#dani reese
xenagabrielleforever · 11 months
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nojillnolife · 1 year
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Life: Season 1, Episode 5 The Fallen Woman
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diver5ion · 2 years
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Anyone ever love you that much?
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avatarquake · 2 years
The hug in the pilot, Charlie is doing these wide and exaggerated movements, so Dani knows it is coming, beyond the double warning he gave by saying first to the boy -Tyler?- and then to Dani herself, 'She/You think(s) I'm gonna hug her/you.'. She knows and despite the warnings to him to step back, she lets him wrap his arms around her and bring them close. She only pushes him back when he rests his head on her shoulder, and tries to hug her tighter.
Also, watch as everyone in the room stares like they were watching the Second Coming of Christ.
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First outfit for Reese Hawkins in White Roses Red, as she makes her debut in the next chapter. The youngest adopted daughter of the Hawkins family, she came from the Isle of the Lost - once, a daughter of Hades, named Heidi. But she lives a much happier life with her adopted family, even if she's conflicted on whether or not she wants to attend Auradon Prep.
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brandtandstein · 2 years
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The two of us are fans of Person of Interest, so in 2020 we did 2 sheets of the six fanarts for some of our favourites from the show. Some more of Ted having fun with screen tones.
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alcalexandria · 2 years
Cuts, Reshoots and Changes made to Terminator: Dark Fate.
As part of another giant essay I’m working on about the possibility of Dani & Grace being an intentional romance at some point (Edit - that has since been posted, and you can now find it here), I wanted to gather up a reasonably detailed list of Dani/ Grace scenes that we know were changed at some point during production of Dark Fate.
This is mostly a reference for that post rather than something standalone, but you might find it of interest all the same. I won’t spend *too* much time on my extrapolations here, but you’ll probably get the gist of what I’m thinking.
You’re more than welcome to offer your own angle though, similar or different, and like I say I’ll have more on that front soon. Let me know if you can think of any relevant omissions or errors.
So what was changed? Why? How do we know?
There’s quite a bit to this, so I’m going to try to detail it in the order it appears/would have appeared in the movie, and try to explain both how we know it was cut/swapped, and what we know about why.
Again though, note that this isn’t necessarily a complete list of every cut or change we know about – just ones relevant to Dani & Grace, and how else they might or might have been interpreted if things were different. And a lot of these may be minor in isolation, but I include them for the sake of a bigger picture.
First, let’s talk about the Director’s Commentary (available in my country only with the iTunes release.)
The commentary involves Director Tim Miller and Editor Julian Clarke discussing the movie’s production and is well worth a listen – Miller has an obvious passion for the Terminator franchise and its lore, and his theories and ideas are engaging to hear. Clarke explains his thought processes logically, and for the most part, I couldn’t fault him.
… But.
In the commentary, the guys explain they did an entire editing pass to remove moments where Grace and Dani were overtly – in their words - “tactile”.
We don’t know the full extent of this, but the fact they call it an entire editing pass it quite a big deal – an editing pass means running through the whole movie as it’s assembled so far, to reselect cuts and alternate takes, from the many hours of dailies available, while ensuring the flow and continuity is still right.
It’s a significant undertaking and it’s not done lightly at the late stage we're talking here. It represents a lot of work hours by the Editor and Director (and in this case, almost certainly, the Producer)
The reason they give for this is that they didn’t want the audience to know that Grace and Dani have any kind of established relationship in the future – they want it to be a surprise that Grace already knows Dani in her own time.
To me that makes no sense, and I’ll detail why elsewhere - but it is the official reason they give, so I want to start with that preface.
It’s also worth saying, in the spirit of fairness, that they mention doing some (much less intensive) cuts and swaps with Dani and Diego, because the Editor was afraid that what’s normal for Latin actors would be too confusingly tactile for Cool Ranch flavored audiences, who may read it as a little weird and incestuous.
