#dancinghearts: Lumine
smol-sirens-garden · 9 months
Continued From {X} I @dancinghearts
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He was on a walk when he felt the other cuddle up to him. He was a little shocked, thinking he had bumped into someone and working to steady his balance. Looking down at the other he shock his head. His surprise turned to amusement, especially once the question had been asked.
"Oh and here I thought you enjoyed my company. I am hurt."
He feigned disappointment before an arm wrapped around her, continuing on his walk with her in tow.
"Well I suppose I can't say no now can I. I can just think of a way for you to make it up to me later."
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crownshattered-arch · 2 years
Continued from here with @dancinghearts~
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"They would feel like you're human," the Yaksha replied sternly. He wasn't good at comforting people. Even when the other Yakshas were around, he was without a doubt the most disconnected from his emotions. He wasn't empathetic. But he could try to be, and Lumine was making him want to learn. He was learning, and this conversation was proof of that fact.
"I don't need you as my comfort. I have survived for thousands of years on my own, and centuries with my karmic debt. I am still alive, I am still functioning, and I can continue to be functioning on my own. I want you here as my comfort, but I do not rely on you. You ease my pain, and it is only fair for me to ease yours. There isn't balance in you taking care of me without letting me do the same for you."
The Yaksha glanced down at his gloved hand, curling his fingers inward slowly. "I have spent most of my life focusing on my duty only without caring about my own feelings and personal struggle... And it has nearly been my end on multiple occasions. You've taught me to start taking care of myself... I don't want you to make the same mistakes I have always made."
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@dancinghearts​​ inquired: ❛ It’s just – It’s a panic attack. I’ve had them before… Just – just give me a second. ❜ XiaoLumi
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Comforting Prompts—No Longer Accepting
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What was this human reaction called a “panic attack”..?? Xiao didn’t understand what was happening, and that was forcing him to panic. Lumine hadn’t called his name this time, but he had seen her in passing and decided to approach her. But the closer he got, the more he realized just what state she was in. He rushed to her aid only to have her say that she was fine when she clearly wasn’t. Xiao didn’t understand. What was happening to her..?? The only times he had ever seen anyone act in such a way was when…
…When they were faced with the madness of corruption. But surely this wasn’t his doing, right.?? Lumine had assured him before that his debt couldn’t corrupt her. She wasn’t human, after all. Then why was this happening..?? What was wrong with his beloved.?? Though he knew this had nothing to do with him, he still feared being responsible. He wanted to draw away in case his presence and the darkness associated with it was poisoning her. But by contrast, being closer may help her… 
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He made a decision and carefully ran his gloved fingers through her hair. He didn’t speak—he didn’t know what to say. So instead, he simply tried to soothe her with his gentle touch.
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constellaris-a · 2 years
     @dancinghearts​ :   Cue Venti handing her some fat, juicy apples. Trust him to find the best one's even Paimon can't get to.
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        “ Ah  -  Venti ! ”
   While he’d caught her off guard at first,  it was a relief to have him show up when he did.  Taking the fruit with zero hesitation she was all too eager to start munching away on one,  releasing a soft sigh of relief after swallowing the first mouthful.
   “ Mm ...  ~  These are the best ~ ”
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hpscaling · 1 year
Lumine has brought Neuvillette a present! It's a bottle of water, but not just any water. She got it from a mountain spring in Liyue, wanting to just make the hydro dragon and his water tasting habits happy.
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He gazed at the bottle for a moment. He honestly hadn’t expected this from Lumine, considering her reaction to his speech about the different qualities of water from different places.
Still, she gets a smile from him.
“Thank you, Traveler. I’ll be sure to enjoy it.”
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ever-winter · 2 years
@dancinghearts asked: 
She had that feeling for a while now, that someone was staring at her. And there was only one person who she knew would linger in the shadows this long, and so she decided to piss him off. Combining all her elemental powers, she created a colorful little tornado dancing on her palm. Lumine wasn't as high up as a harbinger as Dottore was, but that didn't mean she couldn't piss him off.
Unprompted - Always welcomed
The results had come back as expected, which was both reassuring but also rather boring - his subjects had now been terminated, and his mood was already rather sour - so coming across the newest of the Harbingers and witnessing the strange power that she held...it didn’t help to improve that mood much. He’d walked these lands for a long time now, and had come to know almost everything that Teyvat had to offer, at least it could feel that way at times. His experiments helped to back up the many theories to have grown over the years - but when it came to Lumine, it was almost as though he was suddenly that lost child of his past.  He did not enjoy the thought of having something so close that was proving to remain as a mystery - and unlike when it came to the Balladeer, he couldn’t exactally just rip her apart to work out how she functioned. Between Lumine and Childe, that itch would always be present. With a small sigh, he took a few seconds to calm his expression, before walking out from the spot he’d been pondering within, ruby eyes glancing down at the girl’s hand.  “A new little trick I see? You seem to enjoy putting on a show for me, Lumine”. Well, she was no doubt doing this to taunt him, and though it was frustrating, he couldn’t allow for her to affect him too much - though it would perhaps be best if their pathways didn’t cross too often, for that itch may become difficult to ignore one of these days. 
