bunnyslize · 3 months
Danjo with Camp Weehawken! (Cabin 1)
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faulix · 5 months
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faulix. you agree
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beatsyncer · 2 years
Between parenthesis are (what I consider to be) their most famous vocaloid works so you can know who's who!
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tetrix-anime · 2 months
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Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!) - Teaser Visual. Premiere: 2025
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Secret Side by Kashii Moimi feat. KAITO
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danjo-ao3 · 5 months
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Circle of the Fiend
Halsin/Tav (original female character)
Summary: Set many years before the events of BG3, Faylen is running from her family when she meets Halsin, a gentle wood-elf so unlike any other. Something stirs between them but a terrible incident destroys the budding relationship. Their fate will be determined through the path of vengeance or forgiveness.
Warnings: 18+, minor character death, blood and gore, sexual themes
Read on ao3
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lauraagrace · 9 months
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I'm so thankful @tokyopop published this manga series because it was one of my favorite reads of 2023 and is one of my favorite josei series! 🥰
Akari is a whole vibe when it comes to blowing money on her faves because girl SAME! 🤣🤣🤣 I need alllll the merch! 😆
YouTube Video Review: https://youtu.be/dEq1B4CspV8
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polyamanga · 9 months
hey, i don't know if you know Futago no Danjo ga Wakaranai but, it ends with an ot3 (i was curious and checked the last chapter lol it's so silly but so good)
I haven't heard of that one! It looks like it's not published in English, but I see there's a machine translation for most of the chapters. It's pretty short so it should be an easy read (assuming the translation is accurate lol). The artstyle looks very cute!
Takushi Hatsujou had played with a twin brother and sister when they were all kids, and he fell in love with the sister, culminating in his asking for her hand in marriage when they grew up, to which she agreed. However, they were torn apart for 10 years until Takushi is finally able to get his grandfather's permission to marry her. When they finally reunite, he is surprised to find they both look like girls. Although he knows one of them is cross-dressing, he can't tell which is a guy and which is a girl.
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arachnofiend · 2 months
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hatsumishinogu · 3 months
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Dekiru Danjo no Dekinai Koi Vol.5
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odakuram · 6 months
お遊戯会、はじまりはじまり/Let Parents' Day Begin (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics: Ukaroku Illustration: Danjo Sora Vocals: Hatsune Miku
i had this translation sitting around in my drafts for a while and seeing that no one else tried to translate this i fixed it up a little
it's a very good song please listen to it
‘To everyone in the audience, I kindly invite you to come up to the stage.’
カーストの下位が粋がる様はただ無様だから 手を叩いた 玩具にしよう 囲めや囲めと焚いて 惨めなザマに仕立て上げて 手を叩いた 愉快な見せ物だ
Those in the lower castes just look uncouth showing off so I clapped my hands. Let’s turn them into toys Surround, surround and burn them, framing them as pitiful beings I clapped my hands. What a pleasant show.
クラスの誰も彼も知らぬ存ぜぬ顔で目逸らし 標的にはなりたくないもんね 見殺しにして手にした安寧の居場所は心地いいね
Everyone in the class looks away, feigning ignorance for they do not want to become a target, it seems. How comfortable it is to have peace in a place you belong in as you leave others for death.
弱い者に価値はないじゃん? 私が価格を決めたげるよ 誹謗的コーデでキメれば少しはネタになるからさ 頭垂れなさいな 誰からも持て囃されてんじゃん 退屈な毎日が今じゃ賑やかなお祭りね 飽きるまで君は猿回しのサル ほら くるくるり
Isn’t there no value to weak people? Let me decide your price for you. If you dress up in such a slanderous coordination, you’d make a good story So lower your head, are you not being given praise from everyone? What was once a boring everyday life is now a lively festival Until you’re done, you are a monkey trainer’s personal monkey-- Look at you, spinning round and round. [1]
私のことをこそこそ誹る大人の方々 手を叩いた 謎かけしましょう 匿名を振り翳して 誰かさんを晒し者にしてる 手を叩いた 匿名は誰でしょう?
The adults secretly slandering me clapped their hands. Now riddle me this Brandishing anonymity, someone has been exposed. I clapped my hands. Who is the anonymous person?
数を利用して血祭りに上げてた誰かもいたなぁ まるではしゃぐ子供みたいに それを囲んでさ 肩組み騒ぐ大人の皆様方
Using numbers, there was someone who was vilified too, huh? It’s as if all the adults, putting their arms around each other and making merry were enclosing it, like frolicking children.
弱い者いじめはノーと告げる唇で人を冒涜 それが特権だと言うなら早く大人になりたいな もしくは年召して 理路で整然な大人さんは 私らと同じレベルのお遊びがお好きなの? 答えなどいらないから似た者同士仲良くしましょう
The same people who say no to bullying the weak defile others If that’s called a privilege, then I want to become an adult quickly Or, when they put on their years, would those logical, orderly adults like to play games at our level? You don’t have to answer, so let’s be friends on the basis of being similar fellows.
はいはい 気に食わなくて狙いを私に定めたんだ モラルとか正義 建前にすれば石も投げやすいかい? コツは壊さないようギリギリ狙ってみるといいよ 玩具の遊び 心得てる先輩からの餞さ
Yes, yes, I don’t like this, my purpose was just decreed on me If morals, justice and the like were the front you used, it’d be easier to throw the first stone, no? It’s fine to just barely aim for it, so as to keep the trick intact This toy’s game, it’s a parting gift from a senior who gets it, see.
敗者は焦がされて 舞台をご退場 めでたいね 当事者以外が火を囲み この舞台は幕を閉じた 成すべきこと成して 拍手喝采で嗤い合って 燃え殻を撒いて遊ぶ様 私と瓜二つね 新しく産まれ堕ちた(あなたら)私の門出を祝おう
Burn the losers, exit the stage, how auspicious! The fire is contained within the concerned parties, the curtain has fallen on this stage Carry out what must be done, sneer at the applause, Playing by scattering cinders, my nails split Let us celebrate the departure of (you) me, newly dropped into this world
ほら はじまるよ
Look, it’s about to begin.
--------- Translation notes
[1] - The literal translation for monkey trainer in Japanese is 'monkey spinner', hence this line.
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leatherbookmark · 9 months
entomongaku by chypho! literal bug music. d'you know the artist is selling cassettes? i knew that vinyls have been back in fashion for quite a while, but cassettes? what year is it, man! also, it's not specified anywhere which is a bit of a bummer, but the cover art is grasshopper and praying mantis by kitagawa utamaro.
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voca-song-a-day · 9 months
Today's featured song is: "Freedom Lolita" by Nejishiki feat. Yuzuki Yukari!
(Also, today is the 12th anniversary of Yukari's release! It's also the anniversary of Avanna, Cul, and Big Al's releases)
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tetrix-anime · 6 months
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Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!) - Yoghurppe Collaboration Illustration
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Välkommen by Kashii Moimi feat. Kagamine Len
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akkivee · 1 year
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there’s a hypmic division generator that randomly generates team members for your division and i got shakku, ichijiku, and danjo from track 3 on my team and that feels a little dangerous actually lmao
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