I think that’s silly, but I include it just to give additional context on the Editor’s perspective.
Now, on to the changes.
1. Pharmacy.
Originally the pharmacy staffmember who helps Dani pull Grace onto the street -
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- then immediately asked Dani out, which she declines in no uncertain terms.
2. Motel.
The scene with Dani and Sarah has been tweaked considerably from the original. Initially, Dani had been seen crying more over Diego and her dad, this was almost all cut down and streamlined - the reason for the changes given being that test audiences were finding her a bit of a bummer.
But that isn't the only change, and the other isn't so cut and dry.
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Source: Booasaur
This image is used to represent the FIRST AID KIT card in the weirdly excellent Dark Fate tie in card game.
Notably - images used in the card game are all promotional images that would have been approved for release by the studio, and the card company would have needed to have them as early as possible so they could design and produce their material.
Promotional images like this are not simply movie stills – they are actual photographs, taken by a purpose-hired photographer, which is why they never exactly align with a shot from the movie. However, because they are taken during the shooting of the movie, they’re clues to cuts we wouldn’t otherwise know of.
Dani never gets this close to Grace in the motel room while she’s unconscious in the final cut, and there’s no ice on her body in this shot, so it presumably sat before Sarah either ice’d or dosed her.
Presumably, also, this fell afoul of the "no touchy" edit pass. But there is no counterpart to this shot in the movie at all, and it's the only one of the card images where this is the case. The image itself hasn't been used in any later publicity releases either, as far as I can tell. The card game is the only trace of it out there.
So it seems like not only was the scene cut, the still itself was "de-approved" at some point later in production.
Additionally – though this is speculation, I’m not the only one making it - from the way scene is edited, it sure feels a lot like the first thing Dani does when she’s let back into the room by Grace after being sent for chips is immediately hug her, and the scene has been chopped around a bit to hide it.
Take a look for yourself, and see where this impression comes from – even though Dani and Grace have dialogue and are the active players in the moment, the camera lingers on Sarah, doing and saying nothing, for a weirdly long time, and for no clear reason.
It feels very much like a cutaway an editor might improvise so as not to show something else, and there are plenty more instances of this later we’ll come back to.
This trick, where we see generic reaction footage of somebody while rewritten/rerecorded dialogue is delivered from offscreen, is usually a last resort, a way to overhaul a storyline or conversation very late in the process.
It is used way more than I’d consider normal throughout DF – often during really major plot points, where you ideally want to make the best of everyone’s on-set performances and dynamism. It will come up a lot more.
We also know the road trip stuff with the three women was cut way down, in this case because a lot of it involved Sarah and Grace being snippier than they really need to be.
*PS – The motel room is pretty much an exact clone of the one Kyle and Sarah hid out in during T1. Keep that in your back pocket for later.
3. South Tunnel Future War Flashback.
We know from Tim Miller that the Future War battle was cut short. The original longer version showed us Hadrell/Quinn having a glorious last stand against the Rev-7s until they killed him, which presumably influences Grace’s decision to be Augmented.
According to Reddit users who were confirmed to have seen the test screenings, this longer version was actually in the cut they saw, albeit with incomplete SFX, so it was still intact even at that relatively late stage.
Remember from above - it’s supposed to be a surprise Grace knows Dani at all. That’s what Tim and Julian have told us, and it’s so important that it was worth time and money to cut scenes that had already cost too much time and money to film.
Here in the flashback we see in the final cut though, we are straight up shown Dani on the rescue stretcher.
And we are very pointedly shown Grace alone attending to her during the flight. Which casts doubt on that.
But the alternate/deleted version of this scene would have gone further, we would also have been shown “The Commander” in the alternate version of the volunteering scene  –
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While that alternate scene isn’t as well executed as the one they went with, in my opinion, it’s notable in that it has Grace volunteering much more deliberately. She insists on it, outside the immediate aftermath of battle, and her reasons seem far more personal than her immediate duty to the Commander as a leader – she demands to be Augmented in direct response to seeing the seriously injured Dani in that neighboring infirmary bed, rather than for the sake of an abstract and offscreen Commander.
