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fizzyxcustard · 8 months ago
So I started Hannibal (I know I’m like forever years late) but what I was not expecting was Richard to show up in season 3. He’s like so good at being a villain and nails the creepy aspect but also is so soft in a way? (You’re also like my go to blog for anything Richard Armitage haha so I had to come here)
Richard does play villains extremely well. What I love about him is the emotion he conveys through his eyes. He has that ability to be able to show the deepest of love and passion, then flip to the most intense hatred. It’s amazing!
Dolarhyde does have that soft side to him, despite being a serial killer. He’s very intriguing. What did you think of the show overall?
You’re always so welcome to come and chat with me. ❤️
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svartalfhild · 2 years ago
I know those posts are from like ages ago but your reactions to BBC Robin Hood are EXACTLY what I’m feeling rn oml I just marathoned the show.
Hell yeah!!! Welcome to the Guy of Gisborne Blorbofication Zone! I'm glad you liked my posts! It's nice to have someone happen along and validate your feels.
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loupsgarou · 2 years ago
omg I love your thrandy dandy bo bandy
lmaooo thank you! it just came to me one day and one former mutual thought it hysterical so it stuck 😂
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princelythirsts · 2 years ago
I am just going to respond to all these here really quick
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@echoes-lighthouse that sounds really cool! I gotta brush up on my romantic era poets but I will take a class that covers that era in the fall. Tbh it might help me get an idea of the time period’s art for my main self ship bc Romanticism started in the late 18th century ish? Which ones would you ship with?
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@astronomicalgarbage HELL YEAH big same, I got obsessed with LOTF when I read it in high school and had modern AUs and high school AUs and everything. Who were your favorites? I was obsessed with Jack and Piggy (ofc I related to one of them more than the other, you can probably guess). And Mercutio is so fucking cool
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@danzalladaggers (it’s not letting me tag you for some reason) that’s so valid Lady Macbeth is so cool. also lmao I was always kinda ?? that Proctor was established as a sexy man in that play, and then we saw the 1996 film and my first thought upon seeing him was “they had no business making him this hot”
anyone else have obscure f/o’s from required reading and classical lit or just me? lol
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Oh my gosh thank you for the matchup!!! Levi has slowly grown to be my favorite haha. I love the detail you put into it and will definitely prolly be reading it more than once!
Aww I'm glad! I truly think you two would be cute together and I'm so glad you liked your matchup 🥰
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
Weak Spot
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Summary: He has a weak spot for you.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of his business, protective Bucky, established relationship
A/N: I love soft mafia Bucky. So, you will all suffer with me...
<< Part 1 - Soft Spot
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“Bucky! What did you do?” You look at your boyfriend. Men came to his house, carrying heavy boxes inside the library next to his office.
His father used the room to impress his business partners with all the expensive books he bought over the years. However, Bucky turned the library into your second favorite place.
Your favorite place is right next to him.
“I bought a few more books,” he wraps his arm around your shoulders. “I think we need to expand the library. Maybe we can break through a wall and use one of the spare guestrooms.”
“Bucky, it’s too much,” you say. Your eyes are glued to the books the men unpack. “Oh my god! Did you buy a whole library?”
You gasp as more men with more boxes walk past you and Bucky. “All for my girl,” he whispers in your ear. Bucky softly pecks your cheek as you stand next to him. Speechless.
Your heart wants to burst. Every gesture and every word tells you how much you mean to the man by your side.
“We should leave them to their job, doll. Let's look at the books later.”
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A few hours later Bucky sits in the library, in one of the old armchairs you found in an antique shop. You are on his lap, snuggled into his chest as he reads you one of your favorite books.
“How was your day?" you softly ask. “Did Stark agree to the deal? He’s a stubborn man, isn’t he?”
“I know you’ll make a perfect queen,” Bucky wraps his arm a little tighter around your body. He sighs deeply, wishing his business wasn’t part of your life now. If only he could give up on business and run away with you.
“Do you sometimes wish I was someone else?” you ask. “You know, an insider. A woman who grew up in your world.”
