him, your hips canting upwards, searching for his touch. He smirked and fell forward, his left arm holding himself above you while his right hand cupped your mound, his middle finger finding your clit as he pet back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace so he could watch your face twist with frustration underneath him.
"Shh, relax," he murmured when you began to whine and pull at his shirt. You wanted him to go faster, he knew that, but he was going to build you up slowly and watch you fall apart.
"Dave," you whimpered, then tried gazing up at him imploringly, begging him with those big beautiful eyes. "I need more, I need-"
"Let me worry about what you need," he said, his finger still maintaining the same slow pace, tracing up and down your seam. Every time his fingertip flicked against your clit he felt a new wave of arousal coat his fingers. By now, his cock was throbbing painfully in his jeans, but he put it out of his mind. He waited all day for this and he wasn't going to rush.
You panted heavily, head rolling from side to side, your entire body ready to snap if only he would just go a tiny bit faster or apply just a little more pressure. It felt like you were right there but he kept holding you back. You bucked your hips up, trying to seek out what you needed on your own, but he just watched you and grinned. That was when it occurred to you he was enjoying watching you dissolve into a desperate, moaning mess. He knew what you wanted, knew what you needed, but he was purposely denying you.
"Dave, I can't," you whimpered, his finger scooping up another gush of arousal but still not entering you.
"Can't what?" he goaded, watching as two tears slid from the corners of your eyes.
"It hurts," you moaned, and his grin was replaced with a fake, sympathetic frown.
"What hurts, baby?"
"My pussy," you gasped, a few more tears rolling down your cheeks. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, the ache between your legs unbearable as you kept clenching around nothing. "Pleasepleaseplease," you chanted, unable to form a coherent thought.
"Alright, tell me what you need and I'll give it to you," he relented, touch still feather light over your clit.
"Your fingers," you mumbled, blinking away the tears, "inside. Please, Dave, please - oh god!"
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he slid two fingers inside you with ease and finally that devastating pinch between your hips was quelled. He didn't hold back now. He pumped his fingers in and out, curling them each time he reentered you, quickly drawing your orgasm to the surface while the heel of his hand slapped harshly against your clit.
"Oh fuck, yes!" you cried, back arching off the mattress, head tilting back and your eyes sliding shut but he tsked and nipped at your jaw, bringing your attention back to him.
"Eyes on me," he demanded, and you nodded, your mouth hanging open, holding his dark gaze until the coil snapped and you moaned his name. Your body immediately flooded with relief and your muscles went lax but you kept your eyes trained on him, just like he said.
"Fuck," he groaned, admiring the sticky mess between your legs when he removed his fingers. He pulled out a condom from his back pocket and quickly rolled it on while you laid there, all pliant and soft and submissive, desperately trying to catch your breath.
He didn't give you much time to recover. With your chest still heaving, he grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him. Your heavy lidded eyes watched as he knelt between your legs, but before going any further he reached one hand underneath and unclasped your bra. Flinging it towards the end of the bed, his mouth latched onto your nipple right as he began to feed you his cock with a deep groan.
You gasped at the stretch and allowed your fingers to get tangled in his hair, vaguely noting he still hadn't taken off any clothes. His pants were shoved down slightly, just enough to free his cock, but that was it, and you would have protested if he didn't already feel so fucking good.
"Dave," you whispered, his focus still on your chest, teeth grazing over the soft swell of your breasts as he eased himself inside you. He didn't respond when you said his name again so you tugged on his hair, forcing him to pin you with his heated gaze. "Eyes on me," you murmured, and you swore the corners of his mouth twitched like he was fighting back a smile.
With one snap of his hips he bottomed out, slanting his mouth over yours to muffle your cries.
"Is this what you wanted?" he breathed, both your jaws hung open, mouths hovering over the other as he began to steadily rock his hips.
"Yes," you hissed, far too fixated on how deep he was, how delicious the sting felt as he split you open to offer up much else.
Dave hummed his approval and grabbed your waist, rolling your hips in rhythm with his. "Bet you were just waiting for me, hoping I would come back and fuck you just like this, right?"
Pathetically, you nodded. His coarse hair rubbed against your clit with each thrust, quickly building you back up. Your fingers pulled weakly at his shirt, trying to find a sliver of skin. You dropped your arms, lifting up the hem of his shirt, your palms skirting over his warm, taut stomach.
He shuddered at your touch, so warm and gentle and unlike anything he was used to. You were moaning his name, telling him how good he felt and how badly you wanted him, wanted this, but it was hard for him to focus when you were squeezing him so tightly. You felt too fucking good, too fucking sweet that he couldn't hold himself back much longer. Quickly, he pulled out, causing you to whine in protest but when he hauled you upright to sit on his lap, angling your hips so you had to sit on his cock, you quieted right down. He watched in wonder as your face relaxed more and more the further you took him, and when he was fully seated inside of you once again, you closed your eyes and gave him a lazy smile.
"Good girl," he breathed in your ear as you began to bounce lightly in his lap, his own hips matching your speed. He wrapped his arms around your ribs and held you close, burying his face in your neck. The zipper on his pants rubbed at your overly sensitive skin but you didn't care. You were too far gone, too lost in the moment and what Dave was offering: reaching the furthest depths of you and making you come undone for him once again.
"I'm close," you whimpered as you clawed at his shoulders. "Don't stop. Dave, please, fuck..." you tipped your head back and groaned. It might have been too rough but he couldn't help himself. He slammed his hips into you, each time your skin slapped together he let out a quiet grunt, his eyes fixated on your face the entire time. You were so beautiful like this. Your skin, warm and soft. Your hair, messy and wild. And your lips, fuck, all swollen and wet. He could feel himself nearing his peak and he knew then and there this wouldn't be the last time. It couldn't. It wasn't even over and he was already craving you.
"C'mon, give it to me," he snarled, biting at your neck. He wanted to leave a mark. He wanted to walk by your desk the next day and see the evidence of that night. He needed it.
You whined and bounced faster on his lap, your head tossing back and forth before your lips sought out his. He figured out quickly it was to muffle your screams as you came apart, your body stiffening and then relaxing as he swallowed down each and every sweet moan that fell from your perfect mouth.
Eager to join you, his arms squeezed around your ribs, holding you down on his hips so he could fuck up into you recklessly. He groaned loudly into your mouth and he felt your lips twitch into a satisfied smile as he came, his body involuntarily thrusting up into you with each spurt of spend, only finally stopping when he felt a shiver go down his spine.
"Wow," was all you could muster, your eyes sliding shut as you pressed your forehead to his.
He could feel himself beginning to fall. The walls began to shake and crumble when he pressed a gentle kiss against your collarbone. You sighed and raked your fingers through his tousled hair and it suddenly all felt too intimate.
His eyes snapped open. He couldn't do this. This wasn't him. Don't go soft.
He lifted you off him with a grunt and laid you down on the bed. Your eyes were closed and you had a cute little smile etched across your face. He had to fight against every instinct screaming at him as he forced himself to stand up.
You watched as he strolled into your bathroom, then listened to the water from the sink behind the closed door. You couldn't move if you wanted to. Your body was too spent and used and it felt really fucking good.
When he emerged, your eyes locked onto his and you knew immediately he was not planning to stay. He had zipped up his pants and fixed his shirt while he was in the bathroom, looking like he had one foot out the door already. He helped clean you up between your legs, your release coating your thighs and avoiding your eyes the entire time. Then he dropped the washcloth back in your bathroom and turned towards you once more.
"I'm glad you stopped by," you said softly, after it became clear he had no idea what to say. He took a deep breath and looked at the floor.
"Use the chain," he said.
You bit the inside of your cheek. "Why? So it'll keep you from breaking in?"
His eyes snapped up to yours.
"A chain won't stop me," was all he said, and you hummed in response.
You held his stare for a moment, each of you silently regarding the other before you spoke again.
"Can I ask you a question?"
He averted his gaze and moved a few steps closer to the door. He knew this would come. How could it not? So he nodded, but your question surprised him.
"Is Dave your real name?"
He raised his eyebrows and blinked rapidly a few times before answering.
"That's your question?"
You shrugged and gave him a lopsided grin. "Yeah."
He scoffed and shook his head before tearing his eyes away from you. How on earth was that your question? You had no idea who he was, what he did, what he was capable of, and your only question was about his name?
"Yes. It's my real name."
You took a deep breath and pulled the sheets over you.
"See you tomorrow, Dave."
He couldn't stop the smirk from pulling at his lips that time but you didn't see it. Your eyes were closed, face buried underneath your bedding, looking throughly fucked out and satisfied.
Something stirred low in his belly, something primal that told him to go to you and hold you close. He had to force his feet to move towards the door.
There was no doubt now. He would definitely be back.
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anaispunk · 11 days
Please, Please, Please. | Dark!Dave York x F!Nanny Reader (Daddy's Home Series)
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Last Part / Next Part
Synopsis: Who said putting your early childhood education degree wouldn't cause you problems? Clearly they have never met Dave York.
Word Count: 4.7k
Trigger Warnings: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT! This is a dark series so be warned! Angst, Stalking, Masturbation, Sex, PiV, tame to start but will progressively get more fucked up. I think that is all the triggers.
There it was, right in front of you now. Huge white home with a picket fence; the American dream. You couldn't miss it, I mean how could you? The second you pulled up in your car you knew it had to be his. No man that well put together, strict and sweet; his home reflected it. The egg shell white of the home gave it such a soft, cloud-like feeling; innocence. It made sense when he had two little girls under his roof. This was the kind of home you always dreamed about, one that you would not mind owning one day. A pipe dream. The fact that you knew it was Dave's too - drew you in closer, made you feel most connected with the York's. It was true, you were going to fit in perfectly with their family; caring for one was going to be a dream come true. You could not have it be any better than this.
It has only been three days since you last chatted with Dave, after the Skype call it was almost immediate; one hour later some of his team from the DIA was shuttling your home into boxes, carting them off to DC. Overwhelming was not the word at all, it was more than that. This was the equivalent to being evicted and needing to be out same day; you were scared. Over the last few years whilst attending school you knew no other than this, it was your home away from home in a sense. So many key things happened here and now, it will all be a distant memory. Then again, that is the purpose of growing up - isn't it? You have to step out of your box, venture out to explore the universe; what was the point of sheltering yourself away when new opportunities arose? Hiding yourself from the world was no way to live honestly, it was something you needed to come to terms with. 
The drive down to DC was one full of life, bubbling over with the small smiles and lush greenery. Up north sure, you have beautiful falls and very vibrant summer's but in DC - it was more. Smooth pavement slid under your tires on the highway, everyone could drive without slamming on their breaks or riding your ass for a solid twenty minutes. The pace was set and the scenery was gorgeous. It wasn't just one forest green shade you got to experience, it was a multitude of different shades, textures bursting at the seams. The air wasn't thick with smog and bullshit; this was new. You felt like you could breathe - there wasn't this tightened grasp for mother nature around your throat anymore. Maybe it was all the stress and worry of school/finding a job that had you riled up but now, the world seemed a lot more colorful. 
The soft sounds of sweet melodies bustled through the speakers of your car - causing your brain to spiral. What is this is a trick? What if this is some sex cult thing? What if I die? What if? What if? What if? Closing your eyes to deal with overthinking, you rested your head against the steering wheel - the cold leather pressing against the hot skin. You needed to calm yourself before he decided to walk up and introduce yourself. If you were in such disarray meeting Dave for the first time then, it was not going to end pretty in your mind. Inhaling the sweet aroma of your air freshener, you exhaled easily - grounding yourself within the moment. Everything is going to be okay. This will all be okay - everything is going to work out wonderfully. Fake it until you make it. Almost instantly a bright smile clung to your lips, trying to get in the sensation of what it was going to be like to mask your nerves. 
As you were about to leave your car, that is when you saw him, or someone that looked like him. With how you were positioned on the side of the street it was hard to tell. No, no that is Dave. Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched his body move to and fro; flexing his muscles ever so gently as he brought the trash barrels out to the curb. Fuck, fuck he's so broad! Your initial thought made you chortle, but it was true; Dave is broad - tall, built like he could kill a man in seventy different ways. He was unreal, a walking daydream. You felt your body flush at the sight, heat rising over every inch. The way it was pulling you in made you feel as if you were burning alive; the AC blasting on your skin was slowly turning to heat. Gasping out for air you never realized how long you were holding your breath for, causing your car to slightly jolt at the notice. 
Dave saw you; been watching you. He knew exactly the trip you were making, all the streets and highways you were hopping on. What you did not realize was the tracking chip sitting right into the motherboard of your internal radio; Dave requested that one of his men install it. He needed to make sure you were safe, and okay. He needed to be able to switch to your trunk camera and catch any license plates that were following you a little too close. How else was he going to flush you out of your own car with the heat? How else would he have known to take empty trash barrels out to the edge of the street as you arrived. How else could have possibly have known? He had to prep your bedroom just right, giving you such a nice reward for how you obeyed his rules. Your sex toys may start popping up one by one, if you are a good girl. 
