#daniel howell world tour
myjournalblog · 2 years
Working on a journal spread for Dan's world tour coming to Stockholm which I am gonna attend. The blank page is for pics...if I am allowed to take pics.
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ahappyphjl · 8 days
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he must be protected at all costs
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luckilyiambrave · 15 days
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same "no talk us we angy " energy
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thegirlinprague · 3 months
a schrödinger's phannie is a person who's simultaneously the most employed person in the world (funding the rich lifestyles of two british homosexuals) and the most unemployed mf alive (chronically online to keep up with the said homos bs)
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justdanielhowell · 7 months
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we are all doomed // flowers
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phanartist · 3 months
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Sister Daniel on Halloween of 2022 in Nashville.
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tessasbrainrotbin · 2 years
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seeing dan live yesterday was the greatest experience of my life
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thelifeofacactus · 3 months
I will not know peace again until I get dan and phil tickets on friday
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maryisbleeding · 2 years
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le dan fanart
le dan fanart
I did a review on Dan's show, it contains spoilers (no footage) and some of my nonsensical ramble, but in case you wanna watch someone praise Dan for 20 minutes straight: https://youtu.be/O3N0Gfwr9bQ
And you can ramble in the comments too, I would love to read, as I don't really know anyone who's seen the show but myself lmao. <3
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nothaykey · 2 years
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I didn’t plan on seeing Dan, and then, less than 24 hours before the Reading show, I purchased tickets, and oh my god it was so worth it. Accidentally got drunk off my ass during the show (thanks mike’s hard) and screamed about captain crunch (solicited) to which dan called me out on. But he’s so delightfully funny and and if you have the means defo go see him. (Also shoutout to the person who randomly airdropped me the third photo lol)
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totallynotqueer · 2 years
Does anyone know if Dans gonna be selling leftover merch on his website after the tour ends?? My sweater is wearing through and I wanna buy at least one more.
If international shipping wasn’t so expensive I’d ask if someone could ship me one 😭
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 2 years
The Best Night Ever.
Tonight I went to see Dan Howell on tour in Kansas City. It was everything I had hoped for and more. I won't share the details of it, as Dan asked that we refrain from spoilers online, but I couldn't say nothing at all, so I'll say this: It was the best experience of my entire life. I've had the best night ever.
The first half was so much fun -- I laughed so hard that I cried, and next to me my mother was laughing, too, even though she didn't understand all of the jokes and references. Every part of the show as perfect. Looking back on tonight, I can't think of a single moment I don't want to remember for the rest of my life. It made me so happy, and so goddamn entertained that I feel like I'll never come down from the high of the amount of fun I had. In the second half, which was a little more serious, I found inspiration and hope like I've never been inspired before. I left the show feeling so fucking good, on top of the clouds, even. What Dan said and shared with us made me feel so fucking seen. His experiences, what he chooses to share with us -- it's incredible. He is an incredible person. I've never watched or listened to someone so much like me before. Someone who has had the same experiences, and is here now being this amazing influencer that makes us all realize how important we are. Dan Howell has made an impact on my life tonight. I will never forget this. I will never forget the hope that this show gave me.
Going into the theatre, I remember thinking that I'd never seen so many people in one place that looked like me before. We all had dyed hair, black shirts and eyeliner. It was great. The person that sat next to me was having just as much fun as I was, and I could feel the energy and the love throughout the theater. We love Dan Howell. We loved his stage show. We love everything about tonight. I've been to concerts, charity benefits, and family functions and I've gone to water parks and the Rocky Mountains and the most beautiful stretch of ocean there is. None of it compares to the time I had tonight. Dan said, multiple times in his show, that his goal here (for both himself and his audience) is to have one good night.
Dan, if you ever read this: You succeeded.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we had an amazing night. We had the best night. We had a night that we will never forget. This night was everything to me, and seeing you on stage speaking about the topics that you shared with us about gave me so much hope for the future. You gave me so much hope. I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your story, for entertaining us and making everyone in that entire goddamn audience have so much fun. Thank you for making us smile and laugh until it physically hurt. Thank you for being open and honest with us, and thank you for making us feel like we aren't alone. Thank you for giving me not only one good night, but the best night of my life. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being you. Thank you for having the courage to exist.
If you're considering going to this show -- I don't even know if tickets are still on sale -- all I can say is, do it. I promise you it's worth it. This experience was the best of my entire life, and I don't regret a single bit of it. This was everything for me. Thank you for reading, and if you're out there struggling, thank you for choosing to continue. You're strong, you're brave, and you're fucking worth this. You are worth everything.
Thank you to Dan Howell, especially for overcoming what he has to end up here, on stage with us, and thank you to everyone else in that theatre tonight who loved the show as much as I did. Thank you.
~ Em's Final Thoughts (I loved this stage show with my entire goddamn heart)
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sixceroanim · 2 years
Oh no
They'll be apart for two months
However will they survive 🥺
* insert sad violin music*
I love these idiots
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drunkenwhalers · 2 years
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literally have been waiting for this moment since I was 11, tysm @danielhowell 💗
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thegirlinprague · 3 months
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phanartist · 5 months
Hey, I made these earrings to wear to Dan’s WAD show in Denver a few years ago but I decided not to wear them.
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Can I get everyone’s (possibly brutally) honest opinions about the earrings? 🤔
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