“No!” Bucky drops the book as you look at him with teary eyes. “Where is this coming from, Y/N? You are the one for me. I don’t want anyone else.”
“I heard your men talk. They told you that I’m your weak spot and a liability. That I will get you killed one day,” you choke on your words. “I don’t want you to die because of me. I love you too much.”
“Doll, I won’t get killed,” he drops the book to wrap both arms around your trembling body. “No one will dare get between us. You are the only woman I want. No one compares to you. I love you more than anything in my life.”
You hide your face in his neck to inhale his cologne. Bucky always smells good. “I love the books and the library.”
“It’s the least I could do after you quit your job for me,” he replies softly. “Did you think about my offer?”
You giggle.
Bucky asked you to become his sexy kitten and offered belly rubs as payment last week. "Sir, I am considering your offer.”
“Hmm…good…that’s good.”
He gently runs his hand over your head, patting you. “I didn’t quit my job for you. I left because I couldn’t work with people harassing the man I love.”
Bucky doesn’t tell you this is the same thing. He smiles and enjoys having you in his arms. All he wants is you by his side for the rest of his life.
“You better pick that book back up, Sir,” you lift your head to look Bucky in the eyes. “I won’t accept violence against books in this house.”
He grins at your words and says, “Baby doll, I promise to protect the books too. No one will touch them. I swear.”
"You are a great man," you say while snuggling into his chest and closing your eyes. “My protective and strong boyfriend.”
“My sweet and caring girlfriend,” he says as you softly whisper his name. “I’ll burn the world for you…”
>> Part 3
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Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags @marshyrebelcloud​
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loveisfriendship · 11 months ago
Obliviously obvious
Request by @danzalladaggers: Heyyyyy! Could u do a Merlin x reader you fall asleep on his shoulder when out with the nights and like they tease merlin so much and he gets all blushy and it's adorable. And yeah thankssss btw I rlly rlly love ur work!
Author’s Note: Hey you 😊 Always love Merlin requests. Hope you are not disappointed.
And I’m very sorry that it took me so long. I know this ask has been from ages ago. Literally. Hope you enjoy it nonetheless. It was great as a small coming back to writing.
It’s been a very long day. After Morgana took over the Castle you all had to flee. You were exhausted, as you had to carry a lot. But Merlin helped you along the way. As the night started to set in, everyone set up camp. You could finally relax and rubbed your feet as you set on a log in front of the campfire. Slowly the knights and the prince, well now future king, as well as Merlin sat around you. With Merlin right next to you.
At first the atmosphere was numb and silent. Everyone didn‘t dare speak after what happened. But eventually Gwain lighted the mood by having a quarrel with Percival. The mood lightened and everyone started talking. You and Merlin laughing and joking with the others. You were a bit worried about Arthur, but after all he was more betrayed than anybody else.
Eventually you got tired and before you even realized it, you fell asleep on Merlins shoulder. He didn’t mind and smiled to himself, while moving his hand to your back, causing you the snuggle a bit better into his shoulder. That didn’t go unnoticed by the other knights who promptly nudged each other to point at you two.
“Well, well.. who would have thought that.” Sir Elyan said, making the others chuckle.
“Our little Merlin has a girl.” Gwaine said, followed by a whistled. Causing Merlin to sush him, to not wake you up. Luckily you were so exhausted, you slept like a stone.
By now though the Knights were having fun, teasing Merlin, singing childish songs about you both, causing Merlin to blush and looking at the ground or up in the sky.
“Could you all just shut up. We don’t want to wake her.” Merlin said, glaring at them all.
Gwaine lifted his hands in surrender, chuckling. “Well of course not. Wouldn’t want to wake you sleeping beauty.” He said causing everyone else to laugh again.
“That’s enough.” Came from Arthur, making everyone shut up immediately. That were the first words he had said since they left Camelot. Everyone stared at him, shocked, waiting for new orders.
