#daniel meigs
lindsaytimberlake · 6 years
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Model Lindsay Timberlake for Ola Mai by fashion designer and wardrobe stylist, Leslie Stephens - Nashville Fashion Week, nashvillescene.com (2018)
MAKEUP: Janelle Anne Wood PHOTO: Daniel Meigs
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clove-pinks · 3 months
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A recreation of Captain Daniel Cushing's garden at Fort Meigs! An interpretive sign nearby has a quote from Cushing's diary on May 16, 1813: "I have made garden; set out lettuce and planted radishes, etc."
That's not his only mention of the garden. As early as June 9, 1813 he wrote:
I took a stroll up the river this morning with Major Huckill after strawberries, found plenty; my garden looks very flourishing at this time. I have lettuce, large and small radishes, sage, mint, onions, peas and beans.
I didn't see much going on the garden when I visited Fort Meigs this weekend, it's still too early in the season. It looked like some onions had come up, I hope they still plant the garden with Captain Cushing's selections.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 10 months
I know this is a dinosaur themed blog, but what do you get up to when you're not thinking about dinosaurs? Any hobbies? Favorite books or games?
Thank you for asking!
so a truly alarming part of my life is dinosaur themed. it's not just my job - I have pet birds (which is a Whole Thing, the Pet Bird community is huge), tons of dinosaur toys and games, and I just have a Special Interest ya know
but! I do have many other interests
I'm extremely interested in Judaism, and my Jewish life is the second biggest part of my life after dinosaurs/prehistory/birds. I practice rooooughly trad-egal (masorti), and I do lots of Torah study every Shabbat with my spouse. I am, however, bad at not using the internet on Shabbat, which is something I wish I could commit to.
I am a lifelong anarchocommunist (parents were socialist-democrats and most kids go more left than their parents, not much more left I could go) and politics and social justice have always been important to me. From a very young age I took on equality and justice as things I believed in and I never stopped fighting for them. and this is more than just me being multi-queer and multi-disabled. So a lot of my life is fighting for "tikkun olam"
I love music, I'm a very musical person. Specifically I enjoy punk and alternative, though Jewish music is awesome and there's a lot of obscure rap hip hop and electronica I enjoy. Google told me my music taste is "deep cuts" and I am proud of that, honestly. I can play lots of instruments and I was in choir for most of my childhood! I'm a decent singer, I'm just shy about it. The spouse and I enjoy playing Rock Band as well!
I used to be a much more voracious reader than I am, mainly because being in academia is a one way ticket to not reading for pleasure anymore. That said, my favorite book is probably still "Ishmael / My Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn. I also enjoy the works of Suzanne Collins (hunger games, gregor the overlander), the Green Brothers (sue me, Looking for Alaska was very important for Teen!Meig), and Shakespeare (yeah, I read Shakespeare for fun. What can you do.)
I loooooooooooove computer games. Love. Ever since I was little. I played tons of point and click games, especially educational ones, as a kid. I love tycoon games, most of all zoo tycoon, and jurassic park operation genesis was one of my favorite games as a kid. I play a ton of them now and my Steam account is overloaded. I often use mods and stuff for accessibility, but I enjoy many different games
I also love playing board games! My spouse Max and I have an extensive collection of board games including all of Wingspan, Holotype, and this cool game we found about the Permian period called Pangaea. We have many others, too, of course! We've just been playing Wingspan and Holotype a lot lately
I enjoy crochet, but I only learned it last summer. I also enjoy origami, though I haven't touched it in a while. I like swimming and hiking when I'm able to, disability kind of gets in the way sometimes. I also enjoy riding my bike, though see the former again. I am quite good at baking, but lately I haven't been doing it as much :/
I love my friends. I am extremely loyal to them and center them in my life. My spouse is included in this, but also my best friend from childhood Taryn, my best friend from college Carmen, and all of my wonderful dinosaur-community friends who are too many to list.
