#dang i need a post sequel tag now
littlemorals-a · 4 years
@beforewecrash​ liked for a plotted starter !
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                       every   damn   day   since   she   &   dina   left  ,   he’s  been   waiting  ,   hoping  ,   worrying  ,   agonizing   ---   waiting   for   ellie’s   return   or   any   news   that   she   would  ;   hoping   that   when   she   did   it   was   with   a   beating   heart   &   rosy   cheeks  ,   worrying   about   what   &   who   she’d   be   up   against   &   agonizing   about   everything   in   between  .   maria   pokes   her   head   into   his   bedroom   with   that   sly   smile   on   display  .   someone’s   here   to   see   you  .   hurt   blooms   in   his   middle  upon   sitting   up  ,   ignored  ,   &   just   like   that  ,   hope   is   alight   in   the   old   man’s   face  .   “   ellie  ?   ”
                     she   appears   in   the   doorway   &   her   name   comes   again  ,   as   a   relieved   sigh   this   time  .   always   bull - headed  ,   joel   leans   for   her   &   reaches   out   for   an   embrace  .   “   ‘s   about   time   you   came   home  ,   kiddo  .   maria   just   about   lost   her   mind   puttin’   up   with   me  .   lemme   look   at   you   ---   are   you   alright  ?   ”
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So last January i started keeping a notes page for recording tags that made me laugh or smile. I was reading through them and realized it been over a year since i started. So i decided to post them to make you all smile too. The fandoms are in no specific order, but i did post my favorite tags at the top of each section. I used the ";" as a break between tags. Ao3 uses "," but several tags included their own "," and "#" made things harder to read so i swapped it out for ";"
These tags are 95% from ao3 fics (many of them from the same fics). The other 5% consist of tumblr tags, fic titles, and the occasional author note/funny fic quote that i loved so much i wrote it down. I dont remember what each fic each tag was from*, so please dont ask for links, but as they're tags you should be able to search them in the ao3 search engine. However if you want specification to which character a tag was referring to, i do remember that.
*im 99% certain these tags were for that fandom
Not fandom specific/i cant remember which fandom
I will take these crumbs of characterization and bake them into a cake myself so help me god
i don't make the facts people i just gently unearth them from the subtext
author is a trash can not a trash can't
Please keep in mind that Canon Timeline has died tragically in a fire, and I am but the weeping widow with an inheritance
I'm not so much taking liberties with canon at this point as flirting outrageously and never calling back for a second date
shameless wish fulfillment; like this is what i want to see and you can watch i guess
31k notes and counting as of this tag sweet jesus you all need church and the bible and the vatican
I will not explain my rarepairs; they're in love now. that's how it is
Cursed By a Mage; That Mage? Albert Einstein
did i just write a different fix-it for this episode two days ago; Yes. yes i did
unforgivable foreshadowing
The Cain Instinct
Destiny's a Bitch: A Love Story
F@¢k Amatonormativity
the untaggable qpr strikes again
they h#ld h?nds ok
it's about the yearning
Star Wars
The Mandalorian & TBOBF
Destiny is calling and it doesn't care if Din has blocked its number
love is stored in the head bonk
*Slaps roof of random Deathwatch Member* this guy can fit so much love and affection for Din Djarin in him
Din does NOT have the Darksaber; because what does he need?; an ulcer?
Din is low key demi and no one makes a deal about it
Mand'alor the Reluctant
platonic love is what healed his lonely existence
when in doubt: road trip with the besties
Accidental Baby Acquisition (A LEGIT TAG)
Not even death can stop plo koon's dad instincts
General Hothead the Thothead
anakin skywalker eats live bugs
Anakin figures it out first, which is pretty dang embarrassing
2am bathroom break at a dingy rest area in the backwoods of appalachia vibes
Or: How the Ghost Crew got banned from Space Costco
Kanan Jarrus: The Daddening
Movies (Sequel Trilogy)
The Traveling Jacket
MCU/general Marvel
This is why we can't have nice things
in which our heroes meet where they belong; IN THE TRASH
An Attempt Was Made At A Romantic Gesture
Erik is crushing harder than a 12 year old girl (A LEGIT TAG)
BROTP: She's Perfect
i will delete this later; nevermind im not deleting this, im leaving this as proof; that i am sexier and better than the entire mcu writing team
Nick Fury Deserves To Be Swept Off His Feet; And Carol Danvers Is The One To Sweep Him
Tony Stark/Acting Like A Bitch
Fury and Goose are the BROTP to end all BROTPs; watch a hardened spy become a fool for a tiny cat
the Cloak is protective; the Cloak is clingy
Middle Earth (LOTR/TH)
Legolas wants the D (the Dwarf)
Reshirement AU
Thorin Oakenshield: King Under a Massive Pile of Guilt and Self-Loathing
hate at first sight
Gandalf Ships It
Look out Middle Earth; when a elf and a hobbit decide to have an adventure; its best not to get in the way
The Witcher
i cant not write dramatic things. its bc im gay
toss a kudos to your bitcher, o valley of ao-three
Two Distinct Varieties of Commitment Issues
Pre-Relationship; by about eight hours
they should be....soft; so upon writing chapter two that one has a heady mix of angst
Im British and so's my spelling
only a jealous threesome can resolve that kind of mess
ft. the only m/f dynamic that means anything: if she can't have him executed; there's too much equality going on; and he is Into That
Jaskiers main role in this fic is to go: what the fuck
Geralt is completely gone on his common law husband and he's fine with it
the other Witchers care and want Jaskier to be safe; Geralt is amused because Jaskier is a feral bitch
Aggressive herb gathering
Grilled Chicken Sandwiches
The Wind Howls A Lot
Geralt is back on his bullshit yet again; what else is new; geralt is a dumbass first and a witcher second
cause of death: refusing gwent; (its actually being a bandit but for geralt one crime is worse than the other); (and we all know which one)
but jaskier is thirsty and geralt is an entire lake
sometimes a family is two dumbasses and their lion cub
the many shades of Unrequited Love; or is it...Requited??; who knows
Many boats get harmed in the making of this fic; Reckless Sailing
is it a romance if there isn't at least one fart joke
Cutagens | Cute Effects of Mutagens (A LEGIT TAG)
Geologically Improbable Hot Springs
nothing makes me happier than making the big rat man cry
Buckle up bitches
Kaer Morons
This team shares one brain cell and right now it’s in Nora; NORA
James gets bullied by teenagers: the musical
Press f to pay respect for my sanity
Ozpin adopting Oscar: buy one son get one moral compass free
Yang is Summer's daughter; and Raven knows it
Avatar (ATLA)
must a fic have a plot to be good?; is it not enough to have 6K+ words of toph and zuko being bastards together?
Aang was not expecting THAT
Soul Eater
the inherent intimacy of comparing hand sizes
found family at its finest
sir leon the long suffering
Mordred and Merlin are friends; because f@ck you thats why
Star Trek
and Jim settles into his new relationship status of "single but pining immeasurably"
Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
This colossal disaster required divine intervention to fix
Intentionally sexually charged sleepover; with Illya dying a thousand deaths in the bathroom
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slade-neko · 3 years
Saw this video game tag thing pop up on my dash a few days ago. Wanted to do it.
1. First game you played obsessively? Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I believe I was 5yo. Still waiting on that FF7 Remake treatment.
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2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Well if I play a game and like it, then I'll create sims of it. Does that count?
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My brother from the day I was born.
4. Who do you play with now? My brother FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I wasn't lying when I made this post. {link}
6. Ever buy strategy guides? Yes! Mainly to look at the artwork though. (Don't need no guide!)
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Lots of games, most being Left 4 Dead with 6 copies (3 Xbox 360, 1 PC case, 2 PC digitally.) What can I say, its a GOOD GAME!
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Gold cartridge Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (maybe that's rare?)
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9. Most regrettable purchase? I don't regret my purchases, but I have received games I have never played like Cubix (PS2) no clue where that game came from, but I have it somehow. Madagascar (Xbox 360) came with my Xbox 360, never opened it from its case. And Monsters Inc. Scream Arena (Gamecube) or something... it was a gift.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? I'm only friends with people BECAUSE of video games, so yes.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? No, that'd be ridiculous.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Probably a lot, I'd say Call of Duty, but I technically played CoD 1, 2, and 4. The campaign mode was alright, but I don't really care for CoD games at ALL.
14. Favorite game music? Koji Kondo and Grant Kirkhope are two BIG ones.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? Triforce is the most basic option, but I'd rather not get a tattoo.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Super Smash Bros. Brawl with hacks, but that was over a decade ago.
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17. Ever lose a friend over a game? No, that'd be ridiculous.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? No, that'd be RIDICULOUS.