Now these Future War scenes all need a ton of VFX, and bespoke sets, props and wardrobe that can’t be bought off the rack or recycled anywhere else in the movie’s main present-day storyline, so they’re very expensive. Whatever else you might shoot as a just-in-case, you would not shoot more of this than you had to.
Given she’s bundled up on a stretcher, it would have been trivial to conceal the identity of the injured VIP completely – simply by not shooting her clearly, or covering her head. Natalia Reyes wouldn’t even need to be on set.
But she was - they went to the lengths of having her, having her face visible, putting her in injury makeup, and showing us Grace is uniquely, personally affected by her condition.
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Which is... odd, right? A little contradictory?
4. The Train.
Quite a lot seems to be cut from this scene – we know of at least one line from the trailers, (“We win by keeping you alive”) that’s been cut, and one line Miller mentions in the commentary (Grace’s original retort to Sarah was “The only thing you and Mother Mary have in common is a dead son”), but it’s also been changed considerably since the Audition script that circulated early on.
I want to be really clear what we’re talking about here first though.
An Audition script, a “side”, is a very rough placeholder script that is used to test chemistry and emotion. The dialogue in a side will vary from rough to terrible, and sometimes the scene is deliberately misleading, as sides very often leak via the folks who don’t get the part – and indeed that’s presumably why we have this one.
But the general mood of the scene is the important thing. It is usually in the ballpark because that’s what you’re trying to be sure your actor can bring. The side is usually chosen because the particular emotional peak of this particular moment is the Director’s priority – so a side, however clumsy or misleading the dialogue is, represents something that matters so much for this character they’ll cast solely on the basis of it.
This side, which can be Google'd up pretty easily, was used to audition actresses for Dani. It sketches out a Grace who does not know, or claims not to know, Dani or what’s so important about her, and this scene is clearly a tentative bonding moment between them. Sarah doesn't even seem to be present.
In it, we see Dani show concern for Grace’s shoulder wound, before comparing it to a severe shoulder scar of her own that she shows Grace, from a bus crash in Puebla when she was fourteen, and here's an extract -
She touches [her own] scar, gently with her fingers.
I'll never eat obleas again.
(Grace studies Dani as she traces the line of the scar with her finger.)
You wanted to understand where I come from? You already do.
(Dani's eyes meet Grace's for a moment.)
My mother told me scars make the skin stronger.
Dani covers her scar with her shirt, then looks out again as the train slows, approaching Nogales.
I mean... if a movie showed you a heterosexual pair of characters doing this…?
But, we'll get to that in a subsequent post.
5. The Truck.
Here's the version of this we saw in the early trailers -
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Source: Booasaur
Vs the version in the movie -
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This scene, like the motel room, is an homage to a scene with Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor in T1. There are a lot of those.
6. The Crossing & The CBP Detention Centre.
There are a number of major cuts made to the sequence where the group cross the Mexico-US border, but chunks of the original version are visible in the trailers, and the deleted scene is provided in the home release.
Originally, for starters, the Rev 9 managed to track Dani to her uncle’s house, killing everyone there.
He goes on to manipulate the Mexican Federales into actively herding Dani & Co towards the CBP trap he’s set for them. Grace then spots the drone and realizes he’s tracking them, has them ditch their bags and tells them to run for it. She exchanges fire with the Federales in a running battle, and Dani’s uncle is killed.
You can see this full scene here. And actually now that I rewatch it, I'm struck by how effectively sinister Rev 9 is in the first bit, and what a shame that was to lose:  
Miller says the scene was cut down in part because whacking Dani’s relatives threatened to get a little repetitive, and he has a point (her cousin later also dies in the CBP centre), but there are some really valuable character moments in here too.