Turning your AC off, you wiped the small beads of sweat from your forehead, trying to recollect yourself in the midst of your lost thoughts. Looking towards the passengers side of the car, you pulled your purse into your lap, trying to calm yourself. Something about holding the cold material made you feel like you again; maybe it was the essence of this sunspear fragrance you bought that made things feel nice - the gentle spice flowing in the air. Knock. Knock. Knock. Gentle raps of knuckles against your tinted windows made you jolt, causing you to squeal at the sight. Huffing out an embarrassed breath, you let a nervous laugh escape your lips as you rolled your window down - catching the glint of golden flecks within Dave's eyes this early in the morning. How the sun was coming up over the horizon, made your stomach flip.
You could officially notice all the small details that his webcam could not pick up on; his lip twitched to drink your in. How his neck tensed and released ever so gently when he tried to find the right words to say. Long, calloused digits lightly drumming against the opening to your window - causing flutters to arise in your belly. The sun-kissed skin of his face and neck glistening in the morning sun. This man was a walking portrait of beauty, and elegance. You would never admit this to him but, he felt like home. He felt safe. Knowing he worked for the DIA as well was an added benefit; you were now going to be covered under his protection. No one would get close enough to hurt you. Breaking the line of sight you had on him, you focused back down against the opening of your bag, grabbing out the small white box for him. With a glimmer of shyness in your eyes, you let your eyes fall back into his. "I-I hope this is okay...I like giving gifts and to thank you for taking me in...this is for you." You cut yourself off, feeling the rambling coming forth. 
Dave slowly took the white box from your hand, letting his fingers skim over yours a bit longer than truly necessary. It was the way the slightly chilled digits slid across your soft fingers that made your heart lurch; your breath began to stick in your esophagus. Gently pulling the box out of your hand, Dave sent a gentle smile your way - using the same fingers to untie the bow you wrapped around it; the blush rose to your cheeks. As Dave pulled the cover off he gasped, just the tiniest bit for it to be audible, running the pads of his fingers over the card inside. "I know it isn't much but - figured both you and your wife could use a Starbucks run every now and again." You loved giving gifts - seeing how happy it made everyone was the sweetest of all feelings. It was the gentle smile twisting bigger for you; stomach being sent into flips. Such a small detail you brought forward had Dave smiling widely; he has not done this in so long.
"Y/n, you did not have to do this - you are too kind. Carol actually cut coffee out of her routine since she wants to try for a third baby, so more for me!" He enthusiastically cheered, you could see the distaste behind his eyes as he let the soft mocha ones meet yours, causing you to lean your head back against the driver seat. Hearing that his wife wanted a third kind of stung, but easily it could be pushed away. "Thank you, this was a very kind gesture. Let me return the favor." Dave let out, softening his gaze at you. Reaching for the door handle, he let his hand encircle the cold metal, pulling your door open with such ease. Dave was met with one delicious sight; a different variation of the dress you wore to the interview - only now it was in a lovely rose color. His eyes could not stop from wandering across your body; the bareness of your legs caught his attention. 
A blush rose upon your cheeks as you slipped out of the car, pressing your back against the backdoor. Dave never took his hungry eyes off of yours, basking in the glory you were providing. Breaking his gaze you stared forth at the home, feeling this overwhelming rush of happiness flowing through your veins. Life as you knew it, right here in suburbia. "You will meet the girls tonight; Carol should be home from work at five. Alice and Molly should be back around then too. Come, let me show you your home now." You welcomed the hand Dave placed on your lower back, sinking into his attentive touch. The warmth spreading from his body to yours made goosebumps arise under your cardigan - a chill shuddering into Dave's palm. The excitement billowed throughout your body, excited for this new adventure. All you had to do was accept the good, and the great would slip right behind it. 
As Dave ushered you towards the home, you noticed the gigantic yard they had; the girls must love it. So much land to have adventures on, to imagine the impossible with - it was every child's dream. Lost in your own thought you did not realize how you already landed at the front door, Dave opening it right by your side. Slipping inside first you were taken aback at the scenery in front of you. The outside was huge but, the inside was bigger. So many things to fixate your eyes upon, yet you focused in on the lapis lazuli tower near the door, used as a key holder. The beautiful swirls or blue's and grey's mesmerized you; much like this home. Baby blue painted oak of the front door slammed shut with ease; scuffling of shoes being slid off by the door caused your gaze to break. Following after Dave's motions, you removed your flats - placing them right next to his dress shoes. It was bizarre to see only two, and not five pairs sitting there. 
"We can get well acclimated to the rest of the home later. I would love to show you your room; I've been working on it - for you." It was such a sweet gesture from Dave, taking the time to set your room up so you would not have to worry. Rubbing his forearm through the blue dress shirt, you used it to signalize your thanks - awaiting him to take the lead. Without breaking your stare, Dave slid his fingers upwards to grab at your hand delicately - watching to see if you were okay with this. A tiny nod sent his way had him fully grabbing your hand, like his life depended on it. The contrast of your skin against his was unreal; unmatched. You were a delicate diamond, shiny and new - not rough around the edges; smooth, pure. His hold spoke volumes; protector, boss but also dear friend. It had only been mere minutes since you entered the home, but you felt important - special. In this beautiful castle, Dave made you feel like a princess - not just the handmaiden. 
Bringing you alongside him as you both made your ascend on the stairs, you let your freehand slowly grip at the railing. Golden swirls of metal and wood played upon the rise, cold yet warm under your touch. This had to be a custom job; flecks of iridescent sparkles met the low blue hue of the bulbs above. High ceilings helped make that glow eternal - each speck fell on Dave's face like beautiful moonlight. Every inch met with the blues, purples, yellows, and greens - he was the personification of infinity. For a moment his russet eyes met yours, watching with intent; what was on that beautiful mind? It wasn't awkward to stare within the deep depths of Dave York's eyes, you were not scared in a single lick. Maybe if it because he is a family man, maybe it's because he works for the government. But something reflected behind his irises, something you were never allowed to see - not yet, anyway. 
As you reached the top step, you were taken aback by the five doors lining the hallways - eyes shooting wide open. Dave could sense your amusement, but was that fear he was touching upon as well? Sliding his hand from yours to the small of your back, he ever-so-lightly pulled you to his side, starting the descent down the hallway. Each door had different patterns; the one in which you assumed was the master bedroom was a gorgeous wine color - A and M in such beautiful script lined the dark background. Small, intricate butterflies blossomed in streams; baby pink and lilac spread beautifully out. The sentiment of wanting to make this door so like them made your heart melt, bringing family closer and closer together. Deep down it made you excited to see your own - unless Dave did not let them, not yet anyway. "There will only be three of us here; the girls are upstairs." Dave motioned to the ceiling above you, causing an eyebrow to raise on your end. Then what were the other doors for?
"One is the personal gym I had installed. Carol has her craft room. The last one we left up to you - we use it as storage but if you needed it for an office and such, it is yours. There is a joining door, easy access in case." Your heart was going to burst at the sweet nature Dave was giving, making you feel like a York already. Hiding your face away from his eyes, you were introduced to one of the most magical sights - your room door. A gasp slipped from parted lips, tears starting to spring up in the corners of your eyes. The black background of it brought together the gorgeous gradient of oranges to pink, green to blue, white clouds speckled inside of the hues. Through the middle of the panel, your name was sprawled across with golden paint, matching the script that was on the York's bedroom door. "Dave..." You breathlessly spoke, bringing your free hand up to cup your mouth, astonished at the sweet gesture. 
Without a single second wasted, you spun around to wrap your loving arms around Dave. It took a second for him to register what was going on, but nonetheless he returned it. Facing forward to stare at your door that darkened glint you saw earlier was slowly creeping forward. A sadistic smile came forth to wrap around his lips. Letting his hands roam your back, he felt how your muscles flexed against his touch. Oh, you're not wearing a bra today. The thought itself had him silently groaning, hoping you could feel the bulge protruding in his pants. Apple, and mango. He noticed your hair smelt so delicious, freshly primped by your favorite shampoo. It caused his grip to tighten around you, sliding upwards to cup the back of your neck. He did not mind you were crying into his chest; he hoped you didn't mind what he did next. Letting one of his large palms grab at the back of your neck, he pulled you forward to stare down into your eyes. 
"You deserve this; you deserve the world. Y/n, this is only the beginning." He smiled sweetly, rubbing circles against your pulse point. Dave wanted to slam you back into the bedroom door, suck right on that soft spot in your neck, rutting against you. You could not help but melt into his touch, sighing with a lick of relief at the kind hearted nature of one Dave York. Maybe he wasn't as scary as you thought, he had so much love it felt unreal. Starting to massage into your neck, you could not hold the gentle moan slipping through your lips - leaning deeper into the touch. His hands were magic, stroking your muscles in circles - your eyes slid shut. If you were allowed to, you'd stay here forever. The softest nature of Dave's fingers around your neck made you feel pretty. Looking up at him with wide, doe eyes - he returned the look. It took everything in Dave's body to not push you into the room, and fuck your brains out. Alas, he contained his primal instinct. "I haven't even showed you the best part yet." He smirked, removing his hand to wrap around the crystalized knob. 
For a moment you lost your breath, seeing the nature of your room. When Dave asked you what your favorite colors were, you did not expect him to get you bedding in the same shade - walls matching elegantly against the black out curtains. Drawing your gaze back to your bed, your eyes widened at the state; silk fucking sheets. Oh he is rich rich. They looked so soft, so inviting against your skin. Biting down on your cheek you had to suppress the need to jolt onto the sheets - feeling how they glided softly against you. This had to be a dream; no way in hell this was all real. What you had failed to notice was exactly how your room was set up, exactly like it was back home. Smiling widely you moved from Dave's side, lunging onto the bed as you settled into it - sinking right into the sheets. Humming at the cool sensation on your legs and back, you failed to realize how your dress was only a mere millimeter away from exposing your lace pink thong underneath. Dave didn't mind though, he wanted to shred it with his teeth.
Stretching your arms out in the sheets - your hand was met with a cold, unfamiliar wet sensation. Pulling your hand back from your pillow case you noticed the thick fluid on your fingers, swirling it around. Turning your head upwards you could not help but flip the pillow over, noticing the wet patches darkening the fabric. Lines of white swirls covered the lilac, causing your cheeks to burn. The temptation to bring it up to your face was high, but alas you could not risk it - no matter what it was. Lick it, come on - taste me. Be a good girl and taste what you made Daddy do. Dave was pressed against the entrance on your room, arms crossed over his chest as he watched your actions. How you pushed his seed around in your fingers, the temptation of bringing it to your nose - god you were driving him absolutely mental. "Its...sticky." You pouted, looking around to see what you could possibly wipe your hands off on. 
Dave hummed as he watched your slight struggle; your eyes softened to him as if to silently ask for help. Puffing his bottom lip out for you he made his way across to your nightstand. With one gentle sweep he pulled out a pack of wet wipes, just in case. As he pulled the tab opened, he let the wet napkin sway across his calloused finger tips. Holding your hand out for him, Dave laid your hand flat in his. The intricate strokes he made with the wipe caused your heart to flutter, matching the butterflies in your core. Your eyes were fixated on him cleaning you up - it made you feel special how amazing he was taking care of you. No man had ever shown you this much compassion, or care. With his clean hand, Dave tipped your chin up to look at him - your face perfect level with his- "It is okay, sweetheart. It may just be some lotion that spilled when the movers were rearranging your room. I will get this case washed for you while you sleep."
Reaching over your Dave pulled the pillow towards him, swiping the case off easily. Carefully he wrapped it up in his hands, making sure his own spill did not fall anywhere on you; not yet at least. A simple nod flew from your as you smiled up at him, taking in the deep aroma of his cologne; white pepper, ginger, maybe a hint of vetiver? There was so much yummy coming off, you could not catch every inch of it. Fennel and pine; that target candle you loved so much - that is what it reminded you of. Never wanting the smell to stop, you leaned in closer to Dave - placing your forehead on his softened belly. "You treat me too well, Dave. I am so grateful for you." A yawn slipped from your lips, causing you to accidentally push your face further into Dave's stomach. In his slacks his cock jumped at the sensation, your hands holding onto his thighs so he would not fall. Lay back princess, spread those legs for me. I'll make you very sleepy. "Excuse me, I am so sorry about that."
Cupping your cheek elegantly, Dave ran the pad of his thumb over your bottom lip - some of his seed still on the flesh. Rubbing it into the softened skin, you could not help but poke your tongue out - almost as if it was instinctual. The salty nature of his skin, and cum, caused your face to ignite; wandering eyes met your tired, hooded ones. "Why don't you get some rest, okay? I'm going to be in my office by the kitchen if you need anything. When everyone gets home, I will introduce you. Sound good?" His monotone voice slowly lulled you to sleep, lazily nodding into his grasp. Dave did not want to stop touching you - how could he? But alas, as you laid yourself down in your new bed, he marched out...so you thought. 
