#dany x khal drogo
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90s-kid-sad-adult ¡ 19 days ago
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eddieheart ¡ 1 year ago
Why did HBO make the ‘consummation’ of Dany and Khal Drogo’s wedding so violent. I’m reading the book and it seems, while obviously dubious in the realm of consent, quite gently.
She makes the point to say he’s rough, but never hurt her, going slowly. At one point she even says ‘yes’.
Why did they feel the need to make the show’s scene so graphic and violent, the book scene is graphic too but not in the same way.
At least in the book he seems vaguely kind and their eventual bond as a couple/love is less rapey. They both romanticize rape but in very different ways.
Am I the only one who thinks this?
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dartiste380 ¡ 6 months ago
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Khaleesi and Her Dragons
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jaimebrienne-art ¡ 7 months ago
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Brienne & Jaime By Boninga Dolls
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polysucks ¡ 2 months ago
Sandor Clegane and Jorah Mormont: Broken Men and the Paths to Redemption An analysis of how Sandor Clegane and Jorah Mormont’s treatment of Daenarys Stormborn and the Stark sisters reveals their overlapping sense of duty and morality
An Essay by Polysocial
Word count: 1,849 Time to read: 6 - 15 min CW for the usual asoiaf themes, the defense of Sandor Clegane and the depiction of Jorah Mormont as a fuckin groomer. Also the victimization of the underage women in ASOIAF. Also bad jokes. and I repeat myself alot. i have no beta im just a loser with a word processing program, a liberal american education, and too much time on my hands. You've been warned.
Sandor Clegane and Jorah Mormont are two men defined by their flaws, shaped by their circumstances, and searching for atonement for two extremely different reasons. Though their lives and choices are distinctly different, both wrestle with their own personal definitions of loyalty, self-worth, and the complexities of their relationships with the women they intend to protect. Their opposing paths shed quite a bit of light on the nuances of obligation, devotion, and the struggle to find meaning in a world that often seems devoid of it and the goreghe does an excellent job exploring the vast array of tones and shades in the beauty and the beast trope he is so evidently fond of.
Sandor Clegane: The Hound’s Bitter Sense of Duty
The Hound is a man defined by violence not only by his own design as a defense mechanism but also perpetuated by how he is treated before he even has a chance to open his mouth. From a young age, he was conditioned to believe his intrinsic value as a person lay in his ability to serve others through the only thing he knows holds worth in providing—brutality and violence. The Clegane family name, elevated to nobility through merciless service to the Lannisters, set the foundation for Sandor’s cynical worldview. His scars—both physical and emotional—are a demonstration of his brother Gregor’s cruelty and the dehumanizing system they are forced to exist in that values strength over compassion.
Though Sandor rejects the concept of honor (especially when it pertains to him), deeming it a hollow façade for the selfishness of the powerful (I mean, he’s got a point), his actions often contradict his words. His protectiveness toward Sansa and Arya Stark respectively and independently exposes a deeply buried and guarded sense of morality. He serves neither out of duty nor personal gain (It could be argued that he “kidnapped” Arya and took her to the Twins for personal gain, but I ain’t going there rn) but because he recognizes their vulnerability and sees in them a reflection of the innocence he never had the chance to love and cherish before it was ripped from him. This reluctant politesse, however, clashes with his belief in his own worthlessness, creating a tragic tension within his character.
Sandor’s relationship with Arya starkly demonstrates this complexity. Though he often threatens her with violence, his bark is worse than his bite [beat for applause]. His threats serve as a disguise, a way to maintain control and protect Arya in a dangerous world. The threats he does act on, however, such as knocking her unconscious during the Red Wedding, are harsh but motivated by a twisted sense of care. Sandor views himself as a necessary evil, someone who must act as a shield against greater horrors (one that was never offered to him), even if Arya herself resists his help. His dynamic with Arya mirrors his own self-perception: gruff and crude on the surface, but marked by an underlying love and genteel that he cannot fully suppress—no matter how hard he tries.
Jorah Mormont: Privilege and Self-Inflicted Exile
Jorah Mormont’s life is a stark contrast to Sandor’s [dodges tomatoes]. Born into privilege as the heir to Bear Island of the north, Jorah squandered the opportunities granted to him. His downfall—selling poachers into slavery to fund an extravagant lifestyle—was a choice born of greed and desperation, not necessity. Unlike Sandor, who was forced into servitude by circumstance, Jorah’s exile and subsequent loyalty to Daenerys Targaryen are the consequences of his own failures and choices he made with personal goals in mind.
