#dansen fanfic
supergirlmayhem · 4 months
Love is a hand me down brew
After the death of her fiancée, and in order to move on, Kelly decided to surprise her brother by moving to his city. It just never occurred to her, that he would just leave said city at the same time. In her quest for a new start, she signed up for a dating app, and got herself a date. But the strange she kissed hello, wasn't the one she had been talking to. or, Coffee Shop AU
Check out this New Work and accompanying artwork posted to the 2024 collection by @luthordamnvers HERE.
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itsalliebitheway · 2 months
Thank God You Introduced Me To Your Sister
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After Myriad has left Kara and James in an awkward relationship limbo, Kara drags Alex along to all her hangout with James as a buffer.
Thankfully, James introduces Alex to his sister Kelly at the bar, and the night doesn't turn out half bad.
Read the full story on my ao3 here :)
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lovesastateofmind1 · 11 months
The World's Best Cupcakes
It's all Kelly can do to keep a straight face, really. The fact that Alex can face dangerous criminals day in and day out but she's completely unraveled by the opinion of a child she's never met before regarding something outside the scope of her expertise is truly something to behold. She wishes the others were here to see it too. Thinks about snapping a picture, but decides against it. She’s trying to diffuse the situation, after all.
Read it on ao3 HERE.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
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comic-book-jawns · 20 days
“Aunt Lena!”
Alex would be the first to admit that she could have reacted poorly to her 12-year-old daughter asking if her godmother could chaperone the sixth grade field trip to the Smithsonian’s first West Coast expansion — the Museum of Magic, which she had already visited with Lena the day it opened — when Alex had gone to sign the permission slip.
And that she probably would have if her wife hadn’t preemptively swooped in, telling Esme — but really Alex — that of course she could ask whoever she wanted.
Alex had snorted to herself at the idea of Esme needing to ask. But fortunately, the preteen had already been slipping off the kitchen stool and whipping out her phone with a giddy “thanks,” so Alex had needed only to contend with Kelly’s sympathetic disappointment.
Now, two months later, the former director of the Deparment of Extranormal Operations, literally stopped in her tracks at the sight of a horde of middle schoolers, maybe half the class, beaming and cheering in unison at 6 a.m.
At least a dozen even rushed at the former CEO, taking turns giving her quick hugs, which Lena accepted with a small, but exceedingly warm, smile and faint blush.
“Ms. Smith, I think it’s time we got on the bus. Now that our guest of honor has arrived?”
Kelsey Rudd.
Despite Kelly’s cautionings, back when Esme was starting kindergarten, about not rushing to judge other parents… Alex’s rushed judgment had been correct.
Kelsey Rudd was a stuck-up bitch.
So far Alex had held her tongue, though, because Gianna Rudd had been Esme’s best friend since kindergarten. Naturally, Alex had laughed at the irony for years. Until Kelly had asked her to consider that Gianna, who was truly a very sweet girl, might not be so close to Esme solely because of Esme.
Alex had assumed her wife meant that Gianna appreciated the opportunity that playdates or hang-outs, as she was now supposed to call them, afforded her to not spend as much time at home — which she had not, to her shame, considered.
Watching Gianna meekly shuffle out of Lena’s embrace, however — as Lena tensed and stepped back simultaneously — Alex felt even more humbled.
And next thing she knew she was ruining her day.
“Hey, Ms. Smith. Need any more chaperones?”
“Actually, yeah! A couple just called out, so that would be amazing.”
Alex couldn’t tell if the clipboard-clad twenty-something was more relieved at the extra help or the excuse to step away from Kelsey… who promptly slung her arm around Alex like they were old sorority sisters.
“Any chance you got a flask in that jacket?”
After they stepped off the bus 12 hours later, and Kelsey offered her a parting air cheek kiss and promise to catch up again soon, Alex swore her ears were still ringing.
She knew that it had been worth it, though.
Even before she’d ushered Kelsey into a seat at the front of the bus this morning and glanced at the back to find Esme already watching her with a grateful smile.
Even before Esme and Lena finally said their goodbyes to the fan club and made it over to where she was waiting by the car and her daughter hugged her extra tight before sliding into the backseat.
“How’s the headache?”
Alex could haven’t stifled the bark of laughter if she’d tried at her sister-in-law’s dry greeting. With how sappy Lena got around Kara, Alex sometimes forgot how similar she and Lena actually were.