so yeah! I'd say the biggest things are Judaism, Music, and Computer Games, but I have tons of interests and lots of fantastic friends and loved ones, so my life does have a lot going on outside of dinosaurs and birds ^_^
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Lonnie Holley - Oh Me Oh My - part secular gospel, part spoken-word memoir, with musical backing that sounds like a collaboration between Daniel Lanois and Bill Laswell (but is actually produced by Jacknife Lee)
Some years ago, there was a magazine piece wherein the writer meditated on the concept of the “Cosmic Southerner”: the late Pharoah Sanders, André 3000 and Col. Bruce Hampton (on whom the piece was ultimately focused) were all mentioned. Somehow, Alabama-born, Atlanta-based self-taught artist Lonnie Holley was left out of the piece. But Holley, 72, has improvised — nay, conjured! — ecstatic, baffling and heavy moments that can often only be described as “cosmic.” In a mere two lines of a song, Holley can zoom in on the pores of one’s skin and pull back to encompass the whole of the Milky Way. All that said, Holley’s music and visual art (for which he has shown at The Met, The Smithsonian and is represented by the illustrious Blum & Poe) is much more about our place in the cosmos than the cosmos itself. It’s about how we overcome adversity and tremendous pain; about how we develop and maintain an affection for our fellow travelers; about how we stop wishing for some “beyond” and start caring for the one rock we have. Holley has never delivered this message as clear, as concise and as exhilaratingly as he does on his new album ‘Oh Me Oh My.’ ‘Oh Me Oh My’ is both elegant and ferocious, sharpening the work contained on his 2018 Jagjaguwar debut ‘MITH’. It is stirring in one moment and a balm the next. It details histories both global and personal. Holley’s harrowing youth and young manhood in the Jim Crow South are well-told at this point — his sale into a different home as a child for just a bottle of whiskey; his abuse at the infamous Mount Meigs correctional facility for boys; the destruction of his art environment by the Birmingham airport expansion. But, as mentioned, Holley’s music is less a performance of pain endured and more a display of perseverance, of relentless hope, of Thumbs Up For Mother Universe. Intricately and lovingly produced by LA’s Jacknife Lee (The Cure, REM, Modest Mouse), ‘Oh Me Oh My’ features both kinetic, shortwave funk that calls to mind Brian Eno’s ‘My Life in the Bush of Ghosts’ and the deep space satellite sounds of Eno’s ambient works. There are also elements of Laurie Anderson’s meditations, elements of Gil Scott-Heron’s profound longform soul, elements of John Lurie’s grabbag jazz, and yes, elements of Sun Ra’s bold afrofuturism. But ‘Oh Me Oh My’ is a triumphant sonic achievement of its own. Acclaimed collaborators like Michael Stipe (“Oh Me, Oh My”), Sharon Van Etten (“None of Us Will Have But a Little While”), Moor Mother (“I Am Part of the Wonder,” “Earth Will Be There”), Justin Vernon of Bon Iver (“Kindness Will Follow Your Tears”) and Rokia Koné (“If We Get Lost They Will Find Us”) serve as choirs of angels and co-pilots, giving Lonnie’s message flight, and reaffirming him as a galvanizing, iconoclastic force across the music community. Holley reflects, “My art and my music are always closely tied to what is happening around me, and the last few years have given me a lot to thoughtsmith about. When I listen back to these songs I can feel the times we were living through. I’m deeply appreciative of the collaborators, especially Jacknife, who helped the songs take shape and really inspired me to dig deeper within myself.” ‘Oh Me Oh My’ is also an achievement in the refinement of Holley’s impressionistic, stream-of-consciousness lyrics. During each session, Holley and Lee would discuss the essence of the songs and distill Holley’s words to their most immediate center. On the title track, which deals with mutual human understanding, Holley is as profound as ever in far fewer phrases: “The deeper we go, the more chances there are, for us to understand the oh-me’s and understand the oh-my’s.”  Produced and mixed by Jacknife Lee
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julienbakersideblog · 3 years
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JULIEN BAKER by Daniel Meigs (2018)
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swanlake1998 · 4 years
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kayla rowser photographed in costume as the nutcracker’s snow queen for nfocus magazine by daniel meigs
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Dreamcasting Broadway: A CHORUS LINE
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"A 5, 6, 7, 8!!!”