At first, Jorah’s service to Daenerys is self-serving, a way to reclaim the honor he lost (it’s not even about his family name either like bro ur dad is so disappointed in you and here u go worshipping a fuckin pregnant teenager--). Yet as his love [crowd boos] for her grows, his devotion becomes what he considers selfless, albeit still flawed. His betrayal when he serves as a spy for King Robert emphasizes the infirmity of his moral compass. Jorah’s love [crowd starts waving pitchforks] for Daenerys is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness, blinding him to the boundaries of their relationship and leading him to undermine her independence and strength in significant ways. Where Sandor sees himself as unworthy of redemption, Jorah clings to the hope that his obsession with displaying loyalty will earn him forgiveness and worthiness.
The Lens of Obsession: Jorah’s Idealization vs. Sandor’s Humanity
Okay hear me out another reason Jorah Mormont and Sandor Clegane are two sides of the same sword [Limp Bizkit – Break Stuff plays ominously from a JBL pill speaker in the crowd] in how they perceive and treat the women in their lives. Jorah’s devotion to Daenerys Targaryen is tinged with an unsettling obsession that often prioritizes her physical beauty over her strength and accomplishments. While Jorah admires Daenerys’s power, he punctuates his observations about her with a fixation on her body and appearance. He deifies her, placing her on a pedestal as though she is more goddess than human— this idealization showcases his incapability to see her as a whole person. (I mean, you could argue that he doesn’t see a single woman as a whole person. He talked mad shit about his wife who died in labor, and then his bitch wife who left him bc she didn’t like the north and bc he only liked her for her tits in the first place). His love for Daenerys, while (one can argue) is genuine, is also possessive, defined by his desire to be the one who protects and supports her—whether or not she wants or needs that from him.
Jorah’s fixation on Daenerys’s beauty exposes the imbalance in their dynamic. While she emerges as a formidable leader, determined to reclaim her birthright and liberate the oppressed (yas queen slay the masters go off), Jorah’s gaze often reduces her to an object of adoration and lust. This dynamic is further complicated by Daenerys’s repeated rejection of his advances. (I mean I can say a whole lot about dany’s sexuality and how she lets her most trusted hand maidens finger her to completion but wont return the Old Man’s advances. AS SHE SHOULD!!!!!! She deserves that. At least ur handmaidens love you girly. And they give a fuck about your pleasure, bc we all know Jorah would just hit it and quit it I bet he doesn’t even know women can have orgasms what a loser) She values him as an advisor and ally but does not reciprocate his romantic (AHEM! Sexual!) feelings. Jorah’s inability to fully accept this boundary leads to moments where his actions undercut her autonomy, as he seeks to align her decisions with his own desires.
In stark contrast (THIS IS MY TED TALK I WILL REPEAT PUNS IF I WANT!!!!), Sandor Clegane never idealizes or deifies Sansa or Arya Stark. He treats them as vulnerable young people in need of protection, not objects of desire or symbols of purity. Even when drunk and speaking bluntly about Sansa’s coming of age, Sandor’s observation is neither predatory nor obsessive.
“You look almost a woman… face, teats, and you’re taller, too, almost… ah, you’re still a stupid little bird, aren’t you?” – Sandor, ACOK: Sansa II
Sansa, from her own perspective, notes that Sandor’s demeanor, though rough, is not threatening. Despite his intimidating presence and harsh words, he is surprisingly gentle with her, displaying a rare restraint that compares dramatically with the violent world around them.
Sandor’s treatment of Sansa and Arya reflects a vital difference in how he views not only women, but the people around him. He sees them as human beings, shaped by their circumstances and vulnerabilities, rather than as ideals to be worshipped or possessed. For Sandor, Sansa represents innocence and a longing for the kindness he never experienced, while Arya embodies resilience and defiance. He respects their autonomy, even as he takes on the role of their protector. Unlike Jorah, who seeks validation and redemption through Daenerys’s love, Sandor does not expect gratitude or recognition from the Stark girls, nor does he ever once make that claim. His acts of protection stem from a sense of morality, not a need to earn their approval or affection.
Jorah’s idealization of Daenerys ultimately reflects his own insecurities and selfish desires. (UNHAND THE UNDERAGE GIRL!!!!) Sandor does not see himself as a hero, and he does not attempt to force his guidance upon the Stark girls. His loyalty is unspoken, and his protectiveness is practical rather than symbolic.
Ultimately, the difference lies in perspective: Jorah loves an idea of Daenerys that is inseparable from her beauty and his longing for her, while Sandor simply recognizes the humanity of Sansa and Arya. Where Jorah seeks to possess, Sandor seeks only to ensure survival.
