#Muse: Kaeya Alberich
smol-sirens-garden · 9 days
Continued From {X} I @crownshattered
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He had been watching her for a while before he spoke. He didn't want to disturb her too much yet wanted to make sure she wasn't overdoing it. It was stating to get a bit late after all. He smiled, watching her check the mirror and slowly approaching.
"Of course you are. You always have a glow about you. More so now but I am sure it will linger after too."
He helps her up with a small chuckle, helping her to clean up her desk so it was ready for the next time. His goal was always to keep her as relaxed as possible.
"I take it then that it was a quiet day with little kicking."
He smiled, a hand going to her belly and stealing a kiss before he offered his arm to her.
"Want to pick up dinner somewhere on the way home?"
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@diverse-hearts​ Has Asked:  ∗ 1oo﹕   sender  has  just  died ,  receiver  finds  out .  - Diluc / Kaeya I 100 Nonverbal Prompts
Th news could not b true. He didn’t want to believe it. Not until he saw with his own eyes that the other was gone. His heart was already pounding as loud as his footsteps as he ran his way back to the winery. He didn’t even knock just kicked open the door and started shouting for the other. 
He froze as he saw the other on the table. He stared for a bit, slowly approaching. He choked on a sob before reaching out to take his hand. 
“Come on Luc. Get up. This is a joke right?”
He sobbed, trying to shake him and get him to say anything. Get him to move and laugh it off like when they were kids. They stil had so much to do together. So much to fix. Finally he broke, legs giving out but still holding onto Diluc’s hand.
“I am so sorry Luc. For everything. I never hated you. Never doubted you. You are my brother. I can’t let this be real. Please come back. We have to fix this. We have so many things left unsaid.”
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dating Kaeya Alberich isn't always the pretty, glamorous life everyone assumed it would be. he isn't the "no problems" man he pretends to be. he tries to keep his baggage, his hurts, in, but it always came out. some days it looked like you coming home and finding your bedroom a mess. things thrown around, a wine bottle broken and spilled on the ground. but the saddest sight of all being Kaeya curled up into himself in the corner, shaking. when you walk over to him, he looks up at you, tears streaming down his face without stopping. and it breaks you. his eyes have the look of a heartbroken child, with the vunerability of a newborn. when you crouch down to hug him, he immediately goes into your arms, wrapping his own around your waist, pulling you into his lap so he can bury his face in your chest. he's sobbing now, tears staining your shirt, not that you minded. shaky hands reach up to grab onto your back, clenching your shirt as if you'd disappear if he didn't hold tight enough. he continued to cry openly into your chest as you stroked his hair softly, your other arm around his back securely. it wasn't always pretty to be in love with Kaeya Alberich, but you wouldn't have it any other way. he trusted you with his everything, his soul, his life, his past, and you'd be damned to break that trust.
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absolutely smitten
warning: comfort / fluff - reader and character are recently engaged - character perspective (short read) | spoiler: childe’s real name 
includes: albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao 
character x gn reader | anthology 
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a-n :: i added a song to each story! listen to gather the feelings I felt while writing each passage, read them slowly for the best feeeeels - links to the song are next to each characters name)
albedo (about us)
the ring he’s chosen is handcrafted with love. the band a rich and elegant metal that appears to shimmer like water in the afternoon sun, the stone a perfect encapsulation of his feelings for the one he hopes will wear it forever. it’s bonded in the fabric of time, by the blood of the heart that beats for eternity, and the hopeful desires of a man whose lived long but feels like a child at your side 
he’s lost in thought but his eyes linger on the hand that’s moving feverishly across the page. words have finally lost all meaning, questions eluding him are answered, mysteries left unsolved as the universe comes into clarity at the locus of your finger. he blinks, shakes his head, attends to the person whose asked for his attention but as soon as they are gone he returns to watch you and capture in graphite what he sees. 
he had a suspicion you’d say yes but there was always that worry, that tickling fear in the back of his heart that his hypothesis of your love was one sided. so to hear your reply and know you’d have and hold him for the rest of your days, he has found his emotions overflowing; and he can’t stop smiling.
Albedo isn’t one for sharing, so the news would have to come from you, but as soon as it’s uttered and those celebrating with good wishes turn toward him, his cheeks are painted pink, white teeth flash in a smile, but his eyes have drifted to you - there’s no mistaking it, the data is in ... 
Albedo, the Chalk Prince, is absolutely smitten; he’ll never let you go.
childe (steep hills of vicodin tears) 
the ring he’s chosen represents his promise. a promise to be yours forever; to honor, to care, and protect you. if tomorrow he lost it all - his name, his title, his livelihood - this ring placed on your finger would hold him together and make him whole once again. by wearing it you have become his family, and his family will never be lost nor taken 
it flashes in the morning light as you settle on the edge of the riverbed. your working away, minding yourself, but he can’t stop noticing the ring; you move and it rattles his heart until he cannot take it anymore and the colors of the gemstones are lost in tufts of orange. how are kisses able to feel so different - what magic rests in that band around your finger? 
at times he thinks about you. this isn’t anything new, but now it’s images your hand resting in his, of your bare skin pressed against him while a lazy finger draws circles on his chest, and the ring he placed there casts life across the bedroom. he hears the sound of your laugh as you pour out your gleeful reply to the question he never thought he’d ask. he sees your outstretched hand reach for him - just for him. he blinks but his thoughts never drift far from you.
past down from generation to generation, this familial bond has always been a treasure and now he gets to share it forever with the ring of his mother and the love that was always meant for you. what a fool in love ...
