#darigan uni
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necronomi-kun · 11 months ago
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neopetsadoptorabandon · 1 month ago
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skunkkyrii · 1 year ago
Late night toontown cog posting.. WHAT IF THE MANAGERS WERE NEOPETS?
Derrick Man - Camouflage Moehog
Derrick Hand - Grey Bori
Land Acquisition Architect - Mutant Buzz
DOLD - Shadow Hissi
Public Relations Representative - Mutant Usul
DOPA - Robot Wocky
I’m gonna cut under here bcuz it’d be a really long post if it wasn’t cut. Street + Kudos managers beneath!
Duck Shuffler - Disco Eyrie
Deep Diver - Maraquan Uni
Gatekeeper - Royalboy Uni (I know she’s a girl, but I thought Royalboy would be more fitting :) )
Bellringer - Faerie Techo
Mouthpiece - Elderlygirl Tonu
Firestarter - Fire Kyrii
Treekiller - Speckled Skeith
Featherbedder - Spotted Vandagyre
Prethinker - Mutant Kacheek
Rainmaker - Cloud Shoyru
Witch Hunter - Darigan Lupe
Multislacker - Plushie Gnorbu (more specifically the UC version)
Major Player - Darigan Grarrl
Plutocrat - Camouflage Jubjub
Chainsaw Consultant - Grey Bori
Pacesetter - Faerie Cybunny
Litigator - Darigan Krawk
Scapegoat - He would be a MSP Ixi… IF THERE WAS ONE!
Stenographer - Striped Jetsam
Case Manager - Brown Gelert
Anything to add? You disagree with my choices? Leave it in the tags. I want to see you guys’s opinions :)
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blobikins · 1 year ago
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hi heres a look at my EPIC PETS on og neopets!!! a summery of what they are all about:
BigBluebell is my baby, precious butch daughter, i imagine her as a quaint farmer who likes living out in the country, shes painted christmas only for the brown fur and gold horns lol, shes the one i have read all the books
DarlingDaydream was created on the latest poogle day and painted pastel with one of the 4(!) FFQs i got from the faerie festival that just ended, i wanna customize her really pretty but im still planning that so shes just got the gay pride stuff on her lol
DustyDetective, as you can see from his age there, was made less than 2 days ago for me to spend another one of my FFQs on (i even shelled out some irl money for the first time to buy more pet slots orz) ive had a custom idea saved for forever on the fan site dress to impress for a steampunk uni and now im slowly working on gathering all the items for it (a few of them were part of the pool of new quest items TNT added to the faerie fest so they all suddenly jumped in price)
Flub_S2 (i call him flub season 2 for no reason) was adopted from a kind stranger here off of tumblr, he came with a zapped yellow dogglefox which looks to good together with him. right now i have him dressed like a slob bc ive imagined him as a spencer-from-icarly type weirdo artist whos just at home hanging out in his boxers with his dog painting all day lol
LordTheseus was a pound find and I loved the name so much i adopted him and made him a cunty gay guy. I painted him faerie with one of the FFQs before i realized the prize shop was basically giving away faerie pbs lol i also recently dropped like 3mil on buying him the darigan gruslen from the FF bc i missed logging in a day or two and couldnt get the prize myself ;;
SoftSybil was the first pet I made! I kinda imagine her as like the extrovert sister to the introvert Bluebell, so I painted her disco a while back and just kinda left it at that, but idk i might mix it up and totally redo her eventually i just dont know what i want with her lol
TurboFritz is also a pound find and my current lab ray pet, she started as a zafara and my goal was to zap her to robot, which is still my current goal, but for a while she was a ghost shoyru and looked pretty cool, but i still keep zapping her to try and get something cooler
im saving my remaining 4 pet slots until i really know what i want to do with them, so thats it for now!
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peofun1 · 2 months ago
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OC doodle dump from the last year or so, roughly chronological.
included some of the thumbnails for the comic I'm working on with them as a little treat. for me. because they mean everything to me.
bonus under the cut: my neopets lmao
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Top left: Maledor (Woodland Uni) Top right: Peofun612 (Six) (Stealthy Peophin) Bottom left: Ralechys (Royal Kyrii) Bottom right: Faradale (Darigan Aisha)
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vulpine111 · 5 months ago
Some more dream pets I'd love to collect on Neopets:
Maraquan Lutari
Oil Uni
Grey Krawk
Oil Cybunny
Valentine Draik
Plushie Draik
Valentine Lupe
Valentine Peophin
Baby Lupe
Darigan Peophin
Faerie Lupe
Faerie Draik
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wishingprince · 5 months ago
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My lil babies.