Parallels: Redemption Through Relationships
Despite their differences, both men find paths to salvation through their relationships with Sansa, Arya, and Daenerys. For Sandor, protecting Sansa and Arya offers a chance to defy the cruelty of the world that shaped him. His actions reveal a taste of honor he claims to disdain, even as he refuses to believe in his own worth. For Jorah, serving Daenerys becomes a way to atone for his past mistakes, his love [Fred Durst is hyping the crowd up for my subsequent ass kicking] for her driving him to act in ways that he considers selfless, but are clear to the readers (though probably not to dany, as all we see of Jorah is from her perspective) is objectively self-serving.
Yet, their redemptive arcs are far from straightforward. Sandor’s rough treatment of Arya and his constant growling threats mask a reluctant kindness, while Jorah’s devotion to Daenerys often borders on possessiveness, revealing his inability to fully respect her independence. Both men are broken, their flaws and virtues intertwined, but their journeys show that even the most damaged individuals can find moments of greatness. (which if you have talked to me at alllllllll in dms you will know that this is like. My overarching opinion about this series and how the geurge depicts humanity through flawed characters as a moral and ethical grey area. There is no “good vs evil” there is no black and white thinking.)
Conclusion: The Trained Dog and the Devoted Bear
Sandor Clegane and Jorah Mormont embody the complexity of loyalty and redemption in a world rife with moral ambiguity. Sandor, the trained dog, snarls and snaps but ultimately protects those he cares for, his actions speaking louder than his words. Jorah, the devoted bear, offers his unwavering loyalty to Daenerys, though his love often blinds him to the ways he undermines her autonomy. Both men, shaped by their pasts, find meaning and redemption through their relationships, even if those opportunities remain incomplete. In the end, their stories remind us that even in the darkest corners of the human soul, there is a capacity for change and a longing for something better.
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thewatcher0nthewall ¡ 10 months ago
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My Sun and Stars
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sweetaprilbutterfly ¡ 3 months ago
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Modern AU: Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo
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nightingale2004 ¡ 8 months ago
@queenhelaenatargaryen1 and @blade-liger-4ever
Your posts just inspired me along with my Daenerys daughter post
OK, so I'm all for Daenerys being queen and being in a happy life because that's what she freaking deserves.
So I introduce an au where Daenerys gives birth to twins, but Drogo still dies (R.i.p)
In my opinion of this au, Daenerys is prophesied to be the mother of the stallion and the dragon that would mount the world.
After Danaerys had her twins and her dragons and lost her husband, she wanted to build a world for her children where they were safe, loved and could grow to be the great future rulers she knows they are. So she stayed in Essos, making her own kingdom with many allies and subjects who worshiped her and her children like they were God's among them. A New Valyria!
Her kingdom then slowly grew to an empire where Daenerys became their Queen.
During that time, her children grew. Her dragons grew larger, and she still rides Drogon. Daenerys son, Khal Rhaego Targaryen, rides Rhaegal and her daughter Khaleesi Rhaella Targaryen rides Viserion
Rhaego became strong and inherited his father's strong build. When he was a baby, he had his father's dark hair, but as he grew up, his hair became full white like his mother's. He became a master of the sword, and despite being a stallion, he had the blood of the dragon running deep in his veins
Rhaego was a master swordsman, rider of Rhaegal, heir to the New Valyrian empire. He was a true mama's boy and would slay anyone who would dare disrespect his family. He loves his sister and often seeks both his mother and sister's council. He has a brave and untamed heart and soul. But he is also a dreamer and tries to make sense of his dreams and even consults his family of his visions.
Despite his intimidating appearance and warrior spirit, Rhaego is actually very intelligent in the ways of politics and strategy, which are good qualities for him being a future ruler.
Rhaella was born minutes after Rhaego. Her spirit is untamed and completely wild like a true dragon. She has the famous Targaryen beauty mixed in with her father's appearance. Which all men and women fall for. Like her brother, she is a master swordsman, but she is also very skilled with a bow and arrow. She is also the rider of Viserion.
Both Rhaella and Rhaego love their mother very much, and the dragons see them as their younger brother and sister. The twins have also helped their mother continue the prosperity of their empire and, of course, their dragons
They've even made a new Dragon pit to birth new dragon eggs.
The twins have also trained new dragon riders who were claimed by the new dragons, and they created the Dragon guard, which defended their home with great strength, with Rhaella being the commander with her brothers help of course.