“I’ll live. I feel like I should be asking you, though. I had one adult talking my ear off. Not 20 tweens.”
Up close, the younger woman’s blush was quite prominent as she chuckled… or tried to.
Alex stepped closer on instinct, lightly gripping her elbows, as she knew Lena found grounding.
“Thank you, Alex.”
Alex was already shaking her head, her gut twisting guilty, but apparently Lena wasn’t finished.
“I don’t know if it’s just the hormones talking, but I - I think this was one of the best days of my life.”
Alex had never stood in the way of Esme spending time with her godmother. Obviously.
Though she also, obviously, couldn’t have said before today that she realized the impact giving her blessing for Lena to volunteer at Esme’s school and occasionally asking if Lena was available to supervise Esme’s playdates over the years had had.
On her daughter’s classmates, let alone on her sister-in-law.
“Imagine if they knew you were a witch. They wouldn’t have given a shit about the museum.”
Lena laughed brightly, the way usually only Kara could make her, and Alex felt a hint of pride… until her brain stalled out.
“Wait, hormones?”
Lena slowly smiled, as widely as a wobbly chin would allow, and Alex immediately felt tears spring to her own eyes.
“Kara doesn’t know yet. I wanted to tell you first since you’re the one who made it possi—”
“I call godmother!”
As Alex flung her arms around Lena, she was perfectly positioned to watch Esme accidentally, and quite forcefully, fling her phone against the car window.
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Glimpse of us - SUPERCORP
Pairings: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor; Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen; Alex Danvers/Samanta "Sam" Arias; Querl Dox/Nia Nal
Tags: Romance; Slow Romance; Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, Multiverse, Portals, Kara Danvers is a Mess, Superfriends, Not Canon Complient
Summary: Instead of sending Kara to the Phantom Zone, Lex ends up throwing her into another universe where Kara needs to learn to navihate her new life while she tries to go back home. Also, not the right time to figure out she's in love with her best friend, but it could be worse.
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iamsuperconfused · 9 months
Merry Ficmas 2023 Edition!
The Twelve Shots of Christmas for @spaceman-earthgirl
Alex and Maggie experience a bit of holiday spirit on Maggie's own terms.
The Words on my Mind for @siewmai
Alex and Kelly get intimate in this Magical realism AU where they're both Telepath. Blue is the Strangest Color for @foxx-queen
Alex discovers a secret hobby that Astra has kept from her so far and indulge in the new experience with her. Includes this lovely piece by none other than @comickergirl commissioned by me!
Thanks to @supersantafemslash and @supergirlfemslashsecretsanta for holding the exchange again.
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fyonahmacnally · 1 year
Supergirl May-Hem Sign-up Countdown
There's now a sign-up countdown timer on the Supergirl May-Hem event page!
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
The 2023 Sanvers & Friends Finish-the-Fic Challenge
Attention Fic Writers and Fan Artists and Beta Readers!!!
Welcome to the 2023 Sanvers & Friends Finish-the-Fic Challenge: an event to help SG Queership writers finish those fics that have been floating forlornly on the seas of Ao3 (and in the screaming, dust-ridden corners of our psyches). From Sanvers to Brainia and Agentcorp, if you've got an SG queership story you'd like to add to your list of New Years Resolutions, you can sign up below!
Note: This form is for artists and betas as well as writers. You'll be able to find the information if you scroll down.
Sign up period: January 5-20. 
Event Begins January 21st.
Summaries for Artists Due: January 26th.
Forms for artists and betas to choose favorite fic(s) sent out: January 27th
Forms close: February 7th
Sending out matches: February 8th-9th
General outline of story to completion sent to artists: February 25th
Snippets and Mini-views: March 5th
Work completion Deadline May 20th
Reveals Start: May 25th (reveals may start earlier for those who finish prior to the deadline).