Dreamcasting Broadway: A Chorus Line
Cheyenne Jackson as Zach
Nico Greetham as Don Kerr
Lauren Zakrin as Maggie Winslow
Giuseppe Bausilio as Mike Costa
Riza Takahashi as Connie Wong
Timothy Hughes as Gregory Gardner
Ashley Blanchet as Cassie Ferguson
Bahiyah Hibah as Sheila Bryant
Matt Meigs as Bobby Mills
Hannah Clarke-Levine as Bebe Benzenheimer
Eloise Kropp as Judy Turner
Ephraim Sykes as Richie Walters
Cooper Howell as Al DeLuca
Anissa Felix as Kristine Urich-DeLuca
Kaitlin Mesh as Val Clark (Cassie u/s)
Anthony Norman as Mark Anthony
Paul Morland as Paul San Marco
Ilda Mason as Diana Morales
Barrett Martin as Roy/Offstage Singer (Mike u/s, Greg u/s, Bobby u/s, Al u/s)
Blaine Alden Krauss as Tom/Offstage Singer (Mike u/s, Richie u/s, Al u/s, Mark u/s)
Daniel Ching as Larry (Zach u/s, Bobby u/s)
Elijah A. Carter as Butch/Offstage Singer (Don u/s, Richie u/s, Paul u/s, Larry u/s)
Ioana Alfonso as Vicki/Offstage Singer (Cassie u/s, Sheila u/s, Judy u/s, Diana u/s)
Khori Michelle Petinaud as Lois/Offstage Singer (Cassie u/s, Val u/s)
Stephen Carrasco as Frank/Offstage Singer (Zach u/s, Don u/s, Greg u/s, Larry u/s)
Sydney Parra as Tricia/Offstage Singer (Maggie u/s, Connie u/s, Bebe u/s, Diana u/s)
Gary Cooper as Swing (Mark u/s, Paul u/s)
Mary Claire King as Swing (Sheila u/s, Judy u/s, Kristine u/s, Val u/s)
Tiffany Toh as Swing (Maggie u/s, Connie u/s, Bebe u/s, Kristine u/s)
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todaysdocument · 4 years
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Treaty Between the United States and the Cherokee Indians Signed at Tellico [page 1], 10/25/1805
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 48: Cherokee - Tellico, October 25, 1805, 1789 - 1869
Series: Indian Treaties, 1789 - 1869
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006
See the outline of the land ceded, and more, on the Indigenous Treaties Explorer: https://digitreaties.org/treaties/cession/57/
Transcription of document:
(Transcription begins top left page)
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America,
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:
Whereas a Treaty was made and concluded,
at Tellico, in the State of Tennessee, the Twenty
fifth day of October last past, between the United
States of America and the Cherokee Nation of Indians,
which Treaty is in the words following to wit: -
---------- " -----------" ------------ " ------------
----------------" ------------------" ----------------
----------------" ------------------"-----------------
--------------------- " ------------- " --------------
(end of left page)
[Begin top left of right page]
   Articles of a Treaty agreed upon between the United
States of America by their commissioners Return J. Meigs
and Daniel Smith appointed to hold conferences with
the Cherokee Indians for the purpose of arranging certain
interesting matters with the Said Cherokees of the one part,
and the undersigned Chiefs and Headman of the Said
nation of the other part.
                            Article 1st.
   All former Treaties which provide for the maintenance
of peace, and preventing of crimes are on this occasion
recognized and continued in force.
                           Article 2d.
   The Cherokees quitclaim and cede to the United
States all the land which they have heretofore claimed lying
the north of the following boundary line-- Beginning at
the mouth of the Duck river running thence up the main stream
of the same to the junction of the fork at the head of which fort
Nash stood, with the main South fork, thence a direct course
to a point on the Tennessee river bank opposite the mouth of
Hiwassa river, [arrow drawn pointing up]  [left margin with arrow showing insert] If the line from Hiwassa should leave out Field's Settlement, it is to be marked round his improvement, and then continued the straight course; thence up the middle of the Tennessee river ^(but leaving all the islands to the Cherokees)^ to
the mouth of the Clinch river, thence up the Clinch river to the
former boundary line agreed upon with the Said Cherokees
reserving at the same time to the use of the Cherokees a small
tract at and below the mouth of Clinch river; from the
mouth, extending thence down the Tennessee river from the mouth
of Clinch to a notable rock on the north bank of the Tennessee
in view from South west point --thence a course at right angles
with the river to the Cumberland road, thence eastwardly
along the same to the bank of Clinch river (so as to secure the ferry landing to the Cherokees up to the first hill) and down the
same to the mouth thereof, together with two other sections
of one Square mile each, one of which is at the foot of Cumberland mountain at and near the place where the Turnpike
gate now stands, the other on the north bank of the Tennessee river where the Cherokee Talootiske now lives_ And whereas
from the present cession made by the Cherokees and other
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phoebesbridgers · 5 years
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JULIEN BAKER by Daniel Meigs for Nashville Scene (2018)
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bonheurportatif · 4 years
Porté par la bise
Le 1er, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Maud, je salue notre ex-voisin le photographe, je salue Xavier, je salue Pauline en passant en voiture, je salue André du haut de mon échelle.
Le 2, j'embrasse Alexia, je salue notre ex-voisin le photographe, je salue Stéphane, je salue Nadia, j'embrasse Maud, je salue Sarah, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Alphonsine, je salue puis j'embrasse Louis, j'embrasse Olivier, j'embrasse Vincent.