The new Valyria is thriving and growing. Daenerys also makes sure that both her children never forget what it means to be a ruler but also to not forget who they are and where they come from
And yes, before you ask, word has spread throughout all of Westeros of the new Valyria. Most see this as either a threat on them or an opportunity (depends on you guys)
But that's also everything I got. Let me know how you guys want this au to go and if someone can. PLEASE MAKE A FANFIC OF THIS!!! My girl Dany deserves better than this
Also meet Daenerys Stormborn's children
Khal Rhaego Targaryen of the Great Green Grass and Prince to New Valyria, Rider of Rhaegal, heir to the iron throne, and the great dragon stallion
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And his sister Khaleesi Rhaella Targaryen of the Great Green Grass and Princess to New Valyria, rider of Viserion and commander of the Dragon Guard
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sad-endings-suck ¡ 2 years ago
Daenerys and Jon are Traumatized Romantics
Daenerys dreams of Daario after he’s left and increasingly romanticizes him more and more the longer he’s gone. When he finally returns she’s eager to see him, but is very upset upon discovering he really is a sell-sword that is ruthless and brutal. In her mind she had envisioned someone who was safe for her, who was romantic and sexy and shared her values. Upon discovering he is not exactly that person she becomes very upset.
I think Jon is also a romantic in his own way. He tries to re-contextualize his time with Ygritte as meaningful and tragic, similarly to how Daenerys looks back on her time with Drogo. However, at the time, Ygritte was simply just a person that Jon got caught up with. He was attracted to her and cared for her, but I don’t believe he was truly in love with her. Dying when, where and how she did resulted in her being martyred in his mind. Which again, is very similar to how Drogo is remembered in Daenerys mind.
Daario’s relationship with Dany represents seeing her lover as a person, but also a romantic figue. Daenerys and Jon romanticizing Drogo and Ygritte respectively, helps them cope with the trauma they dealt with during their time with their first “loves”.
Even how Jon thinks about Val is romanticized in many ways “lonely, lovely, and lethal” is so poetic. Jon does see Val as a person, but there is also that layer of romanticization there. Val and Jon are not explicitly romantic with each other, but there is a softly subtle undertone to their interactions that says otherwise. I also find it interesting that though Melissandre shares Ygritte’s red hair and forward nature, he isn’t particularly attracted to her in any way. He seems to prefer the boundaries he shares with Val to anything else. The boundaries he probably would have kept around Ygritte had he not been forced into that relationship so soon.
Ultimately, both Jon and Dany had their perception of sex and romance skewed early on in their lives by partners that were older, more experienced and uncaring towards their comfort. They were too young to have a good grasp on what a relationship should look like, and even if they did and even if Ygritte and Drogo were safe partners (which they weren’t), the fact that they were both so stressed and at such pivotal transitional times in their early lives when they first “fell in love” really did do a number on both of them.
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roselynnthornwood ¡ 1 year ago
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Author IG: roselynnthornwood_author
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90s-kid-sad-adult ¡ 19 days ago
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...I will kill the man who tries to wake me
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book-daenerys ¡ 4 months ago
A list of Daenerys Targaryen's positive moments
i.e., scenes that highlight her kindness and/or compassion.
Ordered Jhogo and Quaro not to harm or kill Viserys (AGOT Dany III)
Begged Jorah not to tell Viserys he was being mocked by the Dothraki (AGOT Dany IV)
Pleaded with Khal Drogo (going so far as to use the "pillow tricks" Doreah taught her) to allow Viserys to rejoin them at the head of the column (AGOT Dany IV)
Asked Viserys not to call the Dothraki "savages" (AGOT Dany IV)
Prepared a meal and gifts (including fine clothing and a cloak) to Viserys to help him look more regal and earn the respect of the Dothraki (AGOT Dany IV)
Calmed Doreah with a touch and defended her from Viserys (AGOT Dany IV)
Asked Jorah to stop a drunk Viserys from provoking the Dothraki (AGOT Dany V)
Offered Viserys her dragon eggs and a seat beside her as long as he dropped the sword (AGOT Dany V)
Took on the task of translating Viserys's demands to Drogo to spare Jhiqui from harsh punishment (AGOT Dany V)
Purchased a fertility charm for Doreah and sought gifts for Irri and Jhiqui (AGOT Dany VI)
Found a stall selling sausages made with garlic and hot peppers and offered them to her handmaids and the men of her khas (AGOT Dany VI)
Took the Lhazareen women under her protection to shield them from sexual violence (AGOT Dany VII) (as George R. R. Martin puts it, "In the village of Lhazarene, Dany is appalled by the rape and slaughter that she’s seeing. […] Dany can’t enact the idea of “don’t take slaves”, but what she does there is saying “I’ll take the slaves. I’m the queen, all the slaves belong to me.” and in that way she can extend some protection over the women who were being raped.")