Ajax of Snezhnaya is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go.
diluc (feel first life)
the ring he’s chosen matches you so well. it took him months of searching, travels all across the lands to find the perfect stone and the perfect band. it’s imperative that its exactly right for it has to rest, for an eternity, on the finger of the love of his life's - he’s spared no thought, nor expense to find it 
he holds your hand so delicately as if it’ll shatter in his grip. it carries so much of his future that he can’t bear the thought of being it’s downfall. the ring flashes in the light and it makes his stomach flip, it catches on his thumb as he runs his finger across your own, affirming the love he’s known all along. he can’t take his eyes off the symbol circling your finger, the promise to be his. 
at times it draws his attention when he should be focused on something else. you wave goodbye to regular patrons and he sees it resting, perfectly, on your finger. you’re jotting down a note, some fleeting thought that comes and goes, but he notices the way it stays steady, prominent. he kisses you goodbye while you’re sleeping soundly and he can’t stop himself from resting his fingertips on yours for just a few seconds more. 
he remembers the day he met you, the day you shared his feelings, the day you said yes with tears in your eyes and a smile so bright it would put the stars to shame. he remembers every second of his life with you and, now, he has the priviliage of being yours forever until the end of time. he is in love, so in love ...
Diluc Ragnvindr is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
kaeya (the misty veil of may)
the ring he’s chosen is a reflection of his love for you. the star shaped diamonds that encircle a gem of radiant blue have been specially crafted to fit you. the band is cold in his hand but when it rests on your finger it burns so intensely he can feel it in his heart - he’s speechless, for the first time in his life 
you reach for his cheek and he captures your hand so easily. yearning lips press against the fingertips you’ve offered him. he catches sight of the ring you accepted and his mind races; new questions left to answer, decisions to be made by a pair and not just one, promises, vows to swear and keep forever. he adjusts your wrist so he can see the shimmering gems reminding him you are his, and he hides his joyful tears in the cracks of your fingers. 
it makes him insatiable to see you hold a glass, when you to touch your fingers to your lips every time you’re lost in thought, the way you cover your eyes when annoyed by his games. you huff, but the glittering ice on your ring finger tells him that, no matter how far he pushes, you’ve promised to stay. so he relents and wraps his arms around you hoping you can’t read his insecurities through the tightness of his hug. 
he still can’t believe it’s true - he never thought he’d have someone like you - and now his world has grown a little larger. the family he always dreamed of can finally take root in the rings you both wear.
Kaeya Alberich is aboslutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
zhongli (mysterium)
the ring he’s chosen is the most lavish of it’s kind. forgo the price, damn the payment plan, Zhongli has purchased the most extravagant ring he can find. they say a three months salary but he’s paid the price of a mountain to spoil you  - a rock this size could damage the hull of a ship (maybe that’s why you haven’t been invited to the Ocean Pearl in sometime) 
he’s rather proud of the way your head has lifted, at the way you brighten up each time someone gawks at your ring. zhongli doesn’t mind helping hold it in the safety of his hand while you offer thanks to the flurry of congratulations. he wants it known you have been securely taken. even when he’s not around. though he would never bring it up himself, he’s not shy to the surprised exclamations when they appear - a simple bow of his head is enough to hide the smile tugging at his lips and the intensity of his pounding heart. 
when you wrap your arm around his so he can escort you, his eyes flash to the ring, to your face where his desires to kiss you become so strong he may take a detour just to indulge for a moment. when he helps you get ready in the morning, assists with meals, retrieves the book high on the shelf; he simply adores taking your hand. each time he’s allowed, it provides him reassurance that his proposal to have it forever has been secured. 
partnership is a commitment, marriage is a bond. you know who he is, but it’s never held you back, and, now, he desires to take you completely in - this ring is a contract of his devotion and as soon as you accept it ... 
Zhongli, the great Archon Rex Lapis, will be absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go.
xiao (Varoeldur)
the ring he’s chosen is simple, but irreplaceable. its a collection of all the most meaningful parts of him bound together in a circlet that reminds him of you. the box that holds it was shaped from the wood of the tree where you first met, the stuffing keeping it safe are the same flowers you once placed in his hair. the band is a piece of his spear shaped and enchanted with his protection, the bead that rests in the middle is a part of his soul - to be bound with it’s mate in this, incredible lifetime
the path has always been narrow; just enough space for him to walk forward. darting lights destined to be snuffed out until the world returns to the dark familiarity he knows, but now the road is wider, larger, because of the radiant one who called out his name. it’s soft, beckoning glow showed him there was more than this diligent path he swore to follow - bands of color, shades of hue completely new to the lonely yaksha were brought forth because of you. he sees your light even from afar. it beats in his heart, it engulfs his memories, it takes root in his soul and now he has been swallowed up by the comforting calm of your love. 
xiao is always surprised by the quickness of his eyes as they flash to your hand. he’s unsettled by how incredible it feels when you touch him - a caress of his back, a soft, ‘im here’ against his arm, dancing fingers running through his hair. he’s melting into you and the feeling is so overwhelming but each time he notices the ring on your finger, he becomes grounded, solid, whole, once again. 
even though he may not show just how much you mean to him, there is no doubt that if the world were to turn to darkness tomorrow, you would be there to bring back the light. 
Xiao, the Vigilant Yaksha, is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
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baskettt · 2 years
“i’m afraid i’ll hurt you. i’m not…” his eyes only told you that he was lost, searching for the right words to convince you of his unparalleled criminality without terrifying you. whether it was the present, past, or potential future.
“i’m no good for you. being with me will only cause you hardship and anguish,” he breathed, looking into your unbothered gaze.
he begged the archons for you to listen. jeopardizing your safety is the last thing he’d want.
you sigh.
“it’s hard to separate good and evil these days.” you don’t smile, though you’re tempted. you knew he had the best of intentions in telling you, but you didn’t care.