Before Grace starts shooting, Dani strictly warns Grace not to kill anybody. Which is a T2 callback, of course, but it’s also establishing Dani as taking the initiative, and it makes it apparent that Grace is already treating whatever she asks for as an order.
The gunfight itself isn’t great, frankly, but I do think the movie feels this cut. It cues up the scenes coming after it in a way that just leaves them kinda awkward without. The reason Grace is so fired up and ready to throw down with the CBP when they're caught in the spotlight is because, as far as she's concerned, she’s *already* in the middle of a gunfight; Dani’s “I’m not watching you die” to her is meant to directly address the fact she’s still feeling her uncle’s death, and can’t bear to see Grace get shot now too, rather than just something she blurts out randomly. She’s already seen somebody she cares about die, and she won’t risk it again.
But Dani’s grief at the death of her uncle would also have played into the next bit, too, something which is still in the movie - when Rev-9 drops the drone on them. Dani sees Grace easily break out of her restraints to save her from it, only to be KO’d by the blast.
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In other words - having just surrendered to save Grace’s life, Dani has to see her being killed after all, and we see her looking at her lifeless body with a moment of despair. And after binding Grace with a No Kill order so that nobody else will die over her, she now sees that Grace has apparently sacrificed herself to save her.
This pays off – or would have paid off – in a deleted moment later, too. A shot seen in the trailers from when Grace finds Dani in the cages shows us Dani’s clear relief at seeing Grace is alive.
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A subsequent cut shot has Grace and Dani fleeing the Rev-9, hand in hand, in slow motion.
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Compare this to the much messier, more rushed sequence we see in the movie -
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The Federales shootout sequence on its own is a little redundant, sure, but without this bit, the drone stuff is just... kind of orphaned, and pointless. It's a very dramatic splash of fireworks with little consequence. The shot of Dani looking at Grace's body after the blast has no purpose, and the attack has no real effect, so it might as well not have happened.
More than that, this set of cuts make for really messy continuity. There's a big mismatch between them hauling a bunch of presumably very useful gear through the desert one moment, and then abruptly having none a few shots later; and it feels silly to see everyone set out armed to the teeth with guns they never even try to use.
The way Dani’s uncle just dips out to let the cousin lead them the rest of the way in the theatrical cut feels bizarre, and the escape from the CBP centre feels tangibly choppy and not nearly as clearly composed without the moments seen in the trailer, like missing frames of animation.
7. The Plane Chase.
This whole sequence has been totally overhauled, and maybe several times.
The plane battle was originally longer (which I don’t think it really needed to be) but one notable feature is that Major Dean and the EMP grenades all appear to be later additions.
Many people had guessed this anyway - he comes out of nowhere, provides the grenades, and bows out again, without much explanation or grounding outside the few minutes he appears. And the (oddly cheap) looking grenades themselves are destroyed before ever affecting the plot. So it has all the hallmarks of a reshoot that was plugged into an existing sequence.
The original version of the sequence though, seen in the “pre vis” computer storyboard included on the home media releases, had the gang actually seize the plane by force, and physically subdue two crewmembers. The two end up tied up in the hold after one of them hits Arnie with a wrench (he still sports the injuries from this in the film)
When Rev 9 attacks, one of the crewmen is killed by cargo debris; Dani frantically tries to save the other, but he’s sucked out of the breach in the fuselage before she can.
That original version involving the kidnapped crew appears to have actually gotten as far as being filmed – two “injured” Air Force actors who seem to fit the bill are visible in some of the “Making Of” featurettes.
The prop auction blurbs – some notes from it here – seem to suggest Carl used chain brackets as weapons in the fight, which I don’t believe he does in the battle as seen.
Now why does this matter?
Well, because if there were no EMP grenades, then the conversation in the cockpit must have been completely different, since Carl and Sarah don’t have to interrupt Dani and Grace’s conversation to alert them to the damage.