The room was dark, too dark to make out the figure standing in the corner near your closet. With sleep taking over your lax body, there was no energy within you to wake up - seeing exactly who was standing there. Dave repeated his actions from earlier; arms crossed over his chest as he watched you sleep. Although turning the heat up in your room was new, enough to make you shed your sheets. Though the light spilling in was enough to illuminate your body, he could see those pretty pink panties in full now - watching how the light fabric was darkened by your arousal. "D-Dave..." You moaned out in your sleep, causing his lips to turn in a smirk. Coming forward to your side, he kneeled down by your face - watching how your lips parted slightly - your nipples pebbling with the saucy dreams that you were having. "Words, baby girl - tell me what you are thinking about?" He whispered into your hear, hot breath fanning over your shell. He kept his hands propped up next to you, not daring to touch you - but watch what you do yourself. His eyes never broke from your mouth, seeing how you poked your tongue out to wet your lip. 
You were a notorious sleep talker from what Dave noticed over the last few months; though it was garbled sometimes, it was clear in bursts. Small sentences were easy for you to get out, the fluidity easy to keep up with. You're so beautiful when you're sleeping. Your innocence shines bright, the glow of sunlight adding to it. What Dave wouldn't do to slip his fingers into your mouth, let you wet them while you work yourself up. Pretty baby, so soft and sleepy in your princess bed. The sight of you touching his seed made him yearn for you, thanking the gods that the hidden camera teddy bear sitting on the dresser caught it in 4K; the "home gym" was a perfect façade for his surveillance room. All 16 monitors had that plastered upon it; HD, Ultra HD, 4K, slowed down, sped up. What was it going to be like catching you masturbating in this picture? The thought already had Dave going mad "Fucking...m-me...raw." You muttered out, slurred with sleep. 
It was the smile falling onto Dave's lips that made him laughing low, listening to how vocal you became in your sleep. He wondered how you would be in bed; would you be screaming his name to all of the world? Would you be a moaning mess? Do you get cockdumb easily? He would make you, he would find that aspect of you to corrupt and make you drunk off of him. It would not be hard, you would be easier to mold than Carol was. He hasn't even touched her since he started fawning over you. If they even did fuck - he made sure to wear a condom, taking her from behind so he would not give her his seed again. No, he needed to save it all up for you - when it was your time to play. "T-Take...me...yours." You snapped out, thrashing slowly against the soft sheets. Your legs flew wider, your cunt starting to peak out from the corner of your panties. 
Dave took the initiative to lean upwards on you, pinning your arms to your side. Coming in real close to your face he was only inches away, easily could have kissed you - but he would not. Taking advantage of your sleeping form was not in his nature, but he would help coax an orgasm or two if need be - just by his words. He was thankful you wore a sleep mask - not being able to see that he was physically above you, drinking in your newest state. Nipping at your cheek, he let out low, but sharp; "Never fucking forget that either. No one is ever going to touch you again, except for me." You gasped at his words, causing him to move back slowly - quickly you ripped off your sleep mask, not seeing much due to your eyes not in focus. Dave slid off and under the bed, holding onto the metal frame, pulling himself up to conceal himself. Your eyes finally came into focus, looking around only to be met with a darkened room. Was that real? Was it just a dream?
Dave was never going to let you know. 
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psychedelic-ink · 10 months
prompt: murder plot au (lets kill this person together) + "crawl to me"
pairing: childhood best friend!dave york x f!reader
genre: explicit smut, minors dni
summary: The only good thing about coming back home with your fiance is getting to see Dave York again, your best friend since you were four.
word count: 4.6k
warnings: angst, abusive fiance, verbally abusive family, hurt/comfort, neighbor au, childhood friends to lovers, oral (fem receiving), dacryphilia, blood, you and dave kill your fiance, then crawl to him because why not, soft gun kink, possessive!dave
a/n: this is not edited at all but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway
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The only good thing about coming back home is getting to see Dave York.
His family moved in when you were four, and you've been close friends ever since. Both of you moved away at around the same time; he became a CIA operative and got married, while you were still trying to figure yourself out. Your family wasn't supportive of this "self-discovery" stage in your life, which didn't really surprise you. They had never been supportive, always reminding you of your failures.
Then you met Chris, got engaged, and for the first time, your family was happy. Shortly after, you heard about Dave's parents passing away, followed swiftly by the CIA terminating his program. His divorce had been finalized earlier this year. You called him, letting him know that if he needed anything, he should reach out. He assured you he'd be okay, finding other work and moving back into his parents' home.
Ever since you heard he was back, you've been excited.
But now that you’re here, standing at his door, you feel like you’re four again. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, their wings tickling you from the inside out. How long has it been since you’d last seen him? It’s been too long, for sure. 
Dave is one of those friends that you could just continue from where you left off no matter how long time had passed. It’s just like pressing the pause button on a remote. It doesn’t require effort to feel close to him again, and you’re glad of it. Dave had been your rock during your teenage years, when you’d been adamant about crying yourself to sleep, he would throw pebbles at your window. It would always surprise you how he’s just known you needed him. It didn’t take you much convincing to leave your room and the two of you would venture on into the darkness until morning. Your parents non the wiser.
Those nights were your favorite. 
Heat licks at your spine, the tips of your ears burning when your mind drifts to a night that smelled of the salty sea. If you think about it hard enough you can still feel the sand caressing your back while Dave pushed deep inside you, his mouth feasting on your neck as the waves tickled your feet. 
God, you’d give anything to return to that night. 
Taking in a sharp breath, you finally knock on the door. The sound echoes and soon, you hear steps coming closer and closer, every thud making your heart skip a beat. 
With the door opening, you feel a gentle rush of cool air caressing your face, a scent that smells so purely of Dave following through. Without noticing you take a deep breath, filling your lungs with the familiar smell. Your eyes flutter shut. In hindsight, thinking about the night you lost your virginity probably wasn’t smart. You wonder if it would still feel as good. 
When you open your eyes, he’s staring at you with an amused smile, eyes twinkling like he knows the precise memory you’re thinking about. 
“Dave!” you exclaim and throw your arms around his broad neck. He's bigger now, taller, and notably more muscular. He hugs your tight and lifts you slightly off the ground, your toes brushing against the patio, biceps flexing against your frame. 
He squeezes you one last time before loosening his grip, your body slides against his, your tight nipples brushing against the width of his chest. A gasp parts your lips, a gentle tremor to your legs. You purposefully brush your nose into the crook of his neck and take a deep breath in. “God, I missed you,” you murmur. 
“I’ve missed you too,” his hands remain on your waist, eyes briefly scanning to see if there’s anyone with you. When he sees there’s no one, he raises a sole brow. “I thought your fiance came with you?” 
Despite yourself, your frown is instant, your stomach clenching painfully, “He did,” you answer. “He’s with mom and dad, getting pampered.” 
“Ah,” he clicks his tongue. “Sounds fun. So. . . they like him?” 
“Surprisingly yes,” you smile. “I don’t think I could’ve brought him here otherwise.” 
He hums and pulls himself back, you want to follow his touch but stay rooted in place. 
“I’m a bit worried if your folks like him so much,” he scratches his chin. “Do you like him?” 
The question gets under your skin, festering inside of you like a nasty wound. You look away. “He’s okay,” you say dismissively and quickly force a smile. “ “Do you want to join us for dinner?” 
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Dave’s question had bothered you more than you thought. 
You’ve never had anyone burn for you, never had anyone willing to move heaven and earth for you, never had anyone who’d do anything to see you smile. You never experienced the love you’ve read about in books, and after a while, you just stopped looking for it. Women like you don’t receive that kind of love; women like you don’t get the hero or a prince.
After you’ve found Chris, you thought that’d be as good as it’ll get. 
Honestly, you were quite surprised when he proposed, your relationship was mediocre at best. You blamed yourself for thinking like that. You’d always been a dreamer. Someone who had their head in the clouds. And since your parents loved him so much, you were inclined to say yes. Not because your parents controlled your every move or something like that, it was just nice for them to finally spare a compliment, even though the said compliment was depending on you finding someone that would typically not spare a glance at someone like you—according to them. 
You head for the kitchen, helping your mother set the table. She says nothing as she shoves four plates into your waiting arms. You drag your feet to the dining room. 
It shouldn’t have surprised you that the things you disliked about Chris only heightened after the engagement. Sarcastic remarks and condescending tones turned into full dismissal of your opinions and talents. Venomous comments that were made behind closed doors became a part of his normal interaction with you among friends and family. No one seemed to care. Only a couple of friends had come to warn you, or offer help, but you felt ashamed, embarrassed to reach out to people who didn’t know how mess of a person you were—how broken. They didn’t know that to a degree, you might’ve deserved the insults. 
Unlike Dave, talking to Chris wasn’t easy. It was a constant mental exercise and took the fun in being with someone. You had to be sharp always, if not, he’d happily remind you how worthless you are in the guise of a joke. 
Letting out a sigh, you place the last plate down on the table. Chris comes up from behind you, sneaking his arms underneath your own and tugging you to his chest. 
“What are you sulking about?” he asks, the lips that touch your skin making you flinch. “
“You know it’s hard for me coming back here,” you answer. “I kinda wished you’d hang around instead of hanging out with my dad.” 
Much to your relief, Chris pulls away, “I like your dad,” he says. “Besides they’ve been nothing but kind to me so I don’t get why you want me to treat them like a beast I need to defeat.” 
Your eyes drop to his hands. He’s flexed his fingers outwards and balled them into fists. The rest of him is calm, relaxed, every part of him except for his hands. Your body goes rigid. You don’t know what to say to him. You’ve explained your childhood a million times; a mother who reminded you of every physical flaw, a father who just wasn’t around, only showing up during important accomplishments. You understand why Chris likes them so much, the three of them are basically the same. 
“I’m not telling you to fight with them,” you murmur. “Just wanted some support because they’re not kind to me.” 
“God, what do you expect?” he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “They have a daughter who’s still trying to ‘figure things out’. Be grateful you’re not my daughter, I'd be furious.” 
“It’s not like I’m taking their money,” your gaze snaps to him, piercing. “Nor yours, for that matter. So I can do whatever I want.” 
He whistles, lips curling into a nasty grin, “Someone’s feeling courageous. I thought you needed my support? Seems like you’re able to defend yourself just fine.” 
You hear the blood rush in your ears, your knees shaking with frustration. It’s always the same—that smug look he gets whenever you decide to stand up for yourself. 
Your lips pressed tight, you turn your head away. He’s right to a degree though. You’re feeling surprisingly brave for someone who’s been silent for months— as if by the night you won’t be climbing into his bed. You have a sense of why that is. Dave always made you want to believe in yourself, unlike the ones closest to you, he made you think you were worth the trouble even though you know you probably aren’t. 
The silence growing between you, Chris closes the distance with a short amount of steps, he hooks two fingers under your chin, and forces your gaze back to him, “No no, don’t go silent now. I like it.” 
The tension in the air suffocates you. It tastes like poison on your tongue. Chris draws mockingly soft circles over your skin, taunting you. You don’t feel small, not exactly, you just feel powerless, as if he’s ten feet tall. Your teeth bites into the smooth surface of your inner cheek. He leans closer and his breath hits your face. He’s going to kiss you, you’ve enjoyed plenty of those kisses in the past but right now you’re the furthest away from ever wanting him to kiss you. 
A loud knock intervenes perfectly. 
But Chris doesn’t pull away. 
“That’s right, we were expecting company weren’t we?” he rolls his tongue. “Who was it again? Your childhood friend?” 
“Dave,” you breathe out, relief swarming you like soft feathers. Chris is about to pull away so you can go answer the door but before he gets the chance the door opens with a soft click. 
Both of you turn towards the sound. Dave stands at the threshold holding a bottle of wine, eyes flitting between your and Chris. 
“Hey, there,” Chris chirps, all of his fault behavior disappearing into the air. “You must be Dave, nice to meet you!” he extends a hand. Dave, is eyes still fixed on you, accepts your fiance’s hand and squeezes it. Tight. 
“Nice to meet you. Chris, was it?” 
“Right on,” Chris walks around him and shuts the door. “Let’s head to the dining room, we’re about to eat. Isn’t that right?” 
It takes you a moment to realize the question is directed at you. 
“Right,” you murmur, your eyes dropping away from Dave’s. “I’ll go check with mom. Be back in a sec.” 
Just as you’re about to leave, Dave’s voice stops you, “Need any help?” the tension that dissolved settles back over your shoulders. You turn slightly, enough to see him. A brief shadow crosses his face, making home in his eyes—you blink. You find yourself swallowing hard as his gaze causes your throat to contract.
“I’m good thanks. Make yourself comfortable.” 