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nottawriter · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag, @fazedlight and @thatonebirdwrites
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 16
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl – Arrowverse/ DC Comics: Primarily Supercorp, secondarily Dansen, Brainia, and J’M’zz, and I have one AgentReign with secondary Supercorp.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
PRIDE and Prejudice – Super gay retelling of Jane Austen’s classic. Every kudos equals $1.00US to a LGBTQIA2S charity I make at the conclusion of Pride month (June) each year (teen)
Tell Me It’s Not Too Late – Post-S4, Lillian believes Supergirl is responsible for Lex’s death. Lena rushes to J’onn’s for game night, to confront Kara on her identity, only to find she’s nowhere to be found (teen)
I Believe in a Thing Called Love – Full alternate Season 6 rewrite (teen)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice – 50 First Dates movie AU (teen)
How Lost We Are – Lena is placed by her Witness Protection team (Maggie, Kelly, and Lucy) in Midvale as a flower shop owner where she meets teacher Kara and coffee/bookshop owner Jess, among others (mature)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I do usually respond, though not always right away. I enjoy chatting about my fics, so don’t hesitate to ask questions, but I don’t give out spoilers though.  
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
When She’s Gone, the Darkness Comes – Oof. It was so sad I had to write a second chapter. I much prefer happy endings (teen)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have a happy ending of some kind, or they will once they’re completed. Though there are some with happy endings like Speak Now and Tis the Damn Season. Smut. I’m talking about smut (explicit)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, though I’ve been mostly lucky. I don’t know why people leave hate on any fics really. If you don’t like something, close the tab.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It started as a small scene here or there when it was a natural progression of the fic, but now I occasionally right full smut fics and pwp like those found here (explicit)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Kind of, but the characters are all from within the Arrowverse/ DC Comics universes somewhere.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I don't understand why someone would do this. Please respect writers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I Believe in a Thing Called Love is also in Spanish Creo en una cosa llamada amor (teen)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’m currently working on one with @thatonebirdwrites, though it's not published. It’s a Supercorp fic where Kara is a building inspector and when she goes to inspect Lena’s home, she meets Lena’s daughter to tells her the floor is lava, so naturally Kara has to ensure that issue gets resolved.  
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Supercorp. But I do love most wlw ships
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I intent to finish all of my active WIPs. I have some WIP ideas that may or may not ever get going, but once I start a fic, I intend to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea… I guess easter egg type stuff or like blending canon into storylines. If your a reader and there's something you think is a strength I have, let me know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing. Words be hard. And it's hard to find the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I do it sometimes, probably not well. I like to include the translation in the fic (unless the characters themselves aren’t supposed to understand until later). But I'm sure the translations aren't fully right as I only use google translate and the Kryptonian dictionary.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supercorp. I started writing fiction in Dec 2020. Before that it was all scientific research papers for uni.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I suppose What Has Been Lost (Mature). It was what started this crazy adventure, has been the most challenging piece, and my longest (still ongoing). It truly blends lore and characters from across the Arrowverse and DC Comics into a human world and original storyline.
For Tags, if you'd like to participate: @fyonahmacnally @casualsavant @luthordamnvers @itsalliebitheway @innamorament0
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casualsavant · 9 months
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers. Thanks to @TetsujinOtaku88 for the tag. I'm doing this #Supercorp style.
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship / fandom?
I think the Supercorp Fandom is pretty self-perpetuating because the canon needs to be fixed and there's lots of AUs to put them in. Plus there are so many talented people whose art, video edits, and fanfic fuel each other.
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
Following the answer above I think the beauty of Supercorp is that it attracts really talented creators. I love reading @searidings, @jazzfordshire's fix-its and canon-adjacent stuff, @lgbtimelords, @coffeeshib, @mycatismyeditor, and @snowydragonscave just to name a few. They have such a deftness of language and an understanding of the characters that it's hard to stop reading!
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
I really love Sam Arias, Jess, and Alex. I wish I could get a better handle on Kelly because DANSEN forever. I also have a soft spot for Eliza and a deliciously evil liking for Lillian.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
Karamel, Lames, Top Lena, Bottom Kara. To each their own. It's just not my thing.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Carry around a little notebook to scribble ideas, lines, sometimes whole scenes. Figure out a rough outline / structure / plot. Do unnecessary amounts of research. Open doc file. Plunge into dismay and self-doubt. Watch the show. Get frustrated. Open the doc file. Be filled with despair and self-loathing. Get a blast of inspiration and productivity. Cycle through mental instability, writer's block, and actual writing. Get dragged by Kara and Lena to unanticipated places that derails what I intended to do. Sighing and doing what the muses want. The elation of completion. Struggling with summaries and tags. Posting. Crippling anxiety and running away from AO3. Lather, rinse, repeat.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
The elation of completion. The unnecessary research is fun too.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Cherry tree mutations and the structure of yakuza organizations in modern Japan.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Different tenses in the same document. Also it's and its.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
Describing Kara's post-PZ night terrors and Lena’s fever dreams in Deliverance. Also the action sequence at the end of that story was so difficult.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
Both of them. After I come to my senses and out of a dead faint because I was meeting them at all. And then I would die of sapphication.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
Oh my usual tags are: light angst, tooth-rotting fluff, friends-to-lovers, Lena needs a hug, Kara gets a hug.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Talking with other writers!