19. Favorite handheld console? PSP. 3DS is great, but PSP Monster Hunter has ALL of my portable gaming memories. Like playing in school after End of Grade tests with my friend.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Sims 4 I like to think I know everything about Left 4 Dead. Quite a bit about Monster Hunter, more so of a series though than a specific game.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? I'd say Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I loved it as a kid, but had a lot of complex pen & paper RPG mechanics that I never understood. I understand a lot more of it now, but its still complex as all heck. I just know you hit things, they die.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? That's the only thing I wear.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Not sure so I'll list a few. Sims 4, Smash Bros. Brawl, Monster Hunter (its a series though), or Left 4 Dead
24. First Pokemon game? Leaf Green
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? No, don't like paying to play.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? No.
27. Game that makes you rage? I don't get mad at games, but I had a custom modded Hard Eight mutation in Left 4 Dead that is absolute bullsh*t!
28. Ever play in a tournament? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
29. What is your gaming set up? A giant wall of video game consoles spanning from NES to Switch, 4 TVs, but I sit at a desk with a PC.
30. How many consoles do you own? "I own every console that's ever existed." - I Don't Play Games When I Play Games (My STRENTH) original song by Smooth McGroove BUT no seriously I own 32 consoles including handhelds.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes. 3DS gave me headaches though I only really played with the 3D feature in Ocarina of Time 3D. I think my eyes broke because I couldn't get my 3D to work very well after.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Sure I play games based on a lot of things. Literally any anime game. If I had to pick Dragon Ball Xenoverse is kinda like a dream Dragon Ball game. Oh, Attack on Titan 2 is pretty neat too!
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33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Some SEGA plug-n-play thing once. Played it like once and now its lost to time (or my closet.)
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Yes. Mom and Dad played NES Super Mario Bros. My Dad went HARD at that game until he saved the Princess. Then he quit forever.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? "Hi. Welcome to Gamestop!"I never want to hear that again, but it was my main store until I went full digital/ online orders.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? No, I don't tend to get upset or emotional, but Bill dying in Left 4 Dead made me pretty pissed.
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37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Never played it. I don't really play "bad" games, but maybe Sims 4.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? The Sims 4
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Dragon's Dogma 2 WHICH I think is actually in development, so I'd have to say Fallout New Vegas 2. C'mon Bethesda you cowards, hand the keys back over to Obsidian so they can make another good Fallout game!
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? Two part question, two answers. VR Headset to immerse in world, yes. Motion Controls, no.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? MOBAs and MMOs. I don't like paying to keep playing.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Nintendo 64 opened me up to what video games could be as a kid. Sad to say my parents' NES didn't really do that for me. And years later Fallout 3 was a big game changer for me too.
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43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Every day of my LIFE.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? None. I'd rather emulate.
45. How are you at Mario Kart? Pretty dang good. 3-STARS MARIO KART WII, BABY!
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Yes, both of those. I preferred when Animal Crossing had more character to it. New Horizons looks so pretty, but feels so bland compared to classic AC.
47. Do you like competitive games? No. Not really. Usually amongst friends or if I can get competitive against AI Bots. I love my machine bot friends cause they don't cry like 10 year olds when they lose.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Too long. I've seriously restarted games because I wasn't happy with my character's appearance.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yes, I am always the magic man, my brother is always brute warrior, and my friend is the ranger.
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50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I don't really know. Honestly, I'd rather mod already good games to make them better than create something completely new.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? No, that'd be ridiculous. But I've had a friend fall asleep playing games at my house 3 different times and currently dozes off during our Minecraft sessions. So, maybe that's not a completely ridiculous thing after all.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? Kirby 64 apparently. My brother tells me we had to count out pennies to buy it. I must've been too young with no recollection, but I believe it.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? It's good if its not in the game's files from the beginning and is actually developed AFTER launch... and pre-order bonuses should be standard DLC a month or two later. Some games have content lost to time because of that pre-order bullsh*t.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Of course. If you want a game and its on sale then why not? I typically wait just for Steam sales to get games.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? No? I typically make people and characters I like in Sims. I've made villains like Dio, but he's an anime villain and I don't really HATE him despite the horrible things he's done.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? No. Never played that game.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? I try to for all the games I really like.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? The Sims 4, Skyrim, & Fallout: New Vegas. Mods make them live forever. Left 4 Dead and Monster Hunter are good choices too.
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Those aren't games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? No? But I'll take a guess. Is it make an IP and forget it exists?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? Keep forever... even the bad ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? PS4 Pro for Monster Hunter World. It was basically for early access since the PC version was being developed and releasing after PS4, but I don't like waiting.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Sort of. Been to anime cons and walked into the gaming tournament rooms only to walk out less than 10 minutes later.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? No, but I'm going to be doing that soon, hopefully.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? GameShark for N64, PS2, Gameboy, and Action Replay for Gamecube, DS, 3DS. And no not really, I would cheat responsibly... but there was this one time at school my friend and I borrowed another friend's Gameboy game, loaded it up with my Gameshark, tried playing, it crashed, loaded it back up, save file corrupted... we just stared at each other jaws dropped, "Here's your game back, dude. Make sure you don't play it til you get back home!"
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? No, but I remember seeing them on billboards in the game DRIV3R on PS2.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Every game I play is filled with happy memories (mostly.)
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? These tiger plushes. My brother got white and I got orange. They were the coolest. Got a butt load of tickets from some jackpot spinning light game thing as I was good at the timing with repeated jackpot hits.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? I've played quite a few masterpiece games, but to pick one, I'd say Fallout: New Vegas
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70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Mario 64. I was a mere child on a Sunday morning and ate celebratory pancakes made by my Dad.
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Wow, that was long... I get the feeling this was supposed to be a "send me ask with numbers" thing, but answering all at once is more fun.
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lycorogue · 3 years
Chapter Closing Lines from OatS
Chapter closing lines I’ve come up with for my WIP One and the Same. Most of these are from 2018 or 2019. I still adore them. I just wish I could get this dang story to properly form so I can publish it and everyone in the fandom can experience the excitement I did when I got to these lines. (Contains spoilers, but no context, and posted out of chapter order to add less context. Also, as an FYI for those who don’t know this project of mine: OatS is a tag-teaming 1st person POV that takes place in an AU that diverges from the show canon after season 1, since that’s when I wrote Peeping Tomcat, which OatS is a sequel for)
“Until we meet again, my princess in the high tower.” He stood up so he could greet me with a bow, and then he leapt off my roof. With that, he was gone, and I was left stunned on my balcony.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng had a crush on me, of all people! The most fantastic woman in the world was in love with me! Well, she was in love with Adrien, but it was a start. Now, how could I get her to fall for my Chat Noir side as well, before she got the courage to confess?
I was beginning to see that Adrien and Chat Noir really weren't the polar opposites I originally pegged them for. I smiled at the thought, and wondered vaguely why my heart was beginning to race.
“Ladybug!” But she was gone. I had screwed up so bad. I had no clue if that would be the last time I would ever be Chat Noir; if my ring and Plagg would be taken from me. I wouldn't blame anyone if that was my fate. I just wanted to stay on the top of that tower, and take it all in. I wanted to never let that feeling of freedom go. I had a date to get ready for, though, and now a lot of trepidation about going through with it.
Adrien complimented me. In front of the whole class. And he watched me the whole time. Just me. There wasn't the rest of the class in those few seconds. I just wish I could figure out why that little gravel in his voice sounded familiar to me.
I held up the phone to Tikki. “Because, Tikki, I think I figured out who Chat Noir is.”
Huh. Apparently I gave nearly all of the exciting closing lines to Marinette chapters... need to tweak that....
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Ask Explo--
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...you know what, you’re right. Name change effective immediately.
Askplosion #10:
Asks responding to previous posts:
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It’s okay! I figured that was what it was but it’s been so loooong.
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Ah, wow.
Um, that’s definitely not a part 2; I think that’s more like a four-parter/five-parter or something.
Sorry! No can do!
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That’s totally fair!
I think the reason I so quickly agreed with it is like--
I’ve been watching the Inuyasha sequel and it’s not like I don’t think the narrative’s apparent punching bag Moroha (who is fourteen years old) shouldn’t be punished when she does something wrong/sneaky/manipulative, but they punish her as if she’s Miroku (who was eighteen years old).
Basically, I want the punishment to take the age into account, or at least only affect Marinette on a more personal level and not be “Heart Hunter” where they take totally understandable feelings of heartache (remember, it wouldn’t have mattered which miraculous she took because Hawk Moth got the Miracle Box and Fu regardless; even beyond her emotions, I feel like she chose the best option available to her considering which temps she knew the location of) and then punish her for them by memory wiping Fu and taking away all of her temps and giving Hawk Moth the grimoire translation.
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Yes!! I really wanted to respond to this one, thank you! (It’s this one and then there was another one talking about Luka and Adrien, then talked to me about how I refer to Luka as “soft” but not in a bad way; I unfortunately don’t remember the whole thing.)
Ahaha, and yeah, I feel you. Anti-salters are a very strange conundrum I still haven’t figured out; like, I get not liking salt, but...
I mean, when I don’t like certain content, I just blacklist it. If I end up seeing it anyway due to cross-tagging or a lack of tagging, then I just blacklist the person themself. You won’t see me going after people for that very reason; I only see what people send/ask me if it’s content I don’t like.