You haven't cried in months. Not when Chris taunted you, not when your mother made unnecessary comments about how you should be. None of it fazed you anymore. Not the same way it did when you were a kid.
So why are your eyes suddenly teared up now, struggling to hold back?
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“Mom, stop it.” 
All eyes turn to you; Chris’s, your father’s and Dave’s. You swallow around the knot lodged in your throat. You mother narrows her eyes, lips a tight line. 
“Stop what?” she asks, voice strained. “I just said I can help you threading those stuborn hairs above your lip.” 
Embarrassment settling at the base of your spine, you cover your mouth with your hand, absolutely mortified. You fight the urge to squeeze your eyes shut and instead attempt to calm your racing heart. You can’t tell if you’re overreacting or not. Your mom rolls her eyes, waving a hand, she dismisses your emotions entirely. A tremor overhwhelmes you, starting from your legs and going all the way up to your shoulders. Dave’s sitting right next to you, his expression indifferent, calculating. He’s the last person you want to look at right now, finally you two meet up again after years only for him to see that nothing’s changed. 
“You and Dave have been friends since four, I doubt he cares if I mention it. It’s for your benefit,” she shrugs and turns to Chris, placing a hand on his arm. “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll be sure she’s proper by the time of the wedding. She’s always been horrible at stuff like this, I never understood why.” 
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. 
Your ears are ringing. 
Tears well in your eyes once more, the need to throw up overhwhelming you. 
“I’m not a prized calf, mom. I don’t need your help.” 
Her eyes turn back to you, momentraily dropping to your plate before looking back up again. “Have you decided on a dress?” 
Your brain short circuits for a moment. You want to throw your fork at her as always your dad is silent, and Chris is no help whatsoever. Sometimes you feel as if he enjoys this visits. Enjoys making you see that he’s not all that bad—or he justs enjoys using it as an excuse to show that if everyone in your life behaves like this, something must be wrong with you. 
Then, suddenly, there’s a soothing presence on your knee. 
He squeezes twice, then circles his thumb over your knee, replacing the anxiety with pleasant tingles. You blink with surprise and turn to look at him but he’s staring at your dad, you hadn’t even realize the conversation had shifted from you to something else entirely. 
Dave leans into your ear, his breath welcome as it ghosts your skin, “Breathe,” he whispers. “And excuse yourself from the table. I’ll find you.” 
Your nod is barely noticable. You do as he says, excusing yourself and heading upstairs. No one really took notice of your absence, they believes you to be dramatic and they were no strangers to you suddenly deserting the table. 
You sigh as you climb the stairs and instead of your shared bedroom with Chris, you head to your childhood bedroom. 
Climbing into your old bed, you pull the pillow to your front and wrap your arms around it. Street light stretches shadows into your room. You remember the times you stared into Dave’s bedroom, how he’d talk to you through giant notes. 
Ten minutes later, your door opens. 
“Hey, are you alright?” he asks, every word spoken carefully, scared you’ll bolt through the door like a spooked deer. He pushes the door closed and takes a seat at the end of your bed. You notice his eyes scanning the bedroom. “Brings back memories,” he mutters. 
“Yeah,” you nod, hugging your pillow tighter. “Bet you didn’t miss the mess downstairs though.” 
“To be honest I got a little preview before you and Chris arrived,” the muscle above his jaw twitches. “Your parents really haven’t changed in the slightest.” 
“Too bad they didn’t die instead of your parents—” you cut yourself short, clamping a hand over your mouth. What the fuck is wrong with you? “Shit sorry–I didn’t—” 
He says nothing. Instead he wraps his fingers around your ankle and tugs your leg over his lap, “Don’t be. I wish the same thing too sometimes,” he lets out a breath. “Never would’ve thought you’d get engaged with the combination of both of them though.” 
Shame. All you feel is shame. 
You slightly tug at your leg but he doesn’t allow you to recoil from him. “Let me help you,” he says, taking you by surprise. 
“Help me?” you ask. Without thinking you let go of your pillow and move towards him, entranced by the way the light sharpens the edges of his face. “Help me how?” 
“Let’s kill the fucker.” 
“W-What?!” surely you didn’t hear him right. You shake your head. “Did you just say kill?” 
With a tender brush of his lips against yours, the world falls away. A doft whimper echoes in your throat and he presses forward, the tip of his thumb tracing the seam of your lips. You open wide for him, allowing Dave to lick deeper into your mouth. Your tongue press together, years of longing and wait adding to the kiss like salt in chocolate. You don’t ever want it to stop. 
“I still hear the waves from that night,” he murmurs, soft pillowy lips brushing against your own. “Tell me to stop and I will. But if you want this, want me—All you have to do is say the word.”
Again, tears well in your eyes. It’s sudden and uncomfortable. You choke on the words you attempt to speak, shaking your head violentls as a shudder rolls down your spine. He presses a comforting palm on your cheek. “Dave I’m a mess,” you hiccup.  
“So am I,” he says matter-of-factly, he grinds the pad of his thumb into your cheekbone. “You can cry, sweetheart. I’m here for you.” 
Before you get the chance you’re being pushed back against the mattress. He slowly tugs down your pants, removing them enreily and leaving you in nothing but your underwear. He stares at you like you’re everything he wants and needs. Your skin prickles, his words finally settling in. 
This man wanted to kill for you. 
And not a bone in your body wants to object to it. 
“You’re not broken,” He pushes your shirt up, laying a kiss on your stomach, a bit of tongue following the purse of lips. “Every part of you is perfect, tender, and right.” 
The damns break with a hiccup. Tears flow effortlessly down your cheeks; salty drops going down your neck and being absorbed into the fabric underneath. You swallow, over and over, it’s difficult to breathe, so hard to catch your breath while your eyes never seem to dry out. 
Dave hovers above you, arms caging in your head. His gaze reminds you of a curious cat, wide, observant. He leans in and with the flat of his tongue, he tastes the sadness on your skin. He follows the traces down your neck, nose caressing your jaw as he licks all of it away. You feel the thick outline of his cock against your bare stomach, arousal heats between your legs and when you arc your back, he groans at the way you soft flesh grazes his length. 
He moves lower and lower, kissing a trail from between your breasts and all the way down to your quivering cunt. He tastes your through your underwear that dampened with arousal. Dave pushes his tongue, forcing himself deeper, groaning at your taste before pushing the fabric down to your knees. 
“I couldn’t help you back when we were kids—with your family,” he mutters into you, his breath chilling your wet folds. “Let me help you now.” 
His lips trace your folds, slipping his tongue and kissing your where no one has ever kissed befor leisurely. Dave takes his time with it, slipping his tongue and pulling it back like he’d do with your mouth. Your crying subdues into loud sniffles and his hand reaches out, cupping your chin. “Cry for me, baby. Don’t hide your sadness from me.” his grip tightens and nips the sensitive flesh right under your pelvic bone. “Cry.” 
You do so with a hitch of breath. However, your cries swiftly shift into moans when he closes his lips around your clit, sucking loudly at the sensitive nub. Your legs brackets his face, with a smile he spreads them open with both hands, moving his jaw as he glides his lips back down, pushing his tongue against your pulsing entrance. 
“You know what my biggest regret has been all this time?” he muses, the words don’t register but you nod anyway. He brings a hand to your mound and slips a finger in, curling it knuckle deep. Your chest heaves at the pressure, making your entire upper body jolt. “Not tasting this sweet pussy the first time we were together.” 
Daves crawls back up, pressing lips to your neck and then to your cheek where the tear streaks had begun to dry. “I wanted to do so many things that night, but you were looking at me with those big beautiful eyes, completely in love. . .” he takes a deep breath, and growls as he exhales. “I wanted to ruin you but I coudn’t, I didn’t want you to think that was all I wanted from you.” 
“What about now?” you gasp, gaining a moment of clarity. He chuckles, the sound resonating deep from his chest. 
“Now,” he purrs and goes down you again, licking a fat stroke into your cunt. “I still want to ruin you. And I will. But you’ll know that’s not all I want. Isn’t that true, my sweet girl.” 
Again, your vision blurs with tears. 
“Answer me.” 
“Yes,” you stare at the ceiling, your eyes drying out whilst tears still drip from the corners. “I know that’s not all you want. Please, Dave, ruin me. I’m yours.” 
“I know you are, sweetheart,” his tongue delves between your soaked folds, the curve of his nose causing delicious friction against your clit. Pleasure tightens in your stomach, your inner walls squeezing his finger tight. “You’ve been mine ever since I laid eyes on you.” 
He sucks and slurps, moving his head from side to side as he quickly brings you to the edge. His mouth feels so damn good, and the raw emotions coursing through your veins only add to the pleasure, heightening your senses. You cry out as he pulls out his finger, only to replace it with his tongue, pushing deep. When you look down the bottom half of his face is buried gully into your pussy, the only visible movement being his jawline moving. 
Sweat beads at your forehead. Your heart is pounding, your breath ragged as Dave increases the tempo of his tongue, exploring every inch of you greedily. His fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, rubbing and massaging your clit expertly and sending sparks of pleasure electrifying through your body. The sensation is overwhelming - so much pleasure, it's almost too much.
The pleasure builds and builds until it feels like it is consuming every inch of you, making it hard to remember that your family—or Chris—might hear you. You close your eyes and let out a moan as Dave continues to work his magic. Your back arches as the pleasure intensifies, and each breath feels like a jolt of lightning shooting through your body.
“Let them here, baby,” he rasps, briefly parting from you. “You’re mine now. They should know.” 
You throw your head back, crying out in pleasure, as it finally sweeps over you. Every muscle in your body tightens as the intense waves of pleasure ripple through you, and you clutch desperately at Dave, gripping his shoulders until the convulsions of pleasure finally die down. He hums happily, not letting up as he licks every inch of you clean. 
Dave works his mouth on your clit, tongue swirling around it lightly, then licks and sucks it hard, sending wave after wave of pleasure through you until the tide of orgasm crashes over you again and leaves you trembling. Dave doesn't stop until every last bit of pleasure has been wrung from your body, until you can do nothing, nothing but lie there and process what just happened. 
When Dave finally does stop, you can barely move your limbs. He drapes himself over you, his warmth calming your raging heart. 
“Invite him to my place tomorrow,” he says. “I’ll take care of the rest.” 
“Wouldn’t my parents get suspicious?” 
“If they do,” he kisses your eyes one by one, still wet and aching but done with the tears. “I’ll take care of them too.”  
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You hate to admit but Chris looks good tied in a chair all bloody and bruised. 
“Fucking tell him to let me go,” he barks at you but his pleas are cut short when Dave comes behind him and yanks his head by the hair. He yelps in pain, eyes squeezing shut when Dave presses the barrel of the gun into his neck. “You two are fucked in the head,” he murmurs. “Just let me go, I won’t say anything.” 
Your body becomes rigid, tense. You don’t regret this, and it feels good to finally see him break. He’s been doing the same to you for months. Belittling you and finding amusement in treating you like thrash. 
Dave’s gaze finds your own, you find it hard to look away. 
“Come here,” he says voice growing soft. “Don’t be afraid of him, sweetheart, he can’t hurt you anymore.” 
Despite all his fear, Chris still manages to glare at you. “You could’ve just broken up with me. It’s your fault.” 
“Mine?” you finally say, your voice hoarse. “I didn’t feel like I had a choice. You made sure of that.” 
“You’re not thinking clearly—” 
Dave’s voice cuts through the air. 
“I’ve had enough.” 
He pulls the trigger. 
The bullet leaves the barrel of the gun in complete silence. 
You don’t even flinch when Chris’s head drops, blood pouring from between his lips and down his chest. Dave doesn’t bat an eye as he sits on the end of the bed. You’re left standing in front of Chris, not looking at him directly, but hearing the last of the gushing sounds of the bullet wound. 
You should feel remorse. 
But all you feel is relief that he’s gone. 
The realization makes you drop down to your knees, you hear the bed creak as Dave attempts to get up but you stop him with the raise of your hand. “I’m okay,” you gasp. “Just. . . in shock.” you turn to him. “Are. . . are you okay?” 
“Okay as I’ll ever be,” gun still in hand, over his thigh, he spreads his legs as he settles back down. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the gun, a sudden hunger flashing in your eyes. His lips stretch into a grin, his hands sliding to hand loose over the inside of his thighs, he gestures for you to come closer with the gun. “Crawl to me.” 
A thrill shoots up your spine. You move slowly, crawling towards him until you are close enough for him to reach out and touch you. You watch him carefully, studying the gun still clenched in his hand before meeting his gaze. You settle yourself at his feet, never taking your eyes away from his. 
Dave slowly reaches out and takes your chin gently in his hand, guiding your mouth closer to where the gun rests. He leans down, his face inches away from yours, and whispers, “You want to taste the weapon that ended that shit-heads’ life?”
You take a deep breath and nod. 
Before he can give the command, you open your mouth wide, sticking your tongue out. 