Ordered Qotho and others not to harm Mirri (AGOT Dany VII, AGOT Dany VIII)
Was determined to die for Drogo if necessary (AGOT Dany VIII)
Freed Drogo's slaves and offered them the choice to leave or join her khalasar as equals - "I see the faces of slaves. I free you. Take off your collars. Go if you wish, no one shall harm you. If you stay, it will be as brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. [...] To each of you I say, give me your hands and your hearts, and there will always be a place for you." (AGOT Dany X)
Resolved to be a source of strength for her people, suppressing her own fears and embracing her role as Drogo’s queen (ACOK Dany I)
Went without food and drink with the rest of her people while they crossed the Red Waste, refusing any special treatment for herself (ACOK Dany I)
Cared for Doreah as she succumbed to fever, providing her water, comfort, and support until she died, before allowing the khalasar to continue their journey (ACOK Dany I)
Ensured her people's basic needs for food and water were met in Vaes Tolorro (ACOK Dany I)
Tasked Rakharo and a group of men with pulling up the plaza in Vaes Tolorro to make the land fertile (ACOK Dany I)
Ordered Aggo to repair the gates of Vaes Tolorro to make sure she and her people were prepared for any potential threats (ACOK Dany I)
Tended Jorah's wound herself (ACOK Dany I)
Wanted to restore Jorah's home and honor (ACOK Dany I)
Wants to avoid destroying King's Landing, rule with compassion and create a beautiful, joyful kingdom where her people can thrive and welcome her as their queen (ACOK Dany II)
Acknowledged the need to train her growing dragons to avoid destruction (ACOK Dany III)
Diffused tension between Ser Jorah and Arstan by gently intervening and telling Jorah that no offense from Arstan's part was intended (ASOS Dany I)
Believes that "a queen must listen to all, the highborn and the low, the strong and the weak, the noble and the venal", that "a queen should hear all sides before reaching a decision" and that "a queen must listen to her people" (ASOS Dany I, ASOS Dany II, ADWD Dany VI)
Is horrified and visibly shaken by the brutal training methods of the Unsullied, especially the requirement to kill infants (ASOS Dany II)
Invited Arstan to join her in her litter, concerned for his well-being in the intense heat (ASOS Dany II)
Apologized to Irri for Drogon biting her hand and gently kissed the spot where Drogon left his marks (ASOS Dany II)
Is willing to kill her enemies, but refuses to harm innocents (ASOS Dany II)
Believes that kings and queens are meant to protect the vulnerable and deliver justice (ASOS Dany III)
Freed Missandei, eight thousand Unsullied, all the slave boys in training and all the other slaves in Astapor (ASOS Dany III)
Killed the slavers of Astapor and spared all children under twelve (ASOS Dany III)
Abolished the practice of giving the Unsullied new slave names every day, allowing them to return to their birth names or choose new ones (ASOS Dany IV)
Allowed the Unsullied to choose their officers (ASOS Dany IV)
Allowed all the freedmen to join her, even though they were a burden and couldn't fight, out of a sense of moral obligation (ASOS Dany IV)
Attacked the Yunkish slavers when they least expected it at night to spare the former slaves from heavy casualties (and it works: only about a dozen were killed) (ASOS Dany IV)
Was merciful to the Yunkish slavers and left Yunkai untouched (ASOS Dany IV)
Freed the slaves of Yunkai (ASOS Dany IV)
Offered mercy to sellswords or slaves who pledged loyalty to her (ASOS Dany IV)
Decided to conquer Meereen to secure food for her people and prevent them from starving along the march (ASOS Dany V)
Sent for a healer to ensure Strong Belwas's wound was properly cared for before proceeding with her council (ASOS Dany V)
Refused to risk the lives of her Unsullied in an attack on Meereen's gates where the Meereenese could use boiling oil to kill them (ASOS Dany V)
Engaged with the freedmen, allowing them to touch her for encouragement, listening to their requests, and even stopping to speak with a pregnant woman seeking her blessing for her child’s name (ASOS Dany V)
Ended slavery in Meereen (ASOS Dany VI)
Promised to take Missandei home someday (ASOS Dany VI)