“but it’s even harder to separate me from you,” you grin suddenly, turning towards your lover. his heart skips a beat. he wants to say something, but words die in his throat. archons, you were enchanting. “i mean,” you shrug, “for all i know, you could be a saint, dear.”
you both pause for a moment, then burst into a fit of giggles. his more flabbergasted at the absolute fantasy of your statement; like you don’t know about the horrendous acts he’d committed — the acts he’d commit even now.
“i love you.” his head snaps towards you. “regardless of who you think you are, what you’ve done, and who you’ve hurt…”
— “i will always adore you.”
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CHILDE, WANDERER, DILUC, KAEYA, (or whoever else you think is befitting.)
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berryblooo · 1 year
I think it's very telling that the seemingly "random" characters brought together in Veluriyan Mirage all have a connection to a fallen nation and a secret form.
Idyia is an Oceanid who was exiled from Fontaine after the former Hydro Archon, Amrita, perished when helping save Teyvat from the Calamity. She assumes a human form to not scare people.
From a fallen nation / exile
Alternate form, disguised as human
Kokomi is a descendant from Enkanomiya. Kaeya is a descendant from Khaenri'ah.
Kokomi is theorized to be the Hydro Vishap reincarnated. Kaeya... well, that presents an even more interesting question.
Anyway, HoYoverse chose this cast of characters intentionally, and it makes me very excited to see what they have in store for Kaeya and Kokomi.
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dutybcrne · 8 months
Kaeya and Rethel both have a favorite method to ward off any potential suitors, and it’s dueling.
#hc; kaeya#hc; rethel#//Wanted or unwanted; it’s the same for the most part. They won’t tend to accept any suitor who can’t best them in a duel#//Rethel in particular favored this after many started approaching her father for her hand; & he suggested she consider them for self-gain#//Still; she stubbornly demanded only those worthy enough to best her can have her; no gifts or sweet poems could sway her otherwise#//Other family members begged her to reconsider; but Anfortas agreed w her bc she claimed it was to ensure their line continued Strong#//Only the BEST for the Alberichs. @ the rate she was going tho; she was likely to end up a spinster. Not that she or Anfortas saw any issu#//Kae does this; bc he got spooked to hell and back bc a slew of marriage offers after Crepus’ death#//Bc folks claimed he ‘needed’ support after everything that happened; esp considering Crepus was slandered. That it would ‘BENEFIT’ him to#//Bc Luc wasn’t there to help get them off his back nor to actively secure of Luc’s hold as the Ragnvindr head for himself#//Some people assumed Kae would be it and made their move to take advantage. which Kae DETESTED for many reasons#//The biggest ones being ‘how DARE they assume HE is the new head of the family now that Diluc’s gone’#//And ‘Oh stars; oh fucking he’ll; he does NOT need this; HE of all people does NOT need nor deserve to be married; oh fucking SHIT-‘#//But yeah#//Both trained quite rigorously to ensure their independence; not ONE person has bested them since#//Esp since they both will pull out all the stops to ensure it; even playing dirty when need be#//Kae is more lax abt this tho—there’s a higher chance of him making an exception if he likes the other enough. & they are ‘safe’ enough#//Of the other muses; Xianyun; Beidou; and Dehya DEFINITELY do this to be done with unwanted suitors; Period. Xian; mostly to test ppl#//Idarias used to as well; but that was before the karmic debt made her more inclined to just try & kill anyone she comes across#//Xian & Ei would follow Kae & Rethel; in terms of dealing with suitors/testing if worthy. In Ei’s case; she’s too focused crushing on Miko#//Sb who CAN beat her can change her mind; or at least if they put up a good enough fight; they can shift her attention onto them#//Taru; honestly the fight is a prerequisite just to get his favor/attention at ALL#//Will NOT be willing to get genuinely close with much less accepting/choosing to court ANYONE unless they can manage to hold their own#hc; cloud retainer#hc; beidou#hc; dehya#hc; indarias#hc; ei#hc; tartaglia
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resolutepath · 5 months
About Viktoriya for any fontaine muse / about Bianka for any mondstadt muse ^-^
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[ ABOUT: VIKTORIYA. ] The Lady is performing again? I might just have to ask His Grace for some time off so I can see a concert... or I could say I'm going to see if the Iudex has refrained from overworking himself and call it a treatment...?
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[ ABOUT: BIANKA. ] ... I remember her.
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[ ABOUT: BIANKA. ] Oh that girl? Wasn't she the one that Diluc and the other socialite children used to chase away from the water fountain? I heard she certainly changed and now haunts him in her own way... but who am I to say? It could all be just rumour...
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“refuse to recover” ~@durybcrne (Kaeya for Bennett!)
Meme Here [ X ]
Bennett didn't have to stay in bed because of this injury; besides, he had worse, and he was alive still."Can I leave now? Look, I'm not a kid; I'm an adult now."
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Congratulations on 200 followers!!! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡
Can I request a matchup please?
I’m gemini, ISFP and i can describe myself as a person who have trust issues, so it’s hard for me to open up to people at first. Despite of this i love affections in various expressions. Compliments, hugs, smooches - I really like to show attachment to my family and friends! Even if it seems so clingy tbh.
Sometimes i'm overwhelmed by emotions and i became rude and harsh in communication, for which I later regret. Let's says my mood always changes by unexplained reasons, yeah…
I'm a bit sarcastic and also unconsciously criticize myself by making self-destructive jokes, thanks to my past, but however my small circle of closed friends says that I mostly looks like a chihuahua - just as small, chaotic and bitey in a good way tho. Even if i more on introverted side i'm eccentric and active in some ways. I mean who one day came to work with invoices mustache and beard just because wanted to? Yep, me. A little weird me.
I have specific tastes in everything from eating french fries with ice cream as sauce to non-standard combination of clothes and colors. It maybe sounds oddly but i like strange and absurd memes, dumb puns and black humour, and i quite often use them in conversations.