His pupils dilate as he guides the barrel into your mouth, against the flat surface of your tongue. It’s cold and the metallic taste overwhelms you but you enjoy it. Dave pushes deeper until you’re gagging, you close your lips around it, your eyes dropping where his finger still rests on the trigger. 
“Look at that,” he murmurs, mesmerized. “Your life is in my hands, all it’ll take to end it is one trigger.” 
You moan at the thought, you’re wholly his, and nothing can stop that now. 
Dave touches your cheek with his other hand, his fingers kind.
 “I’ll treat it with care.” 
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ladamedusoif · 3 months
Room Service
A Dave York x F!Reader one-shot
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Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader
Word count: 2290
Warnings: EXPLICIT 18+ basically PWP; smut central; alcohol consumption; strong language; thigh riding; oral sex (F receiving); fingering; light bondage; unprotected PiV; praise kink; a little aftercare; sweetness among the smut. No physical description of F! Reader beyond her outfit (dress, stockings, high heeled shoes).
Summary: You’ve been summoned to Room 755 of the conference hotel by a man you know only as Dave.
A/N: Does this need explanation? I’m firmly in the Dave York Pit. I had to get this out of my system. Smut is the result.
Please follow my writing blog @ladameecrit and turn on notifications to stay up to date!
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The trick with passing unnoticed through the lobby and to the elevators is to walk like you should be there. Dress like you should be there. Don’t give them any reason to think you aren’t actually a guest at this glossy but generic business hotel, the kind of place that makes all of its money on conferences and overnights on company accounts.
The kind of place you’ve been called to before, for exactly the same reason.
Room 755. You have taken a note of it in your phone. You get into the elevator, adjust your belted trench-coat and dress, and check your hair in the mirror before pressing “7”.
He had confirmed he’d be there at this time. A clear schedule for the rest of the day, he said, and he would like to make the most of it.
You walk confidently down the neverending hallway towards the hotel room. A firm knock. You can sense that he’s peeking through the peephole to make sure it’s who he’s expecting. And then it opens.
”Hi there. You found it okay, then?”
”I did.” You step past him into the room, undoing your belt and unbuttoning the coat to reveal the fitted red dress beneath. “So what do I call you? What would you like me to call you?”
He double-locks the door to avoid any unwanted interruption before taking your coat.
“Dave is fine.”
Dave offers you a glass of red wine and you sit beside him on the small sofa near the hotel room window. You can feel his eyes roving over your body, taking you in inch by inch. Your high heels. Your stockings. The glimpse of your thighs. The way the dress clings perfectly to your tits.
He sips his wine and licks his lips lasciviously, edging closer to you.
“So you’ve got a free afternoon, Dave?”
He nods.
“Completely free. And I’d like to enjoy it.”
You cross and uncross your legs as you shift your body and lean forward, letting the line of your tits brush ever so slightly off his chest. “That can be arranged. I’d like to enjoy it too, though.”
Dave’s dark eyes sparkle with lust and he grins, eyes locked on your lips. “I won’t have a good time if you don’t.”
You chuckle. “I’ll hold you to that, Dave. Even if I’m the one providing the…service.”
He whines softly, so quietly you almost miss it. But it’s there. You can feel it. Sense how much he wants it. How much he wants you.
“So with that in mind… where would you like me to start?”
Your fingers find the sturdy muscle of his thigh, trailing over the grey fabric of his dress pants and nudging closer and closer to his crotch.
Dave gasps as he reaches for you, leaning in for a kiss.
“Tell me, Dave. I’m at your service.”
”Get on my leg. My…fuck, get on my thigh.”
You break the kiss and stand up to hitch the skirt of your dress up, exposing the lacy tops of the stay-up stockings you’ve chosen for today. He instantly reaches for your thighs, squeezing the flesh as he pulls you towards him.
“Get on my fucking thigh, baby.”
You straddle his firm, thick leg and wrap your arms around his neck. Dave’s dark eyes are burning, now; the lusty sparkle replaced by wanton desire and need. He puts his hands on your hips and starts to move them for you, dragging over and back.
“Ride like this.”
You nod obediently and kiss him deeply as you start to move, crying out at the sensitivity of your swollen clit and pussy dragging over the fabric. Dave never takes his eyes off you, occasionally grabbing your ass firmly or reaching for your tits.
“Fuck, Dave, feels so fucking good. Wanna get off on you like this.”
He begins to suck at your neck, making you moan loudly with pleasure and sending a wave of wetness to your core as you fuck his thigh faster and harder.
“Let me hear you, baby. C’mon. I want to hear you.”
You give him what he wants. It’s his time, after all. You grip his shoulders and ride his leg like a woman possessed until you come on him with a roar. Even before you’ve lifted yourself off him, you know there’s going to be a wet patch.
“Good girl.” He pulls you to him, still sitting on the sofa, and presses his face to your belly. His long, clever fingers work their way under the folds of your pulled-up dress and find the lace trim of your panties, tugging down the fabric over your ass and thighs. He takes you in, encouraging you to part your legs slightly, before he buries his face against your pussy, bending and tilting his head just so in order to sweep his tongue through your soaking folds.
”Taste good, Dave?”
He nods, lapping up your wetness like it’s his last meal. “Fucking delicious. Fucking delicious little pussy, so fucking sweet and wet for me.”
When he breaks away you see your own slick glistening over his perfect mouth and the tip of that beautiful nose. You lean in and kiss him deeply.
“Tasting yourself?”
You nod. “With a little of you mixed in.”
He laughs, low and purposeful. “Get on the bed. Keep the dress on.”
He kneels at the foot of the bed, looking up at you sitting pretty above him.
“Like butter wouldn’t melt.”
You huff a laugh. “Appearances are deceptive, you know.”
His broad hands start to caress your thighs, slipping over and back against the silky nylon stockings and hitching up your dress a little further with each pass.
He hisses at the sight of your flesh, the tops of your thighs bare above the stockings, the promise of your wet, warm, perfect cunt primed and ready for him.
“Lie back.”
You follow his orders. Dave’s hands move down to the bend of your knees as he tugs your body forward until his nose is rubbing gently off your pussy. You whine with anticipation, thighs pressed against his cheeks. He’s clean shaven, but with enough stubble to tease and titillate your sensitive skin.
“What do you want to do to me, Dave? I was here for you, not the other way around.”
He chuckles and presses his tongue flat against you, sending your hips bucking upwards. “I want to eat you out until you’ve come twice more. And then I want to fuck you until you come again around my cock.” He traces a slow circle over your swollen clit with the tip of his tongue, pulling a cry of need from your throat.
“Does that sound okay to you?”
You nod, desperate for his mouth to be back on you.
“That sounds fucking perfect to me, Dave.”
He looks up at you for a moment, hips and pussy exposed for him, dress hitched around your waist, black stockings emphasising the flesh of your thighs. His hardening cock twitches in his pants, and he undoes the belt and tugs down the zipper before focusing again on you.
And then he pauses.
“You okay?”
He stands up and walks around to the side of the bed, belt in hand. “Arms above your head, baby.”
You don’t break his penetrating gaze as you follow his instructions, stretching your arms out above you. A mewl of pleasure and submission escapes your lips as he wraps his belt around your wrists: not too tightly, he checks; just enough to keep your hands together.
Dave settles back between your thighs, taking a final look at your prone form before licking a long, slow stripe through the lips of your pussy. Your hips buck and writhe at the sensation, the feeling intensified by the restraints on your wrists.
He chuckles as he comes back for more, and he makes good his promise. You come for a second time as he’s sucking on your clit, for a third time as he’s flicking the tip of his tongue over the swollen bud while his fingers work you from the inside, expertly finding and massaging the perfect spot until he has you wrung out, boneless; slick covering his clean-shaven face and coating your inner thighs.
He lies beside you, naked now, shirt and dress pants discarded, and undoes the belt from around your wrists before pulling you tight to him, enveloping you in a kiss that sets your body aflame. Dave carefully helps you sit up and unzips your dress before easing it off you, pausing to admire you stretched out before him in your bra and stockings.
His broad palm follows the curves of your hips and belly, eyebrows furrowed as he studies your body from head to toe.
“You said you’d fuck me until I came again.”
Dave’s eyes sparkle as he chuckles, a smile spreading across his handsome face. “I did.”
“And…how would you like it?”
You sit up and caress his face, placing gentle kisses on his nose and forehead, before moving into position on all fours.
“Like this, I think. Does this work for you?” You can’t resist offering him a little wiggle of your ass, and you smirk with satisfaction when you hear Dave moan in response behind you.
He shifts into place, hands squeezing your ass and stroking your back before slowly sinking into your pussy with a long, low whine of pleasure. “It works fucking perfectly, baby.”
The angle is just right, and the combination of his rhythm, the feel of his cock massaging your most sensitive places, and his fingers seeking out your clit has you careening over the edge before long. Your ecstatic cries are muffled, thankfully, by the duvet and pillows as he tilts you forward and fucks you until your cunt flutters, delighted, around him.
He pulls out and watches you flop onto the mattress, chest rising and falling as you come down from your high.
“That’s…fuck. That’s one way of putting it.”
You reach for his cock, hard and ready, and languidly stroke it with one hand as you move to straddle him.
“Your turn.” He grins up at you. “Arms above your head.” He obeys, and you reach for his belt to return the favour before sinking down onto him, pussy still throbbing and sensitive from your own orgasms.
“Do you want to come for me?”
Your hips roll over and over in a perfect, steady rhythm that has Dave panting and moaning with every pass.
“Y-y-yes. Want to come.”
Pick up the pace, a little. He whines.
“Good boy, you’re so close.” You watch the flicker of excitement in his eyes at your praise, and take satisfaction in how well you can read him. “So good, baby. Good, good boy.”
You lean back a little, cupping his balls with one hand while the other reaches for his, bound and stretched above his head. Your fingers intertwine as you watch him edge closer and closer to release, pleasure written all over his face.
“Tell me when you want to come, Dave.”
He’s bucking up against you now, desperate for it, eyes closed and mouth open as his breath hitches and stutters.
“Now…need to come now. Now, baby.”
You purr the words into his ear.
He lets go with a roar, coming hard inside you until he has nothing left to give. Both spent, you flop back beside him on the bed, fingers tracing over the rivulets of perspiration on his beautiful, strong body.
Gently, you remove the belt, examining his wrists for any friction or pressure marks. He does the same in turn, turning your hands over gently as he studies the skin.
“I’ve got some skin balm stuff in the bathroom, if you’d like.” He kisses your palm with a kind of delicate care that belies the man who’d been begging to come just moments before.
“I’m fine.” Your eyes meet his, lost in the chocolate warmth of his hazy, post-coital gaze. “You want some, though?”
Dave shakes his head and pulls you to him for a kiss.
You weren’t supposed to fall asleep. You blink awake an hour later, naked under the hotel covers, Dave snoring lightly beside you.
“Dave. Dave.”
He mumbles as he warily opens one eye, turning to face you.
“I fell asleep. Shit.”
His mouth meets yours before dropping to your breasts as he absentmindedly sucks on your nipples.
“‘S okay, though. Right? You were going to stay anyway.”
You feel the strong muscles of his forearms, fingertips following the pattern of the freckles speckled across his golden skin.
“You want me to stay, Dave?”
He furrows his brow. “That was the plan, wasn’t it? Did you bring your bag?”
“I did. Left it in the car, though, just to - I dunno. Add to the atmosphere, I guess.”
Dave chuckles as he pulls you in again, his laugh resonating through your two bodies as they press together: warm, soft skin on skin; the dew of post-sex perspiration still fresh.
“Well, it fucking worked, baby.” He kisses your forehead affectionately and caresses your cheek. “And the kids didn’t mind going to Mai’s?”
You grin. “A long weekend at their cool single aunt’s house with a pool in the backyard? I didn’t see them for dust.”
He lies back and laughs. You nuzzle into his side, admiring the glint and gleam of your wedding band as you rest your left hand on Dave’s tummy.
A tell-tale rumble interrupts the blissed-out, post-coital mood.
“Hungry, are we, Mr York?”
Your husband smiles at you like a mischievous kid. “Worked up an appetite, baby.”
“Then let’s call room service. We’re not done here.”
(MDNI banner by @cafekitsune)
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All fics are explicit! minors dni!🔞
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BAD BLOOD - step uncle Joel Miller x f!reader x stepdad Tommy Miller
Summary: you want your stepdad and your step uncle offers to help
KISS KISS BANG BANG - no outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader (bank robbers AU)
Summary: Joel and you live a life full of risk, thrill and danger. Every day can be your last, so you savour every kiss and enjoy each other to the fullest. Can you survive this journey to your dreams?
PERFECT STRANGERS - no outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: What would you do if you met a perfect stranger? Someone who understands what you've hidden deep inside your soul. The attraction is instant. It's perfect. What if you don't want to be strangers anymore?