Been saving NP religiously. I’ve been SO IRRITATED at my lack of customizable options and realized like a fool that I’m sitting on a mountain of monies I could be BUYING STUFF WITH. Anyways, got a bunch of backgrounds and outfits so everyone can look good! I have some dreamy items I want but I loooove how everyone looks.
Also Pwincess is gonna stay a mutant forever, I love her too much the way she is. Tomoyakyun is new I wanted a cybunny and my plans had changed for babyanime (he’s a PERFECT BOY TINY UNI).
leokun I might turn into a darigan for a lil while bc I loooove kougra darigan. Pastel tomoyakun, I want faerielite to ACTUALLY be a faerie ixi, I wanna change fallin into a more interesting Kau, and I think I want to change Sena’s species entirely too but I want something regal for my model ballerina boy and I’m having trouble picking.
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mutant-xweetok · 1 year ago
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^^pic of me talking to myself for the last few days about the uc stuff
SO atm theres only 2-4 UCs that i think im actually going to try for. probably just the first 2 at first just to figure out how the new UC item works and stocks and stuff. BIGGEST worry is that i dont think the mutant xwee actually counts as UC which is one i dreamed of having
so im going to have to see how much UCs are going to cover.
EXAMPLE: if i have a blue or ghost ixi will i be able to get the old art if i use the UC item on it? or will that not count because thats OLD ART not a UC design like the grey ixi?
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i think thats whats going to determine how much i put into getting the UC items because i know FOR SURE if the UC item allows for ANY PET/COLOR to become the old art then i might get alot, i also know FOR SURE i dont want to start buying NC just for UCs cause im never going to be as active as the old days, the pet slots i buy just comes from the free NC that gets handed out onsite here and there so thats all im gonna use it for, maybe once i hit the max pet slots i'll use whatever NC left for UCs in the future or just faerie cookies, dont know yet
i know back in the early days i loved some pets MORE because of the old art (xwees, ixis, peophins, and unis especially) i dont dislike the new converted versions of those pets but i cant find myself making many characters/designs in my head for the converted versions, like old ixis were just FULL of character in all of their poses even in basic colors and now even just finding good customs is hard for me let alone making characters for them (i think is cuase of their big heads rip) also uni outfits are so TRAGIC i just cant do it
i personally have no gripe about the redraws (YET?) like i /can/ see the idea of a "downgrade" when looking at parts of the redraw (faerie wings KINDA) but thats it for me, i would have to see more to actually /feel/ anything about them. i do love the oldstyle thin lines but i the big gag here is i never cared about UCs when playing as a kid. i was definitely there BEFORE the 1st conversion but i think i stopped for a while when the conversion ACTUALLY happened, but me and squiddy loved customization so we kinda lost our minds with it at first anyway
i adore the oldstyle art for sure and there were so many pets i wanted BECAUSE i wanted the OLDSTYLE version of them (big example is the faerie ixi, i dreamed of having one cause she was so pretty but the conversion just made me not care) (also peophins in general, i had an old oc i pounded just because i just couldnt enjoy any customs or crosspaints i was going for, rip nini i miss you)
SO OVERALL: im really only interested in the old art, the value i guess is where i dont feel anything because my pets are ocs so theyre designs onsite can be whatever and i'll be fine
if these NCUC items allow for ANY PET COMBO to get oldstyle art then i could see myself getting a handful just to feel like i have one, dont really care about whatever identifier theyre going to attach to say "this is a NEW UC not an OLD UC" that doesnt mean anything to me i just want my pngs <3
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if these NCUC items DONT work universally with the oldstyle art and it only works with the pets that are catalogued/officially coded as UC (grey pets, the darigan pets, some faeries, etc) then i may only get 1-2 and leave it at that. not really disappointed/upset or anything i just dont care about UCs that much to get multiple, i'll leave it to those users who care about them and hope its fun for them!
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also i still have my neoclone accounts (that i need to get back to rofl) where i can get ahold of oldart pets which will work just as well! more ocs babey!!!!!!