I’m glad you’ve found some peace in this blog! Hopefully it continues to be that way for you in the future!
(and yay, a fellow INTJ!!)
New Asks:
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There are female writers? ;P I just assumed they were all locked in a closet until the male ones were like, “okay, pretend to help us here, we need one female writer to claim girl power.”
As for Ladybug all like, “Cute, isn’t she?” I think it was rhetorical (she could also be messing with him but “Glaciator” tells us that she didn’t know he crushed on her so who knows). The writers do this thing where Marinette is all panic-y and occasionally self-conscious as herself, but then as Ladybug, she suddenly gets a bit of an ego. I think it’s meant to be there in order to make Chat Noir look less... idk, “obnoxious” when he starts boosting his own ego; trying to balance the two by giving them both big heads, so to speak.
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Honestly, I feel like Adrien needs less screen time. :|
Even when he’s not on-screen, characters are usually talking about him, or you see his face in Marinette’s room/somewhere in Paris. I’m become so jaded by the guy that I don’t even think it’d matter if they remade the series and gave it a “totally good and interesting Adrien.” That’s how badly the show has made him out for me; “Adrien Agreste” the character is just... sigh, I’m so done with him.
And yeah, this whole idea about, “Marinette is [x], we need more AAAAAADRIEN!” comes off really bad, lol, especially when Adrien has very little going for him.
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(this ask ends off like there should be a part 2 but there isn’t one in my inbox, so sorry if there’s meant to be something else!)
The exact lyrics according to the wiki:
My wish for a cat who's in love, with our own Ladybug. Is that he'll get what he's always wanted! She doesn't know she loves him, only sees Adrien, But Christmas miracles always happen!
Yeah, especially nowadays, those lines bothers me. Not only does it imply “true selves,” but that it’s Chat who should be getting what he always wanted and Ladybug is the one with a problem.
Like, excuse me?
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Probably Stormy Weather, even in the first episode. Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn’t even touch her until they arrived on top of the TV station.
+ With all those effects and shots, it made it feel more action-y than typical episodes.
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Marinette, Aurore, Luka, Anarka, Jagged...
basically any name that I haven’t really heard before (”Luka” makes me think of Vocaloid but the Luka there was female), or a name that relates a lot to the character (like “Aurore” for “aurora” since she loves weather things).
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dfjbghfkdgfdgnjfdg this anon really like, “I NEED ANSWERS!!!”
It’s as if these characters hit 18 or something and just grow overnight, I swear. I’m hypothetically fine with some more variety in character height (it’s not like the show tries to be realistic, after all), but maybe don’t give us official heights if they’re gonna be this weird/inaccurate.
Especially when they change it just for the sake of a shot anyway. If you watch “Simon Says” when Ladybug and Adrien stand next to each other while looking at the picture of Adrien’s mother, the very next close-up has an obvious difference in their heights from what you just saw.
They’re 3D models!!! This shouldn’t happen!
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I... honestly never thought of the “less threatening” thing! Dang!
And yeah, Marinette isn’t helpless or incompetent, but because of the Adrien crush, it makes her that way at times since she’s always falling on him and--
...ugh, actually, yeah, don’t wanna think about those implications. Hard pass.
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I’m not familiar with that one, though Astruc deletes his tweets all the time (there was one tweet where he confirmed that Luka was poor and it only exists in screenshots now because it didn’t get archived and he deleted it almost like he realized that he was pointing out the blatant classism in the show, oops).
Yeah though, I haven’t seen anything like what you’re describing. Sorry!
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It’s okay! Sorry for having you clarify but him choosing and Marinette deciding to never give it back are very different things.
I don’t recall Chat Noir having much purpose in the final fight (in terms of both contributing and actual fighting; I know Cataclysm broke the object to release the akuma but was it needed?) so Marinette might either go cat-less or get a temp. Plagg could also be helpful in his own right because he’s small and blends in with the night, so he could hypothetically sneak up on the bad guy.
Afterwards, there’d need to be a new cat, but Adrien would also have to reconsider his actions and really think about what happened. I could also see Plagg going to Adrien’s house, half to apologize for giving the idea to Adrien that Adrien leave without telling Ladybug, but also half to call him out for giving up without consulting anyone. Adrien is a lot of conflicting things (see Adrien’s passivity compared to Chat Noir’s recklessness) so he’d have to find a middle ground within himself.
Marinette might carry Plagg around in her purse for a while and let Plagg have a say in who he goes to. Plagg might grieve for a bit over not having Adrien around (even if Adrien was flawed, Plagg didn’t ask for any of this so Marinette is doing her best here).
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That’s always the rough patch with “endgame ships.”  Once it’s obvious to the audience that they’re endgame, no more effort needs to be put into them.
The other thing too is how Kagami, for example, is friends with Marinette. Even once Adrimi sinks, she’ll presumably stay friends with her. Luka, meanwhile, is Juleka’s brother.
They have lives outside of their love interests. Adrien is so into Ladybug that he doesn’t have that; I mean, Nino is Adrien’s best friend like once in a blue moon.
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The entire class is just watching an episode and then calling on raised hands to answer what was wrong with what they just watched.
“I mean, yes, but I’m sorry, you have to be more specific to get credit.”
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I think Aeon herself is fine. It’s mostly just her transformed and that transformed name that I have a problem with (she doesn’t even look uncanny so I don’t get it). I heard there was something wrong with the name “Aeon” but searching the name doesn’t give me anything I would qualify as such so I have no idea. I just wish she was given a little less “I’m programmed to--” (makes her seem less sentient) and more “[anything that doesn’t have to do with pushing the love square]” because I feel like they might’ve done the latter to make her more “likable”? I think fans of anything usually like the “matchmaker” character provided it’s for a ship they like. Also strange that they make her a robot but Max and Markov don’t extensively interact with her, but that’s a nitpick and not a criticism of her character.
...I’m rambling, my bad lol.
(Ohhh, she was supposed to be a mummy? Like, foreshadowing her “dying”?? That went right over my head but I guess that’d be where the name Uncanny Valley came from? No clue.)
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Best case scenario is probably the middle or the end of Season 4.
And yeah, it really doesn’t matter to me what they do with the love square. Marinette had gone through too much suffering and the show goes out of its way to show how much stress Marinette is being put under (and also keeping Luka away during episodes like “Gamer 2.0″ even when it makes sense for them to be there, as if trying to make sure Marinette doesn’t have enough moments with him to forget Adrien).
Like, ah, yes, I totally believe that Marinette is in a position where she can make reasonable decisions about her love life while all circles of her life are on fire.
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If the Sonic movie of all things can have an interracial couple, there’s no reason why this show can’t, just saying.
And, even with Marinette, she’s white-passing (according to what basically everyone says, I’m really awful about recognizing race so this isn’t my field; I wasn’t aware that Ondine was Asian, for example).
Does Nadja count? Manon’s dark-skinned (I’m still not over the fact that all the kids in this show are dark-skinned; it’s not like it’s a problem from a representation standpoint - though all the kids are also all generically bratty/whiny so there’s that - but the percentages in this show are weird) while Nadja is really light-skinned, meaning either a dark-skinned husband or Manon is adopted.
Though I guess the problem then is that we don’t know, so there’s no established couple there.
Non-Miraculous Asks:
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w-who gave you the right to say such things????
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Uhhhh, that might be too broad of a question, I’m sorry!
I know this isn’t satisfactory, but I will say that my favorite genre is Fantasy/Romance (it’s why I adore Red Shoes so much; by the way, an anon asked for my opinion on that a while back and I will get to it! I’d need to watch it again to get screenshots) and my least favorite is probably Tragedy/Horror.
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I don’t think I’ve watched enough to really be able to say? I’ve kind of been all over but I’ve never fully gone through any of them outside of Miraculous. I’ve seen bits of Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Star VS the Forces of Evil (don’t know if that counts), and I meant to watch Yuki Yuna is a Hero but never got around to it. I saw the entirety of Puella Magi Madoka Magica but you guys know how I feel about that one.
Maybe Cardcaptor Sakura by default then? It was definitely not perfect but I liked some of the character dynamics (I also have a clipcut of it - basically where I go through a series/movie and cut out parts I don’t like so it’s only good stuff - so I’m cheating a little) and the male love interest was a tsundere type that I actually ended up liking, which is really rare.
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!!! That sounds sweet~ I know Sailor Moon is popular so I’ll definitely take your word for it on that one.
I would also accept a “reincarnated”/”destined lovers” trope if maybe the ship themselves are the one who set it up in the first place. I have a Lukanette AU, for example, where they basically got together and then prayed to the shrine of the renewal god that they’d “always be together,” which ended up allowing them to reincarnate over and over (as if they set up their own soulmate AU ;P) and continuously find each other.
Though I guess that’s not technically a “meant to be trope,” but still, it’s a form of it but where it was totally consensual on both sides.
Also, I finally thought of a show that ended with the ship I wanted: Gargoyles. I didn’t see the entire series, mind you, but I saw most of it and Goliath and Elisa were just... quality, I adored them.