One Shots
Hot shower -pre-outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader pwp
Strawberries and cream- no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader DDLG
Sweet remedy - no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader DDLG
A Villain’s Monologue - serial killer!Joel Miller x f!reader dark fic
The Helping Hand - post-outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader somno
Keep On Your Mean Side - post-outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader (written with @milla-frenchy) dark fic
Birthday Surprise - no outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller mfm
Jacket -no outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader fluff
The Burglary - burglar!Joel Miller x f!reader x burglar!Tommy Miller (written with @milla-frenchy) dddne, non-con
Flasher - flasher!Joel Miller x f!reader exhibitionism
Flower - post outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader dead dove, dark fic
Bad Girl - Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller (written with @milla-frenchy) dubcon
Morning Bliss - post outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader smut, fluff
Cockwarming Joel - blurb
Feed Me - Joel x f!reader pwp
His - dark!Joel x f!reader x dark!Tommy x m!OCs DDDNE NON CON
Always and Forever - post outbreak Joel x f!reader angst
Ribbon - Joel x f!reader pwp
Good Girl - Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
American Beauty -best friend’s dad Joel x f!reader part 2 Please, Sir
Take Me smut, angst
Swallow blurb, smut
✨Pt 1 Table for three - Joel x reader x Dave York mfm ✨Pt 2 Who’s your daddy?
✨I know better than to call you mine-fluff, smut
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The Party - dark!Lucien Flores x f!reader non con
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The Beast Within- dark!Ezra x f!reader dark fic
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One shots
The Visit - Javier Peña x f!reader semi-public
Surveillance - Javier Peña x f!reader voyeurism
The Hounds of Hell - Javi x f!reader x Steve written with @milla-frenchy
Summary: you meet two DEA agents in a bar. You drink too much and they offer to take you home.
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Watching You - Dave York x f!reader voyeurism
After Watching you - drabble
Flat line - dark!Dave York x f!reader dark, noncon
Table for three - Dave x reader x Joel mfm
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The Devil in Me - devil!Dieter Bravo x actress! reader
Other Pedro characters
Addicted - Max Phillips x f!reader smut, angst
Non Pedro characters
Sunset - boyfriend Billy (Skeleton Twins) x f!reader Boyd Holbrook character, smut
529 notes · View notes
suzdin · 6 months
Two for One: Chapter Four
Neighbor!Dave York x F!Reader x Human!Max Phillips
Series Masterlist
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, pre-vampire Max, pre-Equalizer 2 Dave, familial drama and angst, mentions of drug use/abuse, alcoholism!, stalking (don’t do it), voyeurism (so so much), invasions of privacy, mutual masturbation, sexting, oral (m receiving), dom!Dave, soft!Dave, dom!Max, softish!Max, public sex, work sex, some fluff, maybe?, SEA OTTERS!, murder, poison, asphyxiation, let me know if I forgot anything, watch me make up stuff about an aquarium I’ve never been to and also poison.
Word Count: 7,700+
Notes: Sorry this took forever because my brain is dumb. I just want to thank all of you for being so patient. I love you and hope you have a wonderful 2024. 💜 Enjoy and feel free to leave me feedback if you wish! 😊
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(Not my gif)
You make Max exchange phone numbers as he’s leaving your apartment.
“No more showing up uninvited,” you reprimand him, the heel of your palm planted firmly between his shoulder and sternum as you push him into the corridor of your building, “I mean it.”
He cocks his head to one side, lopsided smirk twisting his lips, forehead wrinkling as he lifts his brows, pausing. He’s staring at your still very much flushed and sweaty face. “You sure about that, doll?”
Your skin heats even more. You hate to admit that his smarmy defiance arouses you in ways that it shouldn’t.
“Max. If we’re going to keep whatever this is ongoing, I’m going to need some compliance here. For my privacy.”
Max’s smirk only grows wider and he beams at you, his gaze sliding down your face to your lips, hands raised in surrender. “You mean so I don’t cross paths with him, is that it?” he asks, quirking one of his brows to the side, knowing you’re fully cognizant who he’s talking about. “Fine.”
“Tell me you’re not bullshitting,” you retort.
“Woman,“ Max begins, wagging a finger at you, “I assure you that I am in no way being deceitful.”
He hasn’t wiped that shit eating grin off his face the entire time he’s been standing in front of you, either.
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Scout’s honor?” you press.
“Scout’s honor,” he replies, lifting his hand in a mocking salute.
You sigh and shove him back another step, his back almost flush with your neighbor’s door.
“Goodbye, Max,” you snip, turning to go back to the comfort of your apartment, when that gnawing southern upbringing decides to make a re-emergence once more, and you remember your manners.
With a sigh, you turn to give him one last glance, your visage softening in its regard. “Thank you, by the way. For the drink.” And you mean it, even if it’s likely all melted and weeping on the table by now.
You almost think you see his own features grow a shade softer, and before you can dwell on it, he’s suddenly shifting back into your space.
Your initial instinct is to flinch, to shove him away, because after Dave and him in a single day, your poor fucked out pussy can’t handle anymore punishment.
But he doesn’t grope or manhandle you. Max’s arms grapple you into a snug embrace, his hot breath fanning over your neck. It’s uncharacteristically soft for Max to show this level of affection and you would hug him back if he wasn’t clamping your arms to your sides.
“Thank you,” he whispers, keeping you ensnared for a few lingering moments before releasing you and taking a step back.
“Yeah… no problem,” you offer awkwardly, because what else do you say to that? “I’ll see you around. I work tomorrow, opening to two.”
Max nods, his usual crooked smirk making a reappearance. “See you then.”
“And hey?”
“Be nice to my coworkers. It’s the least you could do,” you remind him.
His smirk doesn’t fade, tongue swabbing the inside of his cheek. “I’ll do my best.”
You snort and shake your head, watching as he disappears down the stairwell.
After Max leaves, you spend the remainder of the afternoon and evening wallowing around your apartment, watching bad reality television and trying not to think about… well, anything, pouring yourself some vodka with whatever mixers you can scrounge up until your brain mellows to a welcome numbness.
You order take out for dinner because, fuck saving money at this point. Proceeding the earlier conversation with your mom, you aren’t even sure why you’re trying to get back to Texas anymore.
It’s far easier having several states between you, even if you do miss your grandmother and have a wicked hankering for some barbecue right about now.
You check Facebook periodically anyway, not at all surprised to see your mother asking for prayers and attention from all the faceless online entities because she did not receive the validation she sought from you.
You grumble and toss your phone down every time you read a new ‘woe is me’ comment from your mother and you wonder why you’re even torturing yourself like this.
Belly full of chow mein, you settle down into your bed for the remainder of the evening to distract yourself with some mind numbing television to go along with the buzz you’re feeling.
When your phone lights up, you sigh in indignation, expecting a text from your mother as you swipe open to the notifications.
Much to your delight, it isn’t your mother, and you let out the breath you realize you’ve been holding in.
Dave: Hey, you.
You smile. Relief washes over you as heat simultaneously slithers its way up your spine.
Dave decides to change to split screen, one side with the recorded footage and the other side with the current feed, and he watches as you smile at your phone, steadily stroking himself, his phone vibrating your response a few seconds later.
You: Hey, you. 😜
You: I was beginning to wonder if you’d made it to VA
Dave: Yeah. Long day.
Dave: You made it worth it, though.
You: Doubt that
That makes him chuckle. He knows you know that to not be true.
He continues to stare at you, your gaze glued to your phone as you await his reply. You’re sitting up in bed now, back against the wall, wearing a different but equally revealing top than the thin camisole you had on earlier, blanket pooling in your lap.
The veins in his dick pulse when he ponders if you’re wearing any pants under the covers, and his eyes flick back to the recording of Max eating you out, a soft, breathy moan escaping his lips. The pleasure on your face is telling.
Dave: You do, huh?
Dave: Maybe I should show you, then.
You bite your lip at his response, quickly punching in your reply and hitting send.
You: Aren’t you supposed to be spending time with your kids?
Dave: they’re in bed. It’s late.
His head lifts from the monitor momentarily—only as long as necessary—taking his headphones off to listen for any sounds of wakefulness from the bedroom. When he finds there is none, he turns his attention back to you, freeing himself from his sweats, tugging them down to his knees.
He quickly snaps and sends a photo of his rigid cock, colored a deep shade of mauve at the head, hand fisted at the base, dark curls peeking out from underneath his palm.
You swallow, your walls tightening and mouth watering at the mere sight of it, breath puffing softly past your lips. And you’re almost surprised how turned on you still are, despite the events of the past two days.
Max is just a phone call away, you tell yourself, quickly squashing that thought right out of your brain just as quickly as it arrives. You’d hate to risk having him spend the night with you. Besides, you should probably give yourself a break.
You: Jesus, Dave.
Dave: All for you, baby
Dave: This is what you do to me. I was hard almost the entire way here.
Dave: What are you doing?
You snicker through your nose at the sudden shift in conversation, deciding to play along anyway. Going back to the picture every so often to admire it.
You: Watching TV
Dave: Anything good?
You: Just reruns of 1,000 Lb. Sisters. It’s a good show, you should watch it
Dave: I would watch it with you if I was there.
Dave: if I could keep my hands off of you
Dave: Touch yourself.
You laugh when the conversation takes yet another rapid turn, but you barely give it a second thought the moment you feel your clit throb with need, firing off a response to Dave before breaching the band of your panties with your fingers.
You: Yes sir
Dave: good girl
Dave drags his tongue along his plump lower lip when he sees your hand disappear beneath the covers, his eyes darkening with lust.
Dave: show me
You throw the blanket back and he’s pleased as punch to see you’re only wearing panties. He watches intently as you shuck them off and toss them to the floor.
You open the camera app on your phone and begin recording, doing your best to get the shot right but it’s difficult to see much from your perspective. You take the video anyway.
Breathing softly, you slide two fingers between your folds and sink them into your entrance as far as you can manage, which isn’t enough and will never be enough compared to Dave or Max, before dragging them back out again to display the shiny coating of arousal on your digits for the camera.
You save the video and send it to Dave immediately.
Dave: Fuck
Dave: Can you get a different angle? I need to see it
He almost tells you to prop your phone up on the window sill by the bed, but he doesn’t want to risk you somehow finding out he’s watching you. It’s possible you would think nothing of it, since he has seen the inside of your apartment now, but he’d prefer not to take the chance.
You frown and stop touching yourself, looking around the room in consideration before scooting on your knees over to the window to prop the phone against the pane of glass.
You hit record and maneuver into position, spreading, lifting your eyes to make sure everything is in frame. Shockingly, it is, and this new angle is so visual and obscene that even your OB/GYN would be impressed.
You record a short video of your fingers circling your clit, letting out a soft, salacious moan.
You still feel very much used from Dave and Max in a single day, but you make sure to keep your own touches as light as possible.
You record about ten seconds of yourself and send it to Dave.
Dave: Fuck
Dave: Need to fuck that little pussy full of me
Dave: We’re getting you an IUD and I’m paying for it
Dave: Fuck
His eyes move back to the side with you and Max, at which point you’re cumming on Max’s face, and Dave’s balls tighten with longing. He remembers exactly how you taste when you hit your high, and his mouth waters in remembrance.
Any jealousy he feels is immediately snuffed out by how much he wants you. How much he needs you.
You: I can pay for it
You: [video]
He’s so distracted by watching Max making you cum, his hand pumping himself more rapidly, that he doesn’t realize you were recording again. Your fingers swirl your bud faster, your hips twitching and coming up from the mattress.
Dave: Jesus
Dave: It will be well worth the money to see my cum dripping out of that tight little hole
You: such things you say, Dave
He smirks.
Dave: use a toy
You: How do you know I have one?
Dave: dirty fucking sluts like you always have toys
Dave: do what I say
Arousal floods your core when Dave’s true colors bleed through, even over text. You can practically see his brow pulling into a hard, dark line; see the way his lips curve ever so slightly into a sadistic and hungry smirk.
You don’t dawdle, leaning crossways over your bed to retrieve your favorite toy from your bedside drawer — you have a few accumulated from your time with Jonathan, since he never got you off — a vibrator with a curve at the end for optimal g-spot stimulation.
You: yes sir
You: [video]
You: is this sufficient
Dave receives a video of you clicking on the toy and sliding it teasingly along your slick and swollen labia, pausing periodically at your clit, your moans quiet yet lewd. All for him.
Dave: fuck. Gonna have to fuck you with the toy in you like that
You: I look forward to it sir
Your words send a rush of heat through Dave as his vision subconsciously slips back over to the side with you and Max, who’s now railing into you from behind like a jack hammer, and he damn near cums on that image alone.
He wanted to kill Max for how he had treated you. But now, watching Max bring you pleasure, and how much you appear to be enjoying it, he can’t stop his thoughts from wandering. Would you let both men inside you at the same time? Would you like it?
Would Max take orders from him like a good boy?