Le 3, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue la collègue de Sophie, je salue Sophie, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Laurence, j'embrasse Isabelle, je salue le couvreur charentais, j'embrasse Bérengère, je salue André, je salue Martine, j'embrasse Djib, j'embrasse Nico, j'embrasse Fredda, j'embrasse Gaspar, j'embrasse Pauline, je n'embrasse pas l'autre Pauline qui est malade.
Le 4, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse  Marie.
Le 5, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Luciano, je salue Olivier, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Éliane, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Christine, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Franck.
Le 6, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Richard, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Doria, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Emmanuelle, j'embrasse Cécile, je salue Guillaume, j'embrasse Bérengère, je salue André, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse Élisabeth, je salue Carmen.
Le 7, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Cécile de loin, je salue Camille, je salue David, j'embrasse Sophie, je salue Norbert,  j'embrasse Laurent, je salue François-Pierre, j'embrasse Maud-Elisa, je salue quelques professeures du lycée, j'embrasse Thibault, je salue Wilfried, je salue Yan, je salue Titian, je salue quelques élèves, je salue quelques parents, je salue leurs professeures, j'embrasse Mathieu, j'embrasse Meige.
Le 8, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie,  je salue Leslie en la croisant, je salue Jacques, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Karen, j'embrasse Virginie, j'embrasse Yann, j'embrasse Leslie, j'embrasse Julien, je salue Élian, je salue Jessica, je salue Gégé, j'embrasse Marie, je salue André, je salue Anouk depuis la fenêtre,  j'embrasse Habib, je salue Nicolas, je salue André, je salue Magalie, je salue Charlie, je salue Christelle, je salue un collègue de Christelle, je salue Benoît, je salue l'arroseur, je salue la rempoteuse, je salue Éliane, je salue la collègue d'Éliane, je salue Xavier, je salue Philippe, j'embrasse Anna, j'embrasse Jean-Yves, je salue Thierry, j'embrasse Christine, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Corinne, je salue Dominique, j'embrasse Léonie.
Le 9, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Sophie, je salue David, je salue Anne-Claire, je salue les musiciens, j'embrasse Anne, j'embrasse Maud-Elisa, j'embrasse Laurent, je salue François-Pierre, je salue Norbert, je salue l'autre Laurent.
Le 10, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue les agents de la propreté urbaine, je salue Éric, je salue Jean-Yves, je salue Laurent, je salue Séverine, je salue peut-être Vincent, je salue peut-être Alain, je salue peut-être Philippe, je salue Pauline en passant, j'embrasse un autre Jean-Yves, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue la vendeuse de la boutique SFR, j'embrasse Barbara, j'embrasse Leslie, je salue Julien, je salue les deux hommes qui les accompagne, je salue André, je salue Olivier, je salue l'homme du défilé, je salue Jean-Baptiste, je salue l'arroseur, j'embrasse Guiche, j'embrasse Olivia, je salue Jacques, je salue Carmen, je salue l'amie de Carmen, je salue au loin le petit-fils de Carmen, je salue Stéphane, j'embrasse Fredda, je salue Bruno, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Alexia.
Le 11, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Erwan, je salue Thierry, je salue Hermione, je salue Djib qui passe en tricycle, j'embrasse João, j'embrasse Laetitia, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Carmen, j'embrasse Émilie, je salue Sébastien, j'embrasse Nicolas, je salue un garçon moustachu, j'embrasse Mickaël, je salue Borgia, je salue Luciano, je caresse Rita, je salue André qui sort son chien.
Le 12, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Éliane, j'embrasse Jordane, j'embrasse Aline, j'embrasse Christine, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Manon, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Franck, j'embrasse Audrey.
Le 13, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julia, j'embrasse Nathalie, je salue Charles, je salue Philippe, je salue Laurent, je salue Michel, je salue Léo, j'embrasse Mathilda, je salue Augustin, je salue Théo, j'embrasse Pauline, je salue Florent, je salue Jean-Claude, je salue Frédéric, je salue Léo, je salue Émilie en coup de vent, je ne salue pas Blandine en grande discussion avec Ariel, je ne salue pas Ariel en grande discussion avec Blandine.
Le 14, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Jacky, je salue Bruno qui passe à vélo, je salue Éric qui passe à vélo, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Luciano en passant, je salue Mélanie, je salue Didier, je salue Vincent.