+ With Beauty and the Beast being my favorite Disney movie, they fit right in with my tastes.
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I forget that AangToph (I think the “official” name for the ship is Taang, but don’t quote me on that) exists sometimes, maybe because I’ve never shipped Aang with anyone; I’ve got no problems with the ship though.
Ugh, and this is what I mean when I talk about people who set up these reasons behind people shipping something based on what they saw a few people do. It’s like, “you only ship Adrimi/Lukanette to spite Adrienette!!”
Meanwhile, me having shipped all three at one point and then dropped off the love square.
Also, me shipping Zutara has nothing to do with it being dark/edgy because I’ve never seen it that way (intriguing, sure but dark and edgy? lol) and also avoid dark/edgy ships like the plague.
I still laugh at people who are like, “you can’t ship it because it’s not endgaaaaame!” as if shows can dictate how and why I enjoy something. Like sure, if you want to let a show/movie spoonfeed you how you’re supposed to feel, then by all means, go ahead.
I suppose people may be theoretically happier that way, but it doesn’t make for an analytic mind.
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I legitimately thought that “AssClass” must’ve been the actual name for something until it registered with me what it actually meant.
And eh, I guess it depends on the comparison and how accurate the comparison actually is? Like, comparing Puella Magic Madoka Magica to Miraculous... they’re not really close at all, but comparing... idk, Bunnyx to Homura or the concept behind “backfiring wishes”... maybe?
(note that the rest of this post is more Puella Magi Madoka Magica salt so you can stop reading here if you’re not interested in that; I’m not sure if this is all the same anon but I don’t mind letting people vent so I let them go off~)
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why can’t we just have nice things
I agree, and I give a little eyeroll every time it’s like, “oh, this person had [miraculous]”
+ even just in general, I feel weird about any show that mentions/implies that real world famous people are [x] or [y] in their show. It breaks my immersion; real world locations are one thing but when it’s specific people (unless they’re made up characters like Santa Claus) or games just--break me.
I also don’t know what to think when there aren’t magical boys but you have these magical girls in this frilly outfits/skirts. The demographic is girls so I presume the reason must be like, “you can look pretty and still beat people up” (;P) but having so many magical girl shows without a hint of a magical boy makes me suspicious that it’s for fanservice. Sailor Moon has Tuxedo Mask but I also don’t know what that guy did outside of the meme of him doing nothing so I’ve got no clue.
(edit: I should correct myself that I’m not talking about Sailor Moon specifically; I don’t know magical girls that well, though I do know there are ones clearly intended for fanservice (you could say that for anything, to be fair, but still). It’s just that I see things like super short skirts or very “questionable” shots and I’m just like, “hm”)
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Hmmm, good question. I feel like there has to be a lot but I’m also the type who doesn’t watch a lot of TV lol. I’m just familiar with cliches and tropes and such.
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The reason I try not to use “ism”s of any kind is mostly because it’s too broad. Like, you know how the English language only has one way of saying, “I love you,” but other languages like Spanish have multiple?
It’s like that, and sometimes I think it’s too easy to throw those words out there. A “small” (possibly completely unintentional/misunderstood) offense is sexism, and then a “large” offense is called the exact same thing. I’d rather go into why something is sexist than just call it that, y’know? The only exception I make is “classism” because I feel like that’s not as... I dunno, divisive?
Anyway, for that same reason, I can’t answer firmly that, “Madoka Magica is sexist.” I will however say that it makes me uncomfortable with how the show makes out the girls being emotional because they’re young and female and then proceeds to make their life a living hell before they’re old enough to properly answer to it (I know that’s the point but that kind of makes it worse?). It doesn’t help with how all the girls have different personalities, so it’s not like you have only “crybaby girls” who are being taken advantage of; it’s basically like... all girls.
Not helped is the fact that their soul gem not only deteriorates naturally, but it can also do so faster if the girl falls into despair, which then turns them into a monster (and I know it’s kind of like an akuma thing, but the fact that it’s only girls is... I dunno, it comes off wrong?). It seems cheap that the soul gem deteriorates no matter what so it constantly needs fed even if the girl is consistently happy.
I would probably opt for the show being centered more around Kyubey being new to this or something - like, magical girls are a new thing - and then have Kyubey being surprised because they presumed that the soul gem would deteriorate naturally since “emotions are powerful but destructive to the person having them,” but then all the girls team up and help each other work out their problems. Maybe the reason magical girls are usually alone isn’t even because of the grief seed (I think that’s what it’s called?) thing not being able to be shared, but because Kyubey intentionally separates magical girls so they can’t do what the main group is doing, but Madoka is so into the idea that, “We shouldn’t have to be alone,” and so she’s constantly pulling all the girls together, which keeps them healthy.
Maybe Homura’s backstory could be that Madoka originally was more sheepish and more afraid to put herself out there, especially since she was a magical girl (who are encouraged to go it alone), which is why their soul gems were both deteriorating; they were friends but kept more of a distance, or maybe they were a team but that’s all they were. Then Madoka gives Homura the last grief seed to save her and that’s what inspires Homura and makes her see Madoka as something more than a teammate, which is why Homura actively tries to save Madoka specifically (which then encourages Madoka to want to keep everyone together as friends).
In the case that Kyubey doesn’t separate them out of concern of fRiEnDsHiP, but for another reason altogether, and then it’s ultimately their own downfall when they allow the girls to hang out and realize that it’s doing a lot of good for them.
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“cute and innocent”
That was exactly it. It’s on Kyubey’s trivia section on the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Wiki.
Before the anime's first dark plot twist aired, head writer Gen Urobuchi said on his Twitter account that the "Kyu" in Kyubey's name comes from the English word "cute". This was a lie meant to further mislead fans into thinking that Madoka Magica is an innocent happy show. In a later episode, it was revealed that "Kyubey" is, in fact, short for "incubator".
In my personal opinion, a spoiled plot can’t be “ruined” if it’s a good plot. If you told me that Kagome was trapped in the Modern era for three years and then decided to stay with Inuyasha at the end of Inuyasha, it wouldn’t/shouldn’t decrease the value when I finally see it for myself because it’s good. That’s not to say that everything should just be spoiled right out of the gate, but it’s saying that maybe your plot isn’t good if you have to rely on shock value to make it work??
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I FEEL THAT “ASSIGNING IT TO THE WHOLE GENDER” THING SO BAD. It just adds to my “the girls all have varying personalities so it’s not like Kyubey’s only after emotional crybabies or anything” salt.
I have no idea about any of the stuff about the writers so I can’t confirm or deny them. I will very much agree on the target audience thing though, especially with the whole “keeping the dark plot a secret” because really? Who is this for then? Like, the first two and a half episodes are for one demographic and then the others are--???
I dunno. Me personally, I just like feel good stories. I do like some good conflict and drama (for context, Remarried Empress is basically a webtoon that gives you things to feel salty about and then makes its own salt fic as its plot, allowing for endless streams of feels and catharsis, so I’m definitely not against drama), but there are other times where I just want to feel good watching something.
I feel like the show expects the characters to be selfless/perfect and then punishes them even though it’s their writing that’s causing them to act out. I can’t really talking about “out-of-character” but sometimes it’s just obvious where “we did this because we needed a plot/conflict.”
Like, hello? We don’t need the main characters screwing up; why can’t we just have some feel good thing where they take the day for themselves (seriously, imagine a Miraculous episode where Chat Noir actually tells Ladybug to take a couple days for herself, like maybe someone else gets the earrings for a few days as a temp while Marinette gets to breathe; IMAGINE IT). Not everything needs to be high-stakes to be interesting and you need those calmer moments so that the action-packed ones feel more intense.
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I feel like the magical girl genre as a whole can be way more complex than it’s made out to be. I think people hear the word “magical girl” and think “cute girls in short skirts talk about girl problems and fight evil with the power of friendship and accessories.”
Ugh, just the mention of Rebellion makes me sigh internally.
Congrats on working on your own magical girl story! I hope it goes well for you!
I know it’s not technically a magical girl show, but there was also Totally Spies that Astruc worked on to some degree (I think there was some characters who were based on/a loose reference to the mains from that show but I don’t remember exactly).
The thing about the female characters suffering is that they could make for good lessons on positively directing one’s emotions (like Usagi from Sailor Moon, for example, maybe having a problem with taking her anger out on her friends, but learns that she can save that rage for the bad guys; “Gamer 2.0″ from Miraculous could’ve done that, honestly, by having Ladybug absolutely WRECK all of her gaming opponents in “violent” (cartoon violence obviously) fashion). It’s just a shame that it’s not taken advantage of.
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Sayaka??? Selfish???????
*does not compute*
(Also, I wasn’t tired of them, don’t worry! It was a little overwhelming in my inbox but it’s me who’s allowing all the asks to flow in so the blame isn’t on you lol.)