The cockpit scene is a continuity mess start to finish anyway though, which is another a tell-tale sign of reshoots and re-edits - just for fun, for instance, watch out for Grace’s disappearing drink.
It’s worth watching it start to finish too just to see how much dialogue is delivered from a character who is speaking from offscreen, suggesting these lines were written and then recorded in a Sound Booth after the scenes were shot.
There’s a lot of that in this movie, which I’ve mentioned previously, but this scene in particular is rife with it; almost all its key dialogue is delivered from offscreen while we’re watching what amounts to stock footage of Sarah or Carl.
That much ADR/ overdubbing from off camera is a dead give away that a scene has been almost totally reworked.   
And why? Why did it need to be arranged so much?
Well, that brings us to what I think is the biggest change of the movie.
8. "You Saved Me" / "You Raised Me"
The suggestion Dani found and raised Grace from childhood is entirely a post-test screening addition. It was not in the original version of the movie, at all, and this has been confirmed by the Reddit test screening participants. The whole implication comes from a single line and scene which was added after the testing, and at the cost of all that continuity mentioned above.
The scene we see of Dani rescuing Kid-Grace is a reshoot which was inserted in place of another deleted scene, set during the Future War, wherein an adult Grace begs an adult Dani to let her go back and save her. That’s why the Kid-Grace scene has a different look and feel to everything else in the movie, Present Day and Future War, because it was shot way after everything else.
Before I go on, please take a moment to see the scene they cut, and imagine it back in place –
I mean... dang, right?
Unlike Major Dean or the grenades, this scene is not some neatly isolated little island, and unlike the one replacing it, it's aesthetically in tune with the South Tunnel battle. It depicts a post-Augmentation Grace, wearing “Augment” style sleeveless gear, and it’s the source of at least one promotional shot.
It also explains the circumstances Grace came back, lets Dani off the hook for sending her back to her doom, and even ties directly into a significant exchange of dialogue later on; Commander Dani is shown shedding a tear here when Grace asks to be allowed to save her, presumably because she remembers they will be some of Grace’s last words later, too.
The Theatrical Cut also still has the moment later when Grace quotes this scene to Dani’s younger self before she dies, so this scene is actually the foundation for a later one.
So it’s important, is what I'm saying, it’s laying down all the emotional groundwork for Grace’s death and the tragic implications of the movie’s Bootstrap Loop.
It makes the Commander far more sympathetic, gives Grace a ton more agency, and there are lines still in the movie which call back to it.
Without it, we even lose the visual parallel of Grace on her knees to Dani in the present day just as she is in her memory from the future, in the TDE facility.
For now then, let’s just say that I think you would need an excellent reason to pay more money to replace that original scene, especially with a scene that both looks cheaper, plays worse, and lacks the same connective tissue to anything else. And that this reason would have to be something unrelated to the needs of basic storytelling mechanics, or the Director’s preferences.
9. Underwater Battle.
Grace originally fought the Rev-9 underwater briefly, after the plane crash. That’s why she’s so exhausted when she resurfaces and they have to try to climb up the dam, and it’s why she couldn’t come to help the two others when they were trapped in the flooding Humvee.
10. Turbine Room.
Dani originally finished the battle with the Rev-9 pretty much on her own. This was reworked, apparently, to give Arnie “more of a moment”.
You can see images from the original version here.
Which I do believe - but the original flow would have meant Dani screaming at this thing that it’s taken everything she had, before going apeshit and killing it, in direct response to Grace’s death, which is pretty intense.
(Incidentally, I’m not convinced the subtitles are quite capturing her literal meaning in Spanish either, can somebody help me out?
Edit - BeneathTheThunders has confirmed this in the comments, Dani actually says "Killed everything I loved")
11. Final Scene
The playground scene with Grace as a kid is another post Test Screening addition. Originally the movie ended with a rolling road, just like T2, and a voiceover from Sarah.