I adore astrology and mysticism. Some kind of mystery of the world attracts me, gives me ground for reflection, thereby forcing me to spend almost all my free time on it, and I find it really interesting. I also like everything related to maritime culture and mythology. Warm rainy days, autumn season and evening time of day when the sun slowly sets over the horizon. And I also really like such simple little things as cute pebbles that can be found not only on the beach, but also on an ordinary street, key rings and other seemingly unnecessary trinkets.
What about dislikes? Well, at first it’s wasps. Thank God that I didn't have to come into close contact with them. In my opinion, it's better to run from a flock of geese than from a gang of wasps. The second is acute. I can't and don't like too spicy food and dishes. One day I ate very spicy noodles and my lips cried from burning for half an hour. Not a very good feeling, especially when they are cracked...
When I was a little girl, I attended every school circle, but I didn't stay in any of them due to my frequent variability in both character and interests, and it's a little difficult for me to understand which hobby has sunk into my soul more, heh. I knitted, drew, and excelled in sports - everything in a row, but a little. If singing in the bathroom is considered a hobby, then this is one of them that stayed with me throughout my growing up, ha ha. I will give preference to drawing and writing more, perhaps.
I'm sorry, if it came out quite a lot, but I was happy to share! Thank you for your work, I hope you have a lovely day! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
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Kaeya, 。・:*:・゚☆
You and Kaeya unintentionally become entangled with each other.
The Cavalry Captain is an admired figure within the City of Freedom. People who have had the pleasure of either meeting or working with him would describe him as a charismatic and skillful man who could charm anyone. And yet behind the handsome face and flirtatious smile lies much more once when you dig deeper.
Kaeya would have mistaken you for an adventurer when you first met as you dressed so differently--stylishly, if he says so himself--compared to your scholarly counterparts. In the beginning, the eye-patched man barely had the opportunity to speak to you as you were mainly either conducting an experiment, assisting both Albedo and Sucrose in the lab, or busy collecting data in the field.
At first, you've remained cautious of the eye-patched man and maintained a cordial relationship with him like everyone else, that is, until you finally snapped one day. The said man enjoyed stretching your patience as he constantly pokes fun at your shorter stature, which earns him a sarcastic response. At the same time, you attempt to avoid his attempt to use your head as an armrest. From there on, Kaeya decides that you are someone he wishes to banter with more often; He's found another person to annoy, next to Diluc.
Despite all your ribbing, the two of you get along quite well, and the navy-blue-haired male has taken the initiative to become your close associate. He is mindful and learns of your tendency to be moody, leading you to become agitated. He exercises patience and tries to cheer you up in various ways: From treating you to some Sticky Honey Roast, to telling an outlandish story that leaves you doubting the credibility of it all, or inviting you to go for a walk along Cider Lake when twilight approaches. At some point, you had suspected that he had left the Windwheel Asters on your workbench after a hectic work week.
It's sooner rather than later that Kaeya becomes a kindred soul and dubs you a 'Genius' when he gets to taste the mix of alcohol you had been concocting. The two of you also tend to frequent the various taverns with either Rosaria or Venti within the city walls. Despite his relatively high tolerance for alcohol, the sword wielder tries his best to listen when you go on a tangent about Ancient Maritime countries within Teyvat. Still, he can't seem to concentrate on your words when you look so animated under the dim tavern lights; He can't help but think you're absolutely striking as he shoots you a cheeky smile.
The slight change in the Cavalry Captain doesn't go unnoticed. Jean has caught her subordinate staring at you from a distance while you were busy speaking to Mona, a frequent visitor who became your fast friend. She's glad he's taken a liking to you but gently reprimands him when he takes too long to focus back on the task at hand. The resident librarian is also well aware of the fondness Kaeya has for you. Lisa, being the prodigy that she is, has roped several female members of the knights, which even included Outrider Amber and even Captain Eula, into creating a secret couple name if you two ever decide to get together.
The tanned man always offers to let you work within his office when he discerns the first signs of exhaustion on your pretty face. You've always been a lively person, but it's during this time that he doesn't talk much but instead lets you share what's on your mind--Whatever the circumstances are, the said man is more than happy to receive you if you ever decide to visit. By the end of your visit, he finds himself enveloped in a brief hug and a light peck on his cheek as you give him your thanks….If you ever bothered to look back, you would have been greeted by the sight of the usually confident Cavalry Captain's ruddy cheeks as he attempts to process what exactly had just happened.
It is somewhere along the line that Kaeya can't help but feel an odd sensation bubbling in his chest when he thinks about you; He's been experiencing it constantly nowadays. He's observant and calm, but he can't help but dive head first when it concerns you. He knows that despite building a façade, he unconsciously drifts toward you and doesn't understand why exactly. He's also somewhat changed as he allows himself to be genuine with his words and actions while wishing to be the closest to you. Slowly but surely, he's unsure when exactly you started to become a part of him.
There are a lot of hurdles to overcome, but your slight air-headedness whenever he tries to flirt with you somewhat dampens his spirits. Maybe he'll invite you to watch the stars at Starsnatch Cliff tonight. And perhaps even adopt a more direct approach this time around?
Huh? You say he's been acting a bit odd lately? Oho~!☆ Then you should speak to him about it if you're so worried.
Oh, but don't worry. You don't need to search too hard…
╰ ☆☆☆☆╮
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exittotheartscape · 1 year
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A Kaeya drawing! Messed around with the line art on this one.
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smol-sirens-garden · 1 month
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@diverse-hearts Has Asked: ❛ If you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks… know that you will die screaming. ❜ - Diluc to Kaeya :)
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"Is that a threat?"
He couldn't believe these turn of events. Couldn't believe that everything had gotten this bad. He held his hands up, not making any move against him. All he had wanted to do was talk to the other.
"Diluc it does not have to be like this. We were brothers once if you remember. We should never have turned on each other. Especially like this."