Le 15, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Bruno qui passe à vélo, je salue Stéphane, je salue Jacques, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Philippe qui ne me reconnaît pas, je salue Luciano, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Christophe, j'embrasse Anne, j'embrasse Charlotte, je salue Toto, j'embrasse Mickaël, j'embrasse Virginie, j'embrasse Olivier, j'embrasse Emmanuel, j'embrasse Rose-Marie, j'embrasse Sandrine, j'embrasse Pierre, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Jordane, j'embrasse Jérôme, j'embrasse Isabelle, j'embrasse Lætitia, j'embrasse Emmanuelle, j'embrasse Fabrice, j'embrasse Marina, j'embrasse Édith, j'embrasse Florence, je salue Stéphane, j'embrasse Séverine, j'embrasse Daniel, j'embrasse Nathalie, j'embrasse Barbara, j'embrasse Cécile, je salue Xavier, j'embrasse Valérie, je salue Jackie en passant, j'embrasse Thierry, je salue Christophe, j'adresse un dernier geste d'hommage à Claire, je salue Ingrid en passant, je salue une autre Florence en passant, j'embrasse Jacky, j'embrasse un autre Jérôme, j'embrasse Rodolphe,  j'embrasse l'autre Florence, j'embrasse une autre Julie, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Vincent, j'embrasse Béa, j'embrasse à nouveau Pierre, j'embrasse Christelle, j'embrasse Christine, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Paule, je salue un autre Thierry, je salue un tireur, je salue un autre tireur.
Le 16, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Stéphane, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Béatrice, je salue Frédéric, je salue Jacky de loin et derrière sa vitrine, je salue une mère d'élève en veste matelassée, je salue Emmanuelle de loin, je salue André de loin, je salue Carmen, j'embrasse Alexandra, je salue Faustine, j'embrasse Nathalie, j'embrasse Sophie, je salue Charles, j'embrasse Diane, j'embrasse Julia, je salue Jean-Claude, j'embrasse Émilie, je salue Michel, je salue Laurent, je salue Olivier, j'embrasse Hélène, j'embrasse Claire, je salue Antoine, j'embrasse Léo, j'embrasse Bruno, j'embrasse Johann, j'embrasse FC, j'embrasse Élise.
Le 17, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue la mère d'élève à veste matelassée, je salue un père d'élève, je salue Alexandra.
Le 18, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Sophie.
Le 19, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise.
Le 20, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Richard, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Florence, je salue la femme qui se trouve avec Florence, j'embrasse Cécile, je salue Jacques, je salue la mère d'élève à veste matelassée, je salue Édith, je salue le chauffeur du taxi, je salue le chef d'atelier, je salue la secrétaire du garage, je salue Baptiste, je salue André.
Le 21, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Ingrid, je salue Stéphane, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse Sophie, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Vincent, j'embrasse Cédric, je salue Wilfried, je salue un autre Stéphane.
Le 22, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Djib, je salue David, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Christine, je salue Dominique, je salue Thierry.
Le 23, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Ingrid de loin, j'embrasse Cécile, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Élisabeth, j'embrasse Anouk, j'embrasse Jacky, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse de nouveau Jacky, je salue la mère d'élève à veste matelassée, je salue Jacques.
Le 24, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, je salue la mère des jumelles, je salue Richard, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Emmanuelle, je salue la mère d'élève à veste matelassée, je salue une autre mère d'élève, je salue Jacques, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Béatrice, je salue Anne à vélo, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Christine, je salue André, je salue un type à vélo sans me souvenir de qui il s'agit, je salue Laurent, j'embrasse João, j'embrasse Céline, j'embrasse FC, je salue Éric, j'embrasse Cédric, j'embrasse Sandrine, j'embrasse Bérengère, j'embrasse Armelle, je salue Damien, j'embrasse Quentin, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Franck, j'embrasse Émilie, j'embrasse Olivier, j'embrasse Pierre, j'embrasse Valérie, j'embrasse Estelle, j'embrasse Johann, j'embrasse Séverine, j'embrasse Daniel, j'embrasse un autre Olivier, j'embrasse Jessica, j'embrasse Vincent, j'embrasse Chris, j'embrasse Pauline.
Le 25, j'embrasse Carine, je salue Stéphane, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Christine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Albane, j'embrasse Marie, j'embrasse Fabrice, j'embrasse Vincent, j'embrasse Nicolas, j'embrasse Fabienne, j'embrasse Mathieu, j'embrasse Olivier, j'embrasse un autre Olivier, j'embrasse un autre Vincent, j'embrasse Émeline, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Cédric, j'embrasse Fredda, j'embrasse Jacky, je salue Éric, je salue Sébastien, j'embrasse Djib, j'embrasse un autre Nicolas, j'embrasse Valérie, j'embrasse Pierre, j'embrasse un troisième Vincent, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse un troisième Olivier, j'embrasse Arnaud, j'embrasse Alexandra, j'embrasse Barry, j'embrasse Marine, j'embrasse Guillaume, j'embrasse Bérengère, je salue Julien, j'embrasse un quatrième Vincent, j'embrasse une autre Bérengère.