Along with the added scavenger attack scene, that means it’s probable we never saw Grace as a child in the original version. At all.
Which would make for a quite different narrative bent, especially if the original Future Dani/Grace seen had still been in place.
In Summary.
Let’s consider how different that alternate narrative was.
Remember that Grace rarely, if ever, discusses Dani’s survival in terms of saving the world or winning the war, apart from her freakout in the chopper – her devotion is to Dani, personally, somebody we only ever see or hear of Grace knowing as one adult woman to another. Somebody she knows, somebody she sat vigil over in the Dragonfly and inspired her to become augmented.
Somebody, we hear only from an experienced, Augmented Grace who has saved her, with her exact meaning left to our imagination – when and how or how poetically she might mean that, we aren’t shown.
Remember that somebody, we see then, is a hardened uniformed military Supreme Commander, who nonetheless cries at the prospect of having to send Grace away to danger, something she’s tried “everything in her power” to avoid.
Remember that, back present day, that person’s first instinct when left alone with her unconscious body (after resting her head in her lap in the jeep for some reason?) is to care for her so tenderly it produced the mysteriously memory-holed First Aid Kit image. When reunited with her after being briefly parted, it’s apparently to embrace her.
While being pursued, it’s to designate her terms of engagement, and then surrender to protect her.
And notably, it is also Grace, not Commander Dani, who outlines what’s going to be done about the TDE in the flashback/forward to 2042.
So they don’t behave like either Mother/Daughter or Officer/Soldier. But they are something. And throughout the movie these two were, apparently, so physically close it was worth spending money and losing shot-to-shot continuity and clarity to put distance between them.
And in the end, when Grace does die, literally giving Dani her life with which to fight her attacker (“I’m sorry Grace!”), Dani tenderly touches her face before destroying her enemy, for taking everything she had from her - for "killing everything she loved".
I’m sure you can infer what I’m getting at there... but we’ll come back to that in a future post.
For now, here's what I'd love to know - the original cut apparently ended a little after the dam battle, with a Sarah voiceover on the rolling road.
I wonder what she said?
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: The Terminator
Sample Size: 1,912 stories
Source: AO3
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starstruckodysseys · 3 months
two songs for each of my ocs. bc i can <3
bianca: ms. california - beach bunny / ballad of a homeschooled girl - olivia rodrigo
lillian: good girls (don’t get used) - beach bunny / looking out for you - joy again
taylor: i wanna feel calm - bears in trees / worry for naught - go! child
elijah: i can’t see anything i don’t like about you - bears in trees / nothing but static - ike
dani: straight ahead - dom fera / are you satisfied? - marina
sam: kill this ghost - motherfolk / injured crow - bears in trees
hailey: nice guys - beach bunny / good luck, babe! - chappell roan
jade: super graphic ultra modern girl - chappell roan / bubblegum bitch - marina
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diver5ion · 1 year
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artblooger19moon · 2 years
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Terminator Movie Marathon
The Terminator - October 26 1984
Terminator 2 Judgement Day - July 3 1997
Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines - July 3 2003
Terminator Salvation - May 21 2009
Terminator Genisys - June 21 2015
Terminator Dark Fate - March 1 2023
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avatarquake · 2 years
I don't know if anyone realised, or appreciated, how passive-aggressively petty Charlie Crews was about, over and with his ex-wife. I am sure neither did he and his whole pursuing her after he had gotten out was to cause her, not pain per se, nor discomfort exactly, but since I don't have the right word to describe it, so we'll go with that. Or that while he allowed some platonic intimacy with Connie, he never made any pass on her, despite her attraction to him, despite the long list of girls that passed through his house during mainly the first season. (Side Note; During 'Merit Badge', while visiting the prison, Charlie is showing his badge for the majority of the time there, an unconscious reaction to being back in prison - a remind of him being out and a cop again.)