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starsummons · 1 year
the rest pt. 1
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ashhh-14 · 2 years
Characters- Ayato Kamisato, Diluc Ragnvindr, Kaeya Alberich, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao, Kaedehara Kazuha, Venti, Scaramouche, Dainsleif
Warning- Suggestive in some
Genre- ❃
Format- Imagine
Synopsis- How they would try and do the Kabedon
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Ayato Kamisato
The head of Yashiro commission was deep in thought, giving a thought to what his dear servant and friend Thoma said about ' Infliction of ones charm' on their partner. A part of him just wondered if Thoma had been paying a little too many visits to the Yae publishing house but he kicked the thought out, focusing on the plan at hand.
Ayato is always subtle in his ways yet enchanting all the same. He thought it'd somehow be a great idea to kabedon you amidst the corridor of washroom from the main hall where the wedding between the other two prestigious commissions was going on. The hallway may be deserted but the sudden pin against the wall as soon as you existed by none other than your ever charming partner didn't cease to make your heart flutter, breath shuddering with the close proximity of feeling his breath hitting the supple skin as his other hand came up to gently grab a hold of your waist.
"Forgive me for not saying this earlier but" He moved a little, his lips next to your ear as he whispered, "You look absolutely enchanting tonight. " Warmth crept up your face as his lips started placing kisses beneath your ear, hands gripping his shoulders as you breathed, "Ayato you shouldn't- Hah-!" Your breath was caught in your throat as his lips sucked a tender bruise beneath the surface of the kimono on your collar bone. "Hmm? What did you say? " He mused, his chuckle deep as he softly bit on your earlobe before whispering, "Hime-sama"
Diluc Ragnvindr
Diluc seemed to have a special place in his household for Adeline as she has been around for a long time. Saying that the two of you didn't have much time to spend with each other as of late, she suggested that you two should do the special grape picking together with Diluc! Of course Diluc was quick to agree on the suggestion and ask you, wanting to spend some much needed time with his partner. Although his mind couldn't help but think about the teasing remark that Adeline added before ticking away 'May as well corner them for some privacy.'
You two were having a good time so far, picking the grapes for the special batch of wine which Diluc himself takes care of throughout the process, you couldn't help but think how it'd taste once it's done for this season. The wind was light and sun high in the sky when Diluc suggested to take a break, both of you laying on the soft grass beneath in the shade of a tree for a change. You peered your eyes open when you heard a slight rustle, only for your breath to get caught in your throat as you found yourself pinned on the ground by your boyfriend. "Diluc....?" You whispered meekly, wondering about the sudden course of action. "I just wanted to umm..." He gulped, trying to find the right words, " wanted to know how you would react if I were to pin you down." A fond smile graced your lips as you lifted your head a little, placing a feather like kiss on his cheek before whispering, "I thought the day was about grapes but I think I would much rather prefer your cherry red face. " and somehow he flushed a little more after that.
Kaeya Alberich
A person who he met in a whirlwind of fighting a frost storm lawachurl, from getting to know of you as a new recruit of knight of favonius, to you two actually becoming a thing. The possibility wasn't totally out the window given his flirtatious antics but given the powerful and confident aura you surrounded yourself with made it quite a surprise for a lot of people. So when the day came of your return from 3 weeks of you leading an expedition in farther lands, he was delighted and but of course, with a new antique up his sleeve. Your figure entered the quarters in long strides and other knights behind you dispersed, going for a much needed rest as you made your way to Master Jean's office to submit in the report when your movements were halted by gently being pushed against the wall, two arms caging you in a little space. "Not gonna greet me~?" Came a playful whisper of your infamous lover next to your ear when you suddenly got a hold of his arms, gently cradling it before quickly ducking and getting out of his kabedon. "Later lover boy. I gotta submit in the report first." Is all you said with a playful smile before you walked away. You left him amused and enchanted yet again.
Being The eleventh harbinger's assistant wasn't easy. Being constantly overloaded with paperwork, submitting reports of regular statistics to other harbingers, having to polish fighting skills everyday, accompanying him to overseas businesses was no easy task. And to top it all off, his flirtatious remarks didn't help. Sure he was serious when he needed to be, but a moment extra was spent in teasing or flirting with you. You would be lying if you said that you didn't find him attractive, and his antics didn't help the case.
Currently being on a mission in Liyue, Childe gave you a wave off to go and enjoy yourself after the day prior's hardwork which you gladly appreciated. Only as the day descended, sun sinking down the horizon did you see his crouched form looking at a distance from behind an obscure wooden planck. You walked up to him, crouching just behind him, "Childe?" His moments were swift as grabbed your shoulder, his other hand covering your mouth as your back pressed up against the wooden planck, him head now ducked even further and much closer to yours. You felt your face heat up as your eyes met his, his breath fanning your face. "I am keeping an eye on someone. Be quite. " is all he whispered before lowering his hand from your mouth, eyes searching for the target as your eyes had nowhere to look at but his chest.
You were exiting your office, a small stack of paper in hands as suddenly a figure towered over yours, soon making you realize that none other than your boss was pinning you to a wall. You felt yourself heat up, covering half of your face with the papers as you asked, " Mr. Zhongli, is something wrong?" You wanted to be as professional as possible despite the bond you two share outside of work but the option seemed far with your lover's antics. "Hm? According to the knowledge I got from an experienced woman on the docks of Liyue, this action should have lit up a 'spark' of sorts in my love interest." You felt his breath on your face as he came closer, taking a long look in your eyes. "You don't seem that much affected though. I think I should ask for something more effective next time."