Le 26, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Aline, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Franck, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Diana, j'embrasse Louis, je salue Joséphine, j'embrasse Théo, j'embrasse Vincent.
Le 27, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue les jumelles, je salue André, je salue Stéphane, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Richard, je salue Luciano, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Franck, j'embrasse Bérengère, je salue Carmen, j'embrasse Élisabeth, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse Emmanuelle, j'embrasse Fabien, je salue Jules.
Le 28, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue  le responsable de la salle.
Le 29, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine,  je salue Stéphane, je salue Jacques, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Élisabeth, j'embrasse Valérie, j'embrasse Pierre, je salue le fils de Thierry, je salue un tireur, je salue Thierry, je salue une tireuse, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Christine, j'embrasse Djib, je salue Claude, j'embrasse Alexia.
Le 30, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Élisabeth, je salue Richard, je salue Jacques, j'embrasse Cécile, je salue la mère d'élève, je salue Martine, j'embrasse Jacky, j'embrasse Morgane.
Le 31, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Ingrid, j'embrasse Bérengère, j'embrasse Guillaume, je salue Christine, je salue Djib. (précédemment publié le 1er avril 2017)
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godsavetheanimalz · 6 years
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Julien Baker for Nashville Scene by Daniel Meigs 💞💞💞
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clove-pinks · 2 months
Thinking a lot about two War of 1812 primary sources from Fort Meigs. One is the diary of Captain Daniel Cushing, who died in 1815 attempting to ford a river, and his diary was discovered only in the 20th century. After transcription the original was lost, and we know that Cushing's very Georgian spelling and punctuation was "corrected" by the 20th century transcriber. (It's quite a contrast from the few surviving letters from Cushing which preserve his original style).
Alfred M. Lorrain of the Petersburg Volunteers wrote his own memoir, but it was published in the 1860s at the end of his life. So both Cushing's and Lorrain's narratives have questionable elements of editorial meddling and the vagaries of memory—but they perfectly agree on a striking story about the Petersburg Volunteers being to forced to sleep without tents or supplies on a snowy night on the march to Fort Meigs.
Cushing's diary, dated 24th January 1813:
The Virginia volunteers and the Pennsylvania militia were ordered to encamp out of the lines about forty rods up the Creek, nothing to shelter them but the heavens and some scattering trees. They have neither tents nor camping equipage of any sort, it being all left behind with the ordinance and the traveling becoming so very bad it could not possibly come on. My company was ordered on the right of the whole army but in no better fix than the above troop, but they were invited into tents with the troops that lay there. Myself and lieutenants were very politely invited by Major Harden and Doctor Logan, to take part of their fare as lodging and victualing. This night it began to snow.
One of those Virginia volunteers without shelter was Lorrain, who later wrote:
At a late hour we approached an arena which bore a strong resemblance to terra firma; and scraping away the snow, we spread our blankets under the naked canopy of heaven; for at the time of our departure from Sandusky we had left our tents standing, with all our camp equipage. How long we lay that night in a shivering condition before we fell asleep we could never ascertain; but I awoke in the morning from pleasant dreams and in a profuse perspiration, and, as I thought, under a heavy press of blankets; but when I threw up my arm to take an observation, and to see how the land lay, an avalanche of virgin snow, which had silently ministered to my comfort during the night, tumbled into my bosom, and quickly roused me to a recollection of my proper latitude and true bearings, and I found, by calculation, that I was bounded north, south, east, and west, by the Black Swamp.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Utahraptor ostrommaysi
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By Nix, CC BY-NC 4.0
Etymology: Thief from Utah
First Described By: Kirkland et al., 1993
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Dromaeosauridae, Eudromaeosauria, Dromaeosaurinae  
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Between 129 and 120 million years go, from the Barremian to the Aptian ages of the Early Cretaceous 
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Utahraptor is known from the Yellow Cat and Poison Strip members of the Cedar Mountain Formation 
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Physical Description: Utahraptor was a very large raptor dinosaur, and had the associated bodily characteristics - a bulky trunk, shorter legs, long arms, large head, and long, stiffened tail. It was really and truly huge, about 7 meters long and 500 kilograms in weight - about the size of a modern Grizzley or Polar Bear, though they might have been heavier than previously thought. Like other raptors, it had huge sickle claws on its feet, and the claws were probably around 24 centimeters long - or even longer, if they had been covered in a keratin sheath as potentially thought. The skull of Utahraptor has not yet been described, so for now we can only say that it had a long, triangular head like other raptors, with sharp serrated teeth. As with other raptors, it would have been feathered - with very large wings for flapping, and a distinctively huge tail fan. The legs of Utahraptor would have been slightly less feathered, but still distinctive. In short, it was a big and fluffy bird-bear, and the largest predator in its environment. 