I’m not sure where this obsession came from with, “you have to be selfless and you’re not allowed to use your powers for yourself.” It’s like the world’s going to end if a character leaves to go Self-Care or something. I think what happened is that shows got this idea that promoting only the giving of others is great and it’s not important to take time for yourself (even with “Gamer 2.0,” it was still Marinette playing games with everyone else, and they treated her dedication and seriousness like a bad thing when she literally did not have time to waste and they didn’t give a reason why it was good for her to take a break, only that she should).
This usually leads to the “demonization” of characters who sport a lot of self-confidence or any sort of ego. It works on both sides; Marinette is a punching bag because of her anxiety and occasional lack of confidence, but if she had an ego as Ladybug, there are parts of the fandom who deem her “obnoxious” (i.e: “Reflekdoll”). There’s a delicate balance between “be confident” and “be humble” and it’s a tightrope act.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
September Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. Everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that this fun, thoughtful award will do just that. 
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
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Nominated by @impalaimagining
From Far Away by @plaid-lover-bay25
This fic is all kinds of sweet. We all know Jensen is perfect and will probably never need glasses to see, no matter what time does to his eyes, but HOO the thought of that man looking over the brim of his glasses when he looks up from his book to meet your eyes? Even if it’s through a screen? Count me ALL the way in.
Silver Lining  by @luci-in-trenchcoats
All I want for the rest of my life is to be right in the moment that exists within this fic. It’s so warm and cozy, even if it does get a bit overheated at times with all that shared body heat. I will gladly accept a few uncomfortably sweaty moments if it means having the two of them just like this.
Pit Stop by @stusbunker
This made me feel so many things. Honestly, it’s thrilling to think about hiding in plain sight like this. 10/10 would recommend public sex with Dean, even if it does mean the occasional scrape from the tree bark.
Nominated by @emilyshurley
Beautiful Ghosts by  @herstarburststories 
Okay picture this, me holding my cup of tea in the morning, crying my eyes out as I’m reading this. Because that’s exactly what happened. 
( Ahh… the angst in this one. This fic left me in tears. Can’t wait to read more parts.) ((submitted twice))
Calm after the storm by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
An adorable Dean fluff. There is something so comforting about how Dean interacts with the reader.
How not to kill someone by @myinconnelly1
A short but chaotic fic and is totally worth the read.
What a wonderful world by @wingedcatninja
The imagery is so great, you can almost feel everything  Sam must be feeling.
A little trip by @mariekoukie6661
Though I have never been inside an Ikea I had a constant smile on my face reading this. And now my face hurts…
Nominated by @waywardnerd67
Mr Pretty Face by @carryonmywaywardcaptain
I want to nominate @carryonmywaywardcaptain Mr. Pretty Face. This was the most adorable fic in the world. Jordan aka Cap is getting her groove back and the world should be graced by her talents! Plus she’s just an awesome person.
Nominated by @sorenmarie87
No More Living A Lie by @fictionalabyss
I know it’s an older fic but the idea of Cas and reader being in a fake relationship (I’d say more but it gives away the story) is fantastic.  
The Real Deal by @firefly-in-darkness
I’m no stranger to reading smut but holy crap!  After a hunt, all you wanna do is sleep but your friend sends you something… and you can’t help yourself.  I don’t know what else to say besides that you should check it out.  
Flesh - January Jingle by @myinconnelly1
I still need to listen to the song this fic is based off of but damn.  This one is great~~ Definitely leaves you wanting more.  
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Know How It Feels by @supernatural-jackles
I love that one because then the boys would understand what cramps feel like for real!
Some Kind of Sadness by @supernatural-jackles
I love this one because Jen just writes all the emotion so well!!
That’s Alpha or Sir To You, Baby Girl by @sorenmarie87
Dawn worked so hard on this one!! It’s so good!! I just love the fluff and the domestic!!
What’s The Little Guys Name by @sorenmarie87
The Weechester, the little banter between everyone! My heart!! I love this so much!
Nominated by @fictionalabyss
The Way You Lie by @cockslut-padalecki 
 this one hit the nail on the head. How you can know with ever fiber of your being that you need to leave, run, but you find yourself right back there.
Wanna Help A Girl Out? by @sorenmarie87
“Now, will you be a good girl and get on your knees for me?  I believe you owe me something…” that last line had me demanding, nay screaming, for more.
Bikini Inspector  by sorenmarie87 
because sometimes it’s just fun to mess with a guy.
Pineapple and Pizza  by @cloverhighfive 
STILL SCREAMING ABOUT THAT CLIFFHANGER lol. Seriously, though. I don’t dive too deep into ships usually, but I LOVED this little series.
All The Good Girls Go To Hell. (Prologue - chapter 9)  by @cockslut-padalecki 
This fucking series. Holy shit. The smut = perfection and the jealousy and need are on fucking point. Hell yes. this is a must read. a filthy, dirty, must read.
Nominated by @ellewritesfix05​
Don't Test Your Luck  by @downanddirtydean
All the smutty goodness that you could possibly need. The attention to detail, the way it flows seamlessly, the heart-stopping fluff. It’s a total hit and literally one of my favorite fics I’ve ever read! I adore everything Lydia writes and this is simply a must-read.
Homework Help  by @downanddirtydean
Lydia is an amazing writer and talented creator. College-me had a heart attack reading this! It’s so delicious and naughty! 100/10 would recommend!
Life For Rent Chapter 27 by @winchest09
The entirety of Life For Rent is absolutely amazing. Tabby is extremely talented and creative, but this particular chapter is just so wonderfully written, I think it deserves a spotlight. The whole time, you can see yourself in the moment. The way she captures and conveys emotion is nothing short of genius.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
His Property by @negans-lucille-tblr
I’m nominating this whole dang series, plus both of the sequels!! Yeah, it’s smutty, but it also gets into the psychological issues, especially in the third series, Her Property. There is some possibly triggering content in the first series, which is discussed throughout the second and third, so if that could be a problem, then you might want to skip it. If you’re not easily triggered, though, this is a great story. And the smut is primo, too!!
The Last Visit by @laxe-from-outer-space 
Well, crap, guys. This one just hurts. Talk about taking my heart out back and beating the crap out of it. If you’ve got the tissues handy, definitely give this one a read!
Nominated by @manawhaat
About Bar Fights and Moobs by @cajunquandary
This is a perfect example of the ridiculousness that seems to follow the Winchesters everywhere. This is totally believable and gave me a good laugh.
Keep Me Company by @butiaintgonnaloveem
I’ll never get over how spot on this is for Ketch. It not only shows us a side we don’t get enough of on the show, but it also just shows a whole other side of him that feels so incredibly real and part of his layered persona. 
Calm by @winchesterswoonathon
This is a seriously lovely series about John and all those feelings he has the power to evoke in the people around him. It’s everything I love about him all mashed into a fucking delightful story. 
You Ever by @luci-in-trenchcoats
One of the things I love about Dean is his willingness to be there and help others when they’re having a hard time. He’s the ultimate comfort buddy and this fic is a prime example of his loyalty and sincerity. It’s a little sad but it’s sweet and comforting even in the angst. 
Nominated by @myinconnelly1
The Baby In The Impala by @a-fallen-angel-with-a-shotgun
 DADDY!DEAN!!!! to the max. This was so sweet, I can't even word properly!
One Room Left by @luci-in-trenchcoats
The amount of fluff present in the fic overwhelmed me
Imagine Getting A Sunburn by luci-in-trenchcoats​
Some cute fluff right here and nothing else needs said, read it
Dirty Little Secret by @hardcoresupernatural
 This had the trinity! Hot as fuck, adorable as all get out, and funny as shit. Read it!
Love Me Or Leave Me by @princessmisery666​
 This hurt so much and i wanted to cry. It had that feeling of being real.
Daddy’s A Superhero by @msmarvelouswinchester
Being a parent is hard and hearing a child of any age say they hate you is so hurtful. This was written so well.
Loving You by @emilyshurley​
I will never have enough good things to say about @emilyshurley but this fic was so hurtful and i'm still mad at her.
Finding Dean Masturbating In Your Room by @carryonmywaywardwriters​
 Very dirty and very hot!
Because Of Mistletoe by @idreamofplaid​
Happy half christmas drabble!
Halfway by @holylulusworld​
Dude i was crying so hard.  I just can't even talk about it.
The Frog Prince - or How To Kiss the Impala by holylulusworld
SO CUTE!!!! Absolutely adorable and i love protective!dean
Enough Both Of You by @fictionalabyss​
HOLY FUCKING SHIT this was so dirty and wrong and i love it!
Fatherless Son by fictionalabyss
I really like this series it was exactly what i think of for step!dad Dean!! chef's kiss 
You’re Home Early by fictionalabyss
This was just fun.  They both knew it was bad but they both loved it!
Risky by fictionalabyss
Alright look, if you ever post anything like this again, i want to be tagged.  I will make the fucking time for this every goddamn day!  So wrong, i love it
Finally by @there-must-be-a-lock​
super well written.  it felt so real to the characters and it was incredibly hot
A Huntress In The King of Hell’s Court by @crashdevlin​
I love when time travel is incorporated well in a fic, and this is exactly what i'm talking about!