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
I usually give it some time before I edit so I can have relatively fresh eyes. Spell checking, punctuation, and grammar suggestions help you catch things but NOTHING beats reading it over yourself.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Definitely the anxiety!!!
16) How do you define sucess for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
I think it's good to track kudos and I love getting comments. But ultimately I wrote for my enjoyment or for my peace of mind because the idea would not let me go.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character / ship?
Nope but that's not a bad idea. 🤔
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
Wow I'd be thrilled if any of them got art. I am partial to the way @rustingcat draws Sakura blossoms though so maybe Cat for No Wrong Seasons.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
8 total. Finishing "the Arcana", "The Sound of Veracity" (Part 2), Prequel and Smutilogue of "Always With Me, Always With You", Supercorptober 2023 "Art" prompt, SG Mayhem fic, the Telepathy/Empathy fic, the Body Swap fic.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
I posted my first Supercorp story in March 2023 feeling it would be completely lost in this large fandom and having no hope for it. I felt that I was too late. That everything had been done (and done better). I did find readers who liked and some who really loved my work. But mostly I learned to write for myself, which has truly been a gift. Write for yourself. Write what you'd want to see. You'll get better at it over time.
Tagging but no pressure: @fyonahmacnally @nottawriter @chaotic-super @luthordamnvers @fazedlight
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fazedlight · 6 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks for the tag, @sssammich @waytooinvested ❤️❤️
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
With today's publishing of Clockwork (which has a moodboard I'm super proud of 😭), I have 19 works!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
204,675 words! A few are missing since I haven't uploaded my most recent ficlets yet.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl :) Generally supercorp, though I do have a dansen ficlet, and my first rojarias fic will be out in a couple months for @supergirlmayhem!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
No One and Nothing (season 4 rift) So I Kept Pretending (my first fic 🥺) Synthesis (season 2 fix-it) Inauthentic (pink kryptonite finale fix-it... it's not what you think!!) Iridescent (season 5 rift fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do!!
When I first started, I actually thought you weren't "supposed" to respond to all your comments. I eventually decided to throw that thought out the window, because I'm really grateful for comments and want to thank people. They really do mean the world to authors ❤️
(If someone has multiple in a row, I usually respond to just one in a cluster, but I appreciate all of them!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm only capable of happy endings.
That said, Darkness in All Things and Iridescent had the most... complication in their endings. Things aren't perfect, but all the relevant characters are alive and happy.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They are all happy 😌
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten comments from some known trolls and a couple of rude folks. It's worth noting that even the big authors get them, so I largely ignore/delete them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut once. I will do it at least once more. It tends to lean towards soft, and I find myself kind of terrified to throw smutty things into the world. (I think this is the ex-Catholic trauma talking.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written a crossover. This tweet is the best I've got on that front 🤣
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. (I have no idea why people even do this... how do you feel proud of something you didn't even do?)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I've never even had a fic beta'd. The idea of either of those terrifies me.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Xena/Gabrielle will always be dearest to my heart. I just never felt the need to write for that ship - the show gave me almost everything I wanted. (If you ever watch it, make sure to watch season 6 in spaghetti order.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None! I only have 2 published WIPs, both of which I'm super excited to complete (they were started earlier this year). For my unpublished WIPs, I'm pretty confident in them too.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I come up with good plots to explore the characters with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing 😭 I have this story in my head that I want to tell - how the characters change and are interpreted and all that - but I find I never get close to conveying what I actually want. Writing is very hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Eep, I don't want to screw up another language. I occasionally include kryptonese when it feels natural, but otherwise I don't do this.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supercorp got me writing fanfiction, and for that I am very grateful.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This is a hard one.