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marykaxmuses · 2 years
@dancinghearts​ : Cue Lumine biting his shoulder
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“OW! What the hell Lumine?! Don’t bite your own twin!”
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reallyrandomtj · 2 years
@dancinghearts​ asked:
Lumine is just leaning against Itto with a smirk.
"You're looking very horn-y today~"
The joke/pun earned a very hearty laugh
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“That’s very ‘punny’ of you to say AHAHAHA What if I am horn-y... what would you say to that?”
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asimplemulti · 2 years
@dancinghearts​ from here
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“Is it so strange for me to be so happy to see you after all this time?” Lumine laughed softly and burrowed her face in the wind swept hair of the god in her arms. 
“I’ve missed you, and i’ve missed Mond. Everywhere else is tiring. Only here can i relax.” 
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Continued From {X} I @dancinghearts​
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“Master Diluc only cares if I’m drinking too much or causing a disturbance. Though I wouldn’t argue with going somewhere a little more private. I can probably think of a few places better than my office though.”
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smol-sirens-garden · 8 months
Continued From {X} I @dancinghearts
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He gave an amused chuckle, though had to admit she had a good point to it. He had a few of his own to consider as well though.
"I see, well you aren't fully wrong. The difference I suppose is the meaning behind it and the atmosphere. You'll find that a date with someone special feels a little different than say going to lunch with a friend."
He wrapped a small arm over her shoulder.
"It can be difficult to explain but you'll understand eventually."
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@dancinghearts inquired: ⑁ Lumi is going to sit on the fancy Xiao chair dksjhfks
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⁕| Sit On My Muse's Lap |⁕
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If he was at all surprised by the fact that he was suddenly being used as a chair, he didn't show it. This was hardly the first time something like this happened with the blonde traveler. Sometimes it seemed like Xiao's lap was her favorite place to sit...
So instead of complaining or even simply questioning her actions, the Yaksha simply wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to his chest. He has accepted his fate.
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@dancinghearts​​​​ inquired: It had become easy to hide all the fear when he had to leave, Lumine as usual seeing Childe off with a smile and a promise to kick his ass once he came back. He loved her because she was strong, an unbreakable warrior, so she hid how she really felt. It was easy to hide tears when no one was around to see them, making sure he had left before going about her usual routine.Wrapping his pillow in one of his shirts, she curled up in bed while clinging to the pillow for dear life. How many hours had she cried this time? Begged this world to not take another person from her, while sobbing in pure desperation. It was easy to hide the fear when no one was around to see it. Until now.Poor thing had cried herself to sleep, still desperately clinging onto the pillow when her lover came back. It would almost be a cute sight, if it weren't for the heavy tear-stains on her cheeks. She was a strong warrior, but not as unbreakable as she pretended to be.
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Unprompted—Always Accepting!!
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He wasn’t gone for long at all. Often times, Tartaglia was gone for days, weeks, or perhaps even longer if that was needed to complete his work. This time, he was only gone for less than a day. Leaving in the morning, returning late at night, a detail he thought he told Lumine but couldn’t quite remember for certain. He was simply helping out with some ‘debt collection’. Nevertheless, he was now home after stopping at a river to clean himself from any blood that may have splatted onto his person while doing his work.
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Tartaglia was silent as he entered the bedroom, not wishing to disturb her if she was sleeping--and she was. The first thing he noticed was how his shirt was wrapped around his pillow, an odd sight but he supposed she simply wanted his scent. That would certainly work. He silently stepped closer to the bed, but the closer he got, the more he could see her tear-stained cheeks. “Lumine...” he breathed out with a sigh in a quiet voice, a mere whisper. He didn’t wish to wake her, after all.
He slowly sat down on the bed and laid beside her. He had never seen her cry like this before... His heart ached for her. Just why was she crying so much.?? Was it because he was gone?? Tartaglia slowly reached out and gently brushed some of her hair away from her face, not wishing to disturb her but simply wanting to see her better. Lumine was strong, this he knew, but even the strongest people can have a hurt heart. Maybe his was just too darkened by the Abyss... He placed a soft kiss to her head. When she woke up the next morning, at least he’ll be here with her. 
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constellaris-a · 2 years
post made:  January 15th 2023 last updated:  January 27th 2023
 mains and exclusives for all of my muses can be found in this post!  i’ll do my best to update it as needed as time goes on.  this also encompasses all three of my active blogs.  this can include both romantic and platonic.