Fan Mail by @waywardnerd67​
I can't not deal with my emotions on this fic.  It is so fluffy and i'm here for all of it 
One Night Changes Everything by @a-winchester-fairytale​
This ride was so hard i couldn't even comment on ever part.  I just had to rush through the whole thing so i could find out what would happen. 
Mated In The Darkness by @mummybear​
There are not enough words in the world to explain why i loved this fic so much!
Caught In The Act by mummybear
It's smut people.  Its dirty and fucking amazing smut!
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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zukkaoru · 3 years
tagged by @chitsangenthusiast and @marriedzukka to for a fic writer interview tag game, ty so much for the tags!! <3
name: grace
fandoms: mainly atla and tlok at the moment, but i have fics for several other fandoms on my ao3 (no promises i will ever write for any of them again, but it could happen)
two-shots?: uhh i think my only two-shot i've posted is sticky notes which is a tales of arcadia fic i wrote back in 2018. i have a couple ideas for prequels/sequels/side-fics(???) for other oneshots that i suppose could just be a second chapter but i guess i don't really write two-shots
most popular multi-chapter: my pride and joy, the longest fic i've finished to date, this ultraviolet morning light
actual worst part of writing: when you have an idea for a fic except this "idea" is just vibes. those are the times when i wish i was better at art bc i'll be like "okay i want to write a fic with yue and sokka friendship with ace yue and trans sokka!" and then my brain will stop there and not provide a plot so i'm just. stuck with the vibes. and i can't do anything with vibes. (no of course that's not a real example of a fic i've tried to start three different times now what are you talking about)
how you choose your titles: song lyrics. nine times out of ten, it's a song lyric. the other one time, it's usually a pun
do you outline: not as much as i should ksjdgjfjh i have started outlining more for longer fics but for oneshots, i usually just. go for it and see what happens
ideas i probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice?: oh there are so many. i mean, the ask game i just did last night had several i answered with something like "idk if i'll ever actually write this BUT..." one i didn't mention though is a very long fic i came up with based very loosely on the song snow by ricky montgomery that's a war-never-happened au/zukka enemies to lovers fic/sokka character study/moon spirit!yue, ocean spirit!katara, and sun spirit!azula au/[redacted] sokka au/no avatar au and it is...... quite a lot. i could definitely see it being upwards of 200k words which is why i'm not sure i'll ever get around to actually writing it. but if i did... it would be sick, just trust me on that. the amv that plays in my head whenever i hear the song that inspired it is really cool
spicy tangential opinion: more people should write fics for the ace yue & sokka has tourette's tags on ao3. they deserve to be common tags and i want my legacy in the atla fandom to be helping make that happen. (also we need more fics in the aro bumi ii, bi izumi, pan jinora, hard of hearing ikki, jet has adhd, ty lee has adhd, and aro june tags. but one thing at a time i suppose)
best writing traits: uhhh i don't know?? sometimes i just write certain sections (whether dialogue or internal monologue) that just make me go DANG THAT WAS GOOD!! so just. whenever that happens. also the fact that i will continuously write fics based on headcanons no one else shares with me bc i believe in them very firmly even if no one else does <3
tagging: @that-was-anticlimactic @zukosadragon-ace @hi-raethia @sheimagineddragons @capt-snoozles and anyone else who wants to! (as always, don't feel any pressure to do it if you don't want to and apologies if you've already been tagged)
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isozyme · 4 years
Do you have any fic recs for The Untamed? :)
boy howdy, i sure mcfuckin do! here you go! this list is organized by my own internal heuristic, aka: not. we have a little bit of everything here; long, short, gen, smut, finished, wips, soft, angsty, cql canon, mdsz canon, crackfic, canon ships, you name it, it’s in this list and not labeled very well!
a lot of edges called perhaps - hansbekhart, LWJ/WWX if you read zero other things, please read hansbekhart. if you haven’t read hansbekhart, go read hansbekhart immediately. theirs was the first fic i read in the fandom, and i will continue to stuff their words into my eyeballs as long as they keep producing them!!! this one is tagged “risk aware consensual patience” and it is 20k of emotional edging that is simultaneously soft and funny and very good. also read their fashion designer!lwj/model!wwx au. do it. it’s a wip and it doesn’t matter read it anyway (it updates weekly).
out of the bin and into your heart - alaceron, LWJ/WWX modern au! fake dating! everyone hangs out at the chinese cultural center! except wwx is banned from all events because of that time he punched jzx during an orchestra concert!
the yunmeng accords - cafecliche, JWY & WWX it’s a series, just read all of it! the good brother reconciliation content that we NEED AND DESERVE
this river runs to you - sundiscus, LWJ/WWX a modern cultivation au; labeled “the dragon one” in our groupchat; feels like reading a studio ghibli movie
four days in lanling - halotolerant, JWY/NHS converted me wholeheartedly to this ship, dang, what a good fic!!! really deft characterization and unreliable narration
with absolute splendor - lise, LWJ/WWX, JWY & WWX jiang cheng is going to MAKE SURE that wwx has a PROPER WEDDING, how dare he think about having a small ceremony in gusu, no jc does not care about things like “complicated history” and “you hate my fiance” suck it up you’re getting married the right way so help me god!
until only the mountain remains - idleorbitals, LWJ/WWX (wip) a big what if about sizhui growing up in the burial mounds with the wens. it got me by the heart!!!
before you stumble - ribena, JWY & WWX jin ling thinks that maybe his uncle should like, be better at this brothers thing. probably everything can be solved by fighting a monster!
i hope that you will come and meet me - feyburner, LWJ/WWX it’s just really SOFT and GOOD and LOVING!!!! lives in my head as “the one where there’s a lotus pond and a really good hug”
hunters seeking solid ground - atilla, LWJ/WWX wwx has nightmares and can’t sleep, hurt/comfort ensues in spades. it’s excellent, the cuddling is out of this world
human places - ilgaksu, JGY/NMJ/LXC (wip) crimson peak au!!!!! crimson peak au!!!!!!!!! brilliant, inspired, i’m never going to recover from reading this. if you’re anti-wip, try their series where lxc is a lord of the fae and jgy is a half-mortal with Big Plans
gentle exile - rynleaf, LXC/SZC lxc and song lan have issues to work out! lots of them in fact! what if they did it...together...and wrote each other letters....wow....
an elegant solution - giraffeter, NMJ/LWJ/WWX (wip) arranged marriage! nmj getting the hots for how much lwj and wwx want to fuck! just go with it, okay? if you don’t do wips, try giraffeter’s finished detective!lwj/kidnapped!wwx modern au, which is also worth a read
grief negotiations - nomette, JGY/LXC post-canon seclusion time: lxc is sad and what is this mysterious music left behind by jgy hm hm sure would be a shame if he were to play it to see what it does... there’s a sequel in the works and it’s so so so good
year of night call - ailuridae, LWJ/WWX the one where they’re all trauma surgeons and there’s only one bed in the on-call room! the juniors have a group text!
attempting the impossible - ariaste, LWJ/WWX, JWY & WWX post canon: wwx and lwj have...seven kids. somehow! jiang cheng learns this, is furious, and goes on a campaign to be the best uncle OR ELSE
half cloak & half dagger - fahye, JGY/LXC canon-divergent au where things are significantly less tragic, and jgy’s main problem is how is he going to get lxc to stop being such a kind, considerate lover and COMPREHENSIVELY RAIL HIM???? technically a sequel, stands alone just fine
a compromising position - verity, JWY/LJY WE ALL KNOW IT, OKAY, WE ALL KNOW THE JIANG CHENG/JINGYI FIC, i’m sorry, i had to put it. i’ll go now.
the one with the emotional support biceps - mongrelmind, JWY/LJY PSYCHE, i’m not gone yet, if you’ve read the verity fic, why don’t you read the version where jiang cheng is a sexy firefighter and jingyi has lit his dorm’s kitchen on fire five times this month?
go forth, enjoy!
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owlswing · 4 years
Okay, so I was tagged by
! Thanks for tagging me!
Answer these questions and tag your rotbtd friends! And please don’t reblog this, put your answer in a new post 😊✨
My blogging name is Owlswing, but I also go by Owl :)
How did you get into rotbtd?
Oh, gosh... I was about 15...? Anyways, I liked all of the movies individually, and I ended up stumbling across some fanart of all four of them together, and then I saw tags like “the big four”, and the rest is kinda history. I got in deep on a dying fandom and never left...
What made you stay/come back?
Hahaha! See, fandom was dying/dead when I came around, so I never left. I just started a really long Hogwarts AU that is still not finished... (also after checking the timeline for the last question, I realized that said Hogwarts AU is almost 5 YEARS OLD! Maybe I should do something special for the anniversary???)
Out of the four movies, which one is your favorite?
I mean, I absolutely love them all, probably wouldn’t be in the fandom if I didn’t, but... I have to go with Httyd. Hiccup is just a really relatable character for me, and I just love the exhilarating feeling I get every single time I watch Test Drive. It’s just so beautiful.