Taking a stroll in the forests of Liyue was always a peaceful moment with Xiao. His hand gently holding yours. The physical touch would have made him embarrassed but not here, away from prying eyes as he basks in your calming presence. You breathed a sigh, taking a breath of fresh air as you momentarily closed your eyes, but it was perhaps not a wise choice as you stumbled upon a rock, about to fall face first and by the suddenness of it all, pulling Xiao down with you. Even his reflexes spoke care as he flipped around before falling, falling on his back as your head hit his chest instead of the harsh ground. You slowly opened your eyes, about to get up when you realised your position, your eyes trailing to his which were already looking at you. A shaky breath left your lips as he leaned upwards, his lips gently coming in contact with yours and before you realised, your back was against the ground, his one hand supporting your head while the other intertwined with yours, pinning in to the ground. Passionate kisses never ceased as his head turned to the side, deepening the kiss.
Kaedehara Kazuha
The winds made him catch on your good mood earlier in the day. His own spirits at ease knowing you're okay and no better way than to take a stroll while picking up some sweet flowers now is there? A mindless tune being hummed by your lips, looking at the flowers in the basket but somehow the object at hand was fallen on the ground the next second, feeling of bark quick to be felt by your back as you found one of your hands above your head, intertwined with none other than your lovers. A soft gasp left your lips at the sudden action, your heart thundering like the Inazuman lightning in your chest as you felt him lift your chin, his tender and longing gaze taking in your features before his lips were gently placed upon yours. Your eyes closed on its on, the free hand bunching up his haori as your lips moved against his. He pulled away with a soft sigh, his face nuzzling in your neck as he softly nibbled at the flesh. His actions made it clear on how long today is going to be. He was away on the crux for quite a while after all.
He had a great day. What better way to end it than in the all too famous tavern hm? Maybe Diluc was a bit [alot] late in stopping the bard today, having his figure sprawled out on his counter was not the best sight after all. The tavern owner let out a sigh on how me has to leave the bard at his house again but suddenly the door opened, none other than you chiming in. "Apologies on being late. " You smiled apologeticly.
Of course the events brought you here. Here you were, pinned to your bed by none other than your very drunk lover as he showered you with unstoppable kisses to every inch of your face as you giggled with each one of them, his incoherent mumbling "sweet lover" "my pretty partner" not helping the case as your mind raced on how to put the bard to sleep with whichever sanity that was left in you.
It was a little past midnight. The moon high in the sky shining through the windows as you read your book, awaiting your lover's return so you both can go to sleep. It wasn't long before you heard the door open, the all too familiar hat disregarded on the table as the door shut. "Hard day?" Was the only mumble that left your lips but silence was the only thing that returned before you found his figure on top of yours, his head nuzzled in your neck, his breath ticking your skin as he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You wanted to rub his back but the lack of movement space prevented it so you instead opted to hum a mindless tune, until eventually his loosened. One of your arms snaking free, you cradled his head against you as you ran your fingers through his hair. He was right. His only semblance was here.
You wondered if Wolvendom was a secret home for your lover given how much time you two spent strolling there. This time was slightly different though. The weather was quick to change as it started raining heavily, getting you two wet in the process.
The fire crackling noise was filling up the space as both of yours upper layers of clothing laid in front of it. You sighed, slight cold nipping at your bare skin. "Are you cold?" Your eyes lifted up at him, suddenly aware of the close proximity and slight nudity. "A little.." Your eyes tried looking at anywhere but his handsome form, but that didn't stay for long as you found your back pressed against the wall of the cave, his soft lips coming in contact with yours in a heated exchange. The next thing you felt was his warm hand trailing up your figure, the temperature contrast sending shivers down your spine as the night and fire only intensified further.
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Written by Yours truly
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Warning: slight angst/ much comfort - sfw, domestic (unconditional love), character perspective | sending love to our sad boys 
character x GN reader | anthology
Includes: Childe, Dainsleif, Diluc, Kaeya
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A dying concept. One withering away slowly, painfully, until nothing but the hollow truth is left behind. Hope is debilitating - so why not let it go?
Sounds. It’s always sounds that wake him. Soft rattles, distant shouts, blood-wrenching screams he’d wish would let him rest but, alas, he could never escape what destiny kept throwing at him. Childe’s steady, heavy breathing began to ease as he captured several in his lungs. It energized the body that itched to move so he stretched his limbs and arched his back until reality came back into clarity. 
The pillow he held was wet so he pushed it away and let his face fall on the bedsheets below. They smelled familiar, comfortable. So much so that he crawled his way to the source only to find nothing there for him to touch, to pull against him, to wrap his yearning arms around just so he could hear a gentle protest. His brows furrowed and he opened his eyes. 
How come you have left me. I told you not to, didn’t I? 
Pushing up on his arms, he collapsed on bent legs, his bare arm pushing into the mattress as he yawned and shook his head. Tufts of hair slapping about in an un-brushed mess. 
‘Let me help,’ he expected someone to say but none came, and he hated it. He felt an itch, an unease somewhere in his chest that nothing could satisfy. An elongated mirror reflected his displeasure back at him. 
Scanning the room, he searched for answers. A closet left unattended, a desk where he expected to see a figure bent over and working on something he didn’t understand, a hand on a hip as it stood in the doorway, waiting for him to get out of bed already. He found nothing except an unease and a clinging scent that had no owner. 
Frustrated, he crawled out of bed. The floor was warmed only by the sun spilling in through the windows. Even the house itself felt vacant. As he headed for the bedroom door, he heard something that made him pause and, just like a wish he would make as a kid, an angel appeared in his doorway. 
“O-Oh, hello sleepy,” you beamed, your hand filled with two cups of steaming liquid. You passed by him and he smelled it; the thing he was missing. “I’ll place your cup here while you get rea-aye! Childe!” 
He lifted you from the floor not caring that you protested. Like he’d done it countless times, he hoisted you up and over him so he could practically body-slam you onto the unmade bed. His arms closed, secure around your waist while you fought with the sheets to breathe. 