Almost every fic, when I write it, is like my CHILD. It usually becomes my favorite - or at least top 3 - for the time I am writing it.
I will say Even Though You're Kryptonian (which, coincidentally, was the 20,000th supercorp fic). It started off as a lark to use some ideas I thought I'd never get around to otherwise, but ended up weaving together better than I thought it would.
But that's an answer that changes by the day.
No-pressure tags: @luthordamnvers @snowydragonscave @lgbtimelords @rustingcat @ekingston @thecasualqueer @fabulousglitch @nottawriter @thatonebirdwrites @trashpandato
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supergirlmayhem · 4 months
In Every Timeline, In Every Universe
Nyxly is in town, and she is on the loose. Freshly out of Phantom Zone, Kara and her friends face numerous challenges that tricksy imp brought upon them. Travelling through time, space, and universes, heroes face the fact that they are soulmates and see that their fates are intertwined, no matter their timeline or the world they are in. 6 characters. 6 Alternative Universes. They are scattered across the worlds and universes where they are destined to meet each other, fall in love or just understand that there is more to their friendship than they thought.
Check out this New Work and artwork posted to the 2024 collection by @innamorament0 HERE.
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occidentaltourist · 7 months
14 and 24, supergirl or vigil (your choice)
14. That one thing you see in fics all the time
I haven't read long form SC fic in a while - though I do enjoy some of the drabbles and tumblr fic I see on my dash - and at this point in our fandom's history it seems to be mostly AUs and canon divergent stories, which is understandable.
For Vigil, which is a much smaller fandom, I find it interesting that fanfic Poppy acts up and out a lot more than she ever did on the show, but this may be a byproduct of wanting to introduce some family conflict into the stories.
15. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
For CWSG: besides the whole SDCC debacle? Eeek, flashbacks. The discourse around James/Lena and William/Kara was horrid, and large parts of it unrepentantly, unexaminedly racist. I think fandoms as a whole - including wlw fandoms - have a long way to go when it comes to having honest discussions about racism in our spaces. And there weren't many of us talking about it at the time that it was happening, either.
(Sanvers and Dansen ... another conversation, too.)
Choose Violence Ask Game
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There are quite a few AC shippers who still aren't happy because she did it so late after the fact, and they suspect she's doing it to get them to buy her comics.
I kinda feel this is professional fanfic. Here's why:
1. She doesn't own the IP for either character and so could not be explicit in the comic itself. So anyone who doesn't ship them is going to be super confused. "Didn't she refer to Kara as her bestie the whole time?"
2. She never worked for the show. Not as a writer, let alone as an executive producer, so her word means shit.
3. She DID spend the comic referring to Kara as her bestie, which doesn't sound like a setup for a hot date. Which was probably the point, because she couldn't be explicit or the people in charge would give the issue to someone else.
4. As you said, this is giving me Dumbledore vibes, so this is just beyond pathetic.
There is a LIST of wlw couples who don't have to have a vague reference to a hot date be their canon confirmation.
I could go on.
This is just so freaking sad.
1.Aka no one from DC would have accepted this, because they have never intended sc to be a thing.
2.Didn;t she write for the end of s4?
3.Aka this is the coward way. If you can't agree where the owners want the story going - don't accpet the offer. Also, once again, this is what queerbaiting is in a nutshell. Nothing confirmed, some superweird foreshadowing, nothing SAID DIRECTLY. Congrats, to the author.
4.Aka whoring for attention? Sorry not sorry.
After the clusterfuck that story was I'm surprised anyone still want to read her stories.
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amaclucky13 · 2 years
Friday has arrived! So has the Fanfic Feature! Check it out!
Yep, you guessed it, it’s that time of the week! Where are my Sanvers fans at? Are you still out there? If you are or if you ship Dansen but just want to revisit the time before Kelly arrived, I’ve got a fic I love to reread. It’s fluff! Pure and simple. And fluff is good! Blue Springs Bound by TB8o is awash with fluff and happiness for our doomed couple. It takes place in an AU, written…
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daskey · 3 years
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i realised [the other day] that i can draw art for the dansen bakery au cause like. i kinda know how to draw anyways dansen bakery au is on ao3 friends go read it. also here’s some art
i always forget to crosspost my art from twitter (which is the @ up there)
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