Dreamworks Dragons or Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure?
You know, I think I need to go with Tangled Adventure on this one. While I love the Dragons series, I feel like Tangled did a really good job of staying true to the original characters while also adding more at the same time for more dynamic plots and such. I think it was just really well done, and there are no plotholes/awkward overlaps like there are sometimes in httyd (that could be because there are less movies so not as many toes to step on) but still, I think Tangled Adventures was really, really well done and I must give credit where credit is due! :)
Which one do you prefer to be made a sequel of, Brave or Rise of the Guardians?
It’s hard because I really want BOTH... I think I would prefer a remake of Brave with the original director, Brenda Chapman, because I feel like it would’ve been so much better if she hadn’t been taken off a project that was inspired by her own relationship with her daughter. Yeah. I’m still mad about that Disney.
But for overall sequel I would probably go with Rise of the Guardians. Brave seems like more of a stand-alone plot to me, so trying to shoe-horn in something else has high chances of being not so great *coughfrozen2cough*. Where as rotg has many characters with different legends and stories to be told, a whole book series to draw from, it’s a whole world that we’ve only explored one small part of, and I would’ve liked to see well-adjusted team dynamics/family-team antics of the guardians! :)
Ah, see I’m really NOT against any of the ships, I’m just not big on shipping in general. There are very few ships that I’m actually, ya know, Into. So I’m definitely more of a Brotp kinda gal. I love me some good, healthy, and strong friendships! Found Family? That’s my ish! Love that!
Favorite character(s)?
Hiccup. But there’s a special place for each of them. I’ve seen myself in each of them and nothing can really replace that feeling.
Favorite AU(s)?
Okay, I gotta say Hogwarts AU cause I’m chin-deep in that right now. Soon to be drowning. Simultaneously the best and worst decision of my life. Haha! Just kidding! Anyways, I like this AU because I’m really big on fantasy, and it just makes sense; why four people from completely different walks of life ended up in the same place at the same time? I think it’s pretty cool and it’s such a big world to explore!
Besides that... I would say a War AU could be cool, like medieval fantasy or futuristic sci-fi. Pirate AUs and Circus AUs will also always catch my attention.
Pick one! favorite B4 house placement in Hogwarts AU? | favorite B4 nation/bending headcanons in ATLA AU?
Okay, so for Hogwarts Houses I definitely have preferred Houses, but the whole system is so generalizing to begin with I really believe that any of the four could be in pretty much any house if you really want, but here are my preferences:
Hiccup - Ravenclaw
Rapunzel - Hufflepuff
Merida - Gryffindor
Jack - Slytherin
As for bending headcannons, I really haven’t put a lot of thought into it, but that question is very intriguing... I’d probably do something like...
Hiccup - Air, because the peaceful Nomad lifestyle and the desire to fly and explore and be free is just very fitting. Also he could befriend Toothless instead of a Bison, confusing everyone because they thought Dragons were dangerous!
Rapunzel - Earth, because for one thing I love breaking norms in this way! I love the idea of Rapunzel being the dainty, pretty princess but then she busts out some of the most badass Earth Bending moves, invents metal bending to escape Gothel, is just very kind but if you piss her off she’ll totally wreck you. I think this would be A LOT of fun. Also, I think it would be fitting with the whole “flower” thing. I also think it could be an interesting character arc where she’s not very good because her personality doesn’t exactly fit the “traditional earth bender attitude” and being raised by Gothel (”You? A bender! Oh, honestly Rapunzel, don’t make me laugh!”) could leave a lot of insecurities that she would have to grow and work through. I think it could be really beautiful.
Merida - Fire, on the flip side this one is kinda typical I imagine, but I would say (also on the flip side) make her afraid of it. Make it the one thing that Merida isn’t, well, Brave about. She doesn’t like fire bending. It could potentially make her a disgrace to her royal/noble family. It also would explain why she’s so good with a bow and sword: she chooses weapons over bending. Unlike Rapunzel who wants to learn but is hindered and must overcome, Merida would be against learning and would eventually have to learn that it is a part of her and learn how to accept it (after possibly visiting the dragons with Hiccup or whoever the avatar would be cause who the heck knows? could be interesting if none of the Four are the Avatar. Make a fifth character the Avatar and the Four could just be the teachers...)
Jack - Water, obvious, I know, but giving Jack ice powers AND another element makes him WAY to OP. I would say Jack is actually not a natural at water bending. He’s always accidentally freezing everything! (not unlike Katara). He has to work hard and earn his title as a master, eventually becoming the best because he trained harder than any of the others and surpassed the other water benders that used to torment him back in his home village! I also think Blood Bending could be an interesting plot device here (maybe Jack is tempted to use the technique because he’s worked so hard and still isn’t good enough? Or just in general Jack’s inner battle between the darkness and his fun-loving personality...)
......Dang it. I think I just started plotting something. o_o
Pick one! since this is 2020, any hot takes you want to give us? | what old fanon tropes that you still enjoyed to this day?
I will always love brotp between Jack and Hiccup! Absolute favorite. I also love the idea of the four having sleepovers and telling each other everything and overall being supportive and loving towards each other. All the positivity and fluff!
Any fic recs? Or if you couldn’t think of any, what was the last rotbtd fanfiction that you read? (It could be an old work or a recent one, do share!)
Uh... I honestly haven’t been reading many as I barely have time to write, but I did hear of one that I think is pretty good! It’s a pokemon AU by Acecove! I’ll link it below...
Whew! That was a lot! Anyways, I’ll tag @emixa26 and @adaminaart!
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sylphidine · 5 years
Author meme!
Tagged by @mira-eyeteeth
[thank you, dear one!]
Author Name: Sylphidine on Tumblr, Sylphidine_Gallimaufry on AO3, was Norda Maranda Coy on LiveJournal for assorted essays and non-fandom fiction
Fandoms You Write For: Rise of the Guardians / Guardians of Childhood; its subfandom Nightmare Dork University; crossovers into Doctor Who Classic Era
Where You Post: Most of my work starts out on Tumblr and gets cross-posted to AO3 after either enough of it gets written, or if I need to motivate myself to finish by having it sitting there staring at me.  My AO3 stuff can be found here... 
I never posted on FanFiction.net, and I left LiveJournal in 2011.
Most Popular One-Shot: I had to actually go into my AO3 statistics to figure this one out, and I was quite surprised to discover that the winner is A Temptation Averted.  Just goes to show that two of my favourite topics, books and BlackIce, are favourites of my readers as well.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: That would be A Citizen Of The Universe And A Gentleman To Boot, which coincidentally is the only one that *STARTED* on AO3, because it predates my Tumblr account. It’s a sequel to one of the very first RotG fanfics I ever read.
Favorite Story You Wrote: If I answer this question with only completed stories, the I have to pick P.I.T.C.H. 2095 for RotG fanfic, and Your First Memory Of All for NDU.  Note that I don’t think they’re my BEST, just are my favourites of the completed ones.  I think I’m doing better writing on ones still in progress.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: DEFINITELY As The Silver Planets Run, because [a] it was a giftfic and [b] it’s explicit.  I am sooooooooooooooooooo not a prude in offline life, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I read my fair share of smut.  But dang, was I ever nervous tackling it in my writing!
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Sometimes song lyrics, sometimes pop culture quotes, sometimes puns, sometimes just using prompts provided.  I have changed titles after posting sometimes; one case would be Somnos Scherzo, which started out on Tumblr as “The Somnos Gavotte”.
Do You Outline: No, and I probably really should, since I tell those for whom I do the [very occasional now] freelance editing that THEY should.  But I *do* keep copious notes files, either with URLs for research, scenes that will get slotted in later, or random thoughts that wake me up in the middle of the night.
Complete: 19 short pieces, mostly for Nightmare Dork University.
In-Progress: 8 WIPs, three or maybe four of which are going to be behemoths... at least for me. Anything longer than ten chapters, since I am a terribly slow writer, is a behemoth.  You may laugh now, dear readers.
Coming Soon: A whole bunch of ficlets I promised to my followers LAST YEAR.  [the shame!] Continuing work on Citizen and on This Sort Of Thing, hoping to get back to Sweater Weather and to Fleecy Shining Gleaming Streaming.
Do You Accept Prompts: I most certainly do.  My inbox is always open!
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Champing at the bit to work on my RotG/DW crossover And Fear As My Companion.
Tagging: @ksclaw, @plush-anon, @tejoxys, @bowlingforgerbils, and @drsquee, if and only if you want to post.
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demonfox38 · 6 years
Completed: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Nothing like finishing a game fourteen years after you started playing it.
Question: do you people have siblings? I do. A great deal of my childhood was spent beating the snot out of video games alongside my sister. Usually, we would tag-team games, filling in where the other one struggled. Like, I handled enemy management and navigation, and my sister was all about resource management and stealth. Together, we knocked out several Nintendo titles—most notably, “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”, “Tales of Symphonia”, and “Paper Mario.”