That last thought admittedly gives Dave pause and he shakes it from his mind. He had done things in the military, sure, most of the men had, missing their wives and girlfriends. But that was a side of him he hadn’t acknowledged in years, and he shoves it down to the furthest recesses of his brain, returning his focus to you.
Dave: good girl. Now put in and make yourself cum for me
You slide the toy past your opening with little effort, and you’re so worked up it takes almost no time at all before you’re chanting his name. Dave watches, transfixed, pupils dilated and jaw slack, eyes drifting back and forth between the two images on the screen, a cry departing your lips as you reach peak.
You: [video]
You: Mmm wish it was you making me cum though
Almost like serendipity, you cum on the recorded footage at almost the exact same moment as he witnesses it in real time. He can’t hold himself back any longer, and he barely has time to pull his phone back out to record before he’s shooting like a geyser all over his hand and lower abdomen, thick and milky spend dribbling down the backs of his knuckles.
Dave: Fuck
Dave: [video]
Dave: wish this was all over your fucking face instead
You sigh and fall back, panting, opening the last text with a satisfied grin painting your lips as you watch Dave spill down his hand.
You: Rather it inside of me
You place the phone down and crawl off the bed to go clean yourself and your toy in the bathroom, smiling to yourself.
Several states away, Dave heads to the bathroom in his hotel suite to do the same.
But as the high starts to dissipate, your trepidation inexplicably returns, twisting like a knife in your gut. You like Dave. Probably a little too much. And you shouldn’t. Because the day will come when he hurts you, just like Jonathan did.
You do your best to swallow down your doubt and finish cleaning yourself up, traipsing back into the main room to retrieve your panties and slip them back on.
A new text message lights up your phone.
Dave: Soon.
Dave: Can I call you?
Dave sees you sigh and chew at your lip, one of your hands coming up to the back of your neck. You seem unsure.
Your anxiety triggers his own, making him worry if he’s moving too quickly for you.
You: Sure
Now clad only in his sweats, Dave takes in a prolonged breath, hitting the call button. It rings twice before you answer.
“Hi,” you answer quietly.
“Hi,” Dave returns and you can hear the grin in his voice. “Thank you for that. I needed it after today…”
He switches off the recorded footage and goes back to watching just you. You.
You’ve already moved back under the covers, snuggling up with your back facing the window, one arm drawn up under your chin.
“You’re welcome,” you reply after a beat. “I needed it too.”
Oddly enough, you did, despite how many times you’ve already cum today, which was a welcome end to a stressful day.
That makes Dave grin, and he feels a pang of want as he wishes he were there to hold you in his arms, to feel your back pressed up against his chest.
“I miss you,” he confesses with a soft, nervous chuckle. His change in demeanor doesn’t go unnoticed by you — a man of dual natures, an enigma. “Wish you were here.”
He chastises himself silently for saying too much, but it’s true.
You swallow down the coiling anxiety you feel.
“Yeah. That would be great,” you proffer gently. You change the subject as seamlessly as you can. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”
He notices, but doesn’t point it out. “Taking the girls to the aquarium.”
You actually do soften at that. You always loved visiting the aquarium as a kid.
“Oh, how fun! I love aquariums. I know there’s one here… I’ve never been.”
“I’ll take you sometime,” Dave suggests. “We’ll make it a date.”
Your skin heats and you take your welling emotions and stamp them down as deep as you can. “Yeah.”
“What is your favorite marine animal?” Dave randomly asks.
“What, why?”
You think it over for a moment. “Sharks,” you reply, “I like sharks.”
You hear him chuckle. “Figured you for more of a sea otter type.”
“Sea otters? Do explain, Dave.”
Although you can’t see it, he shrugs. He’s still watching you, fixated on the way your fingers fidget with the covers.
“Women usually like the cute sea animals. And sea otters are cute,” he says.
“Because I’m a woman, I’m not allowed to like things that aren’t, by your definition, ‘cute’? That’s sort of sexist, don’t you think?”
He lets out a quiet laugh. “You’re right. My bad.”
“Your bad? Well, what is your favorite sea animal, then?” you press.
“… Sea otters,” Dave answers without any additional thought, and you can’t control the burst of laughter that erupts from you. It makes his heart vibrate with affection hearing the joy in your voice and watching the way your nose crinkles when you smile.
“Oh, fuck off!” you tease, and he can’t help but laugh along with you.
“You need to go to bed,” you tell him as soon as the laughter dies down.
“What if I’d rather stay up all night talking to you?” he counters.
“Then I imagine tomorrow will really suck,” you quip back.
“It will be worth it.”
“Dave,” you begin in a more earnest tone, “I have work in the morning. Early. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”
Talk…masturbate mutually. Either way.
Your buzz is starting to wear off. Dave sees you rub at your eyes as you reach for your cigarette pack with the other, lighting it up and taking a long drag.
He knows you’re guarded and he supposes he understands why. He hopes you’ll let your walls down sooner than later.
“Okay,” he sighs in resignation. “But I’ll be thinking about you all day tomorrow.”
You tap the growing head of ash against the edge of the empty plant tray you’ve been using as a makeshift ash tray.
“Me too. Goodnight. Have fun tomorrow, alright?”
“Yeah. I’ll try,” Dave replies honestly, and you exchange your goodbyes before hanging up.
He continues to watch you. And not just until you’ve finished your cigarette or gotten out of bed to — presumably — have one final pee.
He watches you plug up your phone and set your alarm. He even watches you as you curl into a fetal position, clutching one of your extra pillows against your torso, and he wishes it was him instead.
Soon, he reminds himself.
He doesn’t stop watching until he’s sure you’re completely asleep. And even then he lingers, only stopping when one of the girls — his youngest, Alice — rouses from sleep in absolute hysterics, loud enough to wake the dead. Something she had started doing around the start of the divorce process.
He sighs, slipping back into dad mode, swiping a hand over his sleep weary face as he shuts his laptop down and heads to the bedroom.
Like clockwork, Max is at The Beanery around 7:30 AM for his morning caffeine fix.
You’re grateful that it’s slow and that Audrey and Vincent are in the back room folding boxes and chattering away about god only knows what. Almost like you’d planned it that way. Like you gave them each monotonous side work on purpose.
You knew Audrey was working today and you wanted to stave off the inevitability of admission that you don’t really have the power to ban Max as long as you could. Or resist him, for that matter.
You’re also grateful that Audrey was able to hide your hickies and bruises using the expensive foundation she brought to work just for you, at your insistence, with the incentive that she could leave two hours early with pay today. A decision that would probably bite you in the ass later.
You didn’t tell her who or what they were from and she didn’t ask.
You receive a text from Dave mere moments before the chimes hanging over the door signal Max’s arrival, causing your blood to heat and your skin to pebble.
It’s an image of Dave in a steamy bathroom, fully nude, hand curled around the base of his stiffened cock, with the caption: Wish you were here
You respond with a very underwhelming selfie in your work cap and apron, to which he replies almost immediately: You’re fucking adorable
You can’t help the heat that crawls up your cheeks.
You slip your phone back into your apron and start cleaning the espresso machine when Max traipses in, strolling up to the counter like he owns the place.
Or like he owns you, more like it.
“Morning,” you greet, and the remaining traces of your flustered state swell once again the moment you see Max in his primped and tailored three piece, donning a flashy paisley red tie. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him not adorned in a suit, aside from when he’s naked.
“Your usual?” you query, starting on his Americano before he even has a chance to respond.
“Morning,” Max parrots, smirking as his eyes bore into you. “And add whatever you want for yourself, sweetheart.”
He’s certainly starting off early today, isn’t he?
“That isn’t necessary,” you say.
“It wasn’t a suggestion,” he tuts and slams his card down in front of you. When you go to retrieve it, he reaches out to grip your wrist gently, and your eyes snap up to meet his.
He can see the affect he’s already having on you just by proximity alone, his cock already growing rigid in his pants.
“Thanks,” you squeak out and ring up Max’s drink and yours with your free hand, running the card and handing it back to him.
“Good girl,” he purrs in a rich timbre. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night.”
And he really couldn’t. He doesn’t oft have a habit of bringing women to his place, opting for theirs or someplace else instead, but he couldn’t stop thinking about you in his bed, waking up next to him that morning so he could make you sing his praises first thing.
“Let me get your drink…” you tell him, attempting to take a step away, but his grip on your wrist holds true, tightening infinitesimally, thumb circling your pulse point.
Max leans forward, a single elbow rested on the countertop. “Or,” he suggests, his voice low and barely an octave above a whisper, “you can meet me in the bathroom in two minutes.”
His eyes flash and he releases you, shooting you a stilted grin before heading to the small bathroom in the corner.
At first, all you can do is gape in disbelief, your jaw slack. Did Max Phillips really just come into your place of business and ask you to meet him in the bathroom?
You turn to listen to the sounds coming from the back room; Audrey and Vincent seem to be prattling on about something, oblivious.
You sigh and resign yourself to curiosity, to self torture, checking to see that the coast is clear.
“Hey, Vince, listen for the front, please. I… I’ll be right back,” you call out and take in another prolonged breath.
“10-4, dinosaur!” Vince chimes back and you roll your eyes, rounding the corner of the counter and heading over to the bathroom.
As you approach, the door swings open and Max pulls you inside before you can even reach for the handle.
He barely gives you time to react before he’s locking the door and crowding into you, pushing you back against the wall and pinning you as his hips grind your thigh hard. He starts to grab at you, everywhere, pawing at your clothes, your body. His mouth finds your neck and when his teeth start to bear down, you protest weakly.
He doesn’t listen; or maybe he’s just so overwhelmed with his desire to be inside of you that he’s lost any semblance of composure.
It doesn’t take you long to realize you don’t want to do this here. Not at work and not when your body needs a break, still so sore and overwrought from the last couple of days, and you attempt to push him away. He only pushes right back, unwilling to hear your pleas, because he thinks it’s what you would want.
“Max,” you groan and you feel your resolve slipping although you shouldn’t, “not here.”
“Come on baby,” Max growls, gently nipping at your earlobe, “let me inside of you.”
He pins your arms above your head at the wrists with one of his hands while the other begins to undo your belt, moving swiftly, his breathing desperate and heady.
He hasn’t been able to get you out of his mind for two whole days and pining over a woman isn’t something Max Phillips does.
Your resolve is rapidly waning and just about gone, arousal welling up within you. But with your last remaining shred of dignity, you’re able to shove him away and grit out, “Max, lavender,” your safe word.
Part of you expects to be ignored regardless, as Max has a habit of doing whatever the fuck he wants, and what you suspect to be very few morals. To your surprise, however, he does stop.
He releases you and takes a tentative step back, lips parted, hurt and uncertainty twisting his features. With nothing to say, at least for a few brief seconds.
His eyes meet yours and he lifts his hands in surrender, a frown creasing his brows. “Fine. That’s fine. I just figured since you came in here…”
“Max, shut up,” you say as you step towards him and you’re the one undoing his belt this time, positioning him with his back to the sink. “I just didn’t wanna— I mean, I want a break, but let me just… do this instead,” you further explain as you successfully get everything undone, sinking to your knees in front of him.
Understanding settles over Max and he nods, eyes growing a shade darker as he watches you finagle his slacks and boxers down, hardening cock springing free after a moment.
Of course none of the tile on the floor is even, so you have to adjust slightly to prevent the edges from digging into your knees and make yourself more comfortable, your hands sliding down Max’s thighs as you look up at him through your lashes.
He gently places a palm atop your head, fingers curling into your hair. “That’s it, doll. Be my good girl, now.”
He has to stifle the loud moan that reverberates from his lungs as you spit directly onto his shaft and grip him in your fist to begin slowly jacking him off, swiping the flat of your tongue up his length, his entire body vibrating.
You pause at the head, circling it, lapping at the pearl of precum that collects at the slit. He grasps your hair with a firmer hold, tugging at the roots.
“Don’t be a… fucking tease… or I’ll fuck you anyway,” he warns and in spite of yourself, you moan, and almost break.
You grin to yourself and take him deeper into your mouth, still holding him steady with one hand at the base as you adjust to his size, slowly pistoning your head forward and back.
“That’s it. Ohhh yes, good girl, sweetheart, good girl,” Max pants softly.
You slide your tongue along the underside of his dick, pausing at the fold of skin at the head as you rock forward, causing his hips to shudder and you eventually bottom out.
He grunts and grips the back of your neck, holding you flush against his groin, the dark and manicured thatch of hair tickling at your nose.
You can smell and taste the soap he uses; woodsy and light, nothing over the top nor underwhelming, but he’s as clean and well groomed as you would expect a pretentious man like Max to be.
He releases you when your eyes start to water and you murmur a noise of protest, allowing you to take a short break for air.
“Come now, darling, you can do better than that,” he notes with a small pout.
You nod in agreement and wet your lips, placing your hands on his hips as you take him back into your mouth and his head rolls back with a sigh, hands going to either side of your face.
You bottom out again and manage to hold better this time, hollowing out your cheek bones and breathing through your nostrils, relaxing your jaw and throat as you do so.