“Everyone knows, for sleeping beauty to wake, she needs a kiss.” He said, looking pointedly at Merlin and forming a smirk. All the other knights, looked at him and than at each other, before bursting out in laughter ones again. All Merlin did was groan and look at Arthur saying “Seriously?”.
Arthur just shrugged and kept on laughing with the others, teasing Merlin.
Meanwhile, you didn’t notice anything. Just smiling in your sleep, dreaming of Merlin.
Taglist: @geeksareunique @fandomoniumflurry @rahma29417 @letsstarsfalling @fairchild21 @fungk17 @woodworthit666 @honestlyoriginalthing @evyiione @everygoodusernameistaken16 @littlewhiterose @reincarnated-ghost @princess76179 @damedoctoroftardis
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multifandomfix · 2 years ago
Cuddling With The Tenth Doctor Would Include
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Ten is so cuddly, but he also squirms. It’s sometimes hard for him to keep still.
He has a vice grip on you when you cuddle. His hearts are just so full of love and adoration that it can come out as aggressively affectionate.
When you can get him to actually go to bed and rest, you’ll often wake up to at least one of his limbs draped over your body.
He loves to nuzzle into your neck when you cuddle. Bonus points if you ruffle or play with his hair. It’ll practically make him purr.
If you’re having a chill day (very few and far between with him) he’ll languish across your lap, talking endlessly and smiling at you.
For anon
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Tenth Doctor: @dancingwith-sunflowers, @osterhagen, @riveranddoctorsong123, @randomfandomimagine, @danzalladaggers, @keepfloatingaway, @casserole-from-dads-asserole, @little-bean99, @littlefoxgirl-13, @becomingthedreamversionofme, @storytelling-timelord, @chaos-and-food, @callsigncrash, @mxacegrey, @sammus-white, @lokabrenna0801, @m-rae23, @geekyandgay98, @sassykittenjellyfish, @earthgorl
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writeroutoftime · 2 years ago
just as you are
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prompt: "I like you very much. Just as you are." – Bridget Jones's Diary (requested by: @danzalladaggers)
a/n: wow, this is soooo late, but better late than never right? anyway, I adore Foggy with all my heart, so this was such a joy to write. hopefully everyone enjoys!
When you entered his apartment, you were met with a rather glum Foggy, mindlessly bouncing a rubber ball against the wall.
"Why the glum face in here?" you asked, headed to the window, throwing it open to let in the fresh air. "It's a lovely day, and love is in the spring air in our fair New York City."
Foggy merely scoffed at your comment. "Yeah, sure it is."
"Alright," you started, sitting in front of Foggy. "talk to me. What is going on?"
There was a pregnant pause before he sighed and let it all off his chest. "You know that girl I've been seeing?"
Your heart clenched at the mention of said girl. It was a small fling that had started a few weeks ago after Foggy met her on a dating app. Of course, you had never told your best friend you were in love with him, so he had no idea how much it stung to here about the woman who didn't deserve Foggy in the slightest. "Yeah." you nodded softly.
"Well, that's no longer happening. She told me I was "too much." That I wasn't what she thought I would be when I told her I was a lawyer." he explained, trying to pass off the exchange as humorous, but you could see how much this struck a nerve in him.
At his words, your heart broke and the feeling of wanting to knock some sense into this woman began to simmer within you. "Foggy, I'm so sorry." you began, unsure where to start.
"I don't know why I'm surprised." Foggy interrupted. "It's not like anyone I try to date ends up liking what they get. I don't know why I bother trying." he mumbled, bathing in self-doubt.
Taking Foggy's hands into yours, you looked at him straight in the eyes and took a deep breath. "I like you very much. Just as you are." you confessed. "I always have, and I always will. It doesn't matter what anyone else has to say, because I'm always going to be right here by your side." you reassured him, knowing the future of your friendship was about to change forever when Foggy leant forward and captured your lips with his, his online fling now forgotten.