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By Matt Martyniuk, CC BY-SA 3.0
Diet: Utahraptor was a large predator and, accordingly, ate large sources of food such as ornithopods and younger sauropods. 
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By PaleoNeolitic, in the Public Domain
Behavior: As a raptor, Utahraptor would have been most analogous to a cat - probably stalking alone rather than in packs, and utilizing ambush behavior to trap its prey. Since it had somewhat stubby legs and wasn’t very fast at all, it couldn’t have relied on pursuit to attack its food, even if its food was just as slow as it was. Instead, these powerful legs helped Utahraptor to jump onto its food and surprise it, even from the ground where it spent its time. It then could use raptor prey restraint (RPR) to stay balanced on the prey, flapping its wings rapidly as the prey moved around and tried to escape. Those impossibly large sickle claws then were used to strategically stab at places where the prey would bleed out - important veins and arteries - rather than slash. In addition to this, Utahraptor would have been able to flap its wings rapidly and run up steep surfaces - a technique called Wing-Assisted Inclined Running (WAIR) -  even vertical ones, like cliff faces and trees. This allowed Utahraptor to reach strategic vantage points and search for prey - and even jump down onto it from high heights. These techniques allowed Utahraptor to not only hunt the similarly-sized Ornithopods of the time, but also potentially attack the even larger Sauropods with which it shared its home. When it needed a smaller snack, that large claw could be used to pin down struggling furry mammals and lizards, in order for Utahraptor to then take a bite. 
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By Fred Wierum, CC By-SA 4.0
Though Utahraptor did not hunt in packs, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t social - and, indeed, there is considerable evidence not yet described that it lived in dense family groups. This would probably mean that adult Utahraptor would go out hunting on their own, while the little ones would gather their own food, before coming together in the same space for safety from other Utahraptor and just to spend the night. It is very likely that Utahraptor took care of its own young based on its relatives - and there’s hopefully more evidence on the way to corroborate this. This was a very complex social animal, using those fancy wings and tail fan to display to other Utahraptor - by holding up the wings and lifting the tail fan to display, it could communicate with others that it was a threat, that it wanted to mate, or to stay away from its nest. In general, it would have behaved very bird-like - walking around, bobbing its head, and moving its head to look for food and for each other rather than moving the eyes. And, like birds, it would have been very active, and warm-blooded. 
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By Ashley Patch
Ecosystem: When the Cedar Mountain Formation supported Utahraptor, it was a very large floodplain environment, that periodically flash flooded and filled the valley with mud. This was a seasonally wet environment with a variety of rivers, forests, prairies, and open woodlands. The ecosystem had a short wet system and a very long, tedious dry season. Utahraptor shared this environment with countless creatures - the tuataran Toxolophosaurus, the turtle Glyptops, a variety of fish, the mammaliaform Cifelliodon, and - of course - other dinosaurs. There was the ankylosaur Gastonia, the large Iguanodon-like Ornithopods Cedrorestes, Hippodraco, and Iguanacolossus; the Sauropods Cedarosaurus and Mierasaurus; the Therizinosaurs Martharaptor and Falcarius; the Troodontid Geminiraptor; the Ornithomimosaur Nedcolbertia; and another raptor - Yurgovuchia! This gave Utahraptor a wide variety of things to hunt in its environment. 
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By Emily Willoughby, CC By-SA 3.0
By the time of the later Poison Strip environment, things were changing rapidly in Cedar Mountain. Dry seasons were longer now, and a significant amount of sand was washing through the ecosystem. This made life higher in the floodplain, and probably eliminated many of the forests and river-woods that had been present prior to, leaving only a somewhat scrubland-esque plain. Accordingly, creature diversity actually went down - it was something of an ecosystem collapse. There was still food for Utahraptor to eat - the Ornithopod Planicoxa, and the sauropods Moabosaurus and Venenosaurus; but that was it. Utahraptor, thus, was living in a miniature extinction event - and disappears from the environment by the time the mud and rainy seasons returned in the Ruby Ranch Environment, and the large predator niche was replaced by the carnosaur Acrocanthosaurus. 
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By Calum O’Halloran
Other: Utahraptor was the largest raptor known, and we actually have many fossils of it - but they’re trapped in a block! Well, there isn’t funding to remove them from the block, anyway. So much more could be (and will be, dammit!) written about this excellent dinosaur if it was adequately funded to be researched properly. Check out the Utahraptor Project if you want to learn more about Utahraptor - and consider donating! Literally every penny helps. Utahraptor is also one of the inspirations for the raptors of Jurassic Park, along with Deinonychus - though, obviously, those creatures do not resemble their real counterparts in the slightest.