“Good girl… good… fucking girl,” he praises, nary louder than a whisper, running his fingertips along your scalp.
You tremble at the attention, moaning as you taste more precum dribbling onto your tongue, bobbing your head faster—as fast as you can—to get the job done as expeditiously as possible.
He groans and grasps your cheeks tighter, stilling your movements, holding you exactly where he wants you, and without any prior warning, starts rutting into your mouth.
“That’s right, that’s right… you can take it, can’t you? You can take it,” he growls, and there’s little else you can do but let him use your body as he wishes.
You can get the job done quickly but Max can get it done faster, knowing you’re on a time crunch.
You slacken your muscles as much as you can, as much as your body will allow, breathing through your nose and trying not to gag, especially considering you can feel and hear him nearing his release.
He starts to sputter what mostly sounds like nonsense words to you, gripping your cheeks and neck tightly in his large hands, rutting into your mouth with wreckless abandon and all you can do is sit there with the uneven tile digging into your tender knees and take it, letting go of his thighs to find purchase on the vanity behind him.
Finally, his hips begin to catch and then eventually seize, and with a low, guttural growl he spills hot and thick into your mouth, and you accept everything he has to offer you, swallowing it all with ease.
“Good girl… good girl…” he puffs, chanting your name softly on his tongue.
You milk him of every last feasible drop and a line of spittle connects you as you pull away, bringing your hand up to swipe at your mouth and breaking the string in the process.
He’s still panting as he helps you to your feet; you move to step to the sink so you can clean your face and rinse out your mouth. Without warning, Max grabs you once more, different than only a moment ago, ensnaring you in another tight hug and pushing you against the wall.
“Max… hey—“
He hasn’t even pulled his pants up yet. He squeezes you, lips ghosting over your skin as he presses his nose to the soft space between your neck and skull, inhaling your scent. And just… holds you like that, in an embrace, not at all dissimilar to yesterday.
“Thank you,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, and you’re once again struck with his sporadic shift in demeanor.
“Uhh… you’re welcome,” you reply and he breaks the hug, a single hand coming up to cradle your jaw, thumb dragging your bottom lip as he stares at it, contemplative and fixated.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to return the favor?” Max asks.
“Um… no… I need to clean up and get back out there,” you explain, causing his hand to drop from your face.
“Yeah. Yeah, right,” he says, almost appearing crestfallen — almost — as he tucks himself and his shirt back into his work slacks, buckling his belt and giving himself a cursory once over in the mirror.
You turn away and ignore him as you smooth down your clothes, splash some water over your face and rinse out your mouth and when you’ve determined you don’t look super fucked out, you confirm with Max that you’re each composed enough, giving him one last glance as you step out.
You feel fingertips against the small of your back, almost like he wants one last point of contact with you before you have to go back to the real world.
And what you both step into is a sea of chaos, the lobby now bustling with people needing their various morning addictions, and you cast Audrey and Vincent an apologetic glance as you rush over to assist them.
God, you really need a cigarette and a stiff drink.
They pass each other a look when they see you and Max coming out of the bathroom together and you inwardly sigh because you had hoped you could keep all of this on the down low. Well, that plan was pretty much out the window now. And there was no saving it.
Max stands to one side and waits patiently as you rush through making his drink, passing it to him when you’re done and your skin burning as you feel his gaze dwelling on you one last time before he dips out for the day.
The rush stays steady for about an hour and you’re actually kind of thankful for it, as it helps to keep your focus off of everything that’s happened recently.
You’re walking home when your phone buzzes with a new text.
You take in a breath and fish your phone from your purse, hoping it isn’t your mother. Wishing it isn’t her. She had already texted you earlier that day to let you know Garrett was out of jail, no thanks to you, and you made a point of ignoring it.
You expect another dramatic text from your mother as you’re opening your phone, but you’re relieved to see it’s from Dave this time, thank god.
You open the text to see an image of Dave crouched down in front of the jaws of a rather large shark, Alice perched on his knee and Mollie standing to one side, all three of them smiling for the camera. You try not to let the sweetness and normalcy of it affect you, and you can hardly believe that this is the same man who had practically broke you and stitched you back together multiple times.
You: looks fun
A few minutes later you receive more texts, popping up as you get close to your apartment’s wifi. The first is a video of the girls in front of a shark tank, babbling at a nurse shark, and then a second video of a reef shark swimming overhead in a tunnel, with the caption: sharks for you
You: Cool. I love them! See any sea otters?
Dave: no 🙁 But we saw penguins! 😍
You cover your mouth with your hand as you snicker at his reply, typing in a quick response.
You: Penguins? How feminine.
Dave: Okay smartass
You: Just dishing out some of what you were serving last night, Dave
Dave: Watch it, sweetheart, or you’ll really see what I can dish out when I get home
You: Promise? 😜
As you enter your apartment building and Dave texts back with I would love nothing more, you try to keep reminding yourself you aren’t falling for him.
With the girls dropped off safely with Carol, at the house which is still in his name, that he still pays for, Dave shoots you a quick text before pulling away.
Dave: I’ll be back in town in a day or two. I have a work thing
He fishes out a burner phone and punches in the address for your ex, Jonathan, who lives on Long Island. Which is good — perfect, really — as it’s en route back to Boston. A quick rendezvous there to take him out and then straight home. Or what he could consider his home, nowadays.
You make it feel like home to him.
The hit shouldn’t take long. It was an ideal situation, if he was being honest. The woman Jonathan had left you for had pulled the same trick on him as he had on you, leaving him high and dry after he had up and moved states, and now he lived alone in a small garage apartment at the back of a property that was flanked on all sides by woods.
He would be arriving long after nightfall, and he would bide his time in the woods until it was late enough to slip in and out undetected.
Dave did not care that Jonathan really wasn’t a bad person, aside from being the asshole who broke your heart. He couldn’t give two shits, really. He only wanted to take retribution for Jonathan’s slights against you, on your behalf, because you were too kind and gentle to do it yourself.
As he pulls onto the highway to begin his journey north, he can’t get your beautiful face out of his mind.
It turns out Jonathan is a night owl.
Dave has been in the trees at the perimeter of the property for hours. A single window at the back of the apartment shines a pale yellow, denoting lingering wakefulness from his mark. It’s the only available illumination aside from a lone street lamp near the front of the property.
And aside from his phone. He’s been watching you off and on all night, to pass the time. You’re alone, and have been for days now. You haven’t had Max — or anyone else for that matter — in your bed since the last encounter, which means you stopped seeing Max entirely or you had simply taken to fucking elsewhere. Max’s apartment?
He isn’t sure which, yet.
Currently, Jonathan is getting stoned and painting. Dave is far from being an art expert, but even from his vantage he can see the strokes on the canvas are broad and messy; calling it abstract would be a stretch. Infantile, maybe. He couldn’t have been the artist of the painting you have hanging in your apartment—the style and technique just wasn’t right.
He wonders, not for the first time, if you were a gifted artist as well as being a gifted writer.
Jonathan orders a pizza at 9:09 PM and it’s delivered at exactly 10:00 PM. He spends an hour eating, his motor skills slowed due to being so fried, attempting to masturbate after that — much to Dave’s abject disgust — gives up, and goes back to painting.
Dave can feel his patience growing thinner by the second. You’ve already retired to bed so he no longer has anything to occupy his mind as he waits. He would prefer to strike while Jonathan is sleeping, but it’s either now or never; anything close to daybreak would be too risky.
Given up on being discreet, he slinks like a cat out of the woods at around 12:30 AM, head on a constant swivel, gun holstered at his hip in case he needs it. He’s hoping he doesn’t.
He’s opted for the more difficult to trace route as the actual means of execution — a syringe with 100mg of potassium chloride, the same drug used in prisons — tucked away neatly in the pocket of his black hoodie.
The nearer Dave draws to the apartment, the louder the indie rock music Jonathan is blaring becomes, a band Dave doesn’t recognize. That’s a good thing, though, it will work in his favor when he picks the lock at the front of the building, arguably the riskiest part of this entire mission, due to its proximity to the street.
He reaches the second story landing and pulls his lock picking kit from said hoodie, adjusting the black beanie away from his eyes as he finds the right tools. He manipulates them into the lock, ear pressed to the thin door so he can better hear what he’s doing.
The music continues, and so far as Dave can tell, he hasn’t been detected.
He pops the lock within minutes and the door slowly shimmies open, his hand going to his hip on instinct as he pushes the door the rest of the way with the toe of his boot.
He’s met with a short entryway that veers off to a dimly lit living room. So far, Jonathan hasn’t noticed him. He’s on another planet entirely—exactly where Dave wants him. Thank god for brain altering substances.
Dave stalks forward and soon arrives at the opening of the main living space which is littered with various articles of trash and other clutter, skillfully dodging as much as he can so as to not alert his presence, or give detectives anything to go on.
What he finds is Jonathan hunched in front of a canvas, paintbrush perched between nimble fingers, painting god knows what, because Dave sure can’t tell, his back facing him. The sheer abundance of luck at his mark being in such a vulnerable and unawares position is so goddamn sexy Dave can hardly keep his dick in check at the presentation.
But even with Jonathan being as preoccupied as he is, it would be imprudent to dawdle, so he doesn’t.
He quickly closes the space between the two of them, one arm coiling like a large python around Jonathan’s throat and the other disabling his limbs.
Jonathan looses a low bellow, most of which is drowned out by the music and the reduced flow of oxygen to his lungs, nearly knocking over the easel the canvas sits on in his rush of panic, but thankfully does not. In Dave’s experience working cases for the CIA, signs of struggle are often harder to hide than one would think.
He attempts to fight back, body trying to twist away, but Dave is larger, stronger and more experienced in disarming than Jonathan is in fighting…well, anything…so it isn’t as difficult as Dave had feared it would be.
It isn’t exactly a cake walk either, and Dave knows he needs to get him to the ground as soon as possible to fully disable him, arm tightening around Jonathan’s throat as he wrestles the smaller man to the floor. He puts Jonathan in a sleeper hold, adding a second arm for leverage and bringing a leg up to ensnare his lower half.
“Just let it happen. Let it happen and it will be easier,” Dave grits against the shell of his ear. “Don’t fight me.”
He doesn’t listen, of course, hellbent on breaking the grapple, and failing. That pesky self preservation always did aggravate Dave as much as it excited him.
Jonathan’s vision starts to blot away, music fading to a low and persistent hum, his body finally giving in to the asphyxiation now that the adrenaline was a fleeting thing.
This is exactly what Dave needed to happen, and as he feels Jonathan’s body growing slack in his clutches, he removes the syringe from his pocket, biting the lid off and grasping it between his teeth as he readies the needle.
It isn’t hard to find a vein due to Jonathan’s heightened sense of agitation and panic, inserting the needle into the soft flesh of his neck and sinking the plunger before he can struggle away, flooding his bloodstream with the full dose of potassium chloride.
Within moments, attempts to free himself devolve to little more than faint body tremors, and Dave doesn’t release him until his body has fallen completely motionless and limp in his arms.
He checks Jonathan’s pulse a moment later and when he’s satisfied he’s gone, he drags the corpse to the recliner on the opposite end of the room, manipulating him into a position that makes it appear as if Jonathan succumbed to cardiac arrest.
Once done, he finds Jonathan’s cellphone and begins to thumb through the recent calls and text messages.
He finds you in there, as well as a string of messages to you begging your forgiveness and for your return, which have gone wholly unanswered by you. Dave smiles to himself. You must have blocked him after the breakup. Good.
He knows there’s a very real chance cops will question you regardless. But Dave decides to delete the messages and any other snippet of information he can find about you in Jonathan’s phone anyway, just to be safe.
As he repockets the empty syringe, he gives the room a final comb to ensure that not even a hair is out of place. When he determines everything is satisfactory, and that he hasn’t left behind any evidence or traces of DNA, he turns to make a hasty retreat.
He leaves the apartment exactly as he found it, making sure to lock the door behind him, leaving nothing out of place, no loose ends unraveled.
He jogs down the stairs and makes the mile long trek through the woods to return to where his car is parked, working up a sweat even with the cooler air but not at all concerned about it, pulling the beanie off and tossing it to the passenger floorboard when he finally makes it to the car.
Palming himself through his dark jeans, he pulls onto the road, with you being the only thing on his mind as he begins the arduous six hour journey home to see you. You.
And he can barely fucking wait.
Taglist: @ohheypedrito @kateispunk @awilderi @survivingandenduring @heavennumber2 @alwaysmicado @oberynslady @kellybelly1978 @cosmic-li @chronically-ghosted @morallyinept @annieispunk @xxjigglynatxx @daddy-dins-girl @onmysluttyknees @guelyury @gwendibleywrites @missladym1981 @anoverwhelmingdin @yorksgirl @shotgun-shelby
Please let me know if I forgot you, it wasn’t intentional 🥺
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