And then there's Dani Reese, who is so frustrated with being partnered with Crews, not for him being an 'ex-con' as most of the others see him as, but because she doesn't get why he'd get all this money and go back to work with those who betrayed him, who despite what was done to him, seemed eternally optimistic, probably recognising it as a façade, whose incessant mumbling and babbling about Zen and fruit caused her mild headaches, his constant bumbling at work caused her grief, but she was so fiercely loyal to him from the moment she got him as her junior partner that she dishes Stark the moment she meets him, going so far as to make his partner question whether he'd back him up or leave him out to dry alone in a crisis. Dani who is territorial over him, calling him 'Charlie' to his lawyer, and 'my partner' when -I think it was Easley, don't quote me that, it's been a while since I watched the series- threw things at him and trusting him to have her back from the get-go. She believes he is innocent, there was never a question about it from her, and all she asked of him was to remember he is a cop and her partner. All she asked of him was to let her know if she can trust him. A redundant question, that was aimed at and for him and his benefit, because no matter what, he is her partner and she does trust him to watch her back.
And she has already picked up some of his mannerisms and expressions and use them to avoid a conversation she wants out of, or translate his thoughts to explain him to others. And it annoys her to no end, that fact.
And if we take how much she disliked Bobby, we can count Jennifer, the ex, lucky for not crossing paths with Dani, ever, because the dressing down with have left Jen a sobbing mess, or that she didn't know Connie backed away when Charlie tried to pursue those who wronged him after getting Hollis for the murders of Rachel's family, because the dressing down would have been equally brutal - she was already mistrustful of her from their one meeting.
And I don't think Charlie expected her to stick by him, because when Davis asks Dani if she wants to request a new partner, right there in front of him, she says 'no'. By all accounts, he knows he is a pain in her butt, he knows she doesn't really like him -she told him so herself- and yet she sticks by him. Which is, I think, the point, the moment it clicks and Crews realises his role as her partner and fully embraces it. That no matter what, Reese and Crews are partners.
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Designs for Reese for a rewrite of Rise of Red that me and @dani-luminae are still planning out that uh, also counts as an alternate universe with Dani's OC, Lia, and also another Reese as Hades daughter but adopted by the Hawkins alternate universe.
The only daughter of Hades from the Isle of the Lost who was once known as Heidi Tombs, Reese Hawkins is the youngest of the Hawkins' daughters via adoption, having happily changed her name as soon as Jim and Ayesha asked if she wanted to, choosing the name she'd been going by ever since she started rebelling against her dad when she was on the Isle.
Often seen as a miniature of Jim at times, Reese is an inventive girl with a sharp mind and no shortage of energy to fidget and build with. But as much as she can think of anything and everything at once at any given time, she's still stuck on if she should accept the invitation to attend Auradon Prep. After all, she's not reached the age her parents deem her ready for adventures yet, so it's not like she's doing much. But at the same time, she still longs to see more then Auradon even if its limited right now.
Thankfully, she has time to think it over when they have to visit Auradon for Lia's first welcoming day as Queen and in the process of her thinking, she ends up meeting and fastly befriending Chloe Charming, a fellow Isle kid adopted into an Auradon family. But her thinking is interrupted when the Queen of Hearts attempts to take over Auradon via her guise of dropping her daughter off at Auradon Prep.
And in the aftermath, a war threatens to erupt between heroes and villains with increasing stakes, leading to Red, Chloe and Reese to ultimately come up with a plan. Getting to the Quen of Hearts at present? Impossible. But Red recalls an old legend about the White Rabbit's Pocketwatch, kept in an Auradon museum, and says that getting to the Queen of Hearts in the past is a whole different matter. With little other option, they go for the watch and then, find themselves in the past, in Merlin Academy - a school that came before Auradon Prep - with the younger versions of several heroes and villains they happen to know… as well as a boy named Jim Hawkins.
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