Time passed. We grew up. Childish things were never quite put aside, but between our work schedules, family demands, and the distance we live apart, it has become next to impossible to play together anymore. Some games fell to the wayside. Unfortunately, “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door” was one such victim to time.
But, I’m not one for leaving things unfinished.
“Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door” is the second of the “Paper Mario” RPG series, a by-product of Nintendo’s relationship with Square going south post SNES days. Wildly popular—and by that, I mean the most competent of the whopping five RPGs the Nintendo 64 had—it was no surprise that “Paper Mario” got a sequel. While this game retains its predecessor’s action-style commands and screwball comedy, its deviations make this game surprisingly dark. Like, kids should be used to being traumatized by Nintendo games in the same way Disney films do, but it’s still worth mentioning.
In this particular game, Mario is given a map by Princess Peach, advising him on how to collect the seven magical stars of whatever cowplop power to open Rogueport’s Thousand Year Door. What’s lurking behind said door? Good question, and it’s one friend and foe alike are racing to find out! So, you do the Mario thing of visiting different locations, collecting new friends, engaging in wonky quests, and beating the snot out of bosses. And then maybe talking to Luigi, every once in a while. Because, hey. He deserves attention, too.
The defining detail of this game’s structure is how hard it leans into its base concepts. “The Thousand Year Door” looked at its characters, went “Hey! You’re made of paper!” and then proceeded to fold Mario into paper airplanes, tubes, and boats for navigation puzzles. It also embraced its rogue nature by quickly delving into bizarre and quirky set-ups, from entering Mario into the WWE, running errands for crime bosses, and getting stuck on a pirate’s island to launching his plumber butt to the moon and back.
Also, there’s a HAL-esque computer that has the hots for Princess Peach. Like, watches her take a shower and falls in love with her, risking its own existence to aid her. Like, dang, Nintendo. What’s the rating on this game, again?
Like its predecessor, Mario’s success depends on the allies he makes along the way, as well as their abilities. His friends come in the form of both classic and new enemy types, from Goombas and Koopas to shadow sirens and wind spirits and HOLY COW AN ACTUAL YOSHI. This is 100% 2004 me tuning in to tell you that that was the most exciting addition to the cast, especially after the let-down of Sushi’s segment in “Paper Mario” (where you went to an island full of Yoshis and got stuck with a Cheep Cheep instead.) I won’t even say that this Yoshi is the best character in the party, but darned if that wasn’t what was needed in the cast!
Attunements to the battle system in game have gone to great lengths to encourage better player performance. Most notable is the audience system. Depending on how the player is doing, the audience can help regenerate star power at a faster rate, toss helpful items, wing Mario in the head with trash, or generally cause chaos. Mario can win their affection not only by landing action commands, but also doing so with style. Hey—the short man’s never going to get Smokin’ Sick Style, but it doesn’t hurt for him to try!
Along with new abilities, Mario’s party members now also have their own HP and defense levels. It’s important to know who can damage what, as well as how much punishment they can take. This results in much more rotation than I remember doing in “Paper Mario.” Like, that game? I think I pretty much just settled on Parakarry and called it good. This one? You’ll want to treat it more like “Final Fantasy X” and tag friends in based on what they can do for certain enemy subtypes. Towards the end of the game, I gravitated on having Bobbery or Vivian out for general crowd control, but that’s not to say everyone doesn’t have their place. At the very least, your Yoshi will be needed for slaughtering anything with a high defense, and if you’re going for a complete run, you’ll need to have Goombella out for tattling. And Ms. Mowz can steal stuff! That’s neat—when you can get the opportunity for it, anyway.
Also—the Peach segments are way better than last game. At least the stealth is manageable and limited. That’s best, for a clod like me. The Bowser side missions are a neat addition, even if they don’t amount to much.
Most of this game’s difficulty comes from two primary points: mastering the ins and outs of the battle system and trying not to succumb to carpal tunnel syndrome. This game is not easy on hands or controllers. While some of the prompts are as simple as holding or releasing buttons/sticks at the right time, some moves do require spamming button presses on the controller. If you’re looking to save your hands and controller, you may want to take it easy on using Yoshi or Ms. Mowz, as their default attacks require some unique mashing and twitching.
While the overall level design is strong in this game, I can’t help but feel that some of these chapters were willed into existence on a cursed monkey’s paw. Sick of that navigation nonsense and just wanna fight? Chapter Three: fight until we say you’re done! Need more people to help you out? Chapter Two: army of lemmings. Want to take the easy way to the next star? Hope you enjoy sitting for three days on a train in Chapter Six. Want to get out and double check every last thing? Chapter Seven: we’ll make you do it, even if you’ve already done it! There’s at least one level that will be custom generated to heckle you, I guarantee it. But, heck. Even I had a laugh about the ending to Chapter Four. Once I was done cleaning clocks, anyway.
And yes—I did like it very much with the game turned into a “Castlevania” set piece. Complete with beautiful nightmare fuel as a final boss! Very satisfying. Thanks for asking!
The visual and narrative darkness to “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door” is engaging. At the most literal level, there are castles and ruins shrouded in shadows, along with people that seem to be straight out of “The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” in terms of design. Heck, one level is monochrome, save for the sky box. From a story standpoint, the game is sharp about axing people off. Granted, most destruction is about as permanent as a comic book death, but many characters in the plot are motivated by the loss of their loved ones. Heck, there are even minor characters that are dead, but still hanging around! It’s not quite the same sock that “Super Paper Mario” throws with the Sammer Kingdom and the Underwhere, but its presence is a solid layer draped over the entire plot.
If there’s one bummer about this game, it’s how the English translation handled the situation with Vivian’s gender. Like, I knew back in 2004 that she was originally considered male in the Japanese text, but I didn’t know if she was an actual dude or using the masculine term boku as a pronoun. Turns out, she’s mocked for being AMAB and identifying as female in the original script, only to earn recognition of her gender later on. Like, I know that would have been a hard sell in 2004, but in today’s environment, it would have been nice to have a story about a trans lady fighting to have her identity embraced by her antagonistic sisters.
Like…we knew about Birdo. I think we could have handled Vivian’s curveball. Kids tend to be more understanding and flexible than marketing departments and squawking news anchors.
…how does one sex a shadow, anyway? Like, if it were the shadow of a nude person, I’d guess you could do that then, but…
Anyway! I’m glad I came back to “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door” after all this time. It would have been nice to play it through with my sister, but I guess screenshots on cellphones was as close as we were going to get. Well, that, and Twitch streaming. (Gotta have an audience while you’re attending to an audience?) I don’t have the same nostalgia pull for this game that I do for the original “Paper Mario,” but it is the superior of the two. If you’re in the mood for a Nintendo RPG but don’t want to go quite full Giygas with your dark content, this might be the game for you! Or go take 10mg of melatonin and stare at YouTube Poops of Mario Hotel for half an hour. That might be enough to give you nightmares, too.  
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whatisthisnonsense · 6 years
Lea Liveblogs Off And The Hugginsverse Fangames; The Prequel To Shenanigans
Okay kids, before we set off to our fieldtrip to fucksville, it’s time for EXPOSITON in the form of me not shutting up for several paragraphs while I tell you why this is a good game, the fangames are good games, an all ya’ll punk asses need to listen to Mama Lea and play these dang games. Off itself was created in 2008 by a cool Belgian dude, one @mortisghost. Originally in French, we’ll be playing the 3.0 English translation as I hear that’s the most accurate (though sadly, removed all the swearing). Off was one of the first Earthbound-like indie games that used surrealism and horror to deconstruct the concept of well, Earthbound-like RPGS! It also created the proto-Sans Undertale in the form of the Zacharie fandom but we’ll get there when we get there While it never truly became popular like it’s thematic descendant Undertale, Off has a rather quirky cult following (myself included), many of which happened to be surprisingly good indie developers themselves! While there are a plethora of fangames, we’ll be focusing on the ones made by @theclaudehuggins, aka The Hugginsverse. Claude Huggins has made multiple OFF fansequels, fan-interquels, and fan prequel-sequel-god-what-the-actual-fuck-is-evens, as well as a couple of mods for Minecraft and Don’t Stave. There’s even a new one in the works which I will ABSOLUTELY be liveblogging when it comes out! The basic gist of a Hugginsverse game goes a little something like this; Temporal Shenanigans, Body Horror, Someone Playing With Powers That Perhaps They Should Not Have Been Given, and Well I Guess Zacharie’s Dead.  For the Liveblogging, we will be playing, in order; Off, CLUELESS, Fastforward, and UNKNOWN. We will not be playing 365 because it’s sad and the last link I saw for Decode was a demo, and I’m not yet ready to include it. Now, as a fair warning; Off and it’s fangames, Huggins and otherwise, do include (as mentioned) body horror, along with some other severely unpleasant phenomenon such as suicide and cannibalism. This is a horror game series after all. I will be tagging as needed per post with tw: (Whatever), but if the whole thing puts you off it’d probably be best to blacklist the tag Jubiel Raham, my personal pupetteer who’s tag will be on every post from game start on. Now, without futher ado, let’s get this shitshow on the road!
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