~ By Meig Dickson
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rawrampmag · 4 years
MARGO PRICE @MissMargoPrice — That's How Rumors Get Started #NewCountry @LomaVistaRC
MARGO PRICE @MissMargoPrice — That’s How Rumors Get Started #NewCountry @LomaVistaRC
The Illinois born and Nashville based Americana, outlaw country, and country-soul singer/songwriter & multi-instrumentalist MARGO PRICE has released her third studio album, the Sturgill Simpson produced “That’s How Rumors Get Started” out via Loma Vista Records.
A great example from the album is “Letting Me Down” (video shared below) that offers sweet sad dolefulness jigged into a marinade of…
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sinceileftyoublog · 5 years
Live Picks: 8/16
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Ashley McBryde; Photo by Daniel Meigs
Apple stores, Pritzker’s playground, the Madison Square Garden Chicago Theatre, and the brand spankin’ new Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom!
Ashley McBryde, Apple Michigan Avenue
As part of Apple’s Up Next series, country singer-songwriter Ashley McBryde will perform at the Michigan Avenue store followed by a Q&A. Her debut album Girl Going Nowhere, led by its tender title and opening track and lovelorn dive bar singalong “A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega”, was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Country Album this year. The minimalism of her arrangements and weary voice should make for a great performance in a more intimate setting.
Trash Talk, Aragon
Sacramento hardcore band Trash Talk is, thankfully, touring again. While they haven’t released any new music since 2016 EP Tangle, and they’ll have a shorter set due to the massive bill on the tour, their songs are short bursts of extreme energy. Hopefully they play some Eyes & Nines stuff!
New Orleans rap duo $uicideboy$ headline. L.A. hyphy group Shoreline Mafia, NYC hip hop group City Morgue, Atlanta rapper Germ, and Missoula rapper Shakewell also open.
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Wild Pink; Photo by Hayden Sitomer
Ryley Walker & Wild Pink, Hungry Brain
He’s finally playing older songs again! Word on the street is that Raw Dog Ryley is bending classics like “Primrose Green”, “Summer Dress”, “The Halfwit in Me”, and “The Roundabout” to extended jams and arty breakdowns to fit along tracks from Deafman Glance. The now NYC-based prolific guitar master has no officially announced records this year, though he and local jazz drummer Charles Rumback signed to Thrill Jockey for a record that’s supposedly coming out this fall, and Walker’s curating the next Tompkins Square Imaginational Anthem volume, coming out next month.
When we interviewed Wild Pink’s John Ross last year, he mentioned he was already working on the follow-up to breakout Yolk in the Fur. In the meantime, check out 5 Songs, the EP they released earlier this year consisting of 3 remixes of Yolk songs and 2 unreleased tracks from the same sessions. “There Is A Ledger” is given a clattering tropical rhythm by Shy Layers, the project of Atlanta electronic musician JD Walsh. Dondadi, the ambient project of sometimes Wild Pink member Connor Hanwick, turns “Love Is Better” into an unrecognizable collage of chopped noise. Ross himself takes on “All Some Frenchman’s Joke”, using his Eerie Gaits moniker/ambient guitar project to expand upon the original’s awakening timbre. However, the two you’re more likely to hear tonight are the proper Wild Pink songs on there: “Coaches Who Cry” and “How’s The Tap Here”. The former sees Ross looking back to growing up in a small town with a sense of community; the driving acoustic guitar and eventual climactic synthesizer-and-fuzz dream pop nail the sense of melancholy inherent in Ross’s nostalgia. The latter is about Ross’s relationships with a person, and the purity of his relationship with his dog; musically, it would have fit on Yolk, sounding a lot like the progression of “Lake Eerie”.
The two are also playing Park Grill in Millennium Park earlier in the day, starting at 4:30 P.M.
Ali Wong, Chicago Theatre
Comedian Ali Wong, who got her chops writing but has become a star thanks to two hilarious Netflix specials, a starring role in romantic comedy Always Be My Maybe, and a titular voice role in Tuca & Bertie, brings her Milk & Money Tour to the Chicago Theatre tonight and tomorrow.
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swanlake1998 · 5 years
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erin williams, jamie kopit, colette tilinski, kayla rowser, kennedy brown, lily saito, and imani sailers photographed in costume as the nutcracker's snowflakes and snow queen for nfocus magazine by daniel meigs
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