Crucified 163 slavers in response to the slavers' crucifixion of 163 slave children (ASOS Dany VI) (some would disagree that this was a positive moment, but I believe it was because, in this feudal setting, it's uncommon for monarchs or nobles to care about commoners, let alone take action against those who mistreat them, so it does showcase her compassion towards the slave children. Also, Dany's real mistake was not killing enough slavers to neutralize their power to retaliate)
Hung murderers, amputated the hands of looters, and castrated rapists (ASOS Dany VI)
Rejected the luxurious harpy throne in favor of a simple ebony bench (ASOS Dany VI)
Forbade men to sell their wives and children, ensuring no one is forced into slavery (ASOS Dany VI)
Forgave Ser Barristan and spared Jorah's life despite his betrayal (ASOS Dany VI)
Decided to stay in Meereen and rule as its queen to protect the freedmen and prevent the city from falling back into chaos or slavery (ASOS Dany VI)
Took it upon herself to wake up in the middle of the night and personally see the body of Stalwart Shield, the first of her soldiers murdered by the Sons of the Harpy (ADWD Dany I)
Honored Stalwart Shield by closing his eyes, giving him a proper burial, vowing that he wouldn't be forgotten and naming a company of freedmen after him (ADWD Dany I, ADWD Dany II)
Had the Unsullied walk in pairs at night, then eventually ordered them to stop patrolling the streets of Meereen to prevent further assassinations (ADWD Dany I, ADWD Dany II)
Rejected Skahaz's suggestion to punish noble families indiscriminately and instead increased the reward for information about the Sons of the Harpy to a thousand honors (ADWD Dany I)
Was merciful to Reznak despite her suspicion that he might be one of the betrayers Quaithe warned her about because she acknowledges the treacherous nature of prophecies (ADWD Dany I, ADWD Dany II)
Sent her small khalasar, led by her bloodriders, to free slaves in the hinterlands and secure crops for Meereen’s market (ADWD Dany I, ADWD Dany V)
Sent Daario to negotiate with Lhazar, leading to an alliance that brought food and trade to Meereen (ADWD Dany I, ADWD Dany V)
Wanted to win the Meereenese nobility to bring peace to the city (ADWD Dany I)
Agreed to wear the tokar to be accepted as Meereen's queen, despite her initial desire to ban it (ADWD Dany I)
Didn't force the Meereenese to adopt her language, instead learned theirs and spoke to them in their own tongue, while also allowing them to continue using their language freely (ADWD Dany as a whole)
Refused to grant the slaver Grazdan any compensation from the freed weavers and instead ordered him to give the freed weavers a new loom for forgetting the name of the old slave woman who taught them (ADWD Dany I)
Ensured fairness by alternating between summoning former masters and freedmen for their petitions (ADWD Dany I)
Spared the life of a noble boy who tried to attack her after she denied his request for justice due to her pardon for crimes during Meereen's sack (ADWD Dany I)
Made a point of personally listening to the petitioners instead of delegating the responsibility to her advisors (ADWD Dany as a whole)
Dismissed Reznak's suggestion to scourge those who come to her with complaints about her dragons, saying that "no man should ever fear to come to me" and thinking many of the claims must be genuine (ADWD Dany I)
Paid the claimants for their lost animals, but required them to swear an oath at the Temple of the Graces in the future to ensure the validity of their claims (ADWD Dany I)
Locked Rhaegal and Viserion after Drogon ate Hazzea (ADWD Dany II)
Rejected Skahaz's advice to execute Hazzea's father or to rip out his tongue (ADWD Dany II)
Chose to pay the blood price for the death of Hazzea, offering the father a compensation and memorial while asking him never to tell what happened to anyone (ADWD Dany II)
Comforted Missandei after her brother died by inviting her to share her bed, offering to send Missandei home to Naath and expressing her desire to keep her safe (ADWD Dany II)
Balanced the demands of the craftsmen's guilds with the needs of the freedmen, deciding to allow only guild members to claim titles of journeyman or master, while ensuring the guilds accept skilled freedmen into their ranks (ADWD Dany II)
Replanted olive trees (ADWD Dany III)
Vowed to be the calamity that transforms the slavers back into people (ADWD Dany III)
Proposed a trade deal with Xaro, offering Meereen's salt and wine (ADWD Dany III)
Ordered the construction of a ditch to bring water to the fields for planting beans (ADWD Dany III)
Rejected Xaro's comparison between slavery and rain and passionately defended her belief that no one wants to be owned (ADWD Dany III)