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i actually am still so sad i didnt get a SAP back in december that was gonna fund the rest of my outfits im so sad (the rest of the AC was great even though i dont collect much of that stuff so no complaints there) but SOME OF THESE CLOTHES cost everything in my bank im so sad but i'll be fine but im so SAD
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nicepets · 3 years ago
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Pet: Amalthea077
Owner: decades_of_moonlight
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meedup · 2 years ago
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Neopets nostalgia moment, drawing my darigan uni in colored pencils
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extrahorribledynne · 4 years ago
not to neopets in 2021 but they added a premium feature awhile ago. this allows, among other benefits, for users to change the species of their neopet.
this has the added caveat of, if your neopet’s species doesn’t share color with what species you want to turn it into, this allows you to change your pets COLOR as well
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dimensional moehog morphing potion+ 8 dollars out of my bank account= royalboy uni hours
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howrsememequeen · 4 years ago
I’ve finally gotten all my current dream pets and I’m so happy. 8 year old me is screaming because she never had anything more than the basic pets.
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prismeowtic · 8 years ago
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some good neos
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synthaphone · 2 years ago
neopia animal crossing house planning...
Neolodge (Synth’s house)
main room: ??? upstairs: astrovilla basement: cockroach towers left room: ??? back room: ??? right room: ???
this one is giving me the most trouble because the neolodge itself has only three pictures of the interior and is not the the most iconic neopia central location to have an interior of. 6 rooms to have to decorate for. torn between inventing a lobby, pool, and laundry room and just leaning hard into the neolodge as the setting, vs making a single room cockroach towers and then the other rooms into other iconic NC locations i don’t have room for otherwise- downside to this idea is that these often don’t have very well known interiors Either and are mostly known for their iconic (and borderline impossible to replicate in AC) exteriors. i guess it’d be like, the Petpet store, Kauvaras, Food store, Book store, and Uni’s clothing store? still pondering this
Faerieland Castle (Fyora’s house)
main room: ??? upstairs: hidden tower basement: ??? left room: library back room: ??? right room: garden
ok i said the other one was giving me the most trouble but this one is tough too. fyora’s castle doesn’t have a super iconic interior either. most neopets locations are known for their external appearance, since they’re seen on the maps. that said! i have SEEN a library and a garden as locations in the TCG art and customizable backgrounds, so this makes things a little easier. i could try to make the basement either a faerie caves reference or a dungeon from NQ II reference- also tempting to just go for well known exterior locations again and make it like, a poogle racing track or something (because its looking like i will probably not have room for that outside)
Maraqua (Isca’s house)
main room: outside in new maraqua upstairs: isca’s bedroom basement: underwater fishing cavern left room: old maraqua ruins back room: throne room? or kelp right room: kelp (or shell store)
i reread the maraqua plot comic to try and see more of the interior of new maraqua and all i got was realizing that king kelpbeard is possibly the worst dad in neopia
hypothetical future houses:
Darigan Citadel (Lord Darigan’s house)
main room: inside da city babey upstairs: darigan’s meetingroom or whatever that shit’s called basement: cellblock left room: uhhhh petpet battles? right room: toy store :) back room: ?????
Virtupets Space Station (Space Faerie’s house)
main room: main floor- maybe put grundos cafe here? upstairs: entertainment deck basement: evil sloth lab or hangar left room: uhh idk neopet v2 elevator? or grundo warehouse right room: robot petpet store back room: evil sloth lab or hangar
Mira would live here literally because i want both her and the ski lodge and dr sloth would at least kind of work for that. anyway this one has soo many options and also will require a bunch of expensive furniture. oh boy!
Ski Lodge (Dr. Sloth’s house)
i have to look at all of the rooms again but i know the ski lodge has at least 6 rooms where murders could happen AND that used kinda modern looking furniture, so its recreate-ability is exciting to me. that iconic big staircase room will be a pain in the ass to try to make though
Moltara (???’s house)
ok moltara and no altador seems like a weird way to go but moltara is underground so it’d make more sense to do as a single house. and there’s a bunch of lava backgrounds and steampunk looking shit in animal crossing
Neovia (???’s house)
oh shit yeah neoviaaaaa that could be cool
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ask-the-barkerverse · 4 years ago
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I recently came across this art challenge on Tumblr where you draw one of your OCs with a Neopets paintbrush color. I don't play on Neopets anymore, but I just couldn't resist doing this challenge because I thought it would be really fun. 
I got a couple suggestions from SarahBearQuartz on DA, one of which was to draw my Sombra x Chrysalis kid Miasma with the Darigan brush color. I heavily based her off of the classic Darigan Uni and I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. If you want to see me draw one of my OCs with a paintbrush color, feel free to ask!
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faeriefaellie · 4 years ago
rip isabelledi the uni, had to make room for the kougra im going to paint with a darigan paintbrush once i get my hands on one
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