“Childe!” You struggled against him, shock and awe plastered on your very existence. 
“Sleep more.” 
“What do you mean sleep more?” He pushed you forward with powerful legs while his bare and muscular arms pulled you against his chest. Your back felt so comfortable he wondered why he woke up with a pillow instead of you. “Ch-” 
“--n’t call me that.” He mumbled against the back of your neck and draped a leg over your own. “You smell good.” 
He felt you shiver, it made his heart pound, “do I, Ajax?” 
“Yes,” he said with satisfaction in his heart but hunger everywhere else.  
Hope. It holds the lifeline to a life we want to believe in. 
Hope. And it sounds like your name. 
His back ached so he adjusted. His legs felt tight so he uncrossed them. His hand felt empty so he reached for what should have been there. The panic in his heart rose slowly until his nails dug into the earth, void of what should have touched them. 
Dainsleif opened his eyes against his own better judgement. The sun in the leaves was brighter than he anticipated so he blocked it out with his hand. Birds sung above him, the leaves rustled gently. The world moved on but he felt stuck. 
A quiet keeper with nothing left to keep.
Curiously, he searched for signs of what was lost to him. A life he never imagined, a place unmeant for a being like him. This knowledge he knew but somewhere he refused to listen anymore, and now, now he wish he had. 
Pressure on his arm lingered, the weight of another pushed against him but his side was vacant, ready to be filled. Carefully, he lifted himself from the ground so he could wander, follow, or listen as he needed. The camp before him looked undisturbed. The barrier above him was still holding, the thick canvas rustling in the morning breeze. The fire just out of reach burned as if it had recently been lit, a kettle steaming above it. There were signs, signals. He just had to read them correctly. 
Pacing around the campsite, he noticed a set of footprints and set off in the direction they went. Dain wanted to run, wanted to sprint after them but their trail was so faint her might have missed a turn, a backtrack; one miss-step and he could become even more lost than he already was. 
A splash caught his attention and soon he reached the edge of the tree line that gave view to a babbling riverbed. There you were, standing at its bank with your hand in the stream and body perched on a rock. It appeared you were washing something, perhaps an old shirt that had wandered a journey far more dangerous than he’d ever wish upon it. He thought seeing you there would give him back the ability to breathe, but it didn’t. 
He stepped and you found him. 
“Dain, morning,” you called with a ring in your voice. The one he’d recognize above all else, the one he’d remember until all else faded. His. His one. 
When he drew close enough, he stood above you while you sat on the rock. Your hand wet from the cool river, arm exposed to the sunlight that had already started affecting your skin. He’d block it all out if he could. 
“Hey, I’m almost -- Dain?” He leaned in, his hand flush against the spring-touched stone and he captured what he knew he shouldn’t with lips that had known no other for centuries. 
Hope. It holds the lifeline to a life we want to believe in.
Hope. And it sounds like your name.
It took a while for his senses to return. For the pull of sleep to fall away from him like frost on morning leaves. His breathing shifted from steady, slow movements to deliberate ones, ones that filled his ears as if to rouse him more. Diluc could feel it all. The bedsheets beneath him, the silken one against his stomach. His hand as it rose and fell on his bare chest, twitching fingers spurring to life. He adjusted in the down-pillow and became washed in a scent so powerful it opened his eyes. 
He expected to find you there. Resting peacefully at his side. Perhaps you would face him and he could take in your radiance, or you’d have your back to him so he could be gifted with a place for his tender kiss. It was likely you’d already be awake, a book in your hand or document to review. Hair out of place but oh so perfect. He expected to see you, turning to him with a smile he’d recognize and a voice that called his name. You weren’t, and his heart ached because of it. 
Diluc rose from the bed. Strong arms flexing to keep him up-right as he scanned the room in search of something to ease his unsteady nerves. There was nothing except for the lingering knowledge you were once here. 
A shirt draped over the back of a chair. Items you’d picked out in the city strewn across the dresser her gave up trying to keep clear. The bathroom door left ajar but the wafting remnants of shampoo spilled from inside. He rubbed the back of his head, let his hands run across his tired face before they fell in between the legs he’d walk for miles on just to see you one more time. 
The world is still, but he is not. 
Diluc adjusted his shirt; memories of your fingers buttoning it closed, of your hand running down his chest. They made him smile and he shook his head in the mirror at what a man he’d become. The belt around his waist tightened, the engravement on the leather made him pause when his thumb ran over it. A gift from you. Practical, personal, something to carry you with him no matter where he wandered. You were always protecting him, in more ways than one. When he reached for his tie, he flung it around his neck knowing he didn’t need to see to put it on, and made his way down the hall. 
Maid’s bowed in respect, attendants continue on their duties while he searched, meandered; he was lost. 
A gentle melody spilled from the kitchen, drew him in. It was empty save for one soul who reeled him in like a fish accepting they’d been caught. His hands reached for their hips, his chin settled against them and elicited a laugh that filled his heart more than anything ever had.   
“Goodmorning, handsome,” you hummed, head turning to press a kiss to his lonely cheek. He replied with one of his own to your upper shoulder. “I made coffee, want some?” 
“In a minute,” Diluc spun you to face him, let his forehead rest against your own, breathed in what he was missing from his bed. 
“I love you too,” you professed as you adjusted his skewed tie while he waited for yesterday to fade so he could welcome in today. 
Hope. It holds the lifeline to a life we want to believe in.
Hope. And it sounds like your name.
The night comes unexpectedly. Each and every time he falls without knowing - perhaps it’s on purpose that goes until he forgets. Is it hard to face the truth Mr. Calvary Captain? He’s uncertain but there is one thing he knows. 
His dreams have come again. Those dreams that leave a bitter taste in his mouth until he finds something sweet to drown them out. His own twisted sense of curative measures that never last long. Licking his lips makes him grimace so he reaches for what clears his senses. 