Spared Ghael's life even after he spat in her face (ADWD Dany III)
Hugged and kissed Mezzara, one of her young hostages, to thank her for bringing her morning meal (ADWD Dany III)
Assembled a diverse council that included both nobles and freedmen, ensuring the latter held important roles in both her administration and her army (ADWD Dany III)
Refused Xaro’s offer to leave Meereen in exchange for ships (ADWD Dany III)
Chose not to kill her child hostages even after the Sons of the Harpy continued to murder freedmen at night despite Skahaz's protests (ADWD Dany IV)
Said she "would sooner perish fighting than return my children to bondage" (ADWD Dany IV)
Thinks she owes it to the freedmen who perished (Stalwart Shield, Mossador, Rylona Rhee) to marry in order to end the slaughter in Meereen (ADWD Dany IV)
Agreed to marry Hizdahr if he gave her ninety days without killings in Meereen and eventually fulfilled her promise (ADWD Dany IV, ADWD Dany VII)
Believes that "a queen belongs not to herself, but to her people" and "the realm" (ADWD Dany IV, ADWD Dany V, ADWD Dany IX)
Rejected Daario's suggestion to kill all the Great Masters during a wedding (ADWD Dany IV)
Rejected Groleo's suggestion to use her dragons against the Yunkish (ADWD Dany V)
Supports agriculture in Meereen by planting beans, grapes and wheat (ADWD Dany V)
Forbade Skahaz from torturing Hizdahr after realizing that torture doesn't bring reliable results (ADWD Dany V)
Rejected Skahaz's suggestion to seize the kin of ruling families in Meereen, choosing instead to trust Hizdahr and hope for peace (ADWD Dany V)
Ordered food to be brought to the first Astapori refugees who came to Meereen (ADWD Dany V)
Refused Ben Plumm's advice to use her dragons in battle (ADWD Dany V)
Corrected Ben by emphasizing that the people she feels responsible for are not mere "bad apples," but human beings who are sick, hungry, and afraid, seeing them as her children (ADWD Dany V)
Set up a camp and sent food and medical care for the Astapori refugees sick and dying of the bloody flux (ADWD Dany V, ADWD Dany VI)
Insisted on personally delivering food to the Astapori refugees, despite the risks, to show solidarity with her people and understand their suffering firsthand - "I will not turn away from them. A queen must know the sufferings of her people" (ADWD Dany VI)
Knelt beside an old man and bathed him on her own initiative (ADWD Dany VI)
Shamed her followers into helping her prepare and burn the dead, organizing the effort and working alongside them (ADWD Dany VI)
Allowed Grey Worm and the Unsullied to bathe in the salt sea after their work, respecting their faith and privacy regarding the true name of their goddess. (ADWD Dany VI)
Believes that "a queen loves where she must, not where she will" (ADWD Dany VII)
Ordered Daario to treat Quentyn with courtesy (ADWD Dany VII)
Refused Quentyn’s marriage offer because she didn’t want to abandon her people (ADWD Dany VII)
Ended her affair with Daario after marrying Hizdahr (ADWD Dany VII)
Reassured Quentyn when he was scared of her dragons, expressing understanding rather than mocking him for his fear (ADWD Dany VIII)
Warned Quentyn to leave her court for his own safety (ADWD Dany VIII)
Insisted that the leftover food from the feast was given to the poor (ADWD Dany VIII)
Remembers the people she lost (Doreah, Quaro, Eroeh, Hazzea) in an attempt to accept the deaths in the fighting pits as a necessary price for peace and to avoid greater bloodshed (ADWD Dany VIII)
Ensured that a collapsed palanquin bearer was moved off the street and provided with food and water (ADWD Dany IX)
Forbade children to participate in the combats at Daznak's Pit (ADWD Dany IX)
Refused to allow thieves or debtors to be sentenced to fight in the pits, only murderers, rapists and slavers (ADWD Dany IX)
Ensured only free men who chose to fight would be allowed in the arena (ADWD Dany IX)
Stopped Hizdahr's plan to have dwarfs (unbeknownst to her, Tyrion and Penny) fight three lions in the pits (ADWD Dany IX)
Flew Drogon away from Meereen and prevented further harm to her people (ADWD Dany IX)
Bonus: On the ADWD cover for Brazil, I [Marc Simonetti] put Daenerys at the top of the stairs of the Meereenese pyramid. I had undoubtedly been, unconsciously, influenced by the series. And George [R. R. Martin] told me that Daenerys wants equality for everyone, she wants to be at the same level as her people, so I had her climb down to keep it consistent.