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lost-between-letters · 2 years ago
Not Moving
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Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader (she/her)
Word Count: 100
Written for: @justagirlinafandomworld 's Unclaimed Love Songs Challenge
Song: The Man Who Can't Be Moved by the Script
Summary: Sam doesn't want to move
Warnings: death, angst
A/N: look who's not dead! (It's me) - and back with the flash fiction because I love it. Also sorry for all the angst lately
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Sam watched her, a melancholic smile on his lips. Old clothes she couldn't get rid of were thrown over her arm, routine guiding her steps in gathering the most important pieces from their life together.
"Got everything?" Dean leant in the doorway, arms crossed, a solemn look in his eyes.
Y/N took a shaky breath. "All that I can take without crying again."
His brother nodded, arm extended, offering help.
"It's time."
She didn't take it.
Death gripped his arm when her eyes met his for the last time.
"How can I move when I'm still in love with you?"
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General Taglist: @immrbrightsideeee , @fandomfoodiedancer , @lovesfandoms , @nyotamalfoy , @stixnstripesworld , @foxyjwls007 , @amythedoctor , @alexxavicry
Sam Taglist: @tiggytaylor , @danzalladaggers, @lelapine , @baby-banana , @borhapparker , @maddiebwrites , @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes , @AlohaStitch0626, @jayheartswritting, @cinderellacauseshebroke @winnifredburkleismyhero , @xoxokiaraaxoxo @theslawstee @thecubanator2 @i-pray-to-cas @megs_or_megatron
Join a Taglist
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years ago
Hello! I was wondering if you had a tag list and if so could I be added to it? I don’t want to miss your fics they’re so good!
I do have a tag list, love! Do you want to be added for everything or just for certain characters/fandoms?
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booksmusicteaandanimals · 1 year ago
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I have a bunch of asks that I never saw... they're all so sweet so thank you all for the lovely things you sent me. Y'all probably don't even remember what you sent but just know I appreciate the kindness. Imma just tag you all and give a big ol hug to you!
@sunflowerinthekitchen @sl-ash-er @the-young-and-forgotten @danzalladaggers @ananad1 @remmyswritings
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loupsgarou · 7 months ago
🛶💙🩵💚🩵💙 it's a love canoe! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love!
awww ty Victoria 💖💖
tagging bc im lazy (also these are blogs from my activity page lmaooo)… @tantaolas @bal0neymalon3y @hiraeth-doux @mirthcrowned @danzalladaggers @danlous @pinkieroy @tempe-brennans @sheisraging @userlestat @naughtydogg @sinnohqueen @wambs and @general-cyno.
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booksmusicteaandanimals · 8 months ago
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the beautiful tumblr experience
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
hey love! was wondering if I could get a matchup for the boys. I started playing obey me during my breaks in between classes at college and I’m so hooked! I’m female, she/her, 20, bisexual as hell, INTJ, Leo, ravenclaw/slytherin, and a new media artist (still in college tho). I love game design, 3d modeling, interactive design, visual effects etc. I also love reading, gaming, binge watching, digital illustration, dancing, rollerblading, baking cookies, rearranging my room, and listening to video essays/podcasts/audiobooks. My favorite genres are detective, classics, fantasy, adventure, folklore, mythology and sci fi. I love listening to music in a multitude of languages as well whether Arabic, Italian, French, Hindi and much more. MASSIVE introvert except for with my best friends where my unhinged side comes out. Despite being an introvert I’m very comfortable with leadership. I’m very contemplative and thoughtful, with a variety of interests as well as creative. I’m far from clingy and prefer to keep my own space even if I know you well. I can be a bit stubborn, and opinionated at times however. I’m a huge planner and hate when things go off schedule or when things are chosen abruptly. As for how others see me I think I come off as somewhat cautious and not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends I do make. Think that’s all I got! Thank you!
Okay dang girly, you could have just came out and said you were Levi's girlfriend; it would have been a lot quicker hehe 😂
So yeah, very obviously
I pair you with...
Because holy shit, of course you are. You are literally his dream girl and there's no way around that.
Though it feels obvious to me, Imma break it all down to keep this matchup worth your time~
Let's start with the fun part--your MBTI 🥰
Okay so you are an INTJ, meaning your function stack is NiTeFiSe or NiTe more simply.