A scared hand extends across silken sheets, searches, yearns for the warmth that should be there but finds only cold. In a flash his eyes open as if seeing will confirm that what holds him together hasn’t really left him, not yet, please not yet. What he see’s brings him no comfort; tense fingers gripping the nothingness that’s seeped in once again. He raises his head, moves to the other side of the bed. Traces, only traces are what’s left. 
Kaeya feels his heart plummet into his stomach. It stops, it all stops, and in the early morning a familiar feeling creeps back in. 
Once the abandoned child, always abandoned. 
Kaeya tears the sheets away from his legs, the cool air hits his skin: his chest, his thighs, his arms and back. He can feel the cold as much as he has command of it. A noise from behind him pulls his attention. The open window whistling as if to mock his nerves so he quickly moves to quiet it. 
His eyes adjust and start to see life where it should be. A bag dropped to the floor, contents spilling out as they often are. A jacket, a hat, it’s all where it should be but their owner is missing and he needs to see - needs to be where that heart beats. Needs to feel the gentle hand that cups his face, the one that takes his with them, the one that cares for him as much as he does them.
A noise from beyond the closed door reminds him there is still a chance so he makes his way there and hopes what lies beyond can chase away the thoughts creeping in. 
A kettle whistles, a voice floats down to meet him so when he reaches the end of the hall and sees the figure who should be at his side standing alone in the half-lit kitchen; he wonders why it’s still so hard to breathe. To ease the pain in his chest that was left by an empty side of the bed. 
When you turn to him, as if you knew he was there all alone, the face you show him is one of love and with open arms you welcome him home. 
“Morning. It’s still a bit early, did I wake you?” you say, unbeknownst to the turmoil he awoke too. You moved to the island counter, hand pressing onto the marble while the other extended to him. He swallowed. 
“And here I thought you were being loud on purpose,” he pushed through, attempting to hold onto the tease that kept him afloat all these years, “what, did you miss me?” 
“So what If I did. I’m allowed,” you played back and he was happy for it. 
He grabbed your lower back, pulling you to him as he breathed desperately, oh so desperately, across your lips, “show me how much.” 
“You first,” you hum. 
So he did. With a kiss that bent your back and brought you close to him, he showed you just how near he was to losing himself to the feeling. All his life he’s given in to the will of others but now he wishes to give it all to you; only you, as long as you are here and he can know the warmth that comes from your touch - even for a moment. 
Hope. It holds the lifeline to a life we want to believe in.
Hope. And it sounds like your name.
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nepenthe :: a potion used by the ancients to induce forgetfulness of pain or sorrow 
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wriothesleysgf · 1 year
sweet thing — kaeya alberich.
notes : afab reader , gn pet names , breeding , spit , praise. minors do not interact.
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"that's it, bunny, just like that,"
kaeya leans over to whisper into your ear. although you're laying on your back whilst he pounds into your sweet little cunt, there's something about the way your cheeks heat up whenever he praises you that make him go absolutely feral.
the pace of his hips is sharp, snapping against your own and showing no sign of halting. it perfectly contrasts his gentle touch. each carress to your face, your thighs, your tummy, your breasts contains immeasurable love and adoration.
"so pretty like this," he cooes. one of his hands slips underneath your head, lifting you ever so slightly as he bring himself down to kiss you. "oh, darling," he groans as your lips part. his face contorts in pleasure, not bothering to maintain the snarky, teasing demeanor that he sports around others.
kaeya takes his time with you. while he keeps his movements a little frenetic, his primary goal is to go as deep as he can — and he's doing a damn good job. every time he pulls out, he leaves you empty, stretched open by only the swollen head of his cock. then he wastes no time fully sheathing himself inside of you, so much so that if you didn't know any better, you would think he's inside your womb.
he pays full attention to your whimpers and begs, listening to your body's every desire. eventually, you ask him for more. while you could reach down and play with your own puffy clit, kaeya swatted your hands away each time you've tried. "let me take care of you, sweetheart," he said, same saccharine tone as ever. you were too embarrassed to ask, yet he'd fucked you to a point of neediness that it was no longer an option.
"there we go, was that so difficult?" he chuckles lightly. before you have the chance to shy away, his fingers as spreading your sticky folds, assessing the situation. he gathers a blob of spit on his tongue, landing it directly onto your clit and making you shiver before providing the comfort of his lithe digits circling the sensitive bud. "so fucking perfect, aren't you?"
you're not sure how he manages to make you melt with such expert precision, though you're also not sure that you care. pleasure is coursing through your veins, the knot in your stomach growing tighter with every movement. and kaeya could tell.
"are you ready to cum, my darling?" he muses. "i won't make you beg, i'm not a total monster,"
you nod frantically, not trusting your voice. kaeya chuckles at your eagerness, consumed by the knowledge that only he got to see you like this and only he could make you feel such way.
"come on, my pretty bunny. let it all out," he states, continuing to play with you. "i'm going to breed you nice and full, okay? fuck, i can't stop thinking about how heavenly you'd look swollen with our kids..." kaeya notices how your walls flutter around him at such confession. "you like it that much, my love?" he leans down, resting his forehead against your own and staring into your eyes.
"aren't you an angel, hmm? my angel, my bunny," kaeya rambles. within a few deep thrusts, you can feel his cock twitch inside of you, spilling ropes of cum against your cervix. the sensation pushed you over the edge too, slick from your combined highs creating a mess between your legs.
"so sweet," kaeya cooes, kissing you adoringly. he holds you close, not pulling out from you just yet. "let me stay like this for a while, okay?" he punctates the sentence by kissing your forehead gently.
the calvary captain looked so content. so much fondness filled his gaze that it lit your heart of fire, falling in love with him all over again.
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