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polysucks ¡ 2 months ago
-sits down next to you at your table with two sandwiches- I think we need to discuss the parallels between sansan and danyrah. Thinking about how sandor doesn't have anything to him but his honor (which he claims is shit, but he protects both Sansa and arya) and how Jorah could have had everything even after finding Dany but instead he decided to throw that away as well. And like!!! You can train a dog and it will be loyal but you can't train a bear!!!!!!!
-Hands you my pickle bc i don't like them, cracks open 2 beers with my fockin' teeth-
you gave me guest right you made a mistake.
I am severely unhinged and I wrote a ~2k word essay on the differences and parallels between sandor and jorah based solely on this ask.
I am so sorry. I am soooooo sorry.
You can teach a dog to follow; its loyalty can be earned through patience or fear, but a bear is a creature of its own will—wild and unyielding; it may walk beside you for a time, but it is never truly yours to command.
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esther-dot ¡ 1 year ago
I mean it's worth mentioning that Mirri exploited the grief of a fourteen-year-old girl, one who attempted to save and protect her, taking both her husband and her child (and therefore her security and stability in the society she was still pretty new to, as well as getting a lot of the slaves Dany saved from worse fates killed) in the process. I'd probably kill someone for that too. And if I knew I'd get a dragon out of it? Fuck that bitch if I can't have my son I'm having a dragon.
Like yeah it's not great but per the moral standards of this series Dany is pretty good
I've already explained, Mirri didn't kill Drogo, and Dany knows Mirri didn't kill Rhaego.
As for Dany's age meaning she isn't responsible for her actions:
"Unsullied!" Dany galloped before them, her silver-gold braid flying behind her, her bell chiming with every stride. "Slay the Good Masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who wears a tokar or holds a whip, but harm no child under twelve, and strike the chains off every slave you see." She raised the harpy's fingers in the air . . . and then she flung the scourge aside. "Freedom!" she sang out. "Dracarys! Dracarys!" (ASOS, Daenerys III)
Dany ordered her men to kill kids younger than that.
And Dany "saved" Mirri? They burned and murdered and pillaged and raped throughout her village. Dany thinks of it all as the cost of the throne ie Dany's ambition demands it. You don't have to agree with each POV, every thought they have. Sometimes you are meant to judge them. Listen to Mirri's perspective on being saved:
"I spoke for you," she said, anguished. "I saved you." "Saved me?" The Lhazareen woman spat. "Three riders had taken me, not as a man takes a woman but from behind, as a dog takes a bitch. The fourth was in me when you rode past. How then did you save me? I saw my god's house burn, where I had healed good men beyond counting. My home they burned as well, and in the street I saw piles of heads. I saw the head of a baker who made my bread. I saw the head of a boy I had saved from deadeye fever, only three moons past. I heard children crying as the riders drove them off with their whips. Tell me again what you saved." "Your life." Mirri Maz Duur laughed cruelly. "Look to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the rest is gone."(AGOT, Daenerys IX)
And then what does Dany do? She takes Mirri's life.
"You will not hear me scream," Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hair and soaked her clothing. "I will," Dany said, "but it is not your screams I want, only your life. (AGOT, Daenerys X)
Dany didn't save anything. She took. She repeatedly benefits from other people's suffering.
You can convince yourself to be cool with this, but the author isn't. He didn’t intend for audiences to work themselves into moral pretzels to avoid condemning Dany or realize where her story is going.
Here is what he said of some famous Dany essays:
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And here are some quotes about Dany from those essays:
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This is not a hero.
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sweetaprilbutterfly ¡ 1 year ago
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Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo - Modern AU
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fireismine ¡ 1 year ago
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Day 5: Magic and Prophecies → Daenerys Being Resistant to Fire
When the fire died at last and the ground became cool enough to walk upon, Ser Jorah Mormont found her amidst the ashes, surrounded by blackened logs and bits of glowing ember and the burnt bones of man and woman and stallion. She was naked, covered with soot, her clothes turned to ash, her beautiful hair all crisped away … yet she was unhurt. - Daenerys X, A Game of Thrones
It took Dany half the morning to climb down. By the time she reached the bottom she was winded. Her muscles ached, and she felt as if she had the beginnings of a fever. The rocks had scraped her hands raw. They are better than they were, though, she decided as she picked at a broken blister. Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were healing. - Daenerys X, A Dance with Dragons
Only the birth of her dragons amidst the fire and smoke of Khal Drogo’s funeral pyre had spared Dany herself from being dragged back to Vaes Dothrak to live out the remainder of her days amongst the crones of the dosh khaleen. The fire burned away my hair, but elsewise it did not touch me. It had been the same in Daznak’s Pit. - Daenerys X, A Dance with Dragons
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