This means your primary function is Introverted iNtuition, the function that you use the most to guide you through everyday life. It helps you see life from a broad perspective and connect the dots to the most likely outcome. This helps you strategize the best way to handle life's issues and helps you focus on your goals for the future more so than any immediate wants. This one of the reasons INTJ are also known as the Strategists.
Your auxiliary function, the one that gives the most support to your primary function Ni, is called Extraverted Thinking. While the work of your Ni mainly takes place inside you, Te is the main function you use to interact with your external world. This function provides the external framework on how to achieve the goal your Ni has seen for you. Te is all about what works in reality, what is practical and doable so it really helps you think logically about how to achieve what you need.
Now, I freaking swore I made a post of each other Boys' (or very least, the Brothers') MBTI types, but for the life of me, I can't find that post. It might have been from before I made my Masterlist and it just sort slipped between the cracks, so to speak.
I cannot remember whether I decided that Levi was INTP or INFP, but in truth, it matters little with you because both of these types are generally seen as very compatible with INTJs (especially INFP and omg, as an INFP, I love it cuz you INTJs are amazing and I love you 😭💕)
But back to Levi! Either way, I think with his auxiliary function Extraverted iNtuition (Ne), this man has some trouble really making decisions for himself because Ne helps you see so many possibilities for things, which also leads to his anxiety issues, which is also fueled either by his dominant Introverted Feeling (if INFP) or his Inferior Extraverted Feeling (if INTP).
I think you would be a major comfort to this man. With your NiTe, you give others a sense of reliability. Even during moments where you might not feel so sure of yourself, you have the people around you sure that you'll figure things out.
Honestly, I think that's something Levi needs in a partner; someone he can lean on and trust. He'd follow your lead and feel safer with a decision you made than one he made on his own.
Now onto interests! Girl you're literally learning game design. Please teach him what you know 🙏 He will be so freaking grateful and honestly, this man dreams about the two of you making a game together and actually sees that as an intimate activity for you two (literally gives me vibes of this one post I saw that said Levi's ideal date involved you two putting your Minecraft beds together. It's that level of cute, silly innocence hehe). And of course, he'd love to play games with you too!
Also, reading? Podcasts? Scifi? Fantasy? Adventure? He loves all of these too, even more so now that he knows you share these interest too.
You are literally his perfect Henry. Your seemingly self-assured nature makes this anxious man feel like he can rely on you and be safe with you. Combine this with all of your shared interests and the fact that he feels he can learn so much from you? This man literally can't think of a single thing he did to deserve you, but loves you so dearly all the same~
You are his safe person and in return, he will give you every ounce of love that his heart can make 🥰
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multifandomfix · 2 years ago
Imagine Missy getting possessive of you.
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Missy clenched her jaw, steely eyes taking in the interaction between you and your so called friend. Too cozy for her liking. She really shouldn’t intervene. You’d be angry, she knew, but could you really expect her to stand by idly?
As soon as you heard the heels clicking in your direction, your blood turned to ice in your veins. “Go,” you directed. “We’ll talk later,” you promised your friend. You could see the look of confusion as it crossed their face, but you didn’t have the time to explain. “Please.”
You heaved a sigh of relief as your friend turned away and began to walk off. “Mmm, spoiling all my fun today, aren’t you, pet?” Missy’s voice came from behind you and arms wrapped around your middle, her chin settling on your shoulder.
Her hands began to roam their way around your body. “Must I remind you again who you belong to?” Your heart leapt to your throat. How was it that you fell for it every time, this possessive streak of hers? Though really, there was no sense in fighting it.
For @leonorasbabygirl
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @icetown587, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist
Missy: @marril96, @danzalladaggers, @casserole-from-dads-asserole, @little-bean99, @littlefoxgirl-13, @becomingthedreamversionofme, @chaos-and-food, @callsigncrash, @mxacegrey, @unsubologyy, @neurodiverse-dumpingground, @phantomofclownery, @sammus-white, @lokabrenna0801, @m-rae23, @geekyandgay98
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