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Aether    Mains:    Exclusives:
Al - Haitham   Mains:  @celestiafell​  ( Kaveh )   Exclusives:  @celestiafell​  ( Dehya )
Ayaka   Mains:   Exclusives:
Ayato   Mains:   Exclusives:
Azhdaha   Mains:   Exclusives:
Byleth   Mains:   Exclusives:
Candace   Mains:   Exclusives:
Capitano   Mains:  @dawnbrn​  ( Diluc ),  @abyssmalice​  ( Tonia [older] )   Exclusives:
Childe   Mains:   Exclusives:
Cyno   Mains:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )   Exclusives:
Dehya   Mains:  @dancinghearts​  ( Lumine )   Exclusives:
Diluc   Mains:  @lunaetis​  ( Lumine )   Exclusives: @lunaetis  ( Lumine )
Eden   Mains:   Exclusives:
Eula   Mains: @boomermania​  ( Basilius )   Exclusives:
Gentarou   Mains:   Exclusives:
Guizhong   Mains:   Exclusives:
Hifumi   Mains:   Exclusives:
Jean   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kaeya   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kaveh   Mains: @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham ),  @dancinghearts​  ( Nahida )   Exclusives:
Kazuha   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kokomi   Mains:   Exclusives:
Lisa   Mains:   Exclusives:
Lumine   Mains:   Exclusives:
Nemu   Mains:   Exclusives:
Nilou   Mains:  @celestiafell​  ( Kaveh )   Exclusives:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Ningguang   Mains:   Exclusives:
Niwa   Mains:   Exclusives:
Olivia   Mains:   Exclusives:
Pulcinella   Mains:   Exclusives:
Rosaria   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kitsune Saiguu  Mains:  Exclusives:
Kuki Shinobu  Mains:  Exclusives:
Skirk   Mains:   Exclusives:
Thoma   Mains:   Exclusives:
Tomo  ( Kazuha’s friend )   Mains:   Exclusives:
Xiao   Mains:   Exclusives:
Yae Miko   Mains: @dancinghearts​  ( Lumine )   Exclusives:
Yelan   Mains:   Exclusives:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Zhongli   Mains:  @lunaetis​  ( Eula ),  @dawnbrn​  ( Diluc )   Exclusives:  @lunaetis  ( Eula )
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Ambriel   Mains:   Exclusives: @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Botan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Chihiro  Mains:  Exclusives:
Damian  Mains:  Exclusives:
Dante  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ephine  Mains:  Exclusives:
Evali  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ms Hina  Mains:  Exclusives:
Hotaru  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ichika  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ichirou  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ishtar   Mains:   Exclusives:
Jianyu  Mains:  Exclusives:
Junko  Mains:  Exclusives: @tenebriism​  ( Diluc )
Kiriko  Mains:  Exclusives:
Kiyomi  Mains:  Exclusives:
Letitia  ( Custom Lumine )  Mains:  Exclusives:
Lorelei  Mains:  Exclusives:
Luca  ( Custom Aether )  Mains:  Exclusives:
Mikhail  ( HC - based Tsar / Cryo Archon , @snowaliity )  Mains:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )  Exclusives:  @celestiafell​  ( Cyno )
Nethalia  Mains:  Exclusives:
Nirvaan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Orion  Mains:  Exclusives:
Qinghe  Mains:  Exclusives:
Quinn  Mains:  Exclusives:
Rayan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Rehan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Sonata  Mains:  Exclusives:
Takumi  Mains:  Exclusives:
Tatiana  ( HC - based Tsaritsa / Cryo archon )  Mains:  @mmriesoftvat​  ( Childe ) ,  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )  Exclusives: @celestiafell​  ( Cyno ) ,  @cryoexorciist​  ( Chongyun )
Tsubaki  Mains:  Exclusives:
Xue  Mains:  Exclusives:
Yulia  ( @frcsthearted​ )  Mains:  Exclusives:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Yuxin  ( feminine vessel Zhongli )  Mains:  Exclusives:
Zasha  Mains:  Exclusives:
Zyaire  Mains:  Exclusives:
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ever-winter · 2 years
@dancinghearts​ asked:
43. giving them a piggy-back ride ScaraLumi
Feeling another human’s touch.
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“Come any closer and I will kill - “
Of course, his threat fell to deaf ears, Lumine having already pulled him up onto her back - either he held on, or he fell backwards and ended up injuring himself even more, though that was pretty tempting too. With a slight grumble, he wrapped his arms around the traveller’s shoulders, “...so where are you even about to take me anyway?”. Sighing he gazed down at his cracked leg, the entire reason as to why he hadn’t been able to hide when he’d first spotted the girl in the distance. How dumb she was - wishing to help out an enemy like this. 
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marykaxmuses · 2 years
@dancinghearts​ :  Lumine just stares at him and smiles.
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“Lumine. You know it doesn’t work with me anymore, right?”
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